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Unlike in Inception, MLK's dream will end one day. |
Unless your skin is white, then your character is never judged as insidious.
There’s no need to look into the depraved background of MLK and his inability to hold firm his oath of marital vows; there’s no need to look at the duplicitous manner in which I Have a Dream (I HAD) conservatives cling to the illusory notion that MLK was some grand Republican; there’s no need to point out the communist affiliations of MLK; there’s no need to even look at the true (or untrue) legacy of MLK anymore.
None of that matters. All that you need to know about the reality of King's dream is seen in the ruins of cities that used to be Detroit and Birmingham, the failed school system in Memphis (or the lies told by the Atlanta Public School administrators), and the dying-before-our-eyes-in-real-time Philadelphia. If those in attendance at the much ballyhooed 1963 speech by King in D.C. could see for themselves what the dream of MLK became, how many of them would still fight to see it come to fruition?
Jim Goad wrote a column to which I can only aspire to one day write when he said I’m So Bored with MLK. He asked this one question that few celebrating by walking in parades down cracked, despondent streets (where crime, murder, rape, and sorrow are proliferate, the perfect breeding grounds for a First 48 Hours episode) and the Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) bloviating platitudes to the moral superiority of King will ever consider:
After nearly 1,000 mostly dilapidated American streets named in his honor and a select number of cushy jobs awarded in media, athletics, education, and government, what has MLK achieved for American blacks in real terms? Have you seen Birmingham or Memphis lately? Do these latter-day urban creatures seem somehow nobler than the black men in porkpie hats and Buddy Holly glasses who marched for their amorphous “rights” in the 1960s? To my blue eyes, the new jacks seem a few rungs down from their forebears on the evolutionary ladder.
What dreams may become, MLK? Well, in 2011 we found out why Funtown was off-limits to Black people. We also found out why white people (and members of all races) find Philadelphia, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Chicago, Peoria, Baltimore, and, sadly, hundreds of other American cities unsafe for raising a family in, though – like Atlanta – the federal government will one day decree white flight to be illegal.
What dreams may become, MLK? We can no longer judge Black people at all (lest of which by their character), because all of the problems that originate from Black people are the fault of white privilege, white racism, and dear ol’ whitey.
What dreams may become, MLK? That we’d abandon the space program so that we could allocate trillions into caring for a population that ruined one of the greatest cities on earth – Detroit – in less than twenty years after accidentally inheriting it as whites fled for high ground from the rising waters of the Black Underow?
Goad wrote these words which hold truth and dovetail nicely into the main point of this entry:
Some have suggested that the more than 100 riots that erupted nationwide after his murder frightened mainstream white America into making an uneasy truce with American blacks—don’t burn down our cities, and we’ll give you our lunch money and promise to stop calling you bad names.
This was no uneasy truce; It was a total victory for BRA, a totalitarian ideology which has destroyed the vitality of this nation and unfairly castigated all white people with the sins (some real, most grossly exaggerated) of their fathers. Worse, there is no judge you can supplicate to remove them; that means even DWLs welcome this ideology as some sort of self-immolation.
Soon, The Hunger Games will be released in theaters. It is my belief that the world of that dystopian novel is far superior to the one we live in (that essay is coming). Because of a lack of time to describe the plot, allow Wikipedia to describe it for you:
It is written in first person and introduces sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world in the country of Panem where the countries of North America once existed. This is where the government, working in a central city called the Capitol, holds power. In the book, the Hunger Games are an annual event where one boy and one girl aged 12 to 18 from each of the 12 districts surrounding the Capitol are selected to compete in a televised battle in which only one person can survive.
But why have Hunger Games? On page 18 of the book, we learn what happened. After a series of calamitous events in what used to be the United States transpires, a new nation arose:
The result was Panem, a shining Capitol ringed by thirteen districts, which brought peace and prosperity to its citizens. Then came the Dark Days, the uprising of the districts against the Capitol. Twelve were defeated, the thirteenth obliterated. The Treaty of Treason gave us the new laws to guarantee peace and, as our yearly reminder that the Dark Days must never be repeated, it gave us the Hunger Games.
It is here we learn the rules of the Hunger Games and the crucial role they have in shaming the thought of any insurrection by displaying the awesome power the Capitol wields (p. 18 – 19):
The rules of the Hungers Games are simple. In punishment for the uprising, each of the twelve districts must provide one girl and one boy, called tributes, to participate. The twenty-four tributes will be imprisoned in a vast outdoor arena that could hold anything from a burning desert to a frozen wasteland. Over a period of several weeks, the competitors must fight to the death. The last tribute standing wins.
Taking the kids from our districts, forcing them to kill one another while we watch – this is the Capitol’s way of remind us how totally we are at their mercy. How little chance we would stand of surviving another rebellion. Whatever words they use, the real message is clear, “Look how we take your children and sacrifice them and there’s nothing you can do. If you lift a finger, we will destroy every last one of you. Just as we did District Thirteen.”
A lot of people want this site to highlight every Black-on-white atrocity that transpires in BRA. That would be impossible, because the Mainstream Media rarely reports the race of the suspect in a rape, robbery, or murder case, unless the rape, robbery, or murder case conveniently has an evil white person doing nefarious deeds to a saintly non-white.
It’s this writer’s opinion that the yearly celebration of MLK Day is nothing more than a gratuitous DWL-inspired version of the Hunger Games. But instead of one day of sacrifices, white kids are fair game to be attacked year-long in public schools, where every negative aspect about 21st century life is blamed on their ancestors.
But instead of one day of sacrifices, white people – even Stuff White People Like (SWPL) white people – are fair game to be attacked by roving bands of Mahogany Mobbers, without fear of draconian Hate Crime legislation.
MLK Day is nothing more than a reminder of the total victory for the left, and platitudes of inspired indifference to the truth of MLK by I HAD people (primarily conservatives) shows the totality of the victory.
MLK Day is nothing more than a punishment for the mere existence of white people, a repudiation of the civilization that birthed the United States of America, and a way to remind us – Those Who Can See - of the total mercy to BRA, the complete subjugation of the old America in the process.
Little does it matter to DWLs and Organized Blackness that the dream of MLK has given birth to the Structural Inequality found in all cities that BRA conquered, uprooting white families and throwing them into a to a life of servitude (high taxation to subsidize the Black Undertow), making them nomads traveling from one Whitopia to the next.
The miserable fate of Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Houston, Newark, etc., matter little in the grand scheme of things, as long as on the third Monday of January the American version of the Hunger Games is played.
We won’t be “tributes” to the dreams of King and his ilk forever, watching in silent horror as another major American city - once a beacon of hope to unborn generations - becomes the next Detroit.
There are still those of us who see through the lies. There are still those of us who see the world that your dreams helped create and defiantly laugh, knowing that one day – unlike in Inception - the spinning top will fall.
There are still those of us born into the world where all white people are nothing but "tributes" to the dream of MLK, who have and who will awaken to the reality of BRA. Those boomers, generation x, generation y, millennial's, and members of the "greatest generation" must get off at knees at some point, and understand that the truce Goad spoke of means the continued usurpation of their future (and their posterity) for the subsidation of BRA.
There are still those of us born into the world where all white people are nothing but "tributes" to the dream of MLK, who have and who will awaken to the reality of BRA. Those boomers, generation x, generation y, millennial's, and members of the "greatest generation" must get off at knees at some point, and understand that the truce Goad spoke of means the continued usurpation of their future (and their posterity) for the subsidation of BRA.
All dreams end when new ones dare supplant them.
Girl shot after leaving MLK Day parade.
Link: http://www.todaysthv.com/news/article/190776/2/Update-Girl-caught-in-crossfire-after-MLK-parade-in-downtown-Little-Rock
Many of the welfare bills that Goad describes were passed before MLK was assassinated, so I think that theory is a bit half baked.
Otherwise, the worst cuss word which I use to describe MLK: Egalitarian.
Perhaps someone more knowledgeable about MLK could provide a bit of insight here.
Exactly how often in his lifetime did MLK upbraid (a la Cosby), Black Americans for their consummate failure to achieve much in the way of self-guidance and community cohesion?
I really do not recall anything similar to Cosby's "pound cake" speech coming forth from MLK.
If that is the case, the all the demands for equal rights and so forth was just that much "gibsmedat" rhetoric. This is apparently borne out in how this "holiday" is not used as any sort of goad to encourage more self-advancement and, instead, yet one more monument to "waycism".
And to add..bank employees called racist for daring to work on MLK day. How dare them give up a holiday to earn money to pay their bills!!! It just never ends!
Countenance said....
"Many of the welfare bills that Goad describes were passed before MLK was assassinated, so I think that theory is a bit half baked.
Otherwise, the worst cuss word which I use to describe MLK: Egalitarian."
What are you talking about? Please show some kind of connection between "welfare bills being passed before scumbag was assassinated" and this "theory" that either Goad or SBPDL allegedly wrote about.
My dad, after I asked why he was working today, remarked that "the government jobs are the only one who don't work today, mainly because they're black"
The leaflet read: “Dear TD Bank, you are defying the King holiday. Shame, Shame, Shame. This is a racist act. Shame, Shame, Shame.
Surprised? Me neither.
Mich. Family: Grandmother Assaulted at Chuck E. Cheese's
H/T: Larry Auster
The Hunger Games was/is stupid, something only a Chick could write and only women/girls could read. Not almost, EVERY time a significant portion of the countryside has rebelled against a capitol, it has been the capitol that has fallen. This is easy to see, because Capitols cannot raise great Armies. Nor can they feed them, nor pay them. THAT comes from the provinces. Which is and always has been where real power lies.
The Hunger Games is the typical chick-stuff love of cruelty and sadism in various guises.
Nor is the real end-game going to be pretty for places like Detroit. There is no more money to be had, without withering fights with the provinces (ask King John how that went) to pay for places like Detroit. Hard times breed hard responses. The power of the media is played out, not the least of which sheer repetition/boredom, and fragmentation. About 17 million people watched the Golden Globes, and not one of them a straight White guy.
If no more money goes to Detroit, what happens? Raiding parties out looting for stuff? Will they be organized as well as say, Korean shop-owners in South Central?
Obama has big plans, including using DHS and TSA goons, lots of automation, cameras in streetlights, facial-recognition video feeds and GPS in smart phones and much else. But America is so big, that is what people don't get.
In fact all three, Hunger Games, King's delusions on the permanence of AA, and Obama's plans are fantasies like Hitler ordering non-existent divisions to his rescue in Downfall.
SC GOP Debate:
Ron Paul is actually spewing PC nonsense about the justice system being unfair to negroes.
No thanks.
Let me add, Battle Royale was the source material for Hunger Games, the woman totally ripped it off. They are both fantasy and totally unrealistic (in that human beings don't behave that way) in depicting behavior. Taking children from a people is a way to make them hate you, and side with ANY conqueror or outsider at all. As the Aztecs found out. And even with total domination it causes periodic uprisings, as the Aztecs experienced. When Cortez landed he found a million Aztecs, and six million others who hated the Aztecs with a passion.
MLK day is not MLK Day because of Blacks. Who are only 12% of the population, are poor, and without much social power. It is rather, a way for some Whites to gain social advantage over others. Social advantage can be powerful, but when disaster/hard times strike, it is not everything. Sometimes its nothing. When everyone is scrambling to the lifeboats, no one cares who is more muy moral than others.
It'll be be interesting to see what "they" do with the next two books in the Hunger trilogy.
I happened upon this only yesterday, in William Hannibal Thomas's "The American Negro," published in 1901, and have shared it with other bloggers, but I thought it was, if nothing else, prescient.
"It is an open secret that many negro preachers who have attained great notoriety within their race by solemnly masquerading in garments of seeming righteousness, find intense satisfaction in praise evoked by pulpit effusions, the original material of which was got together through indiscriminate pilferings. In fact, the freedmen have but a few preachers among them who do not purloin their discourses from the printed sermons of white ministers, but whose illiterate mannerisms so distort the original as to render it of little value. Plagiarism is not the sole crime of our current negro ministry. It is well known that desecraters of human welfare boldly dominte the altars, invade the precincts of domestic life, despoil the family fireside, and through bewildering sophistries yoke virgin innocence and brazen guilt."
The Hunger Games was/is stupid, something only a Chick could write and only women/girls could read. Not almost, EVERY time a significant portion of the countryside has rebelled against a capitol, it has been the capitol that has fallen. This is easy to see, because Capitols cannot raise great Armies. Nor can they feed them, nor pay them. THAT comes from the provinces. Which is and always has been where real power lies.
This is actually not true. Peasants' revolts fail all the time. If they don't win by September, the soldiers desert and go back to the farm. The capital meanwhile, when their troops desert them, can afford to buy off their enemies or at the end, rent some mercenaries.
We could look at China (shut down the Tai Ping and the Boxers), or Russia (shut down the White armies), or the rampaging mobs in Germany which Martin Luther put down. But for one modern urban-versus-countryside conflict, I give you the Arabs versus the Copts in Egypt. How's that going.
Anyhow, Whiskey - I've been watching your commentary for some years now. I've paid attention to you because you're a gifted writer. But you do fly off the handle too often. I would advise you to write your screeds into a text editor and then to fact-check your claims.
Also, ignore the gender of the author when evaluating any given text. Please.
Which president signed MLK Day into law?
Ronald Reagan
Whiskey's right about one thing: blacks are only 12% of the population -- and are a generally harmless lot when left to themselves, easily contained and mostly self-managing. No, the real enemy is lily white -- the Disingenuous White Liberal. There was essentially no race trouble during the Jim Crow years until they showed up to socially engineer us into utopia.
Fight the real enemy: the white liberals.
G. Nomon said...
I happened upon this only yesterday, in William Hannibal Thomas's "The American Negro," published in 1901, and have shared it with other bloggers, but I thought it was, if nothing else, prescient.
I've noticed some black pastors and churches attempt to imitate and immolate White counterparts. It reminds me of a cargo-cult mentality.
I've also noticed Whites (churches and otherwise) attempting to ape black behavior. Particularly annoying are White people who try to 'talk black' to black people. They look/sound ridiculous.
Amen Paul! Amen!
Devil's Advocate here- That the situation for the black population has not improved is not the fault of MLK anymore that the American founders are responsible for the level of gun crime today. Put in context, the 20th century up until MLK was one of segregation, lynching, and in places state-sponsored violence. To criticise MLK for not speaking out a la Cosby four decades later is misguided. Blacks did not have the opportunity to screw up in the 1950s. After his death blacks were no longer sent to the front lines to die for their country in segregated regiments and then discriminated against back home. I fear that those attacking MLK do so without the necessary perspective, feeling that as he has been seemingly sanctified, there is no value in giving credit where any may be due.
I also get wary when his philandering and apparent 'communist' ideas get trumpeted out. So he cheated on his wife; just like every white President of the US. We don't feel the need to put an asterix next to JFK's name in school textbooks to footnote that he was shagging Monroe during the Cuban Missile Crisis. It's 2012- to reflexively bring up such matters when no-one is that prudish stings of hypocrisy. As for his leftist leanings, many of my heroes were on the left. I thought America supported freedom of belief. Are there not memorials to Jefferson Davis? I myself completely disagree that 30% of a city in which blacks suddenly moved to has to find hi-tech positions and jobs for 30% of them. But he was never in a position to force this down anyone. When people get so worked up about someone who had no position of power but relied only on his words to convince citizens, I fear they are of little use to the greater injustices being carried out today.
Thanks for the indulgence.
The comments over at the ultra-white-guilt-libtard "Oregon Live", about the recent MAX public transit black-on-white beatings, and about another recent black-on-black shooting today, look as if they were posted here at SBPDL!
Whitey be waking up n'sheeit yo!
Police identify man injured in early morning shooting in Northeast Portland
Monday, January 16, 2012, 3:17 PM
Portland police, TriMet wonder why no MAX passengers called 9-1-1 about attack on girl
"The Hunger Games was/is stupid, something only a Chick could write and only women/girls could read. Not almost, EVERY time a significant portion of the countryside has rebelled against a capitol, it has been the capitol that has fallen. This is easy to see, because Capitols cannot raise great Armies. Nor can they feed them, nor pay them. THAT comes from the provinces. Which is and always has been where real power lies. "
People's uprising's fail far more often then they succeed. High developed urban centers of power (Capitols) raise Professional Armies, whereas rural uprisings raise People's Armies. Professional Soldiers don't have farms they have to harvest or face starvation, they're better trained and disciplined, they spend their time practicing for war day in and day out. People's Armies tend to be built around on emotional bonds, and when people start dying- that lack of discipline tears Peasant Armies apart as morale plummets. As for pay and feed, the Roman Legions were paid partially in plunder in the early days, it made them particularly eager to carry war. William T Sherman's Armies on their March to the Sea gorged itself on the finest wines, ate the choicest cuts of meat, and seized any bauble or jewel or article of clothing they fancied- Sherman had no supply train; he fed his army off the enemy's lands, broke their ability to support their own troops, and crushed their morale by burning their homes and looting their belongings.
The food and resources may come from the countryside, but the urban center of power is capable of seizing them by force- and when it uses force, it will use enough to make sure the countryside remembers long and hard that when it asks for something- it will receive it..
I have not read the Hunger Games nor have I read the Twilight YA novels. On this I seem to get Whiskey's point. This is all chick lit in fact it is teenage adolescent chick lit. I like Paul's analogies I enjoyed this one but there is a point to what Whiskey is saying.
Right now at this moment White males are taking cues from YA novels geared towards females on their behavior.
I think it is high time we Nut Up and say, "No Fucking More!" Most of us were not even alive during Jim Crow and obviously none us were alive during slavery. If we are to take the full burden of these past wrong doings then by God every fucking mau mau needs to be held responsible for the behavior of it's tribe.
It's simple we need a strong mouth piece and we need lawyers. We need to organize and we need to march. We need to write letter campaigns to ever single DWL company (I.E. McDonald's Black 365) and ever single news source be it Foxx or be it New York Times.
Every time I follow a story from SBPDL, Amren, Taki, or maybe even Chimpout. I trace to story to the original post and I can tell you people are fed up with TNB. Read the comments on any of these "hidden" racial stories there are more than you know "Who can See" they are just waiting for a leader.
Paul you are a young man I don't know if you can speak as well as you write but you maybe that leader. I have met one of the young men from Youth for Western Civilization and he is a leader they are doing good work. I know you know them and now is the time.
If I were not in Korea at the moment have no doubt I would join any of you in a march on Washington. Maybe it is time for those of us who defend Western Civilization have our Million Man March?
Zimri-peasants never win any revolt. It is always one alpha group toppling another who promise the peasants things and once they're in power just take over and do what the toppled alpha group did. The cycle just repeats itself and it has been this way since civilisation began. Look at your average American peasant. Ignorant, gullible,no consistancy or discipline, no foresight,easily swayed by whatever some conman tells them, unsophisticated and easily bought for a few trinkets. No, the peasants and proles will never do anything.
'Exactly how often in his lifetime did MLK upbraid (a la Cosby), Black Americans'
As far as I know, never, althugh he did say something about the riots which of course were happening during his lifetime and before he was killed.
Whisky you're right about a lot of things but the proles were always led by the upper class alphas and noblemen who really only wanted to take power from the other alphas who were in control.It takes brains to form the sort of coalition to topple the alphas in power. The democrat party under FDR is an example of this where disparate groups with nothing in common were able to put a president into office.
To Whiskey- Girls love cruelty and sadism? You must be drinking some of that whiskey. Thank you, Zimri.
This is a little off-topic, but has anyone ever seen a movie where black people are beating or killing white people on a large scale in the U.S.A.? There are so many movies that show the opposite. I've watched over 6,000 movies, and I can't think of one. I look forward to your replies.
Fine writing. You are really nailing the abomination known as BRA.
'Exactly how often in his lifetime did MLK upbraid (a la Cosby), Black Americans'
From personal experience, I have seen that in public, black supports black no matter what. Blacks create the illusion of a strong racial cohesion and shared racial victimology that is unshakable. Blacks, however, will step on each other's necks in private if they get the chance. Thou shalt not air the black dirty laundry in front of whitey.
Remember Eric "My People" Holder's comment about the bond between the black lawyer and the black prisoner? Blacks do not throw each other under the bus or publicly castigate each other in front of whites. That is a huge no-no.
Any suprise??
Keir . . .
Blacks did not have the opportunity to screw up in the 1950s.
How far back do we need to go?
Humanity has embraced civilization for over 35,000 years . . . in China, in Mesopotamia, in Egypt, (later) in the Americas; in Europe.
The exception is Africa. Left to themselves Africans would lapse into the stone age existence. Although Africans had access to civilization and innovation in Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc., they never adopted it.
What we see in Detroit is consistent with what we observe in Africa for the past 35,000 years.
Granted, that's no excuse to hate people. However, ignoring the obvious smacks of the idiocy inherent to left-wing social engineering.
Anonymous at3:36, let me show you a more detailed one from my alma mater's site
Black kids at schools like this always bitch about how "they are not affirmative action admits" and that black studies is like real scholarship.
Hopefully, the full study can actually be used in more lawsuits. Make any school receiving any government grants forbidden from racial preferences. "Content of character" baby!
Here is the paper about at grade difference at Duke. http://public.econ.duke.edu/~psarcidi/grades_4.0.pdf
just like every white President of the US.
Jimmy Carter
"Particularly annoying are White people who try to 'talk black' to black people. They look/sound ridiculous."
Al Gore and Hillary Clinton speaking at black churches.
The Hunger Games was/is stupid, something only a Chick could write and only women/girls could read...
The Hunger Games is the typical chick-stuff love of cruelty and sadism in various guises.
Let me add, Battle Royale was the source material for Hunger Games, the woman totally ripped it off.
If you read either book you can clearly see that aside from some superficial similarities, the books are not the same. Oh, and Battle Royale was written by a man, so there goes your theory of women loving "cruelty and sadism in various guises" as typical "chick stuff" that only a "Chick" could write. The Hunger Games (as well as her other "Gregor the Overlander" series are extremely idealistic, egalitarian, anti-religion, liberal, anti-war, etc...
BTW: This site is Stuff Black People Don't Like. Get your own blog to spew about women. Oh, that's right...I heard you have one. Not content to bash women from there, huh?
Zenster: For your dining and dancing pleasure...
A 'what if' scenario about MLK surviving being shot and experiencing today's negros. (Pretty funny actually..)
Trial junkie here. To Anon 1:24:
There is one TV movie about black on white murder that I know of, "Badge Of The Assassin," starring James Woods. It is a true story about the so-called Black Liberation Army which targeted policemen.
The killers shot two New York City cops (one of whom was black) in the back in 1971. It was a pretty big story at the time. The movie was on NBC in 1985. Woods plays Robert Tanenbaum, the prosecutor who investigated and convicted the defendants.
The film was made from a book by the same title Tanenbaum wrote about the case.
I saw "Badge Of The Assassin" on a movie channel many years ago. A couple of years ago, I obtained a VHS copy of the film off Amazon for a few dollars. It should still be available from the same source. It is well worth watching. Woods gives his usual intense performance.
By the way, Tanenbaum had connections in Hollywood. After leaving the Manhattan DA's office, he moved to Beverly Hills and became a local politician. Nowadays, he puts out novels.
Do you think a film with this subject matter would be made today?
Trial junkie here. I forgot to add that the book, "Badge Of The Assassin," is still in print. It was republished last year in fact. I highly recommend both the book and the film (I just checked and the VHS copy of the film is still available on Amazon).
"I have a dream"
has been replaced with...
"I needsa EBT card"...
just like every white President of the US.
Jimmy Carter
Also, nothing has ever been alleged for Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, Coolidge, Hoover, TR and many others.
This is a little off-topic, but has anyone ever seen a movie where black people are beating or killing white people on a large scale in the U.S.A.?
"The Spook Who Sat by the Door."
It's about a black ex-CIA agent who uses his covert action skills to organize urban guerrilla warfare among blacks in America during the 1960s. Plenty of blacks shooting at whites.
It was based on a novel of the same name, and seemed to be a low budget production, though that actually gave it the grittiness it needed. "Spook" was more of a fantasy than an actual political movie, but it is worth a look to see what some people were (and maybe still are) thinking.
The title is based on a pun: "Spook" being both slang for a spy and a common term for black people in those days.
I agree with Whiskey's analysis of "The Hunger Games". When reading about the movie, it stated that girls and boys will fight to the death. First thing that popped into my mind is another movie where 100 pound women takes on an army of men single handedly. Although this movie may not project the femanist fantasy as glaringly, but it does send up a few red flags as far as what I watch on television and movies.
Whiskey is on point. Many young women are in the media industy. You can see evidence of this when watching a television. While men are portrayed as buffoons and people who are considered part of the protected class come to the rescue.
Anyhow, great article Paul.
Canis lupus
It's simple we need a strong mouth piece and we need lawyers. We need to organize and we need to march.
This, of course, is true. For example, there needs to be a legal organization which fights to end discrimination against whites, and which also defends white people who are being targeted by the legal system.
Perhaps a "Rosa Parks Moment" is needed: say a group of young white students fly a Confederate battle flag on a university campus, or posts flyers showing median IQs of various races. When the administration tries to crack down on these students, bring lawsuits against the university, as well as against groups such as the Black Student Union which attempt to interfere with their freedom of speech.
Then turn this into a national incident by making video and distributing it via the Internet. Also to be considered would be forming alliances with other groups which might be friendly: for example, finding which mainstream media would give a sympathetic treatment. It could be done, but would take some organization and some footwork.
The main thing is to make this sort of thing a fight for freedom.
If we are to take the full burden of these past wrong doings then by God every fucking mau mau needs to be held responsible for the behavior of its tribe.
It is a tactical mistake to agree that slavery and segregation were "wrong." That concedes the other side the moral high ground. For one thing, I think that most blacks -- especially their leaders -- could care less about the morality of slavery-segregation (remember, the former was/is practiced routinely in Africa, and the latter via various BRA programs in America). Slavery-segregation is simply an agitprop weapon which they can use against white people by exploiting guilt, real or imagined (and it is mainly the latter). It works only because whites allow it to work.
For example, what would happen if tomorrow whites were to stand up and say, "What is wrong with slavery-segregation?" Without the guilt factor, the power of these words evaporates. The issue here is not whether slavery-segregation was "right" or "wrong, but rather how the issue is used today against white people.
A good agitprop campaign will succeed by taking the initiative. Blacks and DWLs have had this initiative for half a century. What is needed is to seize it back.
Gets back to my point above. Anyone who is fighting the system today must make this a fight for freedom. And demonstrate how BRA is a tyrannical system. That is something that will have support among a wider audience because it seizes the moral high ground.
Might also consider forming alliances with various anti-jihadi and nationalist groups in Europe, as well as with people resisting the ANC in South Africa. And even with other groups fighting against PC and multicultism. This can be done via the Internet. Turn this into a global struggle for freedom.
6 Questioned in Videotaped Teen Beating
Victim attacked, robbed by five individuals behind elementary school
By Marcus Riley and Natalie Martinez
| Tuesday, Jan 17, 2012
Six people are being questioned in connection with the attack and robbery of a teenager that was caught on tape and posted on You Tube, police said.
No charges have been filed, according to Chicago Police News Affairs.
Police say a 17-year-old male was beaten and robbed at about 4 p.m. Sunday in an alley behind James Ward Elementary School at 28th and Princeton.
The video shows five males kicking and punching the victim while taunting him with racial slurs.
Police said Tuesday in a statement the incident does not appear racially motivated.
The victim was eventually able to run away. He was taken to a local hospital where he was treated and released.
He was robbed of his gym shoes and wallet, according to police.
I too find the deification of MLK nauseating. I can understand full well why black people celebrate his legacy, but I have no idea why his existence is assumed to be celebrated by whites. Nobody other than the most sanctimonious liberal and disingenuous conservative whites give two shits about MLK day unless they get the day off. Jim Goad usually has a fresh perspective and is one the best American writers.
White Flight is illegal in Atlanta? Wait what?
more info please?
"Police said Tuesday in a statement the incident does not appear racially motivated."
Believe it or not, they're NOT black.
In response to Whiskey, et al. who are criticizing the books:
The books do not have a feminist slant. They DO have an egalitarian slant: there are evil men AND women, incompetent men AND women, brave and skillful men AND women (actually, mostly men when I think about it...) in the books. In fact, if you were a feminist, you'd be pretty pissed off at the ending, but I don't want to spoil the books for those who haven't read them yet.
I was annoyed at the racial aspect of the Hunger Games...as in there are two tokens (sainted of course) in the novels. Gag. Of course they are sticking more in the movie (Lenny Kravitz's character in the book has light brown hair and green eyes, but oh well).
I don't think it is realistic book either, but I don't get my enjoyment from fantasy fiction by its resemblance to the real world. I also liked Ender's Game. Not very realistic either. That is the point of fantasy fiction. It is interesting that the p.c. world made a book that was already mostly p.c. with it's tokens, even more so in the movie with added "diversity" to the cast. I still enjoyed the books though.
Keir: To criticise MLK for not speaking out a la Cosby four decades later is misguided.
Why would that be? Throughout their entire presence here in America, Blacks have exhibited numerous character defects worthy of criticism.
Blacks did not have the opportunity to screw up in the 1950s.
Rubbish! Jim Crow laws were a direct response regarding the tendency for Blacks to "screw up".
After his death blacks were no longer sent to the front lines to die for their country in segregated regiments and then discriminated against back home.
What's your point? That America made a serious effort to become post-racial? If so, that is to the lasting credit of Whites and not MLK.
I fear that those attacking MLK do so without the necessary perspective, feeling that as he has been seemingly sanctified, there is no value in giving credit where any may be due.
Not just "sanctified" but canonized and, apparently, not with complete justification. I begin to wonder just how much of the Liberal effort to deify MLK was a byproduct of Cultural Marxism's campaign to demoralize largely White America.
I also get wary when his philandering and apparent 'communist' ideas get trumpeted out.
Why so? Don't infidelity and subscribing to faulty Socialist political constructs set off any alarm bells for you? If they don't, that sets off my alarm bells.
So he cheated on his wife; just like every white President of the US.
Please do not trot out to quoque as it's a fallacious argumentative device that doesn't get much traction here.
We don't feel the need to put an asterix next to JFK's name in school textbooks to footnote that he was shagging Monroe during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Maybe you don't but the clear-cut moral failing of marital infidelity is always a serious character defect and one well worth keeping in the public's eye.
Anonymous (January 17, 2012 12:16 AM): As far as I know, never, although he did say something about the riots which of course were happening during his lifetime and before he was killed.
This begins to make me wonder even more about MLK's true target audience. Was it really Blacks, or actually DWLs that he was going after? MLK's Communist leanings make such suspicions perfectly valid as such an indirect approach is standard fare for Cultural Marxists.
SBPDL: another amazing article. I don't know how you do it.
I just got the hunger games,I hope they're interesting at least.
FWIW you can get books like The American Negro for free , just search title + free + kindle.
I dislike reading on my computer, so the kindle has been fantastic.
I got tired of the slant by illena mercer In the Cannibals Pot, so I've resorted to skimming.
It began well, but just too much religious persecution that I was turned off by.
slavery & segregation were both good attempts at dealing with the problem of black behavior/black low IQ. Slavery & segregation both dealt much better with it than what we have in place today.
Anonymous (January 17, 2012 1:14 AM): To Whiskey- Girls love cruelty and sadism? You must be drinking some of that whiskey.
Try telling me that a huge number of women still subscribe to the romantic idiocy of "If it doesn't hurt, it can't be love." Or the moronic myth of "If he loves me, he'll change for me." As women continue to select abusive and philandering partners.
It is also getting increasingly difficult to blame men for this caddish behavior. Women, literally, demand it of them and men are merely answering that call.
After all:
When women finally wise up and reward men who eschew infidelity and spousal abuse, maybe then they will have a right to complain about such things.
As it stands, the fascination, nay obsession, that women have with "edgy" bad boys and their psychotically delusional hopes of "reforming them" is making a complete toilet out of White America's reproductive machinations.
Midwestern: From personal experience, I have seen that in public, black supports black no matter what. Blacks create the illusion of a strong racial cohesion and shared racial victimology that is unshakable. Blacks, however, will step on each other's necks in private if they get the chance. Thou shalt not air the black dirty laundry in front of whitey.
Remember Eric "My People" Holder's comment about the bond between the black lawyer and the black prisoner? Blacks do not throw each other under the bus or publicly castigate each other in front of whites. That is a huge no-no.
Which is why I predict that Black America will unanimously vote for Obama's reelection despite how he has worsened their lot by a huge measure.
Ben N Indiana: I've also noticed Whites (churches and otherwise) attempting to ape black behavior. Particularly annoying are White people who try to 'talk black' to black people. They look/sound ridiculous.
I don't know if you would have laughed or flinched to watch a White homeowner (whose reconstruction crew I was foreman of), talk to his Mexican day laborers using a "Speedy Gonzales" accent. I was mortified, myself.
Californian, have you heard about the new movie they are making:
"The Cracker Who Went To The Firing Range"...
If every able-bodied white person got a CCP from the state they lived in if they allowed it, we wouldn't see half of the crap we see here because these black thugs are afraid of an armed white person. FACT
insult and injuries:
Believe it or not, to legally watch that famous Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream" speech -- arguably one of the most hallowed moments in American history -- costs $10 thanks to the twisted state of United States copyright law. In related news, happy Martin Luther King Day!
RELATED: Bring on the Anxiety Parade for the SOPA Alternative
The news of how MLK's most famous moment costs money to watch is not a new one. But given the dramatic rise of the issue of digital rights, thanks largely in part to the dramatic controversy surrounding the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the story seems unusually prescient this year. Alex Pasternack, the editor of Vice's tech site, Motherboard, blogged about the issue on Monday:
If you weren’t alive to witness Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech on the Washington Mall 48 years ago this week, you might try to switch on the old YouTube and dial it up. But you won’t find it there or anywhere else; rights to its usage remain with King and his family. …
At the family’s Web site, videotapes and audiotapes of the speech can be purchased for $10 a piece. The family controls the copyright of the speech for 70 years after King’s death, in 2038.
We know what you're thinking: why the heck do we have to pay to watch American history? If the Smithsonian National Museum of American History is free -- seriously, next time you're in DC swing by and check out the full size replica of Julia Childs's kitchen -- why on Earth would we have to pay $10 to watch Martin Luther King change the course of American history?
RELATED: George Lucas Loses U.K. Battle Over Stormtrooper Helmet
It's not the Martin Luther King estate's fault, necessarily
I have been reading for a about 6 months now. This piece was the best so far. The analogy of white people served up as tribute to PC and BRA is wonderful stuff. In an abattoir sheep dutifully walk single file into the killing room. How long will white people be content to be sheep?
B. Herder: Zenster: For your dining and dancing pleasure...
That was, well … different.
The ending was gratifying, even if that's 22 minutes and 14 seconds of my life which I'm never getting back. I suppose that right about now I'm supposed to say something like, "Thank you."
It is also getting increasingly difficult to blame men for this caddish behavior. Women, literally, demand it of them and men are merely answering that call.
Interesting thought. I think it has more to do with the male hormones that make guys jerks naturally...and girls attracted to them. Both sexes seem to like "hard-to-get".
Of course, there's also the psychological angle...girls looking for their father's love from a man who is a jerk like he was.
And there's always the tendancy of a co-narcissist to hook up with a narcissist. I don't know what the male to female ratio of narcissists is, but I may try to find it, just for curiosity's sake.
Or maybe women are just evil. I don't know, I must have missed the day Satan handed us all the handbook on how to destroy men by making them all into jerks.
All this hating on women is honestly giving me some cognitive dissonance regarding the site matter. Is that what you're trying for? Are you government ops trying to mess with my head?
Anyway, back to the topic at hand...
Californian: Might also consider forming alliances with various anti-jihadi and nationalist groups in Europe, as well as with people resisting the ANC in South Africa. And even with other groups fighting against PC and multicultism. This can be done via the Internet. Turn this into a global struggle for freedom.
Your best bet resides with the EDL (English Defense League) and various other European Defense Leagues. They are at the forefront of preserving White Europe through active opposition to Islamic colonization and its efforts to impose shari'a law. Such groups also have a really strong existing presence on the Internet.
Saving Europe's White heritage would be a huge plus in terms of waking up White America. Once Europe has been lost, White culture will have been shorn of nearly all its original legacy. Such a loss would be nearly irretrievable.
I can understand full well why black people celebrate his [MLKs'] legacy, but I have no idea why his existence is assumed to be celebrated by whites.
The thing that is interesting is that it was mainly whites who brought about an end to segregation--not MLK: Early Warren (chief justice of the Supreme Court in the 1950s-60s); President Eisenhower (who had de-segregation orders enforced at bayonet point); and LBJ (pushing through civil rights legislation).
MLK is glorified, in part, because he gave the illusion that blacks were responsible for "liberating" the USA from its "racist" past. He also advocated (and got) black legal privileges: AA and its heirs, as well as the acceptance of race hustling as a legit political form in the USA. And I'd also speculate that he indirectly created the urban rioting of the 1960s via promoting civil disobedience, which created disrespect for the law.
All in all, MLK is symbolic of the revolution which led to BRA.
Marc B: I too find the deification of MLK nauseating. I can understand full well why black people celebrate his legacy, but I have no idea why his existence is assumed to be celebrated by whites.
Just like voting for Obama, MLK gave that era's Liberal Whites a way of expunging their guilt over White Man's Burden.
What's rather difficult to understand is how much more effective and morally honest it would have been for White Liberals to simply shrug off such senseless guilt. However, to think their way free of being a Culturally Marxist whipping boy would require levels of reasoning and logic which typically confound Liberals; as it would then demand that they apply similar scrutiny to all of the other upgefucked notions that addle their brains.
Edwood: Interesting thought. I think it has more to do with the male hormones that make guys jerks naturally...and girls attracted to them.
No sale. I don't buy into the anti-male testosterone = evil myth.
Both sexes seem to like "hard-to-get".
As to "hard to get", there definitely seems to be an element of recreating "pursuit" scenarios. Whether those are totally healthy or not remains in question.
Of course, there's also the psychological angle...girls looking for their father's love from a man who is a jerk like he was.
Some traditions, like wife-beating, weren't meant to be kept.
And there's always the tendancy of a co-narcissist to hook up with a narcissist.
Now you're onto something. It is difficult to imagine a more narcissistic group in all earth's history. As one wag put it:
I don't know what the male to female ratio of narcissists is, but I may try to find it, just for curiosity's sake.
Please do. I, too, would be interested.
Or maybe women are just evil.
If women were more inclined to rational thought I might agree. However, they aren't, so there are other motivating issues that must be in play.
I don't know, I must have missed the day Satan handed us all the handbook on how to destroy men by making them all into jerks.
Very funny. Except it's not about women destroying men. It's about Cultural Marxism demagnetizing the West's moral compass and women, especially, going along with it in the name of "liberation".
All this hating on women is honestly giving me some cognitive dissonance regarding the site matter.
Who said anything about "hating" women? As a devout heterosexual, "hating" women would present some pretty serious issues.
Is that what you're trying for? Are you government ops trying to mess with my head?
If to "mess with your head" means "getting you to think" then, yes, I'm major psyops.
Off-topic, sure, but I'm with Whiskey on this one. "The Hunger Games" is a rather blatant rip-off on "Battle Royale." It pisses me off and reminds me of J.K. Rowling basically stealing the character of Harry Potter from Neil Gaiman's Tim Hunter in the comic book "Books of Magic" (there is no lawsuit, as Time-Warner owns both properties). Both were successful foreign works that were outright plagiarized and then repackaged for American audiences. But it should also be noted that "Battle Royale" itself ripped off Stephen King's (writing as Richard Bachman) "The Running Man," which was made into a pretty neat movie with Ah-nuld and Jesse Ventura. If you have Netflix, I believe it's still available for instant streaming.
Hey SBPDL, Roissy (heartiste now) said he's updating his links section -
"Updating links section: If you have an excellent blog and are an avid reader of Chateau Heartiste, give a head's up. You may be linked."
Your links led me to him, maybe he can give u some more viewers.
Yikes, when did this become a "game" site where making fun of women is just as easy as breathing.
I'd actually argue "Hunger Games" is more like King's "The Long March" but whatever.
FYI: SBPDL gets more traffic than Heartiste does.
I'd like to say PK has sent a fair number of people over there. He should return the favor.
Hunger Games at McDonalds/365 BLACK:
Checking in from Columbus Ohio. I see someone else mentioned the city as a black success. Not really.
Whites know the black mayor is a joke and a way to pacify the blacks.
It's actually well segregated. Blacks invade white areas in raiding parties now and then. The casualties are predictable and not spoken of. It's a bit like Watership Down in that regard.
DWLs are here in force. I had a woman tell me about a negro following her home and trying to break in pounding on the door as she and her terrorized kids were on the phone with 911.
This was not the first incident she'd had of this type in an 'integrated' neighborhood.
When asked about why nobody would talk about the negro problem she immediately claimed there wasn't one. Uh huh.
The fact she voted with her feet and moved to the suburbs betrayed the truth and I called her on it, but no explanation was given. I guess none was needed.
When they get control, this will become Detroit and whites will fly out of here. You can tell the city is on the cusp, if the strip clubs in defunct KFC franchises and bars in 130yr old churches are any indicator of decline.
I believe they are.
I don't know what the male to female ratio of narcissists is, but I may try to find it, just for curiosity's sake.
Off topic, but since you asked; Of those diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder 50% to 75% are male. Prevalence in the general population is less than 1%. (DSM-IV)
If to "mess with your head" means "getting you to think" then, yes, I'm major psyops.
Or maybe I have a different understanding than "game" as a Theory Of Everything.
No sale. I don't buy into the anti-male testosterone = evil myth.
I never said anything about men being evil because of testosterone. Moodiness (bitchy and jerky) is highly linked to hormones...Testosterone and Estrogen. I personally think that our hormones are totally screwed up from the poisons put out by the drug companies and the Standard American Diet, but that is a topic for a different blog.
Who said anything about "hating" women? As a devout heterosexual, "hating" women would present some pretty serious issues.
I really do think better of you than this. I generally really like your comments. This is, however, a total straw man argument. Being heterosexual does not logically rule out mysogyny.
If women were more inclined to rational thought I might agree. However, they aren't, so there are other motivating issues that must be in play.
I get it. We are too stupid to be evil. This is where the cognitive dissonance starts to rear its ugly head....If we're too stupid to know how to behave and treat people, and society can only get better if we somehow "wise up", what exactly can I make of SBPDL...is it pointless?
Very funny. Except it's not about women destroying men. It's about Cultural Marxism demagnetizing the West's moral compass and women, especially, going along with it in the name of "liberation".
Very good. I totally agree with you about this.
When women finally wise up and reward men who eschew infidelity and spousal abuse, maybe then they will have a right to complain about such things.
How can they possibly do this if they are not inclined to rational thought? You might as well be calling for self accountability in da hood, right?
Yikes, when did this become a "game" site where making fun of women is just as easy as breathing.
I don't know. It seems like it's been happening slowly on some of my other favorite sites too. Bummer.
A bunch of guys robbed a walmart using AK 47's, guess what race they were.
Yikes, when did this become a "game" site where making fun of women is just as easy as breathing.
That only happens when Whiskey comes by to poison the well. The worst thing about his drive-by commenting, besides his tendency to make up history and pull stats out of his ass, is that he never, ever responds to the inevitable posts that call him out on his dishonesty. He merely slinks away for a while and posts the same thing again.
Sorry, Zimri and others, Whiskey doesn't do fact-checking. If anyone deserve to be subject to Vox Day's rule that commenters must respond to challenges to their posts before posting again, it's him.
Off topic, but since you asked; Of those diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder 50% to 75% are male. Prevalence in the general population is less than 1%. (DSM-IV)
Thank you, Longknife. I skimmed through a book recently (The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement) that said that narcissism is on the rise--30% of young people--is what I remember it saying. Although you can be narcissistic without having the personality disorder, which is what I think it referred to.
Also, I meant to say that I agree with the Marxism comment except for the "especially women" part.
Also just wanted to apologize to the board for flying off the handle last week when I thought I was being unfairly criticized by an anonymous poster. Totally out of character for me and I agree with ANALOG MAN, we do not need to foment enemies amongst ourselves. I try to be as articulate and eloquent as possible but it is near impossible because every time i go to type my fingers tremble with the rage and fury that burns deep inside my soul at our current situation. Im so GOD DAMNED FUCKING ANGRY I dont know how I make it through the day without breaking shit and taking it to the streets.
For MLK day I went snowboarding, probably the WHITEST single thing I could think of doing.....
Cheers! -Snowman
Edwood: I never said anything about men being evil because of testosterone.
To quote you:
…the male hormones that make guys jerks naturally…
You are clearly equating testosterone with being a jerk. That is feminist anti-male propaganda and I don't buy it for a second.
Moodiness (bitchy and jerky) is highly linked to hormones...Testosterone and Estrogen.
Such emotions can be regulated by anyone with a sufficiently cultivated degree of self-awareness. We are not slaves to our hormones.
I personally think that our hormones are totally screwed up from the poisons put out by the drug companies and the Standard American Diet, but that is a topic for a different blog.
I could not agree with you more. The amount of endocrine disruptors and mood altering drugs that Americans are exposed to and expose themselves to is nothing short of staggering.
I generally really like your comments.
Thank you.
Being heterosexual does not logically rule out misogyny.
It does if you are going to maintain the slightest pretense of logicality or rationality. Misogynistic heterosexuals are usually some form of abuser and that is a morally invalid stance.
We are too stupid to be evil.
Speaking of straw man arguments. I did not say that women "are too stupid". My point was that women seem less inclined to be logical or rational. This is borne out by numerous studies and women continue to display more emotionalism than men. In turn, this emotionalism tends to abet poor decision-making in women, especially in the department of selecting mates. All of the White women being murdered by their Black boyfriends and White spousal abusers is an indicator of this.
I refuse to think that women are flat-out evil. Too much of the human race's ultimate survival pivots on women having a benign disposition. The lamentable fact that women are becoming increasingly violent and criminal is a serious indicator of something being very wrong with modern society.
I totally agree with you about this.
Good. I think we share a lot more common ground than you might suspect. Cultural Marxism has derailed so much of modern civilization that it is hard to properly explain at times.
How can they possibly do this if they are not inclined to rational thought?
Again, you misread me. I only noted a desire that women should be "more inclined toward rational thought", not that they were somehow incapable of it.
I think there are societal influences that reward women for being overly-emotional. Highly rational women are probably seen as too "cold" or nerdy.
It seems like it's been happening slowly on some of my other favorite sites too.
That's really too bad as excluding or underestimating women is a huge mistake that way too many men already tend to make. You can count upon me to protest that if it manifests at SBPDL.
On the whole female thing, I've noticed those that complain most vociferously about White Women and females in general are the ones that "aren't getting any" from our lovely ladies.....Of course there are EVIL DEMONIC women, we call them Feminists! However, not ALL women are feminists. There are tons of incredibly hot, down to earth women who know the score. There are sooo many FEMALES out there it's UP TO YOU to find the one that's right for you...NO EXCUSES WHITE MAN! It's the MEDIA that makes you think that women are bat shit crazy and anti white. YES some are, but MOST want to marry WHITE MEN and have WHITE BABIES, It's INSTINCT! BTW did you womem haters (WHiskey Im looking at you) ever stop to think that women are being bombarded by anti-white group think on TV daily?? Women watch more prime time TV than men and thus are much more susceptible to the inherent brainwashing and social programming that TV provides. I mean look at MTV, nothing but hip hop and miscegenation. Young girls are shown this from the time they can open their eyes. Of course many will be brainwashed. I dont blame them, it's not their fault. They are being taught that this Strange NEw World is completely normal and natural. My advice is if you have kids, DO NOT LET THEM WATCH MTV EVER!
Hey, who wouldn't be "enriched" by living next to this kid? Get some hot steaming diversity!
"Police are searching for a 14-year-old boy they say has robbed and sexually assaulted two women in the past two weeks, both of whom were twice his age.
Investigators said the boy is named Brionn Glasper. He is 5 feet, 5 inches tall, about 110 pounds and African- American, with black hair and brown eyes. Police say he should be considered armed and dangerous.
On Thursday, according to investigators, a 28-year-old woman reported being attacked about 9:15 p.m. as she walked in the 600 block of 11th Street, between Interstate 980 and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. A young man on a bicycle approached her pretending to have a gun, demanding her purse and forcing her into an isolated area nearby where he assaulted her, she told detectives.
Six days earlier, another 28-year-old woman reported a similar attack just a few blocks away. About 10 p.m. on Jan. 6, the woman said, a young man walked up to her and pretended to have a gun, and he demanded her wallet and assaulted her.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Youth and Family Service Division at 510-238-3641."
Zenster, I think we are misreading each other. Easy to do in a comment thread. I do not equate jerky behavior with evil. I don't think testosterone makes men evil.
Evil is what this site showcases: people beaten and killed EVERY day by a rampaging horde or evil person.
You can count upon me to protest that if it manifests at SBPDL.
I appreciate that. I don't comment that often, but I read this as well as several other blogs daily. I almost always enjoy your comments.
On the whole female thing, I've noticed those that complain most vociferously about White Women and females in general are the ones that "aren't getting any" from our lovely ladies.....Of course there are EVIL DEMONIC women, we call them Feminists! However, not ALL women are feminists. There are tons of incredibly hot, down to earth women who know the score. There are sooo many FEMALES out there it's UP TO YOU to find the one that's right for you...NO EXCUSES WHITE MAN! It's the MEDIA that makes you think that women are bat shit crazy and anti white. YES some are, but MOST want to marry WHITE MEN and have WHITE BABIES, It's INSTINCT! BTW did you womem haters (WHiskey Im looking at you) ever stop to think that women are being bombarded by anti-white group think on TV daily?? Women watch more prime time TV than men and thus are much more susceptible to the inherent brainwashing and social programming that TV provides. I mean look at MTV, nothing but hip hop and miscegenation. Young girls are shown this from the time they can open their eyes. Of course many will be brainwashed. I dont blame them, it's not their fault. They are being taught that this Strange NEw World is completely normal and natural. My advice is if you have kids, DO NOT LET THEM WATCH MTV EVER!
This is spot on. Even with nonstop conditioning to sway them otherwise, white women date, marry, and have kids with white men over 90% of the time. On dating sites, white women are the most likely to date within their race out of ANY race/sex demographic. Somehow Whiskey believes otherwise, and thinks most white women desire Third World "Alpha Males" who laregely don't exist. Most Third Worlders living in the U.S. are doing the most unglamerous jobs like driving taxis, and taking orders from their Third World boss who is taking orders from his white boss. Whiskey still doesn't get that for ever Third World loser that somehow scores a batshit insane white woman; 1,000 normal, average white men scored a hot white woman.
Even liberal "colorblind" white women go with white men over 75% of the time.
Even hot white cheerleaders who cheer for mostly black football and basketball teams at major colleges date and have sex with either the few white athletes on the team or white athletes from the baseball, wrestling, hockey, or lacrosse teams.
"To quote you:
…the male hormones that make guys jerks naturally…
You are clearly equating testosterone with being a jerk. That is feminist anti-male propaganda and I don't buy it for a second."
She is right, it does do that, in addition to many other things, some considered good, some bad. as far as evolutionary fitness goes being a jerk has been a net plus to an individual for a long time. It is only very recently, that cooperation and future time orientation have made being a jerk less valuable.
The reaction of White America at that time was understandable. After the massive efforts of WW2, the was exhausted and basically the entire country had PTSD.
Combine that exhaustion with the fear of Communism and that weird leftism that was starting to influence the body politic and you have a recipe for the choices that were made.
Frankly the ruling class had little stomach for what would have had to have been fairly horrific levels of force (as in shoot every rioter in the head) and for dealing with the inevitable Commie propaganda.
It was easier to pay them off than put them down.
Also welfare came about to help Whites as well, far too many people were unfit for service do to malnutrition and as such some kind of program to aid them was deemed essential.
Expanding this may have been a big mistake but like the above choices it was inevitable .
Now and than we only have enough paid work for 30 hours and a cadre of employers who wanted more for less.
That selfsame greed brought the Blacks here and well we all know how thats going.
Edwood: I don't think testosterone makes men evil.
Evil is what this site showcases: people beaten and killed EVERY day by a rampaging horde or evil person.
Really well said. As a White male, I have had my bloody fill of being made out as the cause of all human suffering.
Also, thank you for your supportive words about my comments. More of my articles are in the SBPDL pipeline and I look forward to your input regarding them.
Anonymous (January 17, 2012 8:29 PM): It is only very recently, that cooperation and future time orientation have made being a jerk less valuable.
Recently, historically? Or recently, geologically?
Not being a jerk became important the moment that people discovered the Social Contract. That was well before Christ ever walked this earth so, therefore, being a jerk has not had a lot of value for quite some time in the historical sense.
I am well aware as to the "selfish gene" aspects of being a jerk who sires bastards left and right whilst climbing the ladder of success upon the backs of others, but just how long ago do you think that sort of behavior stopped being socially cohesive?
You correctly observe that "cooperation and future time orientation have made being a jerk less valuable". My point is that such a threshold was passed much longer ago than many might be willing to comfortably admit or even silently recognize.
American Blacks epitomize "jerkishness" along with a near total lack of "cooperation and future time orientation". I fail to see where Africa benefited from any needless prolongation of jerkish behavior.
If you have not read Farnham's Freehold you should. It is a Sci-Fi novel by Robert Heinlein. Heinlein was an intellectual who never denied his senses with respect to racial behaviors. Freehold describes another post-apocalyptic scenario where nearly all whites are killed in a nuclear war. The Browns remain in populous numbers and rule. They keep a few whites enslaved to perform their number crunching and provide the smarts to prevail against their Brown foes. The majority of whites who survive are kept as FOOD. Day after day the coreolis grabs a larger quantity of the beauty and evidence of what the western European culture provided mankind.
Which is why I predict that Black America will unanimously vote for Obama's reelection despite how he has worsened their lot by a huge measure.
He is going to get around to paying Mz Jackson's mortgage as soon as possible.
My advice is if you have kids, DO NOT LET THEM WATCH MTV EVER!
How about killing your television altogether?
Snowman: "...apologize to the board ...".
Thank you Snowman. That was white of you.
Nurse that anger. Spread it around.
"I am well aware as to the "selfish gene" aspects of being a jerk who sires bastards left and right whilst climbing the ladder of success upon the backs of others, but just how long ago do you think that sort of behavior stopped being socially cohesive?"
It has never stopped entirely, it has only been restrained within atleast the last 10,000 years. So geologically and evolutionarily.
"You correctly observe that "cooperation and future time orientation have made being a jerk less valuable". My point is that such a threshold was passed much longer ago than many might be willing to comfortably admit or even silently recognize."
Evolution doesn't move that fast. Men for example don't need to be anywhere near as fiercely picky about women's attractiveness(proxy for reproductive fertility) these days, and yet that isn't going away any time soon either(no fat chicks). Indeed barring any major civilizational change(the move to patriarchy was one such change) our attraction triggers might never change.
"American Blacks epitomize "jerkishness" along with a near total lack of "cooperation and future time orientation". I fail to see where Africa benefited from any needless prolongation of jerkish behavior."
Africa hasn't as a whole benefitted, and yet individuals however have, and have benefitted enormously. iSteve ran a piece about a man with ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY wives, who were of course estatic to be under that arrangement. while western aid flows even africa's natural checks on jerkishness, anemic though they might be, won't operate.
CALIFORNIAN - IF I killed my TV how would I watch my beloved 99% White ice hockey?? How would I watch FUEL TV and Bluetorch, which are 100% white programming that focuses on SWPL, like Snowboarding, Mountain biking, SURFING, Extreme Skiing, Base Jumping, and other crazy outdoor white people activities. There is also the SPEED channel which focuses on 100% white Auto Racing......Believe it or not there are TV programs that cater to a WHITE audience WITHOUT the brain washing and miscegenation. Sometimes white people just want to watch other white people do double back flips in a half pipe, or drop the first 900 on a vert ramp.....
There is one way the people's armies can at the very least exact a fearsome revenge against the urban centers, and that is scorched earth warfare. Kill all the live stock, buth the crops, destroy the equipment, then retreat to where a professional army can be brought to battle and defeated. Of course that requires advanced planning and foos stocks stored up ahead of time along with weapons and ammunition. Asymetrical warfare can and does work, it grinds down professional armies and kills lots of enemy troops and civilians who aid them. Defeating a professional army is not the way to go when one can destroy the government's ability to rule.
Thanks for putting the smack down, Edwood.
"But it should also be noted that "Battle Royale" itself ripped off Stephen King's (writing as Richard Bachman) "The Running Man," which was made into a pretty neat movie with Ah-nuld and Jesse Ventura."
The story has been around since 1924 at the latest, when Richard Connell published The Most Dangerous Game.
You have some seriously high standards if you think that all books have to have entirely new and original ideas to have any merit. I can't remember ever reading a book that didn't borrow ideas from other books. (Except the Bible). Borrowing ideas is not the same as "ripping off", by the way. It is ironic that on MLK post some people are arguing that borrowing ideas in books is the same as "ripping off" when MLK genuinely "ripped off" whole sections of his speaches (and his doctoral dissertation) from other writers.
I have read actual plagiarized books where only the title, names and places were changed from the original but sold as an original book. THAT is a rip off.
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