There are few ways to test the health of your community better then by seeing how well a holiday is celebrated by your neighbors. Last year, we asked if you if your city could pass the Trick-or-Treating test for Halloween, knowing that only parents living in an actual community—one replete with high social capital—would feel comfortable sending their children out into the night to ask neighbors for candy.
Remember, Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam found that thecities with the highest percentage of social capital/trust were those that were the least “diverse—i.e. the most homogenous.
Now imagine you live in a city that, presumably, should have high social capital—90 percent of the inhabitants are of the same race. But instead, that city’s government has to issue “emergency temporary ordinance that requires anyone attempting to buy gasoline in cans to provide identification, and a 6 p.m. curfew for youths younger than 18,” from October 29- Halloween night (Oct. 31). [Detroit Angels' Night patrols ready to go, UPI, 10-26-12]. The minors’ parent or guardian will also be issued a parent responsibility violation ticket. [Detroit's Devil's Night curfew, gas ordinance to stay enforced during storm conditions, By Eric Lacy, , October 30, 2012]
Yes, we’re taking about 90 percent black Detroit. On “Devil’s Night” (October 30), the good citizens of Detroit have taken to torching abandoned buildings and long-idle commercial real estate.
Ze’ev Chafets wrote the still-definitive account of the terror that strikes the Motor City every Halloween eve in his 1991 book Devil’s Night: And Other True Tales of Detroit:
I vaguely remembered Devil’s Night. When I was a kid growing up in Pontiac, a grimy industrial clone of Detroit ten miles north of the city, it had been a time of harmless pranks—window soaping, doorbell ringing and rolls of toilet paper in the neighbor’s trees. But it had been twenty years since I lived there, and a lot of things had changed. One of them was Devil’s Night.
Three years earlier, in 1983, for reasons no-one understands, America’s sixth largest city suddenly erupted into flame. Houses, abandoned buildings, even unused factories burned to the ground in an orgy of arson that lasted for seventy-two hours. When it was over the papers reported more than 800 fires. Smoke hung over the city for weeks.
Even my friend’s dramatic description did not prepare me for what I saw that night. On the streets of Detroit I could sense the same rush of energy, the same sense of excitement that always accompanies nocturnal action. Police helicopters circled overhead and fire trucks, sirens blaring, raced form one conflagration to another. Cops guarded the firemen as they fought the flames. It was only when I saw the faces of the neighborhood people, mostly older blacks with long coats over their bathrobes, standing grimly on their porches, armed with shotguns and garden hoses, protecting their property, that I realized this was no homecoming rally; on Devil’s Night, they use homes for kindling.
Read the rest there and be share to share it on this Halloween.My friend’s car was equipped with a police-band radio, and as he drove from fire to fire he gradually became the leader of a motorcade. At every stop, people gawked at the flames and passed around bottles of whiskey and thermos caps of steaming coffee. The suburbanites talked with bittersweet nostalgia about their old neighborhoods in Detroit, pointed to childhood sites now sunk into decrepitude and shook their heads. The message was tacit but unmistakable—Look at what they’re doing to our city. “
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A normal placard in 90% black Detroit |
Devil's Night arson first became a major problem for Detroit in 1983, when 650 fires were reported, as vacant buildings throughout the city were torched. After the 1984 Devil's Night, when the arson spree peaked at 810 fires, city officials mounted a massive campaign to curb the destruction in subsequent years. It had been largely successful in reducing the arson each year, until this week.Interesting. It was reported in Michigan Live that the number of 'suspicious' fires have dropped in recent years [Every night is Devils' Night in Detroit, union president says,10-30-2012]:
Detroit saw just 83 suspicious fires over the three-day Halloween period a year ago, down from 169 in 2010, 119 in 2009 and 136 in 2008, but city officials this year took additional measures in the anti-arson effort, implementing a curfew for minors from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.Most interesting. Steven Gray, writing in Time, tried to get to the origins of "Devil's Night" by being as delicate as possible, tiptoeing around the obvious racial angle [Can Detroit Prevent a Return of 'Devil's Night'?, 10-30-2009]:
The exact origin of Devil's Night is unclear. People who grew up in Detroit following World War II recall kids plastering cars with toilet paper, and tossing onto porches fiery paper bags filled with feces. Huge swaths of this city burned during the 1967 riots, leaving the kind of blighted property that experts say lures prospective arsonists. John Hall, a researcher at the National Fire Prevention Association, said the presence of so many vacant properties presented the ingredients for what's known as "the broken windows syndrome." He says "when people see a collection of abandoned properties in one location, graffiti goes up. The general perception is, 'We've lost control of our neighborhood.' It's infectious." During the 1960s riots, parts of cities like Newark, Chicago and Los Angeles were torched. But those cities never developed a tradition like Detroit's Devil's Night.Sigh. Abandoned properties, graffiti, blight, "losing control of a neighborhood"... all manners in which to describe a community created by black people.
Devil's Night in Detroit: A most unique black tradition, where black people engage in the burning of a city they inherited by... burning the city in the insurrection of 1967.
What do you expect from spooks?
Dont you know tbat the libs have officially renamed it angels night. That will fix the problem, after all those altar boys wont be violent on angels night lol.
To everybody at SBPDL: Happy Halloween!
It's the only day when spooks don't need a costume.
Three years earlier, in 1983, for reasons no-one understands, America’s sixth largest city suddenly erupted into flame. Houses, abandoned buildings, even unused factories burned to the ground in an orgy of arson that lasted for seventy-two hours. When it was over the papers reported more than 800 fires.
What better way to permanently depress property values and discourage all future industrial renovation?
It's as if Blacks are some sort of dog that marks its territory with napalm. Leaving the world a better place doesn't even enter into it. There seems to be a conscious determination to "tag" their surroundings with undeniable destruction, much as with how some Black rapists feel compelled to mutilate their victims afterward.
Blacks mutilate civilization.
It's that simple. There is no other way to describe their destructive influence upon the civilized world.
"Devil's Night arson first became a major problem for Detroit in 1983, when 650 fires were reported, as vacant buildings throughout the city were torched."
As noted in the article fires on Halloween Night in Detroit are down. No doubt it's because there are not that many buildings left in Detroit to torch on Halloween Night.
Just dug myself out of 18" of snow.
Fired the generator and came straight to SBPDL. Lot's of storm damage here, trees downed everywhere, it could take weeks to get power back on.
Am I worried? Not in the least; why, because most of the people here help one another out. They are ALL heavily armed, yet extremely polite and law abiding. They'd take their shirt off to help another in need, black or white.
Big contrast between dirt poor Appalachia and Detroilet, huh?
"Detroit saw just 83 suspicious fires over the three-day Halloween period a year ago, down from 169 in 2010, 119 in 2009 and 136 in 2008, but city officials this year took additional measures in the anti-arson effort, implementing a curfew for minors from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday."
Well whoop-de-doo! In my city we didn't have any! And they're bragging?
Like a couple of others have said, pretty soon they'll have no buildings left to burn. I guess they'll start in on the trees when that happens.
Anonymous: "Dont you know tbat the libs have officially renamed it angels night. That will fix the problem, after all those altar boys wont be violent on angels night lol".
October 31, 2012 11:40 AM
Remember, Lucifer was also an angel?!.. :)
If you believe in the Out of Africa theory of human evolution White flight has occured since time began. It is very much a shame that blacks have been sold and immigrated from their homeland of Africa to follow the civilized people of the world. I guess the only people who know how to control these savages are just one step removed look at the island of Hispanola for an example.
"Devil's Night in Detroit: A most unique black tradition, where black people engage in the burning of a city they inherited by... burning the city in the insurrection of 1967.
Because they know that they will get new places to live when the old places get burned down. I wonder what would happen if they were not given section 8 vouchers? Would they burn or not burn down their neighborhoods? Exactly how much are we enabling their behavior by giving them money to live or is this something that comes natural?
"What better way to permanently depress property values"
I disagree.Burning down those properties helps to keep property values up. Less supply more demand equals higher prices. Can you imagine what property values would really be if the supply was higher in Detroit? Instead of houses with asking prices of $50,000 we would have houses with asking prices of $15,000 or even $5,000. That would be a disaster for Detroit real estate!
On another note can't we have our Fed Government and various religious do gooders send the Somali refugees to Detroit but not give them any money for living expenses?
"Devil's Night in Detroit: A most unique black tradition, where black people engage in the burning of a city they inherited by... burning the city in the insurrection of 1967.
Because they know that they will get new places to live when the old places get burned down. I wonder what would happen if they were not given section 8 vouchers? Would they burn or not burn down their neighborhoods? Exactly how much are we enabling their behavior by giving them money to live or is this something that comes natural?
Happy Halloween SBPDL. I just wanted to say that today marks my 1 year anniversary; one year ago today I fortuitously stumbled upon this site and I have not looked back since. Thank you Paul Kersey, you have forever changed my life. Thank you also to all of the intelligent, witty, and honest people who contribute here at SBPDL. Thank you for helping this Snowman make sense of a world driven mad. And with that I am off into the night dressed as a pirate riding a pink flamingo.
"The scorpion and the turtle"
A scorpion comes to the edge of a riverbank, and being a very poor swimmer, asked a turtle if he would carry him on his back across the river.
The turtle thought it was the craziest thing he ever heard, “Why would I carry you on my back?” he boomed, ‘You’ll sting me while I’m swimming and I’ll drown.”
“My dear turtle friend,” laughed the scorpion, “if I were to sting you, you would drown and I would go down with you and drown as well. Now where is the logic in that?”
The turtle pondered this for a moment, and eventually saw the logic in the scorpion’s statement. “You’re right!” said the turtle with a smile. “Hop on!”
So the scorpion climbed aboard and the turtle paddled his big fins in the water. Halfway across the lake the scorpion gave the turtle a big sting, and he started to drown.
As they both sank into the water the turtle turned to the scorpion with a tear in his eye. “My dear scorpion friend, why did you sting me? Now we are both going to drown…” the turtle was gasping for air. “Where is the… logic in that?”
“It has nothing to do with logic” the scorpion sadly replied, “it’s just my nature.”
Houses in Detroit now sell for $5,000 dollars or less. Zenster is correct. Bids begin at $500 dollars for properties foreclosed on for non-payment of taxes.
Nobody wants those houses because of what you have to live next to. Supply doesn't matter, because there is no demand. Remember: In Real Estate, three things matter. Location, location, and location.
Look up "ruin porn" in Detroit. The pictures you will see are real and not exaggerated in the least. I've seen it with my own two eyes, and I mean recently. It truly looks like a third world war zone.
Making the arsonists and their co-ethnics live in tents next to their burned-out dwellings might be apt punishment, but if they lack any future-time orientation it might not change their behavior enough to prevent them from burning themselves out. This is the difference between us and the savages.
On the other hand, giving them a choice between a tent in cold Cleveland or warm Monrovia might influence their choice in a positive way... for us, so long as we never let them come back.
On a related topic:
'Groids gonna groid... "50 to 100 yoof" descending in packs. I'm SHOCKED by this behavior.
And here is the absolute truth of it all as expressed by D'won in the article.
"Look, they've been looting our wallets for too long," said a young male who claimed he helped himself to a TV at the Rent-A-Center.
“It's about time we start taking this sh—t back," the youth, who identified himself as Jesse James, told the Daily News.
This is day one by the way. Can you imagine if power isn't restored in say a week? Or if this had been a Cat 3 hurricane?
That is where we are headed nation wide. As soon as the VERY thin layer of civilization peels back just a bit it will be pay back time on all you in a big way.
It will be time to circle the wagons very soon probably in the pacific northwest. The coasts are fucking lost now...
In my town Halloween ended when the black side of town started invading the rest of town. Wearing no costumes they came into neighborhoods largely devoid of groid because these hoods actually handed out candy. And in typical fashion they brought crime with them. They were rude to home owners, stole candy from trick or treaters, started fights and vandalized property. The public just quit having door to door trick or treating. So it was moved to area malls. Where the groid followed with the same results. Now generations of kids will miss out on a great tradition. And i imagine that candy sales suffer. Further dropping the economy. Like ive always said, BLACKS RUIN EVERYTHING. THE END.
let them burn it down. The average white person, the average non-black person for that matter, is awakening to the pure evil in the negroe's DNA.
Jay in DC: This is day one by the way. Can you imagine if power isn't restored in say a week? Or if this had been a Cat 3 hurricane? [emphasis added]
For those less familiar with the Urban Adjusted Saffir–Simpson Hurricane and TNB Scale (UASSHATS), the following category breakdown may prove instructive:
Cat 1 = Elevated levels of "gibsmedat" with occasional outbursts of TNB
Cat 2 = Scattered riot tweeting interspersed with looting advisories
Cat 3 = Sustained chimpouts with strong gusts of, "dat be mahn, mofo!"
Cat 4 = Heavy damage to liquor stores and home electronics outlets sometimes accompanied by flurries of 00 Asian hail
Cat 5 = Extensive looting expanded to include shoe stores, arson backdrafts and widespread TNB with much ooking and eeking
Warning: Recently enstated FEMA policy dictates that, beyond Cat 3 levels, confiscation of noncombatant civilian arms may occur.
The city has a program that you can buy a property for as little as a dollar (yes you heard correct... $1) if you occupy it and bring it back up to code. Houses sell normally for like 5 or 6 thousands dollars in Detroit.
I read about it here on sbpdl first last year.
Left Coast White Guy
No, you just defend your home, person and stand your stand. That is your function as a man stand...for yourself, your property and your people. You already said you're not afraid of them. They are only 12%.
Stand Jay
Ex-Detroiter: Zenster is correct. Bids begin at $500 dollars for properties foreclosed on for non-payment of taxes.
Nobody wants those houses because of what you have to live next to. Supply doesn't matter, because there is no demand. Remember: In Real Estate, three things matter. Location, location, and location.
Thank you, Ex-Detroiter. It's difficult to imagine how a scarcity of ownable residential property is of significance in a market composed almost entirely of renters. Any functional economic construct requires the interposition of numerous capital providers to drive a Section 8 model.
If that were a viable investment path, income property buyers would be flocking to Detroit in droves. Ergo, ravaging your own neighborhood does cause a long term depression in property values.
As the old saying goes, "Don't sh!t on your own doorstep."
Arson has gone down in Detroit because there is little to burn anymore, jackass afro administration at its best.
Brooklyn Halloween prank gone wrong, someone in the wrong place at the wrong time, naughty teens just having some fun? Take your pick. [Sarc]
Obama's sons stroll through Brooklyn
This kind of black on white violent crime probably won't make it to the MSM, but a report in any NY paper is significant. It is encouraging to see so many race reality comments in the NYDN and on You Tube. As more people awaken to the Gothic horrors beget by BRA and subsequent runaway black crime, sane voices are rising in protest, refusing to be shouted down by sleeping liberals. Exception, of course, HuffPo.
This kid, a recent Princeton grad, whose life is destined to be worth something, was set upon by these Attica bound lower life forms who have no right to inhabit the same planet with civilized beings. When they were through shaking him down, one of the apes stomped on his head, rendering him unconscious. Not good.
I just hope he doesn't have occult damage that might cause neural-intellectual malfunction in the future.
Immediate post-cranial trauma scans don't always reveal such subtleties.
There is a website called "We should own that" that catalogs for sale at auction tax distressed properties. You can pick up a home for as little as 500 free and clear." Apparently slumlords and speculators have taken note. Its a fascinating read because it links assessor and google maps pictures and you can search by neighborhood. - SE Michigan suburbanite
Experiences by Australian tourists trapped in the Superdome during Katrina.
I've seen The Crow, I know damn well Devil's Night activities are perpetrated by white street thugs and orchestrated by evil white masterminds from their million dollar office penthouses.
We knew they were going to loot didn't we?
Yeah, I know Alex Jones, but it's worth seeing anyway.
As PK says ''blacks being black''. That's how Africans in America (drop the hyphen, replace with [space]in[space]) act.
And how do they act in Africa? The same.
@Zenster: That was funny, and true! After Katrina ''chimpouts'' have often been described using that scale, but never so well defined.
Zenster- you are killin' me over here. That is too funny, that goes into my saved posts folder for sure. Great stuff! LMFAO @ "flurries of Asian Hail"
Anonymous said... There is a website called "We should own that" ...
What's that address again?
I read the dumb ass liberals story about how his blacktopia isn't quite what he thought it would be, still the dumb ass white liberal thinks that "we" can all work together to save the shithole that south africa has become under black savage rule.
The author is the reason why south africa is ruined and that pontificating turd, still has the audacity to write an article, what an idiot.
I spit on whites like that, I don't know why he is complaining, he is living the african dream, he should rejoice in the diverse diversity, the diverse methods of using tax money by corruption, the diverse methods of finding innovative methods of making the dumb even dumber.
Let him enjoy diversity, a pity - have to live thru it also, but seeing him whine, brings a smirk to my lips.
Let everyone who reads this go post on that side to start the wake up there.
And how do they act in Africa?
This is from the article cited at (it's about the ongoing debacles in the new rainbow nation of South Africa):
What went wrong? Who should we blame for this mess? Has democracy failed us miserably? ... How did the ANC go from a proud liberation organisation with a high moral leadership to this sick self obsessed diseased thing lead by people without any sense of honour, conscience, guilt or humanity!
Nothing went "wrong." What the article reports about SA -- declining economy, rising violent crime, collapsing infrastructure, corrupt government -- is SOP for black majority rule in Africa. Come to think about it, it's also SOP for Detroit. Of course, drawing the logical conclusions would be considered heresy in polite circles these decadent days. The problem is not "racism." It is the egalitarianism" which has become a dominant ideology in the Western world. It provides the beer goggles which make it impossible to see the reality of BRA (Black Run Africa).
Let me note that the ANC was always a marxist terrorist organization, whose goal was power and not some imagined democracy. It was the delusions of DWLs which built the ANC up into some kind of civil rights organization. Then again, what difference does it make? we had a civil rights movement in the USA, and what was the outcome--again in cities such as Detroit?
Here's a slightly different perspective on the hurricane Sandy disaster:
Recent News from ACT! for America
Some Muslims celebrate Hurricane Sandy’s destruction
On 9/11, many Muslims around the world celebrated the destruction of the World Trade Center.
Today, some Muslims are celebrating the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. While this of course is not representative of all Muslims, it is sad nonetheless. When natural disasters strike the Muslim world, America is there to help.
Here’s one example of Muslims celebrating.
A Muslim man posted the following question on a popular Islamic website:
"Should we celebrate and be happy watching the Hurricane destroy several states in the US, or should we sympathize with our fellow human beings?"
Sheik and Dr. Nasser Alomar issued a lengthy response at: (Arabic site)
Here are some excerpts from that response, translated into English:
(Don't miss the cute little right-hand inset showing a nuclear explosion detonating behind the Statue of Liberty) [not part of article]
We and Allah should be happy and we should celebrate for what has come against the prideful tyrants. America is the leader of oppression and tyranny throughout this century and it uses its money to oppress the Muslim people and Muslim nations from the far East to the far West…
Why shouldn't we celebrate when the prophet Muhammad said: "Oh Allah force your might on those who harm us."
Shouldn't we celebrate and be happy when Allah answer the prayers of the oppressed?…
The wind that is destroying America is a blessing from Allah, we should be thankful and be happy "to God belongs the order before and after; and on that day the believers shall rejoice, in the help of Allah;- Allah helps whom He will, and He is mighty, merciful.-"
Quran: AR-Room 30:4-5
[end of article]
Remember, folks, this is from the same people who passed out candy and danced in the streets, cheering while the Twin Towers were burning.
As Ann Coulter noted in her book, "Treason": (page 229)
We must mollify angry fanatics who seek our destruction because otherwise they might get mad and seek our destruction.
Never forget that these bastards celebrate our misfortune, yet, when the same thing happens to them—like the Aceh tsunami or Bam earthquake, where we send massive disaster assistance—it is taken as a sign from Allah that they aren't pious enough. Not that they're being punished for committing constant terrorist atrocities, but that they don't have enough faith.
What's to be done with that flavor of total monster raving looney?
For those with dreadfully short attention spans, here's a quick synopsis:
Californian: Nothing went "wrong" … the ANC was always a marxist terrorist organization, whose goal was power and not some imagined democracy.
Thank you. Thank you. I'll be here all night. Please try the veal.
I read the dumb ass liberals story about how his blacktopia [post-apartheid South Africa] isn't quite what he thought it would be,
And again, why would anyone in their right mind expect a black majority rule country in Africa to be anything other than one marked by corruption, ethnic violence, demagoguery, economic decline, breakdown in public services and public health, and all the rest of the pathologies? What is in the history of post-colonial Africa to provide any optimism that black-majority-rule can produce viable states? Reasonably speaking, most sub-Saharan societies were, a mere two centuries ago, at the level of the Stone Age (Fred Reed notes it was actually the Stick Age since pre-colonial black Africans built very few stone buildings...).
You can understand why the ANC would support black-majority-rule to gain power. And why the Communist world would support the ANC to knock out a pro-Western country. And why even black Africans might call for an end of apartheid to bring down YT. But all these groups are the enemy of the majority populations of Europa and North America, and yet in the end, the white-majority countries were supporting the ANC.
"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide." -- James Burnham.
Speaking of large cities being inundated and overrun by a restive population…
For those of you with the intellectual stamina to watch a 153 minute silent film, is presenting a free viewing of Fritz Lang's 1927 science fiction masterpiece, "Metropolis".
Reconstructed using a damaged but nearly unedited print that was recently discovered in Argentina, this is the silent era's "2001" and, quite possibly, one of the greatest films of all time. Certainly, the greatest silent film of all time. Please try to ignore the plot's smarmy tagline. Instead, revel in some of the most imaginative set and backdrop designs ever seen on the silver screen. Rotwang's humanoid replicator could easily have served as a model for a similarly brilliant body replication scene in "The Fifth Element".
Of special interest: Note how, whenever rebelling workers are shown, the soundtrack routinely extemporizes upon "La Marseillaise", the French anthem which was heavily linked to Left-wing Socialist leanings at that time.
Asking prices and home values in Detroit have nothing to do with each other. Houses valued at 50,000 are routinely sold for 7500 or less.
An old song comes to my mind everytime I hear of white girl getting murdered by her black boyfriend its by Al Green its called"The Snake" here are the lyrics. On her way to work one morning down the path along the side of the lake, a tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake. Oh well, she cried, ill take you in and i'll take care of you. She wraped him all cozy in a culvature of silk then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk, and when she returned from that night as soon as she arrived she found that pretty snake she had taken in had been revived. Oh my, sighed that women, your so beutiful,she cried. And if I had not of brought you in by now you might died. Well she clutched the snake up to her breast, kissed him and held him tight, but instead of saying thanks that snake gave her a vicious bite. Oh no screamed that woman, youve bitten me and I dont know why you know your bite is poisonous and now im gonna die (the snake says) ah shut up silly women Im a reptile with these fangs, and you knew darn well that I was a snake before you took me in.
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