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Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology: 0.6 percent Black |
First, from Fairfax County (Thomas Jefferson High School For Science And Technology Hit With Civil Rights, Discrimination Suit, Huffington Post, July 24, 2012):
The Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, a prestigious Alexandria, Va. high school, has been hit with a federal civil rights lawsuit.
The Coalition of The Silence, a local minority advocacy group, and the NAACP filed a complaint to the U.S. Department of Education Monday alleging that black and Latino students, as well as students with disabilities, are being shut out of the school because Fairfax County consistently fails to identify them for gifted programs.
"Poor Latino kids are not being identified, and I worry part of that is language," Martina Hone of the Coalition of Silence told NBC Washington. "African-American kids are not being identified. I'm worried that's race."
The complaint alleges that the county "…essentially operates a network of separate and unequal schools," and that "for decades, these students have been grossly and disproportionately underrepresented in admission to the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology."
According to the complaint, 476 students comprise Thomas Jefferson's incoming class. Of those, 43 percent are white, 46 percent are Asian and just more than 8 percent are multiracial. Black students, however, comprise just 0.6 percent -- or three students -- while Latino students only comprise 2.1 percent of the class. By contrast, black and Latino students make up 32 percent of Fairfax County's student population.Knowing that New York Times reported the proficiency of Black students is far below what was expected (after trillions of dollars spent to close the racial gap in academic achievement), Mein Obama has announced the creation of a new, African American Education Initiative. Not only that, but it will be a new office to wage war on the horribly low scores Black students produce on their SAT/ACT tests (and AP tests or lack thereof for Black participation in honors/AP classes is quite low, even in majority Black schools):
President Barack Obama is creating a new office to bolster education of African-American students.
The White House says the office will coordinate the work of communities and federal agencies to ensure that African-American youngsters are better prepared for high school, college and career.
What do you this call this refusal to acknowledge the true source behind the completely forgotten Atlanta Public Schools (APS) cheating fiasco of 2011, knowing that the lofty goals set in the No Child Left Behind Act were more foolish and impossible to achieve than, well, Godot ever showing up.Obama is announcing his election-year initiative Wednesday night in a speech to the civil rights group the National Urban League as he seeks to rally black voters. Aides say his executive order, to be signed Thursday, will set a goal of producing "a more effective continuum" of programs for African-American students.
It's not education parity... it's education parody at this point.
Waiting for Superman, that noble effort to find the jolt of pure energy (perhaps in the form of Kal-El, a comic character and last son of Krypton) that will finally close the racial gap in education is the equivalent of Waiting for Godot. No matter the money; no matter the time; no matter the effort; no matter if you find a way to cause all white and Asian children to be born with autism, the racial gap will persist.
To quote from Beckett:
"But that is not the question. Why are we here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come."
The BEST part about this story is that the school in question is majority ASIAN! As whites, we should be asking, nay, demanding what the government plans on doing to help more whites get into this prestigious school!
"Poor Latino kids are not being identified, and I worry part of that is language," Martina Hone of the Coalition of Silence told NBC Washington. "African-American kids are not being identified. I'm worried that's race."
What a one-two bullshit punch of stupidity. Why is the language barrier only relevant to the Hispanics? Spanish is MUCH closer to English than ANY Asian language! So race is a factor with regards to blacks BUT NOT Hispanics? How is race not relevant in the case of Asians? Clearly Asians are not white and therefore Asian diversity should be celebrated right? These idiots know that they cannot touch the Asians, so they go after the whites. This article should be used as stone cold proof that the United States actively abets and encourages anti-white sentiment and policies.
*Bonus points for name dropping Beckett! SBPDL - "High Brow Racism For High Brow Racists!"
The dumb asses don't realize that in many minority homes an education isn't considered an asset. You must be smart to get into the best schools. If you aren't smart then you get relegated to the we'll take anyone who is breathing school. It isn't racism as much as the race pimps want it to be racism.
Thus the Great Redistribution continues.
- Jay P.
Ah... I'm starting to think moving to Canada is the only way out of this nightmare
Since when are blacks interested in science And technology? Blacks with decent IQs and high-IQs don't bother with it. They go into other fields like black studies like that guy Toure on MSNBC. He's civilized and hi-IQ for a black man even though he spouts racist garbage
Only in movies are blacks operating computers and spaceships (Prometheus) Black doctors? Keep them away from me.
"Poor Latino kids are not being identified, and I worry part of that is language," Martina Hone of the Coalition of Silence told NBC Washington. "African-American kids are not being identified. I'm worried that's race."
No possible way it could anything to do with these kids being just plain stupid? No way that any of these kids come from homes where parental participation in their children's scholastic pursuits are less than zero?
Naw, got's to be Whitey's fault. The only dinosaur-sized fly in the ointment is all of those Asian kids who are making the grade. How is White racism driving that particular conundrum?
But don't let that stop anyone from forming yet one more damned government agency that will spend countless more MILLIONS investigating what has already been thoroughly documented. Mein 0bama would rather paper over chronically low Black IQs with BILLIONS more dollars of White taxpayer money if only it will momentarily direct our attention away from that Black thug behind the curtain.
However crude, The Ice Cream Equation™ applies.
Take a big bowl of freshly churned vanilla ice cream. Now, stir in a few cups of shit. Do you still have ice cream?
How about if you only stir in half a cup of shit? Do you have ice cream then?
What if you only stir in a single spoonful. Is it ice cream then?
This is what happens when Blacks are added to programs for the gifted. Not only do they NOT magically begin to score higher just by being surrounded by White juju. They then proceed to suck down instructor time by needed significantly more attention in order to learn anything.
They also suck down the entire class' time with TNB that promotes disorder and interferes with the whole group's learning process. Vandalism, assaults, drug dealing, demands for Ebonics or "Black History" classes and gang activity are all just more shit in the ice cream.
We've already seen it with Blacks moving into White communities. Stir in a family or two and suddenly you've got shit in your ice cream.
How can anyone possibly think that this will not be repeated at every school unfortunate to have this latest experiment in Social Engineering carried out on their premises?
The makeup of the school is exactly what you'd expect given average IQs: at 105, asians hold the lead, whites are a close second at 100, hispanics distant 3rd at 93, and black semi-morons bring up the rear at a whopping 85. None of these programs matter. In 100 years, black will still be mopping floors, provided we haven't replaced them with robots. There is no place in a modern society for the Negro.
Anon (7/26 4:48 PM): The dumb asses don't realize that in many minority homes an education isn't considered an asset.
Quite the opposite of an "asset", in fact:
Smart vs. cool: Culture, race and ethnicity in Silicon Valley schools
(Thank goodness for Google's cached documents as this article has mysteriously disappeared from the original publisher's files. How strange.)
Using surveys of 90,000 secondary-school students, Harvard University researchers found that white students were more popular when they had higher grade-point averages. But black students' popularity sharply declined when their GPAs reached a B-plus. For Latinos, the price of good grades was even costlier: Popularity peaked at a C-plus, then plunged. [emphasis added]
It's the crab dance all over again. Except it cuts across cultural lines and at least the authors were able to mention "acting white" and racial IQ in their article.
So long as cultures do not value their children's education, those children will, essentially, be foredoomed to poor scholastic performance and represent a millstone to the education of White and Asian pupils.
Being a recent graduate in biology and a six and a half year veteran of the Army, I'm naturally looking for a job. I've spent ten years to get to this point and what did I see today whilst carrying out my daily job search?
The first company's website I visited had announcements for jobs fairs they were hosting, one for hispanics and one for blacks. Needless to say I've been angry all day. I was born into poverty and had to join the Army so I could afford a college education. My brother and I are the first people in our families EVER to have earned degrees. And what do we get? A firm smackdown because you know, being born into poverty, with the first house I've ever lived in being a single-wide with a hole to the ground an infant could slip through equals being born with a f*cking silver spoon in my mouth.
I knew a black girl at university, a nice girl who was pre-med. She was talking to her adviser about her grades as she was worried she wouldn't get in. The advisor told her plain as day not to worry because she was black and she would get in. Dead serious.
I've done all I can short of working for free. I'm simply inferior because I'm "advantaged." I started applying for microbiology positions in Hong Kong today.
Give the cretins even more monetary access....go ahead Obama cave in. It's better to build your own one room school house and teach yourself than be paired with savage beasts in a gifted school.
"Poor Latino kids are not being identified, and I worry part of that is language"
Yeah, just how German and Italian immigrants never were successful because they couldn't speak English...
Oh wait, they actually learned the language and assimilated.
I wish a could post a slideshow of the 'temples of learning', the magnificent high schools built during what is considered the high point (nationally) of high school architecture in NYC, primarily in the 1920's and early '30's.
These were buildings that the architects were certain would last a century.
Most were still high functioning through the 1960's and the '70's.
By the early '80's, 'academic achievement' became a nonsensical term and not day went by without a violent incident against a student or teacher. There were no longer any white students at any of these schools.
Despite the endless millions in resources of every conceivable type, nothing could be done to stop the slide to destruction. The final insult was the decision to simply 'disappear' these schools: many of the bldgs are landmarked, but no such school having the original name will exist in these cases.
Generations of students received good educations, until the Undertow simply made it impossible, no matter how many metal detectors and 'scholl safety officers' were employed.
There must be hundreds and hundreds of such once-grand city high schools across the country, with innumerable alumni still alive, that have been rendered nothing more than adolescent daycare centers.
A while back someone on this site posted an official SAT picture of SAT scores between blacks and whites with parents at different income levels. The poorest whites were still outperforming the richest blacks. Does anybody have this link/picture?
So CAL got there first.
Anon @5:35 - can't say I agree. This is hitting them, too.
Tests is raciss.
Allow me to make a few points.
Number one the culture of education for Asian families is much different than you would expect. My wife is Korean both her parents survived the Korean War with little education but education was considered a child's responsibility there was no money for Hagkwans(private after school schools; such as English academies)
Same as in America many times Asian parents can not help with homework do to little education themselves or lack of English skills. The kids are just expected to get it done. Really the only valid excuse is genes it is not so much culture.
My second point is one that frustrates me to tears. Why are there no European(White)advocacy groups suing all the businesses, government bodies, etc.? Why do we not clog the courts with these law suits? If it happens enough it will stop as it is for the time being it is a one way street costing billions.
My third point is directly for Some Guy. You need to be one of the ones on the fore front of the new wave of law suits protecting the rights of European(White) Americans. If not go ahead and live in Asia you will be treated with the respect you deserve by bringing your education, skills, and experience to the table. I am on my second decade in Asia. I wouldn't live in America again if you paid me it is a thoroughly biased country that is openly hostile to Whites and Asians. I fear a second civil war.
Ex New Yorker here....Ladies and gentlemen...Godot has left the building.
Hmm, I wonder what a "more effective continuum" of programs for African American students consists of?
Perhaps they can simply play this video for the chirruns and save some of our hard earned tax dollars...
Won't the vast increase in the potential of home learning via the Internet render most "brick and mortar" schools pleasant islands of socializing whilst the real learning takes place at home? Of course I am being entirely optimistic in alledging the schools will not become islands of Dr Moreau, but still, if the concept of the importance of the home is preserved I cannot see why home learning won't in the end triumph for the middle class.
I went to a school not unlike TJ, way back in the mid 80's in San Diego. The school was hit with a similar complaint and caved to the pressure. All of the teachers responsible for the educational excellence were driven off the very next year. They tried, but ultimately decided they couldn't (and didn't want to) teach kids who were unmotivated, unprepared and absolutely NOT interested in anything the teacher had to offer. The classrooms rapidly deteriorated into lowest-common denominator hellholes within weeks and the teachers left.
It is high time for one of two things to happen: Blacks and Latinos need to hold themselves accountable OR Asians and Whites need to grow some spine and tell these race-hustling jackals to go to hell.
Thanks for posting that "Smart vs. Cool" link, Zenster. I've sent it to a few people....hoping it will open some eyes.
Ex New Yorker again....Any black kid that goes to school with any hopes of actually getting an education gets the shit kicked out of him by the hood rats because "He be actin' white." You have this mind set as the standard in most schools with a large numbers of blacks. President Numbnuts will change nothing. This is just another scam. Remember, these duffers don't even tie their shoelaces. Sending them to a school for science and technology is some kind of cruel joke. The only advanced technology these slugs know how to use is their cell phones to film each other when they rape and beat on somebody. This shit just gets weirder every day. Beam me up, Scotty.
Hail the Confederacy! Hail Segregation! Hail Apartheid!
When there is a culture in the black community that despises education and if anybody wants to be educated, they are pilloried for "acting white or "passing". Then they wonder why there was wide spread cheating in the APS system. The Teachers had to cheat just to keep their jobs since everything is tied to NCLB. When the American black experience prize thuggery or being on welfare over being self sufficient, it will never change.
Off topic....
Fresh from the million hoodie march, he kills 2 decent females:
Black man invades home, bludgeons mother and daughter to death ...www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/022303.htmlCached
You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Apr 28, 2012 – Young unarmed black man, fresh from the Million Hoodie March. The victims' name is Martinez, so they are either white or nonwhite Hispanics. ... did: “Man faces charges in bloody killings of Las Vegas woman and daughter
And as long as we're on this, I'd love to quote a commenter on an edublog to show the likely results of Obama's "it failed, so do it again harder" EO:
I recently read A Hope in the Unseen, about a DC student (class of 93) who made it into Brown (and graduated). He said he had no understanding of things his Brown classmates took for granted – subject-area references, allusions etc and had never read anything (other than textbooks) by a white person (DC’s Afrocentric curriculum) or been asked to write anything but a personal narrative. Despite individual tutoring and mentoring by his HS faculty, no one ever suggested that he sould take advantage of libraries, museums, historical/cultural sites etc that fill DC. Just this spring, another DC (charter) student, finishing his first semester at Georgetown, said essentially the same thing. Pathetic, what a waste.
Anon (7/26 7:56 PM): Thanks for posting that "Smart vs. Cool" link, Zenster. I've sent it to a few people....hoping it will open some eyes.
You are very welcome. While Muay Tyson has a point about some parents being unable to assist children with their studies, American Blacks have had access to public schooling for long enough where that just doesn't fly as any sort of valid excuse.
More importantly, recent Asian immigrant families disprove this in that, despite how the parents cannot speak Engrish (another can of worms altogether), their children magically manage to excel.
Hispanics have even less excuse in that Spanish and English have far more commonalities than, say, Chinese or Vietnamese. All this ESL bullshit is a hall of mirrors if you have ever sat down and talked it out with a professional educator. Either we do for classes like with driver's license tests and provide them in A DOZEN different languages or WE DON'T and draw the line there. My position on that topic should be clear.
It is all about a will to learn and the determination to make education a priority.
While Ex New Yorker's point stands about how:
Any black kid that goes to school with any hopes of actually getting an education gets the shit kicked out of him by the hood rats because "He be actin' white."
It then becomes the parent's responsibility to make sure those hood rats are hunted down and put out of commission. Of course, with all those baby daddies hangin' out on the corner, getting their collective asses in gear is a non-starter.
Although I'm confident others have said as much before, I'll put this forward for discussion:
Wouldn't dealing with Hispanics suddenly become a whole lot easier if a recalcitrant and incorrigible faction like Blacks were not being egged on by their respective race baiting wannabe warlord poverty pimps? Blacks set the absolutely worst example for any other group that is prone to underachievement, including lower IQ Whites.
As everyone else is so fond of noting, Blacks are a prime mover in societal degeneration and excising this cultural cancer would allow the body politic an unprecedented chance to regain its collective health.
Small surprise is it that TPTB are now spreading this carcinoma by importing even more violent and more illiterate Somali retards into our midst. What could possibly counteract any progress within the existing American Black community than injecting a new and even less assimilating population which epitomizes every last primitive and savage aspect that honorable Blacks like Dr. Manning have struggled to overcome?
While there is no one alive to penalize for having imported, what is now, obsolete farm equipment, there are those who vigorously pursue a renewed program of this insanity (vis Africans and Muslims), and they must not be allowed to hide behind law nor crucifix when the time of reckoning comes.
Thanks MuayTyson for encouraging the Asian experience. Your fears of a second civil war are not unfounded. I haven't gotten anyone to agree with me yet but my opinion is that it has already started with one side having the advantage of acting with impunity, leaving the other side that still respects the law as victims instead of combatants. I think the TEA Party is just the beginning, they call it racist because they know deep down that it is a grassroots white movement that doesn't want to pay more taxes to support BRA. Most in the Tea Party are probably old believes, so to speak, so they aren't going to play rough. It's my generation, the 80's and 90's kids, that are going to play rough because we do not have anything left except outright tax slavery.
If you have not already read "The Bell Curve" by Murray and Hernstein do so Immediately. Itz probably at your local library. This book will explain the education and life outcome test results. And while your at the library get "Nature and Man’s Fate, Garrett Hardin".
Real eye openers.
My MIL attends a church that makes quilts for the niggers. It makes me sick. They make these beautiful quilts that take many months to make and they send them to Liberia. Once they get to the Congo they're sold into the black market for guns and drugs.
The town she lives in has a ton of poor white people. It's a mining town with a group of small families who are barely making it.
Many young families have stopped attending this church. You know why? If someone were to ask them they'd probaby say (granted they have the courage to tell the truth), why is my tithes from my meager income going to help niggers in Africa by giving them a quilt, food and other aid?
How about these poor white families? Families who have ran out of unemployment and cannot find jobs. This county has a very low rate of welfare dependency and it's almost all white. The white folks here are just too proud to take help.
The local goodwill is FULL of white folks with beautiful white children scanning the aisles for cheap clothes, appliances and other things for their house. These people could certainly use a good quilt in the winter to keep their little ones cold at night.
These dumbassed DWL's think it's perfectly OK to send quilts and food to the niggers and Africa and let their fellow families go without.
I've already told her I'm not attending her church or any events. If one of those stupid arrogant DWL's come up to me and ask me about African aid my head might explode. I said it will get very ugly and WWIII might erupt. She hasn't invited me to church again.
I hate these arrogant DWL's almost as much as I do niggers.
40 years.
40 years of forced integration, busing, affirmative action, free lunches, housing projects, section 8, snap.
40 years of excuses, new diversity training and different programs every few years. 40 years, and nucking figgers.
Why is the solution always to reshape America and change the rules? Why are they attacking the school that works instead of building their own? Why must we always lower our standards to accommodate the weakest, least intelligent among us? When do we start demanding that they raise themselves to our standards or go set their own standard somewhere else?
Want socialism? Move to a socialist country. Want to live in a gun free society? Move to one. Want gifted black kids? Teach them something.
Why is it that wherever white people go, we can manage to turn a desolate, empty tract of land into a thriving, safe, productive community? Why is it that even a small number of black people can move in and destroy it almost overnight? If we're so bad, just leave us alone. Build your own communities. Moving in and reducing the value of ours until it becomes a ghetto doesn't count.
Why don't they just open Schools of rap for these retards. That is one of the few endeavors these cretins will put some effort into that is legal.
Anything to keep them away from us.
Anonymous said...
Ah... I'm starting to think moving to Canada is the only way out of this nightmare
July 26, 2012 5:35 PM
Lots of luck with that.
The only way for blacks to be as educated as possible is to change the social dynamic to encourage education in place of stigmatizing education. Until this is in place the only blacks being educated will be those in circumstances outside of the aforementioned environment such as being in schools where blacks are enrolled in very minimal numbers. But such reform can not be limited only to educational institutions. It would also have to take place in popular culture. The ghetto or thug culture would have to go. But blacks would have to give up their sense of being victims for that to occur. So long as black leadership arises out of exploiting this sense of being a victim, it as a self reinforcing dynamic is not likely to change. Whites can't remove the stigma from education for blacks. White attempts to remove the stigma only reinforce the stigma of education being white. None of this of course addresses the probably genetic intelligence differences between the races but only as to educating blacks to the extent they can be educated.
Off topic (but not really -- everything about the "souls of black folk" is one topic):
The murders so brutal they shocked even South Africa
Black Run Africa = Black Run America in a few years if trends continue
Act accordingly. Not saying how. But act.
Every week it seems there appears the latest scheme that will close the intelligence/IQ gap. Now it's Obama's office for african american education.
It's getting worse in Macongo-
So, why did the First Family choose a majority white school in the majority white, affluent suburb of Bethesda, MD for their two daughters? http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-12-07/politics/30484330_1_sidwell-friends-teriyaki-chicken-menu
OT: http://www.wistv.com/story/19074886/daycare-worker-arrested-in-slapping-incident
This vid will summarize everything you need to know about why Jamaal can't be educated.
Rep Allen West was asked some nonsensical question: 'don't you think a valuable opportunity to further African American education was missed by not addressing the comparison of Obama to Sarah Palin?' (WTF?)
West lays out the only issue that merits attention on the issue of education (and everything else afflicting this community).
See how his clear, cogent comment, calmly delivered, is met with a deadly, damning silence by his own.
These facts seem to be like kryptonite, even to their elected representatives.
Here's Marty Nemko's take on teaching black kids.
Nemko's probably a liberal, but he has some very interesting insight into the black mind. He's also a vociferous critic of this nations higher education system to boot.
A bit off topic, make sure to read the comments following the article, it appears the great white bear is slowly awakening.....
Bella Dodd chronicled in her work; 'School of Darkness', how the Communists would use the Negro as pawns in their struggle to overthrow Western civilization.
Here's a quote: “As long ago as the 1940's the Party was planning cynically to use the Negroes as instruments in the revolution-to-come in the United States. The theory, contrived by Stalin and unleashed by Foster, was to encourage "self-determination of the Negroes in the black belt" and the establishment of a Negro nation with the right to secede from the United States. Bella Dodd's is a story familiar to many a young American idealist "
School of Darkness can be downloaded for free at americandeception.com and it is highly recommended as a primer on what is really happening to our society.
All of the black African people I've known from school and work have worked hard to get an education and have become productive members of society. They are fiercely hateful of black Americans, so much so that they'd make us sound like a bunch of apologists. They grew up in two parent homes, had a mother who cared for them and a father who ruled with an iron fist much like many of us. A focus on education, honor, hard work and total disdain for the hip hop and dependency culture was instilled in them, and it carried them to a different outcome. Their parents learned to speak English and were proud to be here in America. You'd almost have to pry out of them their country of origin, because there were no flags flying in front of their house, and they had integrated themselves into the community. They didn't build their own little ethnic enclave and use it for political purposes or group together and change America into whatever shitty country they came from. If these kids came home with gold teefs talking like a hoodrat, their dad would beat them within an inch of their life. If these kids stole so much as a candy bar, they'd be marched back to pay for it and apologize to the store clerk and then marched home for the beating of their life.
I'd be willing to bet cold, hard cash that the three "black" students at this gifted school were first or second generation immigrants.
I'd trade the average Mexican or American black for these kind of people every day. If we had more black people looking for opportunity instead of apologies and excuses in this country, it would change overnight. What bothers me more about stories like this is the fact that it won't work, and black people only support the idea because it's a jab against white taxpayers and a way to create more useless middle class jobs and opportunity for theft and fraud by black people, not because they'll actually take advantage of the opportunity it would create. Until we stop helping people who don't want to change and stop becoming less successful to close the gap between us and people who don't really want to be successful, nothing good is going to happen for us.
The link couldn't be more 'on-topic'.
By just casual observation, the numbers of such shootings, where there is no question as to the necessity for pursuing officers to use deadly force, where the perp repeatedly ignores orders to stop, where the perp points a weapon at officers, has been increasing.
What is remarkable and seems to be new, is that none of these facts seem to make a difference to the 'community'.
The line between clear and deadly criminality, and what is considered an 'unjustified' shooting, is fading.
This clear contempt for any and all authority, something that seems a universal in all these events, begins at a very young age.
Going from 'fuck the teacher' to 'fuck the police' is becoming a shorter and shorter path.
Until it becomes ok in America to acknowledge that Negroes will never be the intellectual equal of Whites or Asians, I'm afraid this nonsense will never end.
Annie Oakley said: "My MIL attends a church that makes quilts for the niggers. It makes me sick. They make these beautiful quilts that take many months to make and they send them to Liberia. Once they get to the Congo they're sold into the black market for guns and drugs."
Does your MIL know anything at all about Liberia? Does she know that Liberia was never colonized by white people, that it was settled almost 200 years ago by free blacks and that by law, citizenship is restricted to blacks? Does she know that after 200 years that Liberia is one of the poorest nations on earth? Does she know that in present-day Liberia, black people routinely defecate in public because they haven't yet succeeded in building a decent infrastructure?
Wikipedia: Liberia
Government Official Urinating in the Street
Vice Guide to Liberia Part 1
Vice Guide to Liberia Part 2
Liberians Lose Hope as Monrovia Slowly Rebuilds
Does your MIL even know that Liberia has a tropical, equatorial climate? How much need is there for quilts in a climate like that?
I could maybe see the point of her church's charity if it were helping those who help themselves. But it's not. You can't blame the savagery, violence, filth and poverty of Liberia on whites. All that ugliness is what happens whenever and wherever blacks act independently and make their own decisions about how to live their lives, how to structure their society, how to govern themselves.
You don't even have to look as far as Liberia to see the effects of black self-rule, just look at Detroit. It would be identical to Monrovia, Liberia's capital, were it not for whites pouring their money into it. Even so, look at how far and how fast it has fallen once under black rule.
I hope you can get your MIL to watch these videos and read about Liberia. It probably won't change her mind but you will have done all you can. I do feel for you and I admire you for standing up to your MIL.
The Atlanta skool-daze grade improvement program has not been forgotten by BRA at all. In fact, it will probably be the model for the Mocha Messiah's new "African-Amercan Edumacation Initiative". Those scores are going to go up - regardless of whether hoodrats even show up for the classes taught by six-figure-per-year "mastah-teechaz" about the importance of hating YT. the endless legacy of white supremacy and advanced African aeronautics of the type which enabled ancient Africans to circle the pyramids in flying machines.
Yes, Atlanta's little scam has been shoved down the memory hole by the Ministry of Truth and the Gay Old Partie of Elephants will suddenly experience Alzheimers moments should anyone bring up the cheatin' hearts of such dedicated edjumacation officials in the city too bust to hate, but D'Won and his pals are well aware of its ultimate success in raising scores Nike style: Just Do It!
Annie Oakley: One of the reasons that I stopped attending church was that the church was using my meager offerings (I was attending school full time) to provide all sorts of goodies for African immigrants.
There were so many needy people among their own congregation, and the African immigrants were already living the life of Riley based on being on every welfare program known to man AND having big families to maximize their benefit levels, but the church never stopped taking up collections for them.
Annie Oakley said...
My MIL attends a church that makes quilts for the niggers. It makes me sick. They make these beautiful quilts that take many months to make and they send them to Liberia. Once they get to the Congo they're sold into the black market for guns and drugs.
The town she lives in has a ton of poor white people. It's a mining town with a group of small families who are barely making it.
Many young families have stopped attending this church. You know why? If someone were to ask them they'd probaby say (granted they have the courage to tell the truth), why is my tithes from my meager income going to help niggers in Africa by giving them a quilt, food and other aid?
How about these poor white families? Families who have ran out of unemployment and cannot find jobs. This county has a very low rate of welfare dependency and it's almost all white. The white folks here are just too proud to take help.
Welcome to churchianity. This is one of the reasons I've come to truly despise what passes for Christianity. The pattern is repeated all over the place - endlessly. Missioniaries travel over sea and land to Haiti and Africa, billions in aid are sent, yet their own people are allowed to rot. (Woe unto you pharisees who travel over land and see to make a convert and turn him into twice the disciple of hell as yourselves). As if that weren't bad enough, such "churches" are now doing things such as assisting the BRA regime in its program for the Islamic colonization and evangelization of insufficiently diverse places such as Minnesota and Maine via the "refugee" resettlement racket.
The best metaphor for what has happened to Christianity was given by Takuan Seiyo in an amazing series of articles entitled From Meccania to Atlantis: Seiyo referred to the Marxists who've infiltrated and taken over the infrastructure of churches (among other western institutions) as "body snatchers" (from the old sci-fi movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers) and the followers as "legume pods." Christianity is a shell - a whitewashed sepulcher now occupied by an hateful, genocidal ideology - the new Gospel of Galatians 3:28 "Equality" über alles.
If Annie Oakley's MIL's church had any brains at all, they would auction off the handmade quilts here in the USA where they are highly valued, and then send the proceeds to the worthless Africa country of their choice.
The quilt probably sells for less in Africa than the cost of the materials that went into it here in the USA.
Sweden just banned homeschooling.
That is where we are headed.
When I have children, I want to homeschool.
Public schools were mud filled cesspools when I went. Sheeit, I almost got shot by a black in jr. High.
"The makeup of the school is exactly what you'd expect given average IQs: at 105, asians hold the lead, whites are a close second at 100, hispanics distant 3rd at 93, and black semi-morons bring up the rear at a whopping 85. None of these programs matter. In 100 years, black will still be mopping floors, provided we haven't replaced them with robots. There is no place in a modern society for the Negro." - Whites utterly swamp out asians in total numbers here, so the school would be 95% white, 5% asian if it were purely being decided on IQ terms.
Mr GJG, don't you remember that the rap school was already tried in Kansas City? The billion dollar school with recording studios so Craphonzo and Shitavious could lay down dey funky rhymes and sheet?
Ray Scissom: Why is the solution always to reshape America and change the rules?
A simple and important question with a very problematic answer:
America's Constitutional framework does not support the Liberal Narrative™. This is why so many of the activist judges that "interpret" the Constitution are Liberals. Their sort of Magical Thinking™ flies in the face of strict Constitutional law. So, the law must bent to their will. Why do you think that politicians are accorded some of the very least public respect, below even that of lawyers?
Big Government™, Socialism, massive national debt, special interests, preferential treatment of minorities and scads of other Liberal inclinations are, essentially, anti-Constitutional. They are most certainly NOT what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they formed this union.
Worse yet, there has been a significant degree of crossover such that the GOP is merely centrist (at best) due to how infected it is with Liberal PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism). Vote-whoring Republicans chasing after the Black vote are a supreme example of this.
Returning to a strict Constitutional Republic that has been stripped of all preferential so-called "Hate Speech" and "Hate Crime" laws is one of the very first priorities in rescuing America from its corrupt politicians.
Ray Scissom: There are 800 million Blacks in Africa. The probability is that there are a few million or so who are so far above the African average that they are equivalent to Whites. A "brilliant" African is on about the same level as an White "high normal", let's say.
But just as the high achieving Blacks who first integrated American schools were followed by hordes of typical Blacks who destroy everything, these "brilliant" African are only the vanguard of their moronic cousins. The stupid, violent, parasitic Somalians that have invaded the West are what we can expect in the future. The only safe course is No Black immigration.
HaroldC: Whites can't remove the stigma from education for blacks. White attempts to remove the stigma only reinforce the stigma of education being white.
Put another way, White uplift of Blacks will not work. Ironically, Blacks keep demanding that Whites uplift them precisely because they, subliminally or consciously, know it will not work.
All of which reminds me very little of the Rule of Documentation:
The more you must document your work the less actual work that gets done. Equilibrium is reached when you spend all of your time documenting the nothing that you are doing.
We are rapidly approaching equilibrium in Black uplift where, in order to expand any efforts at uplift, we must shut down prisons to free up the financing for such programs. And, literally, that is what's happening. Plea bargains and reduced sentences are used to free up jail space even at the risk of turning the justice system into a revolving door for Black criminals, which it is today.
All of us have read about Black thugs with over a dozen priors being apprehended for some heinous crime. Of course they have to be outside, otherwise they can't attend the numerous uplift programs and reintegrate in any meaningful way! Meanwhile, these career criminals continue to rob, rape and murder Whites with gleeful abandon.
The clock is ticking down on this bullshit. As SomeGuy noted:
… fears of a second civil war are not unfounded. I haven't gotten anyone to agree with me yet but my opinion is that it has already started with one side having the advantage of acting with impunity, leaving the other side that still respects the law as victims instead of combatants.
Few outside of the various Race Realism web sites are willing to admit the truth. Just as with Islam's still unrecognized war on the West, we are already in a race war with Blacks, it's just that Whites haven't admitted it to themselves.
Woe betide American Blacks when Whites finally do admit it. Then the violence begins in earnest instead of just this epidemic of TNB thuggery.
Annie Oakley's mother-in-law ought read the novel "Bleak House". Over 150 years ago, Charles Dickens nailed when he wrote of Mrs Jellybee's ill treatment of her own kin, and her "compassion" for Darkest Africa. What modern sociologists call "competitive altruism", Dickens called "telescopic philanthropy". The advantage of spewing concern for far-away people is that you can turn them off and on when convenient. You don't have to invite them for dinner. Illusions can be maintained.
"Compassion" is just a euphemism for moral vanity.
I would ask Paul to write an article on where he thinks the United States would be if after the Civil War, all former slaves were sent back home. It would be an interesting reflection on the last 140 years of events and would probably vindicate the Capitalist system. I just dont have the imagination and the wherewithal to research and write such an article.
It certainly would get the rest of the online community talking
Bogolyubski: The best metaphor for what has happened to Christianity was given by Takuan Seiyo in an amazing series of articles entitled From Meccania to Atlantis.
Thank you, Bogolyubski, for mentioning Taksan. He is a personal friend of mine and one of Conservative blogdom's truly erudite authors. He combines the insights of a worldwide traveler with hilariously sarcastic and biting wit in ways that few others can or do. His series is well worth reading.
Ex-Lincolnite here:
I notice that none of those people could possibly understand The Bell Curve by Charles Murray or any of the books by Robert Weissberg. It is the facts that blacks and latinos have on average lower IQs than white people or Asians.
Maybe the little coons and their parents could take the fried chicken leg out of junior's hand and give him a book to read (one with words).
Perhaps this is the new third rail in America. We can't be honest about the fact that instead of importing smart people, and inculcating brilliance, we need to bring everyone down to the level of the nigger. This is cultural Marxism front and center.
Objectively these baboons and taco benders can't get into this school, we need to make sure they stay out. All this will do is cause the whites and Asians who belong in the school to flee to private alternatives. It is time to completely defund black education, as it only makes the criminal only slightly more cunning.
Wtf: Sweden just banned homeschooling.
A government is terrified of what children might be taught outside of State Indoctrination Centers.
You know it's got to be pretty bad when parents are not trusted to raise their own children.
The ultimate case of this is in Communist China. After decades of the "one family, one child" policy being enforced there are generations of children who have grown up without having and uncles, aunts or cousins.
Who will be their family?
THE STATE. All of which paints a pretty grim picture in terms of mind control. That demonic laughter in the background is coming from George Orwell's grave.
As I said on New Year's Eve of 1984, "Orwell that ends well."
504 said
Get a load of this bs
"Scientific rayysssiszm"
504 says
Post of the year ray
" Why is it that wherever white people go, we can manage to turn a desolate, empty tract of land into a thriving, safe, productive community? Why is it that even a small number of black people can move in and destroy it almost overnight? If we're so bad, just leave us alone. Build your own communities. Moving in and reducing the value of ours until it becomes a ghetto doesn't count."
"Poor Latino kids are not being identified, and I worry part of that is language," Martina Hone of the Coalition of Silence told NBC Washington. "African-American kids are not being identified. I'm worried that's race."
Of course it's race. It was race 500 years ago when the western hemisphere indians were still living in the stone age too. It is race in Africa--as the Africans return to stone age living standards with the demise of the white man there. THEY ARE BOTH ABORIGINAL PEOPLES!--that means they are an evolutionary and genetic dead end!
"Wouldn't dealing with Hispanics suddenly become a whole lot easier if a recalcitrant and incorrigible faction like Blacks were not being egged on by their respective race baiting wannabe warlord poverty pimps? Blacks set the absolutely worst example for any other group that is prone to underachievement, including lower IQ Whites."
No. Mexico is Mexico because Mexicans live there. It will never change. All that will change is that America will become Mexico as well. Mexico has a very low average IQ. 4th generation Mexicans do no better here than 1st generation. In fact, second generation performs best of all.
There was a reason (before sec. 8 housing arrived) why white people, including my ancestors, put the Mexican crop pickers on the bus to Mexico the day before Thanksgiving every year--whether the crop was done being picked or not. It was because it was universally recognized that if they were allowed to stay that the end result would be an increase in crime and a lowering of school standards. The real reason why they now stay is because "your" government gives them free housing, food stamps, education and advocacy groups.
Money cannot change I.Q. Theones squawking about the desparity are prome examples of the Bell Curve.
Blacks certainly believe they're athletically superior and most whites agree (in some sports anyway). I demand therefore that we whites get extra money, coaching, etc., so we can play basketball just like Michael Jordan, or else it's not fair!
Gary Larson's The Far Side
The best print cartoon EVER!!!
The funny thing about the whole "birther" debate, is the the people who voted for Maobama don't even care if he's not American. In fact, they'd probably prefer he wasn't.
Discard: What modern sociologists call "competitive altruism", Dickens called "telescopic philanthropy". The advantage of spewing concern for far-away people is that you can turn them off and on when convenient. You don't have to invite them for dinner. Illusions can be maintained.
"Compassion" is just a euphemism for moral vanity.
Absolutely brilliant comment, Discard! Your Dickensian reference is spot on the money. Please consider writing a piece on this topic for publication here at SBPDL. I'm sure Paul would welcome it. Incidentally, if anyone wants to read a Dickens novel that wasn't perverted by editorial demands for a happy ending, get a copy of "Hard Times".
Dickens' "telescopic philanthropy" was a perfect example of "arm's-length compassion" so that the donors need not get their hands dirty out at the sharp end of things. Just as they do today, fellow Whites or their own children were sent trundling off to various African hell holes only to raped and murdered for their trouble.
What will it take for people to understand that altruism only works among people with a common goal. Bogolyubski nails it when he labels this perverted Christian demand for promiscuous and indiscriminate altruism as "churchianity"!
These cross-blinded morons refuse to comprehend that you cannot show mercy to those who have none for you. You cannot treat peacefully those who seek only war with you. You cannot share wealth with career thieves.
Yet, American "churchianity" continues to cast its bread upon lakes of African sewage even as their own congregations are in dire need of help. This hypocrisy cannot stand. Deeming hostile, illiterate savages as being more "needy" than your own decent but unfortunate neighbors is a monstrous perversion of everything Christ ever taught.
RobertB: No. Mexico is Mexico because Mexicans live there. It will never change. All that will change is that America will become Mexico as well. Mexico has a very low average IQ. 4th generation Mexicans do no better here than 1st generation. In fact, second generation performs best of all.
I think that you mistake my meaning.
My intent was that if Blacks were removed from America's social equation, the whole concept of race-baiting and poverty pimping would disappear almost overnight. It would make the majority public more able to see how useful strict imposition of immigration laws would be.
This in turn could see a huge portion of America's illegal Hispanic population jettisoned. Construction of a Southern border barrier could soon follow. Deportation of criminal immigrants would be a no-brainer.
Instead, Black victimologists keep alive the entire virus of White Guilt and that tends to paralyze action on other fronts.
That was my point but I still thank you for responding to the principal question. I wish that others would as well. It really merits some further discussion.
"The makeup of the school is exactly what you'd expect given average IQs: at 105, asians hold the lead, whites are a close second at 100, hispanics distant 3rd at 93, and black semi-morons bring up the rear at a whopping 85. None of these programs matter. In 100 years, black will still be mopping floors, provided we haven't replaced them with robots. There is no place in a modern society for the Negro."
Umm, Mexico has an average IQ of merely 87. And we are not getting their best and brightest as the government is pushing their worst off on America.
In Minnesota, where the average white IQ is 105 (see Steve Sailor on this), Asians are behind whites here in academic achievement at all levels--including university.
All of that being said, a Nation exists to protect its own peoples. Asians, like Africans are not now, nor will they ever be, Americans. I am an American. I am descended on one side, from wholly colonial English stock (1634) that remained wholly English until they married into the other side that was Dutch in 1920.
I am an American. Neither Jose, Tenisha or Wong will ever be. And what's more, both they and the world at large know and understand that. Which is why they now gloat--because our nation has been so greatly diminished, that it actually elected an African to reside in the White (man's) House. This is "better" than even the 1930's era Soviet ever envisioned within the allotted time span for destroying the world's once great and mighty bastion of real capitalism.
504 said
Get a load of this bs
"Scientific rayysssiszm"
Scientific Racism
"Scientific racism is the use of pseudoscientific techniques and hypotheses to sanction the belief in racial superiority, inferiority or racism.[1] According to the United Nations convention, superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and that there is no justification for racial discrimination, in theory or in practice, anywhere"
(Oh the United Nations says it's bad so it must be REALLY bad!)
Here's a BIG spoonful of shit from the same article :
"After the end of the Second World War (1939–45) and the occurrence of the Holocaust, scientific racism in theory and action was formally denounced, especially in UNESCO's antiracist statement "The Race Question" (1950): "The biological fact of race and the myth of ‘race’ should be distinguished. For all practical social purposes ‘race’ is not so much a biological phenomenon as a social myth. The myth of 'race' has created an enormous amount of human and social damage. In recent years, it has taken a heavy toll in human lives, and caused untold suffering." However, the statement acknowledged that different human races exist."
Without even sniffing the faintest whiff of irony, in the same breath they declare race simultaneously a social construct AND a biological construct!
From time to time I hear people on sites like these ask, so WHY is the Holocaust such a big deal? Well re-read the above passage and you will have your answer. The Holocaust is directly responsible for demonizing anything considered "Pro-White." Whether that be Pro-White advocacy groups, IQ studies, studies on human bio-diversity, studies on Eugenics, studies on the negative effects of demographic shift (white to nonwhite), it's ALL EVIL AND RACIST because 6 million of the chosen (who were WHITE/Caucasian BTW) were allegedly gassed to death by the evil WHITE Nazis.
Ray Scissom said :
"What bothers me more about stories like this is the fact that it won't work, and black people only support the idea because it's a jab against white taxpayers and a way to create more useless middle class jobs and opportunity for theft and fraud by black people, not because they'll actually take advantage of the opportunity it would create."
That was BRILLIANT. In a single sentence you have encapsulated the entirety of the Snivel Rights Movement and Black "Politics" in general. Black Politics/Civil Rights Movement = Fuck Over Whitey For the Pleasure of it and keep our hands out for "gibsmedat."
Off topic, but I have to say something. I'm watching the sickening Olympic games opening ceremony and laughing/crying over the portrayal of Victorian England as having prominent 'Gentleman' of African descent. I fully expected as much, but actually witnessing it is more depressing than I had imagined. Brothers and Sisters...Please be as vigilant as possible in the coming months/years. Our enemy is as determined as possible and is relentless in their blind adherence to their sick ideology...and that is exactly what it is...a psycho/spiritual sickness...a death wish for the very culture which gave rise to their useless existence.
What a wonderful time to pull that "people of color" stuff out and b*tch slap them with it.
"My goodness, Miss Hone, what are you complaining about? People of Color are WAY overrepresented at TJ! Forty-four percent of the students are white, and all they get is 26 percent of the positions, whereas 56 percent of the students are People of Color, and they get the other 74 percent of the slots!
So you People of Color are 32 percent OVERrepresented [74/56-1] at TJ, and those poor white kids are 41 percent UNDERrepresented [1- 26/44] at TJ, yet all you People of Color are still bitching and whining and trying to take MORE slots from the poor white children you ALREADY discriminate against!?!?! What is wrong with you evil twisted greedy POC bloodsuckers!?!?!?! Your POC "Rainbow Alliance" is not going to be happy until you have cracked and sucked the marrow from our dead, white bleached bones!!!"
Anonymous said...
A while back someone on this site posted an official SAT picture of SAT scores between blacks and whites with parents at different income levels. The poorest whites were still outperforming the richest blacks. Does anybody have this link/picture?
In addition to the links Mr. Rational posted you can also find a lot of useful graphs and data analysis here
Martina Hone of the Coalition of Silence told NBC Washington. "African-American kids are not being identified. I'm worried that's race."
Bring it on Martina Hone.
Bring it on.
Let's test all kids and get this over with.
85 IQ points for the negroes. Bring it on. Test them all. Test your "meztizos" too. Test everyone.
Let's find out that negroes are capable of sweeping floors and meztizos are capable of gardening but neither will work if they don't have a boss.
Why do we not clog the courts with these law suits? If it happens enough it will stop as it is for the time being it is a one way street costing billions.
That is what we NEED to do. Clog the courts.
"How To Gum Up Any Institution"
Maybe if blacks weren't stupid they would do better in school?
Has anyone looked into that possibility?
I think it's not so much that these instigators are trying to raise blacks up, because deep down even they know that that's an impossibility. That being the case, they are attempting to bring whites down. Every single "social justice" plan and program they force on us achieves just that except for the very few who have the time, money, and/or committment and dedication to achieve in spite of them, such as homeschoolers and small business owners who are self-motivated, make their own success and don't play by their stupid rules.
Since mediocrity cannot rise above itself, excellence must be held down to the lowest common denominator.
H. West: Do not watch the Olympics. Do you imagine that the Powers That Be would allow this prestigious international event to be anything but an advertisement for multi-cult degeneracy? If you want to watch sports, watch sports, not spectacles aimed at amusing and deluding the masses. No doubt your local high school has a track team. Support them, not the Olympics. So what if they're not as fast as the Olympians, at least they're YOUR people.
Thanks, Zenster, but I'm a really slow writer, and besides, three paragraphs is about all I can manage before straying off topic.
"My intent was that if Blacks were removed from America's social equation, the whole concept of race-baiting and poverty pimping would disappear almost overnight. It would make the majority public more able to see how useful strict imposition of immigration laws would be."
Nope--they have their own race panderer's paid for with taxpayer monies and foundations money such as the Ford Foundation. With the Mexicans, the commies really found a winner, you see, they are "indigenous peoples". They "were here first". Now, let's leave aside the genetic fact that meso-americans are not the same as North American Indians--not by a long stretch, they claim they are, and, as such, they are entitled to everything we have and built.
So, it would not end with the darkies going back to Africa, it has only just begun. You can thank the children of those who migrated here after 1880. They brought the seeds of communism and a love and reverence for dictators with them--particularly those from Eastern Europe. The so called "Know Nothings" were right. Look and see who it was who filled the ranks of the Democratic Party from 1890 to 1926. And now think of where they settled (NE for the most part) and who they voted for and why.
So, you had all better pray for a melt down soon--while we still have absolute numbers and the guns on our side. I'm not worried about numerical odds in a battle, I am worried about ending up, long term, like the Boers.
I grew up in SW VA, amid the coal fields. It was and is a coal driven economy around this area that includes parts of W VA, KY and TN. It's the heart of Appalachia.
With the Obama-intensified EPA regulations coming on top of historically low natural gas prices and high NG surpluses, coal is dying. Whole counties back home are being devastated.
My big Methodist church in the North Atlanta suburbs does an occasional mission trip to Appalachia. It's driven by one small, determined group of congregants that are aging rapidly. The younger group has nothing to do with this mission; far more popular are the trips to Africa and Haiti that allow photoshoot opportunities and prominent placement in the resulting videos. The Missions leader, a young-ish pastor who seems the heir apparent at this church, is constantly being seen in tear-jerking posis holding black and brown kids. My contributions are continually being used to fund this hipster crowds travels-slash- resume builders. The youngest members use these trips to pad their college applications.
The situation in Appalachia is getting bleak and in some areas could be called dire. No one cares. I said contributions above instead of tithe because I refuse to fund these PC exercises in ego stroking and career building.
Skip the Africa cum bye yah. Help your own people- my people, the Scots Irish without whom this country could not have existed. Have your kids read Born Fighting. Above all, refuse to be a part of this antiwhite wave of "compassion" and "equality".
Several European countries are in a financial crisis...how do you explain that these countries need financial assistance when they are run by an all white government!!!!!!
Anon 7:06 Fantastic analytical thinking skills on display here, along with unsurpassed knowledge of the current realities of these countries.
Do a little research on immigration to Europe, start with England and France, then Italy and Greece.
Look up some articles on how these fine newcomers seem to be assimilating, for example, the Muslim N. Africans in France.
Check the ethnic breakdown of those receiving full public assistance, for housing, food, stipends, etc, no matter how many wives, how many children they have.
Look up the increasing incidences of violent crime and serious riot in the last decade in these nations.
Although these countries go to great lengths to extol the benefits of the 'multiculti' destruction of what they used to be, and the costs of all these programs tend to be hidden, you should be able to see why things have gotten worse.
If there are so many Asian students in the gifted program, then it can't be 'racist'. Also, why isn't the government cracking down on sports programs where most or 'too many' of the athletes are black?
I guess 'too many Asians' is the wrong kind of diversity but 'too many blacks' is never a problem. If the gifted student program had lots of blacks but no Asians, that would not be a problem.
Easy answer last anon. The European governments are not run for the betterment of the European people.
OT - Let's take a few minutes to remember all the lynching victims throughout our nation's history.
I'm going to pay respects to all of them that were lynched by other blacks. Probably with a shot of Lynchburg's finest, if you'll pardon the pun.
Anonymous said...
Several European countries are in a financial crisis...how do you explain that these countries need financial assistance when they are run by an all white government!!!!!!
July 28, 2012 7:06 AM
Invasion by non-working Turd World immigrants, who suck the lifeblood out of well-intentioned safety net programs and turn them into hammocks.
Wasn't that easy?
Everywhere there's a lot of government, we find inefficiency, corruption and the exact opposite of what was intended.
Everywhere there's black people, we find violence, crime, dependency and blight.
Who thought it was a good idea to combine black people and government? Who thinks that government should be able to discriminate by selectively supporting causes, programs and people by race, gender or sexual orientation? I could have sworn we just spent 50 years and countless billions of dollars to stop institutional discrimination. Again I'll say, if the current situation of white people being forced at the end of a gun to work and pay for those who wont do it themselves, and being forced through threat of imprisonment and violence to give up our right of free association, that doesn't seem like much of a privilege and I'm willing to have it taken away any time. End white privilege.
"Several European countries are in a financial crisis...how do you explain that these countries need financial assistance when they are run by an all white government"
Pay a little more attention to this blog and the answer isn't too hard to figure out. America is not the only country wasting billions of dollars trying to support the genetically enfeebled.
how do you explain that these countries need financial assistance when they are run by an all white government!!!!!!
The governments are full-blown Diversicrat, bringing in third-world parasites by the millions. Next question?
"Several European countries are in a financial crisis...how do you explain that these countries need financial assistance when they are run by an all white government!!!!!!"
I can give you one of the main reasons why this is so. Those European countries have suicidally generous, incredibly expensive welfare systems/social safety nets that many if not most of their non-white populations exploit. I don't know specifics about other countries but in England, the hard-working, tax-paying middle-class whites are emigrating in record numbers for this reason.
It's quite similar to the situation here in the US. A generous welfare system that provides benefits to NAMs will always be a drain on any society stupid enough to implement and sustain it.
Any clearer now?
P.S. Questions require question marks at their ends, whether or not you choose to use exclamation marks for emphasis.
Melanie: Since mediocrity cannot rise above itself, excellence must be held down to the lowest common denominator. [emphasis added]
Melanie, it is such a pleasure having you comment here.
Indeed, "lowest common denominator" is what it's all about.
Lowest common denominator programming killed quality television in the 1960s and this same approach is being used across the board. Public schools have slowly been eroded in this same manner as curriculum is "dumbed down" to the point where everybody can pass.
Hell, those do not pass are "socially promoted" to avoid damaging the self-esteem of pupils who would normally be held back a grade.
Of course, these f&*king Social Engineers give no thought about how damaging it is to someone's self-esteem when they discover that their only life career is being a burger flipper.
Rather neatly, all of that misery happens once the hapless victim of social promotion has been excreted by Liberal controlled academia. Too late then but what do they care so long as schools are churning out "graduates"?
The end result of lowest common denominator policy is to have America leveled with all the other Third World countries. Complete with pliant workforce, easily rigged elections and ripe for dictatorship.
Discard: Thanks, Zenster, but I'm a really slow writer, and besides, three paragraphs is about all I can manage before straying off topic.
So? Write the damn essay three paragraphs at a time!
The "moral vanity" of "competitive altruism" needs to be unmasked for the suicidal sprint to the (piano) wire that it is. Hell, anyone who can inject Dickens into a discussion of modern Liberalism would likely remain interesting no matter how far they strayed off topic.
RobertB: Nope--they have their own race panderer's paid for with taxpayer monies and foundations money such as the Ford Foundation.
None of which approach the skill and finesse of shakedown artistes like Jesse Jackson.
I hope you do understand that we are largely in violent, raucous agreement?
Anonymous said...
Several European countries are in a financial crisis...how do you explain that these countries need financial assistance when they are run by an all white government!!!!!!
July 28, 2012 7:06 AM
That's an easy one. They aren't. They're run, rather, controlled, by the people who manage the international monetary system. And they ain't White Gentiles!
Anon (7/28 7:06 AM): Several European countries are in a financial crisis...how do you explain that these countries need financial assistance when they are run by an all white government!!!!!!
The ever delightful Ann Barnhardt provides some much-needed insights.
This honorable woman voluntarily shut down her capital management brokerage last November because she no longer believes that there is any safety for investors in America's commodities and financial services network.
Barnhardt is infinitely more qualified than Sarah Palin to run for President. The interview covers ex-New Jersey governor John Corzine's theft of over ONE BILLION dollars from the brokerage he ran.
Speaking of education parody, advocates are pushing for more pre-K intervention in Mississippi to improve educational outcomes. This will achieve nothing, as we know that pre-K gains evaporate by adolescence and have little effect on e.g. fitness for employment.
The problem is that Mississippi's population is so heavily Black, and the smarter Blacks probably left the state between the 40's and the 70's. The ones left are hereditarily stupid, which is unfixable. But pre-K is a jobs program, and a government which is forbidden to acknowledge familial retardation has no alternative to throwing money at the problem.
Thus we have the blank-slate hypothesis and its bastard child BRA, running hand in hand at breakneck speed toward the USA's fiscal cliff. Ainnit wonderful?
They're running unsustainable socialist programs to deal with the massive strain of useless black people and other lazy minorities? What did I win?
Anonymous said...
So, why did the First Family choose a majority white school in the majority white, affluent suburb of Bethesda, MD for their two daughters? http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-12-07/politics/30484330_1_sidwell-friends-teriyaki-chicken-menu
July 27, 2012 6:50 AM
I'm going to give Obama 'a pass' on that one. He and Michelle did not choose Sidwell Friends. My guess, Hillary strongly recommended it.
Though I have no proof I'd be willing to bet this is what happened around May 1992:
Agent: OK Mr. Clinton, it appears you will be the Democrat nominee. Should you be elected YOU ARE NOT putting Chelsea in a DC public school. NO. Carter did that with Amy and it was a nightmare for her and for us (after a few months Carter pulled Amy out and hired a private tutor to instruct her at The White House)
Agent: OK, Bill, Hillary here's a short list of options for Chelsea, notice DC public school is not on it.
Hillary: This Sidwell Friends place sounds pretty nice.
Bill: Sounds good to me.
Agent: Then it's agreed, Sidwell Friends, I think you made the right choice here.
After it became clear that Obama was the nominee, I'll bet Hillary told him that story.
IMHO children of the President are a special exception due to security requirements, The Secret Service couldn't give a rat's patoot about education, their mission is to protect at all costs. Period.
"fears of a second civil war are not unfounded. I haven't gotten anyone to agree with me yet but my opinion is that it has already started with one side having the advantage of acting with impunity, leaving the other side that still respects the law as victims instead of combatants."
Perhaps I am being picky, but it is not a "Civil War" but a repulsing of an invading force, i.e. the rejection of the presence of an African Colony; The North American African Colony (TNAAC).
Traitorous DWL pour (or encourage others to pour) their money into the colony or Africa (Great Quote of Matthew 23 there Bogolyubski!) while spewing out confusion and definitions questioning if race even exists. All this is to delay White response or weaken reaction. Don't engage them at all.
We must remove the black colony.
Ray Scissom: What did I win?
This nearly mint condition slightly cracked North American Veeblefetzer!
When homeschool prohibition comes to BRA , it will be on the claim that homeschooling is discriminatory. The Negro doesn't have equal access because no one in their house can teach. When the racial quotas for school discipline scheme fails they will have to find yet another way to punish White America. Private schools will have to be forbidden too.
Change the site acronym and name. BOLBBP. Bunch Of Losers Blaming Black People.
Several commenters mentioned their church's "telescopic charity" to Africa while folks at home suffer. Here is my recent experience. I am an ethnic white living in the south. My folks fled statism in the old country to come here. My church asked me to contribute money for mission to Ethiopia. I refused. I told the deacon that those people were neither my countrymen nor my kin, and I had no moral obligation to help them. There were enough local people who could use our charity.
But, he replied, they are human beings.
My response: So were the totalitarians (first Nazi's, then communists) who butchered my forebearers.
I think I am done with this church. They build up loads, and place them on others to carry.
Thank you Zenster. As my husband says, "Sh*t smells, class tells, and water seeks its own level".
It's really all part of the bottom line which we've all discussed here-blacks only know to destroy, they are utterly incapable of creating anything of societal importance. Therefore, as they can't close the achievement gap through rising to meet the upper level, they will use all means to close it by dragging whites down to the lowest level, even if artificially (by denying them a thorough education because it won't include blacks, or by social promotions for blacks in school and in the workplace, etc).
They've done the same thing with popular culture. I don't know if there truly is such a thing as "high culture" anymore. What there is of it is a remnant of its past glory days.
It seems like there are fewer giants these days, men such as those of former times who marched to their own beat (in a deeper sense, not the shallow pop culture sense)-the wonderful British eccentrics of genius, the American titans of the Gilded Age, that sort. Today's homogenised culture seems to have destroyed the necessary environment for that type of man-one man who could change a world of philosophy, science, industry, etc-forever. Thanks to the all-conquering god of "equality". This kind of equality never could and never will breed such men.
I live in the catchment area for TJ. This has been building for a long time - about 10 years. It started with the garbage of blacks demanding that there be "wider" "understandings" of what "gifted" meant. No longer was it to mean well above average scores in ability for maths and sciences, things like "artistic expression", "musical ability" etc were to be included for consideration in the G&T programs. TJ has a pretty rigorous screening program, loads of bright white & Asian kids who apply don't get in, but no matter. Marginal blacks of BUPPIE parents want in and they intend to hector and harangue until they do.
Years ago, with the blacks starting up this nonsense and demands to do away with any standardized testing as a baseline, we left the public school system all together and homeschooled. It has the advantage of being 100% black and PC-free.
"Help your own people- my people, the Scots Irish without whom this country could not have existed."
As a guido, WOP, dago, guinea greaseball, Thank You. You are correct. Non-whites have never been something we care about anyway, but it never hurts to remind people.
As the rapes, murders and desecration of bodies continue in S. Africa, which is far more openly hostile to whites than the USA continues unabated I wonder how much more we will endure here before we wake up?
Must it get that bad here or worse?
"I hope you do understand that we are largely in violent, raucous agreement?"
I do, I just want people to see that there are now multiple threats arrayed against us--which was always the plan. People need to see that the breakup of our country is the plan and they need to plan accordingly. You will not want to be white in an area that breaks away and is not predominately white--the genocide will come. Most whites, like the Jews, in that situation will go to their deaths peaceably--begging for mercy all the way.
Ex-Lincolnite here:
Much of the current problem with BRA is that DWL's put up with it. It stems from the fact that schools from elementary school through university want more to win the basketball or football game than they want to have an educated populace.
So it does not matter that blacks and other criminals infest our campuses, all that matters is that the football team win on Saturday. At what point do we say that having a bunch of illiterate coons on a campus is antithetical to education?
Charles Murray demonstrated in "The Bell Curve" that blacks are simply incapable of learning higher level skills. So why not make the NFL or NBA create their own farm system like baseball instead of placing dangerous colored players there? It is becoming clear that the downfall of American education is entirely related to the wasted effort to integrate the black into the greater society at large.
Further, even libtard progressive minded professors at Universities believe this to be true. They couch their understanding by saying athletics (blacks) have too much focus, but what if intercollegiate sports were removed from campus? Then there would be no blacks.
Finally, I think we need to understand the fact that blacks have no place in modern American life. We are in the information age. What good are blacks if they cannot command even cursory levels of information? "Jamal might not be able to read, write, or add and subtract, but he sure has a good sense of rhythm!"
As a corollary to comments made by 10mm Auto and others: There is a new Civil War on the horizon. I would take heed as a white person to get the hell out of any parts of BRA. Take guidance from ex-New Yorker et. al. and get the hell out while the getting is still good.
Melanie, excellent comments. So glad you are here.
Anonymous said...
Change the site acronym and name. BOLBBP. Bunch Of Losers Blaming Black People.
July 28, 2012 5:41 PM
Can't blame whitey for black on black violence. Can't blame whitey for high rates of STDs in the black population (including AIDS). Can't blame whitey for black children refusing to learn when given the opportunity to learn. Can't blame whitey for a culture that promotes: drug use, violence, rape, misogyny, promiscuous sex. Much of what happens to blacks today they are responsible for.
YIH: You have just shattered my last illusion regarding Jimmy Carter. I always considered him to be a complete fool, and sanctimonious to boot, but I did admire him for be true to what he preached by placing Amy in the local public school system.
I NEVER saw it reported that she was taken out of the public schools and privately tutored, although I was aware that the Clintons enrolled Chelsea in public schools but "supplemented" that with tutors, summer school, etc.
"Anonymous said...
I grew up in SW VA, amid the coal fields. It was and is a coal driven economy around this area that includes parts of W VA, KY and TN. It's the heart of Appalachia. ... The situation in Appalachia is getting bleak and in some areas could be called dire. No one cares."
Is there an organization you can point us to that DOES care, and to which we can contribute?
Melanie said: "...It seems like there are fewer giants these days, men such as those of former times who marched to their own beat (in a deeper sense, not the shallow pop culture sense)-the wonderful British eccentrics of genius, the American titans of the Gilded Age, that sort."
While I wouldn't call them giants, I think the entrepreneurs who are developing commercial space travel are worth watching.
Unfortunately, in order to do space travel right, we need breakthroughs in science that only governments can afford to pursue, as well as new technologies and manufacturing. Still, these men may be founding colonies on Mars while BRA is still trying to drag the Negro out of the gutter.
I remember some years back attending a PTA meeting at a school in a BR-MidAtlantic city.
It was your typical disordered, uncontrolled, display of one shouted grievance after the other.
A flashpoint were the increasing numbers of suspensions issued to black students for the typical, physically-violent infractions.
One father, who looked as if he was on the verge of becoming violent himself, said: 'why can't these schools simply accept that for some people fighting is what they're comfortable doing? Why are they being punished for this?'
I could'nt believe what I was hearing, I saw almost all heads nodding in agreement.
~ 20 yrs ago, as insane and irresponsible as this parent's nonsense, I would never have believed that in the not too distant future, his wish (to not see black students punished for what they do in far higher proportion than anyone else), is close to becoming a reality.
Lex32: As the rapes, murders and desecration of bodies continue in S. Africa, which is far more openly hostile to whites than the USA continues unabated I wonder how much more we will endure here before we wake up?
Must it get that bad here or worse?
Much worse, evidently. From what I can tell (and I've done some real reading and had several online exchanges with white South Africans), the majority of SA whites continue to support a regime dedicated to their erasure. They simply cannot face that hideous reality regardless of how many ghastly examples of it they are encountered with. As far as I can tell (please correct me if I'm wrong), nobody was forcing the Vianas to employ the groids who killed them as gardners. They freely chose to employ them. If nothing else, they could have done their own damned gardening.
White SA farmers suffer from one of the highest rates of murder on the planet - carried out with the not-so-tacit cooperation of the ANC Marxist regime, its police and courts (which include whites) - yet they continue to hire groids to work on their farms despite the presence of white shantytowns in the larger urban areas. From what I've been told by expats, the prime motivation for this practice is cheap labor as the regime's laws about racial preferences do not yet extend to family-owned businesses such as farms.
In a previous thread I repeated a story told to me by a white SA expat who was falsely accused of a bomb plot. The SA equivalent of the FBI stormed his house in full combat gear. Of the 28 jackboots involved, 10 were white. Whites will sell out their fellow whites for a mere promise (always false) of "acceptance" by the oligarchy who controls every single white nation on the planet with two possible exceptions (Russia and Albania - Albania gets off because they're Moose-Limbs). The power of equalitarian ideology is enormous, and the enforcement mechanism is there to be applied ruthlessly against those who rebel.
To put it bluntly, SA whites would be fully morally justified in carrying out a campaign of ruthless "terror" against members of the ANC regime and any person who even passively supports it. None of the regime's laws should have any weight. All methods of total warfare should be employed. No quarter should be given to "journalists", police, judges, lawyers, clergy, teachers, etc. Any and all methods to bring about chaos and economic collapse should be employed. The ANC regime is completely evil. Anything short of its total destruction is unacceptable and anyone who supports it is a legitimate target of lethal violence.
Have we seen a single instance of anyone there standing up to the ongoing campaign of genocide? No. The ANC regime enacts ever-stricter guns laws and guess who obeys them? Whites. They enact PCMC outrage after PCMC outrage and guess who goes along - digging their own pathetic graves? Whites. Despite all the bravado one sees on sites like this warning of the great day of comeuppance for groids and the vampire-squids and DWL toadies who created and operate BRA, there's the ugly reality of our own peoples' craven cowardice and betrayal for money staring us right in the face.
(N.GA)- A comment from a young girl about an article of racism. I feel her pain and just wanted to share with the group-
School is hell. I go to a 99% mexican school. They all speak spanish. Last year they called me weta(white girl), puta(bitch),wanna be chola(wanna be mexican thug)..etc. Every time theres a new white person they ask me if we're related. I had a few boys say, "that white bitch needs to go back to Tennessee". IM not even from tennessee. I had a girl tell me I looked dead because Im pale. I had a girl come up to me with a group and surround me and tell me to go back to my white school. Ive been called white whore. Guys wont go out with me because Im white even if they like me. Girls wont be my friends bcuz im "different". Girls dont like me because of my color. In history class, they always make jokes about the KKK or ask me if im part of it. They say whites are the only people in government and that whites are racist. I tell them I wouldnt be there if i was racist. I have a black step dad. Im not racist whatsoever. Im only in 8th grade!! The school system sucks. Everyone is disrespectful regarding a few. We only have 2 white teachers. In english last year they made poems about mexicans being the greatest race but i couldnt say anything bcuz that would be racist. When we play sports in pe and i ask for help(like in theoutfield in baseball) they ignore me. I AM THE MINORITY HERE. Fuck the whole blacks, mexicans, asians etc. being the minority. Fuck what SOME NOT ALL white people did in the past. What about the quakers who helped slaves escape?????????!!!!!! Have you ever heard of scholarships specifically for Blacks, Mexicans, Asians etc. but NONE FOR WHITES. Ur not historically disadvantaged anymore. Shut up already!!! Ur great grandma might of been discriminated against but u probably dont even know ur great grandma so shut up. Slavery ended in the 1800s or earlier so SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!! REVERSE DISCRIMINATION is growing and its only gonna cause WAR. Look if ur illegally here get papers or get the fuck out and learn our language. Its not even america anymore, we dont have one language or a main language anymore. alot of mexicans are the reason for alot of violence. thats a fact NOT a stereotype. One of the most dangerous gangs in the US is ALL MEXICAN and mostly illegal MEXICANS AND HISPANICS. So we're not discriminating its just the cold hard facts. You would not believe how many people have wanted to fight me just because I look different. You dont hear about White people getting in fights because someone looked at them wrong, well atleast not that often but you hear it all the time about other races. I STRONGLY believe that BLACKS BELONG TO AMERICA just as much as whites do, they helped build this nation. But you should not get a scholarship cuz of ur race or get wellfare if ur an illegal immigrant!!!
RobertB says,
--the genocide will come. Most whites, like the Jews, in that situation will go to their deaths peaceably--begging for mercy all the way."
I wonder: do you really believe that? Literally? Or are you saying the situation is dire and you're making that point in extreme metaphor?
I really can't tell, at times, how serious some of the commenters are here when it comes to these apocalyptic,doomsday scenarios;it's weird, because you and some of the other commenters, such as Zenster and Ray Scissor(sp) seem intelligent and learned enough through the cumulative effect of your comments ------ yet those and other such commenters are capable of predictions that seem outright fantastical and even a bit paranoid (e.g., "Obama will not leave the white house voluntarily if he doesn't win re-election, etc.)
To me, IMHO there's a weird contrast between the general soundness and literacy level to the commenters and the occasionally outright kookiness to many of the prognostications here.
Fact is, many here envision an oncoming racial apocalypse that really isn't that different than Charles Manson's visons of "Helter Skelter."
The Jews, The Chinese, and the Russians all thought the same thing. I live in Asia been to Cambodia quite a few times been to the Killing Fields and the Torture School.
Do you really think that genocide and civil war are out of the question? History is on the side of those who chose to study and acknowledge it.
Because the atrocities seem to happen so quickly people look back to the warning signs. They all seem so obvious after the fact. Don't you think things that have been occurring for fifty years are more are not leading to something? If it is headed off and stopped before it can happen no harm and people go on with their lives. If the result is civil war or open genocide future generations will say, "How did they not see the signs?"
Kylie: Melanie, excellent comments. So glad you are here.
A hearty second to that emotion!
PS: Glad to see you back commenting in force, Kylie. You have been missed.
53GR says:
I see a lot of people referencing Murray and Herrnstein’s book The Bell Curve. I’ve read some synopses of the section on race and IQ. Yes, I’ve ordered it and intend to read it and take notes. However, I see that it was published in 1994. That means that the research is close to two decades old. Isn’t there a more current work out there on race and IQ?
Anon (7/29 11:41 AM): YIH: You have just shattered my last illusion regarding Jimmy Carter. I always considered him to be a complete fool, and sanctimonious to boot, but I did admire him for be true to what he preached by placing Amy in the local public school system.
You will be happy to know that, more recently, Carter has dedicated himself to osculating Saudi rectums with a vigor that almost matches 0bama's.
Do a search on who is funding Carter's center for studies. Just have a barf bag handy.
Imagine how, immediately after the Iranian hostages were taken, if America had begun to carpet bomb increasingly larger Iranian cities. Any lack of quick compliance would have seen the majlis (Iranian Parliament) swarmed with flocks of cruise missiles.
Instead, what have we been treated to?
[cue Rod Serling]
In this evening's Night Gallery is on display an essay by Dr. John David Lewis called:
“No Substitute for Victory”
The Defeat of Islamic Totalitarianism
Some of you will find it disturbing. Many others will find its length boring or off-putting. A few will discover an unnerving display of what America's military might has been reduced to.
I give you:
Altruism leads to the same conclusion. To fight for our own benefit—to elevate our lives over those of our enemies—is almost universally condemned today as selfish and thus "immoral." A moral war, according to altruism, is a war fought self-sacrificially, for the good of others, especially for the weak. It is only by a continuous policy of aiding others that we can rise to moral goodness. Even restrained, limited military action is wrong, if taken for our own benefit. In this view, a strong power is good only when it recognizes the moral claims of those in need—even enemies and their supporters. The route to peace is not through victory, since altruism ("otherism") cannot abide the defeat of others. The "path to tomorrow" is through the sacrifice of our own wealth, values, and lives to the needs of others—even those who threaten us. Again, their freedom must be our goal—their prosperity must be our mission—if we wish to be "good."
If anyone thinks that this same sort of "altruism" (paging Bogolyubski) is any different from yesterday's, today's or tomorrow's definition of "altruism", then you are severely deluded.
Read Dr. John David Lewis' lengthy but rewardingly full article. You will see why crushing Iran is a top priority. While Saudi Arabia is first and foremost on our collective "Christmas List", please do not think that any of our current crop of politicians would ever be exempt.
Well, my MIL is a little peeved at me for not going to the church picnic. My husband told her we weren't going. She's still brainwashed by the multicult and still thinks we're in the 1950's.
She said I go to church for the lord. OK, fine by me, by MY lord doesn't ask me to help niggers in the Congo.
She said you can delineate whom you want to send money to, the niggers in the Congo or people here.
I told her I don't trust these vile churches. They lie.
I told her that if I would have went to the picnic today, all hell would have broke loose. I wouldn't have been able to sit idly by and listen to these idiotic DWL's blather on and on.
As far as whom to give your charitable donations to? White families and white children.
I'm an extreme couponer and I get things for practically free. I cherry pick certain white families and invite them over to go grocery shopping, for free.
I'm able to help my own tribe, I save money, it gives me something valuable to do with my spare time and one less nigger is getting something for free.
I had debated donating some of my stockpile to the food pantry, but these places love the non-whites as well.
I also give my aluminum cans and CRV bottles to a few white men who are poor. They can take the cans and bottles in at the local recycling center for cash.
That's how I help my people.
nikcrit: Zenster and Ray Scissor(sp) seem intelligent and learned enough through the cumulative effect of your comments
Purchase a clue.
You and your Black kind are f&*ked.
Full stop. End of line. Paragraph.
There is no hope for Blacks beyond what can be seen in sub-Saharan Africa. And that is a melange of utter hopelessness beyond everything that any sane person can imagine.
You and yours are destined for history's scrap heap and nothing else.
Want to know just who's to blame?
@Kylie :Thanks Kylie. I'm glad we're here, if for no other reason than because too many white women aren't holding our end up regarding being racially realistic. My input isn't as well-versed as the guys, but we need to show that at least some of us are on-board in recognising what blacks and their culture are doing nationally and worldwide to destroy and/or degrade Western civilisation.
@nickrit: I daresay hardly anyone in the entire world, including the DWL, America, amd the entire west which pressured South Africa to end apartheid had any concern that the whites there would be subject to the violent terrorist siege which they're now enduring, but it's happening right now. Have you read the latest savage barbaric atrocity which has been visited upon a white family, including a 12 yo, in South Africa? (The's a link to the story somewhere in these posts). Nothing whites ever did in the history of that country can even approach its barbarism. And it's not one isolated event-whites are truly under siege there. They have been since the end of apartheid. Blacks may not be able to build or maintain civilisations, but they are unequalled in visiting heinous crime upon each other, and upon whites. It seems to go in cycles in every African nation, and if there aren't whites in the line of fire, they will kill, maim, rape, and even eat each other. So it's not so very far-fetched to think it couldn't happen here, the violence in the hoods is escalating and spilling over to whites already, blacks are attacking whites with impunity. Zimmerman is a canary in the coal mine as to whether whites will lawfully retain the right to defend ourselves.
Idiots like Nickrit and his ilk can't see the forest for the trees. That man is in denial and so much so, that's it's embarrasing to witness.
He lives in a Liberal fog and he's drank the Cool Aid like so many of his Libtard counterparts. The simple fact that he can't imagine that something bad could happen to entire groups of people says volumes about him.
Hey Nic, go read a history book sometime and give the Internet a break. Educate yourself and quit drinking the governments Cool Aid.
Nikrit: I don't have any doubt that the future of America is an apocalyptic one. Anyone who understands how fragile our economic situation is knows that things will get bad. People who are able to see black people for what they are in this country are right to fear. When times are good, black people as a whole make no effort to support themselves or plan for the future, and riots and violence are just a normal everyday occurrence. What do you suppose is going to happen when the EBT cards stop working and the trucks that bring skittles and watermelon tea to the hood stop showing up? It'll make Charles Manson look like a moderate.
What sets people like Zenster, myself and many of the commenters here apart from the masses is that we aren't going to sit back and wait until the black horde is at our doors looking for a handout to raise the alarm. It's called preparedness, and it's one of those things that has helped us to build the civilization your people are intent to destroy. If you're not preparing for unrest at this point, you might as well hang a sign that says "willing victim" on your door.
Do I want the system to collapse? Of course not, but I'd certainly rather be prepared for it or see it collapse on my own terms than to wait for a dangerous situation to envelop my family and be unable to support and protect them. I'll have the means and willingness to defend what I love in this world against any threat, but I'm smart enough to see the most likely threat will be lazy, shiftless and unprepared black people because I've watched the government prepare them as an Orc army for years, and I've watched them demonize people who look and think like I do as the enemy. When the shit hits the fan, and it will, I won't be standing close enough to get a shitbath, and my family will have the resources necessary to clean up any shit that might land in our general area. Until then, you keep buying rims and trinkets and we'll keep buying guns and food and we'll just agree to disagree right up until the moment you realize that you can't eat rims, and that the gubmint isn't coming to feed you anymore. That's the point where you decide whether to starve where you are or take your chances against people like me. I'm pretty confident that the stretch of land from the road to my door will be the most unpleasant and least survivable path for anyone shortsighted enough to try and cross it alone or with a few dozen friends. Calling me a racist or crazy doesn't matter, because I'll be around to write the history and you won't.
Dissident, I think that Nitcrit is Black. For him, multi-cultural lies are a defense against despair. He can't give them up.
Thanks to all who replied to my comment; fyi, I'm not even thinking politically on this; just curious as to how literal the concerns and prognostications are on blogs like these.
Which leads me to ask anyone who cares to reply:
Who here believes that Obama will use extralegal measures to remain in the white house if he loses the presidential election in November?
Ray Scissom: What sets people like Zenster, myself and many of the commenters here apart from the masses is that we aren't going to sit back and wait until the black horde is at our doors looking for a handout to raise the alarm. It's called preparedness, and it's one of those things that has helped us to build the civilization your people are intent to destroy. If you're not preparing for unrest at this point, you might as well hang a sign that says "willing victim" on your door.
Thank you, Ray. I deeply hope that you will set yourself apart in just one more way. And that is by starting to write articles for contribution here at SBPDL.
Rumors that Paul plans to shut this site down are driving me towards doing something I have resisted for many years and that is creating my own blog. You and many other contributors here at SBPDL will receive specific invitations to participate.
Race Realism may well be the only chance White Western civilization has of surviving. Most ironic of all is that Race Realism may also be one of the few chances that American Blacks have of avoiding genocide. This hideous prospect looms large on the horizon so long as White people do not wake the fuck up and smell the coffee. Race Realism is that caffeinated beverage and several million gallons will be needed to wash away the Kool-Aid that White America has been chugging for the last several decades.
Ray, your help is desperately needed right now just to preserve our heritage against rampant revisionism that seeks to eRace it, much less write the annals of White America's revival.
Nickrit -
Who cares what you think? Why should any of us answer your questions? Who pulled your chain?
How do YOU feel about blacks murdering each other, about black women breeding dumb and violent foot soldiers to perpetrate black genocide, about the 2% black male population committing over 90% of murder (mostly black victims) but some even white? Explain that. Explain to us what blacks contribute to society that we CAN NOT PROCURE ON OUR OWN?
How do you find the nerve to ask any of us about our predictions for the future of whites in America and the West? We are in dire straits. You are a teacher, how do you have so much free time on your hands when your people are causing so much death and destruction? Have you been telling your own black youths to clean up their act? Are you plannign to open up a few black morality schools to help civilize these murderous thugs? To teach them to stop demanding that the white man pay their bills forever more?
Don't you have some work to do, brother?
Why do you come here for white approval? You will never be accepted. Never. Clean your own house. You are entitled to nothing.
nikcrit: Who here believes that Obama will use extralegal measures to remain in the white house if he loses the presidential election in November?
You just don't get it, do you?
0bama is already using "extralegal measures" to ensure a win in November. Getting the DoJ to strike down rightfully enacted state voter ID laws is extralegal.
Refusing to deport voting age illegal aliens is another way to pad the voting rolls. And that is extralegal as well.
I don't know why I'm feeding a troll like you but I'll try and stop now. You are beyond hope.
"Who here believes that Obama will use extralegal measures to remain in the white house if he loses the presidential election in November?"
WTF, are you writing a term paper? Are you trying to make white friends when you bashed all commenters and the blog host on several occasions?
What do you even care what we white devils think? You have quite a reputation on several blogs, and you have been banned before, yet you return again and again, like a weed.
Once you go black, you don't go back, right? That's what black tell us. Obama is a black thug, expected to "go gangsta" on us in November. All blacks support this degeneracy because they have no morality. They are natural slaves.
Haven't you and your black people have been waiting for the Black Jesus in the sweet chariot to come and carry you home?
You have come so far "by any means necessary", why would you expect the average illiterate welfare black victim to suddenly rise up and express even a shred of morality? Why should we answer you anyway?
Why won't you just go away?
What do blacks contribute to white society that we can not do for ourselves?? Name one thing.
I love the posters on this blog, I visit every day to fortify myself and my family. We should not have to answer to them, we just need to take care of each other. Nickrit is one of the enemy.
"prognostications", LOL.
Nikcrit: I do not believe that BHO will attempt to use extra-legal means to remain in office. (Vote fraud, yes of course, but I take you to mean the suspension of habeas corpus or martial law, that sort of thing.) He is, like Romney, a tool of larger interests. Corporate America/Wall Street does not benefit from chaos and civil war.
Not that he and his kind would refrain from a coup if they thought they could pull it off.
I shouldn't waste valuable time by responding to your post, especially in a thread that is now old, but I will for posterity.
In the 60's, on the street, there began the voicing of the hatred of the white man. By the late 60's, Hollywood itself was doing so. It was slight, at first, but there it was. The white man had committed atrocities against all of the rest of the world and even "mother earth" herself was one of our victims. The lifestyles of aboriginal peoples began to be extolled as virtuous, as opposed to ours, which was depicted as rapacious. Hollywood either glorified criminals or it attacked white businessmen of being crooks, criminals and downright evil. Communists had come to see that American capitalism could not be defeated on a monetary basis--it was just too good at providing wealth for the average American--then 90% white people. In 1960, America was as close to being a Utopian society as the world will ever see.
So, in the schools, they taught the children of white men to hate themselves. They taught the black man--already waging a quiet war of murder on the white man, to hate the very person who's existence the black man to maintain his own. The Indians, we were taught, were not blood thirsty savages living in the stone age, nope, they were the one people who were in sync with Mother Nature and at one with the universe--and the unholy white man had sought to exterminate them due to his evil desire to rape and pillage the earth.
Everything about the white man, including his pale skin, was proof of his lack of humanity--in other words, he was being dehumanized, the first step on the path to genocide. He couldn't dance--despite the existence of Ballet and the wonderful male dancers. He couldn't sing, despite the existence of the Opera, he couldn't make music, despite Mozart. He had no sense of rhythm, despite the beautiful Waltz. He was boring, could not play sports, was weak and ineffectual--despite his having repeatedly conquering the world. He had a small penis (actual studies say otherwise), could not hold on to his women. He couldn't play the sports he had invented--when it was the blacks who couldn't play effectively, if playing by the rules.
His women? They were lulled by feminism to side against him. They were taught to see him as manipulative and controlling. To see him as an obstructionist to their own self glorification. The laws were changed to criminalize his natural born rights and behavior such that he could no longer protect himself and his family from predation. He was no longer allowed to compete or defend himself from minority aggression. No longer allowed to segregate his women from the predatory pimps. The only good white man, was a "man" who denigrated and attacked his own kind, in favor of the other.
Now the time has come for the white woman--her use in largely destroying the white community, it's family structure and the white man's masculinity no longer being needed, she is being taught to her own children. She is seen, increasingly, as only be good when she cares for non-white children, when she bears non-white children. It wasn't enough for black "leaders" of the 60's and 70's to exhort black men and brown men to rape white women as a form of war against whites, it is now necessary for them to totally abandon their own so they can be physical hosts to the "other".
Much is made here of "DWL's"--The DWL is not smart, the DWL is a coward. He fears the dark man. He/she saw in the 60's cities on fire and responded with payoffs to anti-civilization mobs. The response of a manly man would have been to gun them down in the streets and jail the survivors. That was how Lincoln handled the Irish draft riots in NYC. That is how Roosevelt handled the veterans who marched on Washington D.C. demanding their (justly entitled) war bonus. The white man is told he cannot defend his own turf against the mob, no, he must pay them off by sacrificing his hard earned "wealth" to the dark man, instead of his own family.
That tactic continued on in the schools. Under "integration" of the public schools in the 70's, white children were taught that they must submit to black (and later "hispanic") violence--the authorities were not going to intervene. He was not allowed to defend himself or his friends, under threat of expulsion from the very school that was built with his father's tax dollars in his own neighborhood for the benefit of his own children.
The enemy went on to impugn his institutions, his religion, his history, his very way of life. Nothing was left untouched--all was torn down in the name of "fairness". He was no longer allowed to practice his own people's ancient practices and customs--because they might offend the "other". He was no longer allowed a say in just who would inherit his lands and his nation. He was, effectively, told he could no longer have a nation or a homeland--at the same time he was told he was evil for depriving other peoples of their right of self determination in their homelands.
Never before in the history of the world has such a demographic change taken place without the eventual advent of genocide. And now, just as in the 60's, when dehumanization began, "they" have begun to talk openly of our needed demise:
Noel Ignatiev -- "The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race".
Susan Sontag -- "The white race is the cancer of human history."
Tim Wise -- "[Leftists] know how to regroup, and plot, and plan, and they are planning even now — we are — your destruction."
Dr. Kamau Kambon -- "We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet, to solve this problem." (--Speech on CSPAN)
Theodore Kaufman -- "Germany Must Perish!"
Martin Luther King -- "I'm sure that integration will lead to intermarriage."
Ah yes, Nikrit, some of us are heading the warnings in front of them.
Nikrit said-
"Who here believes that Obama will use extralegal measures to remain in the white house if he loses the presidential election in November?"
This last week The DHS, among other things, ordered 450 Million rounds of .40 hollow point ammo. Just who, given Obama's "love" of Mexicans, is the DHS arming itself for? 450 million rounds is a lot of ammo--what army are they intending to fight?
Nikrit: I believe Obama will take a loss with grace, because his opponent is being funded by the same parties and plans to carry out the same policies with few superficial changes.
I do believe that Obama, with the help of the unions and corrupt DNC will work to win and that includes vote fraud and election tampering and whatever else they can think of. Nobody wants to lose.
@Ray Scissom
You are correct about preparedness.I have 9 siblings, their spouses and children, my husband's grown sons with their spouses and children, all our extended family including in-laws. We are a close-knit family. Most of the men, and some of the women, know how to hunt (including bow and arrow) and fish. My siblings and I, and other of our relatives, were raised learning how to grow and gather food. Many have served in the military, either short or long term. All of us bring varying useful skills to the table.
Between us all-how shall I put this discreetly-we are well-prepared on the defense front. Between us, we own different properties in the boondocks of the states in which we live. We are a resourceful bunch and always find a way to solve our problems without outside dependence. When TSHTF, in whichever way it comes, we will be ready.
Please excuse my typos above, I was in a hurry.
One such is about white women--being taught to hate their own children and taught to love the "other" instead.
Great comment, RobertB. That needs to be taught in every public school history class until Whites no longer feel the least scintilla of shame about their unparalleled success.
Here is another quote for your list. It was published by a Swedish far-Left, anti-racist organization and written by Korean born co-founder of Expo, Tobias Hübinette (later adopted by Swedish parents). He wrote in 1996:
“To feel and even think that the white race is inferior in every conceivable way is natural with regards to its history and current actions. Let the Western countries of the white race perish in blood and suffering. Long live the multicultural, racially mixed and classless ecological society! Long live anarchy!”
Sweden is busy drawing countless thousands of these vipers to her breast. Tobias Hübinette and his ilk are the enemy within Western civilization.
"Anonymous said...
I grew up in SW VA, amid the coal fields. It was and is a coal driven economy around this area that includes parts of W VA, KY and TN. It's the heart of Appalachia. ... The situation in Appalachia is getting bleak and in some areas could be called dire. No one cares."
Is there an organization you can point us to that DOES care, and to which we can contribute?
July 29, 2012 11:59 AM
Yes there is. These are good folks doing great work:
Some good responses to the mulatto nikcrit, but in future please do not feed the troll. It only encourages him. He asks the same rhetorical questions over and over and over again, always with a sardonic smirk at the clueless racists he's addressing, always blaming White man, in the end, for any of society's ills.
Good catch, anonymous. Nikcrit was always at pains, when he hijacked so many threads at OneSTDV, to note his purportedly prominent past career in the music and entertainment industry, and his current "profession" in public education. Yet he always has time to surf the web and hijack comment threads. I am a stay-at-home mom (and my younger son is still on summer break), so I have an excuse!
"Some good responses to the mulatto nikcrit, but in future please do not feed the troll. It only encourages him. He asks the same rhetorical questions over and over and over again, always with a sardonic smirk at the clueless racists he's addressing, always blaming White man, in the end, for any of society's ills."
I'm not a troll; I'm considered conservative at work; what you're referring to is the tendency, among certain commenters here, to make me into a 'nitwit black supremacist' when they learn that I'm half-NAM, irregardless of what I say.
And me, being generally good-natured, usually isn't one to try too hard in stopping another's slanderous rant.What you call 'hijacking threads' more often than not is me responding to uninitiated ad hominems thrown at me.
"Good catch, anonymous. Nikcrit was always at pains, when he hijacked so many threads at OneSTDV, to note his purportedly prominent past career in the music and entertainment industry, and his current "profession" in public education. Yet he always has time to surf the web and hijack comment threads. I am a stay-at-home mom (and my younger son is still on summer break), so I have an excuse!"
Ahh, here's a revelation: public school districts feature these yearly interludes called ....."summer break." Really!
However, it's true, it's hard for me to get used to nearly two months off; as, yes, in those earlier gigs as a publicist and newspaper critic, (btw, two 'rank-&-file' industry positions; hardly "prominent" jobs) I rarely had more than a few weeks off each year.
Sheila, in fact it's that journalistic past of mine that made me feel somewhat flattered when you confused a comment excerpted from the Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist Leonard Pitts with something you claimed I penned anonymously.
Thank you so much for the backhanded compliment! (Lol! And If you don't recall this incident offhand, I will happily provide you with the link to that thread)
It's not very flattering to have one's comments mistaken for the utterances of a Black hack like Leonard Pitts. And given the corrupt nature of the news media, the Pulitzer Prize is meaningless. Might as well boast of being Detroit's Teacher of the Month.
Sending them to a school for science and technology is some kind of cruel joke.
Well, yeah, it is, until you realize that the goal isn't actually to have these kids succeed, long term, in the current curriculum at that school. The bureaucrats who brought this lawsuit aren't dumb people. They know that sticking these kids in an advanced curriculum will just further highlight their inability to compete.
The actual plan is to attack the curriculum, as being racist, after the kids are enrolled and fail at it for a few years. The actual goal is to get rid of curriculums like this altogether, as part of the dumbing down process in broader education curriculums.
This isn't new. This process is being pursued and funded in districts throughout the USA. After all, you can't dumb down the general curriculum only to have the gifted curriculum remain the same, as the educational chasm between the two would become too large to not draw undue attention. No way would they litigiously pursue "racial equality" in a gifted curriculum without long term plans to dumb it down. Nothing else makes sense as a legitimate strategy.
"Scientific racism is the use of pseudoscientific techniques and hypotheses...
A funny thing about pseudoscience...this (pseudo)concept is contrabalanced by a concept called pseudoskepticism.
Pseudoskepticism is the practice of attempting to discredit conclusions made by perfectly sound scientific studies, with strategies that in essence attempt to dismiss the findings without satisfactorily disproving or discrediting the scientific process and controls followed.
Every attempt to discredit the extensive studies regarding race realism has been pseudoskepticism.
Note: there is no so thing as 'pseudoscience'. The term 'pseudoscience' was a political invention of open-society theorist Karl Popper. I find his rational logic consistently weak across the range of his writing, and his coining of the term 'pseudoscience" is no exception.
To illustrate: there is only science and not-science (lack of science). There is no abstract purgatory of 'pseudoscience'. 'Pseudoscience' is an irrational slur that leaves perfectly valid science vulnerable to political assault, even if the scientific method of the researcher isn't disproved with the definitive conclusion of 'non-science'. They can't call race realism 'non-science' because they can't come anywhere close to proving that. On the contrary, the studies are all well documented and controlled for scientific procedure/rigor. Therefore, the only liberal solution is their old fallback: politically motivated slurs, in this case targeting the research itself, even though no irrefutable objective apolitical evidence exists that impeaches the methods and conclusions of the researchers.
Nikcrit: I'm not a troll
Your "contributions" are the proof of it.
I'm considered conservative at work; what you're referring to is the tendency, among certain commenters here, to make me into a 'nitwit black supremacist' when they learn that I'm half-NAM, irregardless of what I say. [emphasis added]
The "word" irregardless only was voted into the richardsnary because of morons like you who are immune to the concept of a double negative.
Why you seek the approval of those who cannot tolerate your presence is enduring testimony to your need for self-assurance from White people who would just as soon see you transported back to your genetic homeland.
Think how happy you, and all of us Whites, might be if you were supervising a large-scale goat dairy and the herders who would gladly offer up their nubile daughters if only you would give them multi-year contracts.
Go there. Be hugely successful. Make money. Just stay the fuck out of our lives. What about this is unclear to your Einsteinian Black mind?
PS: I deeply apologize for FEEDING THE TROLL a second time.
In a totally momentary lapse of reason:
Sheila, in fact it's that journalistic past of mine that made me feel somewhat flattered when you confused a comment excerpted from the Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist Leonard Pitts with something you claimed I penned anonymously.
Sheila can scrape out more gray matter from beneath her little toenail than generations of your collective family and kin will every summon forth from their accumulated brain-power.
"And given the corrupt nature of the news media, the Pulitzer Prize is meaningless. Might as well boast of being Detroit's Teacher of the Month."
Yes, Discard, I agree; though I don't share the same sense of all-consuming conspiracy when it comes to 'The Media,' I do find Pitts to be cloying, heavy-handed a bit rich for my taste.
Still, the irony alone, as well as the source of it, in this instance was enough to put a smile on my face.
Anonymous: there is no so thing as 'pseudoscience'.
Yes there is. Pseudoscience claims the aegis of science without holding to its standards; it is a distinct subset of non-science.
Population genetics is as solid a science as you can get. It supports race realism. Lewontin's fallacy and claims built on it are often found in pseudoscience.
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