$10. The
latest multiple homicide and shooting in Baltimore was over $10 [Pigtown
shooting stemmed from dispute over $10, Baltimore Sun, 8-21-13].
Ten Dollars.
That’s what life is worth a 64 percent black city (28 percent white), where there have been twenty shootings in an 80-hour time span. [Fatal Pigtown shooting brings city count to 20 in 80 hours: Suspect in custody; two others taken to area hospitals, Baltimore Sun, 8-21-13]:
Ten Dollars.
![]() |
Standing in the way of evolution in a city (Baltimore) where black criminals gladly perform nature's job |
That’s what life is worth a 64 percent black city (28 percent white), where there have been twenty shootings in an 80-hour time span. [Fatal Pigtown shooting brings city count to 20 in 80 hours: Suspect in custody; two others taken to area hospitals, Baltimore Sun, 8-21-13]:
An infant child was found next to her dying mother just before dawn Tuesday after police say a man broke into a Pigtown home, killed a young couple and shot two others — a grisly scene that brought to 20 the number of people shot in the city in a span of 80 hours.Not even the prospect of getting a free laptop in exchange for your firearm (a program called “Stop Shooting, Start Coding”) could stem the rising tide of black mayhem castigating all the citizens of Baltimore; a city where electronic doors and bulletproof plexiglass guard store owners from their primarily black customer-base [Liquor store owner kills gunman in W. Baltimore, Baltimore Sun, 12-18-1990].
Police said they had charged 35-year-old Melville Mason, who they said was caught trying to escape the home. The arrest came as officials sought to address concerns about spiking crime amid a violent summer and a recent outburst of street robberies throughout the city.
Black crime in Baltimore (and incredibly high murder rates) was the primary reason law-abiding citizens vacated the city, where immigrant traders erected bunkers to ply their capitalistic ventures in a Mahogany War-Zone [Trade Barriers Community: From behind the protective glass, Korean-American grocers Ki and Sung Yi cast a wary eye on crime in the city., Baltimore Sun, 2-8-1997]:
In their corner grocery in East Baltimore, Ki Nam Yi and his wife, Sung Cha Yi, measure out their 13-hour days in small sales of soda pop and potato chips, white bread and homemade iced tea, candy and cigarettes.The first-floor windows of the worn old rowhouse at the corner of Luzerne Avenue and Preston Street are boarded up. The overhead sign still says Green's Grocery; in the early '60s, a couple of guys named Isadore and Ruben Green owned the store, and nobody's bothered to change the sign since. A variety groceries and confectioneries have occupied this corner for at least 50 years.
In their windowless store, the Yis work behind a locked door and Plexiglas shielding that gives the shop the atmosphere of a bunker or a guard post, a checkpoint on some hostile border.
The Yis deal with their customers through rotating Plexiglas windows, like monks withdrawn to a cloistered monastery, getting paid before handing over an order.
Behind their murky Plexiglas they seem watery and indistinct as creatures in an aquarium. Beyond the barriers, their customers seem equally remote and shadowy.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to how commerce is done in a black metropolis -- behind plexiglass.
Baltimore's murder rate would be much, much higher, were it not for the incredibly talented trauma surgeons at Johns Hopkins Hospital, which stands in the way of the evolutionary zeal black people possess to voluntarily cull their own population
David Simon's 1991 book, Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets (which chronicles his following Baltimore homicide detectives for one year) sees him make a hilarious admission regarding why murder rates have declined in Baltimore.
Remember, this is where a Baltimore where U.S. Military surgeons are trained before war-zone deployments, and you'll get the joke Simon inadvertently tells in Homicide:
Though the New York Times would have you believe Malt Liquor was the reason private citizens are hiring private security to protect themselves from the ravishment of spontaneous blackness [Beers Implicated in Emergency Room Visits, New York Times, 8-19-2013]:
You keep talking about American Exceptionalism, please.
And Baltimore would continue to die, courtesy of blacks willing to kill one another over $10.
But for the rest of the homicide unit, it’s business as usual. For much of the decade, homicide detectives in Baltimore have believed that the law of averages will guarantee somewhere between 200 and 250 murders a year, a total that shakes out to about two homicides every three days. The unit’s institutional memory includes a few 300-plus years in the early 1970s, but the rate declined abruptly when the state’s shock-trauma medical system came on line and the emergency rooms at Hopkins and University started saving some of the bleeders. For the last two years, the body count has edged slightly higher, cresting at 226 in 1987, but the trend is nothing that makes the act of murder in Baltimore seem like anything more than a point on the probability curve.
"City seems hell-bent on depopulating itself in the briefest time span possible," is a beautiful way to surmise the black-on-black (and black-on-anyone) violence destroying Baltimore.On Friday afternoons, the nightshift detectives can watch Kim and Linda, the admin secretaries, stamp case numbers on empty red binders-88041, 88042, 88043-and know with fat, happy confidence that somewhere on the streets of the city, several victims-to-be are stumbling toward oblivion. The veteran detectives will joke about it: Hell, the case numbers are probably tattooed on the backsides of doomed men in ultraviolet ink. If you put one through a postage meter, if you showed him the 88041 stenciled on his right cheek and told him what it meant, the poor fuck would change his name, lock himself in his basement, or jump the first Greyhound to Akron or Oklahoma City or any other spot a thousand miles away. But they never do; the math remains absolute.Of course, within the confines of the established rate, statistical fluctuation permits the slow weekend due to rain, snow or a pennant race in the American League East. Also permitted is the aberrant full-moon midnight shift, when every other right-thinking Baltimorean reaches for a revolver, or those occasional and unexplained homicidal binges in which the city seems hell-bent on depopulating itself in the briefest time span possible.
Though the New York Times would have you believe Malt Liquor was the reason private citizens are hiring private security to protect themselves from the ravishment of spontaneous blackness [Beers Implicated in Emergency Room Visits, New York Times, 8-19-2013]:
The study, carried out over the course of a year at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, found that five beer brands were consumed most often by people who ended up in the emergency room. They were Budweiser, Steel Reserve, Colt 45, Bud Ice and Bud Light.
Three of the brands are malt liquors, which typically contain more alcohol than regular beer. Four malt liquors accounted for nearly half of the beer consumption by emergency room patients, even though they account for less than 3 percent of beer consumption in the general population.
Previous studies have found that alcohol frequently plays a role in emergency room admissions, especially those stemming from car accidents, falls, homicides and drownings, said the lead author of the study, David H. Jernigan of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The new study, published in the journal Substance Use and Misuse, is the first to look at whether certain brands or types of liquor are overrepresented.
Dr. Jernigan, the reason liquor stores in Baltimore are protected by plexiglass windows is so customers can't kill employees over a $10 bottle of vodka or a $10 12-pack of malt liquor.Dr. Jernigan said that the breakdown of liquor consumption in the study may be particular to Baltimore, and that he and his colleagues are hoping to study other cities as well. The findings could have policy implications, potentially influencing labeling requirements and marketing for higher-alcohol beers, Dr. Jernigan said.
You keep talking about American Exceptionalism, please.
And Baltimore would continue to die, courtesy of blacks willing to kill one another over $10.
blacks & wars have inadvertently helped emergency medicine improve. plus blacks are good at entertainment & sports. what's not to like? now we see why the south fought the civil war - they knew - & they were right.
Paul Kersey has asked a very, very interesting question in the title of this article. I've read comparative crime statistics that seem to show that murder rates are lower today than they were 40 years ago. Different reasons for this are highlighted. Some commentators like to stress the importance of tougher crime laws that take the most dangerous habitual criminals off the streets for good. Others have cited Rowe vs. Wade, and how legalized abortion has lead to the absence in society of individuals who may be more inclined to commit crimes. I now believe that advances in medicine (especially trauma treatment) have contributed to a decline in deaths from gunshot, so the appearance of relatively lower homicide numbers may be somewhat of an illusion. In certain places, black folks are shooting each other like it's going out of style.
"The findings could have policy implications, potentially influencing labeling requirements and marketing for higher-alcohol beers, Dr. Jernigan said."
LOL! What would the labels say? Maybe something like: "WARNING! The Surgeon General has determined that the alcohol content of this beverage may cause black people to become even more dangerous?"
Gee, I wonder who gets stuck paying the medical bills for these simian retards?
Ahh. Its the beer that triggers their homicidal impulses, then. I thought it was The Legacy of Slavery ... or Poverty. Wasn't it Poverty for a while?
Rather than reducing the alcohol content of beer, or banning guns in the entire city of Baltimore, wouldn't it be easier just to deal with the problem directly?
Just make it a crime to sell liquor or guns to Negroes. White folks can keep their guns and booze. Any white man who sells a weapon to Negro goes to prison for life.
Dammmnnn PK, your writing is very much like the writing of a superb War Correspondent! Between you and the great Jew writer Dan Greenfield I am immensely impressed. Our decades of Warfare have increased the ability of the US Medical ER communities to save more Trayvons than ever, ain't that a kick in the pants. The DWL's must be most proud!
Millions of people drink the same beer and do not engage in acts of gun play with anyone! How about simply holding the nigger on the trigger accountable period. It doesn't matter where he lives, what he wears, what he drinks or how he feels, killing other people is not allowed even if "disrepect" is given.
Here's a novel solution for that which ails Baltimore: Make it into the Venice of America. Turn the streets into canals - and bring in more enterprising to ramp up the Malt Liquor sales. As the old Colt-45 ad with the smirking Billy Dee Williams used to proclaim: Works every time! (splash)
What is with all the Revolvers? Is it because Baltimore negros just buy cheap handguns and currently revolvers are on the "outs"?
Other cities have a better class of negro that sports a semi-auto. The shoot 16 rounds, hit 4 and kill one.
Maybe that is the answer, not the medical center! Only six shot and a black hand pulling da trigger!
Niggers and booze. What could possibly go wrong?
meanwhile, here in Toledo,Ohio-smack dab between detoilet and clevland, Kunta Kinta beat a 50ish white guy to death over 76 cents.Not quite a thrill kill,bullet to the back, but for 76cts, what ya expect?
Can't you guys at least admit Jimi Hendrix and John Coltrane were good musicians? Not all of them shoot people and sell crack out of a Section 8.
New York Shitty
All nigger wastelands.
I'm bored.
I for one wish they could bump the Black on Black crime up to three a day. And learn head shots so the doc cant patch them up.
Where is the revolver issue coming from? Revolvers are in many cases better than semi autos.
Shit is gold, gold is shit
Well if you take legislative action against malt liquors in Baltimore, the unintended consequences in Baltimore will be the emptying of the yacht clubs because gourmet Belgian high alcohol content beers will also go down with Olde English Malt Liquor and Colt .45.
I remember reading somewhere that In Austrailia when the "dole" money goes out the liquor stores must stay shut for 3 days.
Because the Abo's drink it all up right away and fight,rob and kill.
So a mandatory 3 day waiting period was invented so they would have to spend some of the money on food. the story was so weird I committed it to memory.
Reading this blog brings up a lot of memories, and I think of things I heard black people say over the years and wonder when this blog will run a story that directly relates to another experience I had or story I can relate.
Niggers ruin everything.
Face it.
Shorter Baltimore: Groids have no boundaries/murder for $10
Shorter DC: Groids have no boundaries/taps evvy-bodies fone.
"Stop shooting, start coding"
Please, don't insult my intelligence. I don't have any coding skills, what makes anyone think that the criminal Bellcurvius does?
Sure, the better gunshot trauma care results in fewer homicides, but it's still work for the police department (but not for the homicide unit), because the case is an attempted murder or aggravated assault instead of murder. Aggravated assault I think is a better leading indicator of how violent a place is, except it's much harder to trust aggravated assault stats than homicide stats.
Hi all,
After seeing the pic of the sorry collection of revolvers and pistols collected during that guns for laptops program, I had a flash of insight.
I fired up gunbroker.com and started searching for all of the most notorious "Saturday night specials" of the 70's and 80's.
You get the idea.
Well, whaddayou know!? There is a surprisingly lively demand for these turduckens out there. Now, I know that most people on gun auction sites are enthusiasts and would never want one of these things as a shooter. So what gives?
Are people stocking up on these things in hopes of trading them in for Ipods and Ipad Minis during the next buyback in their nearest negrotopia?
Seems like a good idea to me anyway.
I think I am going to set up Don M's gunbroker account tonight...
10mm Auto, you better not snake me on my harvest of Lorcin .380's
What did Jimi die from.again?
Left Coast White Guy said Where is the revolver issue coming from? Revolvers are in many cases better than semi autos.
+1. Not all revolvers are cheap crap. Very low risk of malfunction, no pesky safeties on the ones I've used. Depending on your carry preferences, it may pack more punch per unit of size/weight.
Six shots (or even the five that some come with) are usually enough for a white person to end a mugging/robbery.
Zimmerman had a semi-auto but only needed one shot to set things right.
A friend of mine was a cop in Hamtramck, a town completely surrounded by Detroit. He could report to you that one bonehead killed another, his best friend, he said, over the quarter it cost to play a game of pool in a bar in those days.
Anonymous said...
Niggers and booze. What could possibly go wrong?
Response: http://countenance.wordpress.com/2013/08/21/chain-saw/
Dear Paul Kersey and fellow sbpdlers,
I smell a rat.. Something's rotten in Denmark. Michael Brandon Hill.. I sense a HOAX.
Let me first state that I am FAR from the conspiracy theory type.. In fact I really don't like that type...
But this is SOOO conspicuous. Why did Michael not kill anyone? Why did this White guy go into an all black elementary school? It seems so staged the fact that he shot at the ground.
It would be the PERFECT stunt to even out the animosity between Whites and blacks at this point, especially since so many White people have woken up since the trayboon fiasco.
And after they've woken up, they've seen the everyday world of black on White RAPE, murder. robbery, etc.. And you can see the pot boiling over...
I honestly believe that Michael Brandon Hill is a paid actor.. A fall guy.. I believe this incident was the Doj and obama administration's way of temporarily shutting White people up...
I am telling you.. If we investigate Michael Brandon Hill further, I think we will find a HOAX played on the American people.
Anonymous wrote:
New York Shitty
All nigger wastelands.
Beg to differ on that last one. NYC WAS a wasteland, but hasn't been since, oh, about 1995. There was ONE black mayor, he was a disaster, he was discarded, and the city SLOWLY recovered. It got whiter between 2000 and 2010 census.
It has a mayor who knows the score. Read his column in the Washington Post. .
Choice excerpts:
"Unlike many cities, where wealthy areas get special treatment, the NYPD targets its manpower to the areas that suffer the highest crime levels. Ninety percent of all people killed in our city — and 90 percent of all those who commit the murders and other violent crimes — are black and Hispanic. It is shameful that so many elected officials and editorial writers have been largely silent on these facts.
Instead, they have argued that police stops are discriminatory because they do not reflect the city’s overall census numbers. By that flawed logic, our police officers would stop women as often as men and senior citizens as often as young people. To do so would be a colossal misdirection of resources and would take the core elements of police work — targeting high-crime neighborhoods and identifying suspects based on evidence — out of crime-fighting. The absurd result of such a strategy would be far more crimes committed against black and Latino New Yorkers. When it comes to policing, political correctness is deadly."
Bloomberg attended Hopkins, as has NO desire for NYC to become another Baltimore.
@Anon.August 21, 2013 at 4:58 PM If you are offed by a negro,we'll request the playing of Hendrix and Coltrane tracks at your funeral- OK ?
Who needs Newtown, Columbine, etc.? Blacks will wind up committing so much gun mayhem that normal Americans will DEMAND the government take all the guns away!
Just you watch ....
" And learn head shots so the doc cant patch them up."
Why would that work? They don't use anything up there. In fact, adding a few dozen grains of lead and copper would double the value of what's under their kinky hair.
screw that, they get enough welfare already.
Baltimore is the only city in the United States where the Southern System of De Jure Segregation and the Northern System of white street gangs and the mafia running the streets ran side by side. Southerners would always mistakenly call Northerners Yankees when most the cities were Catholic Immigrants and Jews no Yankees in sight. A NORTHERN city functioned on a pecking system. Usually in the old days GANGS ran the white neighborhoods. These guys were usually local toughs who kept an eye out for people who shouldnt be there. If a black guy came into an Italian or Irish Neighborhood and tried flirting with some girl, he got a beatdown. The MAFIA was the most important part of NEIGHBORHOOD MANAGEMENT in ITALIAN REGIONS. That was how things were done. This system worked until 1954 with School Desegregation. In a place like Baltimore they had legal EXPLICIT MAINTAINED BY LAW so it happened a tad differently but in northern towns Segregation in places like Chi-town Cleveland and Detroit was maintained by ball bats, pipes and fists. Remember MLK got hit with a rock in Chicago and then complained that hed never seen such hatred in his life. Thats what the cities used to be. The thing was that after 1954 when the schools got officially desgegrated they realized that they would need busing,so they did it. That resulted in brawls, beatings etc. Then what happens? The city politicans come in put all the blame on the white gangs, and then start locking them up if they acted up. Realizing the jig was up people moved out. The Cops had for years looked the other way while the gangs and the Mob ran the streets realizing that it was a good thing. Now we throw these guys in PRISON and let these Animals run wild. WTF IS WRONG WITH US??? I think I know.
The wrong people are behind the plexiglass.
Oh, and, Hey, Baltimore. Hey, Maryland. Rather than artificially subsidizing the growth of your Negro population, and building prisons and state-of-the-art trauma centers to deal with the negative side effects of that population, wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to just, you know, stop artificially subsidizing the growth of your Negro population? Are there some hidden, double-secret, positive side effects of having a Negro population that is not produced and molded by natural selection? If there are, we'd all like to hear what those benefits are.
And, Hey, America.
@3:59pm, revised for brevity: "Niggers. What could possibly go wrong?"
@2:45pm, I got another malt-liquor label for you: "Warning: The Surgeon General has found that stores selling this product may have -- Oh shit! There's a nigger behind you!"
No, not all of them, just most of them, enough to stay as far away from them as possible.
Anon at 4:58 PM: Jimi Hendrix and John Coltrane did not shoot people or sell crack, but both were heroin addicts. I suppose that's an improvement.
James Edwards, one of the blacks that shot the White Australian ballplayer in the back, makes no attempt to hide his lust for White women. In fact a cursory read of his twitter page shows several young White women involved him. And now the media is calling one in particular his "girlfriend".
So this must be evidence that shows that he WOULDN'T commit a hate crime against Whites... RIGHT?
WRONG. Explain the following tweets of Edwards:
"90 percent of white people #HATE THEM"
"nigga of chief keef don't drop almighty SOSA or something by monday i'ma put my hands on every wood I see until they drop lol"
For those of you not familiar with black slang, "I'ma put my hands on every wood I see" means I AM GOING TO ASSAULT EVERY WHITE (PECKERWOOD) I SEE.
"I knocced out five woods since the zimmerman verdict" - translation: I knocked out five Whites (peckerwoods) since the verdict.
This rhetoric is comparable to any skinhead or KKK rhetoric. There is no question that the target was racially motivated.
I want this Edwards charged with a HATE CRIME, because if the SYMBOLISM. Either way, Edwards will do life, but the symbolism is nationally important.
There is no contradiction in the black racists killing, beating, and robbing White people, particularly White males, BECAUSE they are WHITE, and then wanting to have sex with a White female. In fact. it is part and parcel with their hatred of the White man.
the racist tweets I have sited above should influence the powers that be to charge Edwards with a hate crime.
Remember during the 70s, 80s, and 90s there was the saying, "There goes the neighborhood"?
Well now a new saying will be "There goes the CITY"...
And twenty years from now it will be "There goes the state"..
"The findings could have policy implications, potentially influencing labeling requirements and marketing for higher-alcohol beers, Dr. Jernigan said."
Just don't write the labels in cursive. I cants read dems cursives.
PK...great article as always. I like the comparison that one commenter made with the "War correspondent" very true in so many ways.
That being said, as a long time reader (I remember the numbered entries) I have noticed that the comments are seeming to degenerate here. There used to be a core group of intellectual heavyweights here who added so much to the original articles with their keen insight. They seemed to have disappeared for some reason. Now it seems like a bunch of juveniles seeing how many different ways they can throw around racial slurs. While (somewhat) entertaining, it really adds nothing substantive to the issues being discussed.
Anonymous said: "Can't you guys at least admit Jimi Hendrix and John Coltrane were good musicians? Not all of them shoot people and sell crack out of a Section 8."
August 21, 2013 at 4:58 PM
I like Hendrix' music, although almost all of his music was written by others. Coltrane is vastly overrated.
Okay, so a few musicians of merit?. What do we get in return?. Countless wrecked cities. Countless white women & girls violated. A depleted treasury that has destroyed our people's futures. Endless crime & a vast prison/industrial complex. Endless programs to prop up a people who are pitifully hopeless. An utterly degraded culture. On & on it goes.
Maybe 10/15% of blacks are capable & able to fit within white civilization. The rest?, mere parasites.
I myself (& I believe countless other whites would agree) that we would GLADLY trade that "music" for a society where we felt a sense of hope for our people's/country' future. Where we actually HAVE a future.
Nope! If we allow one or two, it opens the door. In for a penny...
I think Baltimore's ambulance drivers need to slow down with some of their passengers, if you know what I mean?
I've got some really positive, healthy, happy GOOD NEWS !!!!!
It is going to get worse.
Beer causes black murders
Apartment buildings cause black slums
Schools cause black student drop out.
Mattresses cause black teen pregnancy
White people cause black poverty
Absence of White people cause black poverty
White behavior 150 years ago causes black poverty
Whites studying at college cause black unemployment
Whites not opening restaurants in black urban cities is why blacks have no restaurants in black urban cities.
Whites opening restaurants in black urban cities is racists hate actions to prevent blacks from opening restaurants in black urban cities.
Whites removing their White daughters from public schools to decrease the chances of rape is racists hate behavior, is racist stereo-typing, is prejudicial, is racial profiling and denies black boys equal opportunity and access to White females as rape targets. Why should only White rapist have access to White girls? Dat be rayciss.
A very long time ago in the early eighties i had friends in Baltimore.. they lived in federal hill. it was a neat neighborhood of old houses. we went to. fells point near the inner harbor where cool bars and restaurants offered great entertainment and food . there were gift shops. antique shops and little grocery stores. the cops were friendly but tough. drunks got rousted. they had built a new aquarium there which was neat. boats and an old ship from about 1812were there. and not many niggers. bar crowds were white. i. haven't been there for many years built i suppose those bars and restaurants are either gone or turned into groid places. Baltimore was a great tourist destination and prosperous . now it's a nigger hellhole....why didn't the people there demand that niggers not be allowed to ruin it? because the coons had enough numbers to override them. it's sad.
Well in Atlanta you get KFC, McDonald, and Popeyes Chicken from behind plexiglass too.
countenance said...
"Stop shooting, start coding"
Please, don't insult my intelligence. I don't have any coding skills, what makes anyone think that the criminal Bellcurvius does?
It's worse than that. Back in the 1980s in South Africa, as PC started to intrude and Affirmative Action became fashionable, the Computer Society of South Africa launched a programme to recruit and train black programmers. It failed.
They found that it just isn't possible to make a programmer of a Babuntu. Bridging courses, "culturally appropriate" (i.e. dumbed-down) training, nothing helped. They couldn't pass the training courses. And remember, they had the pick of the black talent available.
Their brains just aren't built that way. Not even the "good ones".
Even the school children aren't safe in the GI.
http: //www.nwitimes.com/news/local/lake/gary/student-beaten-while-waiting-for-school-bus/article_017d0808-97c8-53ed-ab65-de35a7209350.html
No description of the offenders?
Anonymous said...
Can't you guys at least admit Jimi Hendrix and John Coltrane were good musicians? Not all of them shoot people and sell crack out of a Section 8.
August 21, 2013 at 4:58 PM
I would trade their lives a thousand times over for those of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome. As long as we're playing with the time machine, I could say that it's quite possible that a white man could have filled their niche, but no orc could ever fill the niche of whites astronauts, exploreres, scientists at the highest levels, and many many other niches.
As for the "not all of them", yeah-the 99% make the 1% look bad. So why doesn't that 1% perform the valuable service of creating a viable black homeland (city, state, nation, whatever) to help their "oppressed" brethren escape us evil oppressive whites? Wouldn't they want to get as far away from us and our oppression as possible? (rhetorical question, I already know why they stick closer to us than ticks on a dog).
Years ago I was on another blog (one blind to Race) where there was much discussion about a hospital called "King-Drew(?)" in downtown LA.
The discussion was how badly they kept failing inspections from various health-care organizations. A few commentators did mention the heavily "African-America" staffing and such.
I stuck my neck out and ran with this theme and suggested that to stop the "problems" of bad care, deaths, rapes, stealing, etc at this "hospital", all city council members and city staff, all police and fire employees and staff, etc be required to use this hospital for all paid health care.
I also suggested that every Affirmative Action medical licensee be required to do their residency there and that the Hospital must reach out and hire these disadvantaged "doctors", etc.
WOW did I get grief. Some understood where I was going but the vast number naturally called me a "racists" (thank you, I am).
But, think of what would happen if such policies were enacted. We could have a meaningful dialogue about race, no?
+2 Less Recoil
In my firearms portion of the police academy, the class mocked me for carrying my .357 Colt. They all stopped laughing when I shot circles around all of them including ex Army Ranger. You don't need a fourteen round magazine if you can hit your target with one shot.
+3 Leaves no shell casings
advantage self explanatory
I read this morning about a black lady, Ms. Tuff, in Atlanta who stopped a 20 year old guy with an AK47 from shooting a bunch of school kids. And I've had black friends and co-workers who were smart, hard-working, etc. I treat every person I meet like an individual. That doesn't mean, though, that statistics are wrong. Statistically, if a part of town is 90% black, you are much more likely to get robbed.
I also know that discrimination does exist. I'm not white, I'm Asian, and I've faced discrimination. But the thing is, many white groups have also faced discrimination. My husband is of Irish heritage, and the Irish were treated HORRIBLY. So were the Jews and the Italians. In the South what many people don't report - many lynching victims were Italian Catholics.
Other non-white groups like the Chinese have also faced horrible discrimination.
The thing is - when you deal with that stuff, you have a choice. You can work harder, work smarter and rise above it or you can keep blaming other people for your problems.
Another thing is - why would anyone want to hang out with people who don't want them around? If America was segregated and they told me I had to live in Asian neighborhoods, I'd be like, "no problems, I'll live in the part of town with the least crime, the lowest divorce rates and fatherless children, and the highest home values."
When I lived in New York City and Boston, I knew of many ethnic neighborhoods - Little Italy in NYC, for example, and Chinatown, and Little India (in Queens), Astoria (mostly Greeks) and the Jewish parts in Brooklyn and the parts filled with Colombians and Nicaraguans, etc. People do tend to like to congregate with people who have similar values, etc. There is nothing wrong with this!
The problem in America today is not racism, it's leftists. Socialism, PC, hate-crimes, thought-crimes, affirmative action, leftist indoctrination in the schools that rots kids' brains...
The reason "stop shooting, start coding" is irrelevant advice is simple. There just aren't enough black people who are smart enough to be good coders. Almost all coders are either white males or East Asian males.
Let's say for argument's sake that you need an IQ of 130 to be a productive coder. Given the shape of the Normal Curve and the one SD mean difference that means that you will have 100 times as many whites as blacks assuming equal population sizes. But population sizes aren't equal. There are more than seven times as many whites in America as blacks. That means that for every one black programmer you find you will have 700 white ones.
I spent many years recruiting and interviewing programmers and other technical personnel. I remember a single black network engineer but I don't remember ever interviewing a black programmer much less ever actually hiring one. I did inherit two black programmers once. I fired both of them.
When I taught various computer subjects in various colleges I had maybe two or three black students out of several hundred (mostly networking not coding) students. I also taught statistics at night for five years - no blacks there either.
I interviewed, I figure, about one or two hundred potential coders over the years. I usually didn't know their race when we first met. I would interview anyone who had a decent resume and who would work at my firm's pay rate. I would sit in some restaurant somewhere near a freeway and the candidate would walk in. They were always white males. We couldn't afford the Chinese Computer Science recent graduates that I wanted.
I also used to go to these big technical conventions and training sessions - occasionally to speak but more often to just a sit in the audience with hundreds of other techies. There must have been some black guys at some of those but I don't remember any.
Years earlier there were always lots of well dressed black guys representing IBM, but these were customer reps or sales people, not real techies. IBM sold to government and they needed darker faces. These black IBMers were usually very impressive but when I briefly worked for IBM I never saw a black coder in the back rooms. They hid the white guys.
I was teaching a class on database design once and my foot (car accident) hurt so bad I could hardly stand. My one black student kindly gave me some morphine tablets he just happen to have with him. So I can't say that I have never known a black to have made a contribution to IT.
Bloomberg ... Unlike many cities, where wealthy areas get special treatment, the NYPD targets its manpower to the areas that suffer the highest crime levels. Ninety percent of all people killed in our city — and 90 percent of all those who commit the murders and other violent crimes — are black and Hispanic. It is shameful that so many elected officials and editorial writers have been largely silent on these facts.
OK, we have to give Bloomberg some credit here for telling the truth. Especially about who is committing the killings.
This brings up a point: it's been an article faith on the part of the left, especially DWLs, that the police unfairly target people-of-color for trivial offenses (the proverbial spitting on the sidewalk). But as the mayor points out, it's because people-of-color are committing most of the violent crime. And also because most people of color demand police protection.
But this does not fit into DWL ideology, which refuses to see such real world differences. Rather, if more blacks are in lockup, then it must be because of "racism." Look at another aspect of this: when the cops occasionally shoot a black person, assorted radicals descend on the scene and start screaming about "police brutality." They're not really concerned about the righteousness of the shooting, but instead trying to recruit people into the "Revolution" as well as undermining the authority of law enforcement.
Bloomberg ... If our [NYC's] murder rate had mirrored the District’s over the course of my time as mayor, 21,651 more people would have been killed.
This is an interesting shot at Detroit. Could he also be referring to the demographics of the comparative cities?
You know, I do not think much of Bloomberg because of his control freak programs, like cracking down on supersized soft drinks. But at least he has stood up and spoken some truth.
Give hizzoner a point for that.
I remember seeing an article in some magazine (back in the early to mid 80's) about Watts in Los Angeles. There were photo's of stores where the "patrons" had to pass their money through bars before they could get what they wanted. No one was allowed inside the store- not even "chil'ren" who just wanted to buy candy. I mentioned that to a groid I worked with in L.A. at the time and he threw a fit and denied everything until I brought the magazine into work with the photo's as proof. Then it became, "That's only SOME stores!"
I would love to see current photo's of these types of establishments that have been referenced as per KFC in Atlanta and shop clerks in N.J. behind plexiglass.
A picure is worth a thousand words. A photo essay on the subject would be stunning just as photo's of the ruins of Detroit are when juxtaposed with those of how Detroit used to be. Juxtapose the photo's of stores in black areas with those in white/asian/hispanic areas with the sarcastic yet true heading of, "Yes, They're Just Like Us."
Very interesting posts here, I feel proud being white when Iread you, I feel sharing the same frustrationg of being a little white persecuted by aIslamo niggers democrates generation. I can't talk about this in the family about my wife, they are democrats and defend them, i cant talk about this in my work because I'm afraid of being accusing of racist and to be persecuted too...Since I'm 12 i live this period, it makes 20 years and the situation, the cancer has spreaden in france, mora people are aware but more strangers are here.
I share with you the ideas about women, particularly teenagers girls, they seem in love with the black generation...they dont realize anything..and their brother are victims...When an Arab girl fucks with a Negroe, the arabs brothers fight with the Negroe..the White boy is alone and affraid o being a racist.
I have a 5 yeards daughter, isay her that black is not beautiful and smells..I learn her to have white friend but i dont know if it's enough...if one day she kisses a black it would a nightmare...
White people have to begin the racial education very early for boys, not be affraid of blacks, and for girls not being white sluts.
White people have to live together, to work together, to preotect neighborood against black environment.
I know my son will not play football by exemple because it's full of blacks. I dont put MTV music too. That's hard because some blacks made some good music or sports but when you dont want cancer anymore you have to burn all the celluls, good or bad..
God bless European people
Pat, thanks for the update on blacks in the IT field.
Let's say for argument's sake that you need an IQ of 130 to be a productive coder. Given the shape of the Normal Curve and the one SD mean difference that means that you will have 100 times as many whites as blacks assuming equal population sizes. But population sizes aren't equal. There are more than seven times as many whites in America as blacks. That means that for every one black programmer you find you will have 700 white ones.
I wonder how Bill Gates deals with this? Perhaps he will find coders in Africa.
How does America function when it refuses to face statistical realities like those described in Pat's post? How can America compete in the future?
The answer may just be: it can't! Which is why we see Far Eastern countries getting ahead, why we see American infrastructure collapse, why the US can not deal with massive public and private debt, why we see, well, Detroit sink back into the earth.
Why does Detrafrica look like it does?
Just watch the damn video, see for yourself...
Unknown said...Another thing is - why would anyone want to hang out with people who don't want them around?
Many blacks seem to believe that white people have some magic in their schools which creates PhD candidates, some magic in their neighborhoods which keeps crime low, some magic in their cities which builds expanding economies. Much of this belief is based on liberal environmentalism, that people are the product of their surroundings. Genetics or culture do not count. Put a person from Africa in an American city and they will act like an American.
Of course, it doesn't work this way in reality, not for most people. Put an African in Detroit and things revert to African levels of civilization. But liberal ideology refuses to face up to this reality no matter how many times it is demonstrated to be wrong.
It's possibly true that a society which understands race and creates institutions can uplift that proverbial African -- if those standards are maintained. Whether we are talking Detroit or Rhodesia-Zimbabwe, when white people ran the show, blacks were more functional, as well as the city or state.
For political reasons, race based policies are no longer acceptable in the Western world. And we can see the result. Detroit is a microcosm, but we see similar outcomes globally.
(And if I am wrong, then can someone please post examples of black ruled polities which are up to the same standards of civic order, educational achievement, and economic develop as are white, or for that matter, East Asian?)
If America was segregated and they told me I had to live in Asian neighborhoods, I'd be like, "no problems, I'll live in the part of town with the least crime, the lowest divorce rates and fatherless children, and the highest home values."
Good one.
But what do you plan to do when the government forcibly moves in black people to that neighborhood, and those blacks bring with them their high rates illegitimacy, school dropouts and crime?
People do tend to like to congregate with people who have similar values, etc. There is nothing wrong with this!
This does not fit into liberal ideology, so the government marches in and tries to force ideological outcomes. It's a formula for disaster, again whether we are talking Rhodesia-Zimbabwe or Detroit.
The problem in America today is not racism, it's leftists. Socialism, PC, hate-crimes, thought-crimes, affirmative action, leftist indoctrination in the schools that rots kids' brains...
Spot on right.
Unknown said...
I read this morning about a black lady, Ms. Tuff, in Atlanta who stopped a 20 year old guy with an AK47 from shooting a bunch of school kids. And I've had black friends and co-workers who were smart, hard-working, etc. I treat every person I meet like an individual. That doesn't mean, though, that statistics are wrong. Statistically, if a part of town is 90% black, you are much more likely to get robbed.
Treating every person, especially those unknown to you, can get you killed. Stereotypes exist for a reason. For that matter, the so-called "educated" blacks are some of the most racist, and they are the leaders and sh*t stirrers for keeping the rabble roused. Not that the black undertow isn't naturally feral, but those "educated" blacks are the ones who give them cover with their sophistry. And those "good ones" who are so accomadating when amongst a majority of whites or non-blacks-well, I've heard the things they say and claim to believe when amongst other blacks. It's still all YT's fault, and they will never make a public stand against a black criminal who preyed on a white or non-black person, out of tribal loyalty. They have no intrinsic sense of right and wrong. Pragmatically, it would behoove whites to take a page from their book, but I hate to see whites jettison one of the things which makes us white, and defend white criminals, which is something we don't do now in general. We understand, using long-term thinking, that it's not good for our society to not punish crminals and ostracise the unethical, rather than making excuses for them, or worse, making icons of them.
I also know that discrimination does exist. I'm not white, I'm Asian, and I've faced discrimination. But the thing is, many white groups have also faced discrimination. My husband is of Irish heritage, and the Irish were treated HORRIBLY. So were the Jews and the Italians. In the South what many people don't report - many lynching victims were Italian Catholics.
Almost every ethnic and racial group in history has taken its turn at being the enslaved and the enslaver. It was just a fact of life for most of history, and many of those groups went on to create powerful and civilised socieities. None of them historically did this by using historical grievances-they didn't even have that mentality, and could never have fathomed it-it would have been a sign of weakness, if they'd even thought that way, and other groups would certainly have not given them artificial boosts which they could not achieve throught their own intelligence, courage, and risk-taking. Without a doubt, other groups wouldn't have boosted a group which had shown itself deficient in being able to even create civilisation for itself, over the group which had. In all of mankind's history, it is a new thing, and almost exclusive to whites, to lift a group which is deficient in qualities to come close to white achievement-not only equal to itself, but above itself. We have Detroit, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Haiti, and other large majority black cities to show the futility of this suicidal policy.
Other non-white groups like the Chinese have also faced horrible discrimination.
The thing is - when you deal with that stuff, you have a choice. You can work harder, work smarter and rise above it or you can keep blaming other people for your problems.
One problem-blacks as a whole do not have the necessary genetic qualities, even if they had thenwork ethic and self-responsibility, to rise to an equal level with Asians and whites. It would be enough if they could suppress their violent tendencies, and their parasitism, so that they could have at least some kind of a functional culture. But whites still wouldn't find it beneficial to have them living amongst us, since paternalism in return for labor is no longer acceptable now.
Another thing is - why would anyone want to hang out with people who don't want them around? If America was segregated and they told me I had to live in Asian neighborhoods, I'd be like, "no problems, I'll live in the part of town with the least crime, the lowest divorce rates and fatherless children, and the highest home values."
That is easily answered-blacks, in order to live any semblence of a first world life, must be parasites upon the white host. They have shown (see South Africa or Detroit) that they are not even capable of maintaining a first world environment, much less creating one. They know this too, though it doesn't suit the "blame YT" agenda to admit it, and admitting the truth would undermine their strangely inflated yet fragile self-esteem.
When I lived in New York City and Boston, I knew of many ethnic neighborhoods - Little Italy in NYC, for example, and Chinatown, and Little India (in Queens), Astoria (mostly Greeks) and the Jewish parts in Brooklyn and the parts filled with Colombians and Nicaraguans, etc. People do tend to like to congregate with people who have similar values, etc. There is nothing wrong with this!
It's "wrong" for whites to do it for many reasons. One, we might have a chance at forming racial solidarity, and the PTB can't have that. Two, when whites congregate away from other races, they "hoard" their whiteness, and the good things which whites create, to which the parasites feel entitled. They can't create these things, so they must find ways to steal-"redistribute"-them from whites.
The problem in America today is not racism, it's leftists. Socialism, PC, hate-crimes, thought-crimes, affirmative action, leftist indoctrination in the schools that rots kids' brains...
Oh, it's racism all right, the racism of blacks towards whites for being white with all that entails, and I don't mean their self-ego-boosting lies about what whites "steal" from them. I mean the fact that whites create all the things they want, have the abilities to create those things (thriving communities, security, scientific advances which further humankind), and blacks don't. If they do, why haven't they, any time, any place, in history? So, since they can't have these things without whites, they will destroy them before they will allow whites to "hoard" their whiteness. They can't help themselves even if they wanted to, it's their nature.
August 22, 2013 at 11:11 AM
blancdeseinesaintdenis said
That's hard because some blacks made some good music or sports but when you dont want cancer anymore you have to burn all the celluls, good or bad..
August 22, 2013 at 12:25 PM
Very well said, blancdeseinesantdenis! I have taken that so far as to not own a teevee, nor to ever listen to contemporary (or very much of older) pop music. It won't be any surprise to most here that I prefer the beauty of traditional hymns anyway :)
10mm AUTO said...
"What is with all the Revolvers? Is it because Baltimore negros just buy cheap handguns and currently revolvers are on the "outs"?"
10mm, don't you know that revolvers be raciss? With a long, heavy trigger pull and limited capacity, how can Obama's sons possibly be expected to hit whitey holding a ghat sideways? Of course, another HUD program is the solution: "Affirmatively Furthering Magazine Capacity for African Americans" aka the "Fair Glock Act." I mean, what did you think DHS was really going to do with billions of 9mm rounds?
The usual suspects.
Killed over spilled milk.
Beaten over coffee.
"The reason "stop shooting, start coding" is irrelevant advice is simple. There just aren't enough black people who are smart enough to be good coders. Almost all coders are either white males or East Asian males."
Wasn't the coder in "Jurassic Park" a negro? Played by Samuel L. Jackson. See, there are some black coders.
I just watched the video concerning the gun "trade in for a laptop".
I notice they could only find a White guy and his White daughter turning in a gun? No Africans? You would think they would love to show video of proud, Ph.d. black men handing in guns they will no longer need since they have to report to work at Apple.......
What a f'n joke. Baltimore is dead. It is a corpse of a city. Line up and die like Detroit.
I predict multiple cities will die int he next 5 years. If interest rates go up, even more will die sooner. I it OVER for these cities and NOTHING short of deed restricted segregation and fully armed and "authorized" White police forces will reverse it. Since that will NEVER happen, these cities are dead. dead.
Also, so many beat up, old revolvers were returned since they were probably bought for $25 each.A smart negro can turn in a $25 busted revolver for a $300 lap top and take the lap top to the nearest Korean Pawn shop and get $100 for it. That can buy some good weed for the night while Sambo F's his latest women.
What an easy life negroes must have. I wish I was a black man. No job. No worry, Free health care. Free housing, Free food and White women. Damn. Lucky dude.
@ Bogolyubski
You're going to LOVE this one :
This Homeland Security Employee Is Preparing For A Coming Race War
"A Department of Homeland Security employee who works on, among other things, the procurement of guns and ammunition for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, spends his nights and weekends preparing for a coming race war and advocating for anti-gay causes, according to a new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Meet Ayo Kimathi, a.k.a. “the Irritated Genie," who told his bosses at the DHS that his anti-white, anti-gay site, "War is on the Horizon," was just an entertainment site that sells concert and lecture videos. "
To summarize, the Department of Homeland Security employs black people who run websites with the following message ""warfare is eminent, and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our christian hearts can possibly count."
Gee I wonder why growing numbers of White people distrust the government.
I must post this for all to SEE. Please join me in praying for this man and his family. Another senseless crime. God help us. I know im ready
Hope those ads are coming PK. This story needs to make national news. Thanks and God Bless
-NC Guy
Somewhat OT, ANOTHER Polar Bear hunting: 89 year old WWII vet stomped to death by two Black teens in Spokane, Washington.
Tell me again about the Pacific Northwest. Ha.
Via Drudge.
Via Daily Mail, one of the shooters of the Aussie baseball player Chris Lane, one Michael Jones (he's the half-Black one) has a kid on the way. By a very pretty Blonde Neighbor girl. Also, said "youths" were big fans of Chief Keef who advocates as a rapper anti-White violence. Just like the DHS Black employee in charge of ammo purchases who runs a site "War on the Horizon" advocating mass slaughter of Whites. Thanks Daily Mail. And Drudge. For keeping me informed.
A number of conclusions can be reached.
One, the fantasy of the Pacific Northwest is just that. A fantasy. Dylan OK was 1% Black, and look what happened. There is no place to make a stand. None.
Two, Blacks are out of control, with the enabler in chief and his lackey Holder, none of them feel any possibility of retaliation for espousing anti-White genocide and murders. And it is small step for 70 IQ Blacks or lower (which is half of them) from word to deed.
Three, this will not get better because Whites overall worship Blacks, and a non-insignficant amount of very pretty, young, and hot White women want to have kids with the thuggiest of thug Black "teens" and "youth."
Fourth, anyone expecting racial solidarity from White women is in for a rude awakening. White women if they are young and pretty can, and often are eager to, become the wives/girlfriends of the biggest thugs in town. Particularly when they are at their hottest and most desired. Yes, NAWALT. But the dog that isn't barking is White women shaming and naming White girls who have kids by the Black thugs.
Fifth, given that Blacks are on a rampage, ginned up over Trayvon Martin (the Daily Mail reports one of the thugs boasted on Twitter he'd beaten into unconsciousness over eight Whites for Trayvon) it is imperative to practice situational awareness, be ready to escape at all times, or fight for one's life.
I am reading John Wesley Hardin's autobiography, one of the few by any old West outlaw and gunfighter. It is available for free at Google Books. Hardin fought Black policemen, and White ones, along with Mexicans, and other Whites he feuded with constantly. His mode was flee when he could, fight if he had to, being willing to shoot at a moments notice and after a few early disasters keeping his weapons in good order and practicing with them.
This is not new. Proven ways to deal with this are known. Chief among them, flight whenever the opportunity presents itself. Putting space and time between you and an attacker is the best mode of defense. Be mobile, and alert.
Don't walk anywhere, keep your eyes peeled, order online if you can, and always have a couple of exits spotted.
Sorry for the OT.
NC Guy said: I must post this for all to SEE.....This story needs to make national news. Thanks and God Bless
As of this moment, Drudge has this as its headline (with a picture of the victim) and as a developing story. ("89-year-old World War II veteran beaten to death by two black teens... Developing...")
Hopefully, he updates it as a headliner and puts up pictures of the Obama's sons that are responsible. Thank God Drudge has been giving this stuff the exposure it warrants.
The negro fatigue grows....
"The problem in America today is not racism, it's leftists. Socialism, PC, hate-crimes, thought-crimes, affirmative action, leftist indoctrination in the schools that rots kids' brains... "
You're right-on, but...but....but, you're forgetting that one key ingredient and that is the prideful, militant, boastful, enraged, hateful, murderous, impulsive American Negro. That race of people that blames everything and everyone else for their own pathology.
"So why doesn't that 1% perform the valuable service of creating a viable black homeland (city, state, nation, whatever) to help their "oppressed" brethren escape us evil oppressive whites? "
That would be "acting white" and get him ostracized.
Whiskey said: 89 year old WWII vet stomped to death by two Black teens in Spokane, Washington.
Even highly racist whites would not do this to an 89yo black vet.
Whiskey said: Tell me again about the Pacific Northwest. Ha.
I was through ND, MT and ID less than three years ago. I temporarily forgot what negros looked like.
Whiskey said: Via Daily Mail, one of the shooters of the Aussie baseball player Chris Lane, one Michael Jones (he's the half-Black one) has a kid on the way. By a very pretty Blonde Neighbor girl.
From my limited experience, these pretty white girls are usually dumb as bricks, addicted to drugs (that the negros supply), shameless golddiggers, or mudsharks looking for a "bad boy". In short, these girls' involvement in blackdom is NOT a loss to young white guys. Let the negros have them, and let these girls get everything that WILL come to them, as much as I don't like to see it happen
Whiskey said: Just like the DHS Black employee in charge of ammo purchases who runs a site "War on the Horizon" advocating mass slaughter of Whites.
My congrats to that negro for understanding that the negro fatigue might well reach the breaking point. Most of his simian brethren seem to think that their violent, parasitic ways are just going to be tolerated forever.
Everyone is allowed to have their own Chinatown, except Northern Europeans.
Either my brand of beer is too strong, or people tonight are even funnier than usual. Thank you all.
I think you need a highlight reel for the comments. Here's my first take (apologies if yours was funny and I left it out):
-Other cities have a better class of negro that sports a semi-auto.
-Ni****s and booze. What could possibly go wrong?
- "...the criminal Bellcurvius ..."
- Are people stocking up on these things in hopes of trading them in for Ipods and Ipad Minis during the next buyback in their nearest negrotopia?
- If you are offed by a negro,we'll request the playing of Hendrix and Coltrane tracks at your funeral- OK ?
- yeah-the 99% make the 1% look bad
I was also amused at the "beer causes violence" as two of the classic liberal fails rolled into one.
Those two fails are: (1) allow, and even encourage, an abdication of responsibility. As a famous black comedian used to say, "the devil made me do it." (2) liberals hate math. Ever notice that? If they could solve for x, they wouldn't be liberals. They make the classic logical fallacy "post hoc ergo propter hoc," that is, "after the fact, therefore, because of the fact. Anyone who has ever studied probability and statistics understands this. Most people die in bed? Gosh, stay out of bed, it's dangerous. Most accidents happen near home? Simple- just move house.
I guarantee you that they could have asked these GSW victims what brand of cigarettes they smoke, and you'd find that menthol cigarettes are smoked by almost all of them. Do I have some insight into the nicotine and menthol effect on the negroid brain? Hardly. These things are all correlated. I also guarantee you that if you surveyed all the beer drinkers in that part of Baltimore, you wouldn't get much variation in beer brands consumed; they'd be virtually identical to the brand sample of the GSW vics.
I used to think that liberals were just being disingenuous when they spout this crap. Now, I think they're honestly that stupid.
@Centurion: "I notice they could only find a White guy and his White daughter turning in a gun? No Africans?"
If an African wants a laptop, they just break the passenger-side window and take it off the car seat. See? They're better at math than we give them credit for: 1*Gun + 1*Laptop > 1*Laptop + 0*Gun
We productive white citizens must pay the hospital bills for these useless pukes to be patched up and returned to the streets. Ugh. They should be left to die.
'blacks have inadvertently helped emergency medicine improve.'
At great cost to White Society.
Anyone tell me what has come out of black Africa that has benefitted mankind.I mean a black African not one from the U S or europe.An invention IE ship,airplane,telephone,stove,electricity,well drums I guess.Eating grubs and bugs do not count,nor drinking cows blood.
Anyone tell me what has come out of black Africa that has benefitted mankind.I mean a black African not one from the U S or europe.An invention IE ship,airplane,telephone,stove,electricity,well drums I guess.Eating grubs and bugs do not count,nor drinking cows blood.
Why there's the Super-Soaker!! There used to be these dull old plastic water-pistols, sometimes even shaped like the dreaded Nazi Luger. Some nice negro Huxtable saved the sat and gave the world the super-soaker so the whole family can enjoy.
Coding requires high IQ. The whites already tried teaching compsci to apefricans in RSA in advance of apartheid's end. Failure
'Coding requires high IQ.'
can you prove it?
How high?
I [when young] had IQ 125, am White male.
I was always lousy at 'higher math'.
more leftist propaganda...that abortion helps the USA:
Others have cited Rowe vs. Wade, and how legalized abortion has lead to the absence in society of individuals who may be more inclined to commit crimes
Since yr 2000, the US ppopulation has increased by 35,000,000.
non White, low IQ...I see on drudge that 'latinos' are converting to Islam.
Wow...what horrible comments! Why are you all so obsessed with the black race. The time and energy used (no matter how small) to come up with demeaning jokes laced with vitriol is astounding. As a black person, I can acknowledge the issues that exist within the black race and it is disheartening that many of us do not see how we contribute to our on ills and/or fail to try to create change on a broader level than just within our own families. However, I can't bring myself to have such hate towards any race as you who have commented do. There are disgraceful people from all races and walks of life with lack of concern for anyone, including themselves, that use their time on this earth unwisely. Why focus on one race? Why assume that all people within one race are the lowest of the low? It's very interesting to read the 'minds' of those who probably do not have the courage to say these things in a face-to-face setting, and I am saddened that most of your exposure to the black race has been of the negative sort. There are so many positive black figures who have no ill will towards whites, don't feel that government/society owes them anything more than the basic civil rights that anyone should have, and do not always agree with the protests and attention brought to certain situations by civil rights leaders who love the spotlight and a 'good fight'. These people I speak of are not 'Uncle Toms' with the desire to be white, but people who are happy in the skin they're in and judge no one else based on their skin alone. Life is too short to fill your days with such negative emotions against a people that you know little about. All I ask is that the next time you think to say that black people are stuck on what was done to them in the past and have no desire to do for themselves that you consider the fact that when we were slaves and wanted the freedom to do for ourselves, to have unbroken families, we were denied it. Education was denied to keep us illiterate and, therefore, easier to control. Our work output went to the household of the slave owner, and for years after being freed many things were done to remind thwart our growth. So when you bring up our weaknesses as a race, make sure to remember your own. Also remember that just as you don't want to pay for the sins of your ancestors, we do not want to pay for the sins of others within our race that choose a rotten path. May God bless you all even in the midst of your hurtfulness towards others, those things seen and unseen because reading these comments truly hurt!
And blog moderator, God bless you too. I hope that at some point you find an obsession with basking in the positive aspects of all people instead of relishing the negative of one race. Your blog would have more credibility if it were not all one-sided. No one can deny the weaknesses that you so proudly display of your fellow Americans of the black race, but at what point do you realize that perpetuating negativity does no good to anyone, not even the white race that you possibly wish to elevate or at least exonerate from having the blame for the ills of blacks. If I have misinterpreted your intentions, forgive me...but I doubt that I have since you have allowed such comments to riddle your blogs. Good day.
Hey black guy.
Go back to Africa.
If not, then I consider you an enemy combatant.
I do not hate you for your skin tone. I hate you for the violence your extended family commits against my extended family.
Why are you all so obsessed with the black race.
I dunno, maybe because you commit mass ethnic cleansing of Whites wherever you gain political hegemony? The horrendous level of violent crime Blacks commit? The extreme level of parasitism (excuse me, "welfare dependency")?
Maybe the fact that the USA could have had people exploring Mars, if it wasn't for "civil rights" and the consequent need for handouts to Black people to buy votes?
As a black person, I can acknowledge the issues that exist within the black race and it is disheartening that many of us do not see how we contribute to our on ills and/or fail to try to create change on a broader level than just within our own families.
You're going to have to do a lot better than your own family, because 3 generations of experience says your ghetto bruthas and sistas aren't going to get with the program by themselves.
I can't bring myself to have such hate towards any race as you who have commented do.
Don't tell it to us. Tell it to Samir King Shabbaz, the Black chick in the evolution class at FAU, and the killers of Chris Lane.
Why assume that all people within one race are the lowest of the low?
The society White people create is defined by their average. So is yours. They are incompatible, and all we wish is to be free of you. We owe you nothing; you can leave peacefully, or it can get ugly. Your choice.
Anon at 12:11 PM who has an IQ of 125 but has always been lousy at higher math, and doubts that writing computer code requires a high IQ. Just because you can't do something, that something must not require high intelligence?
Come on, are you unaware that not all intelligent people can all do the same things well? Did Beethoven ever write a novel, Jane Austen ever prove an equation, Einstein ever paint a masterpiece, or Vermeer ever compose a symphony?
Intelligence is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for a great many things. The average Negro's low IQ precludes him from almost any productive, non-menial labor, clearly making them unfit for writing computer code.
(I can't believe that I'm having to explain something so elementary. Are you sure that you didn't cheat on your IQ test?)
I am a black woman.
So this is hate against one person based on what someone else did? How are you any better than the blacks you talk about.
As far as going back to Africa, I'm not from Africa nor have ever been, so the statement of going back doesn't apply.
My extended family includes people from several different races including whites, and even native americans who originally owned this land, so I guess your only speaking to one part of me, and obviously not the part that cultivated this land before Europeans decided to take it for themselves.
Regardless, as a Christian I would rather think other Christians (as in true followers, not just believers) are my extended family. Does that include you? Maybe not.
One day all that live this life hating people that have not even crossed their path will understand what life was really supposed to be about. All of these things you have concerned yourself with don't matter in the way you think they do. What matters is the soul of a person, not their affiliations, extended families, or anything else trivial.
Live your life with love, not hate because what goes around comes around and you will bring the very thing you detest into your existence if you haven't already.
Look at the broader picture and give yourself a chance to grow past these things that are so limiting to your joy and peace.
God Bless!
And to the other commenter to my post, I'll first address your last comment to "leave peacefully or it can get ugly". It's already ugly. Has been ugly since Africans were inhumanely brought here. Even if blacks did leave, ugliness would still exist in your hearts and minds so how will you escape that ugliness.
The point you made about doing better than my own family is exactly what I said. That black people have an obligation to help their "extended family", as the other poster commented, to do better. That's what most other races do to make sure that the whole race has a better chance. That is not lost on me and cannot be denied.
Life is way too short people. Have is corrosive and makes it even shorter or at least less enjoyable. It has to really be a burden on you to constantly bask in the idea that someone else has caused you to be less equipped to explore new things when your own people brought that group of people here. No matter how you twist and turn it, your blood line is the reason for your ills. So keep crying over the spilled milk and watch the beautiful side of life pass you by.
God bless!
@ c.c. August 24, 2013 at 6:28 AM-
You are making the typical point which blacks in America make when their dysfunction as a race in general is noted-falling back on American black slavery.
In all of mankind's history, every race has endured slavery in some form-feudalism, serfdom, indentured bondage, etc. American black slavery isn't even the most recent occurrence of human bondage. Even excluding the ongoing slavery practiced in some Muslim countries, Russian serfdom ended well after American black slavery (which American whites shed their brothers' blood to end). Yet Russians were the first in space, not many years after the end of serfdom.
American blacks have been using the excuse of historical slavery (again, which wasn't unique to them and which was ended by the shedding of the blood of whites) ever since as an excuse for their failures. Once blacks in Africa took note of how easy it was to play upon white guilt, they took up the tactic. (This guilting tactic doesn't work on any other race than whites). Whites have never used, or even considered using, the excuse of historical bondage in whatever form for their failures and dysfunctions as an entire race-they didn't have to.
Just look at Hiroshima some decades after having an atom bomb dropped on it, and compare it to Detroit-formerly the "Paris of the West"-after decades of black rule. Detroit has had millions of federal dollars (redistribution of the money of the productive) poured into it, yet it looks worse than Hiroshima after the bombing, and Hiroshima has never had the level of violence prevalent in Detroit.The same can be said of almost any black-run city or nation, in spite of billions of dollars transferred from the pockets of productive Americans to every one of these places.
If it were only the redistribution (ie theft) of money from the productive to the non-productive, that would be bad enough. But there's also the violence and the destruction of formerly safe and secure communities. Why does HUD always want to transfer its (mostly black) clients into white communities, never the other way round? Why do successful blacks leave the hood to move into white communities (where Ray-Ray and Pookie then follow them, bringing the hood to once safe and secure white communities)?
Why, when blacks cry non-stop about "white oppression", do they follow their "oppressors" from place to place in the white flight dance? Why would such an "oppressed" group do all in its power to be near their oppressors, in every aspect of life?
c.c., I have a few words for you.
I am a black woman.
Isn't that nice. Your children will regress towards an IQ of 85 with high aggression and grossly inadequate impulse control. They will tend to have no regard for consequences of their actions (no future time orientation).
Oh, wait, that's not so nice is it?
As far as going back to Africa, I'm not from Africa nor have ever been, so the statement of going back doesn't apply.
Africa is where all the People Like You are. If there's anyplace you really fit in, it's Africa.
My extended family includes people from several different races
In other words, people who fit NOWHERE.
as a Christian I would rather think other Christians (as in true followers, not just believers) are my extended family.
Even if I still took Christianity seriously, there is an enormous gulf between working to save your soul and taking you into my society against my own family's interests.
Live your life with love
Tell that to the accomplished "polar-bear hunter" who shot Chris Lane to death. Tell it to Samir King Shabbaz who stands behind his statement that "if you want justice you've got to kill some crackers". Tell it to everyone demanding "Justice for Trayvon", to be extracted from everyone from 89-yr-old military veterans to 13-month-old babies in strollers.
Let's see it from you first.
It's already ugly. Has been ugly since Africans were inhumanely brought here.
Oh, you are too funny! The ancestors who account for da blackness of yo azz were captured and sold by OTHER AFRICANS. Your ancestors' options were rather few:
1. Get eaten. (Africans still practice cannibalism, and kill albinos for their "magical properties".)
2. Get worked to death (and likely eaten).
3. Get sold to Arab slave traders, who would castrate the boys by complete removal of penis and testicles and work all the survivors to death. (Why not, Africans were cheap. You can still buy Africans in Muslim areas for a few hundred bucks.)
4. Get sold to buyers in the Americas, who allowed their Africans to survive and have families. In the British colonies they weren't even chattel slaves until Anthony Johnson established a precedent in 1655. Anthony Johnson was himself a Black man, sold by Africans to traders and bought and freed in Virginia as an indentured servant to pay off his passage.
To make it short, the fact that you are here at all is because American buyers gave your ancestors the best of the poor options that other Africans allowed them, which happened to put you in the nation which gives descendants of Africans the highest standard of living in the WORLD... and you have the gall to label this "inhumane".
It has to really be a burden on you to constantly bask in the idea that someone else has caused you to be less equipped to explore new things when your own people brought that group of people here.
In Africa, the "solution" is to just eliminate "the other" who is holding "us" back. Is that what you want?
That is the only option you're leaving Whites.
No matter how you twist and turn it, your blood line is the reason for your ills.
No, sorry. My bloodline had nothing to do with the slave trade. My bloodline never imported nor owned Africans. My bloodline was drafted to fight in the War of Northern Aggression against their will. You owe your freedom to my bloodline. I owe you nothing, least of all respect that you have not earned.
keep crying over the spilled milk and watch the beautiful side of life pass you by.
I want to keep you from destroying that beauty, as you have destroyed Memphis, Gary, Detroit, Camden, Newark, Philadelphia, and the other cities and countless White citizens I cannot name.
I want a divorce. Go the fv<k away.
Yeah but in that movie he still couldn't figure what Newman did, the one kid ending up fixing it lol
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