10-year-old Luke Bresette is dead, so trying to ascertain how an information sign could fall off the wall and crush this young boy should be priority no. 1.
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Idiocracy -- Thy name is Birmingham, a third-world city run by third-world people |
And, yes, in a city stuck in 1963, it should be fairly obvious a racial angle is in play. In fact, the Birmingham Airport Authority (BAA) - the city of Birmingham owns the airport, but the BAA is tasked with running it - needs only look at the fabled "Birmingham Plan" of 1990 to see why the city is perpetually stuck in 1963.
Since 1989, the city of Birmingham has operated under a consent decree ensuring that something called the "Birmingham Plan-Construction Industry Program" guides all city contracts, fuels the Minority Business Enterprise Program, and demands minority inclusion in all private and public construction efforts:
The Birmingham Construction Industry Authority (BCIA) is one of several voluntary programs that are collectively referred to as “The Birmingham Plan”, a plan established in 1990 and designed to overcome the critical under-utilization of Minority and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (MBE/DBE) in the City of Birmingham’s economic growth.
The BCIA Board of Directors establishes voluntary goals for minority and disadvantaged business participation in construction projects. These goals apply to both the public and private sectors of the construction industry, and are used throughout the Greater Birmingham four-county area.
All companies, public and private, that engage at any time in the purchase of construction services within the metropolitan Birmingham area are encouraged to become signatories to the Birmingham Plan-Construction Industry agreement.
Signatory participants agree to participate by adopting the BCIA guidelines and pledging to comply with the participation goals and objectives established. BCIA guidelines are included in the specifications of each signatory participant’s projects; making them obligatory upon the general contractors negotiating/bidding such projects.Since the city of Birmingham owns the airport, this consent decree applies to all construction projects there as well. Wait a second though, what is this Birmingham Construction Industry Authority?:
Birmingham in 2013 is a 74 percent black city, so surely some quality black entrepreneurs must have been attracted to a city whose operating goal - according to the consent decree of 1989 as established in "The Birmingham Plan" - is to promote black business interests?The Birmingham Construction Industry Authority (BCIA) is one of several voluntary programs that are collectively referred to as "The Birmingham Plan", a plan established in 1990 and designed to overcome the critical under-utilization of Minority and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (MBE/DBE) in the City of Birmingham’s economic growth.
Not exactly.
What are the goals of this BCIA?
The goals and objectives expressed in the BCIA mission statement are:
How's that working out so far? That's right: black-owned businesses account for only one percent of all annual corporate revenue in the state of Alabama.
Blacks are 26 percent of the state of Alabama's population.
Even with government mandated programs, only one percent of annual corporate revenue in the state comes from black-owned firms.
But let's get back to the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport and the "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)" program. Would you believe the federal government mandates, as a condition of receiving federal assistance from the Board of Transportation, airports to have a DBE?:
What do you think the government of China does when issuing contracts for potential builders/contractors? Does their government stipulate in the issuing of grants that a dysgenic sounding Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program exist for the successful transfer of funds?
America is not a super power anymore.
Birmingham is not a first world city anymore (new city slogan: "Where it's always 1963.")
No super power would handicap construction projects that serve the general public with egalitarian guidelines, just as no first world city would see an airport they own have an information sign fall off of a wall and kill someone.
Yes, John Archibald, this story has everything to do with race.
Welcome to "The Tragic City."
10-year-old Luke Bresette is still dead, while "The Birmingham Plan" still clearly illustrates that some races are more equal than others in 'The Magic City.'
- Promote community awareness and a sense of responsibility for including MBE/DBE contractors in the economic mainstream.
- Promote a thriving and diversified construction marketplace for both business and employment in the Greater Birmingham Metropolitan area.
- Promote the recognition of the BCIA by construction users as a resource center for community responsible construction businesses, both mainstream and MBE/DBE.
- Promote proactive and innovative efforts to meet the goals and objectives of the Birmingham Plan.
- Promote the construction industry as a viable career option for minority students as well as by providing assistance through scholarship and expanded employment opportunities.
- Certify and monitor the development of bona fide firms which are owned and controlled in both form and substance by qualified minority and disadvantaged persons.
How's that working out so far? That's right: black-owned businesses account for only one percent of all annual corporate revenue in the state of Alabama.
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Yes, white man, that is what 2013 Birmingham looks like |
Blacks are 26 percent of the state of Alabama's population.
Even with government mandated programs, only one percent of annual corporate revenue in the state comes from black-owned firms.
But let's get back to the Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport and the "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)" program. Would you believe the federal government mandates, as a condition of receiving federal assistance from the Board of Transportation, airports to have a DBE?:
America is not a super power anymore.
Birmingham is not a first world city anymore (new city slogan: "Where it's always 1963.")
No super power would handicap construction projects that serve the general public with egalitarian guidelines, just as no first world city would see an airport they own have an information sign fall off of a wall and kill someone.
Yes, John Archibald, this story has everything to do with race.
Welcome to "The Tragic City."
10-year-old Luke Bresette is still dead, while "The Birmingham Plan" still clearly illustrates that some races are more equal than others in 'The Magic City.'
I love your unrelenting, uncompromising writing style...bolstered with actual facts and statistics, as opposed to white liberal guilt-seeking, excuses, hand-wringing, and other embarrassments.
Sorry for the dumb question, but are your books available as e-books, like in a PDF format for immediate download on my computer?
Bwaa ha ha. A superpower? Not anymore and sinking rapidly. Another twenty million or so crimmigrants from mexico soon to get amnesty, boatloads of somalis and every other sort of african trash being paid to fuck and reproduce. We are going to crash and soon. Yeah, Balkanization here we come. I cannot wait.
Whites who must endure the dangers from inferior products should be able to form a class and file a lawsuit - except that be rayciss.
Whites who must pay for inferior products because inferior contractors are mandated should be able to form a class and file a lawsuit - except that be rayciss.
Blacks who benefit from mandates should be held accountable for the quality of their work through value engineering review, final inspection and other QC procedures, and if not, then whites should be able to form a class and file a lawsuit - except that be rayciss.
The theory was that blacks were just as good as whites. Where is the courage to back up that theory with inspections or in a court?
Negroes are cowards.
Wasnt there a show on, might still be, called "Black Perspective"? Nice to know that even Yts perspective is racist now.
America is not a super power anymore.
The nation and its actual values are a fraud. The situation is maybe not as glaring as most of the developed world is engaged in an equally enormous fraud i.e. the financial system.
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find that there were a group of moronic, incompetent negroes that were key to the half-assed attachment of that sign. I don't consider any services offered by negroes. But it's at least possible that it was a bunch of white guys that didn't care about their work either, because that kind of attitude is spreading in this society. So PK's reference to Idiocracy is spot on. I see examples of the developing reality of that movie every single day. The movie itself wasn't quite dark enough with respect to where we are heading. I'd love to recreate that movie with a strong race realist theme.
Maybe the parents of Luke Bresette will sue the City of Birmingham/minority preference agencies for the wrongful death of their son. There's gotta be some low-life, sleazy, shyster ambulance-chasing lawyer somewhere in the B-ham area who can smell money in this, and jump on it like a fly on a dog turd.
Government intervention is free markets only ensures that they are no longer free and that there will be certain participants who will benefit greatly from such intervention.
What the Birmingham Construction Industry Authority (BCIA) ensures is that almost all business goes to a very few connected participants.
A.G. Gaston's portfolio attests to it's being one of those connected participants:
On it's construction page, we see it doing something at the edge of an airport:
A.G. Gaston gets rich while most blacks in Birmingham wallow in poverty.
I wonder how many of the other flight information displays are properly secured so as to prevent this from happening again. Any ideas (suppose that looking at the other displays is racist as well)? If the work in securing these displays was indeed done by a black contractor does that mean that pointing this fact (once verified) becomes, in and of itself racist? I suspect that the lawsuits are getting geared up and soon arrive on the desks of the blacks running Birmingham. Will those lawsuits demanding discovery be racist?
I often wonder if the ancient China kept the door closed to Europe, kept the most crucial inventions like gunpowder, cannon, rocketry, paper ect ect exclusively in orient, the Europeans would have never gained power like they do now. The Jews also made the same mistake by giving white man an atom bomb.Whites adapted non white inventions and used it against killing and draping, stealing from non whites. Superior race? We should all thank the china man and jewish man for making half way civilized europeans into killing machine.
Jay Santos said: I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find that there were a group of moronic, incompetent negroes that were key to the half-assed attachment of that sign. .....But it's at least possible that it was a bunch of white guys that didn't care about their work either, because that kind of attitude is spreading in this society
1) It should come out who the responsible party is. At the least, the civil litigation should ensure that.
2) Crappy white contractors get crappy reputations, and are usually avoided. Crappy black contractors are the norm and get the job as a matter of AA gibsmedat.
I often wonder if Whites never brought slaves to the New World and if upon arriving in Africa and Australia treated the natives as if they were just part of the local fauna instead of human.
Amused black guy said...
I often wonder if the ancient China kept the door closed to Europe, kept the most crucial inventions like gunpowder, cannon, rocketry, paper ect ect exclusively in orient, the Europeans would have never gained power like they do now. The Jews also made the same mistake by giving white man an atom bomb.Whites adapted non white inventions and used it against killing and draping, stealing from non whites. Superior race? We should all thank the china man and jewish man for making half way civilized europeans into killing machine.
Jews were slavers. So were Asians. Asians had some pretty fierce warriors historically. If whites are killing machines. . .why are blacks doing most of it in modern times?
As far as 'draping', well, drapes and carpeting are made by many different ethnicities. I'm not sure who invented the first 'drapes' though. ;p
From the attitude and actions and lack of actions from prominent Africans, I get the strong impression Africans like it when White children die at the hands of Africans.
We are at war.
Ah, amused black guy......I'll bet he would do anything to avoid having to live with Africans.
I will also bet this "black guy" would scream and shout if we Whites asked him to leave us so that we horrid Whites could have a Whites Only country.
No way, this "black guy" would never want to live with his own since his actions tell us all that he prefers to be with Whites (not Jews or Chinese) since only we Whites can created a civil civilization.
Proof is in the fact that millions upon millions of his kind will do anything and everything to get to a WHITE COUNTRY. You don't see his kind trying to get into Mexico or China or such, now do you?
Black people make me sick.
Sam sez:
Maybe the parents of Luke Bresette will sue the City of Birmingham/minority preference agencies for the wrongful death of their son. There's gotta be some low-life, sleazy, shyster ambulance-chasing lawyer somewhere in the B-ham area who can smell money in this, and jump on it like a fly on a dog turd.
Maybe they will, but maybe they won't. The odds are greater than 50-50 that would join in Archibald's typical Marxist denunciation of anyone who dared to mention the inevitable results of ABRA - even if they're nice Christian folks who attend a "conservative" church. Even if they happen to be in the minority of whites who would sue the stinking Kleptocracy of the groid-controlled Birmingham government, their odds of finding attorneys willing to go up against a city regime deemed too black to fail by the squid overlords are quite slim, with odds of winning a major judgement against it even smaller.
State-mandated diversity set asides will not be taking a hit - not even if a bunch of hopped-up groids on a construction site dumped 100 tons of rocks on a passing Sunday-school bus filled with white children and killed every one. Mr. Archibald and his fellow duranties would lie about that as well - even if the groids did it deliberately. Your error here - and the error so many folks make - lies in the assumption that there is such a thing as the "rule of law" in the place known as the USA and that there is "good faith" on the part of the regime and its minions.
The rule of law has been utterly turned on it head. Those who own the system are the law. They can do anything they want - literally. They can even forclose on houses they never held a mortgage on - by simply creating the paperwork that says so out of whole cloth. They can walk off with 1.2 billion in client funds and laugh. All with blackrobe endorsement. The overlords, and their lickspittle duranty mouthpieces like Mr. Archibald, regard Luke Bresette as an egg which was necessary to be broken to make the utopian multikulti omlet - just the cost of doing business, to be paid by the usual chumps (never by themselves).
The worse problem is that far too many families of the type from which young Luke came are utterly blinded to this hideous reality. They much prefer to continue believing in the mythology they've been taught in school, in church, on TV, in magazines and in movies about the land of the free and the home of the brave - where equality is über alles.
Amused black guy said...
I often wonder if the ancient China kept the door closed to Europe, kept the most crucial inventions like gunpowder, cannon, rocketry, paper ect ect exclusively in orient, the Europeans would have never gained power like they do now. The Jews also made the same mistake by giving white man an atom bomb.Whites adapted non white inventions and used it against killing and draping, stealing from non whites. Superior race? We should all thank the china man and jewish man for making half way civilized europeans into killing machine.
I imagine you're exhausted from all that deep thinking there. And then you typed it all, hunting for the letters among all those confusing symbols on the keyboard. You even used punctuation and capitalization with near perfection. One of the talented 1 percent are you?
My favorite part of this whole charade is that the liberals and non whites keep squealing that this is a FREE country. They have not the first clue as to the meaning of the word freedom. How is the EEOC or mandated minority contracts an example of freedom? How is taxing the earning of Whites and redistributing it to blacks and browns an example of freedom?
BV said :
"Yeah, Balkanization here we come. I cannot wait."
I have been thinking about this lately as well and I remembered that the Russians have been saying the same thing for awhile now.
This is from the Wall Street Journal in 2008 :
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010
Here's another article from 2011 by the same guy, Igor Panarin, defending his hypothesis. He first proposed the breakup in 1998.
US breakup: Myth or Reality?
@ Amused black guy
The only amusing thing here is your pathetic foray into English grammar and usage. You harangue the White man for his violence but conveniently say NOTHING about his vast scientific and social achievements which dwarf all of the other races combined. You silly ape, without White violence you would still be living in a mud hut in africa none the wiser to our ways. Look at the current state of Africa, it is nothing but one big murder fest. Yet for all of your violence you have not produced .05% of what the White man achieved with our violence. IF we are not SUPERIOR to you africans why are you speaking OUR LANGUAGE??? Why are we not speaking in bantu clicks and chirps? Why is English the international language of business? Why do all of the Asian countries teach their students English and not Swahili or Ebonics?
Mr. Clean:
2) Crappy white contractors get crappy reputations, and are usually avoided. Crappy black contractors are the norm and get the job as a matter of AA gibsmedat.
True, but the bad reputations of crappy white contractors would only affect their prospects from privately-funded building projects. These are likely the only white contractors (which are also more likely to be wymyn-owned on paper) who regularly get jobs from Afro-Kleptocrat city governments (because they likely provide kickbacks, which are paid for by subcontracting to illegal aliens, etc.) The layers of corruption, connected-capitalism and back-scratching associated with ABRA are so numerous it gets very difficult to keep track of it all.
The Snowman asketh:
My favorite part of this whole charade is that the liberals and non whites keep squealing that this is a FREE country. They have not the first clue as to the meaning of the word freedom. How is the EEOC or mandated minority contracts an example of freedom? How is taxing the earning of Whites and redistributing it to blacks and browns an example of freedom?
War is "peace", poverty is "prosperity", slavery is "freedom", genocide is "equality". Mr. Orwell saw the basic pattern in play a long time ago. The Ministry of Truth has been at work ceaselessly for a long, long time.
Dear Amused Pavement Ape. Gunpowder as we know it today was not invented till the late 1800's, before that it was simply saltpeter, which if you know anything about chemistry, really isn't that hard to make. How does saltpeter stack up against, oh I don't know, GREEK-FIRE? Yes us Indio-Europeans are the inventers of every great invention on this planet.
I can tell by the tone of your message, that you, and all non-whites are envious of us Aryan/Celtic/Slavic/Latins as we are the ones the modern world owes it's existence to. Please go away, we simple don't need you. We have never, and will never need you. All you, and your people do is burden us, more and more we are getting sick of trying to save your failed race. As the we White men march into the future you people will become absolete, as the farm equipment you used to be. Please leave us in peace before we are forced to drive you from us.
"Amused black guy"and I are really soul brothas.
Why? Well we have identical desires.
We both want to live with White people (and not blacks) and we both want White women (and not hideous black buffaloes).
So, can we really blame him? Would YOU want to live with apes and f an ape female? Even black men know, deep down inside, that White is superior. That is why they will kill and riot if you attempt to take them away from Whites.
Most Blacks are not that stupid. Even they realize Africans are savages and revolting.
Dear Amused Pavement Ape. You are an idiot. The Chinese invented Saltpeter not gunpowder, gunpowder was invented in the 1600's, and refined to what whe have today in the 1800's. Saltpeter is quite easy to make for anyone with a background in chemestry. As far as ancient weapons go GREEK-FIRE was the most deadly, and feared on the entire planet.
As far as you and your "people", please go away. We don't need you, we have never, nor will we ever need you. As us White men march into the future you will become increasingly obsolete, much like the farm equipment you used to be. You, much like every other non White, you are envious of us Aryan/Celtic/Slavic/Latins. We are the only ones the modern world owes its' existence to. You are a great burden on us, and are becoming even more of a burden. Please leave us in peace, before we are forced to drive you from us.
-A proud Slavic Man.
OT - Arizona fights back!
State Ban on Agenda 21 Clears Arizona Senate
"Under immense pressure from grassroots activists across the political spectrum, lawmakers in the Arizona Senate approved legislation last week that would ban the controversial United Nations “sustainable development” scheme known as UN Agenda 21 within the state. The measure in Arizona follows similar efforts in other states and comes amid increasing nationwide outrage about the international so-called “sustainability” plot, which according to UN documents aims to radically restructure human civilization under the guise of environmentalism and fighting poverty."
You see this is why they have to slowly grind us down via miscegenation and mass third world immigration; we still have far too much fight for the globalists' liking.
Question- How did this site come to be overrun by negroes, and why are we being forced to waste our time arguing with negroes when there are plenty of places on the internet for those who enjoy doing so, when I, and I assume at least a few other whites, come here to escape the never-ending aggravation that comes from merely being in proximity to negroes? Do we really need to hear their arguments, excuses, rationalisations, justifications-heck, even just their voices, here, too? Is there no escape, even a virtual escape on the internet, from the eternal, ever-present negro? I come here to interact with whites-it's not as if there places in real life to gather with whites, as whites, in support of whites and white cause-now, negroes must insert themselves into our white virtual meeting place?
God, I am so sick of negroes. They are forced down our necks in every aspect of real life, must we "tolerate" them here also?
Thanks for sharing groid. Your race has contributed only rape and murder to the other races forced to take care of you. You are a burden for anyone who comes into contact with you.
I haven't laughed that hard in months! Thanks
Ex New Yorker here....I have noticed that there has not been any big mass shoot outs and body counts with our brothers from across the sea. A few hits here and there, but not anything really major and bloody. A good shoot out with 10 to 20 youths getting shot always cheers me up.
Is this lack of fun filled killing and death due to the ammo shortage. I sure hope not. If the teens and honor students are having a hard time reloading, that would cause a problem with the ghetto depopulation program. What good is an empty gun.
I am trying not to let this ammo shortage situation bring me down. I know the high level of intelligence the average gang banger has he will think of something to remedy the problem. Knifes and lead pipes will due until something better comes along.
See Kwami Kilpatrick(Detroit Mayor)
Now theres an upstanding pillar of the Society of Black leaders,Such people are an inspiration for our kids
Melanie said...
Question- How did this site come to be overrun by negroes, and why are we being forced to waste our time arguing with negroes when there are plenty of places on the internet for those who enjoy doing so, when I, and I assume at least a few other whites, come here to escape the never-ending aggravation that comes from merely being in proximity to negroes? Do we really need to hear their arguments, excuses, rationalisations, justifications-heck, even just their voices, here, too? Is there no escape, even a virtual escape on the internet, from the eternal, ever-present negro? I come here to interact with whites-it's not as if there places in real life to gather with whites, as whites, in support of whites and white cause-now, negroes must insert themselves into our white virtual meeting place?
Comical Negro is doing what niggers always do, reaching for the low-hanging fruit. In the case of this forum, the low hanging fruit follows the same pattern, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Comical Negro offers up a non-sequitor, some isolated bit of data, or an absurd conclusion, and people on this forum, assumed to be whites, feel compelled to take issue.
You could be at the symphony and a nigger walks in, talking loudly and playing the mp3 so loudly it affects the performance. Is the nigger hollerin any comparison to the Wagner? No, but that's not the point. The nigger just shat all over your symphony experience.
Same thing here. PK offers daily essays on the futility of groid civilization or the ways groids shit upon our civilization, and we commiserate. It's probably good for our collective soul. As for the collective nigger soul, it does not exist. There seems only to be a collective nigger anus.
So please, do not feed the groid.
God, I am so sick of negroes. They are forced down our necks in every aspect of real life, must we "tolerate" them here also?
It can post as often as it likes, but it's not shitting on our experience until we respond. So, please do not feed the groid.
Fraud is the word here. I don't believe anything I hear from the news or from any DWLs, a gaggle I deal with frequently with in WDC. The US is SA lite and we are slipping fast.
It is scary. There is no unity between ethnic groups in the States. The groids and their dysgenic produced teens are engaging in guerrilla warfare on whites and this is being covered up by the MSM, the DOJ, local police, and of course the DWLs who are ensconced in the fed gigs.
It is scary that I read things on this blog and I get confirmation in my day to day interactions, which are normal. Today a half white/ half Latino nanny at my kids school tells me that she was raped in her apartment by a 51 year old black man who is now getting out of jail. She was living in Tallahassee, Florida at the time, that being 4 years ago. This nanny is 23 and has big blue eyes. She shared this with me after the receptionist at my kids school tells me about three attempted rapes that have occurred at around 9 am in alleys near a middle school ( a groid school). In all three instances , the same description came about, that being an 8th grader groid. No mention this in my neighborhood, no news. Why? To protect that little effin groid!!!!
I remember in 2003 I did a bus tour of Europe and there were white South Africans on the trip. I had heard about bad stuff over in SA and I asked the travelers... ' oh no, S Sfrica is beautiful.'. Lies steeped in denial.
We are idiocracy. America the Beautiful is a lie. I have the spread the word re: the baby being shot in Georgia. Do you know that there were at least three people I talked to that did not hear about the story? How is that possible?
Amurkistan is a cover up, a sham, a lie, window dressing. Whites are lied to re: black on white crime. Blacks are lied to about their level of competency being on par with whites. Slavery was a big lie and infant was a better deal for blacks. All of this lying to hold an illusion of reality in place. You can paint a turd gold but ur us still a turd.
When you uncover the lies, peek behind the curtains, or simply ask a question, you are criminalized.
As Bogo - ski ( abbrev) pointed out to me, these groids are all connected. They are. Their network is intense and their use of social media is intense. They stick together and are ensconced in the idiocracy of Amurkustan and are forever dependent on it. We whites want to break free of it, we want the truth, we want only to be left alone, but the groids won't let it be. More importantly, the political class does not want us free.
The DWLs in DC are the biggest idiots I have ever met. I think they are all pathological liars. They believe if they just keep saying the same bs over and over again OR if they just BELIEVE in CHANGE that like everything will 'poof' be good. I don't get it.
America is a lie
White Mom in the District of Craptopia
Without all those advancements in science, mathematics, biology, chemistry, linguistics, electricity, psychology, poetry, botany, medicine, information technology, space travel, industry and manufacturing coming out of the glorious muddahland Africa where would we be? Did they stash all those inventions on the mothership hiding behind the moon with spinner rims that Calypso Louie is waiting on?
I actually don't mind mixing with different cultures, etc, it's just the ghetto thugs that have to come and mess everything up. Even the Halloween night in San Fran went to shit because of these characters. Everyone else was able to have a good time without resorting wanton lawlessness.
I note the BCIA mission statement includes:
Certify and monitor the development of bona fide firms which are owned and controlled in both form and substance by qualified minority and disadvantaged persons.
Our whole problem is illustrated by the fact that "qualified" in this context has nothing to do with the ability to do the job.
You forgot pasta? But let's educate you, firstly I would like to appologize you have black skin, that your ancestors made thoughtless decisions, and you have to live out the causality of those decisions, admitting black dysfunction would help you in avoiding it.
Yes europeans took chinese ideas, but the adapted them, europeans gave fireworks the colour, chinese only had the golden colour fireworks, europeans invented the red4, greens, blues, and all the other colours you see today, which the chinese use in their newyears celebrations.
Europeans took the idea of noodles from the chinese and reinvented it. Look at all the pastas you get on italian shelves today, most italians are well aware where their national dish had its origins.
So black man, don't tell us things we already know, I know it must be hard to look at your race and feel worthless, at what you see, instead of behaving like a petulant child and defending the black dysfunction, by saying things like whites stole chinese tech, and a jew gave them the atom bomb, we know all that.
Pay attention to what bill cosby says about black dysfunction, and to that famous reverand that says the truth about black dysfunction, then maybe you can start climbing out the shithole that you so seem to love.
That was truly a pathetic attempt, and a shining example of how black dna keeps you where you are.
Care to mention any other invention white people stole?
As white ppl we really don't understand how it must feel to be part of a group that displays savagery and dysfunction so habitually and then try and excuse it.But that's european dna for you.
Instead of writing here, isn't there better pursuits for black men, like chasing after fat booty, invading it, looking angry on street corners, cat calling when white women walk by you. At least you not doing those things so there might be hope afterall.
You still looking angry on the street corner black man, except now, you typing obvious information that whites know about their history.
You still stuck being angry on the street corner, alltho the street corner is not there anymore, and you not wearing the ghetto garb, or the tan timberland boots, or the tupac head bandana, the anger is still there, so you still stuck being angry on the ghetto street corner
Truly sad
Bemused black man, here is something non obvious for you, martin luther king and the civil rights activists of the 60's shackled blacks further, under the guise of freedon, civili rights have been more oppressive to blacks in america than slavery was.
Civil rights and freedom has truly devestated blacks in the usa, school dropouts has increased, in the 50's black kids at least still had father in the home, look at it now, illigitamcy is the norm to you now, so is single mother families, grandma is now your mother, you though civil rights would bring you freedom but its actually had the opp.
I see today, the black man more angry than ever, obama is your second slave master, MLK was your first, MLK brought you "freedom" now obama brings you "equality"
Since obama has taken office, black people are more angry than ever, I actually believe that blacks in america are regressing past the point of blacks in harare and somalia, blacks there have learnt humility and gratitude in the best manner possible, misery, hunger, deprivation.
Blacks from zimbabwe are much more pleasant and less angry and resentfull, and have gratitude, compared to blacks in america.
See the blacks in zimbabwe have learnt the lessons of hardship, blacks in america are proving to be worse than the african blacks, that's why the african blacks don't like the american blacks very much.
You still angry, I hope you don't have kids to pass that anger onto.
60yrs on from MLK and you worse off now that you were, I bet your great grand parents were more pleasant ppl to be around, than you are.
You have the cars and clothes and houses, but that has contributed nothing to you as a human, you angry, feral, deprived
I am happy that people like you exist, cause you teach me what I never want to become
I was highly amused at the comments of the groid. I wish such a groid could explain what the negro has done when exposed to all modern inventions. Have they used them as a launch pad for accelerated development of greater technologies and advancement such as others have done? No. They've simply sat on their asses and accomplished nothing but the destruction of cities while they parasitize more advanced peoples.
Africa has been exposed (for hundreds of years)to all the inventions the groid claims the Europeans used to acheive dominance and yet, they have acheived nothing and gone nowhere.
When Africans chimp out and YT flees their primitive and retarded barbarism, the africans simply proceed to destroy all that YT left behind until (once again) they're living in their former shithole conditions and existing in a cesspit of violence, poverty, corruption and degradation. Well....degradation as far as any other race is concerned. For negroes, it's not degradation but a return to an unavoidable natural state of existence ala Haiti, Detroit, South Africa etc.
When exposed to the modern world, the Japanese soared to the heights and became an economic world power. When the negro was exposed to the same, he became nothing.
Poor groids. They can blame YT and blame the world but the fact remains- they're a failed species that needs to be abandoned and left to their fate instead of being propped up and dragged along.
I live in The Tragic City, and the first thing I commented on this terrible tragedy, was a post on a local TV website, asking the question of which "minority owned contractor" was responsible for that part of the terminal renovation and whether or not that wall of monitors was inspected and safely attached to the wall or the concourse floor? Within MINUTES my "comment" post had been removed from their website. IMAGINE THAT.
Just goes to show you how FAST they censor you when you hit on THE TRUE FACTS of the matter. ALL media outlets are like this. Sad.
anon@7:27PM in response to Melanie:
[It can post as often as it likes, but it's not shitting on our experience until we respond. So, please do not feed the groid.]
My sentiments exactly. Pull SPDL's generous troll EBT blog privilege, and stop the food.
We come here to feel safe, be among our own kind. Same old story. They hate us, but being predatory, intrusive, uncivilized, and disrespectful, they ignore our desire to maintain a NFZone, and push right in.
Cue Janis Joplin's "Ball and chain."
O/T, anyone see this?
Sick, but no surprise. Feral beings in our midst
As Zenster would say, "rope, tree, some assembly required."
"You get what you pay for." An old saying, but still rings true today. I'm sure there are standards and guidelines for hanging one of these flight monitors- they are in use all over the world. It looks to me like someone just said screw it; or more likely forgot to screw it, and it killed someone. This is criminal. Where is OSHA? Where is the FAA? Whoever is responsible shold go to jail.
@Anon - “Proof is in the fact that millions upon millions of his kind will do anything and everything to get to a WHITE COUNTRY. You don't see his kind trying to get into Mexico or China or such, now do you?”
Au contraire mon fraire. As a Black person I’m here to tell you that we are aware as everyone else, that China will be the next superpower. Therefore, wo bu neng shuo zhongwen will no longer be acceptable.
American Black guy speaking fluent Chinese
Black female speaking beautifully http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOLxLX4k6PQ
Black guy speaking fluent Cantonese http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahaMdiQV618
Someone talked about a Black Moses telling the truth. Well here he is lol.
There are a lot of Chinese in Africa and a lot of Africans in China. There are many American Blacks learning Chinese and many that speak it fluently. As a matter of fact, they teach in Taiwan. You really need to get into the 21st Century. You’re "outdated" and becoming “obsolete”.
I, for one, blame de turrrrible, turrible lebacy ub de slabery.
Slabery, slabery, slabery, slabery, slabery. It can excuse any natural deficiency in a poor, stupid, ignorant, oversexed, shit-colored monkey-man.
Slabery. De magical word.
Oh and by the way, the Jews didn't "give" anybody the atomic bomb. All the achievements of Jewish nuclear physicists had their entire foundation in the study of physics, and the structure of science, developed by.... wait for it... whites.
Even your history of science is severely lacking.
But of course, I blames de slabery.
One last thing, did I forget to mention...
There are a lot of Chinese in Africa and a lot of Africans in China.
There are a lot of illegal Africans in China. The Chinese take their immigration and visa laws seriously. When one of them flees the police and gets hurt (say, jumping out a window or running into traffic and getting hit by a vehicle), the Africans react true to form with mass chimp-outs. Videos are on YouTube.
I would not be surprised if the Chinese start rounding up Africans wherever this sort of thing happens and deporting them wholesale.
I'm not sure who invented the first 'drapes' though. ;p
Doubt it was africans as mudhuts don't need them.
It will be seen that when we classify mankind by color, the only primary race that has not made a creative contribution to any civilization is the Black race. -- Dr. Arnold Toynbee, Historian
In most if not all of the newly independent Black nations of Africa, little if anything during the past 5000 or more years can be pointed to as having made a contribution that in any way enhances the life of man. -- Walter Arnold, The Evolution of Man in Relation to That of the Earth, Part V, The Mankind Quarterly, Vol. X, No.2 (Oct-Dec 1969) p. 78.
The major cause for American Negroes intellectual and social deficits is hereditary and racially genetic in origin and thus not remedial to a major degree by improvement in environment. -- Dr. William Shockley, Stanford University, Nobel Prize winner
Never yet could I find that a Black had uttered a thought above the level of plain narration... never saw an elementary tract of painting or sculpture. -- Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President
Black people never founded a government nor made a single step toward civilization that did not soon lapse in barbarism, except under the fostering care and guidance of White people. -- Thomas Hardwick, U.S. Congressman
Whatever may be the sociological value of the legal fiction that 'all men are born free and equal,' there can be no doubt that in its biological application, at any rate, this statement is one of the most stupendous falsehoods ever uttered by man through his misbegotten gift of articulate speech. -- Dr. Earnest Hooton, Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University
Europeans took the idea of noodles from the chinese and reinvented it. Look at all the pastas you get on italian shelves today, most italians are well aware where their national dish had its origins.
But as Desiree taught us it took black women to teach how to cook it properly. (In batter I presume.)
@Mr. Rational - "There are a lot of illegal Africans in China. The Chinese take their immigration and visa laws seriously. When one of them flees the police and gets hurt (say, jumping out a window or running into traffic and getting hit by a vehicle), the Africans react true to form with mass chimp-outs. Videos are on YouTube.
I would not be surprised if the Chinese start rounding up Africans wherever this sort of thing happens and deporting them wholesale."
Immigrants who cause serious problems need to be rounded up and sent back where they came from. That said, there are many Black Americans, Caribbeans and Africans in China, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan that are law abiding citizens and are doing just fine. If you respect customs and the culture of the place you visit, you will have no problems. It really is that simple. The videos are on youtube.
Anonymous said...
I, for one, blame de turrrrible, turrible lebacy ub de slabery.
Slabery, slabery, slabery, slabery, slabery. It can excuse any natural deficiency in a poor, stupid, ignorant, oversexed, shit-colored monkey-man.
Slabery. De magical word.
Oh and by the way, the Jews didn't "give" anybody the atomic bomb. All the achievements of Jewish nuclear physicists had their entire foundation in the study of physics, and the structure of science, developed by.... wait for it... whites.
Even your history of science is severely lacking.
But of course, I blames de slabery.
One last thing, did I forget to mention...
March 30, 2013 at 7:35 AM
I read this out loud to my wife this morning and we were both in tears laughing. Still laughing!
"Au contraire mon fraire...
American Black guy speaking fluent Chinese"
But not spelling French very well.
"As a Black person I’m here to tell you that we are aware as everyone else, that China will be the next superpower."
Hmmm, lots of questions there. I mean, a LOT. So you're "aware" of things that are extremely questionable? Do you actually know anything about China? Other than a few bits of vocabulary? Oh wait, why am I even asking?
"There are many American Blacks learning Chinese and many that speak it fluently. As a matter of fact, they teach in Taiwan."
Oh, I'm sure that out of a net population of 40-million+ American blacks, and 800 or 900-million+ worldwide, there are a couple hundred who speak it fluently. Possibly even a few thousand. ZOMG, will wonders never cease. They teach in Taiwan? Teach what? Blacks in Taiwan teach Taiwanese how to speak Chinese? Or maybe they teach something else...
like, for instance, de turrrible, turrible lebacy ub de slabery.
Jews were slavers. So were Asians.
so were amer Indians and Mexicans [Aztecs etc]
what area did not have slaves?
who ended slavery?
"there are many Black Americans, Caribbeans and Africans in China, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan that are law abiding citizens and are doing just fine."
No there are not. Japan is 97% Japanese and the vast majority of the rest are not black. One black guy in Tokyo does not count as 'many.' Furthermore, in Japan their is widespread distrust of blacks due to a history of black US servicemen raping and sexually assaulting Japanese girls. If China is rising, it is due to the ridiculous PC in business and industry my people have to suffer in order to prevent your people from Rodney Kinging all the time.
Anonymous 7:35 AM said: All the achievements of Jewish nuclear physicists had their entire foundation in the study of physics, and the structure of science, developed by.... wait for it... whites.
Yes, see here. Mostly (non-Jewish) whites. And (surprise!), I don't see any negroes.
I'm sure many people have already heard about this...groid administrators cheating to pass students at ATL schools.
No surprise! The liberals say it's because of economic class...how can it be when we've "invested" billions on them over the last 50 years.
I watched Idiocracy a year or so ago. I found it pretty funny but it was not very plausible. There's a difference between acting stupid and being stupid. People just can't lose IQ that fast.
You can lose group IQ in a city like Detroit by changing the racial composition of the population. But the whites who fled kept their smarts with them.
White people split off from the mainstream (black) African population about 110,000 years ago. When I first began to read up on such issues (about 1962) that wasn't the way it was conceived. Carlton Coon was a follower of Weidenreich and the multi-stranded theory of human evolution. But in the years since nearly everyone now accepts the "Out of Africa" or single threaded evolution hypothesis.
The African Genesis hypothesis rests on two solid evidentiary bases: archaeology and genetics.
We split from chimps about six million years ago. Since that split, humans have seen their brains triple in size compared to the root stock (the ape like common ancestor). Similarly in the 110,000 years since we split off from Africans, our brains have grown another 5-10%. More importantly that growth has been in the anterior (prefrontal) cerebrum.
So we have a 'clock' for the acquisition of smarts and there simply isn't enough time for white people to lose their smarts as fast as shown in Idiocracy. To get really rapid stupidity in a community you need an influx of black people.
Amused black guy wrote:
I often wonder if the ancient China kept the door closed to Europe, kept the most crucial inventions like gunpowder, cannon, rocketry, paper ect ect exclusively in orient
Many people today believe nonsense like this. China has been a great civilization for millennia but their history especially their technological history has been systematically distorted.
On planet earth there are two IQ hot spots. One is in the eastern part of Asia and the other is in the western part. The eastern one is around the Peking-Tokyo-Seoul triangle. The western one is around London-Berlin-Rome.
Baker's famous 21 criteria for civilization were all met by China and Rome 2,000 years ago. Amerindian civilizations (Inca, Aztec, Maya) met about half the criteria and no African or Australian group ever met any before contact with the West.
The short summary of world civilization is that the East and the West since before the time of Christ were about equally civilized, and no one else was. Lately of course (since 1453) the West has been dominant, but China was dominant for the previous 500 years.
China did indeed invent paper but not gunpowder or the crossbow or many of the other things people who never read a book on the history of technology believe. The popular press is not to be trusted.
This isn't just sloppy thinking. There is a single person behind this kind of thinking - Joseph Needham. Needham is the greatest scholar of Chinese technology in history. No one else comes close. But he was also a Communist and an admirer of Mao. He hated the United States and was at least a dupe of the Red Chinese if not an actual traitor. He was as far from being a neutral observer as is possible.
In world military history there was a period known as the "Gunpowder Revolution". The important thing to remember is that it went from West to East not East to West. When the McCartney Expedition in the late eighteenth century went to open up China they too had heard that China had invented gunpowder but all the troops they saw carried only crossbows.
Even the usually reliable Rushton follows C. Wright Mills in claiming that the Chinese had had the crossbow a thousand years before the West used it in the Second Crusade. This is a very common story widely believed. But it's wrong. The Greeks had invented the "gastraphetes" much earlier. It may have gone East with Alexander. It went to Rome very early but as field artillery (Ballista) not as a hand held weapon. Re-watch the opening reels of "Gladiator". They use ballistae to shoot at the barbarians. Richard Coeur de Lion used smaller hand held versions a millenium later.
I don't have room here to refute all this nonsense so you should just trust me.
Now we have a dispute over noodles?
The thing to remember here is that Marco Polo did not bring noodles back from China in the thirteenth century. There's this wonderful scene in the movie when Gary Cooper asks what it is that he's eating. He's told it's "spagett". LOL
Noodles had been in Europe for well over a thousand years. Currently Wikipedia tells me that the oldest evidence for noodles is in the Yellow River area of China. Could be. But that's just the state of the evidence to date.
Remember civilization arose in the Middle East between the rivers (Mesopotamia). It traveled west to Egypt and then east to Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro and then lastly to the Yellow River. The neolithic revolution was about plant and animal husbandry. These areas could build cities because they could feed the people with grain.
Noodles are just a way to prepare grains for consumption, so it's likely that the first noodles were made by the first people to have grains. That would be the people in and around "The Fertile Crescent" not China.
If I were looking for the aboriginal noodle, I'd dig in Iraq. But George Bush probably destroyed them all - the dirty bastard.
pat aka Albertosaurus and other contributers here to Paul's blog:
I would just like to thank many of you for sharing pertinent information backed up by science and also correcting subverted history that has been perverted by the loons in public education.
It's amazing how many things I've UNlearned by reading this site and the information shared by people who post here.
The frightening thing is, all of the white guilt I grew up with 'back in the day' pales (lol) in comparison to what white children are being 'taught' now in schools. The subversives have become more and more bold but that is their folly because their open hostility is opening eyes.
Their weaknesses will eventually be added to our strengths when we reveal the naked emperor.
Anon at 12:59 on the naked emperors: They know that they are naked, and they delight in seeing all the fools praise their clothing. But they recognize that the parade will end eventually, and some are already planning for that event. Some big league DWLs have been trying to clue in their more gullible brethren that the Blacks Are Equal story and some other popular truths are in fact not so. Several years ago, American Renaissance had an article titled (I think) "The Rush for the Lifeboats", on this topic.
Anytime you notice an article in the mainstream media (MSM) about intelligence, look it over. Often there are clues that the writer knows about Black's low average IQ. Nicholas Wade of the New York Times has written openly about this. (Check out his book, "Before the Dawn", chapter 9) William Saletan has done the same on Slate.com. (AmRen has the Saletan articles in their archives.) They want their side to be warned about the troubles to come when racial reality cannot be denied, but they don't want the common White folks to know until responsibility for the disaster can be finessed or denied.
Have you seen this:
And new research is saying that:
Newer research estimated the mutation rate in modern human families based on DNA from the nucleus, which involved another way of getting at the common ancestor timing. That method suggested humans were racking up genetic mutations at half the rate — meaning to reach the genetic differences we see today humans would've had to leave Africa more than 200,000 years ago.
Diversity is Brawndo.
Discard, wow. Dittos all the way. Thank you! I truly appreciate you and many other's efforts to help 're-educate' us out of the pinko leftoid b.s.
rjp, that link was an eye opener. WOWIE WOW WOW WOW (said in Christopher Walken voice).
Science is going to become glaringly 'uncomfortable' and very hard to ignore.
*pops popcorn for everyone*
pat [Albertosauris], you had to laugh about the fact that in the movie 'idiocracy' the black guy has the most offpsring and they are all [aptly] surnamed, "UPgrayde".
Honest to heck, that right thar is FUNNEH!
Talk about getting a 'dig' under the radar. lol
Feeding the negro trolls is a complete waste of time. They hate whites and will never ever agree, understand or even empathize with what whites are going through.
Negroes love torturing and pestering whites. Most of them have nothing better to do. That's why they're posting on here. Rather than this site being some sort of refuge for whites who are waking up to the negro problem, we're assaulted verbally by these low IQ cretins who can barely pour piss out of a boot.
I can tell in the first few sentences if it's some negro troll trying to start a flame war. I go right past him or her. Boys and girls, it's an exercise in futility talking to these people. We owe blacks nothing. Whites must stop defending, rationalizing and admitting their need for total and complete separation.
White Mom - you rock. Keep on keeping on. Melanie, you too. Some of the other white lady posters on here I've forgotten, please forgive me if I've failed to mention your screen name.
PK - you should really seriously think of ixnaying all these negro commenters. We have a lovely vanilla ice cream of whites who comment here and offer much constructive solutions. When you put a negro in the mix it's kinda like putting a turd in a bowl of vanilla ice cream. It's forever tainted with the turd.
Although my story involves Indians (dot -not feather) it seems quite pertinent.
I am an exiled Kiwi in Australia, working for sub-continentals. Their "work" in constructing a flour-grinding production line (amongst litter and rodents) must be seen to be believed.
Honestly, five of them in six hours achieve less than my engineer mate would in 15 minutes.
The results are so shabby as to be repugnant to my inner being.
To watch them in action truly is to view a real-time parody of the white mans health and safety videos.
Although no expert on your pavement apes, I can deduce accurately that competence in anything is directly linked to to melanin content.
Anonymous (March 29, 2013 at 10:45 PM):
"I actually don't mind mixing with different cultures, etc,"
Neither do I. I actually like to experience different cultures, languages, people and so on.
PROVIDED I travel abroad (or at least log on to the Internet) at first.
If only it really WERE 1963 in Birmingham, and the rest of the United States. Knowing what we know now, we'd get it right this time.
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