Through the Looking Glass.
The White Queen.
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In BRA, we don't even qualify as Alice... |
Doesn't it just sum up our age, under the auspices of Black-Run America (BRA), where an entire religion has been created out of the deification of the black man (with apologies to the second and third part of this unholy trinity, out-right and eternally in-your-face homosexuals and illegal immigrants).
While waiting for a flight recently, I had the displeasure of conversing with a purportedly white woman who once called a Midwestern state home; her visceral hatred of this locale was only usurped by the ludicrous jubilation she recounted for her new, adopted home (city redacted).
It was hip, diverse, and everything a 21st century "white" woman would desire, as long as it was anything except the lily-white refuse dump she grew up in and found an undesirable reminder of a normal existence she rejected.
On a lighter note, it is said humans pick out dogs that, at an unconscious level, look like them: it should be noted this woman had a bulldog with her as a companion, which proceeded to pass unimaginably putrid gas every other minute or so.
Sitting there, listening to this individual pontificate about the joys of being an urban pioneer and abandoning the home life she had come to despise with every lasting fiber, she said something about the noticeable drop in crime (correlating to the increase of whites in the same real estate once occupied by blacks where crime was an every day reality) causing me to instantly put down my beer.
"Oh," I replied curiously, "You mean individual acts of criminality aggregated together are so miniscule now, businesses have opened where once boarded up buildings were the norm?"
She thought about it for a second (while her dog passed gas again), and said, "I guess."
Taking an enjoyable sip of the beer, I inquired, "Funny, because once individual acts of criminality aggregated together to confirm a reality you choose to ignore, which formed the primary reason for the property you've terraformed into something livable was once a ghetto... a slum."
She looked at me for about five seconds, an unsettling scowl appearing on her already unsettling face.
Before she could say anything, I flipped a $10 bill to pay for my tab in the direction of the bartender, grabbed my bag and started to walk toward my gate, before turning around and saying, "Blacks."
I think it startled her, and I'll forever have a mental picture of her body language as I continued: "It's individual blacks engaging in acts of criminality, aggregated together to confirm a reality you will always choose to ignore."
Turning around to make my way to the gate, I stopped briefly, looked back at her and mockingly stated, "Probably the same reason you hate the town you grew up, because it lacked a black population you now admire from afar. Right?"
As I walked away, not even the unpleasant smell of her dog could wipe the smile of my face.
In closing, I believe there's no point in engaging with Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) anymore than I believe there's hope in convincing someone who believes the movie America: Imagine a World Without Her will inspire a radical change in the direction this "nation" is headed they might be wrong...
Thus of us who can see are living in a country so completely insane, it wouldn't be imprudent to suggest completely divorcing oneself from caring about politics is the smartest manner in which to retain some sense of sanity.
Just as it's not prudent to advise people to believe they can change the minds of either a DWL or a conservative from believing whatever ideas help buttress their own world-view: they've already decided to, like the White Queen, "believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
But the most impossible thing both have been groups have been able to convince themselves of (before breakfast, lunch and even after dinner) is this: that race doesn't matter.
What are some other impossible things conservatives and DWLs have been able to convince themselves to believe?
Audience participation time.
The Rand Paul delusion that advocacy for imprisoned blacks will help GOP win black bote
" Audience participation time. Go."
Um.... are we participating under the old rules or the new rules of more genteel conversation?
I don't think liberals are disingenuous as they truly believe their drivel, like Mark Potok and Tim Wise. Instead, they are delusional as their beliefs will get them killed if they spent any time around their precious blacks. So, DWL still applies.
Sadly, I think he is correct. In order to have anything resembling viability attached to his/her campaign, a modern politician must swear up and down that he or she believes several things that simply aren't true. It is game over before the game even starts, culturally. Ever since the people of the left (you know who they are) co-opted the American right, the range of opinion that is considered acceptable in public discourse has collapsed. It will get a lot worse before it gets better, because the more obvious the evidence provided by our senses becomes, the more forceful and heavy-handed must the countermeasures must be to keep us marching dutifully forward on the road to absolute chaos.
The people behind the unravelling of the US will fight tooth and nail to prevent anything resembling an experiment to occur, in which willing white people are able to rise or fall on their own merits, in isolation from minorities and the barrage of propaganda issuing from the popular media. If such an experiment were to succeed, it would undo the work of decades of diligent effort to undermine the position and cultural confidence of the historic majority.
Only when they have so ruined society that it is no longer of interest to them will they turn their attention to other targets. As Paul has written many times, our obligation is to survive until then.
Another great post PK
I have a sister that I love very much that has completely swallowed the koolaid..
On most social/cultural issues she is quite conservative. When it comes to the race issue however she is beyond delusional. We've locked horns on this issue a multitude of times & it's literally impossible to get thru to her.
No amount of historical evidence when looking at the wild disparity in human achievement. No amount of crime stat reports that are very well documented. No amount of documented proof on disparities in STD's, pitiful academic achievement. Susceptibility to certain diseases. Rates of spousal abuse. Etc, etc, etc.
She truly believes that blacks have just gotten "a bad deal". That "their time is coming". She believes that we are all "blank slates" at birth & that every black out there is a potential Tesla or Von Braun if "only they would be given the chance"
When I point out Detroit or Haiti or ALL of subsaharan afreaka & the race that created these horrors she just rolls her eyes & calls me racist!.. Many hold their delusions dear..
It is beyond distressing that so many of our women in particular are susceptible to this peculiar form of madness?!!. Albeit, plenty white men are too..
I'd like to address this to any DWL's reading this site:
If you will not learn to "hate," then you will not survive. Simple as that.
These days, a "hater" is something oh so bad. So passe'. I mean really, We Are The World. Only atavistic throwbacks, bitter clingers, and racist rednecks think like that.
Well, there's something all you "hipsters" or DWL's need to realize: If you expect us awakened whites to fight for you and risk death, should civility collapse, we will extract a terrible price from you if (excuse me, WHEN) we win. Food in your pantry? Ours; we'll give a little of it back to you. Medical supplies? I'm the one with the knife wound, not you. Hand it over. Bodies of our enemies that need to be disposed of? Here's a shovel, get to work. You say you won't? Then I'll dig TWO holes.
To those DWL's new to the reality presented here, who are searching for information and affirmation of what you are thinking and feeling, and realize that something isn't right (like a splinter in your mind, to quote The Matrix), welcome. To those who are looking down your noses at us racist redneck white trash, while you sip your chai-tea soy lattes, I say this:
You had best unf-ck yourself right quick if you want OUR help.
Don in PA should encourage his sister to move to Detroit, so as to bring about diversity, provide a role model for youth, and provide income to the local businesses. All liberals should do that. They can all help NOW!!!
I recently watched the new "Apes" movie and the actions of the apes is EXACTLY like our real life negro gods in EVERY way. The movie is a must see.
Breaking from Chicongo
Not covered by any MSM/CMM including Chicongo papers & TV.
What we knew of as America is over. To put blame where it is due we must also blame ourselves. Whites wrote and passed the civil rights laws as well as the 1965 immigration act that opened the floodgates of unskilled non-english speakers to ruin our job market and country. Why, I ask, did those White men come up with and create laws that are directly harmful to their descendants? You wouldn't hurt your children, why would you make their future tougher by creating affirmative action to make it harder for a white person to get a job? The DWL have come into their own, with each new twisting of traditional morals being lauded as progress.
When what will pass for a historian next century looks back at us, he will have to wonder why a proud accomplished race decided to throw it all away to cater to the least productive and intelligent members of society. No historical example exists for us today to say "what we are doing is right". America cannot last much longer on this corrupted path that was built and maintained by whites.
I feel like the last generation of Romans must have felt 1600 or so years ago, watching their leaders finish the destruction of what once was a great Empire, watching their youth spend their lives as wastrels unconcerned with the future of their nation. We are the in-betweeners, our grandparents and parents are the idiots who came up with the laws that got us here today. Our teenagers graduate high school with a shallow education that has a negative emphasis on America's past. The things that made us great are now ridiculed, our founding fathers are racists, our constitution is a mere guideline to our current administration.
To live in the decline of one of the greatest nations ever to grace this earth is our lot.
San Franciscan here
My all time favorite b.s. that DWL's can convince themselves of, is that there is something wrong simply for having been born white. One such person tole me "Well, I'm not white" (because's she's Jewish). Another brainless idiot told me "I'm not white. I'm Italian and Spanish", (also female).
Earth to DWLs. You are white. You have nothing to be ashamed of. It's not your fault. You were just born that way. And the fact that other people (non white) are screwed up is not your fault. You didn't do anything that should make you hate yourself, except for drinking the kool aid.
"It's individual blacks engaging in acts of criminality, aggregated together to confirm a reality you will always choose to ignore."
Succinct. Inspiring. Honest.
"What are some other impossible things conservatives and DWLs have been able to convince themselves to believe?"
That having millions of invasive intruders pouring over the border does not constitute an invasion even if:
1. They say it is an invasion and are drawing out maps of future conquest.
2. Form hundreds of chapters of campus and political action committees working for that goal within White University structures to silence critics and to deepen and broaden the differences between the two cultures and to foster a racial identity.
3. Demand services in their language, demand recognitions of celebrations of their culture, demand heroes recognized by their people back home be recognized by White Culture.
4. Organize politically to further their invasion and to grant legal citizenship to all the current invaders so as to further the goals of 1,2,3,above.
So am I speaking of the invasion of TWMNBN, Muslims, Mestizos or negroids?
At 54 I am a lifelong democrat. I believed that blacks suffered discrimination and unfair poverty. For various reasons I began to question this. About 2 years ago I began to wander where the white equivelants of Chicago, Detroit, etc..were. And, why did poor blacks behave so differently from poor whites. Where are the leaders telling them to stop with the "cultural" stuff. It's not working for them. And, why are they consistently doing so poorly in school. Then I found this site. Which led me to others. What can be done? What is going to happen? And, a lot more people I know feel the same way. This was very surprising! I think people are waking up to the fact nothing has worked and WE are the ones worse off!
I would have farted in her general direction a paint peeling cheek rippler that would linger for an extended period.
Dad used to go nuts back in the 1980s over the cosby show and people paying $80 for some air jordan shoes made in Taiwan for .25cents now I understand why.
Anon said: "Don in PA should encourage his sister to move to Detroit"
You must have missed where he said he loves her very much. Moving her to Detroit, or any other such neiggerhood, would not be an act of love, by any definition of the word.
@ anon 3:52 rand is a globalist POS like the rest of the traitor rats in the spineless eunuch GOP.
SKIP: "I recently watched the new "Apes" movie and the actions of the apes is EXACTLY like our real life negro gods in every way."
I sometimes wonder what blacks think when they see movies such as Apes, or any zombie movie, where the rabid animals actually represent their species. Do they view such movies from "the human side", and imagine how they would stand against those high-order biological weapons; or do they cheer for "the other side" to burn it all down?
Well, that's kind of an exaggeration. I really don't give a crap what blacks think.
In before Whiskey craps up the thread with how much white women hate hate hate white men and prefer Sarkozy's le metissage.
Despite nonstop MSM "blanda upp" propaganda, the vast majority of white women prefer white men.
White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else—and Asian and Hispanic women prefer them even more exclusively. These three types of women only respond well to white men. More significantly, these groups’ reply rates to non-whites is terrible. Asian women write back non-white males at 21.9%, Hispanic women at 22.9%, and white women at 23.0%. It’s here where things get interesting, for white women in particular. If you look at the match-by-race table before this one, the “should-look-like” one, you see that white women have an above-average compatibility with almost every group. Yet they only reply well to guys who look like them.
Contrary to Whiskey cant, the media, most of which is owned by six companies, is not solely driven by demand. If that were so, we would have seen a new wave of religious movies after the success of Mel Gibson's Passion. Also, there's no way anyone outside the left fringe cares much about trannies, yet they're everywhere now.
That said, f*** disingenuous white liberals. Women like the one in the article have been the bane of my existence as a working class person. They push anti-female policies like gun control because unlike many of us, they don't have to worry about violence where they live. There's a reason less than 15% of women accept the label "feminist" - DWL doubletalk is why.
American Citizen: "Why, I ask, did those White men come up with and create laws that are directly harmful to their descendants? You wouldn't hurt your children, why would you make their future tougher by creating affirmative action to make it harder for a white person to get a job?"
Whites did not create those laws; those laws were imposed upon whites. Any time AA or EEO or any of that crap has been put to the popular vote, The People have opposed it. Shortly following that vote, some black-robed oracles -- who, we are told, are the sole possessors of the wisdom necessary to divine justice and fairness -- overturn the will of The People, and steer the sinking ship back into the Abyss. Then The People go back to sleep, content that Due Process and The American Way in the Living Spirit of the Founding Fathers has been done, on Earth as it is in Heaven, Amen.
The ballot box does not work. It's time to find another one.
...Or not.
White people are the problem. White people.
My baby boomer DWL mother said today that violence in Broad Ripple Indianapolis is being caused by the "meat market" atmosphere and late night drunkenness and unruly behavior of white college students.
Our local leaders are using terms like "violent week", "violent streets", "violent weekend", and "stubborn violence", which makes them sound like complete fucking morons. At the same time, they are exporting violent welfare blacks with vouchers to destroy the white suburbs north.
A single white divorcee I know in Chicago suburbs told me that she has to get out of the "lilly white suburbs" because the lack of racial "diversity" is making her feel sick and depressed.
A gay Jewish man said that Indiana is just too "WASPY" for his tastes.
A white male tea-party patriotard just Tweetedd that Obama and Holder are just using the "race card" to cover up for their "incompetence" and lack of "leadership skills."
Whites are the problem. They are suicidal. On a death mission to cleanse the world of every trace of their existence. Unbelievable.
"""""""I don't think liberals are disingenuous as they truly believe their drivel, like Mark Potok and Tim Wise"""""""""""
Its like the line from Kubrick's Spartacus "Which of the Gods do you believe in?" answer was "Publicly all of them, privately, none of them."
THAT is what puts the D in disingenuous White Libs.
PUBLICLY, Tim Wise et al will PUBLICLY STATE that they certainly and most definitely believe that everyone is equal and that whites bear the brunt of the responsibility for all the historical wrongs that blacks have suffered.
PRIVATELY, all we have to do is observe how these DWLS live their lives.
Do they actually live in groid areas? Answer: NO!
Do they marry one of them (for most part)? Answer: NO!
Do they have tons of friends who are of the groidian persuasion? Answer: NO!
Do they tend to send their kids to all or mostly groid schools? Answer: NO!
Now here is where the subterfuge begins. IF they are ever called out on it, they will simply respond along the lines with "Well, why are you hating on us for being successful in life? All we can do is hopefully shed some light on the problems that other whites have caused."
But IF someone then points out that their private lives still don't line up with their public words, they'll fall back on "Well, anyone can attend these schools and live in these burbs around us and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. We judge the character content and not the skin."
BS! That's a lie! They ARE judging the skin! Because in fact the character and the skin are in most cases (ca.90%) one and the very same!
REPEAT: NO ONE (no adult) is that deliberately stupid, obtuse, naive, etc regarding the facts about race. They know what they're doing.
It would appear as though these DWLS private actions dont ever seem to match their public words and stances on the issues regarding race.
Bottom line: They know what they're doing. No on, repeat, NO ONE, is that f'ing stupid by accident. It's by design, they know exactly what they're doing. Else why don't they actually live near them?
Used to wonder about Michael Moore. In one of his books, he claimed that no black person would ever physically harm him, etc. compared to other whites. After checking around, I found that yes, although he is from Michigan that doesnt mean he actually lives in Detroit. Noooo Sir! A nice rich nearly all white 'burb for him.
AGAIN: DSLS know what they're doing. Publicly, they're all for groids. Privately, they don't want anything to do with them.
Just like the Roman Senator in film Spartacus. Publicly, all of them. Privately, none of them.
And that's how they tend to live their lives.
They may settle with and marry a white beta-male provider, or parade one around their FRIENDS in the daylight, but they are flirting with and fucking brown Alpha males on the side. In secret.
That's not a "win" in my book.
Whiskey is right. You don't have to like it.
One thing is clear-- he surely isn't a younger version of his father.
""""""My baby boomer DWL mother said today that violence in Broad Ripple Indianapolis is being caused by the "meat market" atmosphere and late night drunkenness and unruly behavior of white college students."""""""""
Set your mother straight, Indy. Whites aren't the ones shooting each other up and killing Nathan Trappuzzano for Air Jordans.
Hey, aren't these 10 days the time of Indy's Black Expo? Oh, what fun fun fun doings and goings on it shall be.
""""""At the same time, they are exporting violent welfare blacks with vouchers to destroy the white suburbs north.""""""""""
You guys have to nip this in the bud, like NOW. Back in the 70s the white working classes of Boston forced the DWLS to back down on forced busing and the courts upheld the white working classes.
There is legal precedent, but youve got to move NOW
Like how the Common Core is being rammed down your throats? And you're fighting back? You've got to do it with Section 8. It's Unconstitutional. You've got to band together and get an action lawsuit vs the fed government. It has to be done sooner not later.
Dont worry about BO, he's a lame duck 2nd termer. The damages he's causing will have long lasting consequences. Have to take legal action now.
""""""A white male tea-party patriotard just Tweetedd that Obama and Holder are just using the "race card" to cover up for their "incompetence" and lack of "leadership skills.""""
Now that's fucking crazy. BO and AGHolder aren't "playing" the card, they ARE the race card! They're leading it. They know they're on the clock until Jan 20, '17 that's why they're trying to shovel as much of this shit as possible toward us.
He was a fucking community organizer. That's Al Sharpton's territory. Basically its what he knows his entire adult life: Blame YT, play the race card and then cry racism when nothing else works.
They know what they're doing, they're playing to their base cause they truly do hate the traditional white working classes and they want to inflict as much damage as possible before their term clock winds down.
Yup, Indy's Black Expo is around this time. Be interesting to see if the crime rates budge any.
Just read this about the officer killed in New Jersey. People are paying tribute to the trash that killed police officer. Unbelievable.
It's a religion impervious to reasoned discussion. It's best to just put some distance between oneself and those true believers who can only be a source of irritation. Interact only with those who have a modicum of brains and common sense. No point in getting an ulcer over lost causes.
One impossible thing that has been swallowed lock stock and barrel is "Women's Liberation".
Working all day long to come home to prepare the meal and then help the kids with their homework is liberation?
Spending the entire weekend washing and folding clothes, cooking and freezing the meals for the week ahead, food shopping, catching up on everything that couldn't possibly have been done during the week. This is liberation?
Let's call it what it really is. Women in chains.
"Diversity is our Strength."
Ha! That's only true if you're black.
For non-black America, it is an impossible lie.
"Children are starving within our own borders"
Could you please point them out to us.
In science, a fixed factor is known as a "constant" and all other non-constant factors are "variables."
The biggest issue that DWLs have is that they begin with a false constant, such as "we are all equal" or "there is no such thing as race."
So when one begins with one of these, mentioned above, "fixed" premises, all variations in the outcomes of observed experiment/data accrual must be attributed to "variables."
With race traits/non-equality off of the table as a variable, one then has to explore the non-fixed factors - wherein, they have to propose all manner of things to explain social phenomena that have clear racial fault lines, while denying race as an impacting force/factor, since they have established it as fixed or constant.
Unlike something specific, such as the boiling/freezing point of water, or earth's gravitational acceleration, which can be proven and reproduced in experiments and shown to be a constant, this "race equality/no such thing as race" platitude never has to validate its own merits, nor show its data, nor show its method to arrive at that conclusion.
It is a dogmatic platitude - simple as that.
In that void, this is where things like "white privilege," "institutional racism,""legacy of slavery," "jim crow," "heteronormative" and all of the other buzzwords etc... get thrown in to be the hypotheses to explain the (data) black dysfunction.
The sad thing is, public policy is made according to these "conclusions" at huge costs to society at large, arrived at using extremely flawed method.
History will look back at this time period (after the human genome has been fully constructed and studied) when we declared as a creed that race has no biological impact, with the same level of astonishment that we do the ancients who believed Apollo rode a chariot daily dragging the sun across the sky.
The worst part is that when it all breaks apart at the seams, and the downward inertia collapses the entire country, the bastards who pushed all of this for decades get to neatly abandon it and safely snag the next flight to Tel Aviv.
Thus of us who can see are living in a country so completely insane, it wouldn't be imprudent to suggest completely divorcing oneself from caring about politics is the smartest manner in which to retain some sense of sanity.
That's pretty much what I did. I turned off Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the Limbaugh wannabes on talk radio. I changed my registration from Republican to independent. In light of what happened in MS, I can't understand anyone who thinks they are "conservative" and yet remains a Republican.
Hey, Republicans! YOUR party paid negroes to vote for Cochran and ran ads calling his challenger a "racist."
I'm done with those bastards.
You write, "an entire religion has been created out of the deification of the black man". Interesting. If you have not, you should look at "Cambria Will Not Yield". That has been the theme of that blog for years.
Latinos are Republican. They just don't know it yet.
Ronald Reagan.
Btw, when not agglomerated together in one area in a majority, like LA with Mexicans, they're nowhere NEAR as crime-prone and dangerous as, um, other groups. Give me a Mestizo area over a Puerto Rican one anyday. NYC area is too large for Mexicans to overwhelm it, and that makes all the difference.
My sister lives in an area that is now 55% Hispanic. It was an all-white area 40 years ago. It is not like it was, and it is a lot more chain-store than mom-and-pop. But compare it to the neighboring white area that went black? Ugh.
I expect that the Hispanics will not be Republican, contra Reagan. But they, being from Mexico and regions south on the continent, have already learned to hate and avoid blacks. It doesn't take immigrants long.
The fact that DWLS absolutely believe that to this day, Whites hold the Black man down. And they base this on the low test scores in education. If given the exact schooling that Whites get, Blacks would excel. Right? If given the same job opportunities and advancements thru the ranks, Blacks would all rise to the top. If White man wasnt so evil they would bow down and let the Black man assume his role as the top race pile.
If the criminal laws designed by Whites to imprison Blacks were repealed, prisons would empty and there would be no crime. Except White crime of course. If whites hadn't stolen the Blacks magical flying ability, the world would know that Blacks are really the true inventors of human flight.
If White were gone from earth, all evil would simply vanish. And earth would be a true Utopia.
Only Whites can be Racist. Once again because of inherent evilness.
Six impossible things before breakfast.
For everyone out there without a DWL in their family, go thank "White" Jesus for your good fortune. Yes Whites stole him also.
Make that 7 impossible things things before breakfast.
American citizen wrote:
What we knew of as America is over. To put blame where it is due we must also blame ourselves. Whites wrote and passed the civil rights laws as well as the 1965 immigration act that opened the floodgates of unskilled non-english speakers to ruin our job market and country.
Not entirely true. If you want to know how that awful law was passed, you first need to know who was taking (or had taken) control of Congress. You can find out by reading chapter 7 of "The Culture of Critique". With that said, I will admit that there is a reason Congress has been called "A parliament of whores".
"If we can find the money to help those children on the border $2 billion of it should come to Chicago."
the good revrem Jesse "Hymie Town" Jackson
Anon @ 6:01 The violence is over. There was a vibrant diverse rainbow rally on the circle jerk Saturday night and now there are chocolate fountains and unicorns in Broad Ripple.
Tell your DWL madre to go and get a look for herself in the glorious wannabe bohemian village known as Broad Ripple.
After midnight on a Friday or Saturday is the best. Jamming thousands of vibrant diverse bar patrons into a city block always works out so well.
Everyone holds hands and sings we shall overcome under the glorious rainbow hammer and sickle flag as the workers unite. (not really)
One untrue thing - You can have open borders and a welfare state.
Old Milton nailed that one dead on.
"(with apologies to the second and third part of this unholy trinity, out-right and eternally in-your-face homosexuals and illegal immigrants)."
ive wondered what ur views r on homos.
i miss old america
Trial junkie here. Conservatism Inc. pretends either demographics don't matter or the changes are a good thing.
Michael Moore. In one of his books, he claimed that no black person would ever physically harm him, etc. compared to other whites. After checking around, I found that yes, although he is from Michigan that doesnt mean he actually lives in Detroit.M
Moore is from lilly white Flint Michigan the chances of him meeting a Trayvon would have been 0.
It lives in a 100% white gated community so his chance of meeting a Safford is also 0.
Something too ponder?
Just look at the way the world media is striking out against Israel. They are being vilified for protecting their homeland. Now that Egypt has offered a cease-fire option and the hamas terrorist group said no-way to it. Sound familiar?
Almost to the point where our newly admitted Marxist media will and is vilifying any White man for protecting his homeland. Except in the White man's case we have no Egypt to offer a cease kill option!
Funny how the agenda is always the same no matter where it is that there is strife with black/brown people. They are always the "poor" innocent victims. Even when they/we know better.
It's almost like what the blacks did in the '60s became the pattern for every other interest group to use. Women's lib and feminism. Gay rights. Now, the endless flood of illegals. Everyone wants their piece of the pie and there's only so much YT to go around.
I mean there are feminist women insane enough to believe in a thing called rape culture. In a nation where less than 1% of men rape women, they believe that it's considered okay for men to rape and they want to narrow the definition down to where a woman could ruin the life of someone she's never met before by saying they raped her. Utterly insane. Never mind the shit that goes on in Africa and the Middle East, the genital mutilation, honor killings, fistulas... it all comes back to the same thing, they hate white men. To the point of wanting to blame everything bad on white men and excuse their own poor behavior because of the so-called oppression and so on. Utterly insane.
You can have fun with them though by taking their propaganda and replacing "men" with "blacks" or "jews" -
I happened to watch the last episode of the new season of Boondocks and it satirized the gay rights and the special needs rights movements. One of the kids gets in trouble for using "gay" as a slur. It turns out the gay group leader who comes to shake the family down for a donation learned his trade from a black leader, sort of an Al Sharpton type, that does the same thing. To get out of it, they tell everyone the kid is retarded. So of course the special needs group comes over with his hand out. I honestly laughed so hard at it I couldn't breathe, it did a good job of hitting the nail on the head. But then only a black-based TV show can satirize black people. Even they can't push the envelope too far, the character that says all the things most of us would like to is still a black guy.
Bottom line it's all the same thing, everybody wants their handouts, their gibsmedats. I see now some stories where blacks are mad about the illegals getting all the gibs while they don't get enough. It's amusing in a way, except they never get enough.
When the crap finally hits the fan all this will crash overnight, and then it's going to be a rocky ride for a while. Going to be a lot of people of all races mad their gibs got cut off. With any luck the Hispanics and Blacks will work on one another first.
"socialism works just look at finland" (gee i wonder why)
"women make 77 cents..." (deemed to be true because it is an easy number to remember and unfair because both genders must have equal aptitude in all arenas, btw equal pay would be fine if the fathead libs didn't also insist on applying it to everything else non-white male)
"we have an epidemic of imprisoning black men" (not nearly enough tbh, but this should only be evidence of unfair treatment of whites who have to put up with and pay for the cultcha -- police, courts, facilities)
doctors without borders accomplishing anything other then creating famine which we then "relieve" by unnaturally supporting a larger poulation of idiots, the humanitarian "crisis" at our border, farking trayvon...
i'm hungry
I've come to believe that our politicians/corporations are enslaving whites and have been for many years now. DWL whites and violent blacks are their ground troops.
On a Facebook page for my old neighborhood (ruined by blacks) a DWL was gloating about a story of 2 blacks way out in the white suburbs robbing previously crime-free areas. His point was that the suburban people would be fleeing soon and he'd make a killing selling them houses back in the old hood. And then the hood would be safe again. DWLs are delusional and greedy. And he got real quiet when several people chastised him for gloating over ghetto rats robbing white teenage girls.
I've broke contact with DWL "friends". When I look back the signs were always there. They are immature, spoiled brats. They spit out slogans like good communists. And they would stand by and watch 10 blacks beat a white to death and not lift a hand but I don't think they'd stand by and watch 10 whites beat a black to death. I hope they get what's coming to them.
Improveamentations take hold in the glorious People's Republik of Mexifornia:
Fakebook is your friend comrade:
It is, of course, vitally important to distinguish the "eternally in-your-face homosexuals" whom I would prefer to call 'gay' as the Liberals do who created this "identity", from upright Homos of the Right, such as Wh. Chambers, J. Edgar Hoover, Roy Cohn and Cardinal Spellman.
The Homo is the polar opposite of the Negro (just ask the latter!) and this dicotomy explains the negrofication of our society (what you call the "compulsory deification of blacks").
I elaborate this distinction in my recent book, The Homo and the Negro (CounterCurrents, 2012)
Being a Renaissance Man, you are undoubtedly familiar with the Towers of Hanoi problem: once the 64 gold disks are moved, the world will end. But this will take about 2^64, or about 16 million trillion moves. In other words, it may be theoretically possible, but it's essentially impossible. Why is this relevant?
Well, it's exactly like welfare and the great society. We've spent countless trillions of dollars trying to "move" blacks from where they were (collectively, far less intelligent, far more criminal, and with far less impulse control than whites) to where we'd like them to be ("just like us," except perhaps with cooler dance moves). Where are they? Well, if those monks had begun moving those golden disks around zero AD, and moved one disk every 5 seconds, they'd have gotten one-billionth of the job done. So, they'd have done quite a bit of work, but in the greater scheme of things, they'd have made zero progress. I think that's where we are.
That's the impossible thing that they ask us to believe: If we just throw more money at this problem, we will eventually solve it. $100 trillion (by my count, which includes their damages and the cost of locking them up, "educating" them, doctoring them, etc) didn't work, but $120 trillion will? You'd have to be pretty gullible to believe that, and many of us are.
Trial junkie here. Also, the DWL's don't accept the black crime rate.
The kool aid it grows stale:
One mistaken belief held by many conservatives is that only a happy, sunny, political message will work - that in order to win elections they have to be like Reagan - an avuncular optimist, talking about a shining City on a Hill.
Where is the evidence of this? Consider what works for Democrats. Al Franken won a senate seat, and he's a spiteful, shrill, nasty little creep. Barney Frank? Diane Feinstein? Hillary Clinton? These are not exactly happy-go-lucky fun-to-be-around people. Democrats win elections by appealing to their constituents fears of what their enemies will do do them. Conservatives need to start doing likewise. I want to see a white conservative politician who at least implicity appeals to whites (and only whites) by telling his constituents: "Look, you need to realize that you have enemies - people who want to take from you what is yours. Things are not just going to somehow work-out. America is not an exceptional nation that cannot fail. Things break. Countries die. And ours is no exception. We need to stop being nice, stop being charitable, stop being so understanding, and start looking out for ourselves and our own kind."
The modern "progressive" must come to realize that he is a devout creationist putting his religion (PC) over science (theory of evolution). Darwin showed us that animals adapt and evolve according to their environment, with wildly different environments requiring different mental instincts and bodily attributes to survive. This much should be easily reasoned and explained, but the modern "progressive" will deny any such thing and insist that "we are all created equal" which can only be true in the creationist framework of non-evolutionary human traits designed by a higher being.
buck stu
Re, Just read this about the officer killed in New Jersey. People are paying tribute to the trash that killed police officer. Unbelievable.
GOOGLE; Lovell Mixon.
his memorial is on youtube.
Case in point:
The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN was named the number one hosptial in the country.
Go to their homepage:
The first picture panel shows the recent news--their number one ranking.
The second picture panel (their default homepage picture) shows...take a guess.
And the black female doctor is the only doctor pictured on the Mayo Clinic website front page.
The DWL are the first to remind us that race doesn't matter, but to them race is everything that matters.
Re: Sidewalk memorial honors New Jersey cop killer
Angelique Campbell, Campbell's widow, told News 12 New Jersey on Sunday that she was sorry for Santiago's family but that her husband should have killed more officers if they were planning to kill him.
And of course, here it is PK:
He was a good man. He looked out for everybody on the block
Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop: Memorial Honoring Cop Killer ‘Disgusting’
Campbell’s cousin, Samika Campbell, told Diamond she couldn’t defend the gunman or his wife, but she appreciated the memorial.
“We’re not supposed to mourn for him because a cop got killed,” she said. “That’s sad. Like we’re not supposed to have feelings and emotions. We lost somebody, too.”
No Samika, you're not supposed to mourn pieces of shit, alright?
If I were in The Jerz I'd go and kick the shit out of that memorial.
"Rest easy." "Thug in peace." "See u on the other side."
Something to keep in mind.
We are in the midst of a revolution - the Genetic Revolution. We sequenced the human genome in 2001. That was the year we were supposed to find the monolith on the moon. But we had abandoned the moon.
As it is working out, genetics is having a bigger impact than anything we were likely to have found on the moon. Maybe when we clear up certain genetic problems we can get back on the agenda and return to the moon.
I and nearly a million of others have had their genome scanned. For $100 the whole genetics question can be made more real. In fact, my scan didn't show me much that I didn't already know. I have no rare diseases or much of anything that is odd or interesting. The biggest impact seems to be political.
Why do we endure all the black violence? This blog documents black murders, rapes, and robberies. Every adult in America is aware that blacks are to be feared and not to be trusted. But why do we continue to avoid action?
We could end black violence in a heart beat if we only decided to do something.
But we do nothing. We endure. We wait.
We wait because of the debate between environmentalism and genetics. We as a people have accepted the idea that black people behave the way they do because of things they have experienced in the environment. I speak here of low IQs, poor school performance, high unemployment, high dependency, high crime rates and poor performance as citizens and neighbors. This is a rather recent development. It began with Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, Ashley Montague, and various cultural Marxists. Steven Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin are more recent Marxist theorists who are radical environmentalists.
The environmental variables that are conventionally invoked to explain all those bad behaviors include: white racism, the legacy of slavery, poverty and a lack of opportunity.
The connection between the environmental variables and the bad behavior is flat out wrong. Black bad behavior is nowadays mostly genetic. And that simple truth is becoming better known.
The average man on the street can grasp that Johnny can't read because his school was bad. But even after we have fixed his school, when Johnny still can't read, that average man is still reluctant to attribute anything to genetics - or race.
This is a failure of imagination. That guy on the street doesn't have much understanding of genetics - but that's changing fast.
Richard Herrnstein, the co-author of 'The Bell Curve' pointed out that if you keep fixing all the environmental disparities the result is that all of the IQ variance left must be genetic. In the antebellum South black behavior was mostly determined by environmental factors - slaves weren't educated much for example. But the modern welfare state has eliminated environmental disparities in opportunity. Differences today between the races are almost all genetic.
America hasn't caught up quite yet, but all the new understanding of our genome will begin to change that.
It will still be tough to get Americans to understand all the implications of having a genetically inferior segment of the population amongst us, many liberals will just call us bad names. But men of good will inevitably will triumph when they argue from the facts.
Pat Boyle
They don't get it. Those movies are representations of black detriment allowed to fester to the point of truth. Buh bye merrica
brown alpha males, which ones the ones that lost 7-1 to beta male Germany in soccer
the greatest humiliation in any sport in history..
""""""""her husband should have killed more officers if they were planning to kill him.
And of course, here it is PK:
He was a good man. He looked out for everybody on the block"""""""""""
So was the dead cop a good man. He was looking out for everybody on the same block since that was his job as a PO.
The notion that all white women prefer blacks is ridiculous. I'm a white woman. I sure as heck don't prefer blacks, and I don't know any of my friends who do. The only white women I see with them are usually low-class or else they are often young women who are doing drugs and getting them from their black "men", what we in the South used to call white trash. Getting them out of the white gene pool is really a good thing. Their kids are black, so there is no going back for these women since no decent white man would have them. Also, the architects of white genocide are surely working to cause in-fighting among whites. What better way to destroy our race than to create animosity between white men and women. You fellows need to stop bashing white women. One thing is sure. Without a white man and a white woman there will be no more white children. Our race will cease to exist. White + Colored (I'm including Asian in that) = Colored. The mulattoes I know all look black, act black, think black and ARE black. Our leader comes immediately to mind.
I had a comical exchange recently with a fortysomething single female,a perpetual student and a dyed-in-the-wool DWL.She has dealt almost exclusively with nogs in her upper-crust schools and sees them as being typical.When asked if she felt safer around nogs or Whites,she said nogs and went on about all the rotten whites she had to deal with throughout her life.She sees trailer dwelling White speed freaks as typical Whites.I told her that nogs rape at least 100 White women a day,commit 90% of violent crime,trash neighborhoods,etc.She said it was because of poverty and a lack of education! I told her slaverhy was over 150 years ago and we owe nogs nothing.She claimed '400 ' years of slavery needed 400 years of reparations ! I stayed calm and pleasant and shot down her silly logic quickly and left her with plentyto think about.She seemed pretty shook up when I finished.You will never cure stupidity like this without aggressively engaging and pointing out their obviously flawed logic.It is like shootingfish in a barre!l
They aren't my leaders. Scot Irish
off topic:
You're about to be lied to ????
a hand up
a new study shows
a poll by the highly respected
a positive step
are speaking out
at-risk communities
best practices
broader implications
climate change
commonsense solutions
comprehensive reform
cycle of poverty
cycle of violence
demand action
disparate impact
diverse backgrounds
economically disadvantaged
emerging consensus
experts agree
fair share
fiscal stimulus
fully funded
give back
giving voice to
greater diversity
growing support for
gun violence
have issues
high capacity magazine
history shows
impacted by
in denial
inclusive environment
investing in our future
linked to
making a difference
making bad choices
marriage equality
mean spirited
most vulnerable
mounting opposition to
non-partisan, non-profit
not value neutral
off our streets
on some level
oppressed minorities
our nation's children
people of color (sometimes, colour)
poised to
poor and minorities
positive outcome
public/private partnership
raising awareness
reaching out
reaffirm our commitment to
redouble our efforts
root cause
sends a message
shared values
social justice
solidarity with
speaking truth to power
statistics show
sustainable, sustainability
the American People
the bigger issue is
the failed ...
the larger question is
the more important question is
the reality is
the struggle for
too many
too often
touched by
underserved populations
undocumented immigrant
vibrant community
voicing concern
war on ...
working families
. . . . .
You know what the media's saying by not saying it when they say -
at-risk students
low-income students
mob and rob
mobbing up
pack of teens
rival gang members
roving group
swarm mob
teen gang
teen mob
teen thugs
unruly crowd
urban youths
young people
young men
youth violence
white privilege
. . . . .
Minn is leftist and [like USA] dying.
Pat Boyle:
The DWLs will just say genetic differences are due to environmental racism, which in turn is due to White people (race is still a social construct) and blacks do poorly in school today due to the genetic damage done during slavery.
They will NEVER give up their beliefs because no belief is based on fact. If it was based on fact, it would not be a belief.
To the DWL, the soothing mentholated social high of a "belief" is too good to pass up. They live for their emotions. They love their self love. If they "love" people (but hate Whites), then they can only be a good person.
The Facts Be Dammned
Anonymous said...
I don't think liberals are disingenuous as they truly believe their drivel, like Mark Potok and Tim Wise..........................
who gives a rats ass what they do or dont believe.
Montrose Beach was covered in the local media. But this time it was brown violence, surprisingly. Two guys from Aurora, one from Summit, one guy from the city arrested. For once the blacks are off the hook.
PK wrote: Doesn't it just sum up our age, under the auspices of Black-Run America (BRA), where an entire religion has been created out of the deification of the black man (with apologies to the second and third part of this unholy trinity, out-right and eternally in-your-face homosexuals and illegal immigrants).
The parallel with Christianity isn't by chance. Ultimately, it's the Christian religion, with its poisonous anti-racism, that must bear responsibility for creating this monster. If you can believe that people come back from the dead, or walk on water, or change water into wine, you can believe anything. The very center of the Christian religion is the belief in the supposed Brotherhood of Man, a dream-like utopian vision of racial equality which is directly opposed to what we actually see, the war of all against all described by Darwin.
Even though on the internet I have an aggressive approach, I have learned that in face-to-face discussions it is best to go gentle.
I used to come at people with a strong approach but it doesn't work. Here we are all on the same page thus a harsh comment does't deter us.
With the unwashed masses, it is best to hint around the topic and slowly corral them in. My best approach is agreeing that WHITE RACISM causes so many problems for the poor blacks and then I point out there are no Whites in Detroit, etc.
There are no Whites in these 99% black schools. How can Whites do their JuJu magic then?
Slowly and slowly you can get a DWL to wonder. How can both the presence and absence of White create the same effect, as in post-Colonial Africa?
Try developing some topics in your head to have ready for the opportunity. I feel well versed on Civil War issues and those related to black affleets - vs - White medical students. That topic really interests DWLs. They are so ready to claim a Med School is racist since 99% of the student body is White (asian/jews) yet show silence when you point out the NBA is 99% black. Excellent topic to make DWLs uncomfortable.
Here is something to remember about the unwashed emotional masses. Since they run mostly on emotions, they resent the PERSON who makes them uncomfortable more than the facts you state. If you say something (being 100% correct) but it makes them feel bad, they will resent YOU for making them feel bad, not the fact that the FACT upset their emotional stasis.
DWL's take everything personal. YOU made them feel bad. YOU are a bad person since YOU said (something) that created an uncomfortable feeling in them, thus YOU are bad.
Yes, it is that simple.
Mr. Anon democrats win by offering free stuff to the free shit army all provided by the middle class that all marxists hate and want to eliminate since that is where revolts usually come from.
Who is the red queen in this BRA freakshow? Val Jerr? Powers? Psaki? The new navy four star admiral who can't even fly an RC plane?
@ Pat Boyla BRA is an abomination that defies the laws of nature and it will wipe out.
It might take a while but a trainwreck of epic proportions is coming.
To anon at 12:48am. Michael Morre lives in lilly white Flint Mi.
So sorry, Michael Moore does not live in flint Mi.
a totaly nog area. He lives in Torch Lake northern Mi. In a lilly white area. Which is one of several homes he lives in.
But you are right he does not know what the getto is really like.
Hey Micheal live in Flint Mi for one week and then get back with us.
I've learned to accept that modern liberals are severely brainwashed and delusional, so I am no longer am angered by them. I pity them. Since most of them have adopted science as their new religion, I site the hereditary basis of temperament, intelligence and impulse control from cutting edge evolutionary biology/psychology and identical twin studies. Once one accepts that most human traits are inborn, it is much easier to understand why things are the way they are and act accordingly.
Otherwise, I refrain from political discourse with them unless they seem reasonable and broadminded. Life is to short to argue sense to nonsense. The more you argue with someone about deeply held beliefs, the more resistant and defensive they become. I really enjoyed this post as an illustration of how to calmly and succinctly drop some truth without getting into it.
PK, you should connect with NRx & DE. There's no arguing with the Cathedral-- it very much is a religion.
IF HBD is correct and social construct is wrong, then what other more fundamental assumptions about are wrong? Where did BRA come from? Was it all a TWMNBN conspiracy? I think not. Push the boundaries-- if BRA emerged from American culture... what in that culture allowed it to come to fruition?
Question everything. You won't find the answers in the GOP, the Tea Party or even White Nationalism. You need to go even deeper.
Mencius Moldbug-- Google is your friend.
Anonymous White Woman @ 10:24am
Please let me clarify. The current president of this once proud country is not my leader.
Other than that I agree with what you posted. Scot Irish
Teleprompter reader stopped by Testicle Safety Assessors for not knowing Washington DC is located im Das Homeland:
That sounds great but you and I both know that there will be no way to tell who is who when the shit hits the fan.People will say or do whatever they need to in desperate times.Unless everyone is chipped or tatooed all you are doing is expressing frustration.You will be even more frustrated if you carry a revenge fantasy around with You.It gets to be a burden.Do your best to prepare yourself for the unthinkable,decide who or what is worth protecting,and be ready at all times.In the meantime,live your life the best way you can,and realize that in the end you may have nothing left but yourself and a gun.Do your best with what you have at all times and at least put the revenge on the back burner on simmer. I understand your frustration,big time.
That's the thing that gets me: people who live in wonderful white Whitopias are dying to get away from their little towns, and go to the 'big city', where they think they will instantly become 'cool' and 'sophisticated', if they hang with the non-white Turds. They spit on their race and background. Where does it come from? From the mass media.
And I'm from the 'big city'. What a Hispanic shithole.
Now I'm in one of those little white towns... these people don't know how good they have it.
"Funny how the agenda is always the same no matter where it is that there is strife with black/brown people. They are always the "poor" innocent victims. Even when they/we know better."
I think you have this one seriously arse-about Nordic. There is only room for one eternal victim in the Mid-East, and that victim can never be satisfied. And their desire for gibs from America surpasses anything the black/brown people can demand.
Many sincerely thought it was the right thing to do,help people.In 1965 the US ran the world,had much of the wealth.A welfare program was a drop in the bucket at the time.When it became obvious that none of this was working,nobody had the nuts to end it when it would have been a hell of a lot easier than now.(Now is still easier than later).The politicians basically kicked the can down the road for decades,putting off dealing with it unfil later.Pretty soon,it was today.
Richard Cranium
Years ago I knew a guy who was a big civil rights activist. He moved to South Africa after it went to black majority rule to help with what he believed was a transition to democracy. He returned two years later, shell shocked. He informed me that "those people" (i.e., blacks) were hopeless. The usual issues: black crime, black demagoguery, black inability to appreciate education, blacks trashing the farm he worked on. So he came back to the USA and retired to a small community, no more activism.
Well, at least he learned.
The dilemma is that too many DWL refuse to learn. For example, the woman that PK wrote about. Let's say she moves into a "diverse" area. How many burglaries, assaults, harassment of her kids at school will it take to convince her of the reality of race?
Let me ask a more pointed question: what will she do when she calls 911--and the police do not come?
Right now DWL women (and men) can get away with their inane beliefs because there are police to bail them out. And if not the cops, then some white guy who will ride to the rescue. Or even a decent black or two.
But what happens when they are no longer there? Say, the cops are overwhelmed by rioters, the white knights are afraid of being Zimmermanned, the decent blacks decide to side with their bro's?
Sooner or later reality will make an appearance. Sooner or later DWLs will have to face up to a choice: stand up as a white person--or submit to their new black overlords.
Our local leaders are using terms like "violent week", "violent streets", "violent weekend", and "stubborn violence", which makes them sound like complete fucking morons.
A week gone bad.
A street gone bad.
A weekend gone bad.
Stubborness gone bad.
Whites are the problem. They are suicidal. On a death mission to cleanse the world of every trace of their existence. Unbelievable.
"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide."--James Burnham, author of Suicide of the West
Yeah I have lived in SF and laughed in those type of people's faces.You are a sorry spineless piece of shit if you are ashamed to be White,and even more so if you just say shit like that to look 'good'.I always bring up black criminality,proven lower IQ,different evolutionary environments and pressures,and before you know it they are angry and I am chuckling.
James O'Meara, are you the same writer who posts on Counter Currents? I enjoy your stuff. Good to see you here on SBPDL!
Anonymous said...
At 54 I am a lifelong democrat. I believed that blacks suffered discrimination and unfair poverty. For various reasons I began to question this. About 2 years ago I began to wander where the white equivelants of Chicago, Detroit, etc..were. And, why did poor blacks behave so differently from poor whites. Where are the leaders telling them to stop with the "cultural" stuff. It's not working for them. And, why are they consistently doing so poorly in school. Then I found this site. Which led me to others.
Good to see that you have seen the light. Welcome aboard.
What can be done? What is going to happen? And, a lot more people I know feel the same way. This was very surprising! I think people are waking up to the fact nothing has worked and WE are the ones worse off!
What is to be done? There are any number of things. One is the creation of a political movement which pushes a realistic view of racial issues. Another is a grassroots movement that arises when people are pushed too far. We might also look at new technologies to spread the truth--like the Internet.
"400 years reparations"?
Good lord does that woman realize there won't be a white race in 400 years. Unless the "white race" establishes some sort of identity and political movement to support the White Grievance Industry we are doomed.
I would much rather associate with white people. I really don't care about their white ethnicity. White is alright by me. I don't care about their religion either. Just no one that wants to be a negro (will "whegro" pass muster Paul?).
Also, no deadbeats allowed.
Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. I'm suffering from negro fatigue. The area in which I live has become more and more diverse over the past decade.
Today in the grocery store I saw black people wearing their pajamas and slippers while shopping. Another crazy looking one in the produce section. Two more with dreads being vibrant. All of them looked at me closely. I guess seeing someone dressed for work was unusual for them. Or, it was the fact that I looked at them closely without a facial expression. I'm fairly certain this is Section 8 in full force.
Maybe some people identify with what I've described. Maybe it's all an illusion. I'll think of 6 impossible things in the morning while I'm getting ready for work.
Scot Irish
Whites paying blacks to be criminals will end much sooner. I for one am sick of it. I read the "news" everyday. I believe the situation is coming to a head.
I believe there's no point in engaging with Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs)
At least they can be shamed into shutting their traps.
I wouldn't be surprised if the bulk of these people don't know anything, don't have any firm views and are just "going along to get along"—IOW, not sticking their heads up because they can see how many get them shot off.
“Modern fanaticism thrives in proportion to the quantity of contradictions and nonsense it pours down the throats of the gaping multitude, and the jargon and mysticism it offers to their wonder and credulity.” – William Hazlitt
James O'Meara said...
It is, of course, vitally important to distinguish the "eternally in-your-face homosexuals" whom I would prefer to call 'gay' as the Liberals do who created this "identity", from upright Homos of the Right, such as Wh. Chambers, J. Edgar Hoover, Roy Cohn and Cardinal Spellman.
... and you, of course.
I prefer to reserve the word gay for its original meaning, happy. I'm in favour of gay marriage, in that every marriage should be a happy one. You also seem to have a problem with the meaning of "vital". That, and the fact that you wrote a book about it, puts you firmly in the camp of the "eternally in-your-face homosexuals".
Though I find homosexual practices disgusting, my attitude to homosexuals is about the same as if they had a disfiguring skin disease: You probably didn't ask for it, and I'm sorry that you're suffering from this affliction, but I wish you'd be discreet and keep it covered.
And miles above any nogs little head.
Just because Whiskey cannot get any tail does not mean that White women prefer nogs.White men and women need to shame all mudsharks and oildrillers.If these stupid women and men were told occasionally that their behavior is neither trendy nor acceptable things could change.Saying nothing is seen as approval by these selfish morons.
Obviously this woman was blind or had an emotional problem if she had a support dog in an airport.
Cosby is actually pretty brave and has angered sharpton and jesse jackass many times over the years. He has pointed out black disfunction and stupidity hoping to get black people to take responsibility for their lives and quit blaming whitey.Instead of blacks agreeing with the things he said (which were all true and hilarious) and admitting that there is room for improvement,the majority of blacks got angry and called him an uncle tom.Too funny !
I am willing to bet that per capita the homo rate is higher in nog males than Whites.Probably be blamed on whitey locking them all up leaving them with 'no choice ' lol. Don't forget all the 'down low' nogs that,through negro logic,do not consider themselves to be gay ! Lovely.
Nobody here believes that and most of us would stop the gibs like shutting off a light-if only we could find the switch.
I've stopped debating DWLs. I simply tell them I'm not interested in what they have to say, or twist the subject away from something they can squeal "racist!" about.
Politics is local, they say. I come to this site to peep through the looking glass at the insanity of Amurka, safe in my Redoubt (the Sanctuary PDK mentions so often here).
Recently a DWL (an urban transplant like the womyn PK mentions here) quacked "racism" at a comment I had about the illegal invasion. I responded as the child of a LEGAL immigrant, I have no problem with LEGAL immigration. I then noted the invasion is 30+ years in the making, and has transformed my locale (Idaho). I told him to look at the 1986 and 2004 US Senate races in Idaho, and told him I am happy to live here, and if that makes me a "racist", so what?
"Thus of us who can see are living in a country so completely insane, it wouldn't be imprudent to suggest completely divorcing oneself from caring about politics is the smartest manner in which to retain some sense of sanity."
That's what I've done--no more voting, no more grand juries (serving on that convinced me to stop voting), no more juries, no more volunteering for ANYTHING RELATED TO THIS FUCKING COUNTRY>
@ Anonymous AnalogMan said...
basically my view, though i often use obesity as the example. i think obese men and women is so nasty to look at. and sometimes they stink.
oh well what can u do?
Whites did not write the immigration reform act of 1965. That was the Hart/Cellars act. Written by two of the tribe/ not Whites. Who has spoken of how much they hatred Whites and wanted to rule them by dumbing them down via miscegenation. History.
You are right about second case, not the first. Completely different origins.
So true, yet most drink the kool Aid!
He is delusional . They will vote by race always.
Don't speak of assumptions as if they are fact. The origin of this religion is Christian at all. The Bible doesn't teach what you claim it does. Better to be silent and suspected of being a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt!
The collapse in 08 was caused by the federal government requiring lenders to give our bad paper ... Largely to minorities. Do you really think Obama wouldn't try the same thing again? He wants to destroy this country. He said as much in his book... Dreams of my father.
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