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Dogs protecting civility then; Black crime destroying civilization in Birmingham now |
That, and a radicalized Department of Justice and EEOC stalking the land for any sign - real, imaginary it doesn't matter - that Jim Crow might be trying to make a comeback.
Well, down in Birmingham, the only thing "coming back" is a vicious reminder of why Jim Crow was necessary to begin with, especially the allocating of law enforcement the ability to make examples of the criminal in very public manners as a way to deter crime.
Please remember that Birmingham is now 71 percent Black and Birmingham Public Schools have a student body population that is 98 percent (virtually every student receives a free/discounted lunch) Black, and enjoy this article from the dying Birmingham News - white people no longer read this paper, save for the Sports section, for it is a running tally of the Black crime and Black dysfunction they left behind for the safe suburbs of Vestavia Hills, Mountain Brook, and Hoover - illustrates why men like Bull Conner and George Wallace will one day be recognized as prophets, men who dared warn of what weaponized equality would produce
(Birmingham area teens' violent crimes alarming to law enforcement, July 29, 2012, Carol Robinson):
Artavius Underwood and Reginald Mims sit in the Jefferson County Jail charged with capital murder as adults along with their 17-year-old friend, Rashad Stoves.
Investigators say the three teens brutally murdered five people in an Ensley house in January, but they are not the only local youngsters locked up and awaiting trial for violent crimes most often linked to more seasoned suspects.
The number of teens charged with violent crimes is alarming, local law enforcement officials say. Forty-four teenagers -- kids between the ages of 13 and 17 -- were arrested in the first half of 2012 in Birmingham and unincorporated Jefferson County for the crime of robbery.
The acts and ages of the perpetrators are disturbing, says Jefferson County Chief Deputy Randy Christian.
"Combine a gun with lack of maturity, a devil-may-care attitude, lack of respect for life, and tragedy is what you get," Christian said. "We have to find a way to interrupt the cycle."
In the first six months of this year, Birmingham police arrested 39 teens ages 13 to 17 for robbery. Of those, 37 were robberies of people, and two of businesses.
Six teens were arrested for murder, one for attempted murder, 17 for felony assault and 11 for rape.
In May, three teens ages 14 and 15 were arrested in a violent holdup at a west Birmingham store. The teens, wearing masks and brandishing a gun, burst into Frank's Wireless on Bessemer Road and one of them almost immediately opened fire. No one was injured.
In June, two 17-year-olds and a 16-year-old were charged in the deadly drive-by shooting of 16-year-old Brandon Dozier. Also in June, a Birmingham man was shot dead in the street. The 16-year-old who fired the shots was cleared when the district attorney said the shooting was clearly in self-defense.
"We are extremely concerned with what we have seen as a community regarding serious juvenile crime," said Birmingham Police Chief A.C. Roper. "We've researched it, but interestingly enough, most experts cannot pin the cause on any single factor."The white citizens of Birmingham once stood firmly opposed to Black-Run America (BRA), knowing that handing power over to Black people would unleash forces so indescribably destructive that the Black political class would refuse to try and stop wave after wave of Black crime and instead place the blame on whites who left (obviously so they could safely raise their children in suburbs with no
But wait: reading the piece above, you wouldn't know it was a Black crime problem that plagues Birmingham (unless you had taken a crash-course in unfortunate Black first names). Unless you watched The First 48, that A&;E TV show seemingly shooting exclusively in The Magic City.
To quantify the Black crime problem in Birmingham, you'd have to read Ed Velacso's May 2010 story in The Birmingham News (The killing years, Part One: Accused killers in the Birmingham area, and victims, often under age 25):
When people are murdered in Jefferson County, chances are the killer was a male under 25 using a gun.
More than half of the accused killers in the county were 24 or younger, according to a Birmingham News analysis of homicides from 2006 through 2009.
Nine times out of 10, the victims were shot to death.
The percentage of homicides with defendants under age 25 who used guns in Jefferson County substantially exceeds the national average, statistics show.
In Birmingham, where nearly three-quarters of the county's murders occurred, the disparity was even worse from 2006-2009.
Ages 16 through 24 are the killing years here.
That age group comprised 56 percent of the accused killers in Birmingham and 54 percent across the county those four years.
"My wife's brother also was murdered in Birmingham," he said. "I don't know many cities where the chief and the chief's wife have both lost siblings to murder in that city."What happened after the cameras left Birmingham, and the media packed its bags, heading back north after the photos and video damning the white southerners had been broadcast to the rest of the nation and the world, strategically showcasing snarling dogs and hoses?
The toll was especially harsh on black families. A substantial number of young black men in the city and county wound up in prison or a coffin.
Statistics show:
- Black males were 80 percent of the homicide defendants in majority-white Jefferson County and 89 percent in majority-black Birmingham. The national average was 57 percent.
- More than 70 percent of the victims in Birmingham were black males, versus 43 percent nationwide in 2007, the only year a comparison was possible.
- Guns were used in 86 percent of Birmingham homicides, and 83 percent in the county as a whole, versus 68 percent nationwide. Birmingham's rate is higher among defendants ages 16 through 24.
Birmingham in 2012 represents the great victory of Civil Rights and weaponized equality; we get to see a great city fall completely apart with 100 percent Black political control and not one person may publicly state the problems in The Magic City are the results of that Black control (or, in the case of high crimes, lack of Black self-control).
What Happened When the Cameras Left: Birmingham will be available Christmas 2012. The next project of SBPDL is a look at what happened to those cities that were the first to fall to weaponized equality; the first to fall victim to the Civil Right's movement.
And this time, it won't just be a book: there will be a 20-minute documentary (videos are the future, or so I'm told).
Black on black crime is a feature, not a bug. All we should be concerned with, as whites, is spillover. Let them foul their nest: the worse the better.
A New Albany, Indiana police officer faced suspension after saying that civil rights was the biggest mistake ever made in America.
Birmingham and Detroit are our emerging black homelands. Where blacks can test out their theories of education, governance, policing and judiciary. They can demonstrate how much better they can do without the (white) man around to oppress them. I look forward to blacks leaving white areas and flocking to these black homelands of industry and accomplishment where they can walk around in dashikis with their heads held high
Off topic but news worthy. Mississippi church refuses to marry black couple. Ha ha.
Somewhat off topic, but very relevant:
For those of you not familiar with Chicago, this particular instance of blacks ganging up on an innocent white person took place at a location hundreds of thousands of white tourists visit each year to have a good time (right outside to Wrigley Field).
I'm shocked the Trib posted their photos. I'd like to think the cops gave these three sons-of-bitches wood shampoos (nice to dream, anyway).
One of these days, black thugs like this are going to fuck with the wrong white guy. Then they'll WISH the cops would come to save their worthless asses.
I love the rhetoric, the phrasing: "The toll was especially harsh on black families. A substantial number of young black men in the city and county wound up in prison or a coffin."
As if they were all innocent victims of some unfortunate accident...
Why do black names always sound like something you'd say while having a bowel movement?
What happened is not due to the fault of blacks like Zenster and some others I now believe it was supposed to happen. The people who planned this knew exactly what would happen the rest of us just look on in awe.
It is only going to get worse and needs to stop now or the end can not be avoided.
"Weaponized equality" - by definition, unequal. Brilliant - positively brilliant, Paul.
I LOVE IT!!!!!! That is how government got involved in marriages in the first place was to force churches to do interracial marriages which they previously refused to do.
Hey Paul..... Do a piece on that!
West Coast White Guy
Evidently the Bham news didn't see the irony in posting this article the very same day:
Jefferson County family court Judge Brian Huff saluted on teen programs
Anon at 8:02 asks why Black names always sound like something you'd say while having a bowel movement. Anon must be a Latin speaker.
Ex New Yorker here....The root cause of the problem are the welfare mothers who are being paid to breed worthless children that have no sense of morals. These kids are only used so mama can get that check. No kids, no check. It is that simple. Children with no fathers or no future. Breeders who have never worked a day in their life sucking off the system.
Mama be using trash from the street for stud service to keep that check coming in. A child with no love will grow up filled with hate. Breeding children for money is filling up the prisons.
These people are dead inside. That is why it is so easy for them to kill each other. The dead are shooting the dead. That is all they know. That is how they are raised. The living dead. Everything around them will die with them. They are the spawn of the welfare state and the prisons are filled with them.
We must be into the fifth generation of fatherless children being born to mothers who will spread their legs for a snort of cocaine of a bottle of booze. This will not end. These hood rats are being farmed. It was planned to be this way. Remember, order out of chaos. Burn baby burn.
It will take you down with it. Move away while you still can. There are still places without blacks. Hit the road and look around in the Mid-West. A hard rain is going to fall. Find a safe place to ride out the storm.
Rhetoric, indeed. Negroes are afflicted, affected, or devastated "BY" violence. Negroes are never said to be responsible "FOR" violence.
This is not an accident. Boycott you local MSM and tell them why.
I love the rhetoric, the phrasing: "The toll was especially harsh on black families. A substantial number of young black men in the city and county wound up in prison or a coffin."
As if they were all innocent victims of some unfortunate accident...
I know. That's how black self-inflicted disasters are always phrased, as if it were just natural destiny. But Hurricane Katrina was a racist white plot against blacks.
I am a 70 year-old white who was born and bred in Birmingham. I actually did "march for this." I attended meetings in 1962 in the basement of the 16th Street Baptist Church to help organize civil rights protests and was threatened by the Klan. I now consider myself to have been deluded when I risked my life for blacks. They have proven since 1965 that they cannot maintain civilization. I suppose the experiment had to be done, but now it is clear that they should be given their own homeland---in Minnesota or Wisconsin.
Regarding the ambush story in the Trib: When I brought up the link, the ad to the right of the story was for... Warstic brand baseball bats!
First, the Trib actually printed pictures of the perps, and then has a great ad for those who live in Gun-Free Chicago.
"I LOVE IT!!!!!! That is how government got involved in marriages in the first place was to force churches to do interracial marriages which they previously refused to do."
Sources, please.
PS: We could have been to Mars and even more beyond with people like me taking on the family tradition and being the best "blacksmiths" in town. Communism destroys, Americans PRODUCE! without the yoke of BRA.
Blacks are such a drag, especially on each other; just ask Gen. Mosquito or Gen. Mosquito net! ( Vice Guide travel to Liberia, episode 5 I think.)
If any of you young 'uns haven't seen the Deathwish series yet, I highly recommend! Be weary of #5 though, very bad 80's studio production. "Velveeta" describes it best!
53GR says:
I see a lot of people referencing Murray and Herrnstein’s book The Bell Curve. I’ve read some synopses of the section on race and IQ. Yes, I’ve ordered it and intend to read it and take notes. However, I see that it was published in 1994. That means that the research is close to two decades old. Isn’t there a more current work out there on race and IQ?
Trial junkie here. The story from the Birmingham newspaper said black males were 57% of the homicide defendants nation-wide. I've seen figure of at or just over 50% for years.
A typical story from my local newspaper:
I costs over $320,000 per years to keep this black girl on life support, courtesy of some black gangstas. Her momma has 4 other kids, and she's only 30! This brood probably costs the taxpayers a cool half million a year.
Here's the real tragedy: without constant white intervention, many of our negro problems would solve themselves. There is only 1 place in the world the life expectancy is dropping: sub-saharan Africa. Every few years there is another famine in Africa. This year it is in the Sahel region of west africa. The media say it is due to drought, but we have one here in the midwest, and last I checked my Bi-Lo was fully stocked. The real reason for the famine is the groids are too busy killing each other to farm.
Without the constant intervention of whites, we would have a much smaller problem to deal with. This is why you should be rooting for collapse. Our "Greek moment" should be embraced, not feared, because it will mean the end of the welfare state and a severe "population re-adjustement" for the typical black "community". Do you think that typical mother of 5 could feed her family with no job skills or work ethic? Of course not. Nature would take its course.
Will the collapse be painful? Yes. Ask any eastern European about the fall of communism. It was terribly traumatic. But they will also tell you it was neccesary to purge the Communist regimes. They weren't going to cede power willingly; it took societal and economic collapse to affect real change.
Here are some of the subsidiary lies that make up the great LIE than is Amerika, 2012:
1) Outsourcing and off-shoring are good for the economy.
2) There is a difference between "both" political parties, and your vote matters.
3) High Fructose Corn Syrup and other obesity-causing additives are "food."
4) Derivatives are real, tangible assets, and unlimited government-backed speculation on them is good for the economy.
5) Gun Control makes everyone safer.
6) Forcing grandmothers to strip naked at TSA checkpoints protects us from "terrorism."
6) Diversity is a strength, and majority-White places (which usually have very broadminded gun laws) are culturally impoverished and unsafe.
7) Negroes are exactly the same as Whites, except for the latter's moral turpitude and unending historical guilt, for which they must atone by paying the ultimate penalty.
8) Negroes are capable of responsible citizenship, and raise the cultural level of any place in which they dwell.
Do we see a pattern developing? Do we see that all the "benefits" preached and touted by the corporate spokesmen of Amerikanism (Version 2012) can have only one ultimate outcome for the indigenous White population of this "nation?"
Is there ONE thing about Amerika 2012 that is NOT a lie?
To Anonymous July 30, 2012 @ 6:13 AM
This is the most recent academic article concerning race and IQ that I'm acquainted with. Though I don't particularly keep up with it. It's pretty well known.
[quote]illustrates why men like Bull Conner and George Wallace will one day be recognized as prophets[/quote]
Mr Kersey:
When WHITE laborers were fighting for fair working conditions and they ran in to brutal police forces that used dogs and sticks to beat them into submission - IS IT YOUR VIEW that JUSTICE was meted out to your liking?
I am attempting to understand the distinctions between your verbalized angst against Black people AND your notions of universal protections under the law.
When George Wallace later apologized for his past behavior, saying that he was playing to the camera - giving his base of supporters what they wanted to hear - did he become "More Black" in your view or just more attuned to the constitutional rights of everyone?
Here is the contradiction that you represent.
To YOU the NEGRO HAS SEEN NO LAW that HE WILL RESPECT - absent the threat of state violence compelling him to do so. He would steal the paper out of the law books and sell them for recycling profits if he was allowed to do so.
Yet as you condemn "Negro Savagery" you seem to promote STATE VIOLENCE against the Negro as a necessary recourse for suppressing the NEGRO'S VIOLENT WAYS.
Could it be, sir, that it is the WHITE MAN who expresses his own propensity for VIOLENCE through THE SYSTEM and thus he is no less violent than the NEGRO?
So which do you suggest Mr Kersey:
1) Handing all VIOLENT NEGROES a government badge for them to operate under govern aegis? (complex word for a Negro - isn't it?)
2) STRIP AWAY the badge or the military cover afforded to the WHITE MAN as he is then forced to project his violence in a "Niggardly" manner - as an INDIVIDUAL rather than a group?
(I know that this is not the proper use of the word "Niggardly". That's not how you all use it in your CCC meetings either)
You have to check out this picture from yesterday. Classic.
Mahogany Mob stabs elderly man.
Paul, really fantastic. I am stunned! After two years you still come up with brand new concepts that clarify instead of obfuscate.
Weaponized Equality: A body of laws demanding equal outcome of results in any field of endeavor forced on the public despite the shortcomings of the lesser and the advantages of the superior.
"Black males were 80 percent of the homicide defendants in majority-white Jefferson County and 89 percent in majority-black Birmingham. The national average was 57 percent. More than 70 percent of the victims in Birmingham were black males, versus 43 percent nationwide in 2007, the only year a comparison was possible."
Now that is a very interesting and revealing little paragraph. Black males are of this age group are around 2 to 3 percent of the entire population. I have rarely seen it broken down so explicitly in an article. So two to three % of the population accounts for 80 to 89% of the of the murders or murderers, which anyone who reads your blog knows that is right in line with the numbers of all cities in the USA. Even a few percent (here in Washington State they are about 3% but account for ALL of our murdered police officers See: http://www.statemaster.com/graph/peo_tot_bla_pop_percap-total-black-population-per-capita ) causes a huge shift in the number crimes. I would love to know how Vermont keeps the negro out. What is their secret?
Again Paul, Spot on!
Paul: you need to check out this new book by Stanley Kurtz: Spreading The Wealth-How Obama Is Robbing The Suburbs To Pay For The Cities
" Anonymous said...
I am a 70 year-old white who was born and bred in Birmingham. I actually did "march for this." I attended meetings in 1962 in the basement of the 16th Street Baptist Church to help organize civil rights protests and was threatened by the Klan. I now consider myself to have been deluded when I risked my life for blacks. They have proven since 1965 that they cannot maintain civilization. I suppose the experiment had to be done, but now it is clear that they should be given their own homeland---in Minnesota or Wisconsin.
July 30, 2012 2:03 AM"
So please tell us more about your experience.
What were you thinking when you took up this cause, what was your goal?
What was it like working with the blacks, how did they treat you?
Did you feel paternalistic towards them? Were they relying on the whites to carry the cause or were they at the front?
How did they treat the white women?
Ex-Lincolnite here:
My grandfather always said that the blacks were incapable of running anything. He was castigated even from our own family, yet he maintained that the "Civil Rights Movement" was nothing more than the Criminal Rights Movement.
What is also amazing is the lack of rationality of the typical black person, if you can call a savage a person. It is supposedly awful for whites to see what is going on and leave the area. You mean to say that average decent civilized white people don't want to live in crime infested hell holes? White people actually like to know that their wives, mothers, and daughters will be safe from rape and murder?
It is amazing that we continue to live in a country that will put up with such mendacity as to assume the blacks have equality to whites. I mean look at the burnt out shell of Detroit. Look at Birmingham. Look at north Omaha, where every time someone looks to do something about the criminal gang, the race hustlers of that city cry racism. I feel that we need merely to fence in nigger town in all cities in this country then we will finally be able to weed out the criminal (black) element.
Gang of Negoes strike again.
Welcome to Obama's Amerika in 2012. Roving packs of feral black miscreants and thugs terrorizing, law-abing and responsible businesses and citizens.
I'd like to hear Nickrits response to this. What sayest thou, Oh wise Nickrit, Evergreen, Desiree, Constructive Feedback, et al.
Let's hear it from the horses mouth.
BME (black and minority ethnic )police officers just can't keep out of trouble over here.
I am more convinced than ever that the biggest problem is the white-hating DWLs who have turned their backs on Christianity and instead, worship the black and brown Gods of liberalism.
Yesterday, I had a conversation with a married couple of hippie DWLs in their 50's, each on their second marriage. Wifey plays classical music and mooches tax-payer funded gov't. grants to travel to "underprivileged" third-world hell holes like Chile, Argentina, and Haiti to teach music to the local children. Says she works for the "Ministry of Culture" in each country and goes on and on about how much she helps the precious little darlings become civilized through music (on our dime.) She is a top-notch moocher.
Husband is a hostile little do-gooder anti-military, pro-NPR funding, anti-gun, anti-rich people, anti-capitalism, anti-American, anti-Western Civilization, anti-Christian, and believes that he and wifey are helping to make model citizens out of the third world and doing "very critical work". I argued with them a bit, and realized that they live in an impenetrable bubble of Marxism, magical thinking, utopianism, and moral preening. A sickening and deadly combination. Their home is filled with African masks, photos of skinny black children hugging them and playing violins, and artifacts from all over the third-world.
These soul-less white devils are pure evil, and are using the poverty-stricken stone-aged cultures against us because them hate themselves.
Leftism truly is the "rag-tag coalition" of losers, misfits, and malcontents. H/T to Deconstructing Leftism.
No, hateful teaching, hateful being. I see it DAILY in the south. Every...single...day. White and Black people that can't get along and reverse racism is very alive.
NAACP and Unions, Equal Op groups talk a nice little game, but they're only there for the Black people. Yup. Seen and heard it out of their own mouths.
I have witnessed at luncheons, black women refusing to dip up food to white people on multicultural days. You know...those days that celebrate EVERYONE'S different origins, traditions and backgrounds? Yep. That's the one.
I have heard black women in check out lines discussing (didn't care who heard them or how loud they got) just how many people they could claim on their food stamps and get away with it -- because they truly weren't their dependents. Meanwhile, they are standing there with over 800.00 in high-end meats. Did I mention, I was the cashier and there was nothing else in their buggies for their food stamp purchase? just all of that meat.
I have heard, said to me that I couldn't possibly understand any kind of hardship because I am white. Really? Hate to break it to you, but not all Black people are on welfare. Not all black people are clamoring for hand-outs. And not all black people go through hard-ships. Some actually take responsibility and get a job and not excuses.
So, I'm more than a little fed up with the blacks hating on whites.
Census reports already state that Hispanic and African-American populations are swiftly growing and will out-number White people in 25-50 years.
What will happen then when so called White People are the Minority, huh? Will there suddenly be a White Caucus? Or a White college fund? I seriously doubt it. There will be a serious uproar, at first, and then all of those programs will be scrapped far before such benefits will slide the other way.
Much to think on.
Anon @ 7:37am 7/30 makes a truly excellent point.
I was in high school in the northeast during
the early years of the civil rights
movement. Thankfully, during my
senior year, I met a patriotic
transfer student who had lived in
Alabama. He showed me that there
was another side to the story. He
spoke of how the civil rights leaders
deliberately provoked violence, and how
the "heroic" demonstrators totally
disrespected the people and property
of those whose towns and cities they
invaded. Among other things, they
urged local white girls to have
sex with black men.
Sadly, this young man's hero,
Governor George C. Wallace, did
not remain true to the cause of
segregation, but, rather, later
became a dear friend of the mobs,
and loudly proclaimed, "I was
I wonder, however, if he would
still stand by his retraction
Two of the worst villains of
those days-people whose families
never had to live in integrated
neighborhoods, or send their kids
to integrated schools--were none
other than President John F.
Kennedy and his brother, Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy. They
were instrumental in forcing
Governor Wallace of Alabama, and
Governor Ross Barnett of Mississippi, to integrate their
respective state universities.
It is not certain who was
responsible for the assassinations
of these two womanizing playboys,
but I can only say that whoever
did it deserved the congressional
medal of honor!
Segregation and Jim Crow laws existed to protect whites and others from the tender mercies of black criminality. To protect schools and neighborhoods from becoming third world crapholes due to the presence of sub normal blacks and their dysfunctional behaviors.
These laws were based on realistic observations of the negative impact blacks have on any community and were very practical, just and reasonable.
Blacks simply objected because they did not want to be constrained and unable to act out in typical nigger fashion. However, this could not be stated so boldly so it had to be stated in terms of "fairness, equality, and equal treatment" etc which DWL's fell for hook, line and sinker~ fools that they are.
The problem is that they're still falling for all the rubbish and continue to accelerate the destruction cause by such idiotic thinking and refuse to recognize it even when it's in their face.
If all the DWL's and race traitors were tortured, raped and murdered by their little black darlings, I wouldn't shed a tear.
I lived in Bham from 79 to 89. Sad to see the black undertow wash away what could have been a wonderful city.
Everything is for the upliftment of the Negro.
Here is a story about the plan for transfer payments from the white suburbs to those poor victims "left behind" in the inner-city after white flight takes place. Obama calls it "Regionalism" and it is another weapon to block-bust successful whitopias.
I tried to tell the Carmel, IN poster here that the inner-city will find him in his safe and comfy suburban home one way or another as our DWL leaders tax him endlessly to pay for black children to eat lunch for free at school and obtain free bus passes to his neighborhood. He can't hide for long, and must start fighting back as if his life depends on it.
The taxing of white success is the wave of the future. We will all become criminals at that point. And they will tax SWPL things like wine, grass-fed beef, cigars, hunting, guns and ammo, urban farms, tanning beds and organic food.
YT does not need all that extra money he is hoarding if the black childrens are starving.
"When WHITE laborers were fighting for fair working conditions and they ran in to brutal police forces that used dogs and sticks to beat them into submission - IS IT YOUR VIEW that JUSTICE was meted out to your liking?" - Don't be obtuse, dogs and sticks being employed in opposition to a cause don't define the morality of that cause.
"Yet as you condemn "Negro Savagery" you seem to promote STATE VIOLENCE against the Negro as a necessary recourse for suppressing the NEGRO'S VIOLENT WAYS." - Not true at all, he advocates separation as the solution to violence.
"Could it be, sir, that it is the WHITE MAN who expresses his own propensity for VIOLENCE through THE SYSTEM and thus he is no less violent than the NEGRO?" - There are dozens of black nations to which the poor, benighted, and beset upon blacks can leave to enjoy less violence if they so desire it.
CF says,
"Could it be, sir, that it is the WHITE MAN who expresses his own propensity for VIOLENCE through THE SYSTEM and thus he is no less violent than the NEGRO?"
This is a good point that CF makes. Of course there are plenty of violent white people in this world CF, you and I both know this. But, that's not the point of this Blog. This Blog is to point out the brutality of your kinsmen; we have the mainstream media to excoriate our kinsmen. You don't seem to get it?
I mean you take offense at the purpose of this site, but you never seem to acknowledge any of its points in any validity. You keep defaulting back to "the system" as being at fault. How is it that you never blame the blacks for THEIR OWN irresponsible behavior?
To you and your kind, it's never your own fault and always the white man and his "system".
Guess what...that "system" that you keep bloviating about is crushing white working class folk the same as it's crushing the blacks. “The system” is Barack Obama and his handlers and his storm trooping thugs like Eric Holder and the (in) Justice Dept... The “System” is every black person that demands more from the productive white working class in the form of ‘reparations’, i.e. tax money’s. The “System” is the black person that refuses to acknowledge the truth that they have seen the enemy and it is not the white devil, but rather they themselves? The “System” uses the black as well as the white; could we not agree on this point?
I dislike black pathological behavior, but not nearly as much as white apologists and the enablers of black dysfunction.
Just once I'd like to see you admit the latent and the overt Racism™ of your own kinsmen...just once. Is it too much to ask CF?
"Weaponized equality"
Superb turn of phrase.
Of course the followup question is: weaponized... by who?
We all know the answer to that, but you refuse to talk about it. Nothing constructive will get done until that aspect is discussed clearly and frankly.
Paul, please ban this pseudo Negro intellectual Congostructed FeedofftheWhitemansback. I get pissed off every time I see his African reasoning.
MidWestern said it well,
Whites are the new Kulaks (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kulak )
It is worth reading and thinking about, the average "Kulak" owned about $160 dollars of stuff and the definition was stretched to anyone who owned a butter churn or anyone with a mechanical device (mill, engine, etc). Eventually it simply came down to personal grudges and "extra-judicial" violence.
Whites are supposed to look at their children and say, "Sorry John, you can't be a fireman, you can't be a police officer, you can't be X because blacks with more political pull than you, say so. Those jobs are set aside for da negros".
Jobs that do not require the generation of capital or creativity will become De-facto "Civil Rights Jobs". Negroids know that they can't "march" their way into jobs like Doctor, Architect, Venture Capitalist, Bioengineer, Physicist or Nuclear Medical Specialist, because NO ONE would come to them. However, the ranks of the Government can be filled with low achieving negroid "lawyers" and "Diversity" specialists; but as Paul says "And Then?" The next level is always worse than the last.
Every time this type of incursion has happened in history there has been a "throwing off" of the invader. The muslims in Europe in the middle ages is an excellent parallel, but in this case, instead of our leaders chafing under the harness of tribute, they lead the enemy to the next level and admonish the native population to cooperate with our new black overlords. The North American African colony is not assimilating, it is removing the culture that feeds it by vampire-ism. White are becoming the dead walking, with welfare no longer for the blind and the crippled, but open full faced support for the black so they don't have to till the fields to make money. Meanwhile we import another sort of invader to work in the fields! A three tired system. Whites who achieve and support, Latinos who work and leave, thus sucking money out of the USA, and negroids who are supported while lashing the Whites with property crime, rape, and murder. This can not and will not stand.
Two asides: 1. I would ask that those who read or post here consider encrypting their computers using TrueCrypt (free!) or some other military level protection due to the coming nastiness. It could save you and yours.
2. The Greek Judo Olympic champion was bitten (yes, teeth!) by her negroid opponent. Wow.
More than half of the accused killers in the county were 24 or younger, according to a Birmingham News analysis of homicides from 2006 through 2009.
America's Black population contains what is known as a "youth bulge". It is the direct byproduct of TNB in the form of rampant promiscuity, not using birth control and a high internecine murder rate which eliminates the adult population both through death itself and incarceration for committing those murders.
Consistent with this youth bulge is the prevalence of violence and violent crime. The two behaviors are different in that factors such as spousal and child abuse should be disaggregated from violent crimes like assault, rape and murder. However, they are united in the frequency that male individuals under the age of thirty are prone to engage in such activities.
Now, consider Africa. The HIV/AIDS epidemic, lack of birth control, endemic rape plus truly egregious factors like child soldiers and genocides literally assure a youth bulge of not just tremendous but persistent proportions.
Put another way, Africa is perpetually fucked right now and for decades to come, if not a lot longer. If you think the "cycle of violence" (better known as TNB) is bad here in America, try ratcheting it up by an order of magnitude or more and that is what you have in Africa.
If TNB is intractable here in America it can only mean that the situation in Africa approaches pathological proportions. Of course, trust 0bama and his White-hating pals to try and solve Africa's youth bulge problem by bringing them here to rape and murder us. The lot of these rat bastards should be charged with criminal conspiracy to knowingly import a criminal element that is predictably deleterious to American society.
Ex New Yorker is spot on. There is no solution to the black problem that doesn't include physically shrinking the black population. There just has to be less of them. The black underclass has multiplied exponentially the last 50 years because of the money for babies welfare program. If we are ever going to make the cities livable again we must take away poor blacks incentive for having babies.
As Steve Sailer has blogged, non-Blacks in pre-Diverse America were ... pretty diverse. You had part Indian Vice Presidents (John Nance Garner), Hawaiian surfing stars, all sorts of Mexicans (including Raquel Welch and Mel Ferrer) in movies as stars, and during the height of the Red Stick War (basically a Cherokee led ethnic-cleansing terror campaign against Anglicized Cherokee and Whites) ... Andrew Jackson adopting a Cherokee baby as his own son.
Only Blacks after slavery was ended suffered great discrimination; even on the West Coast the Chinese and Japanese intermingled with society's heights until WWII. And afterwards many Japanese were influential pols (S.I. Hayakwawa for one).
Blacks did not start out this way -- during Bacon's Rebellion in the 1670's in Virginia, Blacks, slave and free, worked with Whites, indentured servants or poor and free, against the Governor Berkeley's policy of appeasement against Indian attacks. This pattern of White-Black cooperation against external threats soon ended, with ... violence in various slave rebellions, both abroad and in the Colonies/US.
The pattern of slave rebellions was an uprising, slaughter of whatever White overseers were at hand, and then killing of any random Whites found by the slaves. This pattern much like Spartacus's rebellion insured failure. Most Whites did not own slaves. But most of the victims of slave uprising were local non-slave owning Whites in isolated farm-houses slaughtered to the last man, woman, and child, with great violence. Coupled with Caribbean slave uprisings of great brutality against non-slave owning Whites (the majority) particularly in Haiti, the end of Black-White cooperation was inevitable.
In the South, in places where there were no Blacks around, fighting for the Confederacy was desultory at best, often pro-Union on the other side (West Virginia seceded from ... Virginia to stay in the Union) as in pro-Union Eastern Tennessee, and Northern Missouri. Kentucky and Maryland, filled with Black slaves, were pro-Confederacy though their economic interests lay in the North. They were kept in the Union by massive federal troop numbers stationed there.
Black violence like Spartacus's rebellious gladiators fills emotional needs but at the cost of any real alliance with others or success. It is ultimately a dead end. Whites historically had been willing to fight alongside Blacks against common enemies, constant racial violence against those Whites who did not own slaves killed that, and in my opinion the wave of violence today will end the Civil Rights era of cooperation as well, eventually.
Anonymous said...
"Weaponized equality"
Superb turn of phrase.
Of course the followup question is: weaponized... by who?
We all know the answer to that, but you refuse to talk about it. Nothing constructive will get done until that aspect is discussed clearly and frankly.
There is a reason for the phrase "those who must not be named" after all. There's also this thing called the "nonexistent lobby which must not be named" here in the Banksta Banana Republick. At the end of the day, the whole notion of weaponized equality (which I agree is a brilliant phrase) has been used with devastating effictiveness by those who must not be named (TWMNBN), described by one writer as "Stalin's willing executioners". The thing that some fail to comprehend is that all but the elite Herodians (mixed blood) of TWMNBN are themselves enslaved by the Babylonian vampire-squids. The elite Herodians make up part of the VS oligarchy.
Here's the thing: Who assents to all of this? Did you see my post on the previous thread about South African whites? Their situation is comparable to those in the Warsaw ghetto, but unlike those surrounded by Nazi armies, they offer no resistance to their own extermination - preferring instead to cooperate with their captors and dig their own graves. Why is this so? What is the key to pulling down the matrix - even if for a second or two?
Here are a few quotes which might offer some insight into what ails us collectively:
"We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful." - C. S. Lewis
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But, it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But, the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government, itself." - Cicero
"Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia:
'Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.'
Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our (Communist) revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat:
'Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened'."
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand. . .The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!"
-- Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
It's quite easy to place all of the blame on the oligarchy, upon TWMNBN, upon groids and their endless depravity. Make no mistake - all of them bear full moral responsibility for their actions. By contrast, looking the the mirror is quite hard.
Dissident said...
Gang of Negoes strike again.
Welcome to Obama's Amerika in 2012. Roving packs of feral black miscreants and thugs terrorizing, law-abing and responsible businesses and citizens.
I'd like to hear Nickrits response to this. What sayest thou, Oh wise Nickrit, Evergreen, Desiree, Constructive Feedback, et al.
Let's hear it from the horses mouth.
July 30, 2012 8:59 AM
Did you check out his last post on this thread? Sounds like he's getting pissed off that we have not bowed down to his magnificent Black superiority.
Hey, CF/Evergreen/Desiree, et. al. - You're not Oprah, and we're one hell of a lot smarter than the droids in Oprah's studio audience.
If you're so damn smart, how come you haven't figured out that we're not listening to you?
Anon (7/30 7:37 AM): Ask any eastern European about the fall of communism. It was terribly traumatic. But they will also tell you it was neccesary to purge the Communist regimes. They weren't going to cede power willingly; it took societal and economic collapse to affect real change.
The real problem is that, with very few exceptions, the Communist leadership merely took off their uniforms and proceeded with business (i.e., massive kleptocracies) as usual.
All of those Soviet slime should have been marched to the wall and executed. There should have been a modern day equivalent of the Nuremberg trials to try and convict the lot of these Socialist bastards. Instead, there were let off without so much as a slap on the wrist.
A vital opportunity was missed to discredit Communism and begin the process of flushing out Communist academics in America that continue to poison young minds to this very day.
It is for this reason that you continue to hear these Socialist wankers screech, "But it just hasn't been done right, yet!"
Six million in Germany, twenty million in Soviet Russia, SIXTY MILLION in Communist China but it just hasn't been done right, yet!
What Everest-sized mountain of corpses will be required to convince people that SOCIALISM JUST DOESN'T WORK? The massive economic meltdown in Europe isn't even opening any eyes.
The world missed a golden opportunity to cleanse itself of Socialist vermin during the USSR's fall. I dread to think of what it will take now that such a rare chance slipped through our collective fingers.
Anon (7/29 7:07 PM): Black on black crime is a feature, not a bug. All we should be concerned with, as whites, is spillover. Let them foul their nest: the worse the better.
I'll give you the same answer that I did to a similar attitude expressed in another thread.
Anon (7/29 5:00 PM): we know that black on black murder rate is off the charts.. WHO CARES?
Who cares? How about those of us who are supremely pissed off at media outlets which dismiss this ongoing Black auto-genocide in favor of screeching over the Aurora shooter for the sake of exaggerating White crime?
There is also the utter hypocrisy of these bleeding heart DWLs wetting themselves over the issue of Black uplift (at the steep expense of Whites, no less), whilst suddenly going deaf-mute about the wartime level casualty rates that Blacks inflict upon themselves and everybody else.
Any bet how American Blacks have killed more Whites, during the same time frame, as all of Operation Enduring Freedom's battlefield fatalities?
You get no argument from me that there are SOME dysfunctional areas where Black people live.
My problem with the characterization of ALL Black people by many on this site is that you all can't see the systematic dysfunction that is in place within this nation.
Long before some Negro breaks into your house - the ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF THIS NATION will have taken away from you far more in WEALTH than what one Negro could manage to carry out before the police come to confront him.
I am convinced that some of you kind White males are so worried about a BLACK MAN raping your White wife that even after the baby comes out sparkling WHITE - with no trace of melanin or "Negroid Features" - you will remain compelled to go "rustling up some Negroes" all the while she cleans out the house of all traces of her boy friend's used condoms.
PK's amazing paragraph:
Really, all the Civil Rights era represents the weaponization of equality (we'll just call it weaponized equality) -- meaning, every failure by Black people after the evil world of segregation was firmly supplanted can only be placed on the lingering vestiges of inequality, requiring the allocation of billions of federal tax dollars to remedy the problem.
The one thing I would add is that it is much more than the billions of tax dollars which are offered up by those who operate BRA as "propitiation" for YTs alleged "evils" of the past. They have also offered up at least a quarter of a million lives of whites since the blessed event, thanks to a "judicial system" filled with judges, lawyers, prosecutors and police who all worship at the altar of PCMC. That's not even counting the shattered lives of millions of whites who survived the rape aspect of the ongoing zebra intifada. In a sane society, every single one of the groid monsters pictured in this long and disgusting catalog of atrocities would have been dispatched to their eternal reward with a noose or a similarly fast method of dispensing real justice. Instead, those (increasingly few) states who attempt to execute the likes of such sub-humans will end up in decades of litigation and millions in legal fees to get rid of a single monster. Most of the monsters will end up on the streets again, "life" sentences notwithstanding - often thanks to the generosity of such "stalwart Christian conservatives" as Mike Huckabee.
Ex New Yorker: A child with no love will grow up filled with hate.
Totally spot on, Ex New Yorker!
I was discussing Palestinian bomb vest murderers with a Syrian Christian shopkeeper that I know. She summoned up an old Middle Eastern saying:
Into an empty jar can go, anything.
Absent any genuine love, the empty souls of those fatherless children will slowly fill with seething, violent hatred. In the ghetto, hate and violence get the job done and, simultaneously, keep the TNB status quo rolling merrily along.
Is it any wonder Black people hate themselves and everyone around them with such viciousness?
Outdoorsman: Is there ONE thing about Amerika 2012 that is NOT a lie?
Great list! To answer your question; yes, there is one thing about 2012 America that is not a lie.
Namely, what a totally worthless Communist piece of racist shit that 0bama is.
But, again, you are right in that this walking sack of excrement is routinely portrayed as being even marginally competent.
Midwestern, neither Argentina nor Chile are third world. Over 84% of Argentina's population is European descent, primarily Spain and Italy, and 8% mestizo. Chile is also of majority European descent.
I love me some black people. We are very strong mentally and physically. we also are very hard workers, we also know how to a please woman. We excel at everything we do because we don't give up. We are not perfect yet no one is but we are held to a very high standard anyway. We are not afraid to express or concerns in public, We are highly tolerant to a certain extent. We are everywhere in everything now we have a black man as president people seem to forget who was in office before him and all the shit bush fucked up.
Shouldn't that be renamed THE MICHAEL VICK MEMORIAL?
I sometimes consider the embarrassment of hypothetically attempting to explain the subjugation of the white west to our forefathers. To men who had built a gleaming confident society up through the eons from savagery. I can imagine the sense of shame one would feel informing them of how their posterity now lie prostrate and occupied within their own countries. How they flee from city to village to country while paying for the brown horde that remains in perpetual pursuit. How all efforts to defend themselves are thwarted by the very government formed to secure their liberty and funded by their labors. These men would stare agape to learn that treason has supplanted fidelity as our people’s greatest civic virtue. That traitors are lavished with sinecures, while ethno-patriots are shunned to penury. They would shudder in revulsion to hear of their great-granddaughters abasing themselves lying with the same antiquated field implements that now riot in the blood of their great-grandsons. They would be grimly informed of demographic projections that place white nations…in the history books.
But despair would shift to disbelief once they asked the inevitable question: How? How it did it ever come to this? Were our armies dispatched by a superior force? Were our people stricken in multitudes by some incurable pathogen? And then you would have to explain the abominable truth. No. No disease, no military defeat. Our nations were conquered by a word. Yes, that’s all. A word made up out of whole cloth in the 1930s. A word theretofore unknown by deities, politicians, prophets, or philosophers.
Stunned, our forefathers would ask about this mere word and its power to render our people supine. You would sigh in response…”The word that defeated us is ‘racist’ and it means one who prefers his own people over others.” “For God’s sake who doesn’t?” they would plaintively ask. And as they wouldn’t be fluent in our modern tongue of deceit, you would have to translate…”Well, all other people do openly prefer their own, but whites aren’t supposed to. In fact, whites are supposed to actively sacrifice themselves for the health, comfort, and fecundity of all other peoples so as to avoid being ‘racist.’”
I suppose we would be fortunate at that point to not have our skull splintered under a barrage of fisticuffs by one of these doughty yeomen. As the account we have just relayed would strike them as so preposterous that to indulge another moment of it would render them as insensate as they would now consider us.
And that’s why no warning could be issued for our modern dystopia…None would ever believe it.
Zenster: The lot of these rat bastards should be charged with criminal conspiracy
It's not a crime if it's the law. However, it is treason however you cut it.
Give 'em a fair trial and put 'em in front of firing squads.
Anonymous n1663r: I love me some black people. We are very strong mentally and physically. we also are very hard workers, we also know how to a please woman. We excel at everything we do because we don't give up.
This explains the spotless, thriving neighborhoods, the pristine streets, the thronging markets, the thriving industry, and the political supremacy of Black metropoli such as Gary Indiana, Detroit Michigan and Birmingham Alabama.
Yes, we are laughing at you. Your empty bluster is a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect and so stereotypically Black... but I repeat myself.
CF says: When WHITE laborers were fighting for fair working conditions and they ran in to brutal police forces that used dogs and sticks to beat them into submission - IS IT YOUR VIEW that JUSTICE was meted out to your liking?"
The answer is in the question. We understand exactly what the "white laborers" were doing, where they were doing it, why they were doing it, when they would do it, who the were, and how they did all of it. This level of detail is missing from the rash of criminal behavior.
Flash mob violence and mass robberies. Rape. Drugs. Gangs. Abandonment of families. Avoiding anything that would be construed as "acting white." Reproduction in the absence of means to care of children. Poor health care choices. Menthol cigarettes. Rap music. TNB.
None of these can be so easily explained. I know why white people were given the beat down in the manner you describe, CF. That's why I read this board - I'd like an answer, but still don't have one. I don't expect there to be one any time soon.
To that end, I care less these days about the causes of antisocial behavior and expect the effects to be addressed.
If that means violence is used by government when violence is initiated by people, I'm quite comfortable with that.
If that means that the means by which the poor are discontinued to prevent more poor from being born, I'm quite comfortable with that.
If that means I have to move (again) to get away from the people that are inexorably tied the problems I describe, I'm quite comfortable with that.
If that means I spend some day in my day reading blogs such as this and realize that I'm not alone, I'm quite comfortable with that.
By any means necessary, CF, I want a nation of laws back. Throw what strawman device you will on this thought - I'm quite comfortable with that.
If Ray Scissom and Porter collaborated on a NEWS program I would imagine the result would be something SPECTACULAR like this!
The FKN Newz - Joker Kills Again
This is easily the BEST News show in the history of mankind.
Meanwhile, lest anyone here think that voting for the other bank-party candidate for teleprompter-reader is going to make a difference or slow down that BRA boot stamping on the faces of YT, the Southern Avenger points out the reality of the situation:
Did Mitt Romney stand by Arizona on immigration with its battle against the Federal Government? No, despite the fact that his party and constituents have everything to lose from more Third World immigration. Has he met with traditionalist leaders, paleo-conservatives and Southern leaders? Of course not. But he did pander to the NAACP and speak about how a Romney Administration would benefit Black voters. He pandered to Hispanics and greatly softened his once solid rhetoric on securing the borders and opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants. Now he’s going to Israel to pledge his loyalty to a foreign people and government. He’ll promise to keep our tax money flowing to them and to put more US soldiers in harm’s way for them if necessary. It’s obvious that Romney panders to everyone EXCEPT us. Yet we are expected to vote for a man with no pretense of loyalty to us.
We proles, zeks and helots get to choose our poison, you see. Ain't democracy wonderful? Just remember, it's the mostest important erection EVAAAHHH!
I know it's not really a "mainstream" news site, but having front page article on the threat of black gangs is huge.
Also the NY Daily News website has gone on a facebook based commenting method and people are not afraid at all to talk about what a problem black people are.
The tide is turning against race deniers and turning fast!
CF, who is really no different than any other stupid negro trying to sound intelligent, said:
"...Yet as you condemn "Negro Savagery" you seem to promote STATE VIOLENCE against the Negro as a necessary recourse for suppressing the NEGRO'S VIOLENT WAYS.
Could it be, sir, that it is the WHITE MAN who expresses his own propensity for VIOLENCE through THE SYSTEM and thus he is no less violent than the NEGRO?..."
Are you really THIS stupid? Do you really not see that state "violence" against the violent negro is the response? That it is not the same as the initial violence that made it necessary? That without the violent negro's behavior, no response would be necessary or forthcoming? That "white violence" is not a "propensity", but simply a needed response?
Of course you don't. Negro's LOVE to think that they "gotcha!!", when they are doing anything but. The failure to grasp logic and it's uses, is a legendary feature of negro thought, and not a bug.
Please go away, CF. You and yours are not wanted, or especially, needed...
-Sweep the leg-
Whiskey: The pattern of slave rebellions was an uprising, slaughter of whatever White overseers were at hand, and then killing of any random Whites found by the slaves. This pattern much like Spartacus's rebellion insured failure. Most Whites did not own slaves. But most of the victims of slave uprising were local non-slave owning Whites in isolated farm-houses slaughtered to the last man, woman, and child, with great violence. Coupled with Caribbean slave uprisings of great brutality against non-slave owning Whites (the majority) particularly in Haiti, the end of Black-White cooperation was inevitable.
This is the reward for empowering Blacks. Their low IQ obliges them to make only the most rudimentary distinctions, the principal one being skin color. Ergo, when they lash out, it is against "the other" whose whiteness is easily identified.
During such rampages no thought is given to distinguishing who truly is guilty or innocent. That requires actual processing power which just as often eludes a majority of Blacks. Instead, the slaughter is indiscriminate and a cruel joy is taken in maximizing the brutality involved.
Has this changed at all over the last 200 YEARS? Not noticeably and it is this which damns Blacks most conclusively. Efforts by Whites towards achieving Black uplift have been most persistently confounded by Blacks themselves.
Einstein's quotation about insanity springs to mind. It is long past tea for Whites to be dissuaded of their good intentions.
Incidentally, the entire concept of political or cultural traits being "weaponized" can be traced back to a cite in work by anti-Islam essayist Fjordman (Peder Jensen). He makes note of this in his 2006 essay, "Recommendations for the West".
In it, Fjordman cites how:
Writer Raymond Kraft explains Western softness very well: The Islamic movement “has turned the civility of the United States and Europe into a weapon and turned it against us. It has weaponized niceness, it has weaponized compassion, it has weaponized the fundamental decency of Western Civilization. We have become too civilized to defeat our enemies, perhaps too civilized to survive.” [emphasis added]
The identical same applies to White tolerance of Blacks and their TNB. As Paul and Takuan Seiyo have both pointed out:
It is no longer about equality of opportunity. It is now about equality of OUTCOME.
While few wish to admit this, the engines of Big Government™ are being put into overdrive to make this a reality. Saddest of all is just how unreal the entire notion of equalized outcome really is.
In an uncharacteristically prescient moment, Gerald Ford noted how:
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
Truly, any government gargantuan enough to assure equality of outcome would ipso facto have control over every last wheel and cog of the economy and NOT in a good way.
Anon (7/30 3:03 PM): We are everywhere in everything now we have a black man as president people seem to forget who was in office before him and all the shit bush fucked up.
0bama isn't "black" you nigger moron, he's a mulatto and it is his White genes that are responsible for his success. Only a fucking retard like yourself could swallow down whole 0bama's political muhdik of being Black.
PS: Blaming Bush for everything, just as 0bama does, shows just what a total fucking idiot you are.
Andrea Ostrov Letania: Shouldn't that be renamed THE MICHAEL VICK MEMORIAL?
CF said:
"...My problem with the characterization of ALL Black people by many on this site is that you all can't see the systematic dysfunction that is in place within this nation..."
You stupid black fuck. Please, PLEASE, try to understand that there is nothing you try to offer that we care about; nothing you have thought of that we haven't much earlier; that we don't need your help for anything and that we don't want ANY of you around; that we DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ANYTHING.
Please go away, and stop being so in need of our approval...
-Sweep the leg-
- you will remain compelled to go "rustling up some Negroes" all the while she cleans out the house of all traces of her boy friend's used condoms.
Weak attempt at setting racially awake white men and women against each other. Won't work, negro. The defectives who would betray their own heritage for that of a low and savage culture are no loss. They are the "weakest link".
Paul, this is an amazing article.
If you're white and able to get a concealed carry permit where you live, by all means please do. We need to be able to fight back when the time comes. Some day the checks will stop coming and the EBT card won't be recharged and you will be a sitting duck. I try to live by John Wayne's creed. I won’t be wronged, I won’t be insulted and I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to others and I expect the same in return.” I'm not looking for trouble ever, but I'm sure it will find me. Be vigilant and not a whining little liberal Woody Allen bitch. God bless what's left of The America I used to know. P.S. F**k LBJ for what he did to America.
Just for the record CF.
I don't think you're a bad person no more than many blacks are bad persons collectively. And, I do, understand your frustrations dealing with what you perceive as white racism and black ineptness, perhaps?
I don't mean to be antagonistic towards you in the least really, as it does take some effort to come on here and try and defend your position. You've got to admire that at least.
It's my sincere hope that you're at least doing this same thing on any number of black Blog sites? Are you?
If not, then why not? It seems to me that you should address your own house first (charity begins at home) before you come cleaning this house.
I suggest going over to any number of militant black sites and giving them Hell. Let me know and I'll come over and give you cover.
Good article.
Before American Whites become the new South African Boers, there is an action to take. Start as many lawsuits as possible protesting every anti-white policy. Clog the court system.
Otherwise you can hope for US bankruptcy and collapse and hope it's aftermath will not be worse than continuing down our present path.
White male bashing is en vogue, socially acceptable and done ad nauseum. This isn't being imagined, Its something I see and hear every day. Only protected classes: blacks, Jews, latinos, women, homosexuals, and other minorities have a voice. If a 'white guy' makes the slightest critique of any of these groups, he's done. Looses his job, branded a homophobic, a xenophobe, anti-semite, a racist, a misogynist etc. Yet, its open season on the white guy, and the kid gloves come off. All it has done is trapped YT in a corner and alienated many more. One could argue that the bulk of the civil rights movement was more about punishing and taking power away from YT more then it was about equality. Don't kid yourself by trying to convince someone of color of that. It would be like pulling teeth...they and those of their ilk already have their minds made up, so its pointless. White nationalism is at an all time high now, and for good reason.
Long before some Negro breaks into your house - the ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF THIS NATION will have taken away from you far more in WEALTH than what one Negro could manage to carry out before the police come to confront him.
True enough,after a fashion.
But here's the rub.
Up until the onset of civil rights litigatio....oops...make that legislation....well,hell,both are correct,I suppose,so take your pick.
Until the floodgates opened during the last century,there was an unstated social contract of sorts. Yes,we paid taxes. And yes,we bitched,moaned,and did everything we could to avoid paying any more than we had to pay,but pay we did. After all,we got something back for those taxes we paid.
We got schools that worked,and to which we could send our kids off,with a reasonable expectation that they'd return at the end of the day,intact,and presumably a little smarter than when they left in the morning.
We got things like interstate highways. Power distribution systems,water and sewer systems,and the like. And they weren't perfect,by any means,but they worked. And-important point-they worked,and were made available at a price that was generally considered to be within reason. Did politically well connected individuals make out like bandits on some public works contracts?
You bet. And other Bad Things went on too,but by and large,all of us taxpayers got a big enough slice of the pie to keep us quiet.
But the price kept going up. And up. And up,and up and there doesn't seem to be any sort of end in sight,barring a total collapse of some sort.
The social contract has very arguably been broken,and broken in a very one sided,and obvious manner.
Now here's something I learned in Business Law 101-
When one party to a contract hasn't held up his end of the deal,the other party is,generally speaking,no longer under any kind of obligation.
What happens next is something I don't even care to try to predict,but I think it's safe to say that it won't be pretty,or fun.
And while you're quite correct that no burglar,black or otherwise,could carry off in an evening what was taken in taxes over a lifetime,there is another point that must be considered:
The government didn't ask me if I wanted to pay taxes. They just took them. But like I said,once upon a time,I used to get something back. That hypothetical burglar (increasingly liable to be an outright home invader) takes without asking,and with no intention of ever giving anything back.
Now I dunno about you,but from my point of view,it's getting very difficult to distinguish government functionaries from garden variety criminals,like that hypothetical burglar. Both seem to exist to enrich the vibrant section of our population,and neither seems to care what objections I might have to this practice.
To Constructive Feedback-
No one has endorsed state violence, in fact Paul has repeatedly bemoaned the use of the government force to keep order (none more notably than his article on the Indiana Black Expo) but when water is the only tool to put out a fire, then water must be used.
Black lawlessness (which is distinct and different from a lack of respect for law) is the problem; blacks don't have any concept of law, if they did they would not be raping their own mothers and setting the mothers of their unborn children on fire.
White people aren't emigrating to black countries by any means possible, it is blacks who are trying to escape their own hellish homelands. "Hell is other black people".
Deek is awesome!
To Constructive Feedback:
There's a reason whites moved to the suburbs, they just want to raise their families and live happy productive lives without having to worry about a "robbery gone wrong" or groups of permanently unemployed adult men ogling their daughters at softball practice or their son being set on fire by a group of "misguided teens" because he disrespected them by being literate.
We want to have a school where 55% of the budget isn't locked into Gang Violence Abatement programs, Afrocentric Empowerment classes, metal detectors and drug dogs at every entrance, the buses are not riddled with bullet-holes, and the teachers don't wear Kevlar.
We're not violent or racist or any of the other loaded terms you've come up with- we just don't want to live in the hellholes that you always create whenever your people are in power.
Long before some Negro breaks into your house - the ECONOMIC SYSTEM OF THIS NATION will have taken away from you far more in WEALTH than what one Negro could manage to carry out before the police come to confront him.
A negro dumb enough to break into my house won't be confronted by the police, he'll be carried out in a body bag, the only tears to be shed will be the one's shed in frustration knowing I only managed to get one.
To quote my favorite movie Platoon:
"Somewhere out there is the beast and he hungry tonight" - good luck you brain dead negros...
I have a serious question for the commentariate:
How do we fix it? How do we turn things around. As we speak, a fast food chain is being run out of business because the CEO nade a simple statement regarding his religious beliefs. If we can't even do that anymore, how can we re-instate restrictive covenants? Some have hoped for a systemic collapse. I am no expert, but my casual reading of history leads me to believe societal dysfunction is more likely to result in Lenin than George Washington.
So, any practical suggestions?
I am convinced that some of you kind White males are so worried about a BLACK MAN raping your White wife that even after the baby comes out sparkling WHITE - with no trace of melanin or "Negroid Features" - you will remain compelled to go "rustling up some Negroes" all the while she cleans out the house of all traces of her boy friend's used condoms."
CF, why is it always about "Muh, Dik" with you negros? You tell us how smart you are and what a good citizen you are yet you resort to this. Face it my friend you are no better than the average Nigger you profess not to be.
I didn't march for it--no one in my family marched for it either. in fact, growing up, I never knew anyone who would have marched for black people.
I did know lots of people who were sitting on the porches of their old Victorians back in the Summer of 1967--sitting on chairs holding a loaded gun across their knees. That's because that was the time black marched into my neighborhood.
Thanks for the link bogo. And I thought South Africa was in the future. This is the beginning of genocide. SA is already here.
Anonymous said...
Good article.
Before American Whites become the new South African Boers, there is an action to take. Start as many lawsuits as possible protesting every anti-white policy. Clog the court system.
Otherwise you can hope for US bankruptcy and collapse and hope it's aftermath will not be worse than continuing down our present path.
Give it your best shot. The fact that you think there's some sort of legal remedy demonstrates that you still don't "get it". Your strategy might have worked 50 years ago. Who do you think owns the court system now? Folks like you? Here's the likely outcome of YT trying this: all suits will die faster than the numerous ones brought over the extremely dubious nativity narrative of D'Won Mocha Messiah. Any attorneys fool enough to do it will likely be disbarred for "unethical conduct" or "contempt of court". You're forgetting the real golden rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules. In case you missed it, the whole 2008 banksta bailout, MF Global, etc. proves one thing above all: There is no rule of law whatsoever. You need to stop believing in mythology taught in publick skools.
"We have to find a way to interrupt the cycle."
Death Penalty. NO Jail. NO restitution. NO excuse.
Death Penalty.
It would cut crime rate by 90% in less than a year.
Whoseover sheddeth man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed. Ge. 9:6
- Fr. John+
"However, I see that it was published in 1994. That means that the research is close to two decades old. Isn’t there a more current work out there on race and IQ?"
It doesn't matter if it was published in 1894 or re-visited in 2094, the results will never change.
OK Harold C., I overstepped. So they are not officially "third world" countries. I get that. I use the term "third world" to describe my neighbor's yard too, so you get my meaning.
The photos I saw from their travels were of filthy "barrios" and ghettos. The children were skinny with large starving eyes and many had lice. They had no shoes and were all brown-skinned, not white looking. They were promised food in exchange for participation in some cases. That sounds like the third-world to me. My DWL friends were there to make little "citizens" out of them and send them back to the barrios as cultural ambassadors. Or, to make them more like white people.
In America, we have a small Congo operating in every city. I consider black ghettos to be third-world pockets. Unless whites come in from the outside to deliver goods and services, they would die lying in their own filth.
The reason these first-world DWLs would even consider traveling to a ghetto in another country is because they believe in white supremacy. They want to transform the children somehow. But they don't admit it, so they are disingenuous.
Why do blacks always consider it an achievement that they know how to please women, can you not go for one hour with out thinking about, calling reference to, touching, rubbing, singing, speaking to, your penises. Does your dick have such a huge impact on your life that its so central to everything you do, that is trully african thinking for all to see, you are obsessed about your dick.
I like how reference to the magical powers of your dick features on your list of what's good about black men.
Who taught you to think like this, it has to be genetic.
Amazing how african tribal thinking is alive and well in the USA, and then ppl say its because of lack education that blacks are the way they are.
Anon at 8:28 PM, July 30 said "...societal dysfunction is more likely to lead to Lenin than George Washington".
Lenin and his ilk are what we have now. The Communist impulse has been re-directed, not eliminated. Were there no Second Amendment, they'd have us all in labor camps already. If we get rid of the Reds we would probably not get another Lenin, or a Washington, but somebody more like Spain's Francisco Franco. That's the best that Whites can hope for, having destroyed our own rebublic.
Why do blacks always consider it an achievement that they know how to please women, can you not go for one hour with out thinking about, calling reference to, touching, rubbing, singing, speaking to, your penises. Does your dick have such a huge impact on your life that its so central to everything you do, that is trully african thinking for all to see, you are obsessed about your dick.
See the video. It is genetic or something far worse.
From the link provided by Anon @ 1:04 PM -
Resources that have already been seized by the ANC have been laid to ruin. The most valuable gold mine in the world has been so mismanaged by the ANC that it can no longer pay workers and the elevators have been stripped for scrap metal.
Got that? "The most valuable gold mine in the world" lies fallow as these retarded niggers squabble about White women.
It is know that Direct Foreign Investment has always been risk averse. What does it say about the ANC's political incompetence when no major outside corporation wants to step in and restart a veritable gold mine of staggering proportions?
In reality, just the fact that "the elevators have been stripped for scrap metal" tells the whole story. You would probably have to stand a 24 hour guard just to keep the scrappers away from any operation that got started. The instant corruption which would spontaneously generate around that much pure gold likewise defies imagination.
As to Black obsession with muhdik; an unnamed African general said it best:
Name one thing gay men and blacks have in common:
An obsession with penises..
Perhaps black men are trying to hide something?
peter gabriel sang a song about a negro killed by whites in south afreeka...
the song...'biko'
now maybe he and u2 will sing some about whites killed by blacks
Imagine the United States plunging into another world war. Picture the military the USA would have to amass. Drafting would be a must and a sizeable armed service would be achieved. I can promise you a major difference in the beliefs and dedication of the average soldier as compared to the servicemen of WWII. In WWII the US citizens came together Black and White an exception was the Japanese Americans(they were resented and not trusted and placed into camps). Americans fought that necessary war. Necessary in that atrocities were taking place around the world that had to be stopped. And that bombing of Pearl Harbor could not go unanswered. Blacks were treated as second class citizens in our country yet fought for others equal rights overseas. It is such a coincidence that the hatred you spread about the Black race here is similar to the lies old Adolf used to tell. Yes I served, yes I volunteered, Semper Fi Devil Dogs.
Zenster wrote "An unnamed African general said it best: 'A man whose ambitions go no further than vaginal penetration is a very shallow man indeed'".
It's hard for me to imagine an African general that is not a follower of Muhdik. Perhaps Zenster is thinking of Erwin Rommel.
(Am I now to be kicked off the U.S. Olympic team for my insensitivity?)
Anon at 8:38 PM, July 31: I served with Blacks. They were largely useless. The military is where most Whites from White towns learned about Blacks. "I never hated Blacks until I got in the service" was a near universal statement among non-Southerners.
I once worked for a former German officer. He told that he finished the war with only 17 men in his company, but that those 17 were able to stop an American battalion for a few hours before surrendering. Quality matters, and Blacks don't bring much quality to the table. That's why during WW2, Blacks were largely kept in jobs that did not require a lot of brains or courage. And in Viet Nam, Blacks were gradually reduced as a proportion of the line infantry companies because they were a weak link. Units that were 20% Black in 1965 were only 10% Black in 1969. To this day, the infantry is 85% White.
And don't give us the Red Tails myth. That's already been dissected here, back when the movie came out.
Speaking of myths, the NYTimes has an article on the new Disney cartoon phenomenon for pre-schoolers, Doctor McStuffins.
The PC swoon over the role model this provides for Black girls.
Some slightly less PC people note that the father doesn't have a job, and wonders where the role models are for Black boys.
I can only shake my head at the problems coming down the pike: given the 1 standard deviation deficit in Black IQ, either huge numbers of these Black girls are going to have their dreams dashed as early as the pre-med weed-out courses (the good scenario), or they'll be shoved through the system and wind up as practitioners who are incompetent and dangerous, and perhaps corrupt as well.
Meanwhile, White males who could have been superior physicians will be shunted off into other things, starting with the pre-school setting of role models which have no room for them.
A little off topic, but this (albeit pithy) is the ultimate fate of DWLs and similar factions.
I've been working on opening some eyes. It's gonna get funky out there.
Discard: Am I now to be kicked off the U.S. Olympic team for my insensitivity?
Didn't you get the memo?
You were kicked off the U.S. Olympic team the moment you typed that! Sheesh.
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