Who really won World War II?
Recall the black media in America considered our engagement in World War II a "Double V Campaign" -- victory abroad, as well as victory at home (i.e., freedom from the shackles of restrictive covenants, Jim Crow laws, etc.)
Japan recovered from two atomic strikes on her cities, with Hiroshima and Nagasaki rebuilding and becoming powerful cities in their own right; Europe, under the Marshall Plan, had gutted cities due to Allied/Axis bombing rebuilt, becoming tourist destinations in the process.
In America, we had victory abroad, and ultimately, for blacks, victory at home.
But victory at home for the black population (which has seen redistributed funds from the white taxpayer to the tune of a perpetual Marshall Plan since the early 1960s) spelled disaster for America.
Today, 90%+ black Detroit, ruled by democratically elected black people since 1973 - when a Tuskegee Airmen, Coleman Young, was elected the first black mayor of the city - is taken over by the state of Michigan.
Once known as the "Arsenal of Democracy," (roughly 92% white during World War II), today the city of Detroit under black-rule appears to have been the victim of a perpetual bombing campaign.
But it wasn't.
In 2013 Detroit, the state of the city is a direct result of the abilities of its black population to govern and maintain what once was America's greatest city -- perhaps the most important metropolis in determining whether America would win World War II.
A city they were to maintain after driving whites out with high crime and a massive riot in 1967 that Life magazine dubbed, "The Negro Revolt."
A city they were to maintain after driving whites out with high crime and a massive riot in 1967 that Life magazine dubbed, "The Negro Revolt."
As documented in my book Escape from Detroit:The Collapse of America's Black Metropolis
Detroit's official collapse today has been a long time coming -- and it is 100 percent on the shoulders of its black population, which continued to elect Coleman Young and other black officials year after year.
Tamar Jacoby wrote a book called, "Someone Else's House." She argued integration had failed in America, but that the government should do even more to make sure it succeeded.
In her book she offers this valuable glimpse into what life was like in Detroit directly following the election of its first black mayor. The year is 1974:
Today, black people have officially performed a technical knockout (TKO) of Detroit.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Both recovered nicely from atom bomb attacks to contribute to the economy of Japan; Detroit has been sucking the blood of the American taxpayer just to stay alive since blacks took over in 1974.
The summer of 1976... the city officially died. Law and order broke down. Commerce left the city. Whites rebuilt Detroit and civilization in the suburbs. Blacks set in comfortably to govern their new metropolis.
Today, in 2013... few will dare mention this uncomfortable truth.
Don't be afraid too.
Tamar Jacoby wrote a book called, "Someone Else's House." She argued integration had failed in America, but that the government should do even more to make sure it succeeded.
In her book she offers this valuable glimpse into what life was like in Detroit directly following the election of its first black mayor. The year is 1974:
In Young’s first year, there were 801 murders, up from 508 just three years before, and the old label “Murder City” gave way, in the press and the streets, to the grimmer still “Kill City.” Even as the numbers rose, the crimes themselves grew nastier: old-fashioned one-on-one sexual assaults became gang rapes, stabbings were replaced by shootings, and unruly fights by execution-style slayings. Hardly a week went by without a major horror story on the front page of the papers. Police investigators were shocked, as one put it, by “the way the public accepts the homicide rate.” Indignation, the copy told a reporter, had been replaced by a “ho-hum, another murder.” The department was baffled by a rash of inquiries from citizens about the number of slayings in a given week- until it came out that the curious callers were organizing office betting pools. By 1975, the idea of killing had become so banal that the department reported a spate of what it called “insurance murders” – for the cash benefits. Crime, one wag remarked, had become the city’s leading growth industry. Private guars, locksmiths, manufactures of anticrime devices and perpetrators: these, the joke went, were the only people making money in Detroit in the mid-1970s. “It’s wild, just wild,” one cop told an out-of-town reporter. “You see it on TV. Here in Detroit, we practice it.” (p. 328)
The Detroit Free Press reported widespread discontent in the city. Half of the population, including 43 percent of black residents, said they would move of town if they could, and when asked why, a large majority cited the climate of fear. “I’d leave in a minute,” said one man, a black auto worker. “There’s no law in the city, no substantial law – and you’re just a sitting duck.” (p. 330)
After making substantial budget cuts within the police
department (and attempting to de-whiten the police force by instituting massive
affirmative action programs to ensure the now-majority black city had a
majority black police force), Mayor Young came under pressure:
Crime figures for the first quarter of 1976 once again put Detroit near the top of the list of the most dangerous American cities, and many in the regional establishment urged the mayor to find some place else to cut-anywhere except the police force. But Young insisted that there was no alternative- - that other monies could not be tapped for the department – and that the crime problem was much exaggerated anyway by hostile reporters and white suburbanites. People complaining that downtown Detroit was unsafe had, he complained, “a racist perception of the city.” (p. 333)
Young would fire almost 1,000 officers, or 1/5 of the
department. Specialized units were gutted; the city, which was quickly turning
into a black metropolis, was now on life support:
It was the last straw for the rule of law in Detroit, and what little order there was broke down completely. Within days of the cutback in highway patrols, teenage bands from the neighborhoods descended on the roadways. Rocks, bricks and masonry rained down on passing cars from pedestrian bridges above the expressways. Youths roamed the highway system in old jalopies, “accidentally” bumping better-looking cars, and when the drivers pulled over to exchange insurance information, the kids surprised them with a gun in their ribs. One man who stopped to change a tire was beaten senseless by a pack of roving teens. A woman whose car broke down was abducted to an abandoned house and raped repeatedly over several days.By midsummer, the department reported that it was taking up to 4 hours to respond to 911 calls, and reductions in courtroom police had led to several violent incidents, including on in which a lawyer pulled a gun and fired wilding at judge and jury. In August, half a dozen terrified judges announced that they could no longer take the risk of appearing in court to hear cases. (p. 333)
And you think the kind of stories of Mahogany Mobs Colin
Flaherty has documented in his book “White Girl Bleed A Lot” are new? No…
Detroit, a city that went black in 1973 with the election of a black mayor and
never, ever looked back, saw the unleashing of a black wave of violence eerily
reminiscent of the one taking over America since Barack Obama took power in
As America celebrated its bicentennial in 1976, the city that contributed so much to the victory abroad in World War II had been taken over by the very people who demanded "victory at home" in their 'Double V Campaign' -- with white people, who were virtually 100 percent of the population of Detroit 100 years ago, effectively purged from government and fleeing the city their ancestors built, the Motor City became a black metropolis.The summer of 1976 was shocking even by Detroit standards. Looting of downtown stores became an everyday sport – not something reserved for special occasions. In on struggling neighborhood in the northwest of town, shopowners reported replacing plate-glass windows as often as twice a week. Black and white, shopmen and customers, in big department stores and mom-and-pop grocers: among the few businesses remaining inside the city line, no one was spared. Against this background of daily robberies and muggings, a handful of particularly grisly individual crimes stood out. A popular community priest was robbed and brutally murdered in his rectory. A legal aid lawyer’s leg was broken when an auto thief ran over him in his own car. But most terrifying – and relatively new to most whites – were the teenage gangs that flourished that summer. Groups called the Bishops and the BKs (short for Black Killers) waged open warfare in the neighborhoods. They also ventured occasionally into the central business district to prey on suburban shoppers and one evening rampaged through the expensive Pontchartrain Hotel. Coming by chance on a private party, 20 youths tore through the opulent dining room, overturning tables, stealing pursues and screaming, “Black killers! Black killers! It’s all about the Black killers!In truth, whatever happened now, the damage had been done – to Detroit’s image, its hope for economic revival, its chances for sharing in the prosperity of an integrated region. White perceptions of the city, already soured by 1967, would never recover from the summer of 1976. (p. 333-336)
Today, black people have officially performed a technical knockout (TKO) of Detroit.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Both recovered nicely from atom bomb attacks to contribute to the economy of Japan; Detroit has been sucking the blood of the American taxpayer just to stay alive since blacks took over in 1974.
The summer of 1976... the city officially died. Law and order broke down. Commerce left the city. Whites rebuilt Detroit and civilization in the suburbs. Blacks set in comfortably to govern their new metropolis.
Today, in 2013... few will dare mention this uncomfortable truth.
Don't be afraid too.
It doesn't matter what city blacks are in right here in London, England we have the Metropolitan Police who have set up the Trident unit to deal with black gun crime - which is 90% of gun crime in London for 10% of the population.
The UK media, and the British public are in a coma with regards African crime in the UK. Along with the hordes of middle eastern Muslims they have turned parts of the UK into Mogadishu.
Things will get a lot worse before they get better, white people in Europe are in a state of sleep to what they are letting there countries become - we need to repatriate all immigrants out of Europe, and that means civil war - the sooner the better
Keep your eyes on the ball , this afternoon our extremely white republican governor hands over control of the city to the emergency financial mgr. who hasn't been named yet, I'm sure they had to come p with a black man. Ex mayor Kwame Kilpatricks jury is deliberating and hopefully will send that crooked nigger to jail for 20 years. Let the chimp outs begin, this could be fun.
The juxtaposition of pictures - Hiroshima and Detroit - pre- and post WWII is as powerful a device as has been used yet by SBPDL - startling and devastating. Also the initiation of the "Double V" campaign hailed in euphoric post-WII America retrospectivley observed as in fact a vast delusion - the war in truth having been LOST (glimpse the above pictures) and Paul's idea of comparison and irony is a stroke of genius....tragic genius.
Harry in Pa.
God's vengeance eh? He's an Ironic thunder god.
All I can say is ROTFLMAO....UNBELEIVABLE...only black african culture could be more destructive than the ATOMIC BOMB....OMG in heaven...This is just ,I can't wrap my head around those pictures.And the fact the DWL's and the black community will never ever acknowledge this.oh,WAIT, I forgot IT'S ALL WHITEYS FAULT...LMFAO!
The decline of the auto industry is indeed a shame. There was a time when American cars and trucks were indeed the best in the world. But I do not blame the manufacturers. Government EEO rules force them to hire bad employees and make it impossible to fire them. You cannot run a business with your hands tied behind your back.Like everything else they touch, it turns to shit.
Proof positive that Blackness is more destructive than nuclear weapons; it makes an area unfit for civilization for GENERATIONS!
I have noted that one of the anonymous posters here stated that Sarah Bloch's icon was a still from a movie entitled "A Summer's Day." In reality the photograph in question was taken six years ago during a visit by Sarah to the farm of her birth in western Maryland. Equally, the title of the movie is "A Summer Day and it was made in the year 1970. The actress in that film bears little to no resemblance to Ms Bloch save for the color of her skin. Here is the root of your demise; you sacrifice clarity and reason even accuracy in the name of denigration.
I would ask how white conservatives and race thinkers would address the seeming crisis in mental health among your people in the US of A? How can you quantify your presumed superiority when so many of your people are clearly insane and lacking in the proper mental health care.
[q c p n!]
The condition of 90%+ black Detroit in 2013 should convince whites to rethink everything they know about law, order, biology, genetics, and integration... for their children and grandchildren's sake.
--Paul Kersey
This is patriotic motivation.
What I have never been able to get my head around is this. While watching Detroit get wasted in '76, America was leading the charge to destroy my country for daring to have apartheid. Truly bizarre.
It is about proportion, not numbers. For example, Black people, in every country in the world, commit crimes far out of proportion to their numbers.
Check this out: Murder as a cause of death shown on a worldmap
The reason African people are more violent, is because they have been controlled by civilization for a shorter time. Civilization never bloomed in Africa for various reasons having to do with ecosystems and resources, and thus the civilized people never developed.
Cavalor, you must begin to measure your racism by EFFECT not INTENT.
The ban on criticism of Black people has resulted in a halt in the civilizational progress of Black people (which takes centuries). Thus, it is people like YOU, who forbid deep criticism of Blacks as "racist", who are the ones who hold the Black race down.
Crabs in the bucket, you are a crab Cavalor.
See "Crab mentality": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality
Blacks are crabs in a bucket until they stop crabbing out racism. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia3VoYqC2G0
its the libreals who say their is no such thing as race who are insane
The main problem is the MSM will NOT cover these problems and report accurately on what is going on so that people are aware of the true nature of the destruction taking place. Everything gets buried under a blanket of politically correct horse manure to a depth of 10 miles. All the problems are attributed to everything and everyone else save for the black people responsible for it. Any individual who says differently is declared to be a racist. Any group that speaks honestly about it is declared to be a "hate group."
The truth is now "evil" and facts are "racist."
The MSM is no longer a news organization but a leftist propaganda unit.
We are swiftly approaching a time when free speech will be punishable by more than simple denunciations of being "racist." We already have re-education camps that are euphemistically called "Sensitivity Training" where one must tow the party line and agree with everything being spewed or face further denunciation and "consequences."
I spent many years in Asia and recall my conversations with mainland Chinese who had escaped from China. They said you always had to worry about being denounced for saying anything that was not approved by the government or considered "proper speech." There was always some little rat bastard listening intently for anything they could scurry down a back alley and report you to the authorities for in pursuit of some reward. Parents could be jailed and children removed from the home.
That type of system is exactly what holier than thou narcissistic leftist libtards dream of instituting in America where only their speech is free and without consequence. To a great extent, libtards have already had success in some European countries where "unpopular" free speech is criminalized.
Even in America during black history month (as an ex teacher informed me) black invention myths are touted as truth and debunking those myths is not allowed. Education becomes indoctrination.
There can be no peaceful coexistence with those who are determined to destroy everything and replace it with an authoritarian libtard regime.
Imagine working for a government department where anything you say could get you fired if someone claimed that what you said "offended" them. I've done so and it's an ugly environment where libtards are free to attack anyone who says anything they don't like and deprive them of their employment. The mere fact that the libtard is offended is sufficient reason for termination without appeal.
The America of our forefathers is dying. Hell, it may already be dead and we may be simply witnessing the body twitching as it shuts down.
Pro Civilization I do note that you did not address either of the question I put forth. I will add a third. How would you reduce/eliminate the ever growing number of murder suicides and family murders being perpetrated by white men as this should be a greater public health concern for those who are self described race thinkers?
Alert! Dialog on Race in Progress (I think)!
Cavalor Epthith, here is a question for you: can you explain why millions of blacks want to move to white majority polities?
Why would they want to go to places where they would be the victims of all that white racism? And wouldn't they be subjecting themselves to all that black-on-white violence which the media tells us is going on in America? Why do blacks choose to be oppressed when they can live in their majority rule paradises?
Cavalor Epthith said...I would ask how white conservatives and race thinkers would address the seeming crisis in mental health among your people in the US of A? How can you quantify your presumed superiority when so many of your people are clearly insane and lacking in the proper mental health care.
I imagine that they presume superiority via a comparison of cities such as Detroit before and after black rule. Or countries such as Rhodesia-Zimbabwe before and after black rule.
Or perhaps by the fact that millions of blacks want to move to white majority cities and countries; at the same time, we do not see millions of whites migrating towards rainbow nations such as post-apartheid South Africa.
As for insanity: if white people are so insane, why do blacks want to move into their neighborhoods and attend their schools?
These are real questions. Let's see if you can answer them.
Hi there "Cavalier Liberal's Epitaph"!
Thanks for the drive by vomit, as always lib-puke is extremely illuminating. And that alphabet soup behind your name, dang! Sho' is impressive!
So, your contention is that race realism is discredited because a commenter here got a movie title wrong, or misidentified a photo of an unknown feminist harpy like Ms. Bloch?
Ummm, OK.
As for your second paragraph, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. You write in "word salad" just like our entertaining friend, Constructive Feedback!
Here's a question: Why did it take so long to actually die? It was apparent that the place had actually degenerated into a lawless hellhole by 1976. Yet it limped onward, filling the bank accounts of two generations of groid political looters who were nominally in charge. Other than the hopelessly stupefied 'electorate', who enabled this looting to continue for three solid decades after the host itself was dead? How is it that Detroilet municipal bonds took so long to have their grades lowered. In a sane world, they would have been re-classified as junk in short order.
Also note that even now, with the city an utterly laughable basket case, the Repuke-controlled MI state government is stepping in to 'take it over' (which liley means just more bailouts for their dysfunction with tax dollars extorted from mostly white taxpayers to pay someone - including the groids nominally in charge). So we have the same old story again: Detroilet has been too black to fail for a very long time, and the process (despite all the huffery and puffery) seems to be moving to a new level.
Detroilet's classic tale of groid dysfunction is really only the surface of what has been going on here. It's fairly obvious from the article that the place was already dead as a viable city by 1976 - less than a decade after the great riots. So the question must be asked: Who propped this travesty up for three decades? Whom were the chief beneficiaries of this propping up? The answer to these questions will give us some insight into how BRA - the greatest looting scheme ever invented - really operates.
Anyway, great before-and-after pictures of Hiroshima-Detroit, PK. Might make a good poster or flyer. No explanation needed. The photos speak for themselves.
People complaining that downtown Detroit was unsafe had, he complained, “a racist perception of the city.”
i.e., "racist" means one who sees the truth.
It's the central delusion of our times. Reality must be reset ala The Matrix to serve the needs of ideology. DWLs are experts at creating an internal fantasy world, backed up by their external agitprop systems in the MSM and "diversity" indoctrination. This is so even in the face of the destruction of entire cities.
As for blacks: I suspect they see the reality a little more clearly, it's just that they do not care. Their demagogs would rather rule the ruins of once great metropolises than surrender the power they gain via BRA.
The summer of 1976 was shocking even by Detroit standards. Looting of downtown stores became an everyday sport – not something reserved for special occasions.
Summer of '76: after two decades of civil rights legislation, mass protest marches, war on poverty, community organizing, and the entire system kowtowing to them. They got exactly what they demanded, and what was the result?
Exactly what all those big bad segregationists said would happen.
Had the havoc just been temporary, it might be overlooked as youthful exuberance or the last gasp of an unfair system. But it's become a permanent state of affairs.
It's not simply the crime. It's the organized nature of it. The gangs. The mobs. The racial shakedowns with the implied threat of rioting if demands are not met. The violence associated with fluff as trivial as fashion shows.
It's like dealing with warlords bands in some failed African state.
And then the Establishment asks why people are stocking up on guns and ammunition.
But most terrifying – and relatively new to most whites – were the teenage gangs that flourished that summer. Groups called the Bishops and the BKs (short for Black Killers) waged open warfare in the neighborhoods. ...
Here's something that ought to be researched: were these teenage gangs in existence during segregation?
Coming by chance on a private party, 20 youths tore through the opulent dining room, overturning tables, stealing pursues and screaming, “Black killers! Black killers! It’s all about the Black killers!
Ah yes, once again, those "youths." So impetuous! So spontaneous! So running wild and free!
I wonder what any DWLs who were in attendance thought about the intrusion.
Oh well, somewhere George Wallace is smiling.
That should be obvious to anyone with the eyes to see. It is indeed a weapon. It also begs the question: Who is using this weapon? Who are the targets of this weapon?
Negroes are but one weapon in a considerable arsenal. Another one is that which is referred to as "public education". Old Uncle Yusif had an interesting statement on that particular subject, which is useful in addressing the question posed above: Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.
I have a horrid feeling that we were on the wrong side in WW2
Don't think so? Look at America today. Run by Blacks and Mexicans. I, personally, would prefer speaking German and taking orders from Berlin than in taking orders from Obama.
Maybe, if we are lucky, we will get our leader.
"If my life in the past has meant anything in the lifting up of my people and the bringing about of better relations between your race and mine. I assure you from this day it will mean doubly more. In the economy of God there is but one standard by which an individual can succeed--there is but one for a race. This country demands that every race measure itself by the American standard. By it a race must rise or fall, succeed or fail, and in the last analysis mere sentiment counts for little. During the next half century and more, my race must continue passing through the severe American crucible. We are to be tested in our patience, our forbearance, our perseverance, our power to endure wrong, to withstand temptations, to economize, to acquire and use skill; our ability to compete, to succeed in commerce, to disregard the superficial for the real, the appearance for the substance, to be great and yet small, learned and yet simple, high and yet the servant of all. This, this is the passport to all that is best in the life of our republic, and the Negro must possess it, or be debarred."
Booker T. Washington, 1896 before the Harvard Alumni Association
Alert! Dialog on Race in Progress! Part I of Response!
Bear with me, this response is going to be in two parts.
Cavalor Epthith...How would you reduce/eliminate the ever growing number of murder suicides and family murders being perpetrated by white men as this should be a greater public health concern for those who are self described race thinkers?
First, we would need to see statistical evidence that such murder-suicides are actually occurring.
Second, how many of these murder-suicides have occurred? And do the total exceed the number of killings perpetrated by, say, gang drive-bys?
Third, since race-is-just-a-construct, then what difference does the color-of-skin make? I am going to assume that a publish health official would treat all people equally.
Californian: If one were to have a photo of the city of Rome 2000 years ago, one would see fantastic monuments and buildings in all their glory. At the same time, a photo of an african mud hut with fly covered niglets sitting out front two thousand years ago would be the same photo one could take today in 2013. No time travel necessary. Zero progress when left to their own devices.
That is why the negro flocks towards white civilizations. They want to partake in all those things which they themselves have never and can never create nor sustain while fulfilling their role as parasite. They just hate the fact that white people are there and want to drive whites out and take it all over~ which, of course, results in Detroit. Then they get angry that whitey isn't subsidizing, supporting and funding them so they can have the same things as whitey.
They're little more than chimpanzees taking up residence on a banana plantation and ooking and eeking when anyone tries to drive them away as they keep consuming and destroying the crops and the trees themselves while attacking the creators of the plantation. Of course, the chimps don't claim to have created the plantation ( as negroes would while screaming about racism and being kept down)but are just as territorial once they've swarmed it and taken it over.
Exactly the same way negroes behave when they take over a city.
Alert! Dialog on Race in Progress! Part II of Response!
But I will answer Cavalor Epthith's question: let's assume that your assertion is correct, that there is a "growing number of murder suicides" perpetrated by white men. I'd speculate that much of this is due to a system which legally and systemically discriminates against whites males:
* The affirmative action.
* The endless denigration of white civilization.
* The shouting down of any dissent from the liberal party line as "racism."
* The constant belittlement of white men in the media.
* The non-stop race hustling by the usual suspects.
* The criminalization of free speech by speech codes and hatecrime laws.
* The guilt tripping over slavery (though oddly enough, blacks do not seem to have very much guilt over their own ancestors being slave traders. Fancy that).
* The knowledge that white people are being ethnically cleansed from countries such as Rhodesia and South Africa.
* The spectacle of cities built by white ingenuity and technology being trashed, per Detroit.
You might also look at how men are raked over the coals by:
* The destruction of their wealth via the divorce-industrial complex.
* The draconian child support regime, involving massive violations of civil rights.
* Assorted "violence against women" laws which deny men equal protection under the law.
* The denial of access to their children via the child custody system (something which has been a factor in several reported shoot-em-ups).
But most of all, we have the betrayal of white men by the Establishment. The so-called white power structure has implemented every last demand of the black power movement. It supported the destruction of white civilization in South Africa. And that same Establishment is today embarking on a policy of race replacement via unrestrained third world immigration.
So yeah, maybe there is an increase in frustration, and it just may manifest in pathologies.
The thing about race realism is to turn that frustration into political action.
And race realism is starting to succeed.
Something for you to think about.
Bemused stare said...
What I have never been able to get my head around is this. While watching Detroit get wasted in '76, America was leading the charge to destroy my country for daring to have apartheid. Truly bizarre.
A shameful event in American history and driven by the media elites, not the American citizen.
Bogolyubski said…
Here's a question: Why did it take so long to actually die?….
So the question must be asked: Who propped this travesty up for three decades? Whom were the chief beneficiaries of this propping up? The answer to these questions will give us some insight into how BRA - the greatest looting scheme ever invented - really operates.
Hell of a good question Bogo.
As for the societal "test" mentioned by Booker T. Washington back in 1896, there is clearly an answer now - almost 120 years after he stated it was under way: Epic fail.
This is the reality that DWLs, members of Conservatism, Inc., etc. are so assiduously attempting to hide.
"Within days of the cutback in highway patrols, teenage bands from the neighborhoods descended on the roadways."
"Youths roamed the highway system in old jalopies"
"One man who stopped to change a tire was beaten senseless by a pack of roving teens."
"But most terrifying – and relatively new to most whites – were the teenage gangs that flourished that summer."
It's always those darned "teens" and "youths".
"Pro Civilization I do note that you did not address either of the question I put forth"
Your questions are ignored because they are idiotic, there is no mental health "crisis" among whites.
That is why the negro flocks towards white civilizations. They want to partake in all those things which they themselves have never and can never create nor sustain while fulfilling their role as parasite. They just hate the fact that white people are there and want to drive whites out and take it all over~ which, of course, results in Detroit. Then they get angry that whitey isn't subsidizing, supporting and funding them so they can have the same things as whitey.
They're little more than chimpanzees taking up residence on a banana plantation and ooking and eeking when anyone tries to drive them away as they keep consuming and destroying the crops and the trees themselves while attacking the creators of the plantation. Of course, the chimps don't claim to have created the plantation ( as negroes would while screaming about racism and being kept down)but are just as territorial once they've swarmed it and taken it over. Exactly the same way negroes behave when they take over a city.
As far as it goes, yes. What you state is true. There's more to the story of a place like Detroilet though. The very informative article posted by Paul let the cat out of the bag: Detroilet was already dead by 1976. The visible black hand of economics has a very fast effect - if actually left to its own natural devices. That's not exactly what happened in Detroilet though. The place was propped up for three solid decades instead of being allowed to collapse into utter anarchy and ruin - the natural state of any Afro-run place. Someone kept that zombie walking for three decades - and it's not really dead even now. Cui bono?
In sense, Paul has just scratched the surface here. This is not to criticize at all, because this scratching has revealed some interesting facts which lead to far more important questions. The evidence of groid dysfunction is so overwhelming and repeatedly demonstrated in places large and small around the world that only hopeless DWL ideologues sitting in their academic ivory towers deny it. The fact that the place didn't go under by 1980 is proof that there is another force at work here - the massive looting scheme we refer to as BRA, which is not the same thing as ABRA. The next step in the sorry history of Detroilet is to explore the mechanism by which a totally failed city was propped up for so long, who the primary beneficiaries were and who ended up footing the bill for this three solid decades of bloodsucking, which is actually moving to a new, improved stage instead of being brought to an end.
I see we have attracted a "Cyber Warrior for Obama". Congrats Paul, you are now on the top list of dangerous blogs.
This article is a personal triumph. You have been pointing out Detroit's death rattle for over a year and wrote one of your books about it. These quotes and pictures are fantastic.
Who can not see the parallels between the "Wilding" of 1976 and the flash mobs of 2012, the random beatings of 1976 and the "Beat Whitey Night" of 2012, the massive Store robberies of 1976 and the Flash Robs of stores in 2012, the running assaults through the Restaurant screaming "Black Killers" in 1976 and the assaults of the Ohio and Wisconsin State fair where where Whites were pulled from their cars and the negros screamed "It's a Black World" in 2012.
Even the reporters efforts to cover the crimes (calling them "random" in 1976) is the seeds that the DWL would later use to excuse black dysfunction, calling every attack "random" and people being in the "wrong place at the wrong time" as though negros were a natural disaster like an earthquake or a fire or "gangs" instead of a racial Militia when their numbers are not 50, but 500,000.
Applause! Bravo!
Great Response Californian @ 11:25
Calvalor is a critical theory type of attacker. Her attack did not touch on any area of black dysfunction or even engage, but was designed to put Whites on the defense right from the start.
Actually it was pretty transparent and superficial rhetoric, given the subject matter, but more amusing than CF.
"Slavemaster Rick Snyder goes after Michigan's majority-black cities" says the newspaper Voice of Detroit. They took control of a major American city and ran it into the ground in less than 20 years. As another poster said, Detroit is too black to fail. Whitey to the rescue again.
14 shot, 3 dead in Chicago last night. Crazy white people shot no one in Chicago since? Hmmm I can not even remember.
The blacks filling every shopping mall on the weekends in suburban Chicago are not ducking and covering from insane white people.
White people to busy working and raising families for ghetto drama
For the posters in England and South Africa. I feel for you. Especially the English in England. You don't have our Second Amendment that (for now) gives us the natural right to arm ourselves.
The only reason things in the US are not totally our of control is that even the stupid African knows we Whites are armed to the teeth and are just waiting.....
As for the South African poster. I lived in Johannesburg 1981 to 1983. I lived on the 33rd floor of Ponte Flats up in Hilbrow. Loved it. Save as hell back then when the Nasty Racist White Honkeyass Afrikaners ran the place. I realize today, with "black" rule the entire area is destroyed.
So sad. I have wonderful memories of the place. Every week-end my wife and I drove all over the country. Visited every park and never, ever had a problem.
When the White Man rules, and is willing to RULE, life is better for everybody. Even the savages.
IT appears that OUR old friend CF, with his UNIQUE typing style, is YET again calling out PAUL, with some sort of STATISTICAL chart (taken from Stormfront?) that is apparently SUPPOSE to show that WHITES are in a constant state of robbing, raping, and murdering each other, BUT only get mad when they are robbed, raped, and/or murdered BY a NEGRO! or something, honestly, I don't KNOW what it's suppose to prove.
Fellow non-liberal commenters here at Paul's blog, I took it upon myself to try and help Sarah Block by posting some comments there that I posted here.
I think I will continue this endeavor to some degree as there is the possibility she could be shaken loose from her brainwashed intoxicated condition by the liberal ideology so prevalent in the white world of today.
I realize that since she has very few comments, she is probably using Paul's blog, trolling for the commenters she so badly hungers for, but she has posted my comments so I'll take that as a sign in the positive.
By the way, I read a post on Jared's AmRen yesterday. Jack Krak I think was his name. In any event, he said he was at a mall, he went in to some coffee shop to access AmRen and found it was blocked because it was designated a racist hate blog, can you believe it! But wait there is more, he also said that the NOI, and La Raza were accessible. Unbelievable!
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my. Thank you,
Anonymous said...
"I have a horrid feeling that we were on the wrong side in WW2"
You are not alone my friend. The greatest American WWII general, George S. Patton came to the same conclusion at the end of the war. After seeing the Soviets commit horrifying atrocities against the German and Baltic peoples he concluded that we had fought the wrong enemy and that the USA should have fought WITH the Germans against the Soviets. Interestingly enough Germany's greatest WWII general Erwin "The Desert Fox" Rommel came to the same conclusion as Patton.
" Who really won World War II?
Seriously. "
The Soviet Union "won" World War II just as it was planned. Germany was cut in half and neutered (just as the Globalists desired - no European nation would ever again challenge their dominance) and Eastern Europe got to experience the iron fist of Soviet communism and all the terror that went with it. In addition to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you could add Tokyo to your list. Much of Tokyo was incinerated by USA firebombing of the city, over 105,000 were killed. Firebombing Of Tokyo Pictures
For the posters in England and South Africa. I feel for you. Especially the English in England. You don't have our Second Amendment that (for now) gives us the natural right to arm ourselves.
There needs to be an international movement to promote gun rights, especially for Europeans and whites in Africa. Governments have long since sold out to globalism and multicult ideology.
As for the South African poster. I lived in Johannesburg 1981 to 1983. ... When the White Man rules, and is willing to RULE, life is better for everybody.
I drove a rental car all over the place in SA at about that time, including parts of SW Africa. Always a sense of order. There may have been fighting or terrorism on the frontiers or in the townships, but life seemed secure even across Zululand and up around Walvis Bay. It goes back to the willingness of white people to rule.
Whites can maintain and expand civilization if they have the political will to act. Other peoples then sense that the "boss" is back in town and get in line.
The pictures - Hiroshima vs Detroit - are THE most depressing things ever to appear on this site...
-Sweep the leg-
Fellow non-liberal commenters here at Paul's blog, I took it upon myself to try and help Sarah Block by posting some comments there that I posted here.
If she is going to provide a forum, it should be utilized to reach more people. They want a "dialog on race," let's see if they can hold up in one. Perhaps get some trackbacks to SBPDL. Raise that hit counter.
Spread the "word."
It is boring to read about Detroit and Birmingham almost every day. Spread your wings a bit.
Ex New Yorker here......For those who think that they can enlighten liberal left wingers. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME. Their brain operates at a different level. Ask them how many hours they spend watching the TELESCREEN. You will find they watch it all night long. These people are BOOB TUBE ZOMBIES. They are in a liberal induced state of hypnosis. The HIVE MIND does not think for itself. It does not have that kind of capacity.
I was in a bar/restaurant in Denver one night and the whole fucking place was filled with televisions. They had one about every ten feet stuck on the wall. They were all going at once. This was before those wide screen monsters.
Television destroys the brain. Turn it off. Stay away from those fucking idiots that watch that shit. Television is filled with mindless dribble. The proles spend one third of their life in front of the telescreen and sitting in traffic jams. This is no way to live.
Kill your television. After you stop watching TV it will take your brain about three months to become alive again. Try it. You just might like it.
The other thing that is so shocking about the juxtaposed before/after photos is that the 'before' Detroit was a city back in the day when cities weren't huge cosmopolitan [no homo] monoliths like we have today (and in the updated 2012 Hiroshima example) and yet, it was a fairly modern looking, clean, safe and exciting looking place.
The Detroit 'now' is just effing scary. A once vibrant, bustling, successful city brought to an almost antediluvian state in but a few decades of 'black power' even with the help of being propped up by YT-guilt™.
Stop throwing money down that sh*t-hole and it will completely revert back to the wild (including the savage, black beasts living there).
Remember, White folks: Race is a construct. Poodles shouldn't fear pit-bulls. Complimentary stereotypes of non-whites are standard kiss@ss pablum (i.e. blacks are 'natural athletes') and any/all criticisms of non-whites are patently raaaaaaaacist.
Watch the movie "Young Frankenstein" to find out what happens when ignorance mates with genius (Hint: genius doesn't win). "And, what did you get from the monster?"
Dumbing down the white race and genetically smartening up the black race by miscegenation is flat-out genocide of white people. There are more than enough non-whites in this world. Leave us the feck alone already.
If any white woman is thinking about having children with a black man all they need to do (for a reality check) is look at Heidi Klum's children with 'Seal'. Good gawd. The serious fug couldn't be bred out even with one of the most beautiful white women on earth. After having three of those hideous niglets she ended up with a white man. That whole "Once you go black, you never go back" is pure SH*T.
So CAL Snowman wrote a lot about WWII. But...
Patton wasn't our greatest general. Rommel wasn't the greatest German general. And the Soviet Union hardly "won" the war.
Eisenhower was the indespensible man on our side or maybe George Marshall. Today everyone gets Patton wrong because of the movie. He is portrayed as some clumsy wild man who can never could put a foot right. In fact his rise in the Army was as a diplomat and a military socialite. Between the wars he held parties. He socialized. It was ironic that this man who had trained so hard in the political side of of warfare ran into such bad luck politically.
In the movie George C. Scott as Patton screams "You magnificient bastard, I read your book". No doubt he did and there's a fair likleyhood that Rommel had read Patton's book too - but neither was about tanks. Both were about the infantry. Both men had been conspicuous for their bravery in WWI. Both were novices regarding armor. The German armor genius was Guderian and everyone on the German High Command knew that. Rommel was not well respected by the General staff. He was no doubt brilliant tactically but he never paid eneough attention to logististics. He was widely criticized in the Army for this failing. They considered him a media darling making headlines in a secondary theater. They sent thier best to the Eastern Front.
If the Soviet Union won the war then they should have tried for a defeat. They lost twenty million men. A third of their country was decimated (the best third). Almost all of the blame was Stalin's.
Stalin had decimated his own army on the eve of hostilities. His paranoia and interference were far worse than Hitler's. He allowed Hitler to totally bamboozle him. Every Nazi intelligence source told him the Nazis were preparing for invasion but Stalin preferred to trust his buddy Hitler. That indecison alone may have cost a couple million lives. Russia bled for the crime of allowing a fool like Stalin into power.
The US won the war. It is the peace that we have been losing. America emerged from the war with a tremendous lead on all other nations. The Brits were broke. Western Europe was demolished. Japan was prostrate. We were on top of the world.
That's why the collapse of Detroit is so bitter. We did it to ourselves. We gave away world leadership. We did manage to defeat the Soviet Union without a nuclear exchange but domestically our central cities were rotting out. Today Detroit is gone. It can never recover. With it will probably go the union itself.
Ben Franklin was asked by a woman on the street after the Constituitional Convention as to what form of government we now had. He said "A republic if you can keep it". Well we kept it for a long time. The US was a fine nation while it lasted.
The pictures - Hiroshima vs Detroit - are THE most depressing things ever to appear on this site...
They really bring it home.
It is boring to read about Detroit and Birmingham almost every day. Spread your wings a bit.
How about the Watts and Rodney King Riots? Any new spin on them?
Television destroys the brain. Turn it off. Stay away from those fucking idiots that watch that shit. Television is filled with mindless dribble. The proles spend one third of their life in front of the telescreen and sitting in traffic jams. This is no way to live.
Kill your television. After you stop watching TV it will take your brain about three months to become alive again. Try it. You just might like it.
Seize back your life!
All the more reason to homeschool your kids.
White Mom
Fellow non-liberal commenters here at Paul's blog, I took it upon myself to try and help Sarah Block by posting some comments there that I posted here.
PDK, when you are posting for liberals you need to edit your stuff down to the bare facts. The volume of boilerplate in your typical comment here (and in many other places) either induces the tl;dr response or has enough un-PC buzzwords to get the leftists to convict you of Crimethink without a second thought. Your purpose should be precisely to induce those second thoughts. Tone it down; minimalism is your friend.
IT appears that OUR old friend CF, with his UNIQUE typing style, is YET again calling out PAUL, with some sort of STATISTICAL chart (taken from Stormfront?) that is apparently SUPPOSE to show that WHITES are in a constant state of robbing, raping, and murdering each other
"WHITE PEOPLE DO IT TOO!" The classical "tu quoque" fallacy used by Blacks and their apologists for their wickedness; if one White person has ever done it (no matter how vigorously we opposed them), we must excuse ALL Black people for doing it, and even for praising those who do it.
Repulsive Throwback is truly one of the wicked and evil.
"The Detroit Free Press reported widespread discontent in the city. Half of the population, including 43 percent of black residents, said they would move of town if they could, and when asked why, a large majority cited the climate of fear. “I’d leave in a minute,” said one man, a black auto worker. “There’s no law in the city, no substantial law – and you’re just a sitting duck.” (p. 330)" - Would that they vote with the ballot as they vote with their feet.
"I have a horrid feeling that we were on the wrong side in WW2"
Even FDR's supporters admit that he was provoking the Japanese into striking the first blow. Germany only declared war on the US since we had been aiding Stalin with Lend-Lease and Hitler figured (wrongly) that the Japanese would open a second front against Stalin.
Lying our way into war didn't start with George W. Bush. Check out the map of planned German invasion of South America that FDR held up as evidence of Germany wanting to attack us. The map has now been acknowledged as fabricated.
I am not saying that I would want to live under a nazi government. But that was neither Hitler's intent or within his capabilities. Germany couldn't even cross the English Channel to invade Britain. Yet supposedly he was going to enslave us?
PDK: "I think I will continue this endeavor to some degree as there is the possibility she could be shaken loose from her brainwashed intoxicated condition by the liberal ideology so prevalent in the white world of today."
I tend to doubt it, PDK. I am with Ex New Yorker. The only thing that can cure a liberal like Bloch is direct cultural enrichment from REAL, VIBRANT diversity.
Facts and figures are just too sterile to have an impact. But when you find yourself in the middle of a "teen" swarm and you HEAR the deafening, unintelligible Ook and Scree... You SEE the predatory behavior, the casual violence, and the pure, malicious sadism... You GAPE at the hyper aggressive and lewd come-ons directed at white females that in and of themselves are sexual assaults. Well, then YOU KNOW.
Been there, done that, was lucky to escape unscathed.
That's the kind of experience these liberals need. Even then, its not certain their eyes would be opened. Libs can rationalize any negro depravity.
I don't know what the things I witnessed were, but I can tell you they WERE NOT Homo Sapiens-Sapiens. They're something else, something almost evil...
HAHA-->Cavalor Epthith, O.B.R.E., CS, O.D.A.J.[1er], O.Q.H.[Journ.], D.S.V.J., J.F. said...
Here is the root of your demise; you sacrifice clarity and reason even accuracy in the name of denigration.
Here is the root of YOUR demise, BlackHerpesShanAYnAy: You sacrifice a legible username in the hopes of using so many retarded acronyms that you hope one of them actually sticks enough to make some 'word salad tossing' sense. You don't look smarter when you try to cramp a bunch of bullshit into your Name/URL
I would ask how white conservatives and race thinkers would address the seeming crisis in mental health among your people in the US of A? How can you quantify your presumed superiority when so many of your people are clearly insane and lacking in the proper mental health care.
Yes, you are so right Herpes Shanay Barfequa! We whites are always shooting each other up to the point where it's such common knowledge that it doesn't hardly make the news. We whites take over a city and make it too damned comfy and safe and livable. How dare us!
White folks are always 'tryna' move into safe black 'hoods'.
We white folks always chimpin' out for no reason.
Chimp ends rant with:
[q c p n!]
Let me use my chimp-out psychic powers:
Q= Queen C = Cunty P = Pygmalion N= Nigger
Do I get a prize?
Black majority cities achieved through White ethnic cleansing keeps White middle class people out and provides votes and jobs for connected White people. Whose number EXPLODED after WWII, when government, media, government crony corporations, etc. just exploded in size. And created a semi-hereditary elite, aristocrats without landed estates and fancy titles. But aristos nevertheless.
Gender issues played into this. The Lena Dunhams and Sandra Flukes LOVE the idea of White ethnic cleansing (of non-Alpha White guys) and yes, Black guys as violent/dangerous edgy, and Black women as "earthy." See Obama, and Oprah. Or this image:
The new model of cool [This picture explains a lot of the disdain for White women regarding race relations, the amount of Sandra Flukes to say, Sarah Palins, is about 4:1; again see Oprah's billions.]
As for WWII, Hitler and Tojo were insane. Philip K. Dick's "The Man in the High Castles" is as good as any speculation as to the probable outcome of their victory. Widespread extermination of non-Japanese or non-Germans. Including very, very many White people. It took Stalin years to beat Hitler for the title of most White deaths, Hitler killed 20 million Russians. Who were very, very White.
Indeed, both Blacks and Whites have weak ethnocentrism, they don't have enough racial solidarity to refrain from mass killing each other in a way that Japanese and Koreans (but not Chinese) do; even the worst slaughters of the Tokugawa Shogunate paled compared to Rwanda or the Thirty Years War.
Culturally, White people have a weird relation to Black people. Blacks are either subhuman demons and ugly caricatures (ala Stepin Fetchit) or earthy goddesses and the epitome of masculine dominance. Instead of humans with their own unique failings and strengths. There is no real objective assessment Black people and a willingness to call out failure and violence without falling into the trap of hatred.
What about Latino cities? curious
ogolyubski said...
Here's a question: Why did it take so long to actually die? It was apparent that the place had actually degenerated into a lawless hellhole by 1976.
That photo shows up the flacacy of the new philosophies justifying black dysfunction in cities, world wide where they spread their anti-midas touch.
The new philosophies that the communitarianists and agendists like to push is that change is inevitable, cities peak and cities crumble
If that is the case how come hiroshima hasn't crumbled or other japanese cities, only cities in the west seem to fullfil the agendists and communitarianists philosophies of change
In my eyes a simpleminded justification of blacks inabilitiy to form modern technological cities.
That picture is worth 1000 words, forward it to all your friends, post it on fakebook(it has its uses) spread it far.
The truth has to be exposed
Bankers won WW2. Every white nation lost. It seems Western Civilization died at the battle of Stalingrad.
Think British soldiers were fighting so their country could be overrun by Paki Muslims and blacks?
Think American G.I.'s fought and died so the U.S. could turn brown?
I think not.
I just have only one word to describe what I just read. "niggers!" you know if just 5 out of every 10 blog posts @sbpdl were to find their way into the main-stream bleedia, there might be a point in some DWL's fucked up mind(Prozac and such)that race-realist's really do have it right. Sbpdl readers, we are the paul revere's of our time! I think by the time these DWL's figure it out, it will be to late for them to make the proper arrangements to save their lives! un-like us r. realist's! oh yea lib-turd's there will be know room for you and your fucked up policies in our conservative new world states! BITCHES!!! Godspeed whites & SEGREGATION NOW!
Cavalor Epthith (blah, blah) said:
I would ask how white conservatives and race thinkers would address the seeming crisis in mental health among your people in the US of A? How can you quantify your presumed superiority when so many of your people are clearly insane and lacking in the proper mental health care.
First of all, thanks for the laugh. Brilliant satire. Hilariouth.
People, google Poe's Law.
The clues: From right to left -
The ridiculous alphabet soup. Come on!
Epthith. Thepthith would have been too obvious. Without the lisp, Sepsis. A state of infection.
Cavalor. From the Latin cavallus, a horse. It comes from a horse. Get it?
But I'll play along. Yes, we do indeed have a crisis of mental health, not only in America, but in all White countries. It's called liberalism. It manifests in a stubborn belief in fairy tales about racial egalitarianism, and refusal to accept the evidence of one's own eyes. How would we address it? This site is one example. We have other options in reserve.
Anon @ 4:47 PM -
Heidi Klum ... ended up with a white man.
Disgusting. Has he no self-respect?
The proper form of that proverb is "Once you go black, you can never go back", and that's the way it should be.
Blacks are to cities what hijacked airliners are to skyscrapers.
The initial infestation is the strike, the incivility and stupidity are the burning, and the first mega-chimpout is the final melting of the I-beams and subsequent rapid collapse.
Tragically, most large American cities have already been struck and are in the burning phase.
My old hometown of Newport News, Virginia is typical. The poorer lazy-brained blacks are breeding like rabbits and flooding the public schools with their low performing ill-behaved spawn. Large areas of beautiful green pine woods are being destroyed to make room for fleeing Whites and public housing.
Many of the most affluent and beautiful neighborhoods, such as Riverside along the historic James River, have low rated overwhelmingly black schools as their assigned public ones. Whites respond by having fewer children in order afford sending them all to expensive private schools.
Detroit is the terminal phase the Black Plague.
"I have a horrid feeling that we were on the wrong side in WW2"
The most profound question asked on this site in quite some time. For, inevitably, it opens the Pandora's box of answers
Ex New Yorker said, "Kill your television. After you stop watching TV it will take your brain about three months to become alive again. Try it. You just might like it."
I just got off the phone with the cable company. It's done. Looking forward to a new view on life.
"We have other options in reserve. "Nicely put without brandishing. That comes when required.
The anxiety that a lot of teenage whites deal with today is the result of their parent's betrayal. The Greatest Generation were cousin killers. The Baby Boomers are negroidolators. The generation born in the 60s are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Their children are in the middle of fighting back for their birthrights.
Constructive feedback is a repulsive subhuman. Who cannot type.
I just got off the phone with the cable company. It's done. Looking forward to a new view on life.
I note with interest that there have been very few attempts to answer the question I raised about Detroilet. Here's one from an anonymous which brings up a factor:
Whiskey actually touched upon part of what I suspect lies behind this three solid decades of life-support for a city which was already dead by 1976: the emergence of a de-facto aristocracy (more accurately described as an oligrachy) in the years after WW II. The blogger Mencius Moldbug has characterized this group as "the cathedral". The white guilt was something ginned up by the cathedral through the media they own. I suspect the cathedral made a tidy sum keeping Detroilet on life-support for three decades running, much in the same way they make tidy sums fighting endless wars in the third world but never in a decisive way to result in a clear-cut victory.
The real job of those who aspire to be true journalists (as opposed to the lying propagandists who call themselves journalists in the west today) is to expose the names and activities of the Cathedral - the treasonous, genocidal oligarchy of squids and their nomenklatura who drive the entire agenda. Whiskey estimates it as 5000 families. Exposing them and their agenda of pure evil to large numbers of people weakens them. Much of their power comes from the huge number of whites who continue to accept their endless stream of lies and fabrications as being true.
I agree with the sentiment that the collage of Hiroshima and Detroit is the most compelling piece of visual evidence posted on SBPDL to date. Hats off to PK for his ever more brilliant work. The destruction wrought by the Black Undertow is beyond comprehension by rational humans that embrace self-determination, and that have an ounce of self-respect.
Although I can’t ethically post a link, through my work, I became aware of a washed-up early-90s rap group from Detroitlet, who feels that the current breed of rappers are not “keeping it real” enough. Thus, they have attempted to come out of “retirement” to create new “material.” In doing so, they filmed themselves in the bombed-out scenery of Detroit, making whatever meaningless points that only the likes of CF could understand. They showin life on da streetz in D-troit CITY, gnomesayin’?
Speaking of Hiroshima, while performing at an event for a Japanese cultural function, I had the pleasure a few years back of meeting an elderly Japanese gentleman who was a child-resident of Hiroshima at the time of the bombing. This dude was THERE. He had gone on to become a successful businessman involved in some aspect of manufacturing. In a discussion that transcended the silly event, he made the following points: (1) in spite of all the success of the Asian people in the sphere of manufacturing, he stated that the creativity of Americans was an element they simply could not match. He said they can build anything that can be imagined, but the Americans were the unchallenged masters of the ACTUAL imagination. He related this to the innate creativity of American culture, and its source in American liberty and ideals. (2) He said that he would never forget the kindness of the American soldiers after the bomb was dropped. He said he was starving and without shelter and that he quickly learned that the American soldiers (of the Greatest Generation) meant the citizens no harm. He said he was given food and water and shelter and protection by the Americans, as well as friendship, for which he was forever grateful - the very same characteristics on display by the best of America’s warriors amidst the horrors faced in Iraq and Afghanistan. He said that their treatment by the Americans was in stark contrast to that of the ruling Emperor. He’s talking about our (overwhelmingly white) fathers and grandfathers, and this isn’t some made up b/s – it’s a real person. Undoubtedly, some of those soldiers were probably from Detroit – then the manufacturing epicenter that was capable of cranking out new airplanes faster than the enemy could shoot them down. To think that we are talking about the very same Detroit.
@SoCAL Snowman – I was surprised to read in a recent post that you’re actually younger than I am. I figured I’m one of the younger crowd at SBPDL, but you have me beat by several years. Although I completely agree with the frustrations you expressed, I’m at least encouraged that there is at least one intelligent white male still in their 20s that can see. Hopefully this story will be a glimmer of something positive in the nightmare that is BRA. The most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone, and SBPDL is beacon of hope and truth in the dark depths of BRA. Easy for me to say, I know…
But wait…there’s more. I have a second story about Detroit, and how my father was almost killed there on business in the late 1980s. Back then, he was a salesman, attending a convention, and was in one of the major downtown hotels or convention centers, which he described as having a very high, open atrium. Well, he’s down on the lobby floor, mingling with convention attendees at a cocktail party when, all of a sudden, a glass object literally explodes on the floor beside him. He said it came from above. It was shocking, and no one knew where it came from, but it was quickly cleaned up, and the commotion eventually settled down amongst the startled guests.
So, about 20 minutes, later, a plain-clothes officer comes up to him and identifies himself with a Detroit PD badge, asking him if he was the gentleman that almost hit with the glass. My dad told him that he was, and that someone must have accidentally dropped it. To his shock, he was advised that the glass was not, in fact, dropped by accident. Instead, it was hurled at his head from 8-10 stories above in the open atrium by someone that was intentionally trying to “take him out.” If it would have been a few inches to the left, he would have been killed instantly, because the glass would have been like a cinder block at that velocity.
The guy was arrested, and they handled it themselves since it was a convention guest and they wanted to keep it quiet so as not to startle the productive, white attendees that were generating millions of dollars in economic activity (probably so that another 300 water dept. employees could be hired). What became obvious in the aftermath was that uniformed and plain-clothes Detroit PD were everywhere inside the facility in order to shield the attendees from the realities of Detroit’s vibrant diversity (the source of our Greatest Strength™). Yet they almost failed to ensure the safety of an indoor, limited-access facility. My dad was led to understand that the would-be assassin was black, and that his actions were gang-related.
I know I’m a couple days late to share that little gem under the auspices of being another great moment in Black History, but I hope everyone will still acknowledge this small moment of spontaneous blackness.
God bless our glorious diversity, and cleanse we stained, eternally-guilty whites of our immeasurable sins. It’s Their Time now…
Gwinnett Gladiator
Gwinnett Gladiator, please use Name/URL to put your nom de guerre at the top of your posts so we know who you are before getting to the bottom of your (most excellent) commentary!
Ex New Yorker said, "Kill your television. After you stop watching TV it will take your brain about three months to become alive again. Try it. You just might like it."
Dan said...
The anxiety that a lot of teenage whites deal with today is the result of their parent's betrayal. The Greatest Generation were cousin killers. The Baby Boomers are negroidolators. The generation born in the 60s are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Their children are in the middle of fighting back for their birthrights.
I stopped watching TV two weeks after 9-11. I remember well the coverage that day and all the things I saw that didn't make any sense as I saw them unfold in real time. Since then I have become a self educated person on many subjects. Reading is good for the brain!
I am a child of the 60's, and you are right about Stockholm syndrome... but I am awakening! I think our current regime is unwittingly planting the seeds and setting the stage for a MASSIVE swing back to the right... or at least center right.
The shit hit the fan a long time ago, and has since crossed the blades and become airborne. Ask yourself: what is the range from fan to target? What is the fan speed, and therefore the velocity of the airborne fecal matter?
You know your subject matter better before correcting others. Stalin's error wasn't trusting Hitler, rather he betrayed his non aggression pact he made with Hitler when he staged all his tank divisions on the border poised to attack Germany. Hitler had no choice at that point but to strike the U.S.S.R. Your other conclusions come from standard propaganda sources as well. Research all sides before developing conclusions. You will see how much more stranger reality is than fiction.
FDR cut off Japans oil supply to provoke them into attacking us. This was a calculated move to justify our jumping into the war. FDR's handlers wanted it and achieved it. They had already declared war against Germany in (I believe) May 1933 via Samuel Untermeyer in the NY Times and a world wide boycott already declared. Prior to this the U.S. Was decidedly pro German in public sentiment.
All those little wars started by the CIA whose original and stated intent was/is to protect and secure the financial interest of those in the club or "cathedral" if you choose.
Whiskey (March 1, 2013 at 9:07 PM):
"Culturally, White people have a weird relation to Black people. Blacks are either subhuman demons and ugly caricatures (ala Stepin Fetchit) or earthy goddesses and the epitome of masculine dominance. Instead of humans with their own unique failings and strengths. There is no real objective assessment Black people and a willingness to call out failure and violence without falling into the trap of hatred."
Well, quite frankly, to me "subhuman demons" seems like a "real objective assessment [of] Black people".
Yeah, they're not all bad. Black America has no doubt fallen apart. It's readily apparent. But there are shining lights among the African Americans.
Treat them with respect when you meet them.
Anonymous (March 2, 2013 at 7:51 PM):
"Undoubtedly, some of those soldiers were probably from Detroit – then the manufacturing epicenter that was capable of cranking out new airplanes faster than the enemy could shoot them down. To think that we are talking about the very same Detroit."
Well, is really Detroit of the early 2010s the (very) same city as Detroit of the early 1940s?
What is, what creates, what changes for better or for worse; a city, town, village, county, state or country - except for those living and acting there?
Is it possible for - is it reasonable to expect - a city to stay the "very same", or even remotely same (or sane), if it is populated by Americans, and then they are replaced with Africans?
I honestly don't think so.
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