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November 7, 2012??? |
As I noted at Vdare.com today, what does this say about the way we view black people? [Riots If Obama Loses—And A Second Anti-White Kerner Commission?, Vdare Blog, Oct. 15, 2012]
Will there be riots if President Obama loses? This question is being seriously discussed on gun blogs, places like the Economic Collapse Blog and even (!) Free Republic. Alex Jones of Infowars.com and Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report have picked up the story. (The reclusive Drudge has told his close circle of confidantes: “Alex Jones has the pulse of the nation.”)
If Jones has the pulse of the nation, what does that say about how Americans view their black countrymen?
Perhaps the consumer purchases of Americans speak louder than the almost inaudible public discussion of what will happen when white people—America’s historic majority and founding population—become a minority.
The Wall Street Journal reported in mid-September that gun sales were rising and speculated that were Mr. Obama to be reelected that sales—already at record highs—would spike. [Gun Sales Hinge on Obama Re-Election, By Shelly Banjo, September 14, 2012]
The last time we had nationwide black riots, the Establishment doubled-down on blaming whites via the infamous Kerner Report. It said:
This is our basic conclusion: Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal. Reaction to last summer’s disorders has quickened the movement and deepened the division. Discrimination and segregation have long permeated much of American life; they now threaten the future of every American….Race prejudice has shaped our history decisively; it now threatens to affect our future.For the past 44 years, this report has shaped how the Establishment has viewed black failure to assimilate.
White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of World War II.[Kerner Commission Summary Report]
Perhaps the question shouldn’t be: will there be riots if Barack Obama loses on November 6th—but: what will the Establishment response be?
If it’s anything like the Kerner Report, it might be officially time to go off the grid.The history of America, post the implementation of Civil Rights in the 1960s has been this: white people abandon an urban area to blacks, flee to suburbs, creating prosperity in the process wherever they go. Meanwhile in the city whites abandon, black people elect a socialist black government that redistributes the dwindling tax revenues to create an artificial black middle through public employment; business and outside capital for investment in the city dries up; black people leave the city because of lack of job creation and head to suburbs.
Rinse and repeat (with the added of bonus gentrification by whites into the urban misery created by black rule, mysteriously making the city livable again).
Just when you think you have the answer, I go and change the question
People have it all wrong, asking if there will be riots if the scenario of Obama losing the electoral college plays out.The question should be, "Why are we expecting black people to riot if their candidate loses, and what does this say about." Only a bigot would believe that black people would riot over Obama losing if there wasn't evidence of extreme racial narcissism from black people to support this theory. And a demonstrable lack of impulse control that is on display wherever black people reside in the United States (thanks YouTube and WorldStarHipHop!!).
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Idle threats shouldn't be enough to cause this much fear; the behavior of blacks in the past, though, is enough |
Mayor Coleman Young of Detroit, the first black mayor of that late, great city, put it best when he said, "I'm black first, a Democrat second."
Black people view themselves as black people first; Africans second; and American third, if at all. (an individual a majority does not make, so don't go bragging about how you know a "good black" who bucks this trend; you moved far away from the urban hellhole you work in to escape blacks who you fail to label in such superlative terms).
That the African Diaspora in America threatens to riot if they don't get their way come November (and that white people are buying massive amounts of guns and ammo - unlike after the black riots of the late 1960s, when gun stores were inundated after the black riots) and that respectable sites like The Drudge Report are popularizing this already popular scenario on gun and survival blogs and right-wing sites should forever end the idea that we can continue living under the rule of the Kerner Report.
Like Treaty of Versailles, which placed all the blame for The Great War on Germany, the Kerner Report placed all the blame for the inability for black people to assimilate and abide by the law on white racism. In the process, the report absolved blacks from any wrongdoing and has governed the affairs of the nation since.
If black people riot [New Threats to Riot if Obama Loses Election,
Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars (linked as the main story on The Drudge Report), Oct. 15, 2012], the question then becomes: how does the establishment respond?
How will Conservatism Inc. respond (probably by pointing to the few blacks who voted for Mitt Romney and pushing them to the fore-front)?
If they double-down and blame whites again, it's time to give up on the United States of America: at that point, it will be unmistakable that this government in Washington is nothing more than a left-wing, egalitarian, anti-white force that threatens... the very existence of European people.
If they burn their 'hoods down again, do we even have enough money to rebuild them this time?
Maybe this is all a ploy by the elites. Romney selected ... nationwide chimpout ... mass migration/importation of groids into the suburbs ("the poor darlings have nowhere to GO") ...
I'm sure 99% of white Christian football fans would never catch on. They're dumb like that.
I have did my part to bring on the black riots. I voted for Romney/Ryan and I voted only for Republicans on the ticket. My state has already started voting. If I had only the choice of a Demoncrat I did not vote for any candidate.
Any of you living in any city with better than 50% black population might want to consider a few days in the countryside starting on the 5th. It could be Hell east of the Mississippi come Nov. 7th.For any of you Walking Dead fans out there, this may be the closest you come to living in a similar world.
The cops are much more powerful now then back in the sixties. The question is how far they will let the riots go before they crack down. The other side is coloreds have it pretty good right now so I'm not sure they'd risk rioting.
I was in London when the blacks rioted in Aug 2011.I did'nt leave my hotel room for two days.Start making your plans now,d'ont end up like that truck driver in L.A.,who's name escapes me.
Anonymous @ 8:37:
You're thinking of Reginald Denny.
It's all trash talk. I don't think blacks are going to do a damned thing when The One is turned out. The Romnoid will cement the deal by putting Thunderbird on the EBT card. He's no threat to the liberal plantation.
I can't help but wonder what an Italian like Kerner was thinking when he wrote up that report.
...these people have been waiting a long time to have a massive violent riot...a LONG time...
everyone needs to be prepared
This is where I have the most conflict; I want the riots so that people can be reminded of the true nature of the beast which a Romney election can provide, but I also want the country to economically collapse which Obama will do. The problem in the second scenario is that there is no guarantee white people will wake up, where the rioting scenario might make them wake up. Truth be told so many white people are so stupid and such dopey bleeding hearts on both sides (liberals and conservatard christo-insanos), blaming blacks for what they have done will never happen. There will always be an excuse for the poor little negroes, and blame of white people until the end of time. I mean look at how they still rake us over the coals because of the injuns, and it has been 500 years.
Romney it is! Let's stir this pot!
The following is not mine but is
comment 15 by the indefatigable
"Subotai Bahadur" at the Belmont
Club bloc, "The Co-Candidate"
A shorter version of what he
has been saying for months:
Campaigns have limited lives; when politics is something that is indulged in between peacefully making a living and a life. When the legitimacy of the political system breaks down [How many here believe that it is quite possible that either the results of the election will be falsified, the election stands a chance of being cancelled, or that the Left may well refuse to yield power if they lose? Or that there are two very different legal systems for those favored and those disfavored? Your trust in the legitimacy of the political system is not complete, which means its illegitimacy has to be considered part of the equation. ], the struggle for power becomes constant and it is a war. The means will more and more closely approach the brute force approach that precedes the establishment of a political system. Pure Power is the means, and the goal.
Most of the people I know have long accepted that this election is but a turning point on a very long and dangerous road.
What if BHO loses and the Darks don't riot? For a certainty, there will be a bump in the rate of vandalism and arson and in attacks on Whites, but keep in mind that every city with more than a few Blacks will have their police standing by. It would be hugely embarrassing to the Multi-cult to have the Black's unfitness for self-government laid out so clearly, so I would expect them to take measures to restrain their pets beforehand. Be prepared, but don't let's make fools of ourselves with excessive certainty.
Maybe this is what the FEMA camps were prepared for... :)
"james wilson said...
It's all trash talk. I don't think blacks are going to do a damned thing when The One is turned out. The Romnoid will cement the deal by putting Thunderbird on the EBT card. He's no threat to the liberal plantation. "
Agreement. You have a couple high bravado peacocks trying to primp and preen on social media showing how TNB they can be. There will be a few isolated incidents and they will be crushed under the mighty boots of a militarized law enforcement.
As Mr. Wilson said, they know they will still be on the dole under Mittens. Neither of these political parties is going to pull the plug on "BRA Life Support" by cutting welfare, EBT, corruption, or any of it.
Expect an absolutely non-spectacular event, if you are expecting the pop-off of the big race war, you will be in for boredom.
Unlike the UK Riots of yesteryear the police here are not sackless barely armed "encouragers". The UK police just sort of "encouraged" you to move along, and not steal as much!
Our current LEOs are chomping at the bit to use all their fancy new toys compliments of DHS. Any rioting groids will be "educated" as we use to call it when I was still stupid enough to have close interaction. With prejudice... I assure you.
I live in Chicago, and I feel there is absolutely nothing wrong with having several extra gallons of water and a few boxes of meal replacement bars in the closet along with 1000 rounds of ammo just in case.
Anonymous said...
The cops are much more powerful now then back in the sixties. The question is how far they will let the riots go before they crack down. The other side is coloreds have it pretty good right now so I'm not sure they'd risk rioting.
October 16, 2012 8:31 AM
Please allow me to share my perspective, based on my unique experience (with the second half of your post addressed first):
1. They riot when their favorite teams loses, they riot when their favorite team wins. They riot when the newest Nike show is released. If they thought they were going to actually suffer, stand by.
2. The cops on the street may have more and better equipment than in the past, but their leadership positions are staffed with a lot of backstabbing, ass-kissing, palace intrigue types who all want to be chief. The joke on my department was, "What's the difference between the Boy Scouts and (the cops)? The Boy Scouts have adult leadership."
Plus, the second that one cop fires a shot from a real firearm, the groids will see that as an excuse for the AKs to come out of hiding. The cops, who aren't fools, would break and run from a riot formation in order to save their own lives. The situation would then spiral out of control.
Here's one guy's take on it.
Black riots almost always happen because of police actions (or derivatives thereof, e.g. first O.J. verdict), or sports championships. I've never heard of blacks anywhere rioting over an election.
No black riots if Obama loses. Unless it's close, and Sharpton & Jackson egg on protests, and there's some questionable police action in response to the protests. Then, kaboom. At that point, the proximate causation will be police, not election.
One more thing: I happen to think that these sudden "mainstream media" stories about "blacks riot if Obama loses" are coming from Obama, in an attempt to intimidate white voters who live among or near the black undertow.
It's worth picking up a copy of the Kerner Commission report and then seeing it in light of today's headlines. Among other things, the US has implemented just about every last one of its recommendations. The results? Well, these are well known to readers of SBPDL. Epic Fail.
If we see another round of rioting, then what? Do DWLs admit their own failure (unlikely)? Do they ratchet up the social engineering (more likely)? Or do enough Americans wake up to make a difference (perhaps)?
Of course, to talk about more urban violence misses a point. Blacks have been rioting non-stop since the civil rights era. The Rodney King fracas is an egregious example, but we have also seen urban dust-ups such as in Cincinnati in 2001. Plus the flash mobs, and the drive-bys, and the massive stats on black-on-white violence (while white-on-black violence is minimal). It's been low level urban guerrilla warfare, and we have to look at the DWL role in this. Their constant banging the drum about black "oppression" and white "privilege." It comes down to agitprop to stir up the proles. Maybe it is part of a larger global trend. "Youths" rioting in Britain. "Youths" burning cars in Europa. "Youths" chanting Kill-the-Boer-Kill-the-Farmer. It's like a war, but only one side seems to be fighting.
As for Blacks voting for Obama en masse: last election, there was the novelty of the man, which might explain some of the turn out. And also, a lot of people thought he was an alternative to Bush II re the PATRIOT ACT, assorted global wars, humongous deficit spending, etc. Didn't turn out to be much of a difference on those scores. New sock puppet, same boss.
Still, there is a lot of support for Obama based on the color-of-skin (tm) as opposed to content-of-character (tm). I may be stretching this, but in Africa it has been common for elections (when they occur) to be based on ethnic/tribal lines. While political parties may have fancy titles, they are a mechanism to mobilize tribal members for grabbing their share of loot from the government for redistribution down to their villages and townships. Perhaps we are seeing a carry over here into the New World.
There is some implication for democracy in America. If blacks are voting for candidates based on color-of-skin (tm), then electioneering in the traditional sense of choosing the best man for the job is dead.
Now where is that "Mugabe for Prez" button?
Anonymous notes:
The cops are much more powerful now then back in the sixties. The question is how far they will let the riots go before they crack down. The other side is coloreds have it pretty good right now so I'm not sure they'd risk rioting.
It's certainly true the cops are considerably more militarized than in the 1960s. They were (not to the degree) also more militarized back in 1992 for the Rodney King riots. The white command structure basically chose withdrawal instead of confrontation, which was also the case in London last year. The full jackboot is reserved for stomping on YT's face.
One more thing: I happen to think that these sudden "mainstream media" stories about "blacks riot if Obama loses" are coming from Obama, in an attempt to intimidate white voters who live among or near the black undertow.
Excellent point. You seem to understand that Faux News and other elements of "Conservatism, Inc." are part of the Ministry of Truth. It would not surprise me in the least if the threats of groid rioting were emanating from D'Won on d'downlow's campaign HQ. Pure Alinskyism.
The real enemies are the commies amongst us who led the "civil rights movement" and who have fostered all these racial problems.
I've been saying for months that the likelihood of a mega-chimpout will be quite high if Romney wins in a 2000-like 'squeaker' but will be muted if it's a solid win for either.
But don't be surprised if there is sporadic violence election night especially after the 'projected winner' is announced. If People™ go ape$#!+ over NFL teams winning or Nike shoes the odds are the victory (or defeat) of the ultimate ''African tribal big man'' will likely do it too.
That said, while I find Alex Jones' show entertaining (in a 'car wreck on the freeway' sort of way) I don't take much stock in his 'tinfoil hat' stuff or what often sounds like a cokehead (Y'now, lay down with dogs, get up with fleas) ranting.
But when Drudge started taking note (and if I were him, I'd be getting in my car and either going north on 95 or south on US1 that afternoon. Dade county is a likely place for all hell to break loose) it got the attention it deserves.
I'm not too worried myself, I live in one of the Whiter counties of FL, doubt things will be much of a problem.
Good article but it's already too late. It's time to secede now, it's time to quit feeding the monster with tax dollars.
Even if Romney wins, he is as bad as Obama, maybe even worse. Romney does not care about traditional America or traditional Americans.
Learn the lesson from the old Star Trek series in the episode "The Trouble With Tribbles"
When you feed a tribble you don't get a fat tribble, you just get more tribbles.
Until the blacks are cut off from us and from the feeding troth everything will just keep getting much worse.
As much as I hated to see the white farmers in Zimbabwe and South Africa killed in recent years I sadly have to point out that it was through their own efforts and success that nurtured the murderous beasts around them.
Let it be a lesson to one and all, the blacks have no gratitude to anyone, especially the hands which feeds them.
Quit feeding the monsters!
Moolies riot? Good, time to rub the DWL's faces in the facts of what the moolies truly are.
My neighborhood will be perfectly fine. Might have some periodic loud noises, pay them no mind.
Excellent article PK, you are a modern day Thomas Paine and SBPDL is today's "Common Sense." There is another component to this story that is not being addressed, and that is the Hispanic population. We have seen them protest against our immigration laws and any attempt to remove illegal alien invaders from our shores. How will they react to a Mittens victory? These savages are not much different than the blacks. They absolutely hate the white man and vote in huge numbers for obama, simply because obama does not appear to be white. IF the blacks start rioting, I guarantee a large number of hispanics will join in, especially on the West Coast and the South. The hispanics would definitely feel that a Mittens victory was bad news for them, and they know how to organize unlike the blacks. Hell, it's not outside the realm of possibilities for the hispanics to start the riots. They rioted in Anaheim a couple of months ago when the cops killed a couple of mexican gang bangers. Mexicans also rioted like crazy the last time the Lakers won the championship.
Laker Riots (Taxi Fire Incident)
Lakers Riot 2010 Unlawful Revelers
I am open to the idea that the whole riot thing is a tool of the MSM as someone above suggested. It makes sense, but really do you think that the threat of blacks rioting would dissuade White people from voting? At any rate it doesn't matter WHO votes, it only matter WHO COUNTS the votes if you catch my drift. I still think that there are going to be massive riots when Oh loses. WHY wouldn't they riot? What else are they going to do? Black people see a black face in the white house and take it as a sign that they have "won." Nothing matters more to these thugs than getting "respect." Obama being replaced in the white house by a White face like Romney's will be seen as the ultimate "disrespect" to black people. They feel that they have come so far since slavery (LOL!) and that a change from a black face to a White face to them is like going back to the fields. They are extremely emotional creatures with extremely low impulse control. They will act out. Nothing is certain except death, taxes, and black rioting when they are disrespected.
Regarding Otto Kerner (of Kerner Commission fame): "Kerner was convicted on 17 counts of mail fraud, conspiracy, perjury, and related charges.[1] The federal bribery counts were dismissed. He was sentenced to three years in federal prison in Chicago and fined $50,000. Faced with almost certain impeachment, he resigned his position on the federal bench on July 22, 1974."
If negroes riot, President-elect Romney will no doubt bend over backwards to "heal the rift between Black and White America." In other words, the Etch-a-Sketch comes out and white "conservatives" once again realize that Lucy has pulled the football away from Charlie Brown. On the other hand, conservatives are so stupid that it will probably not until Romney's 3rd year in office before they realize they've been hosed again.
The festivities will soon begin. We need to take note what will the official police response be? No matter what happens the dye is cast there should be at least some minor rioting and or demonstrations that get out of hand. Maybe the "Flash Mobs" will tick an increase for a bit? But what will the official police reaction be?
How will the media handle this information? Does anyone else notice a slight lean more towards the center from the media as of late? Even with all the manipulation seems as though the media is late but trying to follow the general American consensuses things have gone way too far to the Left.
Blacks will be black no separating them from their baser behavior but how will the BRA Machine react?
Black people are not trying to riot over Obama. He is not worth it, neither is Mitt Robme. This country is going to shit either way...
This country is a joke.
The election is a dog and pony show between two corporate controlled puppets.
You're going to need more than a few morons and suckers wearing a flag lapel and a "I voted" sticker to start a riot.
-Black guy
Being as they are a race/culture that is inherently non-violent, I expect the negroes to display a kitten-like gentleness once their little mugabe is sent packing.
Ex New Yorker here...Having been in NY during the 1977 black out riots (look it up on the internet) I know the Mau Mau does not really need an excuse to loot and steal. It could turn into a "mob rob" on steroids. It will be free shopping day at Foot Locker and Walmart plus any other place that has what they need to "get fresh" (new clothes).
Of course they will burn down their own neighborhoods. I have a friend that was on the Fire Department in Omaha during the riots. On every fire call the truck went through a gauntlet of rocks and bottles when driving by a black neighborhood.
If they riot in California I think the Mexicans will kill all of them. Florida will get crazy because the Cubans also have no love for blackie. The cops will be in the thick of it and might just start blowing the fuckers away. If there is any body out there that knows what the blacks are like it is the cops. They have to deal with this garbage on a daily basis. I remember the Attica Prison riot. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.
Get up a stash of food just in case and of course some body armor if you are living in or near a coon zone. Try and stay off the streets during election night.
I won't be voting for either one of these clowns. I don't vote for PIG SHIT no matter what color they are. Fuck them.
What bothers me is that these jive ass hip hop neanderthals might riot even if their boy does win the SELECTION. If your stashing aside some food, don't forget to buy toilet paper. It will be nice to be able to wipe your ass as Atlanta burns to the ground.
"What bothers me is that these jive ass hip hop neanderthals might riot even if their boy does win the SELECTION."
Neanderthals were intelligent and it should come as no surprise that Neanderthal DNA is not found in sub-Saharan Africoons.
That being said...Come on feel the noise!!!
A quintessential Cassandra checking in:
Romney won't win. He can't.
He's running against [a selected not elected] Chicago Thug. Even better, a black one.
Never underestimate the Chicago Democratic Thug Machine's™ability to win the election of one of their own...by hook or by crook......more often the latter.
Add in the votes of DWLs, crazed feminists with black men sexual fantasies, illegals with "motor voter" privileges, pets, Walt Disney characters, and dead people, the fix is in.
Damn, wish were I not so gloomy about this.
Bogolyubski: The full jackboot is reserved for stomping on YT's face.
"I can't help but wonder what an Italian like Kerner was thinking when he wrote up that report."
LOL...another good one, Phalluster. The "Unmentionables" are always stirring the pot - as planned.
"nameispointless said...
A quintessential Cassandra checking in:
Romney won't win. He can't.
He's running against [a selected not elected] Chicago Thug. Even better, a black one.
Never underestimate the Chicago Democratic Thug Machine's™ability to win the election of one of their own...by hook or by crook......more often the latter.
Add in the votes of DWLs, crazed feminists with black men sexual fantasies, illegals with "motor voter" privileges, pets, Walt Disney characters, and dead people, the fix is in.
Damn, wish were I not so gloomy about this."
Don't bet those in control have not seen the frustration and decided on placing a new talking suit in the position.
Pres. Obama has not placated the blacks he has embolden them.
Trial junkie here. The real big black riots pretty much ended after the spring of 1968, and didn't occur again until the Rodney King riots in 1992. I saw a quote from an unnamed Nixon administration employee in a news magazine. The reason the riots had stopped was: "You riot against your friends. Mitchell (Nixon's Attorney General) means business."
Actually, the Nixon administration didn't change things very much, but blacks at some level knew it was safer to riot with democrats in power.
Start making your plans now,d'ont end up like that truck driver in L.A.,who's name escapes me.
Reginald Denny............
and remember, LA has few blacks, % wise.
Zenster said...
Bogolyubski: The full jackboot is reserved for stomping on YT's face.
As a umm, "former Jackbooter" (I feel dirty for even saying it but I was younger and not wise then) beleive me when I tell you one thing. The Lord of the Rings Motif for our current situation is SO FUCKING APPROPO, you have no idea...
I never connected the dots until recently but as much as we use "orcs" here, the whole paradigm fits.
I have 2 points then I will shut up (for now)
1) Don't doubt that I agree with you but the Uruk-Hai have just been birthed out of shit. They need to "test" their weapons and some shitty little nigger goblins are the perfect test. (Baltimore gang bangers vs. DHS equipped police orcs, see LOTR "The Two Towers" for the beginning of this animosity between the two.)
2) The entire motif, it fits to a level that is almost scary to me.
Let us talk about it---
Orcs- Big bred nigger bucks. They are not slaves anymore, they hold powerful weapons and are deployed in most major metropolitan areas. In places close to me DC/Balimore they are the majority and have a license to kill, harass, shakedown as provided by Sauruman the White. (DWL leaders). Soft faggot ass white leaders have bred these strong orcs and armed them for the coming war of Middle Earth.
Elves- A race far far beyond what exists now, understand they will be annihilated. They sail for ships into the West (expatriate), and leave Middle Earth to Men (browns). They look like we use to look. Light hair, light skin, light eyes. Blessed with intelligence beyond mortals, and long life. But they see the coming apocalypse under the Dark Lord, so they choose to leave, en masse.
Then we have the hobbits, tiny small hardworking people who value family and community. But they will also be consumed by the Army of Isengard. The White Tower, where DWLs uplift the Orcs to higher status. In the West (read UK) another army brews stirred by Sauron. Mass importation of Muslims with their customs, heritage, prejudices, and Sharia Law.
And just like this triology, men and elves shall be trapped in the middle of it all.
Thanks to all of you for using the word "orcs" here that made me rewatch these films recently and understand what Tolkien talked about long ago. Light vs. Dark then, isn't it??
When the "youths" riot the mainstream media will pay it scant attention and downplay it as merely a few disgruntled "youths" venting frustration.
Obviously white people will be suffering attacks terribly, it is only when white people start to defend themselves, that the media will cover it in depth.
They will spin it as evil racists open fire on innocent "youths", giving the wanton "youth" destruction a legitimacy and justification. The media propaganda machine will spin like it has never done before
The police will use full force on the white community, who will also be portrayed as domestic terrorists. Our people will be decimated, our women abused.
If you wanted to undermine and remove the biggest threat to socialism, which would be the European caucasian majorty, this would be the most opportune time, and one like it may never come again.
You must speak to your neighbours and organise a community. Stick together and watch each others backs. Place your trust in Christ Jesus brothers and sisters.
can ya imagine if 'we' had a black prez?
this guys got a white mom!
This (s)election, win or lose, will definitely not be the end of BRA.
The blacks may shit in their own nest by destroying some ghetto real estate, but that's about it. There probably won't be much spillover into white neighborhoods.
Three weeks and counting.
Where I live, there is a large minority of darks. They live, for the most part, in their own areas segregated from white neighborhoods. They are of the "sad sack" variety who wouldn't have the iniative to riot, they never have. They barely have the initiative to do the little they have to do to collect their "entitlements".
I don't doubt that one or two sh*t-stirrers could come down and change that if they tried hard enough, but unless it's a matter of "gibmes", they just don't care.
Heck, one of our majority-black counties voted to keep the Confederate saltire in our state flag. (We kept our flag).
The further north in this state you go (closer to Memfrica, Ole Miss, etc), the more rowdy they can be and the more "PC" things get, at least in the immediate area.
But we still stay armed and prepared just because of the criminal element. We finally stopped "trick or treating" in our white neighborhood because the darks from Section 8 apt housing were targeting us in large numbers, and a good many of them were "children" like little St Trayvon was a "child". The police even started patrolling the neighborhood Halloween night, but it was just too much-large crowds of darks of all sizes hitting up houses-sometimes more than once-for their gibmes.
So now we all turn out all the lights and don't answer the door. Parents have parties for the neighborhood children instead, that is, those who celebrate Halloween in the first place.
We had minimal looting problems after Katrina-a few nigs with old shopping buggies roaming around looking for crimes of opportunity-but everyone was armed and keeping watch on their own property and that of their neighbors. My own stepson chased off a nig who made so bold as to pretend he knew my stepson's neighbor, and went into his garage to "borrow" a bike.
The local police had their hands full with other fish to fry, and were amenable to the citizenry handling keeping order for ourselves.
They still congregate here for "Black Beach Week", but it's become pretty much a non-event because the police don't cut them any slack. They tow cars like nobody's business. I think it will fizzle out before many more years, because they can't have the kind of "fun" nigs like to have. They mostly stll straggle down here just to show us that they can, but that gets old for nigs, having to restrain their inner chimp and refrain from TNB.
the blacks will twitter their rallying points, they will pick a mall, or large box store and they will overwhelm the security, terrorize the whites and cause mayham so they can "theirs"...since BaRACK never delivered much except for food stamps, subsidized housing and free phones...
they are going to get "som ov dat" clothes, electronics, shoes and general items that were not handed out from the administration...
I would be VERY careful about venturing into a place that could be a collection point for these violent feral people.
i would also not participate in Halloween...
dressing up as trevon (which is to be a popular funny (heh heh) costume for this year) as a trick or treater may sound funny...but it is actually a uniform for terrorists
Jay in DC: I really enjoyed your "LOTR - The Two Towers" analogy. As a fan of the books and movies, I found your comments to be good reading.
Fun news out of corrupt, black-run BURMIN-HAM. I live in a suburb of this glowing example of black-run metropolis.
Birmingham school board President Edward Maddox is resigning due to two warrants being issued against him for using his position for personal financial gain or financial gain of a family member. (SHOCKING!) But notice this misleading headline on the mainstream blog.al.com website:
"Updated: Birmingham school board President Edward Maddox to resign, attorney says". As if he were resigning just for the heck of it! Makes it sound so innocent, doesn't it?
A more HONEST headline would say "Typical Corrupt Birmingham School Board Representative Edward Maddox to Resign Due to (Unsurprising) Corruption Warrants Issued." Like most mainstream media "reporters", I would guess Melanie Leech is your typical Disingenuous White Liberal.
I am currently writing up a clever comment to post to the article after work. Thanks to sites like this, I've got plenty of facts, references, and anecdotes - both from PK and the clever folks who comment on SBPDL - and can't wait for the irrational blowback from blog.al.com commentors.
On a related note, on my local news channel, ABC 33/40, we had video footage of the black mayor of Birmingham speaking to Birmingham classrooms full of negro chillrun about the virtues of the civil rights movement. How is this relevant today considering black people run Birmingham AND the Birmingham school board?. Hey, negroes, isn't it time to stop squawking about civil rights when you WON? The liberal generation ahead of mine owes Bull Connor a huge apology. Maybe I'll add this to my comments later, heh.
-- Your Burmin-ham reporter, WW_ME.
More rational, thoughtful comments from a clear-thinking black female politician in black-run BURMIN-HAM (or a suburb thereof).
"Irondale Mayor Tommy Joe Alexander called a 'racist' and 'part of the devil' by challenger James Stewart's wife (with video*)."
Check this out:
"Irondale mayoral challenger, James Stewart's wife, had harsh words for Mayor Tommy Joe Alexander, Tuesday. 'I figured you've been a part of the Devil for a long time,' Kimberly Stewart told him."
Part of the devil, she says. Obviously, Tommy Joe Alexander used white devil voodoo to win the election.
This uppity black bitch is obviously crazier than a shit house rat. Perfect for BURMINHAM politics.
*Looks like video and link to story has been shut down. Typical. She made a complete fool of herself. I'll try to find it on youtube.
BURMINHAM black-run politics is getting crazier than Atlanta's. I see it every night on my ABC 33/40 news channel. At least there's a black-on-black murder every night reported, so that always cheers me up.
"Orcs- Big bred nigger bucks. They are not slaves anymore, they hold powerful weapons and are deployed in most major metropolitan areas. In places close to me DC/Balimore they are the majority and have a license to kill, harass, shakedown as provided by Sauruman the White. (DWL leaders). Soft faggot ass white leaders have bred these strong orcs and armed them for the coming war of Middle Earth.
Elves- A race far far beyond what exists now, understand they will be annihilated. They sail for ships into the West (expatriate), and leave Middle Earth to Men (browns). They look like we use to look. Light hair, light skin, light eyes. Blessed with intelligence beyond mortals, and long life. But they see the coming apocalypse under the Dark Lord, so they choose to leave, en masse.
Then we have the hobbits, tiny small hardworking people who value family and community. But they will also be consumed by the Army of Isengard. The White Tower, where DWLs uplift the Orcs to higher status. In the West (read UK) another army brews stirred by Sauron. Mass importation of Muslims with their customs, heritage, prejudices, and Sharia Law."
by J in DC
You can carry it even further with the liberals sitting around saying "It doesn't matter what happens beyond our borders, keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble will come to you." I would fully expect Liberals in Middle Earth to be standing at the Black Gate with signs saying "Baby Milk Factory" and acting as human shields. Hobbit females who have married Orcs and have a litter of half Orc babies shouting, "Give Peace a Chance!" while academics try to close the "achievement gap" of little Orcs in schools.
As to riots, Orcs riot on the flimsiest of excuses. They have huge numbers of trained Orcs ready for widespread riots and have been talking about rioting for months. In 1992, a very well trained and equipped police dept (L.A.) found itself involved in 200 firefights simultaneously and responded by retreating. Fire and medic services were fired upon and by the second day the Orcs were raping and burning merely for the fun of it. A crushing victory by Romney will give them the perfect excuse to indulge in widespread rapine.
I hope I am wrong, but creatures who will riot over shoes or Section 8 vouchers will freak over having their tribal leader deposed. Please note that under Obama, Whites have been brought low in every way imaginable, including losing access to their Justice system. Zimmerman was only an example and we are all Zimmerman's now.
If Obama loses, look for him to enact one of his Executive orders suspending the rights of all citizens "in times of great national distress" with no debate allowed for a period of six months or more as a result of widespread hoodrat violence and rioting.
Also look for the MSM to spin the rioting as "disenfranchised blacks responding to historical white racism and unequal treatment."
Thereafter, the howls for vastly increased entitlement programs and gibsmedat will reach a fever pitch. Whitey has to pay his "fair share" to overcome the inequities of the past by transferring his wealth to worthless niggas in da hood.
On a related note, on my local news channel, ABC 33/40, we had video footage of the black mayor of Birmingham speaking to Birmingham classrooms full of negro chillrun about the virtues of the civil rights movement. How is this relevant today considering black people run Birmingham AND the Birmingham school board?. Hey, negroes, isn't it time to stop squawking about civil rights when you WON?
Because "civil rights" doesn't mean to them what it means in the dictionary. It's the accepted euphemism for black power, wealth redistribution, anything a nig wants. That's why the better term for any non-nig to use is "snivel rights". Means the same thing.
Don't worry everyone. President Obama will win this November.
There is some shortsighted thinking taking place on this board and some damn pessimism that will kill us.
Will the Negroes riot and increase the anti-white crime by several multiples of current rates if Romney wins particularly if narrowly? Yes. Will the Establishment politicians and media cover it up and spin it as best they can? Yes.
So what. The politicians and media spin the current outrages but news gets out and thanks to the fine work of people like PK more people come to know the reality of the Negroes daily. Our response to counter their misinformation must increase. When the Negroes riot we have to be there with video cameras to capture it for distribution. When the politicians and media ignore the riots and crime we have to step up and increase our efforts.
They are only unbeatable if we give up.
As the Mark Duggan riots in London showed us HD televisions are becoming more widely available so there might be free televisions obtained even if Obama wins.
But... If you don't vote thats a vote for Obama!
Yes, there probably will be some riots. I'm in a black neighborhood, and will have the fam and anything worth keeping somewhere else for a bit come election time.
That said, I'm waiting for the WHITE crowd to turn around this conversation - the enemy here, I believe, is not the generations of enabled and inherited crappy culture. I'd like more attention pointed at the enablers.
The Liberal agenda has long included a hate for Blacks, and figured out a long time ago that putting them on the dole with a zero-cost fiat currency was a good way to keep them caged.
The Blacks aren't going to bite the hand feeding them, so it will take an enormous effort on the part of Whites to point out to the Blacks that the handouts are killing them. Keep hammering that point, and maybe we can turn some attention to the folks pulling the strings and playing the races off each other.
To me, heaping hate on Blacks is playing the game like a rube, and not getting to the root of the problem, which is the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, the IMF, the Council on Foreign Relations... we have a ONE party system. It's a big club, and you ain't in it.
Romney will win.
The groids will riot.
Some whites will be murdered and the Obongo gubmint will do nothing.
Then, when wind-up toy Romney takes office and does something, anything that looks like justice, the groids will explode.
Today we have many groups based solely on supporting one race over another, yet it’s considered ok as long as they are not white.
Well, finally, blacks get their wish. I do not judge them by the color of their skin, but by the judgement of their character.
Yeah, many comparisons to the trilogy and our situation, although I think the semitic and asian races represent the "southrons" that allied themselves with Sauron.
Two items of mine concerning this "riot" scenario.
1. I work for Dr. Evil at one of the largest agencies in his umbrella of chaos. Our salaries are solidly middle class, and some, using disabled and military entitlements, have upper middle class incomes. Over half of the employees are black, and every single one I have heard mention Romney say they are going to riot if he gets elected. I just had a guy that sits next to me (former artillery nco) say he is buying a bunch of assault rifles because he was so mad about last night's debate. He didn't like the fact that Romney was a white alpha male and got in his orc messiah's face. I don't think they are too serious, because they have too much at stake. Having a mortgage and kids in college do not make the rioter.
However; this all leads me to believe that the propped-up black middle class may not riot, but they will instigate riots of their lower class orc brothers. They will not be organized on a mass scale, but may be bloody. I am taking the whole election week off. Bug out bags, escape plans, and weapons have been prepared for my family, if the situation is untenable. I will not go quietly into the night.
2. I have other close friends that work for Dr. Evil in other agencies and they have told me that the military is establishing contigencies for possible unrest after the election. This includes reserve call-ups to man interstate and highway check points. They are taking no chances. They also tell me that many in the military do not like el Presidente.
Elves- A race far far beyond what exists now, understand they will be annihilated. They sail for ships into the West (expatriate), and leave Middle Earth to Men (browns). They look like we use to look. Light hair, light skin, light eyes. Blessed with intelligence beyond mortals, and long life.
Just couldn't help yourself, could ya? ;) Real subtle.
Anyway, close, kiddo, but no cigar. The analogy fails at several important points:
1) Aman was ruled by beings who were at once extremely powerful and benevolent. Any country the "elves" flee to will have neither.
2) Aman was completely secure from foreign invasion and even influence, so the orcs and even Sauron had no hope of ever setting foot there. Not only are orcs this very minute trickling into your new country, some other fools are actually moving to places where non-elves run the show.
3) Your "men" despise the "elves" as much as the orcs do.
4) Tolkien wasn't a defeatist. Maybe you got the ending mixed up The Camp of the Saints?
You definitely get an E for effort, though.
Otto Kerner Jr. was a German American Gentile. Is that the "unmentionable" in all of this? Is that the what the Italian joke was about. That a Gentile wrote the report? You know those German American Gentiles, always behind the scenes and stirring the pot and plotting.
I just saw a headline declaring that Tuesday's mud wrestling match was a "game changer" and that BHO is in the driver's seat again, blah blah blah. Am I the only one who feels like the whole circus has been orchestrated to keep up the suspense until the very end? That it's just another TV show?
@James Wilson: LoL!! Romney sealing the deal with a bribe of putting thunderbird and md 20/20 on EBT cards.. LOL
November is well out of the prime rioting season. Blacks seem to prefer rioting in warm weather. Should Romney win, I don't expect any disturbances right away. Instead, the simmering discontent will break out next spring or summer upon some pretext or another.
By the way, George Zimmerman goes on trial next June.
One good thing about a massive black riot is white people will think twice about electing a Negro again.
Blah, Blah, Blah. Blah,Blah,Blah. You must be a real winner in person.
Coming from the Midwest state the blacks had a "beat Whitey" night at our state fair a year ago just for the fun of it (shall we say racist). There was video taken of the blacks that beat up the whites. Our "law enforcement" and "courts" dismissed the case due to "insufficient evidence" BS. I don't know how the rest of the nation is preparing; but we are prepared for an election and/or economic collapse from which all who are now devoid of entitlements will be trying to take it from others. We have stocked up and are prepared to defend our own with all the tools necessary. I'm tired of being accused of being racist and taking the rap for others. If you don't work, you don't eat.
black people all have gotten use to the hand outs, they dont know the word "no". And when they done get what they want, all they know how to do is cause trouble.
Maybe not full blown riots, but there will for sure be an outbreak of 'random' assaults on a huge scale IMO.
It won't matter if the election is close or not.
I believe it will actually be worse if the Man-Child is blown out in a landslide.
I have a whole page on Obama's atrocities in Libya. They are slamming us with the election television coverage diversion and the east coast storm, ignoring this all important issue. The Libya information has to get out and be told, it has to go viral. Even those who are for him have to use their heads after knowing about this and realize he's destroying our country, and anything else he deems necessary, even human beings. Romney isn't a prize, but anything's better then this monster. Wake up America. Smell the coffee already. Visit my blog for very important information at http://endtimealerts.blogspot.com/2012/11/obama-sacrificed-them-like-sheep.html
Everyone keeps saying things about blacks abusing the system and the like. Let's just look for a moment at what has gone on. There is a system in place... a system that makes blacks depend on government. No just blacks but the main focus is on inner city minorities. The Left has enslaved them. They cannot "get a job" like everyone expects, hell most people graduating the inner city schools read at less then a 6th grade level. This person, who was graduated not on merit but in order to make the school system look good now has no learned skills and lives off this system. Now 20 years pass and this person who has no skills and a poor education is living a nice upper-middle class life, free housing, free food, free INTERNET, FREE CELL PHONE, reduced price car that is paid for with with government EBT money, free cable, free healthcare and free child care cannot possibly "get a job" and live anything close to this life style. Hell, minimum wage won't even pay their damned food cost because they only know how to make frozen food and tv dinners. They are trapped, this is what LBJ did with his "great society plan". He offered free things to "help".
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