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A right long dead in BRA |
We at Stuff Black People Don't Like have no opinion to give on Egypt and the social unrest going on in Cairo. It's funny though that social media is helping lead this riot, knowing that young Black people comprise a large portion of Twitter users here in America and that they also comprise the bulk of unemployed and unemployable.
The most interesting quote we have heard regarding the whole Egyptian ordeal was courtesy of Hillary Clinton. She admonished the Egyptian government with this:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also called on Egypt’s government and army to provide protection to peaceful protestors.We completely agree with her that freedom of expression, assembly and the press are pillars of an open and inclusive society. However, Black Run America (BRA) does not operate under these rules showcasing that BRA is far from a free and just society.
"Freedom of assembly, freedom of expression and freedom of the press are pillars of an open and inclusive society,” she said.
“It is especially in times of crisis that governments must demonstrate their adherence to these universal values.”
The media routinely censors the race of the suspected murderer, rapist and criminal, though Thug Report picks up where the freedom of the press seems unwilling to go.
Freedom of expression? As long as what is expressed doesn't violate the delicate sensibilities of Black people. Since any criticism of Black people, Black culture, Black holes or words that might be construed as denoting Black people violates those sensibilities, freedom of expression in BRA is a pipe dream.
Freedom of assembly? Ask Jared Taylor of American Renaissance what that means. White people are war criminals in America, perpetually paying for the sins of a minority of white Americans who once owned slaves or denied Black people civil rights.
Ask white war criminals what freedom of assembly they have after what Black Charlotte City Council members Patrick Cannon and Warren Turner did to ensure that right was nullified.
Peter Brimelow states there is a war on whites in America, but he fails to admit that BRA replaced America decades ago.
Black Run America (BRA) is dedicated to promoting Black - and minority - interests at the expense of the traditional majority, founding population of America. Not only at home, but abroad as well.
"The media routinely censors the race of the suspected murderer, rapist and criminal"
For weeks I checked and re-checked on the story of the Detroit Burger King employee who punched and killed an elderly customer, yet inexplicably his name and physical description were never given, as far as I can tell.
@ SBPDL this is off Topic but you may have use for it in a future post.
Guy with the word Jenius Tattooed on his forehead is tracked down after pistol whipping a pregnant woman. Cant think how they caught him.
This blog is proof that everyone likes to be a victim, even whites who are the first to say someone else plays the victim.
Sure, many blacks are lazy, but many whites are lazy, too. Many blacks commit crime and end up in jail. So do whites. I'm Asian, by the way, Japanese-Amer., and Asian people are the only ones who across the board work hard.
This blog is just as ridiculous as someone with arachnophobia blogging about spiders. I think you and everyone else should get a life. If you hate black people, just go about your day and not think of them. Most of them are decent enough that you don't have to really worry about them getting in the way of your life, that is, if you have one. I have never had a bad experience with black people or white people, and I've worked as a teenager in areas where you'd think I'd be treated badly by both groups.
This blog is just obsessional. I think everyone who reads it has problems. No one is taking whites rights away. Definitely not blacks, since everyone seems to not like them. Obama is just a dark white guy. You seem smart enough to realize this, blogger.
"The media routinely censors the race of the suspected murderer, rapist and criminal, though Thug Report picks up where the freedom of the press seems unwilling to go."
Really? Thug report is nothing more than a site that redirects users to "mainstream" news web sites. That by the way post mugshots, wanted, posters and streaming video.
If the media was actually censoring the race of criminals and suspects Thug Report wouldn't have 99% of its links.
Lets face it Thug Report has about as much to do with freedom of speech as You Tube.
So, tell me. What are the long lasting social ramifications of some low level drug dealer getting knocked over the head with a brick in Tulsa?
Here is an example of the "mainstream" media censoring the race of a suspect.
-Black guy
"Sure, many blacks are lazy, but many whites are lazy, too."
Also known as "Mindless Auto-Response #1".
For future reference, please avoid making comments that have already been made thousands of times.
It adds nothing to the discussion, and it's boring as fuck.
"Really? Thug report is nothing more than a site that redirects users to "mainstream" news web sites."
100% Wrong.
The Mainstream Media (MSM) is defined as "those media disseminated via the largest distribution channels, which therefore represent what the majority of media consumers are likely to encounter."
Thug Report links to local news sites with very little traffic...in other words, THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the MSM.
Black Run America (BRA) is dedicated to promoting Black - and minority - interests at the expense of the traditional majority, founding population of America.
You know, I was reading last night about black treatment immediately following the American Civil War and that excerpt I'd just quoted from your article feels like deja vu.
Whites should understand that minority rights don't have to come at the expense of the 'traditional majority' (whatever that means).
But you people feel this way because you want to be in control at the expense of everyone else.
Why am I not surprised that when the alleged tables are turned (yes, because there is no proof that BRA even exists, beyond the tin foil hat), you get upset?! Hello! It hurts to be discriminated against!
I'm sure you've heard of the Black Codes; they were just a covert way of continuing slavery after the ratification of the 13th Amendment.
That's what you want, SBPDL. And it's sick.
And LOL @ Egyptians were black. Yes, they were, but I remember watching the news and thinking 'Those white folks are crazy!'
Yes, that's you guys--Zoids--making a mess; real black Egyptians are kept away from the public eye by the Arab government. It reminds me of that post you wrote back in the day about the 'Jersey Shore' and you, ridiculously, tried to say that those crazy ass 'Italians' (just tanned white trash) were black. Hahaha. Snooki, Jwoww, and one of the others are not even all 'Italian'; some of them are Welsh and Irish, etc.
Real white people. Acting a fool. One of them is Latino; Snooki is Chilean.
That tin foil hat was just a little too tight on that one, eh? X-D
"If the media was actually censoring the race of criminals and suspects Thug Report wouldn't have 99% of its links."
If the MSM was NOT censoring the race of criminals, Thug Report would get no traffic.
"I'm Asian, by the way"
No, by the way, you're not.
Black guy is totally right! If someone is black or Latino and committed a crime, their race is blasted all over the screen. Especially if they are black.
If you don't get a description of the criminal, he's probably white. Whites tend to refer to other whites without a description of the person, saying 'man' or 'woman'.
A person cutting up at a Burger King is not necessarily black either. I mention this a million times but watch Tru TV on Thursday nights and you'll see what I mean.
Wait. Have we all forgotten that the AZ shooter, for example, was white? Or maybe, according to SBPDL's 'Jersey Shore' logic, his great-great-great-great grandfather twice removed was a 16th black!!
@ Seito:
This blog is proof that everyone likes to be a victim, even whites who are the first to say someone else plays the victim.
Second that! The sad part is that these yahoos don't get that complaining they are being held down by 'Darkie' is akin to a pot calling the kettle black. They shouldn't complain about blacks complaining about the Man (which is substantive, by the way; not always, but more so than whites complaints) when they will do the same thing in reverse.
No one can ever be a victim except white people. If you've ever been friends with white females, you'd know exactly what I'm saying...
"This blog is just obsessional. I think everyone who reads it has problems."
Wow! I wonder how he could know this.
"So, tell me. What are the long lasting social ramifications of some low level drug dealer getting knocked over the head with a brick in Tulsa?"
Holy Mackerel! Talk about proving a point for SBPDL.
We have a Jap-American, whatever that is, and a black who think we whites are just not thinking straight.
The utter absurdity of Ms Clinton's mumblings on "freedom" abroad and the domestic situation of Jared Tayor reminds me of the novel (and movie) "Gorky Park" by the great crime novelist Martin Cruz Smith.
The background: During the final years of the Soviet Union, Inspector Renko is called upon to investigate the murder of three young people. He suspects the KGB's hand in the deed and tries to convey his opinion to a pathologist.
Renko: "Professor, too many people
in our society disappear without trace."
Professor: "Oh? Why is that?"
Renko: "They fall into a chasm."
Professor: "What sort of chasm?"
Renko: "The one between what is said and what is done."
Professor: "You may not be long for this worid,
my fine, imprudent fellow."
It is amazing: A mere 25 years after Reagan called the Soviet Union "the evil empire", American dissidents such as Jared Taylor find themselves at the bottom of the same chasm in which millions of Kulaks and assorted counter-revolutionaries disappeared.
The chasm-dialogue begins at 1:40
Seito said...
Oh dear God, it is the black woman posing as an Asian. Give me a break.
I agree with Seito that we are all the same. This is why Japan has such a large and vibrant immigrant community from sub-Saharan Africa.
The Japanese don't believe race or culture have any implications whatsoever and this is why they are not paying non-Japanese to permanently leave Japan. The article below articulates the Japanese position on equality and diversity.
Japanese-Americans have nothing to gain from joining the diversity cult as it is the exclusive domain of low IQ non-whites. High IQ non-whites will be rejected from jobs they deserve and positions in schools they earned but you are probably not aware of this.
Keep it real, dummy.
"Black guy is totally right! If someone is black or Latino and committed a crime, their race is blasted all over the screen. Especially if they are black."
Living proof of black low IQ.
"Oh dear God, it is the black woman posing as an Asian. Give me a break."
It's not Diarrhea, it's that other douche who drops in from time to time, Dishonest Crusader.
It's baffling why the afrocentrics even cling to the "Black Athena" debate. Many of the Egyptian dynasties were despotic and terrible.
Anyway, the Afrocentric crowd has been taking it on the chin since Mary Lefkowitz wrote "Not Out of Africa." When she was preparing to debate John Henrik she called about thirty-five prominent egyptologists and asked them if the Egyptians were black. She got the same answer from every one of them.
No, but there's no way in hell I'll go on the record, because I could lose my job. The haplogroup indicators showed Tut was about 99.9% surely European. It's like the opposite of a Maury Povitch baby-daddy moment. For once Tyrone is not the father.
And why would any blacks want to claim Cleopatra? She was a half-Ptomely half-Greek portly woman with a receeding chin.
From today's Chicago Sun-Times (MSM)...
Two men ROB then SHOOT victim...they escape in a white sedan...but no description of the shooters???
*really laughing*
These types of responses are the reason for white failure. Instead of focusing on blacks and whatever they are doing, whites should try to better their communities. It's pretty pathetic that you all care more about a black than child molesters in your community or high taxes.
In Japan, community is the focus. Americans have no understanding of this, which is why this country is a failure. Whites have been controlling this country since it's foundation and Obama, the dark white guy, has been in the WH for 2 years; he has not flipped this country upside down. You cannot blame any minority for generational American failure when whites have been in control.
It is crazy to even think whites have no low IQ members. Most people on this blog have low IQs if they think whining about blacks (or any minorities) will turn the country away from failure.
At the end of the day, blacks have no bearing on my life and they shouldn't have a bearing on yours. White failure occurs left and right and you are all just continuing this cycle by being on this black obsessional blog.
This blogger probably has no life-threatening contact with blacks and neither do any of you. Obama is no where near Malcolm X or even Al Sharpton.
White failure is proven by this blog.
"You know, I was reading last night about black treatment immediately following the American Civil War and that excerpt I'd just quoted from your article feels like deja vu."
My ancestors came here in the early 1900's so I could care less about how blacks were treated after the Civil War. I had nothing to do with slavery and you were never a slave. That white guilt does not play with me or most normal whites. Quite a few ethnic groups have experienced some type of -ism here in the good ole USA. The difference is these other groups rise above these obstacles and are successful in spite of whatever negatives they experience why can't blacks. My question for you Desiree is would you prefer to be black (in your case it appears half black)in 2011 America or Sierra Leone, Liberia, or some other sub-saharan shithole?
I have another question for you. I have conservatively estimated that the US taxpayer has funded close to $10 trillion dollars in various programs since LBJ's great society trying to raise up po' folks which includes a few white's and lots of blacks. In the case of blacks this does not count affirmative action, set asides, preferences, etc..ad infinitum. The question is what dollar amount will finally get blacks to STFU about slavery and get to the business of being productive members of society or at least get them to pull up their pants?
"And LOL @ Egyptians were black. Yes, they were, but I remember watching the news and thinking 'Those white folks are crazy!'"
Here we go again with this fantasy. How come all that technology from the so called blacks in Egypt never made it to sub-saharan Africa? I know it was YT's fault.
"But you people feel this way because you want to be in control at the expense of everyone else."
Well I will tell you why I feel this way. I simply do not want to pay for black pathologies or black failure anymore. I do not want to experience or interact with lower class ghetto blacks and all their shines. Quite frankly I do not need blacks for anything. However the reverse does not appear to be true. Without white taxpayers shamed, guilted, and bullied into going along with the current bizzaro world system it appears a large majority of blacks would have a hard time surviving on their own.
-Fed Up White Taxpayer
As we all know, the problem is not blacks but the ideology of the DWL ruling elite:_
To be immersed in the Department for any length of time is to know with absolute certainty that the battle of ideas, for the highest seat of power, for the basic outlook of the United States of America is over and it has been won by globalist, multi-culturalist, liberal capitalism. That is to say, the USG is currently fanatically devoted to a world-view that can best be described in shorthand as a mix between the Wall St Journal pro-global business and open borders stance and the ideology one would find in the Office for Multi-Cultural Affairs at a major liberal arts university.
Mencius Moldbug (whose father was in the Foreign Service, and as he once pointed out to Larry Auster, when a person IN the Foreign Service and a person who grew up in the Foreign Service are telling you, who are NOT in USG that USG is fully and completely committed to the modern liberal revolution and is not capable of being reformed, one should LISTEN) is completely correct in noting that this view has hardened into an ideology and has intertwined itself so thoroughly in the popular mind with what it means to be “American” that nothing short of an intense crisis or a complete breakdown will bring about any change. Certainly, electing this or that Republican makes no difference to the Permanent Government.
Well, American whites deserve the coming firestorm for electing save-the-world busybodies like Wilson, FDR and LBJ.
"These types of responses are the reason for white failure"
Hey Japanese-Asian-Guy, you write all the exact same things as one of our semi-regular negroes, who calls himself Dishonest Crusader.
I can only imagine that as an Asian, it must be quite an insult to be told you sound like a black guy.
What a total douche!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL....Aren't the Japs the same people that believe in stupid shit like.....if you rub a poodle penis all over your chest you'll have a stiffy for year. Or, if you drink a glass of cat urine your sexual appetite will grow along with your income level. Just kinda putting that out there.
Husband and wife attacked by blacks, yet article fails to mention race of attackers...
Seito-kun, please. Yours was absolutely, positively, utterly and completely, the most pathetic attempt to insult us here in Japanese that I have ever witnessed anywhere.
It's just stupid and pointless to try to insult people in a language no one but you -- or in this case, no one but you and I -- understand. If you really want to insult us all here by saying (or pathetically attempting to say) "Get a life" in Japanese, do stop looking up words in your Japanese dictionary and translating them literally into "Acquire a human life, please."
What you want to say is "ii kagen ni shiro."
Let me know if you need help with the pronunciation.
You goof.
Retarded girl gang-raped by black teens, no mention of race...
Black culture is destroying America. Period.
Every aspect of black culture is based on the foundation of : ANTI-WHITE. With NO values in common, it's no wonder we're embroiled in a race/culture war.
Treating them as equals, when they lack the capacity and desire to learn, has destroyed our school system and brings down EVERYONE.
The mantra:
Desiree, you're a lying sack of shit. Come to Memphis, the race of the perpetrator is almost NEVER broadcast here...probably considering the majority of Memphis is black and shows like the First 48 were taken off the air here in Memphis because it showed that there is clearly a black crime problem. Care to address that?
Retarded girl gang-raped by black teens, no mention of race...
Hey! Don't forget this travesty!!!
They made a Lifetime film about it--'Outrage at Glen Ridge' starring Heather Matarazzo as the retarded girl--and I watched it when I was a youth because Lifetime loves to make movies about white men beating and raping white women. Those white boys did her wrong!
Tsk tsk tsk...
@ Hirsch:
Do you care to explain why it is better to listen to a white Ashkenazi Jew about Egypt over black John Henrik Clarke (or Chiekh Anta Diop) and other so-called Afro-centrists?
Think about it, Hirsch. You have a black person; many people like yourself and others on this blog (erroneously) believe black people 'steal' people's accomplishments. Egypt in this case. Then we have an Ashkenazi Jew; she's a member of a 'tribe' of maligned Eastern Europeans who adopted a religion as their race and used it to keep themselves as a protected class (as we all know from your previous squid ink releases--that was always so funny--that you are a touchy Jew) while simultaneously moving in and out of white society. What I'm saying is, these whites stole Semitic people's identity and used it for their own benefit. Real Jews look like Kim Kardashian, not pasty redheadeds with beaks for noses or midgets with beady black eyes...
All of this taken into account, both sides may be a little dubious, both having their fair share of 'sins' in the theft department, the latter maybe more guilty than the former?
I am skeptical of your 99.9 percent figure, Hirsch. I will assume that it is arbitrary to make one of those ludicrous points you tend to make, one with no basis in anything but flame-throwing. It boggles the mind how a country in Africa can be stripped of it's blackness, especially when no Arabs and whites even lived there yet. But when Whitey takes control, good luck to anything native and natural surviving.
Maybe you've been reading that book 'March of the Titans' White Guy keeps mentioning...
I will take the Afro-centrist's words with caution and, even with the Jew's trotting out of the conveniently-timed Egyptologists (yes, the Arab-ran Egyptian government is control of all of this and sends all 'specimens' straight to Europe... hmmm... It was Europeans who started this debate in the first place), I will give her a side-eye glance as well, since she seems to be acting in concordance to her people's history of thieving and hiding hands.
You know what I am talking about, HIRSCH, right??
By the way, I was hoping you'd THINK and realize that you were embarrassing yourself speaking ill of blacks being a member of a maligned people (and you get so MAD when people talk dirty on Jews) and pillow talking with SBPDL when you hate his guts. Stuff, it's total jealousy, by the way.
This poor pathetic creature, dearest Hirsch, wants this blog so BAD he can't stand it! He wants to be famous, y'all!! I say let him into the club. It looks like he's turning blue holding his breath in hope of acceptance.
Poor sweet baby... He could do you guys' taxes or something. Or make bagels. Something Jew-y for the SBPDL organization. I don't mean to harp on the stink of gefilte fish but I think he's self-loathing.....
From this mornings news, three people shot yet no description of the shooters.
MSNBC's coverage of the "church brawl", no mention whatsoever of the race of the participants.
Blacks and DWLs have endangered everyone on the planet, to say nothing of the United States' longstanding friendship with it's oldest ally, Great Britain. The fraudulent messiah, 0bama, has just given British nuclear secrets to the Russians.
Black teens rob and loot, but no mention of race.
"Do you care to explain why it is better to listen to a white Ashkenazi Jew about Egypt over black John Henrik Clarke (or Chiekh Anta Diop) and other so-called Afro-centrists?"
John Henrik Clarke is a black racist idiot.
"Lifetime loves to make movies about white men beating and raping white women."
They certainly do. However, they have no enthusiasm for making movies about black murder, black rape, or any other black violence.
And that's the point.
"Hey! Don't forget this travesty!!!
This article states explicitly that the perps are white.
And that's the point.
"At the end of the day, blacks have no bearing on my life and they shouldn't have a bearing on yours. "
Yes they do. I don't care if they kill each other, drug each other, "drank" themselves to death or neglect their children. My white "privIlege" lets me live far from blacks. I do not want to PAY for their dysfunction, failure, and squalor.
You will never NEVER reply to this pesky little fact because it is something that black people don't like.
Whites can and will live without blacks but blacks cannot live without white support. No negro in his right mind will ever admit this. You have all signed up for voluntary enslavement!
To be honest, I can understand where the the commenter "Seito" is coming from.
When you sit back and look at the situation, it's sad that White people let this stuff happen to them. Why?
Because they don't realize that Black people (and other minorities) are terrified of them. Why is it that you see these cases where you have multiple Black guys ganging up on a lone White person? The Knoxville Horror, it was like eight Black people on two white people. Have you seen a White person talk to a Black person? Look how they react, they are scared. Hell, anyone can speak properly to Black people and get the same reaction from them, trust me I know.
You have no idea how many Black people have told me I'm brave because I can go in places with 99% White people and I'm comfortable. These are Black people who were/are in the streets and have been to jail! Secretly, Black people admire White people and want to be them, hate and fear them at the same time. It's hilarious.
Black people deep down inside respect White people (and guns) more than other Black people. Why do Black people call themselves "Niggers"? White people used to call them that. Just think about it.
All that needs to happen is that more White people should get guns. If White people were known for having guns, I guarantee that you could at least get the crime rate under control.
I know all about it, trust me.
Objective Black Man
John Henrik Clarke is a black racist idiot.
And do you say the same thing about Arthur Kemp, author of 'March of the Titans'? It's just the other side of the same coin.
By the way, what kind of critique is that? We learned not to demerit someone or their work with ad hominem attacks in high school. Please, keep it to his work.
They certainly do. However, they have no enthusiasm for making movies about black murder, black rape, or any other black violence.
And that's the point.
Lifetime is ran by white people, so their stories are white-centered. Remember, we don't live in a BRA; everything is white in terms of media and it's messages.
This article states explicitly that the perps are white.
And that's the point.
Well, I posted it because you fools enjoy putting forth the most lurid tales. I was just following the Golden Rule of reciprocity, so to speak. Glen Ridge, NJ is a pretty white town and you could use process of elimination to determine the color of the suspects.
If names are given and it clearly states Deshawn or some other black-oriented name, you don't need color. If no names are given, assume that you don't know the race, and that it could be pretty much anyone. A hunch is not enough, but I'll say a church brawl sounds 'black' to me, but only because white people hate Jesus. A pedophile molesting a 3-year-old sounds 'white'. Could go either way, of course.
It is quite ridiculous to want to know the race of a perp just so you can give your hatred it's daily steroid injection. Pretty pathetic, too. Really pathetic.
I encourage everyone on here to actually study post-Civil War race relations. This site is repeating history because they don't know it. I wish I could link some original source documents to you people but I can't since it's an account-only website.
But you all need to educate yourselves. You all call it Blame Whitey but you have no idea how these post-Civil War mindsets of whites shaped the current landscape. What was 'freedom' for blacks following the Civil War? Blacks believed it to be no more bondage AND true equality in social, economic, and political life; whites just said it meant no more bondage.
It was this attitude of the whites (in power, of course) that spanned generations following slavery, this notion of inequality. Or, as I always say, the 'Legacy of Slavery'. It's not slavery that blacks lament (well, they do) but it's legacy that has bred all kinds of ugliness in this profoundly and historically racist country.
Simpletons, wake up. These whites thought freedom for slaves meant that blacks were going to take over and take away rights of whites. We all no this was never true, and was only fear-mongering.
Know your history, white people. It ain't pretty. SBPDL is just repeating the same old song and dance to dredge up fear and loathing. It's quite sad. And then you have the resident delusional, self-loathing Jew who cheerleads it... It's sick.
Back then all of this could work; now, people are more educated and less fearful. Fear is a weak emotion. This blog is a niche for weak white men.
@ Objective black Man:
Good Lord, Uncle Ruckus!
I hope you've seen the episode of the Boondocks (it's a safe show, don't worry; SBPDL--a white guy--likes it!) where your namesake Uncle Ruckus gets the opportunity to record anti-black country music (his favorite) and then is allowed to sing it at a redneck bar.
The patrons, even though he holds identical politics as they do toward blacks, start throwing stuff at him and chase him from the bar. The white guy, his mentor, tells him he thought it would be okay, since Uncle Ruckus was basically a white racist in black face, but he said, 'No, they still hate you because you're black.'
Take heed, Unc. It's pretty sad that you are so delusional. You can love Whitey all you want but don't come crying to black people when you are suddenly ousted from Whitey's favor because you're too black for him. And it will happen; it always does; trust me, I know.
The Knoxville Horror, it was like eight Black people on two white people.
There was a case in WV, I believe, and a group of whites tortured a black girl. She didn't die, of course, but she'd met one of them on the Internet. They made her eat rat and dog shit, sexually violated her, and cut her up.
We also need to remember that this gang abuse on blacks goes back generations. In 1865, just for a date from 'back then', 500 whites in TX were charged with murdering blacks but none where ever convicted.
I think you need to get it together. The Knoxville horror is a tragedy but to bring it up as indicative of all black behavior, you have to be on some really good chronic, Uncle Ruckus.
Secretly, Black people admire White people and want to be them
LOL... that's your lot in life, boyfriend. Speak for yourself. I wouldn't want to be anything else but black. I love being black. I don't hate white people and I sure as hell am not afraid of them.
If you are black you should know that blacks (a) don't call themselves 'niggers'; and (b) that the word usage is a symbolic conquering of bondage. Why do gays call themselves 'fags' and use the pink triangle from the death camps? Taking ownership and conquering bondage.
So what we have here on this site is the Jew and the Tom working for Whitey. Craziness... what a motley crew!!
"Lifetime loves to make movies about white men beating and raping white women."
"They certainly do. However, they have no enthusiasm for making movies about black murder, black rape, or any other black violence.
And that's the point."
Lifetime is a channel geared towards women, specifically white women. Since only 4% of whites date or marry outside of their race, date rapes and domestic abuse would be primarily white on white. Also, 90% of whites in this country live in communities that are less than 1% black, so the typical neighborhood freak will also be white.
Don't worry maybe they will air a Tyler Perry movie during "We Love Black People" month.
-Black guy
"Lifetime is ran by white people"
So is NBC, but they ran the Cosby Show for 10 years, and the Fresh Prince too.
The point is they are happy to portray whites negatively, but not so with blacks.
"Well, I posted it because you fools enjoy putting forth the most lurid tales."
I don't give a shit why you posted it.
I posted a story where race was omitted because the perpetrators were black, you provided a great example of the media mentioning race when the perpetrators are white.
"If names are given and it clearly states Deshawn or some other black-oriented name, you don't need color."
Fuck you Diarrhea, you don't make the rules.
"It is quite ridiculous to want to know the race of a perp"
Tell that to criminal profilers you dumb fucking whore.
"I encourage everyone on here to actually study post-Civil War race relations."
Diarrhea, once again, my opinions of black people are based on over 50 years of observation and interaction. I am one of Those Who Can See, I've come full circle.
There is nothing you can say that could ever change my mind. Even with all your months and months of incoherent ramblings on this site, you haven't changed anyone's opinion of black people. The fact that you keep trying only makes you look like a fool.
It's so disheartening when faux-philosophical apologists spew so much verbally malnutritioned shit their breath reeks like a bathroom stall at Church's Fried on the 1st of the month.
The bottom line is this:
When blacks, as a whole, learn to participate and embody the fundamental principles of the civil society, they will succeed.
If they continue, as a whole, to act anti-socially and dependent on other peoples wealth and property, they will lose.
So far, statistically speaking, the score is clear.
It's obvious who the world continues to laugh at.
@ Objective Black Man "... don't come crying to black people when you are suddenly ousted from Whitey's favor because you're too black for him."
Puhleeze!! What weed are you smokin? Blacks have probably already thrown Objective out on his ear because he is smart and can form coherent sentences.
"He thank he white!", I can hear them saying now. And
"He talk funny." "He act funny."
I am sure that his black people have called him all of the lovely names that you use to describe blacks you are hatin' on like as "Oreo", "Zebra", "Uncle Tom", "House Negro", "Sellout", "Uncle Ruckus" and the list goes on and on.
I am sure he lost his Black Membership Card long ago and does not even CARE!
Most whites I know, and I know plenty, have tried to help pitiful blacks and their plight to no end. Do you know why? Because white people are generous, caring, helpful, charitable and just plain nice. We all are forced to pay taxes which gives blacks even more charity dollars. It will never end! Now we are all tired of you and your struggle to be human. Done. Finished. I will happily accept black people who speak the mother tongue properly and do not shuck and jive while trying to race hustle everyone for money.
You are insulting the educated and assimilated blacks who have worked hard to gain acceptance in the dominant culture because you are a HATER! Hater, hater hater.
With friends like you, blacks do not need enemies.
Blacks like you are the most hateful and racist people on the planet.
"...I will happily accept black people who speak the mother tongue properly and do not shuck and jive while trying to race hustle everyone for money..."
Not me. I am way done with all blacks. I couldn't care less anymore if they are law abiding or not; speak properly or not; work or don't; have chillins like animals in the wild (not married) or not.
I. Do. Not. Care.
I have ZERO to do with any of them unless circumstances dictate otherwise. In those cases I am polite, but not contrite - I kowtow to NO man. Afterwards? Couldn't care less if I ever saw them again.
blacks have ruined this country. The ruin everything they touch.
Five people shot, no description of the shooters.
Any way you can have the comments appear more quicker like?
Diarrhea, in honor of your quote "I believe white people should know the sins of their forebears"...
I believe you should know the sins of your extended family members...therefore...
Here are a couple of your brothers who happen to be rapists.
Both of the afrocentrists you mentioned in your first paragraph were caught at their game, not only by Lefkowitz, but by other scholars. They cited as proof of black dynasties a 17th century French romance novel. It would be the equivalent of my basing a scholarly work on the Knights Templar on Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code."
By mentioning Kim Kardashian as a catch-all, you show an ignorance in dilineating. Either you cannot understand (not as likely) or refuse to acknowledge (more probable) that there are Mizrahi, Sephardic, and Ashkenazi tribes. You would have been better off flat out lying, rather than obfuscating, i.e. using a defense like the "Lost Tribe of Shabazz."
Your next house of cards is a little easier to topple. That simply because Egypt was on the African continent, it was a black country. Put simply, Russia is a portmanteau of European and Asian lands, yet the Russians do not look like the Chinese. You know the Sahara was quite an obstacle to traverse, especially when your civilization(s) had yet to invent even the most rudimentary wheel.
Not sure if the truth can make a dent, but here goes:
"King Tut's DNA Is Western European
The DNA test results were inadvertently revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary filmed with Hawass’s permission — but it seems as if the Egyptian failed to spot the giveaway part of the documentary which revealed the test results.
Hawass previously announced that he would not release the racial DNA results of Egyptian mummies — obviously because he feared the consequences of such a revelation."
The full conclusive results were confirmed by Dr. Whit Athey. Dr Athey received his doctorate in physics and biochemistry at Tufts University, and undergraduate (engineering) and masters (math) degrees at Auburn University
The full article is widely available on the internet and in Scientific journals. Please start doing your own homework, as I cannot continue to hold your hand. Also, try to develop some non-Hirsch related hobbies/obsessions. Hypertension is a serious problem in the black community. Crotcheting is a soothing craft, I hear.
Hoping you get better soon.
"There was a case in WV, I believe, and a group of whites tortured a black girl. She didn't die, of course, but she'd met one of them on the Internet. They made her eat rat and dog shit, sexually violated her, and cut her up."
==Here's an update on that 'story'..
It's fun going at it with Desiree. Sometimes you have to give in to temptation.
Let's go cutie pie!
Desiree said:
"Good Lord, Uncle Ruckus!"
Good Lord, Jessica!
"You can love Whitey all you want but don't come crying to black people when you are suddenly ousted from Whitey's favor because you're too black for him. And it will happen; it always does; trust me, I know."
That's funny coming from you since you actually deep throat Nordic cock in real life. Don't let it go too deep Jessica, it might trigger your gag reflex and then they will kick you out for ruining a good blowjob!
"If you are black you should know that blacks (a) don't call themselves 'niggers'; and (b) that the word usage is a symbolic conquering of bondage."
Nigga = Nigger, only Black people think otherwise. Stop listening to Tupac for advice in life, he was portraying an image to make money. Rappers are not at all what you think they are anyways.
"I wouldn't want to be anything else but black. I love being black."
Okay, you Christina Ricci look alike.
"So what we have here on this site is the Jew and the Tom working for Whitey."
What we have with Desiree is a "Black" woman who looks damn near White and she hates it. Once again, a "Militant Mulatto".
Mariah Carey and Huey Newton come to mind.
Guess what Desiree?
Your not Black. Black people rejected you. You ran to the very White people that you rally against. White people accepted you and Black people didn't. You are just upset.
I bet if you had a kid with a White guy, they kid would come out white, blond and blue eyed. What would you say then? Would you hate your child?
You are NOT Black. End of story.
I would kiss you to make you feel better, but that's probably not a good idea, because I don't want to taste another man's sperm.
Give me a fist pump instead.
Objective Black Man
Desiree said on February 5, 2011 at 10:40 AM ... "So what we have here on this site is the Jew and the Tom working for Whitey. Craziness... what a motley crew!!"
Don't forget yourself, now. We have you here for name-calling.
Ha-Ha, Dezzies mad because she's a mulatto.
Dizarea the lone mulatoo, mad because she has more white blood in her than black blood.
it's like adding a drop of chocolate syrup to a giant bowl of vanilla ice cream
Objective "Black man",
"Your not Black. Black people rejected you. You ran to the very White people that you rally against. White people accepted you and Black people didn't. You are just upset."
That is a total lie and you know it. All black Americans are of mixed ancestry one way or another. That being said we are solely considered one race and that is black.
Biracial people often times try to be both black and white and that results in nothing but ridicule and confusion.
The real truth is Black/White biracial people are considered to be black by both whites and blacks.
-Black guy
What a total douche!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
This sort of a behavior from an adult is quite sad. Unfortunately this behavior is exhibited everday on this blog. I'm tired of seeing redundant adults act like children and then have the nerve to disrespect a race based on behavior when their own behavior isn't acceptable either.
It's time we stop playing the role of the hypocrite and start making our own roles that the next generation can play as. It's time for a change and the adults on here displaying the behavior above should be ashamed of yourselves.
It's quite hilarious that there are many children I know that act better than the adults on here. Clean up your act or get lost.
You Get What You Get
I usually don't do shit like this on the internet, but I will this time because you are cute and I know exactly where you are coming from.
I know you too well.
There's nothing wrong with being who you are. I understand your pain, hell, I even went though it and I know others who have.
But you know what? In the end you can't help who you are, we ALWAYS go White. ALWAYS. Why? Because we have "White Minds". Culture is determined by genes. People like you and I probably have more White genes than Black. That makes us "Oreo's".
There are Hispanics who are the same way. More White blood than Hispanic blood. Same result.
(On the flip side, I've known White people who have "Black Minds". They are not wiggers, these are White people who are accepted by Black people. They are Black.)
You have no real connection with Black people beyond a superficial level, that's why you don't like being around them. It's basically your "White Sensibilities" that are reacting to them. They tell you to avoid Black people and seek out White people.
You feel guilty because you feel like you are hating your race, when on the inside you are not even Black. This is nothing but genes expressing themselves. So you take up these ridiculous viewpoints to trick yourself into thinking you are not a "self hater".
People who post on this blog are harsh because like myself, are tired of the bullshit. Let us speak how we want. Shit, I'm surprised that the First Amendment has lasted this long. The comments on this blog are a catharsis. Plus the information is pretty damn accurate, coming from someone who isn't even Black.
If this blog makes you uncomfortable, stop reading and commenting on it. You are not changing anyone's mind.
Not everyone is going to be your friend Desiree.
White or Black. Focus on people who want you and not on people who don't want you.
It sounds like to me that you have people that enjoy your company, even if they are White. Enjoy your life, it's too short to worry about something that you have no control over. Be with people that you feel comfortable with.
Let it be known.
The "Failure Majority" of the Black Community and their enablers are dieing out. Let them perish. FOAD. Rot in piss.
I speak from experience. I damn near lost and destroyed my life to fit in with Black people. It's not worth it.
All that over Gene Expression.
You can either understand what I'm saying or we can either keep going back and forth.
I guess I will have my answer soon enough.
Objective "Oreo" (Black) Man
You Get What You Get
How can you tell if someone's an adult online? There's a difference between childish and destructive behavior.
Black Guy.
Black Guy said:
"That is a total lie and you know it. All black Americans are of mixed ancestry one way or another. That being said we are solely considered one race and that is black."
1. Why was she rejected by Black people? Why are all of her friends White?
2. Not really. Most Black people in this country only have 5-15% European ancestry. That isn't mixed. Black people just say that because they don't want to be Black.
3. At face value yes. How many non Black people have you really gotten to know beyond that?
"Biracial people often times try to be both black and white and that results in nothing but ridicule and confusion."
I've seen them go either way.
"The real truth is Black/White biracial people are considered to be black by both whites and blacks."
This is because Black people are the ones that enforce the One Drop Rule these days. Many people speak against having biracial children with Black people because they will bully them into being Black.
Objective Black Man
"This sort of a behavior from an adult is quite sad"
Hey Dishonest Crusader, pretending to be an Asian is pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!
LOLOL What a total loser!
" I'm tired of seeing redundant adults act like children and then have the nerve to disrespect a race based on behavior when their own behavior isn't acceptable either. "
AWWWW! Poor you! If you are so tired, then please leave this site once and for all, Honest Crusader/Douche Bag/You Get What You Get!
You are a whining idiot and you are asking for it every time you post.
Shut up already, will you? This bickering between who acts black or white has nothing to do with the topic at hand! Desiree and Objective Black Man need to get the boot so the others who have enjoyed this blog can actually enjoy it. Do us a favor and leave.
"Hey Dishonest Crusader, pretending to be an Asian is pathetic!!!!!!!!!!!
LOLOL What a total loser!"
What's amusing about this post is the fact that you have your identities mixed up. For one thing, You Get What You Get is black. I may have similar views to Seito, but I do disagree with some of his. For example, I don't believe Obama is a darker white.
You in particular seem to have identity issues which leads me to believe that you have paranoia. Everytime there's a black or someone on this blog who opposes your views, you automatically taunt, tease, and claim that they're a previous poster. Get your facts straight for once. And stop using your childish vocabulary, which is pretty short.
Even if you're not an adult, and some college or highschool kid, you're still pathetic.
"AWWWW! Poor you! If you are so tired, then please leave this site once and for all, Honest Crusader/Douche Bag/You Get What You Get!
You are a whining idiot and you are asking for it every time you post."
The name calling is getting really old. If you can't come onto a blog, and debate your opposition without name calling, then you have no case to argue about. For once I'd like to see you post a reply without an insult and a point to make other than claiming I'm some other poster.
Again, the adults/college/highschool kids need to expand your vocabulary and use some new material. It appears that you and the previous poster above that I've taken a quote from, can't form different thoughts. Again, this is sad and pathetic.
Also, labeling my posts as complaints is very common and unoriginal among your kind. For once, would the whites on this blog actual form separate and original thoughts on their own? Are they that boring, dull, and simple-minded? This is getting to the point where I'm starting to believe you all are the same posters, or you're just that "creative".
You Get What You Get
You Get What You Get
"Are they that boring, dull, and simple-minded?"
You said "The name calling is getting really old" yet you also call names. Maybe you should practice what you preach. Also not everyone who post here is white.
"What's amusing about this post is the fact that you have your identities mixed up."
The most amusing part is that no one is fooled by your childish charade.
"2. Not really. Most Black people in this country only have 5-15% European ancestry. That isn't mixed. Black people just say that because they don't want to be Black."
Try none have less than 20% European ancestry.
I remember a certain documentary where they DNA tested Emmit Smith and the doctor (who is a world leader in DNA research) was amazed that he was a little more than 20% European. He said he had never seen that high a percentage of African DNA in an African-American.
This is because Black people are the ones that enforce the One Drop Rule these days. Many people speak against having biracial children with Black people because they will bully them into being Black.
I speak against having biracial children with black people because I've seen the all-too-predictable result a few times too often for me to call it coincidence.
Some black guy knocks up a young white woman. Said white woman keeps the kid. The black guy might-just might-show up when the baby is delivered. Then he vanishes,never to be seen again,until he needs cash for any number of things. Like lawyer bills,auto repairs,whatever. At which time he'll show up looking for money from the white girl's family. And the hell of it is that sometimes they'll even buy the guy off. Pay him to go away,in effect,which works until the next time he needs money,which doesn't ever take very long.
In the meantime,the white girl's family is also paying for things like infant formula,diapers,toys,clothes,food,daycare,etc. Most of the time without the help of programs like AFDC and the other local,federal,and state programs. If the girl had a college fund,that fund will eventually have to get tapped for childcare expenses,and that's pretty much the end of any hopes of higher education for a decade or two,if it happens at all.
So yeah-I finally got tired of seeing this,after watching it happen 4 or 5 times. This is in addition to the taxes I pay every time I draw a paycheck. Involuntarily,I might add-no one asked me if I wanted to donate some of my work to support little Ny'Quilla and little D'Shaun,and their 3 other siblings.
"I remember a certain documentary"
That's the basis of your argument?
Not very compelling.
The documentary is "Who Do You Think You Are"
"You said "The name calling is getting really old" yet you also call names. Maybe you should practice what you preach. Also not everyone who post here is white."
You obviously are confused. I simply listed characteristics, not insults. Name-calling is another term for insulting. I simply asked if they were those characteristics. Maybe you should read carefully before you start accusing.
"The most amusing part is that no one is fooled by your childish charade.
This is completely idiotic for you to believe that I'm posting as Seito. I'm not Japanese-American. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Oh wait, I know, you have extreme levels of paranoia and right now you're making a huge fool out of yourself.
And the real amusing part about this whole identity issue, is that you're deceiving yourself. If this isn't good enough for you to believe, then good luck on making yourself look utterly stupid, not that you already haven't.
You Get What You Get
"This is completely idiotic for you to believe that I'm posting as Seito."
Please STFU, you're not fooling anyone, dickhead.
"This is completely idiotic for you to believe that I'm posting as Seito."
Well, Hilarity/Get What You Get/Honest Crusader/Seito, it is probably because of the similar tone and word choice you use with each online personality.
I have become very familiar with the lecturing tone of your posts, your use of the words "childish", "lame", and "pathetic". The way you try to make excuses for black behavior and tell us that we are being intolerant. We just don't know any blacks in real life, right?
The way you launch into the same old boring "...you guys are a bunch of loser racists and need to just get a life!" and "...no one is any better than any other, there are bad people in all races!" rants. "We just need to love each other more and stop fighting" you declare.
I think you are a youngish churchy black man who has not read the archives. You may not know that black behavior is a constant nuisance to white people. When someone tells me I am annoying, I take a good look at myself. Take some time to read past entries to get caught up. SBPDL can probably trace your ip address to see if you have multiple online profiles. I will continue to assume that you do......
"Oh wait, I know, you have extreme levels of paranoia and right now you're making a huge fool out of yourself."
You are a child.
"I have become very familiar with the lecturing tone of your posts, your use of the words "childish", "lame", and "pathetic"."
LOLOL You forgot "ridiculous", "quite sad", "idiot", and "I could care less".
I'm sure there are more, but these are his faves. What a tool.
Don't forget "supremacist"!!
"I have become very familiar with the lecturing tone of your posts..."lame"."
First of all, not one time have I used the word lame in any of my posts. You can go search for it yourself, but I'm sure you have a life.
"The way you launch into the same old boring "...you guys are a bunch of loser racists and need to just get a life!"
Not once in any of my posts have I ever stated that. I've never stated anything along the lines of that or used that kind of tone. And to prove that I'm not those other posters...have you realized that you labeled me as a black man, but yet you claimed I'm Hilarity, which I'm pretty sure is a female name.
You've just proven that you and your kind are delusional or this is another way for you to target a independent black man. Now please stop mistaking my identity and move on. This is getting old and this is my last comment on this issue.
For once, use common sense and information to solve something instead of accusing without any supporting evidence!
You Get What You Get
Come on, people...
Leave 'You Get What You Get' alone. I was Seito. Jesus Christ.
Mencken caught me on the piss-poor Japanese translation of 'get a life'.
LMBAO! God, you people are hilarious.... X-D
"Leave 'You Get What You Get' alone. I was Seito. Jesus Christ."
Either way, it was a silly negro transparently pretending to be Japanese, just as everyone knew.
No surprise.
"First of all, not one time have I used the word lame in any of my posts"
And for you that's quite an achievement.
Now fuck off.
Either way, it was a silly negro transparently pretending to be Japanese, just as everyone knew.
Yes, but the funny part of it is that an Asian mutiny of sorts turns you people's world's upside down. The 'Seito' personality is actually modeled off a classmate I'd had in a Post-Civil war history course I took about two semesters ago, Jason Sato (Sato and Seito sounded similar). He and the professor, this white guy who hunted and was fairly conservative, used to go at it all the time. He was cool to watch.
This dude was not mousy or anything. Pretty ballsy for an Asian guy, I was surprised. Funny, he was the only 'brainiac' Asian I've seen yet, after the faculty. Definitely no one in Calc, Physics, Chem, or Bio.
Or maybe those guys are just shy as hell. Jason wasn't!
Hate to break it to you, pal, but not all Asians are like the pathetic (there's that word) self-hating Asians that come onto this blog.
Seito/Desiree, it doesn't really matter. My point was made; mutiny is always met with hysterics.
LMBAO! And you guys didn't know it was me, rotfl! And that's the only thing that matters. As this is the most important thing for a writer. By the way, I've been one of you people, try to guess which one it is! (HINT: he's really smart!)
On to the next sock.... This is more fun than 'Clue'!
"Yes, but the funny part of it is that an Asian mutiny of sorts turns you people's world's upside down."
Everyone knew it wasn't an Asian, you dumb fucking whore.
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