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Colion Noir -- here to make the NRA and Conservatism Inc.'s push for gun-rights respectable |
Without a black individual at the front of the party line, any cause or movement runs the risk of being immediately labeled 'racist' and not inclusive; thus, illegitimate.
Such is the case with the battle for the 2nd Amendment and the fight against gun control. The National Rifle Association (NRA) has thrown up the white flag in its crusade for gun rights and found a black face to bring legitimacy to the cause of defending the 2nd Amendment -- Colion Noir.
Yes, before Colion Noir came to grace the NRA and gun rights enthusiasts with his noticeably black presence, the 2nd Amendment was basically an invalid right. But luckily, hope has been found [The NRA Is Unveiling a New Pro-Gun Contributor — and You Might Be a Little Surprised, The Blaze, 3-1-13]:
The media is going to have a hard time stereotyping the National Rifle Association (NRA) after the organization just announced its latest contributor to NRA News.
TheBlaze was tipped off to the announcement and introduction of the man who calls himself an “urban gun enthusiast,” Colion Noir.
Noir — a young, enthusiastic gun supporter that wears baseball hats and t-shirts — has somewhat of a cult following on social media. His Facebook page, which has over 25,000 likes, is riddled with fans and comments and he has 174 videos on YouTube where he breaks down the latest gun arguments in simple-to-understand terms, reviews gun-related equipment, and even shows off at the range.
“Just A normal guys perspective of concealed carry, guns, 2nd Amendment and the Law,” his profile says. And on Friday morning, he’ll officially be taking that perspective to NRA News. TheBlaze obtained the video announcement that introduced Noir late Friday morning to an even larger section of the gun community (see below for the YouTube video).
An "urban gun enthusiasts" is exactly what the 2nd Amendment crowd needs to finally gain legitimacy in defending their right to be armed; I mean, before this earth-shattering announcement by the NRA, all you had were a bunch of boring white people (primarily white men) defending the right to bear arms.A source close to the NRA tells TheBlaze that the video announcement is a teaser for series of longer videos in which Noir will tackle all things guns using his unique style. He’s also the first in a series of diverse commentators that will be making their voices heard on NRANews.com.
How passe and irrevelant!
Over at Northeastshooters.com, a popular forum for gun-rights enthusiasts, the announcement that Mr. Noir - an 'Urban Gun Enthusiasts' - had decided to add the necessary color to the 2nd Amendent crowd was greeted with these revealing posts:
Mikem317: Colion Noir needs to run for office.
PaulD: I have a man crush on that guy (no homo).
I'd love to see him go on Piers Morgan's show.
DoctorBossman: This is the kind of spokesperson we as gun owners need... in fact we as a nation based on the Constitution needs. Eloquent, intelligent, media savvy. It helps that he doesn't look like a stuffy suited politician.
Hallelujah and pass the ammunition! Mr. Colion Noir is here to save the day and ensure your right to concealed-carry is never, ever again disturbed.
Then again, the comments by the Northeastshooters.com forum members are quite disturbing, but such is the extent of political dialogue in a nation governed by BRA -- where all moral authority has been transferred to black people.
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The only way to defend the 2nd Amendment -- call gun control 'racist'... Thank God Colion Noir deflects criticism of the NRA and Conservatism Inc.! |
This is why a non-entity like Star Parker is even listened too, when this long-time junkie turned Conservative Inc. superstar speaks from on high, dispensing her black wisdom to the masses [Star Parker: Blacks Who Back Gun Control Need to Study History of Slavery and Jim Crow, CNSnews.com, 2-22-13].
No offense to Mr. Noir or Ms. Parker, but gun control in majority black communities and cities makes sense if you want to keep businesses opened and neighborhoods populated by the kind of people with the purchasing/earning power to provide a solid base.
In essence, high rates of black gun crime drives away white people, hence why white liberals might want to keep inner-cities free of guns (black people will use them, making said inner-city neighborhoods untenable for putting down roots).
Let's check out Memphis first [Black, White, and Dead: Most of the murders in Memphis are cases of "black-on-black" crime., July 20, 2006, Memphis Flyer]:
African Americans have the highest chances of being murdered in Memphis, according to current homicide statistics. Their attackers are most likely to be black, as well.
Eighty-eight percent of all homicide victims are black. Of those, the Memphis Police Department (MPD) classifies 64 percent of them as "black-on-black" crimes.
However, except in cases in which the attackers are unknown, all African-American homicides were committed by African Americans.
"This is a majority-black city, and if you look at the crime patterns, they present a perfect overlay of the most disadvantaged neighborhoods in the community," said Mike Heidingsfield, president of the Memphis Shelby Crime Commission. "Demographics are clearly at work."
According to 2000 U.S. Census data, Memphis' population is 61.1 percent black, 33.4 percent white, 2.9 percent Hispanic, and 2.4 percent Asian.
Sixty-five of the 87 murders through June 15th were "black on black." One was "black on white"; five were "white on white"; and one was "Hispanic on white." Fifteen are unclassified because the suspect is unknown.
Last week, MPD began targeting high-crime neighborhoods. Though police are not releasing specifics about those areas, an MPD public information officer confirmed they are mostly African-American neighborhoods.
MPD homicide director Joe Scott said that lifestyle, gang activity, and involvement in other criminal behavior are the leading reasons people end up as murder victims, regardless of race. But where a person lives can play a part.What about Philadelphia? [Philadelphia: The Epicenter of Black-On-Black Violence, 12-31-11, International Business Times]:
While rates of violent crime, including murder, have been steadily declining in the United State as over the past ten to fifteen, the city of Philadelphia, Pa., remains a particularly dangerous place.
According to data from its own police department, Philadelphia has the highest murder rate of the nation's ten largest cities – by a wide margin.
A closer examination of Philadelphia's murder data indicates that the killings overwhelmingly involve its black population. Philadelphia police data revealed that in the first half of 2011 an astounding 84 percent of homicide victims were black (as were virtually all of their killers). In 2010, 79.1 percent of murder victims were black.
This proportion has remained steady over the past few years. From 2007-2010, about 79 percent of murder victims in Philadelphia were black. (These figures apparently include Hispanics of African descent, since Philadelphia police do not classify Spanish-speaking people as a separate racial classification).
However, blacks only account for about 43 percent of the city's population (as of 2010).
Indeed, a recent study by the Philadelphia Police Department paints a very grim, depressing and frightening picture of the lives of poor black people in the city.
Between 2007-2010, 91.3 percent of murder victims under the age of 18 in Philadelphia were black (almost all of whom were male). Almost all those who killed them were also young black men.
In other words, young black men are murdering their own kind at an astonishing rate.
Many observers have weighed in on the unrelenting violence in Philadelphia’s black community.
Bruce Cawley, a prominent black businessman, told Reuters a few years ago: Slavery, at this late time, is no longer an acceptable excuse.”No one ever talks about the consequences of black dysfunction -- i.e., what happens to a neighborhood, community, or city when black crime (primarily with guns) becomes such a threat to both citizens and the business community that the former moves else where and the latter close up shop because security concerns cut in to profit margins.
St. Louis (49 percent black, 43 percent white) is seeing a "hollowing out" of its core inner-city, with whites fleeing what can only be called the 21st version of the 'black death' [ St. Louis Murder Rate on Pace With Last Year; Blacks Disproportionately Impacted, River Front Times, 11-4-11]:
After trending slightly higher for much of 2011, the St. Louis murder rate last week did something it hasn't done all year: pull into an exact tie with the number of people killed in 2010.Chicago, Baltimore, New York , Washington D.C., Birmingham, Atlanta, Dallas, and New Orleans... all similar stories... black people with guns are the only individuals using them for the majority of the murders, violent crime, and theft.
Through October 27, St. Louis police categorized 103 deaths this year as homicides. The number was the exact same on October 27, 2010. That means St. Louis is on pace to have 144 murders in 2011 -- the same as in 2010. Roughly an equal number of victims (143) were killed in 2009 following a particularly blood 2008 when 167 people died at the hands of another in St. Louis.
So, of the homicides this year, who's getting killed? The police department provides some startling statistics for that.
Of the 103 murders this year, 90 of the victims have been African-American. Ten have been white. Other races fill in the balance. Another way of looking at those numbers: If you're black in St. Louis, you're nine times more likely this year to be murdered than if you're white.*
The most likely person to die on the streets of St. Louis is a black male between the ages of 25-29. Men in this category have accounted for 15 murders this year (or 14 percent of all homicides). Take black men between the ages of 20 and 40 out of the equation entirely, and the murder rate in St. Louis so far this year would plummet by nearly half -- to just 53 homicides.
Perhaps even more disturbing than the statistics involving race, is that St. Louis police have so far cleared (brought a case to the Circuit Attorney's Office) just 43 of this year's murder. And, not surprisingly perhaps, 89 of the murders this year (86 percent) involved a gun.
What about Milwaukee, a city of 597,000+ (40% black, 37% white), offers an illuminating picture into black gun violence/crime. Courtesy of the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission's 2011 report, we learn this:
1. The total number of 2011 homicides was 86, down 9% from 2010 (95 homicide victims).Wow.
2. The homicide rate was 14.5 per 100,000 residents and the nonfatal shooting rate was 79.5 per 100,000 residents.
3. The homicide rate per Black residents is 27.9 per 100,000 compared to 9.7 per 100,000 Latino residents and 1.7 per 100,000 White residents.
4. The number of 2011 homicides decreased 30% compared to 2005 but increased 21% compared to 2008.
5. The total number of 2011 nonfatal shootings was 473, up 18% from 2010 (400 shooting victims).
6. The number of nonfatal shootings decreased 23% compared to 2006.
7. The number of nonfatal shooting victims decreased each year from 2007-2010 but increased in 2011.
8. The vast majority of homicides and nonfatal shootings took place in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods.
9. 53% of all 2011 homicides and 61% of all 2011 nonfatal shootings occurred in Police Districts 3 and 5.
10. The majority of homicide victims were Black (81% or 70 out of 86) and 72% (or 62 out of 86) of homicide victims were Black males. A similar trend was found for nonfatal shooting victims.
But don't worry, Colion Noir is here to defend gun rights and make the (almost 100% likely) white men at Northeastshooters.com and NRA donors swoon with his YouTube videos and give Conservatism Inc. gatekeepers fully erect boners -- finally, a black person to validate the 2nd Amendment cause!
A cursory glance at the conditions of majority black cities in America shows the true cause of both violence and the immediate nature of its decline -- black people.
More to the point -- disarming black people in a city like St. Louis, Memphis, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, and Baltimore might attract non-black people to move to these cities and offer the one thing missing from these black communities -- stability.
And stability would bring safe streets, which breeds commerce, and finally -- a tax base.
That the NRA and Conservatism Inc. must resort to rolling out the hilariously - and stereotypically - black Colion Noir to add legitimacy to the protection of the 2nd Amendment (and shelter the movement from calls of 'racist') is a clear indicator that this nation deserves the harshest death imaginable.
Any sane movement would be trying to pass laws restricting black peoples ability to own weapons, thus immediately making many inner-cities safe overnight.
There's a reason the GOP and conservatives are known as the Stupid Party though...
could he be one of those "useful idiots?"
The NRA only needs Colion Noir because the corrupt liberal media demonizes everyone and everything which does not genuflect to Blackness. They are playing the hand they're dealt.
1. St. Louis at least the core city is gradually trying to become more Portland and Pittsburgh and less Detroit. 2010's Census race stats are actually slightly more white and slightly less black than 2000's, even though there was still an overall population decline. Like D.C. has Prince Georges County, Maryland to "dump" the ghetto upon, St. Louis City has North St. Louis County to do the same. Helping that situation along is that St. Louis City has a white mayor and St. Louis County has a black county executive, and the more blacks that are out of the city and into North County, the better off both politicians will be. Incidentally, in three days, there is a mayoral primary in St. Louis City that will be a very important acid test.
2. Why am I not surprised that people who post at a website called "Northeast Shooters" (mainly aimed at New England 2A enthusiasts, as far as I can tell) are just eating this Noir character up?
3. Yeah, I don't mind this "Colion Noir" participating in the 2A culture, but I do mind him being made an instant celebrity just because he's black.
4. I read the original Blaze story, and the NRA is ready to push him heavily. What happened to running that "Obama's an Elitist Hypocrite" TV ad? They should be doing more of that, it was the first time in a very long time that any direct political opponent of Obama hit back that hard.
Does this guy have a record? 1/3 chance with any black male incidentally.
read most of the commenter’s comments here at Paul’s blog. I skip some routinely, most in particular CF with that repulsive white, groid head logo of his, undoubtedly reflecting his desire to be a Negro with a white’s IQ, this alone is disgusting to me, but further, I certainly see the danger inherent in this desire.
Others, fellow non-liberal whites, have made some comments that are very scary as it reflects not only ignorance of the truth, but a brainwashing of non-liberal whites by the liberal/democrat leadership and its agitprop machine, which like a virus transforms would be decent Americans, non-liberal whites, into helpers or supporters of the liberal/democrat cause. That cause by the way, is to destroy our free enterprise Republic and replace it with their socialist democracy. Further, that means to destroy liberty, wealth and happiness and to replace it with tyranny, poverty and misery.
For those who do not know, there is a huge difference between a public union and a private union. Public unions are bad, private unions are good. A teachers union is a public union. It is bad because the union and the democrat party are in bed together. The democrat party gives the unions what they want, lavish pay and retirement packages, short hours of work, in return for their votes. Both parties win, but the taxpayer bears the burden of that deal, which is a cheat, like billing someone for non-services rendered. These are the unions bankrupting states such as California and Wisconsin, naturally liberal/democrat states. It is also what the blacks of every major city Paul writes about have done. The apple did not fall far from the tree.
Reagan’s signing the Simpon/Mizzoli Act in 11/86 is not what caused our influx of third world immigrants. It was the Immigration and Reform Act of 1965 that caused that problem. Ted Kennedy championed that bill, claiming it would not change America’s demographics. The Simpson/Mazzoi Act had two priorities, allowing those illegally in the country for more than 5 years to achieve citizenship, and in reciprocation, the building of a border fence. The first was actualized, the second was not, and it was not because the democrats, those who spend, spend, spend, would never allow spending for the fence.
More recently is the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac debacle. Fannie and Freddie are democrat controlled government banks. Late in the Clinton Presidency the democrats initiated a policy to give poor people loans to buy houses. When W Bush became President he began warning America of this ticking time bomb and its impending doom. Democrat F&F leadership chastised Bush for his stance. LD B Frank, as the head of F&F, always retorted Bush with the same line, there’s nothing wrong with F&F, Bush just doesn’t want poor people to have “homes”; always homes never houses, one is supposed to buy a house and make it a home.
These bad risk loans thrust upon America by the democrats eventually, just as Bush warned, crashed the stock market and tumbled down our economy. This occurred in 9/08, and overnight, transformed the McCain/Palin 10 point lead in the polls to an Obama/Biden 5 1/2 point lead they maintained through the election.
At the time all this transpired, the democrats pointed their fingers at Bush and McCain and exclaimed, “Bush and McSame”, and this is what gave the democrats the Presidency. First the democrats caused the problem, then they blamed the republicans, then they stole the Presidential election. This is democrat social chess; this is how they play ball.
Democrats seek out the low IQed, and the immature for constituents and they use the ignorant of the truth to steal from and cheat America via their agitprop machine, liberal ideology zeitgeist and their arm and fist of thought control, the LMSM.
Lengthy, so lastly, I used to tell people, “If you love America, vote republican, if you hate America vote democrat”. This is a true reflection of our American state of affairs. This, you can take to the bank. Thank you.
Why do Republicans praise Blacks for repeating what Whites are already saying?
Perusing online I found a very intesting piece by Henry Makow entitled Red Rosa Parks: Fabricating An American Icon.
Henry included a paragaraph that apparently had been writen in 1912 by communist sympathizers here in America.
This is the paragraph in verbatum.
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
Over the few years I've had a computer I have occasionally found posts and stories on the phenomenon of American blacks and the American communist movement, AKA, liberals.
As I think about the lower IQed blacks, I believe they realize they are intellectually inferior and further realize they need a game changer, or they must embrace their personal responsibility to mature, and be the best their nature affords them, which is difficult. It is here that blacks can be swayed, and perhpaps worst of all, by gaining their liberty in our higher culture of civilization, once their "nature's charge" to mature is remove, the immature, low IQ black is easily swayed by the proper suggestions, which can unleash or allow his or her most singular destructive ability out into reality, and that would be their tribal orientated cerebrum in a higher culture of civilization.
The white liberals and black alliance's ideology has cost non-liberal white America almost every positive achievement made. The monitary expense alone is bankrupting America which appears to be okay with the alliance.
For those not in the know, Stanly Ann Dunham and her parents were both communist sympathizers their entire lives.
Stanely Ann Dunham was the mother of Brac Hussein Obama. She was a white woman born in 1942 and at the age of 17 hooked up with a black African, and got pregnant before marriage.
If one thinks about 1960, American, white women, how many would have passed up a white husband to father her child for a black African. Stunning!
Liberals and blacks are leading America down the road of ruination. I fear for our white race. Thank you.
Ex New Yorker here.....The media and politics in America has become some kind of giant bizarre three ring circus. Washington is now a grotesque fucking freak show broadcast every night into your homes by PRAVDA. The bigger cities have become sewers. The average person acts more like an android than a human being.
We are living in an insane world of groids and androids and I really don't give a shit any more about what happens. I am just grateful I can spend my old age far away from the madding crowd.
So the poison has suddenly become the cure?...Kid Clorox
What's in a name?
Colion Noir?
Really? Is that his real name?
'Noir' is 'black' in the French language.
PDK... I like your posts and agree with much of what you say. Thanks for the r and k explanation of neotenous progression. Am I saying that right? I like to be both accurate and precise with my words...
It has been said that we have a stupid party and an evil party, and sometimes they get together and do something that is both stupid AND evil; this is called bipartisanship. I take heart that the anti-immigration UKIP is getting loads of new support in England, and I hope we will have a viable third and opposition party here in the US soon. I can no longer vote against democrats by voting republican; they are two heads of the same snake and a complete cynical farce.
I love what this country is supposed to be, and detest those who are trying to transmogrify it, as you put it, into something else. I wish all who do not like the free enterprise republic idea would just leave. Unfortunately, they likely will not, so I will. The closer we get to a socialist tyrannical pure democracy, the more the productive people will look elsewhere to produce. I have always said I would like to return and help rebuild after it crashes, but I need to maintain my sanity to do so. I cannot and will not stay here and beat my head against the wall of BRA. I will not waste my time and breath trying to convert foolish and determined DWL losers.
I like to think it will burn itself out eventually, hopefully before too much damage is done; before it is irreparable. Like Margaret Thatcher said "Socialism works well until you run out of other people's money." The only thing keeping our farce in motion is that we are spending the money of generations yet unborn. It is a truly disgusting spectacle to behold, especially as someone who fully understands monetary and business theory and practice. I will invest and wait patiently, trying to have as much of an enjoyable, interesting, and rewarding life as possible.
Those who are concerned about the shit hitting the fan are misdirecting their concern. The shit long ago hit the fan, crossed over the blades, and is now airborne. The real question is of fan speed and resultant fecal velocity, along with fan-to-target range.
Countenance said...
...I do mind him being made an instant celebrity just because he's black.
Yea, me to. I first saw references to him on Hickock45, a legit, respectable youtube firearms guy. I cringed when I saw the recommendations.
Noir may express support for 2A, but he would put a bullet into the first non-black that "dissed" him.
If you are a negro and express the slightest support for American principles, you are an instant celebrity. Hey, I'm for Colion Noir for President. Am I ok now, am I an acceptable citizen? Negro worship, it's a mental illness.
Paul -- White liberals do NOT NOT NOT want Black people in the inner city disarmed. They want White guys in the suburbs and rural areas disarmed do they are easy prey and subject to an updated version of droit du seignor (though that imaginary "right" of the Lord to deflower a peasant bride on her wedding night likely never happened or existed).
If White liberals were ever serious about disarming Black people they'd have the Feds sweep through the inner city and arrest ex-cons and felons in violation of existing gun laws. They instead target shotgun owners (outlawed in Colorado) and White handgun owners.
The whole Black thing? Whites are obsessed with Black people, and the degree of separation of ordinary Urban Blacks by Whites is directly proportional to the idealization and use of moral props of Black people by Whites. In one sense that is self-correcting as a more "diverse" and less isolated suburbia is rolled into one giant Mega City One ala Judge Dredd, with gangs and Black thuggery up close and personal. But there is a lot of ruin in a nation.
Personally, I would never vote or support a Black political figure. Because Lee Kwan Yew was right, in a "diverse" society it always comes down to race and ethnicity. A Black political figure will always put race over anything and everything else, and no offense, my interests as an ordinary White guy are in direct conflict with Black people's. And any Black political figure will put Black interests and people over mine.
That's the way things work. That's human nature.
But 99% of White Liberal idiocy is predicated on clap-happy fables about human nature that are 100% wrong.
The NRA is behaving like the rest of Conservatism, Inc. - no surprise. Squids and apparchiks like Rahm Emmanuel, Chuckie Schumer and Michael Bloomberg are not going to call off DiFi, Carolyn McCarthy or any of the other gun-grabbers. They're going full-throttle for gun control after the win in November, which was the plan all along. The millions of indoctrinated whites who consider D'Won Mocha Messiah as the ultimate in 'coolness', aren't going to stop and re-think the gun-control agenda they've been parroting without a thought since the event at Sandy Hook school - about which there are numerous unanswered questions.
Looks like the NRA has hired Rove and the other Romney consultants - real geniuses there. As for blacks and gun control, blacks vote for the gun control candidate as a bloc. They have plenty of sources of guns off-the-books and are aware that gun laws only pertain to whites. More gun laws will disarm YT, which is the real agenda here.
Liberals won. Game over they have changed the discourse to the point that only a black maybe held as the rightious moral authority.
Well Libs you may have won but good luck trying to hold what you have.They say in any war winning is one thing holding what you have is another.
I for one pledge resistance.
Sorry Colion Noir maybe be all he appears maybe he is the second coming of Christ or maybe he is just a big ray of sunshine? I couldn't give a flying fuck just because he is black doesn not mean that he get's to speak for every legit and legal gun owner. I won't give that over. Blacks can have moral authority over their own not me.
Want moral authority, then by all means have it and live it. Want to speak for me? Go fuck yourself.
old man killed
Margaret Thatcher destroyed a cohesive English working class. He assay on the miners union literally brought on the multicultural brown tide. Her legacy in the UK will be infamous if a white England reemerges from the ashes of her vicious attack on the people she was employed to defend. I now suspect that the crackdown on the miners was an opening shot in destroying England.
How is all that imported coal from China going? How are those imported low wage slaves doing?
What is the point of speaking of disarming black people? They already have a much lower rate of legal ownership than whites, and no one takes seriously the idea of disarming gang-bangers. First, we disarm the people who are least likely to arm themselves in the first place, and then the bangers will give up their weapons?
Why should we bang our heads against BRA?
I think it is because it is our duty as men of our land to fight for it.
Until the constitution is revised to officially exclude negroes from the country, a campaign to make sure negroes have gun rights is required to make sure that whites also have gun rights.
...give Conservatism Inc. gatekeepers fully erect boners
Not classy, Paul. Please try to resist the temptation to become your adversaries. You're a serious player, now.
Thanks for the mention Johnny See.
Here's some synchronicity for y'all. In a supposedly free electoral system, why is it that a worthless POS like Rove, who has done nothing but lose elections since 2006, still considered to be a viable electoral consultant?
Rick Darby is correct. The two-party system is a myth. In reality there is only a single party. Colion Noir is just the type of character Rove and the Repukes want to put up.
Florida cop gunned down by black rapper
Suspect in deputy slaying claims he acted in self-defense
Published: 7 hours ago
(Palm Beach Post) The man accused in the shooting death of a St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office sergeant reportedly told authorities he acted in self-defense.
Eriese Alphonso Tisdale, 25, is being held at the county jail without bond after having his first court appearance Friday morning before Judge Thomas Walsh.
Tisdale, of Fort Pierce, is accused of gunning down 12-year sheriff’s office veteran Sgt. Gary Morales, 35, during a traffic stop Thursday morning.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/03/florida-cop-gunned-down-by-black-rapper/#8hcOzGzuXm1AR8kO.99
The Representative Republic we've enjoyed for so long is just about tits up.
Each of the great civilizations in the world passed through a series of stages from their birth to their decline to their death. Historians have listed these in ten stages.
The first stage moves from bondage to spiritual faith.
The second from spiritual faith to great courage.
The third stage moves from great courage to liberty.
The fourth stage moves from liberty to abundance.
The fifth stage moves from abundance to selfishness.
The sixth stage moves from selfishness to complacency.
The seventh stage moves from complacency to apathy.
The eighth stage moves from apathy to moral decay.
The ninth stage moves from moral decay to dependence.
And the tenth and last stage moves from dependence to bondage.
These are the ten stages through which the great civilizations have gone. Notice the progression from bondage to liberty back to bondage. The first generation throws off the shackles of bondage only to have a later generation through apathy and indifference allow itself to once again be enslaved.
It's guaranteed at this point.
Prepare for your family & your future offspring.
When the time comes, if it comes in OUR lifetimes, be ready to exact vengence on those responsible.
"In the absence of orders, go out find something EVIL and kill it".
Semper Fi.
Another "Magic Negro."
Oh well.At least this one is not an actor in a tv commercial pretending to be a brain surgeon astronaut talking down to all the dumb whitey's.
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
This quote is false and was proven so in 1958 by the newspaper of record in which it was published the Washington Star. See Eustace Mullins for clarification.
Colion Noir for Pope!
If he has a felony sheet, then he has already indicted himself multiple times over for felon-in-possession. That's why he probably doesn't, otherwise you know the U.S. Attorneys would be all over him...especially now.
As for the greater issue at hand, it goes something like this:
If you're young and black and politically inclined, and you line up in the usual black/Democrat/left queue, you're going to be doing a lot of waiting and dues paying before you can truly become someone. But if you can stomach even watered down Jack Kemp style lamestream conservatism, parrot it and look halfway decent, the Stupid Party will instantly and immediately make you a celebrity. That's because the queue of black "Republicans" or "conservatives" is so short but the Stupid Party's demand for them is so high.
That's the same dynamic at work here with this Colion Noir. Just consider that the NRA for a long time has engaged in the same kind of race-denying idiocy that the Stupid Party has and for the same reason. There are probably at least 10,000 white men of about the same age and circumstance and countenance who have gun-themed YouTube channels that are just as informative or more informative on 2A issues and hardware reviews and demonstrations. Yet, Colion Noir goes to the front of the line ahead of all of them, and apparently, he is doing so with the permission of just as qualified or more qualified white men.
And we expect them to be our allies in the fight against our own racial dispossession? Fail that.
Uh, isn't wearing a Cincy cap a Crip sign? I recently watched a peewee basketball playoff game and the coach for one of teams (a bunch of black thugs, by the way) was wearing one.
"Without a black individual at the front of the party line, any cause or movement runs the risk of being immediately labeled 'racist' and not inclusive; thus, illegitimate".
That statement alone is worth a revolution!
Yes, Paul, you're right, sadly enough. Any poltical movement in 2013 needs to be fronted by a black face. I want out of this country. Now.
BRA Chicago
Sneed: Top cop critic Ald. Brookins Jr. reps gang banger
By MICHAEL SNEED msneed@suntimes.com March 1, 2013 7:04PM
Know what might fix this PR problem? Picket lines around the homes of reporters, editors, TV personalities and producers when they diss White people.
how about the "bunch of boring white people" line. I guess whites now need to become loud, repulsive, and dis-orderly! to be taken seriously? RACISM is only a 6-letter word that scares so many non-racist whites. who cares what a race say's about us! stand proud and remember as KERSEY says " we owe BLACKS nothing! GODSPEED & SEGREGATION NOW!!!!
OK, well someone can tell me why I'm wrong (and I'm sure someone will), but in this age of Obama who would love for whites to have NO rights, 2nd Amendment or otherwise, I say if propping up a black guy can help defend gun rights then go for it. Disarming blacks only is not going to happen and everyone here should be smart enough to know that. Let's worry about shipping the groids back to Africa next year, for now we need to defend the rights we have. If using a black guy to further that agenda helps then I'm all for it. Besides as the article points out they mostly kill each other anyway.
I praise my two year old when she repeats what she hears grown-ups say.
Just saying.
Mr. Rational:
Know what might fix this PR problem? Picket lines around the homes of reporters, editors, TV personalities and producers when they diss White people.
I seriously doubt it. There's really only a single solution for the Ministry of Truth types. We aren't there yet, but when the day comes, they should be given no quarter whatsoever - just the obsidian face of justice, delivered dispassionately and instantly.
Maybe this isn't the place for this complaint but where else?
There are several types of videos on YouTube. The gun videos tend to be the worst produced.
Gun advocates make no friends when they post videos that are rambling and incoherent. It is rare for a gun video to follow a script. Everything is amateurish. None of them have titles or illustrations. There are oodles of packages available for very little money that enable anyone to create a professional looking video.
Typically a gun video with three minutes of content runs for twelve minutes. I find myself frustrated that the doofus video maker won't get to the point. None of them seem to know what editing is.
There! I feel better now.
His name is "Colon Noir"?
That's a rare disease of the large intestine caused by an impacted anus. Your colon turns black because you are seriously constipated. Popularly it is known as "being full of shit".
where do these girls dream up da baby names?
this story here and here. – The last link identifies the guy with the gun as Quadryle Davis.
Comments have been made here re: public versus private unions and the busting of the coal miners' unions in England. The unions were fine until the black migration to the working class areas of northern cities. Then everything crapped out. I have said it before on this board, once you let one groid in, it's done. The US is done because we have a groid president. There is no going back, I am sorry to say.
It was all a plan by the elites, the squids et al to bring back slave labor. Unions were fine, but once the groids got in and got Union protection, that is when the ship sank and unions were the object of ridicule and were systematically dismantled. Third worlders were brought in to drive down wages, but still that was not enough. Now we must ship jobs overseas for labor to be done at like 2 cents a day by a two fingered Mongoloid.
America's white elite and squids sold the white middle, working, and professional classes out.
The NRA will go down the same path to disrespectability now that is has the token groid. It is all part if the plan.
As a mom, I see the roles of wife and mother, valuable jobs in society, as being de-unionized, along with family.
These were the first occupations to be destroyed with blue collar jobs and professional class jobs to follow.
The elite want to turn America into Amurkistan, a big multicultural cluster fuck of a fiefdom. They want us to be their serfs, sucking their toes and otherwise for two cents a day.
I am nobody's serf.
Those who can see must secede and let the elites have their mess. I have seceded mentally by not watching the news and thinking for myself. Soon I will relocate. Then I will begin active work on secession. I have been a rebel all my life so this will not be a new role for me! I see no other way and I am inspired. I cannot let my kids grow up as slaves in this excuse of a country.
White Mom in the District of Craptopia
You hit a home-run with this one, Paul. Absolutely spot-on - we're a country that has "ceded all moral authority" to the black man. In my Texas suburb, the DWL mayor decided not to run for re-election. In a stunningly unpublicized election, we have two candidates for mayor of this purportedly White (not so much), conservative (respectable repukes), wealthy city: both black men. The liberal one is a Haitian, and he's supported by the recently-retired Republican senior state senator (a Jewish woman). In response, the stupid party put up its own candidate - the black who was head of the local repuke party. For about 2 months before either candidate even filed, the Haitian had campaign signs up all around town. Hey, he's all American, and all the local DWLs and respectable repukes can demonstrate their respectable bona fides by supporting him.
I stopped by the local LDS Family Library the other day (genealogical research), and noticed a car in the parking lot covered with campaign stickers for the stupid party's candidate. The little old Mormon lady helping me with the microfilm machines asked if I lived in this particular suburb. When I affirmed this, she eagerly asked if I knew about the mayoral election and sought my support of the stupid party's moral black candidate. When I said I would not support either magic negro, she looked confused, but consoled herself that at least I was aware of the election at all. Most here aren't, and they will get what they deserve - a Haitian, re-distributionist black mayor.
Oh, main reason I'm still pursuing genealogical research is it looks as though, based on my husband's ancestors (Irish and Italian), he is eligible (and through him, his wife and children) for foreign citizenship. We're going for it - I never thought he'd agree in a million years, but he's absolutely on board with having some sort of escape from the prison this country's becoming for Whites.
There may be some good agitprop reasons for the NRA to bring in a black spokesman. Given the current DWL dominance of the mainstream media, he provide a wedge into the popular consciousness. It is also a useful tactic to divide the opposition, and right now every vote and email counts.
The gun issue really is too critical to let ideological purity interfere with building a pro-2nd Amendment alliance. If the feds succeed in pushing gun control through, then we will see the criminalization and/or subjugation of the citizenry.
The thing about the attempt to appeal to the black vote is this: it never works. It's true there is a sector of blacks who will line up for conservative/libertarian issues, but these are only a miniscule number of intellectuals, such as Walter Williams (and good for them!).
But then the next election rolls around and 90+% of blacks vote on racial lines. Blacks are a monolithic political block, solid with the Democrats.
This is so across the spectrum. I know of Greens who have tried to recruit blacks, and they report epic fail. No matter how rational the argument, no matter how much you show how the Dems are selling out on an issue, blacks still march off and vote lockstep.
Whether or not the new NRA campaign changes any of this remains to be seen.
Agree with you. Black culture went through almost all of these stages up to nine at a faster pace. White culture is still stuck in apathy.
White Mom
Here's one thing which is interesting: Why are blacks seen as the source for political legitimacy? I could understand people sucking up to peoples who have produced vastly superior civilizations. Barbarians assimilated into the Roman Empire because of the aqueducts and all. European immigrants in America aimed to assimilate WASP standards of industry. But what are blacks bringing to the table, collectively, that must be emulated?
Detroit? Haiti? Zimbabwe?
What justifies the white beatification of convicted marxist terrorist Nelson Mandela?
It's like some race to the bottom, a medieval mass hysteria of sackcloth and ashes, an irrational self-destructive urge to wreck everything civilized.
I remember the first time I saw the "gun control is rooted in racism" nonsense on the Georgia Carry site. I wrote and email to the president of GC and he got all hot under the collar that I would even question this line of b.s.
The NRA is barking up the wrong tree on this one and it will come back to bite them. This guy will engage in an act of spontaneous blackness...if he hasn't already. I bet Charlton Heston wouldn't have fallen for this lunacy.
I posted satire a few days ago. Here is non-satire:
1. Groids erupt into violence with slight provocation. When the Supreme Court overturns the Voting Rights Act of 1965, negro leaders will dutifully call upon their flock to protest. I hope they do.
2. Trayvon Martin's killer will be brought to justice when he goes to trial. If the law is upheld, he will be released without a trial due to self defense doctrine. If politics prevail, there will be an appeal and most likely he will be released and the judge reprimanded for misconduct. The Florida supreme Court is notoriously weak willed, but they do not want the sizable white population to rise up against them.
3. Sequester. not only will the EBT card run out, but other useless government programs will come head to head against useful government programs, such as fire and police. There will be a period during which social services will complain loudly and get comparable treatment when compared to essential services, but when hunger and lawlessness are bigger problems than the racist label, whites who work will demand services for their money. Groids can then go screw.
4. Gun ownership will be more like it was a hundred years ago, essential for survival.
NRA, just like the Tea Party, dances to the tune the Marxist left calls. Like a dog chasing a stick, so are these buffoons. The blackheads do not realize the message they are sending loud and clear to white children--YOUR INTERESTS ARE ILLEGITIMATE UNLESS THE ALIGN PERFECTLY WITH A MINORITY.
Californian said…
Why are blacks seen as the source for political legitimacy?
It's a fascinating question isn't it?
I can think of three influences:
1. Christianity - The deep, seemingly unending guilt available to Christians over the evils of slavery and the absurdly overstated wrongs inflicted on negroes after emancipation. Imagine the Chinese beating themselves constantly over some action by Chinese in 1820? Not likely, they're too busy getting about life now.
2. America's relatively lengthly prosperity and stability - Because America has "always" been strong and stable, it will always be strong and stable. Thus Americans can adopt the stupidest of ideas and no harm, no foul. We'll just continue along as if nothing has happened e.g. Obama.
3. The noble savage - The idea that there's something superior in all those cultures the Europeans were so fond of labeling savages. What appears to be fearsome savagery is really hiding a gentle nature and obscuring a level of wisdom few of us could ever be aware of. The magic negro, e.g. Obama.
I'm no Christian hater, but my bet is that aspects of Christianity are strongly, but not solely, behind the culture's obsession with negroes and their wellbeing.
"Cavalor Epthith, O.B.R.E., CS, O.D.A.J.[1er], O.Q.H.[Journ.], D.S.V.J., J.F. said...
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can move them to the program of the communist party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
This quote is false and was proven so in 1958 by the newspaper of record in which it was published the Washington Star. See Eustace Mullins for clarification."
No, it was not proved false, the only error was that it claimed Israel Cohen, the author, was a member of the British Communist Party in 1912. Because the BCP was founded in 1920, this was put forward as evidence that this work was a hoax. Cohen did become a member of the BCP after its founding, but in 1912 he was a member of the Fabian Society, the British socialist organization, with which the views expressed in "A Racial Programme for the Twentieth Century" conform very nicely.
Also see "Negroes in Soviet America; June 1935", http://digilib.usm.edu/cdm/ref/collection/manu/id/1612
Californian said...
Here's one thing which is interesting: Why are blacks seen as the source for political legitimacy?
Some people are soft in the head. They believe nice fairy tales about life and ever after, and that everything will turn out right, and that the animal does not win sometimes.
They do not want to believe that commitment to decency is what keeps white America and Northern Europe civilized.
They do not want to believe that this commitment to decency is inherent, due to genetics because the animal was bred out fifty-thousand years ago when humanity lived on the edge of a glacier and had to plan ahead and to cooperate to survive. That man had to avoid the low hanging fruit in favor of a future benefit.
They do not want to believe that the groid never went through this experience and has not had the animal bred out. They do not want to believe that the groid will take the low hanging fruit wherever the groid finds it, even when it means destroying the white civilization that provides the fruit.
Because the soft head liberals do not want to believe that whites are evolved and groids not, the liberals decide that groids will be human if only given the chance. The liberals believe that negro spokes-groids are proof that liberal ideas are right and just and that race realist ideas are wrong.
Jay Santos said...
Californian said…
Why are blacks seen as the source for political legitimacy?
It's a fascinating question isn't it?
I can think of three influences:
1. Christianity - The deep, seemingly unending guilt available to Christians over the evils of slavery and the absurdly overstated wrongs inflicted on negroes after emancipation. Imagine the Chinese beating themselves constantly over some action by Chinese in 1820? Not likely, they're too busy getting about life now.
2. America's relatively lengthly prosperity and stability - Because America has "always" been strong and stable, it will always be strong and stable. Thus Americans can adopt the stupidest of ideas and no harm, no foul. We'll just continue along as if nothing has happened e.g. Obama.
3. The noble savage - The idea that there's something superior in all those cultures the Europeans were so fond of labeling savages. What appears to be fearsome savagery is really hiding a gentle nature and obscuring a level of wisdom few of us could ever be aware of. The magic negro, e.g. Obama.
I'm no Christian hater, but my bet is that aspects of Christianity are strongly, but not solely, behind the culture's obsession with negroes and their wellbeing."
I do not think you can blame real Christianity, which demands that you take responsibility for your own actions by admitting your failings and strive to improve yourself. This is the "strong drink" that Christ spoke of. He also said that we are to be held liable for our own sins and failings, not those of others. These so-called "Christians" twist the teachings of Christ into something they were never meant to be.
I beg you.
1) LAY OUT A TRANSPARENT FRAMEWORK by which you can appraise the view of A Negro And then after taking a "Blind Taste Test' OF his words AND THAT OF ANY OTHER "Good White Person" who you run across you are forced to say:
"THIS PERSON'S VIEWS ON THIS SUBJECT IS LOGICAL AND IN LINE WITH MINE......BUT IF HE IS A NEGRO I STILL wouldn't take my eyes off of him because THEY ALL will knife you in the back like Django"?
Do you see - I have withdrawn MY hopes of AFFIRMATION from you.
Right now I am only studying you from a pure character stand point.
The truth is that I am not doing this FOR ME - I am appraising how far your loyal followers are willing to go along with you - knowing that there is a LARGER WORLD OF ISSUES to deal with than THE NEGRO.
Oh, Repulsive Throwback... puh-LEEESE!
Californian asks,
Here's one thing which is interesting: Why are blacks seen as the source for political legitimacy?
Scared of the R-word accusation.
@ Convulsive Flatulence
Go hunt some white trash. No one cares what you think, or do. No one is impressed by your 7th grade "mastery" of the language - although one MORE CAPITALIZATION just might tip THE scales in your FAVOR.
-Sweep the leg-
Alert! Word salad dialog in progress!
"...knowing that there is a LARGER WORLD OF ISSUES to deal with than THE NEGRO."
CF, please. Seriously
We understand that there are MANY other issues, but we are prevented from dealing with them effectively because 'Cui Bono', someone is making money off the status quo. That someone has a vested interest in using THE NEGRO as a WEAPON of mass DESTRACTION so that we have to deal with all of the in-your-face depravity, destruction, damage, danger, and dysfunction the negro is known for. The negro inserted into a white society has an 'on-autopilot' animal nature and wreaks havoc. The presence of the negro in any large numbers is completely disruptive, destructive, and damaging, but this is the diabolical end the negro has been sent for.
It is sad that the negro cannot see that he is being quite well USED as a foil of control. The negro is SO ignorant of his true plight that he is quite happy to engage in SELF oppression.
If you cannot see that, then you are not only daft and delusional, but you are playing exactly the role your usurious overlords wish you to play. They WANT us divided at the same time they cram us all together. It's classic divide-and-rule. Go read some history and try to think a little, and you might, just maybe, begin to see that this is not about hating black people, but rather about utter disgust at the conditions they never fail to create. It is about our steadfast desire to not have the negro and all his unpleasant attributes forced upon us or our society. It is about asking the negro to wait in the jungle until he is sufficiently evolved to participate amongst us without being an unpleasant destructive spectacle and influence.
In short, CF, we want you all to go be niggers somewhere else. I realize you personally may not be a nigger in the sense of being criminal, nasty, and horrid, but if you make excuses for those who are, you suffer from guilt by association. Believe me, if you were not stinking up the place as a group, culturally, we would have plenty of time and very clear vision to attend to all the problems you reference that are 'other' than the negro.
The English word for an adult unrelated dependent is “slave.” The transfer of the bulk of the African-American population from the control and responsibility of private masters, to the State, is not a freeing of the slaves. It is a nationalizing of the slaves. (With a brief window of actual independence, not coincidentally the golden age of African-American civilization, between the Freedmen’s Bureau and the Great Society.) Moreover, in “welfare reform,” we actually see a recognition of this fact. Even liberals realized: since we have nationalized the slaves, we have to make them work. Otherwise, their human condition becomes unmentionable.
Ex New Yorker:
DC is one big amalgamation of groids and libtard droids. It is scary here. I really want to get eff out and I am working on this plan daily. My parents, who are nearing 70 do not want me to move out west, but this place is an unnatural place for my kids.Get busy living or get busy dying is what I say.!
Amurkistan has become a truly bizarre place. I no longer relate.
I responded earlier to the magic negro NRA man. It is displaced homoerotism on the part of the Gay Old Pedophiles. These old toads are doing it on the down low all over the place in DC. The magic negro phenomenon is just projections of the DL scene manifested. This guy probably gives it up so to speak for these old GOP goats in Conservative Inc. Yes, I am completely serious.
White Mom in Turdville aka WDC
When the relatively few blacks demand and "take 100% responsibility" in the cleanup of of your destructive black race, then and only then can you lecture the rest of us. Clean up your own mess. We are not going to anymore.
"I'm just loosening up my arm"
Brilliantly stated, Jay. I am no Christian hater, either, but I've come to realize in the last year that they are at the epicenter of the mental delusion that is white guilt. I saw this in my own freaking family during the holidays. And these are formerly die-hard conservatives, of the strict, Southern Baptist variety. They have now somehow been transformed into "enlightened" DWLs. Yet Conservatism, Inc. insists that all Christians are die-hard Republicans. If that's true, with all the unprecedented Christian voter outreach touted during 2012, Romney would have won, and by a larger margin than Obama did.
Your comment stimulated another thought, though. When you mentioned the Chinese in 1820, it caused me to think of the Sino Japanese wars. As most of the well-informed historians that frequent SBPDL will know, the Japanese committed some of the worst atrocities against the Chinese that humanity has ever inflicted in its entire history. NOTHING was off limits for the Japanese, including women and children. It's all available on the internet for those that are unaware. As brutal as the Nazis were, I think Hitler, himself, would not have been able to stomach what the Japanese did. The only thing that seems to come close are the Mexican drug cartels during the last decade, but the scale of their misdeeds is miniscule in comparison.
So why are these atrocities relegated to the dust bin of history, while the relatively tiny amount of crimes committed against Negroes in the US are permanently etched into the present-consciousness of humanity?
My main point, though, is an extension of yours - do the Japanese perpetually self-flagellate over the actions their ancestors committed against the Chinese? Or invite the Chinese to come rule them and wallow in self-pity in their midst? Do they even give a damn? If they do, I've never seen or heard anything about it. I don't know the answers to any of that, but perhaps one of our SBPDL expats would have some knowledge or perspective on that issue.
Further, why are we, as whites, required to be MORE guilty and permanently shamed and indebted for actions that, on the scale of human atrocities, are extremely minor by comparison. Kosovo was worse, the gassing of the Kurds in Iraq was worse, the Nazis were worse, and the righteous, peaceful religion of Islam likely commits more atrocities each week than occurred during all of the Jim Crow era. Yet whites must be perpetually beaten down for the actions of others, most of which are no longer alive. And on and on and on.
It goes without saying that the 40-ish groid that was loitering outside Chipotle, dressed in bakaball warm-ups and yakking on his cell phone, dropping F-bombs every other word, is morally superior to all of us...
Gwinnett Gladiator
countenance said...
3. Yeah, I don't mind this "Colion Noir" participating in the 2A culture, but I do mind him being made an instant celebrity just because he's black.
Somebody dig up his history.
A while back sites I visit were re=posting stuff from someguy from Akron and I emailed them a bunch links because they wouldn't listen to me until then and told them straight up "You need to stop re-posting this guy".
>>Cavalor Epthith, O.B.R.E., CS, O.D.A.J.[1er], O.Q.H.[Journ.], D.S.V.J., J.F. said...
>>Constructive Feedback said...
Hush, children. The adults are trying to have a conversation here.
Seriously, PK. Why do you allow trolling here?
I've never given a cent to the NRA due to their support of the '34 National Firearms Act and '68 Gun Control Act. Now engaging in affirmative action simply reaffirms my conviction to not support them. And I would implore anyone here to cancel their memberships and remove their bumper stickers.
Off topic, but just for laughs...
Anonymous @ 11:31 AM asks -
where do these girls dream up da baby names?
In the movie A Fish Called Wanda the lawyer, Archie, has a daughter named Portia. The Kevin Kline character, Otto, asks why he named his daughter after a car.
Well, in this story of negro family values (son kills and dismembers mother) we have the typical family structure: every member has a different surname. And yes, his sister's name is Porsche.
"Why are blacks seen as the source for political legitimacy?"
It is a white man's sickness.
Blacks are not really seen as legitimate. The whites are slumming. Ever heard a white guy change his tune and say things like 'brother' or 'bro' when a black guy is around? Ever see a normal looking white guy playing loud rap music in his car, or wearing a t-shirt with Snoop Dogg on it? Negro worship. It is a sickness.
Blacks are seen as hip, alpha, and slightly dangerous. White guys would like to be perceived this way, but the aren't anymore because of our integrated society. This happens when black and white men openly compete. The white guys put up with black low IQ and dysfunction in order to add some 'flava' to their lives and feel more hip and alpha. The black guys get away with a lot more risky behaviors because the whites are living vicariously through them.
Example. Our local white conservative radio talk show host has a black man on every Wednesday. The host's entire tune changes. He starts using slang, talks jive, and drops the endings of his words. He also makes excuses for being just a boring old white guy. This is slumming. They each gain something from the arrangement. White guy feels more hip and dangerous and less racist, black guy is worshipped by the white man, and scores a regular spot on the show to promote his inner-city programs.
Another example. I used to work for a small all-white software company.. They decided to become more 'diverse' and hired 5 blacks all at the same time. The blacks came in late and left early, did not work, added zero value, talked jive to customers on the phone, surfed the internet, acted inappropriately, and used their corporate credit cards for personal use. They were never punished for these behaviors. The white company owners bargained with the blacks.
In order to appear less racist and more 'modern' as a company, the white employees had to put up with a bunch of crap so the owners could find redemption through the worship of the black man.
Whiskey and Cambria Will Not Yield have both talked about this.
Fuck NRA. If those bastards had a spine, they would't have cozied up and helpd make the Gun Control Act of 1968 a reality.They have been fully infiltrated. They will do NOTHING. They're just another mouthpiece to make you think that there is opposition. Look at their new spokesman here. (Proof of the takeover, IMO) Yes, only the wise black man can save us..... lolololololol. They remind me of Jim and Tammy Baker, of the old PTL religious TV show. ALWAYS begging for money.
If you're gonna give to an organization, give to G.O.A.
You are right. The shit hit the fan awhile ago, but people are steeped in denial. The key is now to lay low and bit get hit by turds, in human form and otherwise.
White Mom in the District of Craptopia
Oh, main reason I'm still pursuing genealogical research is it looks as though, based on my husband's ancestors (Irish and Italian), he is eligible (and through him, his wife and children) for foreign citizenship. We're going for it - I never thought he'd agree in a million years, but he's absolutely on board with having some sort of escape from the prison this country's becoming for Whites.
I guess I had you pegged wrong. I usually ask which supposedly freer country you plan on fleeing to, but expats present and future no longer interest me. Anyone who would abandon their people and their best bet of survival really isn't worth thinking about. Here's hoping your children never have a desire to return to the land of their birth. Goodbye.
White Mom:
I responded earlier to the magic negro NRA man. It is displaced homoerotism on the part of the Gay Old Pedophiles. These old toads are doing it on the down low all over the place in DC. The magic negro phenomenon is just projections of the DL scene manifested. This guy probably gives it up so to speak for these old GOP goats in Conservative Inc. Yes, I am completely serious.
I see White Mom has discovered there is an actual reason I repeatedly employ the term Gay Old Pedophiles to describe the supposed "opposition" party here in the Banksta Banana Republick. I suspect the displaced homoerotism she described is indeed an important backstory in sudden rise of Colion Noir. Oh, and yes the NRA is heavily infiltrated - probably to the point that they'll slip a knife into the back of the 2nd amendment when the order comes from the squid central committee.
When I see black guy with weapon, I think charles taylor, I think rwanda, I think african dicator, I think grown up child raping militia bot, I think inner city gangsta pimp rap singer defendings his hos and drug turf. All those lovely stereotypes that black DNA has blessed us with.
I can't believe whites praising a black who "believes" in civil laws.
I would not want to be anywhere near this black guy when the genetically inherited chimpout happens, its bound to happen cause his DNA is coded that way, its not if but when.
Whites that praised him are the same whites that voted for the slag crunt obama.
His white mother was definitely an anomoly, black worshipping white communist, like a lot of "whites" that supported the ANC in south africa, I'm surprised obama mama didn't belong to the tribe of TWMNBN, the power behind the ANCN and the revolution in russia, and the demise of communism in russia, and the richest families in haitii
The words bro and brother were usurped by black kulcha, white men have used the words far longer, I use the words bro, and yo, but I use it like a white man, not for once going ghetto gang banga wigger.
By more whites using those words, and taking them out of the black ghetto culture, the more we take back our alphaness.
You don't have to speak like a ghetto thug, just let them know that they don't own the language, and show up ghetto thug culture for what it is, a feeble attempt at trying to create it.
Have you ever seen bill cosby use ghetto speak, he had a fantastic way to show how backward and ridiculous it sounded.
So don't let the thugs own the words bro and brother.
Bogo: Oh, and yes the NRA is heavily infiltrated - probably to the point that they'll slip a knife into the back of the 2nd amendment when the order comes from the squid central committee.
"I want to give my thanks to everyone who voted to confirm me as the new President of the National Rifle Association. I would also like to wish my predecessor, Wayne LaPierre a very happy retirement.
As you know, I have come under fire for supporting my friend, Senator Dianne Feinstein's efforts to combat gun violence by reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban. I just want to reiterate that the NRA staunchly supports American's rights to own single shot, rimfire rifles and smoothbore shotguns as these are the types of firearms our Founding Fathers would genuinely approve of.
Ira Katzner, J.D., L.L.M.
President, NRA"
It's fairly common knowledge that all cases of so-called "black on black" crime can find their root in the horrific disadvantages African-Americans have had to endure for the past 2 centuries.
The root of all crime is always poverty, and nobody can deny that African-Americans are some of the poorest people in modern-day America. And we live in the richest country in the world!
Black people aren't responsible for the high amounts of crime found in their communities - that blame can be laid at the feet of White America who has exploited blacks, oppressed them, and kept them in perpetual poverty.
Can you really blame a black who has lived under perpetual oppression when, in his hopeless frustration, he vents his rage through the barrel of a gun?
That's why I belong to Gun Owners Of America instead. I don't have anything concrete to base it on, but I get the idea that they're a little more "realist" about things, IYKWIM. They also don't suck up to the GOP by agreeing to so-called "common sense compromises" which are just another way of saying "we'll give up half our rights if you just won't take them all, pretty please?" Look how well that's turned out over the decades. Every time we "compromise" on the 2A, we hope this finally will satisfy the gun-grabbers. You'd think that we'd have learned from long experience on this and other issues that the left is never satisfied until they get the whole loaf-they're patient and willing to get it a slice at a time if they have to, but either way they wind up with the whole thing. On this, on every issue. Infiltration and incrementalism-the two tactics which have been completely successful for the left.
@ Anonymous March 4, 2013 at 1:24 PM-
Undoubtedly you're a troll, or someone trying to be funny. But because I have the ideal answer to your accusations and apologies for crime, and laying the blame at the feet of whites-
If whites cause you so much misery that you even kill each other because of it, then why don't you welcome it with cries of "hallallujah!" when we try to get the hell away and stay the hell away from you? See how simple that would be?
But I get it-who would you blame when you continue to fail, to kill each other, to destroy everything you come near like a cancer?
Melanie said...
@ Anonymous March 4, 2013 at 1:24 PM-
Undoubtedly you're a troll, or someone trying to be funny. But because I have the ideal answer to your accusations and apologies for crime, and laying the blame at the feet of whites-
If whites cause you so much misery that you even kill each other because of it, then why don't you welcome it with cries of "hallallujah!" when we try to get the hell away and stay the hell away from you? See how simple that would be?
But I get it-who would you blame when you continue to fail, to kill each other, to destroy everything you come near like a cancer?
Nowhere have I heard you disprove the assertion that the epidemic of violence emanating from the black community is the direct result of centuries of oppression and discrimination perpetuated by Whites.
Your only feeble response is that Whites get to skate away without rectifying their wrongs. Thank you for subliminally acknowledging the many crimes your race has committed against Black America. Such a proud, noble race that has seen such oppression.
If only the noble race of Blacks had not been enslaved by the yoke of bondage by White America for so long and so frequently, then perhaps they might not be at the bottom of the food chain, socioeconomically speaking.
Blacks are not responsible for any crimes that they commit, because it is the fault of whites who did wrong to them. Therefore, because the White race bears such a heavy burden of guilt for their crimes of oppression, discrimination, and racism of the past 200+ years, these grave sins must be atoned for.
A place to start is by rectifying the problem of rampant poverty in the African-American neighborhoods. Perhaps White America, through the federal government, can guarantee every Black citizen a job of his choice, a wage of his choice, a dwelling of his choice, and a vehicle of his choice.
Only when this system has been in existence for 200 years can a sufficient sample size be drawn to ascertain whether or not racism in America has truly been eradicated. Only when YOU, Whites, kneel and atone for your sins, can this stain be removed from your legacy.
Slavery and oppression was the best thing that ever happened to you shitskins. How about a thank you?
Paul, we're in the fight of our lives on this one, and we aren't winning. So in this case I say "Hey, whatever works." If it takes a black man comparing 2nd Amendment restrictions to Jim Crow to convince the bastards to stand down, let's do it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, for now.
Nowhere have I heard you disprove the assertion that the epidemic of violence emanating from the black community is the direct result of centuries of oppression and discrimination perpetuated by Whites.
You can't prove a negative. On the other hand, the epidemic of violence throughout Africa among Africans never enslaved by Whites proves that the pathology did not originate with "White oppression". It's endogenous.
Blaming "discrimination perpetuated by Whites" is an excuse for gibsmedat unto eternity. We're too smart to buy into that crap.
Anonymous said...
It's fairly common knowledge that all cases of so-called "black on black" crime can find their root in the horrific disadvantages African-Americans have had to endure for the past 2 centuries.
The root of all crime is always poverty, and nobody can deny that African-Americans are some of the poorest people in modern-day America. And we live in the richest country in the world!
Black people aren't responsible for the high amounts of crime found in their communities - that blame can be laid at the feet of White America who has exploited blacks, oppressed them, and kept them in perpetual poverty.
Can you really blame a black who has lived under perpetual oppression when, in his hopeless frustration, he vents his rage through the barrel of a gun?
March 4, 2013 at 1:24 PM
You are as white as rice. I call bullshit on this one.
Paul, we're in the fight of our lives on this one, and we aren't winning. So in this case I say "Hey, whatever works." If it takes a black man comparing 2nd Amendment restrictions to Jim Crow to convince the bastards to stand down, let's do it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, for now.
It won't work. Groids aren't going to be calling up their chosen Incitatuses and Bathhouse members to demand they stop the assault on the second amendment. Blacks have plenty of guns already (off the books, too) and will soon be receiving many more (paid with tax dollars, full-auto and the works) once Obama's DHS Army is authorized by the Gay Old Pedophiles under the fearless leadership of Weepin' Johnny and the Brokeback Bathhouse Boyz. This is actually a sign of pathetic desperation on the NRA's part. Bloomberg and his pals won big in the special 'erection' held for Jesse Junior's bathhouse berth last week. The fact that the NRA has apparently hired Karl Rove and/or Mittens' campaign consultants is not a good sign at all.
‘Conservative Hero’ Ben Carson To Beck: You Have No Right To Semi-Automatic Weapons In Large Cities.
Another Magic Negro fail.
Charlie Rangel is mad about this.
Magnifico said...
You are as white as rice. I call bullshit on this one.
March 4, 2013 at 8:09 PM
Do you want to know why you're losing? Just look at the responses to what I wrote.
You're not being beat by blacks. You're being beat by whites who spout the exact stuff that I just wrote.
Your counterpoints were... unimpressive. No wonder you're losing.
Anonymous genocidal racist:
Only when this system has been in existence for 200 years can a sufficient sample size be drawn to ascertain whether or not racism in America has truly been eradicated. Only when YOU, Whites, kneel and atone for your sins, can this stain be removed from your legacy.
Who died and appointed you as moral authority over anything? You are a lying communist. Drop dead and go to hell.
"The NRA only needs Colion Noir because the corrupt liberal media demonizes everyone ... They are playing the hand they're dealt."
Then demand a new dealer. Don't just sit there and take it. If the media goes after you, go after them. Refuse to enforce copyright laws and bankrupt them, pass laws preventing their parent companies from owning too much, call out and publically shame producers and directors of news programs, etc. Had Republicans used the government to win the culture war, America could have been saved. But no, they let the enemy take over and did nothing, held back by a worthless piece of paper that libs don't respect or obey in the first place. It's stupid to allow your enemy to occupy a position of power and let them harm you from it. Take it from them. F' this democracy crap, that's what did this.
This can be done through secession. Once we are free, we can have our own media - one that espouses our views, protects our people. Imagine, no more state-run MSNBC, no more police state. Imagine the type of news you read here being mainstream, imagine if PK had a segment on a 60 minutes-type program.
Ever see what the high-crime neighborhoods look like in cities like New Haven and Bridgeport? There's litter everywhere, broken windows, burned out houses, cars that are almost all damaged, empty drug baggies everywhere....no one wants to open a business in those areas, and yeah, it's mostly Black people in those areas fucking it up. You ever see the high-crime area in the suburbs? Me either because there isn't one!
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