The number one job for police in Black-Run America (BRA) is to protect black criminals from the consequences of their criminality. With a growing brown population, police now have another secondary objective: protect brown criminals from the consequences of their criminality.['Freedom city'? Going beyond 'sanctuary,' Austin, Texas, vows to curtail arrests, Los Angeles Times, June 20, 2018]:
Ever since the Texas legislature last year passed one of the country’s most aggressive “anti-sanctuary city” laws, some enclaves have fought officials over the extent to which police can ignore federal immigration law.
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The slogan "Keep Austin Weird" has been replaced with "Keep Black and Brown Criminals Free" |
The state regulation known as Senate Bill 4 has been described by opponents as the “show your papers” law for allowing officers to ask about the immigration status of anybody arrested or detained.
The White House has said dozens of sanctuary cities and counties in the country are breaking federal law for not fully cooperating with immigration authorities and has threatened to withhold public safety grants from them. The Texas governor has shared a similar argument, and echoed Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions in his belief that sanctuary cities promote crime.
Amid the controversy over sanctuary cities, Austin this month took its fight against strict immigration law enforcement a step further by declaring itself to be the first “freedom city” in Texas. City Council members unanimously passed two resolutions last week that will restrict police attempts to question immigrants about their status and curtail arrests for nonviolent crimes.
One of the new city resolutions requires officers who question immigrants about status to also say that their questions about immigration need not be answered. The other resolution directs police to avoid arrests for misdemeanors, including those for smoking marijuana, having drug paraphernalia, and taking part in petty theft — crimes that city data shows frequently end in arrests of black and Latino residents.
While Austin is among the country’s first so-called freedom cities, it’s part of a wider movement around decriminalizing low-level offenses and decreasing arrests. According to Local Progress, a national network of progressive city officials, some council members in El Paso and Dallas are also considering “freedom city” proposals.
“Poor people of color in our city are over-punished and over-incarcerated,” said Greg Casar, an Austin City Councilman who pushed for the resolutions. “If people are being arrested less, we can also prevent people from being put in the deportation pipeline.”
“We found that black and Latino residents comprised 75% of discretionary arrests for driving with licenses invalid in the city even though they are 45% of the population of the city,” Casar said. “Black residents are seven times more likely to be arrested for low-level marijuana violations despite having comparable rates of usage of marijuana to white residents.”
Casar said the new rules could prevent up to 1,000 low-level arrests each year. Austin police arrest around 30,000 people a year.
Austin is late to the game, other folks went down this path well before did.
"Keep Austin Weird"? More like, "Make Austin Dystopic".
Crime is about to skyrocket
Thank God I left that city when I did
The Baron
Couldn't you just walk around with a little basket and steal whatever you wanted? Some steaks here, some beer there, a little lobster, a little wine, a new pair of kicks ... hey, it's all just petty theft!
The collapse can't come soon enough.
Tough luck "Alex I don't care If America becomes 80% brown Jones". Yes I used to listen to him. He and PJW just virtue signal nowadays.
“We found that black and Latino residents comprised 75% of discretionary arrests for driving with licenses invalid in the city even though they are 45% of the population of the city,” Casar said. “Black residents are seven times more likely to be arrested for low-level marijuana violations despite having comparable rates of usage of marijuana to white residents.”
The amount of minorities arrested for having lost their ability to drive (not a right, a privilege) isn't dependent on racism, it is dependent upon the repetitive behaviors which negatively affect the ability to drive.
One might think that since the ability to drive is regulated by the state that they would be able to access these records and realize that people that drive illegally probably have too many DWI's on their record, we're never licensed to begin with, etc... I wonder if that police woman in Baltimore was run over by a licensed driver by that stolen Jeep with the Dindus who were committing burglaries?
So blacks are seven times more likely to pick up an arrest for a small amount of weed than whites? Really! I guess since they are much more likely to drive whilst the ability to legally do so has never been checked off, or that it has been lined out. Do these creatures realize that smoking a joint is illegal and perhaps should be a bit more wary about indulging, particularly when the illegal substance is quite pungent and the smoke can waft off on a breeze, leading anyone with a working nose directly to the idiot.
I don't know how someone can not put 2 and 2 together, particularly when the effect brought about by the cause is BAD!
OT: Meanwhile in the Sudan, an 11 year old girl got sick of the beatings and the horror of marriage to a 38 year old! After her dad made her return to the marriage on 2 separate occasions, her husbands other wife helped her get out of it.
I think to cure the problem of child marriage in the Sudan is to immediately begin bringing them over in droves so they can learn the white man's law and then turn around and show us how being a productive citizen is done!
“Poor people of color in our city are
over-punished and over-incarcerated,”
Because they find it impossible to delay gratification and plan for the future. They never mention that most blacks who are arrested are repeat offenders.
Off topic. Occidental Observer has a gem of an article that I believe every SBPDLer should read.
What Atlanta Police have started (to protect black criminals from entering the legal system)
This isn't just Austin and Atlanta. This is everywhere. "Disparate impact" is now the watchword, steamrolling "zero tolerance" for outright criminal acts by non-Whites of any sort. Trayvon Martin was given a pass on burglary and possession of stolen property because... Miami-Dade Schools P.D. were tasked with protecting black criminals from entering the legal system. Nicholas Cruz got a pass on criminal threats because... Parkland Schools and the FBI were tasked with protecting "hispanics" from entering the legal system.
The elimination of the "school-to-prison pipeline" means eliminating any Noticing of non-White criminal behavior in the schools.
The only way White people will be safe from these monsters is if they go vigilante and remove the threats themselves. For which they will be mercilessly persecuted, until we remove our treasonous elites and do to them what they intend to do to us: exterminate them.
So how soon until the Pope starts filling up Vatican City with illiterate, low IQ savages?
“Black residents are seven times more likely to be arrested for low-level marijuana violations despite having comparable rates of usage of marijuana to white residents.” know why? Because when Shitavious, DeMonte, et al, get caught with weed it's ALWAYS because they were committing some other crime like robbery, theft, etc. It is almost never just for weed. Also, blacks are dumb enough to actually smoke up on the damn street corner in broad daylight when a cop drives by. Most white pot smokers smoke up indoors because they are not that retarded.
Tip free of charge: Driving drunk, without insurance, in stolen cars, and child molestation are the classic cultural enrichments from south of the border; in order to not catch illegals these are the things that must be overlooked ;)
- All I see is another Food and Everything Else Desert in the making. "Migration" is the Second Law of Thermodynamics in action - the motion is not going to stop before everything is as desirable as their countries of origin (the famed "shitholes").
On second thought, entropy is the negation of Life. If invasion is "not a crime" there is no tenable reason burglary and rape should be.
Delimitation is one of the, if not THE, most basic function of Life.
PK said: Expect many more urban municipalities to join in the great cause of protecting black and brown criminals from facing legal consequences for their criminality.
So what? Let them. Just be thankful you can see and stay away from it.
If you feed pests and allow them to do whatever, you will become infested. Then, businesses start leaving, the tourists stop coming, residential white flight occurs, etc.,. Real estate values diminish, commercial activity declines, tax revenues fall, while costs for social services, law enforcement, etc., go up. Then the idiots who encouraged the infestation will reflexively raise taxes and fees and perform other liberal muscle memory actions on the ever-decreasing number of worthwhile people and businesses who are foolish enough to remain, thus making things even more undesirable for them and accelerating their departure. Classic death spiral.
And hopefully the state legislators have the wisdom and rayciss outlook to say "NO" when the inevitable demand for assi$tance comes.
What's happening in Italy right now is a ray of light piercing through the darkness. Interior minister Matteo Salvini is challenging what is acceptable discourse in Europe. While Orban in Hungary may have set the ball rolling, without a doubt, a large European nation like Italy challenging European norms is bound to be a catalyst for other European radicals unhappy with the current trajectory to speak up and take action. Already in Austria and Germany anti-migration voices are finding their courage.
I've always liked Italians. Their peculiar mix of rationality and intensity and unpredictability is strange. The rational part is evidenced in the Northern League's abandonment of it's seperatist policies and recognizing the greater threat posed by non-whites. Few emotional and passionate European tribes can adopt a logical and rational position like this.
What is the point of being rich and "civilized" when your young, beautiful blonde and blue eyed girls are walking the ancient cobbled streets of your ancestors, hands clasped with some dark as night African. Mongrel children in tow and the European maiden seeded and heavily pregnant with a mud-bun in the oven.
Insane. Groids will really go wild now. Just insane...
ot: Amazing über troll move for Trump to make now is to publicize Bill Clinton's illegitimate negroid son. Tweet about family reunification and tell Bill that his son wants to be reunited with his father. His stepmother Hillary, and his half sister Chelsea.
Give the son a job at the White House. Diversity advisor or some BS prog sounding position so news will have to cover him. Let him give official press conferences occasionally.
Bill will have a heart attack. Hillary will follow.
Help his black son Mr President. Clinton shunning him because he half negro.
" The other resolution directs police to avoid arrests for misdemeanors, including those for smoking marijuana, having drug paraphernalia, and taking part in petty theft — "
So.. what are the police for? If i lived there, i would stop paying taxes immediately, and file a lawsuit against the city for theft and/or fraud. The world has indeed gone fucking mad.
“We found that black and Latino residents comprised 75% of discretionary arrests for driving with licenses invalid in the city even though they are 45% of the population of the city,” Casar said. "
Maybe because they do more stupid shit to get pulled over for? Maybe because more of them, as a percentage, drive with invalid licences than whites? A meaningless statistic.
"...crimes that city data shows frequently end in arrests of black and Latino residents."
Quick, name three types of crime that blacks and other mud races don't commit at rates multiples of those committed by white Europeans. If the goal here is to avoid arresting mud races, why not just give them a pass on everything. The Colorblind Conservatives(TM) used to crow about the soft racism of low expectations.
“If people are being arrested less, we can also prevent people from being put in the deportation pipeline.”
Just like black Africans, these Aztecs have a totally different concept of civilization (namely none at all). Lawlessness, blight, filth, and squalor are the norm in Mexico because that's the limit of what these savages can create and maintain for themselves. The only problem they see with life back in Mexoco is the lack of gibs and first world amenities, not able to connect those nice things to the white man and his laws enforcing an orderly society which allows such advances to happen and prosperity to be maintained.
“We found that black and Latino residents comprised 75% of discretionary arrests for driving with licenses invalid in the city even though they are 45% of the population of the city,”
So the answer is not to repeal that law (if he believes it is unjust), or to encourage mud races to comply with the law, but to simply not enforce it towards anybody darker than a brown bag.
“Black residents are seven times more likely to be arrested for low-level marijuana violations despite having comparable rates of usage of marijuana to white residents.”
I wonder if this has anything to do with their disposition and behavior when contacted by police?
"Casar said the new rules could prevent up to 1,000 low-level arrests each year. "
These cretins seem to be dimly aware of the connection between the white man's ability to avoid being incarcerated from crimes and his success in the modern world. Now if they were only not too dull witted to realize that it is our disdain for engaging in anti-social behavior as opposed to not being held accountable for it that is the true reason for our wondrous societies.
Another important takeaway here is how quickly these Aztecs will ally themselves with black Africans when it suits their agenda of wresting political power from the white man.
“We found that black and Latino residents comprised 75% of discretionary arrests for driving with licenses invalid in the city even though they are 45% of the population of the city"
Look Ma we're all the same. Dey be discriminatin. This proves it.
“Black residents are seven times more likely to be arrested for low-level marijuana violations despite having comparable rates of usage of marijuana to white residents.”
I think this has actually been shown not to be true. they base the " blacks and whites do comparable amounts of drugs" on SELF REPORTING, and, it has been shown blacks lie more on self reporting for fear of endangering their entitlements. I think that when they actually tested the respondents blacks were found to use drugs at 4 times the rates of whites and to lie about it about 75% more.
Also, does the government of Austin plan to reimburse the shopkeepers for theft? real easy to be generous with someone else's money. And does this ruling hold for all shoplifters, or just the black and brown ones? Hell, everybody might go on a nice " shopping" excursion in Austin!
Black people hate your guts. They think you are cowards.
Never forget that.
From DeBow's Review, Vol. 26, 1859. By Edmund Ruffin
"In 1816, when the "American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color of the United States" was formed, and had enunciated its purpose and policy, and commenced its operations, the universal public sentiment was best suited to favor the infant organization and its avowed objects. The policy and the scheme, which were thus proposed to be supported, had been originated in Virginia. The earliest and principal early patrons and advocates of the Society were slaveholders. The avowed object of the Society, as indicated by its name, was to remove from the United States, by inducing their voluntary emigration, the free negroes, and to colonize them as an independent community in Africa. This class (formed by earlier emancipations of slaves, which had been induced by the mistaken benevolence of their masters), had become numerous, and a grievous nuisance to most of the Southern States, and especially to Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. With but a few praiseworthy exceptions, the free negroes were, as they continue to be, generally indolent, improvident, and worthless as laborers or producers—and, in numerous cases, drunken, vicious, and frequent subjects for criminal justice "
Nothing has changed in the past 200 years.
"Black residents are seven times more likely to be arrested for low-level marijuana violations despite having comparable rates of usage of marijuana to white residents.”
This is a big, fat lie from DWLs. When surveyed, whites and blacks admitted to smoking marijuana at comparable rates. When actually given drug tests, blacks were shown to be lying (what a surprise!) and smoking at multiples of what YTs do. Colin Flaherty covered this quite some time ago.
Being arrested at seven times the rate of YTs reflects their actual dope smoking, not any kind of unfair police treatment.
The best way not to get arrested is to not break the law. Of course, being law-abiding is "acting white," and we can't have that!
If it wasn't for the Dindus, Detroilet wouldn't have tours for international travellers to view the "ruin porn"!
I used to talk smack about Greece, Egypt and Rome but I now realize that these civilizations left marks of greatness far beyond the perceptions of most humans. These modern cultures may be so dispirited to think their contributions to humanity are far behind them but at least they have remnants of the ancient grace the people had and scholars still mine the wealth of their knowledge.
Even non-white cultures left great monuments such as Angkor Wat and pyramids in South and Central America, but what will be left of this nation? Piles of fallen buildings, statues/monuments and structures like dams. Unless this nation gets its act together it will not be around long enough to show much evidence of its once held promise of greatness. While a big change is inevitable our great cities will be silent charnel houses which some future people's will study.
“We found that black and Latino residents comprised 75% of discretionary arrests for driving with licenses invalid in the city even though they are 45% of the population of the city,” Casar said.
If they are 75% of the discretionary arrests, perhaps it mirrors police bias since these same people probably make up 90% of the NON-DISCRETIONARY ARRESTS!!!
Who do I punch to stop this crazy ride?
When your very first act in your new country, is breaking the law,what do you expect sets the pace for the rest of their existence? Illegal entry overlooked, petty crime overlooked, bad behavior in school overlooked. Setting the bar lower and lower. How low can we go?
I think this has actually been shown not to be true. they base the " blacks and whites do comparable amounts of drugs" on SELF REPORTING, and, it has been shown blacks lie more on self reporting for fear of endangering their entitlements. I think that when they actually tested the respondents blacks were found to use drugs at 4 times the rates of whites and to lie about it about 75% more.
Beat me to it. Liberals love to repeat that statistic even though it is from polling.
If you take a statistics class you learn that certain types of data can't be obtained from polling. You can't ask a question like "Did you cheat on your taxes?". It doesn't matter if most people respond. Due to the nature of the question you can't rely on the responses.
Blacks are nothing more than the moths eating away at the fabric of civilization until the tapestry is nothing more than a threadbare rag of its former self. Everything unravels around them thanks to their behavior. Anyone who attempts to stop their destructiveness is accused of racism, hate and disrespect. Any rule or law that negatively impacts their criminal activities and behavior is labelled as disparate impact and declared to be unfair and discriminatory.
As has been pointed out many times, blacks want to be able to do anything they want without suffering any consequences no matter how disruptive, damaging and destructive to civilization their behavior might be. Any time anyone tries to stop them, the howling, screeching and protesting begins along with all the attendant accusations of mistreating them in some way and "keeping them down" and "attackin' da black community."
If stores put in plexiglass to stop their employees from being assaulted, robbed, raped, beaten or even killed or put their merchandise behind glass to keep blacks from stealing it hand over fist, that be racist! Even camera's that catch black people in the act and expose them for what they are get declared to be racist because it makes black people "look bad."
If schools punish black kids more than White, Hispanic or Asian kids due to the higher levels of black misbehavior, blacks start screeching and howling and playing the victim.
If blacks are too stupid to pass tests for jobs such as firefighter, policeman or any number of other occupations, they start screeching that the tests are racist and demand to be allowed entry into said jobs anyway thus dragging things down to their level.
I could go on and on with examples but there's no point. The bottom line is blacks want to drag everything down to their third world jungle level and will throw fits and tantrums anytime anyone attempts to stop them from doing so.
At one time, this nation had the guts to crack down on their primitive behaviors and keep them in line without apology and that needs to return. Failing that, the destruction will accelerate in every city, town or neighborhood where blacks have a large presence. It's not something that can be fixed by programs and other gibsmedats that coddle and appease blacks because destruction is their basic nature. Not arresting them for petty thefts and other offenses is just another symptom of the black rot and helps them drag civilization down to the gutter ghetto level. It's time to stop caving in to these primitives and to smack them down hard no matter how much they scream, whine, wail, throw tantrums and riot. It's the only thing that will stop their destructiveness.
How exactly did they determine black residents have "comparable" marijuana usage to whites? The scientific method? I don't believe it.
Austin is late to the game, other folks went down this path well before did.
That article shows the other side of the problem:
The Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center, built to hold no more than 2,236 inmates, has held as many as 3,000, leading to poor hygiene, dangerous overcrowding
This is exactly what happened in California. They allowed an open border and the prisons became overpopulated with Hispanics. In some California prisons the Hispanic gangs are basically in charge because they are too crowded to control.
I think we all knew this was coming and it's only going to get worse. Liberal theories have failed and the fact that they actually want to decriminalize petty theft as a solution shows that they are running out of ideas. But liberals of course would rather eat paint than admit they were wrong. At this point it doesn't really matter because in so many cities they can get the vote anyways.
"The other resolution directs police to avoid arrests for misdemeanors, including those for smoking marijuana, having drug paraphernalia, and taking part in petty theft — crimes that city data shows frequently end in arrests of black and Latino residents."
So it is left to the cop to decide whether or not a negro has stolen "enough" money or items to warrant an arrest? "You're ok now, brother, but if you steal one more of those, I'm going to have to arrest you.".
"Black residents are seven times more likely to be arrested for low-level marijuana violations despite having comparable rates of usage of marijuana to white residents.”
Talk about fake news. Based off my nose, I would guess about 80% of blacks I run into on a daily basis in the city I live have recently smoked weed, and that includes both young and old blacks, doesn't matter if it's day or night, and includes those seemingly working a job as a waitress/bartender or valet parking attendant.
So how soon until the Pope starts filling up Vatican City with illiterate, low IQ savages?
The Vatican has long wanted to overrun North America with Catholic Hispanics.
It's part of their plan to control both protestant and secular West with the same solution.
This is why they haven't budged on their birth control position. They want a Catholic America and they also want to overpopulate Africa and push them into Europe.
The Catholics are like liberals in that it is harder for them to control an all White population. Whites are more likely to ask pesky questions like where the Pope gets his authority since the bible defines no such position. Whites are also more likely to study DNA which leads to uncomfortable questions for liberals.
Why bother dealing with Whites and their damn critical thinking when you can just muscle your way in with Hispanics?
I've been to Austin many times and it is once of those disconnected cities filled by Whites that refuse to face reality.
It's a nice city but kind of boring and like many liberal cities thinks too highly of itself. It reminded me of Portland in that the White liberals there seem to believe that having dog parks and locally owned burrito shops makes them higher level people than rural Whites that shop at Wal-mart. This leads to a sheep like mentality whereby they are easily manipulated by appealing to the ego. Arguments such as "it's progressive/the future" are common even though that isn't actually an argument for why a policy benefits the people.
“Black residents are seven times more likely to be arrested for low-level marijuana violations despite having comparable rates of usage of marijuana to white residents.”
There used to be a blogger Called Guy White. I think he was a former assistant district attorney. He said the high drug arrest rates were because many of these "possession" cases were originally drug dealing arrests, but the charges were reduced towing to plea bargaining. Also, as noted, often "people of color" will carry drugs or drug paraphernalia during the commission of crimes against persons and property, and they get busted for the drug offense because the police have the physical evidence.
In the bigger picture: it's one thing to ignore victimless crimes like drug possession. It's another to ignore crimes against property like petty theft. Sooner or later, some city council will "discover" that "people of color" are arrested for violent crimes "disparately" compared to White people. And so we will see such arrests be halted. Already happening in some places, with the rolling back of enforcement of the rules in the schools owing to "disparate" impact policies.
Civilization is being rolled back in America, one black run city at a time.
In response to “Boy the way Glenn Miller played”, 0831:
Leaving the decision up to the cop in this scenario now means that the cop will indeed be required to judge the perp by the color of his or her skin, and not the content of their character; or lack there of.
Doesn’t this contradict the words of “Dr.” Martin Luther King? Rhetorical, of course.
Even more disturbing is the fact that we now have a concrete, legal example of racial discrimination under the law, in that whites will be held accountable, and therefore, arrested for certain crimes where blacks will not be held accountable.
White privilege is being held accountable for the failures of non-whites.
Black privilege is being held accountable for nothing.
Black people hate your guts. They think you are cowards.
Never forget that.
It's worth reading this article to see what a leading black agitator "thinks."
Some quick and dirty rejoinders to Mister Root (as I shall call the author):
* If it were not for the eeeeevil of slavery, there would be no black people in the Americas. Mister Root would no doubt be enjoying life in a slum of Lagos or as guest of honor at a BBQ in what is today Liberia.
* Black people engaged in the eeeeevil of slavery until White European imperialists stamped it out. In various parts of Africa today, blacks have restored the eeeeevil of slavery. But that's OK because black Africans are not "cowards."
* The eeeeevil of lynching: check out the actual number of blacks lynched during the segregation era. Compare that to the number of White people killed by blacks every year. Then tell us if during the eeeeevil era of lynching White people were murdered by black-perpetrated driveby shootings and torture-murders.
* As we have seen in the new rainbow nation of South Africa, when blacks seize political power they proceed to wreck everything with their corruption, incompetence, criminality and general mayhem. This is, of course, a pattern we have seen elsewhere in Africa, the Caribbean, the USA and now in Europe.
* As for the eeeeevil of Jim Crow has it ever occurred to Mister Root that the reason Whites instituted segregation was because in a more sane era they got fed up with black crime, black race hustling, and the likes of black agitators like Mister Root...and took appropriate action?
Mister Root is right about one thing. Today, too many White people are cowards, as can be seen in the capitulation of many cities to black perpetrated crime.
Time for Whites to show some backbone.
Meantime, stay armed, stay alert.
I was in Austin for the first time a few months ago, around the end of SXSW. It reminded me of a California city trying to be like Portland. There were tons of homeless, and the city was full of nogs towards the end of the festival who all claimed to be rappers, promoters, and record producers, but all they were doing was trying to sell drugs and hook up with white girls. I can't imagine owning a business there next year when this law goes into effect, they'd probably better off to close for the week.
The whole country will be destroyed, but Democrats can point back to the "glory days" of one party Democrat rule.
How sad that in my entire lifetime, I've seen nothing in this nation except a death spiral. At least I'll die before I watch the final plunge and the Bulkanization that will follow to save a portion of it.
I could go on and on with examples but there's no point. The bottom line is blacks want to drag everything down to their third world jungle level and will throw fits and tantrums anytime anyone attempts to stop them from doing so.
What I believe is that a majority of Blacks do not believe in paint theory. The instinctively feel at a competitive disadvantage to Whites and Asians. I also do not believe they are confident that Blacks could build a Wakanda given how few of them invest in the Black community when they become wealthy. They will pay lip service to such ideas but their actions (and those of liberals) say otherwise.
Liberals and Christian egalitarians need to understand that this creates an imbalance, regardless of good intentions. Bitterness and resentment from natural inequality is unhealthy and counter-productive to both sides. Blacks resent their lot in society while Whites resent being blamed for all Black problems.
If idealists really want to improve race relations then they need to face the reality of natural inequality. That will lead to better solutions that mitigate inequality rather than blaming Whites or suggesting inane ideas like legalizing theft.
Both liberals and Christian egalitarians also have too much faith in education. There is a major crisis right now with teachers leaving after a few years. This is almost entirely in non-White areas but no one wants to talk about it. Most of the Black schools are daycare centers and liberal White women are not equipped to handle 13 year old youth that are acting out. This is a huge waste of resources as society spending billions to educate teachers that only stay in the workforce long enough to realize that their liberal professors were clueless ivy tower types with no experience around Blacks.
Focusing on jobs is a better path than trying to send everyone to college or trying to blame Whitey for cities that are controlled by a Black governments. Liberalism seems unwilling to move from blank slate / paint theory so the only way forward may be to work with liberals and show them how their own policies work against Blacks. Some of these cities could be stabilized with the right policies. Cut a deal with Black leaders to create public jobs in exchange for stricter sentences. I would bet that many of these Black leaders are quietly skeptical of traditional liberal solutions.
Even more disturbing is the fact that we now have a concrete, legal example of racial discrimination under the law, in that whites will be held accountable, and therefore, arrested for certain crimes where blacks will not be held accountable.
It's scary but liberals really would lock up Whites but not Blacks from the same crimes if they could. Liberals view White thugs as fully responsible for their actions while Blacks are victims of society. They would also lock up everyone here for "racism" even if some of us just want a peaceful solution and acknowledgement of racial differences in public policy. Liberals would ban all unauthorized discussion on racial differences outside of a medical context. Only in medicine can people discuss racial differences and even then they have to be careful (see clueless liberal media reactions to BiDiL).
Interestingly liberals have long opposed mandatory minimums on the basis that they disproportionately affect Blacks. So they complain about the justice system being biased but they also don't want blind sentences. We all know what they really want which is to let Blacks and Hispanics go for most crimes while locking up Whites for thoughtcrimes which is what happens today in Britain and Sweden. You can be arrested in both countries for discussing racial differences online.
There IS a "school-to-prison pipeline". It's the inability to read by 3rd grade.
“Poor people of color in our city are
over-punished and over-incarcerated,”
Poor people of color are over-coddled and under disciplined. ;)
If you’re black or brown and commit petty theft, shoplifting etc. we don’t care.
If you’re White and commit petty theft or shoplifting, good luck because you will be prosecuted.
There is no double standard. There is only one. To make Whites second class citizens, then slaves.
Got ammo?
And it's crap like this that steams me. Unenlightened Whites think we are all the same, they didn't grow up around them, but I did.
This is how these bastards think, they aren't content to actually just be polite and do their best. They are not fit for a decent society and should be repatriated to west Africa to a where we can begin giving them the money we would've given to Israel. After 10 years the payments will stop.
BYW, this policy is in effect where I live. The arrests stop, but the ticketing starts Yes folks, rather than taking someone to jail they get a ticket which they likely ignore and the next time they do a low level crime they get picked up on a warrant for the non-arrestable charge.
Food for thought.
I've always liked Italians./
too bad Italy has such a low birth rate, for real Italians.
Too bad for amanda knox and meredith karcher.
there are too many rudy guedes in Italy.
too bad italy allows late abortion.
too bad for us.
self reinforcing feed back loop--echo chamber..
they weak seek similar minds,
It's a nice city but kind of boring and like many liberal cities thinks too highly of itself. It reminded me of Portland in that the White liberals there seem to believe that having dog parks and locally owned burrito shops[I like that, artisan breads etc] makes them higher level people than rural Whites that shop at Wal-mart
The disregard of laws because they impact criminals is nothing more than the downward spiral that will make the USA a third world country in the next 20-30 years. Society is based on order and accepted civility towards others, along with preservation of culture and the common goal of unity.
I have often said we need to incorporate and enforce laws like they do in Singapore. You'll be fined $500-1000 for drinking water on the train, petty theft (like the ones they stopped arresting people for in this article & California) would get you caned over there. They are also cultures that don't look at criminal disparity, but criminal acts. Break the law, face and deal with the consequences, regardless of race or victimhood upbringing.
Update from Central Virginia:
Police are encrypting radio transmissions in Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, and Hanover.
Police radio transmissions are, well, you know....
Anyone know why Muhammad Ali is on the Google Doodle today?
It won't be that much longer with such laws allowing crime by protected blacks before Austin has a growing criminal ghetto. Eventually it will be like Little Rock, where people in the capital can hear gunfire at night. Perhaps it can become a l
Liberal Utopia, like Detroit, after all the leftist whites have fled the area to avoid blacks.
I'm left contemplating how many businesses would locate to any area where civilization lacks even the improbable possibility of arrest and conviction for theft and vandalism. I think a lot of businesses will close, while many more will never be created.
After more and more illegals are imported to put poorly educated and trained black males out of jobs, we can get back to the leftist desire for high black unemployment. It is important to the left that they stop any movement away from the Great Democrat Plantation.
^This x10,000. Very well-said.
Austin is often referred to as “Texas for people who don’t like Texas”. It’s full of DWLs, homos, and every other sort of progressive type...and those are the people who will suffer at the hands of the black and brown criminals they are now enabling. Then the white flight will start and the “Detroitization” of Austin will begin in earnest.
Black people hate your guts. They think you are cowards.
I read the article and laughed out loud at this:
Every form of inequality would disappear by next Friday if every white person in America used his or her privilege to eliminate it.
This posturing idiot, namely Michael Harriot, says that White people could "use their privilege" to, among other things, make impulsive, disruptive, illiterate Black children in Detoilet into model students conquering Latin and calculus instead of carjacking and having ratchet fights in the hallways. By next Friday.
Whether this is hyperbole or delusion doesn't matter. It's a fucking blood libel. He wrote it. The Root published it. That's all the facts that matter, and it's both an indictment of Black culture and consciousness and a declaration of war.
Harriot continues his hate-on:
The most disheartening part of all this is that black people and other people of color alone cannot abolish discrimination and hate. It is a problem created by white America and maintained by the silence of the majority
Riiiiight. Harriot holds the only people in America who can lose their jobs, whole careers, marriages and even homes for saying anything that can be construed as "hate" responsible for it, even as he hates on them. The only reason he gets away with this is because the (((media))) runs interference for him, but victim-blaming is victim-blaming.
Harriot could do something about the problem by demanding that "his people" stop doing hateful things. Stop defending criminals. Stop shifting blame for bad behavior, period. But the sort of mentality that can write that "inequality" could be eliminated in a week by the exercise of "privilege" is never going to come around, ever. Not even at the point of a gun. But liars like him can be silenced that way.
Until all white people do and say something
Compelled speech and action. Marxist shit. Everyone who won't go along is a "counter-revolutionary", and anyone who falls under suspicion is a "wrecker".
Anyone who says or does anything to further this narrative is a deadly enemy.
I thought white people were evil.
I was right.
Black people always project. They don't have the brainpower to step outside their own heads.
That's part of why Black people are evil.
Your last sentence could not possibly be more accurate.
Civilization continues to slide in Seattle, thanks to an extremely small but destructive demographic. When I first heard the story I naturally assumed that they were all Africans in America. I was wrong, one
They were never going to be raised up to our standards. Never.
So now, as more and more pour into the country, we will be dragged down to theirs.
Welcome to the 3rd world.
Get armed.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Rules and laws have become merely suggestions. Find a safe space. Best bet, small to medium white areas.
Shop owners will just adore the free shit army.
Ten MS 13 gang members arraigned on murder charges in the once red state of Virginia. All, but one, are in the country illegally. One has a green card. All from El Salvador. Here to escape violence.
May God help the white small-business owners of Austin, and all the other cities affected by this sort of lunacy.
There goes your profit margin.
You can't prosecute thieves, becuzz dey blaq.
You can't defend yourself against physical assailants, becuzz dey blaq.
You can't move wifout gibbin de man a reason, becuzz dey blaq.
We're being pushed to the edge.
Ten MS 13 gang members arraigned on murder charges in the once red state of Virginia. All, but one, are in the country illegally. One has a green card. All from El Salvador. Here to escape violence.
I grew up in Northern VA in the 1960s and early 1970s when the only hispanics around were Mexicans in westerns on TV and in the movies. Now the entire DC metro area is inundated with them and the Mexican and Central American violence they brought with them. Their neighborhoods look trashy, just like the ones they left behind in their shithole countries. I wonder what the hell happened, and how it happened, and I see that we're being replaced. Areas that used to be nice places to live look like crap and are full of third-worlders. Unfortunately I know we have not hit bottom yet, but instead things will continue to go way downhill. I'm glad I'm not a senior citizen and I may not be around for the worst, yet to come, but it's going to be hell for young YTs. Their future is bleak indeed.
OT: Two news stories in the Army Times online:
Fort Bragg police ask for help finding soldier accused of trying to steal weapons
You can guess what color he is.
And then there's this one:
Fort Campbell soldier gets life in prison for killing 2-year-old boy in murder-for-hire
One GI (Chinese guy) pays another GI (soul brother) to kill his estranged wife and little kids. The shooter shot and wounded the estranged wife's boyfriend, entered the house and shot a sleeping infant boy in the back of his head. He was unsuccessful in killing everyone else in the house but there's no doubt he would have done so if it had worked out in his favor.
What kind of horrible SOB wants to kill his ex and her little kids and, worse, who would accept money to do the job? Both toads got life and I hope they end up as the "girlfriends" of even worse thugs in prison.
That whitey hating dope Michael Harriot says whites are "cowards."
OK. Then what would he call the knockout game, polar bear hunting, attacks/rapes on the elderly/invalid, drive by shootings, flash mobs and other things blacks do for fun? Those things that blacks laugh about seem pretty cowardly to me. Walking up behind someone and punching them in the face? I would say that is the sign someone is a coward.
He hates whites so much but doesn't see the irony in him spouting off about racist whitey. I would ask him, what happens when the parasite kills the host? Somalia anyone?
This country is going insane.
You know, the Texas legislature could put a halt to this nonsense pretty easily. All it would have to do is allow self-help for all victims of theft wherever there is a de-facto or de-jure policy of de-policing (based e.g. on response time and conviction rate). Thieves should be forbidden compensation for injury or other damages, courts should be forbidden to accept any suits or other actions on their behalf, and victims should be held harmless on e.g. battery charges for righteously kicking the shit out of thieves.
Protestors, pickets and others trying to put blame on the victims of theft should be held strictly liable for defamation with substantial minimum cash awards. The liability for defamation should be more than enough to compensate for lost business. That would eliminate the power of protests and boycotts.
Earlier typo: I meant to type "I am now a senior citizen" so I'm unlikely to see the worst yet to come. God help the younger generation.
Remember when your mom made you walk back in the neighborhood five and dime and return the two pieces of candy that you just lifted? Well, apparently it’s now all free. Not sure what the dollar limit is on petty, but have fun Austin. Remember kids, that price sticker is merely a suggestion.
That whitey hating dope Michael Harriot says whites are "cowards."
OK. Then what would he call the knockout game, polar bear hunting, attacks/rapes on the elderly/invalid, drive by shootings, flash mobs and other things blacks do for fun?
Good point. And to these we might add farm attacks in the new rainbow nation of South Africa, where ANC inspired mobs conduct torture-murders of White people.
"So blacks are seven times more likely to pick up an arrest for a small amount of weed than whites? " This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Blacks getting arrested because of SMALL AMOUNTS OF WEED. These assholes get arrested because they all have records a mile long .Even their juvie records are full of violence and mayhem.The weed angle is just an excuse used by Blacks to put out there that these are innocent little angels.All the Cops in every city and town KNOW EXACTLY who they are dealing with.And even though juvie records are usually expunged they remember who the perps are because they keep dealing with the same Black assholes week after week and month after month! EVERY ONE of these Black perps have records .And they make sure they have records because in the Black community and in their feeble little brains it is their right of passage and proves they are men to their peers. Do not kid yourself .Do not think that Blacks are innocent little angels.They start their robbing and stealing young because they know the system will give them multiple chances to walk away.And the older ones pass it on and use the younger ones because they know the young ones won't go to prison or do time.The cycle goes round and round.That's how it works.But you can't explain this to liberal educated White people .They think Blacks think and act the way White people do.NOT!
White Privilege is code for black failure
End to end is pretty easy to clean up, google won’t get you there, but other places will.
Always carry.
MS-13 will kill you for the change in your pocket, or less.
If you can’t carry a standard mag, carry 2 tens.
If you can’t carry tens, MOVE.
The de-policing of Austin, TX and other cities fits the pattern of the Cloward-Piven strategy to overthrow existing society and replace it with a new society of "revolutionary consciousness". The Cloward-Piven strategy from 1966 was to overload the welfare rolls causing national bankruptcy followed by revolution. This strategy failed for a number of reasons especially white poor people rejecting left wing ideology. The revolutionaries didn't give up, they never do, instead they changed their tactics.
Electing a new people through immigration and illegal aliens flooding the country while encouraging all non-whites to vent their rage at imagined injustices has been much more effective at destroying the country than simply overloading welfare. Encouraging theft will bankrupt businesses and spread an attitude of entitlement amongst non-whites who incline towards lawlessness anyway. Hatred of police for performing legitimate, necessary governmental functions encourages hatred of all white people and institutions. This also discourages white people i.e. "Real Americans" who see the government as at best indifferent and at worst hostile to our fate.
This is why the Left will compromise or not waste political capital fighting on various political issues such as taxes, withdrawal from TPP, welfare reform etc. but not immigration or illegal aliens. The Left cannot give an inch on the immigration/illegal alien issue because the Third World wogs are their shock troops for destroying the country and the Left can see success is within range. If Trump can turn around the total issue of Third World scumbags colonizing the U.S. i.e. immigration and illegal aliens the Left aka the Deep State will fail.
BTW there is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant". One is either an immigrant i.e. having entered the country with the permission of that country's government (whether immigration is wise or unwise is another matter) or illegal such as a burglar who breaks in to a house. Stop using that oxymoron, it is a contradiction in terms therefore any meaning is negated. The Left uses such false and contradictory terms to confuse thinking amongst their opponents. Call them what they are, illegal aliens.
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