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Whites are nothing but drifters in Birminghamworld, seeking refuge where they can |
We must always celebrate how we have "overcome" a dark and insidious past, allowing the entire earth to be remade in the image of Birminghamworld.
As the polar ice caps melted from global warming creating Kevin Costner's Waterworld, the melting away of a society that believed in protecting the interests of its founding population created Birminghamworld.
The city of Birmingham was the key to ushering in what we have dubbed Black-Run America (BRA) and it is fitting that in 2013 we celebrate the 50th anniversary of that pivotal year, 1963. Since 1979, Birmingham has had a black mayor, with the city government remade in a black image.
Remember that 98 percent of the students enrolled in Birmingham Public Schools (BPS) are black - 74 percent of the city is black today - and property value has dropped to the point that a proposed tax increase to help pay for city school initiatives was a non-starter.
With high rates of black crime making Birmingham one of America's most dangerous cities, new residents to the city are hard to find. Property values will continue to plummet, the few legitimate businesses will leave (with it, precious sales tax goes too), and all the while, we will continue to watch documentary after documentary that tells us of the evils of segregation and how far Birmingham has come.
Well, buried in one of the stories of Mayor William Bell's proposed 3-mill property tax increase is this juicy tidbit [Birmingham officials seek public OK for taxes, bonds, Birmingham News, 4-2-2012]:
Former Mayor Richard Arrington expressed passionate support for the property tax increase. "The additional millage is an investment in helping to break the poverty cycle for our children," he said.
Arrington called Birmingham's education system a major impediment to the city's positive image and progress.
"One of the major weaknesses of majority black cities controlled by black political majorities is the widespread and often correct perception that the overall school system is weak and inferior; providing poor education for those who need it most," said the city's first black mayor.
Arrington said poor education is at the heart of many of the problems affecting youth, particularly black youth.
"To build a strong, competent community under black political control demands good schools," he said.Well, well. The BPS system is 98 percent black, with a school board that is also under complete black control. Lost in Mayor Arrington's logic is this simple reality; the major weakness of majority black cities controlled by black political majorities is that eventually, white people will leave.
With them, go the legitimate businesses. As we have shown, the only commercial growth in black-run Birmingham are payday loan stores and title pawn stores. With white flight goes property value, and the ability to generate enough tax revenue to... to... to actually run a government and provide services/improvements to your citizens quality of life. Thus, black control of a city negates any ability to attract new citizens.
This was made in clear in a article that detailed how the proposed 3-mill property tax increase was axed from ballot consideration [Birmingham Board of Education property tax hike won't be on Oct. 9 ballot, Birmingham News, 9-24-2012]:
Despite being in proration, or across-the-board state budget cuts, for several years and having declining enrollment that means a loss in state funding, Birmingham has increased the number of pre-k classrooms by "six or seven" in the last three years, he said.
Board member Emanuel Ford said he is tired of the school district getting blamed for loss of enrollment year after year.
"We can build schools all day long; that's not the problem," he said. "If you don't take care of the neighborhoods, why would anyone want to live there? If the city doesn't step up to the plate and do something with those neighborhoods, we're going to keep losing families and the district is going to keep losing students."It is up to the population of a city to create a sustainable community, free of crime and boasting good schools that will attract outside businesses, and compel potential home buyers to consider purchasing property there. Those neighborhoods Ford mentions, full of blight* (of course, the polite way of saying "blacks inherited depressed property after white flight and remade it in their image"), are a reflection of the type of community black people build.
The state of Birmingham, on the verge of 2013, is a materialization of all the fears those evil white men had who dared stand in the way civil rights and the creation of the heroic age we know as Black-Run America (BRA).
Freedom Failed.
Glenn Beck will be all over the 50th year Anniversary Celebration. He just loves himself some Negroes!MLK, Mandela, Douglas, Cain etc and etc...He'll be on his knees celebrating the liberation of his African friends.
Can any of our negro-appeaser or negro commenters name a single place that has improved by any measure when black population increased? In every case I have seen where black population increased, property values, quality of education and tax revenues have declined and crime rates have climbed. I don't think there is any argument left against the fact that more blacks = lower quality of life, and I challenge you to prove we're wrong.
Have you ever heard someone complain that white folks moved into their neighborhood? There's a reason for that.
The suicidal religious cult of diversity, among whites, will never allow any adherents to break away to tell the truth or speak up on the growing madness their faith has "blessed" us with. Those who are true adherents to this madness are beyond redemption or restoration to sanity.
We are on a collision course with disaster and I see no way of "fixing" anything until this hell ride is over.
When things go to pot completely and we have to rebuild our nation out of the ashes, it is imperative that those that helped bring chaos down upon us are given no safety among us and are held fully accountable for what they have done.
The black tidal wave of destruction in the south is not much worse than the brown tsunami wiping out city after city and town after town in the southwest(and far beyond).
I hear the yellow waves of destruction are flooding in up in the pacific northwest.
We desperately need a beachhead somewhere. Thanks for your work in trying to help bring that about.
Maybe if the tax rate is MASSIVELY increased the unionized teachocrats will finally be able to defeat the power of cognitive genetics!
Remember that 98 percent of the students enrolled in Birmingham Public Schools (BPS) are black - 74 percent of the city is black today - and property value has dropped to the point that a proposed tax increase to help pay for city school initiatives was a non-starter.
A typical Democrat—and increasingly Republican—solution to any crisis:
"We will spend our way out of this recession and tax our way to prosperity!"
The main point being that you can no longer spit between the difference of America's supposed two-party system.
With high rates of black crime making Birmingham one of America's most dangerous cities…
This vital statistic is brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department. Talk about a BGO (Blinding Glimpse of the Obvious)!
… all the while, we will continue to watch documentary after documentary that tells us of the evils of segregation and how far Birmingham has come.
Well, yes, "how far" [/irony] Birmingham has come is specifically due to the odious "segregation"—otherwise known in impolite circles as ethnic cleansing—which Blacks cheerfully impose everywhere they go, even as they indignantly squeal about White Flight™.
After all, the least Whites can expect is that Blacks will still insist upon their entitlement cake even as they demand to eat it too. Quelle surprise!
Arrington [guess which race!] said poor education is at the heart of many of the problems affecting youth, particularly black youth.
A typical placement, by Blacks, of conveyance before—one thoroughly beaten to death—equine unit.
Revenue is an intermediate casualty. Unsuspecting Whites come first. Then property values. THEN, maybe, quality of edumahcation with quality of life to follow soon thereafter.
Let's try that again:
"Blacks, particularly, are at the heart of affecting the poor education of urban youth."
Whoa, Nellie. Another BGO!
As PK chronicles here, in my lifetime I have seen a steadily increasing influence from blacks on this nation.
I don't really understand how that has happened, not fully anyway.
I do know that we are a nation with cities in total decay, certain of them violent "no-go" zones for non-blacks. Negro political control has been a disaster from Dinkins, to Barry, to Obama. Corruption and incompetence, over and over.
The culture is cruder than it ever has been. Americans are carrying firearms on a daily basis, in numbers that would have been unimaginable in 1955. Savagely violent crime by negroes is so commonplace that it's no longer an unusual news piece. It's becoming accepted.
Huge parts of the nation are on food stamps, welfare and disability programs. Negroes and hispanics drop out of high school in cities like LA at rates of 50-60%.
Even simple pleasures like music have been corrupted into a thuggish, violent, mysogynistic sound track to the spiraling decay.
What type of person cannot see what is happening here?
But they can't build schools all day long. They'd have to get non-Black (some Hispanic) people to do the building, using non-Black tax money. If anything has been proven, it's that Black people can't built anything worth a damn.
"The central Conservative truth is that it is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it from itself."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
BRA is providing overwhelming evidence that Conservatives are correct.
Won't be long now...
I'll ask the question once more, and see if anyone -- especially DWLs who may be reading this website -- can answer it:
"Can you name the black majority ruled cities in the USA which show economic expansion, excelling schools, low rates of illegitimacy, efficient provision of services, and/or high rates of public safety?"
I want to be fair about this. If SBPDL is painting a distorted picture of black run cities, then let's see some alternatives presented. If black majority rule can be made to work, then let's see some examples. And then dialog on about how cities such as Birmingham can follow them.
We have had a half a century of civil rights laws, war on poverty programs, and social engineering policies. Not to mention a massive government-infotainment agitprop campaign promoting positive role models for blacks. And still things appear to be going downhill. As PK notes, we can see the results in Birmingham and Detroit and Atlanta and Oakland and Newark and DC.
What does this portend for the future of America?
One reason I read SBPDL is because PK brings together a cohesive narrative, relating black majority rule to urban decay. It's right in everyone's face. PK just gives it a name: "BRA."
In 1963: My brother was a Communist who helped integrate UofA Medical School. My girl friend was the daughter of a UofA administrator. She told me that blacks could not have lower average IQ because the highest IQ ever recorded was from a black girl. Funny stuff. Her brother was married to a white native Alabamian who in later life served three terms on the Birmingham Board of Education. Blinded by left-wing ideology, consciously unwilling to perceive the reality that Philippe Rushton so clearly documented, Birmingham's white liberals tried for five decades to make silk purses out of sows' ears. 50 years of retrogression in Birmingham. I am so glad that I turned my back on Birmingham and on the True Believers I knew there in my youth.
Well, well, what a coincidence. The utopia that is Durham, NC also has a diversity enhanced Mayor named William Bell.
Californian: I often ask people that same question and the only response I get is that I'm a hateful racist.
Apparently, seeing clearly what is (as per black run cities) is a taboo subject for DWL's. They're pathologically addicted to their rose colored glasses and any attempt to remove those glasses will be met with hostility. As such, DWL's are a complete write-off and there is no communication possible.
The only communication I have with liberals now is via a bumper sticker I made and placed on my vehicle:
"Liberals: Living Proof That The Brain Can Die Years Before The Body Does."
A comment I want to share on the article, AP Poll: Majority harbor prejudice againts blacks, about the prez, Yahoo news, Sat, Oct 22
This Morning on the News, A Suburban Store Owner posted the Video of Her store Being Shoplifted by 4-6 Detroit Girls. One of the Girls Mother Called the Storeowner, Outraged, Yelling at Her, Telling Her It was her Fault She was Shoplifted, and That She Should EXPECT to Be Robbed, Cause That's Just How It Is. This Is THE PROBLEM with The ENTITTLEMENT ATTITUDE. You Give it to Me, You 0wes Me, I wants it, I'll takes It!
When a city becomes 90% black they win a "diversity award," or when a company finds a few non-brain dead "diversi-tites," they get an award: "Spirit AeroSystems was awarded Butler Community College’s inaugural Corporate Diversity Award on Friday for workplace diversity and community inclusiveness." www.kansas.com/2012/10/27/2546655/spirit-aerosystems-wins-corporate.html
The evidence continues to increase but is our patience limitless? What will it be that pushes us over the edge one large catastrophic event or the continued addition of smaller events? Will we explode in a frenzy or will we systamatically make small steps?
These are interesting and violent times. I hope to see an end to BRA before I get to old or the wounds are to deep.
PK and all the commenters are an oasis of sanity in an ocean of insantiy.
Gods Speed.
You know, as I read Zenster's quotation from the article,
"Arrington [guess which race!] said poor education is at the heart of many of the problems affecting youth, particularly black youth,"
it occurred to me that we should be thankful blacks are less educated. Lack of education for blacks is not the problem, lack of a moral compass is the problem. If they were well educated, they might find a way to enslave us forever.
Oh, wait...
Let me bestow some true to life sanity upon you. You may as well cryogenetically freeze yourself today because you wishes will not come true until we are all gone.
Is it to late, how could european white americans allow this to happen
How can whites(europeans) all over the world be so complicit in their own destruction.
If you go to africa except south africa, you don't see communities of white people, nor in india, pakistan, or arab countries.
Are whites that dumb, that they cannot see what is happening.
What do you think will happen when the minority whites are 60yrs of age and the younger feral minorities, which will be the majority 40yrs time, see that their white priveledged older population have a 1st world standard of living and they, the younger ones have a 3rd world standard of living. It doesn't take a genius to figure what the out come will be.
Whites world wide sure do have a death wish, the ghettoes world wide are exploding ghetto zombies that come and infest 1st world white countries, and the inhabitants of those countries accept it.
Time to wake up
My congratulations to Mr PK for this blog. People on other blogs drone on endlessly about being conservative and what that might entail. Some think it's all just about economics and how the right economic policy will fix everything. Measuring everyone's IQ and then assigning them their proper place in society is another scheme. Sociological theories abound without limit.
Unless things are put on an explicitly racial basis people will continue to get confused. Putting on the race-glasses clarifies everything. Things can be worked out within the Euro family. Those outside of it can only ruin us and have to be viewed as such.
the time has come: Is it to late, how could european white americans allow this to happen
That's fixable, if we act very soon. Much if not most of the surge in NAM births is due to immigration, legal and illegal (created or allowed by policy); most of the rest is heavily promoted by welfare policy.
Fixing it just takes the opposite policy:
· Pay the low-educated and criminal to be sterilized, not to make babies.
· Eliminate refugee, family reunification and most of the H and F series visas. Eliminate the Diversity visas and the Executive Office of Immigration Review. Require a large deposit before entry for all third-worlders seeking other visas, refundable only in person at US embassies and consulates in their home countries.
· Eliminate birthright citizenship.
· Make it retroactive to the 1986 amnesty.
· Reverse Plyler vs. Doe (just legislation).
· Eliminate all welfare eligibility for family units which include any illegal alien. Enforce criminal penalties for fraud.
· Use surrender of citizenship and deportation in lieu of other criminal sentences for persons of foreign birth or ancestry, then crack down hard on crime both major and minor (esp. immigration and welfare fraud).
If we stop paying NAMs to make babies and make it more attractive to leave than to come here, both they and their unwanted births will stop bothering us.
Have you ever heard someone complain that white folks moved into their neighborhood?
I actually have heard negroes complain about this, but not very often though. The basis for their complaints almost always has been over the gentrification issue, more specifically, when the rental rates begin to rise in their newly-gentrified/formerly ghetto craphole urban neighborhoods.
Ray, what a treat to see you back here at SBPDL! Where ya been?
Jay Santos: The [Black] culture is cruder than it ever has been.
What, no evolution? Isn't this one of the most damning things that can be said about Blacks? And it's not just American Blacks, it's Blacks everywhere!
Savagely violent crime by negroes is so commonplace that it's no longer an unusual news piece. It's becoming accepted.
Only by the Eloi. Sadly, that's a huge percentage of the population. Great comment, Jay Santos!
What libs and blacks can't seem to wrap their heads around is that a school is just a room with four walls. It makes no difference about the age of the textbooks or the technology for the most part. A school is like a town, it is only as productive as the people that reside in it.
It is like a bad twillight zone where people run around doing the exact opposite of common sense.
This is what can be so exasperating:
Former Mayor Richard Arrington expressed passionate support for the property tax increase. "The additional millage is an investment in helping to break the poverty cycle for our children," he said.
OK, wanting a better life for one's children is a noble goal. But then why not:
* Promote a culture of education to get children to stay in school and graduate?
* Do something about the high black illegitimacy rate, given the correlation between illegitimacy and poverty, school drop outs and crime?
* Provide a little leadership to reduce black street crime, given the devastating effects that it has on businesses and quality of life?
More fundamentally, why not dump the DWL ideology with its pathological guilt, culture of victimization, and anti-business taxation and regulation. Consider how much more amenable a city like Birmingham might be to white investors if they were not hit with taxes,"diversity" requirements, mandated minority contracts, and the rest of the interference with the market.
But nope, it's more tax-and-spend...
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
He walked lock step with the dreaded TEDDY KENNEDY
Of 'open borders'
a bill to let all or any Chaldean into the country as refugees.
legal infanticide
Was he the one who said..
1965 immigration act
6000 will be let in...
His own brother was killed by a lebanese dirtbag immigrant.
Tax increase on what welfare checks and food stamps. Productive taxable work forces are always whiteys.
3 Police Community Support Officers sacked for misconduct. Dats raycis'
From reading the comments accompanying the article, it would seem people in England are as sick to death of the race card as everyone else is.
That being said, it's amazing how the race card spread from black America to other groups who couldn't wait to use it to try and cover up and defend rotten behavior on their part.
It used to be if someone was behaving badly all people had to do was tell them, "knock it off! You're behaving like a complete asshole!" Now, however, such justified rebukes simply result in the culprit running to hide behind their skin color if their critic is white (while screeching that their critics are evil, hateful, prejudiced and racist) as a way to change the subject and deflect attention from their own behavior.
It's the childish equivalent of screaming, "It ain't me! IT's you! You're the one!"
Sadly, DWL's fall for this manipulative routine hook, line and sinker and fall all over themselves supporting such jerks instead of saying, "Shall we return to the core issue of YOUR behavior and what you've done?"
It very much reminds me of the tactics used by control freaks when they're confronted with some misdeed~ if the subject is apples they immediately start talking about the kitchen sink, the water in the toilet, leaves on the trees and every other subject under the sun as a way to cause the debate to break down into utter chaos. That way, the core issue is avoided as everyone becomes embroiled in what is called "irrelevant argumentative side baiting."
Happily, it seems most people are awake and aware of this manipulative routine and are quiet content to say, "Oh shut up! Enough of your drivel!"
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