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Amtrak: 40 percent of its employees are the highly sought-after "People of Color" Demographic |
With efficient, high-speed rails connecting Washington D.C. to Philadelphia, Atlanta to Birmingham, Charlotte to Richmond, you'd be able to live in one city and work in another. But then again, with America's transformation into one giant service economy, with people making a living selling some form of insurance to one another, what's the point of making such a wise investment in the future of transportation?
But then again, most of America's major cities are crime-ridden, bankrupt, examples of urban misery, completely controlled by entrenched black political power. Why would high-speed rail be needed to go to Milwaukee, Detroit, or Cleveland in 2012 America? Capital is fleeing these cities.
In our world, we make investments that are measured, not in such financially important terms as Return on Investment (ROI), but as how this money is best spent to improve the never-ending social engineering in America. We call this Return on Diversity (ROD).
Take Amtrak for instance. Clark Whelton, in the pages of City Journal, recently dubbed the 20,000 person strong organization, "Bottom line: Amtrak is a jobs program on wheels."[The Cross-Country Jobs Program/Notes on riding Amtrak, Autumn 2012].
This got me interested in the dynamics of Amtrak's employees - "the corporation created by Congress when private industry abandoned U.S. passenger rail" - since they make, on average, $90,000/year.
Having read that drugs (specially cocaine and marijuana) and alcohol abuse plagues Amtrak employees [Amtrak workers failing drug tests more often, Associated Press, 9-28-2012], the demographic breakdown of Amtrak employees intrigued me further.
Reading in the New York Times that Amtrak costing the taxpayer big-time when it came inefficiently run/managed food and beverage department made me realize that the ROD cost of funding Amtrak must be through the roof [Amtrak Losing Millions Each Year on Food Sales, by Ron Nixon, 8-2-2012]:
Amtrak lost more than $800 million on its food and beverage services over the last 10 years, largely because of waste, employee theft and lack of proper oversight, government auditors have found.
According to audits by the Government Accountability Office, an investigative arm of Congress, and the railroad’s own inspector general, Amtrak loses about $80 million a year selling food. Since 2002, Amtrak’s food service has lost $834 million.
Amtrak said it was increasing the use of credit cards for food sales to cut down on cash thefts by employees, reducing staff, creating a better system to track inventory and to collect revenue. It has also set up a three-person loss-prevention unit.
Mr. Alves, who issued a report on the problem last year, estimated that theft by Amtrak food service employees could cost the agency $4 million to $7 million annually.All businesses, be they private or public, deal with shrinkage of inventory through employee theft or embezzlement of funds. Those businesses whose managers pursue the ever more important ROD, as opposed to the ROI, look the other way.
Kevin Marshall, diversity initiatives director at Amtrak, recently bragged about the ROD the 20,000+ organization represents, gloating that 40 percent of organization is a "person of color" (roughly 8,000). He wrote [Amtrak welcomes diversity aboard, Diversity Careers]:
Amtrak employs more than 20,000 people and understands the value of diversity as a social and business imperative. Its corporate culture includes a commitment to diversity in all areas of the organization. "Key to maintaining this appreciation is Amtrak's diversity training program, which makes clear the corporation's position on diversity and provides the background, information and resources necessary to work successfully in a diverse environment," Marshall notes.
"Our diversity training program is designed to be an ongoing journey that emphasizes key principles of diversity and inclusion. Since its inception it has been an important vehicle used to make certain that employees have a clear understanding of the company's expectations for sustaining a diverse, inclusive environment."
Amtrak's numbers are impressive. Overall, a quarter of its employees are women and two out of five are persons of color. In the management ranks almost a third are women and a third are persons of color. African Americans make up the largest minority group, followed by Hispanics.
For new hires in Amtrak management, 37 percent are women and 37 percent persons of color. After African Americans, Asians and Hispanics are best represented.So Amtrak might be a gigantic waste of money, but continuing to subsidize the system employees 20,000+ (40 percent being the highly sought after "people of color" demographic) means that the ROD is... priceless.
Like so much of the federal government, the ROD costs blinds all other goals at so many of the departments and federal agencies.
You can have nice things, or you can continue to tolerate the rising societal costs of a government that values ROD above all other metrics of efficiency. The costs to building community (social trust) are astronomical when the pursuit of ROD is the noblest goal of the managerial elite in charge of the nation.
Back in 1998, when Republicans controlled Congress and were talking austerity measures to save the taxpayers money, Black employees of Amtrak rallied to ensure the ROD investment wasn't cut-back [Black employees file bias suit against Amtrak Class-action case alleges discrimination in hiring, promotion, other areas, Baltimore Sun, 4-9-1998]:
In a class action that could involve thousands of current and former employees, 10 Amtrak workers filed suit yesterday against the ailing passenger railroad company, alleging racial discrimination in hiring and firings, promotions, training, pay and job assignments. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia. The allegations were brought by a union and 10 current and former employees who claim white engineering managers in Boston, Washington and Philadelphia permit -- and in some cases condone -- a hostile work environment in which racial epithets and demeaning remarks are routinely made to African-Americans.
The lawsuit also alleges that black workers are overwhelmingly confined to low-level and low-paying jobs.
The lawsuit comes at a critical time for Amtrak, officially known as the National Passenger Railroad Co. Republicans in Congress are insisting the railroad company must turn a profit by 2002 or go out of business, forcing the company to eliminate 20 percent of its routes and reduce its work force by 2,000 through layoffs, early retirements and buyouts.
Although minorities now represent approximately 34 percent of the company's overall work force, the lawsuit accuses Amtrak of failing to promote and treat its African-American employees fairly.
One employee, machinist Henry Crawford, 54, of Boston, said his managers discouraged him from taking a test that would have allowed him to move into a higher-paying job. Crawford, an Amtrak employee in Boston for 11 years, said although he took and passed a required test, he was later told he had failed an interview.
"I've worked hard," Crawford said. "All I want now is to be treated fairly, and I want that for all my people on the job."Nothing, nothing can jeopardize the quarterly and yearly goals of improving ROD. Not even the ruin of a nation.
In a perfect world, we'd fire the bulk of Amtrak's employees and start over, figuring out which routes made sense to invest in with greater resources. The ROD would be abandoned for the pursuit of improving ROI.
But more importantly, the ROD investment would be retired for the pursuit of actually improving the nation for Americans; instead of improving the fortunes of "people of color" at the expense (and on the tab) of white people.
PK NOTE: I was joking about the whole ROD thing, but I actually came upon some nut who peddles himself as a Diversity Return on Investment (DROI) guru.
Wow, losses of 80 million a year on food sales!?! Why not install a McDonalds food car in each train and take a percentage? I bet they would make money doing that. I love riding trains, but absolutely refuse to use Amtrak now that they have their racist "My black journey.com" website. I feel the same about the racism involved with McDonald's "365black.com".
It is beyond obvious that I am not invited to include inefficient rail transport filled with nasty people and shitty food served by nasty people as part of my 'white privilege'.
I have travelled extensively in Europe by train, and was very sad to see the huge amount of graffitti and vandalism present on my recent trip to France. They used to have the cleanest trains. I did however smile when the conductors cleared the freeloading diversity out of the first class car I was in, after finding them trying to ride up on a second class fare. It was amazingly quiet and better smelling after that... small wonder they are known as 'the chattering classes' and 'the great unwashed'.
In Singapore I was pleased to see that their orderliness has not been disturbed; not one lick of graffitti to be found...on the trains or elsewhere... but then I guess that's to be expected when they have the political will to execute drug traffickers in 7 business days from conviction.
We just have to get over our mamby-pamby do-gooder 'they are all just misunderstood darlings' attitudes and stop coddling fools. Kick the fools squarely in the ass until they learn to behave. Cage those who refuse to learn. I want this applied regardless of color, too.
Great link!
NLP + DROI? ... Dr. Hubbard's got his scam on!
He's even earned the "Legends of Diversity Award"! Kinda like winning the Nobel Peace Prize, I suspect.
Johnny See said....
Amtrak has a myblackjourney.com website.
Holy crap!!! Amtrak actually has a "black" website. I'm f**king speechless.
Analysis Return On Diversity (A-ROD if you prefer) the Saint Louis Cardinals are a game away from returning to the World Series as the whitest MLB team.
I am so happy I work in the IT industry. It's a very technical job in which you must learn technical programming languages or you wont get the job. We dont have too many Blacks as a result. Though there are a lot of East Indians and quite a few East Asians I don't mind them, they are decent progressive people who work hard & don't cause any trouble.
I can't take this any more.
I want SEPARATION from these "people". I don't want to have to deal with Africans, Negroes, People of Color or what ever B.S. word I must us.
I WANT A WHITE AREA. PLEASE. I want to END THIS MADNESS. GIve me and my fellow white racists pigs just 5 or 6 states. Just for us. Give us a white "reservation" and force us to live there. PLEASE.
I can't take this anymore.
(This is pure speculation) Perhaps the reason we do not have high speed rail linking multiple large cities (like China and most of Europe) is because it would be of NO BENEFIT to people of color. Local light rail, like from Atlanta to the suburbs (for example) benefits people of color because they are able to quickly access a wealthier area and then quickly return to their hoods. They can "rail and grab" if you will. High speed bullet trains linking major cities would simply take too much time and effort for the people of color to be used in "rail and grab" schemes or for simply going to the white suburbs to cause mischief (as the high speed rail would connect to cities and NOT suburbs). So if the people of color were not using the high speed bullet trains, that would mean that White people would be using them for business and pleasure. BRA does not like it when the White man lives a life of convenience.
I can tell you first hand that I would LOVE a high speed bullet train system here in CA. It would be a real time/energy saver for business meetings in the Bay Area and San Diego, as flying these days is such a pain in the ass. A bullet train to Vegas would be great as well. Also seeing as how CA has three major ports, a high speed rail system would be very useful for moving goods across the state.
It's been a while since Paul did a '#' post, so I figured I'd contribute one:
Stuff Black People Don't Like: #32 - Saying ''OJ did it!''
TV ad:
zzzt... Simpson takes the handoff... Cuts left... Slashes right!... It's incredible!... People are losing their heads over him!... He gets away... He scores!... Hall of Fame here he comes!...
Announcer: Ah, those great memories, we all knew what we were doing during that famous low speed chase and of course ''the trial of the century'' that helped Seweraldo Slimevera rehabilitate his TV career after not finding anything in Al Capone's vault.
For 18 years the most famous piece of Simpson memorabilia has gone missing, but now it's been found! and this one-of-a-kind cultural artifact is for sale*.
Just for four easy payments of $1,249,999.99 this priceless piece of history can be yours!
Just call 1-888-yes-ojdidit
or visit http://www.ojisakillerandissellingtheknife.com
Operators are standing by...
(in small type at the bottom of the screen)
*Certificate of authenticity pending the results of DNA tests
My wife and I took an Amtrak train from New York to Pennsylvania. The train was empty and the cost was not inexpensive I beleive it was about $90 for each of us each way. The passangers were all White business people from what I could see. I can only remember one employee as the ride was very quite and uneventful. This person was at least 400 lbs. she had a greasy mop of hair and yelled up and down the train. She would flop down on the seats which easily held my wife and I but she dominated the whole bench like three people seats.
Of course my wife asked me how someone like that could have a job. This was one of many times I had to explain the joys of diversity.
Hey Johnny See! That website was a priceless find!
Does Amtrak have a MyWhiteJourney.com? Of course they don't! I just purchased it on Godaddy. Anyone have any great ideas for this website? A spoof site, maybe? For the time being, maybe I'll just redirect it to sbpdl.com.
I wonder what proportion of the locomotive engineers are Darks. That part of the operation HAS to be done right.
God PK, you always find these Great nuggets!
800+ million in losses just for Food!! Can you imagine a private company like ConAgra or Procter/Gamble or Monsanto putting up with this crap year after year? No Way! They would cut the whole dept and contract in the food service. If the food service loses at this rate, imagine what the whole system losses are!
Here in Seattle they were having the same trouble with food service on the Ferry boats. My father ran a food service company and was tempted to put in a bid to take over service in the dining areas. However, the State insisted that the Profit margin be only 3% over sales, that the food be of approved types (i.e. Healthy choices, not just hamburgers or such) and that the staff had to be sufficiently "diverse".
Needless to say, he bailed on that opportunity. After years of losses, the Ferry System still operates their food service at a loss.
As you say, we can have nice things, or we can have the black plague. Currently we are determined to have the black plague.
As to having a "reservation" for White people, NO WAY!. We conquered this land, we own it. We drove the Stone age people who killed our ancestors (SEE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solutrean_hypothesis ) and imported negros to pick our fields. Their kind have destroyed the White colonies in Africa, they can go back to their kind and their homeland, an entire continent called Africa.
"In a perfect world, we'd fire the bulk of Amtrak's employees and start over, figuring out which routes made sense to invest in with greater resources. The ROD would be abandoned for the pursuit of improving ROI."
Wouldn't have to be perfect; merely sane.
Having read that drugs (especially cocaine and marijuana) and alcohol abuse plagues Amtrak employees…
Oh, f&%ing joy. A bunch of coked out, hophead niggers are driving 130 ton, 4,000 HP, 110 MPH locomotives. What could possibly go wrong?
"Hey, Moe, look at me, I'm an engineer!"
So, let's do the math. 20,000 employees stealing over $8,000,000 of food per year = $4,000 per employee. Each of whom is already making an average of $90,000 annually. These pavement apes just don't know when to quit, do they?
In a class action that could involve thousands of current and former employees, 10 Amtrak workers filed suit yesterday against the ailing passenger railroad company, alleging racial discrimination in hiring and firings, promotions, training, pay and job assignments.
"I gets ta drive dat choo-choo, mofo!"
YIH: TV ad:
zzzt... Simpson takes the handoff... Cuts left... Slashes right!... It's incredible!... People are losing their heads over him!... He gets away... He scores!... Hall of Fame here he comes!...
And then there's OJ's website:
The URL is //.\/.com (slash, slash, dot backslash, slash, dot com).
AMTRAK has one route that IMO, could make money: The Boston-NYC-DC corridor. I took the Acela to Boston from NYC a number of times. It was a heck of a lot more convenient than flying, as the train dropped you off right in the city center. When you ad in the travel time to get to and from the airport, the train was faster.
The limitation though is the tracks and catenary (much of it circa the 1930's). The train only goes full speed (150 mph) only on short runs of track. It irks me that AMTRAK wants to buy even faster train sets when they can't even run what the have above 100 mph much of the time.
In a perfect world we'd make all Amtrak employees re-apply for their jobs without AA considerations (Muay Tyson's 400-lb sherilla would not be re-hired, I'm sure), then promote and demote on merit for a while to let the cream rise to the top. THEN we'd see what sorted out as profitable, perhaps with credits for other savings (for instance, lower damage and injury rates per passenger-mile for rail compared to automobile).
Off topic PK. Obama is wiping the floor with Romney in this latest debate. So much for your commentors stating White is greater/stronger, more intelligent than Black. I had believed it until I saw the reality of a single White vs a single Black and losing. I am leaving your site not to return. You guys /gals lied to me.
AMTRAK = MARTA writ large
Oh, f&%ing joy. A bunch of coked out, hophead niggers are driving 130 ton, 4,000 HP, 110 MPH locomotives. What could possibly go wrong?
BWAAAAHHH! Celebrate diversity, Tovarishch!
But more importantly, the ROD investment would be retired for the pursuit of actually improving the nation for Americans; instead of improving the fortunes of "people of color" at the expense (and on the tab) of white people.
Aren't Black Americans also Americans? They were born and raised in this nation. It seems like someone might be trying to argue that Blacks aren't American.
10mm AUTO: As to having a "reservation" for White people, NO WAY!. We conquered this land, we own it.
I could not agree more. As Carl Sagan said:
The universe forces those who live in it to understand it. Those creatures who find everyday experience a muddled jumble of events with no predictability, no regularity, are in grave peril. The universe belongs to those who, at least to some degree, have figured it out.
It's safe to say that nowhere does the signature of Black people appear on the deed.
Greg Fannin: Does Amtrak have a MyWhiteJourney.com? … Anyone have any great ideas for this website?
Wonder Bread factory tour package.
Great antebellum plantations of the South.
Visits to AKC certified German Shepherd and Doberman breeders.
Olympic swimming and diving semi-finals.
The Computer History Museum.
Anniversary screenings for "Birth of a Nation".
Mensa headquarters tours.
Don't get me started, you know how I get.
If you want help with the website, send me an email address via Paul.
There sure are a lot of trolls on here. Does this page/site have someone to edit comments? There are way too many boneheads that can barely speak English, or idiotic self-hating whites putting comments on here. The story is simply what we all know: Give away jobs based on race, you get a really lousy work force, and your company goes bankrupt lol.
On a side note the Cardinals manager should be fired. That was a joke. They’re up 3-1 and blowing every game in such an awful manner since. Giants white pitching staff vs. the tigers white pitching staff. White pitching equals World Series wins baby!
" VM said...
But more importantly, the ROD investment would be retired for the pursuit of actually improving the nation for Americans; instead of improving the fortunes of "people of color" at the expense (and on the tab) of white people.
Aren't Black Americans also Americans? They were born and raised in this nation. It seems like someone might be trying to argue that Blacks aren't American."
Not that difficult to refute.
Most blacks excuse me 98% of blacks will tell you they were uprooted and stolen taken from the mother land against their will.
Given all the efforts to include blacks and mainstreem them into American society they have decided they need to be different and held to different standards, examples; A.A., C.B.C, Ms. Black America. I would think they want to be treated as a nation with in a nation.
The percentage of blacks that join gangs wich are like little terratories with independant governments.
I think there is a lot of proof that blacks are not American. Remmeber the word nations ment people before it ment land.
I was talking to a friend about the movie Atlas shrugged Part I.
I've read the book and seen Part I of the movie.
Overall it was not a bad movie, and despite the fact that the book was a 'period piece' (circa 1955) it managed to plausibly set the scenario to about 2015. The producers of the first movie did quite well.
Am I going to watch Part II: OF COURSE NOT SILLY!!!
Not until I can download a copy to play on my laptop that I feed to the projector that I project on the screen on my garage door.
I miss 'drive-in movies'. IT'S JUST NOT THE SAME!!!
The United States. The world's only Superpower. Largest economy in the history of the world. Brought to the edge of financial collapse by blacks and their enablers.
Terrifying thing is, this is as good as it will ever be. It's just going to get worse.
Anonymous said...
Off topic PK. Obama is wiping the floor with Romney in this latest debate. So much for your commentors stating White is greater/stronger, more intelligent than Black. I had believed it until I saw the reality of a single White vs a single Black and losing. I am leaving your site not to return. You guys /gals lied to me.
October 22, 2012 7:32 PM
Since you are obviously not smart enough to figure out that the "debates" are nothing but street theater writ large, your presence will not be missed.
Hell, you can't even insult us properly on your way out the door. Tell you what...hold your nose, close your mouth, and attempt to exhale. That popping sound that you'll hear will be your testicles descending.
Government Accountability Office... soon to be taken over by Diversity & BRA.
We can't have a bunch of White Accountants accounting for things now can we?
When they can cook the books of the GAO we are truly finished.
Prepare now Whites while you still can!
Greg Fannin @ 10/22/2012 5:21 PM a good idea for a website titled 'MyWhiteJourney.com' would be a refutation of 'white privilege'. Take everyday examples of anti-white discrimination and victimization in order to show that 'white privilege' is a lie.
VM asks if Blacks are Americans, the fact is they aren't really. They were given citizenship by illegal means. Southern states were held under martial law until they approved the amendment that gave blacks citizenship, since under common law, a contract agreed to under duress is not a legal contract, the amendment is illegal. Blacks are not real citizens, they are defacto federal citizens by illegal means.
Our ancestors imported a sub species of human who, in their native habitat, never even invented the wheel, a written language or anything beyond a stone age tribal existence. Now, in a misguided effort at "inclusiveness" these mental cripples are artificially elevated to positions in a modern world, a world which they are not capable of building in the first place nor of sustaining. They walk among us and benefit from being introduced into an advanced culture but have essentially nothing to offer.
It's like some weird science fiction movie where an advanced race discovers a planet of retards and brings them to their home world and then has to prop them up at every turn to stop them from failing and recreating their retarded home world on the new world.
Maybe this is all a Twilight Zone episode or a bad dream and we'll all wake up and say, "Damn! What an awful dream! Glad it's not realy happening!"
But it is.
Greg Fannin said...
Hey Johnny See! That website was a priceless find!
Does Amtrak have a MyWhiteJourney.com? Of course they don't! I just purchased it on Godaddy. Anyone have any great ideas for this website? A spoof site, maybe? For the time being, maybe I'll just redirect it to sbpdl.com
Nice work, sir! Zenster's ideas sound great, too, but for sure you should link to here!
Most white people today are numb and dumb. Hell even VP candidate dated some black democrat chick in college. Typical. Dudes with money pretending they wanna keep things well run in business, government, and of course with their families They will employ white workers because we are competent and WILL work. They will marry white women and procreate with them because they know the kids will be valued. But behind the scenes they under pay middle class whites and treat these workers like dirty. They will parade their white wives around but behind the scenes they are banging black ho's. Yuck. Democrat or Republican, doesnt matter. Politicians are elitists and they must go. The white middle class MUST keep reproducing and look after its own families. The elitist government is using the banks, the schools (I know I am an educator), and it's carpet bagged darkies to get us. We must secede but it starts gradually. Home school or unschooled your kids; they will learn more anyhow . Hide your money. Get away from banks. Do cash only business with other like minded whites. Start small but think big. A revolution will occur.
When black Muslims way back in the day were asking for a separate state within America the stated reason was of course white racism, just as the reasons for affirmative action are made today as being a remedy for historic racism. But the unspoken cause in both cases is a fear within the black man himself that he can't cut it. As Tocqueville saw nearly two hundred years ago men prefer to live in relative misery among themselves to living in better conditions among a clearly superior neighbor.
The DWL has the same beliefs as do blacks, and quite as unspoken. His solution is to play a variation of the old Soviet game (what better model for a leftists?)--they pretend to work and we don't just pretend to pay them.
Tocqueville's great two volume Democracy in America warned that the entire reason for writing it was to inform people that the single great and lethal disease of democracies is the relentless creeping religion of equality. And this was well before there was such a thing a a multicultural society. "Democratic communities have a natural taste for freedom, but for equality their passion is ardent, insatiable, incessant, and invincible: they call for equality in freedom; and if they cannot obtain that, they still call for equality in slavery."
Every DWL program to improve their serfs has made them more helpless. The insane pathologies of black society presently were outliers sixty years ago. Now they are a feature.
We have failed to control the DWL. Quite the contrary, he is constantly gaining on us. Yet we too often talk of controlling blacks before we show a serious plan for exterminating the insane pathologies within ourselves. If you want to end the society of the blind, it is cowardly not to hang the one-eyed men leading them.
Sorry about the the long post.
Awesome ideas!
I am a true realist. The Anon is correct. Romney lost the battle of the minds last night. Obama was more knowledgeable on every topic brought up and articulated his arguments with command. No attempt to insult on my part.
I took Amtrak from Atlanta to New York once, and it was terrible. Most of the passengers and employees were black, and several black passengers told me that they were riding for free because Amtrak gives vouchers when it is late. I sat next to one lady who said that it took her 24 hours to make it from New Orleans to Atlanta.
How Amtrak loses money on concessions is beyond me. I spend $12 on a coke, potato chips and a candy bar. Theft must be a huge issue.
The crowd was pretty ghetto, and I would suggest looking after your valuables.
They refer to themselves as african first.
African american, but we just like to call them blacks, among other pollitically incorrect names.that get liberal ovaries and testicles in a twist, cause they know we right.
Hey guys, Google Amber Deloach.
Beautiful 18 year old white girl from Savannah who was found locked in the trunk of her burning car at a negro Section 8 apartment.
They just arrested a black male for the murder.
Media and police are trying to float usual "white girl musta been doing something wrong" bullshit to keep the whites from understanding just how much danger their attractive white daughters are in.
Right on Wilson.The DWL elite may be gaining in some ways but they are losing in others, mainly in their reproduction. Gays, dykes, lesbos, older DWLs do not reproduce because their very life credo does not allow them to do so. In fact they are self-destructive. The way we right minded whites win is by disengaging from ALL systems American. That means schools, banks, public libraries. We have families with MORE kids and educate ourselves. The Jews are nervous because their population is dwindling. In synagogues their rabbis are encouraging them to have more kids. Be careful if those DWLs, they will call CPS on you to destroy your family. That is why WE start own society. How is the question? We must train ourselves to go underground. We must cut ourselves off from the beastly government. Like an addict who has to cut himself off from his stuff, so must we whites free ourselves from the notion that our so called government is on our side. It is not. Many people, like addicts and the stupid DWLs are in denial. Break out if the denial and free yourself. We are strong, smart, competent, and good. We must believe this. Myself I am planning in having more kids, stuffing my mattresses, and when the time is right, escape to the mountains of the West. Or maybe engage in a life of anonymity. Hell my kid's school does not have my address. Beat them by doing your own personal secession.
YIH: I was talking to a friend about the movie Atlas shrugged Part I.
I've read the book and seen Part I of the movie.
Overall it was not a bad movie, and despite the fact that the book was a 'period piece' (circa 1955) it managed to plausibly set the scenario to about 2015. The producers of the first movie did quite well.
I agree. Their rewrite that places the film in 2016 was quite deft and perfectly acceptable with respect to keeping the plot on track (so to speak) and contemporary. The book's emphasis about railroads also makes mention of it perfectly on topic in this thread.
Also, the cinematography is just good enough to warrant seeing it in the theater. I had my friend watch Part 1 on YouTube and then we went and saw Part 2 on the big screen.
I will add that there is something gratifying about being in an auditorium of people who largely share the same Conservative view point. When the movie ended I had a bit of fun and asked people who had read the book to raise a hand. Well over 50% of those in attendance did. I then asked people to raise both hands if they had read the book twice. A few dozen more hands came up.
This inspired me to speak aloud about how the movie is probably a sole gateway for society's new "television generation" to obtain a 1,000 page book's message. Especially one so important and not easily grasped in this Politically Correct world.
Any fans of Ayn Rand should be immensely grateful to producers John Aglialoro, Harmon Kaslow and Jeff Freilich, along with director Paul Johansson for bringing this epic to the screen. I can only hope the producers will be rewarded for the eighteen years and twenty million dollars that were poured into this worthy project. Aglialoro has appealed to the "Christian Right, Libertarians, Objectivists" and other groups who should unite behind this effort and rightfully so. The linked article is a good read.
Is the film absolutely faithful to the book? How could it be? The movie would have to be six hours long in four parts, at least. Sadly, small but telling details are left out as in how Dagney remarks to Rearden about the total lack of billboards as they search for the 20th Century Motor factory. No mention is made of how flavorful the $-sign cigarettes are or how delicious the simple fare is at Professor Hugh Akston's diner. However, we can all be thankful that there is only one lonely Magic Negro™ (the character of Eddie Willers) in the entire movie.
Fortunately, the director and editor crafted the pivotal character of Francisco D'Anconia rather well. Best of all is how the protagonists all speak quite directly in clear, quantitative terms whereas every last government apparatchik cannot talk save in the most nebulous and vague manner even as they make their extortionist threats.
In this, the movie of "Atlas Shrugged" perfectly catches today's mealy-mouthed, bleeding heart Liberal political style. The producers even went so far as to mock 0bama with their "Fair Share" bill, echoing 0bama's regular use of those words.
Time and again this film demonstrates the modern triumph of style over substance. Is it any wonder that Hollyweird hates this flick? Finally, here is a link where John Stossel Discusses Atlas Shrugged Part 1.
Every DWL program to improve their serfs has made them more helpless. The insane pathologies of black society presently were outliers sixty years ago. Now they are a feature.
This is so. One thing about DWL ideology is the refusal of its adherents to recognize the epic fail of its policies. The massive rates of black illegitimacy, the disintegration of cities such as Detroit, the endless violent crime--all are ignored or rationalized away.
To salvage things, we must discredit DWL ideology--and come up with something better.
I don't ride the train often as more than a novelty since flying is so much more efficient. I've taken it up the eastern seaboard of the States just a few times and I've always found the ridership to be mixed. The employees of course, are QUITE black by and large as would be expected of anything that has even remotely to do with government subsidy. The exception being the Acela which is about as close as we have right now to high speed rail. The DC-NY-Boston Acela is QUITE White. I've ridden it twice again, more for just "taking the train" then anything else. The reason is thusly, it is not cheap. You can fly to those places for just about the same price range. Groids do not have the cash it requires to buy tickets for Acela. Of course, the porters on the train were the same as regular rail, this isn't surprising for the above reason.
Rail in the States is a much different animal than rail abroad not just because of Leroy and D'won though that IS a factor, as it is in all things TNB comes into contact with. The distances here are just vast. I spend as much time as I'm allowed in Eastern Europe, have been to Western Europe enough times, and have relatives in Japan. They simply cannot wrap their heads around our geography when they come here. They know the States are "big" but that does not register until you try to get from say DC to Houston, or DC to LA. Only Russians who travel a lot have an idea of the scope and scale of this nation. You can fit several European COUNTRIES inside Texas, that is an alien concept to them.
It is the one thing I cling to despite my overly fatalistic ideology about this place. This country is fucking HUGE and when the wheels come off finally. There will be lots of in between places that will be much like fighting a war in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan with unedcuated goat herders. Except that you may some "preppers" and Whites moving en-masse to one location. Someone talked about a "White reservation" this won't happen until the shit hits the fan. But at that time, things will change in a most chaotic manner and anything could happen. I take a "wait and see" approach for now...
That is a great observation Jay.
My wife being Korean took about 3-4 trips from Northern Va. to Central Pa. to wrap her head around the 3 1/2 hour trip that we left one state drove through another(Md.) and then drove another hour or so until we reached my parents.
You are correct most people have no idea the scale and varity of the US landscape.
America is truly different in important ways from the Old World (both West and East).
"Britons think a hundred miles is a long way. Americans think a hundred years is a long time."
I live in Japan and take trains all the time. From local to Shinkansen, they are all clean, quiet, and efficient.
Guess what: Japan doesn't import unskilled labor (no negroes); doesn't subsidize welfare parasitism (no negroes); and deports foreign criminals immediately upon conviction (no negroes). Alas, a few arrive and retain employment, but as soon as they act up, are out (no TNB). Add it up and you get pleasant passenger rail, nice schools, and safe streets. I point this out anytime fellow caucasians come to visit, and dare them to consider the implications of their DWL policies back home.
Civilization--America should try it sometime. 'Til then, I'll just stay & enjoy it over here
I used to deadhead on Amtrak all the time when I was with BNSF. Most of the engineers were white. Most of the conductors were black. I asked one if he had ever thought of moving over. He told me he'd taken the test three times and was never selected.
The food stinks and is horribly overpriced. That's management's fault.
Most of the black BNSF hoggers I worked with were not as sharp on rules but they could run a motor surprisingly smoothly. A couple were pretty remarkable in fact. None were people that really scared me: some of the white females and the college kids really did.
Off the job their lives were trainwrecks and even before I became a so called racist I never associated or hung out with them. They were also often astonishingly lazy. But to give them their due, they could run okay.
Anonymous said...
Off topic PK. Obama is wiping the floor with Romney in this latest debate. So much for your commentors stating White is greater/stronger, more intelligent than Black. I had believed it until I saw the reality of a single White vs a single Black and losing. I am leaving your site not to return. You guys /gals lied to me.
October 22, 2012 7:32 PM
I know this will make you feel better since you are feeling so betrayed-it doesn't seem to matter that Barry and his sycophant media mistook petulant and obnoxious for agressive and in command, because focus group after focus group of undecideds (including groups on CBS and CNN) who saw the debate said that whoever "won" the debate, the majority of these undecideds had now decided to vote for Romney. Now doesn't that warm you heart and make you feel better? I could tell that you were oh-so-concerned that Romney had blown it against Obozo's towering intellect, shining through his adolescent petulance and snarkiness. I know it would be difficult to believe that a mere businessman who saved the Utah Olympics, built and saved companies, invested in likely business ventures and made smart decisions in doing so, would dare to put his "puny white intellect" against the great black-community organizer! But according to the undecideds breaking for Romney, all's well that ends well, so fear not. (but you weren't really worried, were you? You just thought you'd sneak a little under the radar trolling in-a little "dig" at white intellectual superiority-well, you merely proved the nigger mentality, mistaking bluster and petulant aggression for the confidence of knowing the facts and the fundamentals-and the proof is in the undecideds breaking for Romney on the strength of rhis debate. Poor niggers, always mistaking the dross for the gold. Clue-everything that glitters is not gold. In fact, glitter-or as you know it, "bling" is really really glitzy. The real thing-gold-has a low subtle shimmer, but an oz of gold is worth a truckload of bling. Romney (and the undecideds breaking for him after this last debate) just proved that for you.
Now don't you feel muchbetter?
The biggest problem is Lobbyists. A little from car companies, but a lot from Boeing, SouthWest, etc.
Airfair would be at such a loss, it would be nonexisting in regional travel like NY to DC or LA to SF or DET to CHI, etc x 100.
This has been the reason we do not have regional bullet trains.
Source: a Big 3 exec wih 30+ years.
Are African Americans also Americans? Not in my opinion.
Most Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans would fight for China, India, or Mexico if they went to war with America. When was the last time you heard European American outside of this website?
Blacks are not Americans not because we say so, they aren't Americans because THEY say so. No one hates Americans (Whites) more than blacks.
Like Michelle Obama said, when they elected her husband as President was the FIRST time she was ever proud of her country.
"Though there are a lot of East Indians and quite a few East Asians I don't mind them, they are decent progressive people who work hard & don't cause any trouble." - Too bad they are already heavily in the democrat ethnic spoils camp.
you say amtrak is a jobs program? EVERY dept in the fed. gov. is a jobs program.
Anonymous said...
I live in Japan and take trains all the time. From local to Shinkansen, they are all clean, quiet, and efficient.
Guess what: Japan doesn't import unskilled labor (no negroes); doesn't subsidize welfare parasitism (no negroes); and deports foreign criminals immediately upon conviction (no negroes). Alas, a few arrive and retain employment, but as soon as they act up, are out (no TNB). Add it up and you get pleasant passenger rail, nice schools, and safe streets. I point this out anytime fellow caucasians come to visit, and dare them to consider the implications of their DWL policies back home.
Civilization--America should try it sometime. 'Til then, I'll just stay & enjoy it over here
October 23, 2012 6:48 PM
I've seen the video footage of one James "king tight" Blackstone literally chimping out on a Japanese train-swinging from handholds, bouncing around with his paws dragging the floor, thrusting his crotch at people, getting in the personal space of the bemused Japanese passengers (bemusement was the only emotion I could note, they were probably too polite to show the horror and disgust, possibly even some fear when their space was invaded, that they must have felt). This nigger's "homies" made a half-hearted attempt to stop him at the first, as he was proving that they really are the monkies some call them, but their inner chimp instincts took over and as they were filming him on their phones, they couldn't restrain their laughter at the amusement he provided them. A nigger has to be a nigger, just be patient and even the most "magic" negro won't be able to restrain rhe inner chimp forever.
This same "king tight" and one of his fellow "dancers" (for c*rapper Nikki Minaj, some negress who does that oooking, eeeking, spitting thing they call "rapping") was later arrested in Japan for the rape and murder of young Irish exchange student. She had no business putting herself in their vicinity, but they did what niggers do anytime and anywhere-destroy, especially what they can never create (such as a pretty blonde blue-eyed white female). She was young and dumb and full of diversity brainwashing, and became one of the many statistics which occur when these factors collide.
Yet that coward Lowry fired John Derbyshire for having the integrity and courage to tell whites the truth in his article "The Talk"! Not a word he spoke was untrue (though I choose to dismis his advice to have a couple of "magic negro" friends-I don't need negros of any kind in my life, and when it gets to the point (and it always gets to the point, just wait), none of them are "magic".
Fact-if this girl's parents had read Derbyshire's column and heeded his advice, she would be alive today. I don't mean to be callous, but that is the cold hard fact.
In 2000 I took a vacation trip to Buffalo NY when doing travel arrangements out I asked the agent ''can I do this via Amtrack?'' I don't like flying (I'm one of those, and remember this was pre-911, pre-TSA) the agent said ''yes, I can book you Orlando to Buffalo on Amtrack it will take you 18 hours and require a change of trains in NYC, and will cost about $300'' I said ''yikes! ok fly, OIA to BUF'' I was quoted ''Delta, 4 hours, $150'' so I flew. I can't say it was horrible (that would be Greyhound, I've done that too in the past) Interesting experience, going from 97 deg. mid-August FL to 81 deg. mid-August upstate NY seeing everyone around me fan themselves, bitch, moan, about ''how hot it was'' and I'm not even sweating :)
The reason I suggested rail was because I wanted to do it once in my life, just for the experience of it. But at twice the cost and what would have been as almost as miserable a trip as Greyhound? Nooooo thankyou.
Just for $#!+$ and giggles I went to the Amtrak site to price Orlando FL to Denver CO. Cost? $366. Travel time (according to the site) 67 hours 40 minutes. IRL three freaking days.
Fly? (Priceline) $427.20 round-trip.
Protip: Booking airfare, always go for round-trip ALWAYS. It's cheaper, even if you 'waste' the return trip, you'll do better than 'one-way'.
Travel time? 6 hours, 28 minutes.
NOT a good selling point, not that much cheaper for a lot more travel time. Even though I H-A-T-E flying, and getting strip-searched by People™ is awful (and Romney won't do a goddamn thing about that if he would promise to kill the TSA and stop muslims from coming to America for any reason Zero should start packing his bags for Hawaii right freaking now! It's over).
If you are going to go cross country on Amtrak, then reserve a sleeper car. Yes, it is more expensive, but it's much better for your sanity. You can see something off the old America when you pull into train stations, especially those few which have been preserved. And not having to deal with the TSA regime is worth the extra buck$.
Blck people have got to start banning together to create their own survival groups and organizations that will all them to rise above the negativity that is affecting their communities today. Blacks have more power than they realize. For example, money is power, combine enough dollars together and you have enough power to make or brake an organization. Many of the Careans and Chinese restaurants look down on black people and treat them as though they were scum. However, Blacks keep those same restaurants in business. Take Newark, NJ for example, if enough Blacks refuse to patronize chinese business the business would cease to exist. Get what I'm saying Black People.
STOP the maddness. Black people you have more power than you know. These so called haters come to our neighborhoods, they dispise and make their living off selling their products to Blacks. Start boycotting some of these businesses. Refuse to purchase a package of ketup from them. They don't want Blacks in their neighborhoods fine! KICK them out of ours and raise up our own entrepreneurs. I am so sick to death about other races belittling Blacks. Blacks take your heads out of the sand and do your own thing, the hell with the haters. Haters get the hell out of our neighborhoods and take your drugs and your liguor stores with you.
Surreen: Maybe you ought comment at a Black blog. Those are the people who should be listening to you.
I am a scientist. I do environmental geology for a living. I vote democrat and voted for Obama. That said, I find your remarks spot-on accurate. As a group, black Americans are a blight on society. For 25 years I have worked in black communities de-contaminating polluted sites so that they could be used to bring in new industry and jobs. I have worked with "community leaders" in the black community. I have never encountered a more racist, bigoted, crooked group of people in my life. I am sick to death of special rights for people based upon race. The harsh truth is, people who subscribe to common black culture embrace really horrible values, a sense of entitlement and have a lack of manners that is unique. Note I said "people who subscribe to common black culture"....its not the skin color - but the culture that is generally associated with it. Whites, Latinos and every other subclass of humankind you can identify often subscribes to black culture and adopts all the associated traits: loud, rude, aggressive, irresponsible, inconsiderate, supremely entitled, selfish, stupid and most of all...criminal and violent.
Black culture is a loathsome thing - and its a world-wide blight.
I was hoping to avoid traveling with such people by taking a train...guess I better try...hang gliders, sailboats or private limo.
"It seems like someone might be trying to argue that Blacks aren't American."
No, The fact is that blacks are not HUMAN. They are indeed a different species, and cannot be domesticated.
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