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The Magnificent Mile -- the refuse of the demolished Robert Taylor Homes on the South Side threaten civilization in Chicago |
Were there a true threat from Islam (those "Islamo-Fascists" underneath Pamela Gellar's bed), then directly following the 9/11 attacks there would have been multiple followups. For every Fort Hood incident, an investigative journalist like Colin Flaherty could describe 200-300 black-on-white attacks... just from 2013!
The real threat is white America not awakening to the horrors befallen our major cities, courtesy of a population incapable of self-restraint and completely protected by the local, state, and federal government.
What horror do we speak of? The same horror the Chicago Police Department held a townhall meeting to try and educate the "vibrant youth" of the Second City from engaging in -- the horror of Spontaneous Blackness and Mahogany Mob Attacks.
It didn't work [Chicago Police Swarm Mag Mile ‘Wilding’ Scene, Make Several Arrests, CBS Chicago, 3-31-13]:
Chicago police made several arrests Saturday evening following another “wilding” scene instigated by young people along the Magnificent Mile.
Photographers shot chaotic video of police officers and vehicles swarming Michigan Avenue near Huron and detaining several young people around 7:30 p.m. Some of the disturbance leaked onto Chicago Avenue near State Street on a relatively warm night with temperatures in the 50s.
Chicago Police News Affairs released a statement overnight saying officers made 17 arrests — of 15 juveniles and two adults — for misdemeanor reckless conduct. The department said the disturbance was caused by “a number of kids fighting among themselves” and there were no reports of assaults, robberies or property damage.
But community activist Andrew Holmes, who happened to be shopping with a relative in the upscale retail district, described a scene in which hundreds of young people misbehaved, with some of them harassing and attacking people on the street.
“They assaulted a Chicago police officer who was on a mounted horse. And all of a sudden, they assaulted the citizens walking the streets – just normal citizens shopping, enjoying the weather,” Holmes told CBS 2’s Chris Martinez. “I caution those parents if their child has been arrested … You need to think about your child. Just don’t say the Chicago police picked on your child, when we watched all the assault going on, especially by teen women.”
Chicago’s Michigan Avenue and nearby retail strips were beset by numerous wilding, or “youth mob,” episodes the past two summers.
The phenomenon continues in Chicago and its suburbs. In February, a disturbance broke out at Ford City Mall after a meet-and-greet appearance by the boy band Mindless Behavior. A mall official blamed groups of “older youths” and said it had nothing to do with the event."Older Youths?"
Try black people.
Muslims didn't devastate Birmingham; Muslims didn't destroy Detroit.
Black people did. [28 arrests after downtown disturbance, 'L' attack, Chicago Tribune, 3-31-13]:
Nearly 30 people were arrested downtown on Saturday night for disturbances that ranged from bumping into passersby on sidewalks to attacking passengers aboard a CTA train, authorities said, citing preliminary information.
Seventeen of the people in custody -- all but two younger than 18 -- were charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct, said Chicago Police Department News Affairs Officer Hector Alfaro.
Those arrests happened on the Magnificent Mile near North Michigan Avenue and East Erie Street between 7 p.m. and about 7:40 p.m., authorities said. The suspects were alleged to have bumped into other people on the sidewalks, blocked sidewalks and traffic on the street and started fights.
No injuries were reported.
In a separate incident, police arrested 11 teens at the CTA's State/Lake station in The Loop about 6:35 p.m. after the group attacked two women on an elevated train car, authorities said, citing preliminary information.
The incident started when a woman on the "L" asked one of the teens to put out a cigarette, authorities said, citing preliminary information. The group of teenagers then allegedly attacked that woman and another woman on the train before running onto the "L" platform with the purse belonging to one of the victims.
Officers arrested the teens as they attempted to leave the station, authorities said.
The 11 teens, all but one of whom are younger than 18, told police they had agreed on Twitter to meet downtown. It appeared that several of those arrested had not met in person before Saturday, authorities said.
The two victims were bruised during the attack but were in good condition and declined medical treatment, authorities said.The Magnificent Mile in Chicago is the Berlin Wall separating civilization from "what-ever-you-call-the-civilization-black-people-create-on-the-South-Side-of-the City."
Yes, blacks - not "youth," and not "teens" - to the tune of 500 brought their own brand of savagery to the nice parts of the city Easter Weekend 2013 [Teen Mob Action Takes Over Chicago’s Gold Coast, CBS Chicago, 3-31-13]:
The warmest day of the year so far brings hundreds of mischievous teens to Michigan Avenue.
Police are calling it ‘mob action’.
CBS 2 is learning about multiple incidents in at least four different locations along the Magnificent Mile and in the Gold Coast, yielding a slew of arrests.
Things got pretty bad, very quickly with many innocent shoppers and tourists caught in the middle of a very chaotic situation.
Hundreds of teens littered Michigan Avenue and State Street near Chicago.
Things started to go bad around 6:00 p.m. Saturday, with teens purposely bumping into people, and causing fights among themselves.
Fifteen juveniles and two adults were arrested and charged with Reckless Conduct— a misdemeanor.
Community activist, Andrew Holmes witnessed some of the problems, while shopping with his family.
“You had a group of teens, close to maybe 500. They assaulted a Chicago police officer that was on a mounted on a horse and all of a sudden they assaulted a citizen walking the streets, just a normal citizen shopping and enjoying the weather,” said Holmes.
Later that night, a man was attacked around 10:45 p.m. while walking near Chicago and Dearborn. Sources tell us he was jumped and punched in the face by a group of teens. He was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
In a separate incident, a group of woman say they were attacked by a mob of girls on the CTA Red Line. The women reported a robbery once they got off the train at the State and Monroe station. Eleven females were arrested—10 juveniles and one adult—and charged with battery. Two of the teens were charged with strong- armed robbery.
“I caution those parents if their child has been arrested which numerous teenagers have been arrested tonight, that you need to think about your child. Just don’t say the Chicago police picked on your child, when we were watching all the assault going on, especially by teen women,” said Holmes."Mob action?"
How about black 'mob action'?
Assaulting police officers and randomly attacking white people?
Yes -- let's all fear Sharia Law (just restrict immigration from Muslim nations and then the threat of Islam is over), while Organized Blackness protects black criminality and black mob activity by threatening not only economic boycotts, but more black mob/riot activity if white America doesn't acquiesce to acts of Spontaneous Blackness.
Why worry about Sharia Law in our judicial system, when the threat of black riots after a "guilty" verdict for a black criminal already restrict the court system?
When white America wakes up, whatever threat Islam poses to America will be neutralized, but the first threat to America is Obama's Sons.
The great threat is that white people in Chicago and across the nation have grown comfortable, accustomed to these acts of Spontaneous Blackness that they've moved far away from ever having to encounter. They are now numb to these incredible displays of why they moved to the suburbs (what is merely normally black behavior in black communities), and believe no solution exists to deal with the continued degradation of major cities and commercial areas.
Meanwhile, Detroit is in ruins; Memphis is in ruins; Baltimore is in ruins; Milwaukee and Indianapolis are headed in that same direction.
The hilarity of the situation is that the state (those in charge of the city government of Chicago) is completely on the side of Spontaneous Blackness, handicapping the police in dealing with that "The Great Migration" imported to the city.
And to think... it's only March.
Islam is the biggest threat that faces the world today. Just study what is happening in Europe today. And America is in their sights now. They do not have the numbers nor the strength just now but they will grow and the objective is to have us submit to shariah law and their ultimate goal is to rule the world. Blacks are a problem but they are just a subset of America's total problems.
Declare martial law. Shoot to kill. Give them a reason to behave and they might. If they won't self regulate then do it for them.
Trial junkie here. My, my. "Young people" sure are dangerous these days.
Lots of blacks are Muslims.
Both in America and Europe.
Okay... As I said, this is Amurkistan. Who gets attacked? Whites. Who does the attacking? Blacks. But instead these demographic descriptors are replaced by 'man' and 'teens'.
I shared with you all the other day that at my son school the receptionist told some us that there have been three attempted rapes by a 'youf' at 9 am Of course no one is privy to that news, especially whites because they want us middle class white professional or worki g class professionals to keep moving in to the 'revitalized' "shitties". They want our rent and our taxes but don't want us to be safe because hey we are just 'white meat'. At least the cameras in this story were able to show us that 'teens' were black and the 'man' was white. Wonder if that will permissible in the future cause 'dat b rayciss'.
These youfs spend weeks planning via social media to beat up white people. Perhaps they could spend that time doing their homework, learning how to read, doing part time work?
White Mom
It's going to be a LONG HOT summer. Stay safe people. AT A MINIMUM, carry pepper spray. Protect yourselves from these beasts.
"Older youths"...
Orwellian newspeak at its finest.
Don't carry pepper spray. Carry wasp and hornet spray. It blinds and is good to 15-20 feet away and is legal.
Islam is a threat. It's just that in modern America, it's not the most acute and constant threat. That honor goes to the black undertow primarily and the Reconquista Gang secondarily.
Too, Islam would have never been a threat to us if we had not let them immigrate here to begin with.
In Europe, they're a far bigger threat because there are are more of them. In fact, a lot of the Muslims in Europe are black or black-ish Africans, which means you have the worst of both worlds: A hateful religion combined with the black undertow.
The "Car-B-Ques" that often happen in France are disproportionately black/Muslim.
There are so many threats - Islam, black dysfunction, parasite society norms, govt corruption. It is hard to say which is the greatest threat. You are right about white apathy and our refusal to see what is happening before our eyes will be our downfall.
Just this week I was writing about how gay marriage wasn't a very important issue. So now we have the question before us - is Islam important?
There are - I might suggest - a series of political issues that form a continuum from trivial to vital. Importance has several dimensions including severity, time horizon, and our ability to be influential.
Some examples:
Global Warming remains a hot issue for many - but for me. It is, I think, an issue for the fatuous and excitable. The predicted warming hasn't occurred. It's hard to believe that there is much of threat. So it scores low on severity. The time horizon is the end of the century. Personally I won't be around then but I'm content for the smarter, richer people of the future can handle it. Finally this is something that Americans citizens can do little about. China has surpassed us in greenhouse gases. India will soon also. These nation's are exempt from Kyoto.
So I would advise everyone to ignore Global Warming.
Islam is a severe problem in most of the world but not so much in the US. So the time horizon is largely in the future. Right now the average citizen should be reading up on Muslims. It doesn't help that the President is himself a Muslim. That means that the whole political apparatus of the Democratic Party is engaged in lying about Islam.
Finally there is the problem of blacks in our cities - the Paul Kersey problem as it were.
The problem is severe. I know this because America is in a gun buying frenzy to protect itself from black criminals. Yesterday's 'wilding' in Chicago is a case in point. The time horizon is yesterday-today-tomorrow. No problem could be more relevant and timely.
Lastly is there anything that an individual can do? I think the answer is yes but many readers of this blog despair.
Americans also have a diabetes problem. They seem to have gotten it by eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates. Those foods are all around us and they taste good - they are comforting. But now after decades of unwise eating Americans get diabetes. The first thing that you need to do then is to stop eating sugar. But that doesn't do much. It took decades for you to mess up your metabolism. You aren't going to turn it around overnight. But you must stop eating sugar immediately.
Similarly America has indulged in a 'feel good' racial ideology since the late fifties. Patriotic Americans like the sound of a phrase like "all men are created equal". They were willing to at least close their eyes to the overwhelming evidence that the races are anything but equal.
Now it's time to pay the piper. There is a penalty in life for believing false propositions. All around us America is suffering because we liked to delude ourselves with the notion that we could solve all the problems of the black population with good intentions and a lot of federal money.
It's time to wake up. It's time to reverse a lot of the 'reforms' of the last half century. It will probably take at least a half century.
For example we will need to re-establish school segregation. That won't be easy. Lots of fine Americans see that as anathema. But it must be done. Racial realists need to start now to "talk it up". Before we can get positive measures to address racial problems we have to overcome the tremendous momentum that gotten us where we are today.
We must at least stop eating the sugar. Start by saying to someone else soon (anyone will do) - "Black people are inferior".
These organized riots are a product of Obamaphones.
Let's face it folks, this "Cultural Diversity" thing just ain't working out.
To paraphrase Mr. Spock; "The misdeeds of the many outweigh the good deeds of the few, or the one."
Global Warming remains a hot issue for many - but for me. It is, I think, an issue for the fatuous and excitable. The predicted warming hasn't occurred.
Actually, it has accelerated, but the heat is going into the deep oceans for the moment. When they can no longer hold any more heat, the surface warming will return with a vengeance.
Just think how much less greenhouse gas the USA would emit if the cities were safe places to raise White children. We could commute and shop on electric street cars if Blacks and Mexicans weren't allowed on them. That was Detroit, circa 1920. It would also free us from most of the Muslim threat, by eliminating their flow of petrodollars. It's win/win/win.
Start by saying to someone else soon (anyone will do) - "Black people are inferior".
Black inferiority is a minor issue. The problem is that Blacks are DANGEROUS and HOSTILE.
I visited one of the new sites that had video of the Afro-teen "mob" action. They used 4 or 5 seconds of camera footage focused on a group of white kids walking along the street. They actually did that.
I have family in Shitcago. I’ve told them for years now, I’m not coming to your area to visit you. You either come to MY SAFE WHITE area or you won’t see me at all. They’re still in denial the extent of the negro problem. Every single day I worry about my blue-eyed blond relative either being carjacked or raped. She refuses to carry protection. She refuses to move out.
I have another family member near St. Louis, another negro hell hole. Refuses to leave. What can you do right? She could sell her paid off house for a decent sum and move to a better, whiter area. Won’t do it.
My Shitcago relative once hung up on me and called me a racistnaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews because I discussed the negro problem. We finally made up, but I told her I will NOT visit that town unless it’s for a funeral and only then I’ll be my guard 24/7. It’s that bad people.
I have family in Shitcago. I’ve told them for years now, I’m not coming to your area to visit you. You either come to MY SAFE WHITE area or you won’t see me at all. They’re still in denial the extent of the negro problem. Every single day I worry about my blue-eyed blond relative either being carjacked or raped. She refuses to carry protection. She refuses to move out.
I have another family member near St. Louis, another negro hell hole. Refuses to leave. What can you do right? She could sell her paid off house for a decent sum and move to a better, whiter area. Won’t do it.
My Shitcago relative once hung up on me and called me a racistnaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews because I discussed the negro problem. We finally made up, but I told her I will NOT visit that town unless it’s for a funeral and only then I’ll be my guard 24/7. It’s that bad people.
Ex New Yorker here......I was still living in New York City when the word WILDING first started being used. It was after the female jogger was raped by 16 "teens" in Central Park.
When the cops questioned the perps (all on video) on why they raped her they said "We be doing the WILD (wild thing) THANG". It was the local press that changed it to WILDING.
I became a very good
"street fighter" while living on the Lower East Side, but I will admit the memories of those years in the Jungle still haunt me. But oh well....I made it out alive.
TNB is TNB. Chickens scratch, pigs root, horses crap on the street. Yoots will be yoots, even "older yoots". Do the DWL duranties who pen this ridiculous lying BS for the Ministry of Truth have even an inkling of how completely absurd they have become?
But who is more obstinately stuck-on-stupid? The duranties who write such comical fables or the DWLs and "conservatives" who continue to buy their newspaper or the cable subscription, watch the Ministry of Truth television accounts, etc.? Are the "older yoots" holding guns to the heads of the millions of YTs who reliably pay the cable bills, newspaper subscriptions, etc.?
You know what's even funnier? DWLs think they're smarter than other YTs! After all, they (or their DWL parents) borrowed 5 to 6 figures from squid banksters for Tiffany to get a Masters degree in wymyn's studies taught by some TWMNBN dyke whose face resembles a snapping turtle in need of a face lift so she could work at a Ministry of Truth outlet for peanuts while living in the shiny, vibrant urban setting hoping for a Sex in the City lifestyle - maybe culminating in hooking up with an aspiring Hip-Hop artiste to re-enact Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Real geniuses there. The squids must be laughing so hard their tentacles are wet with tears.
Then there's the "opposition" - the "patriotic conservatives" who also worship at the altar of equality über alles (but don't quite realize it). They go to Superfun Rock-Band® churches pastored by Rick Warren wannabes which endlessly send missionaries to Africa, resettle Muslims in the Mid-West, and raise money for "Urban ministries". The attending "Tea-Party patriots" meanwhile enourage their offspring to sign up for the squid-owned military machine to make the ummah safe for feminism, sodomy and "free-market" banksterism, all the while while swallowing some dog-whistled Neo-Trotskyite BS about it being over a "clash of civilizations" - only to see their kid come home without arms or legs as the Neo-Trotskyites whose lies they endlessly fall for plan to bust the borders wide open for once and all to make the place a Soviet-style totalitarian "democracy".
In the words of former Congressman James Traficante: Beam me up, Mr. Speaker, there's no intelligent life down here! It's like watching endless re-runs of Idiocracy or Ground Hog Day. Are we really so sure the blacks are the ones with the low IQs here? Sorry for the rant, Paul. This really was a fine article. The first poster in response just proved your point big time.
If Islam had declared war on the US, the US would be gone by now. Not that Islam is such a powerful force for destruction, just that the US depends on the civility and cooperation of Muslim nations, and with passive opposition, our economy would have fallen by now. (Our economy is on the brink, has been for at least a decade, and even the government knows. See Confiscation of US bank accounts planned.)
I am not a fan of Islam, but I know enough to understand that there is as much variation in their beliefs (ranging from ultraconservative Salafis, traditional Sunnis, Shias and the new-age Alawites) as there is in Christianity. Just as it would be impossible for Christianity to declare war on Buddhism (imagine trying to get Pentecostals and Unitarians to agree), it is impossible for Islam to declare war on the US.
It would be possible for the US to turn itself into the enemy of all Islam by continuing to attack Islam as though it were a monolithic belief.
Our problems with Islam are cultural. Muslims without a lot of money come here and live in groups, dress funny, pray on the wrong day and at the wrong time, etc. I can live with that, just as I have learned to live with Catholics who go nuts over the Pope, Jews who are overly sensitive every time I use the word Jew, and even the damned Unitarians who drive up the price of coffee!
Every culture has developed according to its needs and resources. Even the Incas developed the technology they needed. Europeans are no better or worse than the Caucasians who inhabit Asia minor and the Indian sub-continent, just different. India gave us zero (literally 0) which supplanted awkward place holders, ancient Egyptians gave us arithmetic, fractions, and the computations of simple areas, Greeks gave us geometry, Arabs developed geometry into algebra, and of course Jews gave us double entry accounting and interest rate formulas. (Joke)
The development of civilization has been a world-wide cooperative effort. Jews were heavily involved in the development of nuclear physics for several reasons, including motivation (it was seen as a means to advance in society - much to their credit for believing that scientific advancement was a social value), habits of industriousness, not being bound by the conventional wisdom of stale occidental mindsets at university, but there is one more thing that is not generally appreciated. The educated Jews of that time formed close knit groups who made it possible to obtain samples of radioactive materials, even in small quantities. This material made it possible to do experiments. Not meant as a criticism, just to understand that cultural practices had an impact.
What have niggers given us? Murder and coverups.
Local official 6th arrest in Antonio Santiago murder.
This groid councilman tried to block the investigation.
"Teen wilding" and 'mischief' my @ss. This is evil without accountability disguised with the thin veil of 'organized chaos' by the 'yoofs'.
This is not acceptable in a civilized society and for every black person who cries, "I am a good parent and my children are well behaved; those people do not represent all black people!" My response is, "At what percentage do we have to arrive at before we say those 'crazy kids' do represent the majority of black people?"
'Da turrible, turrible lebacy ub da slabery' (hatip to the other anon here for that one lmao) is becoming the most pathetic, mendacious excuse under the sun. Whitey didn't make your lame @ss STUPID, lazy, cruel, bored, UGLY, obese, over-sexed, or criminal. You 'underprivileged' yourself by being BORN and no amount of train-wheels and handouts are going to teach a man to fish because you refuse even the most rudimentary skill-sets and internal and external decency and self-moderation to improve your lot.
NO MORE EXCUSING for evil, feral, backwards, nihilistic, cannibalistic, redundantly retarded behavior, black people.
The missing link is the weakest.
Mr. Rational said...
"Global Warming remains a hot issue for many - but for me. It is, I think, an issue for the fatuous and excitable. The predicted warming hasn't occurred."
Actually, it has accelerated, but the heat is going into the deep oceans for the moment. When they can no longer hold any more heat, the surface warming will return with a vengeance.
There are oscillations in the heat storage mechanisms. Average temperature climbs steadily every year but sometimes the heat is stored in the oceans and sometimes it's not.
The weak and wavering jet stream giving us all a long winter is caused by lower temperature difference between the temperate latitudes and the pole. The massive drought in the central, grain growing US is caused by global warming, and that is an effect experienced now. The increased heat in the oceans makes even Cat 1 storms larger and more energetic than historical Cat 3 storms. Wind speeds are lower, but the wind fields are immense and the unsurpassed rainfall amount devastate areas of the country that never experienced them before.
Global warming is happening now, and it will make for an interesting summer and fall.
Orwellian newspeak at its finest.
The media really is beneath contempt, and, I am now convinced, absolutely the enemy of any decent and intellectually honest person in this country.
@Anon 11:50: I was also living in NYC (Upper East Side) at the time of the incident you described. Didn't it happen on Dinkin's watch when crime spiralled through the roof?
This one for da YOUNG NIGGAZ!
"Yeah, most my niggas rob, they don't got a job" GUCCI!!!
"I got dem Young niggaz dat will hide your body parts"
"Pants saggin, flag hangin, I'm a young nigga"
"My pants saggin low like a young nigga, im pushin dro like a young nigga"
Hip-hop for LYYYFE!! GUCCI!
SBPDL said
The Magnificent Mile in Chicago is the Berlin Wall separating civilization from "what-ever-you-call-the-civilization-black-people-create-on-the-South-Side-of-the City."
We always called it niggertown.
Hey, blame the music industry for creating these "youths".
Check out this video about "young niggaz" by Gucci Mane and Waka Flocka Flame, two of Black cultures most popular figures.
THank you record industry and hippies saying that anything goes!
Now the USA is full of useless idiots calling themselves "niggaz"!
Check out the modern Black male in jail:
OJ by 50 Cent ft. Kidd Kidd (Official Music Video) | 50 Cent Music
This music video depicts a jail full of Black men. Welcome to the country where the people most in need of civilizing forces are allowed to imprison themselves.
Carolina Cicero said:
Chill, bleed, dey jes be wilding, kay?
Translation: What sort of morals do you except from those who were raised to believe that:
A)Everything is the white man's fault.
B)Don't sweat it, a little protesting, some guilt among the white liberals and they can have whatever they want.
Makes you wonder as our host has pointed out: What happens when the gummint goodies evaporate? When these cretins don't get anymore than the rest of us do?
All hell, yes.
Anonymous said :
"If Islam had declared war on the US, the US would be gone by now. Not that Islam is such a powerful force for destruction, just that the US depends on the civility and cooperation of Muslim nations, and with passive opposition, our economy would have fallen by now."
Wow this is some Grade A BULLSHIT, if I've ever seen it. I sincerely hope this is sarcasm. The US depends on the civility and cooperation of Muslims? Really anon? The U.S. does not need a god damn thing from the Muslim world and if we never interacted with them we would be much better off. I am assuming you are referring to our need for their oil, which is totally false. The US imports the majority of our oil from CANADA followed by Venezuela and then Mexico. Combined with the United States' own vast resources there is absolutely no need for middle eastern oil.
Regarding Global Warming, Mr. Rational is right. The latent heat is increasing in the oceans causing them to acidify. The increased acidity of the oceans is devastating coral reefs around the world as well as wreaking havoc with the bottom of the oceanic food chain. When you mess with the oceans you mess with global weather patterns. I do not subscribe to the idea that increases in man made C02 are to blame. Rather I blame the use of Chemtrails combined with HAARP. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than saying "water vapor" (C02) is to blame for the current change in weather patterns.
"The hilarity of the situation is that the state (those in charge of the city government of Chicago) is completely on the side of Spontaneous Blackness, handicapping the police in dealing with "The Great Migration" imported to the city. "
Damn the Elites are really, really good. Eventually one of these "wilding youths" will get blown away or stabbed to death on the streets of Chicongo (by a White male) and then it will truly be on. I think that the Elites are prodding and pushing us to see how much abuse we will take before we break. And then when we do break and fight back in force, the Elites will have the excuse they need to unleash Civil War 2 on Whitey. Just an observation.
Oh yeah Happy Fucking Easter
If White people had a country of our own, this wouldn't be happening.
The photo you used is very fitting.
Straight ahead is Tribune Tower, publisher of the Chicago Tribune. On the right is NBC Tower (where Jerry Springer Show was recorded). In front of both is Pioneer Court, a tribute I guess to where these "Urban Pioneers" are headed.
This is very interesting to hear of and explains the very muffled siren sound I was hearing for an hour last night while trying to watch a movie. I thought maybe a small fan I use, near a window I keep ajar that points in that direction, was unbalanced, going bad
When I went to the store last night around 9PM I noticed there were a lot more suspect looking individuals out and about than normal (I do not live far from the location of the disturbances). I attributed it to being the end of the month and that they were out hustling for money, but when I got to the supermarket, I realized "da first of da munt" came early.
While walking I was passed by "one who didn't look like a Macy's shopper" who was carrying a small Macy's bag. I assumed he had obtained it from rooting through someone's garbage. (When I am in the vicinity of one of these types of individuals, instead of walking faster, I intentionally slow my pace to a crawl. I want them in front of me where I can see them. If they slow up, I know the game, and I change my whole route or enter some place).
Anyways, Macy's is in Watertower Place which is just blocks from the Chicago/State CTA station. Located at Chicago and Dearborn (next block over) is the YMCA, it's a shitty corner to say the least. The McDonalds in the video is at Chicago and Rush and is as black as could be. There is a tiny park next to it that is nothing but a place where black people drink from bottles in bags.
Let's run some numbers. At least 500 (probably more like 1000+ as these numbers are always deflated), yet only 28 arrested, that is 5.6%. A 1 in 20 chance of being arrested when participating in a celebration of "gibsmedat". Over the course of a summer, a participant risks being arrested once statistically. Where is the deterent to participation?
As for this:
The incident started when a woman on the "L" asked one of the teens to put out a cigarette, authorities said, citing preliminary information.
Pure DWL stupidity.
Yes the weather is nice, but if it is starting this early, it is going to be a long nasty summer.
Ex New Yorker again.....I just want to say how I always enjoy the comments left by Annie Oakley, but the prize today goes to the RANT left by the great BOGOLYUBSKI. It took me 5 minutes to read it because I just couldn't stop laughing.
See, the problem is in the supervision, in the notion of "treating people equally",
Because Blacks are less civilized, they require more authoritarian,morality-centered culture in order to survive in Western Civilization. In other words, Black criminals must be exiled, and their culture guided out of all criminality, in order for Blacks as a whole to function.
Black men have been taught by Amoral/Nihilist White Ex-Druggy CEO's that the way to be manly is to sell drugs, end up in jail, and finally be clothed and fed by the state.
This is racism at its finest. Also, is not the whole rap idea of being glamorizing jail, being dependent on goverment and getting it on with "cellmates" frankly low homosexual culture?
My language idea for you Paul Kersey is this: Define Racism by EFFECT on the uplift of the race, not by intent.
Rap is racist.
Black culture only functions at all if the more civilized culture, White culture, takes the lead in removing influences that lower the Black race, and individual Black humans. In other words, Rappers are anti-human, against all human decency.
Savagery costs money to support, now that there is not enough money left in America, we need to attack the degenerate savagery.
The "nigga" must go. Restore White supervision and guidance of Black culture. That is step one.
Step to is a PENAL COLONY for career criminals, in Africa. This can happen, likely by 2030.
Bogolyubski is on fire! Put that comment in the archives. I'm saving it to a text file.
They can have the malignant mile and shitcago and their little twinkle toed commie fag mayor. Avoid the groid move out to the country.
What's with all the 'global warming' (ah, excuse me, it's 'climate change' now guys, try to keep up with the lefty propaganda machine, please) alarmists in this comment section? Remember 30 years ago when the biggest environmental catastrophe we faced was another Ice Age? And why is it that every U.N. prediction of catastrophic environmental destruction by the year 2000 has been completely, utterly, and spectacularly wrong? This is a site focusing on Black cultural misbehavior, NOT completely debunked radical environmentalist hooey.
As for Islam...yes it's a threat...but it would've been less of a present-day threat if we kept our noses out of those savages' business and stopped importing gobs of them into our country. This site focuses frequently on Detroit...how about taking a look of Dearbornistan, too?
You gotta love the following exchange on that link to chicago.cbslocal.com:
joey -> etecs • 5 hours ago −
chicago need Charles Bronson aka deathwish
Vicki Dorff-Payne -> joey • 5 hours ago −
Charles Bronson died.
sophia martin -> Vicki Dorff-Payne • 2 hours ago
Yes he did but
More white Americans have been murdered by blacks in the last five years than have been murdered by Muslims in two hundred years. Blacks are by far the largest physical threat to whites in America. Period.
anon @ 1355hrs remember the ozone hole back in the 70s?
Also, Pamela Geller and her ilk actually have NO problem with Muslim immigration (or even illegal immigration) into the West. She has NEVER called for an end to Muslim immigration. You see, as with all Leftists, there is no problem with the people themselves, its only their religious beliefs that are the problem.
She cant bring herself to admit that if you keep the people who harbor such beliefs out of the West the problem is solved. But oh no, that would be raaaaycis. Whatever.
Can you even begin to imagine the outcry we would be hearing now if just one of the white victims was armed and defended him or herself?
Happy fucking passover. Right back atcha. Negroes far far outweigh muslims as killers of whites in the US of A. No compaison.
"Older youths"
The shark has been jumped.
Never forget Reginald Denny.
Never forget Channon Christian and Christoper Newsom.
Never forget Antonio Santiago.
http://www.suntimes.com/19185539-761/police-grandson-killed-robbed-72-year-old-man-who-was-headed-to-dialysis.html More apery from the land of niggerville
Can you even begin to imagine the outcry we would be hearing now if just one of the white victims was armed and defended him or herself?
Yes - it happened when George Zimmerman protected himslef from Obamas son Trayvon Martin.
Damn, Bogolyubski, just when I thought you'd peaked you go ahead and raise the bar further still. Kudos!
In the United States in 2005, the FBI documented that 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black men. Thirty seven thousand four hundred sixty white women or girls were sexually assaulted by black males in one year.
How many were raped by Muslims?
I discussed this with Lawrence Auster several years ago. We were discussing why it is that Jews, even here in America, still perceive Muslims as a bigger threat than blacks when the facts vastly prove otherwise. His opinion was that most Jews feel some kind of bizarre kinship (which isn't reciprocated) with blacks since Jews were once slaves to the Babylonians thousands of years ago. And that most Jews overlook black on white crime even when they themselves are just as likely to be victims of it.
I have Jewish friends, generally support Israel, a fan of Michael Savage, and so on but I do not get Geller and company.
What's the big idea of talking about blacks and muslims as two distinct groups?
Bogolyubski, you must be a Mark Hackard and a Matt Taibbi fan.
Full Auto, the Muzzies and Blacks are the shock troops of TWMNBN.
Paul. Gets. It!
Some of our fellow posters apparently must have a boogyman whether it is Islam or Globull Warming. Each are a distraction better than anything proposed in "Report From Iron Mountain." Each is heavily promoted by TWMNBN.
Kathy M. noted that Geller, for all her anti-Islam rants, has no problem with Muslim immigration. The reason is that TWMNBN benefits from the distractions of Islamic immigration as well as anti Islam hysteria. It is all in the same pattern as TWMNBN support/guidance of civil rights and other myriad leftist causes. Divide and distract YT.
Dead wrong on Mohammedanism not being a threat.
Negros were destroying and killing in 1941, but that didn't mean that the Nazis weren't a threat.
countenance (March 31, 2013 at 9:41 AM):
"Islam is a threat. It's just that in modern America, it's not the most acute and constant threat. That honor goes to the black undertow primarily and the Reconquista Gang secondarily."
No, no, no. Today's politics are the no. 1 threat. Including today's societal values and ethics (or lack thereof. That is, Cultural Marxism - the poisonous mixture of Progressivism, Socialism, Corporatism, Globalism, Humanism, so called Liberalism...
True civilisation can handle almost everything. But as it turns out, it can't handle - or even co-exist with - Cultural Marxism.
To any sober, well-functioning society, Islam wouldn't pose a significant threat. Neither would the blacks. Nor would mass (illegal or legal) immigration.
We, viz. the worst generations of the peoples in the West, have voted and worked for this madness - or at least failed to vote or work to avoid it. We get what they wanted. Is it fair? Not the very least.
Mr. Rational (March 31, 2013 at 10:38 AM):
"Black inferiority is a minor issue. The problem is that Blacks are DANGEROUS and HOSTILE."
Well, isn't that somehow included in the inferiority?
It's beyond belief that anyone would consider Muslims in caves can plot to put us under Sharia law.
By the way, remember the stories of those heavily fortified caves in Afghanistan? The ones with sophisticated repair shops, heating/air conditioning, power generators, ammo dumps, communications etc.? The ones our "leaders" said demonstrated the seriousness of the "Clash of Civilizations"? Caves that were supposedly built by the CIA or the Soviets during the Afghan wars in the 1980's.
Has ANYONE seen any evidence that these caves existed? I would think the media would have been all over this one - if they existed.
Could we have been lied to?
'Just think how much less greenhouse gas the USA would emit if the....'
Think what US would be like if 1965 imm act had not passed...
US would be 80-85% White?
yes 35 million blacks [we have imported 4-10 million blacks]
noy much asians or mexicans.
no multi cult
Muslims are a threat. Particularly in Europe because they have been welcomed in by the millions. They aren't as much of a threat in America simply because we don't have many of them here. Blacks are the major perpetrators of crimes against whites here.
The key is and always has been keeping racial aliens out of your territorial boundaries. Japan's miniscule crime rate is a direct function of its homogeneity.
What's with all the 'global warming' (ah, excuse me, it's 'climate change' now guys, try to keep up with the lefty propaganda machine, please) alarmists in this comment section?
You mean, us regulars who agree with scientists instead of talk-radio hosts (just like we agree with race-realist scientists like Shockley, Rushton and Watson)? We're, uh, regulars, but we don't usually talk about this stuff here because it doesn't come up and it's usually off-topic. But when one is accustomed to challenging orthodoxies with evidence, you don't tend to draw neat ideological boundaries.
Remember 30 years ago when the biggest environmental catastrophe we faced was another Ice Age?
If you read the actual paper which started that (I have), it says that there was no sign of renewed glaciation. Everything else was hype to sell magazines. Obviously it worked, because you remember the hype and not the science.
As for Islam...yes it's a threat...but it would've been less of a present-day threat if we kept our noses out of those savages' business and stopped importing gobs of them into our country.
Kept them out of the USA, certainly (you can blame Teddy Kennedy and his immigration changes of 1965 for admitting boatloads of Arabs and other "diverse" threats and troubles). But when Texas ceased being the world's swing producer in 1970 (right on schedule, as Hubbert predicted) control of world oil prices passed to Saudi Arabia, and when the Arabs lost the Yom Kippur war (attempted genocide) in 1973 they made sure the world felt their anger by turning off the taps. The USA used oil for everything back then; in 1973, it even accounted for 17% of US electricity generation. The way we had been going, the Arabs were a threat to us just by the economic ties.
It doesn't matter if our oil comes from Canada or Qatar, there's a world market for it and by using oil we feed money to those who pump it. Money is power as always. Right now N. America is an isolated backwater for natural gas and electricity, so all the true economic patriots are driving on wall power or CNG. I'm not one of them... yet.
remember the ozone hole back in the 70s?
It's still there, just not in the news any more.
The reason is that TWMNBN benefits from the distractions of Islamic immigration as well as anti Islam hysteria.
TWMNBN appear to believe that they benefit from a country which cannot come together to oppose them. The idea of a Balkanized hellhole where every other faction hates them separately doesn't seem to occur to them; in their minds, it's still 1938 and the threat is "nationalism" (not socialism, which they love) whatever the nation.
Imagine there's no Negroes
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living in safety
Imagine there's no Muslims
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no Islam too
Imagine all the people living life in peace
You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And our people will be as one
Imagine no Hispanics
I wonder if you can
No need for rape and pillage
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all our people sharing all our land!
You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And our people will live as one
A 1 in 20 chance of being arrested when participating in a celebration of "gibsmedat". Over the course of a summer, a participant risks being arrested once statistically. Where is the deterent to participation?
I should fix this and say:
A 1 in 20 chance of being arrested when participating in a weekly celebration of "gibsmedat". Over the course of from now until the end of summer, a "celebrant of gibsmedat" risks being arrested only once statistically. Where is the deterrent to participation?
None of then ever from what I know have been arrested with a gun so far. Sooner or later someone is going to bring a gun and it is going to be a blood bath as Michigan Avenue is always a crowded mess of idiots, a mess I avoid.
I'll "multi-cult" with the Asians any day and the 'spanics on a really good day but whites and the nig-nogs are like oil and water.
Dang. It's really happening.
It's really going down this spring and summer.
Well, I guess we're all getting our wish, one way or another.
I know what I wish for.
Best to you and yors
The White guiltmongers are making a Jackie Robinson movie called 42.
Mr Rational
Actually, it has accelerated, but the heat is going into the deep oceans for the moment. When they can no longer hold any more heat, the surface warming will return with a vengeance.
This is just the latest nonsensical attempt by the warmistas to explain the lack of warming. It's, er, gone for a swim.
The Hungarian scientist Ferenc Miscolkzi, who works for NASA, has used radiosonde and satellite data with the Schwarzschild-Milne transfer equation to model radiative heat transfer in the atmosphere and has proven that CO2 in the atmosphere does not behave in the way the warmistas claim. In short, it's a very weak greenhouse gas, to the extent that that term has very little meaning. His work has led to the discovery of a new physical constant, the Miscolkzi Constant. In a sane world this work would win him a Nobel Prize in physics.
The global climate is entering a 30 year cooling period courtesy of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. The sun has also been behaving oddly - solar cycle 24 is very weak - and appears to be approaching an important solar minimum. There is going to be significant global cooling for at least several decades.
Compare the lyrics to the two songs:
Alabama's "40 Hour Week"
There are people in this country who work hard every day
Not for fame or fortune do they strive
But the fruits of their labor are worth more than their pay
And it's time a few of them were recognized
Hello Detroit auto worker, let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin', just to send it on down the line
Hello Pittsburgh steel mill worker, let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin', just to send it on down the line
This is for the one who swings the hammer, driving home the nail
For the one behind the counter, ringing up the sales
For the one who fights the fires, the one who brings the mail
For everyone who works behind the scenes
You can see them every morning in the factories and the fields
In the city streets and the quiet country towns
Working together like spokes inside a wheel
They keep this country turning around
Hello Kansas wheat field farmer, let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin', just to send it on down the line
Hello West Virginia coal miner, let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin', just to send it on down the line
This is for the one who drives the big rig, up and down the road
For the one out in the warehouse, bringing in the load
For the waitress, the mechanic, the policeman on patrol
For everyone who works behind the scenes
With a spirit you can't replace with no machine
Hello America let me thank you for your time
Now this one, by Chapter Jackson:
"It's free, swipe yo EBT"
It’s free!
Swipe Yo EBT Free!
Swipe Yo EBT It’s free!
Swipe Yo EBT Free!
Swipe Yo EBT It’s free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
The state of California I need to warn you
Free welfare free dental free food
Mama say’s she can’t take me to school
Why am I hungry and we get free food
Free housing free day care free clothes
This is where the tax payer money goes
Ooh a bugger in my nose We all share chonees and socks
Didn’t mamma’s check come in the mailbox?
All you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you’re getting the big bucks
But all you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you’re getting the big bucks
All you have to do is fuck
And 9 months later you’re getting the big bucks
But all you have to do is fuck
It’s free! Swipe Yo EBT Free!
Swipe Yo EBT
It’s free! Swipe Yo EBT Free!
Swipe Yo EBT It’s free!
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
Verse Two
California wake up If they don’t get they’re money
And And And And
Because I
They’re going to kick Yo butt At the county building standing in line It’s to late they’re not passing out Anymore vouchers for section 8 It’s to late they’re not passing out Any more vouchers for section 8 They turned me away
All you have to do is fuck 9 months later you’re getting the big bucks
But all you have to do is fuck 9 months later you’re getting the big bucks
All you have to do is fuck 9 months later you’re getting the big bucks
But all you have to do is fuck 9 months later you’re getting the big bucks
It’s free! Swipe Yo EBT Free!
Swipe Yo EBT
It’s free! Swipe Yo EBT Free!
Swipe Yo EBT It’s free!
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
Now yall need to be sitting here now
Let’s go get this money
Man I want some subway
Hot Cheetos
Some Starburst
Fish and French fries
Some Jolly Rancher
A mamma! What? Did they approve us for section 8
don’t want go to Granny’s house anymore, anymore! I want some airheads
Hot Cheetos I want some nachos Oh I want some pizza
Noodles- Ravioli Ohh!
I want a pickle with some Kool-Aid
See that’s just ghetto
You’ll want too much stuff I want everything in the store
It’s free! Swipe Yo EBT Free!
Swipe Yo EBT
It’s free! Swipe Yo EBT Free!
Swipe Yo EBT It’s free!
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
You had me to get it all free
Saw the trailer for 42 the other night at the movies. Nearly made me throw up. The orcs want it all - everything we've created is for them to exploit and if we don't give it to them on a platter, we're the bad guys.
Saw Bob Costas's eulogy for Stan Musial. Same crap from him about discrimination against the poor Negroes. Hell, let them build their own leagues and leave us the hell alone.
Hell, if we're so bad, why don't they build their own grand civilizations and leave us alone?
We all know the answer to that.
Anonymous said...
Imagine there's no Negroes
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living in safety
Great perversion of lyrics written by one of the biggest pieces of shit ever.
If White people had a Country of our own, this would not be happening.
Jim Crow, bring it back.
rjp said...Great perversion of lyrics written by one of the biggest pieces of shit ever.
You dont like John Lennon? I was born after he died but I heard about him. I like more modern pop music.
Personally I see John Lennon in the same way I see Justin Bieber. 5-10 years from now we'll have another young teen idol/hearttrob.
I don't think Yoko Ono to be attractive.
A friend of mine was contemplating moving to Chicago for a job and I sent him the link to this website. Suffice to say, he will not be moving to Chicago. I think America really has no idea what is going on in our cities.
"Young people" is a code word for negro thugs.
Is it any wonder why Chicago has only built 1 skyscraper with a rooftop height of over 1,000ft. in last 4 decades?
By comparison, Hanoi Vietnam is building their second 1,100+ft. tower in the last 5 years.
It was islamic scum who destroyed the Twin Towers, but it's blacks who have effectively destroyed the Chicago Spire and many other exciting developments in our country.
I recently read "Escape from Detroit" and one the most memorable passages was on how Whites aspired to transform Detroit into a city akin to the Jetsons, whereas blacks have rapidly degraded it into a violent version of the Flintstones.
The big-jawed little-brained people that breed like rats are going to degrade every city in which they have large numbers.
"It's Free, Swipe Your EBT", the video, is in the archives of this site.
Stephen notes:
The White guiltmongers are making a Jackie Robinson movie called 42.
Pursuant to the point of my rant from earlier, the DWLs (probably TWMNBN) who are making this movie would probably lose money on it if no YTs attended.
Even pepper spray and mace are illegal in many cities, like NYC. However, it's not illegal to carry a can of Raid bug spray. I bet it's much more effective on the urban cockroaches than mace or pepper spray. Imagine getting blasted in the face by some of that. You could send a whole gaggle of them scurrying away.
Heat from global warming is going to the bottom of the oceans? Where do you people come up with this BS? Heat rises. Do you have any facts to back up your assertions? If the oceans are warming, it would be due to the undersea volcanoes, which produce millions of times more heat and energy than anything ever created by man.
Dead wrong on Mohammedanism not being a threat.
Negros were destroying and killing in 1941, but that didn't mean that the Nazis weren't a threat.
The Nazis WEREN'T a Threat... to us. They couldn't even take out England when it was fighting them by itself. There is no plausible scenario under which you could argue that the Nazis, in 1941, fighting the Soviets, were a threat to the only people who should matter in US government thinking, US.
That they were a definite threat to Europeans and minorities in Europe is undoubted. Not the problem we faced.
"Has ANYONE seen any evidence tha t these caves existed? I would think the media would have been all over this one - if they existed.
YES! many of us over here have seen the caves being hit by multiple rockets, the first to take out the doors and the next to take out the interior and/or cause a cave in..cave ins were rather rare as the mountains are super hard, especially when water is used to harden the interior surfaces like thick glass.
EBT video .....
I had to check it out.
If you do, turn down your sound volume first. Way down.
I hate dragging this OT stuff on any longer, but some people won't give it up.
This is just the latest nonsensical attempt by the warmistas to explain the lack of warming. It's, er, gone for a swim.
It is being measured directly. There are many more opportunities to fudge UCR data to hide Black criminality than this.
The Hungarian scientist Ferenc Miscolkzi, who works for NASA, has used radiosonde and satellite data with the Schwarzschild-Milne transfer equation to model radiative heat transfer in the atmosphere...
There's a summary of the paper with many links at Real Climate Wiki (the first decent English-language hit I got in a search). This is the money quote:
"b. The Virial Theorem. People who know about this scratch their heads here, because it is a principle which can be important in stars, but applied to Earth just describes the hydrostatic balance of the atmosphere. Dr Miskolczi’s statement is totally mystifying - he says that because of some relation between energies, two fluxes must have a certain relation. No-one can work that out."
What's going on here is that a scientist wrote something which bears no relation to reality and managed to get it published based on the unsupported but politically desirable conclusion. This is EXACTLY what's been going on in anthropology and sociology for the last century, pushing Human Neurological Uniformity. You shouldn't be falling for it in any field.
Teen women? They are girls. Oh, he is afraid to use the word girl. I left America long ago, and months go by without my having to look at a black person, but I predict White Riots if this continues. White people will defend themselves. You can only push us so far. One of the reasons I left New York was the "bumping" by black males on the street. Bernhard Goetz was not the only angry White man; many are out there, holding their tempers, but armed and becoming increasingly fed up.
I can't wait for someone who is attacked to fire back with their licensed concealed carry gun, probably someone from out of state... and when they try to arrest him or her and throw the book at them, there will be so much anger over that injustice that the state will finally pass a concealed carry law.
Paul, I heard that the mob was planned weeks in advance on social media. Yet we are told that blacks cannot afford computers and internet. What a joke.
They planned the mob attack weeks in advance, and the police weren't ready for them? Stores weren't informed and prepared to go to lockdown? Subway stations weren't closed to stop the thugs from heading to the scene?
This suggests that the Chicago PD are utterly incompetent. CTA, being Black-dominated, can be considered enemy collaborators.
It's not the legacy of slavery it's the legacy of MLK.
Imagine. It's only March and all this has started up already. Just wait until the Zimmerman trial is over. Then, things really get wild if the negroes don't get the verdict they want. That has nothing to do with justice-just with the verdict they want and will be "satisfied" with.
Otherwise, look out! Numerous stores will be looted by mobs seeking "justice for Treyboon." Those big screen tv's, sneakers and other items will really make them feel better about it all.
Any white person foolish enough to be out on the street near groid infested areas and not carrying a concealed weapon will be attacked and brutalized if not killed outright. People have already been killed by groids who were ooking and eeking about Treyboon as the reason for it.
Long hot summer, indeed! I wonder how the MSM will cover the story when 40 year old groids are involved in the rioting? It's going to be hard for them to print, " A youth of advanced age was arrested while beating a woman to death after having robbed a store. As the woman lay bleeding on the sidewalk covered in her own blood, the other outraged youths of advanced age protested the brutality of the racist police as the suspect's wrists were handcuffed too tightly and he complained of being "hurt." The suspect also said the reason he robbed the store and attacked the woman is that the store is known to "disrespek" blacks folks and the woman called him a nigger." Update: The relatives of the youth of advanced age arrested yesterday claim he is innocent of all charges, the video is faked and he is a good boy who wuz turnin' his life around and wuz an aspirin' rapper."
Wouldn't surprise me a bit.
the chancellor of Germany not to long ago DECLARED DIVERSITY wasn't working out here in GERMANY! I almost fell over when a big-time political person just blurts of the god damned truth. and she did so not on accident either. to hell with muslims. they are CAVEMEN and they will never change, just like the blacks in this country! so one way of dealing with the muslim hoard is to stop them at the water front. before they have a chance to act like the poor negroes and to become just like them. theory of mine. blacks use slavery as their tool to extract money from whites. well the muslim pigs will use their go to moment. 9-11! this will be a thorn in the white-mans side for decades! heart sting moments are to be used against the white-man for extracting their money! even a blind man can see this one coming people. GODSPEED&SEGREGATION NOW!
White flash mob: video
Black flash mob:video
If Islam is a threat,it isn't an immediate one for me.When I see the deterioration of the neighborhood(south side Chicago)I've lived in most of my life,I wish I had Arab and Paki neighbors.Its not Muslims that cause me to disregard Chicago's gun ban when I leave the house/bunker.Blacks and hispanics have turned what used to be a wonderful city into a nightmare of violence,crime and filth.Chicago used to be called a city of neighborhoods.There was actual DIVERSITY in this city at one time with different neighborhoods offering interesting sights,sounds,restaurants,parks,festivals etc.Now most of this town looks like a scene from a bad Planet of the Apes film.The northwest side is still safe and habitable(White),and until recently downtown was still fun to visit.Really,if Chicago were to become an Islamic state at this point its an improvement.
Driver chimps out, plows hooptie into wally world.
but these are...
The Term "Nigger"
BTW when I suggested that people become comfortable with saying aloud the phrase "Black people are inferior" that's a specific stratagem. It is not intended to be the worst thing you might possibly say.
I don't call homosexuals queers and I don't call blacks niggers. Nor do I call them chimps or groids. If I intend to influence others who hold traditional liberal attitudes towards black people, these terms will just make them reject me. They will not change their thinking.
There are at least several tens of millions of Americans who need to be educated about race. These are the people who believe that science triumphed over prejudice and bigotry with "Brown vs. Board of Education". Actually the science introduced in that case was flat out wrong as subsequent studies have shown. Science and reasoning are on our side, the racial realists.
I don't call anyone a 'queer' but I look forward to the day when there are no more homosexuals. I try to be polite but press for a long term solution. That's my approach to blacks too.
So I don't say 'Nigger' but not because I think it's so terrible a word. In fact it was not originally intended as a racial slur but just as a simple racial description. There are real hate terms. That is, words that were crafted specifically as insults. Some are - "Spic", "Greaser", "Honky" etc.
But nigger was just a variant of negro, meaning black. The word got such a bad reputation because the people to whom it referred had such a bad reputation themselves.
Nasty terms towards other people fade if those people become successful. When I was a teen people used the term "Jap". It connoted cheap and shoddy. But the Japs soon became the Japanese when Americans learned how good their cars were. You don't hear the term "Chink" much anymore either. China, Hong Kong, and Singapore's economies have managed that. But blacks fail at everything, everywhere. They can't earn the right to be spoken of respectfully, so the government has to issue guidelines to make us all 'talk nice'.
What to call black people? One problem is that the naming fashion keeps changing. This is similar to what some government programs and agencies have to do periodically. They change their name to try to escape all the negative connotations that have built up around their original name. For example the Welfare Department became the Social Services Department then the Income Maintenance Department and now something else again. The Unemployment Department became the Employment Development Department and then the Human Resources Department. Similarly niggers became darkies then Negroes then blacks and now African-Americans.
Successful products, groups and organizations keep their original names. Indeed companies defend their trademarked name. Ford is still called Ford. Whites are still called whites. But failing governmental agencies and failing races have to keep changing their names so as to keep ahead of their reputations.
I don't use the term nigger in public discourse because I can't explain all of that before they stop listening. Use the term nigger and the ears of many whites will immediately slam shut. They mark you down as a troglodyte and disregard whatever else you might have to say.
I think racial realists should be disciplined in their speech. I'm not criticizing anyone, but that's my advice. We should avoid being easily dismissed because of our choice of terms.
Hey, don't bag on Ms. Gellar. She's 100% correct. Just because you don't see what she sees doesn't make her wrong.
RAID flying insect killer. I keep a can next to my front door. It can drop a 300 lb. bumper lip and have him rolling on the ground at 20". I also keep a can in the car for those pesky "older youth's".
"If White people had a country of our own, this wouldn't be happening."
A couple of people have posted this same comment. This is not coincidence. The line has been proposed as a mantra for White nationalists. I posted a link to the relevant site, but it didn't make it through moderation, apparently. Maybe the owner of the site is persona non grata at this site; if so, it would be disappointing. I know he makes a lot of enemies (but he writes good fiction). That kind of pettiness is beneath you, Paul, and I hope I'm mistaken.
"Hey, don't bag on Ms. Gellar. She's 100% correct. Just because you don't see what she sees doesn't make her wrong."
Correct about what?
Has she ever, EVER argued that eliminating immigration from Muslim nations would immediately end the threat of Islam-Fascism?
What part in the destruction of Detroit did Muslims play? Milwaukee? Indianapolis? How about the violence in Chicago, where there are more than 100,000 gang-members controlling large sections of the city?
A very good post. I riff on the "Teen" terminology and link to this here:
Mr. Rational:
They planned the mob attack weeks in advance, and the police weren't ready for them? Stores weren't informed and prepared to go to lockdown? Subway stations weren't closed to stop the thugs from heading to the scene?
This suggests that the Chicago PD are utterly incompetent. CTA, being Black-dominated, can be considered enemy collaborators.
The attacks may well have been co-ordinated from Rahm's office, perhaps some division of the DHS. Really, when have you heard of groids planning much of anything in history? There's a reason for all those Obamaphones, just as there's a reason for the purchase of billions of rounds of ammo and tens of thousands of real assault rifles (the kind that fire more than one round when the trigger is pulled).
The police in Emmanuelville are deliberately understaffed and certainly not informed of such activity. This was a rehearsal - a practice session for what is coming later. The Ministry of Truth will be trotting out all the usual bromides in response to this (more tax dollars for yoot programs, community organizers, etc., more gun control, more draconian police-state laws on the books). What took place yesterday was a perfect example of anarcho-tyranny in action.
I left America long ago, and months go by without my having to look at a black person, but I predict White Riots if this continues. White people will defend themselves. You can only push us so far. One of the reasons I left New York was the "bumping" by black males on the street. Bernhard Goetz was not the only angry White man; many are out there, holding their tempers, but armed and becoming increasingly fed up.
I see remarks like this fairly often, and wish it were true. I have serious doubts about it, though. Look at what they've done (and are doing) in South Africa. It's actual full-blown genocide, with a groid dear leader who openly calls for extermination of whites. Are whites (still 3 million in SA) resisting? No.
There are still plenty of whites who support the regime by: a) serving in the police, military and intel units - tracking, arresting and even killing the few whites who are attempting to form a resistance; b) paying taxes; c) obeying totalitarian laws such as gun control; d) participating in the rigged economy; e) implementing racial preference policies against other whites. Boer farmers, who have literally the most lethal job on earth, continue to hire groid workers instead of whites because they will work for less - living proof of Marx's famous adage about businessmen (they'll sell you the rope today which will be used to hang them tomorrow). The list goes on and on. These are white South Africans I'm referring to, not some dumbass DWL in Emmanuelville.
Their mindset is truly mind-boggling. And the MSM practically encourages them! Good Lord, "youths'? 'older youths'? What happened to the days when you could call a spade a spade (because that's what it is!) without this PC, 'its raycisss' garbage?
In other news- the comments of ATL residents in the black areas, regarding the APS cheating indictments are utterly outrageous (but not surprising). AJC removed their comment section, per usual but there were some great comments there. Here is a small sample. 'Terci' is the shining example of why we must re-segregate.
I thought the Northeast was infested but now, I'm living in ATL and it is like living in Africa. I swear they are dumber and more violent down here.
Yankee in N. Fulton
rjp - regarding your Pure DWL stupidity comment. I read an article in Drudge that described the 27-year old woman and her mother having dinner in a Chinese restaurant and boarding the train, only to be surrounded by teens, one of whom was blowing smoke in her face and flicking ashes on her. I got the impression that the two were Asian. What would you suggest her response be other than not living in Chicago or riding the trains?
Anonymous Idiot said...
rjp - regarding your Pure DWL stupidity comment. .... What would you suggest her response be other than not living in Chicago or riding the trains?
There are ways to avoid the groids on the L. And buses are generally a safer option.
Never be in the middle of the station. The groids, or teens as you call them, like to congregate in the center. Usually the safest area is the far front of the station, but in some cases it is the far rear. When it is the far rear, another problem presents itself as the groids intent on mischief prefer the rear cars.
I have not read the story linked by Drudge, but it would be my guess these two were already targeted and should have "changed the plan" long before this incident ever happened.
The key is to always be aware of one's situation and surroundings.
Teen women? Sluts, skanks, whores, bimbos, round heels, etc. Not women in the human sense.
OT: Comic relief. Two TWERKING daughters post raunchy FB video, then get their asses cable-whipped by dad:
I could not stop laughing at this.
Yankee in N. Fulton said ....
In other news- the comments of ATL residents in the black areas, regarding the APS cheating indictments are utterly outrageous (but not surprising). ... 'Terci' is the shining example of why we must re-segregate.
Instructional Coach, testing coordinator, SRT-4 Executive Director, Success For All coordinator.
Make-work jobs?
"terci" is the classic example of the pseudo-educated Black. Her grammar is horrible and her constant malapropisms are stereotypical. For her to be called an "educator" is the height of absurdity.
I tried to reply to her, but the site appears to require Facebook to comment.
@AnalogMan -
Yep, no mention must be made of that other writer.
He would find it ironic, I'm sure.
It's beyond me how anyone can compare a religion of 1.5 billion people to a race. I'm sure everyone on this site is a race realist who believes in the biology of race. Genetics dictate behavior. As far as I know Islam doesn't alter your DNA.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2ycLwXSxt4 Here is their goal spelled out by a member of that "special" tribe you aren't allowed to criticize. Anti-white racism explained in less than 4 minutes.
"If White people had a country of our own, this wouldn't be happening."
White people owned the world and threw it away in two World Wars fought amongst themselves. You don't get a do over. The age of white predominance is never coming back. To you it may sound harsh but it's the bald fact.
Anonymous said...
As far as I know Islam doesn't alter your DNA.
It's the inbreeding.
Mr. Rational
I hate dragging this OT stuff on any longer, but some people won't give it up.
It's relevant as AGW is just one more element of the cultural Marxism that has inflicted BRA on us all. I think of it as the collectivist-environmental complex.
The NOAA data you linked to is just one more example of the context-less short term rising trend lines you guys use to scare the muppets. To prove I can play the link game, here's one for you: Ocean-Heat-Content-Based Model By German Scientists Shows Continued Global Cooling Ahead.
What's going on here is that a scientist wrote something which bears no relation to reality and managed to get it published based on the unsupported but politically desirable conclusion.
Politically desirable conclusion? Miscolkzi lost his job at NASA over his work. There are billions of taxpayer dollars fueling the warming hoax while anyone pursuing the truth risks their careers and their livelihoods.
This is EXACTLY what's been going on in anthropology and sociology for the last century, pushing Human Neurological Uniformity. You shouldn't be falling for it in any field.
You forgot to mention the Apollo moon landings. Also, you have your wires crossed. The people pushing Human Neurological Uniformity are the SAME people pushing the AGW hoax.
A little history. Global warming was dreamed up at the 1975 Endangered Atmospheres conference organized by Margaret Mead. The conference attendees (including John Holdren, now President Obama's science advisor) were tasked with developing the scientific evidence to support a variety of promising environmental scares that could be used as clubs with which to beat the developed world. Global warming proved to be the winning ticket.
After her election in 1979 UK Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher seized on this new idea - global warming - as a way to increase her own status. Maggie was a degreed chemist and her advisors thought a science-based issue would be one she could effectively use to her advantage in the European political community. Maggie funded the UK's Hadley Climatic Research Unit (Hadley CRU) and elevated global warming to the level of a major international policy issue. Hadley CRU had their marching orders and proceeded to come up with the "evidence." And with that a gigantic gravy train left the station that is still rolling to this day. The pols love the warming hoax because the muppets will smile while paying yet another new tax. Saving the planet one carbon tax at a time. What's not to like?
In other news, there's nothing too impenetrable about Miscolkzi's work. He has shown that CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas and that the planetary atmosphere has NEGATIVE feedbacks that control global temperatures in a narrow range.
Anonymous said...
Genetics dictate behavior. As far as I know Islam doesn't alter your DNA.
April 1, 2013 at 4:28 PM
A thousand plus years of cousin marriage says you're mistaken.
Anonymous said...
Paul, I heard that the mob was planned weeks in advance on social media. Yet we are told that blacks cannot afford computers and internet. What a joke.
April 1, 2013 at 3:51 AM
Somehow, I doubt that. They don't plan ahead; we know that. Future time orientation - they don't have it. It was more likely spur-of-the-moment, brought on by the mild weather. They all have stolen phones, or at least free obamaphones.
Anonymous said...
"If White people had a country of our own, this wouldn't be happening."
White people owned the world and threw it away in two World Wars fought amongst themselves. You don't get a do over. The age of white predominance is never coming back. To you it may sound harsh but it's the bald fact.
April 1, 2013 at 5:25 PM
Nothing's over until WE say it is. You're welcome to stay away...especially if you're a black troll.
“They assaulted a Chicago police officer who was on a mounted horse."
-- Did anyone else think of that scene from the Walking Dead? I bet that's what that looked like. I hope that horse is okay.
Anonymous said..."'Older youths'...Orwellian newspeak at its finest."
-- Good catch!
Last weekend I was watching some Mystery Science Theater 3000 shorts that were spoofing 1950s educational reels. As a Generation Y member, watching the world of 1950 was like pure science fiction. It was a whole other universe.
Annie Oakley, I completely understand where you're coming from. I have the same problem with the women in my friend, family, and co-worker circle.
What baffles me is how uninterested they are in their own survival. Is it they don't think it can happen to them?
I'm not a genius. I'm not special. Becoming a race realist was the most natural conversion I ever experienced. I didn't have any "dialogues" with myself on race. I didn't research the "source" of the problem or take into consideration poverty, education, or whatever lame DWL excuse for black dysfunction.
To me, when I woke up, it was quite simple: black people hate me, hate my race and hate my ancestors. They enjoy torturing and killing white people and animals. I don't want to be murdered (or worse) and I don't want to see my race destroyed. I don't appreciate animals being tortured and killed either.
What's so difficult about this??? They're the enemy, and I'm going to treat them as such. Why do Annie, the people here, and I see "IT" but others can't or refuse to? This is truly a baffling, almost existential question.
AGW is just one more element of the cultural Marxism that has inflicted BRA on us all.
AGW science goes back to the 1896 paper by Svante Arrhenius and the pioneering bolometric work of John Tyndall in the 1860's. It predates the Frankfurt School and the Fabian society. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Marxist AGW policies are Marxist by definition as well as by pedigree, which you can see by their boilerplate about redistribution of wealth to the third world. That's a completely different thing. A non-Marxist AGW policy would do things like embargo imports from countries building new coal-fired powerplants, and eliminating all immigration from third-world countries because such immigrants radically increase their fuel consumption when they get here. This fits just fine with race-realism.
Politically desirable conclusion? Miscolkzi lost his job at NASA over his work.
Michael Bellesisles and Ward Churchill lost their positions over academic fraud too. That's how it's supposed to work. In Miscolkzi's case it looks like pure incompetence; NASA was paying him to produce science, meaning understandable and verifiable results.
The people pushing Human Neurological Uniformity are the SAME people pushing the AGW hoax.
Self-evident nonsense. Do you see climate scientists teaching Boasian anthropology or bogus biology? Do you see them in front of ethnic grievance groups anywhere? You do not.
What you have failed to do is FOLLOW THE MONEY. The claims that AGW is a hoax come from PR firms financed by coal, oil and gas interests. There is a huge amount of money changing hands in fossil fuels. A million BTU of natural gas that sells for $3.75 at the Henry hub costs an efficient electrical generator 2.1 cents a kilowatt-hour; by the time it gets to New York, there can easily be another 6 cents a kilowatt-hour paid to the pipeline companies. You have a similar situation with coal and railroads.
Nuclear power is the answer to AGW. Enriched uranium fuel costs about 7/10 of a cent per kilowatt-hour. Do you think the people getting 10 times that to dig, pump and ship fuel are going to let that go without a fight? They finance the anti-nuclear groups, which happens to be convenient for polishing their credentials with the left. They are trying to shut down nuclear plants which are the economic anchors of whole regions in order to grab the gas sales. They don't care WHO is impovershed, as long as they profit.
Just like BRA.
To prove I can play the link game, here's one for you: Ocean-Heat-Content-Based Model By German Scientists Shows Continued Global Cooling Ahead.
Did you notice that the data were cherry-picked for the North Atlantic region alone, and only down to 700 m? My NOAA link is for the whole world and goes to 2000 m.
Cherry-picking climate data is the IKAGO fallacy all over again.
Global warming was dreamed up at the 1975 Endangered Atmospheres conference organized by Margaret Mead.
Margaret Mead wasn't a gleam in her father's eye when Arrhenius published his paper. Lyndon Johnson noted the threat in a speech in 1965, a full ten years before you claim Margaret Mead invented the idea... and it was nearly 7 decades old even then!
Your ahistoric nonsense about climate science is as bad as the ahistoric nonsense about the "idyllic past of race relations" so skillfully blown up by Unamused and the author of "Those Who Can See".
After her election in 1979 UK Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher seized on this new idea - global warming - as a way to increase her own status.
And it looks like the UK is finally going to build nuclear plants to address its twin problems of CO2 emissions and dangerous dependence on imported natural gas. They may have begun too late to avoid a crisis, but they have begun nevertheless.
There's a lesson here for racial policy as well. We've clung to false notions and bad policy too long. Now the crisis is blowing up in Chicago.
Incidentally, to the extent that early warm snaps promote the race riots, Islam is partly to blame for it. Saudi Arabia is one of the big financiers of climate anti-science, in order to help protect its oil sales. "Sin taxes" on oil are one of the things they fear the most.
AnalogMan said...
Anonymous said...
Genetics dictate behavior. As far as I know Islam doesn't alter your DNA.
April 1, 2013 at 4:28 PM
A thousand plus years of cousin marriage says you're mistaken.
April 1, 2013 at 10:26 PM
Prader-Willis syndrome. too many first cousin marriages and the offspring lose their ability to produce the hormone that says you have eaten enough resulting in many 2o stone teenagers in the UK.
rjp - You assumed they were DWL w/out reading the story and I'm the idiot. But you do prove the point about white people hating each other. Oh, if you're on a train w/your mother and more than 12 female boons decide to attack, you are pretty much screwed unless you have weapon and are prepared to use it.
Mr. Rational
Your ahistoric nonsense about climate science.....
You can twist and squirm all you want but the fact is that EVERY AGW climate model has failed over the last ten years because they all incorporate positive temperature feedbacks from water vapor that do not exist in fact. Thus revealing the ugly truth that the models were all built to produce a desired result.
If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would be at least beginning to question your beliefs and assumptions. Instead you modify your theory to fit the facts. So global warming becomes climate change and the missing-in-action atmospheric warming becomes deep ocean warming by mechanisms which you leave completely unexplained.
This blind zealotry would all be highly amusing if it wasn't costing Western economies so much in unnecessary taxes and malinvestment.
You're clearly scientifically literate which is why it's puzzling that you can't see the whole AGW theory is a house of cards. Arrhenius' law is applicable in a laboratory setting but is hopelessly inadequate to characterize the behavior of a system as complex as a planetary atmosphere. Reams of ice core data show that atmospheric CO2 concentration is driven by global mean temperature and not vice versa. The spurious correlation between atmospheric CO2 concentration and global mean temperature from the late 1970s to the late 1990s is just that - correlation, not causation.
If you want to see what's really driving the Earth's climate, take a look at this.
When the AGW scare is well and truly behind us in another ten or fifteen years or so and the media is all atwitter about the coming Ice Age - again - will you have the integrity to admit to yourself you were wrong, I wonder.
The question should be:
"How can We NOT Blame this on Islam?"
Many of these comments on this thread show we remain blind and stupid. I see this discussion a lot about the "Muslim threat" in the US in other race realist sites and it blows me away that people who can see how much of a danger blacks have and will pose to whites, understand the role the media and the elites play in protecting blacks from white reprisal and yet still babble about Islam as if was anything other than a manufactured paranoia created by that same media and those same elites.
We've been trained to see Islam as a threat. It's that simple, nothing more. Such training serves the purposes of our masters. It protects Israel. Full stop. It's not about oil, it's not about democracy or anything else. It's about preserving and advancing Israel. We've spent decades butchering hundreds of thousands of Muslims and we're shocked when they defend themselves. Amazing.
Understand, too, Islam wants nothing the US or the West offers. When they get a chance, they vote for the most religious, conservative parties. They do not want our Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga or liberation this or that. They want to be left alone. Keep kicking at a hornet's nest and you shouldn't complain when you get stung.
Understand, also, we are nothing like Europe. No country in Europe is less than 85% white, and the vast majority are more than 95% or more white. Europeans have given up the multi-cult, this or that. Europeans can remove their non-European populations pretty easily. When Europe complains about immigration, they're most often complaining about blue-eyed blond haired Poles or other Eastern Europeans. That's fine, I'm all for each ethnic European group remaining ethnically homogeneous, but their immigration problem does not involve a different race invading. Ultimately, Europe and its segregated Caucasoid Arabs and Turks (who are treated as Whites in the US, interestingly) are fundamentally different from the US in that only one country has a substantial black population, France at 4%. Where every major city in the US has areas no white person dares ever venture into, nothing remotely like that exists in Europe.
The problem is (as all right-thinking whites knew until recently, elites and the masses) blacks. This race (here and anywhere its found) is incapable of living on civilized terms. This has been true regardless of time, geography or politics, except at one time we were smart enough to keep them segregated so that their damage was limited to their own.
As I've said on other sites: Worrying about Islam in the US is like worrying about an afternoon shower while ignoring the Force Five Hurricane coming up your ass.
Where are your numbers from? FBI statistics I've seen indicate that Blacks murder about 400 Whites a year in the US. This would make 2,000 in five years, or roughly two-thirds of the fatalities in the WTC attack alone.
Blacks are probably more of a danger to Americans at the present time than Muslims, but don't overlook the fact that Muslims also present a deadly and rapidly growing threat. There have been numerous jihadi attacks in the US since 2001, and they're not stopping. They rarely receive much media attention, for the same reasons that newspaper articles describe mobs of black thugs rioting and assaulting people as "youths" or "kids" acting "mischievously": the fact that a radical core of Muslims represents a deadly threat to national security contradicts state propaganda which holds that Muslims are lovely, cuddly people just like you and me, who only want the same things that we all do.
Another fact to consider is that many aggressive Blacks are also Muslims.
I disagree with Paul's somewhat flip dismissal of the muslim threat as being easily neutralized by magical-thinking remedies such as "white people waking up" or "stopping Muslim immigration." Nowhere do white people show real signs of waking up: regardless of the facts they merely shut their eyes and ears even tighter and scream their politically-correct slogans even louder. By the same token, there is no political will to halt Muslim immigration. We are currently in the midst of an unprecedented orgy of third-world immigration, and this includes the Muslim countries. There are no indications of any kind to shshoshow that Muslim immigration will be stopped: on the contrary, it is increasing by leaps and bounds, as part of the Left's insanely destructive effort to continue building unbreakable Democratic majorities of the kind that recently handed the illegitimate, corrupt, and incompetent clown Barack Obongo a second term in office.
I'd not been to Chicago before a trip with family 2 years ago. I'm glad we got to see the Magnificent Mile before it became more vibrant and youthful. We won't be making that trip ever again.
Unfortunately, Geller & Co. are forced by current political realities to make the artificial distinction (as is even declared by Islam itself) between Islam and Muslims. If they actually told the truth, which is that Muslims in general suck the big one and that neither they nor the deranged rantings of the psychotic mass murderer Muhammad have any place in Western societies, our disingenuous guardians of the public debate would immediately consign them all to the ideological dustbin of loony right-wing conspiracy nuts, exactly as they have been itching to do for years.
Excellent comment. So true.
Aw, Paul, that was one of my best comments. You didn't like that? It's absolutely true that millions of white Europeans are already living under various dictates of Sharia. Major food companies slaughter their meat Halal style, without telling consumers; the Islamic precept that unaccompanied women are whores who deserve to be raped keeps women indoors and off of formerly safe European streets; in many European nations it is now a prosecutable "hate speech" offense to criticize Muhammad or Islam, in line with precepts of Islamic law.. that forbid these activities; Muslim "civility patrols" in European cities harass white women for "dressing inappropriately"; Muslim parents force public schools to segregate boys and girls in physical education classes; Muslim groups force swimming halls to offer women-only swimming hours/days (this has happened at Harvard too – still think it can't happen here?); Muslims turn libraries and health club locker rooms into prayer rooms, not to mention commandeering public streets and squares for mass prayer sessions; Muslims bully schools into providing prayer rooms and Halal lunch menus; numerous aspects of European daily life are now impacted by Sharia law as they had never been before.
Paul , Pam can take care of the sharia seeking muslims who hate America , and you can take care of the new black panther party and their bro's ... , but who is gonna take care of the sharia loving black racists who want to kill all the infidels and juice?.
Anonymous (April 3, 2013 at 10:36 AM):
"Where every major city in the US has areas no white person dares ever venture into, nothing remotely like that exists in Europe."
Except for every major city in Western Europe.
Comment must've gotten hung up because of links... trying again!
Chuck Hammer said:
If you had an ounce of intellectual honesty you would be at least beginning to question your beliefs and assumptions.
Let me get this straight. After claiming that Margaret Mead originated a concept that was included in a presidential address to Congress ten years before the date you gave and actually published in a paper five years before she was born, you are accusing ME of intellectual dishonesty? When you have not bothered to back up a single claim with evidence, substituting invective for substance? When each time one of your claims is debunked, you move directly to another without ever admitting "yeah, that wasn't true"?
It's obvious that one of us should be beginning to question our beliefs and assumptions, and that it's not me. You're projecting as badly as the Blacks who blame YT for all their failures.
You can twist and squirm all you want but the fact is that EVERY AGW climate model has failed over the last ten years because they all incorporate positive temperature feedbacks from water vapor that do not exist in fact.
Twist and squirm? Silly boy, projecting again.
The effect of the non-condensible GHGs is nowhere near sufficient to produce the observed greenhouse effect (even before this century), proving that positive feedbacks are real and essential for life as we know it. One of the darlings of the denialists, Richard Lindzen of MIT, claims that more or less all of the greenhouse effect is due to water vapor. Of course, his claims have been debunked too. www.skepticalscience.com/news.php?n=729
There are things the climate models may not have captured yet, like heat transport into deep ocean waters and the suffocating blanket of particulates over much of China which turns noonday sun into twilight. We know that sulfur affects temperatures; it only takes a few hundred thousand tons of sulfate from a big volcanic eruption getting up to the stratosphere to cool the globe measurably for a couple of years. The emissions in Chindia are certainly having an offsetting effect. The problem is that the sulfur falls out in weeks, while the carbon will stay for a thousand years.
We're going to find out pretty soon. China is doing something about coal, mainly by building nuclear plants at a dizzying pace (11 plants in 12 months). When the sulfur disappears there won't be any more offsets.
This blind zealotry would all be highly amusing if it wasn't costing Western economies so much in unnecessary taxes and malinvestment.
You mean, like the blind zealotry against nuclear energy which created this problem in the first place, by preventing the replacement of coal by uranium in the 1970's? Which has caused more deaths from the replacement energy (8 in one California gas line explosion alone) than the radiological effects of all commercial nuclear power plants in the OECD, ever? You mean THAT kind of malinvestment?
If you want to see what's really driving the Earth's climate, take a look at this.
Speaking of models not matching history... you need to look at the Real Climate analysis on that one. Among other things, if Shapiro's solar activity reconstruction was correct, we'd see rather different historical levels of cosmogenic isotopes like Be-10.
Get out of the "skeptical" echo chamber. Go do some reading on the science, starting with the mainstream's analysis of where the "skeptics" have gone wrong and then move on to the mainstream's own work. Get your mind around essentials like the blackbody radiation equation. I have, and that's why I don't see your predictions coming true in the life of this civilization. They're as wrong as the Blank Slate dogma.
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