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No Grand Finale in 72% Black Albany |
It's a world where the school systems of America aren't plagued by the philosophy of Waiting for Superman, but instead utilize the findings of The Bell Curve to determine educational "paths" for students so that their cognitive abilities can be best nurtured for future success.
It's a world where 72 percent Black Albany, Georgia can't have firework celebrations for the Fourth of July, without Black people ruining them for everyone else. In another example of "Why we can't have nice things," the Albany Herald reports on July 5, 2012:
From every corner in Southwest Georgia, salutes to America's 236th birthday were conducted with the familiar sights and sounds.
Albany was no exception.
The Independence Day extravaganza for the Good Life City was conducted Wednesday evening along Front Street near the Albany Civic Center -- and included vendors selling souvenirs, funnel cakes and even providing music.
Among the booths included one from the Voter Education Registration Project, an organization that found a celebration of freedom the perfect opportunity to promote its cause.
"(The Fourth of July) means a lot to me," said Nicole Crawford, coordinator of the project. "It's a day that I'm proud to be an American.
Unfortunately, the main event downtown was not without its safety concerns.
According to city officials, a series of fights occurred in Turtle Grove Park. The fights delayed the firing of the fireworks' grand finale. Officials organizing the event had the crowd dispersed at the park, as they were concerned that the sounds from the fireworks may mask possible gunshots. The park was cleared and traffic escorted out.
This led to confusion downtown as thousands of people tried to leave at once although police presence was heavy in the area. There were no confirmed gunshots and police cleared the area.The NBC affiliate in Albany reported "Fights disrupt Albany fireworks":
Albany Police suspended the July 4th fireworks show Wednesday night because they say a series of fights put families, who were there to enjoy a night of fun, in danger.
Chief John Proctor said a number of fights broke out in the Turtle Park area where many people gathered to watch the fireworks show. He said it became a safety and crowd control issue, and police officers made the decision to suspend the fireworks.
About 10:45 p.m., the Chief told WALB News Ten the area had been cleared. A few minutes later, Capt. Reginald Brown told us the fireworks show did resume, although few people were there to see the end of it.
The Chief said APD had 85 officers assigned to the event. He said there was no gunfire and there's no indication that gangs were involved. Proctor blamed the problems on juveniles who were downtown without any adult supervision.
Before all that trouble, vendors and families gathered for what they expected to be a fun and safe celebration of our nation's independence.
Patricia Porter went downtown with her family. She said, "I'm glad that they're doing something for us, having something for us to come out here and enjoy because it's not often as a city group that we get to enjoy anything."
Rodney Walker is a vendor who was selling chicken wings. He said, "Oh, having an event like this for the city is great because it brings good people and good food all together in the same place at the same time."
Unfortunately, the good event they expected was marred by violence started by troublemakers.
Fights didn't disrupt the fireworks in Albany anymore than criminals in Macon make Trick-or-Treating unsafe; it was Black people in both occasions that make these events unsafe and eventual force their cancellation because it is no longer safe - nor cost-effective for policing - to host them.
Chief Proctor said no one was seriously injured in any of the fights. Capt. Brown told us officers did make some arrests, but he was not sure how many.
Just as the story of two convicted Black felons in South Atlanta that shot one another over an argument about car repairs illustrates why white people want to live nowhere near Black people (and, of course, why property value is so low in majority Black areas), the lesson of Macon and Albany demonstrates something sinister: community building events like the Fourth of July, Trick-or-Treating, or Easter Egg hunts are increasingly going to be cancelled in cities that represent Actual Black-Run America (ABRA) because of the Detroit Corollary to Robert Putnam's findings on diversity and social capital.
The thread holding together Black-Run America (BRA) is so delicate, that you can see through the fabric of state lies and envision the world where this ideology has been supplanted.
On the other side? Safe communities for children to explore unsupervised, where Fourth of July firework celebrations and parades; Trick-or-Treating; and Easter Eggs are not the stuff of yesterday.
WALB.com, Albany News, Weather, Sports
I am SHOCKED, SHOCKED I tell you, to hear that blacks were behaving in a disorderly and disruptive manner.
But on a serious level, this article drives home the fact how Black Undertow is ruining my country. I have very nice childhood memories of attending Albany's July 4th fireworks displays...and to hear that black anti-social behavior is at the point that such civic events are cancelled....well, it's heartbreaking.
From the video: "....started by juveniles who were downtown with no adult supervision."
Translation: teenaged black thugs.
I guess I'm lucky. I'm old enough to remember stuff like trick or treating and fireworks shows. Blacks and minorities are eating away at the very social fabric of this country. Soon we will be living in what is essentially South Africa. Our children will never know what a safe neighborhood is really like.
Blacks ruined the 4th in Baltimore as well.
Post comments in the newspapers online article with links back here or SBPDL.com
Wake up the masses.
They must know that "youths" or "juveniles" are code for black teen thugs.
4th of July has become a mixed blessing. Fun to watch, but almost not worth the trouble.
In my city, so-called "safe and sane" fireworks are allowed, and there are signs up saying that the city has no tolerance for illegal fireworks. In California, as a general rule if it leaves the ground or explodes, it's illegal.
So why did my neighborhood sound like election day in El Salvador? Pops, rattles, bangs, star shells all night long. Some of those things were powerful enough to rattle windows half a mile away. And these were being fired under the flight path to a major Bay Area airport.
And I should have taken pictures of the high school parking lot across the street from the local slum apartments. Imagine a parking lot the size of two football fields almost completely covered with the trash from expended fireworks, beer cans, etc.
Welcome to America! Make a mess, leave it for somebody else to clean up...
I wonder if the boys who came back to Albany after the War, after defeating Hitler and Hirohito, could have ever imagined that in the not distant future, feral blacks would run wild as a majority in their town. I think if you could have shown them a video of the future of America, they would have refused to fight overseas and rather they would have wanted to start a fight here, one that would preserve the land they loved so deeply.
I just can't shake the idea that we could have had detente with Germany and Japan, but we can have no such truce, no peace with Black America. Blacks will not rest until all of the progress made by the White European Man is undone, until everything is destroyed. I'm sure there is a term for it that conveys the idea of "civilization envy."
In 1960, Albany, GA was probably a wonderful place to live, and I can't imagine there was a single unsafe street. In just two generations, it's come to this? What a horror. Imagine the next two?
… community building events like the Fourth of July, Trick-or-Treating, or Easter Egg hunts are increasingly going to be cancelled in cities that represent Actual Black-Run America (ABRA) because of the Detroit Corollary to Robert Putnam's findings on diversity and social capital.
Imagine how much easier it is to divide and conquer people who feel no sense of community. This is the process of "atomization" that I addressed in my "Dis-Integration of America" essay. Too much diversity automatically implies divergent political goals and cultural agendas.
As for myself, I spent yesterday volunteering for the fifth straight year as a planner and organized for our community's Independence Day parade. The parade and festival were attended by some 30,000 people and we had not a single fistfight or even one arrest.
Why? It might have something to do with an overwhelmingly White crowd being on hand.
Eighty year-old women have told me that they feel ten years-old when they come to our event. Despite some committee opposition, I have personally seen to making sure that vintage American cars have a large presence in the parade. Children need to understand that, once upon a time, this country built beautiful things and built them to last.
Our parade is so White whereby we have had to intentionally seed with minorities―at their own suggestion, no less―the group which presents our yearly funding proposal to our city's OCA (Office of Cultural Affairs), so that its majority DWL staff won't get their panties in a wad over any lack of diversity.
Never mind that we remain one of the only holiday parades left standing after years of cutbacks. Never mind that we are one of the strongest unifying influences in the most historic and affluent neighborhoods in the entire city.
Bringing White people together? Strengthening their feeling of community and patriotism? Giving them a sense of continuity and history? Making sure that they have squeaky clean, family-friendly fun in a safe environment?
Is it any wonder that the local newspaper absolutely refuses to put our parade on page one? Or that city officials treat us as strangers when we come seeking funding even though they love to ride in vintage convertibles and wave to the cheering crowds.
The hypocrisy is thick enough to spread on toast.
Things you can no longer do in Memphis TN thanks to the black menace:
Watch fireworks while standing on the bridge over the Mississippi River on the 4th of July
Hang out at the fair with your family and friends every September, eating carnival food and going on rides
Waste the summer at the amusement park
Have a free event anywhere within walking distance of a bus stop
Go to a mall in the middle of the city without being shot
Stop at a gas station without being shot
Honestly, do anything that doesn't involve racing as fast as you can on the interstate to escape the city limits without being shot
Thanks, Abe Lincoln!
Come join us in Carmel, Indiana. We had our parade and fireworks this year just like every year. People actually saved their spaces to sit by setting up their chairs and canopies on Tuesday morning. No fear of our property being stolen this year or any other year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmel,_Indiana
My spouse and I witnessed this behavior two years ago during the 4th of July fireworks at the harbor in Annapolis, MD. Multiple groups of blacks started fighting during the show and turned it into a free-for-all during the finale, bowling over white families and their small children in the process. It took police several minutes to respond, as women and children were screaming and scattering in all directions.
I was there briefly about two hours before the fireworks show last night. Police wised up this time around and saturated the harbor, including squad cars and multiple tactical command vehicles. It looked like police were getting ready for a war, rightfully so.
I learned years ago to avoid anyplace where blacks show up in numbers. They are simply incapable of being civil when gathered in numbers and often act inhuman.
Hey Kersey,
You are gonna love this: The Negro Fad.
Hey Carmel, IN
Do you know what is coming? I visited the CarmelFest last year, and there were white girls in booty shorts strip dancing to loud hip-hop and rap music on a stage. They looked like sexy cheerleaders and were humping the ground and grinding on each other.
There were also shirtless, tattooed black youths with pretty dreadlocks roaming around in packs. Did you miss it last year? We decided not to go back again.
Don't get too comfy, Carmel Indiana. Transit will find you in the next few years. The blacks in Indy think that Carmel is great! Lot's of good schools, businesses, white people to bop over the head and rob, clean theaters, jobs, and unused welfare money.
We just had our first shooting in mostly-white Broad Ripple village last night. Guess who??
and they want to "IndyConnect" Carmel, IN to the inner city of Indianapolis!!
"Bus: Doubling of the current bus service in the first 10-years, with eventual expansion to nearly triple the current size. This means significantly less wait time between buses and longer hours of service, plus more direct routes. Also included is the addition of community circulators and express bus routes."
As of 2010, Carmel, IN experienced a 239% increase in the black population. The inner city is bleeding, and the blood is running north. I know a guy who buys foreclosed properties in northern suburbs and rents them to section-8 single black women.
Check your county on the map and tell your friends. You can even drill down to zip code:
Carmel, Indiana says
Carmel's black pop is still only around 7%. As far mass transit is concerned, I could see a commuter line, which we've had off and on. But, these lines have only dropped off and picked up at one location and the city makes sure its nowhere near the business district that the blacks would be capable of getting a job in. Carmel will never have indygo stops all over town. It will not be allowed. I've lived here all my life. Its still not a welcome place for blacks in any way.
I was born and raised in Albany. I went to school and ran a business there. It used to be nice,as the whites lived all over and the blacks in just a few pockets here and there. The flood of 1994 changed that. When their project homes were destroyed they spread like a cancer into the rest of town. Somewhere along the way whites were moving into surrounding counties because of the school situation created by busing blacks to majority white schools. Then they took over the city council,won the mayors office,got a police chief and city manager. Their first priority was to rename one of our main streets after MLK even though we already had one. There is no place in Albany to go to escape blacks now. The park where the fireworks were held,next to a civic center no one can go to,the one mall we have looks like a third world bazaar,the one multiplex thats had arson and up to a hundred people fighting inside it at once...and good luck walking the Riverwalk if you're alone.When I was younger I could ride my bike across the entire city at night and probably not be bothered,my grandmother worked at a store and would walk home never being bothered. Those days are gone because we let them push us out of what we built,and we built something better right up the road,now they're following us there as well.Thanks Paul for the story,maybe one day things will be different in Albany and it can go back to being ''The Good Life City''
I am so sadden by the fact that so many white Americans feel that they feel that they do not need the Americans of African decent, Even though in reality Americans of African decent contribute everyday to their American society. So I ask a question to you white Americans... "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?", answer that if you are wiling to be honest with yourself.
Where do you racist people get off talking about blacks, you people are as closed minded as you are stupid. Why don't you guys go fuck yourselves and continue envying the blacks as guys love to do on a daily basis.
Mutant Swarm,
My neighborhood sounded much the same as yours. This was the first year this happened. We also had our first street brawl in addition to the booming munitions. (a little beaner got hurt and the families had it out 'til the cops came, scurried like cockroaches). The Brown Undertow has arrived at my place.This is the last summer I'll be spending here in North San Diego county or Mexifornia for that matter. I'm going to pop smoke and skedaddle after the first of the year if all goes as planned.
"Fireworks Cancelled in 72 Percent Black Albany (Ga.) because of Black People Acting Black"
Well it wasn't San Diego, that one defined the term EPIC FAIL!
Don't blame Abraham Lincoln, Anonymous. He wanted to ship them all back after the Civil War. Here's are some quotes: "I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the Negro into our social and political life as our equal. . . We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable."
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the White and Black races--that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people, and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and Black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."
Now you know why they called him Honest Abe. I blame John Wilkes Booth.
Off-topic, but PK needs to see this:
I can already picture the distraught organizers being interviewed the morning after the inevitable bloodbath:
"How could we possibly foresee any problems with penning up a bunch of fun-loving white hipsters overnight in an ostensibly abandoned area of Detroit..."
OT - Mitten's June fund-raising surpassed $100 Million! Now, I'm no fan of Mittens the Kitten but that is an insane amount of fund raising dollars for a single month. With that kind of cash he can buy all the swing states he needs.
Romney's June Fund-Raising Tops $100 million
Off-topic...McCarren Pool reopened last week in Brooklyn. Second day, fights break out, lifeguard attacked. Since then, a cop punched, more fights, robberies. Guess why?!!!
I'll go ahead and save Nitwit the bother:
Ahem. It may surprise some of you that the answer to this conundrum is 3-fold.
1st, white people need to remember that not all blacks behave this way, and
B) when blacks are in private, they often speak in an honest and forthcoming way which belies the very fabric which underpins the homunculus itself, thereby binding all and sundry to its stated spectacle which, in leu of white slavery, can and should, in and of itself, when possible, potentially aggregate within specified boundaries.
Of course, I went to a college, so most of you will not understand the obviousness of this. At least I tried.
There you go Nit.
-Sweep the leg-
Lincoln wanted to stop the spread of blacks, a laudable goal in the long term..
I assume everyone here has seen Albert Roundtree Jr. Age 6, seen here rapping about how he can make "your bootie pop."
This pretty much hits the Roissy/Heartiste -- SBDL nexus.
My neighborhood for the first time had a LOT of skyrockets (presumably from Mexico); prior ten years we'd have maybe one or two, before that NOTHING but "safe and sane" bought in other parts of the County. All fireworks are illegal here. I'm in SoCal. Awful. I'd love to move. Idaho or Utah.
Re the Black anons: probably all Whites here would prefer Black people act like White people, and if they don't go to jail for breaking the law, no special privileges. We'd rather not spend trillions subsidizing the Albert Roundtrees of the country. We don't like that stuff, we'd rather six year olds played with water guns and frisbees, not super-pimp role playing. We'd also like the NAACP, Urban League, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Rev. King, Louis Farrakhan, Eric Holder, and Barack Obama to have the same social odor and standing as say, David Duke and Klan. Since they are basically the same thing, racial supremacy organizations. We'd like Duke and Farrakhan to have adjoining trailers in Monroe LA. Instead of his mansion bigger than Oprah's, with more goons.
There is nothing wrong with acting like a respectable middle class American, instead of "keeping it real." Since our tax dollars support keeping it real we'd rather we keep our money and Black people act better. To know the truth of it.
I am so sadden by the fact that so many white Americans feel that they feel that they do not need the Americans of African decent, Even though in reality Americans of African decent contribute everyday to their American society.
You contribute things like entire destroyed cities, such as Detroit. You contribute the majority of the violent crime in the entire country. Whatever else you've contributed, we don't need you for it; anything you can do (including art forms such as jazz), White people do better.
You also contribute bad spelling and grammar, because you won't enunciate correctly. You say "I am saddened", not "sadden".
So I ask a question to you white Americans... "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?"
More like Sweden than it is. More like the classic Detroit, when it was nearly all White and known as "the Paris of the Midwest" instead of the symbol of decay it is now. You've taken our Sweden and turned pieces into Somalia. Somalia is what you create, so it's obviously where you're at home; we should send you there, and then enjoy the answer to your question.
APES BEING APES. Start hunting them down and removing them from the fold.
Anonymous @ July 5, 2012 1:58 said
I am so sadden by the fact that so many white Americans feel that they feel that they do not need the Americans of African decent, Even though in reality Americans of African decent contribute everyday to their American society. So I ask a question to you white Americans... "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?", answer that if you are wiling to be honest with yourself.
Since you asked, this country would be a much safer, wealthier, and intelligent place. Tens of thousands of citizens wouldn't be murdered every year. A magnitude of order more people than that wouldn't be victims of serious crime every year. Our school system might once again be the envy of the world. We would be sending astronauts to Mars and achieving heretofore unimagined feats instead of giving monthly EBT fill-ups and near-free rent to "no intention of ever working" Leroy and Sheniqua.
Anonymous @ July 5, 2012 2:01 PM
Where do you racist people get off talking about blacks, you people are as closed minded as you are stupid. Why don't you guys go fuck yourselves and continue envying the blacks as guys love to do on a daily basis.
The mental giantism evidenced by your retort is truly, truly awe inspiring. Your words come as a revelation and shock to untold numbers of whites that, in a deeply secret way, have always envied the prowess, accomplishments, and unmitigated genius of blacks. Now that you've let the cat out of the bag, society will never be the same again. All humanity bows to your infinite wisdom.
On a serious note, what you fail to understand is that what you call racism is, in fact, nothing more than plain, unvarnished, in-your-face truth. The kind of truth that really hurts if you're a masochistic DWL or in love with destroying civilization by way of artificially empowering and ceding a nation's wealth to criminally-minded, protected classes of undertow.
Anonymous said...
"...So I ask a question to you white Americans... "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?", answer that if you are wiling to be honest with yourself."
It would be quieter and cleaner, for starters. You'd be able to ride public transportation at 11:00 pm in near-total safety. Doors and windows could be left open on hot summer days, instead of having to blast (and pay for) air conditioning. Shopping trips would be fun again, not exercises in "spot the gang members" at the mall.
If we saved our money, we could take a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Mars for a vacation.
And last but not least, there would be no arrogant Negro trolls coming here, into our electronic "house," telling us how we should behave to please them.
You fly away now, little Starling.
BowleDover said...
Off-topic, but PK needs to see this:
I can already picture the distraught organizers being interviewed the morning after the inevitable bloodbath:
"How could we possibly foresee any problems with penning up a bunch of fun-loving white hipsters overnight in an ostensibly abandoned area of Detroit..."
Look, if it means even ONE dead hipster.... I'm all for it.
Ricky Tucker: Their first priority was to rename one of our main streets after MLK even though we already had one.
Gots to expand the ghet-toe, m' man.
Finally, someone to answer my question. What is it that black people are contributing to society? Name one thing that makes black people necessary to whites.
Envy the blacks? We move away from your jerry springer ddysfunction and allow you the priveledge of having your mono chrome communities, and what do you do?
You follow whites, which you hate, why?
Cause white communities prosper white communities are peacefull.
You and your black hordes are the ones that envy, you envy our success, our ability to form sophisticated communities, you envy our exclusiveness, you envy our jobs, our houses, our neighbourhoods, you should be thankfull your ancestors were brought to the usa as slaves, that they suffered greatly so you can hace the life you have now.
But I'm sure you would rather be in the unracist congo in africa, getting raped daily by the rape militias.
Black ghettos and black africa are the way they are cause the reflect the mentality of the black people.
Now go and throw your TNB tantrum at your nearest blackdonalds, 'ight
If there no blacks in america, that's an easy one, the whole of america would be like vermont, peacefull wealthy and a great place to live in
No fat assed baby factories, or black thugs wearing their offsprings college education money in their mouths as grills
No black tsunamis of marauding and thuggery, no cancellation of public fire works, no low rider drivebys, no hoochy mamas writhing in rap music videos sending the message to young girls that its ok to be a big butted black bitch.
It would be a country where everyone knows the english gramatical term used at the end of the previous paragraph.
That's what it would be like.
Motzart, beethoven, the most most beautifull music in the history of the world, where would mankind be without them. Michael angelo, da vinci, where would man kind be without them.
I do not apologize for the eurocentricity of the western world, if not for that where would we be, you would be in africa dead by the good old age of 28, by hopefully natural causes, and not by tribal feuds
Anonymous: … Even though in reality Americans of African decent contribute everyday to their American society.
Much sadder is your inability to understand how little Blacks bring to the table. Ask yourself this one simple question that Van has posed so often:
What goods, product, skilled labor or service is there that Blacks supply which cannot be gotten elsewhere without encountering a sullen demeanor, tardiness, unproductive behavior, negative attitude or the basic risk of physical assault?
Please answer that simple question. If you cannot, then the only answer is nothing. Once that point is conceded, the only other extrapolation is that Blacks are of such little use to White society that their presence is both unneeded and their absence beneficial.
So I ask a question to you white Americans... "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?", answer that if you are wiling to be honest with yourself.
It would look like this and this and this and this and this.
Many of us here at SBPDL can still remember a time when most of America looked like that instead of this and this.
Anonymous: Why don't you guys go fuck yourselves and continue envying the blacks as guys love to do on a daily basis.
That's because some of us have woken up and become Those Who Can See™. And what we can see is this:
There's nothing worth "envying" about people, black "men" especially, who consistently destroy their surroundings and reduce once great cities to Third World cess pits. Who rob, rape and murder on a daily basis and commit genocides amongst themselves with such clockwork regularity that some of us have begun to look forward to them with popcorn in hand.
But there's mogadisho, lagos, hararre, already, and it isn't faked, it will be the genuine black rule for black people experience.
Why dilute it by taking the reality out.
Come to urban african shitholes for the real experience, how cheap can life get? Pretty much discounted, the african way.
Again nothing new. I really want to hear a plan and solutions the billboard idea was good what happened?
Take away the day glo glasses, the printed tshirt the water gun doubling up as an ejaculating phallic symbol, and replace it with a uniform and an AK47 and you have a child soldier from africa, charles taylor would be proud.
So would robert mugabe and nelson mandela, oprah would publically put on a show of disgust, but secretly she would be popping her booty in her chicago pent house.
And now they know why we want nothing to do with them
To my Carmel IN friends , I just moved out of Nora to escape the undertow. I went a step further and went to noblesville. The problem is the low rent apartments. They are moving north faster then I'd like, looking for fast food jobs and selling drugs to rich white kids.. Even the Mc'ds here in noblesville has turned all dark and the service is horrible. No money to be made in the ghetto. They are expanding there clientele and hooking your pretty white daughters to drugs.
God help us
Don't blame Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln started the war that crushed the white South. The American Colonization Society, which sought to return blacks to Africa, was essentially run by Southern white men. Considering the fact that Lincoln gave a speech in 1865 supporting suffrage for blacks, and the fact that Lincoln valued power above all else (hence the war), it's nowhere near a sure thing that he would have stayed true to his word. If the speech is any indication, he smelled new votes and quickly forgot about doing the right thing. Typical Republican.
Anonymous Sad Troll said: "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?"
In a word, this country would be Paradise
Gotta pile on here...
... "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?", answer that if you are wiling to be honest with yourself.
Honest, huh? Okay, if you're not just a troll, are you completely blind/developmentally disabled/insane? Look, if 40 million people of totally random races just disappeared tomorrow, in some purely theoretical beamed-to-another-idyllic-dimension-without-anyone-getting-hurt way, it would probably be a good thing, long-term, just in terms of alleviating the effects of overpopulation, easing competition for jobs/resources, etc.
Now, if it were just the Black population? The 12% of the population who commit 50% of the violent crime (and yes, we know, it's only maybe 3-6% percent of that 12% committing HALF THE VIOLENT CRIME IN THE WHOLE FRIGGING COUNTRY, so, you've got that going for you)? Well, I don't know what I can add to what the other respondents to your post have said; it would be vastly better. Sure, there would be people it would be hard to replace, but, trust me, someone would pick up the slack. There would be people I would genuinely miss, but just the opportunity to safely enjoy public space after 50 years of undeclared guerrilla war on people who look like me would take a hell of a lot of that sting away.
Look, I'm one of those people who was vehemently anti-racist for 40-odd years, but at some point in the last decade I just looked around and saw that the Black community has responded to the unprecedented shift in racial attitudes of Whites, the sincere, multitrillion dollar attempts to redress past wrongs, the genuine efforts to accept you into our workplaces and communities and celebrate your culture, with nothing but ever-increasing hostility and outright murderous violence from your underclass, who the rest of you, more or less, support by blaming White people for every goddamned speck of social pathology imaginable, and then calling us racist monsters any time we open our mouths to address any of these issues, let alone enforce the law or, God forbid, defend ourselves.
You know what? Fuck it. I'm not big on repeating slogans I see on the web, but White people owe you nothing. Bupkis.
"What would this country be like if there was [were] no Americans of African de[s]cent?"
America, you illiterate savage. It would be like America.
Unamusement Park has a funny piece on this - the "Racist Twitter Trick" - http://unamusementpark.com/2012/07/blacks-ruin-fourth-of-july-in-chicago-few-surprised/
"What would life be without African Americans?"
I have been struggling for quite some time now to have any of the faux intellectuals in the chattering black class outline to me these "great contributions" American Africans make to our society. The only one they repeatedly come up with is "Jazz". I hate Jazz. So, a life without Jazz would be just fine by me.
My family spends an inordinate amount of time and resources to avoid blacks, and to live a life filled with peace and tranquility, safety and in the comfort of others who "look like me" which, in a just world, where my right to "pursue happiness" was actually upheld, I wouldn't have to do because it would be self-evident that I have a right to life free of the tyranny of the black undertow.
Oh, and another example of the hidden black tax occurred to me this weekend: home movie theatres.
Expensive home movie theatre systems became very popular when it became obvious you couldn't go out to the local movie theatre and enjoy a movie in peace, without obnoxious commentary by blacks, wading through the trash they throw everywhere, and the annoyance of their cell phones lit up as they text their way through the movie, when they're not getting up and walking in and out like it's a cocktail party.
In a world without American Africans, people can take their family to the movies, it's quiet, it's clean, and everyone stays in their seats unless it's a dire emergency. That experience can only be replicated in the privacy of one's own home now, several thousand dollars worth of surround system later.
Anonymous said...
I am so sadden by the fact that so many white Americans feel that they feel that they do not need the Americans of African decent, Even though in reality Americans of African decent contribute everyday to their American society. So I ask a question to you white Americans... "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?", answer that if you are wiling to be honest with yourself.
Are you familiar with the term "paradise"?
Walter Williams, a black conservative, victimologist and economist, has an "Amnesty and Pardon" document on his website. Hey, it is a start. More blacks must state this, and more whites must embrace it.
"Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon Granted to
All Persons of European Descent
Whereas, Europeans kept my forebears in bondage some three centuries toiling without pay,
Whereas, Europeans ignored the human rights pledges of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution,
Whereas, the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments meant little more than empty words,
Therefore, Americans of European ancestry are guilty of great crimes against my ancestors and their progeny.
But, in the recognition Europeans themselves have been victims of various and sundry human rights violations to wit: the Norman Conquest, the Irish Potato Famine, Decline of the Hapsburg Dynasty, Napoleonic and Czarist adventurism, and gratuitous insults and speculations about the intelligence of Europeans of Polish descent,
I, Walter E. Williams, do declare full and general amnesty and pardon to all persons of European ancestry, for both their own grievances, and those of their forebears, against my people.
Therefore, from this day forward Americans of European ancestry can stand straight and proud knowing they are without guilt and thus obliged not to act like damn fools in their relationships with Americans of African ancestry.
Walter E. Williams, Gracious and Generous Grantor"
A wake up call to America from Detroit.
In 1967 Detroit was majority white, although there were areas of the city that were predominantly black and unsafe, you could take your family downtown and spend your day and your money and not fear being robbed, raped or murdered. Then came the riots... spurred on by the police raiding a illegal party. the all black crowed objected to being subjected to having to follow the law so in response they started looting and burning an killing. when it was all done the city was a smoldering mess...the white mayor, a democrat, the NAACP and the white liberals blamed white people. they claimed it was white people treating black people badly for years was to blame for the violence. as a result not feeling safe anymore whites started leaving in large numbers. Then came Coleman Young...a black Socialist...after having his brother, the local postmaster, "lose" the absentee ballots ( Mostly white people) he stole the Mayor's office. almost at once he started his socialist agenda...and blaming the white middle class of Detroit for most of the ills of the city...and the tide of white exodus became a flood. As the tax base dropped, basic services such as police and fire protection became a joke..trash piled up on the street...property value plummeted...gangs ran wild in the streets and Detroit became the murder capitol of the world. During this time, Coleman Young blamed white flight...he said they were racists..and got millions in federal tax dollars by whites who felt guilty about being white. Today Detroit has unemployment at 25%, 56% of residents are on some type of Gov't assistance...gangs roam the streets..families can't attend the fireworks without running the risk of being robbed or shot an killed. Detroit is on the verge of bankruptcy an its leaders still blame white people. The virus that is black people have spread to the outlaying areas, once quiet safe communities are now overrun by black youths committing crimes like its no big deal...and again the whole thing is placed at the feet of hard working white folks...that some how we caused this... and its not just Black youths...its ALL blacks...young, old ALL of them. The only people left in Detroit are Blacks, Arabs and a few white people who are either too poor to leave or too stupid to know that they are swimming in a cesspool.
Now lets look at America...We have a Black, socialist in charge, who hates white people and blames them for all the problems of the country...he has a socialist agenda and is working hard to ram it through at all cost..it only took less then 8 years for a BLACK SOCIALIST to destroy what was once a beautiful city, what would a BLACK SOCIALIST do to America in 8 years? we have already seen what he will do..the question is...WHAT WILL YOU DO?
To "God Help Us" in Nobletucky, IN:
Funny about the McDonalds in Noblesville. I stopped there a few months ago and it was fully staffed by Mexicans who spoke little English. I laughed a little, but felt very sorry for the white locals. I know what is coming next for you. The white kids used to drive to my neighborhood to buy drugs until a few years ago. I don't see them much anymore.
I live in the downtown "ghetto" in Indianapolis. Of course, it is slowly gentrifying, but still bombed out from the black occupation. It has mostly emptied out. Whites are moving back into the city - we have had a +34% white increase in 10 years, and a -25% black loss. Climate Change (TM) in a good way. This is good news for me.
Broad Ripple, Castleton, Nora, Carmel, Noblesville, Zionsville, and Fishers are all becoming new digs for the welfare underclass. They will each have a new mini-Kenya in operation soon. The northern whites are not as used to living near blacks, and will mistakenly welcome them with open arms...at first... then it will be too late. Crime will explode.
They think that transit won't come north, but pandering city officials and DWLs will make sure that it does. Your government uses blacks as a weapon against your stability. Even the middle class black public employees have thug male children who hang out all day and pose, sell drugs, and burglarize homes. And they wear nice clothes to fool you.
The city will build nice new green townhomes for poor blacks, and pay with section-8 vouchers, or have a few "market rate" apartments sprinkled in the mix so that then can claim "diversity". All neat tricks to get public funds and tax breaks.
The "ghetto" downtown Indy is full of very very nice historic homes (the kind white people build thrive in) and large shady trees. There is still hope. The white hipsters and gay man couples are the pioneers right now and they don't like blacks one bit. Hipsters are nuts, but they make cool stuff, keep chickens in their yards, and like old stuff.
Come down near Fall Creek Pkwy sometime and take a look around. It takes some courage to live here, but most of the blacks still clinging on are old and harmless. Trust me, no black want to live in the ghetto. They want sparkly new stuff. We have a new Upland craft beer tasting room that just opened nearby. Hooray!!
If you asked a black man "What would life be without white people?", he would say "Paradise" too, not realizing that he would surely starve to death.
"What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?", answer that if you are wiling to be honest with yourself.
There would be pride of community, public art at every major intersection, walkable gardens in well maintained, safe parks. Without leeches and parasites to drain us, universal health care and strong social safety nets would be a given as society would be made up of providers and contributors inclined to build the best country possible to live in. You would not only know your neighbor, but you would trust him. You wouldn't have the constant low level anxiety ramping up your cortisol levels with the fear that today will be the day you get the phone call that your parents have been murdered in a home invasion by blacks, or this will be the day a black man rapes your wife, or this will be the day black kids who have been bussed in to your community schools bully your son so badly he tries to kill himself.
What would America be without niggers?
A better question would be "What would America be like with double the nigger population it has now?"
The answer is Somalia or Detroit.
I have a dream that one day the entire nation will wake up and realize what the feral nigger has done to the nation and a program of repatriation to Apefrica can begin. As each county in each state is cleared of the feral beasts, vast sums of money will be saved on welfare, ebt cards etc. Public safety will be greatly improved, crime will drop like a stone and our cities and neighborhoods can be rebuilt.
The niggers repatriated to Apefrica can then begin building..............Haiti in Apefrica.
Mr. Rational says,
"anything you can do (including art forms such as jazz), White people do better."
Now, I can handle the candor, and it brings a lot of unpleasant truths. But this? Uh-uh; not even close, though I admit this topic is sacred ground to me. lol!
Without the Negro savage I could associate with whom I pleased. The USA would be heaven on earth.
Alliteration be rayciss.
I don't know.where you live or attend movie theaters but I personally have seen people from all races act like this. And actually what surprises me is now Asians do it too. Just goes to show.
Be for real. Every device has some sort of spell check these days. These misspelled types you read are unfortunately perpetrated by instigators. So your response is misdirected and not received by the target you are intentionally aiming for. Wake up, you are so asleep.
You turned around because of your economic situation. Who are you trying to kid. When you were the higher earner you were ok with things. Now that your financial status has declined and you find yourself below other "peoples" income, now to mindset has twisted itself up in a bind. Once you relax and start loosening those knots your perspective will start to change back to normal.
You type events of the past as though you were not only present at their happenings but also as if you were the physical thinking mind of the subject. Please stop this nonsense. Your blogging is just worthless.
You must first realize that drug addiction is the responsibility of the individual addict and no one else's fault. Typical, blaming other for individual failures, oh , I'm sorry that seems to be the overall flow of this site. Blaming others for your shortcomings. This is the way of the Pathetic Kind.
Ah yes, but the Asians are not going text their homies to beat the living shit out of you after the movie for asking them to quiet down ;-) Very, very different.
Nikcrit, you are sucking up again. We don't care what you think.
"Uh-uh; not even close, though I admit this topic is sacred ground to me. lol!"
Seems to me that EVERYBODY is waking up and taking a good look around! Comment sections on MSM websites are now open season and the you can't be called a troll if 85% of commentors agree with and/or state the same thoughts and beliefs. Keep up the rascallity, please. In fact, increase it so we can speed up the collapse!
Here is the fun, quirky way in which DWL reporter John Touhy at the Indianapolis Star local paper spins the local black-on-black shootings.
NOTE: According to John, the "fight" was fueled by social media, not violent black people.
"The gunfight that killed 22-year-old Larretha “Lala” Draughon and injured five others started as an old-fashioned rumble with a modern twist."
email reporter:
Midwestern: "The gunfight that killed 22-year-old Larretha “Lala” Draughon and injured five others started as an old-fashioned rumble with a modern twist."
What am I supposed to be taking away from this; that "modern twist" is the new codespeak for TNB?
Has anyone ever feared for their safety when they saw a group of white people attending an event? Has anyone ever felt uneasy because a white family moved into their neighborhood? Does anyone remember a time when they felt that something being predominately white was a bad thing?
Imagining a black-free America is easy, because anyone who deals with black people on a regular basis has thought about how much better things would be without the black anchor chained around their neck. Imagining how bad things would get in a more-black America is what got us here. There's a reason that black people have been slaves for centuries around the world. As a whole, they're incapable of being productive except at the end of a whip. They're incapable of controlling their impulses and being civilized except through violent oppression. They're incapable of handling money and wealth and making forward-thinking decisions, and unable to care for their offspring as civilized people do.
I'd like to see any of our new black trolls explain to me how every place on the planet with a majority (or large) black population is an utter shithole with mass violence, zero literacy, disease and an inability to utilize resources and sustain themselves without white money or guidance. I'd like to know why it is that white colonialism represented the only periods of productivity that Africa has ever achieved. I'd like to know why it is that areas like Detroit that white people were able to build thriving cities out of have all fallen into disrepair and depression under black majority and black rule? I'd like to know what black people are planning to do to fix these ruined cities, or when they'll cede control willingly back to the white people who know how to fix them. I'd like to know how black people can represent 12-13% of the population and commit more than half of violent crime in this country (much of it against whites, Asians, Hispanics) and expect that swiping the race card each time we mention it will keep people from figuring it out. Finally, I'd like to know how much money you think it would take, on average, for black people to choose to willingly relocate to an African country of their choosing, and how you think that might compare to what we already spend annually to subsidize the existence of each black person in America.
Last year when Carter Strange was beat to within inches of his life in Columbia, SC I followed the story on the local newspaper's website. I posted several common sense ideas about what the problem was. Nothing outrageous. Nothing offensive. I was banned. Black thugs from miles away had been driving down to the 5 points area that is popular with college students to find easy targets to rob or just to beat for fun. One of which was Carter Strange.
Of course the local media didn't touch race at all, even though it was the sole motivation for the horrific beating.
The media is so thoroughly controlled by anti-white leftists that there can be no discussion of race except for the obvious blaming of whites.
Ray Scissom, it's been a real pleasure watching your comments migrate from the format of "I don't give a f&%k about you Blacks" over to some very solid articulations about "Here's why I don't give a f&%k about you Blacks".
That said, don't you dare stop darting in with the occasional thread-winning "nigonometry" jibe. I still smile when I think of that superb little riposte.
"So I ask a question to you white Americans... 'What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent[sic]?', answer that if you are wiling[sic] to be honest with yourself."
America would be better in every way if there were no Negroes in it.
I base this on two factors. I'm old enough to remember what America was like when whites were a sizable (and sensible) majority who did not tolerate, much less excuse, black pathologies. And I lived in a mixed-race neighborhood for years and saw such pathologies up close and personal on a daily, even hourly, basis.
I was raised by a liberal mother to regard blacks as equal to--if not superior to--whites. I would still think the way I was raised to think had I not seen for myself over a period of years how blacks actually behave not just to whites but to other blacks.
Blacks changed my mind about blacks. Not racist whites but blacks themselves.
That's as honest as I can be.
Looks like your site is starting to really take off. I noticed the numbers of trolls has increased and "Those Who Can See" has also increased with their replies. Keep up the great work.
bubo said:
The media is so thoroughly controlled by anti-white leftists that there can be no discussion of race except for the obvious blaming of whites.
Imagine the conundrum the media is in. They've ignored black violence and covered it up for so long that to suddenly allow rational discussion about race would be their undoing. There's blood on their hands, and to admit that they have spent decades obfuscating the truth and perpetuating the idea that any discussion of race is inherently racist would force them to take responsibility for the violence and killings of white people they could potentially have saved. As we saw recently, they'll go so far as to ignore their own reporters being attacked and beaten by black mobs just to keep the house of cards from falling.
The fact that sites like this even need to exist proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the media is covering up black crime and censoring those who would dare speak of it.
I've said all along that the first step in dealing with black violence and black people in general is to dismantle the media that stands in our way and destroys our message. Stop paying for cable. Stop watching their network shows. Stop paying to watch hollywood movies. Stop buying products like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Budweiser, Coors, Miller, Tide. Stop shopping at Target and Old Navy. Buy everything that you can second-hand. Barter and trade services with like-minded people. Starve the system. Steal your music, TV and movies via the internet. Deal in cash. Stop feeding the machine.
We're smarter, stronger and better than they are. We need to start acting like it. Let them continue to portray us as knuckle-dragging, uneducated trailer-trash. What should scare them more than anything is the fact that I live, work and play among many of them on a daily basis. I can see without being seen.
Zenster said...
Ray Scissom, it's been a real pleasure watching your comments migrate from the format of "I don't give a f&%k about you Blacks" over to some very solid articulations about "Here's why I don't give a f&%k about you Blacks".
That said, don't you dare stop darting in with the occasional thread-winning "nigonometry" jibe. I still smile when I think of that superb little riposte.
Thanks! It's comments like yours that keep me coming back several times a day.
Wait until you hear my thoughts on ecoonomics. ;)
First experience, black kid with pants down masturbating in a closed supply closet in 3rd grade racially integrated class.
Next experience, saw midget negro woman charging down school hall way with a knife in her hand shouting "where's that white bitch?", looking for a teacher who had dun her baby wrong.
Another, had a black friend in high school who was sleeping with and in love with her biological preacher/father. I found out by accident.
Saw two pregnant black high school teens fighting and tearing out each other's hair because they were carrying the same man's baby. Both had razors for cutting faces.
Heard a black woman call her 3-year old "faggot" and then laugh at him, and say again, "Are you a faggot? You a little faggot, ain't you?" in front of other black people.
Saw a black woman pull her pants down, squat on the sidewalk and take a shit on Thanksgiving day.
Is that enough? I have more stories if you want them. They are not us.
Ray Scissom: I've said all along that the first step in dealing with black violence and black people in general is to dismantle the media that stands in our way and destroys our message. Stop paying for cable. Stop watching their network shows. Stop paying to watch hollywood movies. Stop buying products like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Budweiser, Coors, Miller, Tide. Stop shopping at Target and Old Navy. Buy everything that you can second-hand. Barter and trade services with like-minded people. Starve the system. Steal your music, TV and movies via the internet. Deal in cash. Stop feeding the machine.
We're smarter, stronger and better than they are. We need to start acting like it.
[golf clap]
There it is, folks. Half or more of the game plan. The other half will evolve on a situational basis as the first half is more frequently implemented.
Do it now. You know you want to.
If there were no Africans in America the mind staggers at the possibilities. How many diseases would have been cured by now without the wasted billions and trillions that Negroes have cost? Could a clean energy source have been found by now? Would we be on the verge of terra forming Mars by now?
I grew up in a poor white neighborhood in Iowa in the 70s. I could still walk to school while under 10 years old, though usually with my sister who was a year older.
The bad kids were life hardened, some of them, and you maybe could have gotten lunch money stolen or pushed down or hit, at the worst. Thugs were bad news bears style. It was working class white, drinkers and unemployed and retired ww2 vets and whatever else.
My sisters worked in the fields de tassling corn as kids. No mexicans existed and blacks wouldn't work.
Whites didn't like blacks in the neighborhood because they brought trouble. You already know what they did in my integrated school.
I wish whites could still openly state that blacks cause trouble.
In 40 years, blacks haven't risen, merely pulled whites down.
All part of the plan. Nothing will ever improve via democracy.
I hate jazz too.
I would miss peanut butter though.
sablegsd said...
I hate jazz too.
I would miss peanut butter though.
Oh come on. Someone would have stepped on a peanut at some point. As for Jazz? Undisciplined horse shit. Perfect for negroes...
-Sweep the leg-
"Comment sections on MSM websites are now open season and the you can't be called a troll if 85% of commentors agree with and/or state the same thoughts and beliefs. "
I was listening to the Chicago Tribune's John Kass substituting for some WLS-AM radio host and he said he was proud of policies that required you to login to make comments because it kept away the "racists!"
In other words, keeping the anonymous riff-raff away from the public was an admirable goal because "Truth" is something the the news media MUST MANAGE.
Anonymous: In 40 years, blacks haven't risen, merely pulled whites down.
Unless you protest, that is going into the Catalog of Race Realism Memes
Yeah.. We're too busy splitting atoms and doing stem cell research and creating a 60,000 square mile distribution network to get fresh food into every nook and cranny of the continent to have ever figured out how to crush peanuts into paste. Thank god those brilliant negroes were here to do what really matters.
As much as jazz added to the musical world, hip hop and this nonsense negro pop have taken away by a full order of magnitude. I'm 37 and spent much of my teens listening to the crap music. Now I demand music made by white people with real instruments and no auto tune. I don't buy any of it though because i don't want to reward the industry. If I like someone's music, I support them on tour or buy their music directly when it's available at the shows.
Anonymous 3:54 PM
"...you maybe could have gotten lunch money stolen or pushed down or hit, at the worst.
Spot on. I grew up in a "hillbilly" neighborhood in Detroit in the 60s/70s that managed to hold on until the crack epidemic hit in the mid to late 80s. I remember two incidents of what I guess you would call bullying, but in retrospect make "A Christmas Story" look like "Lord of the Flies" ; one time a bigger kid grabbed me from behind in a bear hug and held me up for maybe 10 seconds until a crossing guard told him to cut it out. The other time me and a friend had heard that a group of bigger kids were going to "beat out butts". Shortly after we were walking home through the park and four of them ran up from behind us and pushed us down and ran away. That was it. Oh the trauma. Imagine that happening today without anyone being repeatedly kicked in the head and spending time in the ICU.
And this was considered a disreputable neighborhood. Sure, there were some bikers and wife beaters and lots of seedy bars and drugs and what not, but I could still walk 2 1/2 miles home at 1:00 in the morning as a longhaired "burnout" teenager and the worst I would get was the occasional "Are yew a boy or a girl" from some hicks drinking on their porch or maybe chased by a dog. I look at pictures from my childhood and it's like "Mad Men" but with crappier houses, above-ground pools and clothes from Sears. These people may have been working-class and looked down upon by others, but just about every lawn was obsessively tended and kids could safely play outside until the streetlights went on. Me and my friends used to regularly camp out overnight in pup tents in our back yards. Try that now.
God, it makes me feel like Grandpa Simpson talking about the good old days or something, but this lasted up until the mid 80s and by the early 90s my parents and everybody had to pack up and get the hell out of there and that was it. I had moved out of state by the early 80s and remember being shocked when I came to visit in the early 90s, shortly before my parents moved out, due largely to the first of many crack houses opening up across the street, but that was nothing compared to what eventually happened. Totally Black now, bars on all the windows of the few houses that are still standing, actual tumbleweeds blowing down the streets, regular shootings (I think the infamous Kool Aid shooting happened not far from my house), dead hookers turning up in abandoned houses. "Lower class" but totally livable neighborhood to absolute ghetto chaos in the space of 5-7 years.
I don't really know how it held out so long; most of my neighbors worked in machine shops or the steel mill, lots of contractors, painters, etc. I guess they were less directly dependent on the auto plants which were in other parts of town that cleared out in the 70s, taking whole neighborhoods with them. These guys were largely from Appalachian stock, though, not big civil rights crusaders, if you know what I mean (which me and my idiot wannabe hippie friends thought made them THE WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD at the time; oh to be able to go back and kick some sense into my young self...) and were willing to stand their not ground and not take any shit long after the rest of the Whites had fled, until it just became economically retarded to stay any longer.
So there's my long-wind history lesson for today.
Lurked here alot...but that was well said.
Oh come on. Someone would have stepped on a peanut at some point.
Somebody already had; G.W. Carver was far from the first to make a paste out of peanuts.
As for Jazz? Undisciplined horse shit. Perfect for negroes...
Maybe if you're talking crap like Charlie Parker and the rest of bebop (which presaged the atonal noise of hip-hop), but I defy you to listen to Benny Goodman, Stan Getz or Artie Shaw and tell me they're not among the great musicians. The classical and jazz worlds have a lot of respect for each other... and my examples prove that White people do world-class jazz, while the billion or so Blacks mostly produce crime.
And way to go, Ray. That's an excellent way to starve the parasites.
Ray Scissom: As much as jazz added to the musical world, hip hop and this nonsense negro pop have taken away by a full order of magnitude.
Ray, you're outdoing yourself. Few if any have produced two entries for the Catalog of Race Realism Memes in one single thread.
I'm a jazz fan and have seen such "greats" as Miles Davis (total let down), McCoy Tyner (with Eddie Harris marvelously re-enacting the classic "Swiss Movement" album), Wynton Marsalis, George Benson (opening for Larry Coryell - who blew his socks off so far they landed on his ears), plus many more I can't even be bothered to remembered.
You want jazz, what's missing in Paul Desmond's immortal "Take Five"? NOTHING.
I play some of Desmond's variations on the alto sax and revere him in addition to having seen Brubeck (et fil) numerous times. Jazz will survive just fine in America without Blacks. If living without Coltrane and Parker was the price of having an uncontaminated White culture graced by Bach and his masterworks, then so F&%KING be it.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the uptick in nignorance causing grill sales to keep gold high.
-Baltimore watcher
Ray Scissom: Wait until you hear my thoughts on ecoonomics.
Somehow, I think that this will have very little to do with procyon lotor familiaris and everything to do with the feral niger hominid species of niggamus maximus.
blacks didn't invent peanut butter - made up nonsense
blacks didn't invent peanut butter - made up nonsense
I thought I already said that.
Anonymous said...
Where do you racist people get off talking about blacks, you people are as closed minded as you are stupid. Why don't you guys go fuck yourselves and continue envying the blacks as guys love to do on a daily basis.
Anonymous, if you are still around, can you tell us what it is about "the blacks" that white people are supposed to be envying?
BowleDover said...
So there's my long-wind history lesson for today.
Thanks for the time capsule.
When I was a kid, we had a neighbor who grew up in Detroit, back when it was still a city. His accounts of the average American life in the pre-1960s sounded innocuous at the time, stuff like summer evenings on the front porch and marching in the naval reserve band. That was then. In 2012 it all takes on the aspect of epic tales of a heroic era.
What is all the more amazing is how Americans have become so complacent in the destruction of the cities they once built.
Ray Scissom: I've said all along that the first step in dealing with black violence and black people in general is to dismantle the media that stands in our way ...
There needs to be a general cultural insurrection, with mass boycotts of MSM. This can be tied in to the viral growth of websites like SBPDL to get the "word" out.
Take that Red Pill.
"Anonymous said...
I am so sadden by the fact that so many white Americans feel that they feel that they do not need the Americans of African decent, Even though in reality Americans of African decent contribute everyday to their American society. So I ask a question to you white Americans... "What would this country be like if there was no Americans of African decent?", answer that if you are wiling to be honest with yourself."
Actually, I believe many of us are wondering just how peaceful it would be if you all weren't here. Not that all of you act like savages, but enough of you do that it's destoying the foundation of our civilization and along with the stupid liberal asses, bankrupting our country both monetarily and morally. As a whole you people don't have any decent blacks that you look up to and you're so clannish that you won't stand alone against evil.
...and one other thing, within the last week or so I've been posting the SBPDL link on other sites' comments sections (hopefully there's been an uptick). Anytime they're discussing Zimmerman, etc., it's a good place to post it.
Everyone, do what I started doing a week or so ago...post a link to SBPDL on the comment sections on every site you find, esp. when it's talking about Zimmerman, crime, etc.
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