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What was D-Day for again, Mr. Strait? Freedom Failed |
Now completely discredited, these writings by left wing sociologists laid the pattern for the excuse making industry today, where for example an 11 year old girl can be kidnapped and dragged into cover to be gang raped and the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it. A sample size of 28 random black men, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. The entire black community standing shoulder to shoulder with the rapists and blaming the victim is too large a number to dismiss as unrepresentative. Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
There is a segment of negroid behavior that is totally unique to them. They OWN it. It is their Signature Crime so to speak. Elderly interracial rape. Negros have found this to be an amusing and rewarding pastime.
“Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women – and this point, I believe, was the most satisfying to me because I was very resentful over the historical fact of how the white man has used the black woman. I felt I was getting revenge.
I started out practicing on black girls in the ghetto where dark and vicious deeds appear not as aberrations or deviations from the norm, but as part of the sufficiency of the Evil of a day. When I considered myself smooth enough, I crossed the tracks and sought out white prey. I did this consciously, deliberately, willfully, methodically.” (-Elderidge Cleaver-)
This is a facet of the negro mind that few want to explore, certainly not DWL, who cover up the reporting of crimes of the negro at every opportunity! DWL fear a White anger backlash, as well they should, if the facts were made known. A few professionals have had both the opportunity and insight to examine this horrific trend closely. The FBI has for years kept a behavioral psych division which quietly put out papers on various types of crimes. In the words of one of their lead researchers:
Of all the metrics of black violent crime against whites the sexual homicide of elderly white women offers the most compelling evidence of race hatred toward the victim. For starters, the motives of the perp in any sexual homicide of an elderly woman is pure hatred. His victim is largely symbolic. His motive is not lust but extreme hatred.
(Special Agent Mark E. Safarik, a profiler in the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI Academy, published in the May issue of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence)
The study involved a review of 110 offenders who perpetrated the rape and murder of 128 women 60 years and older. The mean age of the victims was 77 and 97% were black on White. The gut wrenching comes in the last paragraph, in the interview section (!) almost buried and forgotten, an aside:
“Based on other reports, Safarik says that there has never been a case of sexual homicide involving a white offender and an elderly black victim in modern times. Yet the sexual homicide of elderly white women by black men is epidemic in comparison.”
Never been a case. Never. So this is an answer to those who say “Whites do it too!”. This is my contribution to Stuff Black People Don’t Like. They don’t like people pointing out the negros rape and murder White Grandmothers out of Hate and negros are the only ones who do.
More on the raping of the elderly and race can be found here.
And yet we still have intellectually inept defeatist apologetic fools in our midst that defend and protect these foul beasts. Foul beasts that will stab them in the back when the opportunity presents itself. USA might as well go down in flames the blacks are just another death knell for the obese reality show watchers. No one hardly stands up for themselves.
Notice the smirk the sub-human had on his face when he entered the courtroom? I don't care if they like us. I want them to fear us.
We also have the complete absence of white-on-black gang rape, and aren't the white-on-black solo rapes so few that the NCVS says they're effectively zero?
Simple solution to criminal behavior, from any race. Put the perpetrators in prison. Reform the prison system to where prisons don't get the tv, workout privileges,etc. Make the prisons so unbearable that no one wants to go back. African prisons are like that. Russian prisons too.
While police militarization and knowledgeable gun ownership are certainly instructive topics, you have really outdone yourself, 10mm AUTO.
A sample size of 28 random black men, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative. The entire black community standing shoulder to shoulder with the rapists and blaming the victim is too large a number to dismiss as unrepresentative. [emphasis added]
I have frequently noted an escalation into monstrous depravity by Black criminals that simply cannot be ignored. It so transcends the nature of ordinary criminal enterprise that there emerges a sense of how Black predators valorize the commission of heinous crimes. The more brutal and agonizing, the better.
That the Black community routinely shrugs this off as they collectively allow skin color to trump all other aspects of misbehavior reflects a general acceptance, if not knowing approval, of such demonic acts. There can be no other interpretation and attempting to do so is a very risky proposition.
Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 young white or Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
When the very small percentage of overall population that is reflected by those 28 Black rapists (i.e., largely young males), there arises an almost inescapable conclusion that a criminal mentality is almost hardwired into the Black brain.
There is a segment of negroid behavior that is totally unique to them. They OWN it. It is their Signature Crime so to speak. Elderly interracial rape. Negros have found this to be an amusing and rewarding pastime.
This is where things take a particularly nasty turn. Elderly rape really cannot be construed as having any element of sexuality to it. Not that rape in general is much more than violent imposition but when the interaction has some relative degree of age parity, sexual pleasure on the rapist's part can, at least, be speculated upon.
Not so in the rape of elderly women. From this there can only be concluded that the act is one of pure brutality and humiliation. Both of which characteristics are easily imagined as projections by your typical Black thug. The utter lack of compassion demonstrated by these rapists of elderly women signifies a total moral void unlike anything previously seen.
“Based on other reports, Safarik says that there has never been a case of sexual homicide involving a white offender and an elderly black victim in modern times. Yet the sexual homicide of elderly white women by black men is epidemic in comparison.” [original emphasis]
Yet people continue to question the moral validity of wanting to deport all Blacks from America. Were their IQs not so dismally low it would almost seem as though Black criminals spend endless hours scheming over how they can ratchet up the brutality in novel and ever more cruel ways.
Instead, it can be argued that this viciousness is simply an artifact of Black mentality and is programmed in at a genetic level. The African genocides with their mass rapes and amputations would seem to back this up entirely.
In the second video the reporter parrots investigators bullshit theory of a "burglary gone wrong". This crap has got to end! An 83 year old woman posed absolutely no threat or hindrance to her twenty-year old assailant. Nothing "went wrong", except that the little nigger just spontaneously and consciously decided to expand the scope of his TNB to include rape and murder.
Once again, proof that lethal injection is far too kind for scum of this sort.
Great article, 10mm AUTO. Although the byline simply says "10 MM" the writing style shrieks 10mm AUTO. Please correct me if I am wrong.
VM said...
Simple solution to criminal behavior, from any race. Put the perpetrators in prison. Reform the prison system to where prisons don't get the tv, workout privileges,etc. Make the prisons so unbearable that no one wants to go back. African prisons are like that. Russian prisons too.
July 21, 2012 7:14 PM
Oh God forbid that prison isn't recreational and "work study" for criminals. If you aren't the best criminal you can be before you go to prison, you will be after you spend some time there. Between physical workouts, reading in the free library, and rubbing elbows with some of the finest criminals with evil minds... you can really up your game.
I'm with you. Prison like it used to be. Inmates into individual cells, 23.5 hours a day. Half hour to shower.
Protects the rest of us from the ones that are unwilling to reform, protects the ones that went to prison for a legit mistake and don't want to become worse, and just might protect us all with fear keeping criminal intentions checked in society.
We all know that black on white rape is off the charts. Whether they are assaulting our lovely women or raping white men in prison. We are rarely raping black women for obvious reasons...they are unpalatable. While white women are the most desired by all darker men down to Arabs and Mexicans. Asian men also have a thing for them especially blonds and redheads. Though in America there are probably more white man/Asian woman marriages.
The way wee let blacks assault us is a national disgrace. We used to have this country arranged to suit us, and they would not dare try this they would end up dead
Anon (7/21 6:52 PM): Notice the smirk the sub-human had on his face when he entered the courtroom?
Nothing that a pair of correctly applied brass knuckles couldn't erase permanently. Fortunately, if this walking slime mold doesn't get a date with Mr. Needle, he'll spend the rest of his life have something much larger inserted very uncomfortably and without the benefit of any anesthetic.
VM is absolutely correct. If you have ever read on foreign criminals in custody they mostly would rather a stay in US prison. Beyond the borders of the US detainment is akin to all out war inside the erected "prisons" of third world countries. Those fateful dregs inside are like beaten animals. The way things are going though it seems blacks, John corzine, officials,etc can operate whatever criminal enterprise they see fit without ever making it to punishing fatigues of prison.
These primitives invade the homes of elderly whites to rob them because blacks are always short money. They are looking for someone weaker to rob. Because these ferals are ruled by their emotions their lust and blood lust explodes on the scene. So they start raping, assaulting and murdering. And before you know it DeShawn is going to cost the taxpayers millions in trial and incarceration expenses. Not to mention the white lives he has ruined.
Yet the entire judicial apparat, completely controlled by the most fanatical believers in the doctrine of equality über alles works 24 x 7 x 365 to make certain that the monsters who perpetrate such abominations never pay for it.
In a way, the ideologues in the judicial apparat and the congenital liars in the Ministry of Truth are even more morally despicable than the groid monsters who carry out the abominations.
VM: Simple solution to criminal behavior, from any race. Put the perpetrators in prison. Reform the prison system to where prisons don't get the tv, workout privileges,etc. Make the prisons so unbearable that no one wants to go back.
You just don't get it, do you?
The financial burden of incarcerating every last deserving Black criminal is sufficient to derail the American economy. Why do you think there is such a revolving door to the judicial and penal system? A direct byproduct of this fact is more White people being raped or dying at the hands of Black criminals. Something that is totally unacceptable.
America could already have a permanent lunar colony and be on its way to Mars if it weren't for the cosseting and subsidizing of shiftless Black parasites. They don't belong here and their contributions are so marginal as to be statistically insignificant when compared to all other races.
As Van is so fond of inquiring:
What product, goods or services do Blacks provide which cannot be obtained elsewhere with a dramatically decreased likelihood of encountering any sullen attitude, slack work ethic, chronic tardiness, work-related lawsuits and general risk of physical assault or murder?
That is what too many Blacks bring to the workaday table and plenty of people are totally fucking fed up with it, myself included. Building more insanely expensive jails is not the solution. Relocation and isolation of this contaminating influence is.
blacks seeking "revenge" is humourous to me, for a number of reasons.
the main one being that, with blacks' low IQs, short attention span, and nearly non-existent long term memory, they would've long since forgotten all of history, including their own, if it wasn't for liberal media and public schools reminding them every second of every day.
This war is entirely a battle of the mind, and it is not between blacks and whites--as that would be a laughably one-sided affair--but between cultural marxists and, well, sane people.
The solution is to send Africans in America to African prisons.
More of the endless examples of the fact that Northern First World People and sub-Saharan Africans don't belong together.
Sub-Saharan Africans are the only racial group on the planet that never emerged from the warm evergreen nursery of the human species and, therefore, never received the enchanced genetic conditioning resulting from the desperate struggle for survival in brutal desolate northern winters.
While the ancestors of black Americans were picking fruit off trees and singing and dancing, the humans tribes in the Europe and Asia were forced to abandon their least valuable sick and injured during the harsh winters. The premium was on intelligence, industriousness, thriftiness, and civility.
The anti-scientific DWL dogma of racial sameness has caused the White population to make a decades long gargantuan economic and cultural sacrifice in order to transform these ugly black caterpillars into beautiful First World butterflies. The scientific reality of evolution has turned the White sacrifice into a termite infestation.
Blacks are, by far, the worst breed of humans and no amount of DWL wishful thinking can change the ugly reality.
What can change is White Americans taking a more practical approach in which we protect ourselves from becoming a chained and increasingly anemic host to an evergrowing population of dangerous parasites.
The utter lack of compassion demonstrated by these rapists of elderly women signifies a total moral void unlike anything previously seen.
This might be a good time to re-post something I found several years ago: What's Really Going On in South Africa (NSFW). Look long and hard at the bodies of the victims. This is what can be expected of these animals. This is what they'll do to your wives, girlfriends, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, even sons, and it will be the most joyful moment in their lives. Blacks smile as they destroy human life. It really is what they live for.
Fortunately, if this walking slime mold doesn't get a date with Mr. Needle, he'll spend the rest of his life have something much larger inserted very uncomfortably and without the benefit of any anesthetic.
Loathe as I am to praise rape in any form, your version would still be preferable to the truth, which is that he'll probably be doing more giving than receiving. Prison is not a hardship for the Negro; he rules the prison. It is the only place where he is truly king. The more likely scenario is that he'll be raping the shit out of a white guy inside for selling weed, when he's not selling his white bitch's ass to he bruthas.
Sub-Saharan Africans are the only racial group on the planet that never emerged from the warm evergreen nursery of the human species and, therefore, never received the enchanced genetic conditioning resulting from the desperate struggle for survival in brutal desolate northern winters.
The OoA Theory is disputed. Other theories have emerged that point toward numerous points of origin for the races of the world. I'm not sure which is true, and I really don't care. What I do know is that OoA is used by the craven media to remind us that we all come from the same place, and therefore cannot be fundamentally different. That's why I avoid it.
OT, anyone know what happened to Mangan?
I really dislike black people, but I'll be damned if I hate them enough to fuck any of their women, let alone an elderly one.
It's not hate that drives these monsters, it's instinct. It's the same sort of instinct we find in fighting dogs and animals that have had a taste for human blood, and the only solution is to put them down.
There's no prison that can rehabilitate someone who rapes or molests, and the sooner we figure that out and start taking them and their instincts out of the gene pool the better.
Ex New Yorker here....Over 20 years of living with this kind of garbage gave me nightmares for years. I still have flashbacks. So much violence. It still haunts me. I am grateful for this blog. It has helped me to be able to vent. One friend took 2 9mm rounds in the chest and died in a taxi on the way to a hospital. The spook that shot him was back on the street in 5 years.
So many fights. Mostly with blacks. Also spicks and white trash. The violence was a way of life on the Lower East Side. So many close calls. I had long hair so a lot of punks thought I was some kind of "peacenik hippie". That was a grave mistake on their part. Most of the fights were with punks that were looking for someone to push around. Remember, tough guys don't go around starting fights. They have nothing to prove.
So I got to kick the shit out of a bunch of assholes who thought they were tough.
The black guys were always the first to back down. "Yo muthafugga I'm gon kick yo ass", but they would be walking backwards down the street as they said it. Damn. I would get all pumped up to beat on some spook and now he is backing away. I called it the ZEN OF THE STANDOFF. It became an art.
It was a strange life. BLISS A LA MODE one day and a HORROR SHOW the next day. I've seen a lot of blood and some of it was mine. I am still amazed I made it out alive. I felt like I was in some kind of war.
I never got shot or stabbed, but I did get shit kicked a few times. The last fight in NY I lost. I had already taken a dock hook away from the guy, but he beat me in the head with a padlock. Ouch.
Now I am living out in the boonies with white people. No blacks around to disturb the peace. It sure is nice and quiet.
Just kill them(felonious savages).
Segregation is the long path, but in the short term, we simply need to exterminate criminals(ie blacks and hispanics) and make it cheap and easy. When the DWL traitors claim that life sentences are cheaper than death they do it through the usual lies of the left, by using the artificially high costs of a capital trial under the current insanity. There's no reason that a capital trial need cost more than any other trial, aside from the artifical costs created IOT justify it's elimination.
What the hell is the point of this web site? What are you getting out of this? I have no idea and frankly to the admins who run this and those who comment. You are what is wrong with this nation. Disturbing how much time and effort is spent to degrade one race of people. How do you do it? How can you obsess like this and still consider it normal? Don't you find this web site a little much? Black people this , black people that. Black people are not perfect and have issues. White people aren't perfect and have issue. Just read the Colorado shoting and it was done by a white man. Yet its not on this site to discuss the issues within your own community. Instead you focus on black people? You don't focus on whites who are in poverty. You don't focus on those who become jobless and homeless. You can blame Obama until you're blue in the face. But you'll say the same thing about the next asshole in office. So what's the fucking difference? This must be the white american way of dealing with things. Bitch, blame every brown, black and yellow person on your issues. Damn sounds a lot like when blacks play the victim role. I can't stand the fucking KKK or the new Blank Panthers. Its the same kinda asshole. Just change the black to white and the white to black. Useless people pumping fear for their own commodity power hungery good.I guess you are what you hate and hate what you are.
I man with out purpose is a man who is truly lost. So many lost people on this site within this nation regardless of color.
Believe what you wanna believe. Post what you wanna post. May it continue to blind you from a real truth. I will keep living my life best way I can. Not worry about crazy white people with to much free time.
As I told my wife the elites who want a dysfunctional Third World for the whole World can't afford to keep the Whites and East Asians around.
Black and/or Browns are much more easily manipulated to accept their fate. Being of low IQ and easily entertained add in more than a bit of superstition and you have a perfect electorate.
All Communist and Third World countries have an elite usually the Whitest elite. I lived in Thailand and South East Asia for years guess who is the elites of those countries? The Whitest(or Yellowest)Chinese they control the vast majority of education and finances.
I would venture to say that the supposed African elites that run their respective countries only do so at the whims of the Russians and/or Chinese. They get a few bobbles and trinkets from people outside their countries so that they may remain in power in their said country.
On topic:
It's not just the USA that celebrates vibrant diversity, the UK is similarly enriched.
There's a mugshot accompanying the story. Take a wild fucking guess.
From the article:
Dubbed the Night Stalker, Delroy Grant, 53, raped and assaulted elderly victims over a period of 17 years in south London, Kent and Surrey.
Police said he was responsible for some of the most "awful and disturbing crimes" in Scotland Yard's history.
...Police have linked Grant to incidents involving 203 separate surviving victims - but fear his actual number of victims could be as many as 600.
Good piece, 10MM (was that a pun?) but I would take issue with:
Although some here will argue that race has nothing to do with crime, it is impossible to imagine 28 ... Asian men happening on a horrific scene of a young child being raped by grown men and every single one of them joining in the crime instead of trying to stop it.
Because that's exactly the sort of thing that has been going on in Britain.
I guess it's about context, though. In the US, 'Asian' mostly means Japanese/Korean/Chinese, right?
In the UK, the press has been using 'Asian' as a euphemism for Pakistani Muslim.
Anyway, it's a huge scandal over here, even though the media have done their best to minimize reporting on a whole string of similar cases (all isolated incidents, of course, and nothing to do with race or religion either, oh no) with the police complicit, having avoided investigating evidence of abuse that's probably been going on for decades, for the sake of 'community relations'.
Fucking disgraceful.
I certainly have great sympathy
for all the WW 2 vets who fought to
defend their country. Tragically,
the leaders of the US and Britain
betrayed them, and turned the war
into a victory for communism. We
have been fighting to undo the evil
results of that war ever since.
The communist-dominated "civil
rights" movement was one of the
rotten fruits of the postwar betrayal
of Western civilization. Indeed,
in retrospect, it seems that the
US and Britain should have joined
Germany in attacking the USSR.
In addition to destroying world
communism, such an alliance would
have meant that Germany would
never have achieved near-total
control over all of Poland, and
the worst of the concentration
camp atrocities (which occurred
in that country) would not have
Meanwhile, we need the best
scientists to work on the invention
of a drug which would cause total
sterility only in people with a
certain cell structure (and in
no one else), and then introduce
that substance into the water
supplies of the large cities. In
this way, no one would be killed,
while at the same time "social
justice" would be obtained--the
REAL kind of justice, not the
nonsense called for by Jackson
and Sharpton!
That Eldrige Cleaver quote: A hundred copies of it are going to be conveniently dropped off in the woman's studies department and posted on billboards in the area.
And as much as I'm not a fan of liberal uber feminists there's nothing they detest more than the violation of a woman's body. They may be powerful allies in the fight against what at first they perceive as a fight against rape, but which could be (not without difficulty) molded into a struggle for the White woman's liberation and a return to strong families. In any movement women HAVE to be on board and who better than the ones who've been subverting the Western Family for so long? Everyone remembers the article about the aid worker who was raped in Haiti yet still managed to blame Whites for it? Yeah, an extreme example but that's what we're up against. Most aren't that brainwashed and negro rape would be a wakeup call but we should hope to not let it get to that point.
Counter their train of thought. It can be done. Y'all need to realize that frontal assaults are hardly ever the best tactic, (the media has been slipping garbage into Western brains for decades) especially in the realm of propaganda...there's always a back door.
map said...
"The solution is to send Africans in America to African prisons."
You mean like contract out to prison operators in Africa? I'd gladly let my tax dollars be used for that. Why not? Halliburton and other companies build massive prisons here, so why not over there especially considering they do most of their work globally?
Even transportation wouldn't be a huge expense if we sent them en masse and the cost savings by not having to pay for corrections officers (and their medical benefits or death benefits when if unfortunately get shanked by negros). Food is probably cheaper there too and just might actually force them to adopt commercial farming instead of the subsistence they have now, especially if we have a "company" running the show.
Upon release they can just walk out the front gate and find their own way home. Most won't given the immense undertaking that would be. We can also hope that many would just die off or will be abused by their African gaolers instead of getting to watch TV and workout which only makes them stronger, faster criminals.
...if this walking slime mold doesn't get a date with Mr. Needle...
Oh, he will. Oklahoma executes more people per capita than any other state--even more than Texas. This monster is as good as dead. We can at least take some solace in that fact.
Almost a year ago, I suggested the 10 MM Auto get a blog. I am glad that Paul has promoted a greater awakening, and the my faith in 10 MM was justified in continuing it. I work my side, just in a different way.
Nice to see this new form of democracy work. Excellent job, the both of you.
53GR says:
Rape is a weapon of war. It has always been a weapon of war. It is used to demoralize and humiliate the enemy. It is used to defile and degrade the women of the enemy so that they will no longer be desirable (especially the case in more traditional societies).
Furthermore, it is used to call into question paternity and bloodline. Further, if ethnicity (or race) is traced by patrilineal succession, the act of impregnating a woman effectively is an act of genocide. With the black-on-white rape, an added injury is the extremely high chance that the victim will be infected with a sexually transmitted disease, possibly a fatal one.
The sooner that we wake up and treat the epidemic of rape as an act of war, the better off we'll be.
Please do a spot on the heavy metal culture and festivals in Europe.
All white. A thing of beauty.
@mybiasbearsyourbias, Fuck you, you brainwashed multiculturist.
mybiasbeatsyourbias: What the hell is the point of this web site? What are you getting out of this?
As if you are totally familiar with the topic of elder rape of White women by Black thugs and find all of just so ho-hum?
You sanctimonious twit! The genocidal ethnic cleansing that Black America is carrying out against this nation's Whites is a topic of vital importance if our country is to survive in any recognizable form. Just as relevant is the need for White men and families to even more closely guard their elderly women so that this sort of vicious brutality can be averted.
If that isn't pertinent or urgent to you, then why are you even here, much less wasting our time with your smarmy bullshit?
Anon (7/22, 2012 3:32 AM): I guess it's about context, though. In the US, 'Asian' mostly means Japanese/Korean/Chinese, right?
Exactly right. Over here Muslims are more associated with the MME (Muslim Middle East), instead of Britain's "Asian" colonial possessions like Pakistan, India or Afghanistan.
That is, if we can even find a media outlet with the scrotal endowment to identify active criminals. At least the British press uses codespeak like "Asian" or "Caribbean". Here, it's all just a total blank-out.
In the UK, the press has been using 'Asian' as a euphemism for Pakistani Muslim.
And you have my sincere sympathy over how your government has imported these layabout arrogant scum by the droves.
Fucking disgraceful.
Yes it is and, at day's end, there should be hell to pay.
"What the hell is the point of this web site? What are you getting out of this?"
If you hang around long enough, you might learn something. I wouldn't put money on that, though, it sounds like your mind is all made up. Some people learn only through experience.
Hey, look! It's not a Black blame-shifter, it's a DWL blame-shifter!
What the hell is the point of this web site? What are you getting out of this?
The point of this blog is that American Blacks as a class are parastic, violently criminal, and completely ungrateful to Whites despite all the advantages they've been handed (it's worse, they're burningly hostile). These are all truths that academia and the media have declared off-limits, so we talk about them here.
How can you obsess like this and still consider it normal?
How can you ignore rampant Black criminality and bestial offenses like raping 80-yr-old White women to death and consider it normal? Our grandparents and great-grandparents said "that's just how they are" and kept them away with restrictive covenants and "sunset towns". This blog is part of a return to that lost wisdom.
Just read the Colorado shoting and it was done by a white man.
He killed about as many as Blacks get in a weekend or two in Chicago. It's not news when Blacks do it; it's commonplace, and the media don't want to be "racist" by calling attention to it. Even when Blacks do something out of the ordinary like rioting in grocery stores or malls, our liberal media don't mention race and use euphemisms like "youths".
Liberals demanded that we talk about things like spousal rape, so we could prosecute it. Liberals said that "SILENCE = DEATH" for gays. Why are you demanding that Whites be silent about Black dysfunction, criminality and murder? Why do you want White victimization to continue? WHY DO YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE?
You don't focus on whites who are in poverty.
How much more money would we have for them if we didn't have forty million Blacks dragging us down, and a sky-high Black crime rate despite a million Blacks in jail? How much better would their schools be if we didn't have to accept Black misbehavior lest we be called "racist"? They're not the total cause of the problems of the White poor, but they make it far worse.
Damn sounds a lot like when blacks play the victim role.
Show us where we've ever asked for anything from Blacks. We ask them for nothing; not money, not health care, not vehicles, not cell phones, not food, housing or clothing; they demand all those things from us, and get them. They want what we make without contributing, we want them to leave us alone. No, we want them to leave us.
White America owes Black America nothing.
Trial junkie here. Yes, I've heard the "Whites Do It Too" excuse countless times. Well, yes.
Whites who committ heinous murders are usually psychos, druggies, sometimes career criminals who combine those traits. Blacks who do so are often garden-variety types.
I can't count the mind-boggling murders I've seen by blacks who seemed to be "respectable" or who have had plenty of opportunities.
What the hell is the point of this web site? What are you getting out of this?
Survival for us and our loved ones.
I have no idea and frankly to the admins who run this and those who comment.
Come back after you've been gang raped by a bunch of blacks.
You are what is wrong with this nation.
No, out of control government pandering to the wants of a few while ignoring the need the many is what is wrong with this country.
Disturbing how much time and effort is spent to degrade one race of people. How do you do it? How can you obsess like this and still consider it normal? Don't you find this web site a little much?
Degrade one race of people? Excuse me, but pointing out the facts isn't degrading. As to this being an obsession, no, it is survival.
Black people this , black people that. Black people are not perfect and have issues. White people aren't perfect and have issue. Just read the Colorado shoting and it was done by a white man.
SBPDL (Stuff Black People Don't Like). The Colorado shooting (not shoting) was done by a nut job. We've got nut jobs who come in all colors.
Yet its not on this site to discuss the issues within your own community. Instead you focus on black people? You don't focus on whites who are in poverty. You don't focus on those who become jobless and homeless. You can blame Obama until you're blue in the face. But you'll say the same thing about the next asshole in office. So what's the fucking difference?
We focus on black people because they as a whole commit crimes (of all sorts) way out of proportion to their numbers. If you didn't have your head buried up your ass then you would realize that fact. Oh, and FYI poverty isn't the reason for the blacks amongst us to be committing those crimes.
This must be the white american way of dealing with things. Bitch, blame every brown, black and yellow person on your issues. Damn sounds a lot like when blacks play the victim role. I can't stand the fucking KKK or the new Blank Panthers. Its the same kinda asshole.
Hmmm, a thug gets shot by a guy who has a white sounding name and the race hustlers come out of the woodwork. A elderly white couple is savagely beaten, the white wife raped, then murdered and her husband left to die what then? The race pimps aren't interested in that.
Just change the black to white and the white to black. Useless people pumping fear for their own commodity power hungery good.I guess you are what you hate and hate what you are.
No, hate takes emotional investment. Irrational hatred strips you of any power. Looking at blacks as being human-like but violent protects us.
I man with out purpose is a man who is truly lost. So many lost people on this site within this nation regardless of color.
WTF are you talking about. Suggest you drop the bong.
Believe what you wanna believe. Post what you wanna post. May it continue to blind you from a real truth. I will keep living my life best way I can. Not worry about crazy white people with to much free time.
Ah, a drive by shitting. Drop a load and expect others to clean it up after you've shit on the carpets. Come back when you have some life experiences under your belt. Oh, and for lots of life experiences try living in any apartment building infested with a black majority.
I find no solace in taking the life of a black murderer who has taken a white life. They are not our equals. It's good they're being executed, but losing one black thug from a near endless horde doesn't fix the fact that we've lost the life of a precious white mother, grandmother or friend.
As much as I disagree with the Israelis, I admire the way they strike back at their enemies in an ever escalating manner. Kill 5 of ours? Air strike. Bomb a bus? Raze a neighborhood. If white people had that same sense of preservation for our people and disdain for those who would kill them, the world would be a lot different.
To mybiasbeatsyourbias... How predictable that you would point to an isolated incident of violence by a white person to explain away a culture of repeated and ever escalating violence by black people. Again I say... White people kill because they can't find their place in white culture. They kill because they're mentally ill. Black people kill because thats what black people do and what black culture has taught them. It doesn't even need to be said that white people condemn this kid's actions because it's a given. The NAAWP isn't rushing to make excuses for him. When black people kill, we don't expect black people to condemn their actions, and we wring our hands and pretend it isn't part of a larger epidemic brought on by a culture of death, violence and non-human behavior.
I hope that those who would attempt to blame whites for black violence and attempt to shame those of us who point it out as racist find themselves victims of their own idiocy. I've had the opportunity to see black violence and criminality with my own eyes. They're not like us.
More importantly... I am a racist. I'm happy to wear that label. Like a bulletproof vest, my racism and the protections afforded to me by it will let me make decisions based on facts, truth and reality and it may just save my life. I don't blindly hate all non-whites. I just don't like black people, not because there's something wrong with me, but because there's something wrong with them. If you disagree, that's fine. Just don't expect me to save you from your moral superiority when it threatens your life or well being.
Elderly white grandma's being raped by black thugs happens frequently in south africa, and I have never heard a black grandma being raped by white men.
So if the blacks in america rape elderly white women and the blacks in south africa rape elderly white women, this black dysfunction can only be attributed to genetics.
Black in south africa take special glee in raping old white ladies, its pure hatred, because and elderly woman won't prove to be a threat to the black intruder in a break in crime.its pure unadulterated hatred, that has a genetic origin.I bet the blacks in haitii and liberia or nigeria, will rape elderly white women if the happen to be in those cess pits.
Yes black thug rapes of old white women is strictly a black trait.
But rape seams to be a prefered sport among blacks, they love raping, using their penises as weapons, look at the rape millitias of congo, they rape anything, men, women and children
And BTW prisons aren't a deterent in africa, they're a plate of food after a day of raping inmates. So its basically heaven in their eyes
"Asian" in USA normally means: Chinese, Korean, Thai, Indian (Hindu).
UK Asian = Pakistani and other Asian Muslims.
I live in an urban area with a lot of the 1st group and as a whole, they don't cause problems with crime or ending up living on welfare. Their kids are not getting into trouble and pretty much dominate the advance placement classes in school.
The latter hasn't reached "critical mass" here to have the problem you are having in the UK (senseless violent crime). Our violent crime is dominated by blacks.
I want to personally thank Paul for his editorial contributions, most notably the videos, and with smoothing and cleaning up my rhetoric. Also for his opening of his blog to contributions. I will speak less in the future and listen more. We only have a few more months of this blog and Paul is the master.
My personal conversion to race realism was through teaching handgun self defense, just a hobby that I fell in love with after I took up handgun aerial shooting. Oddly enough, I can't hit squat with a shotgun, with a rifle I know how, but my instructor called my rifle practice "stiff and mechanical". With a pistol I can reliably ring a gong at 200 yards and hit a hand thrown golf ball with my carry pistol, either hand. Now I concentrate of developing a form of handgun training more like Iaido or Korean Siljun Dobup, where, in a defensive setting the weapon never leaves the holster till the "firing stroke" and movement (or better termed is maneuver) is a large part of the system. See: ( http://youtu.be/y0KI6-Lf21Y ) Paul guided me to CreateSpace and the book is in progress.
"Women of this Country learned long ago that those without Swords could still die upon them" Eowyn- "Lord of the Rings"
In my classes, the stories that would pour out of these women, the anger and horror of their men who came with them. Of the women, the armed ones prevailed, the unarmed ones bluffed ("I've got a gun!") or they paid the price in bruises, broken bones, violation and ingrained fear. The racial mix is about what you would expect and I became interested in Why. Negroid criminal evil may be the biggest suppressed story of the 20th Century.
I also thank Zenster, Paul's Biggest Fan, W74, Silent Running, Ray Scissom, Baldowl, and the others who have given me encouragement and feedback, even when you thought I was wrong. You gave me the coin of your mind, which is important.
"He bad. He fight but he don't fight little babies. He do also have a problem. He take medicine every day and he just a normal child," says Vinia Dolley."
From our old friends at World Star Hip Hop.
Note: no humans were harmed in the making of this video.
Re: prisons, agreed we need radical reformation.
Prisoners should be producing hand-made gravel 10 or 12 hrs/day like the old days. No TV, no weight room, the same fucking meal everyday except Sunday. The only way to escape the routine and move up a little would be to enroll in a reading & writing program since 60% + of inmates are illiterate or functionally illiterate. No conjugal visits ever. No sentence adjustments-- good behavior means no time is added on; bad behavior will earn you more points inside.
We need to choke up on the prison workers also. How does all this crap get smuggled in constantly? It is epidemic: cell phones, drugs, everything. It is totally inexcusable and preventable. The system is corrupt even without the criminals. If we can't stop people from handing off merchandise they brought in up their ass or in the pocket of a guard then larger considerations don't have a chance.
Russia? Are you kidding? Probably the most corrupt white country there is, with rampant criminality that puts Chicago to shame.
Latin America? The criminals there fight extradition tooth-and-nail because we dispense "real" justice, comparatively speaking. We are not so corrupt they can get whatever they want inside or simply buy their way out. It is not their country or culture and they do NOT want to be in our prison system.
To say these countries know how to do prisons better than the U.S. is mistaken. They are only a different level of Hell and the results-- the levels of crime the people suffer-- speak for themselves.
I have an honest question...why aren't inmates forced to work 6 12 hour days? They would at least be paying for part of their stay that way. They could produce something of value that we ordinarily import from China or something. Being idle only makes people worse and they have time to figure out ways to get into more mischief. Everyone should have separate, small rooms and no cable, just some kind of brainwashing programming like family oriented stuff that they wouldn't have much time to watch anyway. They would never be allowed to be part of any groups of other inmates, including mealtime. Cameras on all, including guards, at all times. I've never been in any kind of trouble and don't have any family who's ever been in jail or prison, just an older white woman who likes to read and vent on this site. Would appreciate the feed back. Biblical answers are always the best when dealing with criminals.
Prison should be only used as a holding tank for these demonic creatures before they are taken to the execution pits that should be in every city here in the U.S. Monsters like these should be shot by fireing sqaud, hung, gassed, beheaded, electrocuted. They should put to death in a manner that is as painful and horrible as possible while the other black prisones are forced to watch as a captive audience before they too are executed.
Great article, 10mm, thanks.
Zenster, you say,
"Yet people continue to question the moral validity of wanting to deport all Blacks from America. Were their IQs not so dismally low it would almost seem as though Black criminals spend endless hours scheming over how they can ratchet up the brutality in novel and ever more cruel ways.
Instead, it can be argued that this viciousness is simply an artifact of Black mentality and is programmed in at a genetic level. The African genocides with their mass rapes and amputations would seem to back this up entirely."
We need to do several things: deport blacks, prevent blacks from emigrating here and stop all governmental aid to Africa. Any white American individuals, churches, charities, etc. who want to help Africans are free to do so, provided they agree to renounce their citizenship and to emigrate to Africa, never to return.
If Bill and Melinda want to renounce their American citizenship and spend their days in Africa and their billions providing mosquito nets to an ungrateful and uncomprehending black populace, let them.
Why don't you write an article about the WHITE shooter of the colorado theatre massacre? I'm sure he didn't do it, definitely seems to be a manchurian candidate-type figure, but even if it was all a set up the blame would go straight to "whitey" (the name you assume we minorities like to call you) since you "whiteys" run the government.And please spare the retarded rhetoric about Obama because I'm sure some idiot will say Obama's running the show LMAO. Wake up and smell the millions of dead,rotting bodies the U.S government (mainly run by members of your oh so civil,docile and superior race)is ultimately responsible for killing around the world. He's just a puppet with hollow insides like every other damn president. Get your heads out of your asses all of you. White people aren't all innocent little saints and most of the world is under the ruling of your race you dipshits.
Superb article Mr. Kersey. The facts seem unassailable. And chilling. This is why I carry, although I'm a male. I wish my wife would too. She fits the profile. Just turned 60, and still pretty good looking too. Just what sub humans are looking for.
Using words like "negroid" hardly influences people to drop their socially acceptable belief set and embrace the truth.
Plus, using the tired and worn out Eldridge Cleaver quote is a bit on the nose in my opinion.
-Ulick Varange
I am a Boomer and use to buy the whole liberal narrative of victims and oppressors, especially about race. After watching it all play out and learning to read about what the establishment press and media and academy and government don't want me to know, I am amazed and still sometimes uncomfortable at how close to 180 degrees I have turned.
I have actually allowed myself to wonder if the post-Reconstruction South's regime of Jim Crow and segregation and vigilante justice had a rational basis.
It's one thing to remove legal barriers to people because of race. It's a whole nother thing to then grant them privilege to devolve and wreak havoc.
Seems to me more and more that the 60's released a lot of social experiments that have just failed. And failed massively.
Everyone knows who Travon Martin and George Zimmerman are. Our masters have made sure of that. Who knows the names of all the victims of Obama's sons?
mybiasbeatsyourbias: We have other jobs, hobbies, interests, and obligations. We come here to discuss the issue of Black wretchedness. We discuss gardening and motorcycles and chess on other websites, or in person.
Now, if you read this site regularly, you'd know that we do discuss White poverty, White degeneracy, and other topics that touch on the Black Question. You'd also see why we regard the deficiencies of Blacks as being of great importance. Don't be the kind of fool who just pops his head in the door and runs his mouth, without understanding what was going on before he showed up.
W74, sorry to burst your bubble, but most feminists have rape fantasies. Sadly. Nor do women care about Black men raping elderly White women, they figure the women had it coming. For not being hot enough, or something.
Women have in general, nothing but contempt for men who are not testosterone filled, darker in skin color, taller, more aggressive, and socially dominant. They find unforgivable the sins of cooperation, agreeableness, and amiability. Preferring aloof, amoral, sociopathic, and narcissistic manipulation. What some have dubbed "the dark triad." Why, one feminist blamed her rape in Haiti on ... Beta Male White guys.
They don't want to listen, feminists don't care, they don't want to hear anything bad about Black guys. They are the allies and beta male White guys the enemy. When they timidly complained about rap, Blacks told them to shut their mouths and they did as ordered. Feminists more than any other kind of woman crave dominance, and the more brutal and degrading the better (sadly).
Think Joran Van Der Sloot getting married in jail, times ten.
As for the man above questioning why focus on bad stuff Black people do?
Because the cost of ignoring it is simply too great. There is no more places for Whites to flee to (with the Sunbelt and everywhere else over-run by Mexicans). Human nature can find an accommodation among different groups of people divided by race only through very rigid and fair application of law, or brutal dictatorship via an ethnic group like Saddam's Tikritis, Assad's Alawites, or Khadaffi's Tripolians.
Your argument is that White people can get a crummy deal forever, and they "deserve it" because other White people long dead mistreated Blacks. Human history shows that a poor bet to make, guilt lasts only for a short time, and "blood guilt" is never a winner.
Expose Black criminal collective behaviour. Name it and demand punishment. Under the law. Destroy Black exemptions. Force Black people to self-police and no longer tolerate violent dysfunction (and money transfers from Whites to support basic needs).
That's the smart long-term social bet. If you want to live in the future, you better make sure the pathway is smooth not a hell-hole with lifeboat ethics.
hi, in france we know now that usa cities are in bankruptcy...but are these cities full of black people like detroit? your country is like europe and go to bail out and to the new world order and fema camps...so the blacks are dumber than whites but we are ALL victims of banks...
Ray Scissom,
Please tell us how you've cut the cable/satellite cord.
Ivan Shatov
My father is a retired Warden and I was in a LEO capacity to frequent his prison I'll do my best to answer some questions.
#1. Why do the prisoners seem to get so much free time, TV, ETC.?
Thank the ACLU and any number of Civil Liberty organizations. They sue at the drop of a hat and cost the government billions of dollars. The are also prisoner rights groups and the local black churches that support all manner of prisoner "rights".
Little tid bit of info prisons really fill up around Nov. every year. Smart homeless will commit a crime that will sentence them trough out the winter months. They get 3 hots and a cot, a shower, and much better medical than most normal working people.
#2. Great idea about out-sourcing prisons to foreign countries.
It will never happen the prison/industrial complex is to much of a money maker. Aramark alone has multimillion contracts in each state.
As with most things follow the money.
#3. Why are prisons not just rotting Hell holes?
Be thankful for this, how many laws a repealed compared to how many are created? In one way or another we will all be criminals in some sense as the government continues to grow they create more and more laws if this doesn't scare the average citizen into compliance think of old George Zimmerman. Every person in a position of power over his freedom is corrupt if his father was not a retired judge he would have had it much worse off and possibly be dead already.
"They should put to death in a manner that is as painful and horrible as possible while the other black prisones are forced to watch as a captive audience before they too are executed."
I disagree. They should be put down painlessly, like the rabid dogs that they are. But the sentence should apply to all violent criminals. No one should ever get a second chance to brutalize an honest citizen.
Mr. Rational said...
"and aren't the white-on-black solo rapes so few that the NCVS says they're effectively zero?"
Yep, Mr. Rational, ape rape seems to be missing from our Cracker genes.
Furthermore you could probably safely bet a pinky finger that when the very rare White on Black rape actually occurs, the Black victim probably has enough White folks up her family tree to start a chapter of the Klan. I don't believe that White junk was designed to operate under the adverse conditions imposed by whatever you would find in Precious' or Weezy's drawers.
There's been a story in the news here in Los Angeles about a 22-year-old white girl and ex-wife of a Marine who was murdered in some S&M hookup gone wrong. The media's been playing it up as a murder by a female rival and they didn't even mention that a man was involved in the killing.
It turns out - surprise! - that the male in this little group was...yes, a black male named Louis Ray Perez. And he was very, very much involved.
The "rival" female is saying Perez had nothing to do with it but..."Perez, er, her 'master,' had nothing to do with Killgore's killing, Lopez stressed, but cops aren't buying it, according to the warrant. Investigators say they found Killgore's blood, a pair of gloves and a stun gun with Perez's DNA on it in his mud-caked Ford Explorer. Investigators believe Perez helped Killgore move and then invited her to a dinner cruise. Perez later picked Killgore up, but instead of going to a dinner cruise, the man referred to on his own kinky website as 'Master Ivan' took her to his Fallbrook home, where she was murdered.
Perez claimed that after rendezvousing with Killgore, he dropped her off at a nightclub in downtown San Diego, parked his Explorer, went inside to find her but did not see her again. So he drove home.
But, according to the warrant, his cell phone would later show he was in Fallbrook when he claimed to be downtown. Killgore's phone, which investigators suspect Perez later dumped downtown, was found at the feet of a homeless man. It would go on to place her in Fallbrook when Perez claimed she was downtown."
Darn it, if these white girls would just wait a few decades, black men would be happy to rape and murder them with no effort required on the part of the girls. They don't need to go out of their way now to get black men to rape and murder them. Be patient, ladies!
We live in a perverse age of widespread, calculated, official lies. The media and our government masters want us to watch junk TV, keep on texting each other about nonsense, and pretend that everything's normal. That everything's fine. Everything is not fine. We're a hell of a long way from fine and the media are the ones most responsible for this absurd, fake reality that they want us to continue to accept and live in.
The great negro experiment has failed. Time to give up and start over without the negro curse or face eventual destruction from within. Segregation now, segregation forever.
I saw a guy post this in the comments section of a Wall Street Journal article on politically generated IRS harassment but I think it applies well to many of our complaints:
"Playing the game at the federal level is a losing proposition. The 10th Amendment. Nullification. Article 5 Convention. All weapons the sovereign states and citizens need to wield against the out of control federal tyranny. Demand that your state legislatures, governors, and AGs stand up for states rights, and the freedom and liberty of their citizens.
I haven't looked at the website much yet but I will.
The only realistic, achievable way to alleviate much of our suffering with these issues is to greatly increase states' rights. Perhaps some slight progress can be made at the federal level but the feds in DC are where BRA lives and breathes.
"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 20% of Likely U.S. Voters say the federal government has the consent of the governed. Sixty-three percent (63%) disagree while 17% more are not sure."
20%? That's not a sustainable state of affairs, folks. The US is either going to have to return power to the people via states' rights or in the next decade or two the US will cease to exist as a going concern.
My sister lived just down the street when this rape and murder happened....and the town is almost all white
Monsters like these should be shot by fireing sqaud, hung, gassed, beheaded, electrocuted. They should put to death in a manner that is as painful and horrible as possible while the other black prisones are forced to watch as a captive audience before they too are executed.
No. Absolutely not. We are not like them. We would corrode our souls if we did this, and would deserve the results; the dead Blacks would be no more dead for having seen and felt what they did.
I don't care if they take exile to Africa, or die peacefully in their sleep; I just want them out of here with the least effect on me and mine.
I have actually allowed myself to wonder if the post-Reconstruction South's regime of Jim Crow and segregation and vigilante justice had a rational basis.
Of course it did.
Be thankful for this, how many laws a repealed compared to how many are created? In one way or another we will all be criminals in some sense as the government continues to grow they create more and more laws if this doesn't scare the average citizen into compliance think of old George Zimmerman. Every person in a position of power over his freedom is corrupt if his father was not a retired judge he would have had it much worse off and possibly be dead already.
Indeed. Within the past couple of decades, all sorts of things have been made into crimes that were never even illegal before. Legislatures have also done away with much of the mens rea that used to be required before someone could be convicted of a crime. We're now sending people to prison for violating all sorts of bullshit, mala prohibita felony statutes that didn't even exist a generation ago. Those people who are howling for the Eighth Amendment to be eviscerated need to be aware of this fact and be aware that it wouldn't be so difficult for they themselves to get railroaded by some overzealous prosecutor and wind up behind bars--it happens all the time nowadays.
This animal raped his Mama??
Enjoying your articles, 10mm. Please continue to write.
SBPDL is a neverending source of information and support that I badly need, given personal exposure. Read every day, wish there were more time to post.
RE rape: In these parts, rape is signatory and TNB, a ho-hum affair, often interfamilial, and ignored unless there are unexpected consequences. Case in point: pimped out infants hemorrhaging and in need of transfusion; bleed outs caused by crack ho mamas' boyfriends' repeated rapings.
Visual scenarios that cannot be erased from mind. What is seen cannot be unseen, unfortunately.
I hadn't noticed the second video was the story I was talking about in my last post. I've heard exactly nothing about this case since that media report. Our prosecutor is too busy trying to send Zimmerman to his death for protecting himself to deal with this particular case I suspect.
Paul, are you aware in California prisons the inmates self segregate?
I heard on the radio..
The soap container says 'brown kitty'
[ie mexicans use this soap].
'Just read the Colorado shoting'
Nimrod, proof read yr postings.
I forgot to mention that there is one thing we must do if we pursue the route of separation: we must document the dysfunctions, crimes and predations of Blacks, and criminalize their denial the way that Europe has criminalized denial of the Holocaust. Only by forbidding the burial of history can we prevent the repetition of the Communist takeover of the legal system and the resulting atrocities under the aegis of "civil rights".
Yo, learn to spell the name of the Panthers [founder] rite. OK?
eldridge cleaver
Also didya know Danny Davis [congressman] was a BP and tried for murda?
And Obama called him a 'good man'..
and Davis is an admitted communist?
Van Jones
Add some names and resumes..
sad to see what people put up with.
W74 comments:
And as much as I'm not a fan of liberal uber feminists there's nothing they detest more than the violation of a woman's body. They may be powerful allies in the fight against what at first they perceive as a fight against rape, but which could be (not without difficulty) molded into a struggle for the White woman's liberation and a return to strong families. In any movement women HAVE to be on board and who better than the ones who've been subverting the Western Family for so long? Everyone remembers the article about the aid worker who was raped in Haiti yet still managed to blame Whites for it? Yeah, an extreme example but that's what we're up against. Most aren't that brainwashed and negro rape would be a wakeup call but we should hope to not let it get to that point.
I see Whiskey answered this from the "game" perspective (a factor which shouldn't be ignored). I'll respond from a more political angle.
You're post displays a profound ignorance of both feminists and the (real, as opposed to stated) purpose of feminism. The feminist movement decided decades ago to not mention black-on-white rape, which has always been a serious problem. The ostensible reason was "solidarity" with the "Civil Rights Movement" at the time (1970s). Feminists are strangely silent on the issue of groid rape and likewise have been largely silent on the whole catalog of Muslim treatment of "wymyn", whether it's rape gangs, genital mutilation or honor killings. These harridans will never be allies. They hate this civilization far more than they fear rape by Muslims and blacks. As Whiskey mentioned, at least a percentile of them actually like the idea of being raped by some dark-skinned thug.
Much like Steinem's remark that (elite leftist males like Bill Clinton) are "allowed one grope", the feminists allow blacks and Muslims to do whatever they wish as most of their victims will be the wives, sisters, mothers, and daughters of the evil white man. The actual purpose of feminism is to destroy western societies by specifically targeting marriage, families, non-oligarch white women, and children. Feminism is arguably the most destructive of the left's many tentacles, having left entire white nations with birth rates well below replacement levels, facilitating the demand from the types who would sell today the rope that will be used hang them tomorrow for third-world cheap labor.
" Whiskey said...
W74, sorry to burst your bubble, but most feminists have rape fantasies. Sadly. Nor do women care about Black men raping elderly White women, they figure the women had it coming. For not being hot enough, or something."
Dear Sir,
Have you considered medication? Seriously. You seem like a pleasant person, overall. Maybe controlling your own brain chemistry would give you some room to work out this problem you have, and you could become a much happier and more stable person. I'm not saying you're crazy or anything like that. Sometimes, sane people need a little extra help to increase the quality of their life. Think about it. Again, I'm not being sarcastic or implying that you're going to go postal (I sincerely think that you'll just keep being a productive, pleasant, unhappy guy, if you do nothing), but that you are very likely to be happier if you get help. It sounds like you don't talk to women much, if at all. You seem to feel rejected by all women, but, surely, you realize that whatever was done to you wasn't done by hundreds of millions. Perhaps you obsess over your unpleasant past experiences and the possibility of talking to a woman gives you anxiety. If so, than medication could really help. A close relative of mine has been a practicing psychiatrist for 30 years. He tells me that now that depression, OCD and anxiety disorders are fashionable, everyone and their dog comes in demanding a label and meds, but the real sufferers of these disorders are usually reluctant to come for help. When legitimately afflicted people actually do get treatment, they tend to be surprised how normal they start to feel. It's like a burden is lifted off of them and they become free to participate in the world and build a fulfilling life for themselves. I understand that you see yourself as very unattractive to women, but unless you have some serious birth defects, I'm sure you exaggerate the problem in your mind. I've seen all kinds of average middle aged men date, enter relationships and marry. Some of them were bald, some were overweight. None of them looked like Brad Pitt or had the body like Mr Universe. The vast majority had mid management desk jobs or worked as teachers or computer programmers. The women these men find to share their life come in all shapes and sizes and from various walks of life. They tend to be middle aged too. Some are hair dressers and some are professionals. Some are fat and some are thin. Some like traveling while others like gardening. All I'm saying is that you could go out into the world and find out first hand that women don't hate you, and a few of them might even love you. And if you need a little help going out there, there is no shame in that. Don't spend your life in misery.
Perhaps you are already doing an article about this http://www.inquisitr.com/276518/warren-hill-georgia-set-to-execute-mentally-retarded-man/ news,
do you think it could mean that in the future, low IQ people will get reduced sentencing the way things are going?
What if it is found out, that a lot of criminals might be under a certain, say 80 IQ?
White people never (or hardly ever) rape blacks? I guess you cracka ass crackas have never heard of Jerry Sandusky. Have a nice day :)
"He bad. He fight but he don't fight little babies. He do also have a problem. He take medicine every day and he just a normal child," says Vinia Dolley."
What an idiot. Now we can see why we have such a black crime problem. I have lived near section-8 rentals with kids like this boy. One of them would drag his little sister around by her braids and throw large rocks at my house. They are pure evil. They have no soul.
The black women are mostly to blame. I have seen black women treat their black children like shit. They beat them with belts and frying pans. They call them names and tell them to shut up. They hate these children because they look like the black father and they take their rage out on the child.
There are no men around these homes, except for the men who come by to impregnate randomly, or beat up the women. These black woman are the ones beating and neglecting the black boys, nurturing their feral violent nature into adulthood. They are not mothers, they are breeding an army of violent soldiers.
Black women are hateful, vengeful and stupid. I don't know why we pay for more of this.
Violence sparks at the end of Black Expo, Indianapolis at a bar fight:
The rest of the violence has been covered up by the media and the "faith community" this year. They had to set up a police state in order to pull this off.
Are you Fucking kidding me? The majority and I'm talking about numbers in the 95 percentile of asians coming into my hospital for services ARE ON WELFARE! They have mastered the social welfare system and they spread the technique to those of their race here in America and in their motherland. I try and keep my dealings professional and restrain myself from questioning them about their fraudulent practices. Pretending not to be married or that the father is not involved in the relationship so that mom and child can collect meanwhile daddy really owns a lucrative business of some sort. As far as living conditions they turn one family homes into multiple dwellings mainly because of residential requirements for being placed in a good public school and it also enables low income asian families to pool together and sustain the rent/mortgage payments required to live in a good neighborhood. So stop the bullshit and let's be real. As far as behavior goes they are well behaved in comparison to other races. They also rank very high academically. But please cut that bullshit about asians not being on welfare. It is very disturbing to see the ones who don't need welfare abuse to the system. A major reform is need to stop all welfare abusers no matter what race or ethnicity.
Whiskey, while you occasionally post an excellent comment, too often you repeat your "women HATE White men and love black men" drivel - here and at every other website you frequent. While I have always said most women are idiot airheads (just like most people in general), spare us your reductio ad absurdum view of sexual and racial relations. No, most women (not even most feminists, I would argue) do not fantasize about being raped by blacks. While I am neither a feminist nor an airhead, I am a White woman and I am tired of your ridiculous and denigrating remarks.
Whenever you hear "Race had nothing to do with it" from a White, just ask, "Do you mean that you can read the minds of blacks? Are you a racist? Do you think blacks lose their uniqueness and are just like you and that's why you can read their minds to know that they didn't see that the victim was White?"
Race always has something to do with it, because the voodoo blacks KNEW their victims were White.
As Louis CK would say...
Cracker? Bringing me back to a time when we owned land and people. Ruined my day.
Sandusky was a pathetic child molester and as you can see, we took care of him. Now you go take care of the epidemic of violent, useless black people.
A town being "almost all white" is about as good as being "almost cancer free" or "almost able to breathe".
I'm working on something. I'll send it along to PK and see if he'll post it when done.
It's not even a question of ruling black men out of the running-when I was growing up, they weren't even under consideration. I don't know how to make this point clearly enough-black men just didn't even exist in our world, as men, much less having degraded "fantasies" about them.
Whiskey, do you really believe that most white women, not that liberal feminist cohort who make all the noise, are stupid enough and degraded enough to be "attracted" to a black male because of his thuggishness? Thuggishness is NOT masculine power, not even close. Hyenas or bull sharks have high testosterone levels, but they are still unreasoning animals. It would be laughable to equate their aggression to intelligent human white masculinity. Putting black thugs, rapsters, whatever they are, on the same level, is not only an insult to decent white women, it's an insult to decent white men.
Anonymous said...
White people never (or hardly ever) rape blacks? I guess you cracka ass crackas have never heard of Jerry Sandusky. Have a nice day :)
July 23, 2012 4:15 AM
Michael Jackson? R. Kelly? Hello?...
Where did you hear Sandusky molested pavement apes? Sandusky molested mostly white kids so far as anyone knows. And he didn't single out kids based on race, unlike the raping, murdering subhuman monsters in the darky community who rape and murder elderly whites.
The DOJ stats on rape and race are overwhelmingly clear. Blacks rape whites in huge numbers every year. The number of white-on-black rapes number in the single digits.
Sandusky's an evil scumbag but at least he didn't murder anybody. The blacks committing these rape/murders are lower than monkeys.
Keep on niggin' brotha!
Actually, Jerry Sandusky did buttfuck a few moolie yoofs. I think I recall he got caught buggering one in the shower. Didn't he set up a charity for "underprivileged youth" to troll for victims? Dude had a serious case of da jungle feva.
Anonymous said...
White people never (or hardly ever) rape blacks? I guess you cracka ass crackas have never heard of Jerry Sandusky. Have a nice day :)
July 23, 2012 4:15 AM
And did you notice what a notorious event this is (assuming you're even correct about the race of the victims), not only because he's a public figure, but also because it's a shocking event when a white man does it, whereas I could Google instance after instance of black-on-white rapes of all kinds, often preceding a brutal murder/torture (ie Channon Christian, just off the top of my head)? I could also easily Google instance after instance of black "mothers" selling their children for crack to black pedophiles.
There are so many instances, in fact, that they just aren't headline news. Plus, the many black-on-white crimes of all kinds are suppressed by the media. They're still calling all the mobs of blacks attacking innocent people "youths" with no hint of their race (monolithically black). But it doesn't even matter anymore, because now everyone knows just who they mean when race is omitted.
"Sandusky was a pathetic child molester and as you can see, we took care of him. Now you go take care of the epidemic of violent, useless black people."
my sentiments exactly. I really only have one message for black people, and I think I speak for just about everyone who frequents this blog:
get your house in order, quickly, or we'll burn it to the ground and piss on the ashes.
blacks may be okay with living in squalor; we aren't. which means if you want to live on our block, you've got to get yourself up to our standards. our ancestors worked too damned hard to climb us out of the muck for us just to sit back and let you and your marxist masters drag us back into it.
White woman here! I love white men! I am married to one. I have a white son! They are the world to me!
There is no point arguing with a black person here, or elsewhere. Believe me, I have tried. I even broke my rule of not speaking out at work when a semmingly smart black guy stated that "assault guns" should be banned after the Occutard massacre in Aurora. I stressed the historical importance of ridding ourselves of Divine Right, and preventing modern tyranny. That didn't register anything with him. He continued on and by asking why are guns needed. I made other counterpoints using death statistics, and even went on about what actually is an "assault rifle", but by then I had lost his attention, and he made a dismissive gesture and sat down in his cube
Facts, data, stats, history, you name it, they could care less. Stories, or quotes from another black they hold in high esteem such as a movie star, music artist, or preacher are relevant to them.
Mock and ridicule them to get a rise,or say something like "I heard Jay-Z say guns are good", but don't waste your time trying to have any type of intelligent civil discourse.
Remember Omar Thornton, the black man fired for theft, who came back to kill 8 of his former coworkers? The MSM had a field day trying to play up the angle of whether or not the victims might have been "rayciss", in which case I assume they meant the victims had it coming.
Also, the NYT article about the 18 blacks who raped an 11year old girl-how this might ruin these "young mens'" lives. They had the audacity to describe how the girl was dressed-"like a 20 year old", which has been feminist anathema for decades now-but not when the perpetrators are black (which, pf course, they failed to mention). Race (at least when the perpetrators are black) trumps gender.
They had no such scruples when the "victim" was a black prostitute who accused white college boys.
Also contrast the sainted "Jena 6". (Their susbsequent histories are quite...expected).
That may be true of you, but, many-oh so many- white women have been downright treasonous and treacherous. And. let's face it, the good ones haven't actually stopped them from doing what they do have they?
Kudos, to you, but all this is true. Observe:
It sounds like you don't talk to women much, if at all.
There is no point arguing with a black person here, or elsewhere.
Exactly correct. In our equality-obsessed society, we tend to assume that all parties are equal and bring equal strengths to the table. Nature has no use for equality. Blacks bring nothing to the table and are not in a position of strength. They are outnumbered, outgunned, and 15 IQ points behind. BRA is propped up by a fantastic propaganda, and that kind of setup never lasts.
What blacks think is ultimately irrelevant.
"Now completely discredited, these writings by left wing sociologists laid the pattern for the excuse making industry today, where for example an 11 year old girl can be kidnapped and dragged into cover to be gang raped and the first 28 young black men that come across a child gang rape scene all join in the rape instead of doing something to stop it. A sample size of 28 random black men, in which not a single one hesitated to rape a defenseless child, is too large to dismiss as unrepresentative?"
You Mind telling me where you found this fucked up statistic? and how exactly does one randomly choose 28 black males and introduce them to a child rape scene legally? Lastly... Does this excuse all the gang rape forced upon blacks slaves by whites? I think you need to reevaluate your position. Your trying to find someone to blame and it's not blacks and whites. It's humans and humans (such as yourself) are pretty fucked up.
Anon at 8:40 AM says "You mind telling me where you found this fucked up statistic? And how exactly does one randomly choose 28 Black males and introduce them to a child rape scene legally?"
Anon, this is not a statistic, nor were Black males randomly introduced to a child rape scene legally. The commenter was referring to a crime that actually took place. If I'm not mistaken, it happened in Texas and the victim was a Hispanic girl. The sample was random precisely because no researcher introduced anything.
Who here has suggested that this incident excuses the rape of slaves? It is you who imply that the rape of slaves excuses the rape of an 11 year old.
BTW, most sexual relations between slaves and White men were consensual. The woman got a child with lighter skin, who could rise higher in the slave hierarchy. A household servant was in a much better position to help his mother than was a field hand.
"That may be true of you, but, many-oh so many- white women have been downright treasonous and treacherous. And. let's face it, the good ones haven't actually stopped them from doing what they do have they?
Kudos, to you, but all this is true. Observe:
Seriously? You post a video of a few trashy looking white girls as proof that white women, in general, find black men attractive? I've seen videos where gay men conduct interviews with a few " random" and "straight" men where these men confess that ALL men actually have secret homosexual fantasies. I've also seen many videos of talk shows where "experts" and male guests explained that MOST men actually prefer overweight and obese women, only they were conditioned by society to hide their true feelings. Would you consider those youtube videos proper evidence and proof?
Look, your cuckold fantasies aside, the vast majority of white women don't marry black men, have never gone to bed with a black man and don't want to. These are facts. The types of young white women who do seem to favor black men tend to be of lower class, lower intelligence, and, overall, not what a quality white man would want anyway.
And how should good women "stop" other women from engaging in behavior that they wouldn't engage in themselves? In my dorm, at college, I haven't met any white girls who dated black guys, but I've seen a few who dated some questionable characters, or went out too much, or got drunk. No, I didn't consider their behavior to be cool or proper. So, what should I have done, in your opinion? Ground them? Share my views without being asked? Other people's sex lives is none of my business, nor do I want it to be.
Why Sure "Anon". Here is the incident ( See: http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-gang-rape-texas-girl,0,4446416.story )
No one "introduced" anyone to the scene "legally", negros just wandered in after hearing about the rape via cell phone and joined in. Not one of these negroids called the police. Several recorded the rape on their cell phones.
Then when the story came to official attention, the negros closed ranks with Quanell X giving the opening volly:
" Houston community activist Quanell X will host a town hall meeting this evening called "What's the real truth behind the rape allegations?"
"Every adult male that had sex with this child should go to prison, I don't care what the color is. But I do not believe black males are the only ones that had contact with this young child," said Quanell X (Who I like to call "Toby"), the leader of Houston's New Black Panther Party. "It appears to me there's only been the selective prosecution of one community, which is African American."
Here is video of negros trying to shift blame to Whites! (This was a negro on Latino rape) See: http://youtu.be/Bowic7bqcN8
Paul did an excellent write up here on SBPDL. Commenters like you tried to shift blame or deny the truth, just like you are doing. Rape by blacks is endemic, White rape of blacks is virtually nonexistent. Frankly, it implys that rape of black women has always been extremely rare. Further, what happened 150 years ago is irrelevant to what happening NOW to Elderly Whites. It is typical of a negro to say "Does this excuse...(fill in some crime hundreds of years ago)?
I am not TRYING to blame negros. I AM blaming negros for what they are doing. And when the day comes for the Resettlement Wars, no Mercy. Not from me nor from the negros many victims.
Silent Running: Nature has no use for equality.
That's going into my Catalog of Race Realism Memes whether you like it or not.
Truly, one of the best and most succinct summations amongst the entire lot. Bravo!
@Anonymous July 24, 2012 8:40 AM-
You have got to be kidding. This rape happened in 2011, in Cleveland TX. The moron "QuanellX" as he now styles himself, launched a "protest" on behalf of the black rapists and suggested that the 11 year old Hispanic girl brought it on herself.
You apparently have some computer literacy, Google it for yourself.
And you (as might be expected) are bringing up rapes from over 150 years ago (again!) as mitigation for the thousands of rapes, often of horrendous nature, being perpetrated upon whites and other races by black males, NOW, in the present? How long is that excuse good for? What do the innocent victims of today have to do with history? Why is it only blacks who feel they should get a pass for present dysfunctions based on history, as if only they have histories?
What did that 11year old girl, or her ancestors, since you go there, have to do with history?
What is the excuse for the rapists who never left Africa, who rape children and babies?
You (and that pos "QuanellX") are disgusting.
Nevermind, you either won't bother to research it for yourself, or you will dismiss it or excuse it, as is usual for blacks. You know, I (and many other whites) have realised that you simply have no choice but to eternally bring up one period of history in the vast history of the world, because you have never been and never will be capable of doing any better as a race than you are now, with artificial protection from whites, living in the societies and civilisation which whites have created and which you never can and never will create.
Enjoy it while you can, because one way or another it can't last forever.
The reason there are barely any white on black rape is because blacks are usually not attractive. Unless they had some white genes in them they look like apes, wide eyed and protruding jaws. Besides that there is lack of hygenie in most blacks.
It is not that whites do not rape, some do. THe thing is whites create societies where rape is a crime. Africa? Look up 'lesbian corrective rape Africa'. That is negro society, not a few criminals raping,but a mindset that rape is fine to do, no different the blacks then a prank.
Whites hate rapists. Roman Polanski had to flee the states and only liberals defend him. Gary Glitter left the UK. Mike Tyson? He was on a comedy roast on Comedy Central a while ago. Blacks do not hate Tyson for rape. "he done did his time!" Blacks ignored Michael Jackons sleeping with other people's kidsin his bed. Even if you don't think he raped them, these aren't his own kids he's sleeping next to, just fans he met a few days ok. Negros had children singing in defensive of R Kelly after he peed on underage girls.
Rhianna gets beat up by Chris Brown of whoever, yet forgives him, nad does an album with him producing. Such is the negro mind: Rape is not a crime.
A white rapist is always a rapist to whites, but a black rapists is a hero to blacks.
Little children steal candy from the store, banksters steal billions from your accounts. Big deal, it's all the same thing!
Ilana Mercer's suberb book " Into the Cannibal's pot: Lessons for America from Post Apartheid South Africa " goes into detail on the popularity of baby rape in the new Black Run South Africa.
The comment about blacks poor hygiene is accurate; however, being around Whites has improved it a great deal.
I was in elementary school in Newport News Virginia when integration began in the early 70's and the black kids stunk. Their body odor was terrible.
The smell wasn't nearly as bad in later years which indicates that blacks were shamed into modern hygiene.
Being coated with bacteria excrement and raping children, the elderly, and babies.
It's just sub-Saharan Africans doing their thaang.
@Memphis Teaching Fellow
"Seriously? You post a video of a few trashy looking white girls as proof that white women, in general, find black men attractive?"
i can post a thousand videos like it.
"Would you consider those youtube videos proper evidence and proof?"
youtube is were the masses share their true feelings, unfiltered.
"Look, your cuckold fantasies aside, the vast majority of white women don't marry black men, have never gone to bed with a black man and don't want to."
they may not marry but they still do this. those girls in that video are most likely middle to upper-middle class.
" These are facts. The types of young white women who do seem to favor black men tend to be of lower class, lower intelligence, and, overall, not what a quality white man would want anyway."
it's not lower classes only but also middle and upper. look at that lords wife in england. besides, the lower economic classes are still white, they shouldn't be discarded simply because middle class whites are afraid to confront the issue.
"And how should good women "stop" other women from engaging in behavior that they wouldn't engage in themselves? In my dorm, at college, I haven't met any white girls who dated black guys, but I've seen a few who dated some questionable characters, or went out too much, or got drunk. No, I didn't consider their behavior to be cool or proper. So, what should I have done, in your opinion? Ground them? Share my views without being asked? Other people's sex lives is none of my business, nor do I want it to be."
that's the point retard. the ones who don't do this always claim that they've done something nobel but cannot stop others. when white men engage in bad behavior other white men stop them. period. women are not capable of doing this nor do they want to, they just ignore and move on. which means it will continue. if you can't shame or stop this then it is further proof of inability on the part of females. keep your head in the sand.
At some point in time, Conservative White women will need to take a more active role in discrediting ultra-Feminism. Too much damage is being done to the nuclear family, and that's just for starters.
There is also this "I can have it all" mentality that demands full equality, workplace parity, identical career opportunity and a host of other metrics which simply do not exist at the biological level.
Women soldiers on the battlefield? Is that really such a good idea? The genetic-level protective instincts that men feel for females makes it quite likely that they would be distracted from properly addressing enemies if women were placed in danger at the same time.
There are many blue collar jobs where physical strength remains a vital feature. Pretending that men and women have the same physical attributes is just that, pretending.
While I have nothing against stay-at-home husbands raising children, a vast majority of any child-raising is being done by women or else it is being outsourced to daycare.
Letting someone else raise your children is a risky proposition, at best. Especially when so many government subsidized services are one step away from indoctrination centers, if that. This Feminist fantasy of "having it all" needs some careful reexamination by clear-minded women because it may be an illusion. Especially so if that woman's children are left at the mercies of others for nine hours each day.
I live in an area that is chockablock with Leftist women. It is my observation that very few of them ever display any resentment at having doors held open for them and other demonstrations of deference that I, as a courteous male, have chosen to adopt. Yet, at the same time, I am unquestioningly supposed to accept that White males are source of this entire world's evils and particularly the oppressors of women. That shit no longer flies.
This is very much the case with Islam on the horizon. Its practices of purdah (confinement), FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), covering of the body, so-called "honor killings" and general hatred of all things female are misogyny run wild.
Where is the outrage among Feminists about this? Why is Germane Greer, instead, defending FGM as part of Muslim "cultural identity". Why isn't Greer being shouted down by her Feminist colleagues and made out as the abject gender-betrayer that she really is?
Why aren't Conservative women staging demonstrations to unveil (as it were), this perverted conspiracy of silence which modern Feminism has entered into regarding Islam? Where are there being sung any praises for the "regular guys" who always come home each night, don't cheat, treat women with respect and, instead, too often are cast aside for their "boring" dependability?
Where is the ultimate scorn that decent women should be reserving for the sluts and voluntary single mothers who further enable denigration of women and erosion of the nuclear family.
Women, your voices are needed, nay, required in this ongoing fight to preserve American culture. Raising healthy children is no longer enough, even though it once was. There is a new degree of activism demanded in the face of Liberalism's onslaught against every last element of traditional White Culture.
Sadly, Christianity is almost worse than useless in this process as it has sold its soul in order to be perceived as a universalist faith when Jesus would just as likely have sneered at any such notion.
As a nameless Spanish woman journalist once observed:
After a while silence is no longer consent. To remain silent is to lie.
We are at that point now. Silence is deadly in the face of such glib and constant media assaults upon White culture. Only by leveling the most unequivocal and harsh accusations at these race-traitors will there be any chance of survival.
Feminism isn't a result of a single movement or era. IMO there are numerous origins; some are due to dreadful conditions of the working class and seem justifiable to me, not the least because hereditarian arguments carry considerable weight in the writings of early feminists.
Some feminisms became contaminated by Communism and were manipulated by agents of influence fielded by the Comintern. Those who object to the collectivist streak in feminism are aware of this sinister aspect of the movement.
In general, twentieth century "popular" political movements are always worthy of investigation for the hidden agendas of powerful clandestine agencies which control them for nefarious ends. As an example, the massive Hispanic immigration rallies which occurred -simulataneously it seemed- bore the signs of an intel operation designed to flush out potentially dangerous leaders so they could identified and taped. To the average walking around guy these rallies portrayed an out of control situation. Real out of control situations occur on street corners and involve a few people.
Too many of us think things are going to blow up, modern day SA troopers are about to march, our rights are going to be taken away etc etc. Society at large is under a lot more control than we imagine. The intelligence agencies that run the show have practiced population control for decades and are not going away.
Victorville is tweekerville and a hop skip and jump from San Bernardino which is like detroilet in the high desert!
San Bernardino is filing for bankruptcy. Many of the Blacks that the Mexicans chased out of Watts and Compton fled out there. Providing California style benefits with Detroit style income doesn't work.
"I live in an area that is chockablock with Leftist women. It is my observation that very few of them ever display any resentment at having doors held open for them and other demonstrations of deference that I, as a courteous male, have chosen to adopt."
Sorry, Zenster, but chivalric courtesy extended to feminists is a BIG mistake. I don't suggest you shove women out of your way or be rude to them, you must be civil. But you shouldn't go out of your way to show any courtesy to or make life any easier for any feminist. And don't tell me you can't tell by a woman's appearance approximately where she is on the political spectrum. If she gets out of a Volvo with an Obama sticker on its bumper, let her open the doors for her own damned self.
Courtesy is part of the social contract and as such, implies some reciprocity. When courtesy is extended to those who are deliberately rude in return, it becomes indistinguishable from the kindness that those rude people mistake for weakness.
If women are going to adopt anti-white male behaviors, white men should let them struggle with their own heavy bags, open doors for themselves, change their own tires, etc. To do otherwise is an indirect insult to conservative white women everywhere. Just as feminists should not be allowed to adopt the benefits of feminism without assuming the burden of its costs, traditional white women should be assured of having the respect they show white men returned to them--and only to them.
Kylie: If women are going to adopt anti-white male behaviors, white men should let them struggle with their own heavy bags, open doors for themselves, change their own tires, etc. To do otherwise is an indirect insult to conservative white women everywhere. Just as feminists should not be allowed to adopt the benefits of feminism without assuming the burden of its costs, traditional white women should be assured of having the respect they show white men returned to them--and only to them. [emphasis added]
Thank you for responding, Kylie. Your reply is very meaningful and I was hoping that Shiela or Melanie might respond as well.
Difficult as it is to overcome my own upbringing, I have had to begin modifying my behavior in this regard. I'm glad to say that it started years ago when, upon encountering some snotty-assed feminist who airily walks through a door being held open for her without any exchange of pleasantries, I would sneeringly say to her back, "You're welcome." Once in a while it would snap them out of their fantasy.
I've also become a lot more intolerant of the "food moralists" who sport bumper stickers like "If you love animals, don't eat them". Encountering one of these at a gas station, I asked her, "If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?"
Of course, with perfect predictability, this humorless woman instantly replied, "That's not funny!"
So, as you can see, I'm in the process of shaking off my civility. Race Realism has taken me a long way towards this strange goal in that I now avoid contact or exchange with minorities in favor of Whites wherever I go. The rewards have been truly amazing in terms of no longer having to deal with the usual sullen attitudes and slack service.
I'm obliged to pause and speculate as to what the downstream reward will be for all these feminists whose swing vote was principally responsible for placing 0bama in office. It's got to be something really nasty.
Zenster, I really hated feeling that I had to take exception to your courtesy. But I also hated reading about the discourtesy shown to you by feminists and other spoiled members of our society.
Leftists of all stripes count on conservatives to be civil in the face of left-wing incivility. They mistake kindness for weakness. They count on us to play nice, to be friendly, to keep quiet when we're offended. That just makes their job easier. And that's not what we should be doing. It has to stop--the sooner, the better.
I myself am much less courteous to feminist women than I used to be. And like you, I've found that race realism has been a big help in determining how I respond to public situations. I don't extend to non-whites or obviously left-wing whites the friendliness and courtesy I show to conservative whites. I may have to live among them but I don't have to pretend to like it--or them.
And on a personal note, I really hate knowing your courtesy has been repaid with rudeness. You don't deserve that, you deserve much better.
@ Zenster:
I saw your post, and have read it over a few times. I haven't quite known how to respond, because all I can say is that I agree and that you're correct. As a conservative stay-at-home homemaker of app 30 yrs, I wouldn't know how to begin to be active in that way in changing the minds of feminist women. Honestly, I don't believe that I even know any. My circle is likewise conservative, mostly stay-at-home wives and mothers. We are all generally agreed on racial matters, but it's not much openly discussed in a "forthright" manner, due to ingrained politeness.
Kylie: And on a personal note, I really hate knowing your courtesy has been repaid with rudeness. You don't deserve that, you deserve much better.
Thank you so much, Kylie. It's really difficult breaking myself of the habit of civility. It is exactly this binding and socially cohesive element that has been purged from society over the last few decades that has really dragged things down to a Third World level here in America. It's ever so trying being obliged to retract that decency.
Still, you are right. Liberals deserve the back of our collective hand and they're not getting it. As a result, Liberals now dissolve into name-calling tantrums at the drop of a hat when they are called upon to rationalize their illogical and fantasy-based political "philosophies".
Like Blacks and Muslims, Liberals mistake our kindness for weakness. As an example, I live in a Victorian duplex. My neighbor is a Section 8 White Liberal ("Health care is a Constitutional right!") LOON. She is on "disability" (read: mentally unstable) after having been in law enforcement.
When she first moved here, she would leave the shared main entry door open along with her own apartment's door to get ventilation during summer nights. I politely informed her that this was very risky to do, especially for a relatively young single woman living alone. I also informed her that such behavior put me at risk because it removed an extra barrier for myself in the case of a home invasion.
She blithely shrugged this off telling me that she refused to live in fear. She persisted in doing this even after a police officer stopped during his patrol and admonished her for such unsafe behavior. I finally had to have the building's owner intervene at the risk of making myself a nuisance.
She would also defeat the self-locking catch on the shared entry door so she could take walks without her keys. Again, in my absence, this would allow someone to enter and conceal themselves while breaking down my door. As a collector of musical instruments (which are pure gold to thieves, high value, very portable and easily sold) plus lots of other nice things, this really enraged me.
The point being that I finally had to resolve that if she is ever assaulted in her own home, I will merely dial 911 and NOT intervene. I absolutely refuse to come to someone's aid that has insisted upon repeatedly putting BOTH OF US at risk.
What a perverted reward for trying to increase someone's situational awareness. Instead, I have to forgo any instinctive response to help someone, especially a female, who might be in need. You cannot imagine how much that hacks me off.
Melanie: We are all generally agreed on racial matters, but it's not much openly discussed in a "forthright" manner, due to ingrained politeness.
Thank you as well for responding, Melanie.
Loath as I am to suggest such a thing, it may be time to overcome that "ingrained politeness" much in the same way that I have been forced to do.
Sharing some fact-based information about TNB within your circle might help all of you defeat Liberal gibberish whenever you happen to encounter it.
At any rate, I really appreciate you making the effort to read over my comment a few times. Thank you.
Thomas Dixon's novel, 'The Clansmen' now assumes the level of Biblical Prophecy, in light of this horrendous perversion that is confined to the Negro race, alone.
As a form of just retribution, if they are not to be killed outright by courts of law, then SRS (below the belt only) would be the 'fair' thing to do: to make all Negro males thus guilty, have their male genitalia removed, leaving only a place for urination that is as embarrassing as it is violent, is the only fitting conclusion to this bestial behaviour.
How do you stop a raging bull? Castrate him.
How do you stop a raging Negro. Feminize him.
Our ancestors were correct- they are not human.
- Fr. John+
Zenster: "...I have to forgo any instinctive response to help someone, especially a female, who might be in need. You cannot imagine how much that hacks me off."
I've had to do the same thing for the same reasons. As a woman, I know how much it galls me to have to forego courtesy and helpfulness, which, for me as for you, aren't just learned behaviors but principles put into action. It's even worse for a man.
That's another blow that liberalism has struck against conservative white males: the knowledge that if they act in accordance with their principles, that will be used against them and only by acting against their principles can they protect themselves somewhat from its infection. Modern liberalism is emasculating and defeminizing.
I know that we are doing the right thing by limiting our helpfulness to those who share our beliefs and principles. But it doesn't feel right and it doesn't feel good.
Kylie: As a woman, I know how much it galls me to have to forego courtesy and helpfulness, which, for me as for you, aren't just learned behaviors but principles put into action. It's even worse for a man.
Wow! Really well put, Kylie. Yes, a rational person's behavior is, indeed, their "principles put into action." That's what makes it so agonizing; having to selectively apply one's own principles. It's contrary to all reason.
That's another blow that liberalism has struck against conservative white males: the knowledge that if they act in accordance with their principles, that will be used against them and only by acting against their principles can they protect themselves somewhat from its infection.
It's the concept of weaponizing the very best about ourselves against us. Fjordman's cite of author Raymond Kraft still rings true, even in this case of Liberals crucifying Conservatives on the cross of their own values:
Writer Raymond Kraft explains Western softness very well: The Islamic movement “has turned the civility of the United States and Europe into a weapon and turned it against us. It has weaponized niceness, it has weaponized compassion, it has weaponized the fundamental decency of Western Civilization. We have become too civilized to defeat our enemies, perhaps too civilized to survive.” [emphasis added]
Through PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism), Conservatives are being neutered of their confidence and decisive nature. Look at how many of them buy into PCMC for an indication of just how far we've fallen.
Modern liberalism is emasculating and defeminizing.
Yup! The preponderance of "metrosexual" guys and butch women is proof of that.
I know that we are doing the right thing by limiting our helpfulness to those who share our beliefs and principles. But it doesn't feel right and it doesn't feel good. [emphasis added]
Which is the insidiously vicious aspect of Liberalism's final thrust at Conservative White America. Let there be no doubt, it's now or never for the Liberals. Electing 0bama has ripped the mask off of their vision for America's future and it sure ain't pretty.
Thank you again, Kylie. Your comments are always a gold mine of thought and reflection.
funny how everyone barks on about the animalistic black felons but no one has questioned baldowl, a seemingly white male, on what he did to deserve 20 years. did it involve an animalistic behavior?rape? murder? An elderly woman perhaps? white-on-white crime? or were you of the lesser white collar crimes cheating many instead of few? he did something equal to that of the blacks he was locked up with but he gets thanked for offering support? he and you are both racist hypocrites.
Breivik (not balsowl, moron) got the maximum his Country offers for his crimes.
Everyone "barks" at negros because they commit so MANY crimes out of racial hatred and just because they can. If you don't like White mans law or feel it is unfair you are free to travel to Liberia and become a citizen, far away from the evil White Oppressors.
Check Orbitz for flights, Toby
It makes me laugh how you clearly didn't read the report that was quoted.
Actually Mr. AUTO, the sexual homicide of elderly females spans across all racial groups and isn't an exclusively black-on-white occurrence (unlike the 97% stat you pulled out of your arse). Alot of the time it'll also be white-on-white, or black-on-black. Many of the scum who commit these offences have prior use of drug/alcohol abuse, low education or rap sheets.
"The offender population includes 48 White (44%), 46 Black (42%), 14 Hispanic (13%), and 1% others. Of note is the absence of Asian offenders. The offenders range in age from 15 to 58. Blacks offend interracially 77% of the time, Hispanics 80%, and Whites only 4%. The offenders in many respects are found to be quite similar. For instance, 90% have criminal records, with burglary (59%) making up the highest proportion. However, property and violent offenses are found to be approximately equally represented among those with criminal histories. It should be noted that just 21% are found to have sex offenses in their criminal histories, a key point for law enforcement when considering the background of potential suspects. In terms of their employment skill levels, 93% are unskilled, with nearly 70% unemployed. Of the offenders, 93% have 12 years or fewer of formal education, and 19% of that group have 8 years or fewer. Of those who attended high school, the majority had spotty attendance records and poor academic performance. Many simply dropped out after a couple of years. Also, 93% had a history of substance abuse, with no race or age trends noted. The drug abused most often was alcohol (85%), followed by marijuana (54%) and cocaine (44%)."
While I do believe black-on--white crime needs to be commended (despite white-on-white crime being epidemic in comparison), nobody should listen to you, especially if you're going to falsify statistics to push an agenda. What an idiot.
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