Head Start.
The Great Society.
EBT/Food Stamps.
Affirmative action.
Minority Contract Set-asides/Quotas.
Public Housing.
Section 8 Vouchers.
The War on Poverty.
All 'transfers of wealth' schemes from the white community (taxpayers) to economically level the playing field in favor of "people of color."
And each one has failed.
![]() |
Martin Luther King's Vision: It was never about 'judging by content of color' -- it was about putting a boot on the white man's face and a black hand in their pocket |
Yet the march must continue unabated into a future where any semblance of white privilege is extirpated. [For Obama, 50 years after historic march, economic equality the path to racial justice, Washington Post, 8-17-13]:
President Obama has only occasionally used his bully pulpit to confront racial inequality in America, even if race inherently has been a backdrop of his tenure as the first black president.
He has, however, made fighting economic inequality a central goal of his presidency, delivering forceful speeches and advocating policies aimed at shrinking the income gap and increasing social mobility.
When he speaks later this month on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Obama will be at the confluence of efforts to reduce racial and economic divisions.
As the president addresses a crowd from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28, current and former advisers say, he will want to impress upon listeners how progress toward racial equality will require progress toward economic equality.
Obama, who keeps a framed program from the “March on Washington” in the Oval Office, has said he has often reminded people that the march was as much about what he called economic justice as a demonstration for civil rights.
“He wants to create opportunity and to make sure the level playing field is ready for everybody,” said Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama’s senior advisers and close friends. “If you look at poverty or unemployment, they disproportionately affect people of color. People who don’t have health insurance are disproportionately of color. There is inevitably an overlap in addressing racial equality at the same time you’re trying to create economic empowerment.”
Advisers say Obama sees his message as building on the themes of Martin Luther King Jr. and other leaders a half-century ago. He is likely to discuss the progress that has been made since 1963, they say, as well as the barriers that remain.
Many of the most overt forms of racial discrimination and bias have faded, but yawning economic gaps have persisted since 1963, and there has been essentially no narrowing of the unemployment gap between blacks and whites. The financial crisis and recession scarred minorities more than any one else.
Fifty years ago, the unemployment rate was 5 percent for whites and 10.9 percent for blacks, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Today, it is 6.6 percent for whites and 12.6 percent for blacks. Over the past 30 years, the average white family has gone from having five times as much wealth as the average black family to 61 / 2 times, according to the Urban Institute.
“If you look at 50 years after the 1960s civil rights movement, the most stubborn and persistent challenge when it comes to the nation’s racial challenge remains in the areas of economics and wealth,” said Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League.Individuals create wealth. Individuals create communities where social capital either flourishes or is driven away.
Those "stubborn and persistent challenges" Morial - the former mayor of New Orleans - laments, are merely a reflection of the type of communities black individuals create; the type of "community" that drives away both social capital and outside capital investment.
As Valerie Jarrett makes clear, all government policies must now benefit solely those "people of color," at the expense of white people and the civilization their ancestors created.
It's funny: Kent B. Germany, an assistant professor of African American studies, wrote about called New Orleans After the Promise: Poverty, Citizenship, and the Search for the Great Society. After forty plus years of Model Cities money pouring into New Orleans to eradicate racial economic inequality; after forty plus years of Great Society pouring into New Orleans for the same cause; after sixty years of public housing incubating blacks in New Orleans, well, Germany's book makes clear nothing changed for the better.
In fact, his book ends with the world seeing the dysfunctional nature of black New Orleans on their television screens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Billions poured into one city; in the span of two-days, a natural disaster showed the very unnatural state of the black community in New Orleans and a visual return on investment of the federal governments attempt to spread economic racial equity.
As the Washington Post article makes clear, "many of the most overt forms of racial discrimination and bias have faded, but yawning economic gaps have persisted since 1963."
It would be difficult to find one overt form of racial discrimination that prevents black economic gains. Those "yawning economic gaps" are nature's reminder that you can't legislate against her ways; you can't redistribute wealth to undo racial realities.
Only problem I have with this article? You need to start using the T word. It's trillions, not billions. When you adjust for inflation the amount of money spent on blacks, its trillion with a BIG T. Who knows what this nation could have done without this dead weight...
If you tally up all the murders and killings and welfare payments and prison budgets the negro has probably been as much of a financial and moral strain on the American Empire as WWII was on the British Empire. Despite being ecliped by mestizos, will negros be the straw that breaks the camel's back?
In an old MLK JR. speech I saw this morning he said social justice was his goal - black and white living together in one big happy cul de sac (paraphrased of course)
and no escaping this time
With all the special advantages negroes receive, they should be far advanced by now. Sadly, they are stuck in Africa, still living in mud huts and eating whatever moves too slowly - except the mud huts are built of bricks by white people and whatever moves too slowly has become all the handouts.
Still, there is no progress. Liberals need to throw in the towel. There is no way to save negroes from themselves, or from angry whites when the economy implodes.
What we need is not more gubmint programs to help negroes, but rather better grass roots white racism. Imagine a book called "How to Be a More Effective Racist" that outlines the steps needed to remove negroes from their strangle hold on our society. Chapters might inlude dispensing with inept bureaucrats who drag civilization down, or corrupt teachers who fake student progress on standardized tests (for groids only).
"Who knows what this nation could have done without this dead weight..."
Paul Kersey knows.
"We could have been on Mars by now...but we had to fund Black Run America."
I am weary of the endless denunciation of ‘white privilege’; the calls to abolish all tests in which whites excel, and the need to make universities and police forces and advanced placement classes ‘look like American demographics’.
It is important, too, to note the utter dependence of the United States on white men who have contributed virtually everything that keeps the affirmative action classes from living in mud huts.
A week before The King Fish made his famous 'Ah habz a dreem' speech, John F. Kennedy, the President of the US, had laid down the law for one and all. He said, "There is no place for race in America.....we must be a colorblind society." This, I believe, was the real beginning of the end.
Now in the second decade of the 21st Century there is a clown in the WH whose daddy was one generation removed from jungle savagery. May God have mercy on us; may God forgive us for throwing our birthright into the septic pit.
These can be added to the list of programs designed to make negroes equal:
Colorblind society
Busing/School integration
Black enterprise zones
Pell grants
No child left behind
Liar loans (which caused global economic collapse)
Now HUD is developing a plan to bring slum negroes into suburban, middle class areas. This won't work either; the Whites will simply clear out-perhaps to the sides of mountains.
This negro scholar is pissed and ungrateful. She says all of the programs since '63 have "done more harm than good!"
'You need to start using the T word. It's trillions, not billions'.
Also 'Bell Curve' book goes into the cost to society of not having
Great Leaders [Obama etc] and people who do not get into MIT etc who would
[due to IQ and Morals] make social contributions [unlike Oprah Blimpy].
Including Inventions, Computer software etc.
I am getting vary annoyed with the "I know a good Indian...a good Asian" etc and even the fools who say melanin should not make a difference.
Hey, folks, many of us want a WHITE nation. Don't you get it? No Indians, No Paki, No Chinks, NONE OF YOU.
You've all got your own homelands and they stink. It is why you come here and ruin the White race.
I for one want nothing, NOTHING, do to with anybody who is not White (and if you have to ask, then you are not white).
So, those of you who are not White, go someplace else. It is not just the africans that will bear the brunt of the coming race war, but so will you.
Leave. Leave now since you can never be white, never be trusted, never be allowed. Go back to India, Asia, etc. You don't belong in this country nor in this blog.
Get it?
The Obama Administration: Do They Support Killing White Males and Redistributing Their Wealth in the name of "Economic Equality?
Yes - they can, and do. It's not just the teleprompter-reader in chief though. D'Won on d'downlow merely reads the decrees of those who actually call the shots. It's the entire power-structure of western society, not just in 'Murika either. It's all the movahs and shakahs from the towers of Wall Street to your local chamber of commerce. It's the alleged "opposition" from the Repuke party to the conservatards who hang out at Rim-Job's FreeRepubelick. It's churches from the Pope of Pooftery to the local megachurch mountebank. All carried out with the active endorsement and tacit approval of the majority of whites - who continue to believe the massive stack of lies they were indoctrinated with from kindergarten forward. A massive de-programming is needed, one never before seen in world history.
Don't mistake this as a call to lay down and die. On the contrary, we have a very long and arduous path to recovery. Our first obligation is to survive. We might even have to make some alliances with very unsavory characters in order to do so. Whatever happens, let us never ever forget who the betrayers are. Should the opportunity present itself, they should be dispatched with complete ruthlessness, destroyed without so much as a hint of mercy. As with the groids - WE OWE THEM NOTHING.
The insanity of BRA marches on… Every single possible “remedy” to black peoples’ simply achieving results in society that are commensurate with their limited abilities, regardless of cost or collateral damage, is within reason for DWLs. But any discussion, even fleeting, of the actual, simplistic, scientifically defensible causes of black failure throughout the world and human history must never, ever be discussed. If blacks are 13% of the population, they MUST be 13% of orthopedic surgeons and nuclear researchers and mutual fund managers. If that means that a negro with a 2.5 GPA is accepted ahead of a white person with a 3.89, so bet it. And if it still doesn’t happen because of evil racist white people and institutional racism and white privilege, then it’s up to the government to take even greater action to correct it. Because, we’re all equal in every way, and there is only one race – the HUMAN race™.
I have a story to share. It involves today’s weekly pilgrimage to the grocery store. Although shopping in a relative Whitopia, for those that can see, the early signs of the Black Undertow are all around. Thus, groids were well-represented in the store, although a very small majority. Anyway, I’m walking around and observing the white people, many with children, stocking up for another busy week of work and school, when I saw them.
An interracial couple, complete with a set of mulatto niglets. That wasn’t the worst part though (although I long for the days when such behavior would have resulted in open hostility). In this iteration, the coal burning was in the rarer form of white male and black female. Of imported, African origin rather than the domestic variety.
Picture this – a weak, middle-aged, balding white guy with rounded shoulders and gay glasses. If you threw a baseball at him, he probably wouldn’t even know to lift his hands, and would just let it hit him in the face. Everything about him was SCREAMING I’m a DWL, look at me, I’m not racist! He was just so pathetically, sickeningly effeminate. I bet he was a college professor. Probably a sociologist… Could you imagine being so desperate for female companionship that you would seriously go groid?
My best friend used to go hoggin’ from time to time. I never understood it. I only ever wanted anything to do with attractive girls. As hideous as some of the whales he harpooned were, it almost seems logical compared to going groid.
I leave you with these latest deposits of social capital in the Blacktopias of Clayton County and South Fulton County, respectively:
Aim center mass.
Gwinnett Gladiator
Hey, folks, many of us want a WHITE nation. Don't you get it? No Indians, No Paki, No Chinks, NONE OF YOU.
But to be a better racist, one must have focus. The Obongo Nation is very good at racism, and at hiding it. This is where we should start; to become as effective at racism as they are.
So let me get this straight, I attended a public school and received the ability to read, write and do basic math. Yes I could even read cursive. So because I studied and paid attention and tried, I am the beneficiary of white privilege. This is so even though the Negro was also allowed to attend the same school and failed to learn anything when his time was complete. He is ignorant due to racism. I chose a path to college through military service due to white privilege. I know Negroes were also in the military, mostly in jobs suitable for their talents like washing food trays and mopping. They got the same educational opportunity as me, but since they are functionally illiterate, it's due to racism. I worked full time and attended school full time for two years to get my degree, which was white privilege. The Negro vets whine about racism and lack of opportunity due to racism. So I should be fine with giving the maligned Negro victims the majority of my life's work because it came from white privilege to offset their racism? Fuck that shit. If they had TWO parents who cared, like before the War on Poverty killed the black family unit, the Negro would have learned how to read, write and do math, and even read cursive because his dad would have insisted to assure his child a better life. But because they are all raised by their grandparents or some other family member, they live in shit, don't know shit, can't do shit and are not worth shit! So you'll be giving these people fish for the rest of their life because they're too stupid and lazy to learn how to do for themselves. Stop taking tax money and pounding it in the black hole. Force them into government education camps where they live free but have to learn to read, write and spell normal English. Then teach them how to do something, even if it's hanging behind a garbage truck. Then we can talk about how pitiful they are cause it hasn't been a picnic for the rest of us either Jack!@!
Centurion's thinking does no one any good except maybe himself. People visit this blog because they are fed up with the black race hustle and the ruination of America by black (and increasingly Mexican) dysfunction. Such rants as his will only marginalize both this blog and the movement to end the BRA agenda. Asians ain't the problem. Indians ain't the problem. Cubans ain't the problem. We all know what the problem is...
I am getting vary annoyed with the "I know a good Indian...a good Asian" etc and even the fools who say melanin should not make a difference.
Hey, folks, many of us want a WHITE nation. Don't you get it? No Indians, No Paki, No Chinks, NONE OF YOU.
You've all got your own homelands and they stink. It is why you come here and ruin the White race.
I for one want nothing, NOTHING, do to with anybody who is not White (and if you have to ask, then you are not white).
So, those of you who are not White, go someplace else. It is not just the africans that will bear the brunt of the coming race war, but so will you.
Leave. Leave now since you can never be white, never be trusted, never be allowed. Go back to India, Asia, etc. You don't belong in this country nor in this blog.
Get it?
August 18, 2013 at 6:22 PM
The name of the blog is "Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL".Not People some crank calling himself "CENTURION"doesn't like.Guess what I'm White,Proud and can show you on a map of Europe exactly where my family's from.I have no issue with Hindus,Pakis or any Asians,and I don't see PK bashing them.They are not the problem in this country.It wasn't some Jap that shot a family member of mine dead over $46 in a street robbery.It wasn't an Arab who raped a good friend of mine then beat her so bad she needed facial reconstructive surgery.No,Niggers have vexed my family and community for as long as I remember.
There are plenty of websites that espouse hatred for everyone who isn't blond haired,blue eyed Aryan.Do yourself a favor,do the blog a favor and do me a favor and go find one.
@anon 7:53
Are you suggesting that Indians aren't a problem because there aren't that many here YET? Are Cubans not a problem because you aren't in southern Florida?
I get where you're coming from, about Asians and all people's uniting to end BRA - but that is more of a pipe dream than a white nation. The other darker races hate all us white folks, except maybe some Han's and Japs. But if we started showing up in their countries by the millions you would see how much they don't love us, that's for sure.
If it ain't white, it ain't right. BRA and TNB is a problem, but so are whites too cowardly to join or pine or unite for a white nation.
We need a homeland. We need our own place. Free from DWL's, blacks and the rest of the interlopers and gutter cultures. Why do we need Cubans, Chinese or Indians anyway? We got along just fine without them for about 10,000 years. What's the sudden outreach program all about?
-focal joker-
In this iteration, the coal burning was in the rarer form of white male and black female.
That's an oil-driller, not a coal-burner.
Florida guy here...
Government programs preferencing blacks is NOT a level playing field.
Government programs preferencing blacks DISCRIMINATE against whites and others.
I was at a rural farmers market this weekend. 99% of the time a very white only affair and one of the guys who shows up frequently asked me why I don't use my degree and teaching certificate. My response was that there was no way any school system would allow me to teach the truth, I know I tried years ago and paid the price. He seemed confused and asked what I meant and I brought up my refusal to teach the current liberal lies and to spend weeks wasting time on things like "Black History" and such. He started saying that Blacks deserved that when I crushed him down and just said openly NO they do not, they have done NOTHING. By this time I had made myself noticed by more than a couple of older Whites and I thought I was done for. These were couples that looked the DWL type and I figured I was going to get complained about etc.
To my astonishment they agreed with me. Especially when I asked just how much useful and needed things did not get taught so we could mess around in fantasy land and pay for all their fairytale stories.
The tide is turning.
Anonymous said...
Asians ain't the problem. Indians ain't the problem. Cubans ain't the problem. We all know what the problem is...
Yup. When you can't fix the problems created by the dysfunctional negro underclass, I can't imagine why you would think you can produce a world exactly the way YOU want it.
You can get ONE YEAR worth of EBT/SNAP, Section Ape housing, EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit) + WIC bonus.
And believe me when I say, they are ALL hip to the game in every major metropolis. Let me educate our white friends here that don't get their hands quite as dirty as I did / do with our lesser folk.
No job = good. If you are a single mother, even better. You get "bonus cash". With EITC/WIC every IQ 70 nigger baby you pop out increases your fortune by a significant amount. You now have let's say 5 mouths to feed as a desperate "poor" single mom. The recently did a study about this in the DC area. If you shit out 5 niglets with no job (and again I'm sure this is everywhere as these are Fed programs) here is what you get:
1) Free House. Will it be the dope crib you use to see on MTV's cribs? Not even close. But it will have a roof, doors, bedrooms, plumbing. And most importantly, free utilities paid for by the other 50%.
2) EBT/SNAP- And this goes up ALOT for each additional niglet sprog you shit out of your purple paradise. 5 kids you are pulling down enough EBT a month that you can easily feed all 5 of your kids and then "sell" your extra EBT funds in one of 2 ways. A) You can chat up some Latino living close to you who will buy your extra US $500 for .50 cents on the dollar to send enough food back to El Salvador, Mey-Hico, etc. to feed his extended family for months. OR 2) You can offer that money for truly needy motherfuckers still trying to adhere to the system. A single mom working a job, maybe two for her ONE kid. At the same rate. She can go to Shoppers Food Warehouse and buy more food for her one kid that she can working her shit job and "playing by the rules."
3) EITC/WIC-- Translated into Real Talk(tm) shit out as many feral negroids as your body can handle, we the FedGov "got u girl!" The recent study I read was for a sheboon who had shitted ~5 kids. Remember--- she pays no tax, has no job, no expenses to speak of. She will earn $US 56,000 in Fiscal Year 2012 doing NOTHING except fucking. True Story.
Summary--- with the most common living expense paid for, you have US$56K at your hand as "disposable income". The sheboons I know that roll w/ this plan and I know a few personally drive Escalades, have sick ass flat screen TVs, their nigsprogs have Xbox360s, and they basically want for nothing.
Still loving that American Dream? Still worried about "game" (RooshcuntV)? Still think this has a happy ending? Think the fuck again. Either Brazil or Revolution. Make a choice...
Anon @ 7:53 PM....
No, Centurion's thinking is not out of bounds here. I am a gay white male who has woken up. We know the primary agitators for the destruction of of not just *Homo sapiens europa* but all other species/races within the *Homo* species complex. TWMNBN and their useful idiot sycophants/pets. Laugh all you want, I "can see and hear".
Indian said...
MLK is a hero to a lot of people, not just blacks, do you know where he got his non-violence tactics from? It was Muhatma Gandhi, he used the tactic of non-violent protest to kick the mighty British empire out of India.
Maybe, whites can use the same tactics, non-violent protest to demand separation. You will be suprised how big a movement can become, from very small beginnings.
Asians ain't the problem. Indians ain't the problem. Cubans ain't the problem. We all know what the problem is...
One a personal level, I see your point. The Asians and Indians I've worked with have been quite easy to get along with - generally cooperative, friendly and easy-going. However, you're not looking at the overall picture, which is considerably less cheerful.
Looking at the Asians in particular, they voted for D'Won last time around (75-77%) even more than the notoriously leftist TWMNBN did (67%). The "Hispanic" vote - which is disproportionally Cuban, BTW - went for D'Won at around 70%. The only ones whose percentile endorsing his magical negretude for a second teleprompter term was greater than Asians were the groids themselves (95%). This took place, mind you, against a liberal Repuke Banksta-bitch who talked solely about economics and making the bizniss climate better - which should have appealed to the rather entrepreneurial Asians. Capt. Underoos' mighty whities must have really glared in their eyes, so the Asians pulled the lever for the African.
There might be some latent hatred of Y.T. Rayciss (who we really need a cartoon for, sort of like Wylie E. Coyote) lurking inscrutably behind all that polite smiling cordiality after all. An interesting theory for this I think came from Steve Sailer, who wondered if it was driven by Asian males expressing some resentment at all the white guys who hook up with Asian women. Sounds a bit Whiskeyesque to me, but who knows?
Sorry, this is OT, buy any SBPDL'er needs to read this. Ladies 'n gents, I do believe I have now heard the absolute stupidest - not to mention ironic - negro name I have ever heard. Ready?
St. Pete police arrested 13 year-old ... (wait for it) ... Le'Genius Wisdom Williams for attempted murder.
You can't make this stuff up. No, you can't - if you tried, you'd be called a racist. Even if you were a successful, well-loved author, if you included the character of a 13 year-old black murder suspect named Le'Genius who rode around on his little bicycle busting caps in other kids, you'd be excoriated for it.
I'm sorry, but ... LE'GENIUS!!
"Asians ain't the problem. Indians ain't the problem. Cubans ain't the problem."
They ain't The Problem, but they are definitely part of The Problem -- of White America being decimated on all fronts. It is the logical extension of the "dont be racist" bullshit that began with the blacks -- if you shalt not be racist against blacks, then you shalt not be racist against browns, yellows, musloids, or anything period.
Do not take Obama seriously. If he really were interested in economic equality, he would not support immigration amnesty, which will increase the supply of low-wage labor.
more niggery diggery doo this time from oklahoma. two of obongo hussein's "sons" and their wigger homeboy randomly shoot an innocent young sportsman and college student in the back "because they just wanted to kill somebody". be sure this won't even get a mention from puke scum on msnbc whose hears bled so uncontrollably over traycoon.
A thing to consider is that along with removing (with prejudice) the blacks running the gubmint, it is imperative that we remove those whites that side with them and offer support of any kind. Those traitors deserve the best of our ire in the end or AT the end of a rope.
The White Man's burden:
Every working class White Man is a slave to pay for the following:
Welfare, Section 8, SSI, Foodstamps, WIC, HEAP, Prison (30,000 dollars per inmate per year), Subsidized Housing, Police, Medicaid, etc...
The blacks have destroyed any working class person's chance at prosperity.
Centurion may not speak for me but he has a valid opinion. I have no problem with higher functioning minorities but as they have their own countries we should be allowed our own countries or at least the right of association.
The notion of White privilege is nothing more than sour grapes. It is punishment for success. Whites have shaped the modern World and tamed the wilderness. Also if you change the word White to majority it makes much more sense. Should a Philapino living and working in Korea complain of Korean privilege? How about Zimbabwe, to ensure their was no longer any White privilege Whites were killed and driven from a country they created. The ifrastructure, buildings, farms, mines all created by the minority Whites as the blacks were contiplating catabolism vs. savaging. As soon as they were able the put and end to the so called White privilege ever see a DWL complain about that?
greatwhites, I'm yawning right now! it's always the same old same old. how come it's not the blacks that must give something up? when you cow-tail to the underclass it seems as if they will always be underclass. a.k.a. NGR's! so , so, so god damn tired about being told that we are no good or the white man did it to us. they(blacks) are just disgustingly lazy! sure that sounds cold but damn it, it is so f-ing true. and yesterday a funny thing happened again. NBC political show had the mother of the saint on their show.(martin's mother) and they axed her about the stop and frisk laws in NEW YORK! the not so mother of the year is just not qualified to answer that loaded question. so now in America we can take the dumbest MF-er's that mooch off the country's back and ax em the most serious questions that used to be axed to the people of knowledge. my negro fatigue is boiling over and I for one am tired of these feral humans. just ax yourself if you feel the same way. GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW!!!
As Horace noted: "You may chase away nature with a pitchfork, but she will always return."
The gulf between the races is talents, intelligence, behavior, achievement, is as natural as gravity.
People visit this blog because they are fed up with the black race hustle and the ruination of America by black (and increasingly Mexican) dysfunction.
Mexicans don't function at a level of whites, true. but they're not completely economically useless, either. what's the only thriving, growing neighborhood in Detroit (ironically, represented by Coleman Young, Jr.)? Mexicantown.
Critical Race Theory , which includes the untruth of White Privilege, is the psychological abuse of whites via gaslighting. Google the term
Most Asians voted for Obama. They want to colonize the States.
These people need to go back to the countries whence they came and fix their problems there.
White Mom
Centurion: you're an idiot. You do realize there are non-White visitors to this board who agree 100% with Paul? You've just insulted potential allies. Nobody is going back anywhere so best deal with the world as it stand now and form alliances with like minded people to defeat a common foe or continue to have BRA, your choice.
90 percent of Mexicans in the NYC area are on government assistance
There are Whites who want a White Nation. Then there are those on this blog, who aren't White, who are demanding to live in this White nation.
This needs to be discussed.
The Whites that think like me don't want to live in India. Don't want to live in Asia. Don't want to live in Iran/Iraq. Don't want to live in Mehico..........but some on this blog demand to live with like minded racist bigots like me.
Look at voting patterns.
Pakistanis Hindu's used to be classified as Caucasian. Once they realizedYT was a Tax Slave they petitioned to Become "Other". Being Other in BRA is a golden ticket now.
The entire world knows this. Even countries in Africa know this. But liberal thought, White mans biggest failure in his advancement on the evolution ladder. If Liberal thought were not rewarded and was actually looked at as a mental defect, The gaps between Whites and Negros would be much larger. It is not the White races fault that Negros are closer to a Chimps mentality than Whites. Evolution has its own time frame. But allowing liberal thought to govern nations has allowed what we have today. Remove liberal thought and let evolution proceed at its own time frame. I believe the Negro race will wither and go the way of every failed race before them. And be nothing more than pictures in a history book. Of a race that could not carry itself into the future.
I have just read messages left on earlier posts. In one, somebody mentioned good old Gandhi and suggested we could learn something from him.
Well, yes we can. I have read a considerable amount about him since he lived and schooled in South Africa and I have lived in South Africa.
Before some asian tells me I can learn something from this guy, please know that he was a flaming Anti-White racists (I approve of all racism).
He hated White people and wanted ALL White people out of his country. And I totally agree with him and that concept. Whites had no business being in India. None.
And Indians (the "cable ready" ones with the "red" dots) have no business being in America. Gandhi was a racists (good) and wanted India for skinny, vegan, brown skin people who looked like him (good) and he would do what it takes to kick ALL White people out (good for him).
So, I guess we should be like him. Therefore, if you are of Indian decent....follow him and get out.
Suitcase or Coffin. Your choice.
re freeway:
You are so correct. Evolution would kill off the negro with malaria and sickle cell disease and malnutrition.
It is the White Man (and only the White man) who has found the cure for these and other negro genetic diseases. And, it is the White man (and only the White man) who advanced agriculture to such a miracle degree that the world can feed these ground sloths.
The Liberal/Religious are artificially increasing the number of negros and preventing nature and evolution from clearing this planet of a failed branch of the hominid.
I read, I enjoy some time on the internet finding amazing stories of white compassion and ingenuity but rarely if ever do I find anything elevating the status of the blacks on this planet. I work in NYC and see first hand their inability to take these hand outs and make a better life for themselves. They have the mentality of children and the impulse control of crocodiles, they stress the importance of petty things and get offended at the idea of using the proven format for success that most every other race on this planet learns before they turn 8 or 9. Work hard, look after family, friends, and community, try to be productive in some way, and accept responsibility for your actions. I mean honestly they are raping children in Africa (the cradle of civilization lol) to cure aids and get the power of invisibility so they can go to the next village over and hack them up with machetes... its 2013.
Gone to mars? Had high speed rail?
Criticize the wars too
Watch that docu on racism...nothing that whites do better is a result of natural abilities. For all other groups of course they are just better at that sort of thing if they truly are. White men? Nope, has to be racism. We're apparently no.good at anything. We are just evil. Our own fkin women don't even defend us.
But Blacks are soooooo Hip Hop. I saw it on MTV
Evolution doesn't work this way...success is in reproductive numbers. Smart whites that don't have kids are the failed race.
Those things aren't their model for reproductive success, ok??!?!
Criticize sea turtles for not nurturing their young next....
Where's the "like" button? You got it brother.
Success in reproductive numbers, yes, IF they don't die.
Without White Man's Voodoo Medicine-Man Magic, they would die.
Blacks never got out of Africa. They never had large numbers UNTIL the White man showed up and showed them how to farm, not mis-treat their cattle and how to clean off the cow dung from their babies.
White numbers our going down since we are taxing ourselves to death so as to feed and breed africans.
We are financing our own racial suicide all in the name of equality, helping the poor, taking care of god's chillins' and other lies.
I am getting vary annoyed with the "I know a good Indian...a good Asian" etc and even the fools who say melanin should not make a difference.
Hey, folks, many of us want a WHITE nation. Don't you get it? No Indians, No Paki, No Chinks, NONE OF YOU.
What about white homosexuals - what is their fate in this white only nation of yours?
I feel like sea turtles are more likely to rise from the ocean and become a productive new race before our wards of the state do. And as for comparing them to crocodiles I should apologize to crocodiles.
It is such a vain,STUPID name.His parents(Mom) set him up for sure failure giving him a name like that.The names they give kids reminds me of scrabble on acid,and perhaps losing a big bet.The mother should be ashamed,those people know nothing of letting their deeds speak for them,thats too slow...Why not just announce from the jump that l'il nig be a genius ! ! They all should be ashamed,hiding,and trying a crash course in self improvement-not strutting around,proud as peacocks and dumb as fuck! Sheesh ! Richard Cranium
Hmm, how do we feel about American Indians? Are they ok? The italians are a little questionable, though that pasta is pretty tasty. Then there's the question of the Eskimos. The Eskimos originated "polar bear" hunting. They are pretty much restricted to the real cold areas up north, but then they could always try to wander down into our white area. It just begins to get so complicated.
Why don't we get back to discussing the source of the violent crime and the economic destruction?
Jay Santos:
I think part of the mission of this blog is the WHITE RACE.
Survival and protection of the WHITE RACE comes first. Without the existence of the White race nothing else matters.
Makin' dem keedz be EZ. Namin' dem be hard as hell. So many choices: Le'Genius, Le'Jigaboo, Le'Welfare, Le' SNAP, Le'EBT.....damn, Ima keep shittin out keedz until I eun outta namez.
I respect your views. I actually am NOT a fan of the "melting pot" mythology. I want a (vast) majority white polity. However, I DO believe that there is a place for accomplished non-whites who contribute. Exotic elements are fine-- as long as they don't become mainstream.
St. Pete police arrested 13 year-old ... (wait for it) ... Le'Genius Wisdom Williams for attempted murder.
Blacks put the hammer down on minstrel shows because they are claimed to be degrading to blacks. Yet here we have an incident which could have been performed by the KKK in blackface prior to a cross burning. A kid named Le'Genius shoots another kid over a bicycle? WTF? It's like some grotesque satire but it's the reality every day in BRA.
Right on.
These other people are welcome to go back to their countries and fix the problems there.
White Mom in VA
What about white homosexuals - what is their fate in this white only nation of yours?
Simple. They keep their bedroom habits to themselves, and otherwise go about their lives and help us build the new republic.
As far as exotics go, I have no interest in purity for the sake of purity. I prefer pragmatism. But in being pragmatic, we will find ourselves having to put each nonwhite group (or individual) under a microscope, and much of what we find will not be conducive to integration. In the end, pragmatism will closely resemble the purity put forth by Centurion.
Repost.... "Speak for yourself numb nuts. We have what we have currently bc of dumbass' like yourself who fail to understand that cultures are created by race+religion. Africans beget Africa, Mexicans beget Mexico, Chinese China and Indians India. I don't want to live in India or a blend of these places. Whites deserve homelands of their own, just like everyone else. If you don't like your own people enough to let them exist peacefully on their own. Go live with someone else who appreciates your sedition." If you are not an American (foreigner...i.e. non white), ask yourself. "Is the American ideal and American greatness that drew me here more closer to to the greatness of pre 1964 America (homogenous America) or closer to today twmnbn/hnic America)? The greatness you admired about America is what we were without everyone else here. We made medicine, advanced science, music, literature, art. Our religion was supreme. Our people and culture were not equaled. No one asked us if we wanted to allow everyone else here. It was foisted upon us. Now we are second class citizens in our own country. Do you think it is right for whites to go do this to you in your own country? I didn't think so! Then stop trying to say you have any right to be here and go to your own land and become what your own people become when left to their own devices. Stop being the yeast in our own country. We have the right have or own country. It was already ours before. It is not racist to want want guest to leave your home when they have worn out their welcome!
@ The Antidote Aug.18 5:50. Very well expressed, sir. Couldn't have said it better myself....
Centurion is correct. Whites do not need any other race to exist, everything that we have accomplished, we have done so alone. The vast majority of Whites are not interested in living in a country that consists of racial aliens. And, if we do so, (South Africa, Rhodesia, India) it is among a large number of our own tribe that we prefer to reside. And, frankly, I really don't care whether other races have invented or developed anything, anyway. They are not like us, and do not belong. I don't care how westernized they may become, (and actually, the vast majority, never seem to do that anyway, and if they do become "westernized" it only takes the form of liberal White bashing). I will not deal with "what ifs", I deal with the facts as they currently exist, to whit: non Whites are unnecessary for the smooth running of White countries.We do not benefit from diversity, we suffer from diversity. The only way diversity can ever work is if all races became the same. Obviously, if that happens, then there will no longer be any diversity. The ultimate goal here is not diversity, but sameness,the creation of global citizens, and abolishing of national borders and ethnic and religious loyalties. It's easier if the sheep all look and think alike. Trying to tell us that we need people from other races to advance ourselves, or whatever they say we need diversity for, oh, I know, that's when they slip up and tell us the world is all connected and global. Of course it is. Because White people created the means for it to be that way. We are being punished all over the world where we happen to have a White "majority". We are being punished because we are White and smart. Oh, and, by the way, those of you here who refer to the dark races as "exotics", are you fucking kidding me? Whites comprise only nine percent of the world's population. Whites are the only exotics in this world.
Punishing whites for the sins of (some of our )our fathers... I thought Bills of Attainder (corruption of blood in old English law) were explicitly prohibited in the Constitution.
But if you call it "justice", it's OK.
Millions of whites voted for Obama a second time in 2012. Think of that. They could not or would not see the blazingly obvious war being waged against them. They are willfully asleep to their own destruction. What this tells me is that only a remnant of non-sleepwalking whites will be able to save themselves. And even that will not be possible until conditions are extreme -- economic collapse extreme. Under those conditions anything becomes possible, the only hope coming in the form of a white state carved out of the United States, probably out of the high plains and mountain west parts of the country. But I see nothing short of economic implosion making revolt and separation, by a minority of whites, possible.
Yeah, but only 1/2 a century ago we were 30% of the world population. Look what we are allowing to be done to us with low birth rates, abortion, taxing or wealth to support interior and foreign peoples instead of or own silent majority poor.
St. Pete police arrested 13 year-old ... (wait for it) ... Le'Genius Wisdom Williams for attempted murder.
Blacks put the hammer down on minstrel shows because they are claimed to be degrading to blacks.
They dress like clowns, give themselves clown names...and then demand respect and tell us not to stereotype them.
I would love to take 2 states and make one of them all white and one all black for a couple of generations, and see how they do compared to the rest of the country.
I am calling 'bullshit' on that statement.Where did you get that ? I cannot find anywhere that says any higher than 40-60%.Surely nothing to be happy about,but appreciably different than '90%' ! If we,and people like us,are ever hoping to gain traction with majority mainstream White people,we need to have very accurate numbers from a variety of independant sources. Exaggerations such as this do not help us. Call me Red Sector A
like people from canada ?
Asians are brutalized by blacks at an alarming rate, but whenever they try to vote Republican or something to band together with other like minded people, there's always someone like Centurion to drive them away. At least at Chimpout.com, other ethnic communities are welcome to share their concerns.
If things ever get to the point that blacks are shoved out of certain areas, then things will definitely be at a point at which the majority population in an area will be picking and choosing, probably at gunpoint, who gets to stay and who has to leave. My guess would be that any area that gets to choose between "all white" and "white majority with some diversity" will choose "all white."
In any case, if the shooting starts, everybody in America with two passports will be going back to their home country. They won't be hanging around to see if they'll be allowed to join the local militia.
White people of the modern age dont protest in large minorities, this is because they are busy working to pay for those who do find alot of time to travel around to various protests, that would be groids, hispanics, dumb college kids.
They are starting to legaly name their kids with whatever stupid nigger name they come up with and putting the popular rap adjective "Lil" ln front of it. So on the birth certificate it read "Lil Dequavia" for example.
Mich Mike
Like all other great empires, we will be destroyed from within. Oh, some outside group will come along to deliver the death blow, but by that point we will have rotted out.
Remember this - black dysfunction and all that comes with it cannot be helped, except with the threat of extreme violent retribution for transgressions and the will to carry it out. It worked to an extent in the past. No, they are what they are. In a way, I cannot blame blacks for their behavior any more than I blame a crocodile for viewing me as nothing more than a meal. The only thing to do is to stay away from crocodiles.
So, I don't think anybody on this website would disagree with me when I say that blacks, with few exceptions, are not capable of living as civilized people. Even the most asinine DWL knows this, but they have to toe the line and pretend we are all the same and all that bullshit. As Paul has worked very hard to show, black dysfunction brings ruin to entire cities and neighborhoods. The fact that this is allowed to happen, unchecked, is a FEATURE and not a bug, so to speak. The powers that be want this to happen. They can buy LaQueefa's vote for a few dollars in EBT and a cell phone, and now HUD wants to move her welfare niglet brood next door to you. Blacks will be used like a bioweapon, sent to break up white neighborhoods so that their voting power is diluted and they have no choice but to live around undesireables. Two years ago I'd never have believed this but this is what is in store for us and it is well underweigh. If it is somehow stopped, I can guarantee you that it won't be through the legislative process.
A lot of us white queers are very conservative, why you ask? Because we have white nieces and nephews. We SEE ourselves in those babies, and we naturally want to support them. Many of us can also SEE how things are. We recognize that TWMNBN are instigators and truly of their Father the devil (sa'ahtan,set,lucifer, etc.) We often had children of our own before accepting our true nature, as God's little joke on gender/sexual expectations. Do not confuse us with pedophilia, we do not desire young children. Same with white heterosexuals, we have to same desire to be "parents".
Oh, btw.....we are not a coherent grouping. White queers are closest to dwls. We come from EVERY spectrum in White life. We did NOT ask for this "choice".
Share your concern all you want. I'm happy you're awake..But let me ask you this, if America had a policy of going to another country (say one that you originate from) and force their citizens and nation to be colonized by whites and to give away their land, jobs and totally change the demographics to displace your people, you would oppose it, would you not? It would be a terrible.thing to do in this day and age would it not? Then why why hold Centurian or any other white in contempt when this is a country founded, built, civilized, and bleed for by his ancestors, not yours? Does not each people deserve to have their own homeland? Japan has one, China has one, Korea has one, Vietnam has one. Why must the whites be forced to Share theirs with everyone? No one asked us if thus is what we wanted. This wasn't put to vote when this was still a white country. Please answer this. I and everyone else would like to know.
White Canadiens are welcome. So are White Europeans. This blog is about Africans/Negros. But We are held in contemp in our own land. Our own government is dedicated to our destruction. I don't expect non whites to come to our aid. We deserve to have and keep our own nations.
Those who object to Centurion's racism should take a look at other places where non-Black non-Whites have moved in large numbers. Your pets are not nearly so harmless when they have numbers on their side. I don't just mean the Arab slums of Europe or the Mexican invasion either. Chinese, for example, are taking over some of the better suburbs east of Los Angeles, and Whites are not welcome. Just try to buy a house in San Gabriel or Arcadia, Round Eyed Big Nose. Why should we tolerate the immigration of people who, while they don't shoot us, still do not like us and have no loyalty to our country? And why should we accept the presence of a people who despise everyone of a lower caste than themselves? Educated Whites might get along with Hindus because they are, in Hindu terms, Brahmins. But try getting respect from a Hindu if you're a working class White.
The Orientals and Hindus are imported into this country to displace middle class Whites, just as Mexicans are here to displace working class Whites. Do you diversity fans really imagine that the same government that gives your job to China, fills your schools with feral Negroes, taxes you to subsidize Wetbacks, and otherwise makes war against you, imports people from Asia because they think it will benefit you? Will you really accept candy from a known poisoner?
Rodeo Clownette: You're right. The foreigners will not stick around in a national dust up. This country is only their current address, not their home. Why should they risk anything?
Silent Running is right about the homos. Keep things to yourselves and you'll be left alone. Normal people don't like your act, but they'll ignore it out of courtesy. I always have. Right now some homos think they're permanently on top and out to get anybody who ever failed to suck them off, but gay marriage has got the same shelf life as racial equality. Betting your future on counter reality is a short term game. It's the White homos who need us, not the other way around. If they want to join the Multi-Cult, they'll go down with it.
I guess white people aren't poor and never receive any of these services!! Yeah right, losers!!!
So in your world there are no poor white people??? LOL
You can't take my going to school at night and on weekends; paying for this and my additional education out of my own pocket, starting at the bottom and working since a teen and 22 years in my field and expect me to want to "redistribute" a darn thing. I give to Wounded Warriors and hard working *Americans* - not Africans - that have suffered tragic loss and need a hand up, not a hand out. Other than the massive amount stolen from me by taxes, that is how it will always remain. I'm making in excess of six figures and still eating ramen when I'm away from home working; because my family comes first and I know my sacrifice now is my reward later. The people receiving these hand outs don't know the virtues of hard work - of sacrifice - and thus will continue the "gibsme" with no realization of a true future.
Economic inequality is the 'disparate impact' of intelligence inequality.
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