Blaming Black dysfunction for problems in the Black community would undermine the very foundation of Black-Run America (BRA) and lend credibility to those bigots who dared say that private property should have restrictive covenants upon them to protect its value. Or that private business owners should be allowed to discriminate to whom they serve in their stores/restaurants.
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Black dysfunction resulting in Black mayhem in Chicago = Blame it on the Pilgrims |
We already know that guns don't kill people in Chicago, only dangerous minorities do.
Well, according to Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy, it's those pesky Pilgrims whose legacy of violence (hey, didn't they ban Christmas first?) is to blame for the violence found in the Black there:
It’s official: With more than 240 dead, Chicago’s murder rate has surpassed the body count in war-torn Afghanistan. But as the city death toll continues to mount, outraged residents are asking questions and city officials are scrambling for answers – at least, the politically correct ones.
Answers that usually involve blaming dead white guys or ones that are still kicking.
But is politically correct silliness really what Chicago needs right now? Has the rhetoric of civil rights victimization from Rev. Jesse Jackson and Fr. Pfleger benefited anyone in the black community?
Or do Chicagoans really need an unvarnished reality check from their public officials?
If it is the later, Chicago residents may have their work cut out for them.
Recently, Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy joined black political leaders and community activists in a live radio forum, hosted by Clear Channel-owned WGCI-FM, to discuss Chicago’s violence epidemic and what - or who - is really to blame.
However, when it comes to the causes of violence in Chicago’s black community, talk of racism is never far behind.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s newly minted police chief has become a quick study to the "Chicago Way,” which, apparently, requires McCarthy to engage in politically correct mumbo jumbo whenever possible.
The Chicago radio forum was no exception.
When asked about the “gap” between law enforcement and the black community, McCarthy reached back 400 years for an answer.
“It’s a big issue. It’s a long time coming. We’ve done a lot of things wrong in policing in this country. I’m willing to admit that,” said McCarthy. “But this goes back 200-300 years to the time when Pilgrims came here and things developed from that, the African American experience in this country.”
But the Pilgrims weren’t the only people being blamed for the violence. The superintendent also laid blame at the feet of America’s finest and inferred – without actually stating it - that white police officers are the problem.
“Who has been the people enforcing those laws that were problematic for the African American community all these years? And that’s to me where it all starts,” stated McCarthy. “It starts with the recognition of how we got here and figuring out how we are going to move forward. By first confronting the issue. Recognition is the first step towards reconciliation. So that’s what I bring to the table. It’s one of those things that a lot of police chiefs in this country are afraid to talk about. I’m not afraid to talk about it because it’s out there and we’ve got to address it.”
Then WVON host Warren Valentine chimed in, blaming the Jim Crow era.
“It takes a village to raise a child and I’m not giving the parents a pass. But we can’t just say this is all on the parents and it ain’t all on nobody else. The legal system is the new Jim Crow system in America,” said Valentine. “You go on and look at what is going on in America today and compare it to when we look in the past. See a lot of people don’t understand the history of America.”
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Found on p. 57 of the 2011 Chicago Murder Analysis (PDF here) |
The pervasion of illegal guns in America's black and Latino communities is a result of "government-sponsored racism," akin to "slavery, segregation, black codes [and] Jim Crow," Rahm Emanuel's new police chief, Garry McCarthy, told parishioners at St. Sabina's Church earlier this month.
"This is sensitive. You know, because everybody’s afraid of race. Have you noticed that? Everybody’s afraid of race. I'm not afraid of race," said McCarthy, who told of growing up in the Bronx with guns, gangs and drugs plentiful.
"Let’s see if we can make a connection here. Slavery. Segregation. Black codes. Jim Crow. What, what did they all have in common? Anybody getting scared? Government sponsored racism."
"Now I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of the African American history in this country, and tell me if I’m crazy: Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms, into our urban centers across this country, that are killing our black and brown children," he said.
McCarthy blasted the NRA, telling parishioners that their communities have paid the price while the gun manufacturers are getting "rich and living in gated communities."
And he told an anecdote of just one night with the New York Police Department. After returning home from investigating a pair of shootings, he said he flipped on the television to relax, only to find "Sarah Palin's Alaska" being broadcast.
"She was caribou hunting, and talking about the right to bear arms," he said. "Why wasn’t she at the crime scene with me?"
"[McCarthy] got it right on parts and got it wrong on others," said Shawn Gowder, the Vice President of the Chicago Firearms Safety Association and the Sergeant of Arms for the African American Police League.
I support barring firearm ownership to all Negroes with no application against whites. That is some gun control I can get behind.
Pilgrims! lol
We are going to have to decide all of this for the blacks. As soon as you open up the flood gates and have "dialogue" with "black leaders", you are on a road to nowhere. You have a shouting match, public preening, accusations or racism, racial victimology rants, demand for more programs and midnight basketball, and fist fighting.
You have blacks pulling religion and slavery into the conversation. The victimhood in blacks is so deeply ingrained in the culture that it is like talking to a bunch of third-graders. You will get nothing accomplished. This police chief is a traitor and a moron.
We have to decide this FOR them. I love the idea of sending problematic blacks to Detroit, but once you have a bulging black ghetto there, the federal government will start transferring wealth from white people in order to pay for it all.
Blacks are irrational and highly emotional and unlike whites, don't care about raw data and facts. They thrive on mythology and story telling. Most blacks, when hearing that black children are being gunned down in the streets, still think that it is racist whites who are the shooters! Just like that stupid poster that girl holds in the photo. Who is shooting?
Blacks are not rational people. They are a murderous and violent people.
How these people theorize these ridiculous reasons for black crime with a straight face is quite the feat.
Where are the statesmen with the balls to call them on this shit.
This is somewhat OT and yet related. Some unknown people control major decisions made to control the direction in which this country is taken. If I understand correctly, we are all being fed propaganda to keep our focus on everything except where it should lie. Da Won is being used to divide us and use tools such as Obamacare to help to bring on the downfall of our economy through massive debt.
I may seem ignorant, but, I am a physician and societal demise is not my strong point. Could someone please explain to me how anyone is set to benefit from the failure of our society. Many of you seem to be far more educated than myself on these matters and I would greatly appreciate your insight for I fail to see the endgame. I mean, how does the fall of our nation benefit anyone? Thank you in advance for any responses.
That silly coon's got one good point: we are afraid to talk about race in this country. And until that changes, well, nothing much is going to change.
Blacks just have to ook 'Rayciss!', and whites will grovel and whimper. It never changes.
Here's a point which I have seldom seen considered: do Americans today really believe that segregation was enacted simply and solely because white people did not like black people because of the "color of their skin?"
Or were there other factors?
"It starts with the recognition of how we got here and figuring out how we are going to move forward."
Ghee whiz, how did we get into the mess we are in today? What kind of terrible things has The Man been up to this last half century?
Civil rights legislation. War on poverty. AA. Court ordered busing. Black studies programs. Section 8. Minority grants. MLK national holiday. "Hate crime" laws. Apologies for slavery. Throwing out concepts such as double jeopardy in l'affaire Rodney King. The MSM providing the cheering section. Joining in on the jihad against white rule in Rhodesia-South Africa. Electing a black man into the White House.
Oh yeah, didn't Illinois actually send volunteer regiments to fight against the Confederacy and thereby end slavery? Maybe that got missed by the flash mobs.
"The legal system is the new Jim Crow system in America,” said Valentine. “You go on and look at what is going on in America today and compare it to when we look in the past. See a lot of people don’t understand the history of America.”
OK, so let's look at the history of America from a perspective other than that of the reigning DWL party line:
Why, in the wake of Reconstruction, was segregation imposed in the south? And de facto adopted in much of the north? Why were even otherwise liberal politicians, such as Woodrow Wilson, ardent segregationists? Why was the Progressive Era the highpoint of white supremacy in America? Why did a majority of Americans believe that segregation was the best way to manage relations between the races?
Anyone care to tote up the crime, illegitimacy and school dropout stats by race prior to Brown v Board of Education?
Could it be that the system called "Jim Crow" was put into place because of the violence and other dysfunctions which we see today manifested in Chicago? And Detroit? And Monrovia? And Johannesburg? And London during the riots?
Thing is, were blacks (or their elites) to stand up, acknowledge the dysfunctions among themselves, and then take the lead to deal with them, that could be respected. But instead, it comes down to blaming YT, and attacking people who are conveniently dead and unable to respond.
As usual, the public dialog on race will be the DWL party line. And dissenters are to be shown the back door.
So much fore free speech which, I am have been told, used to be a civil right.
OF COURSE it's the Pilgrim's fault! Come on, we all know that the Mayflower was the largest slave holding ship in the history of the world. IF the Pilgrims never founded the original colonies the Africans would be flying spaceships to Mars instead of gunning each other down in the street. OF COURSE Sarah Palin is to blame for Black gun violence. Blacks LOVE watching outdoor programming featuring white people shooting guns, it ranks slightly behind the NBA and slightly ahead of interracial porn.
These people are beyond delusional. And the idiot blacks just sit there nodding in approval of this traitorous "Irish" bastard! So the reason Shitavious and Jontelle are gunning each other down in the street is because the Pilgrims were white? Awesome! I'm sure there were White Pilgrims in 13th century Africa as well practicing "animal infanticide" which is why the poor Negroes had to resort to cannibalism! Also IF WHITE cops are to blame for the escalating murder rate (by disproportionatley enforcing the laws on blacks I guess)then how does the Chief explain the murder/crime rate in Detroit or New Orleans where there are NO WHITE COPS?
Libearlism is basically an empty headed social evaluation based on meaningless material wealth. The Whites are considered the "haves" and the blacks the "have nots" (even though there are more poor whites than blacks in the US). IF we are all equal then the only reason the blacks are the "have nots" is because the have been wronged by the Whites. This perfectly explains the victim mentality of the blacks. They "have not" and they kill each other because the whites have practiced "institutionalized racism", Jim Crow, science, reading, math, etc. in an effort to keep them without.
OT - I haven't seen a black person in 2 weeks!
Anonymous said: "I may seem ignorant, but, I am a physician and societal demise is not my strong point. Could someone please explain to me how anyone is set to benefit from the failure of our society."
The short version is that a handful of so called "elite" individuals control most of the wealth, the multi-national corporations and most of the military industrial might of this world. They desire a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT (no nation states) in which they are the sole masters and everyone else is basically a slave. The Western World is the largest obstacle standing in their way to such a goal. Therefore they must destroy the West through mass immigration of the third world, taxation/inflation/devaluation, and just plain old race wars. They are not trying to create a "better tomorrow" for mankind. (It's far more complex than that but I'm stopping there. It's hard to digest at first but it is the only thing that makes since once you connect the dots.)
I am a physician and societal demise is not my strong point. Could someone please explain to me how anyone is set to benefit from the failure of our society.
I mean this with all due respect, but you have to understand that the demographic which you appear to be part of (and correct me if I am wrong) -- the upwardly mobile largely white middle class -- is no longer the dominant one in America. Other groups are making stabs for power, and they see the middle class as the enemy.
Part of the problem is that many Americans grew up in the era in which the middle class was seen as the norm. But the demographics have changed. With all that in mind...
I mean, how does the fall of our nation benefit anyone?
I'd give you the usual boiler plate:
* Globalized elites benefit from wrecking formerly strong nation-states and replacing them with geographical regions inhabited by multi-racial groups. They play these groups off against each other and thus enhance their own power.
* Liberals gain employment, power and prestige by running welfare and EO bureaucracies, as well as in "diversity" rackets and NGOs.
* Transnational corporations gain large numbers of cheap workers, undermining the old (unionized) middle class.
* The race hustlers gain political leverage, with more taxpayer largesse doled out to their clients, not to mention political power, as the white demographic declines.
* Too many city officials would rather give the growing underclass a new round of tribute, and the occasional human sacrifice (e.g., Mr Zimmerman), than face another long hot summer. This way, they can get re-elected and shovel the problem children onto the next administration.
* And the Eloi figure it is easier to go along with the system rather than risk standing up and fighting. Resisting might cause them to miss their favorite reality TV program. Besides, television tells them they are heading into a bright new future of equality for everyone, if they only shut up and do as they are told in the coming multicultic new world order.
Trial junkie here. Back in the 1990's, a New York Times reporter named Fox Butterfield came up with a reason for black violence and criminal behavior. What was the answer?
It was white Southern slaveowners. The African slaves learned violence from the "Honor Culture" of their slave masters. The Southern grandees would fight duels over insults and slaves ingested this and became violent themselves.
Yes, Butterfield really did write this in the NY Times.
Another time, Fox Butterfield complained about so many blacks being in prison when crime seemed to be down. "Since crime is going down, why do we have to keep locking up so many blacks?," Butterfield whined.
This is the DWL mind at work.
"How does the fall of our nation benefit anyone?" - Anonymous
Good question. The answer is, it doesn't. But They Who Must Not Be Named in particular are operating under the erroneous impression that when this house of cards comes tumbling down that they'll buy up all the dirt cheap land (reality: China will invade us at this point) and sell overpriced condos to immigrants (reality: they will stop coming) and then live like kings in their remote gated communities (reality: all the metal gates and armed Praetorian henchmen will not possibly protect them from an outraged populace armed with nothing but pitchforks and torches). There are other groups praying for the fall of America (BRA, for instance), and they all think they will be able to get something out of it. And they all think they're smarter than everyone else, which they are not. I cannot wait until they learn this the hard way.
I can only afford generic groceries, and the black woman in front of me is buying steak and shrimp with an EBT funded by me, but I am the cause of black violence
I pay taxes that fund section 8 so these people can have shelter, but I am the cause of black violence.
I pay property taxes to provide these people with a free education but I am the cause of black violence.
All this giving, and this is what I get in return? Blame?
I owe black america nothing.
[I]"I may seem ignorant, but, I am a physician and societal demise is not my strong point. Could someone please explain to me how anyone is set to benefit from the failure of our society. Many of you seem to be far more educated than myself on these matters and I would greatly appreciate your insight for I fail to see the endgame. I mean, how does the fall of our nation benefit anyone? Thank you in advance for any responses."[/I]
It is an old maxim of the Communist International that the U.S., being the bastion of capitalism and, being so large, the only way it can be conquered is by forcing it's break-up. Thus, as far back as 1935 (when it became clear that the whites would never revolt Soviet style) that the black would be used for this purpose. It is a tried and true method of destroying a once free country and it is what they did in Algeria and other places.
So, first you have the "civil rights" movement. So blacks can be equal, which leads to "self determination" which will eventually lead to black self rule and a homeland. That homeland, as they decided in Moscow, is most of the Old South. From Richmond, Virginia to Atlanta, Georgia. This has all taken a lot longer than was expected--mostly due to black ineptitude, but also due to the power and resiliency of capitalism. Capitalism is dead now, we do not have capitalism. The final phase, then, is the destruction of the white middle class--already sick and dying. ObamaCare and all the rest of it, are the nails in the coffin. You, Op, and everyone else here, should read "THe Naked Communist", but there is also an excellent read that Nicholas Stix linked. It is a scanned copy of a book published in 1964 which clearly, using notations, lays this all out.
Chief StandswithVictimCard there forgot to blame the Shakers, the Quakers and the Lakers too.
I typically don't refer back to many yahoo news stories because their writers are hacks, but since this one came through Reuters I thought it may be worth sharing. Comedy at its best...
This article is rife with "sound bite" reasons why segregation, and policies such as Stop and Frisk, are needed more than ever. It starts with the black postal worker stating she won't even go in such places because of harassment from tenants waiting on welfare checks, and continues on and on with statements and stats that have no other aim than pointing out the reasons that these policies are necessary. And then it finishes with the fact of 58% of blacks and Hispanics were stopped and frisked as opposed to ONLY 44% of whites, well, if you're committing 85-90% of the crimes in a city you are only 51% the total of, then guess what?!!? It's not racial profiling. It's race reality. And as a frequent visitor of the Big Apple, there are lots of places I would NEVER set foot, and many more than that that are deemed uncomfortable to even be in close proximity to.
"I can only afford generic groceries, and the black woman in front of me is buying steak and shrimp with an EBT funded by me, but I am the cause of black violence."
Whitey, don't you know it's your DUTY to keep all them Fat MaMas Fat, Sassy and Happy????
I overheard two Black women at work talking about how they would purchase the value of EBT cards from people at a discount. The EBT cards would be given to them as well as the password. One said she was going to get a card that had over $600 in value. (Apparently, states allow the previous months unused balance to accumulate!)
So, this must be the actual reason The Great and Powerful Obama is striving to get as many Blacks as he can on the EBT cards: he's really giving FREE cash to Negros!!!!
To the person who posted "Here's a point which I have seldom seen considered: do Americans today really believe that segregation was enacted simply and solely because white people did not like black people because of the 'color of their skin?'"
I don't think it was prejudice that brought all of this on. I think it was policy. Pre-civil rights, wasn't it the banks who decided where people should live? And you know what? I think they are deciding that once again. I'd read about the BofA discrimination suit and now I'm wondering why people that I know, who have a cashier's check to pay in full for a foreclosed home are unable to close. I'm thinking that BofA is holding foreclosed properties "for minorities only" and that's why closings will not take place when it's a white person with a cashier's check.
I live in DuPage County, Illinois, once considered one of the wealthiest counties in the country. We border Cook County (Chicago). A couple of years ago I'd noticed slight demographic changes in DuPage. Now it's in full swing. I did suspect that demolition of the Chicago Housing had something to do with it (funny how the 2010 census took place just before the demolition). That will be the answer for McCarthy and Rahm -- move people out of the Cook County to the outlying counties. I think that's going on in a lot of big cities.
Change is coming for us all -- thanks to Hope IV and also thanks to a guy named Alexander Polikoff (a lawyer who quit private practice to represent the Chicago Housing Authority and found that black kids who live in predominately white neighborhoods graduate high school and go to college).
I sometimes wonder if the whole housing market crash was rigged so that the gov't could pull this off (meaning mixed and equalized neighborhoods). I wonder why it's really hard to find any newspaper articles on this particular subject. All done so subtly to prevent white flight.
I had a family member (he's now deceased) who used to be a homicide detective in a major American city.
He told me one time that he investigated more than 800 murders, and over 1,100 deaths of all types (drownings, heart attacks, etc.)
Of the more than 800 murders he investigated, only 11 involved white victims.
And this in the city that was majority white until the riots of '68.
Think about this for a minute.
Just over 1% involved whites as victims.
There really are racial differences.
I think we can all do some quick research for ourselves to find out what the problem is. The chart was nice (over 1000 murders in the early nineties, HOLY SMOKES!!!) but I like to use maps to gleam a more accurate picture of what's occurring on the ground.
And Paul, while I like the money quote about how in areas where public housing was demolished crime went down I think we all know what the consequences of that will be: that the crime will simply spread to other areas when the "people" doing it spread to other areas.
You know what I love about being a realist? I can use common sense to put 1 and 1 together; and I don't need to create a liberal lie to justify why there's always (always!) some kind of disparity.
" A couple of years ago I'd noticed slight demographic changes in DuPage."
Just think of all the MEXICANS and their Anchor Babies that have invaded Dupage County. Your TAX DOLLARS are being used to give free medical and FREE SCHOOLING to illegals and their spawn. Money that to a RATIONAL government would have rightly been used to benefit US Citizens. I read that there were 600,000 MEXICANS in the Chicago area. Stolen Jobs. Stolen Tax money. Stolen seats in public schools.
And in return for this Diversity invading us? Hispanic Shootings. Hispanic Drunk Driving and assorted mayhem. More Democratic Party voters, illegal and otherwise. Not kicking out the Illegals means the end of Dupage County as a Republican counter to Crook County. That's what happens when businesses are allowed to ignore the immigation laws.
Did you know that Bell Labs moved to Dupage County in the mid-1960s because it was a lily-white rural area with NO BLACKS to attack the engineers there? It was so rural that deer hunters were shooting deer across the street with shotguns!
McCarthy is too stupid to pick on. Surely even the dumbest liberals won't need Roddy Piper to beat them up and force them to put the glasses on to see what a pandering imbecile he is.
Ex New Yorker here....I am kind of a history buff and I think the two biggest people to blame for black violence in Chicago is the Wright Brothers. Once the white man learned how to fly it was the total downfall for the poor suffering black man. Others to blame are Buffalo Bill Cody and General Pershing. The white man is the cause of all the black man's
problems. And last but not least we can not forget Charles Lindbergh. Remember his plane was not named The Spirit of Chicago.
I suppose that the extreme poverty and White colonial oppression of India explains why these dark skinned people are doing so poorly in America and are facing such terrible discrimination
from the blue eyed devils.
Glad to see you cover this insanity from McCarthy. This man is very dangerous. He would rather see you beaten by a mob than jeopardize his comfortable seating arrangement in Black Run America.
Exactly who is the intended audience for the cute signage "Don't shoot me. I want to grow up". Is it the black gangbangers? The people behind the creation and printing of those signs are not that naive.
The demonstration and McCarthy's language is intended to reinforce black victim-hood, apparently an unrestrained power in modern America.
Importantly, the entire charade is presented in downtown urban areas to protect... wait for it... real estate investments. The thinking is, let's continue to hide the monstrous danger of urban black violence so that we don't jeopardize the investments at 368 Empire Avenue.
I've already got an impossibly low opinion of Americans after what they've allowed Obama to do. If the propaganda from people like McCarthy and Emanuel gains any traction, then this country is irredeemably lost.
What do WE do about it? What happened to the billboard campaign?
So sick of discussing what we all ready know and preaching to the choir is there a plan to end the madness?
A plan was instituted to create this now we need to plan to get out of it. What is the solution?
Wow. Look at all the deaths from the "crack wars" of the early 90's. Since Obama repealed the distinction that caused crack sale to have a harsher sentence, look for the numbers to climb again and for blacks to again be the biggest victims. But they don't care. So why should I?
Guys, the only way to get this problem under control is forced sterilization. Either that or a shooting war. Can't rely on milquetoast pols like Romney and Bush to do anything for us.
It makes me chuckle when I hear a White liberal, or a black person say they want to have a honest discussion about race.
Then they proceed to just blame whitey, guns, drugs, fuckin Santa Claus, and every other thing under the sun for African dysfunction.
No mention of rampant black on white rape, murder, or robbery. No mention of over 70% of all black children being born as bastards with no father, not metion of the black mans inability to maintain even the most basics of civilization when white influence disappears.
Yet this big BOLD police guy is gonna have a honest discussion about race. LOL!!!! Who does this ass clown think he is fooling.
The same can be said for the crowd that always says "I am not afraid to discuss race". Of course this crowd is not afraid to discuss race. They are not afraid because they tow the party line on every issue involving race while spouting off a bunch cultural marxist bullshit.
I compare these people to the many so-called conservatives that brag to anyone who will listen on how un-pc they are while yelling to the world how much they hate Muslims. Then watch these same people crawl on their belly like scared kitty cats when race is mentioned. LOL!!! Great site Paul, love reading it.
Anonymous said...
" A couple of years ago I'd noticed slight demographic changes in DuPage."
Just think of all the MEXICANS and their Anchor Babies that have invaded Dupage County
see what I just posted
Just think what you could accomplish with a Ruger 10-22, a bunch of magazines and the targets supplied by the emptying of Chicago's housing projects.
Just think of it.
McCarthy is locally reputed to be a lush, along with having personal domestic problems. Take a good look at his pictures and you'll see the face of a heavy drinker. His brain is probably pickled by now.
murder being illegal is a law that causes problems in the black community?
The legal system is the new Jim Crow system in America,” said Valentine.
If only this were even remotely true. The revolving door of America's justice system spins faster every year and it's portal expands to allow passage for even the biggest monsters.
White America owes Black America nothing. Well, we owe them the truth.
Screw the truth. If any sort of lie could end TNB, I'm up for it. Is the truth preferable? Hell yes. But if it can't solve the problem, then it becomes something that beggars "by any means necessary".
Nearly 90 percent of all murder offenders have a criminal history and so do the majority of Chicago murder victims.
Which demonstrates a clear pattern of habitual criminal behavior. That a majority of the murder victims also have a criminal background indicates that they probably knew their murderers or had some association with them. They can't all be anonymous drive-bys.
So CAL Snowman: So the reason Shitavious and Jontelle are gunning each other down in the street is because the Pilgrims were white?
Sounds like we need a whole lot more Pilgrims.
I see SBPDL is still just repeating the n word.
Well written, and interesting, but still playing the same ol' tune and ignoring the elephant in the living room.
The comments are outstanding.
Still, how is this different from sad old men sending newspaper clippings to each other and saying the worlds going to hell?
If anybody wants to read an ADL approved description of the truth, find None Dare Call it a Conspiracy. Its under 100 pages and a free download.
And i suppose Thanksgiving turkeys are to blame for all the fat sherilla sows waddling around too. Those turkeys be raciss and all dat!
Police Supt. Garry McCarthy is really doing a bang up job in Chicago:
"Chicago this week reached 250 homicides for 2012—the worst start to a year in nine years, a RedEye analysis of preliminary police data found."
Chicago Homicides
To the doctor who wondered who benefits from destroying the West: There are a great many people who hate Western ideals, Western logic, Western self-discipline. They may pay dearly should the West collapse, but their hatred overrides their reason.
The reasons for these hatreds are numerous, but there is enough of it to drown us. Groups that despise each other, like Blacks and Hispanics for example, will hold their noses and pretend to accept one another, in hopes of toppling the White race and grabbing the spoils. Some, like the people this site calls DWLs (Disingenous White Liberals), are practically suicidal in their eagerness to tear down the system that supports them.
There are whole books about this, and they don't all agree. We don't all agree here. Poke around some and form your own opinion.
hey white people and whites only! happy 4th of july! this jimmy crow stuff is still a useful tool to the toad community. but i don't think alot of people know that jim crow was a democrat and that blacks directly after the civil war voted republican for thirty years. and them democrat's were the party that equaled blacks to a half a horse. and their hero dr. (i say that loose'ly) king was a registered republican. i'm just saying that it's the damn democrats that love the black on black violence. it pay's their politcal bills. those stats that show the murder rate per race in chicago should be posted on every tele-pole in illinois and be carved in every tele-pole in those not so diversity friendly liberal neighborhoods. it's so diverse that you or i couldn't notice that there are no blacks in their diversity land. again, those stats are incredible about the murder rate between races. but as us race-realist's already know this shouldn't surprise any of us now would it?
"Don't shoot me. I want to grow up."
Even this doesn't make logical sense. If someone is already prepared to shoot you, then that means they already don't care what you want.
These people can't even construct a logical argument two sentences long. And they want to vote?
@Californian July 3, 2012 3:02 PM
"Throwing out concepts such as double jeopardy in l'affaire Rodney King". I never knew the Just Exterminate all Whites Society had pulled that of in the States as well.
In England we had a Vibrant Enricher called Steven Lawrence , who died after being stabbed once. The state hounded 5 white men , including bugging their homes and teh usual media harassment, until they got them in court. The forensics couldn't place any of them at the scene. They walked. So the Government got rid of double jeopardy and hauled them back in front of the court. Now the establishment can pursue all of us YT's for anything for the rest of our lives. Diversity is our strength..clearly.
"Now I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of the African American history in this country, and tell me if I’m crazy: Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms, into our urban centers across this country, that are killing our black and brown children," [Garry McCarthy] said.
Tell you you are crazy?! Not only are you crazy you have opened up a whole new category of crazy. There is crazy, bat sh*t crazy, and now there is McCarthy crazy. There is not enough padding in the world to fill the cell you need to be locked in.
"Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms, into our urban centers across this country, that are killing our black and brown children,"
Truly one of the most idiotic, self contradicting statements I have ever read. So according to McCarthy, gun control laws (which, we are told by the DWL, are designed only to keep guns out of the hands of criminals) are the reason why guns are so easy for criminals to get.(?!) Please, McCarthy, tell us what specific Federal gun law proves your argument?
And there is hardly anything more idiotic than the idea of "gun violence". A gun is an inanimate object. It is utterly incapable of doing anything to anybody unless/until someone picks it up and uses it, for good or ill. But blacks and DWLs refuse to recognize that simple truth. To do so would result in an utter refutation of their whole world view.
I once had an old timer Sheriff, who I respected, tell me that the root cause of crime was simply attitude. The attitude of some people to not respect the rights and property of others. It was not any more complicated than that.
Yet, according to McCarthy and the rest of BRA, 16 year old LaTrayvon wakes up in the morning and thinks to himself, "Those motherf***ing white cracker Pilgrims were some damn assed racists. Now that makes me wanna go cap a 9 in Trayvonika's ass!"
Separation now. Separation tomorrow. Separation forever.
HaroldC said...
"I support barring firearm ownership to all Negroes with no application against whites. That is some gun control I can get behind."
With great power comes great responsibility. And since blacks are incapable of creating weapons of great power they should not be given access to them. Not only can blacks not exercise responsibility, they can not even grasp the concept of self control.
And to you black trollers, I offer my proof: FBI crime statistics, security videos, and (my favorite!) world star hip hop.
Tales of the MULE!!
So CAL Snowman said...
"OF COURSE it's the Pilgrim's fault! Come on, we all know that the Mayflower was the largest slave holding ship in the history of the world. IF the Pilgrims never founded the original colonies the Africans would be flying spaceships to Mars instead of gunning each other down in the street."
Every highly educated person knows that there was no White Mayflower. Mayflower was actually the name of the African Space Ship which first discovered America 100 million years before Whites did (read the ancient African computer files of www.ASS Maylower.blackorg. Note: you can only do so if you have a pre-Mac Apple computer known as the Watermelon 1000k b.c.)
And technically, African blacks didn't really "discover" amerika. They actually created it using advanced science called VooDoo. They did it so that they could increase their space program by establishing a launch pad on what was originally called Cape Kanaviril. Now known to be stolen by the White man and renamed Cape Canaveral. (BTW the original Cape Kanaviril was named in honor of Trayvon Kanaviril, of which the translation from African to English is roughly: He who his smarter and more honorable than Edison, Ford, Einstein, and any other White motherf***er)
Some people just do not know their history...
Small victory!
The University of Minnesota Duluth has dropped its support for and participation in the anti-white "Un-Fair Campaign"!
July 04, 2012
UMD drops support for Un-Fair Campaign
A week after University of Minnesota Duluth’s chancellor said the school wouldn’t pull out of the controversial Un-Fair Campaign, UMD has done just that.
A news release from the University’s main campus late Tuesday afternoon said UMD had “indefinitely suspended” its membership in the campaign “pending a change in the campaign’s emphasis and creative approach.”
June 25, UMD Chancellor Lynn Black objected to a new video released as part of the 6-month old campaign, which is aimed at promoting racial equality by calling attention to white privilege. The video, shown at, depicted white people with phrases such as “We’re privileged: People see us, not a color.”
Black said several people complained to UMD and the University of Minnesota after seeing inaccurate reports that UMD paid for the campaign and produced the video. But at the time he said UMD wasn’t withdrawing from the partnership.
“We’re still very much committed to the goals of the campaign and to the foundation the campaign is built on,” he said then.
But the news release on Tuesday said the focus of the public service announcement was divisive and had “alienated some UMD alumni, supporters and others in the broader community.” [READ: LOSING DONATION $$$$ BIG-TIME]
It also said the video had been pulled from the campaign’s website at Black’s request.
A university spokesman said Black would have no comment beyond the news release.
Representatives of all 18 partners in the Un-Fair Campaign met on Monday. “They reaffirmed the group’s fundamental goals to promote racial equality and create a constructive dialogue about eliminating racism,” the news release said. But they also recognized “the messaging and creative emphasis has been divisive.”
A subcommittee was formed to re-evaluate the campaign, and the partners will meet July 17 to discuss whether to change the creative direction, the news release said.
The campaign was designed by SwimCreative, a Duluth advertising agency.
In addition to UMD, the campaign’s 18 partners include the city of Duluth, Community Action Duluth, the University of Wisconsin-Superior, the YWCA, Central Labor Body and Lake Superior College. None of the other partners has indicated it was pulling out of the campaign.
Although this is the first time an organization has suspended involvement in the Un-Fair Campaign, it has been controversial virtually since Jan. 24, when it was launched with the slogan, “It’s hard to see racism when you’re white.”
Within a week, some residents had started a Facebook page called “Stop racist unfair campaign.”
The campaign’s billboards were attributed as the reason the Supreme White Alliance staged a rally on March 3 at the Civic Center.
Just last week, someone defaced one of the billboards with a painting of a Confederate flag and a racial slur.
Tuesday’s statement from UMD said the university “continues to advance its strategic goal of creating a positive and inclusive campus climate for all by advancing equity, diversity and social justice.”
Sure, everyone knows the Pilgrims are to blame for black on black violence, but why is everyone reluctant to but the blame squarely where it belongs? Vikings! Yes, Vikings! White, blonde, sailing across the ocean in boats they stole from the noble African scientists. Where do think blacks learned how to loot and pillage? It's time to have a serious discussion about how YT is responsible for all evil in the world, and that cannot happen until the Vikings are held responsible for their evil whiteness!
See, the descendents of Pilgrims are still up to their old racist tricks
I support black on black crime. Self-correcting problems are a thing of beauty.
Californian writes,
"Could it be that the system called "Jim Crow" was put into place because of the violence and other dysfunctions which we see today manifested in Chicago? And Detroit? And Monrovia? And Johannesburg? And London during the riots?
Thing is, were blacks (or their elites) to stand up, acknowledge the dysfunctions among themselves, and then take the lead to deal with them, that could be respected. But instead, it comes down to blaming YT, and attacking people who are conveniently dead and unable to respond."
Some of you might find it interesting that I think the answer to that question is two-fold:
My experience in all-black situations in which I've seen blacks discuss 'black problems,' consists of school situations, in wihch black teachers and administrators occasionally close ranks and converse as 'fellow-blacks,' and among black church congregants, who do the same.
And in those instances, they're often very, very critical of black pathologies, with the most general thematic being a us-vs.-them element distinguished by age; it's generally assumed that it's younger blacks of the last two generations that create the bulk of the havoc; what is noticeably absent is any talk of racism or its allegedly corresponding social-services neglect.
Now, take those same two groups ------ informal black church congregants and public-school employees ------ and have them discuss said problems in a open and mediated circumstance, that's when you'll hear about 'racism' and accusations of fiscal neglect; that urge is not reflexively there among blacks and only blacks.
Which tells me that the 'racism' charge and the corresponding social-service lobbies, agencies and interests that have developed from that charge in the last 50 or so years have became that entrenched a lobby and interest; something that is now obligatorily addressed as part of the 'team-democrat'-vs.-'team-conservative' follies on a day-in-n-day-out basis.
In any case, re. the meta problem overall: I try to stay positive by reeling off these basic beliefs: by and large, the black underclass is not that big a part of the population and, more important still, it's not growing in size. (about 30% of African-Americans, roughly 3-to-4% of the total U.S. population).
And my positive mantra is condensed to this:
Basically, 90% of what's lamented about here and at similar blogs can be rectified by two things: Those of Western European race, ethnicity and heritage HAVING MORE CHILDREN; and stopping ALL future illegal immigration from Mexico (with the possible additionally needed steep of re-patriaizing x-amount of current illegals from there).
Those two steps, and the resulting good would go a long way in taking care of much of the rest.
The grosse pointe and grosse pointe park police are pretty good at keeping the undesirable ethnics on the proper side of alter bridge and mack respectively. The crazy part is whole foods is opening a store in Detroit. Can't wait to see how long that will last
53GR says:
Finally a good idea, Paul. Send Section 8 people to Detroit. Now how do you propose going about that?
Me too. I always get nervous when I'm at the range & I see a non-white.
Once again, the mulatto nikcrit has the answer to all our problems. If Whites have children and stop illegal immigration, then blacks will stop irresponsibly breeding and preying on Whites to become the responsible citizens they are at heart. Hey, he says so - the vast majority of blacks are law abiding citizens, and it's just this tiny subset of young blacks who need to be reined in. That's OUR fault and our job, you see. Besides, they're not the only ones who blame racism; it's all part of the political party process and increasing polarization. And you know whose fault that is, don't you? It's those radical, right-wing racists! But never fear, nikcrit is here to provide us with the real black experience and tell us what blacks really say in private. So, you see, they do step up and acknowledge their problems, and it's Whitey's job to fix them, because we caused them in the first place. It's all crystal clear now. Thanks so much for posting that comment, Paul.
Liberia is a country with a purpose, which seems has been underutilized. It has been an indepedent nation since about the time California joined the union. I suggest sending dissatisfied Blacks there. Free airfare. Then they can create their own paradise. And a bonus for them: Whites are not allowed to be citizens of Liberia. So no possibility for their work of creating a paradise to be directly disturbed or hindered by Whites in any way.
Happy Fourth of July! I got to sleep late, I am having breakfast cooked for me by the most wonderful woman in the world, and then I see this as the first story on Yahoo:
Insight: Florida man sees "cruel" face of U.S. justice
MIAMI (Reuters) - Quartavious Davis is still shocked by what happened to him in federal court two months ago.
Okay, you already KNOW this will be good...
"My first offense, and they gave me all this time," said Davis, a pudgy African American with dreadlocks who spoke with Reuters at the Federal Detention Center in Miami. "Might just as well say I'm dead."
Davis was convicted of participating in a string of armed robberies in the Miami area in 2010. His accomplices testified against him, saying he carried a gun during their crimes and discharged it at a dog that chased them after one of their burglaries. But Davis was not convicted of hurting anyone physically, including the dog.
Davis would occupy no place at all in the annals of crime if not for his sentence. Now 20 years old, he was sentenced to 1,941 months - almost 162 years - in prison without the possibility of parole.
He be a record-breaking mofo, dig?
"On the day of Davis's interview with Reuters, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that life sentences without parole for defendants under the age of 18 constituted "cruel and unusual punishment" even in cases of murder. Unfortunately for Davis, he was 18 at the time of his crimes."
I won't run down the whole story, because there's just too many things in it worth commenting on. but for those of us Who Can See™, and who have an active imagination, you'll be laughing for days. Especially at the comments (the best section of a Yahoo story)! 18,218 comments when I read them and not a shred of pity visible. As it should be.
Its genetic, blacks all over the world behave the same, just as whites all over the world behave the same.
White countries become prosperous, black countries become shitholes.
If blacks hates whites so much why don't they segregate themselves, why do they always want to live in the midst of whites.
Becaise they benefit from it, that's why they always shadowing whites
The european western mentality, which has given birth to the largest upliftment of humans on earth is a threat, the western high moral and ethical standards cannot be met by the rabble, it shows them up as inferiour.
The african way is the new ideal, hunger, misery, death, disease, that's what the elites want for human, white western ideals are preventing that, hence the all out covert war against western civilisation.
Oprah- the fat assed white women who made her what she is, should be ashamed of themselves.
Dr demartini- and his new age philosophy borrowed from eastern mysticism, that suggests that all humanity is one big ball of energy and oneness.
The constant attack on european western exclusivity that made the world what it is, is slowly being erroded.
The black spirit of ubuntu, the hindu belief of the oneness of everyone, that we not seperate individuals, that we all part of a construct, faceless and nameless, these philosophies go against everything that is western european thinking.
In south africa where I live, blacks can not do anything on their own, everything is a team effort. They always proselytizing about their fabled ubuntu, which is totally ficticious.
We constantly hear about the benefits of team work and sharing, and charity. And its only whites that do the work and sharing and charity.
Nelson mandela has taught me to become a hard hearted individual, in short, mandela has taught me that you have to become a hardened cruel person to survive amongst blacks.
I cannot excercise my european belief of being kind to my fellowman, or to excercise my christian charitableness.
I have to tell "beggars" to F-off, cause they are evil manipulators, playing white western belief against the people that hold those beliefs.
The black whores, hire a toddler from some other black whore, purposely hurt the child, so that the kid has the most sad tearfull face that you've seen, then at the traffic lights these evil bitches weave thru the cars with toddler on hip, "extorting" money from whites who happen to have christian western beliefs, others hire a blind person as the mascot.
This is typical black manipulations of white peoples beliefs, mandela has taught me to tell these manipulators to fuck off. That is how hardened you have to be, not to be manipulated by these evil bastards.
And I hate mandela for doing that to me.
Ubuntu my ass, the ones always crowing about ubuntu are the most cruel.
Whites have nothing to learn from blacks.
A cultures beliefs are reflected in their societies benevolence of its people, the only societies which display benevolonce to its peoples are the european and japanese cultures
India with all its enlightment punishes its people with life in a miserable shithole with 1.1billion ppl.
China under communism has yoked its ppl into a wretched life of servitude.
Africa has sought its own ppls extermination.
European culture as can be seen, is the culture that benefits its ppl the most, that's why they all want to go to white countries.
Western european mentailty for ever, if our culture shows them up as inferiour, its because they are.
McCarthy is historically illiterate along with being a Soviet-style liar. The Pilgrims were anti-slavery from very early on. Some of their old preachers even predicted that the introduction of African slavery into the USA - brought about thanks to the machinations of some English 'anarcho-capitalists' and an enterprising African slave owner in Virginia - would bring a curse upon the land for 500 years. The old preachers turned out to be absolutely right. The place has been cursed by the presence of an unassimilable race for the past four centuries - now used as a type of low-IQ Waffen-SS by a treasonous and genocidal ruling elite.
PK writes: White America owes Black America nothing. Well, we owe them the truth.
Blacks don't much care about truth. It is something quite alien to them. Lies are more suitable to their animal-like 'gibsmedat' mentality. DWLs like McCarthy are even worse than blacks. The man owes his very fat taxpayer-funded paycheck to the BRA racket. He's a BRA man through and through. His type will tell any lie - no matter how outrageous and over the top - to prop up the BRA gravytrain. What would a character like McCarthy be in a place with no BRA? A used car salesman? Slimy real-estate agent for low-rent sections of town? A worthless cop on the take?
McCarthy is the type of white who rises high to float near the top of the reeking cesspool known as BRA. To put it succinctly, he's a parasite and a maggot. There's really only one remedy for what ails him, which measures slightly less than 1/2-inch in diameter. Revolting as he is, those who take his statements as factual are even worse. How many college-edjumacated white DWLs, EMACs etc. just swallow his utterly outrageous, Soviet-style bald-faced lies with nary a question? After all, the version of American history they learned in the government-skool gulag - based on the notions of an unreconstructed communist named Howard Zinn - dovetails nicely with the fable concocted by McCarthy, as do all of the TV, movies, books, church sermons, etc. There are really very few who are even interested in truth. Lies are far more profitable - even if the vast majority of profits flow to an unaccountable, shadowy oligarchy.
"...Now, take those same two groups ------ informal black church congregants and public-school employees ------ and have them discuss said problems in a open and mediated circumstance, that's when you'll hear about 'racism' and..."
So when negroes are amongst themselves, they are honest; when whitey is present, they blame whitey? That's great, except it makes blacks even worse than stupid. They are conniving AND stupid, unable to even pretend to be able to fix their own acknowledged problems, yet very quick to seek "solutions" from elsewhere. Awesome...
And our interloper's solution? Why, lookie hea! It does not involve blacks at all! What a f*cking surprise! You go, nikrit!
I think we're back to a useless, violent, stain on civilization...
Oh. and nik? You're "twofold answer" in no way addressed the "question". It was just more pseudo-intellectual BS from another negro who wants our approval. We ALL see right through you, bro. NONE of us wants anything to do with you, nor do we need any help. Thanks.
-Sweep the leg-
Gun Seller's Are Accomplices Of Crimes!" Sign #2 "Spoons Made Me Fat!"
"I'm not affraid to talk about it" this is what kills me more than anything: when DWLs act like they're not affraid to be "politically incorrect" when in fact they are doing exactly what "political correctness" demands: blame whitey. Bill Maher is the king of this typical DWL behaviour (he even had the gall to name his show "Politically Incorrect", what a joke).
Where's the like button?
Effing brilliant!
Bogolyubski You are the only one who paid attention to significance of John Casor and his owner during Black History Month so you have just won the Internet!
Nikcrit, why don't you take your Magic Negro™ act on down the road? We're not interested here. We claim the right of free association here, which includes the right not to have our blog ghettoized by the likes of you and your kind.
We're not interested in "dialogue." We're interested in getting as far away from your kind as we can.
Sheila writes,
"And you know whose fault that is, don't you? It's those radical, right-wing racists! But never fear, nikcrit is here to provide us with the real black experience and tell us what blacks really say in private."
There is no way whatsoever you could take the comment I posted and interpret it to mean: 'black problems' are the fault of right-wing racists. None.
Ditto to "Sweep the Leg," aka, "Dell."
Also, why chide PK for posting my comment? It is his blog, isn't it?
And I'd be a bit more judicious if I were you: If the "mulatto Nikcrit" should be banished from commenting for that reason, then many in the pro-white movement would feel the same way about a female 'genetic-Jew,'-turned-Evangelical Christian who apparently has spent too much time in Texas and has her cowboy hat screwed on too tightly.
Are you so threatened by the opposing-view comments of a fellow outlier that you have to call for my outright censor every time I post a remark?
If it's so horribly important to you, perhaps I'll oblige ----- but if the mood strikes me to comment, and the blog HOST allows it, I'll continue to do so.
Happy Fourth-of-July!
Happy DEPENDENCE day Sbpdl!
On this fourth of July let's take a moment and reflect on our "freedom and independence". We have predator drones in our skies, troops marching on our streets, the TSA in our pants, the IRS in our wallet, the police in our faces, the NSA and the FBI in our business and 47 million + Americans on food stamps. Like dogs on leashes we forget about the leashes as long as we get an easy meal now and again. Sing it with me now "this land is my land, this land is your land . . ."
Help is on it's way, folks.
I read that most people who read "The Hobbit" read the "Lord Of The Rings" books first. People do that all the time.
Now Charles Murray has a new book out called "Coming Apart" that is number 5 on Amazon's best seller list. Lots of people will read it. Lots of people will like it. Lots of people will want to read more of Murray's work, including "The Bell Curve" which they can read with an open mind and open eyes after reading "Coming Apart".
Yes, help is on its way.
Re Anonymous physician's comments on why anyone would think the demise of the USA would benefit anyone: IMHO the pproblem is mythological in nature. Although the name seems clumsy, I think it is appropriate. I call the syndrome the Phoenix syndrome. As some might know, the Phoenix is the magical bird that rises from the ashes of destruction. The idea is of course a symptom of magical thinking, but it is a very seductive bit of uunreason.
As a man of science, you probably know the invincibility of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, of the necessity of the increase in entropy. The Victorians knew it well; the great Englishman Lord Kelvin certainly did. The British Empire, in a way, was founded on the idea that orderly transactions are always, repeat always, better than the spontaneous actions of the people who feel the urges of intuition are the guide. The preservation of order, the efficiency principle if you will, does not allow for the Rousseouian ideal. Although it pretends otherwise, Marxism is at root a Romantic idea and is thus essentially irrational and inefficient.
Can you imagine the howls if we tried to have an all white meeting to discuss white problems privately, or that we were unified enough to even consider such a thing?
Its like society is afraid we'll spontaneously erupt into nazi uniforms and start goosestepping if allowed anything all white.
Strange the powers that be would find that possibility to be so threatening.
Bogolyubski: What would a character like McCarthy be in a place with no BRA? … A worthless cop on the take?
McCarthy already is a "worthless cop on the take". He'll throw any number of Whites under the bus just so long as he can keep farting through silk.
Anon (7/4, 2012 7:51 AM): I support black on black crime. Self-correcting problems are a thing of beauty.
As Napoleon said:
To the Bell Labs Poster:
Yes, I know what you are saying. Lived in Burr Ridge until 1985 and I shopped at Oak Brook Mall, then moved to Naperville and shopped at Fox Valley Mall (Aurora/Naperville border). Pre mid 1990's mostly white and some asian shoppers. By the 90's Fox Valley Mall was mostly hispanic. Moved to Lisle in 1996 started shopping again at Oak Brook Mall and Yorktown Mall (Lombard). Last few years lots of blacks at Oak Brook and Yorktown Malls. Anyone ever notice that white women mostly shop alone, but blacks and hispanics are always in groups? Almost as if they are afraid to go out in public alone. Yep, the new wave into Dupage County are the blacks from Chicago. Honestly, I cannot believe the money that is being spent on all this diversity training/studies. For what? Whites are so pacified anymore that I think they will tolerate almost anything.
Anon (7/4 6:16 PM): Its like society is afraid we'll spontaneously erupt into nazi uniforms and start goosestepping if allowed anything all white.
If they keep this sh!t up, soon enough that will be the only alternative.
Strange the powers that be would find that possibility to be so threatening.
They are so terrified of what organized Whites can do that the outcome of letting non-Whites steer the ship is almost completely ignored. There is no better proof of this than Mein Obama.
Whether it is because of their delusional belief that they will somehow magically snatch the reins from these invading barbarians or because they really think they are in power, both outcomes rely upon survival in a world without overarching White culture and the pure havoc which that entails.
Paul, this is a masterpiece.
Quartavious Davis is still shocked by what happened to him in federal court two months ago....160? years
Anonymous: I hear you. According to reports I hear, the same thing has happened to the formerly-upscale Somerset Mall in Troy, MI. It has been invaded by Blacks, with all the associated Black criminality.
Will security have the balls to lock the doors when they see Blacks coming? Some years ago, they did this for people who were just weird but harmless; I suspect they will not have the balls to preserve their investment against the assault of BRA.
Off topic:
4th of July, Chicago, amazing city, from my apartment in the sky I saw an amazing, awesome fireworks display on the whole of the skyline, heady stuff.
Michigan Avenue - UNBELIEVABLE police presence.
Squad cars (SUV's in Chicago) every other block, disco lights on, flashing continously.
On both sides of the Michigan Avenue, EVERY block, on BOTH sides, two-three cops each side of the street before each store (Magnificent mile, stores here are nice).
I have never seen this much saturation with police.
Saw one group of bored, useless life s**ts groids, small, bored, restless, pants down around ankles, combs in hair, both sheboons and males, jumping around on the sidewalk walking properly on the pedestrian crossing in front of my car.
Saturation is working, but I cringe at the cost.
FYI, the real estate property taxes came in early this year, the 2nd installment is due ohhh about 2 months early.
For the "chillen", of course.
White liberals crave govt jobs and blacks are desperate for a scapegoat.
The result?.
The DWL's fertilize the black vote with racism paranoia which assuages black shame and then get rewarded with gigantic demonrat margins which gives the DWL's the power to financially rape the innocent White productive class in order to further gold-plate the socialist economy.
The White liberal establishment has to kiss Black ass as part of this sick quid pro quo, so McCarthy's idiotic statements are not surprising.
I love the idea of sending problematic blacks to Detroit, but once you have a bulging black ghetto there, the federal government will start transferring wealth from white people in order to pay for it all.
Blacks need to be sent across the f*cking ocean. Their maritime skills are such that they won't trouble our thoughts again.
Oh yeah, didn't Illinois actually send volunteer regiments to fight against the Confederacy and thereby end slavery?
Karma's a bitch, isn't she? Illinois is reaping the dividends of fighting for the tyrant Lincoln, who himself didn't give two shits about ending slavery. So there is some small sliver of cosmic justice in this after all.
What is the solution?
The solution is one that the hand-wringers would rather not hear: wait. The middle class will not move an inch until it feels some real discomfort, and we haven't so much as dipped a toe in that ocean. Obama has rammed through a multi-trillion dollar healthcare scheme in a bankrupt country. The new tax will start being collected in 2014. I'm sure the feds have thought about a way to siphon the funds directly from your bank account, but that's going to be a very hard sell indeed. There's talk of a 10,000% tax on handgun ammunition. And on and on and on.
This SCOTUS victory is only going to spur the left on to greater heights of fanaticism, and all its schemes are antithetical to a comfortable middle class. As many other commenters have stated, we are headed toward a cliff, and the ballot box is not a sufficient brake. Our attempts at organizing to date have been weak-willed and easily co-opted by the GOP. I don't think we have to do anything but get in shape, gear up, and establish a tribe. Moreover, I don't think we should do anything more. Obama and his ilk are pushing us toward open war or economic collapse, whichever comes first. At this point, I don't think there's any stopping it. It's going to be one hell of a ride.
but i don't think alot of people know that jim crow was a democrat and that blacks directly after the civil war voted republican for thirty years.
With all due respect, if you see this as a D vs R issue, you're still at the grade school level of understanding.
And in those instances, they're often very, very critical of black pathologies...
And they'll be very, very critical in private right up to the end, and will never say word one about black pathology in public. They will never say No to a single handout. That's makes them just as worthless as you.
Those of Western European race, ethnicity and heritage HAVING MORE CHILDREN.
This is a tiresome argument. The total Caucasian population of the US is not dropping that much, and it numbers in the hundreds of millions. A net increase in the Caucasian population solves nothing if Mestizos are breeding faster at our expense. More Caucasians will not make blacks less violent or Mexicans less avaricious. A net decrease in black and brown populations, however, will have a profound effect on these things.
the IRS in our wallet
As of 2014, the IRS may be at your door with MP5's & Kevlar as well. I look forward to the day when the IRS SWAT Team kicks in its first door in the name of Obamacare. Rule of Law!
Don't shoot! I want to grow up! THere are 6 baby daddies waiting for me, 8 unborn worthless to society bastard children,tons of welfare and an ebt card for all of us! Plus section 8 housing! Oh yeah~ and we all get a race card too and get to blame whitey for everything! I don't want to miss out on all that!
I just want to point out nobody and nothing will 'save us'. We have to save ourselves.
Not a new president, not the government, not a mayor, not a website, not a book, not an 'awakening', not a collapse, not obamacare, not a flash mob, not a riot, not second class citizen status, not a foreign country.
Nothing, and *NOBODY* will save us.
White people inherently hate themselves and tear each other down.
*If we, the people on this website, don't take positive action in the real world, we're all just whistling in the dark to keep our spirits up, and wasting time. Times up.*
Does anyone besides me now hate having to LOG IN using FB to comment on so many sites now?? I refuse to use FB.
I can tell you right away who will benefit by the collapse of our "society" which is deserving of such collapse. Whites will benefit by no longer being raped of our labors and money to "uplift" a race that cannot be uplifted by any means known to man or god. Accounts can be settled with them, the muslims and enabling politicians all within a very short time since it us unlikely that the 2nd amendment will be done away with (along with all the others) before said collapse and those enabling and facilitating cretins will not be saved by their minority guards within their gated communities either.
pilgrims?! wow, no wonder liberals are so irredeemably worthless: it must take all their energy just to perform the mental gymnastics necessary to maintain their delusional ideology.
I've been commenting on a number of subject here and being civil about it but I don't see any of mine making it here.
The reason that white women shop alone might be because there is a group needed for the lifting that blacks and hispanics do.
""Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms, into our urban centers across this country, that are killing our black and brown children,"
Yes, those SAME federal gun laws that pre-1968 allowed Chicago residents to purchase Colt AR-15s through the US Mail and Walther PPKs through common carriers -- Guns STRAIGHT to your DOOR without any background checks or waiting periods. No POLICE interference in the exercise of a FUNDAMENTAL American right.
Think about that kids. Your Communist News Media, Communist Demopublicans and Communist Judiciary conspired 44 years ago to STEAL your right to purchase firearms as a normal dry good item of commerce.
When you begin thinking again in terms of FREEDOM to purchase firearms as nothing EXTRAORDINARY and begin the rollback of the PROGRESSIVE, COMMUNIST, POLICE-SUPPORTED GUN CONTROL LAWS?? Bringing back mail order guns would be the ultimate victory against the COMMUNIST progressive VICTORIES of the past four decades.
Which liberty-loving politician volunteers to begin the rollback?
You suck.
How about forced sterilization and mandatory drug testing for blacks on welfare?
How about forced prosecution for black males who impregnate black females out of wedlock?
How about blacks take care of their own instead of insisting that we do it?
How about stop responding to black on black crime and view it as a natural reset?
How about a complete end of seizure of whites' property and transfer payments from whites to blacks?
How about one-way tickets to Ghana and Liberia?
How about dorm style living for the current dependent welfare blacks with the requirement of chain gangs and hard labor to pay back the debt to society?
How about some good old fashioned discrimination and public shaming for black behavior?
How about an end to racist affirmative action which benefits blacks, government jobs programs for blacks (TSA, Post Office), and the promotion of unqualified black "teachers" like yourself?
How about we come up with a few more ideas, like telling blacks the truth about their lower intellect and inferiority in comparison to whites?
How about knocking that black chip off your shoulder?
Do you have the courage to tell the truth? No. You live in a bubble of blackness and victimhood. You are a racist. Your people are not fit for liberty. You are natural slaves. Go read some at . He has several documents and speeches from people who warned us about you.
And you have NO IDEA what whites talk about in idea. It would really hurt your feelings. We all know the deal about blacks and ability.
And PS, we can't afford to have more white children because we are strapped in to paying for black illegitimacy, special education, SNAP, EBT, Section-8, "programs", failing schools, frees shots, free dental, free backpacks and winter coats, and black summer feeding programs. We have to have two incomes in order to move the hell away and keep running from black people's dysfunction and violence. And you follow us everywhere. Once you destroy a place, we have to clean it up and pay to fix it again.
We have a harder time finding jobs because people like you are promoted over us because you have the job skill of black skin.
Freedom Failed!!
Freedom Failed.
"In Black Run Amerika (BRA), the historical epoch which began in 1965 which we are now living through, African-Americans are put up on a pedestal above all other races. This explains much of their insolent behavior, their unwillingness to find gainful employment, and the chaos that they routinely cause in our cities.
Whites are subsidizing and tolerating this behavior. The lack of resistance on the part of Whites goes a long way towards explaining why the costs of criminality are soaring as one major metropolitan area after another is quietly abandoned to the insidious force that we call the Black Undertow."
read more at:
Quartavious Davis looks like one of the employees at the Wendys on Highway 280 here in Birmingham.
He does not use a hair net.
I do not eat there.
Anonymous: The DWL's fertilize the black vote with racism paranoia which assuages black shame and then get rewarded with gigantic demonrat margins which gives the DWL's the power to financially rape the innocent White productive class in order to further gold-plate the socialist economy.
This is a very concise synopsis of the degenerate symbiosis between DWLs and Blacks. There are strong parallels to this in the academic milieu whereby entrenched DWL instructors debilitate young minds so that they become more susceptible to things like Big Government and police state protectionism―welded together to create nanny state Socialism―which, when infused via MSM with The Narrative™, engender near total mind control.
Never have these efforts to "fertilize the black vote with racism paranoia which assuages black shame" been more blatant than with the Zimmerman case. That it happened in such close proximity to November's elections makes this an equivalent of Dan Rather attempting to throw the 2004 presidential election with "evidence" that a novice graphologist could shred in court.
Silent Running: With all due respect, if you see this as a D vs R issue, you're still at the grade school level of understanding.
The GOP's flaccid opposition to 0bamacare cut that in stone.
Anonymous: Does anyone besides me now hate having to LOG IN using FB to comment on so many sites now?? I refuse to use FB.
Any site that is so willing to compromise your identity is not worth participating at. The same goes for commercial purveyors that use this same method for their product promotions.
Empowering Facebook is one of the most stupid things that White people can do. It is an equivalent of (c)rap "music" for Whites in that it foreshortens attention spans, cripples normal interactive social skills and further isolates users from the "meat" world of reality.
Anonymous: How about knocking that black chip off your shoulder?
That's not a "chip" on Nikcrit's shoulder. It's his head, you idiot!
Anonymous says,
You suck.
How about forced sterilization and mandatory drug testing for blacks on welfare?
(I'm ok with the drug-testing but not the sterilization)
How about forced prosecution for black males who impregnate black females out of wedlock?
(nope, but I'm for expanded paternity rights and responsibilities; legally enforced if necessary)
How about blacks take care of their own instead of insisting that we do it?
How about stop responding to black on black crime and view it as a natural reset?
(nope. when you see a five-year-old's head split by a bullet, it's hard for me to see that as part of a 'natural reset.')
How about a complete end of seizure of whites' property and transfer payments from whites to blacks?
How about one-way tickets to Ghana and Liberia?
How about dorm style living for the current dependent welfare blacks with the requirement of chain gangs and hard labor to pay back the debt to society?
(ok, but with a few tweaks)
How about some good old fashioned discrimination and public shaming for black behavior?
How about an end to racist affirmative action which benefits blacks, government jobs programs for blacks (TSA, Post Office), and the promotion of unqualified black "teachers" like yourself?
(ok, but I say I'm not unqualified, even tho i'm biased on that subject)
How about we come up with a few more ideas, like telling blacks the truth about their lower intellect and inferiority in comparison to whites?
(The data's already out there; I don't dispute the '85-vs-100-avg.-IQ' claim; I shoot for intra-black gains in quality of life; I don't believe in social 'party,' whether in terms of personal goals or as a basis for 'social policy.')
How about knocking that black chip off your shoulder?
(you know what they say: whether it's a whitehead or a blackhead ----- don't pick at it!!!)
Do you have the courage to tell the truth? No. You live in a bubble of blackness and victimhood. You are a racist. Your people are not fit for liberty. You are natural slaves. Go read some at . He has several documents and speeches from people who warned us about you.
And you have NO IDEA what whites talk about in idea. It would really hurt your feelings. We all know the deal about blacks and ability.
And PS, we can't afford to have more white children because we are strapped in to paying for black illegitimacy, special education, SNAP, EBT, Section-8, "programs", failing schools, frees shots, free dental, free backpacks and winter coats, and black summer feeding programs. We have to have two incomes in order to move the hell away and keep running from black people's dysfunction and violence. And you follow us everywhere. Once you destroy a place, we have to clean it up and pay to fix it again.
We have a harder time finding jobs because people like you are promoted over us because you have the job skill of black skin.
(OK, if you say so and it makes you happy, I'll sign on ----- except for the 'I don't have the courage to say the truth'-part).
I bet that most Republicans in Congress are soft-liberals for the same reason that W.F. Buckley ditched race realism: they want to be invited to cocktail parties. I suppose there aren't enough real conservatives to have their own cocktail parties.
When the interests of the people who elected you take a back seat to what social circle you'd like to be in, something is very rotten.
One of the things about BRA is that it costs enormous amounts of money when the country is broke. That makes cost a possible wedge issue, especially between the anti-White DWLs and seniors.
One of the consequences of BRA is that Washington is borrowing enormous amounts of money, which Bernanke is printing at breakneck speed. This is called "monetizing the Federal debt". This itself has consequences, one of which is that the interest rate on bonds held by the Social Security Trust Fund has taken a dive and the SSTF balance will peak in 2017 and the fund will be broke by 2023.
When the fund hits zero, benefits will automatically be cut to make benefits equal to tax receipts. This is a HUGE issue for anyone over, say, 55; their savings yield nothing because Bernanke has pushed interest rates to zero, and now he's done the same for Social Security. All this, to pay for BRA.
It really is a tradeoff between Angel Adams and her 16 kids, and Grandma's ability to keep her house and put food on the table. If someone can make that into a snappy meme and get pols to take positions based on it, we'd win HUGE in November because White people vote, and White seniors vote more than anyone.
Why must you follow white people around? Do you get paid for it? Is this part of the program, i.e. whites can't be left alone to think for themselves?
I can answer your questions on Jim Crow quite easily. It resides in real history books--not the Leftist Revisionist History "taught" to public school children.
After Lincoln was shot, radical Republicans decided to punish the South both for the war and Lincoln's death. They had absolute control of the congress and passed bills in to law despite Johnson's disapproval. They impeached him, IIRC. They passed several Amendments and barred Southern states from participating in the national legislature until they ratified them--thats how blacks were actually freed got to be citizens. Lincoln was going to deport every last one of them to Liberia--land that was purchased by the U.S. for the express purpose of returning manumitted slaves to Africa.
They also declared all Southern white males to be felons and therefore ineligible to vote. But the ignorant, illiterate manumitted slaves could vote. Most could not even sign their names, let alone read the legislation that Yankee carpet baggers had them vote into law. All the ignorant blacks cared about was that they got paid for that vote. They made themselves judges, policemen, congress men, etc. Most of the laws were designed to steal the land from the old Southern families. Bankrupting them with excessive taxes. They took the guns that Grant and Sherman had allowed them to keep upon surrender and they took the guns that had never fired a shot in anger.
Black depravity, violent behavior, began in earnest. As a means of defending themselves, they began using night riders as vigilantes. This movement is what Confederate Hero Nathan Bedford Forest turned into the Klu Klux Klan. The "uniforms" were not meant to "spook" the ignorant blacks, they were meant to conceal the night riders from the Yankee Army Of Occupation. Thus, a second war was fought--one of white liberation from the tyranny and depredations of the blacks and their Yankee carpet baggers. Many, many white carpet baggers were lynched as well--it's just never discussed because the propaganda machine doesn't want anyone to know why the lynchings occurred in the first place. If a black or a Yankee was let go by a black judge, he met justice anyway--albeit in the middle of a dark night.
When Reconstruction ended and the white man got his guns and his vote back, this all ended. But so did the Southern white man's willingness to live alongside the black man. The first thing he did was impose the Jim Crow laws. Laws which, by the way, were not as draconian as laws passed "up North'--laws which went way beyond segregation. The Northern laws made it illegal for blacks to be in one spot for more than 24 hours, or else forbade them to be in a city after dark. They also forbade the black man from owning land.
Nope, in the South, the black man brought it on himself. In the North, they knew what the blacks were and sought to keep them in the South. Hell, Nikrit, after the Emancipation Proclamation--which was done to keep England and France out of the war, Lincoln had draft riots and the volunteers plummeted. He had to go to Europe and promise citizenship to get his cannon fodder. Almost no one in the North fought that war to free black men.
RobertB said...
Why must you follow white people around? Do you get paid for it? Is this part of the program, i.e. whites can't be left alone to think for themselves?
I can answer your questions on Jim Crow quite easily. It resides in real history books--not the Leftist Revisionist History "taught" to public school children."
I'm not following anyone in particular; I DO enjoy blog debate with ideological adversaries, whether actual or hypothetical, but understand there are blog-interludes, and sometimes entire blogs, where outsiders/outliers aren't welcome, and in such cases I try to disappear.
But this blog is merely one of a few I've been going to; I even only knew of its existence because it was on's blogroll.
RE. "Jim Crow": Are you confusing me with another commenter? I didn't ask you or anyone else anything about the subject.
I agree with what you said about Lincoln's aims, the north's objectives, and the basic thrust of the entire comment.
However, you got some of the history out of order re. events during Reconstruction.
"...Are you so threatened by the opposing-view comments of a fellow outlier that..."
NO! For the last time (who am I kidding?), WE DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! ABOUT ANYTHING!
Do you sincerely not understand this?
-Sweep the leg-
Sweep the leg says,
"NO! For the last time (who am I kidding?), WE DON"T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! ABOUT ANYTHING!"
My comment was directed as Sheila, not you, so no need for your reply.
If I may ask, why do you follow me around and reply critically but never specifically to every comment I make, whether here or at OneSTDV or wherever?
If you're trying to say you don't like my comments, I get it; if you have other aims in mind, I'm not interested.
In any case, your obsessive trolling of my profile is quite creepy and I'd appreciate it if you'd give me some space. Lots of space.
your obsessive trolling of my profile is quite creepy and I'd appreciate it if you'd give me some space. Lots of space.
... says the Black guy who keeps trolling White blogs devoted to the discussion of Black dysfunction and how to avoid becoming its victim.
You are truly blind to irony.
Negro fatigue... it's spreading.
I don't want to oppress them; I don't mean them any harm. I just don't want to be around them and their pathologies. That's realism - not "racism."
Nikcrit: My comment was directed as Sheila, not you, so no need for your reply.
There is very much a need for Sweep the leg's reply. How else to impress upon you that your presence is nothing more than a waste of bandwidth and electrons?
Apologist, victimologist, defender, it matters not. Your meager input already has been dissected and refuted here a thousand or more times. The thudding sound of you beating your supraorbital ridge against SBPDL's service entry is both distracting and annoying.
Blacks like Nikcrit do not understand the word "No". Remember Desiree? She did not know when she was not wanted. It is pathetic. Say no and blacks throw fits and force themselves onto us anyway. The use the government and the DWLs to do this...or is it the other way around? We have told them yes for too long.
Black Americans still think that they are white people's little darlings, but things have changed.
"Are you so threatened by the opposing-view comments of a fellow outlier that you have to call for my outright censor every time I post a remark?"
Do you know when you are not wanted?? We have heard your whining before - Black Guy, Honest Crusader, Hilarity Ensures, Desiree, and so many more. You are the same person all wrapped into one. White people owe you nothing, including an explanation.
And white people are not "hatin'" on blacks or jealous, or threatened, or envious, or afraid, or mesmerized by them, or anything else.
You add nothing of value that we could not provide all by ourselves. Let that sink in.
Mr. Rational said...
your obsessive trolling of my profile is quite creepy and I'd appreciate it if you'd give me some space. Lots of space.
... says the Black guy who keeps trolling White blogs devoted to the discussion of Black dysfunction and how to avoid becoming its victim.
You are truly blind to irony.
Damn, Mr R, you beat me to it. What he said, Nitwit...
-Sweep the leg-
any time you see 'human rites' think 'anti white'
2012 London games
"Neo-Nazi symbols, slogans and banners displayed during football matches and racist monkey chants directed at players or supporters should not be tolerated," he said in a statement to the Human Rights Council.
unfair campaign...
actually I think the billboards were good...
they scream...whites wake up or its too late.
I checked the UN stuff someone posted here...with its
PnG ad, black and spanish speaking..
check it out.
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