Ferguson War Journal: Day 204
Just before you log onto Twitter, one of the images you get is of hundreds of people with their hands up - raised to the heavens - in front of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.
Without proper background on the context of the photo, one might conclude this magnificent structure is some religious shrine and the people with their hands up are engaging in an orgiastic devotional in hopes of sharing the cosmic energy radiating from the arch.
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The lie of "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" is everywhere (login page to Twitter.com), though the damning DOJ Report on Darren Wilson completely destroys this myth... |
No... it's just a bunch of idiots engaging a hilarious lie, a public display of stupidity just a few ticks away from being on par with those fools who drank Jim Jones Kool-Aid.
"Hands up, Don't shoot." A battle cry for those desperately attempting to tell you #BlackLivesMatter, which a careful study of homicides and nonfatal shootings from any major city will immediately prove that they don't...
"Hands up, Don't shoot."
A lie fueling the hatred of whites powerfully on display when Bosnian Zemir Begic was attacked by a group of blacks with hammers in St. Louis. Begic, who hails from a community that has a number of individuals currently being prosecuted for donating money to ISIS and other Muslim causes, was murdered because the blacks saw only a white man.
Allah didn't save Begic from the Infidels carrying hammers, though his whiteness was a liability in a climate where "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" birthed the racial madness that ultimately took his life.
"Hands up, Don't shoot." [‘HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT’: AN IGNOBLE LIE FOR THE AGES: Don’t you know, “gentle giant” was just a metaphor?, American Spectator, 11-28-14]:
The Associated Press explored this disconnect between the ongoing “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” narrative with the facts presented at the inquiry. “Even if you don’t find that it’s true, it’s a valid rallying cry,” protester Taylor Gruenloh told the AP. “It’s just a metaphor.”
“This is not about one boy getting shot in the street, but about the hundreds just like him who have received the same callous and racially-influenced treatment,” Oakland demonstrator Gabe Johnson, identified as “a middle school teacher” by the AP, insisted. “So ultimately, no, it doesn’t matter at all if somehow we can say for sure whether this one young man really said these words or had his hands up.”Oh, but it does matter if you can say for sure whether 18-year-old Michael Brown had his hands up as an act of surrender or if Officer Darren Wilson encountered a malicious black male on Canfield Drive with the intentions of taking his life.
And, as the Department of Justice has now admitted, the latter is - begrudgingly to Eric "My People" Holder - the case. [Darren Wilson Is Cleared of Rights Violations in Ferguson Shooting, New York Times, 3-4-15]:
Offering the most definitive account yet of the shooting of an unarmed black teenager that stirred racially charged protests across the country, the Justice Department has cleared a Ferguson, Mo., police officer of civil rights violations in the death last August of Michael Brown.
The decision, announced on Wednesday, ends a lengthy investigation into the shooting last August, in which the officer, Darren Wilson shot and killed Mr. Brown in the street as he tried to stop him for a possible theft. Several witnesses said Mr. Brown, 18, had his hands up in surrender when he died, leading to violent clashes in Ferguson and nationwide protest chants of “Hands up, don’t shoot."
Mr. Wilson, who left the Ferguson Police Department late last year, said that Mr. Brown had fought with him, reached for his gun, and later charged at him, making him fear for his life.
“There is no evidence upon which prosecutors can rely to disprove Wilson’s stated subjective belief that he feared for his safety,” the report said. At the same time, it concluded that the witnesses who claimed that Mr. Brown was surrendering were not credible.
“Some of those accounts are inaccurate because they are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence; some of those accounts are materially inconsistent with that witnesses’ own prior statements with no explanation,” the report said.
“Although some witnesses state that Brown held his hands up at shoulder level with his palms facing outward for a brief moment, these same witnesses describe Brown then dropping his hands and ‘charging’ at Wilson,” it added.
“Those witness accounts stating that Brown never moved back toward Wilson could not be relied upon in a prosecution because their accounts cannot be reconciled with the DNA bloodstain evidence and other credible witness accounts.”The absurdity of Black-Run America (BRA), whose devoted "journalists" have peddled the lie of "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"with a zealotry only matched by their commitment to calling George Zimmerman a 'white-hispanic', has been utterly exposed in the farce of Ferguson.
The main question now is when did the Obama Administration and the Department of Justice know these facts: August? October? November?
The night of November 24th, when Ferguson inexplicably burned (despite the National Guard stationed throughout St. Louis County)?
One small suburb - a city once home to the aspirations of young white families - has now birthed a glimpse of the horror of HUD's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) plan all because the story of Ferguson's collapse is nothing more than a warning of the true evil of Section 8 Vouchers.
And the story of the deification of Michael Brown is nothing more than an expose of the pure evil nature of modern journalism, whose newsrooms are staffed with social justice warriors intent on excusing away all manners of black dysfunction as the lingering residue of white racism.
It's time put your hands down black people.
I was born in '55. Those of you who are younger than maybe 45 might have no idea how horribly this country has changed since the mid-60's. The change or the downward spiral is now on warp speed.
When & where will the next Ferguson occur? It's pretty much all but guaranteed now. Wherever it happens, we all want to be somewhere else!
The fires, looting,assaults, and in your face black punks would result in my death or incarceration . I think we can all agree, the blacks aren't going to stop. Like PK says, our job is to survive.
Detroit Refugee
With a average iq of 85, the negroe does not have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Even when theres proof, the negroes brain is locked on the lie.
The answer is complete separation. WHITE ONLY HOMELAND..
It matters little whether Brown's hands were up or down. Evidence and facts are just pesky Cracker stuff.
Reality does not play into the legend blacks build up around each other. They make saints out of miscreants and cry racism if others fail to agree.
Whites and Blacks are in a miserable marriage with little hope of divorce.
Separation is still possible.
The Associated Press explored this disconnect between the ongoing “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” narrative with the facts presented at the inquiry.
Well, at least they are asking a right question. But do they really want an answer? Like...
* The media pushing the Unarmed Michael Brown story?
* The media pushing the white-hispanic Zimmerman story?
* The media giving free reign to a race hustler like Al Sharpton?
* The media pushing movies like "Selma" and "Mississippi Burning"?
* The media covering up the massive numbers of black-on-white flashmobs and murders?
* The media glorifying a convicted black terrorist like Mandela?
* The media turning cold blooded murders into "[fill in the blank] gone wrong?"
* The media sweeping under the rug the violence committed by the Zebrah Killers, Black Panthers, ANC, African immigrants, and every manner of gangbanger?
* ...etc?
I remember reading about "yellow journalism" in my high school history books, mid-nineties, and how it caused various acts that were to the detriment of the People.
I wonder if it is still mentioned and taught. My heart tells me no.
I was taking a Government course at Austin Community college a couple years back. The book issued was full of misrepresentation, non-facts, lies, rainbows, unicorns, and white male hatred.
This book stated that there was no bias in the Media whatsoever, except with the possibility of Fox News of course. This book was written in 2012, Two full years AFTER the "journo-list" scandal. It even went as far as to declare that Jon Stewart was factual news, and not the Marxist propaganda it blatantly was.
This book is intended for 18-20 yr olds. That is frightening because No professor at ACC will talk in class about how this "learning" material is a flat out lie.
ACC is a communist cesspool where they argue about how much money they can steal from the tax payers while trying to enroll as many illegals as possible. It is a cancer to this city, and it will get worse.
Real Journalism died many decades ago, or perhaps it never did exist. Printing Presses of the Founding Fathers were used for propaganda, good & bad. Regardless, today's youth are taught to not reach for logical conclusions, but to do what feels good. Anything to reach that emotional high, even if it means sacrificing yourself, your birthright, your culture, your genetic heritage, your family, upon the Altar of Diversity.
This blatant disregard for the truth in All things only seems to grow with each passing day. Billboards with Negro faces abound in a city were they are less than 1% of the population. Negro and Mulatto children paraded around in advertising with white women. I can drive all over the city and never see one advertisement that has a white male.
I too am just like Beyond Hatred. I'm not angry anymore. I have removed all emotions from this. I have to. Too much stress, too much energy taken from me. I will do what needs to be done, when the time comes, for now I know what it is like to stare too long into the abyss.
There will come the time when the bell tolls, and it will be rung by our hands.
The Baron
"Social Justice Warriors". It's just too silly to believe, but they exist. Their awakening will last a few seconds. After that they won't have an opinion.
Scot Irish
I'd like to see whatever White authority there is in Ferguson fight any DOJ action to the point where massive fines are imposed. Then, I'd like to see all the Whites resign and move away leaving all the negroes to pay the fines.
of course they have YT hands shown, of that whole clown show, the white libtards is what made me the sickest. YT will have to stick together much more.
I was driving today listening to the comedy that is the BBC. On World have your say they had two boons from ferguson talking about how terrible it is to be black in America. It was a farce if I ever heard one, bucks trying to use big words to sound intelligent which was downright comical. They cannot understand why blacks are arrested in high numbers and why justice can't be had for blacks.
It's a shame they're too stupid to realize the truth but apparently the carefully monitored twitter comments did. A number sounded like they came from realists. One boon that called in from SC couldn't understand why whites were openly hostile, she called it racism, when she moved into an all white neighborhood. Some horrible person called her a nigger and that seemed to be worse than shooting her in the stange world she inhabits.
The MSM is to blame for almost all of this victimhood the boons cry about. As I listened to the ooking and eeking all I got from the "conversation" is that they are useful idiots. They think YT hates them for the color of their skin when anybody with half a brain knows it's the content of their character that make them outcasts. However in this case the outcasts are pushed and pushed on YT and I wonder how much longer it'll last. I heard a few militant bucks on the air that sounded too stupid to breathe, talking about being arrested and how terrible it was when they were breaking the law. The ignorance of the negro race never ceases to amaze me after all this time.
SC Native
Hello Lost-in-Miami here,
Off topic, re-Omega Man.
I was struck by "the monotony." The Monotony of BRA is palpable in my life. When I first started teaching in the darkest jungle of BRA, the days went by fast. But slowly, slowly BRA broke me down. And I threw up my hands and the monotony set in. The daily pointlessness of trying to make a difference in the Nigger-madness. The daily gauntlet of rationalizations, excuses and lies. In some weird way, maybe the DWL justifications are just a way to avoid the monotony. A way to avoid the ceaseless, pointlessness of life in the Negrocracy. The monotony. The monotony.
What's cognitive dissonance without the stress ? Delusion.
And that's exactly what the whole "Hands up, don't shoot" BS is: a delusion.
And one that is so firmly entrenched it will NEVER be dislodged. Like far too many others - the main theme being "It's (whatever "it" is) all Whitey's fault" and "Whitey must pay."
I so wish I could get to the "Beyond Hatred" stage but I just can't seem to. This stuff just pisses me off.
There was a fellow on Fox News Corp. This morning(Wednesday) saying that there are two towns around Ferguson Mo. one that is 90%negro & 85%negro! He said how many of those blacks were pulled over in Ferguson?
Also E. "my dick" Holder pointed out that Ferguson WAS ONLY JUST 67% BLACK! Whites only 23% like these numbers are 50/50! E dog that's a big difference idiot. And of that 23% how many 18 to 30 year old "teens" do you think are White? Most of the Whites in Ferguson Mo. are probably elderly Whites. The ones that couldn't get out before it was sect aped to death. But once a "high yellow" black panther always a "high yellow" black panther right E-dog?
And he took no questions on his findings. not like he would anyway. The Chump!!!
Yep diffferent days. Hands Down, Stop Lying, the hoax has been exposed.
Here in Austin, too. I've noticed the billboards with all the black kids. There is a science one with a black girl, really? Even negroes be like, "these crackas be tryin too hard." Whenever I discuss other regions with austenies and they remark about its whiteness in any way, I call them out and ask them why they aren't in a black area or region. They're such liars because they're in Austin because of tribal instincts to a degree. Why not go to saint Louis or Memphis if you need black people in your life? Or, okay let's import blacks and then flee the city! Whites have been there; done that.
Racism is holding blacks responsible for their actions.
Here's a idea for St. Louis........
Build a exact copy of the current Arch next to existing one.....paint both that beautiful golden yellow color, turn downtown into the worlds largest Mac-Donald, hire every homeless panhandler in the Lou to work there for $15 a hour, sell Mac-Rib, Mac-Chitlen, Mac-Mellon, with Mac-Ferguson Rayciss Meal with FREE toy guns!! Have images of St. Swisher dressed as Mac-daddy-Donald, drive-by windows where you have to shoots a can of Colt-45 off a shelf to gets your foods fo free and sheet!! It would be a huge success, and the Rams could name their new stadium Mac-Burglar Dome, no seats or scoreboards being they would be stolen after opening night, made out of steel, no brick cause dat bees good to sell for more drug money!!
About a year ago there was a story on YAHOO news sight about RAP MUSIC. Most he comments sounded like they came from SBPDL. I left my comment about how I was old enough to remember when black people knew how to sing and make music. As an example I referred to Chuck Berry, Lighting Hopkins, John Lee Hooker and Tina Turner Etc.
When Yahoo printed the comment they censured the word Hooker. It came up as John Lee *#*^#+?. I did not use the name John Lee Whore. Who are these people and where are they from.
heck is anyone surprised. anyone with half a brain knew this would be the conclusion, the only conclusion.
The MSM or what I call the police state media will deserve your rath when the day comes.
Obama and Holder, just community organizing tactics on display. Expect more of this which means keep your guard up. Less than 2 years left of this nightmare. We can make it.
I think it was the criminal division of the DOJ that did the Darren Wilson report then Holder's civil rights division countered with this silly report about the Ferguson PD discriminating against blacks
commie stuff
>Shame on the Chicago Tribune for printing this 'cartoon'
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/03/shame_on_the_chicago_tribune_for_printing_this_cartoon_.html#ixzz3TTNfYnu8<
With all this interest in #blacklivesmatter,
I wonder if we can get a different meme started:
Just a little tongue-in-cheek.
Texas here:
Solid post, Paul.
I really enjoy y'alls comments.
Howdy to TWO Austinites. One of the greatest cities in the country...BECAUSE IT HAS FEW BLACKS!
A whole lot from the east side have moved to Pflugerville (former cute little German town that is now a suburb of Austin), and P-vville has gone GHETTO. Just nasty. The schools have gone way, way downhill. (That's a shocker.)
Y'all have a good night.
Or noticing their actions, or being less than ecstatic about them.
Ex New Yorker here....A few years ago I was in Key West, Florida when the earthquake hit Haiti. The do-gooder Christian relief groups went there to help the natives. For two weeks the alternative web sights talked about how the white women volunteers were being raped in massive numbers.
Finally most of the Christian volunteers had left. So I see an article in the local paper about some local Christians packing up to go to Haiti to save the poor suffering locals. There was a group photo in the paper showing about 5 or 6 white women and about 4 or 5 black male Haitians. All the Haitians had this big happy shit faced grin on their faces.
I got the phone number of the church and was about to call and warm them about what was going on in this far away island paradise. Then I stopped. I thought what the fuck am I doing. If I made that phone call I knew they would call me a racist and probably hang up on me.
For the last 10 or 12 years now I have no more sympathy for those people who are asleep. Remember, your job is not to waste time WAKENING UP THE MASSES. Most of the sheeple are suffering from a serious nation wide malfunction known as being BRAIN DEAD.
Your purpose at this point in time is to take care of you and yours. Forget about the PAJAMA PEOPLE. They have their own destiny. Don't trust them or confide in them. When the "fit hits the shan" they will turn on you.
The system will fall because it is rotten to the core. Don't try to fix it. Those days are long gone. Let it come tumbling down and if you survive then salvage what you can from the remaining wreckage. Don't ever join any of the mobs as they roam through the streets demanding someone TO FIX them or save them from problems caused by their own stupidity.
We really need to stop pretending that negroes are brutalizing or killing whites because they particularly hate us or have been driven by propaganda. It's a small step from that line to the paintjob theory... the next logical assumption is that somehow we could end the propaganda, make them like us, and they would cease being violent savages who kill, rob, rape, maim, and brutalize just for the sheer pleasure of it.
The first whites to set short on Africa who were tortured, murdered, and thrown into a stew pot.... MSM propaganda or simple TNB?
Also, most glaringly is what they do to EACH OTHER. Even their own kin. Just this week I've seen more negro atrocities by them against their own blood relatives than against whites.
Simply stated, they were doing the same thing before they ever saw a white man 1000 years ago, and if 1000 years from now all the humans leave on a space ship to colonize the stars the negro, left behind, will behave the exact same way.
All I can say is that we should all try to keep our sense of humor. It really helps me. For example, when I read Rex Hymens story about the casino trip, I almost split a gut. There have been other stories I've read on this thread that have made me laugh. And you know what? That's what makes us...survive.
When I was growing up I was told repeatedly that I should always keep my sense of humor, because it would always be my saving grace. And they were right. Every now and again, you have to laugh at this ridiculous situation that is BRA. Take some time out and laugh at it once in a while. We'll take it serious and work on solutions the other 27 days out of the month.
I know of the exact billboard. There is also the "Where curiosity blah blah" discovertheforest.org one, the dental ones, and the one off of 71 towards the airport for christian models. And the list goes on and on and on.
There are a few of us here from Austin. Sometimes I wonder if we don't already know each other, just haven't put 2+2 together yet.
The Baron
i remember Trayvon like it was today.
the Media Reported that a negro CHILD was hunted and EXECUTED by a RACIST white man.....and the RACIST cops awarded him with the Key To The City.
i thought "that doesn't sound right."
turns out, after the Trial, that the "child" was 17, over 6 feet tall and had a social media history of drugs, gang signs, and violent threats. the "child" had been suspended from school many times, had assaulted a bus driver recently, and was high on drugs at the time of his death. this "child" had been "sent" away by his mother because she could no longer handle his disciplinary issues.
this child IN FACT was NOT hunted by a racist, he IN FACT assaulted and was committing attempted murder on a (hispanic) neighborhood watch captain who only wanted to ask him who he was, and the "child" had to be shot in self defense before he killed a man who was trying to protect his own neighborhood.
then i heard that a black "CHILD" was on his knees surrendering to a cop with his hands up saying "dont shoot" and the RACIST cop SHOT HIM IN THE BACK 10 TIMES!
i thought "that doesn't sound right".
then after the Trial we learn the "child" was the size of a NFL linebacker, punched the cop TWICE then tried to take his gun, THEN rushed the cop after promising to kill him, all while high on drugs. he was NEVER surrendering, NEVER on his knees, NEVER hands up, NEVER shot in the back even 1 time much less TEN.
but the american media painted the picture in both events and most people took it as Gospel.
doesn't ALL of this make you question what REALLY happened with emitt till?
read Wikipedia on Emmitt Till and keep the media coverage about trayvon and brown on your mind.
San Franciscan here
Alas, my degree in college was Journalism. Ironic, because now I refer to most "journalists" as presstitutes. I remember a journalism job fair where a DWL woman from the Philadelphia Inquirer told me that they were only interested in hiring women and minorities. Revenge came as more and more people found out that the MSM doesn't deal in truth. They exist to convey the national party line. What cracks me up is that these same DWLs who have made newsrooms persona non grata for white males cannot figure out why more and more people are turning their backs on their "product."
Negros put the "funk" in dysfunction. lol
Anonymous sez...
Negros put the "funk" in dysfunction. lol
Okay, ya'll owe me nutha keybord muddah fuqqa, o anutha beeyah, beeyatch!
Anonymous said...
Ex New Yorker here....
The system will fall because it is rotten to the core. Don't try to fix it. Those days are long gone. Let it come tumbling down and if you survive then salvage what you can from the remaining wreckage.
It is rotten to the core. The lies out of Washington are so outrageous and so common that we are being numbed to it. We are being conditioned to levels of lies, obfuscation and corruption that have never been seen in this country at this level in the past. Corruption is an unfortunate constant in human nature. We are well past the point of acceptable levels of corruption from a minority of thieves that have wormed their way into government control.
It may collapse. But we have no way of knowing how long this will continue before the collapse and we have no way of knowing what will arise from the collapse. A return to an orderly, moral society is a bet on the hard eight.
Anonymous said...
i remember Trayvon like it was today.
the Media Reported that a negro CHILD was hunted and EXECUTED by a RACIST white man.....and the RACIST cops awarded him with the Key To The City.
i thought "that doesn't sound right."
read Wikipedia on Emmitt Till and keep the media coverage about trayvon and brown on your mind.
The Till story is one of their greatest achievements. It's getting a little long in the tooth as they say, and they are looking for a new fresh version. Thus Martin and Brown. The narrative must continue.
Anonymous at 3:37 asked, "When and where will the next Ferguson occur?" Good question because as the poster alludes, it's inevitable.
Attorney General Holder didn't get Darren Wilson's scalp. Didn't get George Zimmerman's either. There is a painful hunger in the black community and with their handlers and co-conspirators for 'justice' however you define that. They define it as rioting in excess of LA (Rodney King) or even back to Detroit, Newark, et. al. in the 1960's. Nothing short of that scale is going to move Congress.
My crystal ball says the chimpout of the century comes before Obama leaves office in January 2017. The realization that black people are worse off under him will finally set in and they'll act up knowing Obama won't resist or prosecute. If we have a long hot summer in the northern cities, watch out. It's a tinderbox out there and it won't take much to start the inferno.
How old is a negroid before the media and the bleeding hearts actually stop referring to them as a "child" anyway?Since the male negroids apparently don't live long these days I'm guessing they never reach the age when they aren't called a child.
re, I remember a journalism job fair where a DWL woman from the Philadelphia Inquirer told me that they were only interested in hiring women and minorities. Revenge came as more and more people found out that the MSM doesn't deal in truth.
For now the 'rainbow kkkoalition' seeks White women.
when they are a majority w-o White women the White women will be thrown under the bus.
also the reason they seek non Whites for the job is so the articles will have sympathy for illegals etc.
Remember, there's only one explanation for the fact that San Francisco is only 6% black but 56% of the people in jail are black:
The racist city of San Francisco under the hegemonic rule of those white-sheeted KKK members Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Jerry Brown, Nancy Pelosi, Willie Brown, and Gavin Newsom is locking up black men for no reason at all!
This white woman was obviously trying to keep a brother down:
The man should get a medal for striking back against racist oppression!
Remember, your job is not to waste time WAKENING UP THE MASSES.
Job? Who said anything about a job? I like turning people against the system because the system deserves it.
None of this stresses me out. Stress is for the DWL that suffers from cognitive dissonance.
I just hope I live long enough to see justice given to these elitists,l want to see them marched into the streets buck naked,whilst sentence is passed
To "I was born in '55." (3:37PM)
Yes, this country is not the one in which I was born and grew-up. It's almost unrecognizable. Virtually everything-- except for the advances in communications-- is inferior to what once was. The physical surroundings, the clothes, the culture, the education, the politics and the economy. On topic, negro looters were once subject to shoot-to-kill orders. Now they are lionized, praised by the media and earning the sympathy of the president. Many live in fear of being called "racist" and losing one's livelihood. The Stasi and private-sector Stasi groups act as political police. Beautiful places destroyed. Sense of overall community and common purpose destroyed. Our heritage denigrated and erased. What a sad place is this BRA. I await its fall.
For Scot Irish, & everyone else...
It's not Social Justice Warrior.
It's Social Justice Wanker!
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
Looks like the DOJ got some sacrificial lambs from the Ferguson PD after all. These horrible horrible disgusting (probably white MEN) had the nerve to send private email jokes to their coworkers that made fun of the muds and worse "gasp" da boss nigga Hussein hisself.
If you don't know by now, never use your work computer for anything other than work. Just because you delete an email, doesn't mean its erased forever.
I deal with AA daily, and the accompanying TNB. Confused is the word that best describes them. Aggressive is a close second. Where I work, the lowest grade gets 52K, and most positions are held by illiterate children in obese adult bodies. Only the finest German automobiles, and the finest trinkets will do. Its funny when they look at my old car, and my normal clothes with a confused vacant stare. He be da boss fixer. He maka dat big monies, why he driben dat? Oook ook, eek eek. Briefings are held in a confused cloud of mud stench and ignorance. Statements are made, and then contradicted in the same breath. Heads slowly nod up and down to the jumbled mess of "english?" as the slides move painfully to their end.
I have stopped trying to do anything for the productive use of your money. I'm sorry, but my health, mental as well as physical, must come first. It's just too much guys. Hours of painstaking, slow progress are destroyed in one fell swoop by an AA incompetent. They put their worthless PHd's in their email signature block, but can't string enough english words together to make a correct sentence. Billions of our reserve notes squandered to soothe the egos of illiterate land whales.
I tried. I tried to fight back with competence, but its just too much. I will now join in the orgy of looting that is the federal government make work scheme. I will do everything in my power to squander more. The few YT men left in my organization (those who held it together) have resigned themselves as well. As long as you can cover your ass with a few electronic strings of english, there is nothing the mud can do when it fails.
Today a spectacular disaster unfolded before my very eyes. I had been trying to avert this very thing until a few weeks ago. The incompetence of my AA boss finally overwhelmed me and I gave up. Fast forward to today and every fucking chimp in the place with a private office was flinging pooh. Who fault it be? He do it, my boss points over to me. I look up innocently to the glaring mugs above me. Why you not doin what da gubmint payin you fo? the head gorrilla ooks. I smile, which makes them furious and then display the email I sent predicting this very scenario if some effort wasn't put forth by nominal humans over the course of a day or two. I ain't gots dat, my boss ooks in disbelief. I point to his email address and ask if it is indeed the correct address.
This was enough. There was a fucking fist fight behind our building between two animals dressed in 1000 dollar suits. Da big boss gonna come down heres tomorrow. He is a competent YT man, so he will do what I used to do and fix the problem.
The only problem? The mob of animals standing over me accusing me of taking away the YT juju that make things go, had "intimidated" me to the point where I had to file a harassment complaint this afternoon. As a person with a disability, I am on par with animals in BRA. Since I'm not in a wheel chair, the animals don't know it. Yet. The look on the EO sheboons face when I filed the complaint was worth the stench that I had to endure giving my statement. Priceless.
@ Anon 6:40 p.m. 3/4/15
About the spaceship program. I could just see it now. The last flight off mother earth with all negroes left behind and they would still cry "that's Racist".
They would have a world with not one White person. Because as they say us Whites are so Racist and we are always holding them down and Shee-it. Even in this dream come true situation we will always be racist to the lowly negro.
Just days after Whitey's departure the reality will set in on the negro. Fuck them Honky's were right! Us negroes did need the Honky and those Honky's didn't need us to survive. Shee-it! Where did the EBT money go!
"San Franciscan here
Alas, my degree in college was Journalism. Ironic, because now I refer to most "journalists" as presstitutes. I remember a journalism job fair where a DWL woman from the Philadelphia Inquirer told me that they were only interested in hiring women and minorities. Revenge came as more and more people found out that the MSM doesn't deal in truth. They exist to convey the national party line. What cracks me up is that these same DWLs who have made newsrooms persona non grata for white males cannot figure out why more and more people are turning their backs on their "product."
Yes indeed. Here in the Boston area the Boston Globe has gotten more stridently left wing as their circulation has shrunken every year for the last 30 years. They and other formerly influential newspapers and magazines (Time, Newsweek) are mere shadows of their former selves, skeletons at death's door. I assume the major newspapers in BRA are subsidized be the George Soros types and perhaps indirectly by the U.S. government because advertising revenue can't support these newspapers. Nobody under the age of at least 40 buys a newspaper, why would they ?
They serve a useful function in BRA however by employing diversity/DWL types who gratefully spread the party line. Newspapers and magazines, what's left of them anyway serve the same function as Pravda or Izvestia in the old USSR, basically showing the flag of BRA, proclaiming that BRA rules even if they are financial disasters, that is their ultimate purpose now. Remaining newspapers and magazines now serve as symbols of the left wing establishment, not legitimate businesses or they would have ceased operations years ago and filed bankruptcy. Profits are not the reason remaining newspapers still operate because profits are long gone.
The topic of newspapers, magazines and the whole left wing establishment news complex would be a fascinating topic to explore i.e. ownership, subsidies, government/university connections etc. Always follow the money, follow the money.
Bedrock of these discussion sis their genetic difference. The resulting behaviors from the allele frequency differences - small as they are - are what make non-blacks shun blacks.
So, so simple. Keep hammering that home folks.
you know, I was thinking the same thing about Emmett Till the other day. after all, what will they be saying about Ferguson 10 years from now? history is written by the winners
I was not surprised by Holder's outgoing speech - basically a self-pitying lament on "poor us". The transparent immaturity of this guy is shocking given his high office. He apparently is head of a powerful law enforcement agency whose primary concern is black people, period. I say, fine; but should we be surprised by a parallel development, underground or mainstream , that categorically denies the legitimacy of the federal government? The growing divide between layers of government hearkens back to the 1950's, which I guess proves that the so-called populist movement has never been held captive by Progressives. Nativist political movements really don't have to work hard to prove their point, it seems. Progressive politics rots on its own initiative.
re: "For example, when I read Rex Hymens story about the casino trip, I almost split a gut." - Funniest. Thing. Ever. On the internet. I roared with laughter to the point I upset my cat; she's lookin at me like, dude.. what is *wrong* with you..? etc..
I just looked into Emmit Till. Very, very interesting. The Look magazine interview with the perpetrators is here:
He committed a low level offence but the clear attitude of previous generations of white men - no doubt with instructive experience of dealing with black dysfunction - was "give an inch and they take a mile".
A fascinating case.
"doesn't ALL of this make you question what REALLY happened with emitt till?"
I doubt anyone here believes the official Emmitt Till story.
His father was a murdering scumbag so it's hardly a stretch to believe Jr. did more then whistle at a white woman. Whitey knew it was just a matter of time before the little darling took a page from his old mans book and rightly nipped it in the bud.
The fact is, nigs always nigged.
A statue of Saint Gentlegiant of the swisher sweets should be planted in the middle of the street where he met himz def. Of course he'll be shooting a bird with an enormous blunt in his mouf. Perhaps a national holiday is in order as well. This will defuse the 'black rage' sufficiently so that rents can be collected again.
I love American Horror Story. But, I am now watching season three and should be called White American Horror Story.
Whites torturing and killing blacks from antebellum times to 1961 seems to be the theme. And, even the most cyclical of characters, Jessica Lange, says she voted for Obama twice and hates nothing more than racists in the show. Isn't this Cruella character breaking character?
Can't I enjoy one moment of horror without over the top propaganda?
BTW, I agree with previous folks that Emmit Till sounds like agitprop. I don't buy it. And, I don't think the commenter above researching on PBS is enough. Paul?
I saw an interview of a talking head former assistant us attorney saying that ferguson can go with the consent decree or get sued, adding the DOJ isn't going to lose in federal court and never has. I believe the carpet bagger Sheriff Joe has fought them to a stalemate in the past.
I'd love to see Holder and Co lose this one. If blacks are the majority species in Ferguson, it stands to reason they would have more interactions with police without factoring in all of the other black dysfunction.
“This is not about one boy getting shot in the street, but about the hundreds just like him who have received the same callous and racially-influenced treatment,”
[Like the thousands of elderly white men & woman who have received very callous & racially-influenced treatment from blacks? Unprovoked attacks, murder & rape? Do you protesters recognize their right to live a safe and secure life in this country? It's all right not to mention these horrible crimes because white people have not suffered enough, is that right?]
"So ultimately, no, it doesn’t matter at all if somehow we can say for sure whether this one young man really said these words or had his hands up."
[Sorry, the rule of law begs to differ! Until you realize you live in a nation of laws & except responsibility for the actions of blacks that break those laws, ultimately, you will find no common ground with me. Black or white, it does not matter, obey the law!]
Pants up! Don't loot!
Negroes attempts to justify any & all circumstances to favor their actions just gives me negro fatigue. I owe black people nothing!
I agree. I've told many friends that if the bluegums were not so rapey, violent, and such they are funny as hell to watch\read about. The TNB and general stupidity is hilarious.
That's a great idea. It must have hurt Eric "My People" Holder like hell to have to stand in front of that podium, and all those tv cameras, and say no charges will be brought against Darren Wilson.
Everything he has said about Ferguson and the PD just sounds like "sour grapes."
Speaking of Emmit Till.
When his body was shipped back to Chicago , it was a mess. Well of course it was, it had been in the water for 3 days, before it was found.
Im sure all here know what its like to recover a body from the water. After 3 days a body looks like mush. But mommy Till had a open coffin for all the negroes to see. Not a pretty site. They be calling racists, look what yt done did.
I'll bet they never figure out if its so terrible here in America, they could leave. After all, the sub Saharan africans never figured out or built a boat. But maybe they'll learn to fly again and go somewhere else!
They are symbolically reaching up to tear down the Arch, symbol of White Scientific past. On Twitter, symbol of White science.
Emmit Till tried flirting with the wife of a truck driver in 1950's America. In those day's, the hazards of that kind of behavior wasn't unknown, to anybody. Emmit Till learned it the hard way.
Platinum EBT Cardholder said ”. . . Today a spectacular disaster unfolded before my very eyes. I had been trying to avert this very thing until a few weeks ago. The incompetence of my AA boss finally overwhelmed me and I gave up. Fast forward to today and every fucking chimp in the place with a private office was flinging pooh. Who fault it be? He do it, my boss points over to me. I look up innocently to the glaring mugs above me. Why you not doin what da gubmint payin you fo? the head gorrilla ooks. I smile, which makes them furious and then display the email I sent predicting this very scenario if some effort wasn't put forth by nominal humans over the course of a day or two. I ain't gots dat, my boss ooks in disbelief. I point to his email address and ask if it is indeed the correct address. . . “
That entire post was disturbing although it revealed nothing surprising. There is no need to apologize for reaching the limits of human endurance. This spectacle is unfolding in many places. I wish that some intelligent economist/statistician would put together the numbers and forecast when the crash will occur. At some point there won't be enough boss YTs available to clean up the messes caused by the increasing number of incompetent blacks in the workforce. It won't be a politically correct forecast because it cannot be made without factoring in the obvious problem of black incompetence and damage caused by AA. Perhaps we will learn that the bus has already careened over the cliff and we are now just waiting to see what happens when we hit the bottom.
You're right. There have been past presidents that I haven't liked, but I've always been able to listen to them when they were on tv.
When Obama was first elected, though I didn't support him, I had hopes he would do some good.
Today, I cannot watch him for a minute as he spews forth lie after lie. The amazing thing to me is so many people believe him.
Is all this Emmit Till hubbub coming up because the Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin ships sank? Going back to Emmit Till because most adults from that time period have passed on and there's no one to dispute them?
I was in the supermarket last night around 11 PM and I have another tidbit to add to the ongoing discussion on "waiting in line to checkout behind blacks".
It was late, so there were only two "full-service" lines open. In one, there were two whites and one asian guy, each with about 30 items each. In the other, there were two blacks, each with about 30 items each. Of course, I chose the line with three people and 90 items over the line with two blacks.
Needless to say, the cashier was still working on getting the first black shopper's EBT card to scan when I walked out of the grocery store, but I noticed something else that sped things along in my line.
The first shopper in the black line was a young black male, dressed nicely, with a college scarf (and likely a student at said college), who was nonetheless using EBT. The exasperated clerk had rung up his 30+ items and was now working on getting his EBT card to scan. Meanwhile, the 30+ items sat on the counter, with the black kid sitting back waiting for the girl to get around to bagging them after she figured out the card. And you know it wasn't a matter of him thinking, "I don't want to go through the effort to help her bag these groceries if my card doesn't work." You know he had another card ready to go if his first one didn't pan out. He simply had no concern for the cashier or for the ever-growing line of people behind him at this late hour, many with only a handful of items to check out.
In my line, with two whites and one asian with full hauls, I noticed the shoppers seemed to feel some guilt (or was it compassion?) towards the shoppers in line behind them and for the checkout girl. After all, they were making huge purchases at off-peak hours. The two whites and one asian in front of me made a point of bagging most of their groceries themselves, so that when the checkout girl was done ringing up their items, she had little more to do than hand them their bill.
Anonymous said...
Platinum EBT Cardholder said ”. . . Today a spectacular disaster unfolded before my very eyes. ... the email I sent predicting this very scenario if some effort wasn't put forth by nominal humans over the course of a day or two. I ain't gots dat, my boss ooks in disbelief. I point to his email address and ask if it is indeed the correct address. . . “
That entire post was disturbing although it revealed nothing surprising. There is no need to apologize for reaching the limits of human endurance. This spectacle is unfolding in many places. I wish that some intelligent economist/statistician would put together the numbers and forecast when the crash will occur... Perhaps we will learn that the bus has already careened over the cliff and we are now just waiting to see what happens when we hit the bottom. March 5, 2015 at 7:45 AM
Disturbing, yes, but also encouraging. It's good to hear about the disarray and dysfunction in the enemy's camp from those behind enemy lines. I hope he is meticulously documenting all this (sounds like it) and will publish after he is clear of it.
May all the white men left in government follow his lead.
-Beyond Hatred
PS- Baron, that's a multiple-entendre. Notice how your post echos Platinum EBT's. I have not reached some sort of Christ-like state of detachment by any means. I originally was going to use Deeper Than Mere Hatred or something. It's more like the description in the Kipling poem.
Plaga Negra that is the best definition I have ever herd: "Racism is holding blacks responsible for their actions" I think that would make a wonderful bumper sticker! I would defiantly buy some.
To the poster who filed the harassment complaint against a black co-"worker", I'm interested to see how that pans out.
I was sure that white men could not possibly be considered the victim in any situation to win a moral judgement over a black, but by justifiably playing the disability card, you may have found the single loophole.
At the same time, I'm still cynical, as I could imagine in the future reading a story about a blind white man injured in a "knockout game" attack where the incident is described as "blindness gone wrong".
How old is a negroid before the media and the bleeding hearts actually stop referring to them as a "child" anyway?
Another obvious liberal contradiction: if a white person calls a black "boy" then it is (oooooh!) racism and keeping down the brothers. But when it suits liberalism, blacks are to be reduced to the level of "child." You would think that "child" is worse than "boy" since it implies even more lack of adulthood, but that is not how it works in the Orwellian world of the DWL.
Speaking of blacks putting their hands down: not very religious guy here, but my wife is. She's sometimes able to drag me to church and it's been awhile, so I go a few weeks ago. The first thing I notice: "what's with the handful of black people I see here this week?" Never noticed that before. It's a "new age" Church, with the 30 minutes of soft rock, 7 piece band and the coffee. They're hooting and hollering and singing with their hands in the air. Intrigued (and to my wife's surprise), I make it to two Sunday's in a row, but these time I sit in the balcony so I can see the offering dish passed around. I look at my wife and say, "I'll wager you a lunch bill that not one of those "people [of color]" put one cent into the collection dish." Sure enough, the wife buys lunch that Sunday.
I miss a few weeks, but am back in Church again later. I get along good with the pastor, and I asked him about the new attendees in guarded terms. One of those mixed meaning conversations that we have as whites where we have to appear to be talking about an issue in race neutral terms, but we both know what I'm getting at. Turns out the new parishioners are there for "gib me dats." He tells me that it happens once in awhile where people (note blacks) show up and are looking for free money, don't get it, and then he never sees them again after a month or so.
Why is Emmett Till even talked about?
Maybe it did go down the way the "official"/PC narrative says and he was lynched by a bunch of deranged racists for whistling at a white woman.
There have been actual racist lynchings before.
But for every racially motivated hate crime by whites against blacks, how many hate crimes have been perpetrated by blacks against whites?
Look at the complete viciousness of this attack: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=475_1373057068
If this was a white woman kicking a black man, it would be a hate crime.
If this was a white man kicking a black man, it would be a hate crime.
If this was a white woman kicking a black woman, it would be a hate crime.
If this was a white man kicking a black woman, it would be a hate crime.
But a black man kicking a white woman in the face after his five friends jumped her and took her purse? That's just feet gone wrong.
"Racism is holding blacks responsible for their actions"
Good one!
I just looked into Emmit Till. Very, very interesting. The Look magazine interview with the perpetrators is here:
This is worth reading because you can see how white men and white women acted in those days to defend their civilization. Yeah, I know, some black kid got killed, but in those days the kinds of black-on-white crime which is routine today would never have gotten out the start gate. It really is a question of racial dominance. If YT does not want to fight for his civilization, then blacks will take it over.
Several posters have remarked how they cannot trust Obama. Know that at least 60% of young White American men are still head over heels in love with Obama.
He's the "cool" guy that Jon Stewart loves. Old White males are evil; destroying the environment, keeping pay low, jobs scarce, etc.
The Great American DWL will join hands with hard-left activists to usher in a new America; Blacker, more Islamic and much less wealthy.
From the Daily Mail (a decent newspaper): In five years white children will be in the minority in the US.
The future of this country is a strife and conflict-ridden, overpopulated, Third-World hell. Races fighting each other for the scraps from a debt-ridden country with a smashed and uncompetitive economy. Diversity gone wrong! Somebody had better remove its nukes!
All valid questions of course, but one glaring one that comes to mind is this 'black lives matter' farce when in fact it only matters to them when the alleged perp is white. Where's Sharpton and his band of race pimps when the police shooting of that homeless black guy went down last week? I thought it was a bit odd until I found out the cop who shot him was.....black! Just confirms the reality that most of us knew many years ago, that there is a systematic attack on whites by this administration, msm and political action groups.
Yes, this country is not the one in which I was born and grew-up. It's almost unrecognizable. Virtually everything-- except for the advances in communications-- is inferior to what once was.
The electronic toys do indeed mask the general decline. The cities have become unrecognizable wastelands of criminality. Infrastructure is disintegrating. Education is going down the tubes. The manned space program has been largely abandoned. The vision of a future of sparkling white monorails and moon bases has been replaced by flashmobs and graffitied walls. But cheer up, zeks, you can always poke away at an electronic toy or "choose" among 500 channels of cable TV. And it is blacks who dominate the cities where disintegration is most advanced, and the federal agencies which are the most incompetent.
This is one reason for the massive media blitz with blacks shown as scientists, honest cops and wise politicos. The shadows on the cave wall are preferred to the harsh reality.
Platinum EBT Cardholder said ....Today a spectacular disaster unfolded before my very eyes. I had been trying to avert this very thing until a few weeks ago. The incompetence of my AA boss finally overwhelmed me and I gave up.
We need to consider how AA incompetence is sinking the country. When you dump meritocracy and replace it with the promotion of the lowest common denominator, things like infrastructure go down the tubes.
Here's another aspect: the US military is increasingly turning to private contractors, especially in logistics. How much of this is due to an AA-infested government being unable to provide efficient goods and services? When it comes to war, you have to have at least a modicum of efficiency. So you go outside the system, because the system is rotten.
I suppose from a race realist perspective, this is not a bad thing since the more the system disintegrates, the more people will be alienated--and a race realist movement can take advantage of the situation.
My GOOOOOOOOOD i’m so sick of hearing and seeing this from these stupid ass NIggers!!! I’ve owned two businesses and one of them was in Southern California where a lot of police officers used to come in and get sandwiches. We would always give them free chips, or a free soda if they paid for their chips along with their sandwich, and talking to these cops I would notice a few things. A few crazy things that went against the mainstream media:
- They were respectful and would offer to pay for their chips or drinks even if we tried to give it to them for free
- If they had a call and were eating, they couldn’t finish lunch they had to go respond to their work
- They were not mindless idiots that go around shooting people
When I hear the stories first hand of the druggies they have to deal with, the fear of having a gun pulled on them by a felon, not knowing who is in the car when they pull someone over, having people talk shit to them and disrespecting them all day, I can never imagine what it’s like to work in the heart of Niggerville Ferguson. Some of these stupid Black trash savages make claims like “Police should be wearing body cameras”. I’m actually all for it because If they did, then the world WOULD REALLY SEE what percentage of scum these cops have to deal with everyday. It actually would backfire but the NIgs would still defend the assailant. “Why he gotta shoot him just cause he stole somefin?”, “How come he aint just shoot him in da leg?”. “Just cause he was talkin shit to you dunt mean you got to shoot da baby in the head wit his hands up”. TNB is always justified.
When I watched this garbage on TV of Saint Swisher and the “hands up don’t shoot”, I thought ‘oh my God, they’re gonna make a Martyr out of THIS Nigger”? Blacks really think Cops go around just shooting Black people for no reason and the media fans the flames out of control. Hands up don’t shoot is the stupidest slogan and these Niggers rally behind it like Blacks are being assassinated and they are still a victim somehow.
They should have raised their hands in a classroom and asked "What will happen if I attack a policeman?" They sure haven't figured it out for themselves. Just watch.
Can we just call March "Quit Blaming Whitey" month. Would make a great bumper sticker.
Wished I had thought of it first, but my daughter found it on the net.
No matter what happens, it's always YTs fault, always "rayciss".
Even if there are no Whites around, the "legacy" or "history of oppression" or whatever Whites did long ago is at fault.
Whites must have incredible power and long-lasting magical abilities.
This is the dogma of the NOI. The Nation of Islam teaches that the Earth was 100% Negro until an evil Black "Dr. Yacub" created hyper-intelligent but evil White men to take revenge on his enemy.
Obviously, the White devils were fertile, smart, aggressive and talented, so their numbers have grown and they've committed a plethora of long-lasting crimes. Only Blacks know that their abilities, intelligence, birthright, and "insert asset here" were stolen from them by Whites.
It's a great fantasy to explain why Whites are so far ahead in every conceivable category, and Blacks so mired in poverty and ignorance. Whites did it!
Just thought you might want to know some of the theological underpinnings of our uneasy coexistence with the Negro.
TNB is an absolute. Given ANY spontaneous circumstance, It will undoubtedly manifest itself.
A flight from Atlanta to NYC's Laguardia airport skidded off the runway upon landing, resulting in a FEW minor injuries. Out of 125 people aboard I saw TWO taken away by ambulance.
Guess who won the ghetto lottery today?
Reminds me of the story about the White lady who suffered a stroke while waiting in a burger king drive thru. The very first thing the groids in the car behind her thought to do, as SHE LAY DYING, was steal her purse and run!
Another sad case was when a buck and his coalburner GF got into an accident while fleeing the Po Po in a stolen car, causing serious injury to said coalburner. White woman passing by stopped to offer aid.
His First thought was not about his GF, His first thought was not about the Empathy of the woman trying to help them. No His First thought was to punch the good Samaritan out, and steal her car.
TNB.............Always there for you!
Light Years Beyond Hatred!
Personal To P.K.: I posted something yesterday on this article that you didn't publish...that's fine, it's your prerogative, I just wish if I had broken a rule that I knew what rule it was...I love your Blog anyway, thanks for your hard work! And on to something else:
Michael Brown's "parents" bring a civil suit against Ferguson Police and Officer Wilson. How about an "incite to riot" charge against the Brown Family "patriarch" in return? I wish...and I wonder how much cash these cons will rake in on this now sacred thug?
See, I told you!
Speaking of senses of humor, you MUST regale us with more of your teacher stories!!
I firmly believe the boy is parent to the man, and these "DeShawn - The Early Years" type stories are by far the most enlightening.
Bernice, I think it might have been you who recommended the teacher's "Robert Fulgham - Al I Neede to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" ghetto corollary in AmRen a while back. I looked up the story--quite the eye-opener!
To anon at 10:55. About your comment not being posted..
This happens to most everybody, at one time or another.
Let it go, as you have and just keep on keeping on.
WAY back in the late 70's I was doing some chic I picked up at a Club Med in Martinique. She worked for the IRS in Philadelphia (or whatever city in Pennsylvania that one send their 1040's to).
She informed me that the entire office was a mess. She stated how they would lose forms or file them wrong, etc. and actually told me that the chance of getting audited was ZERO and even if you did all you had to do was find ways to stall so that the original agent assigned to your case would be gone soon as a new idiot would take over.
This was IN THE LATE 70's !!! I can imagine the IRS offices must be full of Somalians and Kenyans. This may be why the audit rate today is 0.87% (that is no typo).
The enrolled agent who does my taxes also confirms this. She states that the IRS is sooooooo disfunctional that they can't audit anybody since nobody there is White. Any good White agent of the IRS leaves as soon as a CPA or Accounting job opens any place else. Only the negro is there.
So.........wink, wink......
" YT will have to stick together much more."
Indeed, we whites are our own worst enemies..
Charlotte Realist here. So I was idly wondering if nogs pack their niglets off to summer camp like white people do. I mean like "augt n woodz wyffuns wyde aminals n sheet." Googled "Do black kids go to summer camp?" and found this heartening story.
Not only did some white pool turn away a thicket of niglets, it also was not a place for the racist revs and their cronies to march, riot, loot and arson up a storm! See the year? 2009!
Charlotte Realist again. :P Guess the nogs got 1.1 million in a lawsuit back in 2012.
73 nogs, that's 15 grand each. For getting kicked out of the pool.
Charlotte Realist here (yet again). So the Valley Swim Club went BK. Guess who bought the pool? The Congregation Beth Solomon:
I'm not one of the jew haters (by any stretch of imagination), but this is a curious turn of events.
"Charlotte Realist here. So I was idly wondering if nogs pack their niglets off to summer camp like white people do. I mean like "augt n woodz wyffuns wyde aminals n sheet." Googled "Do black kids go to summer camp?" and found this heartening story."
This is why negroes shouldn't go in the woods, bears be rayciss and sheet. One thing I remember from my Army service down South is that the negroes had a mortal fear of snakes too.
non-DWL in NE.
"Rev." Al says hello.
The most important thing to remember is that San Francisco is as liberal as can be with only 5% blacks but 60% of crime is committed by blacks. That's an even bigger disparity than Ferguson.
Ah but the problem is they think America belongs to them. They don't feel the need to leave, in spite of their 'motherland' rantings. So they'd never leave. Besides, they all know Africa is a 3rd world scitthole anyway.
let it burn
scatter the stones
salt the earth where it stood
"Hopeless In Craplanta said...
How old is a negroid before the media and the bleeding hearts actually stop referring to them as a 'child' anyway?"
It never happens. Negros live in a perpetual state of childhood. Once a Negro hits four, they only grow older. They stop growing up.
Anonymous said...
73 nogs, that's 15 grand each. For getting kicked out of the pool.
...and they all purchased Apple stock at roughly 55 dollars per share. About 272 shares each. Factor in the 7 for 1 stock split and now they all have about 1900 shares each. Current market value? Around 126 dollars per share. The 15 grand that they each received is worth almost 1/4 million right now.
Those smart lil' chilluns and their future-time oriented parents...
Oh wait a minute, that's what WHITE people do!
Actually, they had a weekend-long fried chicken binge extravaganza, a huge crack party and shiny objects free-for-all at the dollar store. Half of them are dead and the other half are in jail - and all the money was gone by Monday morning.
I would have thrown a Baby Ruth candy bar into that pool. Maybe two or three. I do it to the NYC public pools all the time. Wing those suckers right over the fence.
You may remember my story about Ralph, the rogue alien, who had sex with a monkey. They evolved into the talking monkeys you see today.
Woodsy says: Thanks again, Ralph!
The Negroe is the eternal child of planet earth. Always have been, always will be.
Detroit Refugee
Well at least Black History Month is over its just 28 days plus one extra in a leap year to spread lies and misinformation
"They think YT hates them for the color of their skin when anybody with half a brain knows it's the content of their character that make them outcasts. "
It's not just YT. Every non-Black race that is around them in large numbers hates them ie. Asians, Hispanics etc. NOBODY of any race who is around Blacks in large numbers likes them because of their bad behavior.
"....A few years ago I was in Key West, Florida when the earthquake hit Haiti. The do-gooder Christian relief groups went there to help the natives. For two weeks the alternative web sights talked about how the white women volunteers were being raped in massive numbers."
Yet, when the Japanese were hit with a tsunami and Thailand too, the people didn't go out and rape and loot did they? Also, why would a natural disaster cause you to rape?
"doesn't ALL of this make you question what REALLY happened with emitt till?"
Yes, the story of Emitt Till is just that, a story. The story goes like this, innocent little Black boy just looked or whistled at a White woman and was brutally murdered, his horribly disfigured body put on display for all to see.
The reality. Emitt Till's father was a rapist who was executed in Europe for raping two Italian women. when it came to young Emit Till, the apple wasn't falling far from the tree. Emit Till was going to stay with relatives in Mississippi for a little while. His mother warned Emit to behave and told him that in Mississippi they won't tolerate bad behavior. So obviously she knew he wasn't such a "good boy". In the incident in question, young Emit did whistle at a White woman, she ignored him. He got more aggressive, attempting to block her way and grab her and kiss her. Terrified she broke free and ran into a store telling the people that she feared she would be raped and wanted her gun. Emit was only 14 but the size of a grown man and looked a couple of years older. His age was not known to anyone.
Anyways, the woman told her husband. Her husband was known around town as drinker and a man with a temper. Any guy of any race who did what Till did would have been in big trouble with her husband. The husband confronted him and Till basically laughed in his face. Enraged the man and his friends came back later and beat the crap out of Till ultimately killing him. They threw his body into the river. When Till's body was retrieved 4 days later, it was of course disfigured, due to the heat, it was summer and decomposition. His body was put on to show "what these men did" when in fact the disfigurement was from decomposition.
The media lied there once again claiming he was killed just because he was Black when he was killed in what was an aggressive attack on a woman who he no doubt would have raped if he could. Any man of any race would have had the same fate.
AnalogMan recommended the story on Judith Todd, a white liberal Rhodesian who supported black majority rule. Later, she returned to the country (on a do-gooder mission) and was raped. Here is a very interesting passage from the article:
"(S)he bears no animosity towards her attacker, no desire for vengeance.
Instead, having stayed in Zimbabwe for many years afterwards, even after being stripped of her citizenship in 2003, she sees him as a victim in the same way she was."
It goes on in this vein. Here is an example of hard-headed idealism. In this case to the point of masochism.
It would be easy to ridicule her, but the sad fact is we need idealistic females like her *on our side*.
So many White women think being socially conscious is the same as being pro-black, or even anti-White. And while her form of idealism is self-defeating and potentially fatal, we do have to remember that idealism is a White trait. Used properly, it's a wonderful thing.
EMETIL is a brand of chlorpromazine.
Chlorpromazine: Treats mental disorders, severe behavior disorders.
How fitting - and what a play on words.
It should be put it in all of the free "skoo" lunches - and fried chicken.
Don't want Emetil forced down your throat?
Make your own fried chicken!
@ Platinum EBT Cardholder...
Wow. Great post, a glimpse at the lunacy of affirmative action.
Ph.D's, huh? Yeah, I've seen it too, the sham, the scam. Only one or two at a time, though. Not in such density, and not nearly as nasty, which I suppose increases according to the self-assuredness that comes with your co-"workers" having each others' backs, racially united, and their knowing the Federal Government, their very employer, will let them get away with practically anything, and act as crudely as they care to. Makework indeed.
Good luck with your suit, I hope some heads roll. Please keep us informed?
- Man in Florida
Charlotte Realist here:
Three strangers strike up a conversation in the airport passenger lounge in Bozeman, Montana, awaiting their flights.
One is an American Indian passing through from Lame Deer. Another is a cowboy on his way to Billings for a livestock show, and the third passenger is a member of the Nation of Islam, newly arrived at Montana State University from Detroit.
Their discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon, the two Westerners learn that the nog is a devout, radical Muslim and the conversation falls into an uneasy lull.
The cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table, and tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind outside is blowing tumbleweeds around, and the old windsock is flapping, but still no plane comes.
Finally, the American Indian clears his throat and softly he speaks, "At one time here, my people were many, but sadly, now we are few."
The nog raises an eyebrow and leans forward, "Once my people were few," he sneers, "and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?"
The Montana cowboy shifts his toothpick to one side of his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson says in a drawl, "That's 'cause we ain't played cowboys and Nogs yet, but I do believe it's a-comin."
CR here again, would change that joke slightly:
Three strangers strike up a conversation in the airport passenger lounge in Bozeman, Montana, awaiting their flights.
One is an American Indian passing through from Lame Deer. Another is a cowboy on his way to Billings for a livestock show, and the third passenger is a member of the Nation of Islam, newly arrived at Montana State University from Detroit.
Their discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon, the two Whites learn that the Black is a devout, radical Muslim and the conversation falls into an uneasy lull.
The cowboy leans back in his chair, crosses his boots on a magazine table, and tips his big sweat-stained hat forward over his face. The wind outside is blowing tumbleweeds around, and the old windsock is flapping, but still no plane comes.
Finally, the American Indian clears his throat and softly he speaks, "At one time here, my people were many, but sadly, now we are few."
The Black guy raises an eyebrow and leans forward, "Once my people were few," he sneers, "and now we are many. Why do you suppose that is?"
The Montana cowboy shifts his toothpick to one side of his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson says in a drawl, "That's 'cause we ain't played cowboys and N*ggers yet, but I do believe it's a-comin."
" Anonymous said...
Emmit Till tried flirting with the wife of a truck driver in 1950's America. In those day's, the hazards of that kind of behavior wasn't unknown, to anybody. Emmit Till learned it the hard way".
He was so arrogant he thought he could put one over on these yokels and get away with his big city TNB. Ooopsie!
Also, why would a natural disaster cause you to rape?
Probably because a low IQ/high impulse demographic will take any change in the environment as a trigger to throw off the shackles of civilized behavior.
This is why negroes shouldn't go in the woods, bears be rayciss and sheet.
So where are all those "teens" who are so "brave" when it comes to Polar Bear Punching? Looks like they went up against a real bear, and came out second best.
This may be why the audit rate today is 0.87% (that is no typo).
I don't believe for one second it is that high. I don't care if that number is from the government. Based on second hand knowledge I would put it closer to .01%.
But I'm not suggesting or in any way implying that someone should cheat on their taxes. You're better off talking to a CPA about legally minimizing your tax liability.
The most important thing to remember is that San Francisco is as liberal as can be with only 5% blacks but 60% of crime is committed by blacks. That's an even bigger disparity than Ferguson.
Well the crime rate will drop since SF liberals seem to be united in gentrifying every neighborhood and sending remaining blacks over to Oakland.
I guess even gay white liberals have their breaking point. I once read a blog about how seeing someone shitting on a bus in SF wasn't that rare.
DWLs that actually live next to large groups of blacks will never admit to the problem but also will not demand an end to gentrification. They want blacks to live somewhere else but they also don't want to admit to their parents back in Arkansas that they were right.
The real problem DWLs are the ones that are isolated and only see blacks on TV or IKAGOs in the workplace. They're the motivated Social Justice Warriors because they haven't actually spent time around black people. Politicians and journalists fall into this category.
Yet, when the Japanese were hit with a tsunami and Thailand too, the people didn't go out and rape and loot did they? Also, why would a natural disaster cause you to rape?
I blame white people. I don't have an excuse at the moment but I'll later try to come up with one and turn it into a white guilt documentary.
Yes, the story of Emitt Till is just that, a story.
I really don't care if Emitt Till was a churchboy.
The fact that the media will still bring up his name speaks volumes.
White women are raped by blacks all the time but the media has to dig up some story from decades ago to smear the blue eyed devil.
And I honestly don't care if anyone views Whites as the bad guys. What I have a problem with is the view that Blacks are oppressed innocent children that would be rocket scientists if not for klansmen trying to take their school books away.
"So many White women think being socially conscious is the same as being pro-black, or even anti-White."
It's not just White women, there are plenty of White men who have this flaw. ie. Tim Wise etc etc.
No "man made" medication "treats" any mental disorder.
These medications fall into only 2 groups:
A tranquilizers to numb you down and fog your brain....
An amphetamine (speed) to ramp you up to a phony agitated state.
They do not treat nor cure the cause. The cause? We have cave-man body and psych in a machine hyper stimulating world. Want the "cure"? Turn off, tune out and shut off your f'n phone. Simplify. Reduce every Stressor you can. Not a single medication will solve your problem. You must turn down the volume of the present "modern" world.
I know. I suffered through a few decades of hell until I took the above advice and returned to sanity and happiness.
Ok, but lack of impulse control doesn't explain the impulse itself. I have a very healthy sex drive and NEVER had an impulse to rape.
After a year, another realist in MA. A fellow former journalist nonetheless. Thankfully I came to my senses and studied something else at end and have done well.
Yes, I am sure The Globe hasn't turned a profit in many years.
I've noticed the people of MA are the most vocal DWLs, but they don't integrate. Long after Selma, whites in Boston got violent over bussing.
Boston schools are a big j
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