No analysis.
No snide remarks.
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America Down: The Historic Majority Population is held hostage, incapable of defending its interest |
Just a story that shows that America, the historic majority population that built and sustained this nation, is now Black Hawk Down. We must assimilate to our conquerors in this name-less war that rages across the land. [Somalis 'should leave culture at door' remark by Maine mayor stirs outrage, By Sevil Omer, NBC News, 10-4-2012]:
Community leaders are demanding the resignation of a Maine mayor who said Somali immigrants living in his city should "accept our culture and leave your culture at the door.” Organizers of Maine People's Alliance say the group has collected at least 1,400 signatures calling for Lewiston Mayor Robert E. Macdonald to step down over his remarks in September to the British Broadcasting Corp. that Somali immigrants were costing his city a lot of money, then saying they should ‘‘accept our culture and leave your culture at the door.’’
Attempts by NBC News to contact Macdonald or officials in the Lewiston mayor’s office were unsuccessful Thursday. “It’s not just one remark, but a dozen or so,” Mike Tipping, spokesman for the Maine Alliance in Portland, Maine, told NBC News on Thursday. He said his group also created a video compilation of a dozen or so of the mayor's public remarks.
About 6,000 Somali immigrants have settled into this former mill town in search of affordable housing and a safe place to live. Somali community leaders said residents in the state’s second-largest city have been welcoming – except for the mayor. "The remarks are painful, hurtful and display the mayor's ignorance about our community. We demand an apology and a plan from his office on how he will work to unite his city, not further divide it," said Jama Mohamed, Communications Director for Somali Bantu Youth, in a statement to NBC News.
Macdonald has since tried to clarify his comments, saying immigrants should try and assimilate into American culture, not that they need to give up their language, religion or traditions. The petition drive is meant as an expression of local sentiment as Lewiston has no formal recall procedure for its mayor, alliance members say.What is the net positive of importing Somalians to America, who only turn the white Americans who built and sustained Lewiston for centuries into refugees in their own city? Eventually, their own state.
We were never asked if this is what we wanted. But a government, whose ruling Oligarchy (the two-party system) has declared war on the historic majority population, has decided they know best.
Peter Brimelow is right; this is all going to end in tears. Until then, Conservatism Inc. is still going to fund raise off of the false idea that they represent the lone entity capable of saving America, while remaining completely silent on what is happening in Lewiston.
That is, until one of the Somali refugees espouses a dedicated belief in the virtue of free markets, tax cuts, and a military buildup. Then Conservatism Inc. will declare them the next great immigrant success story and proudly put them on display at CPAC or the 2016 RNC.
Poor Maine. They have no idea what they're in for, and their only course of action is to castigate the only public figure that knows better.
I will say that if the mayor really knew better he would do anything to bar Somalis from entering no matter what.
Maine People's Alliance = Domestic Enemies.
If you think this story is bad, this is only the opening scene in a progressive nightmare.
Look up "REGIONAL EQUITY". No white community is immune from having this same scenario happening to them at any time from here on out. All white neighborhoods are the target for similar programs as what has happened up in Maine.
No white community immune, and all white communities are being targeted. There is no state or little sanctuary hidden far away enough in ANY state that will not be subjected to this new insanity.
People better wake up now and realize that white flight is no longer an option, the only option is locking horns with this cultural Marxist tyranny and defeating it, because if they are let loose unchecked as they continue on with this we are all doomed!
I disagree with the threat of regional equity; I'll have a Vdare column about it soon (a long review of Kurtz's book - "Spreading the Wealth").
I've become extremely interested in the story of Rochester and the Alinksy role in destroying that city.
Does anyone have the book "The Remaking of a City: Rochester, New York 1964-1984"
Regional equity is excellent. No more running. No more loving the blacks and browns from a safe, white distance.
It will be the death of BRA. Once it turns every quaint little New England town into Selma or El Paso.
we are not commiting suicide, as some critics like to say, we are being murdered.
Big Bear:
Maine People's Alliance = Domestic Enemies.
Absolutely true. Who funds it? Who is running it? Who has the free time to do all that community organizing? Yes, there will be groid and Moose-limb front men talking on the Ministry of Truth channels, but the 'precious other' aren't the ones pulling this off. There's a surprisingly pale infrastructure which makes all of this possible.
Then there are the Chamber of Commerce types, the typical Republicans who have made a silent alliance with the Maine People's Alliance Marxists, and by extension with the Moose-limb colonizers. These are the local-level real-estate racketeers who use Section 8 as their wrecking ball. The Republican party controlled the US House from 1995-2006, again from 2011 to the present. Not one proposal has been made to abolish Section 8. It has expanded continually, along with the Refugee Resettlement racket. As with every other aspect of BRA, it was created by whites and operated by whites against other whites, who are taxed out the arse to pay for it all. Destroy the whites who support BRA and BRA collapses in very short order. It sounds simple, but is really incredibly complex.
Some evolutionary pressure on whites is not a bad idea.
Coincidentally I'm writing this from Maine; I'll be hiking Acadia tomorrow. What an amazingly beautiful and white area--I doubt the two are unrelated. It's almost heartbreaking to understand what's coming for the people here.
Though my sympathy is tempered. You can not embrace liberalism, erect its edifice, and then remain unscathed by its predations. If white new englanders thought they could purchase liberal grace on others' dime, they are now learning otherwise. I almost wish it brought some pleasure to see.
Trial junkie here. It is ironic in a dark sort of way that 6000 Somalis are looking for "a safe place to live/"
Rhea Page was attacked by four drunken Somalis in Leicester and the judge let them off their attack because as Somalis they were not used to alcohol.
They do not integrate well either.
Of course the Somalis should leave their culture at the door. Any immigrant who comes to America to benefit themselves at America`s expense, should be expulsed by we Americans. This is our house not theirs. However, the immigrants who come to America, such as the Islamics, Hispanics and now these Somalis, as well as those non-whites already here, blacks, choose not to swallow their false pride and join the winning team by assimilating, but instead choose to advance their own superiority at the expense of our culture, and worse we whites allow this.
We white Americans have adopted the beached whale policy, imposed upon us by our own liberal whites, who themselves ultimately seek to end nation states, Republics and capitalism, and usher in a new world, one world order of globalism, socialism and democracy.
Liberalism is the failure to mature. Immaturity denies reality and substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality`s stead. The liberal leaders are God-complexed, narcissistic, immature dolts, who long for the high life of power, fame and fortune via the role of the good Sheppard lording over his flock.
Unfortunately, a fully enfranchised democracy offers the necessary means to achieve that end. Further by liberals commandeering both the educational and MSM enterprises, said liberals can brainwash and then subsequently browbeat all descenters from public conversing.
Blacks, Islamics and Hispanics, all come from a lower IQ gene pool that among other things, promotes the creation of a lower quality culture. Unfortunately, our liberals promote their desire to achieve their superiority over us in order to secure their votes, and this they do to slowly transmogrify our "pursuit of happiness" culture, into part of the one world, new world order. This would be their illusion of Utopia that in reality will be all humanity`s Dystopia.
The good people of Maine struggle to comprehend this. Thank you.
He'd probably really prefer they turn around and go back to Somalia. He just doesn't have the guts to say it.
the somalis in my hood(now) have these sears trucks pulling up to their residence and you would think one of them was on the old wheel of fortune(remember when they would pick their prizes?)the truck guys were offloading many new goodies. these somalis aren't rich. and the fucking worst part about it is the house they live in is owned bye one of my childhood friends father. and what's so fucked up about that is this clown back in the early 80's bought 3 houses in an all black neighborhood and made a white man's mansion. well the spooks didn't like this stupid white man buying up 3 cheap houses and turning it into the ritz. the reason this liberal pig bought these properties is he thought this hood was going to be the next big thing neighborhood!(never did get there) and the spooks gathered and made his freshly built white utopia into a black historical site and the asshole got the boot. lost all his investment that's when they moved to my part of town. his son and i became life long friends since. i asked him about his fucked up dad and he told me i know, i know! but that's then and this is now. i guess his dad just see's those nigger somalis sect 8 dough and his apts are getting new stuff from his fellow taxpayers. i still hate his dads guts and i told him so. i guessmy friend is next in line for those sect 8 apts. i wonder if my friend will help destroy his former neighborhood? for those wondering why i moved back with my elderly mother well it's divorce and i got hosed. but atleast i can take care of my mom and make sure no niggers and somalis fuck with her or think they will get her stuff. lock and load every minute of the day people. DAMN THOSE SLAVE TRADERS!! and my old friends dad too! godspeed whites.
It doesn't matter if they are East African Somalians or West African Bantus, they are all the same. You want to see an OUTRAGEOUS claim? PK you will be all over this in your next article. PK, this is all the proof you will ever need as to why integration of the schools and the black take over of college football was a horrific nightmare.
Ohio State Third String QB Cardale Jones Tweets - "Classes are Pointless"
"Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain't come to play SCHOOL classes are POINTLESS," Cardale wrote.
The good mayor at least has his heart in the right place sort of. But he is completely unaware that many of the differences between whites and Somalis are innate. They are incapable of assimilation.
Forced re-patriation is the only answer.
OMG.... how utterly unbelievable. Is the Ovomit administration responsible for allowing this influx of black scum into this country?
" is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government"
And that right is codified in to US Law under the title of Organic Laws.
"The color of crime" has been out of control this past week where I live. I just blogged this comment to my local paper:
"Scum like these pieces of dirt are nothing more than harmful parasites on the buttocks of society. From the moment of their Medicaid-paid births, they sap the system like ticks suck blood from dogs. The working taxpayer foots 100% of the bill for these waste products. These thugs' cost in food stamps, public housing, free school lunches, special education schooling, and "short-bus" school transportation all deplete society's resources. Then, when they become old enough to become dangerous, they additionally cost the system a fortune in legal and incarceration fees. These pieces of dirt represent a solid argument for abortion and sterilization."
"All men are created equal" is a nice sentiment uttered by a great thinker in response to the idea that the king had rights over ordinary men. We need to get past the uncomfortable idea that some homo sapiens got the short end of the evolutionary stick. Better to be cold and logical now rather than hot and murderous later. When oil and food run out, we will over react.(Caucasians are better at mass murder.)
BTW, liberalism and socialism work in advanced societies, but to apply them to the undertow is to ask for genocide, either ours or theirs.
The video has comments blocked but we should at least vote it down. It only has one comment on it
"Why should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ain't come to play SCHOOL classes are POINTLESS," Cardale wrote.
Well, at least this fellow was being honest. And seeing what the score really is with AA college football.
Forced re-patriation is the only answer.
Better, let's boot the multicultists into Africa. Get rid of the multicult and their ideology, and most problems - SOLVED!
History has shown - repeatedly! - that two cultures (read: peoples) cannot occupy the same geographic area simultaneously. One culture will eventually - and through great violence - overwhelm the other.
And the powers that be know this. The tension is being calculated. Divide and conquer can only be implemented when both sides are weak. You cannot divide something that is self-sustaining.
On a lighter note: the Ohio state third string QB twitter was side splitting stuff! "we ain't come to play SCHOOL" WE AINT COME...!LMFAO! The sad part for Buckeye fans is that with Urban (insert ironic joke here) Meyer at the helm this will get a whole lot worse...
I have said this before and it bears repeating.
BRA really hinges on local, state, and federal LEO's willingness to enforce it.
The time is approaching where these "gleeful armed enforcers of BRA" will have to decide where they stand.
There will not be any more "Katrinas" where they are able to beat up an 80 year old white woman in a working class neighborhood and steal her ancient nickel-plated revolver from her with impunity. Those halcyon days for law enforcement are past.
So, where do you stand? With the "Somali Bantu Youth" or your white brethren?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Tiochfaidh ar La....
Don M
As I read this article on the SBPDL.. a thought that has been dancing around the edges of my consciousness finally crystallized from the nebulous into understanding.
This is exactly the sort of circumstance that preceded a man like Hitler. The general malaise the people feel when they cannot understand why things are so bad, why their leaders have forsaken them, and why nobody will address their grievances or take up their cause as they are being wronged.
It is dangerous and dark times in America.
"This is our house not theirs."
Uh huh. Try exercising your rights under the Constitution in "your house" and see how far you get.
Pretty soon we'll be forced to celebrate female genital mutilation during Black History Month.
Anonymous said...
OMG.... how utterly unbelievable. Is the Ovomit administration responsible for allowing this influx of black scum into this country?
October 5, 2012 3:34 PM
Despite my distaste for Zero, there are times when little (or even no) blame should be directed to him.
Re-read the post (and it's related one) this crap was going on long before Zero was even in the US senate. He's done nothing to change anything but the GOP owns more fault on this atrocity. If you've ever seen East Detroit, err, Mogadishu you'll know why they don't belong here.
@So Cal Snowman: Refreshingly honest that one.
Call up Mayor Bob's office and leave messages of support. Tell him that the Afreakans need to LEAVE, with their culture.
Whoa! HaroldC made an appearance! He's the *only* guy with a solution!
I've witnessed these somalis in action in the midwest. Someone else put it well, gibsmedat on steroids. They're like american blacks, only more demanding and completely unadaptable, inflexible. I could picture them fighting with our indegenous urban youth *very* quickly.
Being around them, its easy to picture Blackhawk Down, with 100s of these hostile, lowwwww IQ dimwits grabbing arms to attack us troops.
Come think of it, maybe they have a use after all.
Anonymous (and clueless):
OMG.... how utterly unbelievable. Is the Ovomit administration responsible for allowing this influx of black scum into this country?
Nope, D'Won on d'downlow didn't start it (though he's no doubt quite fond of it). The "refugee-resettlement" legislation was authored by Teddy Kennedy with Republican co-sponsors in 1990 and was signed into law by the überRepuke George Herbert Walker Milquetoast Bush XIII into law. The Somalians started colonizing Lewiston Maine a decade ago under Jorge W. Busheron "the Decider" - right after the great "War on Terr-r-r-r-r" started. The program has received bi-partisan support for decades. No one even questions it. Both nominal political parties support genocide against whites.
Comments are enabled on video.
My buddy bob left a good one.
They already had Mia Love on stage at the 2012 Convention.
Wow! A Politician that didn't throw our White Culture under the Bus. For all of you multicultural white demon possessed snakes who are giving this man trouble, I hope you die a cruel death by these minorities you think you are helping. You are being used with your pockets picked, and these a**holes are laughing at you and want more. You'll soon realize it, you are all just Drones for the Democratic Party that doesn't give two sh*ts about you. I'll give you some good advice: Hold you breath until you die, traitors!
Abraham Lincoln's War Against the States ended with the enslavement of us all and left the Federal Government the final power in this country. If you doubt this you should read any of historian Thomas J. DiLorenzo's books on Lincoln, as well as "Lincoln Uber Alles" by Emison. "The Party of Lincoln" is no better than the Marxist Democrats, and until people see through their deception, it's not going to get any better. Another good book is "The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature" by Byron M. Roth, and "Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster" by Peter Brimelow.
Just remember you multicultural a**holes that White People are only 8% of the world's population. Do you think the mud races will give us a chance? Think Zimbabwe if you think they will. Wake up, you're being robbed, fleeced and about to be discarded. You and your family will be boiled and eaten like the Belgians who stayed in the Congo in 1960. Yum Yum eatum up!!!
I have seen first hand how these Somalians live as a Marine with the 22nd or 24 MEU (memory is faded). In my opinion these are the worst of the worst when it comes to Africans .As Dr.Phil says ,"past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior" if that statement holds true then this town is in for a rude awakening .Gun sales should be going through the roof if these white town folk knew what was good for them and their famalies.
The Realist
I don't know Paul. I'm just as disillusioned about the conservatives as the next guy vis-a-vis the race issue, but I don't buy that the majority agree with what the self-appointed spokespeople espouse. I believe there's a growing acknowledgement among the garden variety that blacks are incorrigible.
You can't necessarily judge the racialist pulse of conservatives by conservative websites as only the accepted comments will be allowed.
A norwegian from Oslo:
Somalis are one of the most aggressive peoples from Africa in my experience and to add to that they are muslim. African and muslim seems to add a very extreme mixture: they can be very high on drugs but at the same time be completely addicted to muslim thinking about whats "pure" and whats not. To rape and murder is "okay" as long as it does not involve one of their "own".
(North Ga )--The owner of a orthotics & prosthetics co, closest to me is an out right DWL. His manners, and the air that surrounds him, eats the lining right out of my stomach. I had to deal with this clown because he ran all the others out of town. He was the only one left to deal with. Well, I end up with a small twist of fate. He has been charged with “child molestation” He is done!, through, sitting in the Rome county jail as I type. I have the last laugh. I wonder how he is going to cope with an institution full of the very types, and class, he has defended. He's going to the school for hard knocks. He's white, molestation charged, and fixing to learn first hand, the fruits of his labor in supporting the BRA. People who have no clue how the black undertow behave when they are the majority, have a hard lesson to learn. He has two choice now. He will learn to live hard or he will not make it. That's it, no other choices.
Fine article, I thought I would leave this here for everyone. You have been saying this for a long time and finally its becoming 'official'. Detroit's own cops are saying do not visit this place!
Enter At Your Own Risk: Police Union Says ‘War-Like’ Detroit Is Unsafe For Visitors.
Yeah, I know, ''Well DUHHHH!''
I recall watching Obama on TV before he became president, promising a group of blacks that if he became president he would make sure there would be more immigration from Africa. I don't get the immigration situation. Here Americans are out of work. Jobs are relocated to other countries. Globalization benefited everyone except us. Why in the hell do we need any immigrants? We especially do not need more Africans or Muslims. Unless an immigrant has a cure for cancer do we need anyone else taking our jobs? Do we need more entitlement mind set immigrants on welfare? Immigration =job stealing & welfare. America was built long ago when we needed immigrants. With the current depressed economy, third world immigration should become obsolete.
Most of my career involved working with immigrants from various places around the globe. Like everyone else, I met the good, bad and the very very ugly. Most Americans are extremely naive about who we allow in our country and how much they end up costing us. What third world immigrants often shared in common was on the surface a certain politeness or an obsequious manner that could possibly turn into a threat, if demands were not met. They all wanted to know exactly what their family and/ or community were entitled to. They wanted to know the benefits and who could connect them to the benefits. They could not wait to place their aged parents/grandparents who never contributed anything to this country on on SSI. Immigrants on SSI cost taxpayers billions a year. The India/Chinese communities seem to benefit the most from our immigration policies. They get our best jobs here and they take our jobs to their countries. There is so much fraud and corruption in those communities. By the way, Somalis are not doing to well in Minnesota.
The white liberal is an evil mo fo.
"OMG.... how utterly unbelievable. Is the Ovomit administration responsible for allowing this influx of black scum into this country?"
go to 'occidental observer"
read Brimelows book.
"we are not commiting suicide, as some critics like to say, we are being murdered."
It can be both.
The answer is as plain as the nose on your face.
These Somalis have already demonstrated their willingness to move their whole lives to get away from Somalia.
The answer is to treat them the way they were treated in Somalia.
What was this about? Someone in one of the posts had said something about PK ending SBPDL. or something about abandoning this site, is that true? I hope it was just wishful thinking from an afrotroll.
Maine People's Alliance = Domestic Enemies.
In England we have a similar group if race traitors call Unite against Fascism. They're are backed by teh government , unions etc. We in the Casuals , EDL, Infidels ect the best way to deal with them is a vigorous response , applied in person away from cameras.
Keep posting this. This cannot be said enough. There is no new empty lands. I WILL NOT DIVIDE UP THESE LANDS WITH THEM!!!!!! They have their own lands named after themselves. These are our white homeland, just because it's not called "WHITELAND", didn't mean that is not what it is. They have Mexico for Mexicans, China for Chinese, Africa (majority of it) for Africans.
THIS IS WHITELANDS. It most be so for our survival!!!
Left coast white guy
Comment of the day winner!!!!!!!
Left Coast White Guy
treat them the way they were treated in Somalia
Shooting at them is bound to attract unwanted attention, and you really don't want to import al-Shabab.
Anybody get wind of this yet?...........Pro-Muslim Subway Ads Will Counter Anti-Jihad Ads. Jewish and Christian groups post ads promoting tolerance,
Ad says things like,
“Hate speech is not civilized, port peace in word and deed”. Mysubwayad
“In the choice between love and hate, choose love, help stop bigotry against our muslim neighbors”
“Love your muslim neighbors,” from the sojoumers community
I tried, once, to write a satire called "Stupid Paint." It's about how corporate America, fed up with the ascendance of field niggers to gubmint jobs, creates a new fad. It's gangsta, it's hip, it's outrageous, and if you didn't already have an IQ at least a full std. dev. below average, then you would get one.
The new fad, stupid paint, makes one profoundly stupid. Almost too stupid to get out of the way of moving vehicles. Almost too stupid to remember basic rules of hygiene and self-preservation. Assuredly too stupid to understand why "Thou shall not kill" is a pretty good idea.
Stupid paint is used to paint one's face. It's white paint with a healthy does of organic compounds that retard the action of dopamine. Makes one feel good and proud about being stupid. Raises the self-esteem.
Whites who complain about the behavior associated with stupid paint are labeled racists.
Fast forward a few dozen years. One day the food runs out. Suddenly, a new-improved variety of stupid paint appears and it is touted as "guaranteed to solve the hunger crisis."
This time, users are too stupid to eat, and too stupid to get out of the way of gubmint vehicles that come and take them away.
(sigh) It's just a story.
“In the choice between love and hate, choose love, help stop bigotry against our muslim neighbors”
This one is RIPE for a sticker campaign with a dot code on it. The stickers should be sized to cover the words "against" and "neighbors", and have the words BY and INVADERS. The extra space on the BY sticker should have a dot code box with the URL for a Muslim truth website like Jihad Watch or Gates of Vienna.
The only thing wrong with Somalia and most of Africa is the fact that its filled with Somalians/Africans. The land is rich with resources. There's one reason why these countries are shitholes and we've chosen to import it and leave the gold, diamonds and other resources behind to be exploited by the Chinese. There's no hope for America. None.
PK: Please don't shut down this site. Reading the articles and thoughtful commentary here is one of my only pleasures anymore. Let us know how we can help and we will.
Our future...
Mayor Robert Macdonald is fantastic!
He was a Marine Rifleman in Vietnam, a Police Detective, the prime fundraiser for the local Special Olympics, etc. He's intensely patriotic and has a strong sense of proprietorship about his community. He displays the kind of forthrightness in defense of his community and people that sites like SBPDL are trying to kindle in the country at large.
His left-wing critics are delusional.
One mentioned a study showing that immigrants have a positive effect on the economy. The liberal didn't point out that it's Asians, Russians, and Indians who are responsible for almost all the good results. We all know what we're going to get from sub-Saharan Africans. Rape, robbery, murder, assault and battery, militant sluthood ect.
Another lefty rhapsodized about how the Somali immigration is helping turn America into a giant version of vibrant exciting New York City.
I went to do a little checking. The Rotten Apple's cost-of-living adjusted median household income is a pathetic $50,033/161.5(cost of living index) = $31,000.
New York City is much poorer than Mississippi.
The only hope for America is that Northern Whites become Racial Realists like the Mayor and most Southern Whites.
PBS - Every one of these fucking retarded whotebread liberals think the world is just like sesame street. Fact: Somali is shit and they have nothing to offer the USA. Fact: The origianl founders were from great countries who had something to offer - the first american settlers and founding fathers of the greatest nation on earth. Who are the somalians? Scum of the earth, to put it frankly - an ancient egyptian experiment gone awry -. Ancient egypt was the first to allow Sub Saharan Africans into their domain and the rest is history....Oh yeah - the founding fathers brought slaves. Oh yeah - the ancient romans had theirs too.
Even the Brits are piling on Detroit! Hilarious article in The Daily Mail where local cops actually warn baseball fans about attending sports events because of manpower constraints. DE-TROITED!
I tried, once, to write a satire called "Stupid Paint." It's about how corporate America, fed up with the ascendance of field niggers to gubmint jobs, creates a new fad. It's gangsta, it's hip, it's outrageous, and if you didn't already have an IQ at least a full std. dev. below average, then you would get one.
The new fad, stupid paint, makes one profoundly stupid. Almost too stupid to get out of the way of moving vehicles. Almost too stupid to remember basic rules of hygiene and self-preservation. Assuredly too stupid to understand why "Thou shall not kill" is a pretty good idea.
Stupid paint is used to paint one's face. It's white paint with a healthy does of organic compounds that retard the action of dopamine. Makes one feel good and proud about being stupid. Raises the self-esteem.
Whites who complain about the behavior associated with stupid paint are labeled racists.
Fast forward a few dozen years. One day the food runs out. Suddenly, a new-improved variety of stupid paint appears and it is touted as "guaranteed to solve the hunger crisis."
This time, users are too stupid to eat, and too stupid to get out of the way of gubmint vehicles that come and take them away.
(sigh) It's just a story.
Anon, you really need to write that story! It's a brilliant satirical premise and an important way to undermine the BRA system with trenchant irony and sardonic humor. It's not even difficult to publish things yourself now - use Amazon's CreateSpace like PK does. DWLs will not be amused, but they are humorless anyway. Tom Wolfe was the first to make note of their puffed-up self-righteousness in Bonfire of the Vanities - a book which was way ahead of its time. If you've not read Wolfe's book, do so to take a cue on how to write this one.
Your absolutely right, but the situation is much worse than people think. I live in a small town in central michigan, in the last couple of years they have built two new public housing complexes, I thought that this was odd because population has been decreasing in recent years due to the loss of industry. So when people started moving (mostly black) I thought that they were relocating Samolis here, but as it turned the majority were from Detroit. They were actually paid to relocate because their old hood is being redeveloped. I dont know if its the gov or a corporation that is doing this but, since we have few imployment opportunities here it will be a drain on our local resources.
'New York City is much poorer than Mississippi.'
In Manhattan a parking spot [to buy] can be 20 to 50?k.
A kid from SanDiego visited Philly and NYC and COULD NOT BELIVE THE TRAFFIC TICKETS, THE SLUMS, THE NON WHITES..soon to be the 'majortee' so I wont call em minorities.
thisblog """is where the future of the european races path of flourishing or extinction will somehow be hammered out - anyhow i bet if we had cheap lazerz pistols it wud all be over now ! Mucho Love 4 ALL SBPDL ! CARRY ON- <3
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