"The original NASA culture was also imbued with a certain degree of idealism. Professionalism in its classic form requires the bearer to perform a public service, whether it be a doctor curing the sick or an engineer speaking the truth. Two forms of idealism contributed to the NASA culture of the first generation. One was the notion of the space race as the "good war"; the other was the romance of flight.
The airplane was barely twenty-five years old when the first generation of NASA employees was born. Most people traveled by bus or train, if they traveled at all. Flying in airplanes above the ground had a romantic quality that touched many NASA engineers while they were young."(Inside NASA: High Technology and Organizational Change in the U.S. Space Program, by Howard E. McCurdy, p. 83)
"NASA, along with the companies that performed contract work during Apollo, was a reflection of society's workforce in the late 1960s - mostly white, mostly male." (Apollo Missions: The Unsung Heroes, by Billy Watkins, p.79)
"Civil Rights advocates have been fond for years of pointing out the incongruity of a nation's being able to send men to the moon and bring them safely back again without being able to deal very effectively with its racial problems here on earth.
... NASA has compiled a dismal record with respect to female and minority employment. By now NASA should have learned that institutionalized sexism and racism give way to neither simple pieties nor eloquent declarations of principle. Achieving equitable employment opportunities for women and minorities in large American institutions requires skill, determination and sustained effort, just as a successful space program does. That is a lesson for the 1970s that all major American institutions must learn if the tragedies of the 1960s are to be avoided in this country's future." (Racism, Sexism, and Space Ventures, Washington Post, 11/24/1973)
Two white men successfully walked on a different world, 45 years ago tomorrow. Apollo 11 got them there.
"By the time Apollo 11 astronauts had landed on the Moon in 1969, a growing community of dissent had emerged, for whom America's space success belied a space agency barely integrated by race and gender, even by 1960s standards. Particularly problematic for NASA in the early 1970s was the continued gender and racial exclusivity of its astronaut ranks: the Moon Race had been one, but NASA would still fly only white male pilots. Without the Moon Race to shield it, the ethnic and gender homogeneity of NASA's astronaut corps also suggested a dissonance between the goals of Apollo (its obsession with putting "Whitey on the Moon") and the needs of a nation increasingly inclined to view persistent social discrimination as the leading national concern. Even Star Trek's USS Enterprise had enjoyed a crew integrated by gender and ethnicity..." (Inventing the American Astronaut, by Matthew H. Hersch, p. 173)
Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 would also successfully land on the moon.
Apollo 18 and 19 would be cancelled, too expensive in an age dominated by the urge for equality and an unprecedented allocation of resources to ensure it happened.
And though the crew of the fictional Star Trek was integrated, the NASA that put 12 men on the moon from 1969 - 1972 was almost entirely white.
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Nichelle Nichols, who played the original Lt. Uhura in Star Trek, became a minority recruiter for NASA in 1977... |
Much to the chagrin of one of the fictional "astronauts" who spent years on the set of the USS Enterprise.
The black actress Nichelle Nichols, who played the part of Lt. Uhura on Star Trek.
In the pages of Forbes, she would be quoted as saying her efforts were successful, because she,"improved NASA’s human mission with her single-handed effort to include more women and African-Americans in the space agency of the late 1970s that was dominated by White-male employees."
Nichols would give a speech in 1977, titled 'New Opportunities for the Humanisation of Space', where she voiced her concerns and criticism that been been leveled against the space program by the women and minorities whom she had met during her travels.
She would meet with NASA's Associate Administrator for Space Flight, John Yardley, and the black NASA Assistant Administrator for Equal Opportunity Programs, Dr. Harriet Jenkins, to discuss her speech and why so few minorities were applying to be astronauts:
... she talked herself into becoming a recruitment contractor of minorities for NASA's Astronaut Corp. However, she informed those present that in accepting the assignment (contract) her credibility was at stake, and if she found suitably qualified women and minorities for the astronaut program who would subsequently not be selected, then she would 'personally file a class-action suit against NASA.' She was not going to be used to attract publicity and then have NASA say later that despite all its efforts it could find no qualified women or minorities. NASA concurred. (Women in Space, by David Shayler, p. 153)So NASA was no longer an organization where merit was the necessary condition for employment or advancement; it was nothing more than the lack of genitalia or an abundance of melanin that would instantly qualify you for NASA employment and getting pushed to the front of astronaut training.... or else Lt. Uhura would file a class-action lawsuit...
And people still believe we didn't go to the moon, when an actress from a fictional show about a future racial Utopia would dictate to NASA just who could be an astronaut...
In an interview with Smithsonian Magazine, she'd elaborate her angst with NASA selecting just another "all-white male astronaut corps":
Q: How did you become affiliated with NASA and in what capacity?
A: Ten years after "Star Trek" was cancelled, almost to the day, I was invited to join the board of directors of the newly formed National Space Society. They flew me to Washington and I gave a speech called “New Opportunities for the Humanization of Space” or “Space, What’s in it for me?” In [the speech], I’m going where no man or woman dares go. I took NASA on for not including women and I gave some history of the powerful women who had applied and, after five times applying, felt disenfranchised and backed off. [At that time] NASA was having their fifth or sixth recruitment and women and ethnic people [were] staying away in droves. I was asked to come to headquarters the next day and they wanted me to assist them in persuading women and people of ethnic backgrounds that NASA was serious [about recruiting them]. And I said you’ve got to be joking; I didn’t take them seriously. . . . John Yardley, who I knew from working on a previous project, was in the room and said 'Nichelle, we are serious.' I said OK. I will do this and I will bring you the most qualified people on the planet, as qualified as anyone you’ve ever had and I will bring them in droves. And if you do not pick a person of color, if you do not pick a woman, if it’s the same old, same old, all-white male astronaut corps, that you’ve done for the last five years, and I’m just another dupe, I will be your worst nightmare.
Q: And what happened?
It should be noted that in 1976, NASA's Astronaut Selection Board had put out new guidelines for how to recruit future astronauts. This was before a fictional lieutenant from a television would threaten a lawsuit if black and women candidates weren't selected...:A: They picked five women, they picked three African-American men, they picked an Asian and the space program has represented all of us ever since. That is my contribution and that is one of the things I am most proud of.
Phase I
A. NASA determines final qualification requirements
B. Prepare recruiting information packets, which will include
1. Description of Space Shuttle program
2. Qualification requirements
A. Pilots
B. Mission specialists
3. Description of selection process
4. Application blank(s)
C. Meet with special interest groups, such as National Organization for Women, NAACP, and the League of United Latin American Citizens.
1. Explain qualification criteria rationale
2. Enlist aid in publicizing recruitment effort and identification of candidates
3. Provide information packets for distribution
D. Prepare press kits
Phase II
A. Announce recruitment program to the public
1. Possible press conference; consider participation by special interest group representatives
2. Distribute press kit
3. Provide all NASA public speakers with information kit for use in every public appearance
4. Place recruitment advertisements in appropriate publications. (The Real Stuff: A History of NASA's Astronaut Recruitment Program, By Joseph Atkinson, , p. 145-146)
During the 1960s and the buildup to the Apollo program, not one special interest had a say in anything NASA did.
We landed on the moon with Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 then.
The post 1972 NASA gave us... meetings with the NAACP to dictate how NASA would select pilots for space travel.
NASA would then film a commercial with Lt. Uhura herself, Nichelle Nichols, dressed in blue overalls of an astronaut, delivering a recruitment pitch on national television. She read off of a teleprompter:
Oh, Hi. I'm Nichelle Nichols. It kind of looks like when I was Lieutenant Uhuru on the starship Enterprise , doesn't it. Well, now there's a twentieth century Enterprise, an actual space vehicle built by NASA and designed to put us in the business of space - not merely space exploration. NASA's Enterprise is a space shuttlecraft, built to make regularly scheduled runs into space and back. Now, the shuttle will be taking scientists and engineers, men and women of all races, into space - just like the astronauts crew on the starship Enterprise. That is why I'm speaking to the whole family of humankind - minorities and women included. If you qualify and would like to be an astronaut, now is the time! This your NASA! (The Real Stuff: A History of NASA's Astronaut Recruitment Program, By Joseph Atkinson, , p. 63-64)After 1972, NASA became nothing more than glorified United States Postal Service, dedicated to the same principles that have guided to the NAACP since its founding: advancing the interests of non-white people while subverting the interests of whites.
We went to the moon.
July 20, 2014 should be a date we celebrate our genesis into the exploration of new celestial worlds; instead, it's just another date where we see those stars going increasingly out of focus, clouded with the uncertainty of a future where the advancement of minority interests have completely subverted our civilization.
So congrats Nichelle Nichols: you've ensured the future - for now - is nothing like that (thankfully) of the liberal world of Star Trek; instead, it looks like something out of 1968's Planet of the Apes.
Post-1972 NASA is nothing more than a social experiment; knowing we have to hitch a ride with the Russians to even get to space in 2014 should be sufficient information in showing how this experiment ended...
Space isn't the final frontier.
Race realism is the final frontier, an acceptance of this truth the way back to the stars.
If not, all roads point to Detroit.
Space isn't the final frontier.
Race realism is the final frontier, an acceptance of this truth the way back to the stars.
If not, all roads point to Detroit.
"minority recruiter" - what a needless job - whose only contribution is that it saps the economy.
there are too many "jobs" like that: diversity officer, multicultural liaison, etc.
our economy can't afford to prop up blacks AND create nonjobs like minority recruiters.
we can no longer afford to prop up the black "community." better to cordon it off & let the chips fall where they may.
I can almost see the headline tomorrow -- 45 years ago today racists landed on the moon.
C'mon, Russia. Ban them permanently from Russian rockets. Let them breed negroes instead. Let them achieve their dream of becoming the capital of the Third World.
Whites truly are the space "race".
"We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too." - President John F Kennedy, 1962
"When I became the NASA administrator, (President Obama) charged me with three things," Bolden said in the interview which aired last week. "One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering." - NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, 2010
Kennedy challenged NASA to get to the Moon before 1970. Obama challenged NASA to tell Muslims how wonderful and smart they were.
Under BRA, science fiction is about the best we'll be able to manage in space. Hailing frequencies closed.
The difference could not be clearer. First quote-- USA
Second quote-- BRA
panjoomby said: "we can no longer afford to prop up the black "community." better to cordon it off & let the chips fall where they may."
Here ya go:
we can no longer afford to prop up the black "community." better to cordon it off & let the chimps fall where they may.
Fixed it for ya.
"Post-1972 NASA is nothing more than a social experiment; knowing we have to hitch a ride with the Russians to even get to space in 2014 should be sufficient information in showing how this experiment ended..."
PK, this post is one of your best so far for 2014. This part is quoted to highlight the irony you mention (non-Americans helping us get to the moon in contemporary times).
Another irony that should not go unnoticed: By hitching a ride with the Russians in 2014 to get to the moon, (who are going to be for the most part, all or vast majority Cauacsian) once again the ingenuity of whites will continue as before to reach for the stars and explore the vast unknown that is called space. Regarding space flight, they were first with Sputnik back in '57.
I suppose the Russians must not have Affirmative Action based policies in their space program to the degree that the US does.
Whichever the continent or individual nation, YT is still doing the work
This your NASA, NAPA!
Nation of the Apes Space Agency.
Good evening, racists. This post is going to be OT, but I have something to share that I hope will be encouraging in some small way. And possibly even a first in SBPDL history! After months of delay in coordinating our busy schedules and geographical incompatibility, I am proud to report that two SBPDL-ers finally had the opportunity to meet in the flesh! Yankee in N. Fulton and I were able to meet up recently and discuss all manner of things. It was pretty fantastic. It was like I was talking to the female version of myself. We could practically finish each other's sentences! It just felt really, really good to talk to someone openly that is 100% on the same page on the entirety of the problem. What I mean by that is not just someone who might lower their voice a little bit and say something about "those people," but someone who understands that we're marked for extermination and is fully awake in every way.
We discussed everything under the sun, including local issues and life enduring the white-person's burden each day in the ATHell in our metal coffins, etc. Further, since I'm not aware of this type of pairing ever happening before in SBPDL history, I thought it would be insightful to summarize some of the primary points we were able to agree upon:
*We see zero possibility of a political solution to reverse the decline of FUSA. As Bogolyubski has pounded home, it's too far gone to ever be fixed in its current form, and we agree – however painful that admission is for "patriots" like us in the historical sense of the term.
*We see Conservatism, Inc. as completely impotent to advocate for any type of policies that will reverse the course of the country in even the wildest political swing. At best, the speed of decline is slightly reduced, but the harm done remains irreparable, with nogs filling the gubmit and the wave of brown invasion continuing unchecked.
*We see a near-inevitable likelihood of mass violence and chaos brought about by a collapse of the economy due to the devaluation of the dollar and failure of the EBT system a la "the day the EBT card ran out." We also see the Chinese pouncing at the earliest possible opportunity when this occurs.
*We see SBPDL as a vital forum that, due to PK's tireless efforts, have brought together a microcosm of those who can see that transcends socio-economic boundaries, and we see that as a good thing. We don't know of any other forum where white people from every walk of life communicate as openly and share knowledge and experiences. Lives have likely been saved as a result of some of the eyes that have been opened.
*We see the mass emasculation and metro-sexualization of the white male as having reached critical mass with the worship of feetzball an sheeit
and their perpetually idiotic characterization on the Tee-Vee.
*We see no way to effectively counter the iron grip of the CM media's predetermined narrative regarding all things race related. The Alinsky tactics are completely dominant and cannot currently be countered with even a modicum of effectiveness. We see no way to change this in a meaningful way given the urgency of our circumstances.
Southron said...
"One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math and engineering." - NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, 2010.
The moment Obama uttered those words of treason, America, no the World, should have gasp in horror. For this is the moment his true intentions to harm America became known.
*Although we still listen to what they have to say and their arguments and remain engaged in politics, we agree that no one in the sphere of conservative or libertarian commentary is even remotely interested in advocating for the interests of the historical majority or even treading within the same ZIP code of defending freedom of association.
*We agree that it is very easy to become overwhelmed by the unpleasantness of the discussion at SBPDL, in a non-healthy way. We want to be engaged in the discussion and any possible solutions, but not ruin our quality of life or deem our entire existence pointless while trying to help bear the burden of a problem that is incomprehensibly immense.
*We agree that sometimes the tenor and animosity of the comments among white commenters who are on the same team can serve to negatively distract from the main objectives of SBPDL. Put it this way – she or I would personally nullify a jury (if we felt strongly about the Defendant's innocence) if it was otherwise all-black and an innocent white person was getting railroaded. So maybe try to think about that and keep emotions in check when flaming someone that, in the bigger picture, would probably do the same thing if that Defendant was YOU.
*We agree that racial differences in average IQ, alone, explain virtually everything negative that we are experiencing. The oligarchs have just been able to harness this to their advantage.
I probably missed a few things since we discussed so much, but it was great to step out of the shadows and meet in person. Of course, our server at the joint where we met up was a negress, which thrilled us both to no end. We thought it was a perfect metaphor of our meeting under the shroud of darkness that is BRA.
So I hope that was at least a tiny bit encouraging, and might prompt some others to try and reach out to commenters in their area. In my case, the inconvenience of a 50-mile round trip was far outweighed by the good feeling of knowing there is a super-solid, real-world race realist behind text that appears out of the vacuum of cyberspace.
BTW, I understand that Yankee in N. Fulton is addressing the issue of increasing the white population of N. Fulton by at least 1, in coordination with Mr. Yankee in N. Fulton, so special congratulations to her on that! I'm confident she will be a kick-ass mom from hell!
Gwinnett Gladiator
I spent 28 years in manned spaceflight until I was Obamafied. The reality is even worse than you say...
One of my few pieces of jewelry is a 20th anniversary pin commemorating the first Moon landing (1969-1989).
I need to dig it up and wear it tomorrow, because otherwise most people would have no idea what happened on that date.
"Civil Rights advocates have been fond for years of pointing out the incongruity of a nation's being able to send men to the moon and bring them safely back again without being able to deal very effectively with its racial problems here on earth."
These Civil Rights advocates are correct! Instead of spending trillions upon trillions of dollars on welfare programs that benefit primarily Negroes, couldn't we have used that money to send them all to the Moon?
Thanks for your wonderful update, GG. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I'm delighted you were able to discuss issues of import with the NFulton Yankee. Keep well, and train with your weapons - both of you.
Negroes have a natural talent at space exploration. That's why NASA pursues them so tenaciously. Unlike a lot of other races, negroes have natural mathematical and engineering skills. You can't help but notice.
OT: Did some truck shopping today. Visited three dealerships. Each one filled with black salesmen and managers behind "control" desks. They tended to stare me down, give me the evil eye. In a weird and inexplicable decision, the owners of these auto lots think that customers really like negro thugs in suits trying to intimidate customers.
I asked my white sales guy about the negroes and he smiled and explained they are former bakkaball and feetsball stars. The white male customers love to buy their truck from a former negro sports star.
Makes sense, these white guys watch the games all the time and kind of fall in love with the big negro. They naturally want to meet them and buy a vehicle from them. What about you? White culture is pretty weird.
Gwinnett Gladiator said ”. . . Put it this way – she or I would personally nullify a jury (if we felt strongly about the Defendant's innocence) if it was otherwise all-black and an innocent white person was getting railroaded. . .”
Sticking with a not guilty verdict when a juror feels strongly about the defendant's innocence is not nullification. Voting not guilty when a juror believes that the defendant is innocent is exactly what a juror has sworn that he/she would do. This act would be a demonstration of courage if eleven other black jurors were voting guilty.
Jury nullification is when a jury returns a not guilty verdict in response to indisputable evidence of guilt. A jury most commonly does this when they don't like the law that the defendant has broken or they disapprove of some aspect of the legal system. A juror violates his/her oath if a verdict is returned that is contrary to the law and evidence a/k/a nullification. Also, unless the jury returns a unanimous verdict of guilty or not guilty the likely result will be a mistrial followed by a retrial which means that an attempt at nullification by a single juror probably won't change the ultimate outcome other than raise the costs for the state and defendant.
Sadly, there could be a day when jury nullification of the law is the only solution.
If she were appointed to NASA in 1977 almost a decade to the day that Star Trek was cancelled that would mean that Star Trek was cancelled in 1967. Jus' sayin'.
re: Nicole Nichols
Seems we went from art imitating life to art dictating life.
Houston, we have a problem.....
Water protests, in the middle of the summer? I'll bet that makes a cat mighty thirsty ...
Platinum EBT Cardholder
I am not hopeless about our situation. The groids and the Aztecs are 3rd world. They are incapable of creating a 1st world civilization much less maintaining one that is handed to them on a silver platter.
Our political leaders have betrayed our 1st world civilization, much like the political leaders in western Europe have. Fine. Industrialization freed women from their "shackles" as well as the oppressed minorities of the world. (Funny how these oppressed minorities are even more oppressed by their brothers where they came from than by us whites, but I digress).
Greed is the only thing, we as humans, can count on between ourselves. Our ability to focus on the individual, rather than the tribe has led us to the stars based on our competitive nature. The groids and the Aztec will always focus on their tribe never on what they can do individually. Am I my brothers keeper? This is why we whites are baffled at how the muds always collectively group us together when they hate their shortcomings at us.
1st world civilization is based on competition. We establish ground rules to guide our behavior, but we are always on the lookout for advantage. This is why the muds feel oppressed. They don't understand the rules and when they are caught breaking them they are punished, less so now than then but again, I digress.
Fear not my fellow racists, the time is fast approaching where our innovations are outpaced by the mud people's demands for more gibs. Our children will be in a wonderful position at this point, much like the imperialists in the 19th century. This time, hopefully the nature of the muds will have been so thoroughly overplayed by their handlers that the future white generations shun them and let them degenerate away from our marvels.
I saw a young hipster walking down the street with his hipster friends. A groid approached and it begged for gibs, from the natural supplier of gibs. Not only was it rebuffed, fingers were stood upright and the welcome sound of "get a job mud" was uttered from the lips of one of these seemingly entrenched DWL's. Hope. Change.
I was in my first year of college. I watched the landing live with my mother. I will never forget the chills I had, we all knew we were seeing history in the making.
NASA was for the best America could offer. The negro with a average iq of 85 really does not have a chance. At that time we though that blacks were like us, with dark skin. This is what we learned in grade school up. Hey just give them a chance, and they will perform just like us
This makes me very sad, but also very angry. Thank god at least one person can eloquently lay out the truth. Thanks PK.
The first national Black Power conference also began on July 20 (1967) in Newark, NJ. Maybe they could celebrate over 40 years of "black power" by holding a follow-up conference in Detroit. There they can beam with pride and congratulate themselves and survey their achievement.
For the record, I like the new Star Trek version of Lt. Uhura much better. Nomesayin?
Eddie in St. Louis
I hope at least some of the scientists and engineers present resented being preached to by an actress.
I was born in 1980. The country was still vastly Nordic white and we were just 8 years removed from humanity's greatest technological achievement.
To think how far we've fallen just in my lifetime. At least I've only known decline - my heart breaks for the older folks here who grew up in the relative utopia of the 50s and 60s, and who had to watch it all get thrown away.
OT: University of Wisconsin is full-on anti-white. dedicated #1 to "diversity" and equality of outcome, appropriating grades by race.
"That framework includes eight essential “working definitions,” among them the already-discussed diversity, as well as others: “compositional diversity,” “critical mass,” “inclusion,” “equity mindedness,” “deficit-mindedness,” “representational equity,” and “excellence.”
Let us take a closer look at one of these working definitions included, namely “representational equity.”
It calls for “proportional participation of historically underrepresented racial-ethnic groups at all levels of an institution, including high status special programs, high-demand majors, and in the distribution of grades.”
(The comment section is a hoot.)
Thanks PK, another great article. It saddens me deeply to see the absolute lack of recognition of the Apollo 11 accomplishment from 45 years ago today. It's so obvious this is done on purpose as other 5 and 10 year increments were always acknowledged. When you're a black and have nothing even remotely equal to all of White accomplishments, I'm sure it hurts. Too bad blacks, suck it up and do something besides dunk a basketball or commit a crime.
There were numerous shootings, robbinngs, beatings, and burglaries in Indianapolis last night during Black Expo. Trouble at the White Castle with black women fighting, causing a disturbance, and "youths" gathering at a BP gas station.
After the Circle Center mall closed at 9pm, I heard the operator on the police scanner describe a "group of about 80 juveniles on the corner of Massachusetts Ave. waiting to be ushered home one an IndyGo bus system." Six back males in white t-shirts were fighting within the crowd.
The police used horses and barricades to "herd' these unsupervised "youths" to the nearest IndyGo bus stops for their black youth curfew.
Isn't that Jim Crow??
Another black male "with a pistol in his pants" robbed a Family Dollar store at gunpoint , heading north on foot, running through residential yards and alleys jumping privacy fences, while being followed by several police cars and an IMPD helicopter with a search light.
Several big fights reported, and juveniles loitering in the downtown canal area. Police had to keep the "crowds moving" like a herd of cattle.
What a fucking mess. How much did this weekend cost us all? None of this was in the Indy Star or news this morning. None of it.
Even if you live in the Iowa sticks, you are funding this with your FED taxes. You can't run Whitey. You can't hide.
Aside from Thuggery, Crime & select sports the sub-saharan primate is precluded genetically from achieving anything notable.
They can "act" the doctor, the scientist, the engineer, etc but they cannot actually be one.
Attainment, achievement, are not encoded in their dna anymore than it is in a high mountain silver back's.
Altho, I do think that the sub-saharan ape is a better "actor" than the other african ape species as their vocal ability allows them to mimic higher species but that's all they got going "mimicry" & "acting".
I raise a toast to eBola :)and advise you that If you have a black MD you best be getting a 2nd opinion :)
/H hypie out H\
The Black Expo stuff is happening nationwide. Unfortunately I have to travel extensively for work & every single city's local news reports big festivals ruined by Blacks.
Even cities that used to be pretty safe now have Black crime. Towns like Texarkana, Tulsa, Austin, Joplin - no matter where you go there are legions of Black thugs destroying American public life.
If Whites truly want a safe open society, it will have to restrict Blacks completely. Even one IKAGO Black in your town will bring cousins and friends; they'll tell their friends - and before you know it, you've got lots of undertow. Any Black person anchored in your community becomes a magnet for the undertow. In every neighborhood where IKAGOs move in, the bad news follows soon after.
I'm starting to believe a White Homeland might be the only eventual escape.
Wonderful comments! Great to hear from you GG. Agree with most of your points but see more and more people waking up and finding strength in "Alternative politics" (The Dark Enlightenment, Northwest Front, Etc.)
You will find the same energy in "Renaissance Fairs", "Celtic Fairs" "Scotland Games" (Groids don't go in for pole throwing) and most Winter Sports festivals. Not as much fun as SBPDL get together (BBQ?) but White energy none the less.
We need this energy! While I agree that individualism is important to a White, there is one time a White does not want to be alone, an "individual".
In Battle. Find your group, Tribe, whatever before the lead flies.
As to What panjoomby said...
"minority recruiter" - what a needless job - whose only contribution is that it saps the economy. there are too many "jobs" like that: diversity officer, multicultural liaison, etc."
July 19, 2014 at 4:33 PM
They are necessary. They are "Political Officers" with their lips pressed to the buttocks of the EEOC and other groidal uplift agencies, tied into the private/public network of NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus and part and parcel of the Private shakedown artists of BRA. They don't "work" for the company as much as "report compliance" to BRA.
How do you think they cracked open Google?
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
IKAGO = spear point for entry of criminal members of the Clan (of the Cave Ape)into your house or neighborhood
Clan of the Cave Apes = COCA
Spear Point of Clan of the Cave Apes = SPCOCA = IKAGO
I toast the global eBola for those unhygenic species that shit up their own nest.
/H hypie out H\
BTW - was dragged to Premium Outlet Mall a bit north of Atl, lemme tell'ya the war is lost. POTA not only the Gov't but hideous bulk of citizenry.
USA = USSA = POTA = Needs Dissolved & Dismembered. There is nothing left to feel even a teensie tiny wee-bit patriotic about. The old Republic that most of us were born into is stone cold dead in it's coffin. Who'd ever thunk they'd actually outlive the USA :) Zoom, wow
Or Cultural Marxist
I think....that its only a matter of time before an incident of black savagery occurs that is so heinous, so obvious, that the falsehoods of DWLs protecting their pet targeted race will be stripped away and laid bare. THAT is when the real work of promoting racial harmony will begin.You can't fix something without REALLY knowing what's broken.
Here it is the 20th at 2pm. In a couple of hours, the LEM would be landing on the surface of the moon.
Although there's always a Google Doodle to celebrate every little thing done by "diversity"; today ...nothing. Obviously nothing of importance happened today.
I mean it doesn't have to be a big thing like you might do on a decadal anniversary, but how hard would it be to have something really simple like a little LEM perched on top of one of the "o" letters in the Google logo?
Would this count as anti-white racism by omission?
Anonymous July 20, 2014 at 9:27 AM said...The Black Expo stuff is happening nationwide. Unfortunately I have to travel extensively for work & every single city's local news reports big festivals ruined by Blacks.
Philadelphia used to have Greek Picnic, an event from the 70's that was meant to be a reunion of negro college students, specifically frats and sororities. By the 90's, it had gotten out of hand, with all the usual monkeyshines. By the 2000's, the organizers started to make attempts to scale it back after complaints/demands from the city (damage, violence, police overtime, bad publicity, etc.), and I think it was eliminated at some point. Looking quickly, I can't find any news of it still ongoing.
I am unaware of any "Black Expo" or similar for Philadelphia, but I might be wrong. Owing to their "Greek Picnic" experience from some time ago, perhaps they are ahead of the curve in realizing that these events are to be discouraged at all costs, political correctness be damned.
Jury nullification is when a jury returns a not guilty verdict in response to indisputable evidence of guilt. A jury most commonly does this when they don't like the law that the defendant has broken or they disapprove of some aspect of the legal system. A juror violates his/her oath if a verdict is returned that is contrary to the law and evidence a/k/a nullification. Also, unless the jury returns a unanimous verdict of guilty or not guilty the likely result will be a mistrial followed by a retrial which means that an attempt at nullification by a single juror probably won't change the ultimate outcome other than raise the costs for the state and defendant.
Sadly, there could be a day when jury nullification of the law is the only solution.
Anonymous has given a very fine concise definition of the term "jury nullification" - a term which is often tossed about in ignorance. The one observation of his I wish to dispute is his assertion that there could be a day when using this tactic is the only solution. Anon apparently clings to the notion that there is something like a rule of law in the Banana Empire, a notion which is not only wrong but actually deadly to our survival.
The BRA regime and its laws, judges, prosectors, police are completely illegitimate. If we get onto any jury should use this weapon at every opportunity just as our enemies regularly do, to demonstrate the system's utter falsity if nothing else. Following Anon's advice is akin to going into a gun fight against the gangsta-disciples with nerf balls and pea-shooters. Until more folks like anon, who partly understands that we've got a problem, open their eyes all the way and see full stinking decay of reality (there is no rule of law), whites will continue to fight BRA in the same way they have for the past seven decades - which is most aptly described as epic failure.
"Anonymous said...
I think....that its only a matter of time before an incident of black savagery occurs that is so heinous, so obvious, that the falsehoods of DWLs protecting their pet targeted race will be stripped away and laid bare."
It's already happened.....numerous times. Reginald Denny, the L.A. riots, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the Wichita Massacre, the murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, etc.
A few people might honestly speak their minds for a brief period after events such as these. In the case of the L.A. riots, I remember that a lot of people actually spoke honestly about black crime, even on TV - for a day or so. Then the truth gave way to "the narrative" - white racism, black poverty - America would just be one big happy diversity-salad if whites weren't so racist and awful.
I wouldn't count on DWL's ever wising up - a lot of them are obviously going to be Eloi for life.
rex freeway: " The moment Obama uttered those words of treason, America, no the World, should have gasp in horror. For this is the moment his true intentions to harm America became known."
And yet, he was re-elected by those same Americans against whom he declared his fatwa. Everyone is right: the ballot box will not fix this mess.
Anon 9:35pm: "The white male customers love to buy their truck from a former negro sports star...They naturally want to meet them and buy a vehicle from them. What about you? White culture is pretty weird."
I was watching a youtube vid yesterday on cell phone repair, presented by a hipstery white guy, and for a second he powered up his phone -- and revealed the wallpaper img as some Chicongo Bulls player (definitely not Michael Jordan, had to be some current player). Now I can't remember anything instructive from the video, just WTF, YT? WTF?
Eddie in St Louis: "For the record, I like the new Star Trek version of Lt. Uhura much better. Nomesayin?"
I had to google that last part of your question, but, to answer your question: "No. I find the new one less revolting than the original."
'ruth litowsky' [feeding at gov trough]......
Madison report.
I. Introduction
For more than 30 years, the University of Wisconsin-Madison has made issues of diversity, equity
and inclusion a high-level priority of institutional life. While much work remains to create an
environment that is inclusive and excellent for all, progress toward this goal is happening daily.
This report by the Ad Hoc Diversity Planning Committee gives a history of diversity efforts at UW-
Madison and outlines our recommendations for actions to continue and strengthen our efforts to
make UW-Madison a leader among universities in fostering a diverse and inclusive community.
White people don't have "racial problems", NASA didn't have racial problems in the 1960- early '70's. NASA searched for and used the best qualified people they could find. Because none of them were black was a problem for black people. It was a racial problem for black people and, like everything else, they want white people to fix it. They are a race of geniuses, they always know who to turn to to fix things. They must be so proud!
Not me, I'll go to a different dealership. At this point in time, I don't have to associate with anyone I don't want to. Very damn few black sport stars I'd even recognize.
Just had another thought. These "stars" that are paid millions of dollars to play with their balls, didn't save any money for retirement? Now they're hawking used cars?
Don't you gotta laugh at NFL players wanting the NFL to pay for their concussions? Players with 6 figure plus incomes can't afford obamacare? Is that the problem?
What a race!
I'm sorry, but its difficult to take anything serious coming from an actress who basically played a switchboard/call center operator in space and then later shilled for the Psychic Hotline.
Nice blondish hair, or is it a silver wig/weave??
FWIW, I just spent three days vending at a large car show.
I think I may have seen 10 blacks the entire three days, including one white guy holding hands with a negress. I was so surprised by that I forgot to be disgusted.
Sales were down, way down from the previous years of the same event, but still I could walk around to get food, hit the john, heck the slowest day I went way up into where the cars were being displayed and walked around a little. Not a single thing shoplifted from my booth. Even though apparently people felt they had less money to spend this year.
The people who did come by were nice, polite, no swearing, the biggest problem was on some items people wanting me to come down on the price to less than what I paid for the stuff.
And this event welcomes all sorts of cars, it's not like some where they focus on one group or another. Although thankfully "donks" with the big goofy wheels and the big goofy black owners were fairly few.
Detroit.....the african frontier....to boldly go where no White man would dare go......
Detroit.....the african frontier....to boldly go where no White man would dare go......
...these are the voyages...of the Starship BRA...to seek out new life and new civilization...and then thoroughly trash them!
(cue chorus)
It occurs to me an alternate title for this entry could be "Apollo's Efforts Groided...."
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