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An obscure book and its vision of hope for Black-run cities |
The optimism for the future jumped from each word Poinsett wrote; it's only by the advantage of time that the reader understands the complete folly of this optimism in the advancement of these cities once blacks assumed political control.
The retardation of places like Gary, New Orleans, Compton, Oakland, Philadelphia, Chicago, Camden... all cities Mr. Poinsett mentions - gloating about the impending takeover!! - on p. 16-17 as benefitting from the black political takeover of City Hall, correlates with stunning precision to this very event.
Here is what Mr. Poinsett writes (p. 17) that underscores why Negro Fatigue is (and will be) being increasingly diagnosed nationwide as the ailment Americans suffer from:
At first glance it appears that blacks will merely gain control of white-abanonded urban misery. But with the control of city government comes a significant degree of political and economic leverage. The power of appointive office, the taxing power, the power to disburse municipal revenues, etc. - all of this will be in black hands. Blacks will be able to tailor law enforcement and education to black needs, monitor the myriad avenues of municipal corruption, and control recurring invasion of their communities by urban renewal (a euphemism for black removal), highway construction, and public works programs.
That's power! They will be able to divert funds, now being spent on less needy citizens, to improve their community services and facilities. That's power! They will be able to fix budget allocations for services and projects, approve construction plans, and decide whether to pass on request for state and federal grants. And that's power!
Each of these decisions will be occasions for blacks to force concessions from other groups. They can force employers who want city contracts to hire and promote blacks. Similarly, they can force unions to open up to blacks by blocking approvals for new construction or by threatening to reform archaic building codes on which their jobs partly depend. As municipal government officials, blacks can override resistance to public housing in so-called white areas and enforce bans on discrimination in the rental and sale of public housing.In short, racial socialism. That's what occurs when black people assume control of a local, city, or county government. A transfer of wealth, as long as taxpayer money (read white people) still can be collected in sufficient quantities.
In short, the creation of an artificial black middle class (look no further then Atlanta or Prince George's County).
What Mr. Poinsett didn't - and can't - admit is the "urban misery" that whites abandoned (and persist in abandoning, even if it's in the suburban environment) was the direct result of "Manifest Destruction" -- what is currently called "The Great Migration" of blacks from the south to the north.
Were you to be a white citizen of Gary fleeing the democratic rule of Mayor Hatcher in the early part of 1970 (when Poinsett's book was published), would you look back - like a fleeing resident of Troy as it was sacked by the armies of Greece - and understand that it was an occupied territory? Or would you, filled with the same optimism that leapt from every word Mr. Poinsett wrote in Black Power Gary Style, believe that better days were ahead for the city of Gary?
It's now 2012: we are soon to celebrate the 50th anniversary of 1963, the year Bull Conner and the police in Birmingham, Alabama provided the ammunition needed to bring down the Old Republic and legally usher in the epoch that is now known as Black-Run America (BRA).
Outside of using government control to enrich black people, all of the hopes that Mr. Poinsett of Ebony magazine had for black-politically controlled cities came crashing down (no black-controlled city or county would ever pass on state or federal grants; they rely on them to make payroll), a reminder that you can throw nature out with a pitchfork, but that she'll always return.
The state of Gary, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Compton, Camden, Oakland, and New Orleans - all cities Mr. Poinsett glowingly mentioned as soon to be under black control - in 2012 is directly correlated to the ascension of black political power in these locations.
Not one person can cite the political takeover of these cities by black people and argue that they have benefitted from this transfer of power. What we have witnessed is the implementation of a system of governance that seeks to enrich only black people. If crime goes up, poverty value drops, schools continue to see children perform inadequately on standardized tests, businesses shutter, and a lack of entrepreneurship or an environment adequate for outside investments leads to high rates of unemployment, all is well as long as a black people occupy City Hall.
The renewal of each of these cities can only be accomplished with the removal from power of entrenched blackness, for the belief in "Black Power" doesn't generate enough wattage to keep the lights on.
Just look to 90 percent black Detroit for proof of this.
They have done a STELLAR job by their standards......I assume Haiti is their example of a pinnacle success story....
I think the blacks have done a magnificent job. They have proved to the entire world what happens when they take over anything, whether it's Detroit, Oakland, Zimbabwe, or South Africa.
If it weren't for the absolute destruction of each and every city they have taken control of, the controlled liberal media would be promoting them as the ideal.
Of course, the MSM lies and avoids the realities of BRA as much as they can but imagine the sugary magnitude of their delusional lies if blacks hadn't done such a thorough job in bringing the touch of death to everything they get near.
Only leftist academics and liberals in the media believe their own lies, maybe if they actually had to travel through parts of our country that have been gutted by negroes without their rose colored glasses they could see things the way the rest of us do, through the lens of reality!
I watched "Beverly Hills Cop" the other night on Netflix. I saw it when it first came out in 1984 and I had liked it.
But now....
Eddie Murphy is a cop from Detroit who goes to LA to show the white police force how to catch criminals. There is a lot of gratuitous anti-white ridicule and propaganda. The white cops are consistently portrayed as dim witted. A quarter century ago this all seemed harmless. But today Rodeo Drive is much the same and Detroit looks like Dresden after the bombings - or maybe Hiroshima.
It's not the same funny movie when you know what Eddie and his compatriots brought about in Detroit. It's like an Auschwitz joke - not really a very good source for light hearted laughter.
I felt like a time traveler who needs to warn those guys in Beverly Hills about the dangers posed by black guys like Eddie Murphy. I wanted to yell at the screen - Beware! Keep those blacks guys out. They bring chaos and civic rot. I have seen the future of Detroit after 1984 when the film was released - and it isn't pretty.
Oddly enough real Detroit cops now warn everyone to avoid downtown Detroit. There are too many shootings, rapes and muggings. I don't think we'll soon see another comedy about a Detroit cop spreading enlightnment to the red necks.
Currently I'm studying a course on working with children of different ages. One reason to be careful with children from the 2-5 year old age range is they have extreme expectations and over inflation of their skills and abilities and if not given tasks that are age appropriate they become discouraged easily from lack of success.
This course on training children reminds me blacks are truly children. They think they can run a city and a society. They honestly believe they have the skills and abilities to construct a black Camelot. Unfortunately the truth comes crashing down very quickly. They become discouraged and sullen and look to scape goat and place the blame on anyone they can.
occidental observer:
Let’s assess this situation.
We’ve had 4 years of virulently anti-White poison exploding out of the Obama White House, [Trayvon would look like my son, etc] we’ve had 4 years of socialist efforts to tax the eyeballs out of the White middle class and redistribute those stolen dollars into various income redistribution programs that benefit blacks and other minorities – things like Obamacare and via huge increases in foreign aid to Africa and Haiti.
As well as ‘diversity Visas’ to bring in more Muslims and Africans.
We’ve had 4 years of non-stop efforts by this anti-White mulatto to do everything possible to prevent the individual states from passing and enforcing laws to help them combat the illegal alien invasions and their corresponding parasitism that is bankrupting state after state.
We’ve seen the illegal and clearly impeachable and criminal conspiracy to place dangerous weapons into the hands of murderous Mexican drug cartels – weapons which have been implicated in hundreds of murders of innocent people – all done in order to try to create a pretext to pass more anti-gun laws here in America and to deliberately interfere with the free exercise of the Second Amendment Constitutional rights of millions of Americans.
This conspiracy, incidentally, is a felony as outlined in Title 18 of the US Code in Sections 241 and 242 – and, according to those statutes, if the conspired attempt to deny or interfere with the Constitutional rights of American citizens results in deaths, then the penalty for these offenses is capital punishment, i.e., the death penalty.
We’ve also seen 4 straight years of black flash mob attacks on innocent White people in nearly every section of our country – black mobs who are clearly emboldened by the presence of Obama in the White House and who sense that the black man’s boot is now on the White man’s neck and so this appears to be very intoxicating and this is helping to drive these vicious attacks on Whites all across America. But, despite all of these factors – this White male friend of mine still votes for Obama?
Should Obama win reelection, There is also a 100 percent certainty that amnesty will be granted, and that the floodgates from the third world will be thrown wide open.
There is also the 100 percent certainty that black flash mob violence against Whites will explode even more – and at the same time this is going on, an Obama second term will be used to attack and further erode the Second Amendment rights of White Americans, in order to make sure Whites cannot arm themselves for protection against these black gang attacks.
you must understand what’s deranged altruism: the inversion of values that Nietzsche complained about; the irrational loathing of the strong and the idealizing of the downtrodden
(Somali s – the “New Jesus” for the Swedes. We must help them or we’ll freak out, etc.).
I watched "Beverly Hills Cop" the other night on Netflix. I saw it when it first came out in 1984 and I had liked it.
But now....
I suppose in the early 1980s there was still time for historical optimism about the future. That maybe the civil rights revolution might make things work. But look how it turned out.
It's not the same funny movie when you know what Eddie and his compatriots brought about in Detroit. ...
A disturbing statement, but one which is correct in many ways. Again, it goes back to the observation that black majority polities tend to decline in terms of economics, infrastructure, education, and public safety. (And again, I ask, if this statement is incorrect, can a DWL please show some examples of black majority polities being successful in these regards?)
I felt like a time traveler who needs to warn those guys in Beverly Hills about the dangers posed by black guys like Eddie Murphy.
Perhaps there is a sci fi movie in there, with a cop from the future going to the 1950s to warn what will happen if DWL/BRA policies go into effect. The cop might be treated as a madman -- I mean, who in 1954 would believe that Detroit would be laid waste (other than perhaps a few diehard Southrons)?
Negroes do not have the equipment to evaluate their own behavior. Allow me to elaborate, and be aware, our DNA is not the same. Their brains are hardwired to kill animals and to eat anything at hand. Our brains are hardwired to learn how to farm and manufacture.
They see white America has wealth, and all they know how to do is to take. They do not understand - and never will - that to create wealth, a person must work towards a goal. Their brains can not understand how to improve a society because their brains are hardwired to kill and to eat.
Ex New Yorker here....I just read a story on Yahoo News about the tons of methamphetamine coming from Mexico into the black urban areas. Speaking from experience I can tell you blacks are extremely violent when stoned on heroin. Around the time I moved out of New York was when the crack heads started taking over. Junkies and coke heads are bad enough, but a coon wired up on meth is a whole different animal. Murder and rape will easily increase.
Most of the old junkies and needle freaks died off from AIDS. I have seen 5 and 6 speed freaks pass the same dirty needle around a room from person to person. Dumb fuckers.
I can't even imagine a school room filled with blacks all whacked out of their heads on meth. The geezers (needle users) will be the first to go.
MS-13 selling speed to the Africans is a programs for disaster.
In my almost year and a half of coming to SBPDL, I've enjoyed each and every write up, and most of the viewer commentary. I do think your point is being made, and people are catching on to the problems with the system we are forced to fight against, even if it isn't directly through viewing this site. But this is the Apex article through which many more eyes would be slammed open if it were to permeate a main stream media outlet(Infection Machine™)This is Point/Counterpoint at its most basic and could in no way be disproved. I will do my best to present it at any length whenever I can, to whoever will read it, and hopefully in the not too distant future I'll be going about my day and see some mainstream news piece about the uproar it has caused. Fingers crossed...
"Should Obama win reelection, There is also a 100 percent certainty that amnesty will be granted, and that the floodgates from the third world will be thrown wide open."
And how will Romney be any different? His own web site:
To ensure that America continues to lead the world in innovation and economic dynamism, a Romney administration would press for an immigration policy designed to maximize America’s economic potential. The United States needs to attract and retain job creators from wherever they come. Foreign-born residents with advanced degrees start companies, create jobs, and drive innovation at an especially high rate. While lawful immigrants comprise about 8 percent of the population, immigrants start 16 percent of our top-performing, high-technology companies, hold the position of CEO or lead engineer in 25 percent of high-tech firms, and produce over 25 percent of all patent applications filed from the United States.
Raise visa caps for highly skilled workers
Grant permanent residency to eligible graduates with advanced degrees in math, science, and engineering
"It's not the same funny movie when you know what Eddie and his compatriots brought about in Detroit."
An absurd fantasy in which a "hip negro" teaches two nerdy white cops how to effectively do their job was never funny to begin with.
Imagine the howls of racism if a movie depicted a white cop teaching two incompetent black cops.
low IQ + high impulsivity = "And that's power!"
how long will it take for whites to return to the reality-based mindset we had a century ago (back when the average person understood what garboons are actually like). at least we're not as effusively optimistic about them as we were in the 1960s!
Blacks will be able to tailor law enforcement and education to black needs, monitor the myriad avenues of municipal corruption, and control recurring invasion of their communities by urban renewal (a euphemism for black removal), highway construction, and public works programs.
Well, we have seen how all that turned out in Detroit, et alia. This fellow is actually claiming responsibility for what will happen in the ensuing decades. But today, do black politicians and writers stand up and say, "We had control of law enforcement, education, public works, etc., and we kinda blew it"?
That's power! They will be able to divert funds, now being spent on less needy citizens, to improve their community services and facilities.
Cue video of Detroit.
That's power!
Again, he admits that blacks had seized power. Fine. No lame excuses about "whitey taking the wealth" or "America has abandoned blacks." They wanted power. They got power. And if blacks had used that power to create better cities, or even maintain the ones they inherited, there might be something here to write home about. But it didn't turn out that way.
Each of these decisions will be occasions for blacks to force concessions from other groups.
"Force" is the operative word here. None of that namby-pamby mushiness about non-violence or content of character. Blacks have seized power, now they will force other groups to give them what they demand...or else!
How'd that work out?
Perhaps there is a sci fi movie in there, with a cop from the future going to the 1950s to warn what will happen if DWL/BRA policies go into effect.
How about a movie set in a 1950's predominantly-black neighborhood, into which 2012 school officials, possessing a time machine, bus 2012 inner-city students back in time in a bid to better their education, having run out of 2012 middle-class neighborhoods to bus them in hopes that good students might rub off on them.
Hilarity ensues when black leaders from the 1950's go forward in time to figure out just wtf happened, ultimately destroying the time machine in a desparate bid for self-preservation.
At first glance it appears that blacks will merely gain control of white-abanonded urban misery. But with the control of city government comes a significant degree of political and economic leverage. The power of appointive office, the taxing power, the power to disburse municipal revenues, etc. - all of this will be in black hands. Blacks will be able to tailor law enforcement and education to black needs, monitor the myriad avenues of municipal corruption, and control recurring invasion of their communities by urban renewal (a euphemism for black removal), highway construction, and public works programs.
Priceless. Effing priceless. Talk about facts not in evidence. There is not one single preexisting example of a successful Black-run metropolis to justify such wild-eyed speculation. And that bit about being able to "monitor the myriad avenues of municipal corruption" would be hilarious if Blacks weren't so asiduous about facilitating corruption wherever they go. In fact, widespread, ubiquitous corruption is probably the one across-the-board common denominator for all Black-run cities and governments worldwide.
Does that prevent or even slightly deter Mr. Poinsett from indulging in the very worst sort of delusional daydreaming? Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta, Gary, Birmingham … all pluperfect examples of inmates (if not ex-cons), running the asylum.
samez with PCP...a relative was LEO in Harlem...
I mean forget blacks on pcp
Dear God......how long before the majority wake up and realize what a destructive and worthless beast the nigger is? How many cities have to be destroyed? How many innocent people have to be assaulted, mugged, raped or killed by feral blacks? How much more vast sums of money have to be thrown at da hood and into parasite appeasement programs and all for nothing?
The proof of how worthless blacks are is out there and glaringly obvious and yet things continue on the same path to hell.
I've talked to a lot of white people about these issues and the overwhelming response is that they know about the problems but DON'T CARE as long as it's not happening in their area and they're not being affected. If I mention Detroit, they say, "Well, those people should have fought back and not let it happen. If they didn't fight back, they deserved to have it happen to them." They agree it's a horrible state of affairs but say things like, "If you don't lock your doors and a thief gets into your house and steals everything, who's fault is that?"
To a great degree, I have to agree with them. NONE of this would be happening if white people would stand up and fight back hard.
However, I also believe that they will when things get really terrible everywhere but by then the effort to undo the damage will require a hundred times the effort as well as a river of blood.
The outlook for the future is very dark indeed.
hey guys/gals,
i wonder if anybody has asked alex poinsett why his black run city council theory didn't work? and i would love to hear his excuse! and you can bet your last dollar that what answer you would get is an EXCUSE. wouldn't they would want to prove to the white man that they could pull something that big off. both old and new niggers alike need the white man's help. only time a spook donsen't need whitey is to pro-create. and that's it! the act of making a new baby groid and caring for that same baby spook are two totally diffrent things. the caring part is where the white man starts to pay for their mistakes. only after the so-called fun part. but i myself would never and have never laid down with a black woman. well that's only me and i would never be a white traitor. as usuall DAMN THOSE SLAVE TRADERS!!! and god-speed whites. oh yea, fuck joe biden too! and his BOSS!!!!
What blacks do when they take over a city is, they loot the financial and productive wealth of Whites and transfer it themselves and to the black hole of blacks and it's lost forever.
Barry Soetero aka Obama has looted the financial wealth of the US and transfered it to himself and others like him. He has not only looted the financial resources of the present generation of Whites but also the wealth of future generations of Whites for many years to come. He has also destroyed much of the productive resources of the US so even after Barry is gone, Whites will not have the productive resources to recover their wealth from.
This is all typical of Barry's slash and burn drive to Marxism.
In my opinion there are two causes at work here to create the problem of American blacks wherever American blacks are, one is liberals and their liberal philosophy, and two is the black gene pool itself.
In the former, liberalism can be broken down into its white or black component, and further be separated out between the Sheppard`s and the flock factions.
For both white and black liberals, the failure to mature is the basic underlying problem. Liberals all fail to accept and embrace their personal responsibility to mature, and therefore remain immature.
Immaturity denies reality, and substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality`s stead. The price for this cheat, from nature`s harsh, inherent task to mature, and through the game of human "social chess" is then subsequently dumped on the collective of the culture.
Further, the potentates, the movers and shakers of the liberal cause, liberals themselves, is in need of a flock through which they can achieve their superiority by experiencing their good Sheppard, Lording over their flock reality, and the best means to achieve this end is to encourage and promote immaturity.
There is also the black gene pool, which produces a product low in the humanism department but also high in the more animal department.
Just as the black gene pool produces a superior, run fast, jump high athleticism, so too does it produce an inferior cerebrum for higher culture creation and higher culture maintenance.
Phil Rushton, who sadly, just passed, did an exceptional job on the reality of the black gene pool creating an inferior product of humanism, and for those not in the know, his 1989 debate can be gleaned online, Jared Taylor`s Am. Re. still has the video I believe. By the way, all one need do is watch Phil`s first 20 minutes elucidating his ideas.
In my opinion, blacks are inferior in brain size but superior in physical size, and therefore are forced to pursue their superiority via thuggism. They are the proverbial Neanderthal, running amuck, with the blessings of both white and black liberals.
I see but one haloed solution, the call for a gathering of non-liberals to republican states, followed by a declaration of independence, and lastly followed by a new Constitution, which in particular protects we decent, non-liberal very mostly white people from the destructive forces of all others.
Hopefully others will share the dream. Thank you.
A wildcard in the black power kool-aid: Mexicans. Examples-Compton and South Central in the glorious vibrant diverse People's Republik of Kalifornia, comrade.
The state of Gary, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Compton, Camden, Oakland, and New Orleans - all cities Mr. Poinsett glowingly mentioned as soon to be under black control - in 2012 is directly correlated to the ascension of black political power in these locations.
2010 census shows Compton as 65% Hispanic and Oakland is down to 28% black-so those two cities will never see black control again. Chicago will be probably saved from complete disaster due to former Mayor Daley II's aggressive promotion of Hispanic illegal immigration and export of a big chunk of much of the black population through Sec. 8 housing vouchers.
Anonymous said...
"It's not the same funny movie when you know what Eddie and his compatriots brought about in Detroit."
An absurd fantasy in which a "hip negro" teaches two nerdy white cops how to be Hollywood stereotypical, corrupt big city cops was never funny to begin with. (Emphasis added.)
October 11, 2012 6:58 PM
Fixed that.
I know you didn't post the original statement, but you made it easier for me to respond by re-posting that little clip.
Recall that in the first scenes of the movie, Eddie Murphy's character has removed a truckload of cigarettes from the impound lot, after they were seized in another case. Two uniformed cops interrupt the sale of those cigarettes, leading up to a pretty good chase sequence. What is NOT addressed, however, is this: Who was going to keep the money? The film's director tries to play it off as a sting operation gone bad (in a subsequent scene). Was it?
Based on the extremely corrupt behavior from Murphy's character that was evident throughout the film, it might be logically concluded (after finishing the film) that Murphy's character was simply going to keep the money for himself. After all, we have a cop who violates procedures, destroys the chain of evidence in another officer's case, steals a tractor/trailer rig from the impound lot, socializes with a known criminal, alludes to the fact that he used to be a criminal himself ("I'm a cop now, Mikey, I can't steal cars no more"), drinks on duty, lies on police reports, etc, etc, ad nauseam. How'd you like to be on the receiving end of an arrest from this kind of cop?
Indeed, at the end of the film it becomes obvious that the Beverly Hills P.D. officers who come into contact with Murphy's character have been Detroited.
A wildcard in the black power kool-aid: Mexicans. Examples-Compton and South Central in the glorious vibrant diverse People's Republik of Kalifornia, comrade.
What happened in Compton and South Central is a foretaste of what's going to happen all over the country as soon as the government is too broke to gas up the police cars and send the police to work. White men are generally much more law-abiding than Hispanic men. So far, fear of possible consequences imposed by the justice [sic] system has stayed our hand. When the state's enforcement apparatus disintegrates in a cloud of hyperinflation, though, it will be a much different story. And won't it be amusing to see the looks on these niggers' dull, simian faces when they realize that white men were never really afraid of them after all?
WAsn't that well known heroic swimmer Rodney King high on PCP and other stuff when he had his life saved by the LAPD?
He took three taser blasts and still would not go down so he had to be ebaten.
Whitey Chomping at the Bit for the Race War Said-
What happened in Compton and South Central is a foretaste of what's going to happen all over the country as soon as the government is too broke to gas up the police cars and send the police to work. White men are generally much more law-abiding than Hispanic men. So far, fear of possible consequences imposed by the justice [sic] system has stayed our hand. When the state's enforcement apparatus disintegrates in a cloud of hyperinflation, though, it will be a much different story. And won't it be amusing to see the looks on these niggers' dull, simian faces when they realize that white men were never really afraid of them after all?"
Notice, I changed your name up there? Because you are part of a contingent here. The Race War contingent. Just can't wait to take those well oiled chrome barreled weapons out and ventilate a coon or two, right? You have a better change of being struck by lightning twice then this happening in the United States in your lifetime and more than likely your offspring's lifetime.
It always makes me chuckle when I hear White Males fapping away to this fantasy here on the Interwebs. You see, the country has, how do I say? Changed a bit... post 9/11. There will be no EBT card failures, no Race Wars, Civil Wars v2.0 or any other apocalyptic non-sense. There will only be the Police State(tm) and You.
It is here now, it is just carefully hidden behind Dancing with the Stars, Pro Football/Basketball, and the Welfare State. Bread and Circuses, if you will...
When the wheels comes off, which by the way likely WILL happen in your lifetime, domestic law enforcement will be the very LEAST of your concerns.
You won't be staring down 70 IQ porchmonkeys from the 'hood, sorry friend. You will be staring down the US Army spearheaded by the Dept. of Homeland Security. Well trained, well-equipped, body-armored, completely wired with command and control elements, and with a whole mountain of 5.56 or .308 boat-tail hollow points, one of which is certain to have your name engraved in it.
I am also guessing, as I have said on this forum and others before it where I see posts of this nature you likely have slightly higher than 0% interaction with TNB. I'm quite certain that you have never been on this business end of a buck chimping out. It is a ahh... complicated and messy business. Not one I recommend for those who like to keep their sanity for very long.
So! Keep polishing up that chrome, and when the house of cards falls down get all locked down waiting for DeJuan, Tyrone, and Shamiqua when all you are going to really get is the 101st or 82nd cluster bombing your block.
PDK. The Poor, Disillusioned, Klan. Ha ha.
You won't be staring down 70 IQ porchmonkeys from the 'hood, sorry friend. You will be staring down the US Army spearheaded by the Dept. of Homeland Security. Well trained, well-equipped, body-armored, completely wired with command and control elements, and with a whole mountain of 5.56 or .308 boat-tail hollow points, one of which is certain to have your name engraved in it.
The Government had all that same stuff in Vietnam. Didn't do 'em much good.
Furthermore, the government isn't going to have all that stuff, anyway. Were probably one decade at most away from being in the same boat as Greece, economically. Just where the fuck do you think the government is going to get the money to field all this stuff you're talking about? This stuff doesn't come cheap, you know, and the personnel needed to field it ain't going to work for free.
Jeff cooper had it right:
"It is interesting to hear certain kinds of people insist that the citizen cannot fight the government. This would have been news to the men of Lexington and Concord, as well as the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. The citizen most certainly can fight the government, and usually wins when he tries. Organized national armies are useful primarily for fighting against other organized national armies. When they try to fight against the people, they find themselves at a very serious disadvantage. If you will just look around at the state of the world today, you will see that the guerillero has the upper hand. Irregulars usually defeat regulars, providing they have the will. Such fighting is horrible to contemplate, but will continue to dominate brute strength."
"You won't be staring down 70 IQ porchmonkeys from the 'hood, sorry friend. You will be staring down the US Army spearheaded by the Dept. of Homeland Security. Well trained, well-equipped, body-armored, completely wired with command and control elements, and with a whole mountain of 5.56 or .308 boat-tail hollow points, one of which is certain to have your name engraved in it."
And who is going to be protecting the families of these yahoos while they are homeland securing? And what happens when one contingent of homeland security is policing the family members of another contingent of homeland security?
You will see massive defection.
What it all comes down to, is what kind of power was he talking about? Self determination? obviously not. Power over whites was what the black community needed, because they knew even then that they'd not be able to generate their own prosperity. This article might seem good for laughs, but it should really be quite chilling.
"when all you are going to really get is the 101st or 82nd cluster bombing your block. " - Logistics are in two words: Fucking Expensive. if the wheels come off, their ability to project force is over pure and simple.
Anonymous said...
What it all comes down to, is what kind of power was he talking about? Self determination? obviously not. Power over whites was what the black community needed, because they knew even then that they'd not be able to generate their own prosperity. This article might seem good for laughs, but it should really be quite chilling.
October 12, 2012 2:37 PM
That says it all in a nutshell. They are the parasites and we are the hosts and that's the only relationship our two races can ever have with whites as the host to the black parasite until they in their stupidity and ubiquitous lack of foreward-thinking kill the host. Their "leaders" know the truth, that's why they slap lawsuits on towns such as Sandy Springs and Dunwoody, why they chase whites in the white flight dance, why they prefer that everyone go the same equally dumbed-down schools, etc. Because the very few in leadership have just enough intelligence to realise that without whites to "blame" (make responsible for their generic shortcomings), they cannot survive in nor perpetuate a First World environment. The majority who are of average black low intelligence don't understand this. The few who do, condone by their silence the violence against whites because they know it's not enough to make a difference numerically and it serves "pour encourager les autres".
I don't know what the end is going to be, perhaps when the whole rotten economic structure implodes is when we'll find out. It's too bad not enough whites have the consciousness yet to just "go Galt" in some sense and let the system fend for itself, so we could find out sooner rather than later, while we still have a slight advantage in strength. It will be too bad to wait until we're in the position of the white South Africans-the minority in numbers and in material-to finally face facts as a race.
For whenever a white man seeks to live among them as their equals they will either destroy him or devour him. And they will destroy all of his work… Never fraternize with them as equals. Never accept them as your social equals or they will devour you. They will destroy you.”
— Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize Winner (1951) in his book “African Notebook,” 1939
This Chicago Tribune article is from 1985 - nothing has changed.
Gary is in its current condition despite more than $1.62 billion that congressional sources say Gary has received over Hatcher`s 18 years in office. City officials cannot detail where the federal money was spent and Hatcher concedes that there is not a lot to show for much of it. ``We don`t have a building you can point to,`` he said. ``But a lot of people were working, people who otherwise would not have had a job.``
PDK said...
In my opinion there are two causes at work here to create the problem of American blacks wherever American blacks are, one is liberals and their liberal philosophy, and two is the black gene pool itself.
Good point. It is liberal ideology in its current form which motivates and justifies the dysfunction. And more than that, actively encourages the self-destruction of white societies whether in South Africa or Duluth. Black people end up being the muscle which DWLs exploit. And even if they did not exist, DWLs would have to invent blacks.
Back in the 1960s, white radicals such as Tom Haydn believed that blacks would be America's "Viet Cong," the urban guerrillas who would bring down the system. Blacks, at the time, were not enamored by the idea of being used as cannon fodder for white leftists, so The Revolution fizzled. But the funny thing is, blacks have ended up being the cannon fodder for DWLs. They play their parts well, whether in long hot summers, flash mobs, or laying low cities like Detroit.
But you wonder, how would things be different if the ruling ideology in America was not the matrix of liberalism? Supposing politicians, clergy, education barons, media lords, and the rest had a realistic view of race. Consider what a difference that would make.
Jay in D.C: The U.S. Army has, I believe, ten divisions, and the USMC has a couple more. Twelve divisions, with a total of maybe 50 or 60 thousand infantry, most of them White men, are going to whip Whitey's ass when the Blacks and Mexicans riot over not getting enough free stuff?
"when all you are going to really get is the 101st or 82nd cluster bombing your block. " - Logistics are in two words: Fucking Expensive. if the wheels come off, their ability to project force is over pure and simple.
A much more succinct restatement of what I said. Kudos.
And who is going to be protecting the families of these yahoos while they are homeland securing? And what happens when one contingent of homeland security is policing the family members of another contingent of homeland security?
You will see massive defection.
Yeah, this, too.
Jay can perhaps be forgiven for thinking that the federal leviathan is invincible. He, after all, lives in the very belly of the beast: Washington D.C. Those of us here in flyover country have a much clearer view of things and we know better.
Re the Eddie Murphy comment:years ago some ni--oops,some black guy won as mayor of a white(i.e. still living)city,I think it was Seattle,and I think his name was Rice,and the media made a big big thing about how the negro male(!!!!!!) is stepping forward as specially talented in running our cities. NOT that the negro male is good eNOUGH to run cities,no,the negro male goes beyong "good enough" and is specially suited to the mayoralty. Hows that worked out? They had negro males as mayors in NYC,Chicago & LA;now the mayors are two YKW's and a Mexican. The YKW are not letting negroids take over these cities anytime soon.
Josh: In Los Angeles, YKW (AKA the Waxman-Berman Machine) put up their pet Negro, Tom Bradley, as mayor, and he sat in the chair for 20 years. YKW got what they wanted, real power, and the Blacks got to keep the Mexicans out of the government trough. But now the Brown Tide outnumbers everyone else, and they're not going to forget that YKW were not their friends. Howard Berman of the infamous Machine has been forced into a runoff because of redistricting (They took away 2/3 of his old constituents) and he's losing badly. YKW can't ride the tiger forever.
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