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HUD Employee: "We've found a community that is still replete with social capital. Destroy it." |
[Obama administration using housing department in effort to diversify neighborhoods, Fox News, 8-8-13]:
In a move some claim is tantamount to social engineering, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory.
The policy is called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It will require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every single neighborhood and try to remedy it.
HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan unveiled the federal rule at the NAACP convention in July.
"Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest hit communities, no matter how hard a child or her parents work, the life chances of that child, even her lifespan, is determined by the zip code she grows up in. This is simply wrong,” he said.
Data from this discrimination database would be used with zoning laws, housing finance policy, infrastructure planning and transportation to alleviate alleged discrimination and segregation.
Specifics of the proposed rule are lacking. Now published in the Federal Register and undergoing a 60-day comment period, the rule, "does not prescribe or enforce specific” policies.
But one critic says it smacks of utopian idealism.
"This is just the latest of a series of attempts by HUD to social engineer the American people," said Ed Pinto, of the American Enterprise Institute. "It started with public housing and urban renewal, which failed spectacularly back in the 50's and 60's.
They tried it again in the 90's when they wanted to transform house finance, do away with down payments, and the result was millions of foreclosures and financial collapse.”
Remember the line from Independence Day, when the President of the United States is speaking to a captured alien. The invading aliens have only one desire for those they invade:
President Thomas Whitmore: What do you want us to do?"Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing."
Captured Alien: Die.
These four words represent the exact same answer the fictional President Whitmore received from the alien, just directed to the Historical Majority Population of America.
When I moved to where I live now,no one asked if I was a minority.They asked if I could afford to live here.
What f****n' fair?Don't have kids if you can't raise them anywhere but an urban sh*****e.
Can't feed 'em,don't breed 'em.
What else is it besides Ethic cleansing and monitoring of Whites to prevent any whiff of racial Solidarity?
the government should have NO say in who chooses (& can afford to) live where. the government needs to stay out of such things.
Florida guy here...
"Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest hit communities, no matter how hard a child or her parents work, the life chances of that child, even her lifespan, is determined by the zip code she grows up in. This is simply wrong,” he said.
Truth is, when children in these zip codes work hard to learn, the doors of opportunity fly open for them.
What's "simply wrong" is affirmative action housing. It's an artificial construct. Artificial constructs inevitably fail.
HUD's mission seems to be to destroy wealth.
Dare ye speak against BRA and their appointed protected class? Brace for a stomping from these Africanized imported and invasive bees!
One of the tools they intend to use to advance this plan is a major change to the Section 8 rules. At present, no landlord can be compelled to accept Section 8 vouchers. Under the proposed rules, landlords who refuse to accept the vouchers will be guilty of discriminating against descendants of cannibals and they will receive a hefty fine, a Black son-in-law and a beating like Jesus got in that movie that made the Jewish folks so mad.
Maybe that's not all true, but they are planning to force landlords to accept the vouchers.
It's not an issue in communities under 15% AA. If you have a city over 30% AA and start placing them in White enclaves, the Whites will split very quickly. Why stay?
You'll take abuse, chip-on-your shoulder crap all day long from Blacks. Why stay and be a victim?
This won't work because Whites will always leave.
The picture associated with a'HUD' employee, I believe taken from the remake of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' is superb. This image captures the attitude of our post 1984/new world masters and their brown-shirt allies. Precious.
Since the 70's and on this finger of shame, or calling out, has been employed when the wrong word was used, then if the incorrect thought were spoken. Now, I suppose if you live in the wrong zipcode without enough diversity will 'finger' you. Even Orwell would be amazed.
zip codes be rayciss
"Data from this discrimination database would be used with zoning laws, housing finance policy, infrastructure planning and transportation to alleviate ALLEGED discrimination and segregation."
Shit they do not even have to PROVE that discrimination and segregation have occurred all they have to do is ALLEGE that it has occurred. H O L Y S H I T. Ironically the africans will agree that this is true FREEDOM! They really are a completely different species than us.
"Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest hit communities, no matter how hard a child or her parents work, the life chances of that child, even her lifespan, is determined by the zip code she grows up in. This is simply wrong, he said."
As always the black communities are the "hardest hit" communities, as if multiple asteroids cast down from Olympus by Ares himself are to blame. Blame the "zip code" for the problems, anything but the PEOPLE residing in those zip codes. Every time these ingloriously stupid africans open their mouths they just confirm how pathetic and incompetent their people really are. I will ask yet again, IF the Africans "built" America as slaves why can they not replicate these same feats as FREE PEOPLE???? Bueller? Anyone??? PK's analysis of black america just makes so much sense regarding black america's current conditions; i.e. the lack of future time orientation, the inability to delay gratification, the cargo cult mentality, the complete and utter lack of personal responsibility, etc. When you look at black america as a whole and see NOTHING but ruin and despair you have to ask yourself WHY would the government through HUD move these people into productive areas? It's not so much conspiracy thinking as it is connecting the dots and asking rational questions about those dots. Look I wish it was not like this, I wish that black people were really equal in intelligence and ability to White people. If that were true we would not have these same problems that exist today. IF blacks and Whites were truly equal the black race would have long ago made a first world civilization for themselves and would not have to rely on playing the worn out, tattered race card at every opportunity. Blacks, they built America but somehow could not figure out how to keep the lights on in Detroit.
Here's what will happen to all the new diverse neighborhoods. As a property manager, I see this all the time. Its actually a big reason why I can SEE. Good luck out there!
NC Native
I've developed properties in the past and here are some way they CAN do this.
1) To get permits (various types) you will have to dedicate a percentage of your "units" to "qualified" buyers or tenants. These are your Section 8 type people.
2) Banks will require you to set aside a certain number of units for these people or not get the loan since banks are "regulated" by the gov.
3) If you accept ANY type of government assistance, be it zoning, density, financing, eminent domain, etc. you will be subject to the set aside of units for America's best.
4) Already there are developers who actually build section 8 type housing since they get "tax" credits and such they can use against their other developments. Now, these developers will be absent owners who won't give a sh*t who lives there. They just get credits or higher density,etc. and go live elsewhere.
5) If somebody wants to buy a home you built, and they are using FHA or any government "loan" service, they they can DEMAND you sell/rent to them.
It is going to get real sick. Sicker than you can imagine. And, once they have a permanent Democratic electorate, they will pass the anit-gun bills when they soon have a majority in Congress. I see this happening in less than 10 years. Then, there will be nothing to stop the dilution of the 2nd amendment. Just remember, Obama is stuffing the Supreme court with NON-White anti gun "judges".
We have no more than 10 years.
This will have unintended side effects that I don't think they have considered. If Negroes were evenly distributed across the US then that would be the end of their political power. There would not be any more Negro Congressmen or big city politicos.
I have bought several homes in my life. I have never owned a house near any blacks. Never jump into a house because you are desperate. After my divorce in 1986, which broke me, I bought 10 acres in North Georgia. My new wife and I lived in a tent for 6 months while I built us a small house. We lived there for 6 years paid off the property. I lived off a generator for 4 years and had an out house. That was the best 6 years of my life. She wound up pregnant and we moved to downtown Maysville, GA. population 850. I was in my 40s now I'm in my 60s I would do it all over again. Never jump into a house because you can. Be very aware of the dynamics surrounding you...VM
I read the article about the man being almost stomped to death by blacks screaming black power and was not shocked to discover the "authorities" in their infinite wisdom do not consider it a hate crime.
Now reverse that. If two or three whites screaming white power attacked a black man, it would be on the news 24/7 and all the usual suspects would be screeching "hate crime!" and demanding No justice, No peace.
It's not just the MSM that is corrupted but the law is as well and is applied differently according to skin color.
Isn't that called racism? Disparate impact?
No wonder I carry a weapon at all times. If I'm viciously attacked by a racist black, he's dead meat.
Until negroes learn to care about whites, they can stay in their own damn neighborhoods.
Civil rights activists remain silent on Florida school bus beating video.
HUD's mission is to destroy white people or to kill as many possible.
And the beat goes on...
When are whites going to take a stand?
Just imagine what Detroit would be like today if its population were 90% Germanic-descended instead of 90% Negro. Does this leave ANY doubt in anyone's mind that race and culture ARE relevant?
What a horrible juxtaposed position to be in...I commuted between 55 and 85 miles into Atlanta for 13 years. I wound up driving rice burners to maximize mileage. Gas at that time was about $1.50 a gallon...how does a guy commute when gas is at $4.00 a gallon? In a lot of ways I am so glad I have none of these issues anymore. I pity the young people that have to make the decisions that are required today in order to work in a big city and be far away from it to be groid free...VM
Its not like they are forcefully snagging the eyes and teeth in the middle of the night, whisking them to whitopia.
They take a few only.
They multiply.
Whites flee.
Browns displace groids.
They're like locust.
Whites are not united.
50 years the folks up North decided Southerners should be punished for something and stated passing what was called "civil rights laws" most Northerners thought they would only apply to the South. There is just one problem with Federal laws. They apply to the whole USA , all fifty states an all territories. My advice is save up for more and better locks for your houses. security systems for your homes and vehicles. Guns and large fierce dogs for protection. Additional taxes to pay for the additional police, rescue squad and Emergency room services and oh yes private school tuition to keep your children safe. We Southerners ware more than willing to send you all the diversity you will ever want or need.
I hate to say it but this may be a good thing. Too many whites remain blind to the truth about blacks. Those who haven't lived near them have fantasies that all negroes are wise people with secret inner knowledge because they were descended for the slowest, weakest tribesmen who were forced into slavery by other negroes in Africa.
Once more liberals are victimized by blacks, they'll start to turn on negroes. Think about it, liberals support black crime by covering it up and making it hard for law abiding whites to defend themselves, so white liberals hate law abiding whites more then criminal blacks. That's psychotic. I'd love to see what happens when the white liberals turn their hatred on negroes.
I don't mean liberals are strong or intelligent, but their childish rage is better aimed at negroes then whites.
Basically I have a f**k attitude towards the future of the USA as it is. Everything that made us great is now loathed. It's better to be a snarky underachiever who whines about hardships then a hard worker who overcomes problems.
Does a nation that allows Michael Moore to become a millionaire deserve to be saved? And the thing is we need to change the mind of idiots who think Jon Stewart is real news. So let it burn, and the people who think, plan, and can see will survive.
"determined by the zip code"
yes, of course. the zipcode. it's the magical numbers of the zipcode that give white neighbourhoods prosperity and black neighbourhoods desolation.
Because the alternative would be to acknowledge that humans are in fact not the only animal on earth unaffected by breeding and genetics.
Anon @ 4:30pm... You are so right! I moved back to Rome, GA. In 1976...bussing had been a fact in the south for quite some time. In Boston when they implemented bussing the parents were standing in the street throwing bricks at the windshields of the busses. I had to laugh my ass off. YT needs to fulfill Doprahs imagination of 2 million rope straighteners. And for my part you can go ahead and play rodeo with the rude yankee fvcksticks...who cares...VM
Every single white person from here on out should place Hispanic or native American on every form they ever receive from now on. Is this stupid? Of course this country and increasingly world is unyieldingly stupid and evil.
Use their stupidity against them. Everyone in white neighborhoods, of course the ones that still function and are clean of course, should put this on their census, voter id, etc. The benefits are obvious.
"Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest hit communities, no matter how hard a child or her parents work, the life chances of that child, even her lifespan, is determined by the zip code she grows up in. This is simply wrong,
Its for the children, always for the chilrun...like recent posts about 44 year ol colored gramma w 18? grandkids......gees...
Slightly off-topic, but here's a CLASSIC, textbook example of left-wing hypocrisy:
What's the matter, Matt? Too many Negroes and Mexicans for your own kids????
Vicio MaloI commuted between 55 and 85 miles into Atlanta for 13 years. I wound up driving rice burners to maximize mileage. Gas at that time was about $1.50 a gallon...how does a guy commute when gas is at $4.00 a gallon?
Commuting into the city involves not just gas, but tolls, travel time (including the city traffic jams), more wear and tear on your car (including the increased risk of accident, vandalism and theft) and parking. Or deal with public transportation. Many cities have a wage tax on workers as well as residents. And of course, exposure to the dark ones.
I would have to be really desperate or get a particularly sweet offer before I will work in a major city again. And I don't see myself ever working indefinitely in such a situation. All things considered, I will take a lower paying job in the burbs or in the country. Life is too short.
those chillrun be born ta single muthas.
PK..on surveys should YT claim to be die verse?
In a move some claim is tantamount to social engineering, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is imposing a new rule that would allow the feds to track diversity in America’s neighborhoods and then push policies to change those it deems discriminatory.
The policy is called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It will require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every single neighborhood and try to remedy it.
Do the math...find a nice mountain top home in someplace like Ellijay, GA. Mentone, Alabama, Dawsonville, GA. Get a job at a hardware store. At a bank or anyplace. You will not get rich. The quality of life you will enjoy will be the difference. I worked night shift in Atlanta for 30 years. I carried 3 guns on me at all times. I had a friend that was California as well. He asked me one night why do carry a gun? I told him Eric there are 12 of us here. Everyone in here carries a gun. You are the only one in here that doesn't. Your boss carries a .45 in his lunchbox. Southerners grow up with the knowledge that if you are gonna be in a precarious position you best be well armed. I had carry concealed permits and when the police would pull me over the CC permit was on top of my license. Never had a problem with any police in Georgia they know the rules of engagement...VM
"A chicken in every pot." Now it's "a groid on every block."
The federal government has been at war with whites for about 50 years now. Whites counterattacked integration by moving away from the cities out into the suburbs where the groids couldn't follow. Now HUD is retaliating (using your money) by moving them in next door to you.
You get the privilege of working your ass off, and having half your earnings siphoned off by government. Then, with what you have left, you buy a home in a nice neighborhood to raise your kids and live. The federal government simply can't have it. They are going to use the money they took from you to move a groid in next door to you.
What happens when this latest bit of racial alchemy predictably fails to civilize blacks? Will they make us move them into our houses?
I'm sure that elites will be given waivers a la Obamacare to be exempted from the vibrant diversity.
As So CAL Snowman said...
Blame the "zip code" for the problems, anything but the PEOPLE residing in those zip codes. Every time these ingloriously stupid africans open their mouths they just confirm how pathetic and incompetent their people really are.
It is to the point of pathetic. Now it is a zip code number, a number, that is the problem.
As I said earlier over at Amren: Are we going to "outlaw" living in bad zip codes for blacks?
The entire west and south sides of Chicago would have to be shut down.
95% of Detroit would have to be shut down.
Then with all the blacks outlawed from living there because they are "bad", they would be dozed, rebuilt, and suddenly become "good" zip codes. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Just like the shampoo instructions, it's a loop that would just keep going if it was computer code.
HaroldC said...
This will have unintended side effects that I don't think they have considered. If Negroes were evenly distributed across the US then that would be the end of their political power. There would not be any more Negro Congressmen or big city politicos.
Is correct. These dumb nigs think they will still have political power if spread evenly throughout the population. There is no gerrymandering scheme that could ever accomplish that. "black" congressional districts would have to look a map of roads in West Virginia. Literally squiggly lines that go from black house to black house with an occasional White or other house used to connect black houses.
too many of our hardest hit communities,..why is their 'community' hard hit?
by who? YT?
I read something in the paper about how cell calls to PRISON will be cheap.
prisoners do crime on phones...
FCC to consider limiting costs of prison phone calls - latimes.com
13 hours ago - Complaints about the high costs for prisoners to make phone
These proposed HUD rules go against all laws of economics. It is unworkable. And even if they did try to implement it, whites will just move to better (i.e. whiter) neighborhoods. Then rinse & repeat.
It's about to get much more expensive to be white in America.
My 2 oldest sons attended Shamrock High School in Tucker, GA., DeKalb Co. GA. We were laughing about negro dysfunction one night and my oldest said he had an English teacher that was black. He said nobody could understand what the hell she was talkin' 'bout..."the flo you know the flo". We all fell out laughing when he said she was talkin' 'bout the floor.Negroes are a joke...can you imagine a sheboon teaching English. I never went to school with a single negro and thank God. American by Birth...Southern by the Grace of God...VM
I'm glad you came back to this. I've been thinking about it and posted in a few other places that this is actually not about bringing property values down or destroying white America. Let me explain...
See, the DWL's really think that blacks can make it, if given a chance in a better place. They cannot reason with themselves or see what's constantly in front of their face, just like the goofball at the Post who was beaten by blacks and excused it off.
No, this is about something else. It's about a permanent gerrymandering from the Federal level, to tip the votes over in the Democrats direction in white enclaves that barely hold out a Conservative majority. You'll see the places they do this in first will be majority conservative voting districts. But ones which barely hang on to that majority.
They know for sure that blacks vote Democrat, but they never will understand or acknowledge that blacks are violent, destroy property, bring down neighborhood values and hate whites. That is the furthest from their minds. The fact they vote Democrat is on the tip of their tongues though, at each and every turn.
After they get the vote in those districts and legalize Juan and his 30 million buddies, you can not only kiss the federal elections goodbye but you can also say hello to Democratic suburbs, cities and the remaining whites who flee will have a paltry conservative vote way out in nowheresville.
In St Louis the bussing of blacks is to conservative areas as well. Almost like they know to send them to people who already don't like them. This way they don't damage future Democrats.
I know it seems like they know the nature of blacks when they do stuff like the bussing issues, but they truly don't understand. The conservative areas just happen to have better schools and make better places to toss the undertow.
Maybe there is someone up there engineering all of this (twsnbn), but when given the chance most white people will display a sympathy and a charitable hand unlike any other race that has ever existed. This is our downfall, not some conspiracy.
-focal joker-
@ Harold C
I see you said just the opposite of what I said about the political power for Dems. The blacks will not lose any voting power in the cities. think about it. Detroit, 600K + blacks. They could take 250K and spread them in white areas and not only control the city still but also dilute the white votes in the suburbs. Sorry man, they have thought about it, and this is the reason they are doing it.
-focal joker-
The problem with the idea of spreading blacks thin from coast-to-coast and thus nullifying their political power is that whites are down to about 63% (non-hispanic) while blacks are 13 %. Of the two groups they constitute about 1 in 6 - way too big a fraction for whites' peace and safety.
This would not make for a civil, bright-futured desirable world for us. And this is to view the above as something of a closed system. Culture and all that constitutes a national ethos are nightmarish and terminal in BRA. No, the two sole rational choices are to go into that good-night of ex-pat status or to stand and fight. Will whites at some grand nexus come to a fierce mentality of kill or be killed? That is the burning question behind the universe of infinite chatter.
Kill two birds with one stone. Abolish the US Postal System. The negro "middle class" disappears and the zip code is no longer necessary.
Mr. Clean @ 6:01 pm... I worked for major league sports atalanta. I worked night shift. Before that I was a graphic artist at color graphics (largest producer of corporate reports) I made a lot of money but had to keep on the move. See my post below yours. My advice is in today's world get a job at anything and have a fulfilling life. Trying to stay ahead of a nig rigged game is a losing battle. I am retired and live on the eastern shore of Chesapeake bay and although I hate it for my grandkids this is their cross to bear...VM
One of the tools they intend to use to advance this plan is a major change to the Section 8 rules. At present, no landlord can be compelled to accept Section 8 vouchers. Under the proposed rules, landlords who refuse to accept the vouchers will be guilty of discriminating against descendants of cannibals and they will receive a hefty fine, a Black son-in-law and a beating like Jesus got in that movie that made the Jewish folks so mad.
I believe this is already law in Cook County/Chicago. They can no longer discriminate against Sec 8 people. Google Oak Park Section 8.
To the idea of putting yourself down as Amerindian...I think it is a great idea if that whatever her pasty face name is I think everyone should do it. And further...claim you don't speak any English. Use an X for your signature and send the census dick on his way. Be sure to tell them 19 of your children live in the home with you...all under 12. They'll probably figure you are really black and too stupid to know...VM
Like everyone else on this site, I've spent my entire life trying to avoid living near negroes. I've lived in large cities and so that imperative has always complicated my housing choices and increased the cost. But I've done that because I understand the criminality and just general ignorance that swirls around these people. I find section 8 to be terrifying. You can do your best to live in a safe neighborhood, with good schools and then suddenly negroes can just be set up right next door to you? There is a full out war being waged on the white middle class, that's past obvious now.
The real danger with these programs like section 8 and "affirmatively furthering negro housing" is that they live on in eternity in the Federal bureaucracy. They're not laws as such, they are bureaucratic rule making that seem virtually impossible to remove. And that's not to mention the cost of this stuff to the taxpayer.
Off topic, or rather on topic, I saw a news piece the other day about the Fed's intention to issue EBT cards to children. They want to decrease the "food insecurity", an actual real phrase, suffered by these children. How did these people get control of this country?
This is being done not to diversify neighborhoods, but to acquire higher grade housing for blacks at block-busting prices, and to force YT to build and buy newer housing and get the economy restarted.
BTW, block-busting is a federal crime.
Southron said:
""What happens when this latest bit of racial alchemy predictably fails to civilize blacks? Will they make us move them into our houses?".
Don't put it past some black to suggest it. Some time back I saw a news item where some blacks were complaining about, you guessed it, "racism".
As proof of the rampant racism of whites, one of Africa's finest descendants actually said "How many black faces were at your dinner table last night?". In other words, if we don't have them in our houses feeding them (free to them, I am sure), then we are racist.
It never ends with these creatures (I refuse to call them people). And they wonder why so many white people want nothing to do with them.
Fighting this is useless. Amnesty is a done deal Boehner can't wait to team up with Schumer and latest headcount shows most Reps eager for it. Upthread poster is optimistic, five years max before all White guns and bank accounts seized.
Open borders is massively popular and Whiteness failed. Derb noted White identity a no no globally.
Steve Jobs widow romancing Adrian Fenty is why.
White guys ... nerdy, beta males good only for making money and new tech and providing boring security. Nothing sexy and dominant.
White women not all but most are replacing White guys with newer models. One way or another. See Sandra Fluke, model of American womanhood.
Staying in US even Pacific Northwest or Mountain West like Jews fleeing Hitler for Holland or France.
Go to Chile, Singapore, Japan, keep your head down and have multiple passports,be ready to run a moments notice for sin of White, male, straight. Forget America it is dead. Corpse not worth fighting for.
Every place in America save superzips will be Detroit to East LA.
Or the blacks will leave. They get bored in the burbs because people call the cops and there is no action. I have seen sec 8 move thru the white hoods and burbs of Chicago for decades. They want to be in a place where everyone else isn't working all day and clowning w each other.
"The fault, dear Rastus, lies not in our ZIP codes, but in ourselves that we are underlings."
The idea that, with all the things that might explain why blacks fail, some moron who took exactly one statistics course and thinks that ZIP codes are the root determinant of success. This moron clearly slept through the lecture where they tell you that "post hoc ergo propter hoc" (after the fact, therefore because of the fact) is the classic fallacy made by morons who take statistics and then run off and try to re-engineer the world based on a regression model that they don't understand.
Matt Damon's wife is Colombian
ambrose kane:
Can you imagine such a respectable institution as the Smithsonian Museum displaying the blood-stained hoodie of a 17-year-old pot-smoking thug known as ‘No-Limit-Nigga’? Like most American institutions that have been hijacked by liberals, it’s went downhill and has become primarily a vehicle for Leftist propaganda.
The Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture claims in its mission statement that “this institution will stimulate a dialogue about race and help to foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.” It will do nothing of the sort. It will only help to solidify in the minds of blacks that Trayvon’s death was racially motivated. It will agitate blacks and do nothing to “foster a spirit of reconciliation and healing.”
It’s important to recognize that blacks don’t want racial “reconciliation and healing.” The African American museum claims this in its mission statement because it needs to justify its cause as well as the funds it will receive. Moreover, blacks know that if the ‘racist’ narrative is not kept up, they will lose vast amounts of federal dollars in government aid. They will forever lose their excuse of underachievement and be forced like everyone else to be held to account for their words and deeds.
The Smithsonian’s African American museum is but another proof of liberal whites kowtowing to blacks, trying to make them feel important and assuaging their own white-guilt by giving them a ‘museum’ they can call their own. And, as expected, blacks prove how unwilling they are to move beyond racial barriers by seeking to display Trayvon’s hoodie and other items that fit their fictional accounts.
Whiskey said...
Fighting this is useless.
No one is fighting. That's the problem. YT sits around watching TV like a lobotomized cow.
"Unfortunately, in too many of our hardest hit communities, no matter how hard a child or her parents work, the life chances of that child, even her lifespan, is determined by the zip code she grows up in. This is simply wrong,” he said.
Your damn right, that's wrong. Anyone can make it if they work hard enough. Anyone.
Sadly, the people in this "community" don't value hard work or they risk being called an Uncle Tom. They'd rather spend their time protesting the fact that there aren't enough black head coaches in the NFL or something equally pointless.
HUD's mission seems to be to destroy wealth.
Bzzzt. Wrong. The mission of HUD, whose orders emanate from squid-central is to destroy the wealth of whites. The wealth of squids will be increasing - exponentially. It's not so much about destroying wealth as it is whose wealth is targeted. Do think Lloyd Blankfein, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg will have to worry about their neighborhood being inundated by such fine Patricians as Shitavius and Turdquilla? You were falling for a common BS argument which spews from the mouths of squid-mouthpieces in the Repuke Party, Conservatards, Inc., etc. The purpose of the lie is to keep your eyes from looking at that funny-looking little man behind the curtain. Do you honestly think that groids could have engineered something like this?
" And they wonder why so many people DETEST them." There, fixed it for you.
This has been happening in the UK for years. Nearly all new build estates (neighbourhoods for you yanks) have to have a percentage allocated to council tenants(your section 8). I always thought this was a way to lower housing prices for those that see the benefits of waking up and earning money everyday. Now London is fucked with whites as a minority living in small pockets amongst what now looks like Pakistan and bongo bongo land. In the 80s the work shy were offered 10,000 pounds (about 20k $ in USD back then) to move out of London to the surrounding areas because the whites were heading for the towns and sticks in high numbers. This earner was open to all except whites. They know who makes bakes bread and butters it although they hate us with a vengeance for crimes no ones is still alive to remember they love a benefits da evil white man bring. Planetary segregation now. Put da coon on da moon.
@Southron: "The federal government has been at war with whites for about 50 years now. Whites counterattacked integration by moving away from the cities out into the suburbs where the groids couldn't follow."
That's not a counterattack, it's a tail-between-the-legs retreat.
This is a counterattack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsmGRZpDTA0 If this insidious agenda becomes reality, Buffalo will happen everywhere and every week. We will all be backed into a corner at that point, with no other recourse. PNW may be nice, but it's too small. Why the hell should we settle for a small reservation, when the entire country was 100% ours just yesterday? (Also, as mentioned above, there is the Yellowstone Caldera volcanic threat looming over that area).
I'll tell you another problem with planting niggers on every street: the police will no longer have the "fish out of water" excuse ("cause", actually) to detain and question obvious outsiders. (Also applies to whites driving through black areas. Nothing wrong with that either). If groids are living everywhere, their omnipresence will provide cover for other groids to enter an area and commit the current Mayhem Of The Week.
Anon said: "Anonymous said...
HUD's mission seems to be to destroy wealth
Not true, the purpose is to destroy WHITE SOLIDARITY!
Harold C said: " If Negroes were evenly distributed across the US then that would be the end of their political power."
This is not true, the uncontrolled reproduction rate of niggers is such that it will support any wide spread dispersment with no change on the extant nigger population. Remember, they are like a fuckin virus in that they will reproduce even beyond the available food source and would die off if not for stOOpid White people looking out for them.
D-FENS said...
Kill two birds with one stone. Abolish the US Postal System.
SORRY D-FENS, the postal service is TO BLACK TO BE ALLOWED TO FAIL!.
I grew up in the 50s & 60s. By the time snivel rights was the law of the land I was well on my way to being a race realist. All the social engineering was very disturbing to my father. He hated everybody equally. My initial exposure to the negro was the US Army. Low and behold my dad was right!. Children rarely find parents intuitive, knowledgeable and correct. As I have reached senior citizen status I find the results of social engineering disturbing. The world I grew up in was all white, not perfect, but traditional. Not so much with my kids. They have been exposed to the black dysfunction all their lives. I don't think they will be as disturbed and shocked as their world falls apart. They will have no point of reference to compare the societal collapse to. My grandchildren will bare the burden of this insane social engineering. I don't believe they will ever be able to say, "Remember the Good Old Days?" This what you get when you let the dummyrats run the show. This is what you get when you elect negroes to political office. How stupid do you have to be to think a negro is gonna be a good choice for president? I'm going to enjoy my last negro-free days, I hope y'all do the same...VM
Checked out Whiskey's reference to Adrian Fenty and SJ widow. Of course I didn't know who he was 'till this moment. I see he's a violent drunk - directed at women no less. True enough the rational, preserving taboo of whites not conjugating with blacks is a relic of American (Western) history. What other explanation could there be for this woman to romance this scum than that she has been tempted by the culture of BRA to go black.
Frankly, I do not know if it is as prevalent among white women as Whiskey seems to think but I know it is no longer a natural thing of reflexive revulsion. I for one consider it an act of the purist perversion and betrayal and would disown my dearest progeny in such a case. Indeed, women above all have been coopted by BRA and turned loose upon the sordid, already uber degraded culture.
Black people truly don't understand cause and effect. They have no self awareness. They think that white people have this special magic that can somehow transmit itself to them by proximity. Actually, they probably don't even think on that high a level. They just say "White good! Gotta gets me some! Go be where Whitey at. Gets me summa dat!" And like children who don't get what they want, when they fail they throw tantrums. They make no connection between their own behavior and its consequences. It is simply beyond most of their mental capacities. Our country is like a weak parent held hostage by a spoiled, screaming three year old.
White people can't understand this thinking - or rather lack of thinking - because concepts like cause and effect and responsibility are second nature to us. If you refuse to acknowledge that most black people are basically children in adult bodies, then it MUST be the environment.
The eradication of the notion that races are different, and unequal, has been the most destructive thing to happen to this country. Everybody was better off when we acknowledged that blacks were incapable of being on equal footing with whites in a civilized society.
Who knows how it will turn out? I'm not going to speculate nor will I worry. I've stopped fretting about the future of "America." It's gone. They won. I'm going to worry about me and my kin. Just because the country goes down the tubes doesn't mean I'll go down with it.
I am SO all for this! I want them to start enforcing it YESTERDAY!
The timing is perfect and we all know that the cultural marxist multi-culti die-versity crowd is beyond tone deaf. Negro fatige is already at an all-time high like I've never seen in the last 40 years.
So absolutely, start the massive national redistribution of negroes. Take 13% of the population and spread it evenly across all the majority white areas of the whole country. Let me know how well that works out for you when suddenly your mau mau foot soldiers are spread out, outnumbered, surrounded, and cut off from immediate reinforcements.
Echo of my thoughts.
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld live about 15 miles from me. I am a poor white guy. Is there any way I can get a section 8 voucher so I can live in their neighborhood? I always liked both of them...heartless, arrogant politicians have always been my favorites...can we resurrect Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan? They can move in with me after I get my section 8 voucher...VM
The last thing negroes want is to be evenly distributed across the nation. Where the hell would they sell their crack? Goes for the so-called men as well as the sheboons...they would just gather in pockets and, "get their dysfunction on". These clowns are a joke...it's just a way to water down the inability for these nimrods to function in everyday society. There are real problems facing the next generation, negroes are not the problem, they are just an "inconvenience". The real problems for the future are potable water, renegade towel heads with nukes, petroleum shortages and food supplies. Thank God I'll be burning in hell when all this occurs...have a great groid free day...I know I will...VM
Skip is right. The main objective is to destroy white solidarity. When your neighbors are Mexican, Polynesian, black, and a couple DWLs, how do you really them to respond to the anti white, anti American dictatescoming down the pike that are aimed at destroying your heritageand way of life to their benefit? You can't. This is the aim, this is the objective.
Whites beehive in self reliance for the most part. We know.if we take government money, we'll have to accept government dictates. Our people as a whole have always said "no thanks, I'll manage on my own". We believe in self reliance, industry, thrift, self determination, responsibility, humility. We believe in virtue and morality as given in scripture. These values are and have been eroded and will continue to erode as long as Churches continue to teach "God is love, God loves everyone, Love the sinner, hate the sin", and all these other false doctrines. these churches are terminally ill and talmudic. As long as white males will pathetically live vicariously through espn, as long as we don't teach our sons and daughters to keep the blood clean and heritage pure, as long as we sit transfixedin front of the brainwash box, as long we fear being called racist, as long as we allow and not fight this new HUD assault and as long we allow our shores to be flooded with foreigners, our country, our people, our nations will continue to suffer this suicide. It is not too late, but soon will be. The time to stand is now. Who will stand in the gap? Who will sue the HUD for genocide, or discrimination against whites, or for attacking our freedom of association? Who will risk losing status as being labeled a racist or separatist and portrayed on the tv as a nut? Who has the words in their mouth to answer all the twisted questions aimed at making you look like am idiot, a kook, a backwards bigot? Who will stand up to TWMNBN? Who will stand in the gap?
Don't put all white women in that basket. I don't do black guys. I find them gross.
We are having a discussion about this right now on my blog Viking Bitch
Section 8 is hell
only for the neighbors, though
groids don't know better
I have long believed that the best cure for Negrophilia Is Negroes. Send those bruthas to every neighborhood so they can snatch away the veil of ignorance that the MSM and the sitcoms about wonderful black folks created.
Imagine the shock when those good folks who think that blacks are just dark-skinned white people who didn't have the right opportunities get a troll-looking welfare queen and her 6 sprog getting those missed opportunities in the house next door.
Knowledge is good. I want every white person to get some.
In the era I was raised and in the white ethnic family culture I was raised, it appeared that the reason to raise oneself up was to escape or avoid poverty, and then to garner the rewards of hard work. Rewards such as "better schools" and "safer neighborhoods". Other rewards like a good job or career, a better car, the ability to travel, or medical care that is above the baseline. In short, work hard, gain freedom. Freedom from want, freedom from random violence, freedom to use your own resources the way you want.
As we all know this concept is under constant assault. Some assaults or blunt force but most are sublime. We are doomed to lose because of the overwhelming lawfare power of the left. They have infected every single sector of life and society with their perfidious march through the institutions.
I'm condemning the left with my above screed, but I need to add that I recently returned from my second thrip to Seattle and the NW. I have to agree with Paul Kersey. Maybe it's not liberalism that failed, it's BRA that fails liberalism. In Seattle one sees a white and yellow SOCIETY THAT WORKS. People are happy and well adjusted. There is public trust on the streets. The hostility of the east is missing. Furthermore, when one goes into the rural areas you again encounter a society that works.
My son moved there 2 years ago. Thus time I took my daughter, a social worker who can see. She is now charged up to move there, so sick of the dysfunctional welfare state victims (black and white) that she serves here in the Mid-Atlantic. I'm discussing it with my wife. Once her parents pass on we may pull up stakes and go.
However, this HUD thing, should it get teeth, will go crazy destroying the NW.
The great black conservative commentator Elizabeth Wright once wrote blacks will stop at nothing to insert themselves into white's lives.
This is the diversity that HUD wants in every neighborhood:
And read on down to the bottom. Some of the apes came back the next day and chimped out when they were refused service!
All you landlords out there!Would you rather rent to someone who had an eviction on their record or a Section 8 felon with nine bastard monkeys?
In Denver,there are apartment ads that state"no evictions.Section 8 and felonies ok."
She past breeding age this is purely a physical endeavor. Biologically speaking she's done her duty as a highly intelligent woman. She reproduced with an intelligent White man. Frankly this is more than can be said for women like her.
adopt those african pets and what happens?
ave you heard yet about Matthew and Grace Huang, the American couple jailed in Qatar since January of this year? No? neither had I. Now that I have, I'm compelled to share their story.
Matt and Grace's adopted daughter, Gloria, died suddenly on January 15th, 2013 for reasons unknown.The next day, Matt and Grace were jailed in Doha, Qatar and charged with her murder.The California Innocence Project has since taken on their case.
The Huangs are Asian-American with three children adopted from Africa. According to the investigative report, they could not have had a legitimate reason to adopt children who were not "good-looking" and who did not share their "hereditary traits.".
Obamunist didn't start this crap, using HUD as a neighborhood wrecking weapon.
Jack Kemp was the fanatical forced-integrationist who as HUD Secretary invented "Moving To Opportunity" to wedge nonwhites into white neighborhoods on a large scale.
with regards to other commentators or commenters..
thanks Malo.
'Blacks dont get cause and effect'...
that is science not faith.
Its for adults.
just this am NPR was bemoaning lack of wimmen in STEMS..sci, eng, tech.math.
Cause and effect is for smart people, not emotional ijits.
Fighting this is useless.
As Bogo recently reminded me, it's not like you have a dog in this hunt.
Go to Chile, Singapore, Japan...
You'd like Caucasians to become even more atomized than they already are, wouldn't you?
Upthread poster is optimistic, five years max before all White guns and bank accounts seized.
This is how I know that you're either not serious, or you're a plant.
I'll never understand why people who have no interest in a given subject insist on having their say about it. The day the government begins gun confiscation in earnest is the day the war begins. They can pass all the laws they like; enforcing those laws is quite another matter.
I swear, some of you think like Democrats. Laws do not have magical powers to enforce themselves. And as for the actual enforcers, see my statements in the Community Beliefs thread.
But I think the culprit here is this species of intellectual who believes picking up a rifle is too prolish, and therefore has a strong preference for keeping the fight political so he can fight it from his study. If there's a shooting war, and there will be, he'll be just another refugee, huddled in some basement surrounded by DWL's and women.
While black people power would be lowered for a generation or 2, it is whites who will ultimately suffer in the end. With the economy doing bad, whites will continue to have fewer children. Black, who are getting paid to have kids, will continue to have 30 kids and in a generation or 2 we will be outnumbered and on the run from our white flight enclaves once again. Only this time, there won't be anywhere else to run to cause the nig nogs will be everywhere. That is the real plan. I assure you, there is nothing good for us that will come of this. Something good for whites was not even somewhere in the back of Obamas mind when they passed this resolution.
The picture associated with a'HUD' employee, I believe taken from the remake of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' is superb. This image captures the attitude of our post 1984/new world masters and their brown-shirt allies. Precious.
Yes, this picture does come from the 1978 remake of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' movie. I remember this movie well. This picture comes from the end of the movie, where it is revealed to the audience that the main protagonist character, played by Donald Sutherland, has become one of the pod people who shriek and point at anybody who is not a fellow pod person.
If HUD wishes to level the real estate playing field, it should select some prime Democrat wealthy enclaves that elect bottom feeders. Beverly Hills needs a heck of a lot more diversity.As does Pacific Heights in SF.Why can't Santa Monica share it's good fortune with Compton? Let's bring the Bronx to Scarsdale!
In case anybody here has not heard the latest on the murder of the 12-year-old, very pretty, and very white Autumn Pasquale, for which two of Obama's "sons" were arrested and charged in October of 2012, here it is:
Autumn Pasquale murder: Clayton brother pleads guilty in adult court
The younger of the two Obama-sons plead guilty to the strangulation murder in adult court, thereby getting the elder Obama-son off the hook for the most serious charge.
Since the sentence for this totally premeditated murder is just 17 years, this now-16-year-old Obama-son could theoretically be free from the New Jersey primate cage by age 30, due to his current age, and the fact that only 85% of the sentence is legally mandated to be served per New Jersey's laws.
"Just this am NPR was bemoaning lack of wimmen in STEMS..sci, eng, tech.math."
I know several intelligent women, including my wife, who were encouraged to go into STEM majors. All of them regret succumbing to the pressure. Why can't effin' social do-gooders STFU?
It will not help to relocate these people to predominantly white neighborhoods. The neighborhoods to which they move will soon become the same as where they moved from - the result will be 2 dilapidated neighborhoods instead of just one!
Anti-white outburst by "Brown Berets" Latino agitator:
Sadly, we have no White leadership.
So for the next fifteen years, as Autmn's twelve year old rains pass through decomposition and back into the Earth, we will pay for every meal that her killers eat, every second of television they watch, every minute they are alive and well. On fifteen years they will enter the world still as young men, fatter, angrier, and better criminals than they were before. In fifteen years they will be free to rape and kill another white preteen. Will it be your daughter? Where are our "We Are Autumn" t shirts and protests?
We deserve what we get for letting this world happen.
Silent Running said: The day the government begins gun confiscation in earnest is the day the war begins. They can pass all the laws they like....
Recall that the Federal government failed to pass "assault weapons ban" legislation recently, even after a particularly nasty mass shooting spree of school children. Recall that similar legislation WAS able to be passed back in 1994.
Concealed carry and self-defense laws have grown MUCH better in the past generation.
Not just legislation, but to my knowledge, the courts have been generally supportive of the Second Amendment in the past generation. The Heller decision comes to mind. IIRC, several state courts have reaffirmed that largely unregulated open-carry laws mean what they say.
I don't quite understand all the talk about armed uprisings to forcibly protect the right to bear arms. The political trend has clearly been pro-2nd-amendment.
Heard Limbaugh talking about this HUD directive today, likeit was something new from Obama. Hey Rush, ever heard of Yonkers, NY? Sunnyvale, TX? Countless other cities forced -- under Reagan, Bush & Clinton -- to build "low income housing" adjacent to white suburban homes.
When PK asked for donations for a billboard campaign some time ago I suggested instead to pool our money and buy homes in White liberal-enclaves then turn them into sec 8 rentals. Then when the libs started pissing and moaning, turn their cries of racism back on them.
It will be interesting to see what zip codes get "spared" and the lame excuses for why.
Mr Clean said: I don't quite understand all the talk about armed uprisings to forcibly protect the right to bear arms. The political trend has clearly been pro-2nd-amendment.
Wait until Obama, then the proceeding Democrats (demographics have almost ensured that another Republican will never win another presidential election) start replacing the Supreme Court with white elitists/activist minorities. Eventually the court will vote 7-0 on all "progressive" issues, including eventually the right for citizens to bear arms. This is the liberal end game.
The Marxists knew that infiltrating the schools and college campuses with leftist administrators and instructors would in time result in brainwashed white political activists/politicians. Those same Marxists now know that, thanks to minority demographic changes, unelected judges will be their true ally in creating the America they've always craved. This includes eliminating gun rights as well as wealth transfer by decree from the affluent to the "economically deprived", which is already underway.
Granted any gun confiscation will be a challenge in many geographic areas, especially the south and mountain west. But future see-thru-walls technologies will allow the federal elites to zoom in on all houses from the sky to locate those "harmful, illegal guns" (about as quick as police can now scan thousands of license plates in a minute). You can bet they will use the threat of imprisonment and economic ruin to enforce their mandate.
The future of one-party rule in America will be a very dangerous place.
Not just legislation, but to my knowledge, the courts have been generally supportive of the Second Amendment in the past generation.
Good point. Yet in the face of these facts, the certainty of total (and effortless!) gun confiscation comes up again and again in forums like this one, and usually from the same quarters. At this point I think we can identify these as defeatist sentiments made by those with an agenda or who have given in to despair.
I don't quite understand all the talk about armed uprisings to forcibly protect the right to bear arms. The political trend has clearly been pro-2nd-amendment.
I don't believe that the threat of armed uprising is meant to defend the 2nd Amendment, but rather the entire Constitution, which has become a proxy for the country itself. What people are actually saying, often without saying it, is that they will use the right to arms to defend their way of life. This is why many consider the 2nd Amendment to be the most important one, and I'm inclined to agree.
I don't see any anti-gun laws passing short of executive order. I was responding to a hypothetical. But it should also be recognized that TPTB want gun confiscation. I think that these laws are defeated mostly out of fear on the part of Congressional vermin: the fear that they will lose their careers (see Kelly Ayotte), and also a deeper, unspoken fear. The knowledge that there are hundreds of millions of guns floating around this country gives those in the halls of power pause, despite the triumphalist bluster of swines like Schumer. A small, dark place in their brains (the same one that doesn't want to live around the Black Undertow) knows what we're capable of.
I know several intelligent women, including my wife, who were encouraged to go into STEM majors. All of them regret succumbing to the pressure.
Why can't effin' social do-gooders STFU?
They are bad do ers!
feminists and believers in equality.
Equality of genders [no difference in the 2 genders, this is taught in colleges], races , all =.
Cultures...mud huts and open female infanticide [infanticide is now legal here blame Clinton and Obama]...cultures, peoples, genders are =.
I honor equal rights under the law for citizens. Big difference.
This strikes me as a pretty important development in terms of the future: Asians and Hispanics starting to line up with Whites, in opposition to Blacks:
While the commentary suggests continued displacement of Whites in some areas, such as by Chinese in New York City, I suspect this is overblown, given the extremely low Chinese birthrate. In any event, while perhaps less than cheering news to White nationalists, it seems to give some encouragement, and support, to those who see Blacks as being uniquely undesirable as neighbors.
As for the government's effort to integrate neighborhoods by Zip-codes, the data used to determine targeted areas will presumably come from census information, which is self-reported. If the biracial Barack Obama can decide to call himself "Black" on the census, it seems to me that, in the absence of race review panels in the South African mode, Whites and others can pretty much check any boxes they like on those census forms. Just sayin'...
america is dead let it die screw patriotism, let the groids fight americas next war serioulsy
Remember this quote from Jimmy Carter regarding ethnic purity?
"I have nothing against a community that is made up of people who are Polish, or who are Czechoslovakians, or who are French Canadians or who are blacks trying to maintain the ethnic purity of their neighborhoods. This is a natural inclination. [..] Government should not break up a neighborhood on a numerical basis. As soon as the Government does, the white folks flee."
Sometimes I really miss that guy.
Regarding getting rid of hazardous waste, there is a saying in the environmentsl movememt:
"The solution to pollution is not dillution."
Think about that Mr. President when you attempt to put more diversity into non-black neighborhoods.
Since race is just a social construct, I'm writing whatever the hell I want on my next census form.
Probably minority, and that way the feds will stop trying to destroy my neighborhood.
The spreading of blacks across the nation will somewhat dilute black voting power, but only until they become entrenched. Then the usual black behavior of seventeen children by seventeen different men will kick in and they will again flower. And why not? They'll live in a white neighborhood where there aren't enough "natural predators", i.e. other young blacks, to keep their numbers in check. The reason is simply to disperse white people and break their will to resist. I am just glad that blacks will never be a majority in this country. They have wreaked enough damage, abetted by the weakest white people money can buy. My father was a B'ham policeman from 1950 to 1980. He saw the day when you could still shoot a fleeing felon, to what crimes ran through the projects. He always told me they were salvageable, but I thought he was simply out of step with the way things were shaping up to be! Dad, I am sorry and you were right!
Anonymous said...
Since race is just a social construct, I'm writing whatever the hell I want on my next census form.
Probably minority, and that way the feds will stop trying to destroy my neighborhood.
That could just as well backfire.Think it through.
"The mobs of great cities add just so much to support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body," - Thomas Jefferson
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