Book Two in the SBPDL Book Club Series |
Reginald Eaves, the first Black public safety commissioner for Atlanta, was praised to the high-heavens by Time in an article from 1976 (The Law: The Black Crime Buster, March 22, 1976). As Stix notes:
Newly elected Mayor Jackson appointed the Atlanta PD’s first black public safety commissioner, A. Reginald Eaves, back in 1974. Eavesdiscriminated mercilessly against white cops, driving them off to the suburbs and replacing them with incompetent blacks. The Department has never recovered. In 1978, Eaves was caught giving black patrolmen the answers to the sergeant’s exam, and fired.
In a characteristic example of the new dispensation, a 1980 murder case had to be thrown out because the police had lost the case file and evidence. A prosecutor explained, with a shrug “Keystone Kops.”Time magazine had no problem propping up Eaves as a Black Wyatt Earp, despite a complete lack of empirical evidence to support these accolades (if someone has access to the Time archive, please copy and paste the entire article on Eaves in the comments section).
But it is a book that Stix mentioned had me laughing. I just finished The List
Here's what Stix wrote:
Under black rule, life became very cheap in Atlanta.
In the now-forgotten (because the perp turned out to be black) so-called Atlanta Child Murders of 1979-1981 (few of the victims were children and several were adult, although all were African American), leading black lawmen such as Louis Graham promoted, without any supporting evidence, a conspiracy theory that the culprit was the KKK, which was allegedly driving around in black neighborhoods, grabbing black kids off the street and killing them at will.
Federal investigators saw how ludicrous this notion was when they drove around some of the neighborhoods that had been hit. When residents saw white men, they immediately stopped what they were doing and stared.
White lawman and policing theorist Chet Dettlinger came in to solve the crimes. Dettlinger was a racial liberal, but in his 1983 book The List (ghosted by Jeff Prugh), he wrote unsparingly of the racial chaos and corruption he observed. He reported that the Atlanta PD’s negligent crime scene investigators would typically leave half of the evidence on the ground, and its officers suffered from fundamental “ignorance about valid cause-and-effect relationships.”[p.159]Sorry Mr. Stix; life is cheap wherever Black people are found.
The best part of The List that Stix doesn't bring up is that the Black Atlanta Police hierarchy enlisted the help of psychics from around the nation, in a ludicrous attempt to stop the "serial killer" from claiming more Black victims. Yes, Atlanta's first Black Mayor Maynard Jackson, despite precious little evidence that these "psychics" were aiding in stopping the murder of Black Atlanta children - almost all in slum areas of Atlanta that were 99 % Black - still stood by contracting out these soothsayers in bringing the non-existent 'serial killer' to justice.
It is in The Atlanta Youth Murders and the Politics of Race (Elmer H Johnson & Carol Holmes Johnson Series in Criminology)
Over a span of three years, roughly 20 Black children were found (the numbers are inflated, because teenagers and young adults were added to "the list"); nothing out of the ordinary, save the hysteria created by Organized Blackness in trying to blame white people for the deaths of these young Black kids.
Blacks in Atlanta were whipped into a frenzy during this time period, attacking white firemen when they traveled into the areas where the "serial killer" was preying upon Black children, all because Organized Blackness had pointed an incriminating at a shadowy white person being behind these killings.
In actuality, it was just Black people killing Black people. It shouldn't have taken a psychic to help Atlanta's political class and police to figure this out, but then why would the federal government - Ronald Reagan authorized millions of dollars in aid to help combat the "serial killer" - and the nations media care about Black people randomly killing Black children; that's not a juicy story!
So, on July 14, let's start the second book in the SBPDL Book Club: The Atlanta Youth Murders and the Politics of Race (Elmer H Johnson & Carol Holmes Johnson Series in Criminology)
Or, read it here at Google Books.
It's a fast read. And hilarious. You can learn about "the psychics" that the Atlanta Black political class enlisted to stop the "serial killer" (sic) that targeted Atlanta's Black children in the slums of Black Atlanta.
And it's the perfect book to read after finishing Zebra: The True Account Of The 179 Days Of Terror In San Francisco
Be sure to read Stix's column at Vdare. It's obvious that Atlanta is the key to unraveling the power of Black-Run America (BRA); then those whites who have fled to Idaho, Montana, Utah, the Dakota's, and Wyoming can be free from the clutches of a federal government in Washington DC that taxes their wealth to enable the proliferation of a race of people that showed the world in a three-day span - think Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans back in 2005 - what they are capable of doing when left to their own devices.
White America owes Black America nothing.
In 1978, Eaves was caught giving black patrolmen the answers to the sergeant’s exam, and fired.
Erem … shouldn't such a thing trigger a compete review of every promotion that Eaves had the least influence over? Any bets that this ever happened?
Yes, Atlanta's first Black Mayor Maynard Jackson, despite precious little evidence that these "psychics" were aiding in stopping the murder of Black Atlanta children - almost all in slum areas of Atlanta that were 99 % Black - still stood by contracting out these soothsayers in bringing the non-existent 'serial killer' to justice.
Pure fricking voodoo. Where's the gris gris dust?
Let's do the math. In slums that are "99% Black", who does all the killing? Is there anyone who honestly thinks any sane Whites would risk their lives even entering such a place, much less for the obviously risky task of offing some random Black?
If someone can dig up the Census Bureau's murder statistics for 99% Black neighborhoods, I'm sure this will be borne out.
…nothing out of the ordinary, save the hysteria created by Organized Blackness in trying to blame white people for the deaths of these young Black kids.
All of which continues to this very day as has been reflected in the Zimmerman case.
Something that continues to stand out is the ominous power that media and government alike have in obscuring factual information. This is especially the case when a little diligence can often unearth the truth.
As Bogolyubski pointed out:
The white middle class is largely oblivious to all of this. As long as the ESPN, reality-shows, drugs, booze, and loans from Bankstas to buy crap they don't need continue to flow unabated they simply cannot be bothered to face reality.
Clearly, the opiates are far too strong for White America to shake off its torpor. As with Islam, I dread to think what it will finally take in order for Whites to finally gain some useful awareness of what the continuing presence of Blacks means for modern Western civilization.
"White Americans owe the Africans among us plenty- plenty of contempt, in abundance."
-Rev. Jed DeValleyism, "Our burden is that we aren't racist enough," 1999
I think it's funny that when White Liberals step outside their comfort zone and actually put boots on the ground in black neighborhoods, they inevitably discover just how dysfunctional blacks are.
No doubt Mr. Dettlinger started out intending to research why Whites were somehow continuing to hold down blacks in the Atlanta PD or undermine their diligent police reporting; but then, using rational, objective thinking based on observation (because his White mind could not ignore what he was seeing) found the truth. Mr. Dettlinger leaned something about himself, and about his preconceived notions.
No doubt also that (based on his welcome) blacks in overwhelmingly black neighborhoods rarely, if ever in their ordinary daily routines, ever see a White Human. Such was the case here. The KKK wasn't sending in raiders and marauders into black holes to kill can capture children. No, it was just individual blacks killing other individual blacks. I'm willing to bet that if there really WAS a serial killer (lets say today in 2012) who killed one black person per week no one would notice.
Why? Because it's too NORMAL for them. If a body a week showed up in Fargo, ND that would be indicative, but if an extra body a week showed up in East St. Louis (half the population by the way) no one would notice because it would be completely normal.
The so called serial killer in Atlanta may as well have been poltergeist and their reaction (which was to lash out uncontrollably without facts or basis) proves that it might as well have been such a figure.
On the contrary Zenster, it is a reliable fact of human nature that fights over money are the most brutal.
ESPN, might appeal to White guys, but they detest most reality shows as female-oriented stuff. Booze consumption is down (money). Hard times are here. Lifeboat economics.
That is very bad for BRA, because people will fight over every last penny. That's why ObamaCare is so unpopular, people figure out THEY will pay for OTHER PEOPLE.
A small, relatively inoffensive transfer of money to buy social peace is one thing, ever escalating sums in hard times stretching out for more than a decade is a recipe for social revolt on a massive scale.
Look at Europe. Germans won't pay much more. That is the problem. Meanwhile Greeks, Spaniards, and Italians won't change their politics, culture, and country, and demand Germans pay. Eventually it will collapse because even at the point of a gun there is a rapidly diminishing return on confiscatory taxes. The Ottoman Empire could never get enough taxes even with soldiers ransacking houses and farms.
And there is a cost to all that police incompetence. As technology (Twitter + Smartphones) enables Black mob dominance in nice places, that dominance turns billion dollar investments in pricey downtown property into money pits. It is not just Joe Average hurting, but the money linchpin of BRA -- big time property developers in urban areas.
Chicago is rapidly turning into Cleveland. How's that going to sustain the money men?
Church of Jed: "Our burden is that we aren't racist enough,"
Unless you protest, that's going into the Catalog of Race Realism Memes.
Literally, White man's burden has turned out to be tolerance.
Who is Rev. Jed DeValleyism, and how can I join his church?
I've been looking for a Whites Only denomination that practices the kind of racial purity that your ancestors took for granted.
Diversity is Death. Whiteness is Life.
Whiskey: On the contrary Zenster, it is a reliable fact of human nature that fights over money are the most brutal.
Where have I ever said otherwise? Still, the fact remains that White America has largely slept through the raping of their grandchildren's earning power. What further financial plundering will be required to prod the dragon out of its hibernation?
Admittedly, just when you think these scumbag politicians can do no worse, they pass something like 0bamacare. If this drain of wealth from the Middle Class doesn't awaken American Whites, quite possibly, nothing will.
As I recall, buried in this legal dog's breakfast are permissions that undocumented aliens can now attend community colleges and other assorted paper cuts that will bleed us out just that much more quickly.
Baron Bodissey at Gates of Vienna is the only person I know who actually read the entire +6,000 pages of this travesty. It is the stuff of nightmares:
Obamacare "RFID Chip Implants"
Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000
Obamacare Law Contains 20 Hidden Tax Hikes for Americans
$17,000,000,000,000 Funding Gap Found In Obamacare Mandate
ObamaCare Lies, Vol. 3
Documented: $105 Billion Hidden Appropriations in Health Care Law
Whiskey: As technology (Twitter + Smartphones) enables Black mob dominance in nice places, that dominance turns billion dollar investments in pricey downtown property into money pits. It is not just Joe Average hurting, but the money linchpin of BRA -- big time property developers in urban areas.
While you might think this would be enough to reverse Big Business' toleration of TNB, there's simply too much money being made off of Section 8 housing blocks, Air Jordans, and all the other appurtenances of BRA.
Another mitigating factor may be the fact that a lot of the real estate being dragged down in value is held by absentee foreign owners. They may be out of touch with the mechanisms behind the declines in their property values.
It certainly is reasonable to expect that top tier investors would start taking exception to the Flash TNB phenomenon. However, there may be too many alternate revenue streams (0bamacare, for instance) being created for them to where they will actually get up on their hind legs about it.
What happens when majority black populations are left with control of an established, thriving city?
Well, here's the answer ...
"The so called serial killer in Atlanta may as well have been poltergeist...."
Or a leprechaun:
Zenster, our burden is indeed tolerance.
Do you like to tolerate children being brats in grocery stores and movie theatres?
Do you like tolerating cars driving by your house at 2a.m. blaring "music" at 200 decibles?
Do you tolerate murders at 100 per 100,000 population like in East St. Louis? No, you have to move because you don't want to die.
Do you tolerate the tens of thousands of black on White rapes every year in the country? No, but the law says that you have to even though there are only a couple dozen when you reverse the races.
Do we as a race tolerate the theft of our taxes which go to support more degeneracy, more crime, more redistribution...and by extension an increase in the population of people who're doing so? No. We don't want to tolerate it but we certainly keep our mouths shut...most of us.
Do you tolerate the destruction of property values in your neighborhood and even in your town when blacks move nearby? We certainly don't want to but the law is against us. Why are values destroyed? Because the property itslef is destroyed, trash get strewn everywhere and the people they invite over are often worse scum than the people living there...but we HAVE to tolerate it....until we rise up that is.
So, so, so thankful I don't live around blacks.
Trial junkie here. In his crime reporting, Nicholas Stix has written about Atlanta for a long time. His writings about courthouse shooter Brian Nichols are must reading.
"That's why ObamaCare is so unpopular, people figure out THEY will pay for OTHER PEOPLE."
Those who hate it have two alternatives: Get it repealed or try to get some for themselves.
The welfare state is as pervasive as it is because the latter alternative is far easier.
Despite the spin put up by Republican pimps trying to shakedown more donations for Romney, ObamaRobertsCare is not going away until the USA does.
Exthred braggart.
@xthred 1:30....Where do you live where there are no blacks? I'm just very curious about such a place.
Minnesota is home to several very high end medical device companies as well as the Mayo Clinic. Those people are being impacted by obamacare very much. They had the position from the get go that the law would likely be upheld and the only way out of it was repeal.
That's where their money is going.
@ Zenster
"As with Islam"
I thought you might be interested in this read: some thoughts about why Muslims will hardly ever adopt democracy
Scroll down to "mating patterns in muslim populations series" in the left column.
Negro Wayne Williams was convicted of some of the Atlanta murders. Under this theory, there is a question as to his guilt. I love that there's no mention of this in Paul's story. I agree. Guilty or not, leave him in prison. Every black that is incarcerated saves lives and money.
I think the welfare state is reaching inflection points, where more and more and more and more money need to be extracted, not in a linear but exponential fashion, to pay for ever increasing costs.
Like the tragedy of the commons, the cost of keeping the coalition grows as more and more people are added to it: Steve Sailer reports that Arab Americans are now per DOJ rules eligble for AA goodies.
The parallels to Europe are striking. There is not enough money in Germany to bail out: Greece, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and France. There just isn't. So when all is said and done, those nations will declare bankruptcy, screw over investors, and leave the euro if Germany does not beat them to it. That's the destination, eruo-weenie fantasies aside.
Look at Chicago. The cost of Democratic dominance is eating out the property values rapidly of the Downtown, Loop, Miracle Mile, and Gold Coast areas, all scenes of repeated flash mobs. People don't like being beaten, humiliated, robbed, etc. So they avoid those areas. Retail is already starting to move out, or go online. Renters will leave, cancel leases, others will sell at a loss condos and apartments, and the big property developers who are still mostly domestic REITs are already screaming but Rahm Emmanuel can't do anything as the political price.
That's a circle that cannot be squared. Same in London btw. It cannot be ignored forever either.
ObamaCare is a perfect example. The GOP HATE HATE HATES it unlike AA, or Flash Mobs (so far), because it screws over their political base: small and medium sized companies, professionals, and White homeowners. ObamaCare benefits those connected: Blacks and those funneling them into Medical School (they must be 40% of all Med School grads); various "community activist" orgs, and unionized groups exempt from its provisions. Also the government class also exempt and with their own special and better health care.
EVERYONE ELSE in the Middle/Working class gets rationing so Jose the illegal and his eight kids get free health care.
AA and other aspects of BRA are hidden, marginal costs to the average White guy and gal. This is a direct tax for other people, and people HATE HATE HATE IT.
Even left wing guys in the UK like Jimmy Carr have been caught in tax evasion schemes. Rest assured Al Gore and Barbara Streisand pay the absolute minimum of tax they can.
Even Medtronics is being screwed over by Obama (with a tax on medical devices). ObamaCare = even more jobs going overseas by raising the marginal labor cost. Plus screwing over the small/medium business and professionals like real estate brokers, accountants, etc. Obama/Pelosi's failure to cut Republican backers in on the goodies in a Chicago style screw-over is the reason that went to the Supremes and generates so much rage, while the murders of the Straits generate yawns. [Bill Clinton would never have made that error.]
The amount of taxes required to fund ObamaCare right now, let alone with all the extra fifty million illegals will impoverish the middle class, and reduce by half the minor non-coastal rich. That's why its guaranteed a fight.
As for Chicago, look for a fight there too. The buildings are sunk costs; what's a few hundred million to remove Rahm and elect a Rudy? When you've got tens of billions on the line?
Anyone one here will enjoy this account of race relations in 1833 New York by a visiting British Army captain:
"Race relations in early New York"
Black people don't like responsibility. It's the number one thing you need to know about black people. If black people can't make it in a city it's because of those racist white people and when white people leave the city and it turns to shit it's because racist white people left. Do you see how black people shift responsibility so they are free of it?
@Anon 1:47 - you failed to mention a third alternative, namely, emigration. I have already started talks with my financial advisor and lawyer about expatriating to southern Scotland, should Ovomit win in 2012.
I will always love this country, but it's simply too painful to watch its demise. True, the UK has many of the same problems America does, but not nearly as many "cultural enrichers."
Wayne Williams reminds me of Black Nerds. I saw the video of him getting arrested, and he was so annoyed at it all in the most condescending way. It reminded me of some of my own dealings with Black Nerds. He was probably thinking, "What the hell is this? I could be watching cartoons, but here I am getting arrested. Shit!"
You should do a post on Black Nerds. They can be pretty hilarious.
Is there any group of people on earth more superstitious than Blacks? They still burn "witches" in Africa.
Guilty of being strictly off-topic again, but it's important to remind those who might be receptive to the following.
The details of obamacare are staggering. They bore most people. In your conversations, focus on the fundamentals.
Obamacare is designed to have you pay for negro health care. It's likewise designed to increase negro doctors, or more generally negro employment in any health related work at the top of the pay pyramid.
Recall Valerie Jarrett stated that obamacare, "will disproportionately help African Americans".
Carefully note that "disproportionately help" is far different than "disparate impact". Right?
@w74 1:11p.m. perfect post. also great artical P.K.!!! all those white cops that were affected by the answer giver mr. "a. reginald eaves" i wonder if those tests from 1974-1978 were retested? and race realist's know that it's no lie/myth that people who shouldn't be in the position if their not qualified or smart enough can have crooks walk from their incompetence right out of the court room and into your back window while you are at work. you know these pig white liberals talk about this good old boy network! well they have failded to mention the good old HOMEBOY network! but they'll insist it isn't real. then just go to atlanta and detRIOT and if you be black then one of your homeboys got your back. even the president got this homeboy network with the "we got your back" campaign. last thing, i remember katrina we all do. but this one broadcast said it all to me. the desk airhead liberal said something like can you believe this can happen in america? the footage showing at the time of comment was a couple of fat black family's on top of a roof with bed sheets saying "help us!" this after the lazy toads didn't go out with the evacuation orders. a lot of toads didn't go for many reasons/excuses. then "evil whitey" ain't so bad when he/she risk their own lives to swoop in to pluck them off the roofs and save their sorry asses! as usual us RACE REALIST's were right again the blacks need us!!! not the other way around. just like (P.K.) told us "whites owe those blacks NOTHING!" P.S. where has the "ex new yorker" been i haven't seen his post's in a while?
Lee "out of town" Brown was the bumbling public safety commissioner during that time. This incompetent fool then went on to become the NYC police commissioner. I remember his tenure in NYC well.
As technology (Twitter + Smartphones) enables Black mob dominance in nice places, that dominance turns billion dollar investments in pricey downtown property into money pits.
Remember what BART did to disrupt protests? It shut down cell repeaters in its stations, which threw a monkey wrench into the organization of the protest.
Phones can be tracked in real time. Imagine if any phone tied to a home address in the ghetto but in a White area suddenly had a 30 minute delay in all SMS deliveries. All this takes is software.
Now imagine police using microcells to count and identify the ghetto denizens after they've been penned in for arrest... or in particular groups on the street in real time, with live ammunition on tap. Imagine radio location being used to aim a gun at the particular phone.
This is the kind of anti-TNB weapon that YT can deploy but Blacks cannot anticipate—and may not be able to understand even after it hits them. When we can throw off the Marxist/PC elites and use our brains on countermeasures, TNB will be suicidal.
I bet a black guy lost his luggage.
Lived in Atlanta then & quickly realized that any white person would stick out in those neighborhoods! Especially once the media was hyping the story 24/7. Also recall the barely literate grieving parents going to Washington to testify then other parents wanting the same benefits. Lost in that excitement was the fact that some boys hadn't been reported missing for 2 or 3 days because the parents thought they were with friends or something. It was apparent they didn't even know if the kids came home at night or not.
Oh really? Do some more homework.
Please check your spelling. My beloved Euro is going nowhere cowboy. So please tone it down sweetie.
Then It's here to stay so move on. Winning.
I once lived in a great little southern city, it is, for now, called Atlanta. I now live in a suburb of Atlanta.
The FBI was called in on the so-called Atlanta child murders. The FBI found evidence that several of the murders were no doubt committed by the parents of some of the victims who were kids. They dropped their investigations because they didn't dare pursue such an investigation in this instance.
I believe Wayne Williams did do some of the murders.
A local DJ got into trouble for dedicating a song to the murders. It was Queens' "Another One Bits the Dust".
"Rise up". Ha ha, you mean continue to tolerate and blog . That's the extent of your actions.
Off topic, Sorry!........When anyone has the time. Take a few minutes and read this article. Just google, “Sex grooming cases spark racial tensions” it's in England, but all sounds so familiar. This undertow extends across international borders. Ok , that said. try to give a moment and think of what the east has to deal with without power. You can't tell me the blacks don't smell some kind of opportunity. I just hope we can get some real news not watered down waste. The ones who don't know are in trouble. Have a great day!
Get your terminology correct please. The new law is labeled Health Care Reform. Is is a great law because it pushes more U.S.Govt control in our great country. And quite honestly, this is what America needs right now. Times and conditions change. This is not the America of yesterday so the American Government has to adapt and govern. Thet do a great job of it. God continues to bless America.
Mocking human death whether it is friend or foe is a characteristic of a moron unless you are showboating. If you are showboating and most likely out of work try a career in theatrical acting.
Whiskey: ObamaCare is a perfect example. The GOP HATE HATE HATES it unlike AA, or Flash Mobs (so far), because it screws over their political base: small and medium sized companies, professionals, and White homeowners.
Evidently, they didn't HATE it quite enough or else this abortion of justice wouldn't have made it out of chambers. Just one more reason why the GOP is almost indistinguishable from the Democratic Party.
As for Chicago, look for a fight there too. The buildings are sunk costs; what's a few hundred million to remove Rahm and elect a Rudy? When you've got tens of billions on the line?
What's it going to take for people to realize that this same formula applies to Mein Obama?
Anon (7/1 6:50 AM): My beloved Euro is going nowhere cowboy.
From the mouths of babes and fools.
I used to enjoy this site but now it has become tiresome. The main topics and comments are now numbing. I am an all around realist so I just had to inform you after discussing your forum with a few of my closest friends who were all regular readers of this site.. The sentiments of all concur. As of right now your time and effort put into SBPDL is as worthless as picked boogers. My effort at trying a little humor while bidding you farewell. I was trying to hold out until you officially ended the site within the year but pushing myself to read the entries is like shoving an index finger down one's throat. Goodluck with your future endeavors.
Yes we currently tolerate it, as a group. But there are those of us who are actively planning your eradication when the time is right.
Enjoy your brief season of chaos while it lasts.
Remember, your kind NEEDS our kind, not the other way around.
Please stop posting the anonymous knee-grows comments.
Can I escape their idiocy here for 30 minutes please?
Anon (7/1, 2012 7:15 AM): The new law is labeled Health Care Reform. Is is a great law because it pushes more U.S.Govt control in our great country. And quite honestly, this is what America needs right now.
You say that like it's a good thing.
Big Government™ is one of the worst possible outcomes imaginable. Governments are not in the business of making money. They are in the business of spending it. The bigger the government, the more money they spend. Whose money? YOUR MONEY. Since the government doesn't experience any of the pressures to be profitable that honest businesses do, the result is profligate waste and corruption so inbred as to be congenital.
Do you honestly think that Big Pharma™ is going to keep its snout out of this massive 0bamacare hog trough? Do you honestly think that Big Government™ is going to keep Big Pharma™'s snout out of the trough, much less its own? With the, literally, billions of dollars that are at stake in both profits and campaign donations, you would have to have a shoe-sized IQ to believe any such thing.
If you want to see where things go when Big Government™ is in charge of medicine, just take a look at Britain's National Health. Between 1997 and 2009 some 3,000 patients starved to death in various health facilities across Britain. Numerous others succumbed to otherwise survivable illnesses due to malnutrition. One woman had to rescue her elderly mother from slowly starving to death because they were intentionally witholding food after misdiagnosing her as being terminal.
Due to budget shortfalls, they are also beginning to "ration" treatment. You smoke tobacco? No lung transplant for you! You drink alcohol too much? No liver transplant for you! Are you obese? No hip or knee replacements for you!
The hypocrisy of DWLs would be hilarious if it weren't so incredibly dangerous. "Keep the government out of my vagina!" they screech even as these wamkers help usher in the absolute most invasive form of Big Government™ ever seen.
We've already seen the death toll caused when politicians are allowed to dictate how our soldiers are supposed to fight. What will happen when our politicians are allowed to dictate over they way we live our lives or even whether we live or die?
It doesn't require any great leap of imagination to foresee someone being told, "You made all those nasty racist comments at that icky SBPDL web site. So, I don't think we'll be giving you any chemotherapy."
....I used to enjoy this site but now it has become tiresome
I think they just got good. Lots of information and a story almost every day.
I think you are trolling.
Either way, I like the way the site has evolved.
Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said...
Lee "out of town" Brown was the bumbling public safety commissioner during that time. This incompetent fool then went on to become the NYC police commissioner. I remember his tenure in NYC well.
He went on to NYC after being the incompetent police chief of Houston for years, the he came back and the people of that city had to suffer 6 years of him as an equally incompetent mayor.
From today's Irish Savant:
"Many of you have asked for my views on the Obamacare Supreme Court ruling. Well, I have a simplistic approach. Essentially I'm pleased. Why? Because it means a massive transfer of taxpayer (read White) funds to blacks and Hispanics. It will also, given that illegals are now to get free treatment, lead to a massive increase in their numbers.
Now why should that please me? Because it will speed up the awakening of Whites. It will put the economic catastrophe on steroids and thereby hit the comatose, stupefied, NFA-obsessed White Joe Sixpack with such a financial bang that he'll just have to respond. It will speed up their Awakening. Ok, it's bad - in the short term - for ordinary Whites. But in the medium term it's all for the good."
Obamacare: Yes. Yes. This operation would ease your pain and extend your life for a few more years. However it would not be for that long and you are past your productive stage by a few years. It would just not be cost effective, and there are others more productive to the society than you, so I am going to deny your request for this medical procedure.
I must inform you at this time that this decision is final and there is no appeal.
"Wayne Williams did do some of the murders. "
i saw a TV show a few years back, with him....odd how when blacks get killed, its usually not news, UNLESS THE KILLER IS WHITE.
Anon - quoting Irish Savant: "Many of you have asked for my views on the Obamacare Supreme Court ruling. Well, I have a simplistic approach. Essentially I'm pleased. Why? Because it means a massive transfer of taxpayer (read White) funds to blacks and Hispanics. It will also, given that illegals are now to get free treatment, lead to a massive increase in their numbers.
Now why should that please me? Because it will speed up the awakening of Whites. It will put the economic catastrophe on steroids and thereby hit the comatose, stupefied, NFA-obsessed White Joe Sixpack with such a financial bang that he'll just have to respond. It will speed up their Awakening. Ok, it's bad - in the short term - for ordinary Whites. But in the medium term it's all for the good."
This is basically the same as Whiskey's argument. It's a rational position and there are some real facts to back it up on the front end. The upholding of Obamacare is truly going to screw YT in an epic way. Apart from the moronic Republican shills in the media and blogosphere who are busy gold-plating a turd and declaring it to be the discovery of the mother-load, those of the base who are capable of thinking now and again between televised sports events have bad feeling about Roberts, who is likely a closeted gay (no doubt the reason he was appointed by Imam al-Duhbya, the world-renowned Islamic theologian).
I have my doubts. The suicidal nature of modern liberalism, which is actual core belief-system of the vast majority of whites - including those who think of themselves as 'conservatives', 'tea-party radicals', and (especially) 'Christians', enables those in its grip to deny reality unto death. Auster has documented and discussed this issue like nobody else. I suggest those interested read up over at VFR. Obviously, a great awakening - should it actually occur - would be something to be welcomed. Personally, I expect it will become far more grim than we can even imagine before a remnant of our people - perhaps even through alliances which are unimaginable now - embark upon the path to survival and ultimate restoration.
The important thing that we so easily lose sight of is that blacks, Mexicans or Muslims could never have done this on their own - even in combination. They could have never imposed something like Obamacare upon the country. While groids take full advantage of BRA, it is ultimately a campaign which has ben created, orchestrated and executed by a treasonous and genocidal largely white elite and legions of thoroughly brainwashed followers - again largely white. The objective of any survival strategy must focus upon separating the legions of brainwashed from the elites who control them, along with any actions which can be taken to destroy and undermine the elites themselves along with their higher-level toadies - who deserve only the unblinking obsidian face of judgement.
The news only reports stories of black children killed by white people because even the DWLs who are chomping at the bit for more white guilt don't actually care about black children dying. They, like us, know deep inside that even post-birth population control of black people saves white lives, property and money.
I wish they'd report more of the stories of black on black crime. I like to see the newscasters struggle to pronounce the names (delusional names of grandeur especially) of these morons.
@Anon 7:13 - It's disheartening to hear that people seriously consider leaving the country. We need everyone here to stand up and fight for what their ancestors fought and died for. Emigration seems like the easy way out.
Re Bogo's recent comment: The coming chaos may disprove your thesis that we need a good "shaking up" to get our act together. Rememberthe elites have stayed in power because they don't budge when faced by angry crowds of disenfranchised whites, or, as the newsmedia likes to call them, rioting mobs. The task of re-ordering the priorities of the elites is frankly impossible. If you read the history of the French Revolution you can get an idea of just how bloody and terrible dislodgement can become. I think the Russian Revolution is a bad guide because the Russian people were largely dispossessed prior. The American Revolution doesn't apply because the enemy is among us, not across the ocean; and the riled population - us - isn't a bunch of colonialists with ennumerable grievances but a nation of people with a gigantic machine working us down via economic erosion.
My point is that the machine's tenders, the police complex, is extremely powerful and its loyalties lie with its paymasters, and that ain't us.
I don't see a victory prior to a collapse, and I don't see a rebirth of rugged individualism, I see a Bonaparte in the wings.
"The important thing that we so easily lose sight of is that blacks, Mexicans or Muslims could never have done this on their own - even in combination."
Oh they had help alright. Our friends who shall not be named (as I discovered from deleted AMREN posts) are the field generals for die-versity. Anything to reduce the threat of aware and organized Whites.
Why we can't have nice things?
Can someone help us with the answer here?
Bogolyubski: The suicidal nature of modern liberalism, which is [the] actual core belief-system of the vast majority of whites - including those who think of themselves as 'conservatives', 'tea-party radicals', and (especially) 'Christians', enables those in its grip to deny reality unto death.
This is something that cannot be stressed enough. The self-inflicted harm, literally, outweighs any external assaults. Only the victim's own hand can guide the blade with such consummate precision and lethal competence.
Supposedly "Conservative" pundits, at the end of their ranting and raving, all seem to end up tracking mud on the political carpet with their feet of clay. A staunch advocate of harsh prison sentences for recreational drug users, Rush "Doctor Shopper" Limbaugh is found in possession of several hundred Vicodin doses. Glenn "Islamophobe" Beck draws some 100,000 people to his "Restoring Honor" rally but conspicuously neglects to mention the Islamic enemy within out midst.
Yet, this is what the "Conservative" wing of American politics has on offer as its primary ideologues? They make Joe McCarthy and John Birch look like solidly grounded individuals.
Sadly, the once promising Tea Party is so busy falling all over themselves in their febrile attempts to dodge the "racist!" bullet that they have largely gone missing from the original activism that gave so many such high hopes.
Personally, I expect it will become far more grim than we can even imagine before a remnant of our people - perhaps even through alliances which are unimaginable now - embark upon the path to survival and ultimate restoration.
I am beginning to agree with you on just how nightmarish a successful resurrection of America may well prove to be. Any productive purge of the Vampire Elite™ and their DWL minions will require street-level warfare that, even now, is unimaginable.
I have long predicted an otherwise totally avoidable Muslim holocaust and now am forced to confront the possibility of other latter day purges which will parallel such a societal convulsion.
Four words: IT WON'T BE PRETTY.
The important thing that we so easily lose sight of is that blacks, Mexicans or Muslims could never have done this on their own - even in combination. They could have never imposed something like Obamacare upon the country.
This is what should remain as a guiding light for those who truly seek to understand or lay blame with any accuracy. These largely illiterate foot-soldiers are merely trees which obscure the forest of anti-White lumber.
The objective of any survival strategy must focus upon separating the legions of brainwashed from the elites who control them, along with any actions which can be taken to destroy and undermine the elites themselves along with their higher-level toadies - who deserve only the unblinking obsidian face of judgement.
This being SBPDL, I would have chosen "adamantine" over "obsidian" but none of that changes how, as you said, "blacks, Mexicans or Muslims could never have done this on their own - even in combination". The self-inflicted wound I mentioned earlier requires a guiding hand whose stealth, skill and surreptitious aspect goes well beyond the ordinary seppuku that is so often remarked upon here at SBPDL.
You should call this website "SABPWDL" Stuff About Black People We Don't Like". The current title doesn't make sense. It's just the author and comments regarding tales against the Black race.
What's really disheartening is that there's nowhere to go. The entire planet is waiting for us to join them in fascism, and they're in the car with the engine running. If we don't fight them here, our children will have no chance of escaping it. Unfortunately, the elites have made an art of keeping us at the minimum level of comfort and prosperity necessary to give the illusion of having something to lose. I'm certainly not going to sacrifice what time I have with my family to have my big impact reported right between Alec Baldwin's latest paparazzi assault and Lindsay Lohan's most recent car accident. This country doesn't want to be saved. America could be saved in three moves:
1. End the wars, bring all of the troops home.
2. Disband the fed, tell the moneychangers to suck it, we ain't paying.
3. Flat sales tax on consumption with repeal of all other taxes. Only primary homes, unprepared food, electricity, heating oil, natural gas, diapers and second hand goods are exempt from the sales tax.
In those three moves, we have created a strong national defense here at home, eliminated the debt that binds us, and created a level playing field where everyone, illegals, the wealthy, the poor, contribute to the system according to how much they consume. Want socialized healthcare? Fine. Everyone gets it, and everyone pays a fair share for it. Want a huge unnecessary government to artificially create a black middle class? Ok. You've got to sell that to people who will decide if an extra $0.03 on every dollar they spend is feasible. The flat sales tax would expose to the entire world the bottom line number of what percentage of productivity our parasitic federal, state and local governments eat annually. Most importantly, it would reward those who make good decisions and save their money. Want to spend your entire wad on sneakers and rims? 25% tax puts your money into the system. Want to buy a vacation home and a fourth car? Pay the man. Reducing the taxes on business would create jobs for the roughly 50% of government who it would put out of work.
Interesting that you say Atlanta is the key to unlock the roots of BRA. I live in New Orleans, and I always thought that it was- but you're probably right. BTW- I volunteered at the Dome in Katrina, I could tell you quite a bit about that. Basically, everything you know about the aftermath of Katrina is absolutely true, and efforts to cover it up are just that- a cover-up.
Seems Atlanta is even more akin to a 3rd world city. I love the excuse that "secure garbage containers are needed." Looks to me that the residents have brought on the rats in those new "gibsmedat" section 8 apartments.
Artur -
great commentary on the NYT's Snitch piece at
You nailed it. The Times is a leftist POS publication.
PK Note: Airline lost my luggage,
Not surprising, Denver has become infamous for that due to it's original baggage handling system or the one that replaced it.
Don't worry, your luggage is somewhere west of the Mississippi, I'm somewhat sure of that.
R Neville: Looks to me that the residents have brought on the rats in those new "gibsmedat" section 8 apartments.
Fouling the nest, an activity in which Blacks have no match or close competition. Watch the video and notice all the litter freely scattered around. The woman they interview can barely speak intelligibly and absolutely nobody dares to connect the dots of slovenly behavior = rats. Does any of this discourage residents from leaving bags of trash on the ground when the dumpster is full?
To quote John Belushi:
Johannesburg was such a vibrant city, the blacks hate calling it johannesburg, if they could they would change its name as they are changing many towns and cities, and road names.
I can't count how many mandela roads, avenues, drives and squares there are. Johannesburg is a mere shadow of what it was, it is thouroughly ghettorized, blackified, and africanized, white people don't go in there anymore, everything is getting this decrepit, black destruction feel about it, it looks a lot like somalia.
This race is a phage on the face of the planet, the earth itself seeks their extermination, by hatching HIV, to rid itself of their destructive habbits
Anon at 6:47 PM, July 1 said, "I don't see a victory prior to a collapse, and I don't see a rebirth of rugged individualism, I see a Bonaparte in the wings".
Maybe so. Better a White kingdom than a multi-cult mobocracy. The present regime intends to destroy us, so the odds are that any truly White regime would be less harmful to us. And it can't be said that White Americans as a whole didn't allow this to happen. Most people, Whites included, are not fit for self-government, as our history has plainly demonstrated. Perhaps a new White regime would see some benefit in a limited republic, with voting restricted to adult (narrowly defined) White (narrowly defined) male (narrowly defined) property owners, or some such arrangement.
Unrelated to this excellent comment.
More municipal/public transit employees on strike in Columbus, Ohio - even though they have a tentative agreement. Why? The say "fairness," but it's really "gibsmedat."
I can't think of anything more perfect than this!
Let's encourage this type of migration.!
Police Chief blames The Pilgrims for the death toll in Chicago:
"When asked about the “gap” between law enforcement and the black community, McCarthy reached back 400 years for an answer.
“It’s a big issue. It’s a long time coming. We’ve done a lot of things wrong in policing in this country. I’m willing to admit that,” said McCarthy. “But this goes back 200-300 years to the time when Pilgrims came here and things developed from that, the African American experience in this country.”
"this goes back 200-300 years to the time when Pilgrims came here and things developed from that, the African American experience in this country.”
It's abysmal stupidity like this which shows just how badly we need a strong civil-service exam for all public employee management positions, as well as some sort of intelligence test as a qualification for voting.
"Looks to me that the residents have brought on the rats in those new "gibsmedat" section 8 apartments."
Remember this the next time some CONservative touts vouchers as a way to improve the schools.
American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI
Stoned Dearborn Christian Speaks:
"this goes back 200-300 years to the time when Pilgrims came here and things developed from that, the African American experience in this country.”
Racist President Lincoln stole the slaves off black people which was the only trade they were good at.
Police Chief blames The Pilgrims for the death toll in Chicago
According to the chief,
“But this goes back 200-300 years to the time when Pilgrims came here ...”
Wow. Now it's the Pilgrims responsible for thug killings in Chicago.
You've got to give them credit for a complete absence of shame.
Read the article. It's a totally new level of pandering nonsense.
Re Discard's comments on my comment on Bogo...
My point is that Bogo seems to think that once the economic catastrophe goes on steroids and the whole play - all of the cast and all of the sets, including the orchestra - falls through the floorboards, then and only then will the meaning come clear and we walk out of the theatre enlightened.
I don't believe in the idea that entropy can ever be written out of the script. I don't believe in the Phoenix myth.
When things fall apart they are suddenly not energized and re-organize to a higher form. If anything it will take more energy to even get back to where we were pre-crisis. The order-loving elites will not tolerate a long period of time wherein we in the lower classes think things through. During the thinking through they suspect we might think we can get along better without them.This they cannot abide.
Best strategy is constant background pressure to secede. No one can argue against the idea of a homeland. That idea cuts across classes. Anyone and everyone wants one. Only the completely decrepit, wasted psychopathic types don't get it.
"BTW- I volunteered at the Dome in Katrina, I could tell you quite a bit about that."
I am dead serious.
I have daily first hand knowledge of the propensity for Orcs to foul their nests. They and their little orc grunions leave trash tidbits in our front yard. These range from over 50 pages of homework thrown out of a backpack, to 40 ounce cans discarded by their Baby Daddys. One grunion had a puppy and was allowing it to defecate on our yard. It doesn't happen now because I came out of the house brandishing a kukri and scared the crap out of him. The crazy large white man bit does work on the average cowardly orc.
A few words of wisdom to any out there that gives to church or other charities "for the children"
1. The orks often get brand new stuff, especially toys for their spawn. I see a lot of it in the dumpsters in our alley, usually perfectly good toys just thrown away.
2. I have worked with female orcs that make perfectly good middle-class salaries. That does not stop them from raiding "Toys for Tots" or other charities giving out toys around Christmas. I have heard them brag about the great finds they have gotten at these hand-outs. They usually hit more than one.
3. Orcs get free furniture. It isn't the greatest, but it is new. As the average orc is a transient (more entitlement money due to multiple addresses, AND harder for any LEO or social worker to catch up to them), they just trash their furniture when they move.
Today, 2 male orcs stole a car belonging to a latino and smashed it up in our alley. The cop I talked to couldn't believe the orcs RAN away from the wreck: he thought that he would still be passed out by the impact. Evidently, orcs are not like us.
What he said. Write it down already, including the corroborating information which shows that you are who you say you are and proves that your account is authentic.
"American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI"
This may not get posted. It didn't on AMREN when I tried. Pay close attention to the video about this story that appeared on American Thinker. One of the "Christians" has lettering from the alphabet of "those that shall not be named." In fact you can SEE this in the still frame posted on FrontPage. I think this was a provocation.
Now before anyone jumps on me as "pro-Islamic", I'm not. I don't like their religion. I don't want them here. I wish they would go back to wherever they came from.
However, this seems to me to be an incident designed to stir up Christians (rightfully concerned about importing Muslims) as an effort at misdirection. Perhaps to generate sympathy for going to war (again)for a certain democracy in the middle east. Trouble is, every time we go on these crusades we end up spending a hell of a lot of money, losing many well-intentioned Americans and then importing refugees into this country. Also, ask yourself how well the Christians are doing in the countries we have "liberated". Those behind this provocation are NOT our friends.
Don't fall for it.
""Looks to me that the residents have brought on the rats in those new "gibsmedat" section 8 apartments."
Remember this the next time some CONservative touts vouchers as a way to improve the schools."
ABSOLUTELY. The reason White people bother to pay out of pocket (in addition to the property taxes which go largely to schools for everyone) for private schools is so that our kids do not have to go to school with negros. In the Baltimore area there are scores of well-established schools which consistently receive the highest marks in education. No public school comes close to some of the private schools in my county.
If (and really at this point it's when) vouchers are introduced it will ruin the whole paradigm and there'd be no point in paying. Private schools will inevitably accept vouchers in the same way landlords do: because it's guaranteed money. Oftentimes the government will pay MORE money than what a customer would pay in a truly free market.
Everything we do is for the negro. Who do you think the vouchers are for? Certainly not us "privileged" Whites who have endless amounts of so called "privilege." Lets see, we pay taxes but that's not enough, so now we need to pay more taxes for vouchers and then where will our children go to school? Will there be newer more expensive schools the vouchers won't touch that some Whites will opt to pay for? Probably. It's just like housing and apartment renting. But what about the poor who can't afford private schooling? Should our kids have to suffer even more? The government thinks so.
Vouchers will ultimately be the death of private schools. Once the government starts paying they will inevitably take the "easy money" route. And once Whites stop paying and the government becomes the primary customer (it is for everything else) you will see the death of private schools, quality will suffer, management will become horrible and violence will be rampant.
The suicidal nature of modern liberalism, which is actual core belief-system of the vast majority of whites - including those who think of themselves as 'conservatives', 'tea-party radicals', and (especially) 'Christians', enables those in its grip to deny reality unto death. Auster has documented and discussed this issue like nobody else. I suggest those interested read up over at VFR.
Jame's Burnham's "Suicide of the West" did a pretty good analysis of the suicidal nature of modern liberalism. The thing that is interesting is how, as noted, liberalism has become the core belief of many if not the majority of people in the West. Burnham postulated that liberalism was an ideology which rationalized the decline of the West by turning loss of territory and defeat in War (as in Algerian or Suez 1956) into victories for democracy, decolonialization, etc.
What is bizarre about liberalism today is that the Western world seems to be triumphant. Communism has largely collapsed and globalization has spread corporate-capitalism everywhere. Yet liberalism continues to demand the surrender of more territory, even within the Western world (by inviting in the third world). Sam Francis had some ideas along these lines, seeing in liberalism an ideology which justified the power of a new managerial class.
But then why do the majority of people go along with liberalism? It's not in the interest of middle or even lower class citizens to be displaced by third world migrants. Is it the same old story of keeping the people enthralled with bread & circuses while the elites make off with the country?
Obviously, a great awakening - should it actually occur - would be something to be welcomed. Personally, I expect it will become far more grim than we can even imagine before a remnant of our people - perhaps even through alliances which are unimaginable now - embark upon the path to survival and ultimate restoration.
All true. Which is one more reason to keep up the internet effort.
There are many people who are alienated by the current system: race realists, men's rights activists (MRAs), militia folks, anti-globalist protesters (when they are not being coopted by Soros Inc), paleocons, libertarians (both large and small "L"), Southern heritage people, etc., etc.
For lack of a better term, call them the "anti-multicult."
The thing is, these groups are often at each others' throats. I'm sure we have all seen the endless (and pointless) debates over Western women between MRAs and race realists, or between pro-and anti-Confederacy advocates.
One thing the leftwing understands is the importance of unity. There's a tactic called "points of agreement:" find the objectives you have in common, work towards them--and dump the ideological debates which resolve nothing. Look at how feminists, race hustlers, illegal alien advocates and pro-Islamicists can form coalitions, even when their underlying ideologies are contrary (such as Islam's stance on women as opposed to that of the feminists). They understand that they have a common interest in staying united because they can take on the system and gain power in their individual spheres.
For example, a multicult coalition might push through a government-sponsored "human rights" commission to put in the boot on both "Islamophobes" and "sexists," while affirmative action gives minorities and third world migrants legal privileges over the white citizenry.
Meantime, the anti-multicult factions are too busy fighting among themselves to offer effective resistance. A major league problem is the ideological purity trap: the assumption that blind belief in a particular set of ideas will win through, and any alliance would compromise this purity. This approach has petty much failed, at least in America.
Let me give one example: there are a number of blacks, such as Walter Williams, who have broken ranks with the race hustler establishment. Now, such people would seem to be a golden opportunity for the anti-multicult. Because when the enemy is strong, dividing his alliances is called for. See Sun Tzu, the Roman "divide and conquer," and all that sort of thing. It might take a little strategizing, but if the anti-multicult could form an alliance with the Walter Williams of the world, the race hustler establishment could be undermined. And that would be a major victory for race realists and the rest of an anti-multicult coalition.
It goes back to understanding effective tactics, and then exploiting them.
That's my two cents worth.
"BTW- I volunteered at the Dome in Katrina, I could tell you quite a bit about that."
Start posting!
Correction: Jimmy Carter was the President of the United States during the Atlanta Child Murders of 1980. His Hometown had a serial killer on the loose. When Ronald Reagan took the oath, Wayne Williams was arrested. Yes the theory of the KKK was no proof, but get your facts straight.
Correction: Jimmy Carter was the President of the United States during the Atlanta Child Murders of 1980. His Hometown had a serial killer on the loose. When Ronald Reagan took the oath, Wayne Williams was arrested. Yes the theory of the KKK was no proof, but get your facts straight.
Californian: One thing the leftwing understands is the importance of unity. There's a tactic called "points of agreement:" find the objectives you have in common, work towards them--and dump the ideological debates which resolve nothing. Look at how feminists, race hustlers, illegal alien advocates and pro-Islamicists can form coalitions, even when their underlying ideologies are contrary (such as Islam's stance on women as opposed to that of the feminists). They understand that they have a common interest in staying united because they can take on the system and gain power in their individual spheres.
Excellent comments as usual, Californian.
This concept of "points of agreement" is crucial. It's why I go after those who nitpick or insist that only rigid adherence to Christianity will see us through. Years ago I began my campaign to seek some sort of anti-Islamic unity between all other non-Muslim creeds including Atheists and Agnostics. Be it Shinto or Jainist, hell even Animists, people of all other belief systems had best get their juvenile waterfowl aligned or face annihilation at the hands of Islam.
The same goes for Whites as they are confronted by demographic displacement in their home countries. There are some substantial issues, abortion is a good example, that need to be set aside in order to establish a broad-based coalition that will halt the ethnic cleansing of Whites from America and Europe.
Of special importance is what you have noted about "how feminists, race hustlers, illegal alien advocates and pro-Islamicists can form coalitions". The obscenity of this underscores just how virulently anti-White these groups are. There is no other interpretation available and it is a compelling argument for Whites to find common cause and do it damn fast.
As a participant at another web site noted, abortion is something that can be debated, Islam provides no such option. So it is with the preservation of White culture. Ben Franklin put it best:
We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.
Verily, we must find some way around internal dissent and work towards a unity of purpose.
Meantime, the anti-multicult factions are too busy fighting among themselves to offer effective resistance. A major league problem is the ideological purity trap: the assumption that blind belief in a particular set of ideas will win through, and any alliance would compromise this purity. This approach has petty much failed, at least in America.
Would you please consider condensing this idea into and essay? I'm confident that Paul would happily publish it here at SBPDL. Identifying the essential nodes of agreement required for alliance and noting some of those that remain outside the pale would be a huge step forward in congealing a sense of unity in the Race Realism movement.
MMA2012 said...
Come on dude! The Atlanta Child Murders (sic) went on from 1979 - 1981.
In 1981 - at the height of the media and Black hysteria (I wasn't even born yet, mind you) - Reagan sent $1.5 million to try and help out in the 'manhunt':
"From 1979 to 1981, 29 young African Americans disappeared in Atlanta, Georgia. Twenty-eight were found dead. The murders terrified the city and the rest of the country supported and sympathized. Green ribbons, "symbolizing life," and green-lettered buttons reading, "SAVE THE CHILDREN," appeared everywhere.
Vice President George BUSH took a trip to Atlanta to show national concern. President Ronald REAGAN authorized a $1.5 million grant to aid the investigation. Huge rewards were offered for any information leading to the capture of the killer(s). Celebrities (like Frank SINATRA, Sammy DAVIS, Jr.) gave money to pay for the investigation and aid to the families of the victims. Thousands of letters containing checks, bills, and coins poured into Atlanta.
The manhunt was plagued by bickering between local and federal investigators. FBI Director William H. WEBSTER stirred local feelings when he proclaimed 4 of the cases, apparently unrelated to the others, solved. The next day a bureau agent in Macon, Georgia claimed the 4 children had been murdered by their parents. An angry public demanded to know why no arrests had been made. Atlanta Mayor Maynard JACKSON said this was because there was not enough evidence to warrant an arrest. He complained the FBI had undermined the confidence of the public in the investigation."
W74; Remember this the next time some CONservative touts vouchers as a way to improve the schools.
Thanks for mentioning the whole "voucher" scam, W74. I'd almost forgotten it. Vouchers - marketed by Conservatism, Inc. as a means to fight the corrupt teacher unions to white evangelicals, is really a Trojan horse under which groids will receive tax dollars to attend heretofore largely white private schools, with entirely predictable results. It's a similar scam to the Muslim racketeering mentioned above: create incidents to justify wars which in turn are used as an excuse to import more "refugees". In both cases, the usual suspects benefit, and YT gets raped yet again - often quite literally.
Back to my earlier point, whites must learn to stop digging their own graves. The Babylonian vampire-squid overlords have concocted a near-foolproof strategy for genocide, yet the majority of those targeted cannot see it even when it is taking place in front of their eyes. Even now in South Africa, where the genocidal murders and gang-rapes are pretty much out in the open, the majority of the remaining whites continue to 'work within the system' in hopes that things can 'change for the better' - completely oblivious to the hard truth that by doing so they dig their own graves. Over at Alt-Right, I recently had an exchange with a SA expat, founder of a website documenting groid atrocities, who told of a raid carried out on his house by 28 SA police, 10 of whom were white. He was falsely accused of plotting "terrorist" activity by other whites. With a wife and 2 teenage daughters, he ended up fleeing the country. The system has been set up as an engine to bring about their demise, yet they refuse to see the hideous truth.
Back onto the actual topic, the thing that is most immediately striking about the whole "child murder" scam that played out in Atlanta was the typically African behavior of the corrupt "big men" running the city there: create a hysteria among their hoodrat marks/constituents to deflect any possible attention that could be focused upon the massive looting and thievery being carried out. This type of thing is commonplace in African countries.
Anon at 7:59 PM, July 1: This site is called Stuff Black People Don't Like because it was originally a parody of another site called Stuff White People Like. Things evolve.
Anon Commenter on Bogo at 6:20 PM, July 2: Regarding secession, I think it would be a de facto rather than an openly declared separation. All of the states have real governments, with legislative, executive, and judicial branches. They have clearly defined borders, flags, and even their own armies and air forces. All the structure for independent nationhood is there.
Every governor knows that the Darks, Blacks and Brown, are an unsupportable burden. They know why California is sinking and they know why Detroit is a money pit. There are way to make your state less hospitable to parasites and ways to evade Federal oversight. Raising the rebel flag over the local Air Force base is not the way. Non-cooperation is the more practical path.
W74 at 8:02, July 2: The operators of private schools know that vouchers will drive their White customers away. If Joe's School starts to Darken, Millie's School down the road will get some new White students. I have taught in private schools, and many of the parents are adamant about expelling troublemakers. That's why they're paying out of pocket to begin with.
What may happen is some kind of law requiring a certain amount of diversity in order to get your school licensed, but since it's the states that regulate schools, the Feds can only nag and bribe.
I didn't mention Vouchers, one of our many Anons did. I just expanded his comments and explained how/why the powers that be (on both sides of the isle) want vouchers as another means of destabilizing anything that's still stable in the US.
You're right that it really is a Trojan horse no matter how it's sliced and no matter who's sponsoring it or what they claim are their reasons for it.
Blacula (and I think that's a fake name) - At least you show a positive side in wishing us a happy Independence day. Thanks!
RE Discard on non-cooperation...yes, yes a thousand times yes. Non -cooperation with evil develops into ever growing virtue. Think like a force of nature. Constantly develop new powers of critique.
Correction.Jimmy Carter's hometown is Plains,Ga.
There.Are negroes any better than before your post?
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