The Inferno, Canto III: Virgil to Dante at The Gate of Hell
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"The Virgil": The only logical name for Microsoft's "avoid the ghetto" app |
It has many synonyms (ghetto, inner-city or high-crime area, economically disadvantaged or blighted community, etc.), but the one correlation whether you are in Dallas or Houston, Texas, Baltimore, Md., Birmingham, Al., Cleveland, Ohio, or Seattle, Washington, these "bad part of town" with few businesses is an extension of the Black phenotype.
What else can explain the ostensibly innate ability that Black people seem to possess - regardless of the region of the country - to force the closing of businesses, malls, and a swift property depreciation when their numbers overwhelm a city? High Black crime rates force the businesses to close, and high Black crime rates are still found in these same cities once the businesses have fled.
Around major metropolitan areas like Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis, Washington D.C., Atlanta, and Charlotte, rests isolated pockets where the Visible Black Hand of economics has downgraded a once thriving business community or subdivision into a "ghetto." Courtesy of Black people.
For this reason, Microsoft has stepped forward and offered a savvy solution for those hoping to drive around and avoid these unpleasant reminders of racially unmentionable realities:
Want to avoid the ghetto? There's an app for that.
A Smartphone app to help people avoid unsafe neighborhoods has been accused of discrimination.
The application, which is being developed by Microsoft, has already been nicknamed the 'Avoid The Ghetto' app.
But critics fears the app could damage local economies and steer tourists away from historically significant neighbourhoods- just because they have a high crime rate.
Sarah E. Chinn, author of 'Technology and the Logic of American Racism,' told AOL the app is 'pretty appalling.'
'Of course, an application like this defines crime pretty narrowly, since all crimes happen in all kinds of neighborhoods.'
'I can't imagine that there aren't perpetrators of domestic violence, petty and insignificant drug possession, fraud, theft, and rape in every area.'
Opponents fear the data-operated app could damage minority communities and hinder economic development in the areas most in need of it.
The patent filed by Microsoft patent simply reads this way:
According to the patent filing, the technology will help a user avoid passing through an "unsafe neighborhood or being in an open area that is subject to harsh temperatures."What a wonderful service! Using algorithms to compute readily available neighborhood crime statistics for real-time data mapping will undoubtedly save the lives of countless people.
But what to call this "avoid the ghetto" app? Mencken has put forth the ultimate name for an app that would guide one away from a "bad" area; Virgil, the noble Roman poet who was Dante's guide through hell and purgatory in The Divine Comedy.
So anyone reading this at a creative agency that can pitch names to Microsoft, take note: Virgil is the perfect name for this app. For those brave souls foolish enough to dare venture into areas which Virgil would instruct against, this electronic guide would assist in helping you navigate through neighborhoods that the imaginative Dante would be hard-pressed to dismiss as another journey into hell.
Virgil: A Guide from the Damned. Okay, so that slogan probably wouldn't fly, but Microsoft should pounce on the name.
This way a good soul never passes.
And with the Virgil Microsoft App for your GPS, iPhone, or smartphone, neither will you. Thanks to the guide that steers you clear of the ghetto. Or, for those brave souls daring to see the
That's right. White racism causes black criminality, so whites must be forced to travel through dangerous "urban" communities as penance for their sins. Whites must be willing to sacrifice everything for egalitarianism, even their lives.
Off topic, but I thought some people might be interested in the Free Speech debate and how using the "forbidden word" applies only to white people. Buzzfeed, a website that focuses on things popular in social media posted "The 40 Absolutely Worst People in America" for posting the word which shall not be named in their status on MLK day. They showed only white people and one Asian girl. There's a website called where you can search all status updates. If you type in the forbidden word, you'll actually see most of the people using it are black.
So of course, on the comments on buzzfeed people started teeing off on the "racism that still exists" how people who posted the word should "lose their job" and how sick these people are. One girl went on a day long crusade reporting all of these people for hate speech.
They ignored all the black people using the word, and only focused on the whites. Only in the last day or so has the tide turned in the debate in the comments section back towards free speech, and the hypocrisy of people with anti-SOPA profile pictures trying to turn people in for hate speech.
Check out the discussion yourself
I wish just once someone would have the balls to look at one of these NAACP hucksters and say, "Ma'am my families safety is more important than your feelings. If this app. offends you maybe you need to do something about the crime in your area."
Simple no hint of racism but everyone would know what it means.
I'm from Missouri and since I was a child{I'm 47} I've heard stories of people taking the wrong exit in the St. Louis area and winding-up in{gulp} East St. Louis. It's like suddenly being in Liberia.There is even a scene from "National Lampoons' Vacation" depicting this experience.
Hey Gentrify,
I checked out Buzzfeed but couldn't find the comments. Either way I would be as dumbfounded as I am now.
The 40 worst people in the World say Nigger. None are black. Hmmmmmm, I bet if you used the Ghetto app. went to the ghetto you would hear Nigger much more than you would at a Country Music festival. How brain dead can these DWLs be?
All the black criminals such as rapist, murders, participants in Flash Mobs. Not so bad. White people who dare to say, "Nigger" are the worst.
How the fuck are we losing the fight for public opinion against these slack jawed, fuckwits?
Clark Griswold in "National Lampoons' Vacation" would have loved this life-saving app.
Damn Paul but are you erudite. I've read the Inferno but don't remember this line. Epic poetry is one of white civilization's great achivements.
When people speak out against this app, we should all just say "weren't the college couple in knoxville tortured, raped and killed simply because they took a turn into the wrong neighborhood".
Trial junkie here. The couple raped, tortured, and murdered in Knoxville didn't "take a turn into the wrong neighborhood." They were in the parking lot of an upscale apartment complex which was a few miles from the black section of town.
Vietnam vet attacked by gang of blacks and hispanics:
While "Avoid The Groid" is a fitting name for this application, Virgil is very appropriate and had the app been named prior to any publicizing, blacks would have been none the wiser, at least for a while longer.
I'm in need of taking my life in another direction and this site is definitely giving me a new latitude.
Thank you for these posts! Just spent 3 days reading every single one!
"How the fuck are we losing the fight for public opinion against these slack jawed fuckwits?"
That has been THE question for the last 60 years.
"Jeffrey said...
I'm from Missouri and since I was a child{I'm 47} I've heard stories of people taking the wrong exit in the St. Louis area and winding-up in{gulp} East St. Louis.
It's like suddenly being in Liberia.There is even a scene from "National Lampoons' Vacation" depicting this experience."
Been there and done that shortly after I moved to St. Louis to attend Forest Park Com. Col.
Couldn't get outta there fast enuff and this was 1983...
When I was at Barnes for a coupla weeks around Thxgiving 2010, I learned from a black nurse that north of the Med Complex on Kingshighway was a "NO GO" zone for pretty much EVERYBODY.
A Smartphone app to help people avoid unsafe neighborhoods has been accused of discrimination.
So, now crime is a "race"? First Islam was a race, now crime. What's next? Not liking gays is racist?
Actually, all of this is a good thing. By calling those who seek to avoid crime-ridden areas racists, even more people will see the ridiculous way that a logical dislike of anything is inappropriately labeled as "racist".
This will bleed away even more credibility from any charges of "racism".
I love SBPDL, but I think I like reading the comments even more.
I've dropped the N bomb routinely to describe the 3 rapists of my fiancee and the criminal that hit me head on totalling my car and injuring at least 4(no insurance or license of course)
I'd bet that would qualify me to be the worst person in the world too, while the blacks would be dismissed simply as being black.
I hope it tells you which Chucky Effing Cheeses you should avoid.
No, but it will tell you to avoid all of philadelphia.
MuayTyson: How the fuck are we losing the fight for public opinion against these slack jawed, fuckwits?
By allowing ourselves to become demoralized by Cultural Marxists.
There is also another element to this. Has anyone noticed how easy it is to remember all of the stupid and idiotic things you've done in your life but not recall the good ones anywhere near as easily?
I noticed this tendency in myself and used to chalk it up to how experience teaches a person to learn from their mistakes.
After continuing to experience this, I became determined to figure out why this focus on the negative can persist.
What I found is that for a normally sane and decent person, these negative events are anomalous and, therefore, they contrast themselves against the background of everyday existence which is more often not usually harmful or destructive.
Compare this to your typical thug mentality that celebrates its evilness and is immune to the pangs of conscience. Imagine what glories they gloat over when they reflect upon their (mis)deeds. Worse yet, imagine being capable of ignoring the human suffering inflicted and, instead, reward oneself for wreaking havoc in the lives of so many.
What's more, they do not see any contrast in good things happening to them because a sense of entitlement will cause such events to merely be met with the belief that they had those rewards coming in the first place.
This reconnects to the original point in how Whites have pretty much accepted their exceptionalism as normal and, therefore, nothing particularly special. This in turn can make it more difficult to defend being White when it comes under assault.
Moreover, our sense of conscience (as noted above), can facilitate an over-willingness to accept blame for legitimate wrongdoings, however unintentional they may have been.
All of this points towards a potentially overactive sense of guilt. This is borne out by how Christianity is far more dependent upon an individual's conscience to guide them versus being under a constant state of control, as with Islam.
This also goes a long way towards explaining the White race's achievements in that there is not a constant need or desire for permission interfering with a person's progress towards innovation, exploration or creativity in general.
It also explains why something so insidious as Cultural Marxism could do so much harm to the White intellect. Like Islam, it weaponizes against us our very finest features such as conscience, humanity and giving the benefit of the doubt.
We ourselves are unprepared to commit such intense hypocrisy and thereby are relatively unable to swiftly detect when this sort of vicious intrigue is waged against us.
Finally, this explains why Whites are so unprepared to craft a defensive narrative when confronted with these hypocritical attacks. We do not view ourselves as evil or conniving and, unlike the pathological liar, do not have at hand ready explanations for whatever slights or injuries we may unwittingly have caused.
Any feedback on this theory is warmly welcomed.
I saw a great meme:
"Whites hate blacks for their propensity for murder, arson, robbery and drug dealing.
Blacks hate whites for noticing."
I agree with Paul that all of Philadelphia is Virgil territory, but this poor veteran placed himself (and his wife) in extreme peril by residing in an area which is about 2% white. No doubt the savages saw this older white man passing and the primitive amygdala said "prey!".
columbus ohio checking in again.
In case anybody, like myself, had doubts about black africans vs american blacks, I can say that the imports from ethiopia and nigeria here give off blackitude combined with contempt for the US and the people living here, both white and black.
Media is quick to state we're a nation of immigrants. They forget to mention we're a nation of EUROPEAN immigtrants. We had less than 1% non-whites/blacks until the immigration act of 1965 which they swore wouldnt impact the racial makeup of the US.
The next 40 years they brought in millions of latinos to the tune of 16% of our population(at minimum).
That's more non-white immigrant than the first 150 or so years of our nation combined.
No wonder those 'ancient chinese secret, hmmmm?' commercials caused no uproar, there were hardly any asians in the US!
What's appalling is the type of behavior that is found in predominately Black neighborhoods in Portland, Oregon; in Kansas City, Kansas; in St. Louis, Missouri, etc.
Just one minor point. Kansas City, the one the nation knows, is in Missouri. There is a smaller town across the border called Kansas City, KS, that has some problems, but is nowhere near as bad as KC,MO. KC,MO is famous on this blog for its dysfunctional, I mean black, schools.
Muay Tyson: How the fuck are we losing the fight for public opinion against these slack jawed fuckwits?
We are not fighting the slack-jawed fuckwits. Them we can defeat.
We are losing the fight to a global conspiracy dedicated to the overthrow of God, the natural law, and the natural order of the universe. The fight against "racism" is just a pretext. Their real purpose is to deconstruct the social order here and around the world and establish a new order in which they are gods ruling over a docile, deracinated herd of human cattle.
The slack-jawed fuckwits are just one of the tools they are using for the purpose. To win, we can't waste our time and break our bones attacking the tool. We have to attack the hand holding the tool.
The bad guys have the media, academia, the government, the institutions, and the corporations under their control. We have a few small websites. We can't attack them directly. Our only hope in to wage a guerrilla information war, using all our smarts and cunning to hit them where they can't hit us.
Spread the word.
This app will never see the light of day, particularly not from Microsoft, a company so PC (heheh) it isn't funny. It will become just another part of the great reality blackout necessary for keeping cloud cuckoo land political correctness going.
Remember that 95% of all "anti-racism" is just a means of getting their hands on your wallet.
Just read how a Vietnam vet in Philly who lost his eye for his country was randomly beaten by six black teenagers as he was simply walking down the street (he was saved by a black man who came across the beating). Will the 'leaders' of the black community speak out against this brutal attack? Will they openly deplore the current state of affairs and begin promoting civilised values? Or will it simply condemn apps that have the potential to save lives by warning drivers when they are about to enter their communities? Here in Europe Jews were almost completely exterminated in my grandfather's time. You don't see their community walking around beating up people senselessly, wearing trousers down to their ankles and promoting violence through music and other media. The Chinese were terribly treated in the US a century ago; why is that community able to be so focussed on education and social harmony whilst the black community, apart from men like Bill Cosby, seemingly fails to speak out in favour of positive values?
Big Z allow me to try and craft a cogent response to your insightful commentary....
As you stated, "Has anyone noticed how easy it is to remember all of the stupid and idiotic things you've done in your life but not recall the good ones anywhere near as easily?"
As an avid poker player I find myself nodding in agreement with this statement. I can remember without a moments hesitation my worst beats but struggle to recall my best winning hands. Just about every other poker player is the same way. I'm not exactly sure WHY we can remember the negative so vividly, I mean everyone remembers their first girl friend right?
My own theory on why we remember the negative with such alacrity is due to the pain involved. Pain (whether emotional, psychological, or physical) is a very vivid and visceral reminder that the world can be a cruel and disappointing place. The Pain serves as a reminder of what could have been. In many ways, Pain is superior to happiness in confirming the existence of our reality. The old saying, "Pinch me so I Know Im not dreaming" comes to mind.
Tied into this idea of the negative as it is related to pain, is the idea of the conscience, which you expounded upon. Again our negative actions and the pain they cause allow us to reflect on our conscience in a more sentimental manner. Basically our negative actions cause us to confront our own moral compass in a way positive actions do not. As you noted, for most of us, "Negative events are ANOMALOUS" In a river of positive and normal behavior, our negative actions stick out like Rock causing rapids.
The Cultural Marxists exploiting our social conscience to facilitate on overreaction of guilt and submit the Western World to the death spiral of Multiculturalism and BRA is a fairly recent phenomenon ONLY made possible by the explosion of media in the latter half of the 20th century. Prior to TV and Radio, the only way to reach a large audience was by Newspaper. Can you imagine trying to convince the 90+% white USA in the 1910's, 1920's, 1930's, 1940s, and 1950's by newspaper that ALL races are EQUAL and that collective white racism is to blame for all non white short comings?? Such a thing would be impossible!
After the horrors and shock of World War 1 and 2, White Western Civilization was traumatized and the idea that the white man was capable of incalculable horrors was burned into the minds of the Western World and changed the social conscience. Now look at the pictures from the Civil rights movement in TimeLife magazine, what do you see? Dogs attacking black men, black men getting blasted with fire hoses, police beating black men, etc. It's a PsyOp designed to convince white people of their inherent evil, remember evil and negative feelings are tied to PAIN.
The Cultural Marxists knew that they had to break Western Civ (World War 1/2) before they could reshape the Social Conscience. By hammering home images of the brutality of white men they slowly, but subtly began to succeed.
I disagree with you when say that Cultural Marxism "weaponizes our conscience, humanity and giving the benefit of the doubt." The idea that we should care for and be responsible for the rest of humanity is INHERENTLY AN IDEA PLANTED IN WHITE CONSCIOUSNESS BY THE CULTURAL MARXISTS THEMSELVES. Look at how the USA was before the first world wars, before the Cultural Marxists really changed everything. We were ISOLATIONISTS!! And we INHERENTLY KNEW and ACCEPTED that there was no such thing as equality between the races. We dealt with non whites in a completely different manner than we do today.
In my opinion the reason Whites are so ill prepared to construct a defensive narrative is not because of our Egalitarian, Altruistic nature, but precisely because that Egalitarian, Altruistic nature towards others is FOREIGN NATURE TO US, FORCED into our White Consciousness by Cultural Marxist outsiders.....
This app could also be named "The Cassandra Application". She was right too,and caught hell for being right.
...people taking the wrong exit in the St. Louis area...
Funny enough that actually happened to me. In 2002 I think it was. Wanted to visit the Gateway Arch etc, and somehow -- don't remember exactly how it happened -- ended up going the wrong way across the Mississippi. But I knew I'd made a mistake while I was heading across, and it did not take long to find my way back to the other side of the river. Seeing the surroundings there in East St Louis -- I knew about the place even back then -- helped to create a sense of urgency about that.
Have these engineers of "White European Destruction" pushed the envelope to far?
Have they played their hand too fast thinking we were/are down for the count?
I follow up every story I read on the HBD/ Conservative websites and the comments are more than 90% on our side.
I read about the vet in Philly read the comments to the story. I read about the bus attacks and the 13 year old murder rapist ape. The comments are overwhelmingly on our side. Is it too late or can we throw a "Hail Mary" and save ourselves?
I hope the anonymity of the leads to the awakening of the giant.
wel the numbers and reviews arein and RED TAILS is a smash hit
looks like sbpdl is an idiot!
Back in the late 80's, My friends drove from Ontario to a concert in Detroit. They got lost on the way back to the border. A cop pulled them over, at 2 AM and escorted them to the border.They did not realize what danger the were in.
You Yanks don't realize that when we Canucks read about this stuff constantly, we just assume that all of America is like this. It makes us less likely to visit.
I'd like to do a driving tour of the U.S; but I wouldn't want to be the stupid foreigner who stumbles into a place/situation where I am out of my depth and become a victim of my own ignorance.
"wel the numbers and reviews arein and RED TAILS is a smash hit"
It opens TODAY, there are no numbers yet, and the reviews are mediocre to bad.
Even Roger Ebert says it sucks...
Please you insignificant little troll - I let your comment go through because it's so... hilarious - the "Red Tails" movie not only looks bad, but hopelessly liberal movie reviewers have looked upon and said, "PASS."
Over at Rotten Tomatoes, it has a fresh of 34 out of 100.
Yes, USA Today (meaning all Gannett publications) and The New York Times have gushed over this story, but all the George Lucas story equates to is a pathetic knock-off of "300" for Negros.
And Zack Snyder's "300" had more truth to it than does "Red Tails."
"Zenster said..."
Excellent post, Zenster. I agree that the mechanisms of Cultural Marxism are the brain bombs that afflict whites from self-preservation and acceptance of scapegoating.
red tails wil clean up at the box office
loks like white supremacy is dying a well deserved edeath and yo guys cant stand it
critics are snobs
read the audience revieews
all overwhelingly positive espcecailiy form viewers of color
with demographics changing soon ALL movied will tell the truth about history form the People of OClor experience
Jeeeez, almost every fucking review says the exact same thing...
"The Tuskegee Airmen deserve better than this".
Isn't it funny how DWL's just HAVE to include this disclaimer, presumably to pre-empt being called a racist.
The critics of the app should at least be honest and say out loud that the reason that they have a problem with it is that it will lower the number of potential victims that their beloved, beleaguered criminals can prey upon.
Hey Guys, the "troll" is a fake, the deliberate misspellings are a giveaway.
Hopefully someone will tell him it wasn't funny the first time, and it's less funny now.
In south Dallas (largely a No-Go zone) there is a small community called the Bishop Arts District with some trendy boutiques, artists and restaurants that have gentrified the tiny oasis of buildings in a few city blocks. It is important to note that the developer gave free of charge for a year the space for a police department storefront.
I don't have the app (yet), but I wonder how the Bishop Arts District shows up on it. My brother wanted to move there...actually to an apartment right on the outskirts of it for cheaper rent. I warned him against it.
"Whites hate blacks for their propensity for murder, arson, robbery and drug dealing.
Blacks hate whites for noticing."
It has been my experience that they hate whites even if they don't notice.
I've never heard anyone exclaim "Don't go in that neighborhood after dark, it's full of white people!"
Anything to help whites avoid black crime is a good thing.
I am enjoying Unamusement Park today. He has a new post "The Second Law of Black Crime According to Black People", and it finally explains the comments of the black posters here on SBPDL.
According to blacks, there is always "another side to the story" or "y'all need to stop making judgments on people" and "we don't know what they was goin' through" or "some information is missing" or "we don't know all the facts yet" and "they are leaving something out" when black crime/degeneracy is reported and we jump to any conclusions.
Hilarious! He completely breaks down this black cultural value for us:
I've never heard anyone exclaim "Don't go in that neighborhood after dark, it's full of white people!"
Challenge accepted.
Someone did not say that to mr evergreen and he was a cycling along at 2:00AM in the morning but 10:00PM somewhere in Africa where his pure heart is and someone called the cops on him!
Sweet holesome innocent niceguy evergreen!
For shame!
To those sickos in the first world with first world standards of behavior!
Perhaps they will have to cook the books to make Red Tails appear to be a smash hit, since they can't afford to let a film of such cultural significance fail. You know, like they have to fake black test scores.
"Look, there's no crowds and the critics panned it, but reports indicate Red Tails grossed ONE BILLION DOLLARS on opening day!"
"VIRGIL" is the perfect name for this app. In some cases, it will directly responsible for saving lives. I would buy it today if it is configured for android. To our friends in Canada..come visit us down here in BOSTON, where we keep the groids, knuckledraggers and boneheads in their own little section of town.
To the anonymous Canadian: the 2010 census has the whole country broken down by race at the census block level (there's a google type map on the web) for this so you can prepare your trip through the US in advance. Sadly, from what I hear Toronto may be developing some no go areas because of the import of so many West Indians.
I think back to the two British recent college graduates that walked the wrong way after leaving a bar in Sarasota to find themselves in a Liberia-esque setting.
They were killed by a 15 year old black within seconds of realizing their mistake. Just like that, one wrong turn and they were dead within seconds.
In "white privilege America" blacks can walk through any white neighborhood they wish with nothing to worry about. Whites aren't afforded that. Whites are marked for execution, rape or robbery at the very least if they make the mistake of venturing into dark territory.
As for the silly black apologist trying to equate domestic battery and fraud with typical black street crime. So typical. People don't care if some guy cheats on his taxes, they care that if they make a wrong turn that they won't be murdered while their wife is raped by niggerteens.
Nice post by So CAL Snowman. To add some evidence to his post, here is a video from William Lind from the 1990s that pretty much expands upon his post.
In the (Microsoft-published) HALO:ODST, Virgil was the name given to the automated city director and superintendent in the ruined New Mombasa, Kenya.
Quite fitting. Maybe they should put his face on it.
@Anonymous at 10:48 AM and the anonymous Canadian poster, that map is here
Guess what my DWL mother is going to see today? Nope, not Red Tails...Mission Impossible!!! If my mother possibly won't see it, this film will fail.
This whole dust up over what basically is an ‘avoid the groid’ ap could have been avoided with just a simple change in direction of the marketing by Microsoft.
Think of it this way; if you WANT to go to the ghetto, to whom and how would you market it? (While at the same time, providing basically the same service to those looking to avoid the groid).
You a brutha on the run from the po-po cause of warrants, or from angry baby-mammas after support, or from rival gang members and want to lay-low for a few months in a strange city and blend in right away? THERE’S AN AP FOR THAT!
Are you passing through town and Jonesin for some authentic chicken and waffles? THERE’S AN AP FOR THAT!
In a strange city and want to score a quick rock or two and top it off with an ice cold Fohtay? THERE’S AN AP FOR THAT!
Needs to get yo muh-dik on and need to score a $5 dolla trick? THERE’S AN AP FOR THAT!
You a libtard and want to experience a real multi-cultural experience in all its glory and excitement? THERE’S AN AP FOR THAT!
If anyone is reading this from Microsoft, feel free to help yourself.
Do the negro trolls think pretending Red Tails is a hit will affect us? Are they that retarded? Well, according to the Bell Curve, yes....
But really, easy to see why liberal reviewers would say it's good. Same reason eveyone acted like Spike Lee was a genius when he was just a mediorce director at best. he just worked in a field that was mostly rich white guys from rich backgrounds who acted liberals to feel less guilty about being rich white people who didn't have to have full time jobs.
So screw any idea who likes this sack of propaganda.
BTW why are these "blighted" areas, always in the North Part of town? Kinda a funny coincidence.
"BTW why are these "blighted" areas, always in the North Part of town? Kinda a funny coincidence"
Not in Chicago. South and west are bad there. Northside has some decent areas.
Gentrify America - thanks for that 40 worst people link! That was a SCREECH!!!! OMG - I wish that the names were still there, as I would 'Friend" ever last on of them. I celebrate Robert e Lee week - but still! That's just made my day!!!!
Dallas, Tx has the bad side of town on the south, next to the fairgrounds. The Texas State Fair is a dangerous place for whites to be at after dark.
id like to chime in as someonee that grew up in a 'bad" white part of town.
small town iowa, poor in the 70s
even now its a bit scary
at worst you may get beaten up or asked for a donation to the hug a thugfoundation. even then youd have to fairly well ask for trouble.
go to the black part of town and you will definitely have these things happen to you, but much worse and guaranteed
fwiw in irish part of boston i felt the same way. despite a knife fight i witnessed among whites, you could steer clear of trouble. just dont be an ahole.
or put another way, avoid the blacks
RE:columbus ohio checking in again.
You're correct about that immigration act of 1965. You can thank Senator Kennedy for that one if memory serves me. I also thought he did this to stop immigrates from Italy. Now we live with another dead liberals' agenda.
So CAL Snowman: Big Z allow me to try and craft a cogent response to your insightful commentary....
Thank you for doing so; I really appreciate your effort to analyze this phenomenon.
My own theory on why we remember the negative with such alacrity is due to the pain involved.
Quite right. Pain is a great behavioral modifier. Pavlov, does that name ring a bell?
In many ways, Pain is superior to happiness in confirming the existence of our reality. The old saying, "Pinch me so I know I'm not dreaming" comes to mind.
Excellent example.
Again our negative actions and the pain they cause allow us to reflect on our conscience in a more sentimental manner.
Your selection of sentiment is really appropriate. I would venture that Whites are far more sentimental than many other races because of how our productive culture enables us to enjoy the luxury of such reminiscing. Other more survival-stressed races literally cannot afford to be so maudlin and, therefore, may not be as susceptible to sentiment.
Basically our negative actions cause us to confront our own moral compass in a way positive actions do not.
At first blush, one would think that positive rewards (i.e., pleasurable experiences) would register more strongly but there is powerful logic that points towards life-threatening (i.e., painful) situations being queued with greater priority.
As you noted, for most of us, "Negative events are ANOMALOUS" In a river of positive and normal behavior, our negative actions stick out like Rock causing rapids.
Great analogy.
The Cultural Marxists exploiting our social conscience to facilitate on overreaction of guilt and submit the Western World to the death spiral of Multiculturalism and BRA is a fairly recent phenomenon ONLY made possible by the explosion of media in the latter half of the 20th century.
I agree entirely. It is possible to cite The Google Effect as an explanation of why so few people think for themselves anymore. There is also the concept of the "tenant farmer", a reference to Middle America's farming communities where a head of household had to have an incredibly wide variety of skills such as mechanical operation and repair, animal husbandry, agronomy, weather interpretation, hunting plus many other talents.
This sort of general ability included thinking on one’s own and bred up a uniquely independent sort of individual. Much of this independence has been leached out of us by the convenience and comfort of modern civilization. A useful comparison is how so few people could survive very long if dropped into a wilderness environment.
The same goes for the intellectual environment. People have become very complacent about allowing others to formulate their opinions for them. Television is the ultimate "spoon feeder", quite unlike newspaper media (used to be), as you yourself go on to note.
[to be continued]
Can you imagine trying to convince the 90+% white USA in the 1910's, 1920's, 1930's, 1940s, and 1950's by newspaper that ALL races are EQUAL and that collective white racism is to blame for all non white short comings?? Such a thing would be impossible!
All of which points towards a serious degeneration as regards an individual capacity for critical analysis.
After the horrors and shock of World War 1 and 2, White Western Civilization was traumatized and the idea that the white man was capable of incalculable horrors was burned into the minds of the Western World and changed the social conscience.
Outstanding point. WWII has been used to flog Whites and flay the collective conscience of modern White culture like no other historic episode save that of slavery itself.
The Cultural Marxists knew that they had to break Western Civ (World War 1/2) before they could reshape the Social Conscience. By hammering home images of the brutality of white men they slowly, but subtly began to succeed.
That success relied rather heavily upon people losing historical perspective and, thereby, their ability to properly assess or attribute such crucial factors as cause and effect, blame or root causes. Clearly, historical revisionism, Liberal academic bias and other Culturally Marxist levers played a large part in this.
I disagree with you when say that Cultural Marxism "weaponizes our conscience, humanity and giving the benefit of the doubt." The idea that we should care for and be responsible for the rest of humanity is INHERENTLY AN IDEA PLANTED IN WHITE CONSCIOUSNESS BY THE CULTURAL MARXISTS THEMSELVES.
Such virtues as conscience, humanity and giving the benefit of the doubt do not automatically translate into the universalist altruism that currently infects much of Western Civilization. If that is acceptable, then we are in larger agreement as to how Cultural Marxism has driven the process of weaponization.
Look at how the USA was before the first world wars, before the Cultural Marxists really changed everything. We were ISOLATIONISTS!! And we INHERENTLY KNEW and ACCEPTED that there was no such thing as equality between the races. We dealt with non whites in a completely different manner than we do today.
This is probably attributable to the perversion of Classical Liberalism into what we know as today's modern Liberalism. A time line which tracked that changeover would probably have a fairly direct correspondence with implementation of Socialist policies like The New Deal and The Great Society.
In my opinion the reason Whites are so ill prepared to construct a defensive narrative is not because of our Egalitarian, Altruistic nature, but precisely because that Egalitarian, Altruistic nature towards others is FOREIGN NATURE TO US, FORCED into our White Consciousness by Cultural Marxist outsiders.....
We are in violent raucous agreement.
NORCAL You a libtard and want to experience a real multi-cultural experience in all its glory and excitement? THERE’S AN AP FOR THAT!
If anyone is reading this from Microsoft, feel free to help yourself.
Looks like NORCAL figured out how the app is going to be used most often. By upper class DWL kids from the burbs to score smack. Hope they enjoy the "Inferno".
rjp: Looks like NORCAL figured out how the app is going to be used most often. By upper class DWL kids from the burbs to score smack.
Which all goes to show that GPS isn't much help if your own moral compass is already demagnetized. If rich Liberal White kids get themselves offed while trying to cop drugs in the ghetto, that's not a bug, it's a feature.
Look at it as the same sort of Auto-Chlor™ mechanism involving Liberal White families that send their do-gooder kids off to Africa so they can be raped and murdered.
Thats awesome! I just finished The Inferno a couple months ago-what a perfect comparison! Haha!
Zenster, that's how I look at liberals who seek out black areas, either for 'culture' or drugs. If blacks are attacking them, they're not attacking sane white people.
Really, though, I think that's what DWL think of evey other white person. Since I was a kid I thought it was weird how tv and movies make the suburbs seem like hell because it's 'boring'. Growing up I'd rather have lived in the white rich suburbs then were I grew up.
A while ago I figured it out, the DWL were trying to keep everyone else from creating MORE suburbs. Once the rich Hollywood producers, writers, actors, and directors, plus authors, had their havens, everyone else should feel bad. They projected their own guilt of living in safe white enclaves on us. And since their own kids don't see negro swinging from the ceilings at their own schools it's their kids who will walk around Gorilla City not knowing what to expect.
As bad as it is for whites in the cities or Section 8 infested suburbs and small towns, the smart ones are aware. Not always talking about it, but they know. The idiots are the ones who see 5 chimps and assume they're friends they haven't met yet.
In Soviet Russia
Ghettoes avoid YOU!
Caiden: Once the rich Hollywood producers, writers, actors, and directors, plus authors, had their havens, everyone else should feel bad. They projected their own guilt of living in safe white enclaves on us.
I have reached a similar conclusion as well. By living in gated communities and sending their kids to private schools the political and corporate elite have thoroughly immunized themselves from the consequences of their actions.
Moreover, there seems to be an attitude that transcends mere greed and amounts to an embodiment of après moi le déluge. Any sense of legacy and heritage seems to have been erased by materialism and lack of spirituality.
While some of this failure to answer for the consequences of their acts can be traced to the anonymity of urban life, such moral incompetence and malfeasance is just too rampant to be wholly explained away by it. There is an element of unaccountability and a lack of conscience which damns much of the Western elite.
The real affirmative action was allowing blacks to co-mingle with lower class white children and thusly procreate with whites to improve their intelligence quotients by proxy of white genetics. The mighty 'elites' would never do this to their own lineage (of course), but, the ultimate way of equalizing everyone but the 'elites' is to 'brown' down and white up and ultimately control the beige.
"Moreover, there seems to be an attitude that transcends mere greed and amounts to an embodiment of après moi le déluge. Any sense of legacy and heritage seems to have been erased by materialism and lack of spirituality.
While some of this failure to answer for the consequences of their acts can be traced to the anonymity of urban life, such moral incompetence and malfeasance is just too rampant to be wholly explained away by it. There is an element of unaccountability and a lack of conscience which damns much of the Western elite."
That's some darned fine writing, sir! You think and write with an enormous mental clarity Zenster. I always enjoy yours and Paul's prose. And so many others on here as well. Bravo!
Thank you for the kind words, Dissident.
This whole après moi le déluge mentality is deeply disturbing. Nothing epitomizes it more than the transnationalist globalist corporate enterprises that have no loyalty to nation or race and exist as basically predatory entities.
They are strip mining and clear cutting their way across the world's economic landscape while concentrating wealth in a manner that isn't just obscene but represents greed on a scale that maliciously intends to deprive others of opportunity for, access to and enjoyment of prosperity.
Never in all of my years have I seen something that is so deliberately and intentionally anti-human. Criminal Blacks have nothing on this über-elite of blue blood CEOs and pols that have committed unprecedented theft on a trans-generational scale.
This "I've got mine and devil take the hindmost" makes Black "gibsmedat" look exactly like the kindergarten mentality that it is. There is evil afoot that was simply unimaginable several decades ago.
re: transnationalist globalist corporate enterprises that have no loyalty to nation or race and exist as basically predatory entities.
Years ago, I read in a long forgotten periodical, that most, if not all, Corporate CEO's, career Politicians , and University Educators (our Elite Overlords) could be legitimately classified as having Sociopath Personalities. Unlike the 19th & early 20th century Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan type Corporate Barons that had to emulate a false sense of humanity to keep employees earning, and Government enforced reforms manageable (back when our government actually had the best
interests of this country in mind).
Recommended book, Dissident, Zenster, and DJF Jr: Revolt of the Elites, by Christopher Lasch. The author is an honest leftist, a rare creature, nearly extinct.. None of the hatred for White working people that passes for progressivism nowadays.
DJFJr: Unlike the 19th & early 20th century Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan type Corporate Barons that had to emulate a false sense of humanity to keep employees earning, and Government enforced reforms manageable (back when our government actually had the best interests of this country in mind).
I would venture that the difference goes a lot further. At least the Robber Barons of old actually created wealth by spurring new technologies (e.g., steel, oil, railways).
The modern elite have either inherited their money or obtained it by acting as financial gatekeepers who charge a toll on transactions which create no real jobs and do not truly boost the economy. They are gaming the system instead of growing it.
By comparison, these new Wall Street Wizards™ are playing a Zero Sum Game which would have most likely appalled the old Robber Barons.
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