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Sports fans high on the opium of college football with this decision |
In a sick and twisted way, the amount of time and money grown men spend salivating over the 40 time, vertical jump and physical attributes of primarily Black 17 and 18-year-old recruits would make them eligible for membership in the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).
White alumni fantasize about what these recruits might look like wearing their school uniforms, as long as they can post sufficient grades for entry into the school. Entire colleges will ignore their history if only Black players will sign with their school.
If a Black four or five star recruit spurns their alma mater for a rival institution, all hope for future football success is lost. The amount of money spent recruiting these Black athletes, who come from school systems that these same white alumni have fled so their kids can attend “better” districts, will only result in a big return on investment for a number of the schools in NCAA that derive massive profits off of this unpaid labor.
Virtually all-white colleges sign 20-28 football players, the majority of whom are Black, to full academic scholarships. The media exposure and adulation these athlete-students will receive while in college is an incalculable asset that no normal student receives. It is difficult to qualify the name recognition they will garner for rushing the football, scoring touchdowns and sacking the quarterback, but wealthy, well connected alumni will undoubtedly take notice.
College for athletes should be considered a short-term investment for potential long-term monetary gains. Consider how much publicity in local newspapers, Internet stories, television and eventually ESPN, ABC, CBS and other national channels these athletes will receive. This correlates to a massive head start over their fellow students who merely attend college to get a diploma and then battle for a job in an increasingly tight job market.
Not all athletes will go join the professional ranks and the majority of those who make it will eventually go bankrupt. But for those Black athletes that sign scholarship papers on National Signing Day, an opportunity to attend Tier 1 institutions that their porous grades and low ACT/SAT scores on obviously culturally biased tests is guaranteed in spite of their academic deficiencies.
Black athletes, despite hours of free tutoring and academic support not available to normal students, have horrible graduation rates at these institutions. A football scholarship to a major Bowl Championship Series (BCS) school is like winning the golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s factory. That athletes fail to understand the gift they receive by representing the school on the football field (all games are televised now and a hungry fan base devours any and all news on the Internet message boards) and what that translates to in potential job opportunities in high level sales after college is their fault.
Take a look at ESPN’s Top 150 prospects (you could also look at Rival.com or Scout.com lists) and feast your eyes upon the first names of many of these exceptionally gifted talents. Consider that in every other vocation (save basketball), a ghetto name is considered a huge liability to employment:
To test whether employers might discriminate against job applicants with black-sounding names, associate professors of economics Marianne Bertrand with Chicago's Graduate School of Business and Sendhil Mullainathan with MIT conducted an elaborate experiment. They fabricated resumes for multiple "phantom" job seekers with common black and white names. The professors then sent out nearly 5,000 resumes for 1,300 job openings advertised in newspapers and on online job sites throughout Chicago and Boston…
The results are a bit disturbing, the researchers admit. Applicants with white-sounding names were 50 percent more likely to be contacted for job interviews than those with typical black names. There were no significant differences between the rates at which men and women were contacted.
Only in college football (and basketball) would a ghetto first name be considered an asset instead of a liability. The same white alumni who move their families far away from Atlanta, Memphis, Chicago, Baltimore and other majority Black cities, counties or school districts will nevertheless spend countless hours following the exploits of athletes who grew up in the very cities, counties and school districts they abandoned.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), already crumbling due to inept management, loss of accreditation, poor academic success rates and a crushing inability by students who attend to pay back student loans are also deprived of an obvious source of revenue when Black athletes decide to attend white schools.
A lot of Black people think that Black athletes are being taken advantage of by not receiving monetary compensation for their participation in athletics. William Rhoden has likened these athletes to modern day slaves; Boyce Watkins has called the NCAA a sweat shop that destroys Black males and Black families alike; and Billy Watkins has described it as a “new plantation” model, where white schools pocket revenue at the expense of veritable Black slaves.
Let’s be honest: without sports, a near majority of Black people would never attend a major university. Their scores on culturally biased aptitude tests would preclude them from being accepted by virtually every major school.
College football is the opiate of America and on National Signing Day the opium dens around the country are open to such extremes that the highs allotted are greater than many drugs available for purchase from dealers operating in the same areas where the athletes recently signed call home.
The movie Boyz n the Hood showcases this situation beautifully. One of the main characters, Ricky, is trying to get his SAT score so he can play college football (the film was made when Proposition 48 mandated that athletes have at least a minimum of a 700 on their SAT):
A college football coach from USC visits Ricky one night for an interview; Brenda kicks Doughboy and his friends out onto the porch where they discuss first college, then girls. Meanwhile, the coach promises Ricky an athletic scholarship at USC if he earns a minimum SAT score of 700.[4] Ricky struggles during the test, looking often at Tré for help, and seems unsure of passing. Later that day, Furious tells the boys that the English section of the test is culturally biased and only the math is fair.
As Tré walks home, he looks back just in time to see Ferris and his friends pull out in front of Ricky. Warned by a frantic Tré, Ricky attempts to run from them, but is gunned down with a double-barreled shotgun. Doughboy and his friends soon pull up to find Tré crying over Ricky's dead body. They bring Ricky's blood-soaked body home in Doughboy's car. Brenda immediately blames Doughboy, who tries to comfort her but is rebuffed; he then attempts to remove Ricky's son from the room where his father lies dead. Later that night, Brenda sobs over Ricky's test results, discovering he earned a 710, just enough to qualify for the scholarship.
Remember that this film came out during the Prop 48 debate, a moment of immense clarity in NCAA history. The overwhelming majority of Prop 48 athletes were Black, and yet people still complained of the difficult standards that these athlete-students had to reach to be deemed eligible:
According to the 1990 Knight Foundation Report, 86.5% of the football and basketball players who have been affected by Prop 48 during the last three years are black. For the most part, these athletes have been unfairly labeled as intellectually inferior. Yet behind every Prop 48 athlete, there is a story, one that too often goes undiscovered.
Prop 48 would eventually be struck down as racially bias:
Few rules in sports history have triggered more fiery debate than the NCAA legislation that was born in 1983 as Proposition 48 and was struck down last week as an example of racial bias. Designed to raise graduation rates among college athletes, Prop 48 and its '92 successor, Proposition 16, required incoming freshmen to meet academic standards—including minimum scores on the SAT or the ACT—to play sports their first year.
The rule's demands became part of college sports shorthand. Athletes who failed to meet the minimums were called Prop 48s. Recruits were divided into those who "had the score" of 700 on the SAT and those who fell short The stakes got higher when Prop 16 lifted the bar by imposing a sliding scale requiring recruits with a 2.5 grade point average in high school core courses to score at least 820 on the SAT and those with a 2.0 to score at least 1010.
Critics said the requirements discriminated against minority students, and on March 8 judge Ronald Buckwalter of the U.S. district court in Philadelphia agreed. In a case brought by the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice on behalf of two athletes ruled ineligible under Prop 16, Buckwalter wrote that the NCAA's use of the SAT and ACT had an "unjustified" impact on black students. In the opinion Buckwalter cited evidence showing that 21.4% of black students who applied for Division I eligibility in 1997 failed to meet Prop 16 standards, compared to 4.2% of white students…
Props 48 and 16 weren't all bad. "They pushed marginal athletes to work harder in the classroom," says Lee Boyko, basketball coach at Rich Central, a predominantly black high school in suburban Chicago. The late Arthur Ashe also supported high standards for athletes. "Black educators were incensed," Ashe said of Prop 48's minimums. "I was incensed that they were incensed. They should have complained that the number wasn't higher.”
We already know how Richard Lapchick feels about the graduation rates for Black athletes, though few people dared point out what we did in regards the 2010 Auburn University football team and what Jim Harbaugh said about marginal athlete-students at Michigan.
Without sports, you have no positive examples of Black people. Well you do have Black Fictional Heroes, but again these are conjured up by script writers with a mission to bolster the minority at the expense of the majority. This is of course the modus operandi of Black Run America (BRA) worldwide, with minority outreach dominating the goals of US diplomats globally.
So ingest that opium America and bask in the glory of National Signing Day. Prepare to cheer as Black people sign academic scholarships to come represent your alma mater on the football field and remember that you, dear white football fan, live far removed from the communities where these Black athletes grew up.
It is these communities that are on the verge of collapsing into complete ineptitude, but at least they produce one export that you find tolerable: college athletes.
The Rivals and Scout.com top 100 recruits look like a cross-section of Thug Report and it is thanks to athletics, the dependency on Black recruits and the shunning of white athletes by Predominately White Institutions (PWI) that keep the opium pumping into the veins of people who could throw off the chains of BRA tomorrow.
White America’s desire for its opium fix is the reason Michael Oher was adopted, as well as other Blind Sides across the country were protected from the ravages of an unforgiving Black underclass that gets worse and worse by the day.
Through it all athletes who look like Toby Gerhart, Jacob Hester, Peyton Hillis and Jeff Maehl rarely receive the adulation from high school scouts as athletes with those strange first names do. Even Wes Welker, the Oklahoma Gatorade High School player of the year, only received one scholarship offer out of high school.
Happy National Signing Day! It’s truly stunning what a meat market the entire process represents. And just think the NFL Draft is next to gratify and captivate white males nationwide.
I've seen YouTube videos of NFL draft combines. While it is hardly slavery, I can forgive people for thinking they are based on the optics of the events -- At one point, there are about two dozen men, all black, all almost naked, lined up against a wall, waiting for their command to come up to the podium and be weighed and have their height taken, one at a time. Pretty reminiscent of a slave auction.
To black people, any test that requires basic English skills is "culturally biased".
Asians who barely speak English outscore blacks on these tests.
Yes, Puggg, and every single one of them is more than willing to be almost naked, lined up against a wall, waiting for their command to come up to the podium and be weighed and have their height taken, one at a time.
All so a bunch of aging white men can re-live a past they never had by watching Negroes run around bumping into each other or throwing each other to the ground. This is done so an air-filled pigskin spheroid can be throw - run with - in the direction of a wooden framework. This brings much joy to the onlookers.
There ARE rewards to be had for these boys, though. Free housing, free food, an education for those who want and can absorb it, and lots of, well, "action".
- non-sports-fan
The "Boyz in the Hood" clip featuring Laurence Fishburne's character represents, in a nutshell, everything that is wrong within the black community. They lay the blame for all of their failures and problems on The Man. When the elderly man pipes up with The Truth, they laugh at him. When Fishburne's character said that the drug epidemic was the fault of the [white] people who have access to airplanes, I laughed out loud. That really does sum up most blacks' understanding of supply side economics. It's akin to Michelle 0bama blaming obesity on cheeseburgers and french fries.
I have to admit I'm guilty of partaking in the opium (although for GT fans this is a fleeting drug when it comes to recruiting).
700 for a combined SAT...I hate to say it, but I don't see how such a student could pass a college curriculum without someone else doing it for him.
I think someone else said it best, it's a contest to see who has the best plantation.
"While it is hardly slavery, I can forgive people for thinking they are based on the optics of the events"
Any human being who isn't aware that slavery (in the US) ended 150 years ago with the 13th amendment should not be "forgiven".
They should be called an idiot.
I wonder how many of these recruits came from food stamp families, I thought we were in a recovery!
NBA 432 slots
NFL 1,696 slots
38,000,000 est. black population
Why all of the anger about something that doesn't involve 99.9% of the entire black population?
-Black guy
A 700 on the SAT correlates to an 86 IQ. That is 1 point above the American black average for IQ and yet they still couldn't achieve that piddly score.
There are many black men attending prominent universities that could not pass any 100 level courses without a "tutor".
Even as whites "recover", blacks have nothing to recover from, Blacks will always rely on food debit cards if offered.
Like other reparation payment programs, food stamps frees up other cash income for shoes, hair weaves, nails, rims, drank, evenings out at duh club, and bullets.
When Furious told the boys that the verbal portion of the SAT is biased, but the math portion is not, he was only half right. Now, twenty years later, it is well known and widely accepted by the black community and DWLs, that the math portion of the SAT is also culturally biased.
"Why all of the anger about something that doesn't involve 99.9% of the entire black population?"
What anger?
"Why all of the anger about something that doesn't involve 99.9% of the entire black population?"
It all adds up to 99.9% in the end.
Large percentage of blacks steal from the taxpayer by accepting tax money which they did not earn.
Large percentage of blacks brutally victimize whites.
Large percentage of blacks birthing babies they can not feed.
Large percentage of blacks born illegitimately.
Large percentage of blacks failing school...... under arrest, in prison, diverting resources from more important programs, rioting, looting, burning, complaining, hating America, robbing, raping, murdering, overrepresented in government jobs, failing school, dealing drugs, acting like animals in public, clogging up good schools, lowering academic averages, lowering property values, uneducated and the list goes on and on.
You just don't get it. We are not angry, we are fed up with black "culture" and the underclass behaviors that always follow. We can not live together. Blacks can not survive without white assistance. We want no more of it. Blacks are always so ready to party and celebrate the smallest of "achievements" like dominance in some sports, yet they completely ignore their crumbling toxic "community".
Wake up!! Have you learned nothing from this site?
On a side note....check out Headline News or CNN this weekend if you can. Richelle Carey did an interview with 4 black NHL players (National Hockey League), and all of them play on the Atlanta Thrashers team. There are 20 black NHL players in all.
I wouldn't say that Carey's interview was race-baiting, but she did ask race-related questions and, unless the interview was heavily edited, didn't seem to elicit any sort of response from the players that she was looking for. One question was: 'have you ever felt like you were targeted because you were black?' and the only example any of them could come up with was that one of them heard fans yelling "Break his legs" at the opposing players when the fans felt like he wasn't scoring enough. My jaw literally dropped to the floor. That gets said at every hockey game.
Other than that, the guys she interviewed seemed to suggest that they were well liked by the white fans in the stands at the Atlanta games and no one seems to notice that they are black. That is mostly correct. The white fans don't notice that they are black, but the black media does, and Richelle Carey felt it necessary to let the country know about these players in conjunction with Black History Month.
More on these players at USA TODAY:
"Why all of the anger about something that doesn't involve 99.9% of the entire black population?"
I often ask this question about slavery.
Former slave-owners are all deceased, but even before slavery was abolished, 90% of whites did not own slaves. And more than 75% of whites today descend from ancestors who came here after abolition. Yet blacks act as if every living white person is guilty of owning slaves and deserves blame.
"Other than that, the guys she interviewed seemed to suggest that they were well liked by the white fans in the stands at the Atlanta games and no one seems to notice that they are black."
Even 40 years ago, Charley Pride was embraced by country music fans, who loved his music and didn't give a shit about his skin color.
Blacks who behave like civilized human beings are usually perceived as race-neutral. Unfortunately, they are rare.
The Atlanta Thrashers have an attendance problem, but it's complex. I think Atlanta fans have suspected that ownership was hoping to sell the team, so fans who might have had interest have kept them at arms length since 2005. Also, hockey in Atlanta is way behind college football, professional football, baseball, basketball, and then probably golf and soccer. Atlanta is not a hockey city...yet. However.....
Thrasher management has made it clear within the past week (I guess to help kick off Black History Month) that they've recruited good, quality "black" players (nothing wrong with that, though none of them seemed to be 100% pure black; one was born in Sweden and another one in Vancouver, British Columbia) in an attempt to attract more (or any) black fans to the games. If black attendance at games increases, I predict white attendance at games will decrease. White fans already have to leave their suburban homes and apartments to go downtown to catch a hockey game. They won't put up with some of the behavior exhibited by so many young black males at sporting events for long.
One of the best idea that I ever heard came from a Sports Illustrated issue back in the very late 1980's or just possibly 1990.
The idea-breathtaking in its simplicity-was to simply do away with NCAA televised sports,and if memory serves,do away with academic scholarships based on expectations of athletic performance.
The author of the article made a number of very good points,to wit:
1) If the NFL and the NBA want farm teams,why not have them do what the baseball teams do,and start (and finance!) their own? (This idea has caught on with the NHL as well,and I think that minor league hockey teams are a great idea)
2)Revenues generated by NCAA sports have a tendency to stay in the athletic departments,instead of being distributed to the entire school,so the student body and the institution as a whole gets little benefit from advertising fees and the like. (I admit that I have no idea if this is true,but I strongly suspect that it's the case.)
3)The entire system is so riddled with corruption that it's basically irredeemable.
"Why all of the anger about something that doesn't involve 99.9% of the entire black population?"
It all adds up to 99.9% in the end.
Large percentage of blacks steal from the taxpayer by accepting tax money which they did not earn.
Large percentage of blacks brutally victimize whites.
Large percentage of blacks birthing babies they can not feed.
Large percentage of blacks born illegitimately.
Large percentage of blacks failing school...... under arrest, in prison, diverting resources from more important programs, rioting, looting, burning, complaining, hating America, robbing, raping, murdering, overrepresented in government jobs, failing school, dealing drugs, acting like animals in public, clogging up good schools, lowering academic averages, lowering property values, uneducated and the list goes on and on.
You just don't get it. We are not angry, we are fed up with black "culture" and the underclass behaviors that always follow. We can not live together. Blacks can not survive without white assistance. We want no more of it. Blacks are always so ready to party and celebrate the smallest of "achievements" like dominance in some sports, yet they completely ignore their crumbling toxic "community".
Wake up!! Have you learned nothing from this site?
No, You dont get it.
You still live in America despite the negro presence and subject yourself to acknowledging that fact with each post. If the negro is truly as destructive as you claim in nearly all realms of American life, then you've grown to enjoy it. You may talk down of the negro but you yourself are no better. Chances are you aren't even of the destined race or race mix with Asian women like so many of you fools do by telling who is and isnt a worthy group.
Iran is negro-free. Iraq is negro-free Pakistan is negro-free. So is mainland China. Enjoy!!!
That goes against all that you know.
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