The city is now less than eight percent white and nearly 85 percent black.
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Darwin's Shadow: There's not much else to say about an 83 percent city black city descending into third world levels of civilization |
It's a metropolis whose public offices (judicial, executive, and legislative) are completely dominated by black employees and black department heads.
Detroit is not union run.
Detroit is not Democrat run.
Detroit is black-run, for the expressed benefit of blacks, and only blacks.
The following story needed this introduction, for clarity and transparency. [NAACP: Detroit water shutoffs are racially motivated, Washington Times, 7-22-14]:
A class-action suit has been filed against the city of Detroit for water shutoffs that the NAACP Legal Defense Fundsays are racially motivated.
The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department stopped service to about 7,200 buildingswith overdue bills in June, compared to 1,570 in the same month last year. The issue gained national attention last month after activists appealed to the United Nations for help.
There are concerns the shutoffs are “being done in a discriminatory fashion,” the Defense Fund’s Veronica Joice told a local CBS affiliate. “They should at least take a look at whether there’s a betterway to do this that doesn’t affect the most vulnerable citizens — the majority of whom are African-American here in Detroit.”Attorney Alice Jennings, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of Detroit residents, agreed the shutoffs were a racial issue.
“These companiesare basically Caucasian companies,” she told the station. “The folks who are being cut off are almost one hundred percent African-American.”
Detroitannounced Monday that it would suspend its aggressive policy of cutting off water for the next 15 days, but the NAACP said in a press release Monday that it’s not enough. They also want the financial aid program for Detroit’s neediest people to be reformed.
Disclosure of the 15-day moratorium was made in bankruptcy court — three days after an estimated 2,000 people took to downtown streetsPay for individual black people's water bills or else collectively make demands:to protest the shutoffs. “Avengers” actor Mark Ruffalo made a surprise appearance at the rally, hoping to “shed a little light on what’s happening” in Detroit.
Reform or we march.
March, and if our demands aren't met we riot.
America is held hostage.
The "folks who are being cut off are almost one hundred percent African-America," Alice Jennings, because almost one hundred percent of those with balances due on their unpaid water bills in 83 percent black Detroit are black...
Our future is held hostage, with the handcuffs of blackness ensuring our civilization is shackled to the level of "civilization" blacks can attain.
For years, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department has allowed unpaid water bills to pile up and free water to flow to primarily black people, but the city's bankruptcy in 2013 forced a cessation of this odd accounting oversight.
Probably because someone knew black people, long accustomed to getting free water (and their way) wouldn't take too kindly to being told "no." [NAACP Legal Defense Fund: Detroit Water Service Shutoffs Are Discriminatory, CBS Detroit, 7-21-14]:
Talking to WWJ’s Sandra McNeil shortly after the announcement, [Detroit Water and Sewerage Department] spokesman Greg Eno admitted there’s no doubt that the department has been lax over the years, letting the bills pile up.
He said people who now owe more than they can afford are being asked to come in and apply for assistance through the Water Affordability Program.
Eno said, through, it’s not just free money.
“It also teaches them, or works into their budget, monies that would be dedicated to their water bill, because they have to make a contribution every month,” he explained. “This is not a program where you get everything given to you and you contribute nothing.”
Eno stressed, however, that not everyone in need will be able to get help.
“We don’t have, you know, a bottomless cup of funds,” he said, adding that’s why it’s important that affected customers come in as soon as possible.The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department aided the bankruptcy of Detroit by being lenient, admittedly for years, to primarily black customers who didn't pay their water bills.
The water kept flowing, as the bills piled up...
The Day the EBT Cards Runs Out is the moment nature reminds us all the fury of living continuously on the Malthusian Edge.
For years, large segments of the black population of Detroit has enjoyed virtually free water, with the cost of water redistributed to those stupid enough to paying for the service; now, because this service has been disconnected to those unwilling to pay their bill (an unfortunate side effect of the audit into why Detroit went bankrupt), the NAACP has declared enforcing the concept of payment for a service/good to be "discriminatory"...
Darwin's Shadow is falling across not just Detroit, but all of America.
The rats & other assorted vermin inhabiting the filthy streets of Detoilet also don't pay bills. Guess the blacks of that area are happy to join with their brethren. Harsh… maybe, but true.
How does a utility know if a customer is black or not? If a customer isn't paying a bill, they get a second notice, and usually subsequent notices advising of a potential cessation of services while an account is in arrears. I guess the NAACP wants the tax paying populace (White) and water department (supposedly White) to waive any amounts past due, under the doctrine of Aybah Poda Hep.
Let those naacp lawyer prove it's discriminatory! There's no way they can pull this one off. No way! just look at the residents and go from there. All the water they are crying from their eyes they can start putting cups under them and drink that! Go and pay your damn bills lazy black people.
Clean water is a service... Not a right. The water is taken from the Detroit river. It cost money to filter and put chemicals in the water, to make it fit for drinking. Besides the turbines to pump the water. Why is this so hard to understand.
Its not ,the nogs just dont want to pay for it. Note the she boons with pretty nails and fake hair. They look just like the white womens. Not really.F them, no pay no water...
What is a "Caucasian" company, anyway? Is it like a "white" Hispanic, like George Zimmerman? If you can't pay your water bill, why do you expect to get water?
I feel sorry for these people, but the solution is to pay your bills. When I was a grad student, I lived on $600 a month and I somehow still managed to pay my water bill. I wasn't getting any government subsidies.
Of course, I also didn't have TV, or a car or a phone. I prioritized my expenses based on my $600 budget. The essentials (water, electric, food, rent) were covered. For the rest - I walked or rode my bike. Not having a TV just meant I had more time to study. As a grad student I shared an office with two other students, so the office phone was the number I gave people. If I needed to make a call, I did it at the office.
When I see a "poor" person who can't afford to pay their water or electric bills but somehow manages to pay for cable and buy designer sneakers or get their nails done...
America is being sacked by the Nizzle-Goths.
These miserable bastards are the reason I now refuse to donate to any charity which assists people. I will not donate one more dime to these savages past what is forcibly taken from me in taxes. Screw them. The photos and videos of pathetic, needy negroes with their hands out move me not one bit. I'm done. If I even suspect that any of my money will be spent on them- NO!
I only donate to animal, cultural or land charities.
"Caucasian water companies" cutting off noble negroes' water. Pfft!
Yep, those racist whites that run every facet of that city have been discriminating. WAIT! WHAT!
Aybah Poda Hep
What does that stand for?
The Japanese got the water running again after Hiroshima was A-bombed.
The Germans got the water running again after Dresden was firebombed.
The Russians got the water running again after Stalingrad was reduced to rubble in the battle.
So what is this strange force which has made it impossible to get the water running in Detroit? Oh yeah, there's a name for it: BRA.
somebody should show up with a trucks and hand out buckets and a map to the nearest watering hole.
Having your water cut off is 100% avoidable.
If you cannot pay, you use your "sail foam" to call and tell the water company that you are unemployed and cannot pay. They will qualify you for a program to reduce your bill dramatically or refer you to a city or county program which pays all or part to help you along.
All you have to do is call and complain. They offer payment plans, reduced payments, debt forgiveness.
All these Detroit folks are just throwing the bills away and not talking to the city or the water company.
If you call and ask for help or deferred billing, you'll get it. Problems can be held off indefinitely with stalling and public assistance, but if you just ignore the problem long enough, they'll make it hurt.
Of course, if it's "Free Water or Burn, Baby, Burn!", then Detroit cannot risk a citywide riot.
The Blacks are going to win this one..and their elected officials will back them up.
There is now a web site where you can donate money to pay a Detroit residents water bill. This will never stop. Someone said that the Salvation Army is picking up their electric bills. Heating allowances, bridge cards,free backpacks loaded with back to school supplies. Medicaid and other government subsidies. No need to take care of anything on your own.
There should be no surrender to the whiny, bitchy, arrogant, obnoxious and entitled negroes. NO FREE WATER!
It's time they learned a damn lesson in responsibility whether they like it or not.
If they don't like it, let them burn the damn city down and to hell with them. No funds for rebuilding, no help from anyone. Let them live in the ashes.
I'm sick to death of negroes and their constant bleating for hand outs and stuff for free.
Any flag for an African nation on American soil should feature the face of a whiny black screaming for it's gibsmedat and a hand held out palm up to receive it. The top motto should read, "You Owes Me!" and the botton of the flag should have the motto, "GIBSMEDAT NATION."
Black America makes me sick to my guts and I have nothing but contempt for them.
Detroit ROACHES, them roaches run around rhymin and stealin after dark, like roach bugs
As far as I'm concerned, the worthless blacks of Detroit can drink ditch water.
I'm sick of their entitlement mentality, their screams and accusations of racism when they don't get their freebies and the totality of their mindless bullshit.
I've really come to view them as nothing more than helpless and retarded proto humanoid apes and that's due to their own behavior and nothing else.
Any politician that wants to seize any of the money of productive, sensible humans or tax them extra for the niggers of Detroit to get dey free water needs to be castrated with a rusty butcher knife.
"Aybah Poda Hep
What does that stand for?"
Ebonics for "Everybody is supposed to help."
“Avengers” actor Mark Ruffalo made a surprise appearance at the rally, hoping to “shed a little light on what’s happening” in Detroit.
Oh, don't worry. We know exactly what's happening in Detroit. Amazing that a wealthy black actor can't even see that his own people are at fault for not paying all this time. Can you imagine a white actor marching in the street for the Appalachian people if they didn't pay their utilities?
I have a question, especially for any blacks out there:
Can you show us some instance of blacks standing up and saying, "Yes, this [name the fiasco] was our own fault and we are going to take responsibility to fix it?"
Ebonics for "Everybody is supposed to help."
Though I take what it really means is "Everybody white is supposed to help!"
Alex Jones says that TPTB are putting dangerous chemicals in the water to sterilize and kill us. God, I hope he's right ....
Do these dear souls have iphones? IPads? Do deys be habbin dem Beats By Dr Dre haidphonez?
Anonymous said...
There is now a web site where you can donate money to pay a Detroit residents water bill. This will never stop. Someone said that the Salvation Army is picking up their electric bills. Heating allowances, bridge cards,free backpacks loaded with back to school supplies. Medicaid and other government subsidies. No need to take care of anything on your own.
The Salvation Army is paying for negro water bills? I've always used them to donate. I can never do that again. White people are out of their f**king minds. They weren't always this stupid. Were they sprayed with some stupidity spray over the past 50 years? Oh, I forgot, it was the TV….
Also, if I may add to a previous comment, relating to ceasing all "gifts" to charity.
Stop Donating Blood.
Know your blood type and if someone in your family or a friend needs blood, volunteer at the hospital at the time of need.
I stopped a few years ago when I learned that my blood donations were being shipped to Chicago, due to the "need" there.
Let them bleed out, until they can improve their marksmanship.
Aybah poda hep always sounded incomplete to me.
I wouldn't want to make any alterations to the phrase since it has a nice ring to it, but the true definition is more like Aybah es poda hepus. Everybody else is supposed to help us.
Aybah poda hep implies a two way street which includes the NAPA as "hepuhs" or helpers, which they obviously aren't. They are only the perpetually helped.
If we had sane judges, this suit would be immediately dismissed for failing to make a claim for which relief can be granted. Also, the complainant counsel would be sanctioned for frivolity.
This has a snowball's chance in hell of actually happening.
Excuse me, "plaintiff" counsel.
I don't know why they should be expected to pay for water now either. It doesn't make sense. They don't have to pay for food because of EBT. They don't have to pay for rent because of Section 8. They don't have to pay for healthcare because of Medicaid and Obamacare. They don't have to pay for phones because they gots their Obamaphones. They get free babysitting service for 18 years, courtesy of the gubmint. They do pay their electric bills, but that's so they can watch Oprah on their 72" plasmas. Technically they don't pay for their drugs, malt liquor, and cigarettes because they whore, pimp, and steal for that. Water for them is something that comes out of the spout magically, like when God created the Universe, he said, "Let they be watah fo mah homies! And dare was watah, and it be good." So, yes, it's entirely conceivable that in their (small) brains, water be free, bitchez. Let YT pay for it, like he do for eberthang else. Sheeyet, YT doan ax for no water for 20 years and now he be axin fo muh money? Ain't gwan happin.
Yep, just like us.
to Anon @ 6:19pm -- Mark Ruffalo is a white actor. He's pictured in the Sunday July 20 post, next to the "Where do you expect us to Obama?" sign.
>>Shefali said...
"What is a "Caucasian" company, anyway?"
One that isn't named 'Bubba's Bar-b-q', or have the words 'hut' and 'shack' in their inc. name.
"If you can't pay your water bill, why do you expect to get water?"
Because they always have gotten it for free before, what's up now that they should have to start paying for it? That'd be racist!
Look how many provided services that groids get for free or little cost to them and have for decades on end.
Let this sink in anyone out there who like Rush, Hannity, etc who are nothing but Con Inc. shills
IF Groids have received tons of stuff for basically pennies paid (if that amount) and have for decades then WHY OH WHY should they want to be AGAINST BIG DADDY GOVERNMENT? WHY?
It pays for their whole existence.
Maybe, just maybe....groids vote 95% Democratic (when they do vote) because they actually like the big government policies? And why not, since it directly benefits their race as a whole?
Goverment by gimme dat, it works!
See, those Con Incs and useful idiots are judging these groids as if they were white folks who actually give a damn about paying too much to the government. But by and large they dont pay much in taxes to begin with, they're on the receiving end of the spigot and they (now literally in Detroits case) they don't want the spigot ever to be turned off!
Enterprise Zones. Capital Gains. Support the Military. Are you crazy???
It wasn't just the Space Program that Abernathy etc were protesting. 45 yrs later the protest is still the same: WHY SHOULD ANY FREE DOLLARS OF YTS MONEY EVER GO TO ANYTHING ELSE BUT THEM?
FOREVER! AND EVER! Cause like, YT owes them!
Simple as that.
So YES. Sharpton and Jackson are authentic black voices and they know that they have the entire support of their community behind them.
Its the same song and nothing has changed. Nothing else in their world matters but them. They want the stuff, gimme, gimme, gimme that stuff....NOW!
Or else they'll throw a hissy fit and burn down the cities and riot and that will show you that they are serious about wanting that stuff; gimme gimme gimme dat stuff forever and forever cause you OWE US, YT! And if you ever complain about it, you're the racist!
Childish emotions, magical thinking, tends to work and get results and YT will continue to go on funding BRA forever and forever.
Where will you be...
What will you do...
...on the day the EBT Card stops working?
EBT Day is coming. Be ready.
All I can say for Detroit is: BURN BABY BURN!!!
Negro speak for "everybody is supposed to help." It was added to the SBPDL lexicon in reference to a post-Katrina NOLA negro watching a bunch of white volunteers rebuild homes there while blacks sat and did nothing.
Now, once again, fellow YT raycisses, it's time for Dyadya Bogo's Who payz fo' all dis sheeit? pop quiz. This be a trick question.
Note that the NAACP, which has many more millions in its various slush funds that most of us hapless YT raycisses could ever hope to earn in several lifetimes of 24 x 7 x 365 lard labor as ultimate Camp Cephalopod Corpses (CCC - sometimes referred to as the "working stiffs"), is behind this big push to get YT to provide free water to the thirsty legions of Detroilet patricians with illustrious names such as Shitavius and Turdquilla.
As newstands say all over, inquiring minds want to know. How has the poor, downtrodden, negro sufferin' the turribul, turribul legacies, microagressions, institutionalized rayciss and as of yet undreamed heinous crimethink-n-sheeit from YT, been able to fund this organization so incredibly handsomely? Was it the vast estates left from the 'music biz' of expired rappers? Mega-donations from Bakkaball afleetes? We jus' be axin.....
Aybah Poda Hep
What does that stand for?
It's one of several gods in he pantheon of Crystal Methodism, the state-religion of the Banana Empire. Best assume the position so the appropriate sacrifice can be made.
Can't. Stop. Laughing.
Thanks for making my night.
Bull Conner.
Equality, not race, is a social construct.
“These companies are basically Caucasian companies,” she told the station. “The folks who are being cut off are almost one hundred percent African-American.”
That's because Caucasian people work for a living and African-Americans don't.
With the race card thrown at every obstacle or inconvenience that Negro's face, it has become a joke more than a weapon. No one could possibly believe that a water dept. in a town that is 85% Black, that is run by blacks, could be racist. They need one of the rare Whites living there to call them "colored" and all will be well in Destroit.....
My thoughts exactly. The utility company has no knowledge or concern about the race of the water user.. all they care about is whether you pay your bill. This dumb shemale gorilla saying the company is white and the customers are black is no different then if a white shop owner won't let 20 people ransack his store (who are black).. he wouldn't let twenty white people ransack the store either.. it's just a case of lazy monkeys
exactly.. how much u wanna bet that every month they didn't pay their water bill, they bought name brand clothes, sneakers, takeout food, like pizza and chinese, cable tv, newports, marijuana, or any other thing that is a luxury.. they don't prioritize or budget.. they don't make an outline or layout for how to spend and save finances.. they don't organize their lives or money.. they are literally like children that we will always have to take care of, and they will outbreed us, the same way rats would do if it were not for poisoning them every chance we get..
Here is your negro.
This negro male had a dog. The dog was a lab mix of some kind. The dog was dying "Unable to move and suffering from excruciating pain". The animal "howled and wailed for a week in agony but was ignored by his owner". Its "owner" was a negro male, Sadrae J. Baptiste, a person barely more intelligent than the poor dog. Yet my tax dollars and yours go to insure Sadrae J. Baptiste reproduces.
There is something so unspeakably vile about allowing a helpless animal to suffer in pain. Or maybe that's just my white European background that causes me to understand that. I can't think of punishment painful enough for this monster. I only wish I could exercise my imagination and administer that justice.
People misunderstood what the fire hoses were used for here in Birmingham during the civil rights years. It was a pilot program to provide free water to blacks. We agreed that water is a human right, and should be free, so we gave them all they could drink.
Anonymous said...
I have a question, especially for any blacks out there:
Can you show us some instance of blacks standing up and saying, "Yes, this [name the fiasco] was our own fault and we are going to take responsibility to fix it?"
July 22, 2014 at 6:29 PM
I bet Ben Carson is thinking it. I'd like to think that there are blacks who are embarrassed beyond belief at the antics & culture of most of their race. Those blacks get it. They don't see any benefit in staying on the DWL plantation. They do see personal accountability is preferable to blaming YT and demanding YT support them. Those blacks have it the worst-they are vilified as traitors by other blacks who are more than happy to exist demanding handouts, they are discriminated against by DWLs in print and TV media and endure constant character assassination, and are lumped together with other typically violent & criminal blacks by those whites who are just too sick & tired of the whole racial hustle being hoisted on them by DWLs to care enough to make this important distinction. Someone like Ben Carson should be held up as a HERO to young black men. So should Condoleeza Rice be held in esteem by young black women. But because the !@#$%! media is run by DWLa these two are subject to character assassination as being 'whitey's house niggers'. One day, hopefully within our lifetime, blacks will wake up and finally realize that they have been wearing chains of slavery, albeit a pretty noose, put around their necks by liberal racists who JUST WANTED TO HELP.
Goddamn the DWLs.
“These companies are basically Caucasian companies,” she told the station. “The folks who are being cut off are almost one hundred percent African-American.”
What the F are they talking about!! The Science is White (pumps, filtration, piping, etc) but all the city responsibilities have been turned over to the negro. This is exactly how Zimbabwe fell. First is suspicion, the hatred of the wealth of the White. Then comes the strong man to "right the injustice" only the negro can't. It just squats. The fields are never planted, the harvest is never gathered. They just sit and wait for the magic wealth to be made. Then cholera takes them or some other horror.
They are a primitive, magical thinking, cargo cult.
By the way, look at the DWL Marxists in the crowd, whipping up the Orcs, mostly of a particular tribe.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
U.S. Marines Confront Fake Black "Sergeant Major", Get Into Explosive Argument - Florida
*** “It also teaches them, or works into their budget, monies that would be dedicated to their water bill, because they have to make a contribution every month,” he explained. ***
Er, what??? Considering that over half of Detroit is functionally illiterate, I think this will probably be wasted on them & considering that if they were capable of doing it, they would've done it to start with, it's called "budgeting".
*** “This is not a program where you get everything given to you and you contribute nothing.” ***
I'm afraid that this is the root cause of the problem & that is exactly why the situation is where it is now.
*** “They should at least take a look at whether there’s a better way to do this that doesn’t affect the most vulnerable citizens — the majority of whom are African-American here in Detroit.”Attorney Alice Jennings, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of Detroit residents, agreed the shutoffs were a racial issue. ***
They (the water company) did exactly that for years, it was called NOTHING & so people paid NOTHING, that "helped" the most vulnerable citizens not learn responsibility, but of course that had nothing to do with race then, especially when you can be in no doubt that the water company had meetings with the Detroit city council, who no doubt told them it was a sensitive issue because of the large number of "poor African-American".
Okay, so proportionally, whites in Detroit, I'm guessing pay more than blacks...maybe not, who knows...but if they did, how fair would it be for whites to sue the Detroit water company for discrimination?
Anyway, considering Detroit is 83% black, of course they're going to be more affected & the only thing trying to be accomplished here is the recovery from bankruptcy & an effort to turn the city round, how "Ms Veronica Joice" would you accomplish this if your insisting that a "Caucasian asking a poor black person" to pay for a utility is racist?
Bastards! They don't give a damn about peoples poverty, they just want to gain notoriety & promote their own self-interest group!
Some of us can remember when Detroit was a city...
josh said...
Do these dear souls have iphones? IPads? Do deys be habbin dem Beats By Dr Dre haidphonez?
Josh did you ever hear of Malsow's hierarchy of needs?
You need your iPhone, iPad, Beats headphones, teeth grill, chrome rims, hair products, anything else and then and only then can you think of less necessary stuff like water. And food.
“These companies are basically Caucasian companies,” she told the station. “The folks who are being cut off are almost one hundred percent African-American.”
Productive companies are exclusively white? Non-payers for services are exclusively black? I think she inadvertently pinpointed a macro problem.
Please tell me you saw this:
Same case in civil service testing. Race of applicant isn't known till well into the hiring process after you've essentially already got the job. The FDNY has been accused of racist hiring practices for hiring the candidates that do the best on the test (how terrible of them). While whites practice study and get 95-100 a ruling was just past to retroactively hire blacks with a score of 25.... Twenty five!
The UN has claimed that curtailing water service to negroes delinquent with their bill payments is a violation of human rights. If we go back to 1990, the UN voted to impose sanctions on Iraq. One of the consequences of those sanctions was the degradation of municipal water supplies which contributed to a death toll estimated between 300,000 and 500,000 deaths.
These numbers were not disputed by Klinton's Secretary of State Madelyn Albright who asserted that the death were worth it.
These people are just f*****g EVIL and consider us their playthings.
Paul, the trials and tribulations of establishing a Museum of African Art in NYC might make a good topic for a future article.®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
I have a solution. Turn the water company over to the blacks and let them run it entirely, providing free water for their "community". No YT involvement at all. Everyone here knows that will work just as well as when YT turned over entire cities, school districts and even fast food joints. I'd also turn over their main hospital to 100% black employees. Between my prediction of tainted water and poor medical care, maybe Detroit would thin out. But NO white money!
I'm also in total agreement with other commenters about stopping all charitable giving and even donating blood. You must stop any handouts and only take care of your own, once you've decided they're deserving. I won't even give to most whites because they're living/acting like blacks. What I've found after several years is it's very hard to find a white person who needs something given to them. We had two neighbor's houses burn down and they only needed a place to stay for the night because they have insurance and live like responsible white people.
Weisse Frau:
I enjoyed the nyt's article about the non-emerging African art museum. A lot of African art was skulls of enemies. Then there is the endless "art" that is depressingly voodoo inspired to have magic get you things selfishly.
Bachelors like to show off African art with the enlarged sexual organs, art that does not really need a museum docent to help you understand the meaning.
And will they have a small theatre where they perform the African classics? That would involve nakedness, fire and irresponsible sex I guess. Well I can see where no rich donors want their name attached to this project.
Anonymous said...
Aybah Poda Hep
What does that stand for?
July 22, 2014 at 5:04 PM
It's Ebonics for "Everybody's supposed to help."
It's on track seven of your Hooked On Ebonics CD.
Anyone ever point out that they didn't shut off anyone's water who DID PAY?
It's predominantly blacks who aren't paying. DUH.
Liberalism is a bizarro mental illness.
None of this is being covered by my local newspaper (that nobody reads).
Water be rayciss !!!
African Art Museum? Detroit.
IF this water issue is not brought up and discussed IN FULL with all the "right wing" radio hosts, then we have evidence that these said hosts are paid traitors and fakes.
I've always thought Limbaugh was a fake whose purpose is to let angry Whites vent and feel "something has been done".
He is just a steam valve to waste our time. Same with Levine, Savage, Beck, Hannity. You can tell since none of them discuss the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax or race.
Your books show that if you let in ONE NEGRO into your city then your city will be destroyed. It is like letting in just one Aids Viral particle.....your dead.
If you let in just one "peoples of colored", then your blog will die like Detroit. They bring Uncle Rufus, and Bro Steppin' Fletchit and Aunt Jamima next and then it is all down hill.
You can put your convictions on the line, and take the heat, by saying this is a WHITE ONLY blog site (and think of the publicity !!!!)
I'm going to stop now and take a break and go get a cold glass of water............
The city of Wooster, Ohio runs a water treatment plant with a daily production average of 3.22 million gallons. The cost of chemicals alone at this treatment plant is $218.47 per million gallons. I have read through the city of Wooster’s entire annual report of costs and operations analysis so you don’t have to. It looks something like this:
Operations and Personnel = $974 per million gallons. Chemicals and Maintenance = $591 per million gallons. Total operating cost = $1,565 per million gallons with a daily treated average of 3.22 million gallons. That gives us a total annual operations cost of $1,839,344.50.
The NAACP has recently jumped into the fray of what remains of the once-great city of Detroit. This race-baiting organization has now generated a class action lawsuit filed against the city of Detroit, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund says that recent water shutoffs to Detroit residents were discriminatory. Veronica Joice with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund says, “That (the shutoffs are) being done in a discriminatory fashion; and they should at least take a look at whether there’s a better way to do this that doesn’t affect the most vulnerable citizens — the majority of whom are African American here in Detroit.” Attorney Alice Jennings, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of Detroit residents, said “The folks who are being cut off are almost one hundred percent African American.” When asked by WWJ’s Charlie Langton directly if this is a “racial issue,” Jennings replied: “It sure is! You bet it is.”
Well now, a racial issue? Do water treatment plants discriminate? Is it racist to expect that individuals pay for their utilities? I suspect that it would be more racist to suggest that some individuals should be exempt from paying for their utilities by those who would claim that they are rendered incapable of doing so by virtue of the color of their skin. Surely bills are not racist. If I don’t pay my water bill I get a notice in the mail. If I still don’t pay my water bill after the first notice, I receive a second one. Eventually, if I continue to avoid paying for my water service the water company sends an employee out to my residence to shut off my water. At no time during this hypothetical fiasco, would any employee at the water company be made aware of my race.
Now go back and review the annual cost analysis of the city of Wooster’s water treatment plant. Does nearly $2 million per year sound like a free “HUMAN RIGHT” to you? Now consider the fact that the population of the city of Wooster is only 27 thousand. Detroit currently has over SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND…….nearly all of them with one hand on a picket sign, and the other held straight out. Believing in self-reliance and personal responsibility isn’t racist. Believing that another individual is incapable of living in accordance with these basic principles, without government assistance, tax-payer funded welfare programs, and special preferences, based only on the color of their skin, is. Of course, when the color of your skin precedes the content of you character, well you get Detroit.
One must know that in 1970s CS tests were majorly dumb ed down.
See 'Bell Curve' and 'Death of Coomon Sense' and Sowells books.
[Sowell be a smart black].
Anonymous said...
Same case in civil service testing. Race of applicant isn't known till well into the hiring process after you've essentially already got the job. The FDNY has been accused of racist hiring practices for hiring the candidates that do the best on the test (how terrible of them). While whites practice study and get 95-100 a ruling was just past to retroactively hire blacks with a score of 25.... Twenty five!
Same w football players college scores and grades.
PK may have posted that years ago.
EBT ...' takeout food'
colored folks lovs some FREE take out.
I'm sick of their entitlement mentality, their screams and accusations of racism when they don't get their freebies and the totality of their mindless bullshit.
Well stated.
And any troll out there who wonders why there is "racism" out there needs to consider this.
Equality, not race, is a social construct.
Great line, and one which should become a slogan for race realists.
There's no doubt that electricity shutoffs are infinitely more interesting. The nogs try illegal hookups with that too but with a little luck you get some "fireworks."
Since the Rand Paul wing of the GOP plans to set up shop in Detroit and do "outreach," this affair is a perfect opportunity for them to win over black voters. The GOP outreachers can explain the concept of individual responsibility and the free market: if you want something (like water) then you pay for it. And if you do not pay for it, then you must do without. And also, you need to set your priorities such that the basics (water, food, rent) are first. You might even think of gaining some skill which you can work to get the capital to start your own business--say in shipping water to the neighborhood and selling it at a cost less than the average water bill. That would be free enterprise in action.
Think that's gonna happen?
I'd like to see PK cover the GOP outreach effort in cities like Detroit and show us what results they get.
To those in doubt, the NAACP suit shows that this is all about race (a social construct) and for one race (social construct) and against another race (social construct).
This suit also shows the goal and intent of the NAACP is getting and gaining EVERYTHING and ANYTHING for the black community (social construct since "black"is a term to define a race, a social construct, which means this is a social construct squared or Social social construct)
This is why we need a WHITE organization that can file a friend of the court brief claiming the refusal of black water users (one of the harmed bodies of the NAACP suit) to pay their bills is a HATE crime, based on the White ownership of the water plant and that the purpose of the suit is to cause racial animosity and harm to the White race.
I should have been a lawyer.
But, no. WE have no voice anywhere. I wonder why?
10mm AUTO said...
What the F are they talking about!! The Science is White (pumps, filtration, piping, etc) but all the city responsibilities have been turned over to the negro. This is exactly how Zimbabwe fell. First is suspicion, the hatred of the wealth of the White. Then comes the strong man to "right the injustice" only the negro can't. It just squats. The fields are never planted, the harvest is never gathered. They just sit and wait for the magic wealth to be made. Then cholera takes them or some other horror.
They are a primitive, magical thinking, cargo cult.
In Zimbabwe, it's dressed up in all sorts of marxist rhetoric: liberating the masses, redistributing the land, overthrowing the oppressor. But at the end of the day, there is no food on the shelf.
In America, it's dressed up in all sorts of liberal rhetoric: vulnerable populations, disparate impact, and the DWL's favorite, "racism." But at the end of the day, there is no water from the tap.
There are two ways to look at this:
1: They are really clever propagandists who hustle YT for endless goods and service.
2: They do not understand the relationship between cause and effect.
Either way, it means an increasingly dysfunctional society. It's not just water bills, of course. There's the inability to maintain street lights. And the streets themselves. And the degradation of emergency services as testing is rigged via AA. And the distortion of history to accommodate the black "narrative." And the destruction of the manned space program.
The thing to consider is that when they become the majority there is a direct correlation between their politics and their inability to run a modern civilization.
True in Zimbabwe.
True in Detroit.
Enterprise Zones. Capital Gains.
Here's a question I would like to see someone -- anyone! -- answer: have Enterprise Zones ever worked in a city which is predominately black? I don't mean one where YT came in and invested large amounts of money to bring about an urban renaissance, or gentrifiers took advantage of cheap house prices. I mean somewhere that an Enterprise Zone actually led to blacks creating businesses and decent neighborhoods? I'd like to give the proverbial devil his due if this is the case. But can any mainstream conservative who is reading this show us some specific examples of a black dominated zone where it has actually worked to create enterprises?
There is serious talk now of Flint, Michigan "going Detroit". Here is the link, but I don't know how to "imbed" a link. I'm too old, to stupid and too White.
If I could place a bet, I would bet the population of Flint is 75%+ Negroid. Just a guess, a hunch, a racyssss thought.....AND, I would also venture a side bet that the majority of this minority majority haven't paid their water bill.......
Anonymous said...
Well now, a racial issue? Do water treatment plants discriminate? Is it racist to expect that individuals pay for their utilities?
If we lived in a rational society, the answer to these questions would be "no." There is no "racism" involved. But we do not live in a rational society.
In BRA, words do not mean what they appear to mean. To "discriminate" used to mean making a choice based on some criteria (content of character, color of skin). In BRA, "discriminate" means any outcome which adversely affects blacks. A black customer does not pay his/her bill and the water gets turned off? That's "racism" because a black is affected.
No matter that the customer chose to not pay the bill. No matter that the criterion for turning off the water is solely whether or not the bill has been paid. A black was affected, ergo it is "racism."
Surely bills are not racist. If I don’t pay my water bill I get a notice in the mail. If I still don’t pay my water bill after the first notice, I receive a second one. Eventually, if I continue to avoid paying for my water service the water company sends an employee out to my residence to shut off my water. At no time during this hypothetical fiasco, would any employee at the water company be made aware of my race.
What you are saying is rational, reasonable and logical. But BRA is not based on rationality, reason or logic. It is based on an ideology which holds that blacks are a special category whose needs are above all such mundane considerations.
After all, an elementary understanding of cause-and-effect would tell you that if you produce large numbers of children you can not support, if you do not take your education seriously, if you habitually commit violent crimes -- then you will likely end up poor, with little opportunity, and most likely in jail. But this does not filter through.
* In part, DWL ideology holds that poverty, crime, etc., are "conditions" which mysteriously settle upon black neighborhoods.
* In part, there is that cargo cult mentality which views the goods and services produced by modern industry and science as merely part of nature, like a mud puddle.
There is no understanding that for crops to be produced, farmers must work the land; that to get the good job you need to stay in school; that if you do not want 25+% of your men in the hoosegow you need to obey the law; and for water to come out of the tap, you need to pay your [expletive deleted] bill!
One danger is that as this kind of mindset grows, America will be increasingly unable to deal with disintegrating infrastructure. You can not run a civilization on such ideological delusions. This is so from Zimbabwe to...Detroit.
You know what's really sad, I mean really, really sad - they live right next to the largest fresh water reserve in the world - the Great Lakes! Any they can't fucking figure out how to get water?
I'll tell you what negro boy, I'll help you figure out how to get water from the lake to your hut, if you mow my lawn, and clean my toilet.
In order to take race out of this, Detroit needs to have RACE put on every water bill and on the water meter. Then, when one pays the black or white water bill they can see who is getting racist water and who is not.
I want to know why snow is white. That is offensive to little negro chillins' since they don't have black snow to play in.
Nature be rayciss.
By the way, how does the NAACP know a water user is black or not? How do they tell? Last name? Zip code? Voting party? Skin color? Nose shape? Size of lips?
How are we to tell who is black or white. We will need to know this when a WHITE homeland is established................
Detroit is not Democrat run.
Detroit is black-run, for the expressed benefit of blacks, and only blacks.
I'm glad this point was made because I'm seeing a lot of comments from cons claiming that if Detroit was managed by Republicans they wouldn't be in this mess.
Yea right. I'd like to see any con tell me with a straight face that they would rather live in a 85% black Republican city than a 85% white Democrat city. Portland is one such city that has been managed by Democrats for decades and doesn't have any problems keeping the water running. Trying to make it a purely Republican/Democrat issue is intellectually dishonest. Mainstream Repub/Dem explanations are sorely lacking when one takes a simple look at comparable cities with different populations.
Exactly right! I'd love to see them start burning down the town then bitch about not having a place to live. Let Oprah build them new houses with automatic bill pay, I'm sure she lives in one of those black neighborhoods.
On another topic. Was expecting fireworks at work today. A major (for this company) financial fubar. Was expecting heads to roll, and, nothing! Not one peep, not even rumor of an ass eating.
Several of us yt peoples would have expected to be fired but, this fubar was not yt in origin. Well, enough said.
If the UN doesn't like it, let the UN give them refugee status and ship them to Liberia or some such place for their own protection.
You know what's really sad, I mean really, really sad - they live right next to the largest fresh water reserve in the world - the Great Lakes! Any they can't fucking figure out how to get water?
There was a link to an article posted in another SBPDL piece describing blacks doing just that--but in Congo! Blacks there make the effort to get water from nearby lakes, and even set up businesses to sell water. It says something about BRA that they can not even get this far in Detroit.
I'll help you figure out how to get water from the lake to your hut, if you mow my lawn, and clean my toilet.
This would remind them of the terrible legacy of slavery.
I detect a certain level of irony in these comments. The bill for George Washington's and the rest of the Founding Fathers' abandoned farm equipment has finally come due. Shall whitey now refuse to pay? I don't think so. In America, the anti-racist collective dedicated to the false proposition of racial equality, he must surely pay, and keep on paying.
Well stated.
They live in the moment and have zero capacity to distinguish between "needs" and "wants." In my classroom of 2 nd graders, we did an entire unit on "needs" and "wants." Their parents sure aren't teaching their kids about the difference.
These parents will pay to see the latest movies in theaters at $8 a ticket, plus concessions. Our (white, 2 parents working) family only does that about once a year. They also spend money on video games, KFC, nails and hair, tatoos, ear piercing.... all WANTS.
They are so used to YT paying for everything that they can't imagine why we get tired of it.
They only really need water for their monthly shower. They don't drink water, they drink soda or alcohol. They don't do their dishes or laundry. They might brush their teeth. Maybe just have the water on twice a day so they can flush the toilet.
off topic any one see this....
Members of the Zulu Nation Send Warning to Popular Website World Star Hip Hop
Lee “Q” O’Denat, the founder of, received an open letter from members of the hip-hop awareness group The Universal Zulu Nation which is headed by hip-hop pioneer Afrika Bambaataa. That letter addressed issues that the group has with the popular website.
Among these are the way that World Star Hip Hop portrays hip hop culture as well as the exploitation of people featured in the many thousands of the violent videos on the website. You might recall from our report on the Caucasian Ohioans, who paraded through the largely African American East Price Hill neighborhood of Cincinnati with AR-15s, shouting the “N-Word”, that one of them claimed they hoped their video would get on is the 247th most popular site in the United States and 983rd in the world, according to their Alexa ranking.
The open letter from the Zulu Nation says that World Star Hip Hop does not represent true hip-hop culture. Here is the open letter that was sent to the site’s founder this week.
Mr. O’Denat,
On behalf of the thousands of members of the Universal Zulu Nation, of which I am Minister Of Information, I write you this letter in peace and hope these words find you in the best of health and spirits. Brother, we at UZN have the utmost respect and love for all who choose to take our Culture to new heights, and we thank you for your part in creating new media that preserves our culture. It is with great sadness that we bring to your attention the obvious ills of your site, Mister O’Denat, you are well aware, or should be well aware that many are viewing your site’s content as very graphic and extremely violent. Before you brush this off as just another person’s opinion of your site and the content you publish, please do not get it confused. This is not the case.
"Darwin's Shadow is falling across not just Detroit, but all of America."
Scary stuff Mr. Kersey. I believe white people will do OK. Blacks already suffer BRA.
I'm not sure the country will survive BHO/BRA.
Scot Irish
Water bill gone bads
"They only really need water for their monthly shower. They don't drink water, they drink soda or alcohol."
To be fair, they also drink tons of Kool-Aid. And kiddie dranks such as Hawaiian Punch, Hi-C, Sunny Delight, and grape flavored drank street termed "purple".
They do sure like to drink kiddie drinks, some of which do require some tap water to mix up.
"Maybe just have the water on twice a day so they can flush the toilet."
Just like the one groidette is holding up a sign in the picture: How's she supposed to take a s--?
Apparently, she can't figure it out? How she got this far in life without figuring that out by now....remains a mystery.
How 'bout....
That way you can take a dump and have that Kool-Aid, Hi-C, and all the purple drank to your heart's content.
True dat!
I recently heard that something like two-thirds of the wells built in Africa by the Peace Corps and others are now non-functional due to lack of maintenance and repair. I'm sure they used the simplest and easiest to maintain equipment they could get, and trained some of the locals on how to keep it in working order. I suppose it was racist of these organizations to not either stay and maintain it for them indefinitely, or provide them with equipment that never needs repair or maintenance.
There are easy solutions to the welfare career negroe problem and paying their water bills. Why not reroute the sewage water,with its solids removed to the negroes demanging free water? It is odd that negroes can always find time to protest, but cannot find employment. I am suffering negroe moocher fatigue,and I dont want to give them anything for free.
imho, people that are unable to read, write or do basic math and thus unemployable should be required to have a payee that pays all the bills before any "extras" can be purchased by the ignorant!
i dont even try to hide my disdain for blacks anymore. Iam so sick of the lies and bending over backwards for a useless, ungrateful race of parasites
i think it is quite clear talking to them they share a hivemind, the borg are jealous of there lack of thought and free will
Detoilet now has a white mayor but the damaga is already done.
+have Enterprise Zones ever worked in a city which is predominately black? I don't mean one where YT came in and invested large amounts of money to bring about an urban renaissance, or gentrifiers took advantage of cheap house prices. I mean somewhere that an Enterprise Zone actually led to blacks creating businesses and decent neighborhoods
The mainstream media used to be critical of gentrification but now views it as the only hope for Detroit. My guess is that if there was a successful EZ somewhere we would have heard about it.
What libs don't get about blacks is that most of them are happy to have a basic job and don't care one bit if the business is owned by whites. You see this in cities like Houston where it is the norm and no one cares. It's more part of white/asian culture to desire ownership of a business or a higher level position. Cons are also deluded and think Democrats are holding back places like Detroit through regulations, taxes, unions or whatever bugaboo they come up with that also exists in white Democrat cities like Portland and Seattle.
Old-fashioned gentrification is really the only successful model and libs are slowly and bitterly waking up to that reality. But with that said any white person who brings their kids into a gentry project should be fined for endangerment.
Just go all AAA
Agree, Amplify, Accelerate
"Water should be free-- EVERYTHING should be free--- because RACISM"
It is the only way to break the rachet...
Her argument isn't that the water company is white, the quote is incomplete. Her argument is that there are white owned businesses that she claims owe the city hundreds of thousands of dollars for water. And if only the city made those businesses pay up the NAACP would be happy to see the black homeowners water cut off.
U.S. Marines Confront Fake Black "Sergeant Major", Get Into Explosive Argument - Florida
Who's the bigger fool, the obviously disturbed black fake Sgt., or the two white Marines who risk their lives for a system that hates their guts and works day and night to see that their people are wiped off the face of the earth?
We need to encourage the Canadians to do more with the hope that the chimps will migrate north where they are appreciated.
Actually, Windsor is south of Destroit. I really would like to see Detroit's NAPAs demand gibs from Canada's First Nations. The results would inspire the South.
I love it!
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) offer to pay Detoileters' water bills if they go vegan for a month. PETA ! Hahaha! Treatment of animals. Lol.
(CBS Detroit story)
Is that racist?
Somebody claimed that Mark Ruffalo was black but he isn't. He is the guy that replaced Edward Norton for the hulk role. Anyway back to the topic at hand. I'm black and i feel the reason there are soo many blacks with these entitlement mentalities is because of welfare. Welfare is set up to essentially control people. Sure it helps people in need but there are soo many loopholes in it that it just invites laziness and corruption. Why get a job when u can just sit on your fat ass and let some white jerk-off pay for it. Why spend the money the gov gives you to take care of your 5+ kids you cant afford to care for when you can buy weave,weed,and coach bags? The government knows blacks are taking advantage of these services but do nothing to stop it because they want to control us and turn is into slaves. A class of people with no economic power, no morals, no responsibility, and no family unit. The worst thing about it is that most blacks like this setup and don't even realize what they have become. (Empty bodies that serve no other purpose than to supply Obama with votes just like the illegal immigrants that got amnesty.) its like the Matrix. The second you tell these type of blacks to get with it and act like u got some dignity they turn into agent smith and attack you. The whole notion of Detroit water co. being racist for turning off the water due to unpaid bills is bull-spit. Then they claim its a human right. Its not a human right for people to work all day to put pluming in your house and run water through it so u can drink, shower, and poop. It's a service. By that logic electricity isn't a service its a God given right i tell you! Without electricity i can't have Facebook, tv, microwave, stove, fridge, or air!!! We need to have air conditioners and central air or we will freeze in the winter and get heat strokes in the summer so we shouldn't have to pay electricity bills as well. You see if black people as a group weren't slaves to the system with families 3 or more generations deep in the welfare mentality state of mind you wouldn't have blacks in Detroit saying crap like that
Firstly, for all of those commenting on the speech of black people, the reason behind the poor speaking skills of some is due to the treatment of blacks in schools. Because of the lack of funds, most schools containing minorities or low income neighborhoods have poor teachers and administration that don't care about the education of the students, or don't have the means to educate properly. That is why some speech or pronunciations may be off or odd sounding, not simply a trait which is acquired by blacks. Secondly, many of those commenting are stereotyping blacks as a group who does not have their priorities straight, when in fact, whites are the most corrupt race in history, and continue to carry on that legacy. For those stating that blacks are free-loading, remember who single-handedly built this country and who continue to be deprived of resources. Clean water is in fact needed to sustain life, and therefore a human right. Finally, it is not as easy as it seems to apply for a lowered water bill. As previously stated, the process to clean the water thoroughly enough to make it drinkable, can be costly, and just because one may apply for a lowered bill, doesn't mean they will receive aid. It has been proven that white people are in power, and their main goal in life is to make sure they receive all that they need above all others, so when it comes to the water company, i doubt that many are getting any aid.
the reason behind the poor speaking skills of some is due to the treatment of blacks in schools.
Hogwash. Blacks (by which I mean, Africans-in-America) insist that they MUST "talk Black". If you attempt to instruct them in standard American accents and grammar, they yell "racism".
The whole thing about schools (the teachers and administration) having a big effect on the students (either culture or achievement) was debunked almost 5 decades ago. I quote "The Bell Curve", pp. 394-5:
" Tell parents that the quality of the schools doesn't matter, and they will unanimously, and rightly, ignore you, for differences in schools do matter in many important ways. But in affecting IQ, they do not matter nearly as much as most people think.
" This conclusion was first and most famously reached by a study that was expected to demonstrate just the opposite. The study arose out of a mandate of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to examine how minority groups are affected by educational inequalities. The result was a huge national survey, with a sample that eventually numbered 645,000 students, led by the eminent sociologist James S. Coleman. His researchers measured school quality by such objective variables as credentials of the teachers, expenditures per pupil, and the age and quality of the school facilities.
" Because the schools that most minority children attended were measurably subpar in facilities and staff, it was assumed that the minority children fortunate enough to attend better schools would also show improved cognitive functioning. But the report, issued in July 1966, announced that it had failed to find any benefit to the cognitive abilities of children in public primary or secondary schools that could be credited to better school quality[20]."
Footnote 20 states "Coleman et al. 1966. The report talked about educational "aptitude", but the measures used—vocabulary scores, reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning tasks etc.—were taken from standard group tests of IQ."
The bottom line is Africans-in-America speak Ebonics because they want to, but they're dumb because they are Africans.
Because of the lack of funds
More bull. Most ghetto school systems are funded much more lavishly than rural White districts—which show vastly superior results. Many studies show that funding does not improve achievement. It's just more "gibsmedat" to create more do-nothing positions for the connected in ABRA.
whites are the most corrupt race in history, and continue to carry on that legacy. For those stating that blacks are free-loading, remember who single-handedly built this country and who continue to be deprived of resources.
You're believing your own propaganda. Whites created this country, including all the Northern cities, before there were any Africans there to speak of. And if Africans are so productive and pure, try to explain the crime and decay of Gary, Detroit, Flint, Philadelphia.... Oh, wait, you can't. That's just a throwaway line from the Marxist ed establishment, a shibboleth rather than a factually-supported statement.
Clean water is in fact needed to sustain life, and therefore a human right.
Clean water didn't exist until humans learned how to make it. If the African denizens of Detroit are too dumb to figure out that they need pipes, pumps, disinfectants, electric power and people to run all of those things, and they have to be paid for, they are too dumb to be called human.
just because one may apply for a lowered bill, doesn't mean they will receive aid.
If you've been receiving money to pay for water for years on end, and you decided to spend it instead on 40's of Colt 45, spinning rims and getting your hair did, your next stop should be Liberia.
Oh, and thanks for the comic relief and the invitation to mount the soapbox. I really did laugh out loud at your nonsense.
I have to revisit this:
whites are the most corrupt race in history, and continue to carry on that legacy.
So, all black-run countries should be paragons of advancement, achievement, fairness and rule of law, right? Everyone should be clamoring to get into them, right? Right?
<Bugs Bunny voice> "What a maroon!" </Bugs Bunny voice>
From Angola to Zimbabwe, black-run countries are ruled by either corrupt officials or outright dictators (tribal chiefs in all but name), and are places people clamor to get OUT of. People, Blacks included, try to get out of Black-run areas even in the USA; the Black exodus from Black-run Detroit is undeniable.
Honesty would let you fix your own problems, because the first step is to admit that you have a problem. But honesty is perhaps the fundamental deficiency of the Black psyche. That is why only an elite few of you can run a business, let alone a country.
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