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Chicago is more violent then Iraq or Afghanistan; Drones should police it |
President Obama just routed his re-election campaign through Aurora, Colorado. But when will he visit Chicago to be photographed consoling the even more numerous victims of violence there?
The demented action of James Holmes, who allegedly killed 12 people and wounded 59 wounded at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises on July 19, has become the talk of the world, overshadowing all other news stories.
Specifically, it overshadowed the story of 3 people dying from gunshots and 21 being shot all across Chicago on July 21. Yet this is merely a continuation of the violence that has left America’s Second City in a state that one cop compared to “tribal warfare.”
Michael Skolnik, writing for the leftist Global Grind, satirized the situation with this headline: “53 WHITE People Shot! 10 Dead! One Weekend!” [May 30, 2012]:
- Over the weekend of February 20, seven died and more than 18 were shot.
- Over the weekend of March 19, 10 died and forty were wounded by individuals using guns;
- Over the May 28 Memorial Day weekend, 40 were shot and at least 10 killed;
- Over the weekend of June 11, eight were shot dead and more than 40 people wounded;
- Over the weekend of June 18, 35 were injured and seven killed in separate shootings;
- on the eve of July 4, 15 were wounded—including a ten-year-old girl – in a six hour time period;
Imagine you saw that headline. Imagine you woke up on Monday morning and those words were spread across the top of your local city paper. By the time you read it, the Governor would have already deployed the National Guard. The President would have already made a statement. A curfew would have been set for anyone under 18. Schools would have been closed.
Check points would have been set up around the city. Every active police officer would be called into work. CNN, MSNBC and Fox News would all break into their regular scheduled programming for a special report. Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine that fifty-three WHITE people were shot in one weekend in one city by fifty-three different people. Just for a moment, imagine. You can open your eyes now...
But for the father of a beautiful seven year old girl who was shot while playing in front of her house on the South Side of Chicago, this dream quickly became a nightmare.Skolnik’s point: no one cares that black people are killing one another in Chicago at a horrifying rate. (Or maybe they are too scared of the Political Correctness police to mention it).
But what Skolnik can’t come to terms with: it is the black people of Chicago who are responsible for pulling the triggers.
Nor, of course, can Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy—he has blamed the Pilgrims [Police chief blames 'Pilgrims', cops for Chicago violence, By Bill Kelly, Washington Times, June 27, 2003] and Sarah Palin [Top Cop: Gun Laws Akin to 'Racism', By BJ Lutz, NBCChicago, June 23, 201].
But a recent article in the Chicago Tribune paints a much more precise picture of the dysfunction and chaos:
Violent crime has long afflicted minorities in Chicago at a much higher rate than the rest of the population, and the spike in homicides in the first half of this year provides an especially stark measure: 201 of the 259 homicide victims were African-American.Read the rest there and comment on it here.
Writing in the Wall Street Journal, William Bratton can't be bothered to acknowledge the racial angle to the gun crime in Chicago:
The city of Chicago has been screaming about its violent streets this summer, and rightly so. Public outrage over murder is a healthy sign that a city has not become numb to violence. Through July 19, this year's murder rate is up 31% from last year, with 289 Chicagoans killed, and shootings are up 6%. But these statistics don't tell the whole story.
For one, they obscure the fact that Chicago—like many American cities—has steadily reduced crime over the last two decades. From 1990-94, Chicago averaged 900 murders a year. From 2007-11, that figure was 450—unacceptably high, but a dramatic decline. Over this period, violent crime also fell 50%.Personally, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones to constantly fly over these high-crime areas ("turf" -- as Bratton calls it) would seem like a great idea; more importantly, by locking up more Black people in Chicago - and throughout the nation - the violent crime rate and murder rates have dropped.
According to a study completed in May by Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Chicago boasts 59 gangs that divide into 625 factions (and include, according to Chicago magazine, some 70,000-125,000 members and associates). This in a city of 2.5 million residents. The gangs have largely dispensed with any pretense of "protecting" a neighborhood or ethnicity. This is not the Sharks and the Jets. Some are corporate entities that control drug-dealing enterprises. Turf means protecting lucrative corners for dealing drugs, and competitors or interlopers are dealt with violently.
Because of effective work by the Chicago police and federal authorities (including the Drug Enforcement Agency and the FBI), many experienced kingpins are in prison. This has made some territories ripe for takeover. Younger leaders who have moved up are short on judgment and long on guns, which account for 85% of Chicago's murders.
That's why the War on Drugs must be defended vociferously. That, and harsher sentencing.
Mr. Bratton also wrote:
Fortunately, a lot can be done to deal effectively with gangs and urban violence. In the 1990s, American cities ended almost 25 years of steady crime growth and deteriorating quality of life. Violent crime nationwide fell almost 40%, serious property crime by more than 30%. Those decreases exceeded 60% in many cities—including Boston, New York and Los Angeles, where I served—and continued into the 2000s.
One reason for this was the philosophy of "community policing," which focuses on establishing partnerships and seeking to prevent crime, as opposed to just responding to it. This philosophy was a revolutionary shift away from the strategies that prevailed after the race riots and assassinations of the 1960s, when influential voices (such as the LBJ-established Kerner Commission) tied police "professionalism" to reactive metrics such as how fast it takes to respond to a complaint or to make an arrest after a crime. The established view was that crime was caused by poverty, racism and other matters that were outside of police control, so police could aim only to respond effectively.
I criticized this theory because crime is caused by individuals whose environments and behaviors can be positively shaped by police work. Two decades of evidence now bear this out—as do the past few years, when America's economic slump hasn't led to a crime wave, as the old theory would have predicted.
Mr. Bratton: Please consult "Color of Crime: Chicago" that HW put together by utilizing the 2009 Chicago Police Department Annual Report:
It looks to me like 96.8 percent of homicide, 93.3 percent of rape, 96 percent of robbery, and 91.8 percent of aggravated assault – 94.5 percent of violent crime in Chicago - is committed by African-Americans and Hispanics.The crime problem in Chicago has a color, and yet Mr. Bratton can't be bothered to address in the Wall Street Journal. But he did let slip a solid dig at the "poverty causes crime" theory that Disingenuous White Liberals (DWL) cling to.
Put UAV/Drones over Chicago (flying over those parts of the city where crime is most prevalent), and in two months time crime rates will drop even further.
the War on Drugs must be defended vociferously.
All Drug Prohibition does is guarantee the profits of anyone ruthless enough to control the trade, like the Chicago gangs. We would be much better off legalizing, regulating and taxing most recreational drugs (with exceptions like meth which are too dangerous, but meth would probably be replaced by e.g. chewing coca leaves if the latter were legal). With that one step, the smuggling and sales organizations would no longer be able to make money from them.
With legalization and harsh sentencing for trading in the rest, we'd achieve both a destruction of most of the market and far greater respect for the law in dealing with them. The bonus is that Those Who Can See could make a ton of dough by short-selling rap music labels and the manufacturers of spinner rims.
Advocating for a continuation of the War on Drugs is not a stand I think to be wise. I understand you enjoy that it is a method that incarcerates Africans in America at an increased rate. Either advocate that only Africans in America cannot use recreation substances, including and most especially alcohol, or argue against the entire thing. There is no reason several hundred thousand young white men, several of whom are quite brilliant, should be shoving money to the government via probation and other such things because they smoked cannabis, took acid/mushrooms/MDMA. I realize that you are cheering on the War on Drugs because it is the only legitimate way of "discriminating" against the A.in.A.'s by removing them from the general population, but it does no good for anyone to encourage the government to increase their power over everyone because a mere 9% or less of the population isn't genetically capable of integrating into a Western society. I also don't like the drone idea as it gives precedence towards tyranny over everyone no matter the race. That being said, nice article, keep up the good work. I enjoy everything you write.
What do White parents in Chicago tell their privileged children when asked about the Diversity violence?
"Well, darling, as bad as it is for black people to shoot each other, the fact that the Whites down South once wouldn't let blacks vote and that they still have Confederate monuments in front of the court houses is much worse."
the War on Drugs must be defended vociferously.
Must disagree on this. The "War on Drugs" is just another way the US gov't assails the rights and liberties of its decent citizens.
I was in the Windy City just this past weekend and I honestly would say that the the blacks that I encountered were cordial and pleasant. Sat beside a black man with a gold tooth on the train and he was railing about the state of the black youth today. I just shook my head in agreement and nodded in the affirmative.
I didn't have the courage to direct to him to this site Paul-sorry.
a totalitarian police state as an answer to black crime?
i got three words for that "solution": go f*ck yourself.
Anonymous said...
the War on Drugs must be defended vociferously.
Must disagree on this. The "War on Drugs" is just another way the US gov't assails the rights and liberties of its decent citizens.
So druggies are our "Decent" citizens? since when? You sound like a liberal. What do you think would happen to all them black "businessmen" if drugs were legalized? Do you think they could compete with others in the legal business arena - you know licensing/taxes/gub'ment regulations and so on?
This is some sick shit. I can't post anything today besides this.
2 NIGGER DEMON SPAWN tortured to death a White child by drowning him in a bathtub of boiling water. Get away from the blacks any way possible PLEASE! You only get one life.
12 Year Old White Child Tortured to Death By Black Thugs In South Africa
"The War on Drugs must be defended vociferously"
PK, did you forget to take your meds this morning bud? I suppose we should also continue the "War on Poverty" and the "War on Terror" as well right? The Government HAS NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CANNOT PUT INTO MY BODY. GET IT?
Definitely OT, but I have to bitch about this somewhere. Our esteemed Asshat-in-Chief is creating an African-American Education office. Link here.
great article. COuld go viral if everyone posted to social media that it was white people killed.
Personally, the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones to constantly fly over these high-crime areas ("turf" -- as Bratton calls it) would seem like a great idea; more importantly, by locking up more Black people in Chicago - and throughout the nation - the violent crime rate and murder rates have dropped.
Aerial drones should be used to monitor any flash mob activity and other TNB in minority majority population zones like Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta and Baltimore.
The way to prosecute flash mobs is pretty simple. Indonesian riot police employ water cannon infused with a powerful pink dye that is used to identify who were in actual attendance.
More compact units could be carried in the trunks of police cars, think of it as an anti-Black supersoaker. An alternative would be to have an easily attached hose-end dispenser and roll out a small fire trucks which are better distributed throughout a given city.
My own preference leans towards using a UV sensitive dye so that rioters are not tipped off to how they have been tagged.
Police then cordon off several blocks surrounding a flash attack of any sort and apprehend all who test positive for the dye. Biometric identification of all participants is then fed into a data base and routine offenders are prosecuted on felony incitement charges. Initial offenses are rewarded with suspended sentences which kick in on any second offense.
Any water or dye-related damage would be minimal compared to the economic health restored through a harsh clamp-down on this TNB.
That's why the War on Drugs must be defended vociferously.
As Anon @ 7/25 4:36 PM, pointed out, except for further enabling government intrusion upon and further curtailment of civil rights, the War on Drugs has been an epic fail. Make war on crime. That is where Blacks excel and, therefore, is the place to focus.
The War on Drugs is just a bone thrown to Puritanical America in order for law enforcement to gain its support. A comprehensive rewrite of drug laws in parallel with legalization measures would take apart a huge portion of Big Government™ overnight. New prison space would open up for truly deserving offenders without need for any sentence reductions and tax revenues associated with controlled sales of these substances would boost revenues even as Latin American narco-terror cartels would shrivel up and die.
Clearly, this sort of logical approach solves too many problems at once for it ever to be considered.
Skolnik...of course we could care less about inept savages. It would never be reported anyway on MSM.
Put UAV/Drones over Chicago (flying over those parts of the city where crime is most prevalent), and in two months time crime rates will drop even further.
No, they won't. All over Chicago we have telephone poles with flashing blue lights on top. The flashing blue light indicates a video camera is present. How many people though can we afford to hire to watch them live .... might as well just put a cop on every block but with 30,000 blocks plus administrative people, 3 shifts, vactions, etc, we would be looking at 150,000 cops for a city of 2,695,600 or 1 cop for every 18 citizens.
They (the negroes) will just shoot at the drones .... it will become a "hobby".
As for what Mr. Rational said, I am in favor of legalizing for personal growth, possession, or use (not public) anything in the raw form (marijuana, coca plant, opium poppies, etc) but viciously criminalizing the manufacture or possession of the derivatives of --- with the stipulation that commercialization of such would never be legal.
To emphasize, the use of drones is only permissible where there are excessive amounts of TNB. Laws would be needed to restrict their use regarding difficult-to-combat activities like wilding packs, flash robs and such. Mandatory linking of drone deployment to areas with very high crime rates would automatically apply them strictly to the criminal minorities.
I agree with the other comments about the war on drugs.
If we made these drugs legal, the blacks wouldn't be able to get on welfare and make a decent living by selling drugs.
They would of course turn to other things, like robbing people. Which other people could defend against and are much easier to prosecute.
Legalizing drugs is not going to do anything to reduce the gang violence.
The assumption made is that "illegality" is creating vendor lock-in which is preventing the open competition necessary to bring in more dealers and reduce the price of drugs.
The reality is that vendor lock-in is created by the willingness of the vendors to murder their competition. Think about it. Why would Tony Montana allow people to enter his territory and deal drugs at the expense of his organization?
The drug war must expand.
I heard a clip taken from a recent O'Reilly show segment focussing on the ongoing bloodshed in Chicago.
He was talking to some black city councilman (or ward leader, or state legislature rep or reverend, it doesn't really make any difference), and pointed out the fact that without exception, all the shooters and those shot to date, were black, and that this was clearly a black problem that had to be addressed by the 'community' head-on.
The black talking head objected vehemently: 'lets not turn this into some kind of racial thing...'
Despite this demonstration of abject cowardice and insanity, these hucksters continue to get reelected into office.
The most important thing seems to be to continue to blame someone, anyone, to 'save face', while the streets are awash in their blood.
Who cares how many blacks kill each other.
Problem is, the "War on Drugs" and aerial drones get turned on the rest of us and actually ENHANCES the power of the US government, without whom BRA would not exist.
"That's why the War on Drugs must be defended vociferously. That, and harsher sentencing."
Harsher sentencing? You don't have room for the people you already have.
And the WOD is *causing* the violence. A classic case of people taking principled stands and ignoring the practicalities.
Legalise dope. Hand out cheap, clean government smack (on prescription) to the junkies. Nine-tenths of crime will collapse overnight. There will simply be nothing to fight over.
"but meth would probably be replaced by e.g. chewing coca leaves if the latter were legal"
True. Criminalization also makes drugs *stronger*, because when you need less of it it's easier to conceal.
The classic is how spirits - moonshine, gin - became popular during prohibition. Spirits taste bad. You get used to it, but at bottom alcohol is not a nice flavour. The cocktail was invented to hide the taste of alcohol.
But you can fit more alcohol in a bottle if it's moonshine or gin as opposed to wine or beer. When it's illegal, that's key.
The war on drugs is taking a new turn in Cali. La just passed a new law shutting down dispensaries. Big drug companies don't want weed or anything else legal and are showings their power now in California. If drug companies would stop buying off the government these soft drugs would have been legal already. Though once you take the cash cow away from gangs what will they do for money ? Welfare and food stamps isn't going to keep them happy. Kidnappings, ransoms, home invasion ? Now that i think about it, that would be a quick way to wake up our sleeping white brothers and sisters
Bro -- the problem with dispensaries is that they were attracting lots of criminals and hard core homeless dopers. It was an ugly scene, believe me there is no zero zilch nada possibility of buying off the hard-left LA City Council which has a lot of members, and the Mayor. It took over a decade of screaming protests by local voters and recall petitions to get the local dispensaries shut down. You can find good local coverage from "Mayor Sam's Sister City" and LAObserved, fairly good reporting there. Luke Ford (broke the story on Mayor Tony cheating with a Spanish Language reporter) also has good coverage.
I don't like the use of drones, because I figure the politics break against me. They will be used to track and possibly attack Tea Partiers and ordinary White folks, who lack a lobby group. The possibility of being used against Black Flash Mobs is zero, given the NAACP, Urban League, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, and Barack Obama pressure points.
As for the War on Drugs, it does have beneficial side effects of locking up serious dealers who also tend to be violent offenders, and most of those serious dealers are Black, or Hispanic. That's good.
On the bad side it only increases police power used to attack ordinary White people who are sick of second class status, and defacto discrimination against themselves. I don't like controlled substances used out in the open, it tends to make an area dingy, dirty, ugly, and habituated by criminals and lowlifes.
However, I my sense is that on balance, the War on Drugs is a failure in that it increases police power used against Joe Average, while only marginally incarcerating dealers who are also violent thugs. Sorry AMC, most dealers are not White HS Chemistry teachers "gone bad but ... sexy!" but are guys like your local Black or Hispanic gang leader. Meth in the desert and Midwest/South is of course made by Scots-Irish Hillbillies, the same folks who made moonshine. Its cultural. The Dealing is done in urban areas where the customers are though.
The one kicker that has me on the fence is that legalization of drugs, means the collapse of the gang-economy in the urban core, and likely more violence as gangs seek to replace that revenue stream. They certainly won't work for a living, even if they could which they can't.
Flipping through channels, I see hysterical black women teaching White women how to TNB.
No, really:
It's a shot on VH1 called "Mama Drama".
I... I am fascinated by this behaviour of... of... well, uncivilized scum.
Anon@4:01 stole most of my thunder.
That's why the War on Drugs must be defended vociferously.
This is why I no longer self-identify as a conservative.
Put UAV/Drones over Chicago (flying over those parts of the city where crime is most prevalent), and in two months time crime rates will drop even further.
Are you that short-sighted that you actually see a victory in this? How long before the drone operators are convicted of "racial profiling" and retrained to track down "domestic terrorists"? You really surprise me sometimes.
So druggies are our "Decent" citizens? since when?
If you like a drink after work, you're a druggie too. Alcohol probably causes more societal dysfunction than all illicit drugs combined. Or do you accept at face value Uncle Sugar's propaganda term "drugs & alcohol"? Alcohol is a drug. 98% of the human beings are casual drug users.
No, seriously, watch the whole thing:
The show is called "Mama Drama" and is on VH1.
In fact, watch the whole thing (please).
It is very educational, especially for White and/or non-black people.
Educational topics include:
Why not to use certain words to black people ("ignorant")
How not to misjudge black person's friendship as genuine ("I thought we were bonding!")
How quickly a party atmosphere can go from fun and smiles all around to defending your life
What "disrespectin'" means to a black person
Learn as black women teach their ignorant (hah!) White women that when one fights, we ALL chimpout/fight ("I don't care if you weren't there, we all in this together, just swing on a bitch!").
You HAVE to watch, it is your homework for today.
So druggies are our "Decent" citizens?
Maybe, but it's not our business whether they consume "drugs" or alcohol, so long as they meet their responsibilities. What IS our business is if our government uses "civil forfeiture" (an oxymoron) to steal whatever it wants using "drug smuggling" as an excuse, and decides that every warrant service deserves a "dynamic entry" with a SWAT team (which has literally scared people to death). The War on Some Drugs has been a major part of our slide from a republic to a police state.
The "War on Drugs" makes drugs far more expensive than if they were "legal." As a result, they render more profit and induce people to engage in risky behavior. It allows aggregation of people into two groups - those that can be socialized (and follow the law) and those that cannot (and will suffer arrest or combat at the hands of other lawbreakers).
Jebediah Wong: So druggies are our "Decent" citizens? since when? You sound like a liberal.
Please try to uncork your otherwise firmly inserted head for a brief moment and consider how the war on drugs is used as an excuse to violate ever increasing numbers of our civil rights.
Exactly like the war on terror, the war on drugs has been used to bloat Big Government™ to unprecedented proportions. Do you really think that is a good thing?
We need to shrink government and return our judiciary system to one that enforces strict Constitutional law across the board without the interpretive, activist bullshit that has paralyzed our legal system for almost half a century or more.
The Constitution was written with exceeding care. I am editing a +1,000 page book which traces back the clause regarding Presidential citizenship requirements right to the very same period editions of books that used to sit on George Washington's and John Jay's personal desks.
The framers exercised excruciating diligence in phrasing the Constitution's various amendments. In the case of the Presidential citizenship elegibility clause, they agonized over the placement of a single comma.
Yet Liberal idiots of today think nothing of imposing interpretations of that historic document based upon modern writing standards instead of those that were prevalent at the time. That should give you an idea of just how eager these bastards are to warp and selectively apply every last shred of law they can in order to achieve The Narrative™.
All we need is a major crackdown on actual crime.
Just as the war on terror has, so far, been a disaster, so has the war on drugs been an epic FAIL. Anyone who cannot understand that both of these programs are stalking horses for a rather nasty ulterior agenda are in for a very rude awakening.
Witness DHS Secretary Napolitano stonewalling Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX):
... about recent revelations that Mohamed Elibiary - an outspoken admirer of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and other rogue extremists, who was appointed last year to the DHS's Countering Violent Extremism Working Group Dept. and sworn in by Napolitano to the DHS's Advisory Council - had accessed a database of sensitive state and local intelligence reports, and subsequently shopped some of the the information to the media.
Here is the link to the above text. Visit here for direct testimony where this traitorous maggot weaves and dodges with the shamelessness of corrupt Wall Street Wizards taking the Fifth Amendment.
This lying whore refuses to provide a simple "yes or no" answer over her awareness of this terrorist plant (with CLASSIFIED ACCESS) in our nation's Department of Homeland Security.
Do you honestly think that America's Politically Correct government will fastidiously prosecute the war on drugs with any more diligence?
rjp: They (the negroes) will just shoot at the drones .... it will become a "hobby".
Stay calm, brother. Research drone technology a bit before worrying yourself like this.
Predators and other drones fly at 40,000 foot altitudes, well beyond the range of small arms. In turn, they deliver near-real time high definition night vision of individual humans (and Blacks) engaging in readily identifiable actions.
As others have noted, the biggest and most amply justified concern is that these surveillance devices will NOT be used to monitor areas which DO NOT have crime rates justifying such counter-measures.
I'll say this and hope that others might provide their own take on such an idea:
Selectively placed drones are a far better solution that the mass installation of video cameras all over our metropolitan areas.
If you want a solid glimpse of what such comprehensive video surveillance could lead to, watch "The Last Enemy", a superb vision by Masterpiece Theater regarding "Total Information Awareness" of the sort that "Minority Report" sought to expose.
I'll take selectively placed drones over ubiquitous video surveillance any day.
Here’s one for this site: Chicago has the equivalent of one “Aurora”
every NINE days!
At least 290 murders in Chicago as of July 24 this year (which by the
way is considered a good year considering Chicago had 500+ homicides
in 2008 and nearly 1,000 homicides a year in the early 90s), 206 days
of 2012 have passed. Divided into each other that comes out to roughly
1.4077 murders a day. Rounding up gives us 1.41 murders, times nine
days would be 12.69 murders, equal to the Aurora shooting. All in one
of the strictest gun control zones in the country! Imagine that, an
Aurora every nine days. And no one gives a shit because their either
too blind to see, don’t want to see, or deep down they really don’t
care. One of the best comments I’ve ever read on the site was after
the Casey Anthony verdict and how a black co-worker of the poster
wondered why “whites were so upset.” The point/discussion the poster
has with the other posters was that blacks have very, very little
sympathy or empathy for anyone, even their own. Even their own
children, even their own heroes (90-something Rosa Parks being
violently mugged shows once and for all, no one and no thing is off
limits to them), even their own lives. Lacking of sympathy/empathy is
a common trait of psychopathy; I wonder how prevalent psychopaths are
in the black population…..oh wait…..
Ex New Yorker here...The taxpayer is paying to breed and feed these killers. Does the taxpayer also pay to bury them.
"Let's not turn it into a racial thing".
Why not, they're more than happy to do it when once a year or so a white (or a "white Hispanic") kills a darky.
Oh how I despise these parasites. And as if we don't already have enough problems with the homegrown variety, we have the imported super-viral kinds (Haitian, Somali) inflicted on us.
It is maddening to imagine the world we could live in if we didn't have these violent bestial sub-humans among us.
But I'm sure I shouldn't be rayciss as it might offend the delicate sensibilities of one these nasty murdering lower life forms.
Anonymous said...
Definitely OT, but I have to bitch about this somewhere. Our esteemed Asshat-in-Chief is creating an African-American Education office. Link here.
Another slush fund/reparations step for negroes. The left will never ever give up on this notion that they are all just like us. Since the 1960's, blacks have truly had a devastating effect on this nation's economy.
Ratchet up the war on drugs.
I say execute career users.
Trial junkie here. It would be impossible to count the number of times I've seen hand-wringing pieces like Skolnick's. They wail: "People don't care when poor African-Americans are killed."
They never admit the race of the killers. It never changes.
The use of certain drugs is a pretty good predictor of other unwelcome behavior. Drug laws allow society to do some culling before the scofflaws get around to hurting somebody. Yes, some not-so-bad people get caught in the net. That is true with many laws. No doubt, for example, some people are better drivers with .10 blood alcohol level than some others are cold sober. But we need to draw an easily recognized line someplace, and everybody knows where those lines are. A law that is suitable for 80 or 90 percent of the population is generally reasonable, and the 10 or 20 percent that don't like it need to act accordingly. You may think that ten days in jail for littering is excessive, but if you have any sense, you'll throw your trash into a can.
I am not making the case for any particular law, and undoubtedly there are adjustments to the drug laws that should be made. But this is how honest law works, it serves the interests of most of the people.
"Violent crime nationwide fell almost 40%, serious property crime by more than 30%...One reason for this was the philosophy of "community policing,""
Not true Mr Bratton. It had little to do with 'community policing' or 'patnership', and everything to do with abortion, AIDS, and longer sentences taking scumbags off the street.
"So druggies are our "Decent" citizens? Since when?"
I'll tell you "since when". Since when I travel I can no longer place my daily meds into a M T W Th F S S pill holder; I have to schlepp all the bottles with me, even on a 3-day trip. This was advice given me by one of the few cops I trust.
Since I can no longer buy over-the-counter cold medicines without showing a government ID and signing a book.
Since a med I WAS on was so tightly controlled that if my doctor called for extra (for a prolonged business trip), he placed his license in jeopardy.
That is since when.
If drugs were legal perhaps more trash would overdose and die. That would benefit all of society.
An extremely violent, sadistic 9-year old black child physically assaults several black toddlers in a daycare while idiot, lazy black staff members trudge around completely oblivious to the violence (or simply don't give a crap) ...
Go to your local magazine rack and observe all the "Cool Machineguns for Police" magazines. The WOD exists NOW because it provides a continuous source of funds and rationale for the smallest towns so they can have a SWAT team equipped with the latest MP-5s and short-barreled full-auto assault rifles equipped with silencers. In the Chicago area virtually EVERY town and village has a SWAT team with machineguns. I happened to be catch a news clip from one of the major networks and they showed a helicopter where one of the LE types had an assault rifle quipped with a SILENCER. Stop the flow of money for the WOD and let all these SWAT teams evaporate. Let the policemen buy their OWN AR-15, SIG and their own silencers. The WOD, so-called Global War on Terror is now nothing more than a Christmas tree for police to attach all their wants and desires for the stupid taxpayer to pay for.
I have to shake my head when I see good people, especially otherwise intelligent Race Realists, who advocate for stupid/destructive things like drug legalization. It my strong opinion that many (perhaps a majority) of the proponents of legalization are themselves users looking to legitimise their own little hobby. I would hate to think that is the case here.
The drug war is a worthwhile endevor. The problem is that we as a country have not had the collective guts to do what it takes to win that war (things like SERIOUS draconian sentences targeting the casaul user) and not learning the real leason of alcohol prohibition: that the demand has to be tackled as strongly as the supply in order to stamp out a problem.
What's with all this hysteria concerning the ongoing tribal warfare between the various black gang factions? As long as they conduct their business in their own neighborhoods then who cares? We should crack down hard on any spillover into our areas but otherwise let's not get bent out of shape. We shouldn't give up whatever civil liberties we have left just because of what some blacks are doing. Blacks are just doing what they've always done and will always do. Tribal warfare in the bantustans may as well be taking place on Mars.
Bloomberg calling for more gun control. So he doesn't realize that Aurora CO. like the city of New York is a no guns city. I guess the shooter at the movie didn't realize that he was in a no gun city. Too bad the rest of the attendees did know.
Simple solution: Legally re-interpret gang activity as Terrorism. Prosecute the organizations under anti-terror statutes. Active members become "enemy combatants", remedies become waterboarding, rendition, military trial, and execution.
It's "Blood in, Blood Out", so here's your blood out, shithead, courtesy of a firing squad.
The scourge of violent crime would be eliminated rather quickly by liquidating violent individuals and their organizations both inside and outside of the penitentiary system.
Time to flush the toilet, America.
Simple implant birth Control for anyone receiving Government benefits would be a far easier law to pass than Drone strikes, though I sympathize with your feeling of wanting to lock up the most violent negros. I haven't looked up the numbers, but it would be interesting to know what precentage of young black males are incarcerated vs total young black male population. The population to be concentrating on is young females, they are the gatekeepers of any population.
As to the war on drugs, it is an utter failure, merely corrupting the police, the Government and the People. It is not even really being fought in any real sense, look at our inability to seal our Southern border. The flow of drugs from Mexico is in the tens of Billions a year and the price, quality, availability and selection always increases. Border agents, DEA, FBI and even the Presidents are corrupted buy this, with their friendship with Mexican President Calderon. Hundreds of Mexican citizens are beheaded along our Southern border, yet we can not even get a fence put up or get our negros to work in the fields to pick food, importing instead "migrant workers.
Prohibition (whether alcohol (a drug) or any other substance) merely feeds the beast. Even the Mafia knew that drugs were anti-family and avoiding dealing with them and leaving such dealings to the "dark people" till the money simply became too much to resist:
( http://youtu.be/oX4emOtb0r0 )
"and not learning the real leason of alcohol prohibition: that the demand has to be tackled as strongly as the supply in order to stamp out a problem."
Hogwash. Prohibition was pursued with religious zeal to crush the "demon rum". We even changed the Constitution to implement it, established governmental assination squads of fanatics to combat it "the Untouchables" and the whole thing collapsed within a few years after the repeal, leaving corrupt police behind pining for the good old days.
Today, Property seizures by federal agents by "snowflaking" your imported car with a planted little baggie of coke is an open joke in the Custom's Dept. Getting paid to "look the other way" while tanker trucks of pot flow across the border is the "same old same old."
When pot was a three year sentence and the total ruination of a kids life in the 1960's and the movie "Reefer Madness" was considered the truth, you still had Woodstock and the pot generation going full blast.
The lesson of prohibition is that Governmental intervention against an intelligent people never works, and corrupts the very part of the society you want to save. Better to have "opium dens" than what we have now.
The easiest way to eliminate these generations of parasites is to offer a one time $5000 payment to any welfare recipient to get sterilized, still a hell of a lot cheaper than the lifelong cost of additional groids.
If we combine this with the shootings, drug overdoses and prison, pretty soon we'd have a nice single digit population of groids that would more than likely continue to decrease year by year.
Anonymous said...
I have to shake my head when I see good people, especially otherwise intelligent Race Realists, who advocate for stupid/destructive things like drug legalization.
Prohibition does not work and will never work, ever. From Adam and Eve to the current war on drugs. Why waste tremendous amount of resources to fight a war you can't win? Legalize everything, monitor addicts to minimize the damage they do to society and themselves. Prison time does nothing, addiction is a mental disease, not a crime. If addicts need to be placed in half-way houses and put in a padded room for their daily dose of meth, so be it, cheaper than prisons.
The only way to "win" the war on drugs is with an absolute police state that completely invades everyone's privacy at all times.
Sorry Paul, but you're placing waaay too much trust in government and laws and authority in general here. Anything used to fight "crime" can and will be used against Whites in general and race realists in particular. As Midwestern notes, why all the fuss about blacks killing other blacks? It's the spillover we ought to be concerned about. The solution is not more government power and intrusiveness, it's the removal (through incarceration, since that's the only possible option at this time) of non-Whites.
As for the war on drugs, I'm of two minds there. While I'd like to remove the profit angle for black and mexican gangs, and while I loathe the nanny state, I still think there are too many weak-willed and less able people in general (among Whites) to leave the matter solely to personal choice. Ironically, my not-quite 21 year old son used to passionately argue with me about this (and drug use is not among his failings) due to his more libertarian beliefs. After residing in a foreign country for many months now, where the locals chew a hallucinogenic substance daily, he's seen the effect - no one does anything and nothing ever gets accomplished, because everyone is always sitting around stoned all day - and now he's come to the reluctant conclusion that personal responsibility alone cannot be relied upon in the area of drugs, and some sort of legal control is necessary.
Why don't we cut off all welfare to mothers who breed a killer. If you kid is killed or kills in gang related violence, then no more checky.
Solution number two: Why don't we fence them off and re-arm them every week. Make it like the Highlander: There can be only one! The winning contestant would get a years supply of watermelons and fried chicken as a reward. In under three weeks we could be rid of the Chicago problem. Then if the pilot works as well as we think it might, we could send it out to other areas.
PK we need LESS gov't intervention, not more. This "solution" of yours is pouring gas on a fire.
You think BRA will use those drones to police blacks, or intimidate whites into even further submission?
Honestly, I am beginning to question if this whole blog isn't just a government psyop when I read statist garbage like this.
Murder is illegal. Rape is illegal. Theft is illegal. Laws don't stop crime.
Aspirin is more dangerous than marijuana. Vicodin and OxyContin are more dangerous than cocaine, more tightly regulated, and are still available to every high school kid in the nation.
The drug war is even more of a failure than the wars on poverty and terror combined. Maybe if we weren't wasting resources on arresting pot smokers that aren't hurting anyone we'd be able to handle all of the black criminals that are.
Sooner or later, people will figure it out. All of these "wars" are about money and conditioning us to accept less freedom. We don't intend to win any of them. We don't intend for any of them to end. The only war that will eventually end is the war on predominately white taxpayers who are footing the bill for all of this nonsense, and it's only going to end because we have nothing left to give these parasites.
Those advocating a collapse and reemergence of a new society... so you'll have no problem with a open society where stoned druggies are allowed to feed at YOUR trough, courtesy of your labor?
Have at it.
I plan on planting every user I come across. They are the DWLs that heaped this steaming mess on our heads to begin with.
A proud White man has a purpose in life and no desire or use for drugs or druggies.
The War on Some Drugs has been a major part of our slide from a republic to a police state.
Indeed, the Fourth Amendment is now largely a dead letter and this is due in no small part to the drug war.
Simple solution: Legally re-interpret gang activity as Terrorism. Prosecute the organizations under anti-terror statutes. Active members become "enemy combatants", remedies become waterboarding, rendition, military trial, and execution.
And after gang activity is legally re-interpreted as terrorism, how long to you think it will be before posting un-P.C. thoughts on sites like this is legally re-interpreted as gang activity?
Dipshits like you can't seem to grasp the concept that eviscerating due process of law and other constitutional rights can never help the good guys; it never pays off in the long run. You need to watch the scene in A Man for All Seasons where Wiliam Roper says that he'd cut down every law in England to get at the Devil. Sir Thomas More replies to this, "Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!"
Once all restraints on government power have been demolished, just who the fuck do you think that power is going to be brought to bear against? According to the elites who run this countrty, whites, and particularly white men, are the enemy, not ni66ers. Increasing the effectiveness of the state's enforcement apparatus is always going to be bad for us.
Hear hear, Ray!
The WOD needs to end; it is an infringement on every decent and productive citizens' rights. Our Benevolent Big Sis has no right to tell people what they can and cannot consume.
And as to the "prison overcrowding" argument, its completely made-up "problem" with the leftists, once again, framing the argument by controlling the language. A very simple and relatively cheap solution is to erect tent cities, ala Maricopa County, surrounded by razor wire and guard towers. You could even force the convicts to build it themselves, along with producing their own food in gardens, etc. Problem solved.
Black on white crime will only decrease if whites and others would only stand up and defend themselves from these cowardly sub-humans, both on the street, at work, in OUR schools, the political system, and everywhere else they permeate OUR culture. That along with more profiling, and locking violent criminals away for a long time.
The real problem is not drugs, but Darks. Get rid of them, and problems can be taken care of is a Constitutional manner. They cannot live under White law, and we're destroying ourselves trying to make things fit.
And yes, the drones would be used against us rather than the Darks. What else would you expect from a government in the passions of multi-culturalism?
"Dipshits like you can't seem to grasp the concept that eviscerating due process of law and other constitutional rights can never help the good guys; it never pays off in the long run."
Maybe you could get this point across to the lawyers in black robes that call themselves judges.
Thanks to you know are interested in the exchange of information that we are all talking about something! Thank you for my part.
Chicago Electric Signs
The "war on drugs", the "war on terror", the "war on poverty", look at them a little more thoroughly. They are "wars" on you. Wars on your behavior, your freedom and your assets. They benefit one entity only, the state.
"I'll take selectively placed drones over ubiquitous video surveillance any day."
Not to pick at you, but the idea itself that Big Brother has our interests at heart.
How about I don't want any of it? How about a truly free people with real liberty don't need such devices? How about the whole need for this arises because Big Brother has taken away our right to self defense, freedom of association and the right of a people to decide for themselves just who they will let into their nation? How ridiculous and unfair is it for a law abiding citizen--armed or not, to be required to run away from a criminal who wants to attack and rob them? The right of the criminal to force you to flee, if possible, is reprehensible and cowardly.
It's cowardly because Big Brother knows, that given our history and our real rights, that blacks and Mexicans would disappear in short order due to citizens enforcing Natural Law and making their cities safe for their children. Just like they did in the days gone by. What do you think really happened when a gang of thugs rode into a town back then? History, not movies, teaches us that the citizenry, armed and able, simply shot the hell out of them for disturbing their peace and committing crimes against them.
Just research what happened to Jesse James and his gang when the rode into Northfield, Minnesota and you will see my point. I don't want Big Brother to make it better by taking away more of my rights--I want it to get worse, so bad that it is total chaos such that people do arm themselves and do take back our streets. Then, they will be exorcising their natural rights, given to them by their creator and ignoring Big Brother and his Bull Shit. In other words, acting like real Americans instead of globalized sheep.
"Lex32 said...
Ratchet up the war on drugs.
I say execute career users."
That was Mao's policy in China when he took over. Some 40% of China's population was addicted to opium. The "coolies" were the worst of the bunch--they worked a full day for a small bowl of rice and a pipe bowl of opium.
Mao gave everyone one chance to get off--the state would help them get off--once. If you got caught using opium after the deadline, you were shot. Right there, on the spot. Needless to say, it only took a few years to make China a drug free society.
Yes, "Paul Kersey" is a paid agent of the state. Jesus Christ.
The use of Drones is a hypothetical -- of course the US Military is already using them to identify targets and threats in this nation, and track them.
Were we living in a real country (should have stressed this), using Drones would be a quick effective way to track and compile data on minority criminality in Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, Memphis, etc.
Celebrate Homogeneity: "So druggies are our "Decent" citizens? Since when?"
I'll tell you "since when". Since when I travel I can no longer place my daily meds into a M T W Th F S S pill holder; I have to schlepp all the bottles with me, even on a 3-day trip. This was advice given me by one of the few cops I trust.
Since I can no longer buy over-the-counter cold medicines without showing a government ID and signing a book.
Since a med I WAS on was so tightly controlled that if my doctor called for extra (for a prolonged business trip), he placed his license in jeopardy.
That is since when.
A Christian blog owner I know has a serious back injury (barely able to walk) and has been on high-strength pain killers for years and has never descended into abusing them unlike Rush (lock up recreational users) Limbaugh and other hypocrites.
The state he lives in is now demanding that he get an implanted device which requires intrusive surgery instead of continuing with his prescription dosages.
This guy is one of the finest people I know and also one of the few genuine Christians I have met in many, many years.
If this is what someone who is squeaky clean is being made to face, imagine what Whites in general are going to be put through.
Like Jay Santos noted:
The "war on drugs", the "war on terror", the "war on poverty", look at them a little more thoroughly. They are "wars" on you. Wars on your behavior, your freedom and your assets. They benefit one entity only, the state.
Giving the state more power is exactly what the Founding Fathers railed against when they wrote the Constitution. Have we learned NOTHING over the past two plus centuries?
RobertB: Not to pick at you, but the idea itself that Big Brother has our interests at heart.
How about I don't want any of it?
You are not picking at all. I agree that ubiquitous surveillance of any sort is a violation of Constitutional rights. It's why I commented earlier about how:
We need to shrink government and return our judiciary system to one that enforces strict Constitutional law across the board without the interpretive, activist bullshit that has paralyzed our legal system for almost half a century or more.
Enforcing "Natural Law", as you put it, would go a long way towards restoring actual order and not this rigidly imposed artificial equality with all of its contrived special classes of pet minority victims.
Erasing so-called "hate speech" and "hate crime" laws should be a top priority in returning our nation to one ruled by Constitutional law.
Incidentally, you seem to express approval for Mao's indiscriminate slaughter that saw some 60 MILLION Chinese perish during his watch.
I mean, you do realize how such unregulated summary execution instantly becomes a vehicle for settling every last fueud, spat and petty argument in a dramatically permanent fashion, don't you? Just examine accusations of "witchcraft" and the whole notion of taqfir ("impurity"), in Islamic nations for a modern day example of such vicious barbarity.
Stuff Black People Don't Like: Were we living in a real country (should have stressed this), using Drones would be a quick effective way to track and compile data on minority criminality in Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, Memphis, etc.
Which is also what I postulated. That said, even very selectively applied drones represent a slippery slope leading towards ubiquitous video surveillance like that in Britain.
We have already begun to experience it here in America with police cars that are equipped with automotive license plate capture technology that scans thousands of plates per day during regular patrols and can be used to establish the movement patterns of legitimate citizens with the same ease of stopping a known stolen vehicle.
Is this what we really want?
What we need is more people being aware of the government and NOT more government awareness of the people. The proper end result is an informed electorate that can begin to vote out these corrupt, abusive bastards.
Off topic but read this article - South Africa in shock over horror killings as parents are murdered in their own home and son, 12, is drowned in BOILING WATER
Compare the behavior of these torture killers to the treatment of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Hmm, what do the killers have in common?
This kind of elaborate, extreme cruelty and depravity is a hallmark of the black race. They have the capacity to engage in crude, off-the-charts barbaric behavior at the drop of a hat that humans of all other colors simply do not demonstrate. At a basic genetic level, blacks are subhuman demons. They just are not fully human.
Attacks like this are COMMON in South Africa and South Africans are not "shocked" by this, contrary to the newspaper headline. They're common! Just google "farm murders South Africa" to get an idea.
These elaborately sick demonic attacks are also common amongst blacks in America. Just look at the murder/rapes of elderly whites that have been discussed a bit here. Blacks consistently prove themselves to be diabolical monsters and yet the media DEMAND not just that it not be discussed at all but that we all lie like hell about the reality of black people and their behavior.
I'm so sick of these absurd ads showing black nuclear families in pastel sweaters sitting down in their immaculate upper-middle class homes. 72% of black kids are born out of wedlock! Half of black males go to prison before they reach age 35! It's all lies, all of this media horseshit.
We've all grown up being told that we are all the same. All races are the same. No culture is better than another. The entire basis for the modern social contract in modern Western civilization is BULLSHIT. It's all a lie.
Greatest idea ever
If we just get rid of the (fill in your favorite group to be gone) it will solve all of our problems. Seems that was tried several times during the last century and with disastrous results.
We do have a drug abuse problem. We've always had a drug abuse problem. A certain percentage of all people like getting wasted by drugs. During the 1800s cocaine, morphine and heroin were cheap, easily available and quite addictive. Those people who abused the drugs did anything they could for a fix (prostitution, robbery, theft, etc.).
Might be time to take a look at addiction/drug abuse and see what drives it. Several countries experimented in making drugs legal/semi legal and in all cases found out that it was a bad idea and either cut way back on it or returned drugs to the illegal state.
The drones would allow police to see where the trafficking is going on and to deal with that. Gangs? Use RICO laws against them. At least one biker gang lost their colors due to legal action against them. At least one of the blogs PK has on his side bar mentioned the 'army' and 'civilians' in the 'war.' Would it be too much to take out the gangs via RICO?
There is money to be made on both sides in supplying the gangs with weapons and in supplying the police with weapons. Follow the money back and you will be surprised.
Blacks have no motivation to fix their black on black violence when that black on black violence gets downplayed while race pimps continue telling blacks that they are victims of whitey's racism. Perhaps dealing with the race pimps might be a good start. Find out who continues to stir the racism pot and deal with them.
Anonymous 3:11 said : "Perhaps dealing with the race pimps might be a good start. Find out who continues to stir the racism pot and deal with them."
I guess you have never watched TV or read a newspaper or magazine here in the United States in your short time on this Earth. The MEDIA is our greatest enemy. It is the media that drives all of the anti-white sentiment and stirs the brown and blacks pots. The media has completely transformed a 90% white, first world country into a near third world hell, similar to Sao Paulo on a NATIONAL scale. Directly do to the influence of the media, we now have over 100 million NON WHITES in the United States.
Who's Winning the War On YOU?
I'd be all for it if those Predators are armed with missiles that home in on the excessive bass from rap "music" being blasted from those car stereo speakers so loud the body panels vibrate.
"Incidentally, you seem to express approval for Mao's indiscriminate slaughter that saw some 60 MILLION Chinese perish during his watch."
No. my point was, was that is the only way you will ever end drug dependency. Prior to 1910 or so, anyone in America could walk into a drug store and buy whatever they wished. The AMA lobbied the federal government to require prescriptions, and got their way. There was, in fact, among whites, a very low dependency rate. "Drugs" available included heroin distillates, opium distillates and pure cocaine. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his character Sherlock Homes and Sigmund Freud were all cocaine users, to name just a few.
If we were not in a welfare state, drug use would not be a problem because the nanny government would not be there to pick up the pieces, as they were not a century ago.
It isn't a war on drugs...it is a war on dregs. People who are deemed evil, sloppy, lazy, no-good, etc etc, are targetted, imprisoned, and ruined. This sort of political behavior works for a time but sooner or later the outrage against dregs wears out as the inevitable hypocrisy of it all becomes apparent. Mass purges such as this worked for many years in Stalin's Russia and given the size, and ethnic, linguistic and class diversity in the USA, this purge I submit can continue for many more years before entropy sets in. In the meantime the benefits of civil warfare accrue, including the primary benefit of a Bolshevik style ruling clique with finely honed techniques of repression. As in the case of Russia however it isn't a society you would want to have kids in. I submit a little known reason for the declining birth rate amongst the educated in the USA is precisely this: that there is a persistent anxiety about the police state ( in all its guises including the public education police ) managing to ruin Tommy or Jennife's life with some sort of drug arrest.
A friend of mine once said in a fine moment of cynicism that if the state decided it would leave drug users alone they would stay in their homes and never bother anyone. The Fire Departments of the various cities could be recruited to deliver the drugs to the users. This would keep the users placid and give the firemen something to do.
A drugged up brain dead population is a liberal’s dream. Why do you think we are in the mess we are in? If anyone thinks that a doped up scientist, engineer, architect, teacher or doctor has anything to offer society, you have really been sipping the Cool Aid.
But as they say, with all the war on drugs, it still persists. So let’s make it legal! In fact why stop there. After all these years we still have murder, theft and rape – let’s legalize that too, since we don’t seem to have been able to stop those crimes. BRA seems to be headed that way, especially where black on white crime is concern.
expat: If anyone thinks that a doped up scientist, engineer, architect, teacher or doctor has anything to offer society....
... then you know about e.g. all of the MDs who abused opiates for years while continuing to practice without obvious professional issues. Many academics and others (e.g. computer types) are daily users of cannabis. Lots of high society used cocaine for recreation on a regular basis (probably still does).
I have no use for any of this myself, but if people aren't e.g. driving under the influence I don't want to waste my tax money hassling and jailing them.
with all the war on drugs, it still persists. So let’s make it legal! In fact why stop there. After all these years we still have murder, theft and rape – let’s legalize that too, since we don’t seem to have been able to stop those crimes.
Ah, right. You want to throw pot-smokers in jail because... why? Who are they hurting? Meanwhile, a jail cell full of pot-smokers is unavailable for direct prevention of harm to the public from TNB. What do you hope to accomplish?
leaving corrupt police behind pining for the good old days.
It seems quite a few ostensible conservatives, men and women who are supposed to value the Constitution, are pining for all the wrong elements of the good old days.
I plan on planting every user I come across.
Considering these guys will probably be doing most of the fighting, I'd say you're tired of living, fool. Don't worry, I'll be by to police your ammo.
A proud White man has a purpose in life and no desire or use for drugs or druggies.
The let him put down his beer, forever. Tell Kentucky no more whiskey. Take your beliefs to their logical conclusion and tell Americans, with a straight face, that you intend to trample their rights just as soon as they win the war.
Will we also be invading the world again under your watch?
Prior to 1910 or so, anyone in America could walk into a drug store and buy whatever they wished.
It's worth noting that cannabis only became illegal in 1937. Does that mean all our ancestors were potheads, since they didn't have the law to protect them?
It's also worth noting that neither the Harrison Act (opioids) nor the Marijuana Tax Act were meant to prohibit their respective drugs. All they did was mandate licensing.
Then Uncle Sugar decided to stop issuing licenses. Just like that. Actual prohibition was sold later under, wait for it, the Commerce Clause.
And this is the power that some of you want to hand back to the government?
Whiskey remarks: I don't like the use of drones, because I figure the politics break against me. They will be used to track and possibly attack Tea Partiers and ordinary White folks, who lack a lobby group. The possibility of being used against Black Flash Mobs is zero, given the NAACP, Urban League, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, and Barack Obama pressure points.
While I agree with your general take and likewise completely oppose giving the BRA regime any more power - which (as you've mentioned) will only be used against YT - just as totalitarian regimes from London to Johanessburg do, the notion that the roster of groid clowns above has any actual power of their own is nonsense.
Annihilate the ruling oligarchy of Babylonian vampire squids and those who must not be named and the whole gang of clowns, Moose-Limb mountebanks and assorted multiculti muscle would fall apart very quickly. The squids and their loyal toadies have been able to consolidate their near-totalitarian power from the likes of this nice white lady profiled in one of Auster's more recent posts. Females and males like Dee-Ann from Alberta have been churned out by the government-skool-gulag and the media machine owned by those who must not be named for decades on end by now. As the demons said in the biblical account - they are "legion". Even in the genocidal Marxist failed-state of Mandelaland, the white Viana family still had to hire hoodrats as employees, who naturally followed their inner groid when the opportunity arose.
The use of drones will only empower the execrable blacks further. Much in the same fashion that moslems have had a deleterious efect on flying and general life in America. If they cannot stop the nigs w/boots on the ground then what in the hell makes you think that drones would work? One thing that bugs me about my fellow whites is their automatic embracement of anything from the government. IE: Drones are fine as long as I have my American Idol, my ipod touch, my playstation. We have indeed, to paraphrase Hunter S. Thompson,.."turned into a nation of frightened dullards".I mean jesus! Do you honestly think that the head niggers in charge will allow drones to be used against blacks exclusively? Fuck no, they'll have to fry some whites too. And considering how many hapess whites get killed by niggers already I don't think drones should be added to the equation.
Collective reduction in their carbon footprints.
Hooray for them!
I wonder if their drones are bulletproof?
barackolypsenow: I wonder if their drones are bulletproof?
No, they're not. THEY DON'T HAVE TO BE.
Why do you think that they aren't being shot out of the sky all the time in Afghanistan and Iraq?
Of course, this was already discussed for anyone bright enough to have read the comments.
first off in chicago when giveing a news report you are not allowed to mention Black or race in anews repoert
Tiny Dancr doesn't like it
they only time you can mention race in a report is when it is white on black because it's a hate crime
f it's black on white or black on black then it's a"no-no" in the mayors eyes
suntimes and tribune reparters line to do lapdance for him and they jump when ever he says
never mind the fact more are shot in chicago (BloodshedCity) thn in afghanistan and iraq
we are 2000 cops short
does he care of course not he doesn't hav to be out there
we just deny you your vaction that's all
no personal days
park empty squads all over town
make it look like a full shift
we know that black on black murder rate is off the charts.. WHO CARES?
Anon (7/29 5:00 PM): we know that black on black murder rate is off the charts.. WHO CARES?
Who cares? How about those of us who are supremely pissed off at media outlets which dismiss this ongoing Black auto-genocide in favor of screeching over the Aurora shooter for the sake of exaggerating White crime?
There is also the utter hypocrisy of these bleeding heart DWLs wetting themselves over the issue of Black uplift (at the steep expense of Whites, no less), whilst suddenly going deaf-mute about the wartime level casualty rates that Blacks inflict upon themselves and everybody else.
Any bet how American Blacks have killed more Whites, during the same time frame, as all of Operation Enduring Freedom's battlefield fatalities?
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