No, he's not talking about diversity initiatives or quotas.
No, he's not talking about the nationwide scheme to promote non-whites on the basis of "inclusion" or fighting disparate impact.
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"The Tragedy" is coming to a city near you. Former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's words punctuate this depressing fact... |
The former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner only spoke Black-Run America (BRA) truth to power when he told a nationwide audience whiteness equals success, and that the government has a duty to change this, since it "should worry all Americans."[Geithner: ‘How Well You Do in Life . . . Depends Too Much on the Color of Your Skin’, CNS News, May 19, 2014]:
Former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday said how well one does in life “depends too much on the color of your skin and how rich your parent is.”Geithner is a perfect example of the type of individual promoted by the ruling class, one completely dedicated to struggle against whiteness; one completely oblivious to the fact 'whiteness' sets a standard of achievement that 'blackness' can't replicate, without government assistance; one completely dedicated to ensuring the facsimile of the conditions found in 83 percent black Detroit occur nationwide.
“How well you do in life today, how good your education is, how good your health care is, depends too much on the color of your skin and how rich your parent is. And that’s something that should worry all Americans,” said Geithner. “Now, those are things government can do things about.
Courtesy of the United States government.
This belief, that whiteness continues to be the barrier by which success is garnered, is held by virtually every individual holding a position of power in the Federal Government ("now, those are things government can do things about," is the chilling reminder of just how far the government's ruling class is willing to go to rectify the perceived inequities caused by whiteness).
Promotion up the ladder requires a blind devotion to this ideology.
It's the ultimate 'moral behavior' in Black-Run America (BRA) for white people - of ruling class status or those hoping for a seat at the table or near the table of power - to believe the inherent evil of whiteness and work assiduously to wage an full-scale war on white privilege.
Hence the reason JP Morgan will commit 1/10 of a billion dollars to aid 83 percent black Detroit, a city whose present morbid condition is a reflection of the quality of life the black individuals there collectively create.
The lack of whiteness in the city is blamed as the reason for the porous societal (lack of social capital) found in the black capital of America. [JPMorgan Committing $100 Million over 5 Years to Aid Revitalization in Detroit, New York Times, May 21, 2014]:
JPMorgan Chase, the nation’s biggest bank, will provide $100 million to help debt-ridden Detroit with housing repairs, blight removal, job training and economic development projects over the next five years, according to two people with direct knowledge of the plans.
The investment, a mix of loans and grants, will add to a growing pile of money from outside private institutions as the city nears the final, painful stages of the nation’s largest municipal bankruptcy proceeding. Detroit filed for bankruptcy protection in July, with an estimated $18 billion in long-term debt. This summer, a federal judge will decide whether to approve a plan that would allow the city to exit bankruptcy court by mid-October.
Falling income tax receipts in the late 1970s - early 1980s, correlating directing with the rise of the black population and fall in the white population, meant Detroit relied heavily on grants and aid from the federal government to pays its growing bills...In recent days, the city has been lobbying to secure nearly $200 million in funding from Michigan lawmakers, who are wary of setting a precedent by using taxpayer dollars to bail out a major metropolis. If approved, the state funding would be part of a so-called grand bargain that would also include hundreds of millions of dollars from philanthropic foundations. The money would be used to cushion pension cuts for Detroit retirees and avert the sale of the city’s art collection. The Legislature is weighing a package of bills regarding the outside funding this week.
Bankrupt today, no organization, corporation, individual, or government agency can dare deny 83 % black Detroit a line of credit or a sizable grant if they want to maintain a seat at the table of BRA power.
That's the height of 'moral behavior' in America.
JoAnn Watson, a Detroit City Council member, spoke BRA truth-to-power when she said it was time for President Obama to bail out the 83 percent black city in late 2012. "Bring home the bacon..."
Don't worry... that's the height of 'moral behavior' in BRA, the transferring of white wealth to non-whites as punishment for the eternal, un-payable debt of the standard of civilization blackness can't replicate, sustain, or even maintain.
"Moral behavior.'
Those words have a far different meaning to Robert A. Heinlein, the author of the 20th Centuries most important piece of fiction, Starship Troopers.
In 1973, Heinlein gave the James Forrestal Memorial Lecture to the Brigade of Midshipmen at his alma mater, the United States Naval Academy.
The Pragmatics of Patriotism.
In our time, where the promotion of blackness is the highest moral virtue, the individual - like Tim Geithner - knows his seat at the table of the ruling class is derived by the complete devotion to the BRA, though no one dares point out the end result of such devotion will always be the conditions found in 2014 Detroit.
It's in Heinlein's speech, The Pragmatics of Patriotism, we realize the evolutionary dead end has already occurred in America; people like Geithner, who believe the government's greatest purpose is the eradication of white privilege, has already assured a defective morality is pervasive among the ruling class.
A ruling class accessible only by swearing an oath to the promotion of policies ensuring Detroit's condition is spread from sea-to-shining-sea...
Let us now read the most important passage of Heinlein's talk from 1973, given on April 5th of that year. The city of Detroit was still six months away from electing Coleman Young as the first black mayor...
Very well, as individuals we all die. This brings us to the second half of the question: Does homo sapiens AS A BREED have to die? The answer is: No, it is NOT unavoidable.
We have two situations, mutually exclusive: Mankind surviving, and mankind extinct. With respect to morality, the second situation is a null class. An extinct breed has NO behavior, moral or otherwise.
Since survival is the sine qua non, I now define “moral behavior” as “behavior that tends toward survival.” I won’t argue with philosophers or theologians who choose to use the word “moral” to mean something else, but I do not think anyone can define “behavior that tends toward extinction” as being “moral” without stretching the word “moral” all out of shape.
We are now ready to observe the hierarchy of moral behavior from its lowest level to its highest.
The simplest form of moral behavior occurs when a man or other animal fights for his own survival. Do not belittle such behavior as being merely selfish. Of course it is selfish. . .but selfishness is the bedrock on which all moral behavior starts and it can be immoral only when it conflicts with a higher moral imperative. An animal so poor in spirit that he won’t even fight on his own behalf is already an evolutionary dead end; the best he can do for his breed is to crawl off and die, and not pass on his defective genes.
The next higher level is to work, fight, and sometimes die for your own immediate family. This is the level at which six pounds of mother cat can be so fierce that she’ll drive off a police dog. It is the level at which a father takes a moonlighting job to keep his kids in college — and the level at which a mother or father dives into a flood to save a drowning child. . .and it is still moral behavior even when it fails.
The next higher level is to work, fight, and sometimes die for a group larger that the unit family — an extended family, a herd, a tribe — and take another look at that baboon on watch; he’s at that moral level. I don’t think baboon language is complex enough to permit them to discuss such abstract notions as “morality” or “duty” or “loyalty” — but it is evident that baboons DO operate morally and DO exhibit the traits of duty and loyalty; we see them in action. Call it “instinct” if you like — but remember that assigning a name to a phenomenon does not explain it.
But that baboon behavior can be explained in evolutionary terms. Evolution is a process that never stops. Baboons who fail to exhibit moral behavior do not survive; they wind up as meat for leopards. Every baboon generation has to pass this examination in moral behavior; those who bilge it don’t have progeny. Perhaps the old bull of the tribe gives lessons. . .but the leopard decides who graduates — and there is no appeal from his decision. We don’t have to understand the details to observe the outcome; Baboons behave morally — for baboons.
The next level in moral behavior higher than that exhibited by the baboon is that in which duty and loyalty are shown toward a group of your kind too large for an individual to know all of them. We have a name for that. It is called “patriotism.”
Behaving on a still higher moral level were the astronauts who went to the Moon, for their actions tend toward the survival of the entire race of mankind. The door they opened leads to hope that h. sapiens will survive indefinitely long, even longer than this solid planet on which we stand tonight. As a direct result of what they did, it is now possible that the human race will NEVER die.
Many short-sighted fools think that going to the Moon was just a stunt. But that astronauts knew the meaning of what they were doing, as is shown by Neil Armstrong’s first words in stepping down onto the soil of Luna: “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
I must pause to brush off those parlor pacifists I mentioned earlier. . .for they contend that THEIR actions are on this highest moral level. They want to put a stop to war; they say so. Their purpose is to save the human race from killing itself off; they say that too. Anyone who disagrees with them must be a bloodthirsty scoundrel — and they’ll tell you that to your face.
I won’t waste time trying to judge their motives; my criticism is of their mental processes: Their heads aren’t screwed on tight. They live in a world of fantasy.
Let me stipulate that, if the human race managed its affairs sensibly, we could do without war.
Yes — and if pigs had wings, they could fly.
I don’t know what planet those pious pacifists are talking about but it can’t be the third one out from the Sun. Anyone who has seen the Far East — or Africa — or the Middle East — knows are certainly should know that there is NO chance of abolishing war in the foreseeable future. In the past few years I have ben around the world three times, traveled in most of the communist countries, visited many of the so-called emerging countries, plus many trips to Europe and to South America; I saw nothing that cheered me as to the prospects for peace. The seeds of war are everywhere; the conflicts of interest are real and deep, and will not be abolished by pious platitudes.
The best we can hope for is a precarious balance of power among the nations capable of waging total war — while endless lesser wars break out here and there.
I won’t belabor this. Our campuses are loaded with custard-headed pacifists but the yard of the Naval Academy is not on place where I will encounter them. We are in agreement that the United States still needs a navy, that the Republic will always have need for heroes — else you would not be here tonight and in uniform.
Patriotism — Moral behavior at the national level. Non sibi sed Patria. Nathan Hale’s last words: “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country.” Torpedo Squadron Eight making its suicidal attack. Four chaplains standing fast while the water rises around them. Thomas Jefferson saying, “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed form time to time with the blood of patriots–” A submarine skipper giving the order “Take her DOWN!” while he himself is still topside. Jonas Ingram standing on the steps of Bancroft Hall and shouting, “The Navy has no place for good losers! The Navy needs tough sons of bitches who can go out there and WIN!”
Patriotism — An abstract word used to describe a type of behavior as harshly practical as good brakes and good tires. It means that you place the welfare of your nation ahead of your own even if it costs you your life.
Men who go down to the sea in ships have long had another way of expressing the same moral behavior tagged by the abstract expression “patriotism.” Spelled out in simple Anglo-Saxon words “Patriotism” reads “Women and children first!”
And that is the moral result of realizing a self-evident biological fact: Men are expendable; women and children are not. A tribe or a nation can lose a high percentage of its men and still pick up the pieces and go on. . .as long as the women and children are saved. But if you fail to save the women and children, you’ve had it, you’re done, you’re THROUGH! You join tyrannosaurus rex, one more breed that bilged its final test.
As noted by Geithner's comments, "patriotism" in BRA means the type of behavior where you place the welfare of everyone but the historic majority population of America - indeed, the founding population - ahead of your own, even if it cost all white people not just their heritage, but in the end the forfeiture of their life.
For isn't that the only way to eradicate whiteness?
Though few dare to admit it, America has reached its evolutionary dead-end.
Some people get worked up over MSNBC or when some millionaire mongtard like Timmeh Geithner rail against the ebil waycism when they lived their whole life in a gated community way out past diversity city. I laugh out loud hysterically and don't feel sorry for commiecrats drooling dullard followers who actually think some 1 percenters actually give a rat's ass about them while they rail against the rich after flying in on their personal jet to gather up some money at the loyal true believers fund raiser.
The worst employee ever - obviously a affirmative action hire. But none of the commenters made the connection.
Who wants to bet that within 3 years of the 100 million dollar contribution from JP Morgan that Detroit will look as bad or worse than it does today?
Someone will have fun auditing the trail of this money once it's given.
White privilege does exist. It consists of higher IQ, better control over anger and the ability to defer gratification.
The only way to eradicate this white privilege is to commit genocide on whites. Probably about 75% of blacks would embrace this solution if it were possible, but they know who is armed to the teeth, and which racial group isn't disciplined enough to organize anything, much less a credible militia.
OK. How many times do I have to say this? Negroes are genetically different from non- blacks. The differences include, but are not limited to, lower IQ (one standard deviation), lower impulse control ("gimme dem sneakers muddafucka!"… bang bang), lesser ability with future time orientation (steal now, no problem if I go to jail). It's hardwired!
This is where it all starts. Look no further. Focus on that and you will overcome BRA. Please...
Anonymous said...
The worst employee ever - obviously a affirmative action hire. But none of the commenters made the connection.
It's such an great story. I think the photo is awesome. I'm using it as my screen saver. He doesn't look anything like an ape in a baseball hat. Some people have said that and I disagree. Also, his hat has a barcode on it in the pic. Like he planned to wear it for a few months and then bring it back to the store.
Negroes make such excellent employees! Now you take a few million copies of this moronic beast and spread them around companies all over the U.S. and what have you got? You've got an economy that cannot produce, that's what.
Well Geithner just joins the chorus eh? The entire Government from the President to the Bureaucracy (EEOC, HUD, DOJ, etc) to Congress (Amnesty Now!) to the Democratic Party to the Finance (Geithner, Lending) to the Courts (Pigford, "Integration"). All of it is completely anti-White. Even NASA is not even pro-White.
There has been a lot of talk about Patriotism and the genocide of Whites and it was reading this that crystallized my thinking:
After spending many years watching the encroachment of Marxism, it has occurred to me that voting is useless and, sure enough as though I were touched on the shoulder buy an Angel I saw this today, on the day that Paul talks about Patriotism: (From O'Remus")
"A Princeton University study by Gilens and Page performed a regression analysis on over a thousand public policy decisions, and determined that the effect of public opinion on public policy is nil. That's right, nil. It doesn't matter how you vote, it doesn't affect the outcome in any measurable way. By extension, that also goes for protesting, organizing, dousing yourself with gasoline and setting yourself on fire on the steps of the US Senate, or whatever else you may get up to. It won't influence those in power worth a damn.""
The sick leadership of the FUSA is heading down a path of a White Pogrom which I refuse to be a part of. I can't save the East coast or the South or the Northeast or those who dig their own graves. I can see being a part of a movement that saves those who fight for their own survival, who are aware and alert and clear eyed.
White survival. Against those who slander, belittle or try to humble or destroy us. Your Skin Color is your Uniform.
White Homeland, Northwest Front!
This federal government is so scary. So many people want less government, and this is government in your face! Reminds me of a commercial "What's in your wallet? ". They really want to know, and I can't say how much I hate that guy.
Starting November 2014 . We begin ever so slowly , but steadily taking the country back from these Liberal assholes . It can never be said out loud, but I'm betting that White America is fed up with the Left and their pet's monkeyshines. Let's all pat each other on the back for electing and surviving a black president. Now it's time to get back to business. Remember this. They are only 17% of the population.
Time = disinformation.
Whoo hoo Amurrica! Run Ben, Run!!
Ben Carson on the view, Conservatives pee their pants with joy.
"Anonymous said...
Who wants to bet that within 3 years of the 100 million dollar contribution from JP Morgan that Detroit will look as bad or worse than it does today?"
Contribution?! Contribution? Dear Sir, this is no "contribution" it is a bankster loan!
From the article: "The investment, a mix of loans and grants, will add to a growing pile of money from outside private institutions as the city nears the final, painful stages of the nation’s largest municipal bankruptcy proceeding."
And whom, pray tell, is on the hook to repay that generous loan to "invest" in Detroit?
If you answered "Stupid YT Goysheeple Tax Serf" you win the chicken dinner.
Here comes Tim Geithner (TWMNBN) to cheerlead the most colossal fleecing of the Goysheeple by TWMNBN since the Too-Big-Too-Fail, Too-Tribe-To-Jail Bailout of 2008!!!
But, as Bogo, 10mm, and Jay Santos (inter alia) recognize, this is the entire purpose of BRA.
Yeah, O.K., somewhere along the line, it seemed more, gee, I don't know, more bullshitty to describe White supremacy as "White privilege". That's right, they had no other way to explain the fact that Whites are smarter and more innovative than, well, EVERYBODY!!! Well, so we got here a regular conundrum, don't we? Since we have been declared to be all equal, how else to explain White supremacy? OOH, OOH, I know: Let's come up with something that makes Whites look bad for being SMART. Yeah, let's call it "privilege".Well, you know what? That's a nice try. But it is still 100% crap. Whites being the supreme beings on the Earth is NOT privilege! Blacks being feted and given jobs they are not qualified for is privilege. We Whites rule because we could, and no other race did.Seriously, these people need to look up the definition of "privilege".
Goodbye $100,000,000
"On the day when you again allow abominable men to confiscate your freedom, your money, your lives, your private property, your manhood and your sacred honor, in the name of"security' or"national emergency' you will die, and never again shall you be free. If plotters again destroy your Republic, they will do it by your greedy and ignorant assent, by your disregard of your neighbors' rights, by your apathy and your stupidity. We were brought to the brink of universal death and darkness because we had become that most contemptible of people -- an angerless one. Keep alive and vivid all your righteous anger against traitors, against those who would abrogate your Constitution, against those who would lead you to wars with false slogans and cunning appeals to your patriotism." -- Taylor Caldwell,"The Devil's Advocate"(1952) -- pgs. 332 -- 338
There will be no justice or peace until both your daughter and your son are sucking the black d**k.
"Imposing a totalitarian regime on a whole people depends on the leader first collecting round him a group which is prepared to submit to that which they are to impose by force " ~F.A. Hayek.
Yes, maybe there is White Privilege, after all. It is the evolutionary end product of higher intellect, artistic excellence, advanced scientific achievement, self accountability, and physical beauty.
Admit it, folks. We have been genetically privileged. It's not a social construct. It's hard wired genetically into us. We pass it from one generation to the next. White European genetics.
There's just no denying it. Accept it with thankfulness.
Mark Cuban has apologized for offending da fambly ob St. Trayvon d'Hoodie.
--NB with IPMS
If the USA has reached its evolutionary dead-end, PK, then what do you suggest is the path for us Euro Whites? Should we leave?
Lookee here, this is typical of Detroit's 'teachers'. Wall Street can be extorted of ALL their ill gotten gains and every penny dumped into Detroit but with this kind of person eating the money, the final implosion will only be postponed:
Heroism on display, give him a medal.
Several things - the loan is needed so Detroit doesn't disintegrate entirely. I'm thinking those loans are secured in a manner that JPM won't take a hit. I'd bet that the destruction of Detroit is in some scenario models, but the collapse of US civil order has not progressed to the point where this is a viable option.
I'm still hopeful that White Americans will wake up from their stupor.
But...if they don't...
It's unimaginable, but it's true, that within one or two generations Mexico will be more prosperous and a safer place to live than the USA. Argentina and Uruguay will remain White and culturally European while the USA turns African. Even Costa Rica, Paraguay and Chile will exist in a higher sphere of civilization than the USA.
Our politicians have betrayed us. They have literally opened up the city gates and let in the savages...the ransackers...with open arms. They've ripped away the city keys from us and have instead given them to the undeserving. Is this what happened to Rome? Betrayal from within?
It was inevitable, though. As we've all learned in school, there's a rise and a fall to every great civilization. Unfortunately, the golden age of the USA was very short lived compared to other civilizations. It came and went almost within the blink of an eye....2 or 3 generations...and was over.
The strategy now, for us Whites of European ancestry, is to determine what the next step should be to ensure better lives for not only for ourselves but for our future generations. If we leave the USA en masse, where should we all go?
But you can be certain that which ever country or region of the world that we choose to emigrate to, it will will technologically, scientifically and artistically advance.
If the White Americans don't wake up, then maybe...just maybe...we should give all of these DWL's and corrupt politicians what they've been striving so diligently for. Maybe we should leave en masse and never look back.
By taking our work ethic with removing ourselves genetically from the American genetic pool...America will devolve to a savage mean within a matter of a few generations.
These are all serious matters which require serious consideration. These are choices which will have to be made. And they will determine not only our pursuit of happiness but that of our descendants as well.
But now is not the time to abandon ship. However, when that time comes we've got to muster up the inner strength to do what our ancestors did when they left Europe...even if we have to learn a new language. We will just have to move on in search of greener pastures...en masse.
Yes, en masse.
As I've stated over and over again: Where there's White, there's Hope. And...we cannot ever forget that...Ever.
We...Our people...are the torch bearers of civilization.
Philadelphia Mike
Ex New Yorker here....I have just seen the 4 part video from the "white privilege CONference" about all the evil white people living in America. All this stuff about equality for the Negro is a bunch of crap. This is not about bringing the black man up. It is about bringing the white man down.
This is all about destroying the White Middle Class. That has been the plan from day one. Equal poverty for all. When this "class warfare" scam is over there will only be the rich and the poor. What bothers me is seeing these stupid dupes paying for the chains that will be used to keep them in bondage.
White people are being paid to teach black people to HATE white people. Whites are also being taught to hate other whites. WHO WOULD DO THAT. Why is this happening. When this HOUSE OF RACE CARDS comes falling down the ones who built it will be the first casualties.
I remember the Watts Riot. They were OPPRESSED AND SUFFERING because of "white privilege" and to get even with their oppressors they set their own neighborhood on fire. No fires were set in Hollywood or Beverly Hills. The burning of both Watts and Newark was over a traffic ticket. How can you HELP a person that sets fire to the house he lives in. You can't.
All the speeches and lectures and hand wringing about poverty and struggle are useless. Money wasted like leaves on the wind. Nothing gets any better. You can't help someone who refuses to him self.
I've known for years that I am HATED by blacks because I am white. BLACK PRIVILEGE was the reason I FLEW THE COOP. But to learn more and more that I am hated even worse by other white people is the real SHOCKER.
I would like to quote Bob Dylan....."something is happening but you don't know what it is, do you Mr Jones"....Don't even waste your time trying to wake these dumb fuckers up.
This ^^^ is a sea change in French politics.
The former president of France has become a race realist -- at the 11th hour and 50th minute.
This is an indication that the cultural flip point is much closer to hand than one might have thought.
Timmy is still set on the path to ruin.
Be aware that Timmy was raised in Indonesia, too. This was when and where he first ran into Barry.
He's still shilling for YKW and the Wall Street crowd.
I still say the powers that be won't stop until they decide that all white people must give up 30 to 40% of everything they have so it can be redistributed to groids.
When that happens, they'd better kill me quick because one way or another blood is going to flow like a river.
A little off topic but commenters were previously linking to a 'debate' by a couple of sheboons:
Check out a real debate from 1965:
Fast forward to Mr. Buckley's devastating response to Mr. Baldwin. Basically James Baldwin was stuffed more full of shit than a Christmas turkey and Mr. Buckley let him and the college pukes at the Cambridge (UK) Debating Union have it. Compare and contrast the students to the great men who built the British Empire, it's sickening.
Meanwhile, in Baltimore, 8 people shot in 24 hours...,0,1482115.story
Funny that Nashville is 85% white and is flourishing, no JP Morgan handouts required. This is a fact that black people really don't like.
This morning I heard an air traffîc controller told two planes at George bush airport to fly into each other. The complete lack of curiosity by the news as to who this subpar employee is leads me to the conclusion you all know.
The link to the worst employee ever is gold. The one amazing thing about the story is his writing skill; the threatening email I read was well composed. That guy is the talented tenth on display for the world. All those YTs at his company will have to admit he brought some diversity to their days which must have been awfully boring before they started receiving detailed, personalized death threats.
Robert Heinlein's speech is amazing and simply wouldn't be given today. I have recently come to the conclusion that white people who won't fight even a little for themselves are not worth saving. I encourage their idiocy. After all, if we're all the same, why shouldn't a group of whites walk into a black bar at 10pm on a Saturday night. What would be wrong with that - it's racist to imply anything could go wrong.
There's a headline story on yahoo's front page about the rampant carjackings at Detroit's gas stations. Of course, the article makes no reference to race (or why Memphis and Newark are also carjacking leaders). However, the comments are full of race realists with the few goodie-goodies screaming "racist!" being voted down heavily.
Retard Timmy says,"Former Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday said how well one does in life “depends too much on the color of your skin and how rich your parent is.”
“How well you do in life today, how good your education is, how good your health care is, depends too much on the color of your skin and how rich your parent is. And that’s something that should worry all Americans,” said Geithner. “Now, those are things government can do things about". What a brainwashed Liberal idiot. He trully believes you can take the bottom feeder of the races, give them money, jobs, housing and food. And over night they will transform into productive citizens. And the only reason they aren't on the same level as Whites is one sided racism. Everyone who trully believes that Blacks are equals should be forced to live in an all Black hood. And be the only White on the block. I mean Blacks aren't inherently violent. Or lazy nor lacking in intelligence. Right? Its just a different cultures. And besides it's the evil White race who cant be trusted. So go on my superior intellect friend. Show the rest of us just how racist we are. Get back with us in 6 months. If your still alive.
Smilin' Jay Fox asks...
I read this site often, and have seen Robert Heinlein mentioned in a positive light on more than one occasion.
I don't understand why.
He seems to have been far from being a pro-white race realist, and seemed to be a man who had counter-cultural views wrapped up with an American flag.
I will admit I have not read his books, but going by the wiki wrote regarding him (yes, I realize how lame that is).
I'm not a big sci-fi fan.
Anon @ 6:46 I am noticing the same thing in comments sections from lowfo sports and celebrity pages to political sites from both wings of the BRA worshipping war party. NOG fatigue is at an all time high.
Anon @ 6:22 Carson is the new magic negro since Hermie Cain found out only one magic negro per selection process.
Just let JPMorgan dump 100million bucks into to that sewer system called De-Toilet! That money will just be shit down the drain. And hopefully it drains JP Morgan's wallet at the same time.
Nothing is going to change people.
If they think (and they don't) it's all a ruse to uplift most stupid black people out of poverty. It just won't happen. Cause a functioning society has to be able to act like F-ing human beings in that same atmosphere. White's will just up and leave again. De-Toilet didn't die off cause whites all of a sudden were going stupid. It died off because of the Black plague. Period! And that same Black Plague will still be in De-Toilet cause it never left in the first place. Unlike the Smart Whites!
So let them throw their money down the drain. Cause in the re-do the JP Morgan types won't be so powerful in the next chapter cause they will have bought the farm with the Black Plague on it And it will kill off their wealth.
Anonymous said...
Anon @ 6:46 I am noticing the same thing in comments sections from lowfo sports and celebrity pages to political sites from both wings of the BRA worshipping war party. NOG fatigue is at an all time high.
I've made that point also, comment sections are a place to gauge true public opinion. Those comments in a wide range of places are showing exactly what you describe.
Negroes have relied on an underlying pool of generosity from white since forever. That good will isn't entirely gone yet with a lot of misguided people, but the end is in sight.
Once negroes have exhausted that reservoir of "good will", then it's over and it is not coming back. Which is why the administration is trying to put as much bureaucracy and legislation in place as fast as possible.
What does the color of one's skin have to with what a person or a people can, and do, achieve?
Absolutely nothing.
What does the cerebrum have to do with what one can and does achieve?
Absolutely everything.
Honesty in this matter hurts both the white liberal ideology/illusion and the negro ideology/illusion.
Without affixing the plight of the lowly negro to his skin color, how can evil whitey, the blued eyed devil, be held as the causal agent of the negros inability to achieve in the white man's higher culture of civilization?
Without the white liberal and negro illusion that evil whitey headhunts the lowly negro to hold him down and persecutes to crucify him how can the white man's burden be affixed to the white race?
How can white liberals achieve their superiority without achieving their maturity if they cannot both feign self-righteousness and bully non-liberal whites and feign noble courage to pretend they protect and defend the negro they are so cowardly afraid of?
The negro's problem in the white man's higher culture of civilization has nothing to do with his skin color but everything to do with his cerebrum.
Put the negro back in his own lower culture of the primitive savage and just watch him achieve. It is, by the nature of his evolution and gene pool, where he belongs.
White liberals need the losers of planet Earth to achieve their superiority without achieving their maturity. They will, and are, selling our gene pool and thusly our genes to those losers right along with our white culture's created wealth.
If there is to be a white gene pool/race in humanity's future we must begin today to solve this problem.
We must quietly begin a movement for a new white homeland, taking our rightful land in the Pacific North West, and adding on in time, and make it an exclusively, white nation-state.
Naysayers should bite their tongue as they then make manifest their loyalty to the white liberals, and become part of the problem not part of the solution.
Our white sons and daughters are being taught to ask if their white skin is fair?
Sometimes I mock them and ask, is my white cerebrum fair?
It is our white gene pool and our white higher culture of civilization, if we want to keep that then we must protect it.
This we must do for both our coming White Homeland and our coming and beloved, white posterity.
From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.
Anonymous said...
I still say the powers that be won't stop until they decide that all white people must give up 30 to 40% of everything they have so it can be redistributed to groids.
When that happens, they'd better kill me quick because one way or another blood is going to flow like a river.
May 22, 2014 at 11:44 PM
Do the math.
ALREADY Black America is almost ENTIRELY sustained by (a coerced) White America.
When you include psychological coercion, then there are virtually no Black Americans making it on their own.
The only debate at present is just how many givemedats Black America is entitled to.
We have entire sub-tribes that live solely on the dole and crime.
The Talented Tenth are given even sweeter (Federal) rides. Barry is the long-legged mackdaddy of them all.
We have entire government sectors run by and for Blacks.
What makes this perversion even more perverse is how shabbily the VA treats vets; how poorly the disadvantaged Whites are treated. (West Virginia)
The latest emanations from Rockefeller (D) West Virginia (cue irony meter) about 0-care are high stink.
Having provided Black America a perpetual vacation, White America is still to racist.
If you pay someone to complain, they will complain. That's the BRA dynamic in a nutshell.
“How well you do in life today, how good your education is, how good your health care is, depends too much on the color of your skin and how rich your parent is. And that’s something that should worry all Americans,” said Geithner. “Now, those are things government can do things about"
Geithner (TWMNBN) is a squid - part of the cephalopod hive-mind. He may well be a squid high-priest. This is basically an announcement that BRA will proceed full-force until utopia (extermination of YT) is achieved. I expect this decree is at least partially in response to Wade's recent book, which brought forth some challenges (actually updated many of the same challenges raised by The Bell Curve two decades ago) to Crystal Methodist dogma on race. With the endless monkeyshines, of D'Won's teleprompter-readership, there's also evidence of a higher level of negro fatigue than ever. This is basically the Crystal Methodist equivalent of an ex cathedra decree from the Pope.
Well, if you check in with your local commissar or any member of the Politburo, I think that you will find that the ethnic cleansing of YTz from the north american continent (& indeed from Europe as well) is the NE PLUS ULTRA of progressive MORALITY.
In case you haven't noticed the killing of YT by african savages is proceeding apace & accelerating.
Pretty danged soon the gov't will involve itself not to save any YTz but to speed up the killing process & make it more efficent.
A place on the oven line has already been reserved for your YT ass.
You female kinfolk may be spared if they are young, pretty & with a tail that hotter than a volcano but that's only conditional & when they lose their looks they'll be riding the hot rail into the oven themselves.
YT girls, git'ya some real sexy selfies did up so yer future master's might spare ye
Soon feminism will be defined as being Free to pleasure your african superiors.
Anybody else ever notice how definitions of things keep changing?
Like now it's abnormal to be for str8 marriage, agin abortion etc. Normal & ab was redefined on'ya
/H hypie out H\
I still say the powers that be won't stop until they decide that all white people must give up 30 to 40% of everything they have so it can be redistributed to groids.
Not quite. Our overlords are not going to be anything near satisfied with 30-40%. They want 100% - even your life, the lives of your progeny, your very genes. You're not quite understanding the burning zeal of their hatred for us. As I have stated before, Musloids - even the wildest goathumping jihadis in the poppyfields of Pashtoonistan - are absolute milquetoast moderates compared to these folks.
Actually we already know about bringing cities back from a state of near destruction. Look at Berlin or Tokyo or Hiroshima. Restoration efficiency correlates with the IQ of the populace. Cities full of smart people just explode with prosperity. Cities without smart people just fester.
Everyone who reads this blog knows that. I'm not revealing any arcane secrets here. But you won't hear much analysis along these lines in the MSM. Liberals will blame Detroit's collapse on greedy industrialists. While conservatives will blame it on the spread of liberalism and the Democratic party.
It would be trivial to restore Detroit if you just made it an all white city and enacted a couple other reforms.
Guarantee white people that they would never have minority neighbors and there would be a land rush. The new city dwellers would refurbish the houses and pay taxes. There would be no need for federal or state subsidies. The schools would recover and many health care delivery problems would evaporate. Businesses like restaurants and night clubs would flock to the new low crime city. Manufacturers would move back to take advantage of the high quality work force.
I was an economics undergrad and I wrote econometric models in grad school but, believe me, this isn't a complex problem that requires you to sprain your brain. It ain't rocket science.
The question I ask you all, is after we established racial segregation in Detroit, how many years would it take for it to be the top city in the nation?
Detroit is in shambles because we refuse to act.
Pat Boyle
off topic
det rot
DETROIT (AP) — When they pull up to a gas station these days, Detroit drivers are looking beyond the price per gallon at a far more threatening concern: carjackers.
The armed auto thieves have become so common here that parts of the bankrupt metropolis are referred to as "Carjack City," and many motorists fear getting out of their vehicles even for a few moments to fill a tank.
So gas stations are taking steps to protect customers, and the city has formed a special police team to go after suspects. Convicted carjackers will even get their faces and prison sentences plastered onto billboards.
"You need to catch these people and make a good
via Yahoo news
INDIANAPOLIS – When 58 Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department recruits are sworn in next Tuesday, there will be more African American officers as the department attempts to reflect the demographics of the city it serves.
Sixteen African American recruits will take the oath along with 42 other recruits. Marion County’s black population is pegged at 28 percent and the IMPD recruit class will match that percentage.
Eleven of the 58 recruits are women.
The class, the first in several years, comes at a time when Public Safety Director Troy Riggs and Police Chief Rick Hite have promised to lead a department that more closely resembles the make up of the city.
A recent study determined that IMPD is approximately 300 officers short of the workforce it needs to patrol Indianapolis.
IMPD now has less than 1,500 active officers and is set to lose more veteran policemen and women to retirements this summer.
Read more:
It's a matter of faith for liberals.
Every Black person is always oppressed by Whites. Always. Every Black failing is always due to backward White thinking, meaning conservative, traditional, Christian ideals.
Wait for old Whites to die off. Educate the youth to believe all differences are due to White hatred and the legacy of White Christian thought. Bring millions of Africans here and use Affirmative Action to make them your government lords.
That will change White people. With their heads under a Negro's boot, they won't be oppressive anymore.
That is the thinking. Liberals believe the enemy of their enemy is their friend. Thus, a Black feral underclass and millions of moronic White secularists will easily destroy conservative law abiding Whites.
White liberals don't understand how White conservatives created a safe, just, mostly crime-free society. In their view, civilization just "happens" when enough handouts are given.
Any disagreement is simply racism, sexism or whatever flavor of hate they choose to brand you with.
There will be no Pacific NW homeland. Several NW states are contemplating importing refugees while granting more benefits to illegals.
Whites in the USA will soon be like Whites in South Africa; hunted and exterminated in the kingdom they once built, with a majority of Whites cheering the collapse.
That is reality, not a community of White realists banding together to save what America once was. Great civilizations never last. When things are truly working, the bleeding hearts, either political or religious, import parasites and predators and the whole system comes apart. In the end, people will blame Christians and Whites.
Also the smart ones know who pays their ways .
Your job is to prepare and survive the fall of the USA. Look at the bright side, your grandchildren will live in a white nation free from diversity and if you're lucky- you'll get to exact some justice before you die an honorable death.
Fed Up Firefighter
I've never seen the blacks as unfriendly and angry looking as they've been for the past month. There's always a scowl on their faces, no matter where I see them.
Is it a result of the Supreme Court's decision on government sanctioned racism (affirmative action)?
Is it because of the MTV poll where the majority of millenials think government sanctioned racism (AA) is unfair?
Is it because the White House will be white again in soon?
Something is definitely afoot. Does anyone else see it?
Detroit is now "Carjack City".
Maybe some of our money can be used to help defray the costs incurred by gas stations thanks to black crime.
It defies belief to think this is America, and not some third-world hellhole.
Some more white names to add to the list - not murdered, but lives ruined, none-the-less by a blackish-latino.
Ex New Yorker here.....I just saw a couple friends that came up from Denver for the week end. I asked about the body count. They said it was okay because it's just blacks butchering each other.
Another Knockout game, another buried story, save the NY Post:
It's sad that I have to read the blogs and the UK Daily Mail to find out what's really going on in this country.
I'm just going to leave this here.
Philadelphia Mike said...
"Even Costa Rica, Paraguay and Chile will exist in a higher sphere of civilization than the USA."
I think there are quite a few places around the world that are safer and more traditionally "yesteryear" than Da Abyss A.
I agree that we are wasting our time trying to unfcuk this country. There are many others out there that would be a better fit for whites than this ghetto hole.
Any readers who live outside the US may want to share what your experiences in another country are like.
--NB with IPMS
Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined that I would be glad my son died young. Since I have no genetic stake in the future I am free to mourn the demise of my Country in the abstract. I agree with Philly Mike; if you are a young or middle-aged White, run to Argentina or Uruguay ASAP!
Shot ('in da hood)
A feral teenaper has been aperested in a string of armed robberies and a shooting an shit. Big surprise. HAZNIG officers say the teenaper is responsible for at least four armed robberies that started at the end of March. The JINN's Justin Igger talked with neighbors (through a certified ebonics and swoogiebabble translator) at the Apeartments where the 19-year-old was aperested Friday an shit..
A witness said Alex Lorenzo Taylor apeologized to his victims and the feral fambily of the worker. Coonvestigators say he shot during one of the robberies as he was hauled off in a HAZNIG coon capture vehicle. Clarice Haynes homesteads at the apeartments where Taylor was staying and witnessed his aperest. She ooked to Justin that HAZNIG had been at the coonplex going door to door looking for Taylor the day prior to his aperest.
"They was knocking on the door they were going door to door looking for that spook," Haynes ooked in barely intelligible ebonic swoogiebabble. "That's all he kept saying, 'I want to ook to my mammy. I want to ook to my mammy, what did I do? What did I do? I didded do nuffins an shit, Dem ebil racist YT crackers dun set me up an shit!'"
In a weeks' time, Coonvestigators think he could have robbed as many as six businesses at gunpoint.(using his opposable thumbs) On Friday, HAZNIG detectives charged him with four of the robberies. Police said the robberies were at the Beauty Mart, (da weave mart) only days apart.
Taylor faces aggravated apesault charges for shooting an employee at the Great Wall of China restaurant on Cedar Road Monday. Police say the sprog's actions were brazen. "After the shooting he actually was bold enough, he loped back inside and got the money from the register and shuffled out the door," said Police Maj. Joseph Wood.
That boldness, however, wasn't as apeparent Friday evening. Haynes says the young man went peacefully. "He went peacefully. He didn't have no choice, where else he going to go with handcuffs on?" Haynes said. From chains to handcuffs the story of the American bootlip.
Justin Igger
in da Hood?
... meanwhile, in Miami, this is how blacks settle a title dispute on a used car - beating up the dealership owner, and his son.
I'm ahocked they include a suspect description. The woman who bought the car? She's not snitchin' -
"Those who cannot compete intellectually tend to develop a cultural aversion to the whole idea."
Whats the one word you should never call the black man?
-it begins with a "n" ends with a "r"...
A Neighbor.
Watching "Planet of the Apes" again, I mused that it could be a realistic tale if whites/Asians collectively fled North America at the same time and then returned in 200-300 years. The blacks left in America would cluster into tribes in cities along the coast. Lacking ability to mine, manufacture, or create on their own, they'd live off the materials left behind by the white man as long as they could. Without whites to produce their EBT purchased junk food and lacking the ability to catch or farm their own food, they might revert to cannibalism. As buildings collapsed due to neglect and lack of upkeep (as they are in Detroit today), the population would move to mud huts. Guns would fall into disrepair and bullets would run out. Without any practical skills, they wouldn't be able to make more. Whites returning in 200 years would find a primitive society, speaking in an unintelligble offshoot of ebonics, armed with spears but very strong of arm if fighting in a pack. I don't think they would domesticate horses like the apes did, even though all the bicycles would have fallen apart and the cars would have all run out of gas.
Slightly off-topic but....
I have a phone app that shows supposedly 'random' 'news' from all over the world .One of the headlines had to do with the magazine 'Atlantic'.The new issue has some inflamatory nonsense regarding '250 years of slavery,90 years of jim crow',etc.(they bring up 'reparations' also).
I have only skimmed through some of it,but the basic premise is the same old broken record-Whites are still benefitting from the oppression of nogs,blah blah blah. And,shock of all shocks,mo money for the black 'community' is called for.Ridiculous.It seems that weak politicians would rather throw OUR money at these snivelling asshole nogs then just tell them no.As good old Perry Mason would say,blackmail cannot go on forever.Eventually the blackmailer wants more and more,and the person being blackmailed either must kill the blackmailer or themselves to end the sad situation.All this nonsense inflamatory nogwhine is to soften up Whitey by phony guilt in order to get more of our money.This will eventually end.We need to tie any reparations to mandatory,permanent deportations.
Thank You for reading.
Richard Cranium
DETROIT (AP) — When they pull up to a gas station these days, Detroit drivers are looking beyond the price per gallon at a far more threatening concern: carjackers.
Reason #57,359 to buy an electric car: no need to go to the stop-and-jack to fill up.
That is reality, not a community of White realists banding together to save what America once was. Great civilizations never last. When things are truly working, the bleeding hearts, either political or religious, import parasites and predators and the whole system comes apart. In the end, people will blame Christians and Whites.
Apart from the fact that the majority of Christians hold to the same negro-worship that other whites do - indeed some of the most aggressive supporters of the refugee resettlement racket are churches from Catholic to Lutheran - you're basically correct. The whites in SA just voted in the recent 'election' held in the de-facto one-party state. 90% voted in favor of their own extermination. The sheer emotional and religious fervor of Crystal Methodism exceeds that of Islam by an exponential factor.
There are a few actual Christians of the ancient variety around, but to ascribe such ideals to the majority is another example of the IKAGO fallacy. The core dogma of most self-identified Christians is equality über alles, with Galatians 3:28 used as the justification. Galatians 3:28 is the new gospel. All stands against feminism, sodomy, etc. will ultimately fall before it, since these "conservative" positions are merely what Auster described as unprincipled exceptions to the core dogma of egalitarian utopianism.
PDK, the white libtards are not the only problem.
I meet many white conservatives who openly worship blacks. They even set up this website:
Just look at the dreamy photo of Ben Carson at the top. He is truly a magical negro. Are these so-called conservative white really just liberals?
I am interested in your opinion on this.
This will never make the Mediaboro's, the professoriate's or the Fedzillist's hate du jour list:
To recognize it would be an admission they can now make.
Caucaphobia, social fascism's favorite
/H hypie out H\
At least there's some positive news out of Detroit:
1 in 3 babies aborted
let detroit die a fast death...pull the plug...stop the [white] money.
black hole.
Since survival is the sine qua non, I now define “moral behavior” as “behavior that tends toward survival.” I won’t argue with philosophers or theologians who choose to use the word “moral” to mean something else, but I do not think anyone can define “behavior that tends toward extinction” as being “moral” without stretching the word “moral” all out of shape.
Thing is, white people are engaged in “behavior that tends toward extinction:” dysgenic policies which promote an expanding black underclass; opening the frontiers to the third world; letting the family disintegrate; surrendering colonies and cities; glorifying anti-white terrorists like Mandela; and etc. The odd thing is, many whites support these policies.
"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide."--James Burnham
Looks good on paper at least
Almost all working Whites already give up 30-40% of their money away in taxes .This is nothing new.Bloody river ? Nowhere in sight.
Anonymous @ 5:28 AM said...
This morning I heard an air traffîc controller told two planes at George bush airport to fly into each other. The complete lack of curiosity by the news as to who this subpar employee is leads me to the conclusion you all know.
I was watching ABC 7 Chicago. FAA reported 3 such incidents over the last week or so. ABC7 played all the audio transmissions on the very early broadcast, after that they only just reported it. All were black ATCs. FTR, none sounded F'ed up, but all are still on the job. White person would have been suspended, sent for drug and alcohol testing, medical tests, and interrogated.
What does this mean??
No Negros in the stands?????
Sure surprised me!!
Or Det rot
atching "Planet of the Apes" again, I mused that it could be a realistic tale if whites/Asians collectively fled North America at the same time and then returned in 200-300 years. The blacks left in America would cluster into tribes in cities along the coast. Lacking ability to mine, manufacture, or create on their own, they'd live off the materials left behind by the white man as long as they could. Without whites to produce their EBT purchased junk food and lacking the ability to catch or farm their own food, they might revert to cannibalism. As buildings collapsed due to neglect and lack of upkeep (as they are in Detroit today), the population would move to mud huts. Guns would fall into disrepair and bullets would run out. Without any practical skills, they wouldn't be able to make more. Whites returning in 200 years would find a primitive society, speaking in an unintelligble offshoot of ebonics, armed with spears but very strong of arm if fighting in a pack. I don't think they would domesticate horses like the apes did, even though all the bicycles would have fallen apart and the cars would have all run out of gas.
Some on this site already do, right Bogolyupski?
Intelligence quotient isn't static.
Everyone has heard of 'peak oil', whether or not it's true is irrelevant to my point. The basic idea is that the U.S. and perhaps the world have already passed or will soon pass (depending upon whom one reads) the maximum possible amount of oil that can be physically produced at any sort of "reasonable" price, therefore oil production must decline, probably precipitously. Although I am agnostic on the peak oil theory I believe the equivalent thing is happening with BRA i.e. it has peaked and it's declining slightly now and about to fall off a cliff. The catalyst for the tumble over the cliff is going to be that the U.S. has reached and passed peak dollar, the dollar is going to crash because of all the debt, government spending, taxing regulating etc. When the dollar goes over the cliff BRA goes with it, it's floating on a sea of debt which can never be repaid in dollars worth what they were lent for i.e. 'constant dollars'. The U.S. government has dishonestly (shocking !) manipulated interst rates (QE anyone ?) gold (look up LBMA and Deutsche Bank) and every thing else they can since at least 2008 to keep the U.S. and state governments (and Wall Street) from imploding. Debt is repaid with more debt, The U.S. government and state governments spend all the money they get through taxes, borrowing and with the U.S. by printing. The debts (at least from the Feds) will always get paid back, the money just won't buy very much and will be repudiated by the rest of the world. That day is coming, all Ponzi schemes end and when it ends all those living large off of YT will find they are on their own including DWLs from colleges and universities, so called "non profits", PBS and yes, with a bang BRA. Live for that day, it's very near, probably by the end of summer with a war in the Near East starting the reset and continuing for a long time. It's been 50 years of communist ideology triumphing with BHO, the reset will be relatively speaking in the blink of an eye, then we can rebuild.
Scranton, relatively new to die-versity is beginning to feel it's impact. Cab ride gone wrong. Thug answers f'em when asked about how he feels about the victim's family. Judging by the comments, the locals are waking up:
Whenever I board a plane, I check to see that the pilots are White males (preferably over 30 yo). I guess I also have to worry about the ATCs and maintenance crews as well.
22 Reasons How We Knew There Were No Blacks in Mayberry
by Watching The Andy Griffith Show:
1. Andy and Barney looked bored most of the time
2. The store fronts had no security bars
3. Otis never drank Ripple or Thunderbird
4. The police station didn't have 2 fountains
5. Opie didn't have to pass through a metal detector at school
6. Townswomen wore 2 white gloves
7. Floyd didn't do hair weaves
8. Aunt Bea had no wardrobe malfunctions
9. No maid bus
10. Thelma Lou couldn't boogaloo
11. No “Whites Only” signs at the diner
12. Gomer had no gold teeth
13. No flash mobs ever hit the department store
14. Helen never taught Ebonics
15. “Drive-by” meant going to the library or county clerk's office
16. Even Howard Sprague made the High School basketball team
17. Goober's pants were held up by a belt
18. No Colt 45 Malt Liquor, EZ Rider wrapping papers or Trojans sold at Ellie's pharmacy
19. Opie had no friends named DeShaun, Shanequa or Mohammed
20. No street vendors selling tube socks or bags of oranges
21. Mount Pilot was a nearby town not an action by a drug-crazed Rastafarian
22. The jail didn't have a Green Mile
Anonymous said...
let detroit die a fast death...pull the plug...stop the [white] money.
black hole.
The squids aren't about to allow YT to pull out the bood funnels which presently cover his increasingly pale skin. Black hole is an apt description, for there is no end unto death. BRA is an insatiable malignancy. That was the whole point of Geithner's speech. The overlords want the entire world turned into Detroilet writ large. Most whites apparently are still too busy worshipping negroes - either completely oblivious or actively seeking their own extermination.
Multiculturalism in America is like a mixed religion marriage.
Someone has to convert.
Blacks don't want to convert or assimilate into white culture and higher civilization. Nor do Mexicans or Arabs.
The only solution is divorce. Keep on eye on Myrtle Beach and the NAACP. That might be legal separation that leads to the ultimate divorce.
I am working to secede from Black Run America.
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