is where it’s at, gentlemen. I assure you, if you come to Birmingham, we will not only gain prestige
but really shake the country. If you win in Birmingham,
as Birmingham
goes, so goes the nation.” – Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth
“I believe those sidewalks on Sixth Avenue running from
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church toward City Hall are as sacred… as the ground
at Valley Force or Yorktown.” –David J. Vann, the last white mayor of the city of
The flow of history can change on a dime; when the waters propelling one narrative forward dry up, revealing a bedrock built on lies, it's imperative to once and for all dam up this portion of the river and divert the waters of history in another direction.
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Why must Birmingham "comeback"? What must Birmingham "comeback" from? |
John T. Bennett dared challenge the narrative in a brave piece on Birmingham Post-1963 at American Thinker [Civil Rights and the Collapse of Birmingham, Ala., February 25, 2013]. He was attacked by David Sher [An article on Birmingham that will make you vomit, March 5, 2013, The Comeback Town], a citizen of the Birmingham Metro Area (Vestavia Hills), who runs a blog called "Birmingham: The Comeback Town" -- what Birmingham needs to "come back" from is never addressed, considering that the liberation from white supremacist rule in 1963 should have ushered in an era of peace, tranquility, and prosperity.
Now, The Birmingham News - a dying newspaper that is only published three times a week - has published an objective piece on Bennett's truthful look at the state of 74 percent black Birmingham in 2013 [National commentary issues scathing review of Birmingham as racist, corrupt and declining, Al.com, 3-15-13]:
In the essay "Civil Rights and the Collapse of Birmingham, Ala." the website American Thinker notes the conviction of former Mayor Larry Langford for corruption at Jefferson County, the county's bankruptcy, crime and allegations of racism in city employment.
"Underlying this fiasco is a mixture of problems, none of which can be solved by the civil rights agenda, or by liberalism in any form," John T. Bennett writes in the essay. "This is not to suggest that those rights should be rolled back, but to point out that today's solutions will not come from civil rights."
The critical commentary comes at the same time the city is celebrating a jubilee year marking 50 years since major civil rights moments of 1963. The article implies that the city is repeating some the mistakes of its past - only in reverse.
In an interview with AL.com/The Birmingham News, longtime political science professor D'Linell Finley agreed with many of the points in the essay, but said it erred by presenting an oversimplified explanation of Birmingham's problems.
"As painful as this article is, these guys have a good point," Finley said. "(However) the city did not go down because blacks became a majority, and thereby took control of the political power of the city. The city went down because as it became a black majority city, it was also losing a significant portion of its affluent population.That affluent population at the beginning was mostly white, but now that affluent population loss represents both black and white."
Finley, a political science professor at Alabama State University, said diagnosing Birmingham's ills is more complicated than which ethnic group took political control.Actually, dear, dear Doctor D'Linell Finley, Birmingham did collapse when the Bonita Carter incident in 1979 galvanized black people in the city to vote almost 100 percent (72 percent black voter turnout) for the black candidate - Dr. Richard Arrington - and help elect the first black mayor by an incredibly slim margin over a white candidate (Frank Parsons, a "law and order" candidate whose defeat ushered in an era where "law and order" are completely absent from the city of Birmingham).
"I cannot disagree with what has happened, but I disagree with how it happened," he said. "How Birmingham got to where it is today is a lot more complex than saying that because the city went black it went down. There are a lot of cumulative factors that caused the city to be where it is today."
Whites flocked to new cities (though they made the tragic mistake of staying within Jefferson County, instead of fleeing to Shelby County -- whites who were genocided out of Detroit abandoned both the city and Wayne County) that, as we have noted here at SBPDL, black people flock to live in, hoping to take advantage of the quality school system, neighborhoods/communities, and economy whites created in their absence.
Strangely, a quality school system, neighborhood/community free of blight, and an actual economy were all things black people were incapable of sustaining/creating in the Birmingham they inherited when whites moved "Over the Mountain."
Tanner Colby's book, "Some of My Best Friends are Black: The Strange Story of Integration in America," is an all-out attack on white people in the suburbs of Birmingham for daring to create communities and school systems that excel, when back in Birmingham the black people are only capable of creating... chaos. Somehow, this is white people's fault:
White have deserted the city schools for good. In the 2008-2009 school years, out of the 27,440 students enrolled in Birmingham city schools, only 263 were white, less than 1 percent. Out of 1,157 students, Woodlawn has ten white kids. Ramsay, the once vaunted magnet program, has only five. The schools in identifiably black suburbs, meanwhile, aren't doing much better: they're less than 3.5 percent white. The greatest diversity, as it happens, is found Over the Mountain. Taken together, Hoover, Homewood, Vestavia, and Mountain Brook have an average enrollment that's 14.9 percent black. if you take out Mountain Brook, it goes up to 17.8 percent. That's light-years ahead of where thing were just 20 years ago, but the marvelous diversity in the suburbs is also an indication of just how low the city schools have fallen, and how desperate black families are to escape. Between 1993 and 2009 the black student population of the Birmingham city schools fell from 37,950 to 26,465, a 30 percent drop. "They'll sell their souls to get out," Sue Lovoy says.Birmingham's schools are crumbling from within, and the consequences of that are falling squarely on the suburban school districts that spent the past four decades thinking they could run away from it. Kids in the city get passed through the system learning next to nothing; they're oftentimes four or five grade levels behind. If their parents manage to relocate Over the Mountain, the time, energy, and resources it takes to remediate those students turn into a considerable drain on Vestavia's blue-ribbon resources.Then there are the discipline problems. Violent offenders. Kids wearing ankle bracelets. They get expelled from the city and, after a turn in reform school, head to the 'burbs. "We've had an influx of kids who cannot go back to Birmingham city because they've been in trouble with the law and expelled permanently," Lavoy says. "So we're dealing with them, some successfully and some not."Call it the White Flight Boomerang Effect: because Vestavia legally segregated itself from the city and county, it has no choice but to give a fresh start to the worst troublemakers they decide to cast off. "It behooves all school systems that all school systems do well," Cas McWaters says. "The surrounding systems need Birmingham to succeed. They realize that now. Because this is a topsy-turvy mess were' in."Secession doesn't work. you'd think the fine people of Alabama would have figured that the first time. But no. Forty years ago, the Sigma Tau Beach Beauties of Woodlawn lit out of Birmingham like the place was on fire, seeking refuge in Vestavia Hills.
White folks took the tax base, the property values, their collective social and intellectual capital. They all but ripped out the plumbing. (p. 66 -67)Memo to Tanner Colby: property values dropped in Birmingham, Alabama to reflect the fair market value of what an individual would part with to purchase a home in the now-majority black city, just as property values are high in the white suburbs of Vestavia Hills and Mountain Brook for the same reason.
But Mr. Colby, secession can only work when you have the ability to legally discriminate who may live in your community/neighborhood/city/state/nation and, most importantly, who can attend your schools.
That Birmingham City Schools are perhaps the worst in the nation is entirely due to it being a school system with an almost 100 percent black enrollment; consequently, wherever black families try and have their children educated - as they evacuate the Birmingham City School system, eventually that school system will be overwhelmed as the community watches property value drop and crime rise (yes, there is a correlation to black people creating lower property value in a community because of the high crime rate they bring with them, thus a school system with lower tax revenue to support and black children posting lower test scores/engaging in more discipline problems that drives away white kids).
Black people will always follow white people wherever they may go, because the conditions found in a white community are preferable to the conditions found in a black community (even in a black-run city like Birmingham, the city that was so important to overturning white morality in not only Alabama, not only America, but the entire world).
White people can create thriving cities and school systems, but if black people can't do the same in their communities, then they must move to (and eventually overwhelm) the white communities -- then, they will vote as a monolith when their numbers rise and elect into power black candidates with a black-first agenda.
This is the future for Birmingham's white suburbs.
Secession, of any kind, must be 100 percent racial in origin and motivation.
If not, it will fail.
Back in 1998, then mayor Richard Arrington tried to pass Metro Area Projects Strategy (MAPS), an ambitious metro-wide program that's goal was "Building the Foundations for Our Future" -- which basically was a plan to rob from the white suburbs in Jefferson County to pay for improvements in 74 percent black Birmingham, since the black residents of Birmingham didn't have the financial means to provide tax revenues for such ambitious city-wide programs.
Thus, the need to fleece the productive members of the Jefferson County community, where white people had created the conditions where individual business owners and commercial enterprises could flourish.
As Arrington outlines in his book, "There's Hope for the World: The Memoir of Birmingham, Alabama's First African American Mayor," MAPS was to pay for many economic development projects (all, of course, largely overseen by black elected officials, to help create more public jobs and no-bid contracts for black people and black owned firms respectively):
1. A 200,000 square-foot, $280 million domed public convention and entertainment facility to be connected to the existing Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex, $8.7 million for upgrading the existing convention center.
2. $75 million for the Public School Education Capital Fund; $2.5 million for enhancement of technology in the regional library system.
3. $20 million capital fund for police and fire protection needs.
4. $25 million capital fund for regional cultural and historic facitlities
5. $40 million for regional zoo; $10.3 million for development of a 69-mile linear greenway system, including bicycle and pedestrian trails, and $21 million for a multipurpose recreational center.
6. $590 million in temporary retail sales; $590 million in construction retail sales; $114 million per year in convention income; and 1, 239 new permanent jobs. (p. 8)
Arrington mentions in his book that suburban opposition to the MAPS plan was framed as "why would you want to put your tax dollars to work to benefit black Birmingham?" And the opposition was right -- why not have your tax dollars benefit the improvement of your community and city, instead of helping to pay for improvements in a city whose own citizens are incapable of building any wealth that doesn't revolve around the Civil Rights Institute? MAPs would go down in flames at the polls:
In unofficial returns, 96,460 or 57 percent voted NO, mostly in the suburbs, and 71,495 or 43 percent voted YES, largely in Birmingham (Birmingham was 65 percent black and the suburbs were 75 percent white in 1998)Race split the referendum acccording to the Birmingham News analysis. predominantly black polling places and those in the inner city voted heavily for MAPS, while most predominately white polling places rejected the proposals.What's the moral of this story?
Birmingham was split once again along racial lines on an issue important to its well-being. In Mountain Brook, the area's wealthiest community - and one of the nations wealthiest - the vote was 47 percent for and 53 percent against. Turnout in mostly black polling places was about 38 percent, while white voter turnout was about 50 percent. (p. 9-10)
White people can run, they can hide, they build, and they can create, but eventually black people will find them. White people can vote "No" to bills that would force them to share their hard-earned tax dollars with city's (like Birmingham) whose citizens are incapable of producing any wealth to improve their community on their own, but eventually, black people will move into white people's communities and bring with them the very conditions they sought to avoid by creating suburbs in the first place.
The question must be asked in Birmingham: "Why can't black people create communities that attract either outside capital investment or that white people want to move to? Why can't black people, when they politically control a city like Birmingham, not efficiently run either a city government or a school system?
"Why must black people always follow white people?"
John T. Bennett has dared scratch the bedrock of the narrative of Birmingham, post-1963, and found that the waters are contaminated... no longer potable. It's time to dam it up.
The real story of Birmingham, post-1963, is that white people don't owe black people anything -- save the truth.
And the truth is this: Black people are fleeing from the conditions black elected officials, black hired elected officials, black appointed officials, and ordinary black people have created in the city of Birmingham.
And they seek refuge in the communities that white people created.
"Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty I'm free at last!! Now where are all the white people at?"
Sounds like black people follow white people like wolves follow a caribou herd. Caribou accept their losses wherever they go and can't seem to do much about it
As much as I find that I agree with you on most of what you write, you are dead wrong on this--and for two reasons.
1st, you are assuming the 50 states in the United states as we now know them are the way it is and the way it is to be, thus restricting us to thinking we have to work within this framework.
It's not looking at the future realistically. this nightmare is going to break up, period.
No multi ethnic empire has ever, in all of history, put itself together again after collapse.
It's not going to happen this time either, not a chance in hell.
2nd, You are assuming that blacks will follow us no matter what, but that's just the way it is with the full force of the federal govermnemnt behind them.
The reality is, that whatever states form the new republic, many fingers will be on triggers behind the borders of two(at least)zones. Those fingers will by very itchy placed on well oiled triggers.
I still don't believe that you really get that America is over. The 50 states cannot and will not stay together. It can be argued when and how the break-up will occur and all the other details that go with it--but the break-up is coming. It's very well underway as we speak.
"Blacks not allowed" will be posted around the perimeter with a sub heading:
"violators will be terminated"
"Black people will always follow white people... because the conditions found in a white community are preferable to the conditions found in a black community"
right on - like the law of gravity. sheer genius - Paul Kersey's next book could be the black & white laws of behavior. it's so true, but it's not allowed to be pointed out - instead lengthy non-occam's-razor environmental based excuses are promoted by the PC DWL sheep.
Metro Atlanta is the same way. All Black, bankrupt school systems (Dekalb, Fulton, City of Atl Cheating Scandal), Corrupt Police Depts, Corruption charges pending for DeKalb Co CEO granting his black friends contracts, DDD Bond Rating for Fulton County. It is an absolute mess and has been for years. Black mayor wants more and more from suburban folks like me in Cobb Co, north of Atlanta. I have lived here all my life and grew up in parts of Atlanta that after 10-20 years will never visit again due to the black existing fuxation (pun intended). There is nothing here that will attract a large corporation to Atlanta. Coke, Home Depot, Chick fil A, Delta, were all created prior to BRA.
Cobb Co is safe for now, but will most likely get darker just like other communities. Someone posted earlier about the succession of some of the whiter cities in Atlanta: Milton, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, etc. This movement will be really interesting in months to come.
I try to see what holds these black communities together other than poverty.
It’s up to us to “Rise Above” and they keep catching up due to fake wealth, g’ment jobs, raping, robbing, stealing, killing, I see where people are Rising Against instead of Rising Above.
Atlanta Admirer
Unfortunately it is not just blacks who follow whites. Hispanics follow whites too.
I really, really enjoy your blog, sir. Here is an article that I think you will find interesting. It's not just that the bad cities are black--the good cities are white:
Keep up the good work.
Tanner Colby's book... is an all-out attack on white people in the suburbs of Birmingham for daring to create communities and school systems that excel, when back in Birmingham the black people are only capable of creating... chaos.
If I knew how to pull stuff out of databases, I would try to compare the academic achievement and suspension/expulsion statistics for rural White school systems which lost enrollment to Black systems like B'ham. We could look at what happens when White people leave a school system to Whites, vs. what happens when they leave one to Blacks.
None of our crypto-Marxist "PC" researchers would dare do this research, because it would prove that Blackness is the poison that kills school systems as it kills cities. Sailer would; maybe he knows where to find the data too.
"They'll sell their souls to get out," Sue Lovoy says.
That's why they shouldn't be allowed to.
it has no choice but to give a fresh start to the worst troublemakers they decide to cast off.
State law needs to allow school systems to exclude students expelled for criminal behavior elsewhere.
The solution to this is to eliminate Black officials. Blacks should neither vote nor serve as public officials, and their access to public assistance should be very tightly restricted and matched no less than 50% by the local Black community. Only when and where Whites rule and Blacks take responsibility for themselves can Blacks avoid screwing things up... and maybe not even then.
OT: Black Detroit ready to riot with state takeover:
“Save up and purchase food, canned goods and water because you are going to see a new civil rights movement,” pledged Marie Thornton, a former Detroit Public Schools Board member. “I won’t give up my right to vote. We are going to shut down freeways and we are going to disrupt the economic system.”
Same story in Chicago. About every 25 years another neighborhood area falls, recently it has been the southwest side and ajacent burbs. Used to be 98% white now some are 90% black. West burbs is just starting to creep over 10% in some places. It's like there is no finite number, the houses are torn down or unihabitable so more area is claimed by less actual people. A community of 30K whites becomes 15K black but within the same borders.
Hispanics tend to be the buffer between white and black communities in Chicago Metro Area
Blacks will always follow Whites since they have to.
There is no civilization without Whites. Look at the slum called Mexico, or Central America, or South America. If you find anything half decent, you will find the light skinned people.
Look at Arabia. I used to live there. One open toilet.
Look at Asia. I used to live there. One ant hill.
Look at Africa. I used to live there. One big festering slum.
Look at Europe. I used to live there. Before the invasion, it was clean, beautiful and everything worked. Everything.
The White race creates civilization.
OT: Black "youths" riot in Castleton Square Mall, Indianapolis. Black ministry calls for "mo safe havens for dees kiyuds ($$)" and a reallocation of crime-fighting dollars from taxpayers.
This is just the beginning for Whiteyville. This will kill Castleton Sq. These black youths have already ruined shopping downtown, east side and west side. Now they are moving to Castleton/Fashion Mall. Wait until the Mayor Greg Ballard-sponsored Indy Connect transit expansion happens. Just wait...
If you vote "yes" in the referendum, you deserve every bit of it.
For those, like me, who had no clue regarding the reference to the Sigma Tau Beach Beauties:
From the comments section of Anonymous March 15, 2013 at 3:07 PM's linked story:
"What has caused more long term destruction – the Atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, or the United States government welfare programs created to buy the votes of those who want someone to take care of them?
"Look at Hiroshima 65 years later, and then Detroit today.
"If Americans had really wanted to destroy Japan, instead of bombs, they would have thrown entitled blacks in parachutes out of those B-29s.
"Justin on March 14, 2013"
Okay, which one of us here is "Justin?"
Brilliantly written article which poses the very questions that are most relevant to me and my family.
“I won’t give up my right to vote. We are going to shut down freeways and we are going to disrupt the economic system.”
That woman needs to be arrested immediately for inciting to riot.
She also needs to learn that with rights come responsibility. She had the right to vote for a city council to take care of necessary business. The council she helped elect, helped itself to all kinds of perks while wasting its time in petty disputes between members while the city went to hell. Giving up her "right" to vote is part and parcel of having the state clean up the mess she made.
It's DC that makes secession away from the Negro impractical on a long term basis. If you can't accept the fact that 'America' is an immense obscenity and that it must be destroyed then there is no solution for Whites. The day 'America' is no more than a shameful and hated memory is the day Whites will be free and safe. That is the day the shackles will be cast off and we can live in hope.
'America' must be destroyed.
The question must be asked in Birmingham: "Why can't black people create communities that attract either outside capital investment or that white people want to move to? Why can't black people, when they politically control a city like Birmingham, not efficiently run either a city government or a school system?
Nicely put.
And let's add, why can't black run cities parlay half a century of civil rights legislation, war on poverty, federalized education, DWL kowtowing, etc., into wealth?
If the USA still had segregation, or was operating under a strict laissez faire system, one might rationalize the failure to compete of the black sector. But the USA has implemented one of the greatest redistribution and social engineering schemes in the history of the world, and all it gets in return is increased dysfunction.
The real story of Birmingham, post-1963, is that white people don't owe black people anything -- save the truth.
Nicely put again!
Blacks follow whites for the same reason parasites seek out a host.
I just got wind today that there are a number of Section 8 people in my building. Did not know this when I moved in, but now I know and of course, true to groid form, the Section 8 sistahs are the ones who cause all the drama in the building. Had I known, I would have never moved in.
Groids suck the life out of everyone and everything they touch. They are pure sociopaths that have no empathy and once they are done using their hosts, they try to kill the host. This America is now Amurkistan, a third world country. Those that want to survive had better do their research as to what state will work for them, then minimize their expenses, and then settle in and stick it out. Things are going to get bad and I see bad stuff happening on the horizon. Riots in NYC. Tensions rising.
When I move and where I move I do so for good. I don't ever wanna see a groid again for the rest of my life.
Fed Up White Mom in Groidville aka WDC
MAPS = "Gibs"
1. A 200,000 square-foot, $280 million domed public convention and entertainment facility to be connected to the existing Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex, $8.7 million for upgrading the existing convention center.
I am assuming Arrington and his Birmingham clan of corruption had recently seen "Field of Dreams" .... If you build it, he will come.
He was: Richard Scrushy - CEO of HealthSouth Corp., "the man most widely recognized as a potential local owner" of a major-league franchise. http://www.angelfire.com/al/10avs/maps2.html
2. $75 million for the Public School Education Capital Fund; $2.5 million for enhancement of technology in the regional library system.
How long do you think it would take Arrington and company to gut this?
3. $20 million capital fund for police and fire protection needs.
Possibly this the only legitimate request as it is not unheard of for a fire or police departments to get called into another municipality.
4. $25 million capital fund for regional cultural and historic facilities.
Why the hell would whites want to pay for culcha center and a tributorial "History of Museum the Birmingham Black? It takes balls to even ask for this "gibsmedat".
5. $40 million for regional zoo; $10.3 million for development of a 69-mile linear greenway system, including bicycle and pedestrian trails, and $21 million for a multipurpose recreational center.
Countenance knows what rec centers are good for, and every black wants one because they had them on "Good Times". Bicycle and pedestrian trails for black. Wouldn't be any theft occurring on these, nor prostitution or drinking and drugging.
What did the little black boy down the street get for his birthday? Some white kid's bike.
6. $590 million in temporary retail sales; $590 million in construction retail sales; $114 million per year in convention income; and 1, 239 new permanent jobs. (p. 8)
And how were they going to pay the salaries of these 239 other unemployable (except by government) blacks who would be running (and stealing from) these new facilities?
It would be comedy if this wasn't a real shakedown attempt of white people by black people.
OT - Guns Don't Kill People . . . Liberals Kill People
The concept of “The White Man’s Burden” has begun to dig deeper into my being and/or my soul. I seem to remember hearing of it as a child back in the 60s and do remember some cartoons with Elmer J Fudd and Daffy Duck that had some “Africa, the Dark Continent” ideology. That ideology goes back further into the 19th century, has originally an English or British twist to it, and ultimately refers to the white man not having ventured into Africa until the mid-19th century.
As I recall, the European slave trade circa 1500-1800, did their business on Africa’s west coast only. Further, Sir Richard Burton’s expedition to discover the source of the Nile, Lake Victoria, began in 1857. Also the Stanley met Livingston, of “Dr. Livingston I presume” fame, occurred in 1871. Still further, Joseph Conrad’s novel “Heart of the Darkness”, 1899, deals with the dark Africa theme as the characters go up the Congo and into darkest Africa. The movie Apocalypse Now, 1979, was based on Joe’s novel.
Not only is the popular myth of the evil whitey going into Africa, catching and enslaving blacks false, the white man never really understood the tribal existence, and thus African black lifestyles and living conditions, until much later on. This is important as the basic difference between white and black sub-species of humans gets overlooked in its entirety.
Once again haranguing on the different, mutually exclusive gene pools, r vs. k, producing different, mutually exclusive sub-species of humans, more animal vs. more human, who in turn necessarily produce different, mutually exclusive cultures, one of higher civilization the other of lower tribalism, which when independent of each other are in harmony with both their own nature and environment, but further, when then brought into the same environment, ultimately manifest themselves as mutually exclusive and totally, incompatible realities.
As I also recall from physics, there is what’s called entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, which simplistically stated refers to an ordered state decomposing into a disordered state, naturally. We non-liberal whites witness this very phenomenon when, after whites create a highly ordered state of civilized culture, are then inundated by blacks who begin their process of ruination, decomposing our ordered state of higher culture into their less ordered state of tribalism. It appears that only those who see with their own eyes can recognize this phenomenon in spite of liberal ideology, and the black, self-created illusion of whitey’s persecution of blackie, which demands that we not see this truth of reality, but instead see the liberal and black illusion that blacks, once evil whitey allows said blacks their inalienable rights, and further dons upon blacks the white man’s clothes, that they too become just as good as whitey.
In my book there are two types of liberals, one the God complexed, narcissistic “good shepherd” leaders, and two, the hoi polloi immature liberal constituent flock, the following dolts. The liberal flock of immature individuals is rife with cowardice, selfishness, sloth and other immature traits. Further, it is here where the argument between non-liberal whites, the matured and liberal whites, the immature find the ground upon which we argue the black problem.
The key to white liberal victory over non-liberal whites is a fully enfranchised democracy. Here the liberal good shepherd leaders can appeal to liberal immaturity and black incapability, and with the other members of their alliance, can achieve the power alone rendering them the position to steal our great white culture of civilization. For it is only the whites who mature which can see, without ever having witness the black in his native condition, what truly transpires when the tribal black is let loose in the white man’s higher culture of civilization. (end part 1)
(begin part 2):
The liberal dolts get to cheat nature’s urge to mature and still win in the game of social chess. This in turns promotes tyranny, poverty and misery, but in the short run of things, allows all members of the alliance to exist as the winners, and those who have accepted natures charge to mature to lose in the game of social chess and therefore transmogrify winners into losers and transform losers into winners.
The price to be paid for all this is a bill we send to our posterity, and our white gene pool. A bill that is so destructive, our white race, and therefore our white culture, will pay for with annihilation.
Woe will be our posterity if we fail to rise above their social injustice. Thank you.
There's an Hispanic politician in Chicago (unfortunately I do not remember his name) who fought for his community when Chicago began to level the projects and relocate tenants. His argument was that it was not a good idea to put poverty on top of poverty. Thus the influx into Chicago''s western burbs. The north burbs seem to be safe, and I guess we can all figure out why that is.
I agree. The America I knew as a child exists no more. I was reading an article at Amren that 1 in 3 counties in Amurkistan are dying. It is frustrating. As someone mentioned earlier, America has no choice but to die. From it separate republics will arise with their own identity. That republic with the most whites will be the most successful.
I look at this time as a period of spiritual alchemy. Those who survive this trying period and the regions or cultures that survive will be a stronger, purified ilk.
Those on this board that exposed me to Raspail, thank you. This author boils it all down to courage. We have to have the courage to walk away, start a new life, and want better for our families and not just endure.
White Mom in Turdburg
Secession alone just will not cut muster.
What could possibly be the sense to secede, with all the incrediable hard work that secession would entail, if we then just leave the door open to the same mistakes that cheated us out of our great Founding Fathers, free enterprise Republic in the first place; if we do not then protect the new Republic by outlawing the forces that cheated us out of our said Founding Fathers culture why even bother?
Sheesch, sheesch and double sheesch. Thanks.
PDK, you are under the impression secession is not already happening. Sure, the way it's going now is that it is happening slowly and first in small towns, like mine, or in big cities like Los Angeles, Camden. Detroit, and the rest. They are taking ground and cities over in rapid pace that people would not have believed possible just a few short years ago.
Maybe you think whites trying to succeed is too tough to accomplish, I don't know. What is taking place, the way things are going now, is that those who want to intellectually argue about the impossibility of secession and what it entails are finding themselves surrounded all across America by non-whites who didn't get the memo of the impossibility of secession, and they didn't get the memo on how victory without a shot was impossible either.
You can believe in the impossibility that whites have a fighting chance or you can find out that those who do not fight are going to get steamrolled.
Here was a quote from a post I saw elsewhere"
"What type of secessionist asks the oppressor nation for permission to secede? Did we ask permission to secede from the British empire? Anything you cannot leave voluntarily, without threat of violence or bodily harm, is either the Mafia or a cult."
I have still have some balls and am not going to be going down without a fight to an invading army. You can over-intellectualize why all resistance is futile and roll over--you're choice.
I hate to break it to you but your sentiments on this are purely UN-American. Either you have been corrupted by cultural Marxism beyond help, you are suicidal, or you have that open borders tolerance religious beliefs shared by so many Europeans who can't let simple logic break their egalitarian delusions.
Do whatever floats your boat, some of us choose to fight and deal with the consequences-- win or lose.
Regarding Paul's statement: " White people can run, they can hide, they build, and they can create, but eventually black people will find them. "
Why the f**k do white people run? This entire white flight thing has created the situation in which we find ourselves.
I refuse to run from the Simian (any more). I am 67 years of age and from Baltimore, MD. It seems that one aspect of my entire life was attempting to maintain a separation from black folk regarding housing and schools.
The familiar package. Parochial school (blacks started attending this school for free-mothers had to assist in classrooms to help prevent chimpouts) more expensive neighborhood, dealing with crime, eventually moving to a suburb. Thus, commuting 60 miles per day, wear and tear on car, gas prices, traffic, etc., just to get away from "those people".
White people need to organize in order to reduce white retreat.
I really do not know where you are coming from.
Of all the people at Paul's blog no one, and I mean no one, has pushed for secession as much as I.
I just point out that secession alone will not solve our problem.
All those who participate in what I call the alliance, white liberals, blacks, browns, Islamics, Amerindians and others, in short, the constituency of the liberal democrat conglomerate, must be outlawed should we secesde. I even advocate that only those who traditionally vote republican should be enfranchised, and that would be older white males.
If you need some old PDK, I will, with Paul's permission, repost older PDK posts.
I have been for 2 mutually exclusive countries here in the current state of the USA since 7/08.
I do not mind being chastized, but please understand that no one I have ever met is more for a new, non-liberal white nationalist state Republic than I.
Understand further, this will be an undertaking of huge porportions.
If one is about to undertake such a huge endeavor, do it right to begin with, or else what is the sense. Capeesch. PDK
Anonymous 12:21 PM said Sounds like black people follow white people like wolves follow a caribou herd. Caribou accept their losses wherever they go and can't seem to do much about it.
Inapt comparison. Wolves are smarter than the caribou. The relationship is predator-prey, not parasite-host. And whites can sure as hell do something about their losses.
mom in DC said....
When I move and where I move I do so for good. I don't ever wanna see a groid again for the rest of my life.
Some suggestions for that:
1. Kaffeklubben Island, north of Greenland
2. 44°17′N 82°11′E
3. Easter Island
4. Mount Bazardyuzyu, Republic of Dagestan (41°12'N)
5. the moon
But in the end, they'll find you. They'll break down the door of your rude dwelling in Dagestan, rape you, kill you and in characteristic negro fashion attempt to vanish the crime with bleach. Or they'll jack your kayak, as you peacefully paddle about the ice floes of Greenland. While on Easter Isle, a mob of "teens" will beat you down, finally crushing your skull with the remains of the moai they had earlier destroyed.
The point is, it's pointless. They'll always find you and the American intelligentsia will help to hunt you down, Anne Frank style, because America does love its diversity.
Yea, I'm in a hopeless mood about the whole situation.
Hey Paul, sometime you should do a write up on what it's like to be one of the five or ten white kids at these schools.
Prey or host...you call it, whites are not to smart to have let it happen in the first place. Groids are predatory to be sure. It's all in perception and how it's framed. Sure whites could do something about it but they haven't. Apt comparison .
how do you feel about orientals following whites to take advantage of the best schools to send their children to the best universities?
"White people need to organize in order to reduce white retreat."
Any public face of the effort immediately gets labelled and persecuted as the latest incarnation of the KKK.
Either you can't have a public face, or you have to counter-attack against BRA's overlords to keep their attacks from striking home. Or both.
If they can't find someone willing to investigate to find you, or prosecute you, or attack you in print and on TV, you'd be safe. The Corrupt Liberal Media and "civil rights" organizations don't bother attacking black robbers and rapists, they attack white self-defenders. They attack whites who keep the criminals at a distance.
If enough bad things happened to these enforcers of BRA....
I have no problem with higher IQed, attractive Orientals; but where do you draw the line?
In my personal life, I've never met a bad Jew or a bad Oriental. PDK
One of your most powerful pieces to date. I am amazed. How do you do it?
Also amazing is the constant stream of cogent commentators, who add immeasurable value to this site. Almost every one is great, and your commentator base is growing, impressively so.
I've said more than once to you, some good deal of time back, that I perceived you as someone with a potentially historic role to play in the coming years.
Seems almost everyone here knows the other shoe is about to drop...like right about now.
The Fed arming up, citizens arming up, flash mobs of window shoppers, economy tanking, etc.
New times need new politics, and new political leaders.
You know, you're going to have to out yourself before too long.
History, and all.
Best to you and yours.
May I suggest one last request, monikers make it a lot easier for others to converse, OK, thanks.
They will always outnumber us and even in a country like the USA where they are still considered a minority, they have managed to cause irreversible damage.
The tiny enclaves of majority whites are survival bases at this point. Whitey is the minority in global terminology and yet we are treated as the majority rulers of the world simply because we are successful, intelligent and noble.
Everything evil that humans have done on planet earth have been done/accomplished/completed by almost ALL races (from slavery to rape to war). All of the evils of the world being laid on white folks who happened to be better, smarter and more cunning than other races is just plain jealousy. Knight takes rook, checkmate. You lose. Get the f_ck over it and stop whining in your pile of YT-paid for noodle salad and make something of your life rather than playing the blame game.
Do you feral, evil, sick, disturbed, borderline retarded blacks know how many white people have broken their backs toiling and laboring on farms to feed all of us not only in the USA but in 'starving' countries? Do you parasitic, lazy, worthless blacks know that you screwed the proverbial pooch when you murdered and raped and usurped the white boer farmers who fed much of Africa?
The black inferiority complex will never be cured because unlike other loweri.q. minorities who have a strong work ethic, blacks are lazy, rapist, thuggish slobs.
White folks have thrown enough of their pearls at the swine and all they have gotten in return for that is ruination and expectation of more, more, more.
It's time to starve the herpes infested, obese EBT jungle bunnies.
I have to agree with some of the other regulars here, PK. Your latest series of articles have a wonderful hard=hitting and direct quality about them. The central concepts of BRA, the visible black hand of economics and the black undertow are all highlighted in very concise and immediately understandable ways.
Meanwhile, it looks like some YTs are starting to get restless - a few even went off the reservation altogether at Conservatism, Inc.'s little love-fest for all things multikulti. Looks like some of the La Raza Repukes are upset. Some YT even (gasp!) mentioned that St. Martin the Adulterer was a Marxist (OMG!!) and that it was actually inappropriate for "conservatives" to hold him up as one of their own unless they're willing to do likewise for Uncles Vlad, Leon and Yusif - all of whom shared his holiness' utopian-totalitarian ideology. The river of lies is an excellent description - a foul and putrid stream of raw sewerage.
Northern exburbs are all WT. Rockford, Elgin, Schaumburg, Rosemont. Lots of aparments and lots of poverty too.
North Shore is too pricey, very few apartments but the Northwest burbs are not immune.
Alderman Guitierez?
They commonly take over the Mall, then start fling ip the apartments nearby. Then its bye bye neighborhood, hello sinkhole
Didn't they already Disrupt the ecomomic system?
Anonymous said...
As much as I find that I agree with you on most of what you write, you are dead wrong on this--and for two reasons.
1st, you are assuming the 50 states in the United states as we now know them are the way it is and the way it is to be, thus restricting us to thinking we have to work within this framework.
It's not looking at the future realistically. this nightmare is going to break up, period.
No multi ethnic empire has ever, in all of history, put itself together again after collapse.
It's not going to happen this time either, not a chance in hell.
2nd, You are assuming that blacks will follow us no matter what, but that's just the way it is with the full force of the federal govermnemnt behind them.
The reality is, that whatever states form the new republic, many fingers will be on triggers behind the borders of two(at least)zones. Those fingers will by very itchy placed on well oiled triggers.
I still don't believe that you really get that America is over. The 50 states cannot and will not stay together. It can be argued when and how the break-up will occur and all the other details that go with it--but the break-up is coming. It's very well underway as we speak.
"Blacks not allowed" will be posted around the perimeter with a sub heading:
"violators will be terminated"
This is an interesting post, so let me address some salient points:
1. While I think you are correct about the ultimate fate of the lawless regime in Sodom-on-Potomac, its collapse is not coming very fast. They have a remarkable capacity to keep on printing money and getting most of the rest of the world to accept their lying BS. The Chinese who hold so much of the debt, for example, apparently are afraid to call the bankstas' bluff - fearing for their own very two-dimensional economic racket.
2. There are very, very few whites who would actually be in favor of excluding others - even blacks - and (especially) the infinitely more poisonous and treacherous tribe known here by the Voltaire-inspired acronym TWMNBN. Even Auster (who is actually a member of the tribe - though a convert to Christianity) and almost ridiculously touchy about the subject - acknowledges the nature of the beast, so to speak. His explanation the behavior is that of a typical liberal, though. (Dat boy he had a bad childhood).
I think TWMNBN's genocidal hatred of YT is essentially hard-wired and intrinsic - or so deeply ingrained culturally that it just as well be genetic, much like the groid's unending catalogue of wanton evil, rape and deadly violence. It was there when they opened the city gates of Visigothic Spain to the invading Musloids and is in abundant evidence today in every single white country (except one!). The number of whites who comprehend this historical truth is tiny, while those who will resort to applying Goodwin's Law is huge.
Much of this is because YT is like the drunk who cannot part with his demon-rum of equality. Equality is, simply put, the greatest lie ever told. There is no such thing as equality in the natural world. That's reality but western civilization has spent the last quarter-millenium denying reality - with very unfortunate consequences for anyone who is not rich enough to buy his way out of facing its unattractive and unappealing nature.
Look at Asia. I used to live there. One ant hill.
Easy to refute that. More billionaires in Asia than Europe. Yes, more people, but higher growth rates and its only a matter of time until the world's wealth is concentrated there. World's 2nd and 3rd largest economies, already.
If you haven't been to South Korea or Shanghai since the 70's it's time to visit again. Meanwhile Europe hasn't grown at all in a decade and the U.S. is mostly stagnant.
It's a new world now, not black and white. In fact, Birmingham is an anachronism.
I should also mention, as an investor, ROI is highest in several African countries now. It's called capitalism, where it goes, it revolutionizes everything.
royal oak dude here p.k. i read your stories and i cant help but wonder is this how the average citizen in rome felt as it was burning around them ,i do belive that soon we whites will have to make a stand this far and no further ,i almost pity these obamanites cause when we finally snap it will be like nothing the modern world has seen , i dont have white guilt but i damn sure have some white anger and folks im not alone..
This same dynamic is playing out in Dallas. We now have a black police chief whose son died in a shootout with police.
We have a black district attorney who disappears for days on end when he isn't trying to dodge his credit card bills.
We have a city council whose black members are under perpetual FBI investigation. The last one was convicted and sentenced to 17 years in prison.
Dallas also has employed the "non-response" to 911 calls for certain crimes, which have greatly increased.
This is happening in every major city in this once great country...
How do you see the break up occuring?
White Mom
Anonymous 7:32 PM said:whites are not to smart to have let it happen in the first place.
I agree, but I think it was more a matter of naivete than stupidity.
Anonymous 7:32 PM said:Groids are predatory to be sure.
Negroes are predatory in the sense that leeches or ticks are predatory.
Anonymous 7:32 PM said:Sure whites could do something about it but they haven't.
Not yet. And one thing I have not seen discussed is that, as an early middle age Gen X'er, I do not see the same devotion (or belief) in "racial equality" among people my age, as I see in the generation preceding mine. If true, that might be significant a generation from now.
whites aren't hiding from no-one. I can't take these news stories that make whites out to be some sort of pussy or scared of the big dumb black wolf. whites are smarter than these black liberal pets. and with that edge we will continue to lead the world as well as run it! we are in a short period of black cool-ness. and this can't/won't last long. just wait till the money runs out! it will be a time for cleansing and a time to re-set the natural order. it's true that the DWL's are scared of the blacks but it's not like that with all whites. so i'm tired of reading news stories that make us whites out to be fleeing rats. THAT'S TOTAL BULLSHIT!!! GODSPEED WHITES&SEGREGATION NOW!!!
"how do you feel about orientals following whites to take advantage of the best schools to send their children to the best universities?"
Question: When was the last you saw an (non mentally ill) Asian in America:
-violently flash mobbing?
-rapping to themselves in public and being generally disruptive?
-destroying their environment?
-ignoring the children they have fathered/mothered?
- mocking industrious, self reliant and well read people?
-constantly blaming "Hiroshima" for thier personal failures?
-overweight and undisciplined?
- uncivil and anti-social in a civil society structure?
Following, you say? No. These are tenets of a solid culture who understand the philosophy and structure to create and sustain a civil society.
And thier woman are generally desirable and attractive, not slovenly, desperate, ashy and angry.
Yeah. Think about the phrase about difficult things being "harder than Chinese math". Notice they don't say, for instance, the complexity of rapping about the length of your cock or your inability to pull out of a brood-sow and successfully living in a civil society.
The Asians aren't the statistic that has brought down this once brilliant country.
You know exactly who are responsible.
Get it straight.
unfortunately, secession will be in the form of annexation: the slow political process of annexing suburb & county areas off from the city - that's all the gov't will allow. & it's a hard sell, with groid politicians in the city wanting to hang on to YT's tax dollars.
I am with Anonymous 12:33 PM when he says:
You are assuming that blacks will follow us no matter what, but that's just the way it is with the full force of the federal govermnemnt behind them.
Full force and our dollars paying the rent so they can be our "neighbors".
America is in worse condition than Greece. China is buying commodities and land in America in order to divest of it's US Treasury holdings. I didn't understand the Chinese buying spree at first, now it all makes sense.
--but the break-up is coming. It's very well underway as we speak.
Agreed, it will take some time though, I figure mid 2020s.
"Blacks not allowed" will be posted around the perimeter with a sub heading:
"violators will be terminated"
And that is where I hope to be living.
Can you imagine a land where 10+% of your income doesn't go to support ne'er do wells.? Where there aren't hidden taxes buried in the price of everything to support the same? -- And trust me, there are hidden taxes in the price of everything.
They all but ripped out the plumbing. (p. 66 -67).
The reality is that Whites took a huge financial beating, whereas blacks received a huge and unearned windfall of residential housing wealth. There was no scorched earth behavior from the Whites. The blacks had a temporary sadistic racial utopia. They scared the crackers out and took their houses. Haha haha.
It would be interesting if a Racial Realist could go back in time and interview a DWL or "civil rights" advocate.
RR: Given the negro's sexual irresponsibility, isn't a black run Birmingham doomed to be overrun with dangerous and unemployable negro youths?
DWL: I'm stunned at the ignorance and racial malice of your bigoted question!. How dare you imply that any racial group could be so gigantically stupid as to not engage in the most obvious, simple, and essential behavior for self-improvent. When you prejudiced Whites come back to Birmingham in the year 2013, you'll be eating Jim Crow. You'll be amazed at what blacks have done.
RR: Won't blacks propensity for crime drive away business and the remaining White population?
DWL: Unbelievable! Blacks are peaceable and civil by nature. It's only the agitation caused by the presence of narrow minded reactionary Whites that causes their rebellion.
RR: Negros are the only racial group with no cold winter natural selection in their evolution and they display the mental weakness one would expect. Don't you realize that they'll be over their head trying to run a city and that they'll be parasitical on the White populations.
DWL: Where's your 100% scientific proof? I happen to know many smart blacks and have met many dumb Whites.
You racist reactionaries are going see a beautiful, peaceful, and prosperous Birmingham in, let's say, the year 2013. The discipline and ingenuity of blacks will be on full display and many White families will wish they lived in the city to enjoy the peace and vibrancy.
Yes. Also, I was referring to Glenview, Glencoe, Highland Park (ironically where Alexander Polikoff resides), Kenilworth, Lake Forest. It seems the predominately white christian communities are the "move to opportunity targets."
Interesting article in this morning's War $treet Journal about a DOJ effort to "desegregate" the Cleveland MS school district. It seems that one of the two high schools is approximately 50-50 White-negro. The other is almost all negro. Obama's DOJ don like dat but as a negro member of the Board of Education! remarked, "There AINT enough White folks" to balance both schools.
The most revealing sentence in the article was a DOJ argument that "White objections are legally irrelevant."
@ one ant hill...you really believe this global ponzu scheme has legs???
Why cant black run cities survive? The answer is simple once blacks see an opportunity to steal,they do. They revert to what they kwow.
As far as black people with income leaving as a significant cause for Birmingham's downfall, most employed blacks with wealth are wealthy because of whites so naturaly they follow ther meal ticket. Blacks dont create they only occupy what others have created.
Mich Mike.
Here's the Wall Street Journal article about Cleveland, Mississippi:
And the key quote --
The plan, which took effect last fall, evened the racial mix without prompting white flight, the department said. Black enrollment at schools in the district—which had ranged from 26% to 92%—is now between 52% and 60%.
The Cleveland case was heard in December before U.S. District Judge Glen Davidson, a Mississippi native who had witnessed his state's racial transitions first hand. Judge Davidson graduated from the University of Mississippi in 1962, the year whites rioted after a federal court ordered the Oxford campus to admit its first black student.
An attorney for the district, Holmes Adams, argued that consolidation would "have the perverse effect of resegregating" Cleveland public schools.
"Although the plaintiffs won't admit it, the whites have many options," he said, including "private schools, faith-based schools and a growing movement across the state, home schools."
Government lawyers argued that white opposition was legally irrelevant. If it were up to Mississippi whites, said Justice Department attorney Joseph Wardenski, there would never have been any school integration.
What kind of a name is that?
LGBT best lawyer Under 40.
Basically he's also an LGBT activist.
Contributor to Obama campaign.
To Anonymous on March 16, 2013 at 6:47 AM about going back in time:
I'm reading "Trouble in Mind: Black Southerners in the Age of Jim Crow" by Leon Litwack. It's very interesting to read the words of White Southerners who did know just what would happen with integration. Litwack of course uses those quotes to try to demonstrate how horrible they were.
To Fed Up White Mom in Groidville aka WDC about section 8
I unfortunately live around black section 8 drama too. In the past three or so years I have anonymously sent in five complaints about four section 8 houses/apartments near where I have lived to my city's housing authority (HA). I didn't need any names - just the correct address. I didn't call or email, I filled in a text box on the HA website so it was completely anonymous. Maybe DC has the same.
1. A woman had a man move in with her and her four or five children. He told some of us that the public parking in front of his house was just for him; no one else could park there. I notified the HA that he was living there and within a day or two he seemed to be gone. Later I found out he was parking around the corner and sneaking in and out. I notified the HA about that too and eventually didn't see him anymore. After about two months, the woman and children moved too. We were all thrilled! They fought a lot,loudly.
2. A woman lived with her disabled brother as a "caretaker". I would often hear them fighting about money, mostly late at night when I was trying to sleep. I complained about this to the HA and the next thing I knew she had a job. No more loud fights and she was gone a lot more too.
3. I all of a sudden saw a man with a woman who I thought lived alone. I notified the HA but later found out he was her disabled son, so nothing happened.
4. A woman had a man move in with her and her son and I was sure it wasn't right. I recently notified the HA about it and have found out she is not eligible for public housing any longer and must be gone by March 31.
There was no drama with these last two. I'm just tired of paying for this kind of stuff, as we all are. I really can't believe with all the disfunction in my city's government that I have had so much success.
A few articles ago, in response to a post about behavior of negroes compared to gays, I remarked that their respective "civil rights movements" followed the same template. This Wardenski fella seems to bear that out. Now Wardenski surely wants additional privileges for fellow members of his "community." But both movements are as much about control of White straight males and letting all know that they have control. That one of the reasons for BRA.
Anon. raises a very important point:
"White people need to organize in order to reduce white retreat."
Any public face of the effort immediately gets labelled and persecuted as the latest incarnation of the KKK.
Either you can't have a public face, or you have to counter-attack against BRA's overlords to keep their attacks from striking home. Or both.
If they can't find someone willing to investigate to find you, or prosecute you, or attack you in print and on TV, you'd be safe. The Corrupt Liberal Media and "civil rights" organizations don't bother attacking black robbers and rapists, they attack white self-defenders. They attack whites who keep the criminals at a distance.
If enough bad things happened to these enforcers of BRA....
The entire infrastructure of the regime - its judiciary, military, police and prosecutors - is arrayed and routinely deployed against any whites who attempt to organize to defend their own interests. The huge problem is that large numbers of these enforcers you describe are actually white - not even TWMNBN.
Look at South Africa. Whites there are being explicitly targeted for extermination, but there are still large numbers of them who place more value upon collecting their government pensions by enforcing the laws of a completely lawless, illegitimate and genocidal regime against their fellow whites. Even the Afrikaner farmers - who have the literally the deadliest job on the planet - continue to hire groids (who inevitably slaughter them or cover for relatives who carry out the crimes) as farmworkers instead of hiring only fellow whites - or (if they are legally forced to hire groids) shut down the farms so that SA start getting food aid from the other provinces of the squid empire.
So here you have the most dire example of all - where there is an active, overt genocidal campaign in place, encouraged and cheered by luminaries such as Bono, but no active armed resistance. Whites in SA, who still number some 3 million, continue to dig their own graves as they sing hymns to Mandela and equality über alles. Even the Jews fought when cornered in the Warsaw ghetto. I get the depressing impression that whites in SA will be exterminated completely believing they deserve it. Tutu, Bono, Time Wise and all the rest will sneer and cheer.
What's that old line in the Bible about the ''signs of the times?" Prophetic posting! Really awesome and more than thought provoking. I also loved the comments, my people are awake and aware.
Thanks for that PK! We, the high quality sons and daughters of Western Civilization who are not infected nor indoctrinated by the Beast, are going to face some dire choices and circumstances. The system is the Beast, and our enemy. Accept it, we are no part of it, simply under its thumb currently. The Squids, the Elite, DWL whatever. The Black Undertow is their loudest and nastiest creation. If it comes down to force, and it always does, they will die like locusts in a firestorm. They are fodder, loud, obnoxious and simpleminded. Still, they are just fodder. Shit, to be brutally honest most of them are still slaves, taught to blame us for all their various woes. We are definately not the same. Nobody who reads this blog struggles with White Guilt, talk to your friends and family about that problem. We owe these people NOTHING.
My favorite overall theme in this blog is the Separatist / Secession vibe. It's really our only hope. Nations change, remember the big scary USSR? Now it's the Russian Federation. We can change. Real change. Shitcan politics, its just a wall of fucking noise anyway. Wake up the people who are worth a shit and can kick in when the time comes. We are not just taxpayers who must finance this abomination under threat of force. We are not caribou, we cannot be sheep either. We are fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, friends and lovers.
We build nations, and will again. History will judge us by what we do with this mess. I read some dreck online regarding my nine year old daughter's share in the national debt. Her responsibly to the collective . . . Our white privilege? All nonsense of course, but she and my Misses are a good motivating focal point for me.
We matter, they DON'T. Get ready, Be Prepared and keep the faith. This almost forty one year old Eagle Scout can take meaningful steps to protect and provide for those I love, so can all of you. Remember, when they all realized the power of masses of mediocre mobs singing 'we shall overcome,' in the sixties? That's where it began, the slide, the first shot across our bow.
"We shall overcome?"
Believe me you second hander parasites. You are messing with the people who move the world. WE SHALL OVERCOME you, and leave you behind.
Keep the Faith all,
Following, you say? No. These are tenets of a solid culture who understand the philosophy and structure to create and sustain a civil society.
And thier woman are generally desirable and attractive, not slovenly, desperate, ashy and angry.
Yeah. Think about the phrase about difficult things being "harder than Chinese math". Notice they don't say, for instance, the complexity of rapping about the length of your cock or your inability to pull out of a brood-sow and successfully living in a civil society.
The Asians aren't the statistic that has brought down this once brilliant country.
You know exactly who are responsible.
Get it straight.
Yes, all of your points are true. No dispute form this quarter as regards their essential accuracy. However, you did manage to conveniently ignore the interesting little factoid that Asians voted for D'Won Mocha Messiah last year in a higher percentage than any single group except groids. Their level of enthusiasm for a black-supremacist and Marxist exceeded even that of Jews and Hispanics. They hate YT too so they voted for him. YT will be getting no help from that gang.
"Any public face of the effort immediately gets labelled and persecuted as the latest incarnation of the KKK.
Either you can't have a public face, or you have to counter-attack against BRA's overlords to keep their attacks from striking home. Or both."
First: The commies did this for years by creating coalitions of "nice" organizations. Search for "popular front". The commies stayed behind the curtain and pulled the levers. The front people were the bleeding heart fools. We should consider the same tactics.
Second: Saul Alinsky tactics work great. If the Lutherans, Catholics, or Jews are sponsoring deadbeat African refugees to resettle in your town, demonstrate in front of their churches on Sunday morning. Leaflet their cars. Heck, have local Negroes join you. They hate the immigrants, too. The pitch is this: you churchies are not being charitable, since you are dumping them on OUR neighborhoods, forcing US to pay for them, robbing services from your poor fellow citizens (Negroes) to pay for the imported Negroes, etc. ask thrm why they do not actually SPONSOR the negro refugees, they dump thrm on social services instead. Classic Alinsky tactics. Pin them down (as Alinsky would put it) and don't let them get away. The point is that you can make them
embarrassed and miserable. They WILL do whatever they can to change the policies of their immigrant importation and immigrant dumping companies.
Study Alinsky tactics. Study commie tactics. They work. They worked on us, didnt they? And it only took 50 years.
I am preparing for, and awaiting, the completion of the breakup of BRA. I think it is going to happen much quicker than most realize, and the majority of people will not be ready.
One of the biggest method of control is the local school system. Whites in Virginia during the Civil Rights era who shuttered their local school boards rather than integrate had their wealth confiscated by the federal government to pay for public schools for blacks.
After that, many whites gave up. We're not. Opting out entirely, by homeschooling, frees you of the tyranny of the BRA overlords. It allows you freedom of association, and freedom to give your children the education they deserve. We use an out of print, honors curriculum from 1963, which includes the study of linguistics, latin and attic (ancient Athenian) greek.
The second thing we did ... there was a subdivision of higher end townhomes built in a "resort-like" setting at the height of the housing bubble. At full occupancy, the complex was about 40% negro, who had purchased with no money down liar loans (as did many of the non-negro owners). Needless to say, this complex went through massive foreclosures.
We bought one unit at a price lower than construction cost for our son to live in, and a second as solely an investment. He has a room mate, and manages the leasing of the second unit. Our ROI is >10% net/net. We are in the process of buying a third, paying cash like we did for the other units.
Other families have done the same thing. The complex is almost at 100% full occupancy again, and is it 100% white. Many are young families who are being helped by their parents. No one in the complex has a mortgage.
The community facilities are in excellent shape. (I guess because negros don't really swim, the pool complex is pristine). We are in the process of raising the community maintenance fees (to keep out the riffraf, and to consolidate community services) while simultaneously voting to continue to defund the local mandated school board. The majority of families home-school and we have a thriving "co-op" with lots of enrichment activities that celebrates white Western civilization, history and culture ... including classes on "Civility and Civics".
We are also investigating changing the legal structure of the community to be a co-op corporation, using the same legal strategy the Progs in Manhattan employ to keep their community middle and upper middle class white, and negro-free. It will be hard for them to complain when we are using their legal documents and their exact legal strategy. To buy in, you will need a complete a lengthy disclosure packet, and you can be denied/turned down without reason.
We're doing our bit to take our country back and build a healthy community for our children, and potential future grandchildren. The money invested in the community is doing more good than handed over to predatory banksters.
One of the comments on a blog that showed that said that the white kid making the racial remarks was ACTUALLY A THINKPROGRESS PLANT.
I have no proof of that, and I haven't looked that Youtube up again, but I thought that was VERY interesting.
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