It was back in September 2012 when President Obama awarded $226 million to perpetually failing/underperforming/anemic/woeful (insert your desired synonym for "sucking") Historical Black Colleges and Universities.
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Obama's Department of Education distributed $228 million in grants to 97 HBCU in 2012... while white college graduates work to repay student loan debt, the same Department of Education worked to help blacks who attended HBCU's and have the same type of debt... |
You know, those centers of world-class education providers known as HBCUs.... [Obama White House awards HBCUs, but how will the money be managed?,The Grio, by David Love, 9-20-2012]
It was only a few years again when NASA gave one of the HBCUs worst performing institutions, Morgan State, a $28.5 million grant (out of a five-year plan to give $95.8 million).
Yes, the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center gave more than a quarter hundred-million dollars to a school whose admission requirements demand first time freshmen have had a high school GPA of at least 2.0; an 850 SAT (combined critical reading and math); or a 17 on their ACT.
Now the good people at Judicial Watch have uncovered the Obama Administration's stalwart policy of judging people (and institutions) entirely by the color of their skin.
Content of character?
If we judged HBCU's by the "content of character" displayed by their board of trustees and administrators, every one of them would shut down immediately (and every degree they awarded would be voided).
What was it Judicial Watch uncovered?[U.S. Pours Millions Into Failing Black Colleges, Breaks New Student Loan Rules, Judicial Watch, 4-14-14]:
The federal government violates its own student loan rules and wastes hundreds of millions of dollars to subsidize perpetually failing black colleges, including the alma mater of pop star Michael Jackson’s criminally-convicted doctor, a Judicial Watch investigation has found.
The institutions are known as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and JW’s probe has uncovered documents that show American taxpayers are being forced to fund them even when their accreditation has been stripped, they have dismal graduation rates and rank among the nation’s worst medical schools. For instance, Meharry Medical College (where the late Jackson’s physician, Conrad Murray, got his degree) is renowned for producing an alarming number of inept doctors along with third-world institutions like Manila Central University in the Philippines and the Autonomous University of Guadalajara in Mexico, according to records obtained by JW.
Yet the government continues giving it—and other troubled black colleges—large sums of money in the form of low-interest “loans” that are usually defaulted. This is done through the Historically Black College and University Capital Financing Program and it’s proven to be a massive boondoggle. Obtained from a variety of government sources—including the U.S. Treasury and the Department of Education—the files accessed by JW show that the scandalous investment is not only fleecing taxpayers, it’s also breaking rules created by the Obama administration under a 2010 measure that replaced student loans by private lenders with direct loans by the U.S. government.
Once its own money was in the game, the government decided that student loan lending rules were too loose and default rates were too high. In October 2011, the Department of Education quietly changed underwriting criteria for the transactions, known as PLUS student loans. Those criteria are still pretty low (“prospective borrowers can’t have any current accounts more than 90 days delinquent, or any foreclosures, bankruptcies, tax liens, wage garnishments or defaults within the past five years. But the department doesn’t look at prospective borrowers’ incomes or their current debt load, meaning that poor borrowers with little or no credit history can be approved”), but still resulted in a 10% increase in the denial rate.
Historically black colleges and universities were most adversely impacted by the new credit standards and HBCU officials as well as African American community leaders lobbied the Education Department to change the standards. Education Secretary Arne Duncan apologized about the unintended effect on black colleges but publicly maintained that “our department is required to carry out the law as it was designed to protect parents and taxpayers against unaffordable loans.” Duncan did admit that that the process could have been handled better and that internal and external communications were “poor,” according to a mainstream newspaper.
Behind the scenes his agency quickly circumvented those “laws to protect parents and taxpayers.” In fact, Duncan sent a letter to the Congressional Black Caucus regarding the impact that the new loan rules were having on HBCUs stating that the Department had “used [its] authority to consider ‘extenuating circumstances’ as a method to provide immediate relief for many students, which allowed previous PLUS loan recipients and applicants whose adverse credit determinations were based on a ‘de minimis’ amount of debt to obtain a loan through the reconsideration process.”
The agency has used the accommodation to provide near-blanket approvals for PLUS loan applications from previous recipients, according to the records obtained by JW. This academic year, about a third of the applicants from historically black colleges denied this year were eligible to appeal. Of those, 38 percent, or just over 8,000 applicants, filed for reconsideration. Virtually all of them—98.5 percent—were then approved for a PLUS loan, the records show.
So why does the government continue pouring enormous sums of money into these failing institutions that often can’t even keep their accreditation? The only explanation JW could find among the droves of government records is the Obama administration’s determination of “the importance of HBCUs as a national resource.”
No discernible ROI...
The way things are going, all non-whites will soon be forgiven in repaying their student loan debt, with the 401(k) and retirement savings of white baby boomers and white retirees confiscated to amend this grievous inequity.
What's this return on investment get the US taxpayer, besides an ever-expanding racial achievement gap and black college graduates with a piece of paper full of sound and fury, signifying nothing?
The findings on graduation rates at HBCUs published in the Journal of Black's in Higher Education do the talking for us. [Tracking Graduation Rates at HBCUs, 1-5-2012]:
There is a new color bar in America.The highest Black student graduation rate at the HBCUs is at Spelman College in Atlanta. There, 79 percent of entering students graduate from Spelman within six years. This rate is higher than the Black student graduation rate at many of the nation’s highest-ranked colleges and universities. The Black student graduation at Spelman College is 15 percentage points higher than at any other HBCU in our survey.The Black student graduation rate at Howard University is 64 percent. This ranks Howard second among the HBCUs in our survey. Morehouse College in Atlanta ranks third with a Black student graduation rate of 61 percent.
The only other HBCU in our survey with a Black student graduation rate of more than 50 percent is Hampton University in Virginia. There, 54 percent of entering Black students earn a degree at Hampton within six years.At nearly half the HBCUs in our survey, the Black student graduation rate is 33 percent or lower. At these institutions, less than one third of all entering African American students earned a bachelor’s degree within six years. There are six HBCUs in our survey where less than one in five entering Black students earn a bachelor’s degree within six years.
It favors every shade of black or brown, with those beating the Paper Bag Test allowed to advance to the front of line and have a leadership role in what we've dubbed Black-Run America (BRA).
We could have been on Mars, but we had pour billions of dollars into HBCUs.
The space program produced numerous spin-off technologies and gave us hope for the future of nation.
Investing billions in HBCUs has only produced more empirical evidence in the reality of racial differences, providing more and more reasons to validate the realization our nation has no future.
Save that of Detroit.
But without those HBCUs, how would the artificial Black middle class be maintained, and where would we get all the racial-grievance scribblers and agitators?
Oh, right.
Smaller government is the only answer. This would not happen with either smaller government, or sound money. The destruction of our country is happening from within. The negro is a small manifestation of the problem.
Where is John Galt?
He said " fuck this" years ago.
I did too. When you learn to just let them have it, they will not keep it alive beyond the time required to destroy it. Let it go. Let it go. We will rebuild.
I paid the Obamacare tax this year, everyone who files as self employed did the same we are used to getting screwed by the IRS, Next year however, when John and Jane Average not only lose their refund check but have to actually pay the IRS.. well that's when the real fun will begin.
Left, Right or black white its all noise to the average Joe until you stick your hand in his pocket.
And when he/she finds out that the penalty increases year over year? Woo baby! things will get interesting indeed.
The FedGov taking over the Student Loan Program was the last spin around the drain (it was buried in ObamaCare). With the Government holding your student loan debt, your mortgage (Fanny Mae), your business loan and your car loan, (Hi GM Finance!, Chrysler!) your ass is OWNED by them from Birth till Death. Now if you are a good Democrat or SIMBA, you can get those "dismissed" or qualify for that new shiny Government approved electric car or special business loan, but if you be White or a Republican, the IRS haunts you and loans are difficult or impossible to qualify for because of "Disparate" impact. I have two friends right now who are trying to open businesses (one a real estate franchise, the other a Title Company) and BOTH have been told No, unless they have a minority business partner, then they qualify!
This is called Fascism, now mixed with racial cronyism. I don't know what the medical students are going to do. Unless daddy is rich, your DEA license, student loans and medical school loans are like chains around your neck. As a matter of fact, I remember Obama floating a program to wipe out a part of your debt if you work in a sort of Peace Corps for a few years.
A new kind of White Slavery.
Don't go down this path of appeasement, their is no end to it, just look at South Africa.
White Homeland, Northwest Front!
The other day, a summer student started at the place I work. She was an upper level engineering student. We were asked to find tasks for her to do. Her name did not sound black.
I thought that since she's an upper level student, she has probably some programming experience and that perhaps she could write a few scripts to move some data into EXCEL and generate some plots.
Before I could approach her, a colleague told me that he had seen her resume and that not only was there a lack of any detail regarding skills, there was no engineering experience such as previous internships or even school projects. The previous jobs were all clerical at some welfare agency. Further, it was so full of grammatical and spelling errors, my colleague wondered how a college placement counselor could even let a resume like that one to go out.
By this time, I began to suspect a negro in the woodpile. Sure enough, she bears the "Legacy of Slaver."
I will avoid her to the maximum extent possible. No upside and there is the potential if she is unhappy about anything to cause nothing but grief.
A society that decides to promote the inferior in the hope that somehow become smarter will only lose in the long run. College ans university is not for everyone...the best and the brightest should attend. A dumbed down school produces nothing but second rate graduates who do not have the brains to really contribute.
"The way things are going, all non-whites will soon be forgiven in repaying their student loan debt, with the 401(k) and retirement savings of white baby boomers and white retirees confiscated to amend this grievous inequity."
Should I liquidate now?
It's all FUBAR. I've never received anything from the government. Well,yes I have. Higher taxes.
AND "I did not build that".
Don't mind taxes, civilized countries pay taxes.
It's just the whole focus on undertow of a group of people comfortable with being an undertow.
Hell, PK I did not use one disparaging term.
Best of health to you sir and continue the good work.
Scot Irish
That picture is a great example of their vision of 'diversity'...they did allow one beta YT to be hidden behind the mighty Negro, so we have that going for us. Great post, PK, another example in a long line of reparation schemes pulled off by this administration and BRA.
"Garbage in....Garbage out"
George Carlin.
With all the financial aid available only to non-whiles at regular colleges/universities, lower admissions standards for non-whites, admissions quotas, and other forms of "affirmative action," I don't see why HBCU subsidies are needed. Add to that the open hostility toward whites on many campuses, and the over-the-top promotion of everything that is not white on most campuses.
The only thing that makes sense to me is that Obama and his sycophants will not be satisfied until the United States is turned into another Zimbabwe.
There was an America where laws or merely social expectations were applied in a largely universal manner. Of course, corruption occurred. It's endemic to man. That universal application of the law was a beautiful thing in America and was as much responsible for the country's success as the people and the resources were.
Democrat and black political power destroy the rule of law as sure as salt water will destroy a piece of iron. It eats the strength away, leaving a corroded weak and unreliable mess. Their first actions are always to corruption. Dishonesty and corruption are characteristics of black rule from the Congo, through Haiti to Detroit and now D.C. There is no reforming that. Their goal is expediency in acquiring money or material things and there is never a consideration for producing something of value. Couple that with the Democrat's lust for power and control of everyone's life and you have the literal definition of hell on earth.
Check out the Towson University debate team which won the national championship:
Youtube has already tried to take it down.
I'd suggest keeping a detailed, hard copy journal of what you asked to be done and the results. Don't share it with anyone until absolutely necessary, and even then keep a copy for yourself.
I forgot--facts be rayciss.
OT, I've noticed very few electricians of diversity. I'm guessing that it's due to the fact you'll either electrocute yourself or at least start a fire.
D-FENS said ”Check out the Towson University debate team which won the national championship:
Youtube has already tried to take it down.”
Unbelivable. Either the participants in the so called “National Championship” were limited to AA students, or the judges were following AA guidelines when judging the performance. The unintelligible hyperventilating negresses actually believe that they performed fabulously. In a competitive corporate environment they would be unemployable. However, in the world of AA the interviewer for a company struggling to meet government requirements will surreptitiously place a small symbol on their application and they will be offered a top position in the company without concern for their actual competency. They will spend their careers believing that they are gifted and their families will view them as elite. They will receive this special treatment at the expense of the qualified white people who should have received the jobs but were excluded via AA as well as the white people who spend their careers cleaning up the wreckage left in the wake of the AA undertow.
There are many ways to redistribute wealth other than merely taxing whites and writing checks to blacks or forgiving loans made to blacks. AA is one of the most aggressive tools for the redistribution of wealth from the deserving to the undeserving ever devised by man.
Anonymous said ”. . . OT, I've noticed very few electricians of diversity. I'm guessing that it's due to the fact you'll either electrocute yourself or at least start a fire.”
Good observation. You won't see AA diversity anywhere that the rubber meets the road because failure cannot be disguised or corrected behind the scenes by others. Electricians fry, race car drivers burn, and astronauts crash when they screw-up. Screw-ups inside the government or buried within large corporations are more easily concealed. Even though the president of the United States is an AA screw-up things usually move slow enough for more competent people behind the scene to clean things up. One of the reasons that Obama always takes so long to make a big decision is because he knows that he will screw things up and the clean up will be publicly embarrassing. Almost every off-script comment he has made has backfired such as his famous “red line” comment. By delaying his decisions he can delegate the process to more intelligent people who tell him the correct answer. Unfortunately, he has surrounded himself by so many lesser AA people than himself to bolster his ego that the decision delay tactic doesn't work well.
OT (H/T Daily Kenn):
Regarding the 2016 erection (H/T Bogolyubski) Ben Carson, Magic Negro #2, is "feeling it."
"He said one woman "really touched me the other night … She just kept clinging to my hand and said, 'You have to run. You have to run.' And so many people tell me that, and so I think I'm starting to hear something."
Betcha she was white.
Remember the beatdown of the family in Savannah? Police think the family was responsible for the "fight."
The law will blame you if you are the victim of a groid attack. Avoidance is key, until The Reset occurs.
--NB with IPMS
Hello Mr. Kersey;
One observation based upon an amateur's study of history: Since there is no reforming the "system" i.e. elections, voting, candidates etc., they are garbage and the U.S. government and state governments are insolvent on any sort of accounting basis, systemic failure is inevitable. The systemic failure will most likely manifest itself first in currency declines, then the government limiting ATM withdrawals and credit card usage and finally the dollar being destroyed through hyper inflation similar to Weimar Germany. This will be a process, not an event but it will play out over a short period of time, the momentum will be unstoppable. Of course the government at all levels will be caught unawares, they are always surprised, but we have no excuse for being unprepared, we see it coming. The only thing Mr. Kersey's readers can/should do is prepare for the chaos, don't lend any helping hands, step aside and let the government and its parasites fail. If possible the new government will recover the country back to what it was ca. 1950 or earlier without all the garbage form the 1960's. Whether recovery of the country after the failure that is coming is possible is debatable, perhaps, perhaps not but if the country can be recovered it must first fail catastrophically, it simply cannot continue very much longer on its present course, national failure is inevitable. If national recovery does take place it will be through the efforts of people like Mr. Kersey and his many followers, we are the only ones who can do it, time will tell.
Didn't you write about this paul.
Liquidate. Purchase Index Universal Life policies.
You borrow against the face value tax free, and there's not a damned thing FedGov can do.
Meharry Grads=sobamacare doctors.
Anonymous said ”By this time, I began to suspect a negro in the woodpile. Sure enough, she bears the "Legacy of Slaver."
I will avoid her to the maximum extent possible. No upside and there is the potential if she is unhappy about anything to cause nothing but grief.”
Avoidance is good, but you must be very careful, especially if there are other summer students. If she perceives avoidance or treatment any different from the other summer students, she will shriek racism or harassment. Depending on how cut-throat your work environment is, if your co-workers perceive avoidance, a percentage of them might complain that you are not carrying your share of the load and you are not a team player, or even accuse you of racism or harassment.
Another advantage to avoidance is that you won't get stuck with writing her performance evaluation at the end of the summer which would present you with the dilemma of having to lie to produce a PC review or being truthful and being labeled racist. A negative summer review would would probably be the first bad one she has ever had which would prove that you must be racist. It could be a carrier ender for you.
Just more band-aids. Eventually the rotting, gangrenous stump that is Black America is going to have to be amputated.
"The way things are going, all non-whites will soon be forgiven in repaying their student loan debt, with the 401(k) and retirement savings of white baby boomers and white retirees confiscated to amend this grievous inequity."
Why not? After all, it's not as if there is anything at all standing in their way from doing so. Who's going to stop them? The Gay Old Pedos? the Pink Palmetto Princess? the Grand Pontiff of Pooftery? the Tea-Party Tards? Freepers? It is just the same as what went down in SA. We'll be seeing things like this here on a regular basis being done to YT - once a blackrobe rules that a signed but unratified treaty trumps the second amendment. That's all it will take. Stroke of the pen, law of the land - pretty cool. What this really means is that they are the law (or, more accurately) there is no law but them.
As AnalogMan related about whites' participation in the recent 'erection' held in SA:
With all respect to everyone who says it's cruel, just last week 90% of Whites voted for a rainbow nation. We warned and warned and warned again what the true situation is in the country, and still we live as if everything is normal. Accept that the next five years are going to be just as cruel as the video. All thanks to our own people who choose to stand steadfastly behind the system.
The squids probably won't even have to go to the trouble of having a blackrobe nullify the right to self-defense without a ratified treaty, since the Crystal Methodists will vote in droves for folks like Ben Carson, who has no problem doing away with the second amendment. Those they elect will vote to ratify the treaty. Once ratified, the blackrobes will use it as carte blanche to dismantle self-defense altogether. Behold the ultimate vision of Crystal Methodism, the religion of most whites.
I don't think I realized how bad its gotten. This is the press release from CEDA, the 'prestigious' debate association:
"A few weeks ago, Towson University debaters Ameena Ruffin, a Junior, and Korey Johnson, a Sophomore, became the first team composed of two African-American women to win the prestigious Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA) intercollegiate national championship. Towson defeated the University of Oklahoma team of Rashid Campbell, Junior, and George Lee Jr., Senior, in the final round. The debate centered on the Presidential War Powers topic; analogizing police brutality, structural poverty and the prison-industrial complex to an ongoing war against African-Americans.
Over 1800 college students debated over the past year on the Presidential War Powers topic. For some students, this was their first foray into college policy debate. For others, this represents the end of a long journey across high school and college debate. In general, these students easily spend between 10-40 hours a week researching, writing, debating and revising their work on the topic. It is not uncommon for coaches and faculty to compare a season’s worth of debate research to the equivalent of a master student’s thesis.
Towson and Oklahoma bested a total of 170 teams to reach the final round of the CEDA national debate tournament. The competition included the best and brightest from across the country. And unlike collegiate sports, there are no divisions. All participating schools compete against each other; whether a state school, community college or Ivy League.
The accomplishments of Towson and Oklahoma are remarkable. For many years, intercollegiate debate has produced alumni that have become leaders in academia, policy, law, and other fields. Our society will surely benefit in the future from the research, critical thinking, and advocacy skills developed by this year's debaters and champions."
now watch the video:
There is really nothing else left to say.
The value of HBCU is that they keep Blacks out of real colleges. They're just Jim Crow for the academic world. If we couldn't shuffle these people off to these ghettos, some of them would be let in to White schools. Until mass sterilization is a reality, HBCUs have a place.
About that debate. It's great. We need to see more stuff like that. Just as we need to see more stuff like Alvin Greene winning the Democratic primary for SC Senator a couple years ago.
I want the world to see just how delusional our nation has become.
Wtf? Since when did Bachelors of Hip Hop Production with a concentration in spoken wurrrrrd start taking six years to finish? Did anybody else notice this or am I reading this wrong? The NYT reported that in 2012 only 3% of students graduated from TSU in four years. Three percent! In other words, less than one in thirty-three students graduated on time for a Bachelor's. Yeah, about that future time orientation thing...
Sierra Nevada
"James M. Said: I paid the Obamacare tax this year, everyone who files as self employed did the same we are used to getting screwed by the IRS, Next year however, when John and Jane Average not only lose their refund check but have to actually pay the IRS.. well that's when the real fun will begin.
Left, Right or black white its all noise to the average Joe until you stick your hand in his pocket.
And when he/she finds out that the penalty increases year over year? Woo baby! things will get interesting indeed."
This is good news! Most YT's still think they get something from the Feral Gubmint. Once they get nothing but robbed and they see the slobbering, pneumatic-lipped hordes cavorting in the streets with their money, the hatred will grow.
Every white neighborhood in America should be a "Bundy Ranch" to the feds: a place they fear to tread.
Think of the British experience in Northern Ireland...
The "debate?" video that's been mentioned several times is one type of college debate. Look up American Parliamentary Debate Association (APDA) videos on Youtube and you'll find understandable debates. The difference is vast and telling. Here's a link:
regarding the AA summer intern, avoid but with tactical flourish, on the way to get coffee or make a copy say hello to the AA and say in a LOUD voice the whole office can here suitable PC comments such as....isnt that Donald Sterling a horrible person....when will tv make a profile in courage show for al sharpton comments such as these will totally establish your cred and gain major office capital you can use against colleagues
I think you are right. Last year, it was reported on the news, the federal government collected a record amount of income tax. How much more rapidly would this government crumble if next year they collected none?
It's disgusting how much money is given away to foreign countries, foreign debts just forgiven, and now a government representing only 13% of the population.
A return to 1950's-60's government, without AA, civil rights acts mistakes, etcetera, although it may not be perfect, it would be a dream.
Hell, knowing what we know now, we could have Affirmative Action for minorities, you bitch and whine, we'll ship your ass back to your ancestral home. Everybody's happy!
Here is a thought. We have to do things for ourselves. Homeschool or die. This is long, but I hope to inspire someone.
I have 3 children whom I have home-schooled since their births. I did not sit them down at little desks and "teach" them, I took them out into the real world and let them touch, try, and sometimes fail. I talked them through everything. I allowed them to develop their own likes and dislikes. We have visited farms, museums, businesses, and we live in an busy arts community. They paint, sculpt, build, and create 24/7. We camp, hike, bike, repair things, compost, watch travel, history, and nature DVDs, volunteer together, work at farmer's markets, cook over fire, save rain water, and grow our own food.
As a result of this, I have a lovely french-speaking 17-yo musician/writer, who plays acoustic classical guitar and an old accordion she inherited from my great aunt. She writes short stories about the Victorian era, and has studied history and the American presidents since she was 7. She is currently collaborating with her father, an illustrator, to publish a conservative-themed children's book based on one of her poems. She works as a nanny for two clients with small children to learn mothering skills, and has saved over $5,000 in money she has EARNED. She wants to study court reporting, get married to a smart man, have babies, and teach them French and music.
My 15-yo joined the society of magicians and started his own business as a magician at age 10, charging $10 per hour performing at birthday parties. He carved and sold wooden magic wands to boys for $10 each. He printed his own business cards. He taught himself Origami and video editing, rides a unicycle and juggles, mows yards, and now works 20 hours a week at a fast food place. He wants to become a photographer, or a farm-hand, and he just purchased a professional camera, a computer, and other equipment with his own money. When he is not at work, he is on his computer, at the gun range, or shooting video. He competes in shooting sports and is saving to purchase his first rifle.
My 13-yo is studying as a master gardener, wants to work with animals, paint, sculpt, and be a wife and mom.
My point? The blacks don't do any of this. They don't even understand why any parent would WANT to do these things. They are not interesting or interested. They don't know any black children with so much creative energy and intellectual curiosity. Blacks have no inner desire to DO such things. They don't even know that that might feel like. They restrict themselves, and at the same time are quite limited by their own lack of ability.
One summer, my son worked a day at an inner-city summer camp performing magic, kinetic experiments, and origami folding. The black teachers were so confused because my son had taught himself these amazing things and was so full of PASSION about them. He is also very social and articulate. They really could not process any of it. The black kids could not even fold a simple paper crane, even with my son helping them step-by-step.
I can't imagine how stumped my children would be if they had an angry and racist black teacher in a public school. We need to make sure he help our children learn to make their own way in this world. It takes a lot of work and financial sacrifice, but it is worth it.
We will always have what is INSIDE of us, and they can't take that away.
At a company at which I worked, my superiors were ordered (by the executives) to get a little "diversity" in the Accounting Department. The black people we had were all in A/P and turnover was high.
Well, they sent a couple of managers over to Morgan State to, recruit at a "job fair." Out of all the applicants, only two were even close to qualifying, so they were quickly hired.
Both were incompetent and unprofessional. Basic accounting concepts were exceedingly difficult for them. I think their accounting courses were dumbed-down to the point where a non-NAM 4th grader could pass it.
One was terminated for calling in "sick" one day, then coming in the next day with a hairdo that clearly took all day for a pro to fix. You can't teach future-time orientation in a classroom at the collegiate level, apparently.
I read of the 'debates' [cough]..
did they use that 'n' word
thats banned ..even here?
how many times did they use the N word?
now watch the video:
There is really nothing else left to say.
ng ng ng n word ova n ova
yayyy we won against white pribelidge
Schools take resources.
Long ago there was a term
'he is not college material'..meaning that he had a low IQ.
Discard said...
The value of HBCU is that they keep Blacks out of real colleges. They're just Jim Crow for the academic world. If we couldn't shuffle these people off to these ghettos, some of them would be let in to White schools. Until mass sterilization is a reality, HBCUs have a place......
Anonymous said...
"I can't imagine how stumped my children would be if they had an angry and racist black teacher in a public school. We need to make sure he help our children learn to make their own way in this world. It takes a lot of work and financial sacrifice, but it is worth it."
Even without angry and racist black teachers, the public (and even parochial) schools are part of the BRA Matrix. Random locker, backpack, and vehicle searches at public schools soften the children such that random searches of private property and vehicles when they are adults aren't given a second thought.
There is also the issue of whatever passes for "curricula" these days. Between Common Core and "White Privilege," our white children come out of the educational combine as little more than self-hating groupthink drones. Everyone on this site who complains (and rightfully so) about the whites who are leading us all to obsolescence need look no further to our schools for the cause of the mental disorder that has stricken them.
But it doesn't end there. TV in adulthood ensures everyone stays asleep. They can cheer for Sam the Ram and the bearded Eurovision freak and shake their heads at news reports about "teens" who attack white people, while the police and the Ten Pointers site such attacks as the result of "boredom" due to "whites not doing enough to 'raise up' the 'downtrodden.'"
Homeschooling for me wasn't a choice. It was a must. I'm glad to hear about the great results with your children.
--NB with IPMS
She wants to study court reporting, get married to a smart man, have babies, and teach them French and music.
Anonymous, I have a huge music collection, a Clavanova, a baby grand in need of repair, two clarinets, a smattering of French from junior high, and a house in need of being made a home. If she's ready, I am.
Remember the beatdown of the family in Savannah? Police think the family was responsible for the "fight."
The law will blame you if you are the victim of a groid attack. Avoidance is key, until The Reset occurs.
--NB with IPMS
The beat down in Savanah is better described as the beat down on the savanna . The video shows a number of negroes moving to the violence from across the street. Several jump or bounce up and down in place. This is a sign of excitement among primates. It is precisely what they do and you can see the same behavior among African groups when excitement moves through a crowd.
There's what look to me like a good number of young white men just standing away staring at the beatings. Couple of observations. Cops are not your friends, they will easily side with criminal blacks if that's where they think their pensions will come from. Cops are all about two things; "returning home safely from their shift" and retiring. They are not what we might consider hard workers or creative people. They like uniforms and authority.
FInally, get out of a place like Savanah. Sorry if your family has lived there for 200 years. They were complicit in its destruction anyway. Always treat any negro as an immediate threat to your life. Always. You may be wrong 22% of the time, but what the hell is the downside to that precautionary measure.
""""My point? The blacks don't do any of this."""""
Absolutely true. Unfortunately, most whites don't either.
""""They don't even understand why any parent would WANT to do these things.""""""
Same goes with most whites.
Have to be honest here. Your family sounds very exceptional, as in, obviously on the right side of the bell curve.
IQ is inherited since it is mostly genetic. There is a reason why most groid families couldn't do even 10% of the things you've just named your children are doing, even if they tried.
Also an important point. You mentioned that you and your husband are raising your kids together, so automatically that puts you ahead of roughly 80% of groid families. As trends hold, this number of out of wedlock will increase to roughly 90% by around the year 2024, give or take a few yrs either way.
It takes a committed family to homeschool children. Yes it could be done with only one but it is a full time job and certainly one that needs sustained interest. It would be far easier to just let the government schools take over and raise the kids. But then if that occurred in your case, chances are that your kids wouldn't be doing half the things they are today.
"""""They don't know any black children with so much creative energy and intellectual curiosity.""""""
I think you're missing it. To be fair, most blacks 'heroes' or 'role models' are thugs.
I want everyone here to notice the amazing examples of what this person's kids are accomplishing and then contrast it with another of similar age, namely, Trayvon's Twin in Indy.
Trayvon's Twin is roughly the same age as your kids, and he's being charged with murder. By the time he was age 10 or 11, he was most likely learning how to shank someone in the leg and watch them bleed on the street corner. By the age of 13 he was already robbing and stealing stuff. By age 15 he had shot someone and killed another one.
So, I would say that YES, groids DO HAVE lots, tons, of creative energies and are quite curious about things around them. They are just doing what's of interest to them (robbing, killing, raping).
""""They restrict themselves, and at the same time are quite limited by their own lack of ability.""""""
Now here is where a little balance is needed. Not everyone, including whites, are capable of doing all or even many of these things as your family. Obviously they'd have to be home schooled. But home schooling parents tend to be on the right side of the bell curve and have a vested interest in their kids education. Most families, even the good ones, really aren't all that interested to that level when push comes to shove.
I'll bet your kids don't waste a lot of time passively watching TV.
""""We will always have what is INSIDE of us"""
Again, while your story is quite amazing, not everyone has an inner desire to learn, much less the high IQ to go along with it and obviously, most groids don't have anywhere near the level of IQ to even attempt to make these things happen.
For this scenario to succeed:
1. Takes two(preferably) committed parents, both investing in their kids' development.
2. Little to no TV or wasted time.
3. Obviously, no public school.
4. Takes kids with quite eceptional IQs. Below average IQ just won't cut it.
Bottom line: Home schooling can only help most kids, but most kids who are home schooled are already at the high end of the IQ scale. Public school doesn't hurt these kids but they have such natural abilities to learn that public schools often times hold them back and prevents them from reaching their full potential until much later in life if at all.
Again. It takes a committed family and preferably two parents. Groids don't have much of that going for them so for them, public school is the way to go. If their mama tried to home school them, she'd simply stick them in front of the TV all day and go out and do stuff. By the time the kids hit 11-12, they're out in the streets and on their way to an early career as a professional criminal.
But everyone: Mark the difference here between her kids and Trayvon's Twin. Same age, but different priorities.
5/16/2014 - OCCIDENTAL DISSENT has a good review up on PK's new book on Baltimore, the City dat was "Charmed" 2 deaf
/H hypie out H\
Anonymous said ”. . . One summer, my son worked a day at an inner-city summer camp performing magic, kinetic experiments, and origami folding. The black teachers were so confused because my son had taught himself these amazing things and was so full of PASSION about them. He is also very social and articulate. They really could not process any of it. The black kids could not even fold a simple paper crane, even with my son helping them step-by-step. . . “
It sounds like you have done a very good job teaching your children and should be proud. Few parents of any color have the self discipline to raise their children this way. Sadly, part of your training should probably include lessons on dealing with the undertow. Children released into the world without this knowledge would be prey for the undertow.
If you attempted to enroll your children in a school similar to the summer camp where your son presented his skills, they would probably be deemed “special” children because of their peculiar habits of doing things not related to stealing, fighting, lying, or cheating, not to mention the fact that their ghetto vocabulary is probably limited.
All charges were dropped against Merret Landry in NOLA.
The HBCUs were endowed by influential and wealthy Whites during the Reconstruction Era. Originally they were not conceived to be all bl@ck. Most were also open to enrollment by the children of the White artisan and tradesmen classes.
The frightening and expensive failure of Reconstruction's main purpose, the enfranchisement and uplifting of the negro, necessitated the imposition of segregation (separate but equal). Then, with segregation the HBCUs took on a new role: educating and indoctrinating a new bl@ck boojwahzee which would be the talented tenth of a separate but parallel all bl@ck society.
Whether these institutions did their jobs or not in the years before the end of segregation, I can't say; but if these people truly believed in equality, then the HBCUs should have closed their doors after Brown vs Board of Ed.
These "schools" exist today only to create public sector jobs for the bl@ck boojwahzee in the vast machinery of the racial justice complex.
Anonymous @9:04pm: I agree with you this system is going to implode, just as the Soviet Union suddenly ran out gas.
I am sure Whites can weather the storm. In some places we'll be under 19th Century conditions, but the rule of law will not perish and cooperation and self defense will soon emerge. But what of the Negroes? It will be like children suddenly tossed to the indifference of nature. It will be like Katrina to the tenth power.
An observation regarding these schools.
Moorehouse is an all male college and is the brother college of Spelman, which is an all female college. Spelman got its major funds from Laura Spelman Rockefeller, (JD Rockefeller's wife).
Howard and Hampton were established shortly after the Civil War with the expressed purpose of teaching free blacks as well as newly freed from slavery.
Coulple things stand out:
The top 4 best schools, Howard, Hampton, Moorehouse, and Spelman were established by well intentioned whites who wanted to see black freeman and former slaves receive an education. Most of these schools started out as Baptist or sectarian in nature.
In other words, then as well as now, these top four schools are for that section of the talented tenth that, rather than chose a more mainstream or white college, would prefer to learn among their own kind.
Three of these schools have student populations of 5K or less, which means that the percentage that is graduating is from a fairly small student population to begin with.
The fact that Spelman has the highest graduation rate isn't a real shock, since black women tend to have higher IQs than black men.
These 4 colleges are all private colleges so they originally started out not receiving any government funding but Obama made sure to rectify that.
The top 4 colleges are among the oldest established black colleges. With the exception of Tuskegee College, close down all the others and allow these five colleges to function.
So to put it in perspective: The top 4 HBCU's are little more than outlets for the talented tenth who chose to remain segregated among their own.
The thing is, it suggests that the talented tenth recognize that these second rate HBCU's are no longer necessary since they can AA their way into white colleges, hence the need for Obama to artificially prop up these schools.
Bottom line: a century ago, they served a useful purpose in providing the talented tenth as well as newly freed slaves a basic education and all of them were established by well intentioned whites. For the most part they are no longer necessary and all of them, save for the top 4 and perhaps Tuskegee, should be closed down.
"""""Whether these institutions did their jobs or not in the years before the end of segregation, I can't say; but if these people truly believed in equality, then the HBCUs should have closed their doors after Brown vs Board of Ed.
These "schools" exist today only to create public sector jobs for the bl@ck boojwahzee in the vast machinery of the racial justice complex."""""""
Exactly. Similar to the Negro Leagues. As soon as Jackie Robinson was admitted into MLB, the entire black league folded up and disappeared.
Prior to Board v Ed. ruling, these colleges were all they had, so it was better than nothing. A case could probably be made that since the vast majority of groids attending these colleges were part of the talented tenth that yes, on the whole they did receive an above average education and certainly something is better than nothing.
But from an education standpoint, what the hell can these black schools offer today that the talented tenth can't get from white colleges? Answer: Nothing.
Except for the four schools there really isn't a need any longer for them to exist.
“the importance of HBCUs as a national resource.”
Maybe you missed something, Mister White Supremacist, but beautiful HBCUs are producing most of America's scientists, engineers, detectives and astronauts. Don't you watch television or go to the movies? It's right there on the screen, you see beautiful scientists, engineers, detectives and astronauts. I know this is true because my university offers a course in "Television: Overcoming a Racist Sexist Islamophobic Society through Progressive Media."
I.M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism and Peace Studies
The beat down in Savanah is better described as the beat down on the savanna .
Be interesting to compare the video of this and other beat downs in America with similar acts in Africa, especially when it is black-on-white. Are there similar patterns of mob behavior? Do underlying genetic factors come to the forefront when the constraints of civilization disintegrate.
By the way, when the USA had the terrible, terrible system of segregation, did black mobs beat white families on Mothers' Day?
Every white neighborhood in America should be a "Bundy Ranch" to the feds: a place they fear to tread.
There are many reasons to study the Bundy incident. See what made it work for the ranchers. And then turn this into a wider movement. You can resist the system if you have the organization and the information ops to back it up.
Discard said... The value of HBCU is that they keep Blacks out of real colleges. They're just Jim Crow for the academic world. If we couldn't shuffle these people off to these ghettos, some of them would be let in to White schools.
This is a good point, and brings up a bigger issue: supposing HBCUs and the rest of the BRA props to blacks were removed (say, de-funded)? Now what? What happens with the millions of blacks who would otherwise have received college degrees (granted, often not worth the parchment printed on); or gotten that job with the fancy title; or moved into that "better neighborhood?"
They're out on the streets.
It could be argued that the entire AA racket is nothing more than a move to keep the peace in the face of a growing black minority. Let them pretend they are part of the American dream, even when they have utterly wrecked it via their collective actions (see Detroit, Baltimore, Newark, and etc.). OK, we've seen patronage handed out to whites in the past, pork barrels and such. Why is it any different for blacks?
* When white people got government assistance they do great things, like build mighty cities (Detroit way back when), develop an agricultural system which feeds the world, and send men into space. When blacks get government assistance they trash those same cities, require massive government assistance to stay alive, and put men into jail and the morgue.
Which means...
* Integration has failed. If the premises of the civil rights movement were correct, then most blacks would have been integrated to white standards by now. It's been 60 years since Brown vs Board of Education. Yet we see blacks with growing illegitimacy, criminal violence and educational failures, as well as trashing entire cities. Even with the full weight of government and corporate sponsorship, their schools can not produce graduates to the level of similar "white" schools, nor can they create the businesses which would revitalize their cities.
* Given the failure of integration to "uplift" blacks, what does this portend for America? It ain't gonna get any better, folks. If integration failed when the USA was a much more prosperous country, and whites were an overwhelming majority, what is going to happen as the economy skids and blacks grow in numbers?
Look at the obvious symptoms of decline: the destruction of entire cities (Detroit, etc); the exploding black-on-white criminal violence; the disintegration of infrastructure nationwide; the selling of the national debt to foreign entities; the growing welfare state and increasingly inane media (bread & circuses as the Romans would call them); and the abandonment of the manned space program.
BRA is one big Potemkin Village...
Went to Starbucks today to log in for work.
Counted 5 whites behind the counter making drinks. No negroes.
Counted 11 white customers. No negroes.
Counted 7 photos/posters of negroes in the store:
1 poster of a misc. black male employee promoting "diversity in hiring" on the door, 2 posters of Oprah Winfrey's face for her new Oprah tea (one on the ceiling looking down on me), 2 photos of starving African children on a poster for Ethos bottled water project, 1 photo of negro school children backpack drive on the Local Community Action board, 1 photo of third-world negro Guatemalan coffee bean grower with other misc. negroes working in the fields.
This is a sick, sick culture. I can't explain it with words.
It's called equity. They pay back the full value of a degree in black studies. ($0.00)
Dept of Agriculture buying massive amounts of 9mm/357SIG/40S&W Sig MPX subguns.
( )
Picture here:
Damn those nasty Cows.
"If she's ready, I am."
I"m not ready yet...LOL.
We live near the inner-city (one income), so they know about the undertow. My son has to deal with them at work.
And I absolutely don't ever recommend homeschooling for black children. Black women don't even parent their children or read to them. Most blacks have behavioral issues, are borderline retarded or psychopathic, and they need 24/7 supervision, loving redirection, and immediate behavior correction. Blacks belong in very structured school environments. They should be directed to vocational training, in my opinion.
And correct, we do not have a TV in our home.
RE; Homeschooling and working in an 'underpriv. area'
'Absolutely true. Unfortunately, most whites don't either'
Yes but Whites and yellows have that potential.
Get yr child or yr neighbor/friends child away from the TV. Warn them about 'the hood' [no need to mention skin color at first]. Do something.
Unbelivable. Either the participants in the so called “National Championship” were limited to AA students, or the judges were following AA guidelines when judging the performance. The unintelligible hyperventilating negresses actually believe that they performed fabulously. In a competitive corporate environment they would be unemployable. However, in the world of AA the interviewer for a company struggling to meet government requirements will surreptitiously place a small symbol on their application and they will be offered a top position in the company without concern for their actual competency...............
Yes,,,we all pay.
read 'Visions of the Anointed' and 'Bell Curve'.
Discard said...
The value of HBCU is that they keep Blacks out of real colleges.
LOVE THAT!!! Hahahahaha.
RE; Homeschooling and working in an 'underpriv. area'
'Absolutely true. Unfortunately, most whites don't either'
""""""Yes but Whites and yellows have that potential.""""""
This is a sadly naive way of thinking.
Homeschooling will only work for those at the right end of the bell curve, those who have the IQ/smarts to begin with. Public school won't hurt your kids, but they certainly wouldn't be able to reach an amazing potential with it. It's actually a hinderance for them.
For the rest, try to move to a safe 'burb school district and hope for the best. Actually, for the vast majority of folks, if you choose the right school district, its pretty good. Takes a little research but the benefits are well worth it.
Homeschooling brings out what is already naturally (via genetics) there. There's an old saying, you can't put in what God left out. If nature didn't give you the smarts, then you can home school til the cows come home, it won't do any good at all whatsoever.
You can bells and whistles all you want, you still have to learn how to read, write, do math, science, etc.
"""""Get yr child or yr neighbor/friends child away from the TV. Warn them about 'the hood' [no need to mention skin color at first]. Do something."""""
TRANSLATION: Read them John Derbyshire's version of The Talk.
"""""We live near the inner-city (one income), so they know about the undertow. My son has to deal with them at work.""""""
Ooohh, why? I would've thought you were in a safe 'burb or something.
""""And I absolutely don't ever recommend homeschooling for black children."""""""
I just said all that, didn't I?
""""Black women don't even parent their children or read to them. Most blacks have behavioral issues, are borderline retarded or psychopathic"""""""
Uh, it's called genetics. You could home school them all day long, so what? Lipstick on a pig, is still a pig.
And since most are out of wedlock, why should we be surprised at the kind of scum who's raising them in the first place?
""""""Blacks belong in very structured school environments. They should be directed to vocational training, in my opinion.""""""""
And at that, it would only make a difference in about 10% at best. The other 90% of them, forget it. It's too late, really. Each generation is breeding worse and worse and worse, not better.
Honestly. With all the trillions of dollars in federal aid, federal programs, etc. over the last 50yrs and still it has not significantly improved but gotten worse? See? Lipstick on a pig.
Did you read the example of Travyon's Twin in Indy? That person is the same age as your kids, and look, HE too is already along the way in a career. He's a career criminal. At 16! No amount of lipstick, none, would make a difference. Its too late in his case and certainly too late in a lot of others.
"""""And correct, we do not have a TV in our home."""""""""
Didn't think so. Every home schooling family I've met (about 5 dozen over the years) have two main things in common.
1. They tend to be religious
2. No TV at all in their house. None. Period.
Makes all the difference in the world.
"If she's ready, I am."
I"m not ready yet...LOL.
I live in a relative Whitopia. Not groid- or beaner-free, but close. And when I finally unpacked my TV after two and a half years, I found it was busted.
At the very least you'd have an escape valve.
On HBCUs again, "diversity" admissions mean they don't actually keep them out of real colleges. They're just another bleeding wound in YT's tax payments.
Land of the free? Home of the depraved.
Anonymous said...
Went to Starbucks today to log in for work.
Counted 5 whites behind the counter making drinks. No negroes.
Counted 11 white customers. No negroes.
Counted 7 photos/posters of negroes in the store:
1 poster of a misc. black male employee promoting "diversity in hiring" on the door, 2 posters of Oprah Winfrey's face for her new Oprah tea (one on the ceiling looking down on me), 2 photos of starving African children on a poster for Ethos bottled water project, 1 photo of negro school children backpack drive on the Local Community Action board, 1 photo of third-world negro Guatemalan coffee bean grower with other misc. negroes working in the fields.
This is a sick, sick culture. I can't explain it with words.
"This is a sick, sick culture…." Isn't it? Once you start paying attention and noticing things, you realize that it's insane. You are living in a society of mentally ill human beings.
OT but interesting -
The PC police have found another target who was careless enough to state his opinion where he could be overheard. Apparently a DWL in a restaurant overheard the police commissioner of Wolfeboro, NH refer to Obama as a n-word and has rallied a group of like minded morons demanding his resignation. I hope that he continues to refuse to apologize. Unlike stating the truth being a defense for slander or libel, stating the truth relating to blacks is never a defense.
'This is a sick, sick culture. I can't explain it with words.'
I can....24-7 Black.
have you read the reviews for 'Belle'?
Well done! I applaud your entire family.
If I could do it over again.....
I'll take the other side if the topic and argue for EXPANDING the prison system!
It's the best tool in place to manage diversity.
Regarding the police commissioner's comments in Wolfesboro NH. I don't get it. Here you have a town of 6,300 people almost completely white, that will now be under siege by the Black menace. What was Jane O'Toole thinking? Did she think she was going to show the world she is a tolerant person, and her little white town embraces diversity? Why then does she not live among the people she defends. I wonder how Jane would feel when she, or one of hers gets an up close and personal encounter with the diversity she so embraces.
Our destruction is not happening fast enough, so race traitors like Jane see fit to help it along.
Let me be a little quantitative for the moment.
How smart do you have to be to be 'college timber'? The answer is an IQ of about 115 or one standard deviation above the white average IQ.
The reason the answer is approximate is because of how college interacts with student ability. The figure for freshmen is lower - about 113 - and the figure for graduates is higher - about 117. This however is not because college makes you smarter. The mechanism is that, the less smart you are the more likely that you are going to quit early. Almost no one just quits school because they run into an intellectual wall.
Most college classes get progressively more difficult but it doesn't work as a discrete wall except in some cases like integral calculus. Most of the time a student who struggles with pre-Civil War American history will be able with similar effort to master post-Civil War.
What usually happens is that the marginal student just gives up. He decides to get on with his life. Smarter students find things easier and don't quit so soon.
By a happy coincidence an IQ of 115 has almost exactly 15% of the population above that figure. That means that 15% of the population is suitable for college. That of course means the white population. Blacks have a mean IQ of 85 or two standard deviations below the college mark of 115.
So while 15% of the white population are smart enough for college only about 2% of the black population are. Check it for yourself with any z-score table.
W.E.B. Dubois' 'talented tenth' is no where near smart enough for regular college. It's more like the 'talented fiftieth'.
Without some special dumbed-down curricula, very few American blacks would be able to earn a college degree.
Pat Boyle
hey Pat Boyle,
What I had read is that prior to 'open admission-die verse University' aver. IQ for a college student was 110.
HENCE THE TERM 'HE IS NOT COLLEGE MATERIAL'. [does not have IQ much higher than White average].
Also I thought SD was 10% higher than average.
At 115, thats way hi...not 'genius at 140' but way hi.
1 in 3? 1 in 15 ? of high school educated Whites.
Brooklyn Born said ”. . . What was Jane O'Toole thinking? Did she think she was going to show the world she is a tolerant person, and her little white town embraces diversity? . . .”
O'Toole is a DWL of the highest order. I read elsewhere that she moved to Wolfesboro four months ago. So why would someone move to an obviously white town – because it is safe. And why is it safe – because it has almost no black population. She pretends to want to uplift, love, and protect blacks, but she takes direct steps to avoid them. She is the definition of Disingenuous.
Pat Boyle said ”. . . So while 15% of the white population are smart enough for college only about 2% of the black population are. Check it for yourself with any z-score table.
W.E.B. Dubois' 'talented tenth' is no where near smart enough for regular college. It's more like the 'talented fiftieth'.
Without some special dumbed-down curricula, very few American blacks would be able to earn a college degree. “
Interesting. This explains why I have never met a black engineer with impressive skills. If I understand your numbers correctly, when I meet 5 black college graduates only one of them would be a true 'talented tenth' and the other four would be AA graduates. Because engineering is generally perceived as difficult the number of genuinely qualified black graduates in this area could be expected to be lower than one in five.
Regarding the DWL hypocrite from New Hampshire, I live south of her in mostly white, liberal, delusional Massachusetts. I was in the town of Weston, one of the wealthiest towns in the U.S. when I stopped soak in how nice the place was on a beautiful summer afternoon. A woman began speaking to me about how Weston was OK except it was so quiet, nothing (bad)ever happened there. She was Jewish and had moved from NYC just a month earlier and said the main thing she missed was the "diversity", no bullshit, that's the word she used. I was going to tell her to back to soak up the vibrant diversity of NYC but there were a couple of white children there, I didn't want to lose my temper.
This is what results when standards are lowered. I'll never understand how anyone, (except maybe a "colored" person) could believe Brown vs. Board of Education was a good thing.
A colossal failure of not just a nation, but a nations failure to its (white) children.
I also watched the, ah, debate. Now my hearing isn't all that it used to be, but I thought I heard the "n" word multiple times.
Isn't this a load of crap? We're not even supposed to spell what niggers say all the time. That's bullshit!
>>Pat Boyle said:
""""""W.E.B. Dubois' 'talented tenth' is no where near smart enough for regular college. It's more like the 'talented fiftieth'. """""
Dubois' 'talented tenth' may have accurately described the percentage of potentially educated blacks in his own era, but no, not for today. Dubois wouldn't know what to make of today's 'talented tenth'. His common sense would quickly spot that most of them aren't all that from an intellectual IQ standpoint but the communist/socialist of which he later became (as well as an ultra leftist) would have to publicly deny that there are any IQ problems among blacks. And then he'd simply cry that there still exists tons of institutional racism as well as in society at large.
""""""""Without some special dumbed-down curricula, very few American blacks would be able to earn a college degree. """""""""""
Hence the reason that African American Studies were invented. What the fuck is that, but a ready made community organizing type of job of which to hustle YT for more gimmedats. Its one thing to have a couple of courses about Africa, (as in the continent at large and its individual countries along with language courses) but an entirely bogus field of discipline? Come on! Its really not applicable in today's world.
Irony: In 21st century America when we need more and more quality education in order to remain competitive in the global economy, more bogus fields of study are cropping up.
Instead of taking African-American Studies the groids could easily have attempted to major in Electrical Engineering or another STEM related field, but they DONT.
WHY NOT? Why don't they?
Cause they can't cause the work is too difficult and requires a higher IQ than most of them naturally have!
Anon said:
We're not even supposed to spell what niggers say all the time. That's bullshit!
You Americans have a custom that I find amusing. When someone says something politically incorrect, or what used to be called "non-U", the room goes quiet, everybody looks at the table, the wall, his feet, eye contact stops, for exactly the requisite time, then everybody starts talking, on a changed subject, at the same time. The offending boor knows he's been chastised without anybody saying anything.
Now, in my day, anybody could say "nigger", but it was non-U to say that other word you used. Not done in polite company. How times have changed.
Paul recently lost a source of income from Google ads, because this site is deemed beyond the pale. And not because people say BS. Let me tell you of my experience with Google ads.
Last week, I posted a link on a blog to a humorous picture. It showed a line of well-fed niglets queuing for food. The caption read something like "If you feed these children, in 15 years' time there will be twice as many starving children. Break the cycle of hunger. Help eradicate starvation. Give to the Kill the Children Foundation."
To my surprise, I got a firestorm of criticism. Google's "targeted advertising" for that page consisted of hardcore child pornographic pictures. I use adblock, so I never see those ads.
Those of you who still allow advertising on your web displays may have noticed that Google often chooses to display ads for interracial dating sites on racist sites like this one. Obscene, and even illegal images are a new low for me. I never heard of Google doing that before. But it tells me that
1. Google is not your friend. It deliberately targets the sites we love for hostile advertising.
2. The culture war is hotting up. The gloves are coming off.
That means, more than ever, you need to protect yourself. It doesn't mean that you have to accept it passively.
The PC enforcers were taken aback by the backlash in support of Chick-Fil-A and Duck Dynasty, but they weren't hurt by it. You can stop buying Cheerios, but they'll never know it.
One somewhat effective measure has been the campaign to uninstall Firefox. Mozilla's share of the browser market took a sharp downturn, so much so that they created a web site to persuade people to reinstall Firefox. I hope the bastards go bankrupt.
Paul, don't mourn over the cancellation of your pact with the devil. Be happy that he no longer has the ability to pollute your blog. Everybody, if you don't run an ad blocker on your browser, do it. When nobody sees Google ads any more, Google won't be able to sell ads. And dump Firefox.
Demographics of worleboro, NH
The racial makeup of the town was 99.13% White, 0.16% African American, 0.07% Native American, 0.36% Asian, 0.00% Pacific Islander, 0.05% from other races, and 0.23% from two or more races. 0.61% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race.
here is the police phone number 603-569-1444 and web page
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