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Vulcan, the God of Fire, watches over "The Pittsburgh of South" -- in 2013, Birmingham is the "Detroit of the South" |
You know the drill by now -- white people flee a city, say Memphis or Atlanta, when the conditions for raising a family become too difficult to escape from with the rise in black crime and the high costs of private school to make up for the deficiencies black students create in public schools. These whites move to the suburbs and create thriving cities; meanwhile, black political power in consolidated in the major city whites abandoned, but the economy collapses without normal, middle-class white people around.
Eventually, middle-class black families (many times those working in government jobs) decide to move to these suburbs white people created in a bid to escape the low property value found in the city completely dominated politically by blacks.
The trickle of black families becomes a torrent, and soon "For Sale" signs pop up everywhere as white families seek a new community to raise their children in... and the once safe white suburb takes on all the characteristics of the black city, because black people imported with them the very conditions responsible for the demise of a city like Memphis -- themselves.
Nowhere is this phenomenon more hilarious to watch then in Birmingham -- ground zero for the civil rights victory in 1963 and a now 74 percent black city. As Paul Hemphill shared with us in "Leaving Birmingham," black people have created a living, breathing civil rights shrine in Kelly Ingram Park, which sits in the shadow of - in his words - "the white man's skyscrapers":
The majestic statue of the Roman god of metallurgy, Vulcan, the city's logo during its heyday as a steel town, had become a forlorn figure, ironically overlooking a 20 mile valley of battened steel mills and blast furnaces that once were Birmingham's heartbeat but now resembled slain dinosaurs choked by kudzu...
And finally, more germane to the Birmingham that the world knew, there was a black mayor, a black majority city council, black faces everywhere downtown except in the highest suites. The playing field, one might infer, had been made more nearly level.
Birmingham's white flight, for those who could afford it, had occurred southward, literally behind Vulcan's back, "over the mountain," beyond the genteel all-white villages of Mountain Brook and Homewood and Vestavia hills, onward into the lush hills and bottomlands, where not just new towns but new golf communities had sprung up overnight.
What once had been dismissed as "Niggertown," the traditional black business area four blocks west of City Hall where the most visible violence had occurred in 1963, now as being designated the Birmingham Civil Rights District.(p. 2- 6)
Hemphill describes in the book that on the morning of Tuesday, September 15, 1992, a crowd of 850 people (almost all black) would gather in the shadow of the new $12 million Civil Rights Institute in Kelley Ingram Park, to attend "A Salute to the Unsung Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement."
Reverend Joseph E. Lowery of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference stepped to the podium and said, "It was Birmingham where spirituality met brutality," then launching into a discussion of the "Rodney King Verdict, drugs, economic inequities ("35 years later, after all the sit-ins, the kneel-ins, the pray-ins, and the march-ins, the median income for blacks is still 60 percent what it is for whites."
He would continue, "heard some fool on the radio talking 'bout how they oughta send all the niggers back to Africa. Well, in the first place, most of us have never been to Africa. But I get over there every now and then - got me some bucks now, you know, I can do that sort of thing. Africa's lovely, all right, but let me tell you something. I don't go over there to Africa without checking my tickets first to make sure it says 'round trip."Folding chairs squeaked on the slick concrete as everyone rose to give the old warrior an ovation, and while they were up they began to sing "We Shall Overcome," ans soon they were leaving the hall and walking toward Kelly Ingram Park, en masse, beneath the white man's skyscrapers..."Since that moment, white people haven't been able to get a word in on the topic of race in America -- it's a one-way conversation with black people pushing and pushing and pushing for more, more and more. Any white person who dares interrupt this conversation with a "but," or worse, "no," is automatically disqualified from participating in this one-sided conversation. But back to Hemphill describing Kelly Ingram Park:
Kelly Ingram Park had been named for a white man, Oswald Kelly Ingram, the first American sailor to die in the First World War, but over the years it had evolved as a buffer between the black and white business areas of downtown Birmingham. it was during the first week of May in '63 that it became the focal point of the war between Bull Connor and his cops and firemen and Martin Luther King and his demonstrators, mostly preachers and students. Every morning 100s of blacks would walk across the street from Sixteenth Street Baptist Church and begin milling about in the park, queuing up for a march on City Hall. Facing them would be Birmingham's all-white police force with their riot gear and paddy wagons and K-9 dogs and the firemen with water cannons capable of stripping bark off a tree at 100 yards. Soon enough, the battle was joined, with network television crews there to record it all for the world to see: chanting crowds... frightened young blacks fleeing for safety from the snarling dogs and the water cannons; paddy wagons being loaded with so many demonstrators that ultimately people were being jailed behind fences at the state fairgrounds. Those days in May created the most chilling television images recorded during the civil rights movement in America. When they were over, on May 10, King had won. A tentative agreement was reached that the city's white leaders would release all prisoners and begin to desegregate public accommodations and hire blacks as clerks and, for the first time, actually sit down and start listening to the black people who constituted 40 percent of the city population. (p. 8)
No wonder then that on this bright summery day nearly 3 decades later the words "hallowed ground" would be heard over and over from the two dozen dignitaries seated in a semicircle before a bandshell in the park... again no more than 10 percent were white. Many of them were black schoolchildren, romping on the newly laid sod, skipping along Freedom Walk, playing hide-and-seek among the sculptures depicting demonstrators cowering before vintage water cannons mounted on tripods and kids languishing behind prison bars (not yet in place was a wall from which would spring sculpted police dogs)... And as always, up on the forbidding ridge of Red Mountain, the natural barrier that is Birmingham's Berlin Wall, there was the sulking statue of Vulcan looking down on it all. (p. 9)
Reverend Abraham Woods would call Birmingham and Kelly Ingram Park the, "Jerusalem of the civil rights movement," "the Mecca of the civil rights movement, the Iwo Jima of the civil rights movement." (p. 10)
"From now on, when we come here and hear the birds sing, the will be singing 'freedom.' When the water runs, it will run 'freedom.' When the crickets chirp, they will chirp 'freedom.' When the wind blows, it will blow 'freedom.'
And yes, after he spoke, the crowd sang "We Shall Overcome" again... the song echoing through a park which contained a granite marker proclaiming it a "Place of Revolution and Reconciliation." (p. 11)
Hilariously, this black city - run by black people in all branches of government, the board of education, and the police, and with a school system that is 95 percent black - is being abandoned by black people.
Just as Reverend Joseph E. Lowery of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference spoke in the shadows of the "white man's skyscrapers" in 1992, joking how he always was sure to have a 'round trip' ticket to Africa, black people in Birmingham are abandoning the "Mecca of the Civil Rights Movement" and following white people to the thriving suburbs they created (curiously, in the complete absence and without the divine hand/assistance of blacks) [Birmingham changes as blacks move to the suburbs, Birmingham News, March 27, 2011]:
For the growing cities identified by The News, Theresa Davidson, a sociologist at Samford University, noted that the very large increases in the percent of black residents were often the result of low actual numbers of blacks to begin with.
"This provides a number of interesting possibilities," she said. If those growing neighborhoods and communities can successfully integrate, she said:
- Minority students in integrated schools will gain positive results such as better academic outcomes, higher likelihood of college attendance and lower levels of involvement in delinquent activity.
- The dominant group will gain advantages such as increased tolerance and development of informal networks that are more racially diverse than they otherwise would be.
"If these areas can find positive ways to embrace these changes, welcome diversity and true integration, and build and strengthen neighborhood social capital, the communities and their residents will be healthier for it," Davidson said.
But, she cautioned, some cities that appear to be integrated overall may have a lot of residential segregation in different neighborhoods.What's funny is these formerly all-white suburbs of Birmingham already had strong neighborhood social capital and real communities; the residents were quite healthy because of the lack of diversity (someone needs to send Ms. Davidson a copy of Robert Putnam's work on diversity and social capital...).
Why is it that black people must always follow whites? Why couldn't Birmingham - the "Jerusalem of the civil rights movement," "the Mecca of the civil rights movement, the Iwo Jima of the civil rights movement" - be a thriving city under black rule?
Why is it that the conditions in a community that black people create are always conditions that black people flee from, seeking the solace (and economic opportunities) of the communities white people create?
Why is it the conditions that white people create in their communities are always more desirable than the conditions black people create in communities they have complete control over -- and, more importantly, where the "hallowed grounds" of Kelly Ingram rest?
Of course, race discussions/debates in America are only a one-way street of perpetual black victimology/grievances, so asking why black people must follow white people wherever they go is out of line.
There's a new book out by Tanner Colby called, "Some of My Best Friends are Black: The Strange Story of Integration in America." In it, this confessed, unapologetic lover of all things Barack Obama attacks the white citizens of Birmingham for turning their back on the city. He attacks the school system white people (and white students) built and sustain in places like Vestavia Hills, while whining about the poor academic conditions of the Birmingham City School (BCS) system - a 95 percent black system (run by black people) that is merely a reflection of the type of school system blacks create:
Vestavia Hills sits just south of Birmingham, the largest city in Alabama and, at one time, the largest industrial center in the South. Together with the neighboring towns of Mountain Brook, Homewood, and Hoover, Vestavia forms the nucleus of “Over the Mountain” – the catchall term for Birmingham’s suburban sprawl, so named because you go “over” Red Mountain to get there from downtown. (p. 5)
In the wake of the 1963 Civil Rights campaign, Martin Luther King sat down and wrote Why We Can’t Wait, a personal remembrance of the monumental events that transpired here. “I like to believe that Birmingham will one day become a model in Southern race relations,” he wrote. “I like to believe that the negative extreme of Birmingham’s past will resolve into the positive and utopian extreme of her future; that the sins of a dark yesterday will be redeemed in the achievements of a bright tomorrow. I have this hope because, once on a summer day, a dream came true.”
Came true for some. As wonderful as life in the New South may seem, there is still the matter of those left behind. There is still the matter of Woodlawn. Vestavia may not be the bad guy anymore, but the fact of Vestavia – the gross racial and socioeconomic divide its existence created between city and suburb – remains very much the problem. In Birmingham, the dropout rate is over 20 percent. In Vestavia, 99 percent are walking out with diplomas. While 80 percent of the city’s schoolchildren hover at or below the poverty line, not one student in the entire Mountain Brook system is poor enough to qualify for an assisted lunch. As city schools go without working bathrooms, Homewood has jut built a brand-new, green-certified middle school. I walked through it. It’s like going to eighth grade in the future.
Actually, Mr. Colby, white people created the property values in places like Vestavia Hills and Mountain Brook, which are only a reflection of the neighborhood and community that white built - and sustain- in these cities. Black people inherited a city built by whites when they assumed control of Birmingham, and if these neighborhoods/communities have low property value, then it's merely a monetary reflection of the types of communities black people create.
White have deserted the city schools for good. In the 2008-2009 school years, out of the 27,440 students enrolled in Birmingham city schools, only 263 were white, less than 1 percent. Out of 1,157 students, Woodlawn has ten white kids. (p. 67)
White folks took the tax base, the property values, their collective social and intellectual capital. They all but ripped out the plumbing. But there’s at least one thing they left behind. During desegregation, historically black school may have been stripped of their names and their mascots, but white weren’t. At Woodlawn, even as the student body got blacker and blacker, out on the athletic field they were and still are known as the Woodlawn Colonels. By which I mean Colonel Reb. By white I mean Woodlawn has the exact same Colonel Reb mascot we have at Vestavia. Only he’s black. He’s got the same cocked hat, the same angry mustache. Someone’s just pained him in blackface to match the building’s new occupants.
Vestavia can’t run away from Woodlawn, because Vestavia is Woodlawn and Woodlawn is Vestavia. Different schools, different districts, yet bound by a DNA they’ll always share. (p.69)
Why is it black people always follow white people to the communities they create when "white flight" occurs? Why can't black people create thriving communities with the absence of white people, especially when they control the police, the city government, the school system, and the judiciary?
Birmingham should be a thriving black city -- but it's not. The white suburbs of Birmingham are thriving, and black people are flocking to them.
All the while, Vulcan watches the hilarity unfold from his perch high above Red Mountain.... He has seen Birmingham, once known as "The Pittsburgh of the South" become the very city where white people lost all moral authority and from which white guilt was exported to every corner of the world... but he has silently watched over the city since 1963 as well, noticing the collapse of black-controlled Birmingham into... tragedy.
100%, hard-core, hard-hitting TRUTH. Give 'em hell, Paul!!!!!
They can't create communities because creating communities is acting white. They would rather follow success around and pick through the castoffs of whites and live a lie that they are as good, productive, and capable of whites as a whole.
I predict this all ends with permanent government resettlement of the class of particularly troublesome American blacks. Somewhere in the desert, enclosed within electrified razor-wire with periodic food and medicine airdrops. There is simply no other way.
Since there is no real open forum, a lot of commenters post 'off topic' entries. IMO that's never a bad thing. Here's mine for the day...
You have to check this one out.
Blacks might just be imitating behavior exhibited by the marabunta - army ants. Read this description, and see how blacks' behavior mimics that of the army ant. The resemblance is uncanny.
Vulcan hasn't watched Birmingham collapse into tragedy, Paul. He's watched it collapse into farce - an absolute minstrel-show of mountebankery and buffoonery accompanied by total corruption and incompetence.
As for the one-way conversation, it's not really even a unidirectional conversation of blacks at whites so much as ceaseless hectoring on the part of the DWL nomenklatura which is merely parroted by their negroid step-n-fetchits. How long do you think the NAACP would last without squid money? A month? It's the high-priesthood moralizing 24 x 7 x 365 from the ivory minarets of their Ministry of Truth cathedral.
Poor d Vulcan.
I didn't realize Birmingham was a steel town.
This negrifixation of the place has occurred in other Birminghams.
It seems to me that abolitionists, Yankees, socialist, progressives and liberals all seem to share some common mindset; they clearly seem to be different peas from the same pod. Perhaps nowhere is this common mindset more obvious than on the black people issue. Back in the heyday of the abolitionists, the cause to end slavery was an off shoot of the black problem that had waffled back and forth between those who wished to push blacks out, or efface them completely, such as with Tanzania, and those who wished for a more “humanized” solution, which resulted in, “The White Man’s Burden” phenomenon. Unfortunately, for Americans such as William Garrison, the desire to end slavery offered nothing beyond that desire; there was not any solution offered for what to do with the freed black slaves.
Perhaps this reflects ignorance about blacks. Blacks were good at slavery because of their lower IQ, and further, also because of low IQ, were poor at liberty in the white, higher created culture of civilization.
Because the average or mean IQ of African blacks is 70, it is reasonable to assume that the IQ of blacks, brought over in the 17th and 18th centuries was also 70. This IQ would have undoubtedly, slowly increased as whites propagated with blacks to some degree, generation after generation. In fact, because of interbreeding with whites, American blacks now have an average IQ of 85. However, as evidenced today with American blacks, where blacks continually display an incapability of functioning properly in the white higher culture of civilization, that blacks during the antebellum would have malfunctioned to an even higher degree. It would be like letting a massive number of retarded people out on their own with no help or support.
However, though this is true, abolitionist just wanted slavery ended, which necessarily releases blacks out on their own with no plan to deal with the problems that would necessarily have ensued do to their low IQ. I believe that after slavery was ended, it was the white southern practices that kept the blacks in line. The movie “Birth of a Nation” from 1915, though now perceived as racist, was probably to a high degree accurate.
Where abolitionists were highly specific, Yankees were similar, but more generalized. They were willing to elect a President that meant war, and probably the end to slavery, though the masses were not necessarily demanding an end to slavery.
The socialist perceived blacks as an ally to the “cause” of socialism. Here from an article entitled “A Racial Program for the 20th Century”, (1912), by Israel Cohan, a paragraph reproduced verbatim.
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
This is undoubtedly true, and speaks volumes on its own.
The modern day progressives and liberals understand how important blacks are, being 13% of the American fully enfranchised democracy, to the achievement of their ideology becoming reality here in America.
Unfortunately, as liberals progress to their intended conclusion of a socialist democracy, a two tier system of the few at the top, themselves, and the great unwashed masses at the bottom, everyone else, they further intend to meld the American black gene pool to the white American gene pool. The Europeans liberals seem to be of the same intent.
Woe will be our white gene pool and therefore our particular sub-species of human the day blacks become white in IQ. Thank you.
Ot ,but great rebuttal to nola.com,s resident race pimp:
What is this "White privilege" thing we're supposed to have anyway? Am I so priviliged simply because of my race? Can I go to a White only church? Are there White movies? Is there a Miss White America? Am I so privileged as to have several civil rights groups looking out for me? Is there a Congressional White Caucus? Am I privileged enough to have legions of sycophants who will absolve me of any wrongdoing and blame my current actions on supposed crimes committed against my ancestors?
For over five decades we've empowered them, franchised them, pampered them, placed them on pedestals as creatures of worship or pity. And for all that spending, pampering and pandering, we have vast urban areas of slums, ghettos, ruins filled with some of the most violent, blood thirsty, savage, feral creatures to ever stride the planet. We've had 50+ years of forced integration. 50+ years of generous social entitlement programs. 50+years of excuses. And, the fears expressed by white leaders in the late 1950s and early sixties have come to pass.
Black African's . . . Negroes . . . have received more help than any other people in human history, and yet they still remain the most slothful, lazy, feckless, violent, brutal, and savage. No race in human history has been given more than Negroes. Yet, for all the help, Negroes have nothing to show for it - NOTHING. In fact, they have more slothful lives, are more backward, more tribal, more paleolithic than ever.
A legion of liberals living in gilded cages whine that we need to give more to the negro, provided them opportunities, give them assistance to over come poverty/racism/both. They continually assume that given the same opportunities as whites, Negroes can become productive citizens.
From the mid-1960s onward, We've elevated the non-white, specifically the negro, we've given money to bring them out of poverty, we've passed laws to prevent non-white discrimination, we've advanced them in our schools without them needing to learn, we've given them jobs and home loans they didn't qualify for. In every aspect of society, anti whites have pushed the doctrine that it is socially and legally unacceptable to show any bias.
The real question is WHAT have we to show for it? Is life better now than it was before such social engineering took place? OR, are cities decaying ruins? Are Negroes educated on par with whites after nearly three generations. More importantly, do current blacks embrace the education their grandparents demanded? Some 50+ years after civil rights movement demanded blacks be included into white society, we are more segregated now than ever before. Blacks culture is so far removed from the main stream culture that is unrecognizable as progressive and has more in common with the African tribal warriors of the first century BC.
In 1965, Negroes were truly free to chart their own course. No longer could whites dictate special polices for handling Homo Sapiens Africansis. No longer could this savage hominid be contained in special game reserves (segregation).
It is 2013, 48 years later, and we see, in places like Detroit, just what the negro has done with that freedom. Around the globe, from Atlanta to Zimbabwe, the negro lives a life of savagery, of instinct, or brutality. There is no building, no development, no creative thought. No negro civilization has arose nor could they maintain the ones given to them.
I live in a small, beautiful, friendly Florida town. But in the last few years, the powers that be have built low rent (I believe the term is Section 8 housing) and things are beginning to change. Crime rate is inching up. Property values are going down. The other day, my daughter and I were sitting out in the yard and talking and a black drove by, music thumping, and he glared at us. My daughter said "Mom, maybe it's time to move" and I said where? They will follow us wherever we go.
Hemphill as the sir name of a liberal, one has just got to love it. Perhaps the liberal Hemphill could "progress" his name to Potmountian.
All non-liberals recognize the one greatest truth about blacks, which is the first and foremost truth overlooked by both liberals and blacks, that truth is that they are incapable of functioning properly in the whites, higher created culture of civilization.
The IQ blacks inherit from the black gene pool is the lower IQ ideal only for tribal existence. Born from a more R selective gene pool, they are a more animalistic form of human sub-species.
Further, because they want the better more luxurious world, they must first parasitize the culture of the white man, then they they must meld their gene pool to the white, more humanistic, k selective gene pool.
The old liberal thinking going back to the abolitionist and earlier, that simply putting the white man’s clothes on the black man and giving him his freedom, would allow blacks to elevate themselves up out of tribalism and into civilization as a normally functioning member of said civilization, simply ignores the fact that blacks are a lower IQed form of human, and therefore are ill equipped to participate in the higher culture of civilization. They are the proverbial fish out of water.
Unfortunately blacks parasitizing the white gene pool will cause whites more problems. It is our posterity that will pay this new price.
Blacks must at least intuit their lower IQ. They cannot make muster in school. Most stories or reports I have seen indicate that when the average black graduates high school he or she has the equivalent of an 8th grade white.
I suspect they know their job is to parasitize the white gene pool until they are as intelligent as whites, but still look “blackish”.
This is probably what blacks mean when they gather together and sing as a “chant”, we shall overcome.
I hope us non-liberal whites can and do separate out and away from the blacks, and manage to protect our portion of the white gene pool before it is too late. Thank you.
Dear Negro, are whites superior to you?
No. Whites are not superior to negroes.
Well then, dear negro, are negroes superior to whites?
(grins) We be better at sports and we have better sex and we have better music, food, culture.
Well then, dear negro, why are your neighborhoods such shit holes?
(angry) It be due to white policies that keep the black man down.
That makes no sense, but never mind. So dear negro, why do you want to live with white people?
Should call it Civil Rights Institute Park in memory of Barak Obama's son who was shot in Birmingham for not being a blood.
Adam Carolla Raw.
Listen to Carolla give the liberals over at Huffington Post a piece of his mind regarding their accusations of racism. Some funny stuff right here.
Here's the corrected URL.of Adam Carolla giving it to the libs over at Huffington Post.
I recall speaking with a very nice black businesswoman years ago and she was explaining why blacks have such a hard time maintaining businesses. She said, "to the black man, the white man's ice is always colder". Blacks will always want to get to "better schools" and all for their children. The problem is, that they are the problem.
Just want to make another comment from the other way around. I notice that a lot of whites, after they move out of their own ruined communities (e.g. California or Massachusetts to a more pristine area (e.g. Colorado or New Hampshire) and then try to impose their own values that destroyed their former residences. For example, they push for "affordable housing" and gun control etc. Eventually the new area will be as bad as the old; people bring their own problems with them.
"White folks took the tax base, the property values, their collective social and intellectual capital." - The white people in other words.
"From now on, when we come here and hear the birds sing, the will be singing 'freedom.' When the water runs, it will run 'freedom.' When the crickets chirp, they will chirp 'freedom.' When the wind blows, it will blow 'freedom.'
Freedom to be jealous of, hateful toward, parasites upon, and violent to White people. That's all they've managed with their "freedom" in the last 5 decades.
“I like to believe that the negative extreme of Birmingham’s past will resolve into the positive and utopian extreme of her future; that the sins of a dark yesterday will be redeemed in the achievements of a bright tomorrow. I have this hope because, once on a summer day, a dream came true.”
Yep, a Utopian Dream .....
In Birmingham, the dropout rate is over 20 percent. In Vestavia, 99 percent are walking out with diplomas.
I would have thought the dropout rate in Birmingham would be higher.
With more than 18,500 students graduating from CPS this year, the district predicts its graduation rate will hit 60.6 percent this year for students who were freshmen in the 2007-2008 school year, the highest it's been since at least 1999, according to WBEZ.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/11/cps-highest-graduation-ra_n_1587525.html
And now you know why we have a bunch of unemployable blacks in Chicago.
Just heard on the news the average salary for a Chicago Public Schools teacher is $71,000.
For a district that has a 40% non-graduation rate.
florida said...
I live in a small, beautiful, friendly Florida town. .... My daughter said "Mom, maybe it's time to move" and I said where? They will follow us wherever we go.
I don't know how old florida's daughter is, but she has figured it out.
PDK said...
The old liberal thinking going back to the abolitionist and earlier, that simply putting the white man’s clothes on the black man and ....
Lots of them don't even wear the white man's clothes anymore here in Chicago, have to wear their nigger suits.
Anonymous at 6:26 PM said...
I recall speaking with a very nice black businesswoman years ago and she was explaining why blacks have such a hard time maintaining businesses. She said, "to the black man, the white man's ice is always colder". ....
What a white has is always seen as better, even if it is the same.
Blacks can't be one thing .... white.
And because of this, they are always jealous and covetous.
You have to do it the San Francisco way. Drive black people out with high rents and an inflow of hipsters. Hipsters go into run down neighborhoods, open restaurants because only in those bad neighborhoods is rent affordable, then start fixing things up, renovating homes, opening gelatto stores, and black people flee. Even with Section 8 they can't afford it. Blacks have left SF for the hell hole called Richmond and points east. The only blacks that remain are those in the old style housing projects.
Emergency Transmission to Paul!!
Remember.. that salary is for someone who gets 3 months off during the summer.
anon@4:55 who said: "For over five decades we've empowered them, franchised them, pampered them, placed them on pedestals as creatures of worship or pity. And for all that spending, pampering and pandering, we have vast urban areas of slums, ghettos, ruins filled with some of the most violent, blood thirsty, savage, feral creatures to ever stride the planet"
Please emerge from the shadows of anonymity and grab a handle. Your entire post is brilliant in its summation of malignant creeping negroidization.
I am watching as **"One Bay Area
Sustainable Land Use"** pimps plan high rise **"affordable housing"** units smack dab in the middle of this all white, gold star school village.
The locals, mostly over educated, but brain fogged, judgement impaired DWL escapees from Berkeley who have forgotten why they left there, are gung ho for the possibility of a little "diversity."
I'm doing all I can to speak out and pissing a lot of people off in the process, no matter how diplomatic or logic based I present the probable outcome of such an idiotic move.
As so often stated here, there is no two-way discourse with these robotic people. It's as if one is speaking with a lock-down mind, inculcated diehard Scientology freak suffering from thought-stop.
**[Both phrases are code-speak for resettlement of the county's problematic blacks via our deep pocket tax base.]**
Bring back segregation NOW!!
Hemphill describes in the book that on the morning of Tuesday, September 15, 1992, a crowd of 850 people (almost all black) would gather in the shadow of the new $12 million Civil Rights Institute in Kelley Ingram Park, to attend "A Salute to the Unsung Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement."
21 years ago.
A generation.
Enough time to see young people grow up, be educated, build a new future.
Birmingham is in 2013 and, apparently, in decline as a city.
The time lapse thing here is interesting. Back in 1963, would people have thought that 50 years later Birmingham would be where it is today? (OK, outside of Bull Connor and a few other hardliners...)
What is happening is that as the decades slide on by, and the cities continue to decline, so will American civilization.
The questions is, where will Birmingham be in another 21 years, another 50 years?
PK asks...Why couldn't Birmingham - the "Jerusalem of the civil rights movement," "the Mecca of the civil rights movement, the Iwo Jima of the civil rights movement" - be a thriving city under black rule?
Consider this quote:
"35 years later, after all the sit-ins, the kneel-ins, the pray-ins, and the march-ins, the median income for blacks is still 60 percent what it is for whites."
Why would anyone think that sit-ins, kneel-ins, pray-ins and march-ins result in economic growth? Or higher graduation rates? Or stable property values? Or the creation of new industries?
I just may be taking things out of context here. Yet the juxtaposition of these two statements reveals something about a mindset common in a certain political-demographic sector: the assumption that ritualistic acts will lead to the growth (or at least maintenance) of a modern civilization.
There has been some past discussion on SBPDL about "magical thinking" and "cargo cults." I do not want to infer too much here, but could there be people who believe that there is something supernatural involved about gaining an education, jobs, good housing, etc?
Rather than the sit-ins, etc., couldn't they talk about the need to stay in school, to obey the law, to not have large numbers of illegitimate children, to invest wisely, and perhaps to not denigrate white people?
As for the park, there is something grotesque in statuary representing firehoses and police dogs. Funny thing is, if one wanted to keep blacks down, one might construct such a theme park just to remind them of past terrors and create resentment against whites. It's as if the Pentagon were to construct a commemorative park for Iwo Jima and have nothing in it but statues of kamikaze aircraft.
Weird, isn't it?
"From now on, when we come here and hear the birds sing, the will be singing 'freedom.' When the water runs, it will run 'freedom.' When the crickets chirp, they will chirp 'freedom.' When the wind blows, it will blow 'freedom.'
The assumption here is that if segregation were rolled back ("freedom") then upon liberation, black achievement would rise to the level of white achievement. This was a common assumption of the mid-20th century; look at the assorted "national liberation movements" which asserted that when European colonialism was ended, Africa, the Middle East, Asia would all leap forward and develop as industrialized states. But that happened only in certain regions (perhaps corresponding to median high-IQ populaces?).
We have had half a century of "freedom" in the USA and what do we see as the results in Birmingham, Camden, Detroit, etc? Not too unlike what we see in Congo, Uganda, Rhodesia-Zimbabwe, etc., and other beneficiaries of "liberation."
There's an added irony here. America is a less free country today than it was five decades ago. We have the obvious violations of the Bill of Rights via the wars on terror, drugs, etc. All this at the same time the establishment has been singing the praises of the civil rights movement.
Toss in the massive social engineering in the name of "civil rights." And the censorship of dissenting opinion on race. The power of the government has expanded immensely to bring about the promised land of "equality."
White have deserted the city schools for good. In the 2008-2009 school years, out of the 27,440 students enrolled in Birmingham city schools, only 263 were white, less than 1 percent. Out of 1,157 students, Woodlawn has ten white kids. (p. 67)
Explain this: there must be considerable numbers of white parents of the liberal bent in the Birmingham area. Surely there must be more than 263 such sets of liberal parents. Why aren't they sending their children to the integrated schools?
Of course, we know why they do not. But that gets back to the nature of BRA: it's such a fraud that even the DWLs who supposedly support it do not want to risk their own children for its sake. The system is propped up by a refusal to say the truth even when it is parked in one's living room.
Which is why it is critical for SBPDL to keep on beating this drum.
White folks took the tax base, the property values, their collective social and intellectual capital.
How does one "take" a property value? It's a function of the housing market, not a physical entity which can be physically removed.
As for the tax base: look at all the wealth and intellectual capital which has been redistributed via the war on poverty, the propping up of public schools, the minorities-only contracts, the small business programs, the affirmative action, and etc., etc., etc. Why have black cities failed to capitalize on all of this? You'd think with all those moneys and programs, something might have been done other than building statues of police dogs in the park...
("Police dogs in the park?" Sounds like an old Tom Lehrer song!)
They all but ripped out the plumbing.
Who has been ripping out the wires from power lines in American cities?
"35 years later, after all the sit-ins, the kneel-ins, the pray-ins, and the march-ins, the median income for blacks is still 60 percent what it is for whites."
If it weren't for massive social engineering and monstrous government jobs programs all at YT's expense, it would probably be around 1 percent.
That 60% figure should be a reminder to blacks just how good they have it here.
Birmingham Alabama was of course named after Birmingham England. This past week in the English city a beautiful white teenage girl was viciously stabbed to death by a black male while on the morning bus to school.
No German Shepherds or water hoses. No Bull Conner. No George Wallace. Plenty of black violence and criminality. Same shite different country.
It is quite bizarre that, if whites are responsible for much evil, blacks would want to live near them.
But I digress. Given the supposed numbers of blacks in the population, how can they possibly keep following whites for decades on end? There are only so many places you can make 90% black before you simply run out of blacks to go elsewhere. I don't think it's bad population statistics, race hustlers and self-hating white liberals have too much taxpayer (aka white) money at stake to downplay black population numbers.
Where we fight back, which undoubtedly will be ruled unconstitutional:
@ Anonymous March 10, 2013 at 6:26 PM-
Yes, it's true that when white liberals move to nice red areas after screwing up their former homes with high taxes, over-regulation, etc, they can't seem to understand not to bring it with them to their new home to repeat the process.
But-what these nice white disingenuous liberals don't bring, is high crime (killing their "new neighbors"), low property values, vandalism and trash, and, God forbid, a lowering of academic standards.
Our biggest problem with them is policy tussling, not things like being murdered or having to pay out the azz for private or homeschooling.
The worst thing is-they are one degree of separation from the "vibrant diversity", because their policies encourage it. The only good thing, unless you're a middle or working class white, is that they're also very NIMBY.
If you're middle or working class, you're screwed.
So, they themselves are not the immediate, visceral threat, just the harbinger of it.
Mutant Swarm said...Read this description, and see how blacks' behavior mimics that of the army ant. The resemblance is uncanny.
No offense, but this is completely wrong. Army ants work, provide for themselves, and benefit other creatures.
Negroes are parasites, at best. Is there a worthless bug that invades other bugs' nests, hives, etc., drives the creator species out through sheer dysfunction, and then trashes the place before repeating the process? If so, that would be the appropriate analogy.
rjp said:..average salary for a Chicago Public Schools teacher is $71,000. For a district that has a 40% non-graduation rate.
$71k is grossly underpaid to endure that, and 40% graduation is excellent considering the raw material you would be working with.
I would rather work at WalMart in a decent area for minimum wage.
These DWL apologists/exploiters always cry about how the mean ole White people abandoned the sweet innocent negros and that's why cities like Birmingham are so stinking poor and violent.
The reality is that millions of White people spent decades living in cities with blacks naively hoping that everything would turn out alright. These Whites were blinded by their ignorance of evolution and by their Christian faith.
Due to Whites audacity of hope, blacks received far more time to prove themselves than they truly deserved.
The DWL's, also, neglect to mention that with Whites taking a massive economic loss in selling their houses cheap, blacks received a completely unearned windfall of great housing stock. Just consider that according to a Heritage Foundation study titled "Understanding Poverty in the United States", the median house size of a family defined as poor by the Census Bureau in 2011 was 1400 sq. ft. This compares to a median Swedish house size of 999 sq.ft. and 968 sq.ft. for German houses.
I'm sure the U.S. superiority in housing quality was at least as great in the 60's and 70's.
What have blacks done with the White designed and built houses that they got dirt cheap?
They're quickly turning them into huts surrounded by jungle. Home Maintanance, home improvement, and landscaping are stuff black people don't like.
I've had to take detours through black sections of the Daytona Beach area and was struck how little landscaping had been done by generations of black occupation. Tons of weeds, but very few palms, azaleas, junipers, magnolias, etc. It's mind boggling!
Whites have given blacks an enormous amount of unearned wealth and opportunity and blacks have "graciously" responded with rape, robbery, thuggery, murder, and massive economic anemia.
Were just a giant piñata in DWL and black politics and culture.
Not entirely off-topic: this week's BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week is 'The Last Days of Detroit' by Mark Binelli, which I tuned-in to this morning.
Unsurprisingly, given the infamous left-liberal BBC bias, apart from a brief oblique reference to the riots in the sixties, the big black elephant in the room has not yet been mentioned.
And my prediction is that the changing demographic of the city will continue to be studiously avoided in every episode - unless it's brought up in order to to beat Whitey with the raciss stick. If it is mentioned at all, that shifting racial makeup, in relation to Detroit's decline, will be treated as purely coincidental.
I could be wrong of course, but I doubt it. The spiralling crime rate (with an emphasis on arson, street robbery and murder) was talked about and, amusingly, contrasted with some efforts at gentrification, but race - very conspicuously - wasn't.
Either way, I think I'll make a point of listening for the rest of the week, and I'll be listening out for the ever more convoluted euphemisms I suspect the author will be forced to employ, because the programme promises to be far more revealing with regards to what it leaves out of the narrative, compared to what it includes, especially when compared with the stories told here at SBPDL.
Also, check out the hilarious biographical footnote from the BBC website:
After a break of 16 years, Mark Binelli returned to live in the city whose suburbs he grew up in. He found an urban prairie, with 90,000 ravaged and empty buildings, a school system that was impoverished and a crime rate second to none in the US. But Binelli also discovered a new Detroit emerging; with urban farms and a vibrant arts scene. Is a new future, he wondered, being wrought on the post-industrial frontier?
Mark Binelli is the author of the novel Sacco and Vanzetti Must Die! and a contributing editor at Rolling Stone and Men's Journal. Born and raised in the Detroit area, he has now, after three years back in Detroit, moved to New York City.
LOL, Detroit may after all have a rebirth and bright future to look forward to, one which Binelli will be watching from a safe distance...
OT: Mark Russell from the Urban League wants public feedback on how to address the scourge of black-on-black murder and violence in Indianapolis.
Since he is asking directly, I think we should help the Urban League figure this out. I just sent few suggestions...he even replies.
Please send comments to: yourvoiceforindystar@gmail.com
"We cannot afford to view this rate of carnage as acceptable or as some odious form of collateral damage when it is in fact an assault on the vibrancy and livability of our community. Our outrage seems to be reserved for the mass killing of elementary schoolchildren (white) while we view everyday massacre (black) as acceptable."
But Binelli also discovered a new Detroit emerging; with urban farms and a vibrant arts scene. Is a new future, he wondered, being wrought on the post-industrial frontier?
I am sure had Mr. Binelli lived in AD 455 when the Vandals pillaged Rome, he would have reported that afterwards a new city had emerged: one with urban farms and vibrant arts amidst the ruins of the Forum. He would have wondered at the new post-civilization frontier--aka the Dark Ages.
Right on. You should drive through Philadelphia and see the beautiful old homes that the ghetto turds inherited and turned to crap. Groids are just royal pain on the arce. DC as well, but more whites are moving to DC and fixing up the ghetto. Then the turds get mad. Cannot win for losing, vice versa.
There are numerous cities outside of the Big Cities where the groids have trashed beautiful homes and neighborhoods. There is Trenton, NJ, and Lancaster, Pa for starters.
I like what Annie Oakley posted- Appalachia sounds cool. Hell I'll buy a Winnebago and just park on a mountain there. The West is still alluring.,,Utah is nice and Wyoming.
Screw the Turds.
White Mom in Mudpeopleville ala WDC
the juxtaposition of these two statements reveals something about a mindset common in a certain political-demographic sector: the assumption that ritualistic acts will lead to the growth (or at least maintenance) of a modern civilization.
It's the essence of cargo-cultism.
If we ever go back to having qualification tests for voting, disqualifying those stuck in cargo-cult thinking should be a priority.
So, [DWLs] themselves are not the immediate, visceral threat, just the harbinger of it.
DWLs are AIDS. Blacks and Muslims and spics are the opportunistic infections that actually kill things.
Lancaster city is a cesspool now, the minute you cross the tracks coming in from the north it's an immediate 180 from nice clean homes to infested falling down row homes crawling with blacks and illegals. All their 'revitalization' projects haven't done a thing to make the city more appealing. Even my friends extremely liberal parents are waking up now that they see this shit first hand just down the road
As I've said before, there's no possibility of a dialogue on race. Blacks and DWL's only want the dialogue so they can shout their opponents down, accuse them of racism, blame them for everything and demand their surrender to the black/dwl point of view. You must surrender to the Cult of Victimhood, declare yourself to be a monster and publicly denounce yourself as such. Thereafter comes the demands for more money, social programs and the kissing of black ass which you must agree to in order to make amends for your evil, monstrous nature. The "invitation" to have a "conversation" is nothing more than a set up, a con job and a hustle that has a very predictable outcome. They might as well say, "Let's have a coin toss and these are the rules: Heads we win, tails, you lose!" As this article points out, even when blacks take over a city and occupy all positions of importance, the subsequent destruction that ensues is blamed on whitey. It's all yo' fault we done failed! Gibs us mo' money!"
Anyone who agrees to engage in the conversation and has hopes that it will be otherwise is a delusional fool.
"Mark Russell from the Urban League wants public feedback on how to address the scourge of black-on-black murder and violence in Indianapolis."
Whenever talking simians like "Mark Russell from the Urban League" bemoan black-on-black murder and violence, what they really mean is that the groids who are whacking each other are wasting valuable time and effort that could be put toward increasing black-on-white murder and violence.
as us faithful readers of the sbpdl blog know the push is on to now say whitey left just before the blacks found out how corrupt the whites were in managing super sized city's prior to 1964 or so. so now the always suffering city black council has to do the patch up/hard work in fixing the big city's past ghosts known as those "white devils"! the dwl's must not fail in their lib-turd minds. any lie to save the utopia that doesn't exist. it's just like the drug addict that doesn't think he has a problem yet! I haven't decided which one is worse? DWL'S or GHETTOBLACKS! help me out! need good opinions. GS&SN!!!
The wnd link and story about suburbs seceding from Atlanta is great! The comments are solid race realist and zero in on the problem (blacks and their dysfunctions) with laser like precision.
11 (or 12?) shot in drive by in front of welfare housing in Washington DC:
Eleven people shot on D.C. street corner overnight
A drive-by shooting early Monday on a D.C. street corner that has been repeatedly touched by violence left 11 people wounded, one of them seriously, police said.
Investigators are seeking information about two cars that were seen driving past Tyler House — an eight-story, subsidized residential building on the south side of New York Avenue at North Capitol Street — at the time of the shooting, approximately 2:10 a.m.. Occupants of at least one of the vehicles opened fire on a crowd of people standing on the sidewalk and outside the building, police said.
Those wounded in the shooting — the youngest of whom was 17 — were struck mostly in the arms and legs, D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier said. Assistant Police Chief Peter Newsham said the seriously injured victim was hit in the back. None of the injuries are considered life-threatening.
Based on initial witness accounts, detectives believed that one of the vehicles involved in the shooting may have been a dark-colored BMW. They described the other as a light gray or silver sedan. But after reviewing the surveillance video, police said the make of the darker sedan is not clear.
Details of the shooting remained sketchy Monday morning, with police adjusting the time of the incident at least twice, from just after 2 a.m. to 2:45 a.m. to 2:10 a.m. Detectives and technicians spent hours at the intersection early Monday, collecting evidence such as spent shell casings. Officers also were interviewing witnesses and victims scattered at three city hospitals.
The shooting occurred directly across New York Avenue from the Big Ben Liquor store, on the northern edge of the District’s up-and-coming “NoMa” (north of Massachusetts Avenue) district.
Cranes loom overhead, marking new construction that is rapidly filling the empty lots that once dotted the area. New condos, stores and office complexes are being built among apartment complexes that for decades have housed lower-income city residents.
The development activity comes despite sporadic bursts of violence in the neighborhood, including shootings on consecutive weekends in October, outside Big Ben, that wounded a total of seven people.
Police at the time said that those shootings may have stemmed from a dispute between residents from north of New York Avenue, around 1st and O streets NW, and people living at Tyler House to the south. No arrests have been made. No one died in the October shootings, but a 14-year-old boy who was shot in the abdomen was seriously injured.
Authorities said it was too early to know of a motive in Monday’s shooting. They were investigating whether some or all of the victims may have come from a large nightclub located less than a block away, and whether events at the nightclub from earlier in the evening may have been a factor in the shootings. The club closed shortly before the shooting.
This article says 12 shot
As I taught English at the high school level in my former work life, I exposed the students to Milton' s Paradise Lost. This canon author conceived Hell as an intellectual state, a state of mind. Groids are in a constant Hell as their Hell is a state of mind brought on by their covetousness of Whites. DWLs have this too as this mind state spurs on their need to meddle in others' business.
Integration in US was the nail in the coffin for black culture as they were brought face to face with their inferiority and this perpetuated their intellectual hell. The same mind state will take over the other turds coming here. We must make sure that white culture does not get lulled into an intellectual hell. How? Segregation, separation, and tuning out the media and other institutions in the US. Repeated exposure to the media, banks, churches et al will bring on an intellectual hell for whites via indoctrination by BRA et al.
We start withdrawing in our minds and then actions will follow.
White Mom
White Mom, great post!
"Hungry ghosts, black inside" is what a Mongolian Buddhist lama I know (who was savagely mugged and robbed by negroes) called blacks.
Negroids are samsaric hell beings mired in the illusion of ego and covetousness, and are excruciatingly tormented by gazing into the mirror.
The negro is driven to deal with its ego fixation by projecting its self-loathing onto all whites whose very existence causes the covetous, comparing, competing negro to reproach and hate itself without mercy. This case of the low brain-power negro trying blindly to deal with its "issues" can and will end in the mass murder of whites in those places where negroes predominate.
Off topic for this piece, but... Former Detroit Mayor and friends found guilty of federal corruption charges.
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved…. After all we have been through. Just to think we can’t walk down our own streets, how humiliating.” - JESSE JACKSON, remarks at a meeting of Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993).
white communities should put up billboards reminding blacks how eeeeeviiilll white people are, having been slave owners on all, and that it's not safe for them, therefore don't come here, form your own communities or find all those beautiful middle-class communities built by all of the really smart and competent blacks who are on TV and in movies and MOVE THERE.
white communities should put up billboards reminding blacks how eeeeeviiilll white people are, having been slave owners on all, and that it's not safe for them, therefore don't come here, form your own communities or find all those beautiful middle-class communities built by all of the really smart and competent blacks who are on TV and in movies and MOVE THERE.
Regarding Detroit. Remember what General Colin Powell stated to President Bush prior to invading Iraq? "If you break it, you own it".
Perhaps that is what Michican's governor should mention to Detroit Mayor Bing.
That statement should apply to all BRA cities.
Mr. Clean said...
Mutant Swarm said...Read this description, and see how blacks' behavior mimics that of the army ant. The resemblance is uncanny.
No offense, but this is completely wrong. Army ants work, provide for themselves, and benefit other creatures.
Negroes are parasites, at best. Is there a worthless bug that invades other bugs' nests, hives, etc., drives the creator species out through sheer dysfunction, and then trashes the place before repeating the process? If so, that would be the appropriate analogy.
March 11, 2013 at 3:07 AM
You are, of course, absolutely right.
Note to myself: Drink coffee, THEN post!
How far will they go to make you live with negroes? Quite far.
Here's a passage from "buildingoneAmerica", a lefty organization's manifesto to keep you chained to the negro, despite your wishes. Now a lot of organizations, or individuals have ideas. But these ideas are funded out of the US Treasury.
These types are never, ever going to stop.
Lancaster city is a cesspool now..
what happened, according to LA Times is blacks n browns
moved there, cheap houses..
and crime and even Curfews followed.
Here's a passage from "buildingoneAmerica", a lefty organization's
Can ya break the link down into 1000 words or less?
Anonymous Mr. Clean said...
rjp said:..average salary for a Chicago Public Schools teacher is $71,000. For a district that has a 40% non-graduation rate.
$71k is grossly underpaid to endure that, and 40% graduation is excellent considering the raw material you would be working with. ......
I think they 'skew' the numbers.
Anyway, theres no 'competency' no 'get 450 on math SAT' and graduate...
I assume its 'fill the seat and get a diploma'...eh?
uziman said...
yes, PK [luv ya despite yr faults]
recently blocked a few of my posts.
But Binelli also discovered a new Detroit emerging; with urban farms and a vibrant arts scene
Urban farms? Sheer liberal idiocy. Specialization and relative advantage haven't yet been overturned as economic laws.
Because the average or mean IQ of African blacks is 70, it is reasonable to assume that the IQ of blacks, brought over in the 17th and 18th centuries was also 70. This IQ would have undoubtedly, slowly increased as whites propagated with blacks to some degree, generation after generation. In fact, because of interbreeding with whites, American blacks now have an average IQ of 85. However, as evidenced today with American blacks, where blacks continually display an incapability of functioning properly in the white higher culture of civilization, that blacks during the antebellum would have malfunctioned to an even higher degree. It would be like letting a massive number of retarded people out on their own with no help or support.
actually Blacks dont have much white or injun blood..
the increase of 20? points is from
increased complex society does make people smarter.
I just read Haitians have mean IQ of 68!
Interesting read. I substitute taught in Upper Darby in the early 2000's and I familiar with Montgomery County. Upper Darby iscthdcarea where that boy was killed by black thugs. Upper Darby was a neighborhood bordering on West Philadelphia, an area that is ghetto, which was actually nice in the 1930s. Anyway Darby was set up by off the boat poor Irish immigrants, but due to its proximity to the turds, they are now taking residence in Darby and running if into the ground, such as with incidents like that boy who was killed. When I sub - ed, the biggest brats were the groids, always.
Montgomery Country generally is nice BUT as the DC metro grows due to the Feds, anyone who has any sense moves to live in burbs in VA. Rich whites live in VA, generally speaking.
Section 8 is a blight. It is scary. It eliminates freedom of choice. The Feds won't leave us alone.
I would like to think public transpo could work, but the damn turds ruin it for everyone.
They are 'weeds'
White Mom in DC, home D'Wan
Anonymous 3:19 PM said:I think they 'skew' the numbers.
Thanks for pointing out how the numbers may skewed. I did assume that it was a percentage of high school students, and I probably should know better.
To be fair, I misread the original poster's comment, which is stating there is a 40% NON-graduation rate.
to Jay Santos:
I looked at the site you gave us:
That's AGENDA 21!! This is where they move us in to the cities, eviscerate the middle class and property rights.
EVERYBODY, SEE JAYS SITE: http://building_one_america_policy_2012.pdf
How long would it take for blacks to starve if all white people went on strike everywhere?
"Why is it black people always follow white people to the communities they create when "white flight" occurs?"
It's good for business. Blacks are like termites. They destroy and expect someone to help them or they will will look at you with sad eyes until you give them food , sustenance. If you don't give them food, money they will riot.
Why do you think that we have not had major riots recently? We have only had mini riots ( youths rampaging).
Obama and other hustlers know that payments have to be made otherwise the riots of the past will occur. By the way some of you tough whites who have moved to the white areas can feel safe but just make sure during active riots you do not venture into groid areas.
Itz a shame that 12% of the population can control such large areas and that even stupid white people voted for a half groid.
How dominant is the groid gene whereby our pres can look 100% groid.
Who exactly imported the groids into the America's in the first place?
They and their relatives should be strung up or at least they should pay the price and perpetually made to live with the groid!
You guys need to educate yourselves on blockbusting and other methods used to destroy areas. They knew that just the mere sight of blacks would cause whites to flee. In a nutshell, that's the reason these major cities are screwed up and not because of the color of skin. Jeez, it's the year 2013 and some of you need to get with the times.
"From now on, when we come here and hear the birds sing, the will be singing 'freedom.' When the water runs, it will run 'freedom.' When the crickets chirp, they will chirp 'freedom.' When the wind blows, it will blow 'freedom.'"
You know that scene in Team America where the main character (er, puppet) leaves the bar staggering drunk and projectile vomits for the next two minutes? If not: http://youtu.be/Mbg1nEXQ1fI. You have to see it to appreciate my reaction, for that is what happened to me after I read that salad from Revrun ABRAH-AHMM WUUUDds.
(word salad = my new favorite phrase, btw)
Mutant Swarm, that stuff on the Army ants is incredibly fascinating. Thanks for pointing it out.
I would guess it's during the stationary phase that the ants get their smoke on, sex on, and burfin' larvae on.
"...the prey that were previously fed to the larvae are now fed exclusively to the queen." It doesn't get any more metaphorically accurate that this!
I was also amused to see the word "diversity" in this article. Tee hee. Now, would the scavengers and flies that accompany the ant swarm be the liberals and media?
WE'RE the ones who have to get with the times?????? We're not the ones stuck in 1963. How vibrantly diverse is your neighborhood, by the way?
(word salad = my new favorite phrase, btw)
I'm happy to have introduced it here.
World War Me,
My neighborhood lacks diversity because the whites are beyond racist and make blacks uncomfortable. I'm a city worker so I have to live in Chicago. I picked this area because it's rather safe. Safety has nothing to do with demographics, it's all about poverty. My neighborhood is solid middle class so it wouldn't bother me one bit if middle class blacks started moving in.
You guys may have heard of a dude named Barack Obama. He lived in a rather diverse community called Hyde Park, which is rather clean and safe.
'Whenever talking simians like "Mark Russell from the Urban League" bemoan black-on-black murder and violence, what they really mean is that the groids who are whacking each other are wasting valuable time and effort that could be put toward increasing black-on-white murder and violence.'
That is EXACTLY what they mean. Quote of the week.
Haha, Mr. Rational, I use "word salad" constantly during my day, even away from SBPDL. I chuckle every time I read it, say it, and write it. Thank you for bringing it into my life! I'm a richer person because of it.
I'm trying to make it into a meme around my office.
Safety has nothing to do with demographics, it's all about poverty
That's so demonstrably false a first grader could refute it.
Prince George County MD is another community that matches the topic discussed here. In the 1950s, PG County was a nearly all white suburb. That has changed. South DC -Anacostia was also a white community. My wife and her siblings were born there - 1945-1955. This has all changed color and the crime, black gov't corruption, continues unabated. Year in and year out the blacks elected to public office are arrested, charged and convicted of a litany of crimes - theft mostly, channeling contracts to friends and kickbacks, the school board is another source of theft - fur coats, jew-ry, cars, trips to Africa charged to the SB credit cards I recall.
Anon @ 12:48:
My neighborhood lacks diversity because the whites are beyond racist and make blacks uncomfortable.
Nasty ol' raciss ol' whites! Shame on them. But how fortuitously convenient for you!
Please elaborate on how they make blacks uncomfortable enough to leave, so that others can learn this valuable technique.
AnalogMan, you nailed it! It is quite convenient that the rayciss whites do enough to keep away black people from his blessed neighborhood, but obviously it must not hurt Anon's delicate sensibilities enough to make him/her move in protest!
LOL @ "Please elaborate on how they make blacks uncomfortable enough to leave, so that others can learn this valuable technique."
It's the same reason Al SHarpton tries to steal businesses created by non-blacks that are located in black communities. Black KNOW they are subhuman, most take pride in it. The few smart enough to not want to bury their children would rather live with the humans. The trouble is the few smart negros seems incaple of fostering smart kids, the kids are no different in the suburbs then in the ghetto, they're still animals.
Whereever humans create safety or economic growth, the slow lazy groids will stumble over and demand their 'fair' share.
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