You probably are aware of American Airline's Black Atlas, which offers travel tips to potentially black travelers (solely black travelers) who will be purchasing tickets and heading to particular destination the airline travels to:At McDonald's®, we believe that African-American culture and achievement should be celebrated 365 days a year — not just during Black History Month. That's the idea behind It's a place where you can learn more about education, employment, career advancement and entrepreneurship opportunities, and meet real people whose lives have been touched by McDonald's.
Amtrak goes after the black market
A unique online community that offers travel insights from an African-American perspective.Now, fresh off of learning that Amtrak is basically a "people of color" jobs-program on wheels (40 percent of the 20,000 employees are "people of color") comes the news that, like McDonald's and American Airline's, it has a marketing strategy aimed squarely at black consumers. My Black Journey doesn't have a "about us" feature, but the Web site touts trips to Historically Black College and University (HBCU) football games; Family Reunions (black people love these events); and girlfriend escapes.
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American Airlines: A true black experience? Check out Detroit! |
Hard to get a plane ticket with that amount of money in your bank account, even if American Atlas Black Atlas subsidizes the ticket. But hey, that $5 dollars goes a long way at the McDonald's 365Black dollar value menu.
It should be pointed out that My Black Journey (powered by Amtrak) targets interesting "destinations" that are increasingly appeal to only black travelers: Detroit, Birmingham, Atlanta, Memphis, New Orleans, Orlando, New York City, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Baltimore.
These cities are... blessed with high populations of black people. It's cheaper to move large groups of black people (think black families traversing great distances to pick up the latest version of the highly-sought after "family reunion"shirt) via train instead of plane, so let's give Amtrak the benefit of the doubt in their My Black Journey marketing tactics.
But there is an interesting destination in the My Black Journey list of target destinations for black people that seems woefully out of place: Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, the self-proclaimed "Waterpark Capital of the World."
A town of just under 3,000 people (97 percent white), Wisconsin Dells is the tourist destination for water enthusiasts. Recall that in "No Dr. King, Your Daughter Can't go to Funtown," we learned that Martin Luther King lamented that his daughter wasn't allowed to go to an amusement park because she was black.
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McDonald's campaign offers a look into the marketing strategy of the managerial elite |
Since the lifting of segregation, an untold number of businesses, parks, resorts, malls, playgrounds, entire sections of cities (many of those same cities that are listed as destinations on the My Black Journey site), and amusement parks have either closed, imposed curfews, been rebuilt elsewhere (for cities, think the white suburbs), abandoned, or become off-limits because of the new freedom giving to blacks.
There is no need to even point out the double-standards in the marketing strategy of McDonald's, American Airlines, or Amtrak's black-centric marketing campaign; there is no need to point out that if a company were to solely target the white consumer (which would make good business sense, considering the purchasing power of this group and credit at their disposal), it would immediately be denounced, sued, harassed with Alinsky-style "proxy attacks," and instantly become the pariah of the business community; no, all we can do is point and laugh at yet another company pursuing the stated goals of nation dedicated to the never-ending uplifting of that one group of people.
Black-Run America (BRA) has many corporate sponsors. In time, more of these corporations will jump on the target market bandwagon that McDonald's, Amtrak, and American Airlines have joyously joined.
Were a traveler interested in seeing the true impact of black Americans on the nation, they'd merely jump on Amtrak (or perhaps book on American Airlines) and travel to those destinations profiled on My Black Journey. The state of Detroit, Birmingham, Baltimore, Memphis... a perfect representation of what happens when a city goes 365Black.
Going to 90 percent black Detroit, or 72 percent black Birmingham, or 64 percent black Baltimore, or 67 percent black Memphis is your opportunity to stamp your passport to the true black experience of America.
Don't forget your gun!
Completely OFF THREAD so ignore if you are making comment about 365Black.
The last 4 years have been 365Obama. The sweep of Evil he has beset us with is simply him being clueless and completely out of his depth and a Marxist.
However, last evening, this one time it was different. When one puts a Negro in charge of a Country, humans are killed, but rarely do their comments make the media say: "How Clever!".
In the debate with Romney (a Man) the O-hole made a seemingly off hand comment about bayonets being out of date. I nearly shot my TV (Yes, with a 10mm).
This from the man who four weeks ago allowed Humans to die in Benghazi because he dithered for 7 hours while they waited for rescue and Air assets from a base only 1 hours flight time from the Embassy. A base full of A-10's and a Spooky gunship. He watched via Satellite feed and Drone camera. Watched while Humans died.
But why did the comment about bayonets enrage me you ask? Because he is the one signing the letters to the families about their deaths, two SEAL's, a marine and the Ambassador himself (Who was Sodomized as well).
Men who fought like Leonidas for 7 hours against rocket propelled grenades and AK's with their hands. They were without ammo, so they fought with their minds, teeth, nails, hands, feet, empty rifles and, haha, bayonets. Because the O-hole didn't want to enrage our enemies, they died.
How do you think the families felt at his clever "joke"?
when do we get a 365white, white atlas, my white journey? when we get unaffirmative inaction & disparate nonimpact. our country's pandering to the "downtrodden/disadvantaged" is a disease. we make it worse with such appeasement. there should never have been allowed to exist a congressional black caucus unless there could also be a congressional white caucus. same with the naacp -- unless an equal & opposite organization is allowed concomitantly, then neither should be allowed. calling them african-americans is appeasement enough!
Don't forget your gun, indeed.
Don't forget your hidden video cameras, either. When Black people harass you, you want to have documentary evidence that they were not just "doin nuffins", and if you have to leave bullet holes in someone it is good to have more than just your word that it was self-defense.
Of course, all of this goes out the window if TSA is checking all your stuff before boarding! There is nothing that Black mobs like better than a disarmed, helpless victim.
As Californian noted over in the "Dark Territory" thread about Amtrak:
To salvage things, we must discredit DWL ideology--and come up with something better.
In this regard—however inconvenient or repugnant it may be—we are probably best off letting these various organizations out themselves as being Black @ss-kissers. All the better to identify and then boycott or, finally, dismantle them in the end.
Policies like 365Black, MyBlackJourney and BlackAtlas are unmistakable indicators of PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism) in action. It is incumbent upon Whites to take these groups at their word and abandon them to their preferred customer base. Of equal importance is boycotting corporations like Allstate, who use eRace in their ads and venerate the Magic Negro™.
Let them experience the joy of constantly being cheated, vandalized, assaulted and befouled by their pet minorities. More than anything, deny these race traitors all White wealth. Starve them of their corporate lifeblood and let them slowly wither on the vine until they figure out who really has the buying power in America—because it sure as hell ain't Blacks.
Of equal importance is distancing ourselves from Blacks no matter what seat, aisle, checkstand, desk, office or property they occupy. Keeping ourselves from harm is an ultimate priority. Face it, would you move in next door to a mosque? How about a Black family?
Then take this down to the micro-scale and start practicing an avoidance policy at all levels. I refuse to patronize Black businesses or purchase any halal meat products, ever. As economics permit, I will also deny other minority retailers my trade and work towards rewarding lily-White entities like Chick-Fil-A, In-N-Out Burger, Trader Joe's (a bit too Liberal for me), and so forth.
For the record, here is a list of Black and LGBT-friendly organizations:
• Kraft
• General Mills
• Levi Strauss
• General Mills
• Disney
• American Apparel
• Microsoft
• Proctor & Gamble
• Starbucks
• Pepsico
• Safeway
• Girl Scouts
• Macy's
• Old Navy
• Target
• JC Penney
• Pillsbury
• Walgreen's
• Ford
• GAP Clothing
• Amtrak
• Coca-Cola
• McDonald's
As long as so many DWL feel so good and morally superior this marketing will not end. Think to market to Whites will cause not only blacks to lose their minds but DWLs will not stand for such overt racism. It is hard to blame businesses who's main purpose is to make money. The idea is that if you kowtow to the statis there will be no trouble.
It's not McDonald's or Amtrak's fault it is OUR fault. WE allow it to continue. Until we come together as a people and are recognized as a race we will continue to be marginalized and we fucking deserve it.
I'm over crying about how unfair the world is. Our ancestors changed their situations we can to. Support the EDL support the French resistance support the Golden Dawn in Greece.
You can enjoy your trip to these "culturally diverse" cities in the company of the diverse as an added benefit,
Twenty years ago,I embarked on an Amtrak journey from New York to Reno,Nv. just to save a few bucks.The cars were liberally peppered with melanin-enhanced media darlings,
Twelve hours out of Grand Central the train smelled like a monkey house at the zoo.My Kerouacian romantic notion of rail travel was squashed.The negroes were eating,picnic style,some of the vilest shit imaginable.About ten highly vocal niglets were alerting us ,alternately,that they had just shit themselves or were hungry.And they weren't all babies.
Twenty four hours out of New York,it was the monkey house,complete with mating rituals,feces throwing and truck tire flipping.It wa snot unlike the intro to "2001".
Never again Amtrak.
Rick on. White woman here who had white kids and plans to have more. As anonymous was stating in the Amtrak threads, DISENGAGE. Be civil to your black neighbors if you have any but disengage. Disengage from America. Vote but recognize that we are the only ones who will change anything. Corporations are just and arm of the gubbiement and vice versa. Starve the beast. Save your money. Hell I would not BUY property anywhere in USA as it will soon become overrun with Musloids and their kin. The DWLs will be their sympathizes and shit on nonelite whites that actually have to work for stuff. The elite want to bring the white middle class down while elevating the nigtards. They want to displace us with Musloid Somalis and other brownies because they are coming here from the shitholes that their dumb selves created. As one of the Spanish explorers said when arriving to the New World " burn the ships'. We must burn the ships by disengaging. Get your money out of the markets, they are rigged anyhow. Get your cash and hide it. Pop out white kids. Then take your family and your money and settle in the cold West. The turds won't follow us there, they can't. Without middle class whites this country is nothing. Stand your ground all but dont be stuck . Be ready to flee to the New World and to burn the ship while also covering your path. Whites are about freedom. We are born free. We think free. We and our Christianity is about the power of the individual. Africans don't understand this as they elect, despise, yet depend on dictators. Not Europeans- we put up for awhile but then we stick it to them and overthrow. Just a little pushback each day will add up
The median net worth of a single, Negress is $5. If Oprah Winfrey is excluded, the median net worth falls to -$3567.
BRA cannot be "reformed." Besides BRA considerations, the federal government is pure evil - it does not give a damn about us. It cannot be "fixed", at least by voting when the electorate is roughly divided between makers and takers and the takers are gaining every year.
The only way BRA and the rest of the baggage of the federal government can be removed is by collapsing under its own weight. Obama is the perfect straw to break the camel's back.
Here is an idea to brighten everyone's day...
The days of 365Black may be numbered from a genetic perspective...
I think the dysgenic pressures on the black population are having such a damaging effect that the entire lot of them are going to be catatonic, drooling retards in a couple of generations.
I have seen the downhill slide accelerate in a non-linear fashion over the last 25 years.
Its well known that the advent of the welfare state eliminated what little eugenic pressures were present in the black community.
With absolutely no reason for black women to select sexual partners on the basis of being able to provide for her and her offspring, blacks were off to the races in a decades long frenzy of reckless procreation that continues to this day.
Mates are selected based upon having the newest Nikes, how many "golds dey got in dey mouf," and how big the "rheeeuhms" are on their Escalades.
Because each generation begets the next at the very instant of reaching sexual maturity, the results of the dysgenic pressures are much more visible than they would be in slower reproducing populations like Whites and Asians.
There is no question that todays negroes are much dumber and more dysfunctional than their predecessors.
You can hear it in their music.
You can see it in their total lack of contemporary leaders. Obama is a mulatto who's father wasn't even an american black. Most of the current crop of marble-mouthed blacks in congress are old men and women. Same goes for the professional race hustlers Jesse and Al. Jesse Jr. is basically a mentally ill retard himself and will probably soon be facing charges.
Where's the next generation? Sure there a few high functioning yellows like Toure and Harold Ford, but they're far too light and effeminate to command the loyalty of the truly dim and dark Uruk Hai.
Think about what they will be like after a few more short decades! They may become so dumb and inert they can't even navigate out their hoods to rob, rape and murder whiteys.
One can hope anyway...
Anon (10/23 5:38 PM): Obama is the perfect straw to break the camel's back.
While your meaning is clear, there's a fly in the ointment seeing as how we are the camel and all that collapsing weight will be landing squarely upon us. The "camel" is what our political and financial aristocracy are accustomed to riding and the Vampire Elite™ count upon us to cushion their fall, all gazillion tons of it.
Yes, BRA does need to collapse.
Yes, 0bama is best qualified to help do that.
It's just that we need to find some way of sidestepping the oncoming locomotive.
The best solution—as noted by so many others here at SBPDL—is to disengage wherever possible and, while it's still feasible, drain out of the system any and all wealth that you ever put into it
Somewhat OT, at a medical lab today (for a family member). White guy with Apple laptop loudly proclaiming "Mitt Romney is a rich WHITE guy" (emphasis on "White") and therefore unqualified for the Presidency. Because he's mostly White.
They are going to make a big Hollywood movie about the siege in Benghazi, I'm sure.
Lil' Bow Wow will play John Christopher Stevens.
Paul, As a previous resident of Detroit, and a member of one of the founding French families, your lacerating diagnosis of Detroit is outstanding. I'm profoundly sorry that I got your book about Detroit from someone else. I will do better in the future and buy my own. You have shredded the lies of obfuscation perpetrated on us by the ruling elites. God Bless You.
Sorry PK, Off Topic
Just watched "Benji" ESPN film about a black basketball phenom in 80's Chicago. Long story short he was going to make it big but was killed while engaged in a typical "nigga moment" with two other black youths.
I felt sympathy toward his family, who seemed to be normal middle class black with an actual father and a mother who was a nurse. Even though she blamed a handgun for her son's murder(why can't blacks focus on the actions of individuals rather than to blame inanimate objects?)
I don't know how it ended because after the gun blame she also sued the hospital which tried to save her son to the tune of 10 million dollars. The small private hospital which was ill equipped to handle gunshots settled out of court. Blame whitey had been attained and all the sympathy I felt evaporated. At that point I turned it off in disgust. In the end, her son acted like a nigger, got shot dead and she got paid. End of story. How enlightening.
White girl killed by black brothers who were her neighbors for a BMX bicycle. For a girl's bike for God's sake.
Apparently, even a lot of black folks are getting fed up with The Boy Wonder:
EXTREME Black Anger in Chicago at Obama: “He done did it. He ruined it for us. White people don’t feel guilty no more and won’t do stuff for us now”.
"Because the O-hole didn't want to enrage our enemies, they died."
P.K., more O/T, but necessary.
Your entire commentary on the Embassy massacre incident is absolutely brilliant. I hope you don't mind, but I read it out to my family. May I send the text to enlightened friends? I will, of course, credit you anonymously, not referencing this blog if you wish me not to. [P.K.'s fearless site is
against-the-grain edgy; one may wish anonymity for personal security].
Your truthful rhetoric should be presented as a headline on the front page of the NYT, featured on every printed and broadcast media outlet. The world needs to take in each word, acknowledge the America hating thug sullying the rooms and corridors of the White House, making a mockery of the office of President of our once great USA.
As you said, Obama and his minions saw this coming, in progress even, and instead of staying in D.C. at his desk, monitoring the situation, mobilizing nearby support troops, he stood down, boarded Air Force One bound for L.V. to party down at a fund raiser.
Thereafter, he embarked upon a seditious course of willful deceit, including making a lying ass of himself before the General Assembly of the U.N.
My blood is boiling.
If you want an encapsulation of Racial Realism Denial and left-wing economic insanity read the 2nd to last paragraph of the Disingenuous Asian Liberal's explanation on why black women are only worth $5.00.
Sub-Saharan African Americans are the hardest working people in the nation?
Poverty isn't about behavior?
Or cunning, if your goal is to exploit the little brained people in order to cripple our country so that Marxism will reign in the future.
White girl killed by black brothers who were her neighbors for a BMX bicycle. For a girl's bike for God's sake.
This murdered white girl was named Autumn Pasquale. She was 12 years old and about a week from turning 13 when she was lured to a house occupied by negroids just one street over from her own house. Autumn Pasquale was lured to this house by a 15 year old negroid boy on the pretext of getting a part for her beloved BMX bike. She was then beaten and strangled to death by that same 15 year old negroid boy along with his 17 year old negroid brother. Then these two negroid boys dumped Autumn Pasquale's corpse into one of those big recycling bins of the vacant home next door and hid her BMX bike in their basement. Their basement reportedly had numerous stolen bike parts stockpiled within it, and these same two negroid boys were known in the neighborhood for being bike thieves.
The 15 year old negroid boy later attended a candlelight vigil held for Autumn Pasquale before her corpse was discovered and also "liked" a Facebook page set up in the search effort for her.
This black-on-white murder conspiracy happened in New Jersey, a state dominated by negroid-coddling libtards and affrimative action blacks. New Jersey has "affordable housing" laws, draconian gun control laws, highly complex self-defense laws, and no capital punishment. This means that every town in New Jersey has to have housing available for welfare recipients and low income earners, anybody New Jersey resident who wants to legally own a gun has to jump through numerous legal hoops just to get permission to own that gun, and will always still be subject to their own legal peril as long as they still own that gun, nobody has clearly-defined self-defense legal rights, and nobody needs to worry about getting executed for committing murder, no matter how heinous the murder might be.
What all of the above factors for New Jersey result in are murders just like the murder of Autumn Pasquale. White families in New Jersey simply cannot live in all-white townships any longer. Diversity is mandated by the state of New Jersey by the threat of costly lawsuits against every township in New Jersey. This in turn means that white parents in New Jersey can no longer have any expectations of safety by allowing their kids to ride their bikes around their own neighborhoods.
Google the "Mount Laurel decision" and the "New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing" for more information on this sorry state of affairs in New Jersey.
The Wisconsin Dells does not belong on the Black Journey list. It has already been established on this blog that blacks and water don't mix. What the hell are a bunch of blacks going to do at a waterpark besides harass and steal?
Sigh- Yet another 'place of refuge' will be taken away from Whites and given to 3/5thers.
Having ridden Amtrak twice in the last two years, it was like stepping back in time forty years. Black servant class, almost totally white, literate, pleasant individuals as passengers, all of us travelling together, and space to stretch out, a relaxing journey, and stimulating dinner conversation.
And Amtrack wants BLACKS to travel with us?
Well,then, just welcom the TSA at Train stations, and bring ALL travel other than personal car travel to a complete stop.
One of the reasons I chose Amtrak, was that I HAD the time, and didn't WANT the invasive FEDGOV approach to travel, that afflicts the airlines.
If they 'take over' and 'muticulturalize' the trains as well, I'll just stay home, as will millions of other whites who are TOTALLY fed up with the BRA.
And, as for cost effectiveness, I thought Greyhound was still going strong. THAT's where blacks should go, frankly.
Not with me in MY conveyances of choice. For Crying out lout, even CUNARD (you know, the transatlantic ocean liner, reminiscent of the Titanic?) has 'mulatto' and 'Indic' people enjoying the 'good life' on their ship brochures. As if........
I'm planning a trip on one of these cruise lines this year. My only hope is that it will be an all-white crossing, for the most part. For, if even the 'rich' can't afford their own apartheid, we've come to the vision of the novel, "Hold Back This day." - And life, as we know it, as Westerners, is OVER.
Contrariwise, I may never travel again. I've HAD IT with all elements of forced multiculturalism. It's a theological and racial heresy, and needs to be burned at the stake... fast.
Fr. John+
"If wealth was based on hard work, African-Americans would be the wealthiest people in our nation," she said. "It's not about behavior. It's about government policies. Who does the government help and who is it not helping?
The best solution—as noted by so many others here at SBPDL—is to disengage wherever possible and, while it's still feasible, drain out of the system any and all wealth that you ever put into it...
More Americans are sensing this, even if they have not yet taken the Red Pill. It's why gun sales are skyrocketing, and there's a surge of public interest in survivalism. The thing is, can all this be turned into a viable political movement?
"If wealth was based on hard work, African-Americans would be the wealthiest people in our nation," she said. "It's not about behavior. It's about government policies. Who does the government help and who is it not helping?
One wonders what Hunter Wallace would have to say about this one!
Californian: The thing is, can all this be turned into a viable political movement?
Californian, you clearly are among the best and brightest at SBPDL. Please consider framing an essay around your question so we can see what the gang here throws at it and manages to make stick. I'm confident that Paul would post such a piece in a heartbeat.
Call it The Reclamation Party, or maybe someone else can come up with a better monicker.
Zenster said...
Californian: The thing is, can all this be turned into a viable political movement?
Call it The Reclamation Party, or maybe someone else can come up with a better monicker.
I have one for you! We need a hero... so how about the Historical European Rights Organization, or H.E.R.O. for short?
By the way Paul, thanks for running with the '' thing... the hypocrisy of this sort of crap really gets to me, but that's why I love your site!
H.E.R.O - Brilliant, gets my vote!
Thanks to all the commentators who have made me laugh despite my growing sense of panic and despair. Especially:
"The median net worth of a single, Negress is $5. If Oprah Winfrey is excluded, the median net worth falls to -$3567."
"Mates are selected based upon having the newest Nikes, how many "golds dey got in dey mouf," and how big the "rheeeuhms" are on their Escalades."
love it! Gibs me more like dis please(oops) gnomesaynmuhfuggers.Mhm, sho nuff, lawdy!
I too pledge to never to willingly give any 365niggard company another cent. Oh, hold on, dont say this whole "give the monkeys jobs" thing is just another prong of the Cloward Piven? Catch-22, bailouts all round!
Johnny See: I have one for you! We need a hero... so how about the Historical European Rights Organization, or H.E.R.O. for short?
As much as I appreciate and share your sentiments, HERO would instantly be slammed as nine kinds of neo-Nazi party. We all know it. Plus, with the EU swirling down the porcelain bowl, referencing Europe may not be in the best interests of American Whites. After all, modern Europe largely is one vast bastion of anti-White political correctness.
The message needs to be more subtle but, somehow, still manage to communicate the agenda of White people reclaiming their ancestral lands.
And, please, don't try and share out that White agenda with Amerinds. Through their various anti-White campaigns, they have so thoroughly abdicated their right to claim North America that no further discussion is necessary.
Paul, I know someone working at AMTRAK's central office in DC. Fares compared against Air travel are more expensive - typically. The people of color who work at AMTRAK created a cabal of perpetual grievances. Some are un-effing-believable. One atty who worked the for decades, sued AMTRAK twice for discrimination, won, and remained employed there. WHy would a person remain in such a horrific environment? Another train worker strained a calf muscle - he was paid $225,000.00 - yes, one quarter of a million dollars for a strained muscle. He was not working for months while drawing a salary until his case was resolved. The blacks in the legal department and HR offer instruction and advice on how to best screw to AMTRAK using Racial grievances. Anyone who tries to compel people of color to actually work, documents their goofing off, proves they are stealing wages from AMTRAK and other thefts - like using AMTRAK office purchases for personal items, are accused of racism and made to atone for their racist behaviors. These often include Sensitivity training. Others receive a Racist label in the personnel file and never advance again. AMTRAK offers its employees a Rail Pass which permits them to ride for free. That perk is never enuff and people of color - collude with conductors of color so entire families are let on the trains without a ticket. One conductor was recently fired for sexual harrassment. He was found to have a photograph album filled with pictures of him having sex with numerous women while on duty. He attempted to force hiumself upon a white women in LA. She objected and reported the incident. The conductor wa fired but permitted to keep his AMTRAK retirement and cash out his sick leave. Truly, it is un-effing believable what people of color get away with because.... it's their turn. It's their turn = theft, embezzlement, collusion, avoiding work, abusing perks, lining their pockets with AMTRAK goodies and few dare mention it. Why can't AMTRAK make a profit?
Zenster, I think you know that I respect your point of view and appreciate your contributions here.
As much as I appreciate and share your sentiments, HERO would instantly be slammed as nine kinds of neo-Nazi party. We all know it. Plus, with the EU swirling down the porcelain bowl, referencing Europe may not be in the best interests of American Whites. After all, modern Europe largely is one vast bastion of anti-White political correctness.
...and so I agree with your comment there. We have to get over the 'racist' label, and stop considering it libel. It is not. I have been studying economics as a hobby for twelve years now, and I can promise you that the squid's experiment with the EU will not be allowed to fail. It is and will continue to be messy, but they are bound and determined to make it work. Why? Because it is the framework by which the NWO monetary order will be formed along. A bunch of countries with different cultures, customs, and languages... but one money. If it fails it will be a BIG black mark (no pun intended) on their NWO project. Therefore, they will move mountains to make it succeed.
We have the advantage because we can see... hence my name here. We have to keep working toward truth. The last time I checked, truth still wins. Until that changes, you and I will be comrades in effort. I say that instead of comrades in arms because I would rather that this did not get to a shooting point, although it sure seems it may.
There is power in understanding that which others will not contemplate out of fear or ignorance. I am grateful for this forum, and for your comments.
Good luck, and Godspeed.
H.E.R.O. I'm all for it. What is the worst that can happen? I see this as a real loser in court for anyplace that retaliates against a member.
Let's take the example of a Cop there is no way he could be a member of the Klan. Now a black cop could be a NBPP and I doubt anyone would have the balls to do anything about it but we know it is not an even playing field. HERO if done well and kept positive could be something that actually works. I would like to think of it as an adult Youth for Western Civilization. The Libs can yell racist all day long but if the message is positive and there is no racial liturate what could anyone do?
I support it 100%
Screenrant's take on Flight
They do not realize it is a comedy so I include a longer trailer
which shows Washington as the co pilot because the guy who could not be in Red Tails was in charge of the flight but then Washington has to save the day by getting out of a stall by doing a 720 roll as a Red Tails pilot would instinctively know to do.
Now that you saw the trailer you do not need to see this pure comedic gold.
Johnny See: We have to keep working toward truth. The last time I checked, truth still wins. Until that changes, you and I will be comrades in effort. I say that instead of comrades in arms because I would rather that this did not get to a shooting point, although it sure seems it may.
There is power in understanding that which others will not contemplate out of fear or ignorance. I am grateful for this forum, and for your comments.
As I am grateful for your insights also.
I agree with all you say, especially the part about finding a work-around with respect to things getting kinetic. Our White brains are our finest weapons. Why descend to a scenario where weapons cancel even a small bit of that superiority?
Sadly, I differ a little about how the "truth still wins". If there is one thing that Liberals have pushed for furiously, it is their revisionism and obscuration or deformation of truth. Yes, for the rational mind, truth still prevails.
The problem being that, Liberals are not rational. If they were, they'd die of shame for what they've done to once-great America. The other day, I picked up a free copy of Ann Coulter's "Treason". While I'm no fan of hers, the factual material in her book is simply jaw-dropping with respect to Communist infiltration of America's Cold War government. I'm not even 100 pages into it and my blood is already boiling at how Liberal Democrats opened the gates for our nation's worst enemies.
Two good quotes:
"As long as Liberals refuse to concede a point, it remains 'unsettled'." (Page 49)
Also, this winner from Whittaker Chambers, the ex-Communist who struggled valiantly to unmask Soviet spy, Alger Hiss:
"Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does." (Page 10)
Can't you just hear the indignant squeals of "dey dint doo nuffins!" and "dez wus gud boyz!"
Everyone please investigate the Venona Project.
Zenster, I take your point, but it does seem that the Liebereals only weapon is to call us names such as 'racist'. Perhaps we should take the wind out of their sales(oops, sails) by saying:
"Racism is short for Race Realism."
"Racism was invented in 1928 at the Marxist Institute of Vienna specifically as a tool to use against White people. Why else is it White countries, all White countries, and only White countries, that are being targeted for Multiculturalism?"
"By calling someone a racist you explicitly acknowledge that that their statements are truthful, just that you think it's impolite for them to speak the truth. Otherwise you would simply say that they are wrong!"
"So you're not saying that I'm wrong, just calling me names?"
Anyone got any more?
Z- can you warn us before you send us to the NSA website please? :)
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