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Maybe one day a different type of partnership in America can arise... Milwaukee would be a safe place again |
That the conditions the black community create in Milwaukee aren't conducive to outside capital investment goes without saying, though the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel will never publish such an obvious truth.
As we have seen when any city goes majority black, economic stagnation, decline, and eventual death of the city (hello 82 percent black Detroit!) transpire.
Milwaukee, whose black population growth is entirely due to blacks from Chicago escaping the poverty of their creation for the once extremely generous welfare programs Wisconsin offered, is one its way toward a Detroit 2013 situation.
Just read Alderman Joe Davis' latest attack on the private sector's lack of 'imaginative' when it comes to providing work for black people. [Ald. Davis: Blacks use illegal drug trade for economic needs, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8-10-13]:
In a statement expressing his frustration with how growth in the local economy bypasses black males in the city, Ald. Joe Davis said Friday that the illegal drug trade is the "common way" for many African-Americans to provide for their basic financial needs.
Davis, who is African-American, entitled his statement: "Divide and conquer politics stagnates Milwaukee's economy, shuts out black males."
Davis was apparently speaking out in the wake of Mayor Tom Barrett's decision to spend $500,000 in city money to pay for more police overtime to address an outbreak of crime in the city that has left eight people dead.
Davis said the city's rate of economic growth involving the private sector was "pathetic." He added that that poor performance was directly related to the city's crime rate.
"We accept group homes, day cares, gas stations and corner grocery stores as a pro business growth strategy while other local economies are looking at us in the rear view mirror. I shake my head as the City of Kenosha has landed Amazon’s distribution center while City of Milwaukee officials are sitting on the sidelines crying, 'What about me?' "
Davis conceded people would be offended by his statement. He continued: "The illegal drug trade is the common way in the City of Milwaukee’s African American community of providing the basic financial needs of many residents, and its mere presence is creating instability that is directly related to our violent crime statistics.
We fight over minuscule issues that could unite us, but we are stuck in the past of 'Divide and Conquer.' Now we want to spend $500,000 on police overtime, but fight not to invest the same amount in African American men and boys who will be the target of strict law enforcement because of our dismal local economy in their community."
Estimates vary, but academic and labor experts say the unemployment rate in the African-American community is at least 40% or perhaps higher.Actually, the mere presence of blacks is the reason for such high crime rates in the black community of Milwaukee.
The unemployment rate is the wrong word; 'unemployable rate' is the correct word.
Milwaukee, like so many American cities, is slipping into the status of a third world slum. Pretty soon, blacks will represent such a plurality of the population that they can elect a black major, who will appoint a black police chief, and fill the public sector with black department heads and black employees.
Then, you'll see the truth death of Milwaukee.
It doesn't have to be this way.
It really doesn't.
That the rate of economic growth in Milwaukee is low can be entirely blamed on the type of community black individuals collectively create.
But you can't admit this, can you Ald. Joe Davis?
For all those wondering, the Visible Black Hand of Economics is on display in Milwaukee.
My recommendation to all the Whites and Asians who are still in Milwaukee is to get the hell out while you still can! Sell your property at a loss and flee. Your only hope is to get out to the suburbs or the countryside before the natives move in for the kill.
If you try to go "fortress mentality" and band together in neighbourhoods, the government will begin to persecute you. You will have no friends or allies; the media and the upper class Whites will all pile on and call you rayciss.
@Antidote: If the government chooses to make Aryans the enemy the government becomes the enemy and must be destroyed by any means necessary.
Push back. If the Obama administration wanted to set America's cities aflame it would have done so by now. It doesn't want to. Even for Obama the shame would be too much to bear. Obama will back down to a show of resolve.
Just say: No more bullshit Barry.
'Getting out' is no longer a viable option. Force the Negroes out. Throw sand in their eyes and refuse to back down. Disregard discriminatory laws; they are not valid if they exclude Aryans from the 'protection' of the laws.
Draw the line and let no Negroes cross it. Throw the Negro reps off the city councils and replace them with Whites. Democracy ends at the destruction of our values by anyone.
This is war; behave accordingly.
BTW who gives a rat's ass about Milwaukee? That's like wringing your hands over the fate of Detroit...who gives a fvck? OH MY GOD did you hear about what happened in Baltimore? Who gives a shit about Baltimore...or Memphis ...or Birmingham... or Atlanta...the list is endless oh wait it is not endless it is just the cities where niggers run the show...my bad...VM
Can I just say no to diversity? I'd take a neighborhood full of crack-cocaine and AK-47s over diversity, so long as it was a Mennonite or Amish neighborhood.
-One pissed off Irishman.
Negro, Black, African-American, Persons of Color.
I would also keep changing what I would want to be called if I had had such a sorry-assed track record.
More of the same old niggerwhine from a black leader. It's all the fault of the unfair, racist white man, and, by the way, give us more money for programs and policies that have consistently failed for the past 50. Black leaders are just broken records, spinning round and round and saying the same old things, blaming blacks' problems on everything in the world except the real cause: blacks themselves.
It's never about what blacks themselvs can do or contribute to solutions. It's always blame others and demand more resources and more money they haven't earned. Collective black behavior is just individual black behavior writ large, and vice-versa.
Alas, you have to care about all this.
Whitey foots the bill, one way or another.
Milwaukee sounds a lot like my beloved Richmond. VA. it went from maybe fifteen percent black to well over half. the feds forced the city to allow the coons to take over in the late seventies .nothing but black mayors police chiefs fire chiefs and department heads. architectural review and engineering departments were still white run when i left there a few years ago. By now probably nigs have taken those over. Richmond went downhill first gradually then at a rapid pace. at learn two mayors went to jail along with council members and other officials. services deteriorated as taxes and fees and utilities kept rising. getting anything done at city hall was a nightmare. lots of sheboons Will attitudes and dumb as rocks. crime off the charts. schools mostly black with the few unfortunate white kids suffering at the hands of the young savages and?incompetent teachers and administration. the school board and central administration top heavy with overpaid nigges. downtown dirty and many closed and vandalized buildings. i could go on but I'm preaching to the choir. Milwaukee Will quickly become Richmond then Detroit. i don't think any city or large town will escape ruin .I'm afraid it's too late. i wept to see my city destroyed by niggers. i left and am now in a so fact safe area. but for how long before the ever i ncreasing horde reaches me? God help us all.
My ecperience with blacks in regards to work:
when i was 15 I got working papers to start work early. I became a lot associate at the local grocery store. The black lot associate that worked with me literally got fired for sleeping on the job.
when I attended an Eoc job program, the sent us to a corrective shoe factory for temp work. As soon as we walked in, the black we were with got an "upset stomach" and couldn't do it.
When talking with another black at EOC, He told me that he DIDN'T WANT to do any of the jobs they provided for him. When I asked why, he told me that they wanted him to "bust his ass" for "peanuts" and that he "wasn't no slave"..
when Affirmative Action was implemented, I was now in college, and I was somewhat knowledgeable about computers. I ended up getting a job as a level 3 tech support agent,and there were TWO BLACKS on our tech team (of 10 people). The two USELESS techs were the blacks. They did not solve ONE problem. Any time a client talked to on of them, they would call back and specifically request NOT to speak with that person again. The blacks CLEARLY did nothing in their free time to catch up. They had no interest or enthusiasm or problem solving skills. The only reason they were there is because they were black and they brought the whole company down.
When I became a mason assistant, the ONLY one on the team who wouldn't go out of their way for the masons was the black laborer. He was constantly complaining and constantly had his hands in his pockets, and didn't want to get DIRTY.
I could go on and on, but the bottom line is: blacks are lazy leeches. Whites, Asians, and Americans in general will always have to provide for them.
What a farce when people say that everyone is equal. Look at Japan. Their highschool students are sent away to live in berrics-like quarters the last semester in order to prepare for their version of the SATs, which I've heard is academically equivalent to our GREs!!!
Now imagine Ethiopia or Nigeria. Only a FOOL would say they are academically equivalent to Japan. Japan is light years ahead of them.
When the White Man created a spacecraft and literally flew to the moon, you could still see (on Mutual of Omaha for example) native, non-westernized African people who live like the White Man did THOUANDS OF YEARS AGO.
You know, I've noticed that everywhere locusts go, famine and desolation seem to follow.
I guess locusts must have a drug problem, too.
The truth is that the Left will never run out of excuses for blacks, whether it's drugs, "white privilege" or anything else, because the thing about leftism is nothing they believe in has to agree with reality.
They can blame TNB on unicorns, as long as a university professor somewhere can come up with enough convoluted jargon and rhetoric to make it sound believable. Just read anything written by Karl Marx and you'll know exactly what I mean.
When will it be permissible (again) to live separately and apart from racial/ethnic/cultural groups that one wants no part of?? This is a wish and hope that I foster for my children's sake.
"Now we want to spend $500,000 on police overtime, but fight not to invest the same amount in African American men and boys who will be the target of strict law enforcement because of our dismal local economy in their community."
One (more) odd thing: don't any of these people ever sit down and say, "Hmm. We have for over half a century implemented every manner of social policy, civil rights law, investment in the inner city, and uplift program...yet we seem to be where they were before Brown vs Board of Education. Maybe the problem is not the programs, but the people on whom all this money is being spent?"
And do any of these people ever say, "Hmm. Post-colonial Africa has had over half a century of majority rule, foreign aid, black economic empowerment and save-the-children programs...yet Africans seem to be where they were before de-colonialization--and often worse. Maybe the problem is not the programs, but the people on whom all this money is being spent?"
But to say such a thing would mean having to look at the racial angle. And race is not part of the equation.
What we end up with, whether in the American inner city or African bush and now the European banlieus, is the same dysfunctions: the violent crime, the inter-generational poverty, the decline in educational standards, the disintegration of infrastructure, the attacks on white people.
Race: it's what keeps going on when a liberal ideologue closes his/her eyes.
A typical negro response from the alderape. Blacks should just be given jobs, they don't need to earn them. The private sector exists to serve people who can't read or speak English and are prone to outbursts of senseless violence.
It's worse than that! The Negro is WORSE OFF than before Brown, WORSE OFF than before de-colonization. They are in the state of nature from before colonization. But with gibs and EBT and Obamaphones.
Milwaukee..but blacks dont like cold weather.
Fleeing the windy city for better benefit$ I guess.
How does this mess end?
No one in public service be it the police force or otherwise will ever say anything because these public service professions ( teachers, policemen, social workers ) make their living off of groid dysfunction. No student failure, no extra money teaching summer school. No groid violence, no overtime for police officers.
Out whole civic service and government is comprised of people who make money off of dysfunction. Some people refer to this as the prison industrial complex. So if you are not dysfunctional or stupid or dependent, the US government and its lackeys have no use for you. This is why merchant class or working class whites are thrown under the bus. We are not useful idiots.
White Mom in VA
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The truth is that the Left will never run out of excuses for blacks, whether it's drugs, "white privilege" or anything else, because the thing about leftism is nothing they believe in has to agree with reality.
They can blame TNB on unicorns, as long as a university professor somewhere can come up with enough convoluted jargon and rhetoric to make it sound believable. Just read anything written by Karl Marx and you'll know exactly what I mean.
August 10, 2013 at 4:21 PM
You have hit the nail on the head about leftist thought processes. I recently engaged in an extended debate/discuassion with a leftwing philosophy professor. We didn't talk about race, but did talk about almost every other political topic under the sun. She was completely incapable of understanding reason and used the lamest old arguments anyone could possibly muster. Their biggest problem is they rarely, if ever, listen to any opposing views. They automatically assume that anyone who disagrees with them must be some idiot.
in reply to Californian ......
Race: it's what's for breakfast! LMFAO!
"Divide and conquer politics stagnates Milwaukee's economy, shuts out black males."
Incorrect. Black males shut themselves out.
Now we are getting somewhere ! Yes,what else is left to do ? What is the point of running anywhere when there is no way to exclude whoever you are running from ? This must be dealt with here and now,I see no rational alternative.Thanks for a great post! Richard Cranium
You can change the label but everyone knows the contents are rotten...You can take the nigger out of the ghetto,but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger !
Truly disfunctional,dumb,and dangerous.You are ALWAYS worse off after ANY contact with the nigger . It is all gimme and you are the mark. Richard Cranium
As long as we allow it,and not a second longer ... It will stop,one way or another.We may as well pick the time instead of letting it drag us down further.We must pull the plug ! Richard Cranium
"Now we want to spend $500,000 on police overtime, but fight not to invest the same amount in African American men and boys"
this same ridiculous notion has been said with regards to blacks in prison (instead of spending 30k a year to keep thrm locked up, why not spend the 30k to educate them).
I knew three ghetto blacks from my highschool that ended up going to the same community college as me. TWO didn't even have a HS diploma and got into the CC on the 24 credit program. ALL THREE waited until they got the federal and state financial aid checks, and then stopped going to class.
I am sure they used their 1500 dollars to get clothes, jewelry, weed, etc... it was probably blown within two weeks.
Nigger are like a black hole... You throw more and more money at them and it gets sucked into nothing. How much money was dumped into the Detroit public school system repeatedly???
No amount of money can fix parenting, or lack thereof.
Gary, Indiana is failing too....
but there's always an excuse, no matter how ridiculous. Or they are just about to turn the corner. Mainly they just need more money and then everything will be okay.
After decade, Gary stadium's shine fails to light up neighborhood.
http: //www.nwitimes.com/news/local/lake/gary/after-decade-gary-stadium-s-shine-fails-to-light-up/article_61e5dfab-5bab-586a-b74a-1e1d6fe2122f.html
from one of PKs links:
Tim Wise: The “Black Out-Of-Wedlock Birth” Canard is Racist
Aug 03, 2013 7 Comments
Tim Wise is my favorite white anti-racist. I’m sure there are many white people like him who fight the good fight when it comes to fighting racism. But in recent years, there has been none more vocal than Tim Wise. Plainly speaking, when it comes to speaking directly to white folks about racism ....
San Franciscan
I get you completely. Back in the seventies I was a lefty. Actually I was involved with a quasi trotskyist sect. Whenever I came across an opinion contrary to my party line, I had several defense mechanisms.
1. Assume that the unpleasant facts that my opponent was telling me were either false, irrelevant, or I needed more political education to be able to answer them. I was there to influence them. They were not there to influence me. Therefore, I was impervious to any fact that did not confirm my world view. In other words, I was an idiot.
"The illegal drug trade is the common way in the City of Milwaukee's African American community of providing the basic financial needs... Now we want to spend $500,000 on police overtime, but fight not to invest the same amount in African American men and boys who will be the target of strict law enforcement"
Other than a low IQ, what could make this whiner believe that an "investment" of merely $500,000 would arouse his coonmunity members to flush their drugs down the toilet and become productive workers? Instead of complaining about "his people" being targetted by the po-lice, why doesn't he advise said targets to correct their behavior, so that the police don't need to bother with them? Answer: he knows it would be wasted breath, because a nigger will always be a nigger. He also shows no concern for the victims of "his people", many of whom will also be "his people"; and that without the extra police efforts, the crime would flourish and increase.
We should "invest" in blacks? We'd be better off investing in beachfront property on Antarctica.
At least then maybe the climate will change someday, and people might move there. Niggas never change.
When I worked with mental patients, the few parents who would try to get involved in the lives of the young adults they basically abandoned to the mental health system would always blame the system for the dysfunctions of their psychotic offspring. Johnny is violent and hateful because of the staff. Or, it's the fault of the psychiatrist. Or the fault of the pharmacy for not supplying the right kind of psychotropic drugs. Any and every excuse was vomited up to blame everything on others. I almost told one parent on one occasion (after getting tired of the bullshit) that, "No, it's no one's fault but yours. Why on earth would you marry a woman with a low IQ who is also schizophrenic and have children with her? Are you insane too? What did you expect the result would be? Children who were normal?"
At the same time, it was also common that the patients themselves would "blame the world" for everything they did wrong. Someone else caused it. Someone else "made them do it." It's "all YOUR fault!"
I see the same interaction playing out between "those who can see" and libtards and the negroes they support. Libtards are the excuse making parents and the negroes are the psychotic "blame da world" mental patients. Those who can see are the fed up staff who are sick to death of the bullshit.
It's like we're all now living in some vast insane asylum with stupid libtards and blacks constantly blaming da world.
Can't we just shoot them all up with thorazine and put them to bed in four point restraints?
Anon said: "you could still see (on Mutual of Omaha for example) native, non-westernized African people who live like the White Man did THOUANDS OF YEARS AGO"!!!
You can still see the same thing in Detoilet, SHITCongo etc. etc with the same niggers living as they did tens of thousands of years ago, tens of years ago and DAYS AGO with no progress whatsoever.
Had to go up to Brown Deer (suburb north of Milwaukee) and noticed the shuttered mall (complete with fencing around the entrances). It reminded me of the shuttered mall in St Louis off of Lindbergh. A quick look around the neighborhood and the cause of both malls failing became readily obvious - a groidal infestation.
Probably what happened is the groidal youth ran through the mall in feral packs annoying, threatening, and in some cases assaulting the customers who had money to shop there. When the risks became too high the customers with money stopped going where the groids were as a safety measure. Too bad the mall owners failed to recognize that their failure to keep the customers safe led to the customers finding another place to shop.
Just waiting for more malls to close. Has Red Bird mall in a suburb of Dallas gone under yet? It too had the feral packs of groid youth running amok. They did try to do something about it, but the community leaders (black race pimps/hustlers/flies) raised an incredible stink over making the feral youth behave in public.
Leftists do not believe their opponents are idiots (if only that were true!).
They believe we are evil, and ultimately deserving of death.
Keep your powder dry.
My buddy and I were chatting about TNB yesterday and he told me some cheery story from his steel factory days about how some protected species at the mill got torn up by a machine and that the future victim wanted nothing more than to get back to work, even though he had a broken arm and hurt his baby-back ribs.
He understands TNB but he thinks there was a time, not long ago, where ghetto dependents wanted to prove themselves worthy of the white man's work. He sees this current multi cult mess as some recent phenomenon.
I asked him what civil rights really accomplished, since he was talking about equality is a good thing blah blah blah. After he squeezed out a few adjectives and adverbs I asked him, "No, what legislation was passed or undone that made civil rights good? What was in the civil rights act that you cherish?"
He didn't know. I told him that if blacks were our equals then how come they couldn't thrive in their own neighborhoods when we were separate but equal? Why did they need the white man's towns, infrastructure and taxes to make themselves equal? And is that even equality?
I asked him how a tribal slave race that is still in the stone age in Africa could all of the sudden, out of sheer will, be uplifted to peacefully inhabit a modern society and function in our advanced nations?
He said his wife would be home soon and I should go...
-focal joker-
That asshole should be deported to Africa to live with his pets.I am surprised someone hasn't shot him yet. Richard Cranium
Truth has a way of making many uncomfortable.No big surprise.At least you may have given him something to think about.Thanks for a good post ! Richard Cranium
That is exactly what happened. Most blacks families in Chicago have family in WI. They go back and forth for uears until WI changed its benefits system.
Yet the killings and the mothers of the killers, bangers and thugs get on the news every night "somebodys best doing sompthin boit all these killins the senseless killins fore no reasons" "who gots no reasons for the answer to readons killing". I had to read it three times after a Cal Park murder Friday night. She literaly could not speak or understand english, sad and frightening as she had 4 small children and does not know no reason and sensless are the same and that reason and question are not the same meaning. How can you force education on thise who do not want to learn? Don't know they are not learning and who then are unemployable because of their manners, speech and work ethic?
Paul Kersey Bait:
The 20 highest crime neighborhoods in the U.S.
I wasn't aware that the private sector had a duty to "provide jobs for blacks". If blacks want employment, they should make themselves employable.
Sorry to hear about Richmond. The once proud capital of the Confederacy,now turned into a black hellhole.My home city of Saint Louis will soon join Detroit.The Falkland Islands may end up being our last resort.Even living under Argentina is better than living under the blacks.
Shhh....big secret...lemme whisper in your ear....THEY DO NOT GIVE A FUCK !!
( don't tell anyone,that would be rayziz )
Richard Cranium
My parents came to the US from India. I grew up in a working class neighborhood in NYC with kids whose parents immigrated from China, Taiwan, Ireland, Germany, Nicaragua, Colombia, Greece, Armenia... we didn't get government hand-outs and our parents worked hard even though many faced discrimination and, you know what - if one of us kids so much as talked back to a teacher, we would have been in so much trouble with the parents. Most of my friends went on to college. Most of my fellow Indian immigrants are doctors or engineers. Most of my Greek friends are in business. And so on.
ONce upon a time, this was the best country in the world to come to if you had nothing. A lot of Irish, Italians, etc., came here with nothing and made their way into the mainstream. The blacks who complain there are no jobs - wait until some Vietnamese move there and open up a grocery store. It's not about complaining, it's about creating opportunities.
Anonymous said...
It's worse than that! The Negro is WORSE OFF than before Brown....
10? Million then, 43 million in USA now, with number rising dramatically.
In Africa there are a BILLION blacks, breeding like rats.
Race is only part of the equation insofar as it can be used to advance blacks' agenda. Race is dismissed as a "social construction" except in cases when it is to a person's advantage to be ethnic, such as in college admissions. Then race suddenly becomes the crucial, all-powerful arbiter of identity.
I recently engaged in an extended debate/discuassion with a leftwing philosophy professor. We didn't talk about race, but did talk about almost every other political topic under the sun. She was completely incapable of understanding reason...
That's because Bruce Charlton is almost certainly right: habitual dishonesty (like Political Correctness) breaks the brain and makes straight, logical thought impossible (at least without an extended period of re-training).
It's funny the money they ask for never seems to be for education or job skills training , it's always for rally's where they talk and talk and talk but never results in anything !! These Groids were given a free public education and refused to take it !! Now they are employable but yet they still want us to take jobs from qualified whites and give them to Groids !! Everyone knows it takes five Groids to do the job of one whitey
Negroes are geneticly pre-disposed to spread murder ,rape and mayhem wherever they bed down on the planet.
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