A joke from Family Guy, confirmed in the declining city streets of Milwaukee.
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Violence at the 2007 Juneteenth Celebration in Milwaukee; the black community behavioral standards on display for the world to see |
'Declining' because of who inhabits Milwaukee now, a population group that has displaced the race that created a thriving metropolis that attracted the former group in the first place.
A gun is just a tool, so remember, there are no dangerous weapons; just dangerous men.
And certain communities in Milwaukee are breeding more dangerous men than others. [Violent week leaves 23 hit by gunfire; 5 arrested in homicides, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8-9-2013]
Harsher gun laws are being considered because of this violence, with discussions of more overtime for police to patrol 'troubled' areas of the city encountering opposition [Walker, Barrett agree on new gun legislation but not police OT funding, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8-7-2013]:
Gov. Scott Walker on Wednesday expressed support for new legislation, sought by Mayor Tom Barrett and Police Chief Edward Flynn, that would create a mandatory minimum sentence for those who illegally possess a firearm.
But Walker stopped short of backing Barrett's request that the state provide $500,000 in matching funds to help pay for police overtime to keep officers on the streets after days of gun violence in the city. Barrett authorized $500,000 in city funds to increase police overtime, but said he wanted a state match.
"I'm more than willing to talk with law enforcement here or anywhere else about creating mandatory minimum sentences for people who illegally possess a firearm if there is a benefit in terms of a deterrent to keep guns out of the hands of people who are not legally able to possess firearms. I'm all for that," Walker said while visiting the State Fair.
"We have way too many criminals who could care less about illegally possessing guns," Barrett said. "We must get criminals off the streets of Milwaukee. On the north side. On the south side. That is our joint goal."
Barrett also called for an updated concealed carry law to exclude individuals from getting a permit if they are convicted of three or more misdemeanors within a five-year period. The governor said he would be willing to look at that proposal but made no commitment.
"If there are ways to improve that, we will," Walker said.
City officials have been unhappy with the Walker administration and the Legislature over the state budget. Barrett noted, for instance, that Walker's budget deleted a $445,400 grant that was allocated for Milwaukee community policing. Later, the Legislature's Joint Finance Committee rejected an attempt to restore the funding on a party-line vote, with Darling voting no.Wait a second.
We started off by writing, "Guns don't kill people, dangerous minorities do."
A joke from Family Guy, confirmed in the declining city streets of Milwaukee.[Black-on-black murders epidemic in this city: Report also reveals 9 of 10 suspects have criminal records, WND, August 11, 2013]:
Data compiled by the Milwaukee Homicide Review Commission (MHRC) shows that for the year 2012, 93 percent of the known murder suspects had criminal backgrounds.
And it reveals most of the murder suspects were black, and the victims the same.
The MHRC, established in January of 2005, is a central component of the city’s violence prevention efforts. The MHRC draws on public health and criminal justice approaches and was designed to gain a better understanding of homicide through strategic problem analysis, innovative and effective response and prevention strategies, and focus on prevention and intervention resources.
In the city of 597,867 people, there were 91 murders in 2012, with 80 percent of the victims being black and 75 percent of the known suspects also being black.
Six percent of the homicide victims were white, with five percent of known suspects being white.
Twelve percent of the victims were Hispanic and 19 percent of the known suspects also Hispanic.
The city of Milwaukee itself is 40 percent black, 17 percent Latino, and 37 percent white.
Of known 2011 homicide suspects in Milwaukee, 93 percent are black, while 4 percent are white and Latino.
In homicides where the weapon utilized for murder was known, a handgun was used 100 percent of the time. Contrary to the myth of gang disputes being the cause behind high homicide rates, only one percent of 2012 homicides were gang related.
The MHRC also tracks nonfatal shootings, with 508 of these occurring in Milwaukee in 2012.
The data concludes that 89 percent of the suspects in these nonfatal shootings are black, with 88 percent of the victims also being black; five percent of the victims are white, with two percent of suspects also being white; and seven percent of the suspects being Hispanic, with six percent of the victims being Hispanic.The type of graph proponents of gun control and those advocating the 2nd Amendment refuse to ever acknowledge in debates. Gun violence (fatal and nonfatal shootings) in Milwaukee finds its origins in the black community
Forty percent of the population in Milwaukee is responsible for almost all of the gun violence; the white community in Milwaukee also has access to guns, but commit a statistically insignificant amount of gun violence there.
Hispanics fill the void to 'do the jobs Americans won't do.'
What are police going to do to stop gun violence in Milwaukee? [Milwaukee police unveil detailed response to recent gun violence, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8-9-2013]:
The deployment includes roughly a doubling of officers in high-crime areas roughly north of W. Vliet St. to W. Keefe Ave., and N. 20th west to N. 50th St. It includes units from the department's Neighborhood Task Force, the Major Incident Response Team, analysis by the data analysis center, and more collaboration between detectives and officers on the streets to find and arrest suspects.
The information sharing is happening with a quickened pace.
A key factor, Flynn said, is the systematic targeting of 189 people who have had a history of firearms violence. While some of these people are not necessarily wanted for a crime right now, Flynn said, police are finding them and talking to them. To Flynn, it's a matter of letting them know police are watching; most of them either live or loiter in the 5th District.
"This is about keeping tabs on them," Flynn said. "Stop and question to stop the violence. We have every right to pay attention to your whereabouts."
The 189 were identified by looking through 18 months of data, and identifying people who had at least two firearms offenses in that period.
Capt. Tom Stigler, who commands the high-crime 5th District, said his officers were investigating and arresting what he termed "high-value targets." Police are also locating people on probation or parole; going to homes associated with crimes; serving search warrants; and analyzing ShotSpotter data to find out where the gunfire is occurring.Remember: "There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men."
Gun crime in Milwaukee (and America) can't be properly addressed until we admit this fact, which the ShotSpotter data confirms -- gunfire occurs on a daily basis in the black community.
That there are dangerous individuals bred in the black community of Milwaukee is confirmed in the $250,000 "Saving Our Sons. I will not die young" program, yet another initiative to divert blame for the violence from black culture to some nebulous source [This initiative is personal, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 1-15-2013]:
More than 300 people packed the Coffee Makes You Black coffeehouse and restaurant to address what community leaders say is the most important issue facing the community today: improving the outcomes of minority boys.
Kids must want to succeed, too, but imagine what it's like growing up without a strong support system and the adults around you don't seem to care or are uneducated and don't know how to help. We can no longer pretend we don't see these kids. We have to get involved in their lives because we are losing too many of them.
Most of the time, we know who they are. As Milwaukee Public Schools Superintendent Gregory Thornton points out, drive in some areas at midnight on a school night and you see kids as young as 7 or 8 years old walking around.
The streets are doing more to pull black boys in than we are doing collectively to keep them out.
It's easy to blame parents for the failure, but what happens after we point the finger? Step in and be a stopgap, instead of shaking our heads at the situation while doing nothing. This campaign will give mentors and those who just want to help a chance to get involved.
Community activist and spoken word poet Muhibb Dyer was one of nearly a dozen speakers during the first "Saving Our Sons. I will not die young" campaign last week.A city is dying, because of the actions of individual "minorities" (remember, whites are the actual minority in Milwaukee) to use a gun for malicious purposes on other "minority" individuals. If blacks feel they are being hunted in Milwaukee, it's only because of other black individuals from the black community are engaged in such behavior.
He admitted that he was not going to say anything new. We already know that too many minority men are dying on the streets every year, leaving their children without fathers. We also know that too many have failed in school and are involved in the criminal justice system.
The real causality in this violence isn't some black wannabe gang-banger; it's the city of Milwaukee.
The real causality is civilization
The solution? How about a "community garden"?[Seeds of nonviolence need to be planted in the home, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8-10-2013]:
Damonie Winters doesn't see a lot of friendly faces in his neighborhood near N. 24th and W. Wells streets. What he sees are a lot of angry people — angry young black men like himself, young men who are mad about their lives and mad that their fathers aren't a part of them.
At 19, he has some perspective now, and he can see that life would have been much better if his father had been around. His mother did the best she could raising him and his siblings, but it wasn't enough to keep him out of trouble. Like a lot of kids in these neighborhoods, he used to carry a gun.
I spoke with him last week while he worked on a community garden on a vacant lot on 8th and Ring streets, with Edward White, 19, and Oshaya Page, 18. All three know people who have been shot to death. None of the three had fathers who raised them. All three have crossed paths with the juvenile justice system.
Community activist Muhibb Dyer, who was leading the youth team, said the community garden is a metaphor. By breaking ground, the boys learn to break bad habits. Pulling weeds and clearing the soil of debris symbolizes taking negative influences out of their lives.
"You have to pull the weeds before you can plant new seeds, and this is a community that needs to do a lot of gardening," Dyer said.
Dyer knows firsthand how to plant seeds; he spent a year working with disadvantaged youth in Milwaukee Public Schools through the "I Will Not Die Young" campaign. The program had mentors talk with youth about their problems and teach them positive ways to deal with conflict.
Dyer said the rash of shootings is no gang war. It's a war of materialism. When these young men can't get what they want, when they see their favorite celebrity wearing or driving what they want, some of them do whatever it takes to get it. And a majority of the time, they prey on each other.No. They don't prey on each other.
They prey on civilization.
Each pull of a trigger is another nail in the coffin of the type of community white people in Milwaukee spent a lifetime trying to create; each pull of a trigger is another manifestation of racial differences that, no matter how hard we try and bury them, always seem to re-appear.
"There are no dangerous weapons; there are only dangerous men."
All of our resources should be dedicated to ending the subsidization of the breeding of dangerous men.
Not just in Milwaukee, but all of America.
They could try to aspire to be like whites,but then they'd have to get over their black superiority complex.
I was watching Bait Car the other day. In one segment, the unattended car is descended upon by a group of black youffs, male and female. They start ripping apart the car looking for anything they could steal, from sunglasses to a baby seat. They were making noises that could only be described as animalistic. They were using the same phrases and one would say something (ain't got no keys!) and the others would repeat it loudly to each other. Just like a troop of fucking monkeys. They are not human.
Until the US stops incentivizing dysfunction this is the reality.If all that was needed was money,it would have been solved long ago. Housing,feeding,paying to breed,incentivizing non-marriage,paying people not to work...Now somehow these assholes are "angry"! Well so am I and I don't go around shooting,raping,robbing,etc. Then factor in the black churches...They put on a show that would humble PT Barnum and with what result? Until we quit propping them up this is our country's future. Richard Cranium
Can there be ANY doubt in anyone's mind that a majority-black population inevitably spells demise and disaster? What other lessons have to be learned before something is done to limit parasitic birthrates?
Each city should have a checklist of black aimed social programs and go through and mark each one as they burn money, resources and time investing in these hollow attempts to civilize the Afrikanus Ignoramus.
Then the city council and their race hustling hooligan enablers could sit down and chat about which ones they were doing in the year 2008 when murders went from over 100 to a celebratory 71.
Sure enough one of the afrocentric councilcritters would say, "Judgin by dis data's herre, we's gotsta know dat if we dublin that program that bin workin dat year, we's can git dem murders downta fawdy."
Of course some plain old white bread kook would speak out of turn, trying to piss on the black parade of FINALLY ending the murder and violence crisis, by pointing out the obvious and stating, "Gosh fellas, that same program was in effect in 2006, when we had over 100 murders that year-" -- "I justin toad you's we's dublin dat! Sheeeeeit, den dat means we git dem murders downta fiddy".
Gavel pounds oak, meeting adjourned.
-focal joker-
Racial Realism Equation:
The most primitive racial group + the requirements of a first world nation = disaster.
What's even more telling than the freakish stupidity displayed by young blacks is the mind boggling degree of idiocy from the black elders. They rarely have the cognisance to even address what is overwhelmingly the root behavioral problem retarding black progress. They breed like rats.
Instead of aggressively promoting sexual/reproductive responsibility, we see silly marches, loudmouth speeches, childish slogans, crying for money, externalizing blame, etc.
It should be increasingly obvious to Whites that blacks are hopelessly dysfunctional and we need account for this in our politics. Foremost is protecting White neighborhoods from black infestations. If we ultimately fail in this regard then the cream of White America will repeat what their European ancestors did. They'll leave their homeland for a better life.
Australia, Canada, and New Zealand are overwhelmingly White with the diversity provided by Asians instead of blacks and mestizos. It's not hard to imagine tens of millions of European and American White expatriates living there in the upcoming decades.
Let's not leave out those short ugly shabbily dressed mestizos.
Mestizo #1. " Is this a bait car, dawg?
Mestizo #2. "I don't know dawg. Let's open up the door and look."
Mestizo #1. "Fuck man, this a nice car".
Mestizo #2. Fuck man let's drive this shit, cool man.
10 minutes later:
Mestizo #2. "Oh Fuck dawg, it's the police. Oh shit!"
Mestizo #1. Fuck man!. We going back to prison dawg.
Mestizo #2. Fuck dammit!
Southern California used to be sexiest place on the planet, but we left the giant cesspool of Mexico unguarded and now it's an increasingly overcrowded impoverished ugly mess.
How could we, America, have been so stupid?
Reminds me of growing up in Flint, MI during the 1967 Detroit riots and the 1968 MLK assassination riots. Thanks to the Fair Housing Act of 1968, my hometown is now the "most dangerous" city in America, bankrupt (like Detroit) and a dystopian black-run hellhole of corruption and violence. Way to go, negroids!
This just in from Saint Paul, Minnesota - a large mahogany mob, numbering anywhere from 30 to 50, brutally attacked a lone 26-year-old white man who was merely walking along a street at about 11:30 at night. The white victim is now fighting for his life in a hospital.
St. Paul (White) Man Fights For Life After Being Beaten By Numerous Savages
Horrific near fatal hate crime mob attack in St. Paul
If the races had been reversed, this would be the biggest news story in the nation right now!
I find it incredible that instead of taking responsibility, the Negro thinks they can spend their way out of violence. Liberal Democrats have created an even bigger monster out of groidzilla than it already is. With Liberal coddling Negros believe they can live in a western civilization. When they are destined to ook and eek and fling poo when told "no"
Here's a Youtube link in regards to the recent mahogany mob apettack in Saint Paul, Minnesota:
(White young adult male) Bystander brutally beaten after wandering into (the vicinity of) apparent (negroid) gang fight.
The homicide stats don't paint the full picture. It lacks a sub-category of "Justifiable Homicides"; without that, the gun-grabbers will simply point at the overall numbers and cry "Wild West". The labels "Victims" and "Suspects" lead an unsuspecting reader to assume all the shootings were crimes.
Also, please be amused at the Fatal vs Non-fatal stat for 2012: White shooters scored 17 kills vs only 10 wounded, netting a 63% success rate; mexicans killed 5, wounded 36, for a 14% ratio; and the gangsta nig-hop sideways-glockin' niggers went 68 vs 452, for a net score of 15%. If niggers studied harder in math, they'd know not to fuck with The White Devil(tm). At least in Milwaukee.
Since the rule of law doesn't work anymore,send a Ranger team in,terminate the 189 that are known troublemakers,and any others that get in the way. we already live in a police state...and they had their chances.
There's a reason Jim Crow laws existed...to avoid this. The same reason there are zoos.
if it wasn't for gravity these chuckers would still be in the trees
"All three know people who have been shot to death. None of the three had fathers who raised them."
Funny how, when you subsidize fatherlessness, you get more bastardy.
Each day that goes by the Negroes seem to revert more and more to type. In another year or two I fully expect them to be walking around buck naked with ubangi lips and baskets atop their heads. Truly, the savagery of darkest Africa is in Milwaukee.
off topic:
Trannie teen killed in Jamaica.
Suspect in 2 RI homicides found; tot still missing
JOHNSTON, R.I. (AP) — A man suspected of killing two people at a Rhode Island home and then snatching a 2-year-old boy was captured Sunday just over the border in Massachusetts, but the toddler is still missing, authorities said.
Malcolm Crowell was apprehended at about 12:30 p.m. in Fall River after a nationwide Ambe
I'm Asian American - my parents came to the US from India. I had a Chinese American friend (he's now a doctor, a brain surgeon) studying in Philadelphia. I went to visit him once, he was living in a mostly black neighborhood because it was what he could afford. He told me his car radio was stolen 3 times in one year. He finally stopped replacing it and just put up a sign "No Radio" on his windshield, but they still broke in. I guess they don't read...
I'm not racist - I treat each person as an individual. But it's not racist to acknowledge the truth - that in most cities, the parts where you don't go are the black neighborhoods. Or the predominantly Muslim ones.
When I was working in Michigan, as a senior design engineer, I joined a group that would tutor poor kids after school. The kids were all black. Us tutors were all white or Asian. One of my white friends (a man) told me, the only woman, that if I couldn't get a ride to the black part of town with him or one of the other guys - it would be better for me not to go. In other words - don't put helping others before your own physical safety. Another white friend of mine told me if I ever ended up in that part of town and felt in danger, to treat the traffic lights as suggestions, not rules.
These were decent, well-meaning white people. They weren't racist -they liked and accepted me, a non-white person. But they were sharing with me truth - that the black part of town was not safe, and they wanted me to be safe. I told them "thank you" and took their advice to heart.
Paul I have a theory.
Whites, when their children misbehave, are afraid to permanently withdrawal love from them in fear of damaging them. They tread a fine line between anger and love. So parents will get angry, but always forgive their children and even continue to advocate for them when they have commit crimes and murder.
Since blacks behave just like children, (impulsive, repetitive, stupid, careless, irresponsible, etc.), whites feel compelled to treat blacks like children instead of adults when they misbehave. Whites feel compassion and advocate for them like they do babies and children. This toxic compassion is misplaced, since blacks are NOT children, and want to cause harm to or kill whites.
This is a trick.
Whites are afraid to withdrawal love from blacks permanently, or to withdrawal their acceptance of blacks. They will criticize, but then sacrifice THEMSELVES and their children in order to uplift the pitiful blacks. Bad behavior from blacks causes the "nice" caring white people to feel ashamed and guilty, like parents would.
I think the soft, fluffy, American white people are doomed if they can't draw their sword and fight this childish yet murderous enemy.
Elysium is number one this weekend at the box office though down from expectations. Most Whites I think hate White civilization and want to see it replaced.
Most Whites want BRA violence to kill a culture and civilization, their own they find unbearable.
Totally off topic: Why do church-going white people go to Africa on missions? I have been reading facebook pages where these people are sitting with black people smiling and holding black babies and smiling--you get the picture. But why? Why do they call it mission? I mean, they have their makeup and nice clothes on over in places that don't even have running water or indoor toilets. Just having a moment....
Isn't Scott Walker Conservatism Inc.'s hero de jour?
Milwaukee Journal Sentinal:
"A violent week in Milwaukee left 23 people wounded by gunfire since Aug. 2, with seven of them dying from their wounds, officials said Friday."
I wonder if anybody has estimated what the crime rate would be if medical technology had not improved to the point where we are saving the lives of many shooting victims who would have been murder victims as recently as the early 90's.
The mandatory minimum for illicit possession would do some good on the margins, but the no CCW for 3 misdems 5 years would do no good, because thug Bellcurvii don't get CCW permits. I do know what Barrett is asking for that, though: Because in Bell Curve City, a misdemeanor conviction is sometimes a plea down from a felony charge, which means such a person actually did commit a felony.
You're right, PK...all this is moot until we can publicly name the ook and start talking about race.
"Police haven't released the identity of the second Wednesday homicide victim — a 26-year-old woman.
The woman was shot about 10:45 p.m. Wednesday while pumping gasoline at a station on N. Sherman Blvd. and W. Capitol Drive. A man walked up to the woman, shot her and stole her car, according to reports."
I have pumped gas at that station! Sherman/43rd St. and Capitol is somewhere from Milwaukee knows as by the good watermelon stand. I will be more careful from now on, I guess I will just need to be less ghetto-naive.
Anonymous said...
This just in from Saint Paul, Minnesota - a large mahogany mob, numbering anywhere from 30 to 50, brutally attacked a lone 26-year-old white man who was merely walking along a street at about 11:30 at night. The white victim is now fighting for his life in a hospital.
Thanks for getting this out in front of people here. It's a drip, drip situation, where each story will wake up another small group of people, then another. It's all we've got at this time.
Each city should have a checklist of black aimed social programs and go through and mark each one as they burn money, resources and time...
There is something of a Matrix ReLoading going on here. Outbreaks of this sort of violence are met with immediate calls for "programs." Erased from the hard drive seems to be the fact that the USA has had "programs" in place going back to the mid-20th century: school de-segregation, voting rights, open housing, affirmative action, war on poverty, forced busing, more war on poverty, black studies programs, MLK Day, community policing, Section 8 housing, midnight basketball, putting a black man (sorta) in the Oval Office...
And yet every time one of these incidents explodes, the response is to act as if none of this ever existed. As if the USA is still living on the day before Brown versus Board of Education. There are some odd mental gymnastics going on here, something Orwellian in the ways in which history is erased and respun to fit the current party line.
I think this is one reason that DWLs have to keep up the illusion that the USA is still living in the age of slavery-segregation via movies, TV and rhetoric. The fact that DWL racial policies have been an Epic Fail can not be recognized. If the truth were recognized, it would mean that modern liberalism is bankrupt and that the Blue Pill really does lead to dreamtime.
Three things junp out at me based on these numbers:
1. "Contrary to the myth of gang disputes being the cause behind high homicide rates, only one percent of 2012 homicides were gang related."
The Black Milita(TM) are therefore "taking care of business" selling drugs, moving and selling illegal weapons, etc.
2. The negro urban Weapons market must be incredible, far larger than I realized. These groids all seem to have some kind of record, yet 100% of homicides and attempts were from a firearm. So the White goes to a gun-shop, pays taxes on his ammo and weapons and generally supports the entire firearms Industry, yet the negro seems to be able to get whatever he wants, plus ammo. Reminds me of the arms market in Mogadishu in BlackHawk Down.
3. Notice the dip in 2007/2008. Obama Effect?
Check out the top 20 murder-rates:
#1: Honduras (82.1)
#2: El Salvador (66)
#3: Cote d-Ivoire (56.9)
#4: Jamaica (52.1)
#5: Venezuela (49.0)
#6: Belize (41.7)
#7: Guatemala (41.4)
#8: US Virgin Islands (39.2)
#9: Saint Kitts and Nevis (38.2)
#10: Zambia (38.0)
#11: Uganda (36.3)
#12: Malawi (36.0)
#13: Trinidad and Tobago (35.3)
#14: South Africa (33.8)
#15: Lesotho (33.6)
#16: Columbia (33.4)
#17: Congo (30.8)
Congo in our midst, Aztecs on the way.
Business Insider: The 20 Most Homicidal Countries In The World
Looks like the Aztecs, when they get down to business, mean gunfire business. God help the future American dystopia...
Comment #4 on the article:
"The democrats are hard at work right now trying to increase immigration from these countries."
Spot on! Why is it that the supposedly peace-loving lefties have this visceral infatuation with violent populations?
Anon said...Whites are afraid to withdraw love from blacks permanently, or to withdraw their acceptance of blacks. They will criticize, but then sacrifice THEMSELVES and their children in order to uplift the pitiful blacks.
This is an interesting observation. DWLs (disingenuous white liberals) refuse to see the threat posed by blacks in the same manner as the parents of a delinquent child will frequently claim that he or she is really a "good kid." This is so no matter how many times they are called to the principal's office, or post a bail bond for junior. Just as DWLs refuse to acknowledge black malfeasance in their controlled media and schools.
The reasons for all this would be interesting to speculate on.
There are some theories bouncing around the Internet re the psychology behind DWLs. One is that there is something psycho-sexual about the relationship between DWLs and blacks, that DWLs see blacks as "alpha" males to whom they must supplicate. Or that the relationship is a form of Stockholm Syndrome in which DWLs deny their own subordination and instead identify with the most violent element in society for their own psychological well bring.
It's Time said...Totally off topic: Why do church-going white people go to Africa on missions?
There are many people of good will who believe they are doing the Lord's work in Africa. Others may be in it just for their egos or for some adventure.
Here's the question: what has been accomplished?
Africa has been the scene of much missionary work, not to mention governmental foreign aid and NGO assistance--and let's not forget (as much as we would like to) We Are the World. And Africa is still the scene of massive human rights violations, starvation, disease, human exploitation and ad nauseam.
I'll also note that Zimbabwe-South Africa are the scenes of the ongoing ethnic cleansings of white people.
What are the missionaries doing about that?
Unkown said... I'm not racist - I treat each person as an individual. But it's not racist to acknowledge the truth
Unfortunately, if you state the truth today, you will be labelled a "racist." Truth--like blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, or have have median low IQs, or can not maintain modern cities.
"Racist" is a label which is used to shut down the conversation by stigmatizing someone who states an inconvenient truth--or a white person who fights for his/her own interests.
The word "racist" is actually meaningless. It was invented, or at least popularized, by the left. Please note that just about no one says that they believe in something called "racism."
The proper term is "race science" or "physical anthropology."
The fact that people have to go around saying, "I am not a racist" shows how widespread DWL agitprop has penetrated. I'm not singling out Unknown here...look at how mainstream conservatives must say the same thing.
The fact that the liberal establishment must shut down anyone who dissents on matters of race shows the bankruptcy of that establishment.
Florida man here...
The St. Paul beating of the white man is yet another disgusting display of the black temperament. Gangs of girls fighting. A 19-yr-old male thug recognized and arrested, but there were several more. They stomped this poor guy's head in and tore his pants off. He has suffered severe brain injury and his chances look slim. He was just walking by...
The St. Paul beating of the white man is yet another disgusting display of the black temperament. Gangs of girls fighting. A 19-yr-old male thug recognized and arrested, but there were several more. They stomped this poor guy's head in and tore his pants off. He has suffered severe brain injury and his chances look slim. He was just walking by...
When you don't profile you die.
"Why is it that the supposedly peace-loving lefties have this visceral infatuation with violent populations?"
They want to import them because it dilutes the White population and creates a distraction that makes US easier to control. The elites really don't give a flying fig about anyone but themselves. That's why they don't live in vibrant neighborhoods or send their spawn to public schools.
BRA is all about CONTROL!
"I'm not racist - I treat each person as an individual."
There is no point to this statement. Even if it is true. The racism tag will be applied regardless by those who's opinions really don't matter. It is their right to call you anything they wish. It is equally your right to ignore them or to tell them to fuck off. The sooner we all realize that we can't win by playing the game by BRA's rules, the better off we will all be.
By the way, I AM a racist and an anti-semite by their definition.
Californian - I did not see your post earlier. Great minds think alike.
BTW, I am also a Californian. Or soon to be ex-Californian.
Most Whites I think hate White civilization and want to see it replaced.
I think you wish that were the case, in spite of myriad indications to the contrary. I think you come to forums like this one to spread defeatism because you know whites are rapidly waking up, and you're scared. So shut the fuck up.
Californian is right.
To today's DWLs, (and sadly, to many conservatives who should know better) being called "racist" is the worst possible thing that can happen to them. They will kiss any black ass, support any stupid black program, look the other way from all black crime, and let their country be DESTROYED by a half-black commie RAT-bastard in the (former) White House...just to avoid being call a "racist".
I could puke.
I had a white nanny friend in WDC, a rarity to find a white nanny, who shared my observations that the groids were becoming increasingly rude and overtly hostile over the last 8 months. We hypothesized that it was because many blacks thought that because Obama was re elected, things would change for them literally overnight.
Blacks are intensifying their attacks. Attacks ate becoming more frequent. The dip in 07 and 08 due to 'Hope and Change'?
White Mom in VA
The 'lefties' want violence. They want chaos so they can then impose their 'control' via communism.
White Mom in VA
Gaslighting and denial of reality.
White Mom in VA
The Aztecs are probably marginally better at collecting and collating crime data. They have the advantage of being partially descended from people who were familiar with the concepts of written languages and scientific endeavor.
The African crime data is probably completely fabricated a few days before it's due on that country's President's / Witch Doctor's desk.
Scott Walker is dead to me.
I go to 'TakiMag' and 'AWD' and somewhere there was a post:
UK is in a depression yet continues to give BILLIONS of $ to africa a year! [and import millions of people...London is non mostly non white]
Even $ to the dictator son of the dictator with the jets!
Anonymous said...
It's Time said...Totally off topic: Why do church-going white people go to Africa on missions?
There are many people of good will who believe they are doing the Lord's work in Africa. Others may be in it just for their egos or for some adventure.
Here's the question: what has been accomplished?
Africa has been the scene of much missionary work, not to mention governmental foreign aid and NGO assistance--and let's not forget (as much as we would like to) We Are the World. And Africa is still the scene of massive human rights violations, starvation, disease, human exploitation and ad nauseam.
I'll also note that Zimbabwe-South Africa are the scenes of the ongoing ethnic cleansings of white people.
What are the missionaries doing about that?
August 11, 2013 at 3:07 PM
'When you don't profile you die.'
Intels Andy Groves book title:
The boook I recommend is by X Police Cheif of SD:
He mentions things like 'cops always know where the exits are, when they are in a building'.
Had that young YT read and followed the info in book he might have had street smarts and run for his life when he saw a black crowd at nite.
You live in a leftist tyranny. What are you going to do? If you are a traditionalist and decentralist conservative, you need to be aware of the following, and embrace them fully...
Equality is theft.
Religion is politics.
Reality is racist.
And yet every time one of these incidents explodes, the response is to act as if none of this ever existed. As if the USA is still living on the day before Brown versus Board of Education.
No, it acts as if the USA is still living on the day before Shelley vs. Kraemer. As if we didn't try "fairness in housing", and it did not fail SPECTACULARLY to create equal neighborhoods... as every other legislative and judicial effort has not failed to create equality, but created devasation in its wake.
First thing, let's kill all the fvcking lawyers who have EVER practiced "civil rights" for the fvckup "minorities".
When you don't profile you die.
Truer words were never spoken.
White Mom in VA
I'll also note that Zimbabwe-South Africa are the scenes of the ongoing ethnic cleansings of white people.
What are the missionaries doing about that?
[sound of crickets .... chirping away]
That's a nice pike on the cover of Time. I think I'll plan my pike fishing trip in Canada. I'd rather deal with grizzly bears; they're more rational.
Quote: "Why do lefties have an infatuation with violent populations"?
Uhh, don't you read Whiskey's posts? See, violent third-worlders give them tingles (you know what I'm talking about;). Especially women. White women HATE HATE HATE white men - you know, because they're not violent, retarded thugs.
The solution: We must all become brutal, monosyllabic morons if our race is to survive, I'm afraid.
Watching the video, posted at the end, was like watching Planet of the Apes.
Nothing a .50cal machine gun wouldn't solve.
Sick. This nation is in real trouble......and I can't wait.
How did this guy not know that you flee any large concentration of blacks immediately, especially when they are in chimp agitation???
I think Whiskey is a cuckhold!!!
"The St. Paul beating of the white man is yet another disgusting display of the black temperament. Gangs of girls fighting."
Who in their right mind would walk into the middle of a rowdy group of black people? The level of delusion in this guy is off the charts. I used to be a liberal but even then I had enough instinctual sense to avoid groups of blacks. He could probably hear them hooting from a mile away, yet he went on. Hate to say it, but that dude is a prime candidate for a Darwin Award.
OT, we're about to see the end of stop and frisk in NYC. No doubt, with the inevitable increase in crime cops will be called racist for failing to prevent it. It's inevitable. I really don't care if they shoot each other but unfortunately you can't avoid public transpiration in NYC. Hopefully DWLs start to get beaten and mugged again then we'll see what happens. Since its impossible to carry a weapon for self defense here it looks like I'll have to take Krav Maga or something.
Here's a recent commentary, apparently you guys are all wrong.
The great kingdoms of Africa were the most influential regarding their contributions to western civilization. They maintained a high level of wisdom in the fields of science, mathematics, geography, architecture, medicine, writing, agriculture and overall scholarship.
The very essence of their existence rivals that of ancient Greeks and Romans, who were deemed the founders of western civilization. All knowledge they possessed came from one of the early African civilizations, which was a dominant leader with influential stature in its possession of knowledge.
The African background plays a key role in the development of western civilization, although the Africans don’t receive the recognition they deserve.
http: //www.nwitimes.com/news/opinion/columnists/guest-commentary/young-voices-learn-about-african-contribution-to-world-s-knowledge/article_84a92728-4bbc-5248-819c-6412ea0c34cc.html
Hello, kinda new here, This is a little off topic but I found this site about two weeks ago and have been reading almost non-stop. I have learned so much. At times I also felt everything was hopeless but I do think that more and more people are beginning to "see". The Zimmerman trial and the internet reporting of black on white crime has certainly helped in that regard. I just wanted to say thank you to all those who post regularly. There are probably tons of people like me who read and never really post!!
"Anonymous said...
Here's a recent commentary, apparently you guys are all wrong."
Yeah, lots of coon sucking going on there....
Of course, what these dicks fail to understand, is that if you 'steal' the knowledge of these great civilisations, they still have it! It's just that now you have it too! I wonder where all the writings of these super nogs went? Why can we not read the words of Jenkem M'Shitstain like we can Virgil or the Odyssey? Why can we not see the examples of their greatness like we can the ruins of Greece or Rome, or Tutankhamun or Luxor?
I woder if it could be because the niggers never created anything, and that, left to their own devices, they still live in mud huts and wash themselves in cow piss.
I noticed that the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's identical twin writers Bob Purvis and Bob Purvis were oh-so-careful to avoid telling their readers what race the troublemakers were. They used "individuals", "crowds", "festival goers", "groups", "girls"
and "people"...but never the truth: NIGGERS!...Not even the polite "African-Americans" was allowed in the descriptions of these marauding untermenschen.
But then, all humans instinctively know that this type of primate behavior can only be niggzz.
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