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You'd have to be blind to not see BRA's power now |
In an unprecedented victory, 28 homosexual Jamaicans, who were persecuted due to their sexual orientation, have gained political asylum in the United States. The success of their claims reflects the degree of persecution suffered by gays in Jamaica.
Since 2007, Great Britain, the former colonial power that introduced the island's sodomy laws, has granted asylum to at least five Jamaicans on the grounds that their lives were in danger due to their sexual orientation.
The individuals were assisted by Immigration Equality, a network of pro bono attorneys which strives to secure asylum for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.
"By offering them a safe haven, the United States is not only saving their lives, but benefiting from the talent, skills and service these asylees bring to our country," a spokesperson from Immigration Equality said. "We are proud and honored to help them begin life anew here in their adopted homeland."
The organization is reported to have 97 additional cases filed in 2010 and several filed previously that are awaiting review.
Renowned largely for its music, culture and reputation as one of the most favored Caribbean travel destinations, Jamaica is also infamous for its intolerance and unbridled violence against homosexuals. Homosexuality, known throughout the Caribbean as "buggering," remains a criminal offense in Jamaica and is punishable by up to 10 years in jail.
How many people across the globe live in nations where homosexuality is outlawed, sodomy a crime? How many people will read this story and decide that applying for asylum to the United States is an opportunity at a better life?
How many Ugandans will apply for asylum? Though most wish to believe the United States is still an evil, fascist nation the opposite is true. A people who deserve true asylum are dying at a rate of two a week, with multiple thousands (farmers) killed since 1992 and an untold, incalculable and seemingly voiceless tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands raped and the victims of criminality.
The only problem is that these people are white, productive and have the odious stench of racism upon them. It is this repellent disease that seals their fate of international (malignant) neglect:
Since 1991, there have been 11,785 attacks and 1,804 murders, and the problem is getting worse, Andre Botha, the president of Agri SA warned.
Mr Botha told the South African parliament's police committee: "We're talking about two attacks per day, we're talking about two farm murders per week, and it's increasing. What is a very worrying aspect is the brutality in which the murders are conducted."
It follows the recent killing of the far-Right leader Eugene Terreblanche, who was allegedly murdered by two farmworkers.
His death inflamed South Africa's race tensions amid anger over a "shoot the Boer [farmer]" slogan sung by Julius Malema, the ANC Youth League leader.
Only Georgia – the country – sees the value in allowing these beleaguered white South Africans to emigrate from that wonderfully diverse land run by Black people and showcase their farming prowess within their borders. It is Georgia that will benefit from the Boers talent, skills and service these asylees will bring to their country.
The Wikileaks showcased how insane a nation Black Run America (BRA) has become and each passing day more evidence is accumulated to pound home that depressingly obvious point.
A nation that welcomes people from a land - because of their sexual orientation and the persecution they incur in Jamaica - that has produced absolutely nothing beneficial to society, yet denies asylum or publicizing the plight of a people who built a nation from a vast wilderness of nothing has shown its true colors.
White South Africans are about as feckless – in the eyes of those in power in BRA – as the victims of Omar Thornton’s rage. For being a “racist” or for merely “being white” in the first place, they have been designated for the ash heap of history. The sins of the father…
Don’t think for a second that this philosophy doesn’t translate to American whites and, in due course, Europeans and Australians.
All members of any victim group, be it Black, gay, transgendered or mentally retarded (preferably a combination of all four) are worthy asylum seekers in the eyes of the United States government.
That racist trash festering in Mandela’s glorious rainbow South Africa, screaming about some unknown plight called “reverse-racism” or “reverse-discrimination” deserve the fate that awaits them. Any white person who dares bemoan their plight hasn’t attended a lecture on white privilege.
Why do stories like these two remind us at SBPDL of the lesson learned from the much maligned movie The Village? When you understand what BRA represents, there is no turning away or running into the woods to escape and hide.
No celebrity will ever come to the aid of the Boers, with many agreeing that the genocide committed against them is a worthy endeavor.
A tale of two asylum seekers, one accepted with open arms; the other universally spurned and impolitely ignored.
Being a Boer is an unpardonable sin that no amount of evidence for their genocide could ever induce a successful supplication for their salvation.
Like Somali refugees, it's only a matter of time before these Jamaicans get placed on welfare. The welfare of Boers left to the wanton cruelty of an indifferent world, who quietly consent to the genocide transpiring there.
Those homosexual Ugandans will be here soon enough.
I find it sad that black people all over world want "freedom" from whites but outright refuse (or cannot understand the concept) to give their own people basic human rights. Even sadder is the fact that they can come to America and will still get persecuted due to black male hyper-masculinity and black religion. They will still be attacked and berated by their own kind just because they are not black Americans or lifetime members of BRA.
An interesting event that I've witnessed is the fact that there is constant tension between black Americans, West Indian blacks and African continental blacks. Neither group is fond of each other and in BRA, black Americans will let them know in no uncertain terms that they're the reason that everybody else gets to do things. You know the typical line they use: "We built America!"
It is also extremely embarrassing that their ancestors did all the menial works on the farms and plantations "under duress" yet they learned nothing and lost all will to do the same thing on their own. Even a mail-room clerk can learn to operate a corporation or department in due time.
Oh well, at least the Boers get to move into a better country not wracked with inefficiency AND retain their heritage because they are not forced to give up their whiteness to appease others.
Eugene Terre'blanche was essentially the AWB's version of Yassar Arafat. He thought of himself as a latterday De La Rey, but his bombing campaigns and shootouts with the ANC (some of it caught on camera) sort of hurt his reputation, even among his supporters. See Nick Broomfield's "The Leader, the Driver, and His Wife," as well as the companion piece "His Big White Self," to see the man in action. Both films are free at Documentarystorm.com.
Nelson Mandela probably deserves to be tried and executed for his pardoning of the Mau-Mau's during the "Truth and Reconciliation" debacle, but I somehow don't think either Oprah ot Bono will be speaking on behalf of the Boers.
As for the Boers themselves, they don't deserve to have this visited upon their head; they've been in the Transvaal for hundreds of years. Whites do not elicit much sympathy from the main victims' advocate groups such as the SPLC / Amnesty International, but Human Rights Watch does occassionally take a stand againt black on white violence (see Joan Mariner's "No Escape: Male Rape in US Prisons").
As for Jamaica, how can you say they contribute nothing? What about plaintains and Red Stripe, ya bumbaclot? I and I is tired of Babylon, but dem no understand, lord a mercy.
The reason M. Night Shamalamadingdong's "The Village," is much maligned was due to its excessive quotients of suck. M. Night was a one-trick pony who performed his trick well once ("The Sixth Sense") and deserves to be thrown down a flight of high stairs for the travesty that was "The Last Airbender."
Well, you mentioned Eugene Terreblanche and we know there is a lot of homosexuality in the white nationalist movement (he was a homosexual). A quick solution would be for the Boers to outwardly claim homosexuality in order to get asylum in the US.
A question: why not try to return to the Dutch countries? I can imagine why they won't be greeted with open arms, as these countries are exceedingly left wing. But they are open to gays (and others).
This is not a black issue, but a gay issue. Quote-unquote liberals in America, especially since the repeal of DADT, will jump at the chance for the US to become a sort of gay 'Safe Place'. These homosexuals just happen to to be black Jamaicans. They could just as easily be Albanian homosexuals, or something.
There seems to be a simple solution to this problem. No one will discriminate against gay. And we know many of these nationalistic Boers, well the ones who are vocal in their backward beliefs of reverse-racism (that one always deserves laughs), indulge in gay contact.
I thought the last part deserved repeating because it really is the key. Claim gay!
Hell, you know what, SBPDL? No one gives a flying fig about racists, especially ones who believe they deserve a sort of cloak of protection when they are simply benefitting from their forebears wicked colonialism, not at all understanding why their privilege is seen as reprehensible to the point of violence reaction.
This is why minorities hate white people. None of you have to have done 'anything' directly but it is the vicious lack of awareness of your privilege (and this privilege increases exponentially as you move to other nations outside of the West where colonialism and occupation by Westerners is burned into said country's collective conscious) that really pisses us off. I know it pisses me off.
Oh, it grinds our gears good, you people don't know. We are pissed; you have no idea what it is like to be a disadvantaged group. It sucks.
This is why the idea of helping Boers does not excite action in one's belly, not to mention that what these Boers want is not asylum, but eradication of the 'black problem' so they can keep 'black riches' for themselves.
This just doesn't go down well for most people nowadays, black or white or yellow, hate to break it to you. Intelligent people are going to understand like second nature the anger the natives have at the historical power imbalance and concentration of wealth and resources of the Boers and, you know, people are going to side with these natives. Like I do.
No one deserves (well, maybe some people do--Terreblanche's death is nothing; who cares?) to be a victim of violence but it is an inevitable consequence--like collateral damage--of revolution. Is it genocide? I don't know.
Is it 'genocide' to kill the termites feasting on your house and getting the most out of the wood, leaving you with a crumbling abode? It's all in how you look at it. I don't think so; it's your house. Do what the hell you want to the damned termites.
wow! the big black lesbian rants again about gays. Who's calling the kettle black? Genocide or murder is excusable because of 'white priviledge'?! What a pathetic and disgusting race of animals. I am sure the Boers like the South would say: "If we knew what would happen to this country bringing these apes here - they would have picked their own cotton"
"This is not a black issue"
Tell that to the whites who are being murdered by blacks, you fucking moron.
"it is an inevitable consequence--like collateral damage--of revolution."
South Africa had elections, you dumb fucking whore. There was no revolution.
Blacks are murderous sub-humans who kill because it is their nature.
We do not have enough gays in the US so now we are importing more future AIDS patients from Jamacia so I can pay for them too. As always, God help us.
-Fed Up White Taxpayer
"Is it 'genocide' to kill the termites feasting on your house and getting the most out of the wood, leaving you with a crumbling abode? It's all in how you look at it. I don't think so; it's your house. Do what the hell you want to the damned termites."
Thanks, Desiree, it is duly noted that you support the brutal murder of thousands of Whites since 1994. I urge you to check out this website, which shows the reality of the situation, including the beaten, tortured, and mutilated corpses of infant and toddler "termites" at the hand of you benevolent hue-mans:
"None of you have to have done 'anything' directly but it is the vicious lack of awareness of your privilege... that really pisses us off.... when (Whites) are simply benefitting from their forebears wicked colonialism, not at all understanding why their privilege is seen as reprehensible to the point of violence reaction."
Desiree, may I refer to you to the entry here entitled "And then...?" No matter what White people do we will forever be indebted to the races colonized or imperialised by Europeans, with constant guilt hung over our heads for what, in reality, was the actions of very small minority of White people decades and centuries ago. Racism, discrimination, general vitriol, and even violent crimes such as rape and murder against Whites are essentially excused by individuals such as yourself. As you stated above, you folks are only ridding your crumbling abode of its termites. War has been declared upon Whites. Why are you so surprised that many of us are beginning to fight back?
"no one gives a flying fig about racists, especially ones who believe they deserve a sort of cloak of protection when they are simply benefitting from their forebears wicked colonialism, not at all understanding why their privilege is seen as reprehensible to the point of violence reaction"
This is a common mistake, conflating two white groups merely because of the color of their skin, notwithstanding that the British colonizers and Boers have been mortal enemies for centuries.
"None of you have to have done 'anything' directly but it is the vicious lack of awareness of your privilege (and this privilege increases exponentially as you move to other nations outside of the West where colonialism and occupation by Westerners is burned into said country's collective conscious) that really pisses us off"
If one accepts the most generous estimates of blacks enslaved by whites in America and compares it to black on black slavery from Ghana to Ethiopia, it would be a glass of wine measured against a vintner's cellar. And for the record, whites didn't invent clitoral mutilation, honor killings, or even slavery for that matter.
"We are pissed; you have no idea what it is like to be a disadvantaged group. It sucks."
You are not pissed. You are self-righteous. I'd be interested in hearing about your personal experience of privation and disadvantage. I'm sure that when you ordered Revlon's "Blood Red" lipstick from amazon.com, the package arrived filled with "crimson", and you finally began to fathom the horrors of Jim Crow.
From today's Columbus Dispatch there was an article showing that blacks are favored 10:1 over whites and Asians with equal ACT scores when applying for acceptance to schools. Perhaps whites should borrow from your logic (as well as a page from Mandela's ANC playbook) and slaughter the entire black student union with panga sticks.
If this post offends you, no need to fear. The national news media apparatus and all college campuses are filled to the choking point with people who spout similar rhetoric. Most people who want to have careers learn to parrot the party line or stay silent in order to keep their jobs. When someone actually believes the rhetoric, ingests it, and then burps it out as you just did, they should consider themselves lucky. It is only painful to live with a lie if you recognize it as such. With your rhetoric about "termites feasting on the house", you could be a valuable asset to the regime when it comes time for extermination. You won't have a conscience to bother you.
For the sake of context, here is a picture of one of those evil white colonists, fat off the spoils of the oppressed black majority:
Desiree, I have to say that your thinking is so ass backwards, I wonder if you smoked the island of Jamaica. You see, the key to adding something to a discussion is to have at least a vague idea of what you are talking about.
Here is some advice if I may. Study a little of history, no, not the babble that you get in black history month. We all know that is pure fiction. Having done so, listen quietly to what the adults around are saying. You may achieve some enlightenment that way.
Desiree finally and ironically gets it! Hey D, Blacks ARE THE TERMITES.
Is it 'genocide' to kill the termites feasting on your house and getting the most out of the wood, leaving you with a crumbling abode? It's all in how you look at it. I don't think so; it's your house. Do what the hell you want to the damned termites.
Thank you,Desiree,for putting that in writing,where anyone interested can see it. That's worth quoting any number of times,and it applies to any number of situations. I'll be sure to remember it.
Diarrhea, you are a loathsome and despicable piece of shit, but at least you are honest enough to admit that blacks blame whites for anything and everything, and even use this mindset to justify murder.
You are a shining example of why I would never hire a black employee, knowing that this black employee hates me, would steal from me at every opportunity, and would even kill me for the change in my pocket.
Please continue to post more of your psychotic rantings, it is essential that more whites face the reality of black hatred.
Desiree: "This is why minorities hate white people. None of you have to have done 'anything' directly but it is the vicious lack of awareness of your privilege (and this privilege increases exponentially as you move to other nations outside of the West where colonialism and occupation by Westerners is burned into said country's collective conscious) that really pisses us off. I know it pisses me off."
You have two basic problems: (1) You are either ignorant, misinformed, or misunderstanding of statistics, a field which essentially presents a description of underlying reality. Statistics depends on mathematics, an area of knowledge for which you have freely admitted your complete lack of expertise. (2) You are, along with the majority of blacks and Muslims throughout the world, stuck in an endless destructive feedback loop of your own making (eagerly aided and abetted by white liberals), including envy --> lack of personal responsibility --> blame game --> entitlement mentality --> hate --> repeat ad infinitum. Your own hate is obvious when you refer to white people as simply vermin or bugs to be eliminated.
Concerning your incessant use of assumptions not in evidence, you have no facts to support either your assertions, or the conclusions you draw from them. As but one example, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam were at one time colonies of France (and before that, Laos was occupied by Siam/Thailand, in no ways a country of white people). However, in none of those countries is there animosity for white people as a group, or indeed for most white people taken individually. How do I know? I visit them regularly, since I live nearby. More importantly, the facts show that millions of white people have also visited, vacationed, and retired to these locales. If they were hated by the locals, it would be stupid to have come there. Obviously therefore, these countries disprove your assertion. There are other examples as well... India, South Korea, Japan, etc. In all these cases, white people are not only not hated for their race or ostensible privilege, but instead are welcomed and dealt with on an equal basis to the mutual good of all parties. Finally, terms you then use such as "increases exponentially” have absolutely no facts to back them up.
Every time you make excuses for the degenerate, self-destructive behavior of the majority of blacks (i.e., that described as greater than 50% of the area under a statistical Gaussian distribution), you simply perpetuate the feedback loop, both for yourself and for “your people”. But you are blind to facts and to logical argument (no doubt any response to this will be filled with your typical non-sequiturs, ad hominems, strawmen, and cherry-picked outliers presented as “facts”), and therefore it is useless for me to proceed further.
Please don't use profanity when referring to Desiree. Her posts (a number of people do complain about them) are highly informative in explaining a mindset that is prominent within and pervasive throughout the Black community.
Black Serial Killers;
February 10, 2011 12:15 PM
Anonymous said...
The Grim Sleeper Serial Murderer:
SBDL. I was about to go on a profanity filled rant on Desiree's near criminal stupidity regarding SA. But I won't as I see your point. I suppose from an anthropological point of view she is a curiosity.
I'll post this link instead
Agreed. We shouldn't be getting mad at Desiree, because she is simply articulating the black ideology and argument structure that she has absorbed. She's actually much more articulate and easier to read than the typical black who writes in incomprehensible ebonics. Granted her responses are predictable and textbook, but it is very interesting to see how the giant disconnects in logic and absence or massive distortion of facts are pieced together into an utterance.
It's like listening to the propaganda minister of Iraq during the second invasion, who colorfully and vividly denied the presence of US troops even as tanks were driving down the highway.
Yes, we should listen to Diseree. She is very typical of most black that a white person would encounter in their every day lives. The upwardly mobile blacks who love to partake of white culture, but still demand to "keep it real" for their black brethren. Remember the smiling black postal worker and the nice black lady at the bank? They are like Diseree - they secretly want to defund and then kill yo' ass.
Good to know!
The deep ghetto blacks are not worth listening to, however, and will not ever post here. Ghetto blacks are a different species altogether, very difficult to understand, and best left for the anthropologists to study.
Blacks are termites, necrotizing fasciitis, the bubonic plague, and a nuclear holocaust all rolled into one.
Desiree, yo beez a chile of da privilege. Yous gots da goot' hurr, yous beez the liteskin, yous beez rich, yo mama beez educated an' white actin', you daddy beez half-white, you's nevers lived in no hood. Chile, you beez a full-on hypomacrite for comin' up in dis piece an' preachin' bouts da privilege. Shut you damn pie-hole, wench, an' get you azz back to yo blog an' yo knittin' an' yo white boyses. Furtherthemo', chile, yous gots no rights to beez pretendin' to beez all piss off an' shit, you white-actin' qwata-cracka! Yous jess run all back up in your rich manshun an' leaves da rage to usses awfentickly black niggas! Piss off, my azz, please, chile, yous never has nuffins to beez piss bout. Comin' all up in dis piece an' whinin' bouts beez hit on by da bruddas up in da walmarks. Damn! Girl, wut yo beez thankin'? A brudda gots beez keepin' it reals! An yous know, twins beez ob da debbil...not da white debbil, but de reals debbil, so, ise afeared yous mights be puttin some bad voodoo on meez, with all that ebil twin mojo workin'. Is you a ebil witch docta? I jess bets you is.
This is a common mistake, conflating two white groups merely because of the color of their skin
The irony of a white on this site telling me this! Excuse me, but the squabbles between these two white groups does not change the oppression by both upon the African peoples to whom they gleefully displaced.
If one accepts the most generous estimates of blacks enslaved by whites in America and compares it to black on black slavery from Ghana to Ethiopia, it would be a glass of wine measured against a vintner's cellar.
Holy Moses and yarmulkes, Hirsch. Don't give me this line. American slavery (interracial) and African slavery (intraracial) are two completely different animals, the former creating this psychosocial mess we all live in. I will not waste energy explaining the difference. If you don't understand it now, you will never understand it. Obviously you did not read those historical documents I'd sent you. Take a gander (we both know you have all the time in the world) to understand what the hell black people are talking about and I'll bring over a bottle of Evian to help you wash down that stinking foot. Come on, baby, it's better than Solitaire.
And for the record, whites didn't invent clitoral mutilation, honor killings, or even slavery for that matter.
Yes, all of the above are crimes upon humanity. How many people have you killed, Hirsch?
You are not pissed. You are self-righteous. I'd be interested in hearing about your personal experience of privation and disadvantage. I'm sure that when you ordered Revlon's "Blood Red" lipstick from amazon.com, the package arrived filled with "crimson", and you finally began to fathom the horrors of Jim Crow.
Privation? Nope, never been poor, babes, but I did live in a roach-infested barrio apartment for several years as a kid. Disadvantaged? Well, we bourgeois negroes frequently try to avoid this category WITH ALL OF OUR MIGHT but, in spite of our edu-ma-cation, we still get kicked in the ass. I will always remember, since you asked my personal experience, having shopped in a store and spent hundreds of dollars there and yet they still felt the need to follow me. It destroys your sense of self-worth and is, frankly, embarrassing as hell. Tell me, will I never ever escape this rotten black color that white people hate and that white people have made everyone else hate??
You should know by now that I don't wear cheap shit, Hirsch. I'm glad you are making use of the hyperbole, although your point-in-sum is so absurd; I am trying to understand why you have decided to make up lies about my character. Please explain the 'self-righteous' bit, though. I've been called a narcissist, a bitch, mean, insane (thanks), and have been accused of callousness, not to mention passive-aggression. But self-righteous is a new one.
If this post offends you
Not a bit, sweet cheeks. Offended would denote a level of 'giving a shit'; that I do not.
With your rhetoric about "termites feasting on the house", you could be a valuable asset to the regime when it comes time for extermination. You won't have a conscience to bother you.
More lies. Yawn. You know, Hirsch, ad hominems are a favorite of yours. Now I know what to get you for your 29th birthday!! Joking aside, I'd make a fabulous dictator. I've always thought this and now I am emboldened in it. Thanks, Hirschie babie. You've inspired me.
For the sake of context, here is a picture of one of those evil white colonists, fat off the spoils of the oppressed black majority
Emotionalism, especially after such vile mischaracterizations (and you know they are untrue), usually does not work on me. Please realize that if I am exhorted to feel something for that young girl, and I do, because she is a child and they are innocent, you must also admonish the lack of feeling by the other commenters for hungry African children.
Me, self-righteous? Talk about snow calling the cracker white...
As but one example, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam were at one time colonies of France (and before that, Laos was occupied by Siam/Thailand, in no ways a country of white people). However, in none of those countries is there animosity for white people as a group, or indeed for most white people taken individually. How do I know? I visit them regularly, since I live nearby. More importantly, the facts show that millions of white people have also visited, vacationed, and retired to these locales. If they were hated by the locals, it would be stupid to have come there. Obviously therefore, these countries disprove your assertion. There are other examples as well... India, South Korea, Japan, etc. In all these cases, white people are not only not hated for their race or ostensible privilege, but instead are welcomed and dealt with on an equal basis to the mutual good of all parties.
This is funny to me because it is so myopic.
Think of it this way... A slavemaster says to an observer, 'Oh, all of our niggers are happy.' To prove this, he shows his smiling Sambo cook and his negro-spiritualizing coons picking cotton.
The observer concludes in his report, 'Well, by golly, his niggers are happy! Not once did they make a fuss.'
Well, to those consciously or unconsciously justifying an oppressive system, surface is 'proof' is all one needs.
But surface is not reality, is it? In the depths of the human heart is where the savage things grow. The anger, the rage. People of color know intuitively that, while numerous, we are seen as less-thans. The only way to survive is to play the game that the Haves have set up.
What I am saying is, a smile to your face is nothing more than that, a smile. Assuming anything else, being white to minority, is faulty.
These Asians are so 'happy' with colonization and occupation that they bleach their skin, dye their hair blond, wear colored contacts, mutilate their eyelids, etc. to look and become white.
Yes, thank you, Whitey, for colonization! Every place you touch is left unharmed and spotless!!
Is that non-sequitur enough for you, or do you just loathe the truth?
American slavery (interracial) and African slavery (intraracial) are two completely different animals, the former creating this psychosocial mess we all live in.
If weez all beez da same, no matta wat colla we beez, den why beez slabery any differnt wen it beez niggas o' honkys bein da massa? Idse donts undastan'.
"American slavery (interracial) and African slavery (intraracial) are two completely different animals"
African slaves were often used as human sacrifices to the gods.
"Is that non-sequitur enough for you, or do you just loathe the truth?"
The truth is that Asians don't hate whites, but they do hate blacks.
People of color know intuitively that, while numerous, we are seen as less-thans.
But aren't you always testifyin' how you don't care what we think? But now what we think is the reason for black violence and failure?
Blame YT.
Desiree, you would have been better off lapsing back into Seito-styled schizophrenia, creating multiple personalities and then agreeing with them. As to the ample time on my hands, don't worry, I will, in the words of your split personality "Acquire a human life."
Don't get too cozy with the idea of being a dictator. Your ideas about white privelege are not native to you. Any aging liberal with a bookshelf full of Marx and a house full of cats can recite the old rote litany just as well, probably better. No, if truth and reconciliation ever hit our shores, your fate will probably be as a midlevel functionary to be executed at some later date for a lack of orthodoxy.
I've ignored the "yarmulkes" jabs for the same reason Charlie Brown ignored the plunger-muted "Wah-wah" trombone as mindless blather, but I'll address it now. Well before Dinesh D'Souza wrote "The End of Racism," it was well-known that blacks resented Asians, Jews, and other model minorities for the simple fact that they could function as a group in society. Jews like Levi Straus were willing to work 18-hour days, while blacks two generations removed from slavery were mostly unwilling to work eight, and thus had these "parasites," as a presence in their community. Much like your jabs at any minority who posts on the site and disagrees with you, if you're suggesting that we should have some natural alliance due to minority status, you might want to take a look at how tattered the rainbow coalition presently is.
Your term "people of color" is rejected by most groups of color as vehemently as they reject black society at large. The Chinese, Koreans, even West Indian blacks, consider themselves first and foremost members of their own respective groups, not suckerfish willing to join you or Jessie Jackson on the underbelly of the white whale. If you try to play commissar and use these people as pawns in your revenge against white society, you will lose.
As to your initial question, I've killed a total of zero people. It shouldn't be hard for you to beat that once you get the ball rolling. Say hi to Seito and whatever other sock-puppets you have around the house.
"Offended would denote a level of 'giving a shit'; that I do not."
"People who say they don't care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don't care what people think."
"Offended would denote a level of 'giving a shit'; that I do not."
Posting obsessively on a blog in which you have changed zero minds and in which you are considered a joke, suggests that you do give a shit.
It also suggests that you waste valuable time that could have been better spent trying to help disadvantaged black people.
Hey, guess what, Hirsch, I was never financially poor but we did live below our means because that's how my mother is. She is cheap. We never owned a house until I was nine and I only, only had one set of clothes for a whole school year as a kid/tween/teen. For this reason, I was teased in when I was in junior high. Kids would always ask, 'Didn't you wear that yesterday? Do you get your shoes from Wal-Mart?'
So don't give me your shit, Hirsch. Yes, I was never on welfare but I lived in a barrio; I had jumped into bed once and a roach crawled over the pillow. Roaches were everywhere because our Mexican neighbors--sweet people--were PIGS. After we moved, there were 3 murders in this barrio; people were trying to get out.
You're a confused man who feasts upon stereotypes because it eliminates the necessity of actual thought and an extension of humanity to those with whom you disagree. You are an incredibly hateful 'wise idiot'...
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