It's the definitive book on NASA and how one of the great achievements in America's history was grounded because of the lack of diversity and blacks involved in the Apollo Program.
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Available now for Kindle at! |
If interested, the paperback version of the book will be published in mid-August. For a $25 donation (right-side of the scroll down via PayPal), you can secure a signed copy of this one-of-a-kind look at the history of NASA's fall, all because the government of the United States of America deemed it "embarrassingly white."
What's exciting is this means we are close both the sequel to Escape from Detroit and the billboard campaign accompanying it...
We went to the moon.
This is a fact.
Indisputable, except to those conspiracy theorists clinging to their belief some sinister plot was hatched by the US Government to conceal our inability to navigate to earth's natural satellite.
On July 20, 1969, man first stood on the moon; on December 18, 1972, man stood on the moon for the last time. What happened to end the dream of space exploration, left instead to the colorful imagination of Trekkies and science fiction fans believing some diverse band of humans could navigate the heavens in a utopian future?
The US Government neutered NASA by forcing a much different mission upon the space agency: diversity and the promotion of blacks. We went to the moon.
On multiple occasions. When NASA was nearly all-white, with an all-white astronaut team. But in 1972, the Apollo program was grounded, with the Space Shuttle program becoming a glorified experiment in social engineering and special interest group cheerleading. Each successive launch included women, blacks, and other racial minorities, not for the sake of exploration, but for the sake of gender and racial cheerleading.
The glory of NASA and mankind's great moments in space exploration were all milestones performed under the watchful of an almost completely white NASA, devoid of the hindrance of affirmative action programs and the shackles of Equal Employment Opportunity mandates.
The mandate then was to get the moon; the mandate soon after was the promotion of blackness and diversity, at the expense of the initial dream of exploring the stars.
'Whitey on the Moon': Race, Politics, and the death of the U.S. Space Program, 1958 - 1972 tells the shocking story of NASA's demise from an angle never-before told: the racial angle.
Learn the story of Captain Ed Dwight, the black Air Force pilot the Kennedy Administration tried to force on NASA; learn about how General Curtis LeMay and Lt. Colonel Chuck Yeager demanded accountability and stood against what the latter deemed "reverse racism" in how the Kennedy Administration forced a black astronaut candidate on NASA just for the sake of having a black astronaut candidate.
Learn about the "Poor People's Campaign" (led by Rev. Ralph Abernathy), which protested the launch of Apollo 11 on July 16th, 1969, by showing up with a horse and buggy.
Rev. Abernathy demanded the money going to Apollo and space exploration be redistributed to fight poverty and starvation in America's inner cities...
And his vision won out.
The final chapters of the book deal not with the exploration and colonization of new worlds, but the redistributing of wealth to pay for EBT/SNAP Food Stamps cards and other welfare payouts... a testament to Rev. Abernathy's dream.
We could have been on Mars, but we had to fund Black-Run American instead...
Already reading WOTM on Kindle!
Congrats on the book!
OT: I was just reading about the decapitated black female. Looks like an allegory for what will happen when the EBT cards aren't renewed.
The killer negra was used to getting stuff for free (she was pretending to be the landlord and enjoyed collecting the rent). The black victim didn't want to pay up anymore. The killer negra felt disrespected I guess. And it got oh-so-gruesome. I mean, you better be armed to the teeth when telling a black used to getting free stuff that they can't have it anymore.
"Learn about the "Poor People's Campaign" (led by Rev. Ralph Abernathy), which protested the launch of Apollo 11 on July 16th, 1969, by showing up with a horse and buggy.
Rev. Abernathy demanded the money going to Apollo and space exploration be redistributed to fight poverty and starvation in America's inner cities...
And his vision won out."
This is an important observation and namely to put the rest the myth that blacks were impotent and powerless to directly impact government policies related to them.
If the lunar landing had occured in July of 1959, perhaps a few groid leaders would have made some remarks and observations about it, but they would not have been so bold as to actually show up at Cape Canaveral in a horse drawn cart and protest the entire affair as being racist.
Some posts back, PK mentioned that during the late '50's, Ralph Abernathy of all people, was writing columns arguing that NASA should recruit astronauts, scientists, etc from the black community, America's untapped resource for future scientific endeavors, etc.
The point being is that even Abernathy much less MLK would've even thought to protest something as momentous as the lunar landing if it had occurred in 1959. What a difference a decade makes.
John Derbyshire recently wrote about the International Math Olympiad results as well as the elite 9 NYC Public schools of which most are heavily math and science based and only take the selected top 1% of admissions since it is purely based on test scores.
Needless to say, there is some controversy since the talented tenth is simply not well represented among these NYC high school students.
Yup, what a difference a decade makes. Ride in that cart to attempt to end poverty. How'd that work out for them?
PK---it is very interesting about the amazing coordination between the Moon Landings and The Planet of the Apes.
Planet of the apes was made between 1968 and 1973....sure it was just a movie series...but I think the movie was winking at White America at the exact same time that Whites were at the height of their civilization only to be brought back down to the dirt by the fetus of BRA.
Until now, I thought Guns, Blacks and Steel was your flagship book, the one book that if you could only have one Paul Kersey book was the one to get.
Now I think Whitey on the Moon is your flagship book. I get the feeling that it's going to be bought and seen by the sort of people who would not buy your other books, simply because it's about the space program.
It's a fabulous read...I highly recommend it.
Feel free to add to the Protocols of the Elders of Crystal Meth
) Whites are individually and collectively responsible for everything Jigs do, and for everything done to Jigs in the past 12,000 years.
) Whites are individually and collectively responsible for everything blacks do and will do.
) Negroes do not have to pay water bills. WHITES MUST PAY JIGS BILLS.
) Whites must pay their own water bills and those of blacks.
) White Police Officers are not permitted to exit their cars nor shoot at a negro shooting at them.
any thoughts????
ANYBODY READ THIS,I can't believe there was someone who actually wrote this in the media as it were...
Anyone who wants a glimpse of America’s Third World future can just take a gander at Detroit.
Things have gotten so bad that Detroit residents are fighting over the only thing more urgently necessary than food and weapons when nature reclaims its authority over civilization.
Even gasoline and fire can be lived without. But not water.
Wars have been fought over it and civilizations have ceased for the lack of it. And so the battle rages in Detroit as the once-great civilization slips into chaos.
It is kind of odd to think that a city named for water, nestled along a great river with access to the world’s largest supply of fresh water would be fighting over — water? How is this possible?
Answer: Government.
For over 150 years, the City of Detroit has operated one of the largest water filtration systems in the country with grand pumping facilities drawing hundreds of millions of gallons every day from the Great Lakes. It sells water at cost to residents and neighboring governments.
It has been enough water to supply Detroit during all of her booms and busts — smelting iron, logging timber, building stoves and carriages. Arsenal of Democracy. Motown.
Then, the biggest boom of all: the auto industry. Followed by the biggest bust of all. Now the city is in bankruptcy.
Sorting through the bills, a new generation of forced realists learned the hard way Margaret Thatcher’s maxim about socialism. Eventually, you really do run out of other people’s money.
Turns out, for decades, the grand and generous city has been just giving water to residents for free. If the Koch Brothers had done this, environmentalists would freak out and picket their headquarters accusing them of wasting precious water. But it’s all cool in the name of welfare.
Who is the ultimate loser here? Not you and me. We have never been told the water is free. We keep on paying our water bill and fixing leaky faucets. And the water keeps coming.
In Detroit, something shocking happened. As the city desperately tries getting its books in order before the whole place comes under the hammer of the auctioneer, the free “stuff” dried up. Literally.
Out of the blue, lifelong water scofflaws got billed for the water they used. Residents were stunned. They didn’t know what they were looking at. And then came the stark warnings: If they didn’t pay for the water they used, the water would be shut off. And it was.
Animals are treated better than this. In parks, the signs say, “Do not feed the bears.” That’s because we don’t want the bears to become dependent. And then starve to death. Or get hauled off in cages after they turn to crime because the free “stuff” ran out.
But the Welfare Barons have no problem treating humans like this. They give them all the free stuff they can. Until they run out.
Then they scream, “Humanitarian crisis! Racism!” As if they weren’t the authors of this cruel, sick, twisted game to begin with.
“These companies are basically Caucasian companies. The folks who are being cut off are almost one hundred percent African-American,” explained NAACP Legal Defense Fund lawyer Alice Jennings. She is suing the City of Detroit for discrimination. Don’t try to understand it.
“Thirsty for Justice,” “Water is a human right,” read the signs protesters carry defiantly declaring their entitlement to free water.
The United Nations Human Rights Council declared the City of Detroit guilty of human rights violations. For cutting off the free water.
Just goes to show that nothing is so expensive as when it is “free.”
Well; just finished reading.
I am a coward who can see it all around me, but I'm unwilling to risk my scraps.
I don't want to hate people. I don't. I'm angry at my own, for trading my people's future to feel a little bit better.
I'm not sure I would have done differently. I want everyone to exceed, to throw off the shackles we all place upon ourselves.
I don't want to abandon my country. I'm Pennsylvania Dutch on one side, and boat to civil war solider Irish on the other.
I'm descended from quite a few neat people who resided in Philadelphia, but we left because of constant violence I was subjected to very early in life.
We ran from the city my people built.
I never wanted to be an astronaut, I wanted to be the chemical engineer who designs the giant bombs conventional space flight sits on top of.
We fled the places we built, we have given up so much for them, and the list of places in my country that I am not welcome in grows every day. Yet I have privileges?
Anyway; enough depressed rambling.
Any ideas? Paul - further analysis just isn't needed. We need organization and approaches.
I have faith in people who look like me. We sailed the seas, invented or dramatically improved virtually everything. We prize balance, order and achievement. Sometimes I think conservative/liberal/communist/anarchist... We'll likely make it work in short order.
Anyway; thanks for the ill mood ;)
I recently read Playboy's interview with George Lincoln Rockwell, and I noticed something interesting in the context of SBPDL's previous articles on NASA and the space program, specifically the ones regarding their affirmative action program. The blacks complain that they weren't allowed in NASA, while at the same time Playboy's black reporter seemingly states that without blacks, NASA would have never made it to the moon:
ROCKWELL: If they were so far ahead of us then, why are they still shooting blow darts at each other while we’re launching rockets to the moon?
PLAYBOY: The American space program isn’t a segregated project, Commander. There are many Negroes working for NASA and in the space industry.
"Indisputable, except to those conspiracy theorists clinging to their belief some sinister plot was hatched by the US Government to conceal our inability to navigate to earth's natural satellite."
I didn't get a "Harumphh from that guy".
Thanks PK!
PK---it is very interesting about the amazing coordination between the Moon Landings and The Planet of the Apes.
Planet of the apes was made between 1968 and 1973....sure it was just a movie series...but I think the movie was winking at White America at the exact same time that Whites were at the height of their civilization only to be brought back down to the dirt by the fetus of BRA."
OMG! What an image. Charlton Heston returns from a near light speed space voyage. His reentry is fouled and his craft lands in outer Detroit, in one of the abandon zones that are going back to farmland. He is captured by some negros but they get high and passout from the drugs in his medical kit and he is able to get himself free. Alone at falling of night he sees distant tall building and heads for them. All night he defends himself from attacking and tracking negros while desperately searching for food and water till, at Dawn, he reaches the outer tall buildings.
Seeing them abandoned, he assumes a nuclear war and the movie closes with him beating his fist into the dirt screaming, "You finally, really did it. You Maniacs! You blew it up!"
"Seeing them abandoned, he assumes a nuclear war and the movie closes with him beating his fist into the dirt screaming, "You finally, really did it. You Maniacs! You blew it up!"
A good touch would be to have the Joe Lewis Fist statue in the background instead of the Statue of Liberty.
Congratulations on the new book. I will be picking this one up. Maybe leave a copy at my local library.
In case you missed this.
read the first paragraph. You just can't make this stuff up. Just wow.
The Baron
"We fled the places we built, we have given up so much for
them"...And this comment says it all to me
I am really beginning to wonder if it has always been Whites that
have built all the great civilizations,that maybe we were the
Atlanteans.I know who knows if Atlantis was real but my point is
maybe we were the ones who spread across the world and built the
great empires.And then because we reached the pinnacle and
technological peak of all the previous ages the Black and Brown
plague,the undertow,as it were ,destroyed everything ,as is now
happening.Look at Egypt as an example.Once a thriving lush green
oasis ,technological feats ,as we have done in this day and age,so to
have we have done in the past.At all the epochs of history Whites
reached the pinnacle only to be dragged back down into the DARK
AGES,as it were.Blacks eventually took over Eygypt and look what
happened.Desert ,just sand and ruins of a once great and powerful
civilization.That even then the Egyptions brought in slaves after their
countless wars against the Nubians and other black tribes,let them
mix into their people and I am sure their woman betrayed them as
well by having their offspring.Brought down by Blacks ,as was then
so it is now.Look at Africa ,even now.Black Africa,still a desert ,still
living in mudhuts,still cannot maintain any semblance of an
advanced, organized,civilization.Even what all the White AfriKaners
built is being destroyed by the blacks who are in power
now.Everything Whites built ,blacks cannot maintain or recreate.I
read somewhere that the only people who never invented or used the
wheel is Black Africa.Unbelievable!
10mm auto said:
"Planet of the apes was made between 1968 and 1973....sure it was just a movie series...but I think the movie was winking at White America at the exact same time that Whites were at the height of their civilization only to be brought back down to the dirt by the fetus of BRA."
The funny part is that the intent was/is to have YT cheering for the apes.
"It is kind of odd to think that a city named for water, nestled along a great river with access to the world’s largest supply of fresh water would be fighting over — water? How is this possible?
Answer: Government."
WRONG ANSWER. Let's try again.
'How is this possible?'
There. Fixed it with the correct answer. Now it's much much more insightful into the entire problem that is modern day Detroit.
You're welcome.
* After all, vast majority white areas of intrusive government metros Seattle, SF, Portland, OR, etc do just fine with running their basic services and very very rarely if ever do major problems occur a la the water situation in Detroit.
Wonder why that is?
Go back to the correct answer.
Totally getting this from Amazon on Friday. This will be my third book by PK. I'm sure I'll have it read by Saturday.
So white America has gone from putting a man on the moon to putting a monkey in the white house - all in the short space of 45 years. Is there any other race who could boast of such an amazing accomplishment? It all happened by pure magic. A mysterious vapor came upon the white man and ...viola! the transformation was complete. YT morphed - from being an explorer of solar system to being the craven zeks and proles of BRA, the Banana Empire's greatest invention to date. Of course we had plenty of 'hep' from our dear "friends" (several of whom even post here out of their profound "concern"). Hope there are few of the old engineers and tech guys from the Apollo days who are reading PK's book.
Off Topic But, Meanwhile in Chicongo
-Poor families use 'supervouchers' to rent in city's priciest buildings.
Well, I just exercised some of that there "White Privilege".
I paid my water bill. Damn.
You see, being White and all that, and having privileges, I realized something 99% of blacks haven't figured our....if I pay my water bill, I get water for 30 more days.
Damn, aren't we White folk smart? I guess staying awake in school helps me keep the water flowing and gives me a place to sh*t.
I guess us White Folk will just have to add to our burdens and teach the negro how to pay a water bill. Oh, pardon me. I guess us privileged White Folk are supposed to pay the water bill for the negro. Silly me.
OT, but Afros in Sierra Leone are burning down Ebola clinics because ... something stupid. Something only someone with the mind of a child would believe. Something to do with cannibalism.
Ooga Booga! And so forth.
from Weisse Frau:
Hi Pennsylvania Dutch-boy,
I would like to address organization. I live in a lily-white neighborhood. About half the people here freeze up when they see you smile and wave. I have figured out that they have been told by their various preachers to "stick with the team", to only fraternize with people who pay the preacher 10% of their earnings. So, when I greet them and tell them how beautiful their kids are they are thinking "Hey! This guy hasn't paid his entrance fee to the club! This family is trying to slip under the velvet rope!" Now they do not expect poor blacks in Africa or the US to ever have any money so they can like them.
My point is that preachers are divisive people, because that is how they get paid. I think whites could learn to be more cohesive by abandoning preacher "leadership".
Any thoughts?
I really appreciate Mr. Kersey. He tells the truth. Reading his books and blogs has helped me. I used to feel guilty that I would avoid black neighborhoods and groups of blacks. But I don't any more.
I do treat people as individuals. I have a few black friends who are wonderful people and I've worked with black colleagues who were hard-working, smart, etc. I volunteer at the local soup kitchen (which is run by local area Christian churches, but several of us non-Christians also help out). And one of the ladies who works the hardest there (volunteering her time and money) is a black lady. She is a very moral and compassionate person.
However, those are individuals. They are exemplary but the group as a whole is dysfunctional. That is just the reality.
I explained this to a friend of mine re. profiling. My parents are from India but I am light skinned for an Indian because they are North Indian Brahmins. People have asked me if my heritage is from Spain, Lebanon, etc. (When I tell them I'm Indian they often assume I'm half-Indian/half-white because I am not dark.)
Anyway, after 9/11 I expected to be profiled more at the airports because I do look vaguely middle Eastern. I wasn't, but the thing is - I would have been fine if I had been checked out more carefully. Because the reality is that the people who hijacked the airplanes were from the middle-East and so I expected more scrutiny. And I would have been fine with it because logically it makes sense and if it saves lives why would I complain about a few extra minutes before boarding? Why would I take offense?
Similarly, if I were black in America, of course I would expect a certain level of "profiling." It doesn't mean people are racist, it means they are rational. Police officers, etc., don't have time to get to know individual blacks as people, they have to use the statistics.
As a human being, I try to treat every individual I meet with respect. But of course as a rational person I am not surprised that whites and not blacks made it to the moon.
I am a engineer of European heritage.
Where I work, the white engineers are passed over for jobs, training and promotions by large black females and red dot indians. Neither of these two types of employees has any interest in how machines work. For example, neither can repair anything in their house, much less make their home, environment (like lighting, air and water quality), sound system, or car state of the art.
Although paid well, red dots are terrified to spend money since, when they absolutely need something, they have to buy it new and have no way to understand if they are getting the best or being ripped off.
Red dots are good at math which does not create engineering solutions.
The large black females are a drain on the company since they are trained over and over to do the simplest tasks. They then complain continuously about how hard their button-pushing is.
I cannot imagine what our customers think when red dots and arrogant black females headed up by a slick-talking white female (who organizes Fun Runs for Breast Cancer but can't change a spark plug) show up to offer engineering solutions.
Roman, Byzantine, Greek.
What are your plans when our Empire falls? You DO have plans, right?
Bull Conner
I'm going to be getting copies of Paul Kersey's books and leaving them in the free mini-libraries we have here in town. A lot of cities have them. Small kiosks (one here is shaped like Doctor Who's TARDIS) where folks can take and leave books and they're anonymous.
So ours are going to be getting copies of Kersey's books as well as copies of 'The Brigade' by Harold Covington
Excellent post... I think people fail to realize just how important it is to stereotype. There's good and bad in every race and religion, so why would I ignore the bad? Doing that is what gets well-meaning (and naive) people killed.
The commenter at 8:23 pm beat me to it but it's worth reiterating the colossal cost of maintaining some of the country's most unproductive residents. The CHA has placed Section 8 recipients in some of the priciest places in Chicago, up to three thousand per month rental cost. These places are unaffordable for the majority of people whose money is extorted to pay for the permanent wards of the state. It's just endless.
Earl Turner:
I'm going to be getting copies of Paul Kersey's books and leaving them in the free mini-libraries we have here in town. A lot of cities have them. Small kiosks (one here is shaped like Doctor Who's TARDIS) where folks can take and leave books and they're anonymous.
So ours are going to be getting copies of Kersey's books as well as copies of 'The Brigade' by Harold Covington.
This is an excellent strategy. I do it myself. It's a type of guerilla warfare. Yes, the Frankfurt-Schul types toss them in the trash at any opportunity but they can't get them all. It's a way to support PK anonymously and light matches in the seams of BRA's jackboots. Maybe even a Repuke or a Christian will wake up to reality (unlikely as it may seem, I still think there's a tiny bit more hope for them than the pinkshirts).
What a SHAME !!!! That the "White Libtard DWL CWP Aid worker from Boone County, IN contracts Ebola virus from Liberia" incubation bloomed before she/he/it (sheeeeeit) returned home to the Planet of the Apes.
If shhhhhhhhheeeeeeit had landed here in POTA, we could celebrate the arrival of eBOLA here.
Remember, eBOLA is our friend :) oyeah
Stumbled across this little gem today:
What kind of a boss calls you a terrorist and tries to fire you for warning about a CO danger?
What do you want to bet that the boss is Black?
This is another finger of the Visible Hand of Black Economics: having to defend yourself from retaliation for defending your job site from hazards the Black is too stupid to understand.
The more I think about it, this particular book could really be a tremendous opportunity to use as guerilla warfare against BRA. The moon landing was a watershed event for Euro-civilization.
As I have stated before, even though I expect at least 90% of what the Banana Empire trumpets as facts are lies, we should remember this took place in 1969, a mere five years after the Frankfurt-Schul types achieved control over the whole regime with the elevation of their ugly ventriloquist's dummy LBJ. It took the squids another 5-6 years to purge of the last sectors of government of those who didn't share their ideology (the military - of which NASA was an offshoot, the FBI, plus a few other sector) - greatly aided by their profitable adventure in Southeast Asia. By 1975 they owned the whole enchilada. Over and above all this, the Soviets would have certainly exposed any lies about this claim.
At any rate, it was the high-water mark. From a man on the moon to a monkey in the oval office in the space of four-and-a-half decades. Behold the power of BRA. What we have now is like a the mongreloid offspring of Idiocracy and Planet of the Apes, circling the drain faster with each hit on the Crystal Methodist "Christian" crack-pipe. Rather like Slim Pickins' rodeo-ride to oblivion at the end of Dr. Strangelove.
Ebola may be all we need.
Anyone here know about this? Any White CDC folks who can tell us the truth.
Maybe if Nature does what Nature does we can have more Lebens-Raum and return our domesticated Africans to their homeland to re-populate the place.
What are the chances this comes to Detroit? I'm sure with all the "refugees" brought in by the loving Catholic Charities we should have a case or two.
I may not need all my ammo.
Since my last comment, about Ebola, I have been reading about the virus on the web.
Interesting. I've read where 2 stupid, vapid, WHITE doctors have caught it and perhaps died. Well, I'm so glad they sacrificed their lives for Mankind. It's the religious thing to do, no?
If Zeus did not want Ebola to exist and spread, then it wouldn't. The arrogance of man is amazing in trying to stop the Hand of Zeus.
Can you be more stupid than them? They spend YEARS studying at a tremendous costs. Rather than stay in America and help White people and love their children and go home to THEIR families, they get this sick ego bug up their medical asses and go "serve" the most useless unfriendly and ungrateful "race" on Earth.
So they go, get some jungle disease and perhaps die. For what? They intend to save thousands of Africans whose only desire is get into America or Europe and steal our money, rape our women?
It is hard, very hard, to feel any sympathy.
Whites must and need to take care of Whites. Let Obama, Oprah, Cosby, etc take care of their community. Now would be a good time for them to return to Africa.
PK said:
"We went to the moon.
This is a fact.
Indisputable, except to those conspiracy theorists clinging to their belief some sinister plot was hatched by the US Government to conceal our inability to navigate to earth's natural satellite."
No need to be a "conspiracy theorist" when you are aware of the RADIOACTIVE nature of both space and Moon, especially when that satellite's is actually 240K miles away and its temperature alternate between 225°F during the day and -243°F during the night all while being constantly bombarded by meteorites and solar radiation.
And that by the way doesn't even include going back to earth with no ground crew on the Moon all in a single tank of gas both ways.
There's so much more nobody even consider like the amount of sustainable oxygen, heat, food, water, batteries, gear and on and on that would be needed for such a trip, and it blows the mind to think that grown adults can still believe in that fairy tale in 2014 when we have never been able to go back.
There are no blacks in Russia or China, PK, and I fail to see how White Americans can possibly have been the only ones to go there so easily back in the 1960's when no other country can replicate it 45 years later with much more advanced technology.
How many more decades with no return trip from any country will it take for you guys to snap out of it, seriously ?
After 1972, NASA's mission changed. It's really that simple.
The Russians didn't have Von Braun and his German team, let alone the brilliant administration power of James Webb (who created the NASA corporate structure).
Here's the story that should offer you sufficient rationale as to what happened...
Before Apollo 17 touched down on the moon for the final time successful NASA moon mission (Dec. 72), Charles Rangel had charged NASA with... bias.
He demanded a probe, a public anal raping of NASA for daring to not have sufficient black representation among organizations employees.
Seriously, it's really this simple.
Russia never had the ability to send a man to the moon (there best mind, Sergei Korolev, died in 1966).,+wants+civil+rights+probe&source=bl&ots=actmNnDLSI&sig=EmL-7oHZQmtAFrcV5HEInPNvuYs&hl=en&sa=X&ei=G6nVU5TxNK7KsQTPyYB4&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=rangel%20charges%20nasa%20with%20bias%2C%20wants%20civil%20rights%20probe&f=false
White Realist, you should be called White Douchebag. How you and CENTURION can continue to spout that we never went to the moon here on SBPDL is sickening.
Regarding the aforementioned home invader who was killed by a home owner, it appears the Negro was quite a good boy!
Anonymous said...
Homeowner defends property and life in Indianapolis - kills intruder. Check out the comments.
Maybe I'm not firing on all cylinders today, but I couldn't find any comments there. I did, however, find this follow-up story:
Some extracts:
Fox59 has learned that Brandon Ford used to work with the Indianapolis branch of Young Men, Inc., which strives to keep young people on a positive path, and away from crime. The program’s director, Reverand (sic) Malachi Walker, tells Fox59 that Ford was with the organization for a few years.
But, Walker says, Ford began to “drift away” before dropping out of the program a few years ago.
Ford was also involved with neighborhood outreach programs based at Broadway United Methodist Church.
Friends say Ford was a cheerful young man who loved sports and music, and hoped to attend college after graduating from Decatur Central High School next year.
Reverand (sic) Walker says the case is a terrible reminder of the dangers young people face when they decide to get involved with criminal activity.
Classic. Ticks all the boxes. A "teen" (yes, black, of course) who loved sports and (crap) music, studious and ambitious, with his whole life ahead of him, ambushed by those "terrible dangers" that disproportionately impact young black men who decide to get involved in crime. That's racist; the US Supreme Court said so.
What went wrong with this young man? He turned his life around.
Beware of young black men turning their lives around.
" blows the mind to think that grown adults can still believe in that fairy tale in 2014 when we have never been able to go back [to the Moon]."
If the Moon formed approximately the same time as the Earth and from the same solar system material, why would the Moon be any more radioactive than the Earth? The radiation in space consists of cosmic rays and solar ejecta, both high energy but, being charged particles, rarely penetrating the atomic nuclei where NUCLEAR transmutation takes place. Hence, space radiation does not make materials radioactive.
The reasons we have not been back to the Moon are:
1) It's so expensive that there is no way to make any money off of it. Yes there is Helium-3 for fusion reactors. Trouble is fusion reactors are probably decades away.
2) Apollo was a almost totally a political program. It's purpose was to make the public forget about Vienna, Laos and the Bay of Pigs.
3) Support for space exploration was never very high in the 1960's. Apollo stood a good chance of getting cancelled or at least delayed if JFK was not assassinated.
4) The fact that the US has already gone to the Moon has lessened it's value as a political target (which is all it would be) for other nations. I can guarantee you that if Russia or China sent astronauts to the Moon, the reaction would be "been there, done that."
Concerning the commenter who referenced the George Lincoln Rockwell Playboy Interview from the 60s--that "negro reporter" was Alex Haley, who of course is the author/plagiarizer of the famous work of fiction Roots.
buck notes
Can you be more stupid than them? They spend YEARS studying at a tremendous costs. Rather than stay in America and help White people and love their children and go home to THEIR families,
Doctors w/o Borders, Care, Unicef, Peace corps, VISTA etc.
Buck notes:
This absolves the young adult from
responsibility for his misbehavior.
He fell in w the wrong crowd.
Reverand (sic) Walker says the case is a terrible reminder of the dangers young people face when they decide to get involved with criminal activity.
""Anonymous Anonymous said...
White Realist, you should be called White Douchebag. How you and CENTURION can continue to spout that we never went to the moon here on SBPDL is sickening.""
White Realist and CENTURION are using their God given high IQ brains to assess the facts presented to them and come to their own logical conclusions.
There's no need to insult those who are using their intellectual prowess. Whether they are right or wrong, who knows? But I respect them tremendously for thinking it through.
A nitwit daring to call himself "White Realist" wrote:
No need to be a "conspiracy theorist" when you are aware of the RADIOACTIVE nature of both space and Moon, especially when that satellite's is actually 240K miles away and its temperature alternate between 225°F during the day and -243°F during the night all while being constantly bombarded by meteorites and solar radiation.
Let me point out the ways in which you are a fecking 1d10t:
1. Moderate exposures to ionizing radiation are harmless. In the 1930's, radiation professionals derived a "tolerance dose" for regular exposure which was harmless; the paranoia over radiation as deadly in any amount is a Cold War phenomenon, based on fraudulent claims.
2. People generate heat and need to get rid of it. The Apollo moon suits were white to avoid radiative heat gains, and had water-evaporation coolers capable of disposing of considerable heat.
3. Meteoroids are infrequent in Earth orbit, and even more infrequent on the Moon. Both LEO and GEO satellites quantify the rate of impacts conclusively. The risk to a short-term Moon landing mission was negligible.
that by the way doesn't even include going back to earth with no ground crew on the Moon all in a single tank of gas both ways.
Just because you can't calculate the rocket equation for N2O4/UDMH fuel for the lunar insertion burn and trans-Earth injection burn, doesn't mean nobody else can. See "fecking 1d10t", above.
There's so much more nobody even consider like the amount of sustainable oxygen, heat, food, water, batteries, gear and on and on that would be needed for such a trip
Oxygen? Metabolism of 3000 kcal/day of fat (330 grams) per crew member, times 3, times 11 days for a max-length mission, is ~33 kg of (CH2)n of unit MW 18 requiring MW 48 of O2 to convert to CO2+H20... so less than 100 kg of O2 required for the crew for the duration. That is a calculation not even needing a slide rule, you fecking 1d10t. The rest is similarly trivial. You can't do it, because you are an 1d10t. NASA engineers of the 60's could do it in their sleep.
it blows the mind to think that grown adults can still believe in that fairy tale in 2014
It blows MY mind to think that someone who believes he is informed in 2014 can swallow nonsense like this without even trying to check it, but I must accept that it's true because I just saw it happen. IMO, such delusional people should be institutionalized or euthanized; they are too dangerous to be allowed to run free, let alone vote.
"White Realist and CENTURION are using their God given high IQ brains to assess the facts presented to them and come to their own logical conclusions.'
Nice sycophantic reply. Reminds me of Negroes who use their God given low IQ brains to "assess the facts" and conclude that Whitey put chemicals in Popeye's fried chicken to make black males impotent, or that the Boston Tea Party scene on the original Snapple bottles actually depicted slave ships.
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