History.com alerted me today (via email: This Day in History...) that NASA was founded on July 29, 1958:
On this day in 1958, the U.S. Congress passes legislation establishing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a civilian agency responsible for coordinating America's activities in space. NASA has since sponsored space expeditions, both human and mechanical, that have yielded vital information about the solar system and universe. It has also launched numerous earth-orbiting satellites that have been instrumental in everything from weather forecasting to navigation to global communications.What History.com doesn't provide is why NASA's unprecedented success between 1958 and 1972 came to a crashing halt. Luckily, 'Whitey on the Moon' by Paul Kersey provides the explanation, but in honor of NASA's establishment on July 29, 1958, why not a refresher course?
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In 1972, Rep. Charles Rangel (yeah, he's still around) charged NASA with bias and demanded a civil rights probe against all-white astronaut corps |
Only four years into NASA's establishment, racial politics were inserted into astronaut selection by an overzealous Kennedy Administration seeking to find a black astronaut avatar to parade around the nation as "the hope for black people everywhere."
Enter Air Force Capt. Edward Dwight. Colin Burgess' Moon Bound: Choosing and Preparing NASA's Lunar Astronauts offers up an incredible frank summation of what was expected out of the pursuit of a black astronaut candidate:
Even as NASA began the process that would choose the third group of astronauts, political pressure was being exerted at the highest levels for the space agency to select an African-American pilot. For some time, President John F. Kennedy had wanted the minority electorate to regard him as doing something positive on the issue of equality in the military.
On 24 June 1962 he appointed an advisory committee to study equal opportunity policies in the military, charging its members with ensuring that “any remaining vestiges of discrimination in the armed forces on the basis of race, creed or nation origin” were removed.
One of the initiatives he pressed for was for a black serviceman to be inducted into the high-profile astronaut corps. At the specific behest of the president, the Department of Defense was contacted to determine whether the Air Force had any suitable candidates, but even though records were thoroughly scoured the response coming back to the White House was apologetic.
No black Air Force officers had the required amount of flying time or the requisite academic background, let alone meeting other stringent requirements for consideration. President Kennedy did not like being denied his initiative. In response the Air Force was essentially instructed to locate a suitable black candidate and have him enrolled in the next Aerospace Research Pilot School course at Edwards AFB. Once the airman had passed the course, and even without the necessary flight hours, background, experience and academic qualifications, pressure would then be exerted on NASA to include the officer in its next astronaut group.
Once again the Air Force searched through its records and, to the relief of the researchers, finally came across something that might fit the bill – a hope-filled application from a serving Air Force officer requesting test pilot and astronaut training. The name on the application was 28-year-old Capt. Edward Joseph Dwight, Jr., USAF. (p. 201)1962.
Four years into NASA's existence, the Kennedy Administration was trying to force a black astronaut onto the space administration, a clear example of social engineering for the benefit of electoral success if there ever was one...
Capt. Dwight ended up not being made of the right stuff, as you can learn about here (thanks Chuck Yeager).
10 years later, an almost completely white NASA came under the scrutiny of professional black agitator Rep. Charles Rangel (D., New York).
Yes, that Charles Rangel.
Here's what Jet magazine published on August 10, 1972 regarding a the black congressman's crusade to erase the whiteness at NASA [ Rangel Charges NASA Bias; Wants Civil Rights Probe]:
Rep. Charles Rangel (D., New York) recently called upon the U. S. Civil Rights Commission to conduct an investigation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to discover why the agency has no Black, Spanish or women astronauts.
In an interview with JET, Rangel said, "I am not concerned with reviewing the program as it exists today. It is obvious that it is not representative of the people of these United States. I would have NASA review its personnel policy. Something is seriously wrong when not a single member of the 42-man astronaut corps is female, Black or Hispanic. NASA is one of the few federal agencies which manages to get more money from Congress than the Administration often requests."
During its 14-year history, NASA has had only one Black nominee to be an astronaut. He was Maj. Robert Lawrence, a native of Chicago, Ill. However, his career as an astronaut ended tragically when he was killed making a landing of his F-104 jet.
John Buggs, newly appointed staff director of the U. S. Civil Rights Commission, said that an investigation of NASA would fall in line with the responsibility of the commission.Prior to 1972, NASA had standards.
It based pilot selection (outside of the Kennedy Administration forcing Capt. Dwight on NASA for his advantageous blackness) on merit.
After 1972, those standards - once general operating procedure - were replaced with a mandate from the U. S. Civil Rights Commission to... scrub away the vestiges of whiteness and replace it with minorities.
You can only have one mandate: prior to 1972, NASA's mandate was space exploration; post-1972, NASA's mandate was pleasing the U. S. Civil Rights Commission.
Joseph Shafritz and Jay Atkinson's 1985 book The Real Stuff: A History of NASA's Astronaut Recruitment Program fills us in one what happened next once NASA mandate for the exploration was grounded in favor of minority uplifting:
"We are working on plans to get members of minority groups into space. The Space Shuttle, which is the keystone to all our future space programs, will be an important factor in accomplishing this goal," NASA Administrator James Fletcher told an audience of 200 during a luncheon address on March 2, 1972, at the Equal Employment Opportunity Conference at Kennedy Space Center.
Fletcher turned to the television and news reporters, emphasizing, "These are only plans. We don't know they'll work out," adding that he would personally aid in "attempting to cut out the red tape and removing the stumbling blocks to real progress in EEO."
Sending black and women into space had become one of the major issues of the space program.
During a personal interview Ruth Bates Harris, Director of NASA Equal Employment Opportunity [1972], said, "We [NASA] were concerned that we had no minority or women astronauts and that was something that came up constantly in my discussions with managers, including the Administrator and the Deputy Administrator."
NASA was vitally in a goldfish bowl. The emphasis on equal opportunity had increased significantly after passage of the 1972 amendment to the 1964 Civil Rights Act subjected the federal government to equal opportunity legislation.
On July 19, 1972, in a memorandum to Todd Groo, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, Harris state:
You perhaps will recall our earlier conversation in which I strongly underscored the urgency of moving ahead in this regard as (1) a way to improve our image and hence win some support from minorities and (2) a way to improve our EEO in a very vital area. I have taken this same concern to the Administrator and Deputy Administrator as well. It is important that we take steps now to implement Dr. Fletcher's publicized remarks at NASA's EEO conference that "we are working on plans to get minority groups into space."
It would not be considered preferential treatment nor reverse discrimination for NASA to integrate its Astronaut Corps. In fact to the contrary, it is discriminatory to allow our Corps to remain as pasteurized and insulated from the real world. Not only do we contribute to their mis-education by allowing a segregated group to exist, but also we acquiesce to a false sense of security and superiority... Equally as poignant is the fact that in spite of many space missions, minorities and women have gone through almost a half generation without being able to identify a single space hero in NASA. This looms as extremely significant when one realizes how our history books already have distorted versions about the contribution (or lack of them) by person from minority groups. A similar situation exists for women and other traditionally excluded group. (p. 134-135)Considering minorities have made virtually no positive contributions to America (sports, music, and entertainment don't count), it's puzzling to try and ascertain what Ruth Bates Harris was talking about back in 1972.
In closing, it's important to note the response Charles Rangel's charge of bias at NASA received. The Real Stuff: A History of NASA's Astronaut Recruitment Program tells us:
As a result, Jeffry M. Miller, Director, Office of Federal Civil Rights Evaluation, told NASA in a letter written August 12, 1972:
The Commission recently received a letter from Congressman Rangel which asserted that all of the astronauts in NASA's space program are white males. In view of the important part that this programs plays in our lives and the great psychological impact that media coverage of our manned space efforts has on millions of people around the world, this figure if true is most distressing. (p. 136)America, in 2014, no longer has a manned space program.
We no longer have the ability to send men of any color into space, unless they hitch a ride with the Russians.
But, remember, the "most distressing" (words of the Director, Office of Federal Civil Rights Evaluation in 1972) news of an all-white male astronaut program was greeted with the full force of the Federal Government; NASA's mission for the stars ended, with the advancement of colored people via the white man's technology the new priority.
So we no longer have a manned space program, but at least we have a multicolored mixture of humans pretending to be astronauts!
So, there's your history of NASA the History Channel (History.com) won't share with you.
From 1958 to 1972, NASA embarked a mission to explore the heavens; post-1972 NASA was nothing more than the United States Postal Service, dedicated to the same goals as the NAACP -- the advancement of colored people at the expense of white people.
He approached someone with Ebola then he got on a plane!!!!
News for ebola in minnesota liberian community
ebola in minnesota liberian community
Liberians In Minnesota Concerned Over Ebola Outbreak
CBS Local - 6 hours ago
An outbreak of Ebola in West Africa may seem like a distant threat to ... Both were active in Minnesota's community of Liberian transplants, and ...
Liberians in Minnesota are worried about family members ...
Minneapolis Star Tribune - 10 hours ago
More news for ebola in minnesota liberian community
Liberians in Minnesota worry about Ebola outbreak - SFGate
San Francisco Chronicle
1 day ago - MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Members of Minnesota's sizeable Liberian community say an Ebola outbreak that has killed hundreds of people in West ...
Former Minn. man victim of Ebola outbreak - Kare 11
23 hours ago - MINNEAPOLIS - The Minnesota Department of Health is working with leaders in the local Liberian community to address concerns about
>>Paul Kersey wrote:
"After 1972, those standards - once general operating procedure - were replaced with a mandate from the U. S. Civil Rights Commission to... scrub away the vestiges of whiteness and replace it with minorities.
You can only have one mandate: prior to 1972, NASA's mandate was space exploration; post-1972, NASA's mandate was pleasing the U. S. Civil Rights Commission."
What is very revealing here at length, is the entire existence of the one permanent contribution made by BRA to the US as a whole and that is the term "Dumbed Down."
Whenever blacks get involved en masse, be it an entire program, culture, education, etc. ultimately standards across the board must be "dumbed down" in order to ensure that enough of "them" can be admitted into whatever their leaders are demanding that they be admitted to.
You'd think that the talented tenth would be pissed off (as in point of fact such luminaries as Dr Thomas Sowell rightly are) that the standards must constantly and consistently be dumbed down (or watered down) outright to ensure the desired outcome that a sufficient percentage of this or that program etc contains enough groids so that the EEOC, Civil Rights Division of DOJ, and or NAAACP eternal grievance committees will cease, desist, and otherwise shut the fuck up from whining, complaining, and otherwise brow beating and bitching about not having what YT has re: individual programs of achievement and merit.
After a half a century's time, youd think that they'd just say, "You know, maybe we aren't all that bright compared to others. Maybe we simply dont have what it takes and we need to improve, do better. Maybe we should find out HOW we can do better and STOP BLAMING OTHERS for our own mental lightweight and downright incompetence."
But they never ever do that, do that? NO!
Wonder why?
Also, with regarding NASA needing help from Russia they better hope that US doesn't alienate Russia any further over geo-politcal politics (e.g. controversies brewing over Ukraine, etc) or the Russians may decide to stop helping us out.
Can see it now, huh? "Screw you, Amerikanskys! Next time, find your own frickin' way to the moon on your own!"
Wouldn't that be just peachy?
Perhaps if Charles Rangel is still around he can suggest the proper way for NASA to re-start space exploration as well as the best way for the program to get off the ground again.
The other day (Sunday?), Iwatched NASA on the local cable system. If you click the above, it goes to a live feed of said network.
Was scanning through the channels. I got to NASA and stopped, which I normally wouldn't.
2 black astronauts. I swear to God Almighty I had the hardest time understanding these people.
Finally after 2-3 minutes of a total Ebonics lesson in the English language, I honestly couldn't take it anymore.
Just a everything else in this country, just more dumbing down!
Spot on ! PK Absolutely spot on!
Sounds like entire pop of Liberia needs to be imported into Minneapolis so's their famblee's won't have to worry so much about da'eBOLA 'n all.
MN would benefit greatly being turned into l'il Liberia as then Dem's would always win hands down & have the l'il xtra time they always need to complete their creation of Paradise....
Norwegians need not apply :)
/H hypie out H\
We can thank Charlie Rangel and NASA's agitatrix Ruth Bates Harris for making NASA into the incredible organization it is today!! Oh wait. . .
"Ebola" I'm no "rocket surgeon" but I , am some what knowledgable on CD's. And what is the worst thing you can do when faced with a possible infection? Drink, do drugs, and have poor hygiene. Its as if this thing was custom made just for our "dusky" brovas.
How long will it take before some black group claims Ebola is a creation of raycisss White people?
Forty years from now I wonder what my son will make of the race realist books that I'm collecting for him & the journal I'm writing full of personal experiences.
Now if I can just secure that New Zealand visa...
Bull Conner
In an interview with JET, Rangel said, "I am not concerned with reviewing the program as it exists today. It is obvious that it is not representative of the people of these United States.
If Mr Rangel is being honest there, I would then like to why so many gov't agencies are not more balanced and representative of the people of the United States? For example, blacks make up 13.6% of the United States, 38% of Mississippi is black, 17% of Tennessee is black and 16.7% of Florida is black.
I was recently at the Mississippi DMV and every employee was black and female. That is not representative of the state of MS or the United States.
I was at the Post Office in Clermont, Florida a few months ago and every employee there was black and female. Certainly not representative of the state of Florida or the United States.
I was at the Memphis and Orlando airports recently, most TSA workers were black. Not a representation of the United States or the respective states.
Let's just call a spade a spade Mr Rangel, you just want the gibsme for your kind. What a pathetic piece of trash.
Minimum standards for white people, for anything, have always been too high for N....., blacks. Their children can't compete with white children scholasticly. So standards are lowered so stupid jungle bunny babies can feel better about themselves. Only problem is, white children don't get the education they should be getting.
Government should be off limits to minorities. Obama, Rangel, Rahm, etcetera etcetera, enough said? If they don't like it, they're free, go home to Africa.
But they've infested the government and standards contine falling. Positions, departments and agencies are created to fill with minorities whose only job is to see the minority way becomes the norm, and standards are lowered again. But it's okay, because only white people have to suffer and pay for it.
Makes me sick!
I understand history and a wish to, in general, not repeat it in terms of socio/economic reaseoning.
How can we ever get to an even 15% 20 yrs ago to 50% dependancy?
Notice the announcement today that the city of Gary, IN, has shit canned the police chief?
Notice how Indianapolis police cheif is from Gary, In.?
Notice the crime reduction?
What is the true cost of black expo, a FOIA is being preprared.
We anticipate that the numbers will show over 1/18 of the anual budget for public potrol, excluding the DHS and TSA numbers that will never be available thanks to ERIC "My people" HOLDER, will never be disclosed.
It is truly sad that the brown men that the democrats want to bring into our country and the bangers who are already here, will completely eliminate the 13% black race, the blacks.
All the money in the world, all the free shit, all the jobs, will be taken by people who dont want a hand out, and communties can be run on drug profits, and a large group of people will run the stupid blacks in a tighter
See the kids keep killing. That is what you raise. Pride? You dumb fucks will whitness the pride when youre kids take a head shot like in Afghanistan on the street corners.
Ask Chicago, Gary, Detroit.
Lets injoy our destiney.
fuck it/bring it!
This is some funny stuff. This is what we have to worry about from blacks in America. They were all surprised America wasn't on the list.
While NASA becomes a jobs program with a few space probes (the Opportunity rover on Mars just broke the distance record set by a Lunokhod back in the 1970's), SpaceX is on track to man-rate the Falcon booster and Dragon capsule (which has already carried cargo to the ISS).
Of course, Elon Musk is one of YKW.
Negroes in space? I'm all for it. In fact, it would be great if we could send them all there! The vicinity of the orbit of Pluto would be excellent.
Realistically, though, whitey would never stand for it. Although technically feasible, it just wouldn't be the Christian thing to do.
Liberians in Minnesota?
Wait....The slaves went to Liberia so they could be free and away from all the racist whites.
Then they found out they were free of all the white gibsmedat and are coming back.
It shouldn't be allowed.
Here's an article about a free laptop program for high-schoolers that comically leaves out anything and everything about demographics: http://www.wnyc.org/story/why-hoboken-throwing-away-all-its-student-laptops/
@Bull Conner -Forget about going to New Zealand. I fled to Australia, as did 1000 others that week.
N.Z gets worse by the month, I used to think the browns there were the worst. Until I stumbled accross this blog.
Australia is a better country for whites to relocate to, although the multicult is now EVERYWHERE.
There appears to be no place left. Teach your son how to fight [you're already onto the "why"].
PK brings out a very good point here: the insertion of the "civil rights" agenda into NASA meant the de facto end of the American manned space program. In the bigger picture, the expansion of BRA means the end of advancement for white civilization. Again, look at how education standards are lowered, politics are reduced to demagoguery, cities become unlivable, and etc. It's like some barbarian invasion. Don't believe it? Look at European colonies in Africa post-colonialism.
If I am wrong, can any troll please post how BRA has accelerated scientific advancement?
Meritocracy results in disparate impact. Therefore it is "racist". This was the claim for NASA and now it's the claim in Silicon Valley. Recently in the news there have been articles on how many of the big companies in technology are too white and male. They're also disproportionately Asian but that isn't brought up.
Because meritocracy is "racist" the alternative to white supremacy is not meritocracy since that would only be a de facto if not de jure continuation of white supremacy. The alternative to white supremacy is black supremacy. BRA aka America is a black supremacist state.
I haven't watched TeeVee in years. When I did, I found NASA TV to be more boring than watching paint dry. And I say this as someone who went into engineering largely due to the inspiration of Apollo. Yes, I now know it was a political program, but it was fascinating to a 10 year old. Looking back on it, I am glad the money that went to Apollo didn't go to welfare or Vietnam although the printing press easily supported all of them.
By contrast, the unmanned exploration of the planets has been riveting. Because it is far less expensive than manned space flight and lacks visible personalities like astronauts, it has largely escaped Diversity, Inc.'s gaze. Consequently, the people that make it successful are almost exclusively White or Asian. Same with SpaceEx.
My earliest political attitudes where also shaped by Apollo. I was distressed to read about politicians that were hostile to space exploration. Names like Proxmire, Mondale and Kennedy fostered a lifelong hatred of liberals and Democrats. This started my political evolution from Republican to conservative to libertarian to ???
Put 'Ebola' into G00gle Images ... some harrowing shit. But hey, at least we have Diversity!
Regarding the dumbing down. My son worships blacks from watching sports on TV, otherwise he has never lived near them. So, he finally had contact with one, a female, at his expensive university. The professor assigned the negra to work on a group project with my son. At first he was excited "close quarters with a real black female!"
Soon he called me beyond frustrated "she not only did not do her share of the work, she copy and pasted mine!" When he told me he was going to complain to the professor, I stopped him. Did he really think he was the first person at expensive U to notice the lack of education-neurons firing in the negra, to notice she plagiarized? The professor had set him up. The "project" was designed to see if he could "get along" with the negra, that is, allow the the negra to take his work and make the negra feel good about it. Once my son understood the purpose of the exercise, he completed and presented the project, acted like nothing was amiss, and got an A. And they say universities don't prepare youth for the real world!
I would guess that universities, in the future, will always assign a white and a black to work on
"projects" to receive grades. Think of all the problems this solves!
Just some links to stories about blacks excusing bad black behaviour:
Just another day in Amerika
buck says
'Regarding the dumbing down. My son worships blacks from watching sports on TV,'
That is your fault.
the 'blacks in education' dilemma has been discussed here.
What son experienced is 'drag weight'.
the gal was 'drag weight' in his team.
off topic
there is a column called
'news of the weird'.
A guy in NJ stole 2 million dollars in quarters from parking meter $.
he was convicted but wont serve even 1 day in jail.
Don't fret about ebola comrades. The globalist scum have started their depopulation plan. Plagues and a war with Russia while a bolshevik Kenyan community organizer POS is at the helm will serve their plans well.
Like P.K. says survival is the only thing you need to concern yourself with.
We should introduce all the DWLs to alchemy. Hell they think some halfbreed Kenyan communist POS is a messianic figure that all the world loves except for da waycissts! LOL! Their mass delusions and pipedream fairytales might make a lead pipe or some brass fittings into a solid gold bar. (not really)
You all must read this. Could have summed this up in two words. Blame. Whitey.
"In the early 1900s, (noble, innocent) African Americans moved to Detroit to escape the inequality and injustice (racist white devils) that persisted in the South. Much of the Detroit as we celebrate it in our national lore sprang from black political self-determination (shakedown civil rights and redistribution), economic leadership (black power), and cultural expression (vibrant diversity).
Plenty of dynamics (whiteys and African genetics) conspired to dismantle Detroit’s greatness (vibrancy and looting of white taxpayers). But even bankrupt, struggling, falling apart, Detroit (under black rule) could still cling to its identity as a city—whatever price that meant in the past, whatever hope it held for the future. Now because of Snyder, even that is gone."
"The professor assigned the negra to work on a group project with my son."
Your kid should have been wise enough to realize that that meant he was getting an automatic A, no matter what shit they handed in to the professor. As long as they both were assured of the same grade on whatever they handed in, the name of the black student on the project assured it would earn an A.
I went to college 20 years ago and there was an unspoken jostling to get paired with the black student (if there was one) as lab partners.
"By contrast, the unmanned exploration of the planets has been riveting. Because it is far less expensive than manned space flight and lacks visible personalities like astronauts, it has largely escaped Diversity, Inc.'s gaze. Consequently, the people that make it successful are almost exclusively White or Asian."
That may be so, but they sure as hell cart out Neil Degrasse Tyson to explain it all to the low infos out there, making it seem like he was an integral part of these projects.
History channel=pinko commie rats.
Rangel has some nerve. He's one of the bastards who pretty much covered up the murder of Phil Cardillo in 1972.
The Holy Ghostbuster said...
Negroes in space? I'm all for it.
In fact, it would be great if we could send them all there! The vicinity of the orbit of Pluto would be excellent.
Better: send them to ur-ANUS. More appropriate! Fitting!
Also, I figured they got into NASA...
"Can you spell NASA? You only have to get three of the 4 letters right!"
"There's four letters?"
"Rangel has some nerve. He's one of the bastards who pretty much covered up the murder of Phil Cardillo in 1972."
What an absolute waste of space, affirmative action beneficiary was NYPD Commissioner Benjamin Ward.
Sorry PK, but NASA no longer having a manned space program wasn’t just the advancement of colored people at the expense of White people. I already pointed out to you many times that even though there are no blacks in Russia and the Russians were ahead of us in the space race, they still can’t go there in 2014. Why ? Because it’s humanly IMPOSSIBLE to sustain the off the charts radioactivity of space and Moon outside the atmospheric protection of the Earth’s orbit, especially when any space ship or astronaut would also get bombarded with cosmic rays, solar flares and asteroids all in extremely low and high temperatures.
No, the irony of it all is that they had to stop LYING to the public as AA astronauts surely would have blown the whole cover up and expose the fact that we never went to the Moon just like the Russians who didn't have the global monopoly of our American propaganda machine to fake it.
It’s all quite obvious when one stops being obsessively blinded by a nostalgia that never was…
As usual thanks for posting my comment to agree to disagree.
D-FENS said ... By contrast, the unmanned exploration of the planets has been riveting. Because it is far less expensive than manned space flight and lacks visible personalities like astronauts, it has largely escaped Diversity, Inc.'s gaze.
Space is a very hostile environment for humans, even more hostile than Detroit. I suspect that the future of "man" in space, if there is one, is probably going to be relegated to cyborgs and/or raceless, genetically-engineered humanoids. Of course, once you start merging machine and flesh that's the technological quandary, isn't it? Why do anything at all with flesh and blood when a machine can do it faster, better, cheaper? In a technologically-perfected world humans will no longer be necessary.
'doctors w/o borders'...how about deadly plagues dont respect borders.
Buck says
Peace Corps removes nearly 400 from afreeka.
more negro worship
Warning, warning, one-D-ten-T error, warning...
it’s humanly IMPOSSIBLE to sustain the off the charts radioactivity of space and Moon outside the atmospheric protection of the Earth’s orbit, especially when any space ship or astronaut would also get bombarded with cosmic rays, solar flares and asteroids all in extremely low and high temperatures.
Of course, this soi-disant "realist" doesn't realize that low-earth orbit deflects cosmic rays only slightly, and even solar proton radiation gets down to ISS altitudes in zones like the South Atlantic Anomaly. (What, you didn't know about the SAA? Shows just how much of a nitwit you are, spouting off on matters where you know literally nothing. Sort of like liberals on race.)
Despite this, astronauts do multi-month missions on the ISS and somehow fail to drop dead after their return. By contrast, a lunar mission lasting just 12 days is nothing.
Stop the idiot posing, you so-called "realist". Or quit calling yourself an advocate for Whites.
Holy Ghostbuster:
Sorry, we will always need White Women........
Jerome in Detoilet will make an excellent astronaut. He bee a goot boi who din do nuffins. After dropping out in the 9th grade his (c)rap "music" career has stalled but is suitable for a vibrant diverse astronaut.
Diploma Mill University can print up a piece of paper if that is a problem.
All experiments in space can be dumbed down to a fourth grade level in the interest of vibrant diversity.
Yes we can!
Trial junkie here.
Yes, Anonymous 10:20, Rangel was one of the "Circle of Six." Read the book by former NYPD detective Randy Jurgensen.
OT, but a sad story from Indianapolis. When I first read the story they had only arrested the mudshark. The crime though sounded like the depravity of groids. Sure enough, the two other suspects in the case are none other than Obama's sons.
Good one, White Realist. Custom around here is to sign satirical posts with an outrageous nom de plume - such as I.M. Klewless, Donald "Moshe' Epstein.
YT ghostbuster and white realist are conspiracy theorist. The Apollo Program was too big to cover up. You've watched Capricorn One too many times.
Turn off your idiot box people. There's photographic proof. The program is detailed historically and brave people died for this incredible feat of human achievement.
Please honor their memory if nothing else.
Scot Irish
There is a very catchy song from West Africa called "Ebola in Town". Here is the lyrics:
The lyrics to "Ebola's in Town" by D-12, Shadow & Kuzzy of 2Kings
Something happen
Something in town
Oh yeah the news
I said something in town
Ebola in town
Don’t touch your friend!
No touching
No eating something
It’s dangerous!
Ebola in town
Don’t touch your friend!
No kissing!
No eating something
It’s dangerous!
CENTURION said ... Machines?
Sorry, we will always need White Women........
The real question is, will the world of machines have any use for humans? Some very intelligent people say it won't.
Anonymous said ... ghostbuster and white realist are conspiracy theorist. The Apollo Program was too big to cover up. You've watched Capricorn One too many times.
Take off the Spock ears and quit playing with your model of the Starship Enterprise, my friend, and pay more attention to what you read. I said nothing about the Apollo program.
Already happened , they claim its the clinics infecting them
Not correct ... nz south island = heaven on earth
The Apollo Program was cancelled in 1972, with the 18 and 19 missions scrubbed in favor of the space shuttle program (which was never designed to go to the moon, but for low-space orbit so we could have a vehicle capable of multiple launching's per year...).
The space shuttle program was DELAYED for many years until suitable minority candidates could be found (not until 1978). If memory serves, the first launch of the shuttle was either 79 or 80, a full seven or eight years AFTER the final Apollo mission (17).
Russia did have the technology to get to a man to the moon; by 1969, we were WAY ahead of them technologically.
Now, what should have happened was America spend money in the 1960s erecting a permanent space station where suitable space craft could be built (thus, negating the need for massive rockets to get astronauts out of earth's atmosphere).
We didn't.
Oh well.
We went to the moon.
Then NASA was declared 'too white.'
Priorities changed.
End of story.
You can't make this stuff up.
A non-violence rally breaks out in violence and not in the worst of the ghetto by a long shot. If you read the article, don't skip the comments. I'm surprised the newspaper allowed them but it reinforces what others here have said about the cat being out of the bag on black violence. Stay safe y'all and skip the non-violence rallies.
Not long after graduating from a Big Ten university in 1977, I took the Federal College Graduate Civil Service Exam. I scored a 99% and was the highest score in the group. I was supposed to be interviewed for a job, but the interview kept being postponed for no good reason. Finally, after being ignored for two months, I was told that I couldn't be hired because the FedGov had a "mandate" to hire only women and minorities. That was my first exposure to the government-sanctioned anti-white racism known as Affirmative Action. I've often wondered how many millions of young, intelligent white men have been denied employment in the public & private sectors over the last 40 years and the overall negative impact it's had on the nation. You see, it's not only NASA that was ruined by AA -- the whole damned USA has been dragged-down and irreparably harmed.
"Anon said:
You can't make this stuff up.
The enablers have already taken down the comments.
So, the Russians have built and manned a space station for a long time. AND it is cheaper and easier to send "ships" to the Moon?
Why haven't they sent one?
From the Honey-Mooners, Jackie Gleason......how sweet it is......From the sun and fun capital of the world, Miami Beach, it's the Jackie Gleason Show.....
Some of you are too young to know of this......If I wasn't so computer stupid, I would find a clip of this, from old re-runs of the show, and post it here....but, I am too stupid and don't now how to do so.
Charles Rangel: Censured by Congress in 2010,instead of being imprisoned, for a multitude of financial crimes unearthed over the course of a two-year investigation.
In 2013, Rangel spends $117,000 in campaign funds, about a third of those thus far raised for re-election purposes, to file suit to have his censure overturned. The judge said no, dismissed the case.
Just one corrupt, self-absorbed SOB pol in a sea of them.
To Anon @ 8:36am...
Exact same experience including graduation year - '77. Prestigious midwestern university, great grades and recommendations.
I grew up in the Washington area, wanted so much to begin a rewarding career there, tried everything possible to land a job at any federal concern. The only openings were affirmative action, tough luck for white me.
Needing work I got a job waiting tables and continued my job search. I finally landed a shitty job in my field in the private sector - no avenues for advancement.
A year later I said goodbye to family and friends and returned to my college area, Chicago, where I was burglarized by blacks (caught), mugged by blacks (not caught) and got a decent private-sector job.
Things have gone okay, I've lived in several big cities, but I've always missed Washington, the place where I grew up. I'm sure the red-carpeted minorities who were placed ahead of me everywhere have been quite content - family, friends, job security, the works - all these years. White privelege? I wouldn't recognize it if it bit me on the ass.
"No, the irony of it all is that they had to stop LYING to the public as AA astronauts surely would have blown the whole cover up and exposed the fact that we never went to the Moon."
Well, this white man is glad the US stopped wasting time and money on manned Moon missions and I'm glad NASA has basically given up on a manned Mars mission. Other than Earth, the Solar System is an uninhabitable wasteland and travel outside our solar system is likely impossible. But that doesn't mean I want that money, printed or otherwise, stolen from decent white people and handed out to worthless africans.
Anonymous said ”Not long after graduating from a Big Ten university in 1977, I took the Federal College Graduate Civil Service Exam. I scored a 99% and was the highest score in the group. I was supposed to be interviewed for a job, but the interview kept being postponed for no good reason. Finally, after being ignored for two months, I was told that I couldn't be hired because the FedGov had a "mandate" to hire only women and minorities. That was my first exposure to the government-sanctioned anti-white racism known as Affirmative Action. I've often wondered how many millions of young, intelligent white men have been denied employment in the public & private sectors over the last 40 years and the overall negative impact it's had on the nation. You see, it's not only NASA that was ruined by AA -- the whole damned USA has been dragged-down and irreparably harmed. “
Sadly, your experience is common. I once applied for a state job that was advertised in the newspaper. After expending the effort to obtain and complete the application for employment I was told that I would have to take a written test. I scheduled and took the exam, and although I wasn't given the results of the exam I am sure that I answered every question correctly and I was more than qualified for the position. I never heard back from the state's employment division so I called to check on the status of my application. It was only then that I learned that the position was an AA position – they actually told me that. My qualifications were irrelevant. I found the experience to be particularly irritating because of the time I wasted on the futile exercise of even applying for the position. It would have been helpful if they had advertised the position as an AA position only and that qualified white people need not apply. It is almost a certainty that the successful applicant was black and less qualified.
All government jobs are AA.
Whites need not apply.
Don't waste your time. Find a way to start your own business.
There are advantages to your own businesses. The Tax Code still favors that and there are numerous gimmicks and loop-holes PLUS you can be in the cash/underground economy.
Why work in an office with Sambo and Ms. Uppity Negress? You will NEVER become the top person, ever, since that will always be a big buck negro. You'll just do all the work for him/her since only you can do the work.
This is another reason we need to all move to one area of the US and begin forming our White Homeland. We can not survive around people of color.
I am reading the book "The Smell Of Kerosene" by Donald Mallick. He was one of the first six NASA (NACA) test pilots. He was there the day the Russians put Sputnik into space. The president sent a memo and said, "form a space agency". They were in the mach 2 aircraft business at the time. The boss simply sent out a memo to everyone at Langley and said "who wants to play with rockets"? The point is, the talent level and experience level of every single player was staggering. Out of the glaring bright light that was to become NASA, dark skin is all Kennedy could take from it. Pathetic. Semper Fi Phantoms Phorever
"Stuff Black People Don't Like said...
The space shuttle program was DELAYED for many years until suitable minority candidates could be found (not until 1978). If memory serves, the first launch of the shuttle was either 79 or 80, a full seven or eight years AFTER the final Apollo mission."
The Space Shuttle was not delayed in order to find minority astronauts. It was delayed owing to the difficulties in building it. It was first launched in the spring of 1981.
"Anonymous White Realist said...
Sorry PK, but NASA no longer having a manned space program wasn’t just the advancement of colored people at the expense of White people. I already pointed out to you many times that even though there are no blacks in Russia and the Russians were ahead of us in the space race, they still can’t go there in 2014. Why ? Because it’s humanly IMPOSSIBLE to sustain the off the charts radioactivity of space and Moon outside the atmospheric protection of the Earth’s orbit, especially when any space ship or astronaut would also get bombarded with cosmic rays, solar flares and asteroids all in extremely low and high temperatures."
You people (Moon-hoax purveyors) are ignoramuses. You hold forth on things about which you know nothing. That is why you all come across like stupid clowns.
NASA=CIA. Always has.
Just ask Gabby Giffords' husband.
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