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Coming July 20th... (in honor of the 45th anniversary of the greatest achievement in our history) |
We went to the moon. This is a fact. Indisputable, except to those conspiracy theorists clinging to their belief in some sinister plot being hatched by the US Government to conceal our inability to navigate to earth's natural satellite.
On July 20, 1969, man first stood on the moon; on December 18, 1972, man stood on the moon for the last time. What happened to end the dream of space exploration, left instead to the colorful imagination of Trekkies and science fiction fans believing some diverse band of humans could navigate the heavens in a Utopian future?
The US Government neutered NASA by forcing a much different mission upon the space agency: diversity and the promotion of blacks. We went to the moon.
On multiple occasions.
When NASA was nearly all-white, with an all-white astronaut team.
But in 1972, the Apollo program was grounded, with the Space Shuttle program becoming a glorified experiment in social engineering and special interest group cheer-leading. Each successive launch included women, blacks, and other racial minorities, not for the sake of exploration, but for the sake of gender and racial cheer-leading.
The glory of NASA and mankind's great moments in space exploration were all milestones performed under the watchful of an almost completely white NASA, devoid of the hindrance of affirmative action programs and the shackles of Equal Employment Opportunity mandates.
he mandate then was to get the moon; the mandate soon after was the promotion of blackness and diversity, at the expense of the initial dream of exploring the stars.
'Whitey on the Moon': Race, Politics, and the death of the U.S. Space Program, 1958 - 1972 tells the shocking story of NASA's demise from an angle never-before told: the racial angle.
The paperback version will be out by the first of August. If interested in securing your signed copy of the book, make a donation via Paypal (in the right hand column of the site) in the amount of $25.00.
Andy are you goofing on Elvis? Heyy, baaby.
Creating qualifcasions be rayciss an' sheeyit.
We done built dem pyramims, we can do anything!
You don't believe in something because you want to believe your people are capable of something that no one else can do. And, stop using the term "conspiracy theorist". It was created by the same team that created the term "racist". The same team that sent a few of us to the moon. Not!
What's that old saying? Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. And, especially with it involves the federal government.
Sooo...There was a a conspiracy of government managers to promote black intellectual equality with white intellect that resulted in the destruction of the space program.
And did this conspiracy extend to Russia as well? Because they never went to moon either even though they were more advanced then the US genius' during the advent of the space race.
Perhaps their slide rules didn't have the optional space-travel-made-easy extension slide.
Stupid Russians!
PK has got to broaden the message here. No one with a functioning brain is still unaware of the disastrous effect of black culture upon this nation.
But it's getting worse yet. With the border now entirely open and the federal government actively engaged in moving Mexicans and Central Americans into this land, we are being colonized by failed third-world states. We are being colonized. Our negro leaders recognize that they have neither the numbers, the discipline or the brain power to bring it down. But allied with humanity south of our border, they can end this country.
NASA is not the problem. La Raza, the SEIU and negro community organizers are poised to take it all. And if you think they are going to give you a little corner of the geography to practice your quaint whiteness, you are crazy. They are taking the whole enchilada.
You've got a powerful alliance of third-world illiterates, with illiterate domestic negroes, angry white females and brain damaged white male progressives, and they are coming for you because every difficulty they've ever experienced in life is because of you.
As PK says, "we could've been on mars". What a waste of human talent, and future technology by defunding the program. USA went from going to the moon, to going to a 3rd world country and broke. Damn.
NC Guy
Typo in post:
he mandate then was to get the moon
Missing initial "T".
Money order for $225 will be en route to VDARE when I can scrape everything together.
This shows how a large motor is re-wound, serviced, and tested. The scale, complexity, teamwork, and know-how required by the people is amazing! Everything, from making the wire coils to the Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VIP) process, is done at this one location. The motor in this video is used to power a pump that removes water from a submarine dry dock facility at Pearl Harbor.
Do you see any groids in this video?? Not one!!!
Do people even care about space anymore, I mean really? I'm sure it sounded exciting back in the 50's, back when we thought there'd be moon colonies by the year 1990, but now, who cares? We haz iPhones now! I mean, does outer space even have Wi-Fi? Starbucks?
Didn't think so.
So, if we didn't really go to the moon, and yet NASA was still emasculated through AA pimping, then how pathetic would that be? Trillions wasted for nothing whatsoever.
I still prefer to believe we made it to the moon.
You've got a powerful alliance of third-world illiterates, with illiterate domestic negroes, angry white females and brain damaged white male progressives, and they are coming for you because every difficulty they've ever experienced in life is because of you.
We have had 50 years now of mass media and culture that promotes the cartoonish image of an oppressive, evil, environment-destroying White male culture that needs to be destroyed.
The majority of Whites I know are hardcore liberal. They are joyless and miserable people. They talk about how "we" hold others back, and how women are "just starting" to get rights in America. They say without them, Republicans would put Blacks back in chains.
I never thought people could be so incredibly stupid, but the numbers grow all the time.
My old military friends (over age 60) tell me the plan was to dramatically increase our population of Hispanics and Arab Muslims to keep our economy growing. I believe enough of the White population supports this now.
The DWLs will get their rainbow-connection multicultural melting pot. It will be like Brazil with worse people and much more badly governed.
Goodbye Traditional America. It was fun while it lasted.
My son's friend served in the Army in A'stan as a combat engineer and saw plenty of action. He was here last week and I asked him what he thought would happen if the Gov tried to set US troops against white US "domestic terrorists" (gun owners and racial malcontents like all of us here at SBPDL). First, he said that most all troops would walk away. Second, he said not to worry about Obama's "nog army" because most nogs are in the rear with the gear. Combat units had only one token nog, otherwise all-white boys. He says nogs generally can't function in high-stress combat roles, they simply don't have the brain power and are generally lazy, sorry-ass primitives from the ghetto that are utilized for their muscle instead.
He said his unit lost their nog who was carrying RPG rounds in his pack that were armed (pins pulled). The kid fell down, jostled the rounds and boom, no more nog. Stupid....just plain stupid.
SBPDL recently covered the crisis over the failure of blacks to pay their water bills in Detroit. There's an article about a city in the Congo which is also facing a water crisis (URL below). The difference is that the Congolese are taking some initiative to do something about it:
* People trek down to a lake to get water and bring it home.
* Entrepreneurs have set up water selling businesses.
* Volunteers have come forth to purify water.
Here's a quote from the article: "As in many other parts of DR Congo -- the world's least developed country according to the United Nations -- the people of Goma have learned to fend for themselves after decades of government neglect."
Would that the denizens of Detroit do the same!
Gil Scott Heron burns in Hell...do daaaa, do daaaa.
"Anonymous said...
You don't believe in something because you want to believe your people are capable of something that no one else can do. And, stop using the term "conspiracy theorist". It was created by the same team that created the term "racist". The same team that sent a few of us to the moon. Not!"
Believing in something (i.e., moon-hoax conspiracies) just because most people don't believe it, doesn't make you smart. The fact that something gives you the thrill of being some kind of gnostic seer, with secret knowledge that no one else possesses, does not make that something factually correct. If what you believe in - however heterodox it may be - is stupid, than believing it just makes you stupid.
"Anonymous said...
And did this conspiracy extend to Russia as well? Because they never went to moon either even though they were more advanced then the US genius' during the advent of the space race."
So? Gun-powder was invented in China, and the Chinese invented the first crude guns. I suppose that made them more advanced in the technology of guns, for awhile. But they didn't invent the rifled musket or the repeating rifle.
Did the repeating rifle never exist? Was it all just a hoax?
For idiots who understand nothing, everything has to be a conspiracy.
Former female democrap. At one time I drank the Kool Aid. Now I see what is really? going on. Ugly feminist ruined marriage & two parent homes. I live on the Space Coast. Today Space X is set to launch. And it is all white males. You go guys. Job well done.
"If you believe they put a man on the Moon"..........
Hmmm. Either they did or they did not. Such a topic should have absolutely no doubt. Such a topic, having real doubt from real people, can only mean there is a serious level of distrust of the US government and modern science/society in general.
Now, why does not some organization resolve the issue once and for all? How? Extremely simple.
Gather together elderly, retired scientist who have spent their lives with the topic. Retired so they can't be fired and Old so they can relate, remember and question each other. The entire proceeding is done in public, with public observers, broadcasts live over the media and recorded from multiple angles and feeds.
Put them in a room and require they come up with the definitive answer and to answer the definitive questions.
Fuel. Radiation. Gravity effect. blah,blah.
Now, if they can't do it then we have a far more serious problem.
The fact this is not done can only mean one thing. Something is being hidden since there can be no other reason. Truth does not hide. Scientific truth can not lie. Math never lies. Politicians always lie and getting a man to the moon was a political act.
My beef about this? When one asks questions and get treated like a f'n idiot then my only recourse is to accept the other side is lying and that my side is correct. There is no other possibility.
R.E.M.=pinko commie rats.
Let me get this straight.
The government that conspired to exterminate, destroy and marginalize the entire White race, and used the force feeding of fake african "scientists" into the space program (quietly and without public knowledge and kept this secret for 50 years) would never conspire to fake the space program (quietly and without public knowledge and kept this secret for 50 years).
People say a conspiracy can not happen since somebody would talk. They say that you can't get 2 people too "keep a secret".
Really. Is not this entire blog based on the OPEN conspiracy of BRA? And just look at the THOUSANDS of politicians who can "keep the secret" and the MILLIONS of others who can "keep the secret".
A conspiracy need not be people sworn to secrecy. It can be a "conspiracy by default". How does this happen? Well, it happens with those involved realize they have much to suffer if they don't "play along".
Say you work for a University but know they are letting in unqualified negroes to play bakaball. IF you file a complaint you will be labeled a racist, never get promoted, have your car trashed and most likely get beat up late at night........you keep quite.
Supposedly your Head Coach of football has been around for 50 years, the public loves him, the money alumni send millions. BUT, you have some young assistant-assistant coach saying the coach's best friend in doing little boys in the Football showers........everybody will hate you....nobody will believe you.......conspiracy?
Entire careers were based on JFK's billions to "put a man on the moon by 1969" (so we Democrats can win the next election) and damn it if anybody says otherwise.
But, let us not ask the hard questions. Let us insult those who ask technical questions. Let us look away from the video feed that show converging light and shadows rather than parallel beams from a sun million miles away (which is considered infinity and with such a light source all shadows and light beams will be parallel)......hmmmm, Centurion is a ahole conspiracy nut since he asks a technical question he knows a lot about since he knows optics better than anybody on this blog......let's delete his comment since it doesn't fit the politics.....
Trial junkie here. To Jeff In Palm Springs,
I would bet those "hard core liberals" you speak of live in the whitest neighborhood they can find.
The main reason I do not believe that we ever landed on the moon is because no scientific advance in the history of mankind ever came to fruition based on a political speech.
Not one.
JFK's "we will put a man on the moon by the end of the decade" line was political theater and so was everything that followed from it.
Add to that the Nuremburg quality of the post landing interview of the alleged moon walkers and the fact that we've avoided going back like a case of the clap, and you can pretty much sew that myth up in a bag and drown it in the nearest drainage ditch.,
Stanley Kubrick's Love Child,
You do realize America went back to the moon with Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17?
Apollo 18 and 19 were cancelled by Thomas Paine because of funds being pulled.
And it was James Webb, administrator of NASA, who was behind the push to the moon. Kennedy gave the speech after the Bay of Pigs fiasco and never really cared about the space anyways.
NASA success in the 1960s was because it's mission (Mercury --> Gemini ---> Apollo) was clearly defined: get to the moon.
After 1972, it became: get us women and black astronauts.
Why did the Russians not get to the moon? One, there chief scientist died unexpectedly in ( if memory serves) 1966. KGB files show the Russians were more interested in building a permanent space station, to use as an orbiting port to further space exploration.
That's what America should have done, which would have made return visits much more practical instead of relying on the Saturn V rocket system.
Comrade PK Das RAdio reported on a town hall meeting set up by Al Not So Shaprton in Chimpcongo that was supposed to be about gun control.
The natives didn't give a rat's ass about gun control and wanted to know where are the jobs and why all the pandering to the latrinos and mexcrements.
The lamestream ministry of propaganda won't touch this with a ten foot pole but there seems to be a rebellion on the democrat plantation of some darkies realizing they have been had and are now replaced in the most favored downtrodden victim sweepstakes.
What are lunar retro-reflectors. The world has been bouncing lasers off them for decades now and are hard physical evidence of humans making it to the moon. Unless you are sure that astronomers from the last 50 yrs and various countries are in the on the hoax too.
I hate to beat a dead horse, but;
We all want believe that America was once a great country, however, this country has been waging wars for over 150 years.
Paul, for all the good work that you do and you do: I have to take exception to the moon landing. The evidence does NOT support the contention and anyone with an analytical mind (such as yourself) can readily prove this.
Quit trying to make us something we're not. Let's just admit that the same traitorous government that we have now, is the same jack-booted lying government that we've always had...same as during those ridiculous landing hoaxes.
It is a simple matter to prove they went to the Moon without having to rely on the testimony of the participants. Send a lunar orbiter capable of high-resolution images with a public chain of custody, i.e. beam back the data unencrypted, program the orbiter with open source code, allow inspection of the entire computer hardware and software pre-launch so there can be no hidden memory chips with stored images.
Another method is to use a telescope on Earth or on Earth orbit to take detailed pictures of the sites. Several of these (VLT, Hubble) supposedly have the resolution to do this. If so, why haven't they? The images released to date are not at all convincing- they look 'shopped.
And another method is to send a lander directly to an Apollo site, Drive it around with publicly-accessible web teleoperator software. Dust off those laser retroreflectors. Maybe even a sample return of a chuck of LEM or something.
And finally, since it was so easy to do this in the 1960's- one-half century ago- it should be a snap these days to send a bunch of new manned Moon missions to the Apollo sites and document the whole thing. Bring back casts of the footprints, freshen up the flags, set up some tourist booths and a hotel, etc.
Much of my life was devoted to the space program, going all the way back to Mercury. Even though I am very familiar with the science and technology of spaceflight, the fact that I no longer believe in Apollo is irrelevant. What is relevant is that many others out there also do not believe in it. It therefore makes a weak argument out of AA vs NASA:
The folks who do not believe in Apollo can use that to argue that YT's are con artists.
-Beyond Hatred
I don't know enough about the science to know whether we landed on the moon or not but I do know that the brown "refugees" are going to have a fight on their hands if they want to knock blacks off their lowest-rung pedestal. And blacks are going to have a fight on their hands if the "refugees" decide they want a black neighborhood to themselves. I'm betting on Team Brown for this round but no matter what, it's all YT's fault.
Don't see it on Amazon, either US or UK.
Could make you mainstream!!!
Putting a man on the moon is the easy part.
Putting a live man on the moon is the hard part.
Jeff in Palm Springs
Goodbye Traditional America. It was fun while it lasted.
Your entire comment was as if you had read my mind.
Until 2001 I could not have been more patriotic. Now I could not be less. The country I loved is dead as President Camacho gleefully fist-bumps in public celebration of gay sex.
I live among the DWLs and they are steadfast in their support of the forces that work for their own destruction. Why is this?
1. Their belief system is a class marker. They can not imagine believing the same things as (what they imagine to be) the lower class, rednecks and Southerners. I challenge my relatives including my immediate family on their bigotry (against non-elite whites) and receive blank stares in return.
2. Their belief system is an implied fitness statement. "I am so successful I can afford to support causes and people who want to take what I have."
3. Most importantly, as of yet, they are personally untouched by the tremendous changes taking place in our country. They live in 99% white communities and the only minorities they ever meet are valet parking their expensive cars. Worse, on some level they believe that flyover country whites are getting what they deserve.
So who is the real enemy?
Didn't I read somewhere that ALL the original video and communications (and even the technical "blue prints" of the junk we sent to the Moon) no longer exists?
Didn't I read somewhere where THOUSANDS of pages, if not boxes of "Moon Landing" date has vanished?
I remember reading that absolutely NOTHING original exists?
Very interesting. Perhaps it doesn't exist because it never did.
Oh, one more "technical" observation and thus a question. On the video showing the lander driving about the moon, you will notice the speed and volume of dirt being kicked up by the tires.
Notice anything very odd? The moon's gravity is 1/6 that of Earth? Really?. Then why does the dirt fly up with the exact same speed as dirt would on Earth? Why is the height of the "dirt column" identical to that reached on Earth?
If you are spinning up very fine moon dust with the speed of rotation of the back tires, you would have one hell of a cloud of dust. Where is it?
Want more? Look at the velocity of the falling dirt. Same speed, same density and same "curve" as dirt on Earth. Really? With gravity at 16.7% that of Earth that pulverized Moon dust should be a bit slower coming down even taking into account no air resistance.
The mass of the dirt does not change. The height does not change but the "force" of gravity would be 1/6. Thus using a 1st year Physics equation of Mass x Height x Force of gravity you can get the velocity at which the dirt should be falling.
Galileo (a White Man) proved, about 1500, that all object fall at the same rate/velocity/acceleration, regardless of mass or size, when you have a vacuum. The moon is a damn good vacuum.
Oh, don't believe your own eyes? Please. Don't we all on this blog believe our eyes when we see Detroit, South Central, Compton, Newark and all the destroyed cities of America. YOU CAN SEE THE LIE.
Pull up some 2nd hand grainy video of the lunar lander bouncing (shall we talk about the height of the bounce and the speed at which the lander falls back.....enough Physics for today, class...........)
A concerned citizen from Mars. said...
Sir, welcome to our planet & congratulations on your evident "naturalization" as a USSA citizen
Enjoy the documentary about our previous troubles with your lovely Red home planet, "Mars Attacks" and just wanted to let you know that I was for the Martians, particularly on the spectacular "sneak" attacks on Washington DC, the white house & capitol hill being blown to smithereens was a joyful sight :) to many of us oppressed earthling under the boot of the USSA social fascist government.
As you probably noticed, we are totally negrotified now so guess we'll never be visiting Mars on our own unless we hitch-hike a ride on a Chinese or Russian space ship. That'll be nice because we can send one of our exemplary sub-saharans up to visit your kith & kin. Our sub-saharan's "ride" way better than they "pilot" space ships. They have been piggy-backing on us humans since their "discovery" several centuries ago.
If MARS is real nice, maybe they'll all want to migrate there if your species is willing to "Host" & I do mean Host.
BTW - are your females sexy? If they are lovely, comely & willing to go MudShark, we can send you a couple of million Bucks at no charge but believe me you'll pay dearly once they have embedded in your beautiful Martian culture
/H hypie out H\
I'm betting on Team Brown also. Just look at the really nice job they did in LA, ethnically cleansing sub-saharan's out of the neighborhoods they wanted to occupy for their own selves.
/H hypie out H\
Im watching the history channel right now. Going down to the Titantic, seaching for the cause of the middle break up. On land and in the sea, not a nog in the bunch.
These people will be lost without us.
Good God let it happen soon...
Re: Moon-Hoax
While minions of the Banksta regime are the last folks on earth whose word I would give any value to (even Musloids are more truthful - or at least less adept at lies), there were too many involved to pull off a hoax of this magnitude, and Russians with enough intel to expose anything like a Wag the Dog scenario on several moon landings. As PK noted, the Russians were much more practical-minded and suffered some serious setbacks in addition. Landing on the moon was also a quintessentially White American thing to do. That's probably why PK writes so much on it. Think of it as White America's exquisite swan song.
Some around here like to call me a purveyor of "conspiracy theories" in their usual attempts to shut down the conversation as our erasure proceeds apace, since I'm not exactly known for buying into their shit-sandwich and grape-drank sales pitches. I expect the real story is the one PK is trying to tell here: how a very successful program run and manned by whites was an intolerable affront to the usual suspects and their negro mercenaries.
Many folks seem blissfully unaware that Joe McCarthy lost his battle. Even at his apex, McCarthy exposed only part of the massive infiltration which had been under way since the 1930s. This accelerated enormously with the entrenchment of the Frankfurt-Schul. By the time Kennedy was liquidated in late 1963, the usual suspects controlled the whole enchilada apart from segments of the military, NASA and the FBI. By the end of Nixon's failed teleprompter readership, they had iron control over every agency. We've been circling the drain ever since (in case you hadn't noticed).
1972 marked the death knell of the old NASA. The objective, as PK mentioned, changed from one of space exploration into a Sci-Fi Potemkin Village: making sure negroes and wymyn were showcased as leading the advance to the shiny free and equal utopia, buttressed by the propaganda machine turning out things like Star Trek, where the good guys were a multi-species UN-style "Federation" and the bad guys were uni-racial Romulans and Klingons.
How do 50,000 Mayans show up at our "border", all at once, with no means of transportation, no money, with kids, having traveled across Mexico (which is illegal) and converge at the same place?
Conspiracy? No fucking way. I'm just being paranoid again.
Now, if these 50,000 ended up on the Moon...............
We went to the moon then we were dragged back to the jungle.
Hahaha. We're talking about organizing to save the white race when we can't even agree on wether or not we made it to the moon. No wonder our women have given up on us. We're doomed.
I'm not getting involved in the argument as per the moon landings.
I've just been dealing with the "Whitey on the Moon" title as it's been playing in my head over and over again (all day) to the tune of "Walking on the Moon."
People need to be aware that there is actually shit on the moon that can be seen or hit with a laser. They left stuff up there, ok? The missions provably happened.
Even if there were no artifacts on the lunar surface, the Soviets were REALLY going to keep quiet while we vanquished them? They would have had their own faked moon mission.
It happened, GTF over it.
Armstrong - Scottish
Aldrin - English
Collins - Irish
Von Braun - German
Of course these people made it to the Moon. They were the best we breed.
Not too late to save the day.
...blacks mastering high technology is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.
Sir Fred Hoyle
colored 'people' dont see any reason to explore Space or to go to the Moon, Mars,etc because they they've all ready been there,done that. You know, right before they built the Pyramids!
Reginald said...
Hahaha. We're talking about organizing to save the white race when we can't even agree on wether or not we made it to the moon. No wonder our women have given up on us. We're doomed.
Stick around, you haven't seen anything yet. Wait until the arguments begin about who is actually white and therefore belongs in the club.
LOL @ all the jackasses here who believe the moon landing was fake.
"the people of Goma have learned to fend for themselves after decades of government neglect."
Which suggests clearly that Black dysfunction in the US has an additional toxic cultural overlay on top of the IQ/impulse control/time issues. They will fend for themselves ultimately, until all your stuff is stolen and broken, then they won't last five minutes.
It's also not fending for yourself if you've got Europeans cleaning the water for you.
CENTURION, I'm dumbfounded by your Apollo skepticism. Your posts are normally incisive and thought-provoking. These are just ...provoking. And the sort that gives aid and comfort to the anti-science, anti-intellectual crowd that tries to tear down the soaring (literally, in this case) accomplishments of White Men.
Yes, we made the landings. ALL of them. And created all the support systems that backed them up. They were all incredible technological feats pulled off by intelligent men applying themselves (and not an inconsequential amount of pure luck).
It's been said that, given the filmmaking technologies available at the time, it would have been harder and cost more money to FAKE the landings that it would have been to have just actually done it.
As for the "missing" data, yes; we did lose some of the original video. It wasn't archived and stored as it should have been and the tapes were re-used. The video was recovered and pieced back together from other broadcast sources though:
As for the data from the all the landings, I'd invite you to have a look at the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal. It should keep you busy for days. (It did for me.)
Russia, not BRA (formerly USA), is now the leading country of the European world. And when they land on Mars it won't be Wonzey and Trayvon taking the first steps.
Sorry, but I am a physicist and you've damaged your credibility. Velocity is not Mass x Height x Force. Mass is irrelevant. The correct formula is Velocity = square root of: 2 x Height x Gravitational Acceleration.
Also there is no cloud of dust because air is needed to suspend it. Dust thrown up by the wheels will rise and fall like a solid projectile, and even in 1/6 earth gravity dust thrown a meter high will return to the surface in only 1.1 seconds. Pretty much what you see on the videos.
florida native said...
Former female democrap.
I presume - I sincerely hope - you meant "female former democrap"!
Were it not for the enormous cost of caring for the negroe,( AFDC,WIC Welfare,Section 8 Housing, EBT,Head Start programs, Affirmative Action.....), we would have had a permanent base on the moon and mars. Yes we were drug from the moon back to the jungle courtesy of Kunta Kinte.
There is such a thing a secret too big to keep, and a faked moon landing would be one of them.
Sorry, but believing in a moon landing hoax is just as silly as the theories that 911 was staged, JFK was mudered by the Mob, and that Jack the Ripper was a member of the British Royal Family.
Come on folks. We're supposed to be the intelligent ones.
"Anonymous said...
Another method is to use a telescope on Earth or on Earth orbit to take detailed pictures of the sites. Several of these (VLT, Hubble) supposedly have the resolution to do this. If so, why haven't they? The images released to date are not at all convincing- they look 'shopped."
Why would anyone bother to do that? To prove it to you? People like you will just say that any such pictures have been doctored.
"And another method is to send a lander directly to an Apollo site, Drive it around with publicly-accessible web teleoperator software. Dust off those laser retroreflectors. Maybe even a sample return of a chuck of LEM or something."
And people like you would say that was faked too.
"And finally, since it was so easy to do this in the 1960's- one-half century ago- it should be a snap these days to send a bunch of new manned Moon missions to the Apollo sites and document the whole thing. Bring back casts of the footprints, freshen up the flags, set up some tourist booths and a hotel, etc."
And why do you imagine it would be a snap? Was it a snap the first time? Do you known anything about rocketry? A single goddamned thing?
It is not worth making a great effort to quell the willfull stupidity of fools.
"CENTURION said...
But, let us not ask the hard questions. Let us insult those who ask technical questions. Let us look away from the video feed that show converging light and shadows rather than parallel beams from a sun million miles away (which is considered infinity and with such a light source all shadows and light beams will be parallel)......hmmmm, Centurion is a ahole conspiracy nut since he asks a technical question he knows a lot about since he knows optics better than anybody on this blog....."
And what do you know about optics? What makes you think you know optics better than anybody on this blog? Because I'm almost certain you don't. The way you brought up your point was vague and hazy. "Converging light and shadows" - which ones - show us a picture. What do you even mean?
I've never encountered a proponent of Moon-landing hoaxes who was very bright. They read a blog written by that idiot Dave McGowan, and they think they've learned something. They bring up one fallacious point, and then - when you challenge them on it - they move on to another, never going back to address the first point. No, it's off to another. And then another. They're not discussing. They're opining, and on the basis of little to no knowledge.
This is correct and absolutely true.
The proof and artifacts are there, on the surface of the MOON. Although BRA would like nothing more than to marginalize the greatest accomplishment of the white man, the facts are indisputable. The reflectors are there. The flag, although destroyed by the Rays of the sun is there; as is the pole. I wonder, is the donkey cart the ni**ers brought to protest the NASA space program still around?
I've noticed throughout any discourse on the likely hood of the claim that the moon landings were not possible, that just simply asking a question seems to make a person subject to ridicule and mockery.
It reminds me of another group of people who won't even allow questions to be raised about their historical claims.
I really don't understand why asking a question as to weather or not certain technical aspects of the moon landing were even possible makes one a pariah.
For instance if I ask: How did the people who sent the rockets to the moon determine that the layer of moon dust was only couple of inches thick?
Especially when we consider that the moon is supposed to have been bombarded by space rocks for four billion years or so. (Remember we have been told that the reason the moon rocks brought back were pitted was due to space pebbles blasting the surface of the rocks.)
Did the US send a yard stick to the moon and measure the depth? It seems, to me at least, that that information would be vital for a successful landing on the moon as well as a subsequent take off to occur.
Imagine what would have happened if they had landed and only then discovered the the moon dust layer was 10 feet in depth or more. I think that would have spelled catastrophic failure for any return trip.
Lucky for the pilots they weren't surprised to find any consequential layer of dust upon landing.
Of course as stated by a commenter earlier "luck" seems to be a reliable scientific ingredient when embarking on any quest of exploration.
I know I rely on it heavily when determining which plane I want to board in order to get to my intended destination.
I realize I am beating this topic to death, but it teaches us all a lesson.
Most of us have tried to talk to DWL's and such. We attempt to use facts, and they don't give a damn. We attempt to keep the topic on what we observe, what we read and what we question, but all they want to do is call us racists and f'n idiots.
That is happening with this topic. Look how many comments go straight to (something like): "I can't believe you are such an idiot"...."only an fool would think that way"......
Facts. We want others to listen to our facts concerning race, yet when some of us don't like questions about a moon landing, we resort to the EXACT same retorts the DWL use against us.
Shout down the person. Insult the person. Make the person feel guilty for asking.
The DWL want it both ways. We here should know better.
I'm in the science/health business. I was trained as such. I've had my 8+ years of college and have my doctorate. I've lived in Brazil, Hong Kong, Germany, Lebanon and South Africa and I've visited another 37 countries long enough to get a feel for them.
I'm arrogant, conceited and obnoxious, but I never ever intentionally lie. Especially here with race realists. But, we can't revert to immature DWL behavior when we question sacred topics or we are no better than them.
I'm not claiming the moon landings did or did not happen. I am claiming that what I've seen and read has created a list of questions that are not so simple.
I will no more BELIEVE we went (or did not) than I would BELIEVE races are equal. Something IS or it ISN'T. DWL's believe "all men are created equal" and don't want to be debated. Are we to do the same? And, most DWL's don't even know what Jefferson was getting at. HE owned slaves yet said "all men are created equal". You see, DWL, he did not consider his slaves as men.
Sure it was a big hoax. Cape Canaveral, Mission Control, Huntsville, Alabama are just imaginary. (I'm not sure how a whole city that exist can be considered a hoax, but hey whatever furthers the narrative). Quite an expensive and elaborate hoax in the middle of the Cold War. The Soviets were in on it too. They kept it secret for the betterment of the USA. I believe some of you are deluded.
Scot Irish
AnalogMan writes:
I've watched the video you linked to, showing all the dirt kicked up by the rocket, flying past the window. None of that explains why the "landing site" shows less evidence of that landing than would have been caused by a hair-drier.
There's 4 reasons for that:
1. With no atmosphere to entrain the exhaust jet, the exhaust was less concentrated and less able to carry material away.
2. The thrust at landing was actually quite low. The fully loaded weight of the LEM was just over 32,000 lb, but at landing it had burned almost all the descent stage's fuel so it was probably closer to 20,000 pounds mass. At 1/6 G, you'd only need ~3300 lb thrust to hover. Over the area of the LEM's exhaust impingement, that's just a few tens of pounds per square foot.
3. The LEM didn't hover over the landing site for more than a few seconds before shutting down the engine.
4. The regolith isn't like loose sand. It has substantial cohesion, as you can see from the boot prints and tire tracks. This makes it more resistant to being picked up by fast-moving gas.
I really don't understand why asking a question as to weather or not certain technical aspects of the moon landing were even possible makes one a pariah.
Because if you are sitting where you can type the question here, you have at your fingertips the most powerful engines of information searching and retrieval ever available to the public and could have those answers before you could finish typing it out in English.
For instance if I ask: How did the people who sent the rockets to the moon determine that the layer of moon dust was only couple of inches thick?
By landing unmanned landers, the Surveyors. Which is ANOTHER answer you could have gotten in less time than typing your comment.
And you wonder why people treat you as a troll when you waste their time as well as yours. Hint: YOU ARE BEHAVING LIKE A TROLL.
"Anonymous said...
I've noticed throughout any discourse on the likely hood of the claim that the moon landings were not possible, that just simply asking a question seems to make a person subject to ridicule and mockery."
1.) We've all heard this hundreds of times - one tends to lose patience.
2.) Have you ever read Dave McGowan's website? He has become one of the leading moon hoax proponents. What he writes, and the way he writes it, deserves ridicule and mockery.
3.) Moon hoax proponents don't just ask questions. Typically they also ignore answers. Then move on to another question. Then ignore the answer to that, etc. ad infinitum.
"I really don't understand why asking a question as to weather or not certain technical aspects of the moon landing were even possible makes one a pariah."
Because they seldom are technical questions, rather they are rooted in deep ignorance of technical subjects, and the people who ask them seem immune to following any kind of rational argument.
"For instance if I ask: How did the people who sent the rockets to the moon determine that the layer of moon dust was only couple of inches thick?"
Because we sent robots there first:
"Especially when we consider that the moon is supposed to have been bombarded by space rocks for four billion years or so. (Remember we have been told that the reason the moon rocks brought back were pitted was due to space pebbles blasting the surface of the rocks.)"
Supposed to have been? So you don't think the moon has been around for four and a half billion years? That it hasn't been pelted by meteoroids of all sizes. What? Enlighten us.
"CENTURION said...
I realize I am beating this topic to death, but it teaches us all a lesson."
Facts. We want others to listen to our facts concerning race, yet when some of us don't like questions about a moon landing, we resort to the EXACT same retorts the DWL use against us."
You have oferred no facts.
"CENTURION said...
Didn't I read somewhere that ALL the original video and communications (and even the technical "blue prints" of the junk we sent to the Moon) no longer exists?
Didn't I read somewhere where THOUSANDS of pages, if not boxes of "Moon Landing" date has vanished?"
I have no idea what you did or did not read "somewhere". If you are referring to something, refer to it. If you have evidence, show it. Otherwise, you are just wasting our time. And you wonder why people get angry with moon hoaxers? Here's why - because they come across like passive-agressive retards.
Mr. Rational said...
"And you wonder why people treat you as a troll when you waste their time as well as yours. Hint: YOU ARE BEHAVING LIKE A TROLL."
Actually I don't wonder at all why people like yourself see a need to treat people who you perceive to be dumber than themselves as unworthy of anything but your witty opprobrium.
So no problem there...and no ill will on my behalf.
And as regards to the surveyor thing...hey no problem there either. If you say smart white guys sent a bunch of unmanned stuff to the moon and landed them there then so be it. I'll readily
Heck, I can even agree that the moon is 4.5 billion years old and has been gobsmacked with really really big and small rocks for all that time.
I'll even go so far as to acknowledge that drops of water falling on a rock for a million years won't do any significant damage to said rock. Just like 4.5 billion years of rock showers won't do any real damage to the moon. (Except for leaving the occasional really big hole in the ground every couple of hundred million years)
So anyway...you win.
Mr. Anon:
I actually think it was here, on this blog, where I first read that much of the original data was missing.
This topic came up awhile ago, on this blog, and it was mentioned that even the tech specs of the rover, or landing craft (whatever) was also missing.
I was stunned. That is why I remember it. BUT, since I am all over the net, like most of us, and since I read constantly, I can not recall where I get specific "facts".
I admit I do not remember WHERE I may read something, but I do my best to not make it up, not exaggerate, and not mislead . I err but I do not do so intentionally.
We White people have enough problems.
We went. But what happened is beyond classified. An agreement was made with them. The year 2500 will be interesting for some.
Mr Rational, thank you for your response.
I freely acknowledge that I'm no rocket scientist and would have no idea about the volume and velocity of the exhaust gases required to produce a thrust of 3300 pounds for hovering.
As to whether that would have been enough to disturb the surface of the moon, that's not a matter of opinion (though I find your opinion very hard to credit). The fact is, it did. The video I mentioned showed debris flying past the window, and the commentary specifically pointed it out and explained that it was caused by the rocket exhaust. So, I'm still puzzled by those photos.
Would it be fair to say that those footprints were caused by shoes under a pressure of "a few tens of pounds per square foot"?
Look, I'm no fan of that site and I don't believe everything (hardly anything) I read there. For one thing, he claims to be an expert photographer and criticizes the pictures on the basis of things that he claims are wrong with the lighting. At one point he states flatly that light always reflects back to its source, and an atmosphere is necessary to give indirect lighting, which is obviously pure nonsense. If that were true, we wouldn't be able to see the moon at all!
Pictures do lie. One possible explanation is that the pictures were faked to give the false impression that Apollo 11 landed on the moon. Another could be that the pictures were faked to give the false impression that the landing was a fake. Another could be that I don't know what I'm talking about. I see no definitive proof there of any of those hypotheses. But that they are actual photos of the landing site on the moon of Apollo 11? Can't see it.
Actually I don't wonder at all why people like yourself see a need to treat people who you perceive to be dumber than themselves as unworthy of anything but your witty opprobrium.
Refutations of the moon hoax BS are so common and so highly-ranked, one was literally the top search result for my terms on YouTube. Had you done even the most cursory search for information, it would have hit you like a stepped-on rake thwacking you between the eyes.
Failing to put forth even trifling effort is willful enstupidation, and it deserves everything you got. It's up to you to distinguish yourself from a troll.
"CENTURION said...
Mr. Anon:
I actually think it was here, on this blog, where I first read that much of the original data was missing."
So your source is some anonymous, unattributed poster, whose name is forgotten by you?
"This topic came up awhile ago, on this blog, and it was mentioned that even the tech specs of the rover, or landing craft (whatever) was also missing."
It was mentioned. By whom? Have you tried googling "lunar excursion module" AND drawings, with google set to images. There are plenty of blueprint drawings for the LEM extant. Probably not all. But then I would challange you to find comprehensive detailed engineering specifications for a Ford Edsel, or a Jenny biplane. You probably can't. Did the Ford Edsel therefore never exist? Was the existence of the Jenny just a hoax?
Mr Rational said...
"Failing to put forth even trifling effort is willful enstupidation, and it deserves everything you got. It's up to you to distinguish yourself from a troll."
How does one "distinguish" themselves when the word "troll" is used like the word "racist"? The intent of its' usage being to stifle debate and shame the target commenter into silence.
And just because something I said upsets may upset a commentator's world view doesn't mean I'm a troll, it only means they're sensitive.
Besides, the point of my comment wasn't to actually raise a valid objection to moon-hoax deniers, but rather to simply point out that no dissension to the oft held belief will be brooked. It was an of cuff remark meant elicit the typical response objectors are subjected to no matter what they aver.
You have shown by your ad hominem attacks, to other posts as well as mine, that there are in fact no objections that can be raised that will not be met with derision and contempt.
How can anyone be expected to intelligently discuss anything when the response to any objections consist of "YOU ARE BEHAVING LIKE A TROLL" or claim's that the objector is just being stupid. This isn't a forum for rigorous scientific inquiry, it's a mere comment section where disparate views should be expected.
You comments remind me of the anti-white diversity-is-our strength comments on lib sites;
object to the comm box zeitgeist and be labeled a heretic.
There is no rational response in such an environment. There is only combat.
So you think I'm TROLL, big deal.
I happen to think you feel passionate about your beliefs and acknowledge your position.
Good Day.
P.S. Don't take what what said personally, I'm really a nice guy when you get to know me. :)
"Anonymous said...
You have shown by your ad hominem attacks, to other posts as well as mine, that there are in fact no objections that can be raised that will not be met with derision and contempt."
If you traffic in stupid delusions such as notions of a Moon Hoax, then don't be suprised that people respond to you as someone who traffics in stupid delusions. And then don't get defensive with cries of: Hey, I really don't know anything about this stuff. If you don't know anything about this stuff, then why did you bring it up? If you don't know anything about this stuff, why should any of us give a damn what your opinion is?
Whatever you got = and this applies to all of you who turn every thread about space into a chat room about idiotic conspiracy theories - you brought down on yourself.
I think you mean the rover,the nifty go cart/golf cart that went to the moon.
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