Hundreds of thousands of similar names you've never heard, like Raymond Widstrand, provide ingredients for the asphalt paving the road of good intentions.
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Tomorrow is another country: Attacked by 50 black people in Minneapolis, Raymond Widstrand is just another causality in a nameless war that rages from sea-to-shining-sea |
Millions of names at this point, that when combined together don't have the impact of four simple syllables: Trayvon Martin.
"But if the races were reversed..." stop with that silly canard.
Don't complain about 'double standards'.
Raymond Widstrand is a white sacrifice, like so many white women, white men, white seniors, and white children before him, who must stand testament to the Biblical concept of "the sins of the father" being revisited on subsequent generations.
The future of Minneapolis, of the entire state of Minnesota, is no longer that of the Prairie View Home Companion; it's the Ghetto Home Companion.
Raymond Widstrand had to learn this the hard way. [St. Paul Man Fights For Life After Being Beaten By Several People, CBS Minnesota, 8-9-13]:
Twenty-six-year-old Raymond Widstrand was walking on Payne Avenue Sunday evening when he came across a large group of people, who were watching a fight.
Police say it happened Aug. 4, 2013, at about 11:30 p.m. When police arrived, Widstrand was on the ground with his legs and arms spread out. Blood was coming from his nose and mouth.
His pants were off and his shirt torn.
Police questioned several people who were on the scene. One witness told police she had been a party at an address on Preble, near Minnehaha Avenue in St Paul.
She said that some of the girls at the party started fighting outside, and everyone came out to watch.
While this was happening, according to a criminal complaint filed in Ramsey County, she saw a young white man walking into the crowd.
The witness said she saw a person, she called “Bay Bay” hit the man in the head, knocking him down.
She also told police that she saw another man begin stomping the man. Another pulled his pants off.
Sgt. Paul Paulos says it’s a senseless crime.
“He is still alive and is day-by-day,” Paulos said.
The witness told police the man was hit and beaten for no reason. She also identified the attackers as being with the “East Side Boys” or “Ham Crazy.”
Issac O’Neal Maiden, 19, is charged in Ramsey County with assault for committing a crime for the benefit of a gang.
Police say as of Aug. 8, the prognosis for recovery is slight. Should he live, he will suffer permanent and protracted loss of brain functionIf tomorrow is another country, yesterday was another civilization.
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Published in Time almost exactly 40 years ago, this issue immortalizes a Minnesota from a different civilization |
A civilization where Raymond Widstrand would have thrived.
Steve Sailer noted what life was like in Minnesota back in 1973, when Time magazine ran a cover-story (by fate, it was released on August 13, 1973 -- forty years ago) with the title, "The Good Life in Minnesota":
The good life
If the American good life has anywhere survived in some intelligent equilibrium, it may be in Minnesota. It is a state where a residual American secret still seems to operate. Some of the nation's more agreeable qualities are evident there: courtesy and fairness, honesty, a capacity for innovation, hard work, intellectual adventure and responsibility.
Politics is almost unnaturally clean -- no patronage, virtually no corruption. The citizens are well educated: the high school dropout rate, 7.6 percent, is the nation's lowest. Minnesotans are remarkably civil: their crime rate is the third lowest in the nation (after Iowa and Maine). By a combination of political and cultural tradition, geography and sheer luck, Minnesota nurtures an extraordinarily successful society.
Minnesota has its drawbacks. ... Unemployment outside the Twin Cities area is troublesome, and personal income taxes are the highest in the nation. ... Some argue that Minnesota works a bit too well and too blandly, that its comparatively open and serene population is a decade or two behind the rest of the U.S. ...
Racial issues
Minnesota's people are overwhelmingly white (98 percent), most of them solidly rooted in the middle class. Blacks rioted in Minneapolis in 1966 and 1967, but with only 1 percent of the state's population, they have not yet forced Minnesotans into any serious racial confrontation. Or at least, not apocalyptic confrontation. ... Two black state legislators were elected last fall from predominantly white middle-class suburban districts.
Business culture
Minnesotans sometimes point to themselves as the reason for the state's success.Tomorrow is another country, where the Raymond Widstrand's of the world represent just another causality paving the road of good intentions.
"You just don't have people barking at you when you're walking down the street or sitting in a restaurant," says Jim Johnson, a former Princeton instructor and Muskie campaign worker who recently moved back home.
But if tomorrow is another country, yesterday was a different civilization.
St. Paul doesn't need Garrison Keillor. It needs a garrison.
Twin Cities and race? Hehehe. Minnesotans don't like confrontation. They don't like ugly. They don't like a whole lot of things. The don't like the truth when it is unpleasant. When the city transportation system went on strike the amount of shoplifting at Mall of America plummeted. Seems that the groids weren't able to get to the mall anymore.
When confronted by unpleasant questions the mayor of St Paul caved. The questions? Why they concerned the number of unprovoked attacks on whites by groids. It took Jason Lewis and others to drive home the point that a previously safe area of the city was now dangerous because of the feral packs of groids. Businesses were closing up and moving to the suburbs as a way of surviving. DWL deny that groids are in any way the cause of trouble, when they have security camera footage of groids on a rampage.
I've lived around Native Americans, Asians, Indians, and even Arabs.. niggers are the only race that commit this type of behavior.
When will one of the victims families start calling a spade a spade? The victims and the families of victims of black crime need to start speaking out about it, pull no punches, explain why it was racially motivated because everything blacks do is racially motivated, I also wonder when some one will go Punisher on these ghetto bastards. I for one wouldn't mind vigilante justice.
-One pissed off Irishman
"Senseless crime"
Not senseless. There was a reason it happened. Not an agreeable reason, but a reason nonetheless.
The reason was racial hate.
It's another racist crime in a long list of racist crimes and blacks are solely to blame. However, he didn't have good urban skills or he would have went the opposite direction of a group of blacks fighting. I wish some stupid whites would learn something from his mistake but it seems they all have to learn their lessons the hard way.
The problem as pointed out in today's Chicago Tribune and it is the mutt breeding in the black community with no fathers in the household. Dan Moynihan (liberal) talked about this in 1965 and its much worse today. Get rid of the mutt breeding incentives like section 8, food stamps, EBT, WIC, Aid to Dependent Children, bullshit social security disability and the rest you might stem the problem. My father worked in public housing in Chicago and he saw the politics in poverty with the unions and the rest. The poverty machine has to stop as it encouraging with the Obama administration recruitment to get on food stamps.
One pissed off Irishman said...
When will one of the victims families start calling a spade a spade?
They do call it out, but those parts of the interview are most likely edited and omitted for public PC consumption. Nobody will give the families airtime when it's live, like a press conference, unless they agree to a pre-approved script.
More times than not an attack like this is just a blip on the local news and page 6 stuff in the papers. They do have more pressing issues to exploit: Like community gardens saving a neighborhood and old folks who dress up their dogs in people clothes.
I love how that 1973 times article talks about how overwhelmingly white Minnesota is and how they just haven't been confronted with a racial conversation yet. It comes off as the typical pathetic plea of a liberal rag. Well, they got their wishes, and down goes the ship.
So anyway, raise a frothy glass! Three cheers for Minnesota! Finally, they've gotten rid of that pesky 98% white majority! Hip hop hooray!
-focal joker-
My God,
My heart wants to go out to this kid and his family, but on another level, I've got no sympathy.
Their ignorance actually pisses me off more than the goddamned nigger savagery does.
Who the F**K does not know what these things are like by now? The WILLFULLY IGNORANT... that's who.
When I saw the parents caterwauling on video, I wanted to slap them silly. EPIC FAIL libtards, for not preparing your offspring for the real world.
I am street savvy, in good physical shape, and I carry EVERY WHERE I GO. But, if I saw a groidle of niggers duking it out in the street ahead of me, I would turn right the f*ck around and go the other direction without delay.
SPBDL'ers, I think my "DWL Fatigue" is beginning to surpass even my Negro Fatigue. It's causing me to lose my humanity... I hate that...
If the feds are succeeding at destroying Minnesota, then the Pacific NW and upper New England are not far behind. Once these last bastions of white majority go, then we will really be at the end of the line. Death by cultural enrichment.
It's the same old story. Most Blacks are raised being taught that Whites are at war with them; locking them out of jobs, using police to keep them down. They grow up ready for war at all times. Every generation grows up with a white-hot hatred of Caucasians.
They'll spit in your food, stall you or make you wait in government offices, refuse to pay restaurant checks, steal from you, lie to you, rape you whether you are male or female.
To American Blacks, this is WAR in which they finally feel fully confident to lash out whenever and for whatever reason. Whitey is running scared - hell, even the president is Black. It's time for revenge.
This is why the Trayvon thing was such a shock to so many DWLs and Blacks. They thought Zimmerman's conviction would have been a slam-dunk.
Far from it, but it was just a pause in a daily, active, insane race war. Their troops are fired up. There will be many more casualties.
non-black people have no solidarity. When a non-black person is randomly attacked by a feral pack of groids, how come other non-blacks just stand around, almost with an expression of "glad it's not me being attacked"?
This only perpetuates the lack of solidarity with one another further, because when u see another NB person getting jumped, u think "why should I put my ass on the line for you? You probably wouldn't do that for me".
NB ppl need to stand up for one another against the savage racist groids and take back Civilization.
How a black fambly gets the White Man to be the provider:
Shitisha gets screwed by Leroy, both who have no jobs and are extremely lazy.
Shitisha goes to Welfare and says "I be pregnant!"
She is given welfare for the next three years as a result, and can get pregnant in two in order to get the three year benefits again.
Welfare asks who the father is. Shitisha says "I ain't kno who be da daddy", when in fact she knows it's leroy, but welfare will never know, so now there's no one they can collect child support from to recoup any of the aid.
Now Shitisha will get her rent paid, electricity paid, gas and heat, and of course a boatload of foodstamps.
Amd leroy will stay in her welfare apartment, without welfare knowing.
Now the whole fambly is provided for by the White Man, who is waking up at 530 am to get to his 7 to 4 job (with mandatory lunchreak).
The blacks will sleep in til noon, and then watch tv, smoke marijuana, and have sex all on the White Man's dime while he slaves away in a factory.
Very good point. From reading about this victim on another site, I saw that he made short films, produced for television stations, and was an aspiring director of sorts.
I think there's a possibility that he actually walked through the crowd from the interest of a documentarian - curiosity, if u will..
But if he had been savagely beaten as a youth by packs of feral blacks, as most of us have, he would NEVER walk into a black crowd AT NIGHT, let alone by day.
He probably was a liberal minded, artsy guy who is offended by the word NIGGER.
Now he's a vegetable, robbed of his future and his artistic talent by animals that hated him because he was White.
Anonymous said...
If the feds are succeeding at destroying Minnesota, then the Pacific NW and upper New England are not far behind. Once these last bastions of white majority go, then we will really be at the end of the line. Death by cultural enrichment.
I generally agree with this. I worked for a company not so long ago HQ'd in Minneapolis. One of the WHITEST white places left in north america. I decided to go walking a few hours from Canada one night on a Sat. night.
TRULY clueless white people wandering about like sheep, and well, me. Niggas in MN are NOT like they are in the rest of the US. They are mainly learners still. "Testing" the boundaries of white tolerance. I encountered a few asking for money. My reaction was--- less tolerant-- than they could have ever imagined that far north. But, they will realize their power up there soon enough, and yes... MN will fall before the altar of worship like the rest of the States. You think whining on the internet can stop this virus? You are fucking drunk.
You want to see your future? I -strongly- advise you go see a recently released film. ELYSIUM. It -IS- our future on our current trajectory.
Works like this— 22nd century. ~2155. America DOES exist, as I truly think it would. The Elite Vampire Squid Bloodsuckers (many Jews / many Whites, nothing else) have long since exited the resource spent planet earth. They live on a very very amazing orbital ring space station which can be seen with the naked eye. MUD races control earth. There is 1 white for every 50 to 100 browns in Los Angeles as an example. These are realistic numbers. The remaining whites on planet earth have adapted to the criminality of brown culture to survive. One white who still has a job as the last remnant of the “middle class” (1% left) has a tragedy occur that sets all the wheels in motion. The rest makes for a very thought provoking action movie. Drones, robotic killing machines ( (We can already make these NOW by the way), etc.
BUT make no mistake— this is a libtard movie. The climax does NOT address how billions of uneducated browns ever came to be, what they will do “now”, etc. My personal take? If we ever get to this in the 22nd century, we died long ago. Let us hope that Russia and China do not allow the next 150 years to occur and bring us to this state. As our good friend Sarah Connor told us— “The Future is Not Set”
NB People: lift weights. eat healthy. take self defense. Arm yourself with weaponry. WAKE UP.
No matter how the MSM tries to bury these savage racist acts, many people are becoming aware.
Don't be naive like this unfortunate gentleman.
The only safe place to watch TNB is on World Star Hip-Hop.
We don't hear about the five smart whites who had their eyes open and walked the other way, because they don't end up victims. We only hear about the one dumbass. Darwin at work.
Eric Holder is just as useless as Obama is. When you combine the two, you get "fundamental transformation". Negro's destroy Everything they touch. Remember folks, Whites owe Negros NOTHING!
Those commenting on Ray or his parents in a derogatory way - this family is in need of prayers not 'should have know better' 'Darwin at work' comments that you wouldn't say to them in person (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt) if you had the chance. A young man's life hangs in the balance - let's all pray that things turn out better for him than you are painting on this blog.
Don M said...
"My God,
My heart wants to go out to this kid and his family, but on another level, I've got no sympathy.
Their ignorance actually pisses me off more than the goddamned nigger savagery does.
Who the F**K does not know what these things are like by now? The WILLFULLY IGNORANT... that's who.
When I saw the parents caterwauling on video, I wanted to slap them silly. EPIC FAIL libtards, for not preparing your offspring for the real world.
I am street savvy, in good physical shape, and I carry EVERY WHERE I GO. But, if I saw a groidle of niggers duking it out in the street ahead of me, I would turn right the f*ck around and go the other direction without delay.
SPBDL'ers, I think my "DWL Fatigue" is beginning to surpass even my Negro Fatigue. It's causing me to lose my humanity... I hate that..."
I agree. I no longer feel sorry for the DWLs that become nigger victims. In fact, I hope they become the targets of nigger violence exclusively.
Anyone who hasn't seen the movie Putney Swope might like to give it a viewing.
I agree with your last statement and I am quite pessimistic about the filthy virus, here's why:
there's many orks that have at least 15 grandchildren by the time they are FORTY. This is not that difficult to consider, if they have children young, and have an average of four (4x4=16).
by the time any law is enacted that can legally curb their reproductive rates, lets say 40 years from now, the virus will have a population 8 times larger.
And there is no way that it WON'T completely destroy America, because even if you throw them all in prison, you will be spending 30,000 dollars Each year for EACH ONE to house and feed them until their death. groids in jail have MEDICAL and DENTAL coverage while the working class DOES NOT.
I honestly feel that the show is over, because just in my lifetime alone, I've seen really White places turn into ilthy. run down, crime infested baboon breeding grounds.
That means that this could happen to Seattle, Portland, and many places that are still non-groid in the northwest.
idk.. they really bring down the quality of life.
The Turning of the Tide:
This is not a White Supremacy site. It is a pro-civilization site.
Many normal people who never considered themselves "racist" are waking up to their intense dislike and repulsion for blacks. Incident after incident wakes them up.
You know something big is on the verge of happening, when millions of people who tried for DECADES of their lives to assist blacks, excuse their behavior, and otherwise bite the bullet, all start to say WE. HATE. BLACKS.
Fifty blacks randomly, savagely beat a White pedestrian for walking by, leaving him in a vegetative state (if he even survives), and it only makes LOCAL NEWS.
It is sad this man was attacked but NO WHITE PERSON has any business near A BLACK Group fighting. Turn back, cross the street, etc. AVIOID THE GRIOD
The future of Minneapolis, of the entire state of Minnesota, is no longer that of the Prairie View Home Companion....
NPR [also known as Heeb NPR] had a slot for PHC. NPR is anti White.
I called St Paul dispatch and asked if it were safe for whites to enter St Paul. The dispatcher laughed at me.
She gave me the number to another office to whom I explained the issue of race violence.He said "it was possibly a gang related incident" to which I replied that "that's often stated as a reason to hide racist attacks against whites."
"Well we don't know what the motive was or if it would have been a latino or something else what would have happened"
"Well, the majority of interracial crimes are committed against whites and there are always excuses made for the crime an hate crimes charges are rarely pressed."
"As a minority I will not accept that!"
"You won't accept fucking facts?!"
"Don't fucking swear at me!"
You can call these guys, and you should, if you're at all concerned about showing that white people will not be attacked and killed for fun.
St Paul non-emergency dispatch- 651 266 5735
The office they referred me to where the "minority" won't accept facts- 651 755 7195
Stop being silent.
Via Drudge...also obongos dog got airplane.
actually studies show da more 'die versity' an area has, the less sense of community spirit, volunteerism, neighborliness, going to town hall meetings etc.
The dems are using 'divide and conquer'...bringing in 180 million?
since the imm act of 1965.
Pissed off Irishman:
When will one of the victims families start calling a spade a spade? The victims and the families of victims of black crime need to start speaking out about it, pull no punches, explain why it was racially motivated because everything blacks do is racially motivated, I also wonder when some one will go Punisher on these ghetto bastards. I for one wouldn't mind vigilante justice.
Sadly, the odds are actually greater that the victim's family will spout off some ridiculous platitude about the need to stop violence and then do something in the vein of Amy Biehl's parents - who set up a foundation for the poor groids in the bantu shantytowns of St. Nelson's Eternal Rainbow Smiley-Face Utopia which now employs her killers (yes, literally). It was Y.T. Rayciss who killed Amy, you see, because he so was greedy and mean to drove those poor noble, Christ-like savages to play too hard with Amy - resulting in her untimely demise. I realize this appears completely absurd, but my description is appallingly close to what DWLs who regularly tune in to NPR actually believe.
When will one of the victims families start calling a spade a spade?
Good question. I remember asking myself more or less the same thing in the aftermath of the Eve Carson murder. I just could not understand why no one in her family did not lash out in anger about the way she was killed in such a brutal, unfeeling way by those two useless apes. It brought back memories of Amy Biehl, although I admit to being less jaded (or enlightened, if you will) back then, and so my reaction at that time was not quite the same.
One gets the feeling the worst must happen, we must sink further, experience some sort of cataclysm before Whites will wake up and the best of what is left will re-assert control over debate and policy in America -- wrest all that away from the politically correct cowards who cannot and will not 'call a spade a spade'.
Leftist: "If there was a god, he would look like Morgan Freeman."
I do feel sorry for this man and his family. I don't know if they are DWLs. Probably just victims of the 24/7/365 propaganda machine of this sick, disgusting culture. "No difference but the color of the skin." "Diversity is our strength."
I refuse to donate a single penny to any human charities for fear that it might be given to THEM.
Derbyshire's Rules meets Darwin's Law.
It's ironic, isn't it? We need more brain dead liberals like this guy before the rest of the brain-dead, ignorant liberals wake up. And you know what? I don't see it happening. There's no amount of sense you can knock into those people to get them to see reality. As much as I want to have sympathy for this guy, I can't.
I can't imagine it being explained any better ! That is it ,all anyone needs to know , in a nutshell ! Hard to believe,shameful,but all true ! Thanks for clarity ! Richard Cranium
I live in Detroit the one thing you left out is That boatload of foodstamps they get they sell for half price !! They always ask me in the grocery store if I am paying cash and if I will buy them !! It sickens me I always say I have no money and I have to use a credit card to buy my groceries which means I have to pay American Express back everything I borrow at the end of the month !!! Oh and here they can use their food stamp cards at fast food resturaunts !!!! Their cash assistance which is to pay utilities and rent they can use that card at mr Alan's groid clothing store to buy nikes fu bu apple bottoms and whatever groid clothing they want !!! The free government phones they don't get just one they get one for each member of their family !!! WTF why are we paying for this crap !!
Jay in DC said...
You want to see your future? I -strongly- advise you go see a recently released film. ELYSIUM.
With all due respect to Jay, and I do respect him, I strongly advise all to avoid seeing this movie - and all other Hollywood offerings after about 1980. If you must watch movies, don't pay for them. Hollywood is not your friend.
Elysium is pure open-borders propaganda, and white-guilt agitation. The premise is preposterous (the space habitat, built by White men as a refuge, must allow unlimited immigration by the non-White proles), the villains all White... aah, here, read the review at for yourself.
great advice, get in good shape, ditch fast food and at least do push ups, and carry/pack everywhere you go
simple as that yes is sad that this DWL was beaten senseless but what can you do with such stupidity? he thought groids were warm and fuzzy creatures now he know the truth
Why should I grieve for descendants of the Yankees that caused all this? They brought the Africans in their New England ships to sell them to Southerners, and then less than a century later destroyed the South to free the Africans. Money and power for the rich Yankees. Chaos for everyone else. It's more than fair that some of the chaos impinges on descendants of those who assisted the Yankees in their evil.
To Anonymous @ 8/11/13 7:51 pm
It's difficult to embrace someone who would push you away in disgust. It's safe to assume that the members of the Widstrand family are DWLs. I doubt they would agree with anything that would be posted here and would in their ignorance condemn it loudly.
This Widstrand guy must have been extremely naive and left-wing in order to walk through a crowd of negroids street-fighting at midnight. Any street-saavy white guy knows you don't even leave the house without a pistol or hunting knife, especially at night. I blame the parents for not properly educating their white children about the dangers posed by insane, violent, low-IQ black ape-men and to avoid them at all costs.
OT, but had to share:
In a rare moment of sanity, a negro is being told, "No." In this case, it will result in a permanent end to his criminal thuggery and dysfunction. Shouts of "rayciss" are only now beginning in this situation.
Anonymous said...
Why should I grieve for descendants of the Yankees that caused all this? They brought the Africans in their New England ships to sell them to Southerners, and then less than a century later destroyed the South to free the Africans. Money and power for the rich Yankees. Chaos for everyone else. It's more than fair that some of the chaos impinges on descendants of those who assisted the Yankees in their evil.
August 12, 2013 at 2:48 AM
With all due respect to the Southern readers of this site, stop fighting the last civil war and start getting ready for the next one.
-Fireforce- here..
"she saw a person, she called “Bay Bay” "
What is it with these negroes and their silly "baby talk" nicknames?
The problem is some of these White people are so naive. Unlike this White man, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near 40 Blacks gathered for a fight and if by accident I did, I'd leave pronto.
Let's not attack the young man for his presumed shortcomings since we don't know him. He may have been naive but don't forget the entire system from birth onwards is rigged to brainwash everyone. It takes time to learn what the reality of it all is. Many readers of this blog were once naive people themselves at one point in their lives until they wised up.
Where is Obama regarding this hate crime? Why isn't he giving speeches about the victim? The comments following the story at the provided link shows how many people are fed up with what's been going on.
Only a willfully ignorant PC-crippled milquetoast white liberal would walk anywhere near a mob of black people whipped up into a frenzy by a girlfight. What endpoint other than "near fatal beatdown" did the guy expect? You don't dive into a sea full of sharks.
Ironically, this DWL won't learn anything from this experience, given the brain damage and all.
YOu have Raymond killed by 50 blacks, we have jeremy student of 22 killed by Ali in Marseille for his phone...We have 8 women who were doing fiesta for a wedding hit by 10 arabs in Toulouse...
He probably was a liberal minded, artsy guy who is offended by the word NIGGER.
Now he's a vegetable, robbed of his future and his artistic talent by animals that hated him because he was White.
I also think that Raymond Widstrand was a liberal-minded, artsy guy type. I would also even bet that he was likely offended whenever he heard a white person uttering the word, "nigger."
Watch this Youtube video here:
Ray Widstrand in Coma After Black Mob of 30-40 Beat Him
This video above gives plenty of clues about Raymond Widstrand being a DWL type of guy. He apparently thought nothing of moving to "brown town" two months prior to being savagely monkey-mobbed into a coma, he worked in media, the pictures shown of him suggest that he lived life as a beta-male, etc.
Here's an update:
St. Paul (white) man in stable but critical condition after near-fatal beating (by mob of blacks on a chimp out)
Americas blacks today are no different than the murderous Muslims. They have been given so much, they now think it right to take. Enough is enough.
This cartoon by A. Wyatt Mann from the 1990's might be a good way to understand the mindset of the apparent DWL Ray Widstrand, just prior to his brutal beating:
Liberals...too blind for justice
PK said:
"But if the races were reversed..." stop with that silly canard.
Don't complain about 'double standards'.
I see it all the time in news comment sections about things like this. The disturbing aspect is that the remark shows people sort of understand what is going on, but they're not bright enough to have caught on to the big trend. The big trend being, negroes can and will commit all manner of crime and violence and they will never be held responsible. Not in any real way.
If Milwaukee can fall to negro control, then Minnesota can as well. Having interacted with a number of people from Minnesota, I'd say they are particularly ripe to be squashed by violent negroes. Sure enough, that's what we've seen here. I'll bet the young man just beamed with total love and acceptance for the black man. He walked through the waring tribes expecting them to raise their shields and spears as he moved among them. He must have been taught to believe that the savages would sense his fairness, his beneficence, his humanity, and allow him safe passage.
Negroes are inherently violent, uniquely ignorant and clearly prone to the worst of mob/tribe behavior. To make matters worse, the US culture, mostly the media, academia and the political system, has been carefully teaching them for years that their hate and violence is fully justified. On the other hand, whites like this young man have been told blacks are near holy objects.
The killers of the little NJ girl were just sentenced the other day. You've seen a bus beat down of a little white kid just the other day as well. Now Raymond Widstrand is beaten into what may be a vegetative state.
But if the races were reversed...
I would also bet that Ray Widstrand was a lifelong liberal, who was raised in a DWL family, and who received a lifelong DWL-style education all the way up through his college years. Look where all of that got him now.
The lesson that white folks can learn from this latest story about black-on-white mob violence is this:
Being even the most left-wing, progressive, and Obama-supporting liberal white person provides you no more protection from feral pavement simians when you enter their territory, or their "hood" rather, than being a member of PETA protects you when you walk into the Grizzly bear's territory in the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, or when you swim into the waters of the North Atlantic, which is also the natural habitat of the Great White shark.
Check out this very poignant picture:
It's hard to see racism when a mob of black teenagers are beating you But I deserve it - I'm white
Dear Folks,
I think we are going to have to come up with a different term for guys like this than "Disingenuous White Liberal".
When I think DWL, I think of Diversity Scolds like Tim Wise, Morris Dees, Mark Potok, and Heidi Beirich who preach the Multi-Kult while living far away from "vibrant diversity."
There is nothing disingenuous about guys like Widstrand and that "brilliant policy analyst" Thomas Maslin who cannot even read a child's book to his son after a groid tee'd off on his noggin with an aluminum baseball bat in D.C.
Nope. These dudes were the real deal. They actually BELIEVED they could live and walk amongst the Uruk-Hai without fear.
There's something much sadder about them than the true DWLs who at least turn a handsome shekel from the diversity racket.
I want to feel bad for this kid and MN in general but can't. What white guy walks through a pack of unruly blacks? He would have had better luck coming out alive if he walked through a pack of rabid dogs.
MN is an epicenter of silly liberalism in this country probably ground zero in the Midwest as Chicago Whites have no illusions where Blacks are concerned. The Whites of MN have imported Africans from Somalia. They offered generous welfare which attracted Blacks from Chicago in droves. Now they are simply reaping what they have sowed. They voted for Obama twice so they must think the country is headed in the right direction. Screw them.
I don't know guys not sure we can put him in DWL category. His Facebook page is devoid of any hints of liberalism. He just seems like very socially awkward. He may have thought Blacks were harmless.
With all due respect to the Southern readers of this site, stop fighting the last civil war and start getting ready for the next one.
I have to agree. We can recognize that the Confederacy has been utterly vindicated while still looking forward, so long as the grave sins of the past are not repeated.
The disturbing aspect is that the remark shows people sort of understand what is going on, but they're not bright enough to have caught on to the big trend.
Good point. I see the double standard argument as a sort of stepping stone on the way to the Big Truth. Sure, it frustrates those of us at the PhD level to see our fellows struggling through kindergarten, but many of us had to go through a similar mental struggle to get here.
As Auster used to say, there is no double standard. There is a single standard: Kill the West. Anything that gets the enemy closer to his goal is to be permitted. To drop the double standard complaint is to ultimately recognize that no good faith debate is possible with the enemy. We are not all in this together and we are not all Americans.
I would also bet that Ray Widstrand was a lifelong liberal, who was raised in a DWL family, and who received a lifelong DWL-style education all the way up through his college years.
How many of Those Who Can See had essentially the same upbringing?
I called St Paul dispatch and asked if it were safe for whites to enter St Paul. The dispatcher laughed at me.
She gave me the number to another office to whom I explained the issue of race violence.He said "it was possibly a gang related incident" to which I replied that "that's often stated as a reason to hide racist attacks against whites."
"Well we don't know what the motive was or if it would have been a latino or something else what would have happened"
"Well, the majority of interracial crimes are committed against whites and there are always excuses made for the crime an hate crimes charges are rarely pressed."
"As a minority I will not accept that!"
(and so on)
I was about to chide Jassi for wasting his energy here, but maybe there is a point to doing the type of thing he did should sufficient numbers actually do it.
No, the squid-owned enterprise known as the St. Paul Dispatch is not about to begin reporting the truth even if they get 50 million phone calls and messages. If Jassi thinks his actions would somehow cause a policy change, he's delusional in the same manner that folks think that voting for Repuke Pedophiles is going to bring about change in Washington. We moved beyond that stage of affairs around 70-80 years ago.
However, if enough folks tied up their phone lines and crashed the servers at that place for weeks on end and made the employees' lives there such an unending living hell so that they would quit - it could work to throw some sand into the gears which keep the St. Paul Dispatch operating.
The thing that we must always keep in mind is that the St. Paul Dispatch, its owners and its employees are the enemy. Any actions which serve to ruin and destroy the enemy enterprise are completely justifiable, whether they are in violation of squid laws or not. One must always avoid running afoul of the squid law-enforcement racket (itself an enemy enterprise in need of total destruction), so it's best to confine our activities to things which are still permitted, but the primary objective of neutralizing squid enterprises remains.
Keep in mind that the DWLs hope we become victims of nigger violence. They cheer for every sacrifice. The movie Elysium is about the last White man born on Earth sacrificing himself to check everyone's privilege.
Will Tim Wise ever become the victim of nigger violence? No, because he never goes to nigger-infested places alone. If you ask him, he will tell you that he would be perfectly willing to do so. But he will never do it.
Tim Wise wants Amy Biehl to be sacrificed.
It's disgusting how in a democracy we need to hope that random Whites get redpilled somehow.
Every time I see a White kid victimized, though, it breaks my heart.
The most disgusting thing to me is when White parents are willing to go along with sacrificing their own children. The God of political correctness never sends the angel to tell them to stop and sacrifice a ram instead.
I just now called the number you left, and loudly told them to do something about black-on-white crime.
The guy was snotty about it, but I agree with you: if enough of us call, something will get done.
Guess my message didn't go thru, so one more time:
I called the number you left, talked to dispatch, and told them they need to look at black-on-white crime. They were snotty about it- but we ALL need to call them.
I'm sorry. I can't feel "sorry" for him nor his family.
Did he, or his family, feel sorry for the little White boy who got his head blown off by a nigglet? Do they feel sorry for all the White girls who have been raped by monkeys?
No. In fact, they don't care. They would turn away from anybody telling them of these events.
That family would call us racists and slam the door in our faces.
This is how so many must learn. And, I bet it will take a few more events to wake them up. That mom and that daughter look mighty fine.............they'll learn......the hard way.
Sorry to be so "cruel" but who is the cruel one here? Us who want to PREVENT this or people like this family that put every single one of us in the line of sight of these apes?
Wisconsin tried to fight it many decades ago by putting time limits on welfare payments. You had to be a resident of the state for 90 days or 120 days before you were eligible for welfare. The leftists took the case to the Supreme Court and got the law struck down as unconstitutional for preventing free travel from state-to-state. Sadly, they didn't try to amend the law by letting individual counties (instead of the state itself) create their own laws or take other measures that would have had the same effect. They just gave up…out of liberal guilt, I expect.
There are other measures individual cities and states could take, such as requiring a public registry of all Section 8 landlords, or requiring all refugee resettlement organizations to make a public environmental impact statement whenever they start planning to import welfare caes from places like Somalia or Sudan. It should be easy to come up with some liberal BS reason, like "the need to effectively plan for mental health resources" or some such story.
I wish there was some grassroots group that could get together and discuss these things: what tactic works, what doesn't work, what tactic strikes fear into the hearts of liberals, etc.
Think what you could do in Minneapolis if you could find out that the local Lutheran Services agency imported some Somali, dumped him on the local taxpayers to support, and it was that Somali who beat that guy almost to death. Imagine the effect of demonstrations outside every Lutheran Church, on Sunday, every Sunday, asking them to take up a special collection to pay for the beat-up guy's ongoing medical costs. Make those forking liberal bastidges squirm!
Wisconsin tried to fight it many decades ago by putting time limits on welfare payments. You had to be a resident of the state for 90 days or 120 days before you were eligible for welfare. The leftists took the case to the Supreme Court and got the law struck down as unconstitutional for preventing free travel from state-to-state. Sadly, they didn't try to amend the law by letting individual counties (instead of the state itself) create their own laws or take other measures that would have had the same effect. They just gave up…out of liberal guilt, I expect.
There are other measures individual cities and states could take, such as requiring a public registry of all Section 8 landlords, or requiring all refugee resettlement organizations to make a public environmental impact statement whenever they start planning to import welfare caes from places like Somalia or Sudan. It should be easy to come up with some liberal BS reason, like "the need to effectively plan for mental health resources" or some such story.
I wish there was some grassroots group that could get together and discuss these things: what tactic works, what doesn't work, what tactic strikes fear into the hearts of liberals, etc.
Think what you could do in Minneapolis if you could find out that the local Lutheran Services agency imported some Somali, dumped him on the local taxpayers to support, and it was that Somali who beat that guy almost to death. Imagine the effect of demonstrations outside every Lutheran Church, on Sunday, every Sunday, asking them to take up a special collection to pay for the beat-up guy's ongoing medical costs. Make those forking liberal bastidges squirm!
I do not know Raymond Widstrand so I will not comment on him or his motivations. But I have known too many people who have walked into situations which were inherently dangerous because they thought nothing would happen to them. Situations which ought to have the "alert" hackles rising go in one ear and out the other. Situations like the street fight cited here.
Maybe it's too much television. People think they can be disconnected observers, that the commercial break comes next. Maybe it's the Age of Aquarius ideology, which teaches that "all you need is love." Maybe it's the magical thinking and refusal to grow up on the part of too many Americans.
Look at the bigger picture. Many white people refuse to see the risks inherent in an exploding black underclass, or mass migrations from the third world.
It's an interesting phenomenon.
"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide."--James Burnham
Could there be a connection?
The good life ... courtesy and fairness, honesty, a capacity for innovation, hard work, intellectual adventure and responsibility. Politics is almost unnaturally clean -- no patronage, virtually no corruption. The citizens are well educated: the high school dropout rate, 7.6 percent, is the nation's lowest. Minnesotans are remarkably civil: their crime rate is the third lowest in the nation (after Iowa and Maine).
Minnesota's people are overwhelmingly white (98 percent) ...
"Freedom is the freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4." -- George Orwell
Anonymous said...
I've lived around Native Americans, Asians, Indians, and even Arabs.. niggers are the only race that commit this type of behavior.
Yeah, pretty much. And no real surprise that those races along with most YT's have a strong distaste for blacks. They are unlike any other race on earth. Savage, unthinking, unevolved. A dead end race bound for extinction.
We are talking about a state that put Al Franken into the Senate (for the most part), and a washed-up wrestler into the governor's mansion. Don't hold your breath waiting for common sense to take hold.
There are going to be a whole lot more group beatings and other crimes before anyone up there will get an inkling that something's not quite right.
Also, Garrison Keillor can drop dead. What a dipshit.
They should revive Little House on the Prairie. In the next episode Albert is attacked by feral wild beasts and Doc Baker needs to be summoned.
If Obama had a som, he'd look like Bay Bay!
It's a shame this happened, but if he saw several niggers and didn't turn around he was probably a liberal. Anyone who sees negroes for the subhuman animals they are knows to avoid them.
So he's just one of several weak willed beta males who feels strong calling us racist like a child. I figure there will be tens of thousands more to come, until enough people wake up to make a difference. As it is we couldn't get Obama out of office, and people pay for cable networks that are left wing propaganda channels.
I just did a quick search on the CNN web site. Total stories on 'Raymond Widstrand': 0. Total stories on 'Trayvon Martin': 1612. OK, so more time has gone by since the TM story, so you'd expect more hits. But I think you could repeat the same search in six months and get pretty much the same result: zilch for 'Raymond Widstrand'. Even if he dies, which he probably will from all reports. And even though the crime was incredibly brutal and -- except for pure racial animus -- seemingly without criminal motive.
I fucking hate the media. Absolutely detest them.
eah said ... I fucking hate the media. Absolutely detest them.
I will no longer frequent this site. For some "reason" a comment I posted yesterday was deemed "inappropriate". I don't need to be censored. It was a harmless comment, much less vial than some of the above statements.On to greener pastures. Toodles.
[ AnalogMan said...
You want to see your future? I -strongly- advise you go see a recently released film. ELYSIUM.
With all due respect to Jay, and I do respect him, I strongly advise all to avoid seeing this movie - and all other Hollywood offerings after about 1980. If you must watch movies, don't pay for them. Hollywood is not your friend.
Elysium is pure open-borders propaganda, and white-guilt agitation. The premise is preposterous (the space habitat, built by White men as a refuge, must allow unlimited immigration by the non-White proles), the villains all White... aah, here, read the review at for yourself.]
At Drudge [we luv Drudge] it was pointed out that ahole Damon pushes for public school but, predictably, like huffington and schwartzeneger] has his in private school.
Other sites that honestly review 'The Help' and other such trash are:
Occidental Observer
" quarterly
Vigilant Citizen.
[City resident said...Let's not attack the young man for his presumed shortcomings since we don't know him. He may have been naive but don't forget the entire system from birth onwards is rigged to brainwash].
I will re-phrase: IT IS NIGGED TO BRAINWASH.
If you have kids, grand kids, god that story and Derbyshires the talk and tell em...
had he had 'the talk' and followed its rules....that would not have happened.
When I think DWL, I think of Diversity Scolds like Tim Wise, Morris Dees, Mark Potok, and Heidi Beirich who preach the Multi-Kult while living far away from "vibrant diversity."
The Clintons preach leftist sht but moved to Westchester, to a [get this] 99% White town.
Film maker Michael Moore, the same…etc.
[ It's safe to assume that the members of the Widstrand family are DWLs. I doubt they would agree with anything that would be posted here and would in their ignorance condemn it loudly.]
Thanks for doing something. Most of these guys yap on and on from their delusional about capitalizing on a financial collapse and how they'll defend themselves and be great white hero's. In real life they're too pussy to make a phone call and have the government find out their phone number but somehow when things are much worse they'll suddenly become big guys. I don't buy it. Those who can't put any pressure on anyone today aren't going to do anything when things have exponentially declined and the government has even more power.
Everyone cries 'where is the outrage! Where It's Sharpton and Jackson!'
White man, where the hell are YOU! If your outrage isn't expressed and you do nothing then you have no business talking. Don't do nothing and then whine that nothing is working.
I don't know guys not sure we can put him in DWL category. His Facebook page is devoid of any hints of liberalism. He just seems like very socially awkward. He may have thought Blacks were harmless.
I am looking at Ray Widstrand's Facebook page right now. The guy is apparently a comic book/superhero/sci-fi nerd. His home page on Facebook has a header with Spiderman artwork in it. In case you did not know, Marvel comics and many other comics are totally dripping with liberalism, anti-white agitprop, and other assorted forms of negroid worship. (SBPDL has actually broached this subject several times in the past.)
I am now quite convinced by this point that Ray Widstrom was quite the libtard/urban hipster himself. I most likely would not have wanted to befriend him if I had ever met him. Despite all this, I still feel that he in no way deserved to have his skull bashed in by the feral pavement apes of St. Paul though.
Being even the most left-wing, progressive, and Obama-supporting liberal white person provides you no more protection from feral pavement simians when you enter their territory, or their "hood" rather, than being a member of PETA protects you when you walk into the Grizzly bear's territory in the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, or when you swim into the waters of the North Atlantic, which is also the natural habitat of the Great White shark.
Ray Widstrand from now on shall be known as the "Timothy Treadwell" of niggers.
Timothy Treadwell, the animal rights libtard who was killed and partially eaten by a grizzly bear in Alaska, because he liked to live with the grizzly bears in Alaska.
Big Bill said...
There are other measures individual cities and states could take, such as requiring a public registry of all Section 8 landlords, or requiring all refugee resettlement organizations to make a public environmental impact statement whenever they start planning to import welfare caes from places like Somalia or Sudan. It should be easy to come up with some liberal BS reason, like "the need to effectively plan for mental health resources" or some such story.
It's a beautiful concept with real potential. I suppose as Alinsky would say, use their moral principles against them. How to start?
What happened to Widstarnd could have happened to any of us. Stumble upon a mob and then they turn on you. Reginald Denny even had a semi he could have used to run them all down.I can't feel anything but pity towards he and his suffering family, and certainly not self righteous scorn for his hipster naivety.
Big Bill:
I wish there was some grassroots group that could get together and discuss these things: what tactic works, what doesn't work, what tactic strikes fear into the hearts of liberals, etc.
Think what you could do in Minneapolis if you could find out that the local Lutheran Services agency imported some Somali, dumped him on the local taxpayers to support, and it was that Somali who beat that guy almost to death. Imagine the effect of demonstrations outside every Lutheran Church, on Sunday, every Sunday, asking them to take up a special collection to pay for the beat-up guy's ongoing medical costs. Make those forking liberal bastidges squirm!
You're thinking in the right direction here, BigBill. The problem you might not be aware of is how completely rigged the entire system is. To take your last example of Somalis - who've been imported into the country under the refugee-resettlement racket where tax funds are paid to "facilitators" like the ELCA Lutherans to settle set up the Musloid colonization/evangelization of Minnesota: Yes, these vibrant imports have carried out all manner of criminal activity, including a running child prostitution ring where girls as young as five were sold as I recall. (No white girls in that case, but in the UK Okrug of the EUSSR, the vibrant flesh salesmen preferred the young English girls and where actually aided and abetted by the police, the lawyers, the ministry of truth and the courts in covering up years worth of activity - so it's on the way here if it's not already going on.)
It would indeed be wonderful if the victims of such crimes could bring class-action lawsuits for enormous sums of money against the ELCA, Catholic and Jewish charities who've been paid to "facilitate" the rape/pillage/looting/killing - aka jihad, for destroying these organizations financially via massive judgements against them would weaken our enemies that much more. I've not researched the details, but I am willing to bet that as "facilitators" for a federal program they are exempted from all liability for their clients' actions in state and federal courts. Add to this the sad fact that law schools are essentially rigged to make sure that only those who kneel before the altar of PC are allowed in and admitted to the bar, federal judges must likewise bow the knee to be approved, and you can quickly see that the odds are depressingly slim of such a lawsuit ever seeing the light of day.
If there is an avenue to do this, it should be attempted nevertheless. If nothing else, going through the motions in this manner proves the case for a complete overthrow of the present farcial system and its ultimate consequences of much unpleasantness when the time comes where such actions can be taken effectively.
Silent Running:
As Auster used to say, there is no double standard. There is a single standard: Kill the West. Anything that gets the enemy closer to his goal is to be permitted. To drop the double standard complaint is to ultimately recognize that no good faith debate is possible with the enemy. We are not all in this together and we are not all Americans.
Excellently stated. The whole "double-standard" argument is based upon a false assumption of good-faith upon the left's part. There is no good faith and just one standard - which boils down to "whites must be exterminated".
I'm going to take slight issue with the comment about Jesse Ventura. At least he's past the left-right paradigm and willing toes to call out the (Totally stealing Boboluskysi here) Gay ol' Peodophiles & not pretend the Fox/Fnews sect that toes the line of P.C. D.W.L. when it suits their interest, while the scalps of too many Raymond's flicker past & thru the T.V. and take a 3rd way that may not save us in the end, but is a start...
Most of these guys yap on and on from their delusional about capitalizing on a financial collapse and how they'll defend themselves and be great white hero's. In real life they're too pussy to make a phone call and have the government find out their phone number but somehow when things are much worse they'll suddenly become big guys. I don't buy it.
Angsty, like a teenager. I get that, actually. It must be dispiriting for an intellectual to realize that every aspect of the political system is a stonewall. He finds himself left with two options: acknowledge reality and start prepping, or remain in denial and tell himself (and others, loudly) that making phone calls will achieve... something. That's the war he's comfortable with: the one he can fight from his study. Picking up a rifle is for proles.
See? I can use shaming language too. There's really nothing to it.
But I'll convey your opinion to all the pussies out at the range tomorrow. The guys who have already formed cells and identified local targets. I'm sure they'll be crushed to learn that they're too cowardly to actually do anything when the day arrives, and that bitching at some 80 IQ imbecile at a newspaper is the way to go if we're to survive as a people.
BTW, aren't you one of our local miscegenists? Or am I thinking of someone else?
For those who suspected that this Ray Widstrand was a DWL please read the comments on the article I'm posting a link to.
His supposed friend is attacking everyone for being racist and selfish. These guys don't realize that this case has national and major racial implications and that all whites are affected by this kind of violence. They implicitly condone it by not speaking up against ant-white beatings and murders.
OK folks, we get it....YT does not deserve the medias love.
Trayvon does.
Anyone who thinks the media is Pro White is a fool.
Silent Running said...
Angsty, like a teenager. I get that, actually. It must be dispiriting for an intellectual to realize that every aspect of the political system is a stonewall. He finds himself left with two options: acknowledge reality and start prepping, or remain in denial and tell himself (and others, loudly) that making phone calls will achieve... something. That's the war he's comfortable with: the one he can fight from his study. Picking up a rifle is for proles.
Again, you and I will likely never agree on certain things, this being a prime example of such things. You are right about ultimate outcomes; phone calls, do not, have not, and never will win wars.
However... ACTION of any sort is better than passive aggressive whining which is the Coin of the Realm on SBPDL, -ESPECIALLY- on AmRen what faggots are there that censor every post. Too busy mentally masturbating about nomenclature while Rome burns the fuck down. Never again will I offer anything to that busted website.
Reality is that wars are won by combined arms.
1) SR, you are "the tip of the spear" and I highly respect that. You are comfortable with arms, conflict, and risk. We have many Whites with this basic view but they Do Not See still.
2) Phone calls-- ACTION. It will fall on deaf ears but imagine this... ALL of SBPDL calls every major news outlet in every BRA city from THIS day until doomsday.
"I'm booking a convention in (your city) but I just read an article that (random DWL) was attacked by a black mob. I'd like to CONTRIBUTE to your economy but I'm fearful for my(Fortune 500 Company), which are mainly Europeans and Asians. Is your city safe?!
If we made this call ONCE A WEEK to every shit skin infested city bet your ass it would get noticed. Passive resistance for those who cannot be part of active resistance.
Like you said above about the Southron bitching about Civil War I, CW II is coming SOON. Bury the hatchet or fuck off directly...
Yes, for God's sake, let's address the symptoms!
Silent Running,
You guys have been on the range for decades making up your supposed targets. You're not doing anything. You're never going to do anything but wait and watch until it's too late.
Were you going to do something you'd have done it already (likely 20 or 30 years ago while an entire generation of bad asses were standing shooting guns at paper and talking of taking over the world after the mighty collapse and prepping)and not exposed to the whole world what you were doing on the internet,on a site that is watched, as your ip address and data are collected by the feds who can easily get past encryption and trace through proxy servers,and to face a government with access to better and more weapons than ever before.
Maybe you're also buying gold and silver as you're told on the prepper sites and have been told since the 70's as it loses value while waiting for the "collapse©" predicted by all the wing nuts online who are selling gold for fiat. Pro-tip- If the dealer that says 'it's going to collapse© and you need gold!' is willing to accept paper money, he's probably onto something he's not telling you. But I digress.
To say that phone calls don't achieve anything makes no sense and was never the point.Again, whites of this generation have yet to even attempt anything political or social yet they think they'll fight a war? Laughable. Completely unorganized and voiceless whites who won't speak openly in public today and have zero allies even within their own race are going to miraculously organize and pick up arms? Doubtful.HIGHLY doubtful.
I don't think you and your 4 shooting range buddies will even secure a 2 block range or get within 1000 yards of a useful target.Maybe I'm wrong but who cares? Tell them I said "hi" and me and my hot Indian wife wish them well and hope they don't shoot us while we try to protect our civilized neighbors during the collapse©.
In my opinion it would be better if you'd be looking toward agitation and attempting to get whites on your side on a larger scale. There are steps to be taken long before you become a sniper and buying canned food on sale isn't one of them.Waiting for a stock market dip isn't one of them either.
It's amazing how whites made it so far with such poor organizing skills and lack of diplomacy.I personally believe we devolved and our great ancestors legacy is far behind us. They weren't like us. White nationalists™ are possibly the biggest liability to white success.
Also, if you think I'm an intellectual I'm flattered but also sad that you don't know more intelligent people. I wouldn't doubt if my IQ were less than 100.
For the last time, don't do nothing and be mad at others for doing something.Something real.Something tangible. A first step. Not bravado on the internet.
I'm gonna donate to PK for his drive to put up some signs. I'd donate to your bunker but it seems less viable.
Be well and wait on,
Jassi the miscegenator(though we're both r haplogroup of some type and phenotypically she's near identical to my Ukrainian grandmother)
Again, you and I will likely never agree on certain things, this being a prime example of such things.
Actually, we may be closer to agreement here than you think. I actually have no problem with those who make the phone calls, send the letters, and generally make themselves a nuisance to BRA (harassing the enemy, in other words).
But you don't see me picking fights with those who are offering this passive resistance. I don't come out of nowhere and deride them as cowards and pussies in a fit of pique. I don't tear down the one in favor of the other, and so this particular hatchet is not mine to bury.
You and I also agree that each of us chooses our own level of engagement and we do what we can with what we have. We play to our strengths, whatever they might be, and hopefully these will compliment each other. We should respect each other as you and I respect each other.
Just to explain a bit further:
See? I can use shaming language too. There's really nothing to it.
My intention behind the comment was to show that what's good for the goose is good for the gander, so it shouldn't be taken at face value (though I understand how it could be).
Heimdallr here,
"It's amazing how whites made it so far with such poor organizing skills and lack of diplomacy.I personally believe we devolved and our great ancestors legacy is far behind us."
I was taking Jassi's points seriously until this last bit when my troll detector went off. Anyone who would argue that whites can't organize and win at realpolitick is either a mental midget or just a malicious agitator.
Mr Kersey:
If I had a White son he'd look just like Eric.
Jassi, I just noticed your response, so I'm going to answer your points here for future reference. Your thoughts are not original and it will be useful for me to have a ready-made retort to link to for the benefit of the newly awakened.
Were you going to do something you'd have done it already (likely 20 or 30 years ago while an entire generation of bad asses were standing shooting guns at paper and talking of taking over the world after the mighty collapse and prepping)
Your overweening contempt aside, the DoI mentions a long train of abuses as opposed to a short train. Even so, it was actually much easier for the Founders and the men of the Continental Army to be spurred to action due to the nature of the country they lived in. To put it succinctly, we are doubly shackled by the existence of a fake opposition party in the form of the GOP and the very nature of republican government. This has fostered a false hope that we can somehow, some way, vote our way out of this mess. The Founders, on the other hand, faced an enemy that was every bit as implacable but with the vital difference that there was absolutely no mechanism for the people to implement change. The fact that we possess such a mechanism plays a large part in our having kept the dogs of war on a leash. More and more people are coming to accept that all checks on the government have been compromised, and when we have enough, you'll see what I've seen for years.
Besides, I'm sure there were in the 1760-1770's who bitched and complained about the lack of action. By 1776 they had been largely forgotten. "It will never happen because it hasn't happened yet" is specious thinking.
In my opinion it would be better if you'd be looking toward agitation and attempting to get whites on your side on a larger scale.
To what purpose? You seem to think that we can turn this around purely by political means. Explain how you see that unfolding, because nothing in your previous comments seem even remotely realistic. In the "The 'democratic process' isn't for Whitey Anymore" thread, you wrote:
I feel there are many ways to solve the issues of race in the US in a non-violent way.Through voluntary secession,through protest and demanding our rights as white people,pressuring our local politicians directly and making our voice heard,demanding scientific inquiry and eugenics if necessary etc.
And you dare write off a war of secession as laughable? I would expect this level of naivete from neocons, not someone who reads SBPDL. cont'd...
In "Pictures This: Son of Obama (Wearing Hoodie) Strikes in New York City" you wrote:
You'll pay your taxes, from a plan signed by odrama, and if the feds really want your guns they'll get them.
I've addressed this ridiculous argument many times. That you think this tells me you either haven't been paying attention or, as I stated earlier, you lack the will or ability to pick up a rifle. Shame has driven you to dismiss the militia option not because it's unrealistic, but rather because you won't be able to participate. Therefore you build the government into a monolithic, unbeatable force, despite huge evidence to the contrary.
Yet you think this same government will bow to your bleating. Curious, that.
Also, if you think I'm an intellectual I'm flattered but also sad that you don't know more intelligent people. I wouldn't doubt if my IQ were less than 100.
I suspected that you considered yourself an intellectual, since intellectuals are usually the ones to make the Monolithic Government argument while dismissing American military ability. You'll be happy to know that I know longer think this. I think your personal circumstances are funneling your thoughts into defeatist territory.
White nationalists™ are possibly the biggest liability to white success.
I think whites who go native may just edge out those unpleasant WN's. From your previous comments, I see that you are Norwegian/Ukrainian, yet you are a Sikh, and that you married your "hot Indian wife" before you became racially aware.
(though we're both r haplogroup of some type and phenotypically she's near identical to my Ukrainian grandmother)
Does that mean she can pass for white? Because if she can't, I really don't give a shit about her haplogroup or phenotype. The fact that you go on and on about your "hot Indian wife," and how honorable she is as opposed to those nasty American white women, along with the implicit demand that those who marry Asians be accepted in this movement, tells me that she can't pass for white. cont'd...
In the "How Did It Come To This?" thread, you wrote:
This won't make you feel any better but most half-Asian kids identify as white. Many actually look white and their kids, if they marry a white, are white. You couldn't tell.
This is one of the most mendacious comments I've ever read on this website. I've known more half-Asians than you have, and not only did they not look white, they uniformly identified as Asian. Like virtually all halfbreeds, they sought to distance themselves from their Caucasian half as much as possible.
Tell them I said "hi" and me and my hot Indian wife wish them well and hope they don't shoot us while we try to protect our civilized neighbors during the collapse©.
This is a very interesting choice of words. Who, pray tell, are these "civilized people?" You imply that they are quite different from those creepy crackas who are stockpiling weapons and ammo. Are they those who refuse to take up arms, or are they simply non-white? Are you a pacifist as well as a race traitor?
In summary, I support those who agitate against BRA, but only if they understand that their activities serve as harassment in preparation for the coming war. They are skirmishers, not political operatives. There will be no purely political solution to white genocide. It is far too late for that. Your arguments are not just laughable; they are a perfect illustration of how easily miscegenators can be lead off the reservation. Caucasians should be extremely cautious in accepting the likes of you.
Slow to respond here, Silent Running, but you're right. Politics is no more than scratching for position before Chaos hits.
White Minnesotans are destroying Minnesota culture with their self-righteous "tolerance", Senator Al Franken, etc. What they hell can they expect from an influx of savage Blacks at whose feet they worship?
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