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The real reason Detroit collapsed... Notice the correlation to the overall Black percentage of the population |
At that same time, Detroit, Michigan was a growing city of 465,766 people, almost 99 percent of them being of European descent. They built a city - with the auto industry as the backbone of the economy - that became known as "The Arsenal of Democracy" and "The Paris of the West."
Hundreds of thousands of Black people would move north during this time period and seek fortune and stability for their families in what become known as The Motor City, and also gravitate to places like Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, and Cleveland. This was known as "The Great Migration," though history will one day call it by a different name: The Black Undertow Effect.
2012 Detroit is a much different picture than what 1912 Detroit looked like, and not once in Dan Austin's Lost Detroit: Stories Behind the Motor's Majestic Ruins (a pictorial account of Detroit's mighty buildings left to the ravages of the new rulers of the city) does he allude to the inconvenient truth that the city is now 82 percent Black. The people who built Detroit, toiled in its factories, kept the city streets safe for children and the growing of local economies, and labored at building small businesses all vacated the Motor City for the suburbs (basically white people rebuilding what they fled) when the Black Undertow became too unbearable.
Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910, when it was 466,000. In a shift that was unthinkable 20 years ago, Detroit is now smaller than Austin, Tex., Charlotte, N.C., and Jacksonville, Fla.
“It’s a major city in free-fall,” said L. Brooks Patterson, the county executive of neighboring Oakland County, which was also hit by the implosion of the automobile industry but whose population rose by almost 1 percent, thanks to an influx of black residents. “Detroit’s tax base is eroding, its citizens are fleeing and its school system is in the hands of a financial manager.”
But a major factor, too, has been the exodus of black residents to the suburbs, which followed the white flight that started in the 1960s. Detroit lost 185,393 black residents in the last decade.
“This is the biggest loss of blacks the city has shown, and that’s tied to the foreclosures in the city’s housing,” Mr. Frey said. Because of the Great Migration — when blacks flowed from the South to the North — and the loss of whites, he said, “Detroit has been the most segregated city in the country and it is still pretty segregated, but not as much.” At one point, the city was 83 percent black.
Many blacks moved to nearby suburbs, but census data shows that even those suburbs have barely held their own against population loss.
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Detroit has hit the Black Undertow Iceberg: Many cities in America will be next |
But when did this actually start to occur? The book Violence in the Model City: The Cavanagh Administration, Race Relations, and the Detroit Riot of 1967 by Sidney Fine reports this on page 15:
It was crime and its association with blacks that triggered a major crisis in race relations in Detroit in 1960. Four days after the Civil Rights Commission concluded its hearings in the city, the Detroit News noted in an editorial that although blacks constituted 26 percent of the city's population, they were responsible for almost 65 percent of its serious crimes. Asserting that the black community bore "a share of responsibility" for this fact, the News complained that the black leadership had "not pressed as hard" on this issues as it should have. "A wave of murders, rapes and purse snatching," with blacks identified as the perpetrators, culminated that same month in the murder of a white nurse's aide, a twenty-eight-year-old mother of three.You see, Black crime has always been bad in America. This is why white people didn't want to live around Black people then, and why laws were erected in the south that convinced Black people to participate in "The Great Migration" north that culminated with Democrats in Michigan in 1972 giving the nod to Alabama segregationist George Wallace in the primary.
Yes, you read that right.
Well, actually it culminated in white people abandoning Detroit to the ravages of the Black Undertow, who promptly elected Coleman Young - the city's first Black mayor - and watched as The Motor City started an unprecedented collapse in human history that confirmed Black people can't maintain the civilization they are handed. Well, it was more like a baton-passing in a track meet, with white people sprinting out of the city before they were mugged again.
It should be stated here that Detroit's International Airport is named after Coleman Young, the Black mayor of Detroit who presided over the collapse of Detroit that can best be described as a continual aerial bombardment of the city with Black people serving as the munitions.
Detroit is a reminder, not of what liberalism does to a city (Pittsburgh has been rated as the best place to live in America and it has never been a bastion of conservatism), but what Black people do to a city, a county, or a country that has been immolated because of the power of white guilt in the face of Black incompetence.
As the concept of Structural Inequality shows us, even Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) now admit that Black people can't sustain the infrastructure of a city they have inherited because of white flight.
Detroit, a city that was nearly 100 percent white but one century ago, is now on the verge of being taken over by the state of Michigan (much as Black-run Washington D.C. was once taken over by an act of Congress because Black people were running the city into the ground) in a moment that confirms one thing: the Black Undertow is the greatest threat to the future security, prosperity, and existence of the United States of America.
The New York Times admitted what the concept of the Black Undertow has done to Detroit, and will inevitably do to Whitopia's surrounding the city with this op-ed by Sugrue, in a piece that should have been named "A Dream that Never was to be":
AT first glance, the numbers released by the Census Bureau last week showing a precipitous drop in Detroit’s population — 25 percent over the last decade — seem to bear a silver lining: most of those leaving the city are blacks headed to the suburbs, once the refuge of mid-century white flight.
But a closer analysis of the data suggests that the story of housing discrimination that has dominated American urban life since the early 20th century is far from over. In the Detroit metropolitan area, blacks are moving into so-called secondhand suburbs: established communities with deteriorating housing stock that are falling out of favor with younger white homebuyers. If historical trends hold, these suburbs will likely shift from white to black — and soon look much like Detroit itself, with resegregated schools, dwindling tax bases and decaying public services.
Why can't Black people sustain a city and maintain public services? Why does Sugrue admit that - just like Detroit - where ever Black people end up they will only replicate what they left?
How many other major cities have been overwhelmed by this phenomenon? Memphis? Charlotte? Birmingham? Philadelphia? Cleveland? Chicago? St. Louis? Atlanta? Newark? Baltimore? Montgomery? Milwaukee? Harrisburg? Buffalo? New Orleans?
What about Prince George's County, with Washington D.C. quickly becoming a Stuff White People Like (SWPL) playground?
Folks, Rush Limbaugh would have you believe its "liberalism" that has ruined Detroit, as he told Fox News this recently:
In an appearance on Fox News Channel aired on Thursday night’s “On the Record with Greta Van Sustren,” conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh explained, in no uncertain terms, how to fix Detroit, where unemployment and poverty are rampant. His solution: End liberalism.
“Get rid of every liberal in government,” he said. “What is the one constant in Detroit, all of these years? Been run by liberals. Liberal ideology. Liberal economics. Liberal belief system. Detroit, other places: A microcosm of where Europe is, and where we are headed — unchecked, unstopped liberalism. For those of you who like the Democrat Party, that’s where we are headed. There hasn’t been any opposition there, not of any strength or power. Take a look. That’s the one thing that is constant. It was the same thing in New Orleans, post-Katrina. What’s the one thing that was constant there? All run by liberals. All run by Democrats.”
Liberalism "killed" Detroit?
Then how does Rush explain Austin, Portland, Ann Arbor, Madison and Berkeley?
He's an ignoramus.
Well said Paul.
I prefer Michael Savage over Ma Jah Rushie.
Actually, yes, liberalism killed Detroit. Have you done any research into how Detroit was governed? It was governed top-down, choked with taxes, easy on crime, pro-"diversity", addicted to government handouts, and social engineering.
Berkley is a typical "California crazy" city with a notorious leftist university.
Madison is the Berkley of WI.
Portland is known for ecological nuttiness, high taxes, and an addiction to PC fads. They refused cooperation with the FBI to appease Muslims.
Now, did these government policies favor people on the basis of their skin color, amounting to positive discrimination in favor of blacks? Yes.
However, what's worse is that they subsidized and rewarded BAD BEHAVIOR, which gave those of the ghetto/thug mindset (most of whom are black) no incentive to change. You couple that with the Feds further rewarding destructive behavior with welfare handouts, and one thing is clear: black America is self-destructing, but they have help.
A worthless government system is giving them the tools to destroy themselves and wreck America. But here's the worst thing of all -- to the ruling establishment liberal class, all of America should be Detroit, because they want us to all be government dependents.
Make no mistake. What they've done to blacks, by and large, they want to do to the rest of us.
Yeah, but what are the rates of murders, rapes, etc. in those cities?
I freely admit that they are left wing cities.
But do whites want to live there?
Moreover, are folks moving into our migrating out of those cities?
D.C. is a left wing town.
But whites are moving there.
@inRussettShadows: It's not the system, it's the people. "Liberalism" per se, like socialism, functions well in plenty of European countries. Scandinavia is a perfect example. Hell, even communism worked in East Germany, Poland, etc., in terms of providing a certain level of material comfort for the populace (It was the repressive aspects and the corrosive effect on interpersonal relations that really caused them to implode). But show me where ANY system -- unbridled capitalism, paternalistic socialism, Stalinist or Maoist communism -- that has ever been successfully implemented in a black country?
What is clear to PK and the rest of us -- and is lost on you -- is that blacks are incapable of sustaining any system that satisfies the majority's material needs, provides safety, security and stability and can perpetuate itself without outside help. A perfect analogy is public housing in many of our cities. These were built to provide BETTER housing to the urban poor, who formerly were crammed into substandard, overcrowded tenements. When those WHITE poor folks, to a large degree Italian, Jewish and assorted European immigrants with limited education, moved into these "projects", they worked as intended -- clean, modern, efficient housing, lived in temporarily while the residents saved money and established themselves, after which they vacated and moved on to better private housing. Then see what happened to perfectly adedequate buildings when those orignal residents were replaced by blacks, who never had an intention of leaving. Within a generation, they became cesspools of crime, drugs, filth, abuse and some of the most depraved behavior imaginable. (Just look up the Bushwick Houses, Navy Yard houses, the Ravenswood house, Edgemere, Astoria houses...While in Chicago, Cabrini Green was predominantly Italian at the begining and went quickly south as it became darker. In contrast, the Robert Taylor Homes were built to house blacks and were a disaster from the beginning.) There was not a thing wrong with those buildings, whose construction differed little from that of "middle-class" housing in those localities. The only difference was the residents.
Yes, Limbaugh is either a moron or a disingenuous, mendacious sack of shit. Take your pick.
Great piece, Paul.
I have been a fan of Rush Limbaugh's for over 20 years, and I am absolutely certain that Rush knows the real deal about why Detroit is in shambles. Rush has been called a racist by blacks and liberals for years. He has inspired hilarious parodies such as "Barack the Magic Negro" and too-many-to-count slapdowns of Revrun Jacksonnnn and "Resist We Much" Idiot Al Sharpton. Rush knows the ugly truth. He makes over $50 million per year and he wants to protect his income. Rush might give rise to a new term that we could use to describe White conservatives who absolutely know that truth about the country's insidious black problem, but refuse to acknowledge it publicly because they do not want to be labelled as being a racist. Thus, on racial issues, he's a Disingenuous White Conservative. A DWC. All white people know that blacks are destroying the country, but, no matter their political persuasion, be it liberal or conservative, few are willing to speak the truth because of the severe repercussions that will surely befall them professionally and/or socially. A DWC is afraid of being ostracized or being rendered unable to make a living or provide for their family because of them taking a politically incorrect stance on race. A mistake like that can be exceedingly expensive. And with Eric "My People" Holder running the DoJ, the chance of being unfairly prosecuted for commiting a hate crime, a.k.a. a thought crime, is a realistic concern.
While I am disappointed that Rush has not told the truth about Detroit, he is a national treasure. He stands up against the corrupt 0bama Regime every day and is not afraid to criticize the POSPOTUS for all of his wrongheaded decisions and gleeful destruction of traditional white, capitalist, Christian America and the wonderful American way of life. There will come a time, probably this very year, when DWCs will dispense with dancing around the truth and begin to tell it the way it is. Rush, in spirit, is one of us, and he provides a tremendous service in fighting the liberal-progressive-Marxist machine that, as he said, is really the root cause of Detroit's demise because, as we all know, liberals are the reason that africans have been allowed to run amuck at our expense for the past 50 years.
Yeah, I prefer Savage over Rush, too, but Savage is getting to be mentally unstable that he's unbearable.
Paul: I would love to be a fly on the wall of white liberals who are reading your article. On the one hand, you're criticizing Rush Limbaugh, but on the other hand, you're doing it from a more right wing flank. It would make their heads blue screen.
The Detroit public TV channel recently ran a show called Detroit Remember. It was basically a series of interviews with mostly white older people talking about how great it was in the old days - Boblo Island, Hudsons Dept. store, the politeness of people...
No mention of why these things are gone. No mention of race. The reality is that most older whites who were exiled to the Detroit suburbs are very bitter when the reminisce. They know the Detroit of their childhood was ruined by blacks.
As mentioned in the NYT op-ed, I have noticed that the suburbs that I grew up in, which were almost all white 30 years ago, are suddenly showing subtle signs of black influx. Hooded guys roaming the sidewalks,etc. Those areas are starting to look run down, while adjacent areas that used to be rural, further north, are growing rapidly with housing, shopping centers etc. They creep in, we flee and rebuild. Sooner or later we're going to run out of real estate.
You coined the phrase DWL. Thank you. That alone will makes an everlasting contribution to the public debate. I think you now need to coin the phrase DWC. The C stands for conservative.
I lived through that shit in Pontiac, MI, in the 1970s. Pontiac was a segregated town that was blue collar, and everybody was fine, then the busing, then the get even with whitey shit, then white flight, then segregation as all that was left were blacks, Mexican trash, and white trash. All because one cock sucker judge wanted some bull shit equality.
The sad thing is whites attitudes had changed by 1971 and whites were willing to give desegregation a chance, and many white parents left their kids in segregated schools for a few years. If there had never been a judicial order forcing desegregation Michigan would be much more mixed than it is today.
When the forced desegregation happened the black were full of hatred towards white and the "get whitey" attitude prevailed. Blacks disrupted classes, fought two or three against one, sucker punched whites for no reason, and the usual animal behavior associated with them.
The smart parents moved out first getting a decent price for their property, then as the reports of thuggery grew by year 4 of the experiment the white flight was on.
If the city of Pontiac was left alone today there would still be whites there and the schools would be moderately integrated.
The only ones who can survive liberalism are upwardly mobile whites and Asians. Liberalism - especially of the union/closed shop/non-right-to-work variety - has killed a lot white working class and middle class jobs in the midwest. It's poison for average people of all races. West Virginia has always been a liberal state - highly unionized, highly taxed, highly regulated, highly engorged with Bobby Byrd federal welfare. It's nearly all white but it ain't doing so well. But WV is not high crime. And that's the real issue. SBPDL would not have taken the direction it has if it weren't for the reality of black crime. (Well, I guess crime and AA.) That is the key - and neither Rush nor any other wealthy conservative personality will touch that.
"A microcosm of where Europe is, and where we are headed — unchecked, unstopped liberalism."
In most Western European countries socialism was a great system as long as there were no Congolese, Arab, Turks, Algerians, Tunisians who free loaded, had no shame and hated (white, civilized) society.
Gee, el fatso, what is the one constant in Europe and Detroit?
Disclaimer: I am very much leaning towards a lefty and socialist. I hug trees and smile at sunshine.
F**k cats and kitties.
I have a solution; Just go to H&R Block to have your last tax return reviewed. If you're black you'll get back $8000 that you can reinvest in the infrastructure.
Hey, Rush is no fool. He's repeatedly demonstrated a incisive and perceptive analysis that you won't find elsewhere. BUT!!! But, he's not perfect. Sorry folks, but a Rush Limbaugh that spoke frankly about racial issues would not have a job.
So, he does what he can do and, believe me, he pushes the envelope. I enjoy both Rush and Savage though Savage is difficult to take in large doses whereas Rush is just plain funny!
As far as which came first: the chicken shit leftism or the groid egg. Well, we were able to coexist with the groids under Jim Crow and segregation. Those were excellent approaches to black criminality just as apartheid in SA and European colonial rule throughout sub-Sahara Africa.
So, the European was able to coexist and manage the groid quite well before the advent of toxic leftism. Of course the best approach would be expulsion and we should begin piecemeal by deporting all criminals and clearing out our jails. Won't happen tomorrow or the next day but it will eventually come.
The groid understands nothing but brute force and is only happy when subdued. When his true nature is unleashed by the cult of democracy he reverts to his animalistic behavior, on display throughout the world today but particularly malevolent in these United States.
Hunker down folks and arm yourselves! I just bought another gun today - a Kahr CM9 which I intend to carry.
Remember, the greatest measure of a man's success is his ability to isolate himself from the groids.
Ivan Shatov
Public housing in a major American city?
My aunt, uncle and cousins lived in public housing in a major East Coast city in the early 60s. It was clean, safe and well kept. And it was full of white, working class folks just like them.
Now this area of this city is a no-go zone.
If you want to see photographic evidence of what was lost, check out www.shorpy.com on a daily basis. So very, very sad.
I was born in Detroit in 1953 and I lived there until 1974. I had relatives who ran businesses in Detroit and I had an uncle that was on the Wayne County Sheriffs Department.
Growing up I heard many opinions about the nigger problem. All of the grownups I knew hated niggers but they hated liberal politicians even more.
My dad and uncles never called Presidents Kennedy and Johnson by their names. They referred to each of them as "That cocksucker in Washington".
Several of my grownup relatives belonged to business organizations and regularly exchanged stories with other business owners about the Black Plague that was descending upon Detroit. All of them agreed that it was the liberal politicians who were responsible for the nigger-related hardships for attracting the tribe to Detroit with all of that Government Cheese.
After Kennedy came to power Detroit became the beneficiary of every half baked lift-a-nigger-up program that the folks in D.C. could dream up. LBJ was even more generous with the tax dollars.
I don't know why Pittsburgh didn't go down the same path as Detroit, but I suspect that it had something to do with their low nigger population in the sixties and seventies when Kennedy, Hubert H. Humphrey and LBJ were looking for any opportunity to throw tons of cash at those poor, downtrodden pieces of shit. Having a bunch of niggers would have likely put them in a position to be blessed with a bunch more of them courtesy of that Government Cheese.
Detroit Whites didn't stand a chance. They would devise a plan to defend their neighborhoods and the liberal politicians would crush those plans with anti discrimination laws.
And the smell of that Government Cheese kept the dark tide rolling in.
Niggers would arrive from points south and would immediately reap the benefits of White guilt and voter apathy. They would then write or call cousin Tyrell in Alabama or someplace else in the Black belt and spread the news about the land of milk and honey. Free milk and free honey, that is.
The result is the crumbling ruins where my magnificent hometown used to be.
So don't be so quick to let the liberals off the hook.
If cowboys drove a herd of steers into your living room, who would be to blame for all of the broken stuff and the shit all over the place?
You would be well within your rights to hate steers from that day forward, but justice would not be served if you didn't string up the cowboys.
When tax time rolls around just include ALL the dependents we are all taking care of, the illegal and legal immigrants, the blacks, the hispanics and latinos and the white trash. Everyone that gets money from the Fed is just a dependent right? So if each taxpayer requests a refund (based on having about 150 million dependents a piece) and we do it all at the same time, can't we just break the bank?
Michael Savage is the number 2 talk show host in the nation and will be number 1 by the end of this year.
After weighing all the options available, Ron Paul must be elected this year.
"However, what's worse is that they subsidized and rewarded BAD BEHAVIOR"
This is a point that should not be overlooked...
Yes, blacks are a cancer, however...
Liberalism compounds the negro problem by encouraging and rewarding atrocious behavior.
"I have been a fan of Rush Limbaugh's for over 20 years, and I am absolutely certain that Rush knows the real deal about why Detroit is in shambles."
He knows.
"If you want to see photographic evidence of what was lost, check out www.shorpy.com on a daily basis. So very, very sad"
My God!! Fantastic web site. I just love it. And yes, we have lost so very very much.
Not a groid to be seen anywhere. They were happy under the white man's whiplash.
Ivan Shatov
First Anonymous at 4:19 PM: College towns and State capitals can afford liberalism because they import money and export bullshit. Berkeley, Ann Arbor, Austin, and Madison, for example, each have tens of thousands of university students spending money that they get from their parents or from government grants and loans. Austin and Madison are also both State capitals, with tens of thousands of state employees spending money extracted from the rest of the state. And of course, the big State universities themselves have many thousands of well-paid employees. Portland is not what I'd call a college town, but it has four 4-year colleges and two art schools. For liberalism to work requires more money than its devotees are willing to put up themselves.
Many of these comments remind of an article I ran across in the early 90s in one of the news magazines,probably Newsweek (which I was still misguided enough to subscribe to). I was living in Tulsa then, but I grew up on Long Island. The article in question was about suburban poverty and was illustrated with a photo of a couple of negro kids standing near a major road. I recognized that road! It was Little East Neck road and the photo's caption informed me that the location was West Babylon - my home town! Even as the DWL in good standing that I was at the time - my awakening was a few years away - I was shocked. There had been no negroes in West Babylon when I lived there (I moved east in 1973 when I got married) - you had to go to nearby Wyandanch to see that exotic subspecies.
This post is reference to a conversation between Zenster and Californian in the comment section of the article about Structural Inequality.
Having grown up in a state that boasts only 1.3% of its population as black and in a city that only has 4.2% of its population as black, I had never been exposed to the type of behavior that is discussed on this site. I only ran across this blog on an off chance while I was researching the race riot at the Wisconsin State Fair this summer (having family that lives in the area). I have visited this site every day since.
The worst thing about coming here was a lack of actionable focus other than visiting the site and posting an anonymous comment or two in the last 6 months. Discussions about race in my family and social network are kept pretty hush-hush due to the severe brainwashing that has been performed by the MSM. I had my eyes opened at the onset of the last recession. Being forced to go back to school is a huge wakeup call for anyone and it gave me a chance to reflect on a great many things. Having graduated, and after obtaining a far more stable and technologically advanced career, I found myself lacking in what I like to refer to as “brain food”. This site helped some but I have come to the realization that I need…..more. This is what brought me to the conversation I mentioned earlier.
Zenster and Californian are two of the more recognizable posters in this forum and to see you talk about objectivism intrigued me more than anything has in this last 2 years. After some study I have decided to look further into this ideology. Even though some of the points that Ayn Rand lays out are not in step with my personal beliefs, I do believe that her teachings are worth a deeper investigation.
I can honestly say I have never been more excited to start a book than I am right now. I hold a copy of Atlas Shrugged in my hands and my anticipation is growing.
This may have been off topic but I am not sure how often posters go back to articles that have run their course. This is also my first major post in this forum and I will take to heart the suggestion that Zenster made a while back about anonymous posters, I will choose a persona so that if one of my posts has an affect (positive or negative…I love a good debate) then I can be referenced.
Great site Paul! This year is going to be amazing and maybe a little scary. My personal preparation is taking shape; I will not shrink from my responsibilities to my ancestors and my race’s way of life nor will I fear the undertow.
-Don't Blink-
Any system works better the more local and homogeneous it is.
Anonymous: Yes, Limbaugh is either a moron or a disingenuous, mendacious sack of shit. Take your pick.
How about both? But seriously folks, as Anonymous (January 2, 2012 5:47 PM) pointed out:
And with Eric "My People" Holder running the DoJ, the chance of being unfairly prosecuted for committing a hate crime, a.k.a. a thought crime, is a realistic concern.
I will "third" the motion to adopt DWC as nomenclature.
Also, some applause for Anonymous (January 2, 2012 5:42 PM) for providing a really good synopsis of what happened with respect to urban housing projects.
My once again delayed essay (Paul says this Friday with Part II on Sunday), involved some heavy investigation of the "projects" and every word of the 5:42 PM comment rings true as a bell. Features that made early projects into spacious communal block housing turned them into veritable gauntlets that young women and housewives had to run before reaching their apartments, if they made it that far.
Playing Roots Backwards said...
"If cowboys drove a herd of steers into your living room, who would be to blame for all of the broken stuff and the shit all over the place?
You would be well within your rights to hate steers from that day forward, but justice would not be served if you didn't string up the cowboys."
What a poignant yet hilarious analogy. And so true. In my town the liberal Lutheran services import hundreds, if not thousands, of Somali refugees every year and parts of my town are starting to stink because of it.
3 guys(all black) were arrested the day after Christmas for multiple daylight burglaries(home invasions) and the arresting sheriff stated that "with the higher population, these types of crimes are going to become more common" I just want to scream when I read that.
-Don't Blink-
-Don't Blink-: Zenster and Californian are two of the more recognizable posters in this forum and to see you talk about objectivism intrigued me more than anything has in this last 2 years.
WOW! I'm really please you feel that way.
After some study I have decided to look further into this ideology. Even though some of the points that Ayn Rand lays out are not in step with my personal beliefs, I do believe that her teachings are worth a deeper investigation.
Double WOW!
You are approaching her work in exactly the right context. While Rand is essentially Atheistic, none of that abrogates the essential core of logic and reasoning that carry her work forward.
I can honestly say I have never been more excited to start a book than I am right now. I hold a copy of Atlas Shrugged in my hands and my anticipation is growing.
Triple WOW! You are in for a thrill. Don't read any reviews or even the book's preface. Just wade right in and be prepared to have your breath taken away as Rand limns out the post modern world with a degree of precision that you simply won't believe.
This may have been off topic but I am not sure how often posters go back to articles that have run their course. This is also my first major post in this forum and I will take to heart the suggestion that Zenster made a while back about anonymous posters, I will choose a persona so that if one of my posts has an affect (positive or negative…I love a good debate) then I can be referenced.
I will go out on a limb and state that if, through this, you have become "one who sees", then it's easy to believe that Paul would be nothing but thrilled and probably wouldn't even find your comment off topic. (He posted it, after all.)
Please be sure to check back in at SBPDL with your take-away from "Atlas Shrugged". Next up, "1984"! (Even if it's a re-read.)
Last but not least, a hat tip to brother in arms, Californian. Credit given where credit is due.
College towns, state and national capitals do not count. They are flush with high paying jobs courtesy of taxpayer money, especially DC. The cities that do count are Seattle, Boston, and San Fran. All three are lacking in dark-skinned folks
Zenster said...
Please be sure to check back in at SBPDL with your take-away from "Atlas Shrugged". Next up, "1984"! (Even if it's a re-read.)
Absolutely I will and I will revisit "1984". It has been 20 years since I read it in high school but I have been reflecting about the parts that I remember and I was holding it in my hand when I purchased Atlas Shrugged.
-Don't Blink-
"I will go out on a limb and state that if, through this, you have become "one who sees""
The proper terminology would be "one of Those Who Can See.
"Please be sure to check back in at SBPDL with your take-away from "Atlas Shrugged". Next up, "1984"! (Even if it's a re-read.)"
You don't even have to read all of 1984 to get the point (personally I find the premise brilliantly accurate, but the actual story too lurid and slow.) The essential thing is to read the section titled "Theory and History of Newspeak" (as well as the independent essay "Politics and the English Language") and to realize that it isn't social-science fiction: it's all literally happening _right now_.
Left-liberalism, liberalspeak, academicspeak, AAspeak, "anti-racism"speak, ADLspeak, SPLCspeak (BIRM), MSMspeak (BIRM a second time), neoconspeak, SWPLism, and DWLism are all manifestations of Newspeak in real-time action, in your own actual life.
Remember that line in Rosemary's Baby... "This isn't a dream, this is really happening."
Negroes are responsible for the current state of Detroit? I'm not buying this one.
Detroit, and more importantly the industry there, was destroyed by union avarice, awful corporate strategy, the inevitable rise of competition and a wretched national economic policy along with relentless Federal micro-regulation.
Add to that smoldering mess, the accelerant that is the black underclass and you've got a blazing wreck.
But other than contributing the typical Negro dysfunction to the mix, Detroit's decline should have been expected.
If the industry were still healthy in a 1960 fashion, the presence of blacks alone wouldn't have turned it into the place it is today.
There are places where idiotic socialist programs are implemented, but without the dismal failures as seen in Detroit.
Leftists are to blame, but not for the reasons Limbaugh suggests. They leverage black racism to their advantage and buy black support with gov't handouts.
Blacks are to blame for allowing themselves to be manipulated.
Anonymous 6:00 pm
Blacks disrupted classes, fought two or three against one, sucker punched whites for no reason, and the usual animal behavior associated with them.
I attended a black HS before busing and your description of black behavior fits my experience perfectly.
Black-on-White violence is universal and transcends time.
What we DON'T see is black flight escaping White racism. There is no underground railroad terminating in Zimbabwe.
My conclusion is that many blacks hate themselves for not being White and express their self hatred through violence.
Fast forward to the year 2500 and pick up a history book.
What will you read?
Today's trends suggest that Western culture will have been displaced and erased. History will be written by the Chinese.
Will Thomas Edison be remembered? Henry Ford? Bill Gates? Will White people be given credit for introducing the technological revolution?
I saw this phenomenon in the public schools firsthand. I was a substitute teacher in a large city for seven years. Several good schools in the outlying and white sections of the city bused "troubled" blacks in from the worst parts of the city. I saw these really good schools for well-behaved middle class white kids slowly, then not so slowly, change. Discipline problems increased. Classroom order started to fall apart. The incoming black kids began to prey upon the white kids with impunity.
A kid I knew personally was tripped as he climbed the cement staircase in front of the school by a black kid for no reason. These kids had been stalking and intimidating him for days. He ended up with a nice bleeding gash on his head and a trip to the doctor. The Principal wanted to know who had tripped him. He asked the Principal if the Principal would see that he was safe if he identified the thugs. The Principal said "no". The kid refused to say who had done it.
I could tell at a glance how my class was going to behave by the racial makeup. Black kids have no discipline and act up almost without exception. I don't know how any of the white kids learn anything. (Problems with white kids were comparatively rare.) The worst most white kids did was put their heads down on their desks and sleep. I was never threatened by a white kid in seven years.
I subbed occasionally at the city showpiece HS for the Arts. I only ever wrote two students up for discipline problems in the seven years. Guess what race they were?
One of these "people" flopped on the floor under her table and faked a seizure. In the seven years I was a sub, it was the meanest, lowest thing a student had ever done to me! Fortunately, she was pretty stupid for being in a "gifted" school. (I could go on about that topic too. Stupid kids in gifted programs simply because they're black, not because they're smart, by any stretch of the imagination.) She "telegraphed" that she was up to something before she did it.
I could go on and on.
(Con't next post)
"The Baltimore Sun did just publish a celebratory article for the city posting the fewest murders since 1977. Thank God we have harsher sentences on Black criminals, the real reason crime has dropped (barely) recently."
Harsher criminal sentencing has nothing to do with Baltimore's supposed drop in murders. There are just as many murders as ever. State politicians instructed Baltimore police to record many of the murders as something else (assault, suicide, etc.). FYI, 82% of Baltimore murders are black on black.
Please allow me to read between the lines of Rush's interview. His use of "Liberal" in this context is like the MSM's use of "Youth". Both words have a larger meaning but in certain context they both just mean black.
Anonymous (January 2, 2012 8:46 PM): The proper terminology would be "one of Those Who Can See".
Thank you for the background link. My favorite line from that older SBPDL post:
"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."
Zenster and Californian are two of the more recognizable posters in this forum and to see you talk about objectivism intrigued me more than anything has in this last 2 years
The thing about Objectivism is not so much what is said, but how it is said. It offers a means with which one can use logic and rationality to counter the prevailing ideologies of today.
Let me also recommend one other book, "Suicide of the West," by James Burnham. This came out in the early 1960s, and was a ground breaking analysis of liberal ideology. Burnham has a way of writing which clarifies complex issues. Funny thing is, the pathologies which Burnham described back then are still operating today.
Anyway, good reading!
"The only ones who can survive liberalism are upwardly mobile whites and Asians"
Avoiding having children is not survival.
"If the industry were still healthy in a 1960 fashion, the presence of blacks alone wouldn't have turned it into the place it is today."
Again, Pittsburgh: How does a steel producing industrial city survive the industrial changes that a steel consuming industrial city fails to survive?
Only a despicable rag like the NYT would describe Blacks descending on livable white suburbs as a "silver lining". As if what will ultimately transpire there has not been seen and repeated ad nauseum for decades. The MSM in modern America is just one Big Lie.
Factoid: The 2010 U.S Census recorded Detoilet's white population as being lower than in any prior Census taken since Lincoln became president.
hah random attacks in school by blacks is right!
you never wanted to be within arms length of them.
well for any number of reasons, but violence being the superior one
when I was a kid around maybe 8? years old I was pissed the monitors in the cafeteria were being mean to me somehow so one day I hit one with my lunch bag.
I hope I got the right guy, but iI think it may have just been any of the cafeteria goons.
I didnt have impulse control, so I didnt stop to think about the consequences of my actions. Like, I may hit the wrong guy, I won't get away with this because I'm going to see him the next day at lunch(duh), or that as a result I will be punished for this.
I was 6 or 8 though, and I learned from that incident. Plus I apologized.
Blacks.....they never get to that point . They still don't think about who they hurt, consequences, morality, just what feels good this instant
Evidently it feels good to hit whitey, any white at all, whenever they think they can get away with it.
The downfall of Detroit is not because of one thing however the demographics are certainly an important component of what ills motor city.
A German once said: "Baghdad was once the Paris of the east, Paris is now the Baghdad of the west!"
Zimbabwe was the breadbasket of Africa, meaning that nearly all food came from this prosperous country. Today it is ... well a part of Africa. We can see the same in South Africa - the former first world country with the same standards as white America.
Paris and London are fallowing quickly. Brazil is getting darker and -who can guess?- it is getting poorer, more criminal and dirty.
Even great Europeans looked 100 years ago at the 1example of the "New World":
In South America, Europeans married with black people and got mixed. In North America whites separated an remained white. So beeing found at the same time and having nearly the same history, both North and South America had the same chances of getting great countries with unlimited opportunities. But only the white North got great and the richest, safest and most powerful country in the world where else the South didn't reached anything.
What's a great indicator of this is that in some of the worst neighborhoods in Brooklyn young white artists and professionals have started moving in. Bushwick,red hook, prospect park all undertow areas are now thriving thanks to the new rent paying responsible white inhabitants.
Again, Pittsburgh: How does a steel producing industrial city survive the industrial changes that a steel consuming industrial city fails to survive?
If memory serves,a lot of steel was produced in,or near,Detroit at one time. At the River Rouge facility,Henry Ford processed ore into steel and sent it pretty much straight to the assembly line.
But to answer your question,I think the difference is that the population of Pittsburg was and is smart enough to see when something's gone and won't be back. And smart enough to collectively do something about it,instead of sitting in the ashes and scratching themselves with a potsherd. ( Apologies to Job,by the way,who in that instance really was doing something about his problem. )
Atlas Shrugged
The book remains a classic, and despite it prodigious length should be read to understand Ayn Rand's philosophic perspective. Her characters suffer from lack of believability as does her story. Her treatment of evil is ham-fisted with her characters nearly caricatures who evolve into straw men easily knocked down by the equally caricature like heroes. Her philosophical perspective screams from every single page and is so heavy handed as to render the reader nearly senseless. Personally, I think she would have been even more influential had she crafted her tale with characters a little less caricature like.
BUT, and this is a big but, hers is a worthy philosophical viewpoint that should at least partially inform every conservative or libertarian mindset. One should be very careful however not to be swept away by Rand but rather to carefully and rationally incorporate her ideas into an overall pursuit of truth.
Rand rejects religion. I do not think that one needs to reject religion to appreciate the value of Rand's perspective for at the end of the day many of her ideas would create a more humane rational world fully compatible with a religious perspective. I am a paleo-conservative of the Reagan school who likes Rand a great deal but feel that religion and Western traditions are an essential part of a truthful perspective that informs my own viewpoints.
My suggestion would be to read Rand with the same grain of salt that you would read any author. Maintain your skepticism. Do not surrender your mind to Rand but rather allow her to test and possibly shape your ideas.
Paul, I think you're letting liberalism off too easily. Yes, blacks are the main reason Detroit collapsed, but it was liberals who unleashed the blacks.
Conservatism and free enterprise are superior to liberalism and socialism. They require a high IQ and work ethic, which leftist systems do not. As a result, any black majority area will be liberal. They lack the IQ, industriousness, and creativity to be anything but socialistic (It Takes a Village, etc.).
White dominated areas can be either conservative or liberal. Whites have high average IQs, but we are torn between our industriousness on the one hand and our altruism on the other. If the altruism wins out, you get a liberal white majority area, such as Sweden, Vermont, or Portland.
As long as these liberal areas remain overwhelmingly white, things will chug along okay. They won't be vibrant and dynamic, the way a white conservative area would be, but they won't sink into poverty and criminality, either. If you live there and are a conservative, you have to put up with high taxes, red tape, and PC thought police on the prowl for racist, sexist, and homophobic speech. Say the wrong thing and the others will point at you like you're the last surviving human in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. But at least the place will remain physically safe and economically sound. That's because even liberal whites have a work ethic and keep things clean and working.
But liberalism eventually attracts undesirable, low IQ non-whites. Whites stop having kids in a liberal area (due to feminism, homosexualism, etc.) and eventually we're told that we have to bring in the darkies to save us from population collapse. Liberal systems such as Social Security are pyramid schemes requiring population growth, while other aspects of liberalism (feminism, materialism, secularism) stop white people from having kids.
So liberalism flattens the white birth rate, and then extends its altruism to outsiders (blacks, Muslims, etc.) who take advantage of white altruism to wreck the white civilization. Liberals allow this to happen because of their idiotic belief in human equality. Yes, they may not really believe it (DWLs) but they flee to a safe white enclave and leave other whites to take to brunt of the violence and degradation the darkies bring.
Places like Vermont, Portland, and parts of Europe that are liberal and are still good places to live are examples of areas where the black (or brown or Muslim) undertow hasn't yet arrived in sufficient numbers. If Iceland wants to remain a nice place, it should become conservative and racially conscious. If it remains liberal, darkies will eventally show up, and down will go Iceland, even if its geographic isolation protects it for now.
Hey man. I have you in my blogroll. Return the favor? Great post. See my history of Detroit in pictures. The blacker the crowd gets, the nastier the city.
The Story of Detroit in Pictures
"Suicide of the West" recommended by California is a marvelous piece of work as is the "Conservative Mind" by Russell Kirk.
And for a glimpse into our future read "Into the Cannibal's Pot" by Ilana Mercer.
Ivan Shatov
I stumbled onto this site a couple of weeks ago and truly love it. I've been wrestling around with this for quite a while and I'd love to hear feedback. If it wasn't for liberal policies back in the 50's, would black people be different today to the point where integration could work? Would they, for the most part, have been law abiding and contributing members of society?
"I stumbled onto this site a couple of weeks ago and truly love it. I've been wrestling around with this for quite a while and I'd love to hear feedback. If it wasn't for liberal policies back in the 50's, would black people be different today to the point where integration could work? Would they, for the most part, have been law abiding and contributing members of society?
January 3, 2012 6:51 AM"
Complete separation. Get this low level subversive bullshit off the site.
If it wasn't for liberal policies back in the 50's, would black people be different today to the point where integration could work? Would they, for the most part, have been law abiding and contributing members of society?
The differences between the white and black races in this country are genetic,and that can't be tweaked.
You're looking at a 15 point difference in IQ,significantly different levels of testosterone,different levels of impulse control,different time orientation,and that sort of thing.
What could-and apparently did-take place in the Jim Crow South,and other places was interaction,which isn't the same thing as integration. Since this interaction took place under a set of strict rules that everyone knew and followed (at least in public),the two population groups could co-exist without one wiping out the other.
However,remove the rules and the result is chaos,or Detroit.
It sounds to me like the only solution is to deport a majority of these people back to Africa, since they so clearly desire living in a place that resembles what their own people currently live in.
Seven-year substitute continued...
The second part of my post was lost in limbo, apparently. I hope this doesn't end up a double post:
I quit for two reasons. The first: A class full of black kids were prepared to go to the Principal and accuse me of using the word "nigger" to a student. These were twenty kids prepared to lie just to stick it to me. The few white bast@rds in the class were too gutless to tell the truth that I had said no such thing. Fortunately, black kids aren't good at follow through.
The second reason: a huge mountain of flesh black female had climbed on top of a rickety desk and was riding it like a surfboard. She refused to climb down off it, so I called security and had her taken out FOR HER OWN SAFETY! ("Security", that is the quality of "security" personnel, is another topic I could go on about. They usually are one step removed from the thugs they watch over.) She was suspended. My car was in the shop. She approached me at the bus stop and threatened to follow me home. (I had another student threaten me that way during the seven years I subbed. Guess what race he was?)
I watched the best school, after the Creative Arts HS, go slowly to pot. They had kind of a two tier thing going on. There were "scholars'" classes with mostly intelligent whites and some high-functioning blacks mixed in. These classes kept high academic standards. Then there were basic classes for the blacks. Well, for those blacks who actually went to class and didn't wander the halls or spend the day in in-school suspension.
When I left a ground swell of dissatisfation with this dual system was growing. One guess who was most vociferous. You guessed it: DWL's. They were complaining that it was....wait for it....racist.
I live in the wilds of WI now. I see maybe one black person a week from a distance.
I LOVE it! Thank God Almighty! I'm free at last!
I just heard the Habitat for Humanity jerks have built homes right in town and are moving poor minorities in.
I hope this wasn't too wordy for all of you. Take care.
"Not a groid to be seen anywhere. They were happy under the white man's whiplash."
I'm afraid I have long since ceased caring whether or not Negroes are happy in white society. Of much greater importance is the fact that in earlier, less "progressive" eras, whites were much safer from the blacks in their midst.
The loss of that safety has done incalculable damage to our society.
"If it wasn't for liberal policies back in the 50's, would black people be different today to the point where integration could work?"
"Would they, for the most part, have been law abiding and contributing members of society?"
No--at least, not without the extensive policing by whites that characterized pre-50's eras and not to the extent that would make such policing cost-effective.
"Do the right thing" is a movie, not a way of life, for almost all blacks.
As the great-great-grandson of a white South Carolinian who was killed by gunfire from a Michigan regiment, I say... oh well.
I agree Kylie, but the fact remains, they were happier under the white man's whiplash. Jim Crow made for happier whites AND blacks.
Ivan Shatov
Wow, Jim Goad at Taki nailed it today. He actually said it.
"The unspoken truth about areas such as The Bluff isn’t that it’s low on city services—it’s nearly devoid of worthwhile human capital. If the 1960s “civil rights” movement benefited anyone, it was the black professional class, because it allowed them to escape into better, mostly white areas. It left the black lumpenproles to fester in urban quadrants that devolved into living horror movies such as The Bluff and modern Detroit."
Since the American auto industry is doing better these days and with a huge amount of Japanese car manufacturing here,could it be said that the auto companies got the hell out of DEE-Troit because they had to get away from the ni--the blacks? A lot of car plants are in the South where there is less union power--which means less ni-I mean,less blacketty-blacks. They are just ROTTEN workers:Lazy,stupid,drunk,drugged,contemptuous,ever complaining.
Do it like Rush recommends and you'll get a better result.
Get rid of just the blacks and you'll still have a whole country run by DWL leftist Marxist Progressives. 80 percent of your problem will still exist, and it will be the most intelligent - hence the most dangerous - component of the collectivist demographic. The DWLs won't let you get rid of the blacks and would import more of them if you tried.
On the other hand, if you just get rid of all "liberals", as Rush mistakenly calls them, you will get rid of the entire problem, including 99 percent of the blacks. All blacks are leftist by nature and aculturation.
Whites who live like pagans and barbarians are only white on the outside. I don't want a country full of white trash breeders any more than I want their correspondents on the opposite end of the color scale.
Give white DWLs another 20 years and America WILL BE another Africa. Guaranteed. I don't care how many blacks there are.
Hey, Western Civ.
That was a brilliant synopsis. Simply brilliant. I'm saving that for perusal at a later time.
You have way too many white socialists on this forum. They are nothing but mud people in white skins.
White people are those who represent the the ideals of the Magna Carta and the Crusades, the Constitution and freedom. They represent the ideals of monotheistic metaphysics, and not dialectic materialism.
A white atheist is a mud person, just as assuredly as any spear chunker from the darkest jungle of the Congo who worships a tree.
Anyone who disdains the idea of returning to our historical roots as a free market limited government republic of soveriegn states ruled by law is unworthy of our nation.
This includes white socialist sympathizers who claim to support "racial realism" but espouse policies which foster and nurture the very problems they pretend to abhor. Namely, a black entitlement nation. Or any entitlement nation.
Nigger murders young human woman who was popular teaching assistant in Austin TX - 1st homicide of the year in Austin - nigg still at large - a previous version of this article actually included the word "black" in the description of the police sketch, but they seemed to have censored that detail for reasons of political correctness:
Homicide victim was teaching assistant, camp counselor, music fan, friends say
By Sarah Coppola and Patrick George
Published: 11:15 p.m. Monday, Jan. 2, 2012
Austin police officials have identified the woman killed in the first homicide of 2012 and said they are investigating two other attacks on women that morning that might be related.
Esmeralda Barrera, a 29-year-old teaching assistant and camp counselor, was found dead in her home in the 3100 block of King Street about 3 a.m. Sunday, police Cmdr. Julie O'Brien said Monday.
Barrera had been out celebrating New Year's Eve at a nearby business and walked home, O'Brien said.
She was found seriously injured in her home about 2:45 a.m. by a friend who had been celebrating with her earlier. The friend called 911, but Barrera died of her injuries, O'Brien said. Police have not said how she died.
No one has been arrested, O'Brien said, and police are seeking information from the public about the murder and two other attacks that happened around the same time.
About 2 a.m., a woman was walking in the area of 31st and King streets when a man attacked her, O'Brien said. The man threw her to the ground but ran away when she started screaming, O'Brien said.
Then about 5 a.m., a man attacked a woman inside her home in the 300 block of 31st Street, O'Brien said. The man inflicted nonserious injuries and ran away, O'Brien said.
"We don't know if these incidents are related to each other, but because they occurred within a small geographic area over about a three-hour time period, we certainly want to learn more about who was involved," O'Brien said.
Police released a description of the first attacker. The victim described him as a muscular, dark-skinned man between the ages of 30 and 40 who was about 6 feet tall and was last seen wearing a gray hooded jacket with a dark T-shirt and blue jeans.
Word of Barrera's death spread rapidly among her friends on social-networking sites and music blogs on Monday.
Barrera, known to friends as "Esme," was an El Paso native who brought an unflagging energy and sunny attitude to everything she did, friends say, whether it was teaching special-needs kids, watching an up-and-coming band perform on an Austin stage or mentoring girls in a rock-music summer program.
Anyone who saw Barrera on New Year's Eve or who has information about the other attacks is asked to call the homicide tip line at 512-477-3588.
scoppola@statesman.com; 912-2939
pgeorge@statesman.com; 445-3548
If it wasn't for liberal policies back in the 50's, would black people be different today to the point where integration could work? Would they, for the most part, have been law abiding and contributing members of society?
Yes and No.
Well, I am not American so I do not have first hand experience with black but from many information sources I have found blacks were better off before the Great Society (and even some older educated blacks admit that). They were definitely more violent than whites but expressed at least some level of "civilization".
When you add dysgenics effects of welfare state you can be sure things cannot get better.
Seven-year substitute continued...
I had the same experience with blacks 40 years ago when I attended a black high school.
The black kids today are the grandchildren of those with whom I attended high school. Their behavior has not changed.
About 10 percent were functional; fewer highly functional.
Limbaughnic plague.
Detroit is not the first region to face an economic downturn.
Recall, for example, that White ingenuity revived the Southern economy after the "Civil War."
Nor is Detroit the first region to suffer under the stupidity of socialism.
Recall, for example, that East Germany was burdened for decades under the brutality of Marxist insanity. Still, East Berlin never eroded to the deplorable state of Detroit.
It's not just the Democrats. It's the demographics.
What? You expected Rush to be conservative? He was put up to his current position by Edward F McLaughlin, a liberal broadcaster inspired by a hack called Peter Waldron who had a lunchtime talk-show on WABS. Limbaugh is nothing more than an empty-headed, pill-popping shill for the Stupid Party.
"I agree Kylie, but the fact remains, they were happier under the white man's whiplash. Jim Crow made for happier whites AND blacks."
Agreed. Blacks generally are unable to police themselves and monitor their own behavior and they prey on one another in much the same way they prey on whites. If you can't feel safe in your own community, you aren't going to be happy.
The liberals who foolishly decided to INTEGRATE schools led to the rapid decline of America's inner cities. 1960s had many bad decisions that the baby boomer hippies are beginning to see as a huge F up.
That was the beginning of the white flight syndrom...(it was perconal decisions...not politicians that led to the cities' decline)
Check out Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
Bussing the little black heathens into the inner cities added MORE problems...leading to MORE white flight.
Back when black schools were managed, taught and attended by blacks and for only blacks, the black community benefitted from this community support system that began at the family level targeting black children's future.
Black educators were seen as "role models" of breaking out of poverty and giving back to THEIR community.
Black educators, KNEW the local community's problems and concerns and could focus on the problem child/family with community support.
Black students were competing among themselves, and didn't have cheap shots like "acting white" when studying to better oneself.
Black single parent homes, could rely on a black teacher to mentor wayward children...and help whip the kids into shape (literally).
The black school principal, who when needed would dole out serious punishment, especially for older teenage boys.
Black schools had a very similar role in the black community as the black church.
Black community involment was key after Jim Crow up until the 1970s, and it was destroyed by white liberal guilt, school integration and bussing.
I was a student in a community that had seperate school systems, it wasn't until I was in the 4th grade that the schools were mixed, 3 years later I was in boarding school.
My parents had eyes that could see...
My parents had eyes that could see too. They also had big Christian hearts and didn't hate anyone. My father hated the N word and beat us if we said it. Mom told us that blacks were exactly like us but a different color.
My brother & I befreinded the only black boy in school. A few years later he stole $150 from my brothers room.
We let a black stay in our house and got him a job. A month later my dad loaned him an old car and he never came back.... until a month or so later he came back and stole my '62 Tbird.
Then I went in the Army and had to live with them. I found maybe 20% acted normal to an extent and wouldn't "shiv" you if they got a chance.
My mom watched all this over 30-40 years and when I finally told her that most of them were NIGGERS she said: "I know, and they are the biggest racists, but don't tell your dad, he hates that word".
I don't get all the Limbaugh-hate.
Whether you like him or not, anyone who thinks he's gonna piss away an audience in the tens of millions, and a job that pays him in the hundreds of millions, just to prove to a bunch of anonymous yahoos on SBPDL that he's got "courage"...is a fucking idiot.
How would he piss away an audience when most people who listen to him reside in the suburbs of majority-minority cities because it's too dangerous to raise a family in a predominately Black city?
All it takes is courage, and America can save itself. It's that simple.
"How would he piss away an audience"
His show would be cancelled before you could blink, his sponsors would be boycotted, he'd be sued by Morris Dees, and even the consevative establishment would treat him like a leper...
But hey, he'd certainly be considered a Righteous Dude here on SBPDL.
Anon at 4:20 PM Jan 3: Limbaugh already has hundreds of millions. What exactly is he risking by speaking the truth? Starvation? It's not as if they'll stop inviting him to speak at Harvard Law School or have lunch with the editors of the NY Times. If extravagant wealth doesn't free you to speak your mind, what good is it?
Anon at 5:36 PM Jan 3: Even Morris Dees can't sue you for pointing out Black's innate stupidity. The networks would drop him, but the conservative establishment would put its finger to the wind and see if the time was right to come out for racial realism. And Rush could just buy an island in SE Asia and screw Thai girls and Phillippino boys if he wanted to, all the while smoking cigar-sized joints and watching the millions roll in from his investments.
Oops, make that Anon at 5:36 PM.
"Limbaugh already has hundreds of millions. What exactly is he risking by speaking the truth?"
He'd lose his show, his audience, his prestige, his status, and depending on how many Limbaugh-haters are on the jury when the SPLC sues him for hate-speech, he may even lose his fortune.
To some that may seem worth the risk...
To others, maybe not...
I respect his right to make that decision for himself.
I was the one that asked if things would have been different if it wasn't for all those failed social programs. I appreciate the feedback, and I tend to agree that they never would have made the accomplishments of East Asians or Europeans. I also believe that they would have been marginally better than they are today. The reason I presented the question was because I find the elderly blacks to be much better than the younger generation on many levels.
I'm of the belief that blacks, if it's possible, are going to get worse with every generation. Educated employed blacks have few if any children. They're being outbred by their retarded kinfolk at a higher rate.
Anon at 6:31 PM, Jan 3: The elderly Blacks you run into are the survivors of a herd that has been ruthlessly culled by reality.
"The reason I presented the question was because I find the elderly blacks to be much better than the younger generation on many levels"
I know what you mean. The problem is blacks are naturally less intelligent then other races. With whites watching over them they are better off. Colonialism was actually better for the blacks then the foolish whites that had to deal with blacks. When blacks revolted and got rid of the whites, they just made more niggerdoms.
Perhaps if liberals didn't coddle blacks and use the media to cover their crimes then things would be different. As it is most blacks now are just niggers, believing raping and killing is a right and whites should have no rights whatsoever.
However the older blacks are the ones who let the Democrats give blacks welfare and money for having babies out of wedlock. So basically they allowed blacks to turn further from being civilized then they already were.
Blacks would still be blacks, they would be less feral at least.
100 years ago, Detroit, and the rest of the nation, was almost 100 percent ruled by Christian culture. It's laws were predicated on Christian beliefs, it's schools used the Bible to teach reading and moral conduct, it's family structure and social heirarchies were based on Christianity. Most civic and social movements sprang from Christian activism. Politics was preached regularly from the pulpit up until the mid 50s.
This influnece was reflected in the entire culture. It has since changed. Now the white out of wedlock birth rate (OWB)is many times higher than the black OWB of 1900.
White "liberalism" is to blame completely and absolutely for the decline of the nation overall. Not black liberalism. Not Hispanic liberalism. If you want to point to the intellectual shortcomings of these two groups of humanoids, vs. white people, you can best do it by pointing to their relative embrace of the evil that is secular humanist progressivism.
Naturally, those who cannot grasp the common sense principles of personal financial management and sound economic philosophy will embrace the sorts of idiotic boondoggles that Marxists espouse.
But, based on my latest look at the demographics of America, I come to the conclusion that the largest numerical mass of inferior intellects in the country belongs to DWLs. Not as a proportion of the overall white population, mind you. But as an overall proportion of the toxic population.
This is why hospitals in Cincinnati and Baltimore are used as trauma-training centers for military surgeons preparing to go overseas to war zones; because Black people have turned these cities into war zones that are far worse than what our troops see overseas.
Don't look now, but you finally put your finger on something liberals have been scrambling to find for centuries: a tangible benefit deriving from the presence of Blacks.
A worthless government system is giving them the tools to destroy themselves and wreck America. But here's the worst thing of all -- to the ruling establishment liberal class, all of America should be Detroit, because they want us to all be government dependents.
Make no mistake. What they've done to blacks, by and large, they want to do to the rest of us.
Ah, conservatives. The stupid party.
Leftoids didn't "do" anything to Blacks. You're confusing the artificial state that White animus and "conservatism"* wrought on Blacks for their natural condition, and you're confusing the natural state they're in now for something Leftoidism wrought on them. Please look at Africa and tell me which state is more natural for Black Americans: their current state, or their state 50+ years ago.
The question answers itself.
* (for lack of a better word - but modern conservatives trying to draw any parallels needn't bother, since modern conservatism is "color-blind" and "anti-racist")
People who say conservatism, smaller gov't, less welfare, etc., will improve the lot of American Blacks are either lying, or fools. Now, I got nothing against lying per se, but you're with the choir here.
Don't lie to yourself.
I would say that liberalism is what enabled BRA in the first place.
Anonymous: What's a great indicator of this is that in some of the worst neighborhoods in Brooklyn young white artists and professionals have started moving in. Bushwick,red hook, prospect park all undertow areas are now thriving thanks to the new rent paying responsible white inhabitants.
You honestly didn't think that was going to last, did you?
Jonny: Anyone who disdains the idea of returning to our historical roots as a free market limited government republic of soveriegn states ruled by law is unworthy of our nation.
This is the only part of your post that was largely free from irrational bigotry.
Discard: If extravagant wealth doesn't free you to speak your mind, what good is it?
Errmmm … a way to get even more extravagant wealth?
Otherwise, touché.
Svigor: People who say conservatism, smaller gov't, less welfare, etc., will improve the lot of American Blacks are either lying, or fools.
All of which goes a long way towards explaining why the majority of modern Republicans are so entirely divorced from genuine conservatism.
Anonymous (January 3, 2012 6:02 AM), congratulations on a "no-punches-pulled" review of "Atlas Shrugged".
You hit the nail head with your assessment of Rand's "caricatures". I agree and merely regard them as a way for her to convey the more prototypical aspects of her philosophy.
I especially appreciate your ability to take away meaning from Rand's work without letting your own religious beliefs cancel them out.
With all sincerity, it's too bad that you don't use a recognizable handle here at SBPDL. I would make a definite habit of reading all of your comments in full.
Today's trends suggest that Western culture will have been displaced and erased. History will be written by the Chinese.
Rewind to the 5th century BC. Trends suggest that Greek culture will be displaced and erased. History will be written by the Persians.
Will Thomas Edison be remembered? Henry Ford? Bill Gates? Will White people be given credit for introducing the technological revolution?
Personally, I don't give a solitary shit what happens in a World Without Whites. Let all the brownskins suffer as they must.
With all sincerity, it's too bad that you don't use a recognizable handle here at SBPDL. I would make a definite habit of reading all of your comments in full.
Seriously guys, this community will get just a little stronger when we don't have to wade through 50 comments from "Anonymous."
Silent Running: Seriously guys, this community will get just a little stronger when we don't have to wade through 50 comments from "Anonymous."
Thank you, Silent Running, for emphasizing this point. Whatever disagreements you and I may have are totally overshadowed by the disaggregation that so many "Anonymous" comments have at this site. Something tells me that we are more often in violent agreement than not.
As others have said, its not just black people. Its both black people and liberalism. Someone mentioned Portland Oregon. They're often called too white by various liberal rags despite being crazy econuts ("keep portland weird" is the unofficial motto) in love with PC and yet lots of gang problems on public transport aka "latino" and black gangs mostly (look up the light rail controversies).
That said, its still a white majority city and corrupt as all hell. Its going bankrupt just slower than Detroit.
I'll cede black culture is the prime cause in Detroit and other places but one cannot discount liberalism aka modern socialism/collectivism being a major part of the problem or the major problem in white majority cities.
IMO, Limbaugh like many other patrician "Conservatives" is an expert ear-tickler.
Please think of a 1800s-style coffin-lid with the America which Americans born before the early Sixties knew as the deceased; the DWLs are the hammer, the afroids, mulattoes and mestizos are the nails.
However, (as a number of earlier commenters have noted), Limbaugh nor any other person who earns their living via the Main Stream Media is going to touch this topic with a 10-foot pole; they'll be happy to blame "Liberals" for all which ails the USA...in the full knowledge the Libs will never be displaced to the extent they want without Civil War II or a military coup (IMO possible but extremely unlikely).
Think of the Left and Right Wings ... attached to one body which supports them - the majority of people who could give a good G*d* about politics left or right, Lib or Con ... as long as they have a decent job, a sound roof over their head, plenty of food and beer in the fridge and pantry, gas or Diesel for their vehicle, heating oil or propane in the tank and reliable, affordable electricity and year round Moneyball/moolieball on their "1080p" big-screen TV.
The head which controls this Beast ... well I shall leave that to the imagination of the audience here; PK can feel free to email me for a private opinion :).
Something tells me that we are more often in violent agreement than not.
I'd say that's accurate.
This is an aside, but there is something wrong with the below statement.
"Detroit’s population fell to 713,777 in 2010, the lowest since 1910, when it was 466,000. In a shift that was unthinkable 20 years ago, Detroit is now smaller than Austin, Tex., Charlotte, N.C., and Jacksonville, Fla."
Certainly, at some point after 1910 the population of Detroit increased to something larger than 466,000 but smaller than 713,777. Maybe a census wasn't taken in years subsequent to 1910?
The US census is taken every 10 years. Census numbers form a Poisson distribution.
Liberalism killed Detroit, it was Liberalism that pandered to the black voter and offered all amenity's free for the taking if you vote Liberal, the fact black Democrats became the power structure Detroit died a slow death from lack of tax payers fleeing a unsustainable corrupt power structure, Liberalism using the black voter to stay in power killed Detroit.
It is always nice to be able to see the fear and ignorance of the white racists devils whose ancestors raped, robbed, exploited, stripped, savagely and brutally mistreated and even murdered a people who didn't stand a chance in this country.
Those people were raped of their lands, kidnapped from their homes, maimed, dehumanized and utterly destroyed, many before they had a chance to even live.
How dare you filthy savage lineage apes call other human beings, uncivilized when you have sex with your damn dogs, eat your own children, have sex with your children, rub yourselves in feces to have have sex, are the nastiest homosexuals since your so called false bible days.
When Blacks were rolling high without the aide of whitey, up in Harlem, Durham NC, Tulsa OK, and many other places. Your filthy savage ancestors went in and bombed, murdered, mutilated, infiltrated with drugs, caused chaos and mayhem which was fueled by jealousy. Simply because they were and still are no match for the genius minds of Blacks, which is why you people try to exploit them. You exploit their talents, rape them, use them up and then rob them.
The biggest criminals in the world who taught Blacks to kill are the dog bred ancestor savages of yesterday, who are now posting on this site.
You uncivilized mongrels have a nerve. You tote guns in fear which tickles me pink. You wish for the death of people who were civilized and living in peace before you came to this country.
As a native of this land, I find you all guilty and wish that the whole filthy lot of you would just die or take your savage asses back to europe or hell which ever you came from, probably hell, as the one whom you all call satan is your father. I spit at your religion and your hatred. You bunch of lunatic barbarian cowards.
Another thing, you people are the enemies of the earth. You have destroyed everything you have touched. The Blacks built this country even your precious detroit with the sweat of their brows. All you bastards have done is lounged your filthy asses around, roaming, crying, whining receiving hand out upon hand out from the same gov't you claim helps Blacks.
Surely you "can see". You can see the bull shit that came from out of your filthy ass and is now choking your lives out. Yet you can't see the millions of filthy savage pale faced crakkkas on welfare and living in piss poor conditions because they are too lazy to get off their asses and work.
Affirmative action and welfare was started for you savage pale faced dogs and has more of you utilizing it than Blacks and Mexicans.
You lying stink cave crawling dogs from hell. You need to leave this country that was beautiful until you raped it. Go back to hell.
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