It was something Theodore Dalrymple said, which you should read two or three times when considering the SiriusXM firing of Anthony Cumia (of the popular
Opie and Anthony Show):
Anthony Cumia (who used to Tweet out Colin Flaherty's articles on black mob violence) is now fired from his job for daring to publicly notice he was the victim of black mob violence... |
Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of
communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of
communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but
to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the
When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told
the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the
lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To
assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way
to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus
eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to
control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same
effect and is intended to.
So what happened? [
SiriusXM Fires 'Opie and Anthony' Host After Racist Tirade: The host was dropped after making "racially charged and hate-filled remarks on social media," the satellite radio company said., Hollywood Reporter, 7-5-14]:
SiriusXM has fired Opie and Anthony host Anthony Cumia after he posted a series of racist remarks on Twitter earlier this week.
Patrick Reilly, senior vp communications at the satellite radio company, wrote in a statement that the 53-year-old DJ's posts were "abhorrent," and the host was fired on Thursday.
"SiriusXM has terminated its relationship with Anthony Cumia of the Opie & Anthony channel. The decision was made, and Cumia informed, late Thursday, July 3 after careful consideration of his racially charged and hate-filled remarks on social media," Reilly stated. "Those remarks and postings are abhorrent to SiriusXM, and his behavior is wholly inconsistent with what SiriusXM represents."
"Sirius decided to cave and fire me. Welcome to bizarro world. Fired for shit that wasn't even on the air & wasn't illegal. So, who's next?" the Opie and Anthony host wrote on Twitter on Friday, adding in a subsequent tweet: "After the wkend, I'll have a better idea of things. F--- Sirius. I'll pop on the Compound show next week and discuss this with TOTAL FREEDOM."
Earlier in the week, Cumia had tweeted about an incident where he alleged that an African-American woman attacked him while he was taking pictures in New York City. The host used offensive words and made racist statements in the Twitter tirade, also adding: "She's lucky I was a white legal gun owner or she'd be dead. Then 5 blacks started giving me shit!"
Remember what Dalrymple said:
"When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told
the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the
lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity."
Sad. yet a black can talk of killing white babies and it's free speech.i hope we aren't too far down the rabbit hole to climb out.
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them.
John Bernard Books
Hmm...I don't use Twatter and am quite happy with Radio Free USSA.
So glad I'm not missing anything on fakebook, twatter, mespace or any of that other lame social media shit.
Pay for radio? LMFAO!
First amemdment? Yea not so much.
The Australians and Russians next door had a nice comment to sum it all up. What are you celebrating your country is communist.
If they can see that why can't the natives?
Just what is “Political Correctness?” Political Correctness is in fact cultural Marxism – Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms. The effort to translate Marxism from economics into culture did not begin with the student rebellion of the 1960s. It goes back at least to the 1920s and the writings of the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci. In 1923, in Germany, a group of Marxists founded an institute devoted to making the transition, the Institute of Social Research (later known as the Frankfurt School). One of its founders, George Lukacs, stated its purpose as answering the question, “Who shall save us from Western Civilization?” The Frankfurt School gained profound influence in American universities after many of its leading lights fled to the United States in the 1930s to escape National Socialism in Germany.
"Political correctness is the sullen revenge of the spiteful, intolerant, and ill-willed dunce upon all the liveliness in this world. It is no more than the humorlessly insincere resort of minds so mediocre that, for them, a revival of Stalinism is preferable to the pain of a glimpse of self-it is the last sigh of the beast that Nietzsche identified as resentiment."
More and more of us are learning to be highly supportive of Blacks in public conversation, then avoiding them at all costs in public.
If a Black shop clerk attempts to speak with me, I suddenly take out my phone and say "Sorry, I have to take this" then avoid them.
I don't live around them, and I won't associate with them.
There are vast numbers of Whites doing what I'm doing. It's just safer and you don't have to the DWL thing; i.e. constantly praising any Black person that comes up in conversation.
Consider, for now, any conversation about Blacks by YT can be branded "racism", it's far too dangerous to have any contact with them at all if possible.
Anthony Cumia didn't expect an attack from a Black person. He should be angry and indignant if the attacker was White, Asian or Hispanic. Since the attacker was Black, shame on Anthony! He expected to be safe around Blacks; expected to be in a civil situation.
Cumia put himself on the front lines of the race war and got slapped by our government's most cherished pets. He knew better...or he should have known better.
Whites only have ourselves to blame. We seem to be the only race that is gullible enough to fall for YKW universalist / anti-White propaganda. There is a jupermarket chain *cough* Sainsbury's *cough* in Britain that hates White people - its security guards are blacks and till staff are Asian, you never see a White person working for them. Yet stupid Whites make up most of its customers.
Anonymous said...
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other men, and I require the same from them.
John Bernard Books
Good words to live by. And
the way it used to be. I still live by those words. And until I become feeble and unable to care for my self it will stay that way.
Some what off topic. I was reading a article off of daily kenn..
A groid in 2012 stabbed a white girl because she turned him down. He went in the kitchen got a knife and stabbed her multiple times, till dead.
After several stories, he claimed she came at him first with the knife..The trial is going on now in Berkely Ca. Any guess which way it will go.
I wrote the FBI stats for 2012.37,000 white females were raped in the USA that year, by negros.
Think it got passes the censor. RIGHT , IT GOT PULLED...
Don't apologize and don't back down. The War on Whites is in full swing and our country is seconds away from being just another third world cesspool.
We can't avoid non-whites, there are too many of them. We can't not talk about what's happening, because ignoring reality CLEARLY hasn't worked for us so far.
We need to fight cultural marxism with the weapons being used against us. With words. They use weaponized words to fire us, quiet us, subdue us and kill us. As long as we let them define us, we are their victims and their slaves.
When we define ourselves and THEM, we take it all back. No more apologies and no more fear of losing "everything." Everything is very nearly gone.
God bless you, Anthony Cumia. You weren't the first and you won't be the last casualty in this war.
Don Imus was fired for calling a black women's basketball team 'nappy headed ho's'...Cumia is fired for venting about a racist black woman and her friends...and the Mississippi Republican Party paid for spots on black radio stations to 'warn' them about the racist Tea Party candidate McDaniel. WTF?
Ex New Yorker here.....We had our local fire works display last night and nobody was shot or stabbed. The towns around me also had fire works and parades with no mob violence, purse snatching, stolen cars, shootings or robberies.
During the Summer months the area around me has many rodeos, county fairs, car shows and baseball games. In the last hundred years or so no one has been shot or killed at any of these events. Up in the Northern territories the Indians have Pow Wows which draw a mixed crowd (Whites and Indians). Of course no one has been murdered or beaten up at these events either.
One of my neighbors is an Avon Lady and she has sales meetings inside her home. In an afternoon about 20 to 30 women will show up. As far as I know none of the women have gotten into any fist fights or shootings.
A friend went to an antique tractor show and did see a fat lady bang her head on a lamp pole as she was walking down the street texting someone on her cell phone.
But they don't have jobs to be fired from. They don't have families to provide for. They don't have good reputations to protect.
They are not white men. That makes a difference. They can say/do whatever TF they want to.
Dear People of Color: Stop Appropriating the 4th of July
"If you’re white – or at least partially white, enjoy this Fourth of July as you normally would. Get drunk, blow something up, and eat from the breast of at least three animals. Wave your flag, and be proud of your cultural heritage and everything that this country stands for.
If, however, you’re not white, you need to take today to do some serious reflection. Before you crack a beer or smoke some ribs, ask yourself: is this really your country?
Is this really a holiday that represents you?"
Contact: @nickmullen
OT: Indianapolis: 28 Homeland Security "covert operations" officers to be placed in black n'hoods in Indianapolis.
WTF??? Rick Hite is "frustrated" and "stern" with the "individuals" who are using guns to solve disputes.
No mention of race, even though the people and neighborhoods in the vid are ALL BLACK, and the site of the 9 shootings was a hip hop clothing store next to a chicken shack.
Whites have to take their murders ,rapes and beatings with a smile on their faces. Fighting back, speaking out is racist.
The Opie and Anthony show supports convicted child murderers. I see this as karma.
I read this story when it first broke. I immediately thought the black woman has out standing warrants. Looking forward to reading his account of things. I've got a good idea gauging by his "tweets". I hate typing that "word".
On this Independence Day we have an immigration crisis that I'm afraid will break this country.
I'm sure most readers here are aware of the situation. A California town has turned away recent bus loads of illegals. The MSM has now started the Alinsky tactics. So sad.
Small factoid that could become a major problem. These children have multiply health issues that are contagious. US immigration is using commercial buses and jets to move these people all over the country. I don't take buses but I occasionally fly. Add catching a disease to my reasons to not like flying.
Scot Irish
Anonymous said...
Ex New Yorker here.....We had our local fire works display last night and nobody was shot or stabbed. The towns around me also had fire works and parades with no mob violence, purse snatching, stolen cars, shootings or robberies.
During the Summer months the area around me has many rodeos, county fairs, car shows and baseball games. In the last hundred years or so no one has been shot or killed at any of these events. Up in the Northern territories the Indians have Pow Wows which draw a mixed crowd (Whites and Indians). Of course no one has been murdered or beaten up at these events either.
One of my neighbors is an Avon Lady and she has sales meetings inside her home. In an afternoon about 20 to 30 women will show up. As far as I know none of the women have gotten into any fist fights or shootings.
A friend went to an antique tractor show and did see a fat lady bang her head on a lamp pole as she was walking down the street texting someone on her cell phone.
July 5, 2014 at 11:15 AM
Please keep up your posting, sir. They give my a nostalgic feeling about how things were when I was young and I use them as a gauge as to how far we have slipped as a nation. Best regards.
Eddie in St. Louis
" Anonymous said...
Hmm...I don't use Twatter and am quite happy with Radio Free USSA.
So glad I'm not missing anything on fakebook, twatter, mespace or any of that other lame social media shit.
Pay for radio? LMFAO!
First amemdment? Yea not so much.
The Australians and Russians next door had a nice comment to sum it all up. What are you celebrating your country is communist.
If they can see that why can't the natives?"
I don't use social media.
You are probably correct about present day America.
White educated (or somewhat educated) Americans remember this day for the Declaration Of Independence. Most of the signatures were signed to the document by July 2nd but it took a couple of days for the last few to reach The Continental Congress to sign. And by the way, we did not declare war but knew it would come. Our opponent was the greatest military power of the time. That is what I still celebrate. We beat the greatest military power of the time.
Some will denigrate me and that's fine. I believe this is where we fail. We don't identify as a group. Blacks do it naturally. Heck, they have a whole industry set up for grievance.
Scot Irish
In our current paradigm, if you don't allow blacks to beat or kill you or put up any resistance at all, than you are branded a "racist" whom probably deserved it all along.
I take full and unwavering responsibility for the safety of my loved ones and myself, laws and "political correctness" be damned.
For those interested, Ari Shavit (an American Jewish author) has a new book out called My Promised Land.
The gist of the book is:
"By portraying Israel as a country that is morally deficient, Shavit gave the American Jewish community two gifts. First he gave them a way to feel morally superior, and therefore patronizing towards Israel. Israel, they can say, committed a massacre – and did so because its founding ideology is poisonous. American Jews would never do such a thing. But out of the kindness of their hearts, like Shavit, they will continue to love this unworthy cousin.
The second gift Shavit gave the American Jewish community was the ability to feel comfortable refusing to be inconvenienced for Israel. Clearly – given Israel’s moral failings as portrayed by Shavit – American Jews should have no interest in picking up and making aliyah. But beyond that, since Israel is a morally lacking country, there is no reason for them to take a serious stand on its behalf. There is no reason for them to object to the galloping anti-Semitism on college campuses. The BDS people may be over the top, but according to Shavit, they have a point.
There is no reason for them to stand up to Obama. He is using “tough love” to make Israel free itself of sin and atone for its past crimes – like the one it committed in Lydda.
The success of Shavit’s book reveals the rupture in the relationship between the American Jewish community and Israel. A generation ago, being pro-Israel meant believing in the justness and morality of Israel and being willing to be inconvenienced a little or even a lot to defend the Jewish state.
Today, being pro-Israel means that you support Israel despite its immorality because you are forgiving. And supporting Israel means you’ll help Israel so long as it doesn’t inconvenience you in any way or make you feel uncomfortable about anything at all."
-- From the Caroline Glick website. Her words.
This is important because it indicates a sea change in Jews (who are interesting and worth studying as a subset of White people) in core attitudes.
In short, ethnic/racial/religious identity and UNITY broke down, among moralizing about who is more moral and ...
I can't emphasize this enough -- here are JEWS ADOPTING A CORE CHRISTIAN BELIEF.
Almost EVERY OTHER RACE AND REGION outside of Western Europe has never even adopted Original Sin. That's a core Protestant/Calvinist conception. When people talk of the Frankfurt School, they are really just referring to an obsession, cut adrift from traditional Christianity and its restrictions on female sexual freedom, on who is more moral and Predestined for Salvation and who is damned for all time.
Jews being non-Christian are therefore a link to the past, like Romans or Greeks they had no concept or belief ... UNTIL NOW ... of Original Sin and morality.
Jews up until really the last twenty or thirty years believed mostly in My Group / Your Group. Your Group might be hostile (Nazis, Muslims), indifferent (Japanese, Chinese), or supportive (Evangelical Christians in America like Harry Truman). But they were not My Group. Which was defined as Jews.
I hope you will report on this further when more details are revealed.
Cumia says that he will give his side in a podcast this week. Waiting patiently to hear that.
Left wing websites like Gawker are already protecting the black woman and spinning it to her advantage even though the facts are not clear.
Regardless of what ever it was he did or said to her, he did not do it on the air. He did it on the street. She most likely had no idea who he was or who he worked for. Yes he used profane language against the woman, but did I miss something? Is that illegal? He did not use his hands and for that, regardless of what he said to her, he holds the moral high ground. I know if I was attacked like that by male or female, I would've fought back. -Mr.L
I can't stress this enough. The normal way in which EVERY group of human beings operated, including Western Europeans, has been My Group and Your Group. Your Group might be hostile, indifferent, or an ally but wasn't the core My Group which formed the basis for both individual and collective action.
"That's mighty White of you." "Five on the Black Hand Side." Etc.
Group identity was EVERYTHING. Moral considerations came into play as much as calculus does among Kindergartners. It just did not play at all.
And this is the poisonous fruit of today's affluence and post-Christianity. People WANT TO BELIEVE in SOMETHING. They can't and won't exist without belief. So they believe in the cheap and easy moralizing.
Jews do this -- even when it means abandoning cousins and about 2,000 years of genetic and cultural adaptation in the ugly diaspora world where the only salvation was your cousins taking you in to escape a periodic pogrom from the Czar, locals, English kings, Muslim potentates, and such. As Glick (herself a Jew) notes, American Jews cannot even argue anymore with the Black/Hispanic/White Liberal alliance that detests Israel not the least of which is the Israeli "negative" unapologetic nationalism amongst non-Christian Whites.
So powerful are the pressures to conform to today's real religion: Post Christian Volk Marxism aka "the Frankfurt School" or PC and Diversity. Even Jews have become Post-Christians.
So I want to be real clear here: in order to fight against this set of lies and demands that guys like Cumia apologize for their own racially motivated assaults; we will have to confront Christianity HEAD ON.
PC and Diversity and such are embedded in Christianity, in the unversalism of all mankind, in the equality of all mankind, in the adoration of the very poor, in the pacifism, in the worship of the feminine (like the Virgin Mary), and in the Protestant/Calvinist frightening social conformity.
sorry to say this,but the majority of white women and their DWL pussified men are to blame.
look how many voted for obama? look how many mudsharks there are out there?
look how many are up for "minority rights" even if its shafts their own families future?
want to be a white heterosexual male,take care of your family and just be left the fuck alone?
the target is on your forehead.
home school your kids and get the hell out of dodge.
How social welfare should really work:
Going Dutch - How I Learned to Love the European Welfare State
The anonymous Commenter referring to Gramsci is correct. Point of order: Gramsci was not an Italian, he only lived in Italy. He was some kind of Albanian. Never confuse legal residence with nationality -- completely different issues. Also, Gramsci did the theoretical trailblazing, but it was the Frankfurt School escapees from justice who established serious Cultural Marxism in US colleges.
"Whites only have ourselves to blame. We seem to be the only race that is gullible enough to fall for YKW universalist / anti-White propaganda."
No. Whites were fiercely against the anti-white nonsense, the lies, the forced integration. Whites lined up and protested, blocked schools to try to prevent integration, there were riots against forced bussing, Radio announcers refused to play rock, jazz, decried King, etc. What happened was that the government, even then, was stronger than the population and forced it. And the schools re-educated the newer generations of whites. Even then, most still do not actually believe it. How many actually will live in black neighborhoods? And when polled anonymously, most of these liberal measures are wildly unpopular, with anywhere from 2/3 to 80+% disagreeing. But they've seen enough of these purges to force to publicly pretend to, as discussed in the article; this, plus the complicit media and schools create the illusion of public acceptance.
Principles have a funny way of changing when it comes to running into 6 nogs on a dark street.Just sayin'
He was disgusted with himself for not shooting and went on a hissy fit like a little girl.It was over and done with,he whined his way out of a job and looks like an ass for his trouble.
Richard Cranium
The Regime doesn't really need to crack down on speech it doesn't like, violating the First Amendment. Just about every institution in the country is ready and willing (even enthusiastic) about doing it for them.
Can somebody with this Tweet thing tweet Anthony about SBPDL?
I don't use Twaat or Assbook. What I write here is bad enough. Even though I am self employed, I am too well known in my area.
Sad, that the White Race (and ONLY the White Race) promoted and understood "free speech" is now the only race who may not use it.
We invented the gun and it is put in our face.
We invented coined gold and now we are forced to accept paper notes.
We invented colleges/Universities and they preach against us.
We codified and created "freedom of Religion" but Religions are at the head of White Extermination.
We were the first to give the peasants the "vote". Now the rest of the peasants vote us out of existence.
This can not last.
Did you hug a gun today?
You guys can't be too hard on Sirius/XM. They're just trying to protect their shareholders from losing the myriad Africant-American subscribers.
Wait, what's that? Sirius doesn't accept EBT? Double-A's don't commute long distances to their jobs (or have jobs to commute to), and thus don't require satellite broadcasts to keep their minds off the tedium of driving four hours per day? My mistake.
WTF Sirius? Did Robin force your hand? She always seemed to be on "our" side.
I was thinking that the US news media were slacking off. Nothing for a few weeks. Now we have the new "Racist of the Week" in this Cumia fellow.
Guess Sirius is another negro-owned concern. It's amazing, no? Negroes own damned near everything. They own all those TV stations, all the banks, all the media companies, they own Google, Facebook, etc.
Who ever knew? Negroes must be far smarter than we think. They kill YT every day and use their magical mind-bending powers to make white police, prosecutors, lawyers and judges mouth PC Platitudes every time one of Obama's erstwhile sons goes a polar-bear hunting. Read how a white cop even mouthed the party line when his own son was arrested for defending himself from a knife attack by one of the holy people. They must surely have supernatural power. Well, at least that's what some of the folks here believe. (Pay no attention to that cephalopod behind the curtain, and don't ever be the first to stop applauding!)
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
I am an O&A fan and have followed Cumia for years, on Twitter & the show obviously. He has always been a race realist & has created terrific dialogue with other guests like Patrice O'Neal about the topic. What has happened here is a Greek tragedy of sorts if only because he has always predicted this kind of thing would happen. Sure enough, he's attacked and all of a sudden, it's the naughty language and "hate" speech that becomes the focus of conversation. Of course, people like Cumia are hated in any facet because of "misogyny" and "shock jock and "angry white male". The Libs on Twitter are already going through great lengths to Twitter shame anyone supporting him or simply being a fan of the show. Pathetic, groveling idiots tripping over themselves to show who is more progressive than the next. Of course, if the roles were reversed & Cumia struck the black woman over the same circumstance, he would've been killed. No matter what, he was going to be in the wrong.
Which was a direct response to Bolshevism spreading to Europe and Germany in particular.
FINALLY! Someone was finally brave enough to put a stop to this one-man Fourth Reich. Ugh ... I was scanning for NPR in my Prius one day and accidentally stumbled into the rancid cesspit known as the Opie And Anthony Show. I nearly vomited up my gluten-free bagel and nonfat soy latte when I heard it. Just unspeakably vile. Why are people like him tolerated at all? Haven't we grown out of this sort of primitive trash?
Racists deserve to be put out of their misery. This is a wonderful first step, but we have a long, long way to go. That Adam Carolla asshole should be next.
We shall overcome!
-A Compassionate Oregonian
Hopefully Anthony will soon be hired by another network. his talent will be appreciated by many. Howard stern is or was on Sirius after having been fired. so Anthony will move on. Google luck to him. i don't imagine that opie is happy about this. maybe he will quit them over it. fans will not like this unfair firing either.
There is a good reason why Blacks are getting away with bad behavior and Whites are backing them up.
White morality is not BEING a good person, but being SEEN as good; which means voting Democrat every time, praising Blacks and following the liberal/progressive fads as a religion.
Reinforcing this is the mass media/popular culture ethos that ridicules and shames non-compliant Whites as rednecks, hicks and bigots.
This is all very "1984".
Avoid Blacks at all costs, but never voice any negativity about them. If the subject comes up, go all IKAGO.
Push hard for leftist ideas and politicians but run to your tax attorney when the bills come due.
Curse those who became successful through hard work and sacrifice. Call them exploiters and oppressors, but God Forbid! don't share your own 500 million dollar trust fund.
Our enlightened progressives are really just the same old recycled mandarins and fascists seeking to run the lives of others.
You'd think they'd come up with something original.
The best part of it is this:
How many nogs do you really think PAY for radio ? What percentage of Sirius listeners are nogs? I am willing to wager that the number is inconsequential.It is as if stupid Whites are trying to be more shameless than nogs.They fall over themselves to please the magic holy nog.Ridiculous,sad and shameful on many levels.
Richard Cranium
If I were Cumia, iwould have drawn my pistol and shot 2 or 3 rounds into the ground.
This would have stopped the punching. If not he should have turned and run like hell. Why was he standing there taking such a beating.
By the way he was a legal gun holder...
America's attitude towards its negroid problem is analogous to a man with a gangrenous limb who doesn't want to cut it off.
"No, no, it's fine. Let it fester, trust me. It will one day evolve into a beautiful unicorn hoof, you just have to believe!
Should Cumia be commended for "taking the moral high ground" and not doing more? Especially after "5 more blacks" swarmed in to defend niggabitch #1. Knowing that he was packing, and presumably had at least 6 rounds, a more proper response would've been putting a bullet in all 6 ape attackers.
And he'd most likely still have his day job.
Now we know why John Boehner has not moved against Obama:He correctly assumes that if he does so,Civil War 2 will be the bloodiest sequel ever.
Hey, Anon July 5 11:12 am - It's much worse than radio ads. Nicholas Stix has a story that a black Reverend has admitted on tape that he paid $15 to each black that voted for old Thad. He's talking now because Thad's re-election campaign reneged on paying him $15,000.
For all the newspeak about "civil rights," we see that the First Amendment has long since become a dead letter. Then again, what do we expect? Anyone care to examine the state of civil rights in black majority countries? Zimbabwe, Uganda, Congo, Nigeria, Haiti, the late unlamented Central African Empire...
Of course, it's not quite fair to blame blacks alone. DWL are the ones who are going into mass hysteria to cover for blacks, whether by censoring dissent or bowing before convicted marxist terrorists like Mandela. The real problem is that to speak the truth about blacks means shattering the liberal ideological facade. Truths like the statistics on black violent crime and black illegitimacy, like median black IQ, like blacks trashing every polity from Detroit to Zimbabwe.
The USA had a Civil Rights Revolution, alright. A revolution against civil rights.
Aw lawdy Jeezus! The poor black folks have been bamboozled once again! Whitey's always laying the trap.
I used to think that blacks blaming whites for their own failures was just politics, given an unhealthy assist by DWL pathologies. But there is more to it than just scapegoating YT. It just may be that too many blacks can not understand the relationship between cause and effect. e.g., if one makes a mortgage contract requiring you to pay more than you make, an economic fiasco may be on the horizon. Similarly, if one produces more children than one can support, or does not study in school, or spends time gangbanging, you might end up living in poverty or jail.
We have the DWL agitprop system informing all goothinkers that "poverty" and "bad schools" and "crime" are conditions which mysteriously settle upon blacks, owing to some even more mysterious force called (horrors!) "racism!" Within this framework, blacks end up acting according to the most absurd stereotypes: as the perpetually confused sidekick of a patronizing white (in this case, white liberal).
It was reported a while back that white farmers in Zambia were committing acts of aggression against black-majority-rule Zimbabwe by exporting food to Mugabe's realm. This was a way for YT to shove it in the face of blacks that they could not farm their own "liberated" lands. Meantime, white taxpayers and NGOs pick up the bill for food aid to Africa.
""""""""""""""""""""""They used to have "stellar" credit until they were "swept up" and "steered" into whitey's tricky sub-prime lending scheme. Now the credit scores of black Americans have been systematically damaged, haunting their financial futures.
Aw lawdy Jeezus! The poor black folks have been bamboozled once again! Whitey's always laying the trap."""""""""""""""""""""""
And THATS why they need reparations! Gotta balance the books of justice. "Gimme da stuff, gimme da stuff!"
Or what? They're gonna burn down the cities and riot again?
There is a clear message here. Not only are whites not supposed to defend themselves against blacks, you can't talk about being victimized by them, either.
Whether they know it or not, there is a de facto admission of the inability of blacks to act in a civilized manner. You can almost hear the media saying, "Cumia knows how blacks are, they are stupid and impulsive, but he knows better because he is white, and the burden is on him to put up with their behavior."
Not too long ago, a black piece of trash walked up behind a white woman in Walmart, and hit her in the head with a baseball bat. It was barely reported. If the woman had called him a nigger, I'm certain it would be all over the news, as evidence of how "we still have a long way to go" with civil rights.
Blacks have toddler minds in adult bodies. They should not roam freely among whites.
I have a severe case of negro fatigue.
"If I were Cumia, iwould have drawn my pistol and shot 2 or 3 rounds into the ground.
This would have stopped the punching. If not he should have turned and run like hell. Why was he standing there taking such a beating.
By the way he was a legal gun holder..."
He would be in JAIL. NYC is run by a communist married to a black woman who has ordered the police to stop noticing black crime. Do you think he would get justice?
Don't be surprised if we soon hear about an "investigation" of him carrying a gun. Don't be surprised if the Feds charge him with a "hate crime" or "civil rights violation". Don't be surprised if this goes on and on. They found a non-sympathetic target and they will make an example of him. Any decent person who values justice and freedom should be appalled at what has happened and what likely will happen to this man.
"I don't use Twaat or Assbook."
You don't have to be a jerk about it. They are tools and have their uses.
Surrender to the lies of political correctness is how new liars are generated. As in the Rollins song "Liar", the aim is to "turn you into me", not to humiliate, control, or emasculate, as Dalrymple says, though all of those things are by-products. Politically correct, post-Christian society is an organized lying club, and they are constantly recruiting new members. Most people (99.999%+) don't really want to be individuals anyway.
You think you're going to live your life alone
In darkness, and seclusion
Yeah, I know.
You've been out there, and tried to mix with those animals
And it just left you full of humiliated confusion.
So you stagger back home, and wait for nothing.
But the solitary refinement of your room spits you back out onto the streets
And now you're desperate, and in need of human contact
And then, you meet me, and your whole world changes
Because everything I say is everything you've ever wanted to hear
So you drop all your defenses, and you drop all your fears.
And you trust me completely.
I'm perfect, in every way.
'cause I make you feel so strong and so powerful inside.
You feel so lucky.
But your ego obscures reality and you never bother to wonder why things are going so well.
You want to know why?
'cause I'm a liar, yeah, I'm a liar
I'll tear your mind up, I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me, I'll turn you into me
'cause I'm a liar, a liar, a liar, a liar
I'll hide behind a smile
And understanding eyes
And I'll tell you things that you already know, so you can say:
"I really identify with you, so much!"
And all the time that you're needing me
Is just the time that I'm bleeding you
Don't you get it yet?
I'll come to you like an affliction
But I'll leave you like an addiction
You'll never forget me
You wanna know why?
'cause I'm a liar, yeah, I'm a liar
I'll rip your mind out, I'll burn your soul
I'll turn you into me, I'll turn you into me
'cause I'm a liar, a liar, liar, liar, liar, liar
I don't know why I feel the need to lie and cause you so much pain
Maybe it's something inside, maybe it's something I can't explain
'cause all I do, is mess you up and lie to you
I'm a liar, oh, I am a liar
But if you'll give me just one more chance I swear I'll never lie to you again
'cause now I see the destructive power of a lie
It is stronger than truth
I can't believe I ever hurt you
I swear I will never lie to you again, please, just give me one more chance
I'll never lie to you again
No, I swear
I will never tell a lie
I will never tell a lie, no, no
Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh oh oh oh!
Sucker! Sucker! Oh, sucker!
I am a liar, yeah, I am a liar, yeah, I like it
I feel good, I am a liar
Yeah, I lie, I lie, I lie, oh, I lie, oh, I lie, I lie, yeah
Oh, I'm a liar, I lie, I like it, I feel good, I'll lie again, and again
I'll lie again and again and I'll keep lying
I promise
So, will Cumia go the Paula Deen route and demonstrate the unique YT talent for keepin' on lickin' the jackboot that's kickin'? Even if he grovels, his media career is over as the negro owners of big media will never let him in again - not even through the servants' entrance.
off topic
So I want to be real clear here: in order to fight against this set of lies and demands that guys like Cumia apologize for their own racially motivated assaults; we will have to confront Christianity HEAD ON.
PC and Diversity and such are embedded in Christianity, in the unversalism of all mankind, in the equality of all mankind, in the adoration of the very poor, in the pacifism, in the worship of the feminine (like the Virgin Mary), and in the Protestant/Calvinist frightening social conformity.
I can't really defend Christianity, such as it stands today, from Whiskey's point. The vast majority of those who refer to themselves as Christians today have substituted shit-sandwiches and grape-drank from Schiessgeld & Dormerde's Marcusian Deli for the body and blood of Christ. Christianity is effectively a corpse, though a remnant can be found here and there, like CWNY. Somehow, despite all Whiskey's hand-wringing, I don't expect we'll be seeing the flow of tax funds to Israel slow down until his tribe's dream of white extermination is a lot closer to reality. Israel has at least 300-500 deliverable nukes and they don't bother observing treaties about biological warfare and the like, so I seriously doubt they're going to be flooded in a tsunami of howling Musloids in the forseeable future.
Paul, one Lincoln note in the mail to you today. Hope you trust your VDARE comrades and they don't nab your PK funds.
Off topic, but certainly relevant to life in BRAmerika: Things may get interesting tomorrow in Murrietta, California.
According to Drudge, the Feds are bringing riot police to escort the buses full of squat monsters so they can be released upon the populace of Murrietta.
As Bogo routinely notes, many of these forces will be comprised of our fellow whites.
To all of those white federal (feral) 1811s who would raise their batons or spray mace upon the citizens of Murrietta in defense of Obama's invaders, all I can say is:
I hope your departure from this world, whether it be tomorrow (God willing) or in a 100 years, is terrifying, agonizing, and only a prelude of what comes to you in the next.
The quickening is here...
Isn't "hard-wired" NPR a standard feature in every Prius?
Yep. Just another case of if you tell the truth about the out of control black violence and the attempted cover-up of the same by this administration and many local ones, you get the axe. I can't wait until this POS BRA asshole is gone and maybe we can start taking back our country from BRA and all the accompanying fraud, nepotism, cronyism and general incompetence all justified in the name of multicultural diversity.
keep noticing, people.
they can't make us stop noticing.
I'd ask if the authorities have tried to hunt down and arrest the Negropithecus for assault and battery but I don't want everyone to collapse in laughter at so foolish a question.
Did you know car batteries also crave electrolytes like the ones provided by Brawndo the Thirst Mutilator? If your battery is acting up put some Brawndo on it, a little dab will do ya, then enjoy a Tarryleton cigarette.
Welcome to Costco I love you.
Off topic.
I watched the men's Wimbledon final today.
Two amazing white athletes. Huge white audience. White ball boys and girls(for the most part). White officials and referees. The president and directors of the Wimbledon tennis club are white.
What an utterly civilized sporting contest. The athletes fought tooth and nail to the limits of their skill and endurance. A display of supreme athleticism and iron will.
One man had to win, and did. Afterwards, during the awards presentation, both white men distinguished themselves by giving brief commentaries bursting with graciousness and gratitude, intelligence, self deprecation, and subtle, deadpan wit. Both men made it a point to praise, thank and congratulate the other.
In the warm late afternoon British sunshine, the white audience applauded and cheered the two men with genuine appreciation and emotion. The coach of the winning athlete cheered the losing athlete with tears in his eyes.
An utterly civilized and beautiful sporting contest. No fights broke out. No threats, no 9mm's were held sideways, no stabbings or beatdowns. No aspiring rappers with gold teeth and gold chains were ferried off to prison.
Contrast this with the awful thugged out chaotic black spectacles that occur with depressing regularity at NFL/NBA games. Horrible, subhuman black thugs acting like the unchained animals they are.
I refuse to attend or even watch professional basketball and football games. It turns my stomach.
I wish every white in the USA felt and did the same.
Mssrs. Federer and Djokovic.....thank you for your athleticism, professionalism, grace, and civility.
Whiskey said...PC and Diversity and such are embedded in Christianity... in the worship of the feminine (like the Virgin Mary)....
I do not want to go off-topic, and perhaps I misunderstand, but... Speaking as a Catholic, and to clarify, we do not "worship" the "feminine", and we certainly do not worship the Virgin Mary.
The traditional Catholic ideas of femininity are almost the complete opposite of the notion of "feminism", as that term has been used secularly since the 60's (or perhaps even going back as far as 100 years).
I would dispute that the Catholic Church itself is "PC" or into "Diversity". We do not (indeed, CANNOT) ordain women to the priesthood. As far as I know, the local seminary here in Philadelphia still tests for, and rejects, sodomites. I have personally heard and witnessed people have a conniption over these two issues alone, and that is not to even mention the reactions to the Church's full teachings on sex, marriage and procreation. These teachings are definitely not "PC".
Nice link Mr. Trump. I can't argue with most of it but I do have some thoughts about certain parts that I need to chew on. Thanks for providing me with some mental exercise.
Mr. Clean said...
I would dispute that the Catholic Church itself is "PC" or into "Diversity".
The Catholic Church is anti-racist and considers racism a sin. The so-called brotherhood of Man ... that's the foundation stone upon which the whole edifice of PC is raised.
Disparity of force is legal justification for use of lethal force. Dude should have blasted the diversity once it went two(or more) on one.
That aside, should have sprayed "Precious" with OC, that's the proper tool for angry, outrageous negresses. Before you escalate to lethal force.
Mr. Clean/06July14@08:30 PM
Re: The 'un-PC' Catholic church,
Given the CC's historic hostility toward the 2A/its adherents & its repetitious regurgitation (w/ a heavy overlay of 'moral justification') of the Leftist anti-2A/pro-thug/pro-dictatorship cult's demonstrable BS in addtn to its well known support for the 'moral rights' of Latino Catholic illegal immigrants invading the U.S., your contention that the CC isn't PC because certain parts of it reject sodomites is at best a weak attempt at rationalizing its decidedly leftist tendencies.
I've read your output before, MC, & so are aware that you're not as gullible as the tone of your comment implies.
Cassandra (of Troy)
Anonymous/07July14@12:28 AM,
So because of its 'anti-racist' policy its unrelenting hostility toward the 2A/its supporters should be overlooked if not forgiven?
Cassandra (of Troy)
The problem, I think, is not blacks but white progressives.
Think about it. In the 1950s who was in power? Whites. And who changed the culture? White progressives and "liberals".
I hate this political correctness garbage but the thing is, there are black people who also castigate blacks - and they also get excoriated - when Bill Cosby pointed out that blacks are responsible for their own problems, for example, or when Ward Connerley spoke out against affirmative action, who attacked them the most? White liberals.
PC prevents people from having an honest conversation about anything which means you can't fix problems because you can't call a spade a spade ... so to speak...
BTW, my parents came to the US LEGALLY from India and I grew up here... the reason my parents came was because America used to be a meritocracy, where hard work could result in the American dream. Thanks to progressives and liberals, though, now America is becoming just as elitist as other countries, and just as corrupt.
However, in places like Africa, you had people screwing up the country but at least it was to benefit their own tribe, at least in the short term. (Long term, of course, when you play those games the whole ship goes under.) Whereas in America I feel that the white liberals and progressives have sold out their own - so it's even worse.
If this country remained a meritocracy and fair, then sure, most university degrees, say, the percentage of blacks with a university degree would be much lower than their percentage in the general population. But they would still be better off - because they would live in a safer, wealthier and fairer society.
In places like Detroit, blacks (and the leftists) have been running things for years and blacks are much worse off. If Detroit had remained a meritocracy and not turned into a leftist stronghold, then whites would have continued to rule but blacks would have been better off.
If you look at a place like India back in the 1400s, India at that point in history had 25% of the world's GDP. (China also had 25%). India was stratified with a caste system - the Brahmins were at the top and they and the Kshatriyas ruled. This actually created a much wealthier and safer society. The reason Marco Polo wanted to travel to China and Europeans kept trying to find a way to India back in those days was because at that time China and India were wealthy.
When the Mughals (Muslims) conquered India they screwed everything up. Muslims are not equipped to rule but they did - plus they killed huge numbers of Hindus (the Hindu Kush means Hindu graveyard and it is estimated that 80 million Hindus were killed during the Muslim conquest.) Of course, the top castes were the most likely to be killed - the rulers. Just like in Russia, when the Communists took over - the top echelons - the professionals and nobility - were killed.
I can imagine what the IQ of Russia was before the Communist Revolution, or the IQ of India before the Muslim conquest, or the IQ of China before the Cultural Revolution... or the IQ of the US before the leftists started paying the poor (and disproportionately black) to have babies that are subsidized by the rest. This is reverse Darwinism...
The main problem that is contributing to the downfall is the great influx of immigrants to the US. The mojority of the immigrants these days refuse to assimilate into American culture instead they attempt to force people in their community adopt their way of life. Once they get people of the same origin as them elected to political office they push to change our way of life out of the way in favor of their own. Soon we will recognize national holidays like la raza Nelson Mandela day, along with demands for Shari'a law and other puke.
Shefali said...I can imagine what the IQ of Russia was before the Communist Revolution, or the IQ of India before the Muslim conquest, or the IQ of China before the Cultural Revolution... or the IQ of the US before the leftists started paying the poor (and disproportionately black) to have babies that are subsidized by the rest. This is reverse Darwinism...
It's an exercise in dysgenics. You not only get an expanding, low IQ underclass, you squeeze out the middle. This leaves the situation open to elite rule. Meantime, the party faithful chant the slogans and keep their eyes fixed on the telescreens.
A century or so ago, writers like Lothrop Stoddard speculated on just such a future.
Anonymous July 7, 2014 at 12:28 AM said...The Catholic Church is anti-racist and considers racism a sin. The so-called brotherhood of Man ... that's the foundation stone upon which the whole edifice of PC is raised.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is not "the Catholic Church". It is simply a conference of bishops in the US. It is subject to the Pope and Rome. They can and do make mistakes. They have their share of liberals (and perhaps heretics) who attempt to hijack Catholic teaching to advance the their own agendas. There have been cases where they have had to clarify or even rescind statements they have made because those statements clearly conflicted with actual Catholic teaching.
I do not see any listing for "racism" in the Catholic Catechism. There is a section on Equality and DIFFERENCES Among Men.
By the way, I see myself more as a kind of seperatist, than as a "racist".
Shefali: "This is reverse Darwinism..."
AKA, Survival of the Shittest.
Mr. Clean said...
I do not see any listing for "racism" in the Catholic Catechism. There is a section on Equality and DIFFERENCES Among Men.
Yes, but no RACIAL differences are recognized, only individual ones. Put into practice, this is anti-racism. From your own link:
Every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God's design.40
The fact is, white people have a collective problem right now, and if they are to survive as a race it demands a collective response. Individualism can never solve this problem, which is why individualism is pushed so aggressively by everyone from libertarians to "progressives", and including Christians of almost all denominations. Even you try to distance yourself from it.
Why are you are back here droning on and on ? What ever happened to your obsession with nog afleets ? Get bored ?
If you insist upon haunting this site,shorten it up a lot and say something new.Just sayin'.
He shoulda handled it much differently.Good thing he had a gun ... lol
What in heaven's name is all this brawndo bullshit about ? Is it supposed to be funny?
Or did you miss your meds ?
And anyone who thinks it is wrong to adopt an in your face, race-exclusive immigration policy is part of the problem. If you believe in the "nation of immigrants" crap you deserve whatever you get.
They ARE not like us, DO not like us, and WILL not ever become like us.
Cassandra said...
Please see the first paragraph of my 11:40 response. Views expressed by individual Catholic clergy (or groups of them) may or may not reflect the teachings of the Catholic Church, and may in fact be directly opposed to those teachings. That said....
Cassandra said...Given the CC's historic hostility toward the 2A/its adherents
Can you provide some type of documentation of this? I am unaware of any official position taken by the Church on the private possession/use of weapons (firearms).
The Second Amendment is purely an American thing... that is, it is a local issue that I don't see the Catholic Church getting involved in.
The Catholic Church does unequivocally teach the right of reasonable self-defense, including the taking of life.
Cassandra said...& its repetitious regurgitation (w/ a heavy overlay of 'moral justification') of the Leftist anti-2A/pro-thug/pro-dictatorship cult's demonstrable BS
I don't know what you are referring to here.
Cassandra addtn to its well known support for the 'moral rights' of Latino Catholic illegal immigrants invading the U.S.,
The Church may well teach that the basic human rights of the illegal immigrants should be respected just as with any other criminal.
The civil authorities have a right (and quite likely a duty) to pass and enforce immigration laws. Would-be immigrants have an obligation to respect these laws. That is Church teaching.
Cassandra said...your contention that the CC isn't PC because certain parts of it reject sodomites is at best a weak attempt at rationalizing its decidedly leftist tendencies.
The Catholic Church is by far THE main enemy of the Left. The Left would like nothing more than to destroy it, and they certainly are trying, both within and from outside it.
Yes, the Church believes that civil authorities have a right to pass immigration laws. Unfortunately, they think any laws that do not allow unlimited immigration on an equal basis to everyone in the world are immoral.
Tell us more,please.
A comical.and most astute observation ,thanks for a good laugh !
Richard Cranium
Golly,do not break yourself.It will still arrive even if you do not announce your generosity to all the cheapskates.How did you ever afford postage after sending a whole 5$ bill? (as funny as this is,I salute you for sending SOMETHING,it is much more than most will ever send)
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