The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter - for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way. He lives and labors and hopes. - Nikola Tesla, 1934
We all have that one memory, that long-ago day from our past that sticks with us while time marches unimpeded and without forgiveness onward.
It's the memory of a day with either a grandparent no longer with you - perhaps a mother or father - or that special girl you used to know (cue the Boston, before she slips away...) that always bring a smile to your face, no matter the circumstance. Perhaps even a beloved family pet, whose first bark you still fondly remember, or the birth of your first son or daughter and the joy you felt in becoming a parent.
In selfish moments, you occasionally wish for one brief period of time where you could re-live that day.
![]() |
Live. Labor. Hope. |
A journey to persist in living, recalling those memories from the past that, while immortal to you, are immaterial to the rest of humanity.
Why this metaphysical pontificating on ephemeral moments, you ask?
Because over the weekend, I recalled such a moment from my youth. While going to bed one night, a family member (no longer living) would always regale me with stories from his youth.
It was one such story that profoundly impacted me in a way that wasn't quite clear until yesterday. While drifting into slumber more than twenty years ago, I was told of the world of his youth, where a city bursted forth with endless possibilities.
A city, mind you, with one of the South's greatest train stations. That train station was the centerpiece of many of the stories for his youth, riding on it to go off to fight a world war, college, honeymoon and other various trips.
It would be torn down in 1969, when the great age of railroads in American had passed. An icon of the city's past, torn down just as the seeds of a new city (a new civilization) were beginning to germinate.
Fitting, the demolition of this magnificent (though neglected) structure took place on September 22, 1969, only a few month's after that civilizations greatest accomplishment -- the landing on the moon.
Though I was too young to understand the significance of the memories being shared from one generation of my family to the other, it was one candid quote as to why this station was torn down that has always stuck with me: "The real reason it was torn down is simple -- it was the most powerful reminder of segregation in the city, and with the changes coming in the city demographics, it had to be demolished."
Back in 2009, on a lark SBPDL was started. As we move toward the four-year anniversary of this site (May 22 is the exact date), I recalled stating this would be the final year.
It won't be.
SBPDL is making an impact, and it's because of a story like the one I heard years ago about the demolition of a train station (symbolically, the leveling of one civilization for the erection of another) that represents the very reason I'm compelled to continue.
To persist.
To those who have stuck with this site, thank you.
The evolution of SBPDL begins on the fourth anniversary of the site.
Detroit, Atlanta, Birmingham... completed, with Chicago, Philadelphia and Guns, Blacks, and Steel: The Fate of American Cities all in various stages of editing/design/research.
Always remember: Our only duty is to survive this age, for it will end.
I'm pretty new to your site but feel it would be a significant loss if it was to go dormant. I appreciate the seriously important education I've only begun to get by reading your site and one of your books.
Thanks for all your diligent research and the time putting it into manageable-sized essays.
Patrice Stanton
Thank you, Paul. God bless.
Keep up the good work Paul. Your blog is opening many blind eyes.
Alexander M.
Back in 2009, on a lark SBPDL was started. As we move toward the four-year anniversary of this site, I recalled stating this would be the final year.
It won't be.
Glad to see you have changed you mind.
SBPDL is making an impact, and it's because of a story like the one I heard years ago about the demolition of a train station (symbolically, the leveling of one civilization for the erection of another) that represents the very reason I'm compelled to continue.
SBPDL is making an impact. We see new names posting every week.
Two years ago there was never a woman's moniker attached to comment so it is quite a fitting tribute that the first comment following this post is by a woman. It is the women we need.
Always remember: Our only duty is to survive this age, for it will end.
We are all praying that the masses will awaken. The negroes have never been on our side, we know where we stand with them, the ugly part is going to be when the long-time negro-enablers realize that we don't see them as being on our side either.
Again, thank you Paul. I am 60 working at a job that pays well and must remain anonymous (too many liberals and they would exact their revenge).
Seen some things that get disturbing.
1) Blacks are above any criticism - for anything. Dare criticize a black and you risk everything.
2) Blacks circle the wagons on their family members and friends regardless of what their family member has done. Whites might offer moral support but little else.
3) The race card shows signs of extreme wear. It still gets played though.
I read this blog everyday and the comments help keep me sane in an insane world. In honor of the 4 year anniversary I'm compelled to donate. Keep up the good work. It would be cool to know how the traffic here has been going.
rjp said :
"We are all praying that the masses will awaken. The negroes have never been on our side, we know where we stand with them, the ugly part is going to be when the long-time negro-enablers realize that we don't see them as being on our side either."
If there was hope, it must lie in the proles, because only there, in those swarming disregarded masses, eighty-five percent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within. Its enemies, if it had any enemies, had no way of coming together or even of identifying one another. Even if the legendary Brotherhood existed, as just possibly it might, it was inconceivable that its members could ever assemble in larger numbers than twos and threes. Rebellion meant a look in the eyes, an inflection of the voice; at the most, an occasional whispered word. But the proles, if only they could somehow become conscious of their own strength, would have no need to conspire. They need only to rise up and shake themselves like a horse shaking off flies. If they chose they could blow the Party to pieces tomorrow morning. Surely sooner or later it must occur to them to do it. And yet --!
George Orwell - 1984
Seriously people, read your "1984" and your "Brave New World." They are the instruction manuals for your current reality.
Stephen said :
"It would be cool to know how the traffic here has been going."
SBPDL Web Traffic
PK, keep up the good work.
I've been reading this blog for a couple of years, its on my favorites list. I read last year when you indicated you would cease writing at the end of the year. When I read that I asked myself "why stop" when its the only blog that comes close to the truth on a daily basis? It talks about bra in ways no one else is willing to. Please do not stop. I would recommend the writings of E. Michael Jones, in particular "The Slaughter of Cities" to document urban renewal and ethnic cleansing of white neighborhoods. Alex
"Always remember: Our only duty is to survive this age, for it will end."
It really is ending, it just seems like we are being over-run and at the end of the rope; it's actually the other way around.
The establishment has played every game that can be played and they have nothing left.
The pendulum is swinging; slowly, ever so slowly but it will be gaining momentum and very soon as it descends and goes upwards from the direction it is now.
When it swings in my favor I want to stop it from ever swinging to this land of insanity ever again.
San Franciscan
I have a confession to make. For most of my life, I was the stereotypical DWL. Anti racist. Multiculturalist. Diversityist. Worked briefly in the civil rights movement as a high schooler. Bought the whole thing, lock stock and barrel.
So what changed? I had to work in a civil service job where the I encountered the most useless, stupid, lazy, brain dead excuses for human beings I had ever met. Lasted ten years. I was a wreck when I got out.
Being white, I got the shaft from the nigger mafia. I had no idea that people this totally useless could have jobs that were rather important AND TAKE PRIDE IN NOT DOING THEM. They were so proud of getting over on the white people.
Another DWL was our boss, and she was afraid of black folks. She shafted the whites in the office (who were doing their jobs) and kissed the butts of the blacks (who weren't) and would write up the whites on the insistence of the blacks, who might scream racism if she didn't.
When I think back upon my life, I ask myself how I could have been so blind and clueless about race. I guess I just had to learn the hard way. Too bad this knowledge came to me so late in my life.
Our only hope is an economic crisis that wakes people up and paralyzes the Federal Government. Nothing short of this will suffice. To this end, every single SBPDLer should head over to and sign up. Our only role in America is to shut up and pay. ***k em. I'm done paying. If we, the bedrock of this country, just stop supporting BRA, it will collapse. All we have to do is stop playing a game that is rigged against us. I sent in my VA application today. If I can do it, so can you.
Several themes pop up here:
1) a need to awaken the masses
2) more women need to be bought in
3) biacks are not our friends, ever, because they always circle their wagons
4) the need to continuously educate ourselves on what is happening
5) the recognition that was is happening here is insane and that we are not crazy and
6) PK has to keep going and we must diligently post to keep the movement going.
Look some black guy called me a cracker today so I called him a nigger back. This was on a metro platform in DC. No one said a word to me. No police were called. No hate speech enforcers. Should we be careful and aware, yes, but at the same time we cannot walk around with our tails between our legs.
I met Jared Taylor today from Amren. Seriously thinking of going to the convention. We have to keep networking. We are not alone and there are others out there like us- just spread the word. We can do it.
Thank you PK.
White Mom in WDC
So glad you changed your mind about this being the final year of SBPDL, Paul. I would definitely miss your blog.
Speaking of our first commenter on this thread, her site is worth a look.
Cojo here.
Thank you PK for this wonderful site.
I must say that whenever I am linked to any internet article regarding race or race relations, I never neglect to plug this site
to all other who make comments there.
I hope and like to think that I may have brought a few folks in.
I'll continue to link this site and hope all others here will as well.
I think what I love most about this site is when new people come here and comment about how they've been thinking these things that PK writes about, but hadn't been able to share them with anyone. The relief of people upon finding this place is palpable. It's a decompression chamber for repressed whites ;-)
Thank you, PK!
Your energy amazes me, Paul. Keep up the great work.
Brilliant, simply brilliant. Profound, intuitive, visionary.
When I think back upon my life, I ask myself how I could have been so blind and clueless about race.
You had to do the hard work to un-learn the lies, before you could learn the truth.
This is why scientists are so dead-set against allowing "the controversy" to be caught in biology class. There is no scientific controversy over evolution. Neither is there a scientific controversy over the essential differences between African, European, S. Asian and Oriental. The controversy is ideological.
This post was inspirational. Thanks for not leaving. I know this has been a personal sacrifice for you - and many similar (but not the same!) sites have gone away. This isn't the "Klan" - this is Reality 101, featuring Professor Kersey.
Thank you Paul, sir. I have emailed links to this site and tried to spread it to everyone I can. What you do is so important, and think we can all feel the momentum turning.
The Antonio Santiago incident and the documentary on Liberia have awoken many just in a few days. This summer could be the tip of iceberg, the "youth" will test their flash mob power, it will get ugly.
Thanks also to all the other posters! Ive been reading this site for quite a while but dont comment much. Is Zenster still around??
God Bless and stay vigilant!!
-Proud North Carolinian
Ex New Yorker here....Another report from the "land of the proles". As most of you know I live where the black population is very small.
Stay away from Colorado. Blacks are in Denver and Aurora. In Aurora the people that work in gas stations and fast food joints are encased in bullet proof plastic cages. The new anti-gun laws will bring in more gang bangers from California and Phoenix who will prey on the libs, fags and yuppies that are retreating from the West Coast.
Forget about Utah. When the system goes down the Mormons will consider anybody not a Mormon a threat. There is a lot of really weird shit going on in the mountain areas and it is a place you do not want to be.
The plan of La Raza is to take over the South Western parts of the country. I don't think Texas will give in to their demands. So forget about moving or living in the those states. The natives and drug cartels South of the border are not your friends and they are coming to America. My original plan was to move to the desert where I lived as a kid. When I found out it was a war zone I headed up North.
You will be safe living in the Wild West. Cowboys, ranchers, rednecks and farmers. You will see some Mexicans in the tourist areas, but MS-13 has not moved into Jackson Hole. The white folks around here are naive about what is happening, but they are honest hard working people and are very pro family. The economy is good because The Wall Street Boys have not yet figured out how to move a cattle ranch to China.
Ive posted a few times under different monikers but cannot settle on one. Living in savageville chopper city new orleans. The belly of the beasts. Paul please do a piece on this rathole if you find time in your busy schedule. Thanks for all you do and our excellent commentators!
Drowning in diverschwitty
I was first linked to this blog from some news article, I don't remember which. truth be told I was somewhat disgusted I kept returning only to refute the arguments made in my own mind. To somehow convince myself I was superior and not one of those evil racists everyone hates.
Fact is I found myself unable to refute much of what was said and despite myself was agreeing that valid points were being made. It shon a light on things I was aware of but tried desperately to ignore.
The common refrain when accused of racism is that "some of my best friends are black". In my case that is true my best friend since childhood is black and that is what held me back from wanting to accept reality. He is a very good man works hard, married his wife saved up bought a house had a child does everything you expect of a white person, so if he is capable of it surely they all must be right? It must be something else holding the other black people down right?
Wrong. I have come to accept that he is the exception not the rule. He realized this sooner than I did like most Blacks that can and do take part in civilization he is very "racist" against those that are ruining it.
I tell you all this too 1 encourage you not to give up your message does work. And 2 to I think point at one of the biggest roadblocks to getting people to face reality. There are decent black people out there they are heavily outnumbered maybe 1 in a hundred or a thousand or even less. Problem is people who know 1 decent black person will ignore all the evidence against the race as a whole they will judge that information by using the one good one they know as the yard stick. "it's not true about him so it must not be true" that's how I used to think, it took a long time for reality too sink in. first from the news and the murmurs of others than too more direct places such as this blog.
It is an uphill Battle and I probably do not share some of the more extreme objectives of others here. But the most important thing and the one thing we can all agree on is the need to remove the wool from peoples eyes and venues like this do help.
Instead of twent Hail Marys, lets go with spread the word and spread the blog info. This should be passed amongst anyone who you think has a 15% chance of understanding this and waking up or more.
It is not too late to take our country back. People are pissed, poor, and the Overton window is here.
Baltimore Watcher
Let me tell you a story of a friend in Texas. Her face was glued and scienced back together after a nigger at work smashed her face in.
This happened at 10am in a fully occupied white collar office.
She did precisely what you did. If you're that brave against savages, you need lots of brawn and to be packing some heat. Pickup a nice concealed weapon.
Better to be judged, than mangled, handicapped and permanently damaged. Shitavius negron esquire is to this day still loose after breaking a little 5'4" blond girls jaw and skull. He'll never see justice, for its likely he just "be some dood and he be stayin somewhere."
Baltimore Watcher
Congratulations on your anniversary, your longevity with a topic that is unavoidably depressing. And recognition to you for your consistency and work ethic. You must be one of those caucasians we've read about in hour histery bookz.
Won't somebody _please_ mention de turrible lebacy ub de slabery?
We will nebber solbe de problems ub our country, unless we keep talking about de turrrible, turrrible lebacy ub de slabery.
We must stop teaching our chirren de maths and sciences, especially de white chirrens. Instead, we must teach dem about de turrrible lebacy ub de slabery.
Slabery was bad.
And we owe it to de future to nebber, ebber shut up about it.
Ex-Lincolnite here:
San Franciscan:
We feel your pain. I think there is a new generation of kids in America that are not ready to bow down to the worthless blacks. I think listening to the kids I listen to on a regular basis, the coon is not going to win this round.
I had a kid just the other day talk about how mad he was because of racial quotas. I think we will see a sea change when the economy continues to tank under the black undertow. I think the kids will save us. They all know the stuff they learn in school is bullshit.
Our hope is in our youth. And that blacks will continue to become worse and worse. I think the current generation of white kids will want some answers on what is going on with no progress after 60 plus years of forced 'equality'.
Remember, every time a big buck coon kills an eighteen month old kid in his mother's arms, we get another convert to our side. Remember that woman was only 25 years old, and she should be reached out to by people like us.
Thanks PK for continuing the site. It's one of the few havens in life, real or virtual, where whites can gather to talk amongst ourselves, give each other moral support, offer short and long term coping strategies. I know the time and dedication it must take for you give to give so much of your life to this, especially with the hidden information you somehow manage to bring to light.
If I could only offer one suggestion, it would be to please ban negros/sympathisers who waste our time with their diatribes. It would be simpler to just ignore them, it's fairly simple to do IRL, but it just doesn't seem to the right thing to do to allow their lies and disinformation and distortions go unchallenged when they raise them here. It's a frustrating waste of time though that I, and I hope others, would much rather spend just enjoying the company of like-minded whites, away from the stress of just being around these creatures who are never happy unless they're imposing their presence amongst us. This place is never more uplifting than when we've had a spell free from negros poking ther big noses in to see what the white folks are saying about them now.
Please keep it a haven for whites to just be white without having to justify our opinions and feelings to negros who don't want reasonable debate, just yet another forum to bore us with the same old rationalisations and justifications.
iIt won't be half as inviting and pleasurable if even here we have to deal wth groids.
Thank you for all the work that's gone into this site already!
Gayle said...
I think what I love most about this site is when new people come here and comment about how they've been thinking these things that PK writes about, but hadn't been able to share them with anyone. The relief of people upon finding this place is palpable. It's a decompression chamber for repressed whites ;-)
Thank you, PK!
Exactly, and the whole warm atmosphere of fellow-feeling amongst whites is ruined when a groid comes forcing his way into where he's not wanted!
American White History Month
This woman is Dr. Rozalia Williams,[BLACK] Associate Dean of Students at Florida Atlantic University. She had written a letter to student Ryan Rotela alleging that he violated the student code of conduct by "acts of verbal, written or physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion or other conduct which threaten the health, safety or welfare of any person." The university has now banned him from attending class, and has barred him from communicating with any students who were involved.
So, what is it that Ryan Rotela did? He refused to stomp on the name of Jesus when instructed by a professor, and then he spoke out publicly about the assignment.
In a public statement, the university claims that Rotela was not punished in any way, but the letter from Dr. Williams
[BLK]shows that to be a bold-faced lie
Thank God you're keeping at it! This site has helped several of my friends see what i've been seeing for years.I witnessed firsthand the destruction of my hometown Albany,Georgia (The Good Life City)at the paws of this scourge.
Paul, thanks for this inspiring post, and particularly, thank you for the story of your family member who remembered better days. You're right, this is the time to plant for the future. It's not given to us to know how this will go.
I was reading the comment section of some story about black criminality and their white victims in some Washington Post story I believe, and one of the commenters posted this website address in response to the story.
That was two years ago.
I sit right now in a bar in South Austin, typing on my laptop, drinking a fine local wheat beer called Live Oak Hefeweizen, crafted by the progeny of the Europeans whom settled in this country several generations ago. Here in Austin we have several breweries, the beer culture here is booming. We even have our own Beer Fest. Yet in spite of the many pleasures that this town offers me, I know I live in a false reality. The Tech industry thrives due to the conditions that the State Repukes created, one that fosters actual Job creation. Apple is moving 4,000 people here. One must also give thanks to the foresight of the city planners many many years ago, who kept the small in relative size black population in check by banished them to the east side of Interstate 35. Crime does occur, but it is not rampant, and it is safe to walk around most of downtown without looking over your shoulder. Yet in spite of all of this, there are liberals here that are hell bent on destroying what makes Austin Austin, all in the name of diversity and good feelings. The conversations I have here would make your blood boil, to witness the profound amount of white women dating outside of their race would make you want to do an "Old Testament God" style of city cleansing, but to win at this point one must remain calm and assertive, only expressing fact, and yes, the truth will set you free.
There will come a day I'm sure, when the Nordic Blood that courses through my veins will delight in honoring my Viking ancestors as the warrior I was meant to be.
But today is not that day
I check this site everyday. I learn it seems as much from the comments as the articles themselves. It all adds to my collective depth of understanding and knowledge. I used to believe in the myth of the Talented Tenth. Not anymore. They are all the same. They want to have everything that the white man has, never asking themselves what it takes to earn it, only trying to run "game" on the system so they can steal it in one form or fashion
There is much Joy to be had in visiting here. So many others that share with me this silent rage. So many others that can See what I See. This is our struggle. This is our war. This is a place that we can support each other, this is a place that we can grow and unite. I was thinking about how this site was about to end, and was saddened by this thought. I am now elated to know Paul will continue on with his work and this site.
Ive been here with this site for two years now. Hopefully for many more. The level that I'm now able to articulate and backup my arguments because of this site and all that add to it in the comment section, is nearly unstoppable, limited to only my will to continue in the fight.
Thank you Paul, and thank you to all that add to this site. We are not alone
Paul, your research on this topic is unparalleled. Combine that with your persuasive and often humorous writing, and it's no wonder that people are drawn to your site for the truth. Thanks for all your hard work.
- Ulick
@ SAN FRANCISCAN, we were all young once. you are forgiven as long as you post from time to time. lol!!! I just hope and prey to my Christian god that more of you get on board. cause we will need every last body for this fight! and fight we must and remember "we owe these people NOTHING" GODSPEED&SEGREGATION NOW!
I don't live in fear. Not my scene, never has been k?
There are people who get their faces bashed in . It is terrible, yes. White people have to grow some balls. Our cities got taken over because we rolled over.
You can go to work and get shot up. You can cross the street and get pummeled. Sociopaths are everywhere. You could even be married to one and not know.
We allowed the bastards in our government to bully us with censoring our speech. That was the first step. When you censor speech, you censor thought, and then in turn deed. So, in short, when I allow my speech to flow, I allow my thoughts to flow, and I allow my actions to follow suit. My god, there are people on this board who have expressed fear in procreating because of the big, bad world out there. Sorry, but fuck that noise!
I will not be intimidated, ever... And your words don't scare me, but if they are out of concern, thank you.
White Mom in WDC
Paul Kersey and SBPDL is a cup of cold water in a desert of sand, scorpions, rattlesnakes, stifling heat, DWL's and violent minorities.
In a nutshell-Kersey is an intellectual tour de' force of truth and anti-PC speech.
Kersey should be given some kind of award for telling it like it is and doing it with such aplomb. Kudos for 4 years of sacrifice and hard labor, sir.
PS. It's a shame that we have to hide behind these nom de plume's and aliases. In a sane world, "Paul Kersey" could win some kind of literary award, or an award for investigative a sane world?
Ex NYer-
So true about Utah. I did some research on SLC, I was surprised by how many Mexiturds have moved there. All the rich MoMos don't want to do their own housework, so they hire Rosa and her brood. Then they wonder why their city goes to shite. Cheap labor is expensive.
I am still thinking Wyoming or Appalachia.
Colorado is going down the tubes. Some crackheads from that state traveled up to North Dakota. to work in the oilfields and kidnaped, raped, and killed some woman in ND somewhere.
It's turning in Mad Max and the Thunderdome
Be rest assured, you are not alone. I live in a small AP town, the Whites here has seen what diversity does to other larger towns, destroyed by NY niggers on section 8 and an invasion of crimmigrant mexicans. They are not happy. BV
I can't imagine what we would do without you. We appreciate all the work you put into your writings. Who was it that said: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"?
PK, thanks for all the hard work and I'm grateful that you are going to remain in harness. It does make a difference.
As mentioned in an earlier comment 'cheap labor is expensive'. It most certainly is but the cost of cheap labor is born primarily by those not benefiting from that 'cheap' labor. This is the Tragedy of the Commons. If we are to preserve our civilization a solution must be found.
You are providing an important public service with this fine SBPDL blog.
Hi folks, slightly off-topic post but just wanted to let everyone know that the mother and aunt of Brunswick baby-shooter Demarquise Elkins have been arrested for felony charges of making false statements to police in connection with the investigation.
Ex NYer-
I am still thinking Wyoming or Appalachia.
And that is the same answer my research has provided me with.
Great news, Earl! Thanks for sharing it here.
It would be nice if the Black liars would be caught out and prosecuted in more cases like this. Even better, put ringers into jury pools with wires and cameras and have them say things like "I ain't never gonna vote to put no Black man in jail." Then the prosecution strikes all the ones who show any sign of agreement.
SBPDL provides the important historical evidence that BRA is a failure. It is important to demonstrate that BRA is a failure before asserting that affirmative action is wrong and that blacks hold fewer well paying jobs because blacks can't/won't do the work.
Paul, I visit your site everyday. I enjoy it, and contribute often. you are doing great work, and I will gladly donate. I also agree much with Melanie, I want input from our people, keep the nose-poking knuckle dragger/ biscuit lips opinions where they belong- on any other website but this one. this is ours. we can do that.
Did you mean PA? If you did, I'm with you, they destroyed Philly, then Reading, then the Lehigh Valley, Lancaster, and Poconos areas, now they're coming for us in the Coal Region, poor Hazleton is already destroyed. Every day it gets worse, words cannot describe they hate I have for them for ruining my home.
@ Earl Turner March 26, 2013 at 7:53 AM-
Very glad to hear it. Not surprised that they lied-what's a little lie to defend baby killers, when they raised baby killers? Somewhat surprised that they were arrested. Their lies just underscore the truth that the lives of whites, even an innocent infant's, mean nothing to these savage sub-humans. The lives of their fellow sub-humans mean nothing to them, certainly the lives of the whites who "oppress" them, but whom they can't bring themselves to stay from, would mean even less.
The father of 11 yo Bailey O'Neil's murderer also made no apology and showed no remorse for his feral savage spawn's action.
I pray that the 15 yo (he lied about his age, he's 15, not 14, for whatever difference that makes) is tried as an adult.
Circumstances don't allow me to send you any money but I will give you what I can - scholarship.
Today the lesson is Broadway. There is a one Broadway song that epitomizes white quilt about blacks.
Ol' Man River.
You know the tune and the lyrics. "What does he care if the world got trouble. What does he care if the land ain't free". When a good bass sings that line it resonates in every white liberal heart.
But think about it. The action of Showboat takes place from 1887 to 1927. Slavery ended in 1863. Tens of thousands of whites had died to abolish slavery. Those black stevedores in the first act when they sing the song were in fact free men and had been for nearly a quarter century.
Edna Ferber wrote novels that transpire over generations. In the original novel many characters died, miscegination was a minor plot element and Joe was tenor who worked in the kitchen. Oscar Hammerstein decided to 'race up' the plot for broadway in the the Roaring Twenties as he was to do again a generation later in 'South Pacific'.
In 1887 blacks routinely celebrated "Emancipation Day". Stevedores on the river were all free men and the wages were nearly double those of other unskilled jobs of the day. Blacks had fought the Irish (and lost) as far back as the 1840s for these kind of jobs. Later the Polish would take over. Getting a job on Ol' Man River was very competitive.
The reason wages were high was that stevedores in the biggest towns were unionized and held strikes.
So in the 1936 movie that shows Paul Robeson singing about how sorry he feels for himself, it's just propaganda. Robeson as a communist himself was quite familiar with the concept of propaganda.
Melanie observes:
Their lies just underscore the truth that the lives of whites, even an innocent infant's, mean nothing to these savage sub-humans. The lives of their fellow sub-humans mean nothing to them, certainly the lives of the whites who "oppress" them, but whom they can't bring themselves to stay from, would mean even less.
The father of 11 yo Bailey O'Neil's murderer also made no apology and showed no remorse for his feral savage spawn's action.
Again, there's nothing even remotely surprising about the facts you just related. It is the groid way. Always has been, always will be. To expect otherwise is to expect the sun to rise in the west. Go read about the Nat Turner revolt sometime. If you've not done so already, go read the free book on the Zebra killings. Negroes being negroes. I've yet to see, hear or read of a single one - not even the most "conservative" among them - own up to the barbarism of their kind. No-snitch writ large. The only one who even came close was the late Elizabeth Wright.
The disturbing thing is the number of whites who similarly devalue the lives of innocent victims. They can be found populating every news organization, every university, every law office, every court, every church. They are utterly bewitched by an insane, quasi-religious ideology. That's why Paul's work and this site is so very important. It's a de-programming station who those whites who sense they're trapped in this insane suicide cult. These whites - the large majority actually because even most of the "conservatives" endorse the ideology - are like the followers of Jim Jones, except they've been swilling a slow-acting grape drank since childhood.
Bogolyubski-I'm not the least bit surprised. We don't even to look to history, not even recent history (Zebra killings) to see negroes being negroes-savage, barbaric, and bestial. They're doing it as I type, right now, in Africa, Papua New Guinea, any place where large groups of groids are to be found, including the US-right now. I can go to a certain site and will be able to read, hot-off-the-press news about the most recent groid atrocity, including what they do to their own children. It's certainly not headline news, because for one, it's not supportive of the BRA narrative, and two, it's so common, which ties into the first point.
I haven't read the details of the Zebra killings nor of the Nat Turner uprising, but I've known the broad outlines of those stories for some time, and some of the gruesome details which slipped through (sorry, unless there's a neccesary reason, I just can't handle the gruesome details of violence). I get the important points of those episodes without knowing the gruesome details.
I see that China (as we all know) hasn't allowed itself to be blackmailed into groveling to groids, even though they are the latest to extract the untapped resources of Africa. They recently executed, by firing squad, a black South African woman who tried to smuggle drugs (in her hair, I understand) into China. All the pleading of the SA government was to no avail. I beleive that it was Thailand which recently did the same, once again, a black South African female who claimed she was "set up". Why, oh why, can not the West, see how simple it is not to grovel to black savages? I suppose because so far China, etc haven't made the mistake of allowing large contingents of worthless blacks into their countries, and the few who are allowed in are kept on a short leash, as is mere common sense.
Albertosaurus you are indeed an educational poster:
Here's the Wikipedia article on the 1927 musical Show Boat, based on a the 1926 novel of the same name by Edna Ferber (TWMNBN). The musical was composed by Jerome Kern (TWMNBN) and the libretto was adapted from Ferber's novel by Oscar Hammerstein II (part TWMNBN, not full-blood as his mother was a head of cattle). With a film adaptation and thousands of live performances, Show Boat has made its (TWMNBN) owners many millions of dollars, and continues to do so to this day.
Thanks to the finest Congresses that money can buy (and guess who literally makes money from thin air) Show Boat (both novel and muscal) are still under copyright. This serves as an interesting example of how a people (American whites) can be unwittingly indoctrinated with lies (the novelist was born in 1885 and had no connection whatsoever to the south - the story is complete fiction) by a hostile, genocidal and parasitic alien group who use a type of pseudo-moralistic jujitsu to essentially guilt the host into paying the parasites who then proceed to use their funds to further loot and destroy their hosts. This is a single example of literally thousands which could be cited. Nice racket, no?
Thanks so much for all the heavy lifting you've done over the years.
As I have related before, I believe your work here is very important, and potentially historical in scope.
Keep up the good work.
Your commentator dissident said, "It's a shame that we have to hide behind these nom de plume's and aliases."
You know, he's right. It is SHAMEFUL to have to skulk and hide and LIE. Truth is truth, dammit, and needs no apology.
I mean, what is there to fear about this rational, reasonable, fact-based discussion on the pathologies and dysfunction of a very troubled and troublesome "community?" You know, the very discussion the Nation of Cowards is having here at your site?
That reminds me of a few missives past where I said that you'd eventually have to out yourself. History, and all that.
But then the thought occurs to me:
Why doesn't every single person who comments here just out themselves, use their real names, and quit being afraid of whatever (mostly imagined) ramifications it will have?
There is nothing left to lose, and everything to gain.
But NOOoooo, Bluto, We're Afraid...
So, tell ya what. Kersey, I'll go first. I will leave it to your discretion to either redact my name and still run this comment, or eighty-six it on arrival.
Hi. I'm John Brown. Nice to meet you.
As always, best to you and yours.
Glad to see we have new race realists adding to our growing community. I am thankful my father and other relatives gave me the proper race education very early in life. It has served me well. I have been threatened at knife point by a crazy black vietnam vet, threatened by a black professional boxer, threatened by discrimation suits,threatened with fights, among other typical black crap. I learned a long time ago, don't back down.
You will win if you hold your ground.
Going forward I am going to be more aggressive and bold when confronted with black dysfunction.
No more laughing at it or ignoring it or grumbling about it. F those sub-humans,a cold hard stare, verbal confrontation to physical engagement if needed. They need to know we are weary of putting up with their bullshit. I have had 2 opportunities in the last month, scared one nig so bad he jumped and the other I shoved them into grocery counter after some mouthing. They will back down.
Don't be afraid, but don't be stupid either. Deep down they are afraid us, that is why they do what they do to whites and anybody else they think they can get away with.
I definitely want to buy this book, but how can I do so anonymously/securely?
Are there copies in print where I can just pay cash?
The days will come when Government will punish people/taxpayers who willingly forked over their piteous after-tax dollars to buy your book.
San Franciscan said @ March 25, 2013 at 5:37 PM...
"I have a confession to make. For most of my life, I was the stereotypical DWL. Anti racist. Multiculturalist. Diversityist. Worked briefly in the civil rights movement as a high schooler. Bought the whole thing, lock stock and barrel.
So what changed? I had to work in a civil service job where the I encountered the most useless, stupid, lazy, brain dead excuses for human beings I had ever met. Lasted ten years. I was a wreck when I got out.
Being white, I got the shaft from the nigger mafia. I had no idea that people this totally useless could have jobs that were rather important AND TAKE PRIDE IN NOT DOING THEM. They were so proud of getting over on the white people.
Another DWL was our boss, and she was afraid of black folks. She shafted the whites in the office (who were doing their jobs) and kissed the butts of the blacks (who weren't) and would write up the whites on the insistence of the blacks, who might scream racism if she didn't.
When I think back upon my life, I ask myself how I could have been so blind and clueless about race. I guess I just had to learn the hard way. Too bad this knowledge came to me so late in my life.
Excellent essay.
Thanks for the brief glimpse into another bureaucracy's inner workings, such as they are, if any.
So CAL Snowman said...
Stephen said :
"It would be cool to know how the traffic here has been going."
SBPDL Web Traffic
March 25, 2013 at 4:36 PM
This site is way bigger than I thought.
My comment from last evening is not being posted for some reason. Regardless, my sentiments reflect those of others, in profound thanks for the tireless work you have performed. You are a beacon of truth in a world of denial.
My contribution will be forthcoming.
Gwinnett Gladiator
"I think the kids will save us. They all know the stuff they learn in school is bullshit.
Those kids that know what they are hearing in skoolz is bull shit is because their parents, in most cases, are teaching them correctly at home and in daily life.
Please don't end this is my only connection to sane white people...
Vicio Malo
I haven't posted in quite a while but I wanted to delurk briefly to say even if your updates become less frequent, you should never close this place unless it is ordered under Federal Mandate. Which, sadly, isn't all that far fetched given the Orwellian way things are going.
I still read this site quite prolifically but I am quite limited in what I can or cannot say on the Internet because of my connection to other more ahh, how do I say? Direct method websites... and I know with certainty that I'm monitored.
You are a wonderful frontman for people who may want to speak the truth but fear the reprisal that this Brave New World would impose upon them.
Keep fighting the good fight.
It is nice to hear from you Jay. Thought you were gone for good! WDC I find to be especially Orwellian don't you agree?
White Mom
Our only duty is to survive this age.
That phrase is oddly encouraging. It holds out the promise of better times, but we have to realize that things are going to get worse before they get better.
The reason is because the problem is no longer just Blacks; it is ALL nonWhites. The only way to reclaim White countries and White civilization is to return our countries to at least 95 percent White. It's been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that even a significant minority of nonWhites is fatal to the high standards of White civilization.
We have destroyed our White civilization and the most successful economies in history in order to accommodate nonWhite affirmative-action parasites.
We are going to have to deport the vast majority of these hostile, parasitic nonWhites. It will not be easy or pleasant. But that scenario is the best we can hope for.
Writing checks with your mouth your ass can't cash is step 1 to ending up dead over some animal interaction.
You seem to think folks are intimidating you here, when we are sharing experience of what has happened to others and ourselves.
First rule of any fight battle or engagement is to know and make sure you go home in one piece proper -- aka self preservation.
Your behavior while full of bravado, if true and not fabrication, WILL get you similar treatment on a metro platform with a side of no snitching on the nigger but racist hate antagonist snitching on you.
You're not the first to do these bold things, and you won't be the first to face results from poor planning either.
It will be hard to move to a better place with a fractured skull and partial mental retardation after your bravado is acted upon by an animal, and you will be demonized by the media, putting your kids at risk as well as race realism in general.
Baltimore Watcher
"When I think back upon my life, I ask myself how I could have been so blind and clueless about race. I guess I just had to learn the hard way. Too bad this knowledge came to me so late in my life."
I'll tell you why you were clueless about race - TV, and Movies.
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