"The murder rate, which had dipped slightly in 1992, began to climb again. The city careened toward a new rise of more than 476 dead, easily earning its infamous title as the murder capital of the nation, perhaps of the world. More people were murdered during one two-week stretch in Washington than were slain in 1990 in all of England."(p. 325, Dream City: Race, Power, and the Decline of Washington D.C. by Harry S. Jaffe & Tom Sherwood)"More people were murdered during one two-week stretch in Washington than were slain in 1990 in all of England."
Courtesy of the black population in D.C.
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Eric Holder: The Drug War is over. Let freedom finally ring again... |
The book Dream City, which documents the decline of Washington D.C., reads like fiction today. A drastic drop in the black population (and rise in the right-kind of white population) has helped D.C. bury any notion being in the running for 'murder capital of the nation.'
While much of the resurrection in Washington D.C. can be attributed to the outmigration of the black population from the city (and an influx of white people to replace them), it would be imprudent not to offer a golf clap in the direction of the war on drugs as a long-term strategy in removing criminal blacks and putting them in the prison-industrial complex [42% of Young Black Males Go Through Capital's Courts, New York Times, April 18, 1992]:
After a decade in which both the drug trade and police sweeps expanded with similar zeal, 42 percent of the black men in the District of Columbia, aged 18 through 35, were enmeshed in the criminal justice system on any given day last year, according to a study made public today.
The study found that 15 percent of Washington's black men in this age group were in prison, 21 percent were on probation or parole and 6 percent were out on bond or being sought by the police on any one day in 1991. Mr. Miller said a vast majority of these people had committed felonies.
"In effect, the social safety net has been replaced by a dragnet," said Jerome G. Miller, president of the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives, which conducted the study. The nonprofit group promotes alternatives to imprisonment.
As many as 70 percent of black men in Washington are arrested by the time they turn 35, the study estimated, and about 85 percent are arrested at some point in their lives. A large percentage of those arrests are for misdemeanor charges, Mr. Miller said.
The numbers -- higher than those reported in similar studies -- quickly set off a debate that goes to the heart of America's vexing inner city problems: Is society turning many of its young black men into criminals, or are these men doing it themselves?
Absolving black people from their self-created dysfunction is a national past-time in America, as the motto, "Out of many, One" should be replaced with this national motto: "black people will not be held accountable for their individual actions/behavior when white society can blamed for their anti-society pathologies."
Locking up black people for long periods of time (perhaps the greatest strategic victory of the war on drugs) removed both dysfunctional and violent blacks from black communities - making them safer for blacks to live - but it also removed the generational threat of the morally bankrupt black community from spawning children from these thankfully incarcerated individuals.
Enter Eric "My People" Holder.
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High rates of black crime in American cities have left metropolitan areas looking worse than Tokyo after a raid by Godzilla |
In his eyes, the war on drugs was a war on blacks (no matter how much the incarceration of violent blacks did to help promote peace and stability within the black community), thus, we are on the verge of a huge shift in sentencing for drug offenders. [Holder to limit mandatory sentences for some low-level drug offenders because 'people of color often face harsher punishments than their peers', Daily Mail, 8-12-13]
Here's the pertinent remarks from our incredibly race-conscious Attorney General [Attorney General Eric Holder Delivers Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association's House of Delegates, Justice.gov, 8-12-13]:
"As a society, we pay much too high a price whenever our system fails to deliver outcomes that deter and punish crime, keep us safe, and ensure that those who have paid their debts have the chance to become productive citizens. Right now, unwarranted disparities are far too common.
"As President Obama said last month, it’s time to ask tough questions about how we can strengthen our communities, support young people, and address the fact that young black and Latino men are disproportionately likely to become involved in our criminal justice system – as victims as well as perpetrators. We also must confront the reality that – once they’re in that system – people of color often face harsher punishments than their peers.
"One deeply troubling report, released in February, indicates that – in recent years – black male offenders have received sentences nearly 20 percent longer than those imposed on white males convicted of similar crimes. This isn’t just unacceptable – it is shameful. It’s unworthy of our great country, and our great legal tradition.
"And in response, I have today directed a group of U.S. Attorneys to examine sentencing disparities, and to develop recommendations on how we can address them. In this area and many others – in ways both large and small – we, as a country, must resolve to do better.
"The President and I agree that it’s time to take a pragmatic approach. And that’s why I am proud to announce today that the Justice Department will take a series of significant actions to recalibrate America’s federal criminal justice system.Release them all.
Open up the prisons and allow every black individual to just walk out.
Hand them over a VISA debit card, too; reparations for being unjustly imprisoned.
Isn't that the correct way to 'recalibrate America's federal criminal justice system'?
After all, Eric "My People" Holder probably would agree the firmly-held belief in the 1960s black community of Washington D.C., who collectively viewed the 4/5th's white police force as an "occupation army":
Washington's police force was more than 80 percent white in a town that was 65 percent black. To most blacks, the police were an occupation army, and a deadly one at that. In 1967 and part of 1968 city police killed 13 African-Americans, including one whose offense was as petty as stealing a bag of cookies. It was called 'justifiable homicide.' (p. 32, Dream City: Race, Power, and the Decline of Washington D.C.)To those in control, the destruction of the historical American nation (and the dispossession of the founding/historic population) is nothing more than a 'justifiable homicide'.
No matter how much we try and silence nature, she'll always return.
Why does Eric Holder still have a job? Just a year ago, to hear the blovation and chest-thumping of the conservatards, Holder was toast - on his way out thanks to the fearless Repukes in Congress who were exposing his lawlessness in running guns to Mexican drug cartels.
Wha' happen, Repuke Sir Robbin? Weepin' Johnny been holding your wiener? Or was that Carlos Danger? The names change so fast I tend to lose track.
A few years back there was a website by "Guy White" which dealt with racial issues. The author of the website appeared to be involved in the criminal justice system (I believe in a DA office). He made the following point:
Blacks are actually under-sentenced compared to whites. The caseload of black crime is so high that serious charges are often plea bargained down. A drug-dealing felony might end up as a possession misdemeanor. The same might be for violent crimes, and crimes against property.
On the other hand, violent crimes committed by white persons are rare enough that the full attention of the criminal justice system would be brought down on the perpetrator. We can add to this the hunt for The Great White Defendant, which would make the career of any crusading DA out to get the black/liberal vote (see the Duke U Three case).
This argument may be anecdotal, but can be verified by examining the crime rates among different demographics. The recent SBPDL article on Minnesota, referring to its very low crime rates when it was 98% white, is one indicator. And we might look at various European countries and their crime stats before and after importing third worlders. Or, for that matter, South Africa before and after apartheid.
There's the issue of the rampant corruption and dysfunction in black majority cities (DC, Detroit, etc.). How many crimes are not prosecuted, and how many crimes are simply not reported to the police?
It just may be that the opposite of the common wisdom is the reality: blacks are actually under-represented in the criminal justice system.
In 1967 and part of 1968 city police killed 13 African-Americans,
And what were the black-perpetrated murder stats? And of those, how many of them were black-on-white? And in those terrible days, were there black drive-by shootings and flash mob attacks?
Just askin'...
greatwhites, when our society rewards black dysfunction with money/excuses and now letting from day one criminals out of prison just because of their shinny black skin then the country is fucking doomed! isn't it not so funny that this black racist "my peeps" with that attitude towards American society still has a fucking job? I don't know whether to laugh or wind my watch right now with the shit this MF-er is pulling on our country. these two rat bitches are the most anti-American public figures ever! we are in some deep shit right now and for the seeable future. this high yellow NGR holder was put in that position to get even with this country's past. plain and simple. -where the fuck is the nearest exit? GODSPEED/SEGREGATION NOW!!!
Read this article. There is so much more than the usual b.s. of "he a good boy" yet was selling drugs in school and viciously gang attacks a white kid who suffers a broken arm and black eyes as a result. So much more to this.
These animals need to sent to boot camp, extended jail time, and extensive probation.
Yet the fuckin prosecutor is only asking for 9 months of probation.
9 months.
It'll take longer than that for the fuckin' kid to fully recover. That is just physically. What about mentally? Those scars may never heal.
9 months
Allen West called out the race hustlers about this and their collective silence. Of course this will be largely ignored since the media views Allen West as an Uncle Tom.
But what I find to be very key here is the exposing of the logistical process by which blacks operate. When asked about this incident in comparison to St Trayvon, Jesse Jackson says they are nothing alike and then says this
"Last year, 135 blacks were killed, black men, unarmed, killed by vigilantes, police, killed by security guards, so whether it’s the case of Oakland, Calif., or the case in New York, it’s just too much of it. Wherever it occurs, it must always be discouraged; there must be a deterrent from it occurring. We must urge people to live in civilized ways.”
Asks for civilized behavior yet says nothing condemning about this action.
Points out that 135 black men die while being unarmed by various individuals
Yet nothing about how many unarmed whites are murdered at the hands of the negros.
This white kid was unarmed. Beaten mercilessly. Stomped on repeatedly. What about him Jesse?
We need to collectively contact the D.A. in this case. Apply public pressure to have these animals locked up for an extended period of time like they should be.
What the Fuck.
- Baron Munchausen
We're having a meltdown in foreign affairs and the economy is weak. Obama has abandoned his job as leader of US to take care of his negro tribes-people.
We've been fully Africanized. I hear that Obama is now backing an administrative rule that will require each white male to carry one negro, piggy-back style, as the white man moves through his day. I have a lower back injury and will not be able to do this without significant impact to my life.
This is all planned. The ape cage has been opened on purpose. There's no way the elites are stupid enough to not see where this is all heading - they've got something planned. Something *big*. This is a problem-reaction-solution type of situation.
Civil war, martial law, internment camps - there's only one direction all this can go.
I shared with SBPDL sometime ago that I spent a few days in DC jail. It sucked.
Anyway, after I got out of jail, I went to see a psychiatrist. Prior to meeting with the shrink, I met the Physician's Assistant (PA). He was a black man. I shared with him my rather unfair story. He put his head down.
He proceeded to tell me how he wrote a script for a guy who needed a prescription. The thug patient got the script filled and turned around and sold the stuff. Guess who got busted and charged with multiple felonies? The PA.
The middle and professional class are the targets now in an effort to kill the middle class. Newly released criminals under Obummah will be the new lynch mobs coming after whitey.
White Mom in VA
Comparing the UK to the US in crime stats is literally comparing apples to oranges:
I have to admit, I didn't know that 12% of those in the UK were black I thought it was significantly less.
But the UK only counts 'murders' as 'solved crimes' (a perp found, arrested, tried and sentenced - common over there) NOT 'a body found dead that can't be explained as natural causes' or a police report of someone who was obviously killed.
It would be like comparing the air in Colorado to the air in Florida...
"Crazy On You" and now "Godzilla"... PK, I am going to have to start counting your 70's/80's rock music references.
We truly are living through strange times. It begins to feel like the novel, 1984. Eric Holder is allowed to, unchecked, claim that blacks receive stiffer penalties for the same crime. Not true. They receive stiffer sentences because they have committed more crimes previously, i.e. sentencing is based largely upon criminal history.
Some history is in order. Way back when, all the DWLs and blacks were complaining that sentencing proscribed too much power in the hands of mostly white, male, racist judges who treated minorities unfairly. So what did they do? They set mostly mandatory and uniform sentencing guidelines based upon primarily two factors: 1) the crime committed and 2)previous criminal history. Picture a spreadsheet with two variables on the outermost columns, and the answers inside equal years of sentencing. That's basically what sentencing guidelines are. It was thought that this race neutral approach would be fair. Of course, it negated much sentencing power judges had wielded in western civilization for centuries, but, this was, after all BRA.
It is (was?) a good system, because it allows politicians to advocate for "tough on crime" legislation without being able to be called "racist" and the like.
Eric Holder is really making a "disparate impact" argument as it pertains to crime. Disparate impact is that some type of activity may ,on its face, be race neutral, but nevertheless have disparate impact on people of a certain race or ethnicity. Although I detest the legal doctrine, I can at least understand how it may be employed in the business world. But what he's actually suggesting is that it be applied to criminals. This is insane. Absolutely insane.
When you couple the HUD crap that's being pulled, it is a recipe for disaster.
I know that there are "relocation" assistance non profits in Washington D.C. that basically try to ship the black population out (to white areas) by supplementing rent and paying deposits. If your state hasn't already made it mandatory, I imagine that it's only a matter of time before they make all landlords accept Section 8 tenants.
even though whites are 4 times as likely to be sentenced to federal prison for hate crimes and given harsher sentences when defending against the black onslaught of forced cultural enrichment, even when it's just pepper spray.
whites are stopped more in nyc than the crimes they represent.
i want out. i wanna live around nothing but white people who know whats going on.
i'm tired of talking to whites here in texas who have never been fortunate enough to be around lots of blacks, they hate me and hate everything i stand for. when i tell them how i feel they will actively search for a black person so they can "tell on me" (of course there's never one around because i wouldn't go to a place that actually had one of those things in it). they almost got a rope out and hung me last night. i hate whites almost as much as the groids.
sorry for the haphazard nature of this and all the lowercase letters - I've been typing this comment with one hand while the other holds a gun in my mouth.
-focal joker-
Blacks and hispanics have succesfully overwelmed the penal system of the united states. With a fellow black pulling the strings we will begin to see mass releases of dangerous criminals back into the community. Im sure Holder has afew relatives inside that he would like to give another shot, most blacks do. It is quite alarming when you see a person who has been locked up three times for murder and he is on the street yet again to kill a fourth. The average time a black man spends in prison for killing another black man is less than ten years, its really a joke on the cops and district attorneys. Im really surprised that more arent shot by disgruntled cops, it shows alot of restraint on their part. It would appear that Holder is trying to build up black street population for the inevitable race war to come. Releasing criminals at the same time planning to import thousands more to most people would be unthinkable, yet there is nobody in congress fighting to stop this criminal act. The US is a time bomb, get away from the urban areas if you can. War is comming and will be started by a media waiting for the next white infraction against blacks.
Mich Mike
This is a prescription for anarchy.
Yes it is a race war, what did anyone expect, a race war that middle class and higher Whites want.
It is all about annihilating the wrong sort of White people.
Many of the 'hoods that are being gentrified in DC sent their respective groids with Section 8 vouchers out to Howard County, MD.
Those white suburbanites are hating life now.
White Mom in VA
History shows again and again
How nature points out the folly of DWL's...
I am an American of Indian heritage (my parents are from India) and I think things are really nuts over here. For example, "hate crimes" legislation - why do we have it? How can it be OK to charge people for what they might be thinking??? If someone commits murder, charge them for murder - not for hating someone as well as murder! It's insane.
Or, forced integration - why would anyone want to live or work with people who hate him or her? I live in a racially mixed neighborhood (mostly white and Asian with a few Hispanic families) and I like it. but I sure as heck wouldn't try to move into a white (or black, or green) neighborhood if they all didn't want me there! Why would anyone want to live in a hostile environment?
Another thing - how can kids who beat up other kids (like those 3 black kids that beat up that white kid on a school bus) be allowed back in school? Free education is a privilege, not a right. If they don't appreciate the gift, why continue giving it to them? Why am I, the taxpayer, forced to pay for kids who obviously have no desire to learn and who are making it harder for the other kids to learn?
Is America nuts????
I think forcing people to accept section 8 would be a fantastic way for TPTB to accidentally pop the housing bubble before they planned to.
NOTHING sours a landlord on land lording quite as fast as cleaning up a rental behind a section 8 tenant.
I don't mean to sound like an alarmist or a paranoid nut job but I feel that now would be a good time to start making arrangments to leave this country now while you still can especially those of you with Children they will be much better off being raised and educated abroad in a less hostile environment than this one. Especially now that criminals will be allowed to roam the streets freely.
OT, but items to share. First, for those of you that may not follow Glenn Beck (and I’m not a “follower” in that kind of sense), I did about stand and cheer when a white woman called his radio show last week when he was discussing Oprah’s public comparison Trayboon as the modern day Emmett Till. This woman was mad as hell (I choose to believe it was White Mom!), and asked him why no one ever gave a seconds’ attention to Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome. Glenn told her he wasn’t familiar with the story, but promised to look into it. He did, and tonight on his TV show, he made good on his promise. He went into every vile detail, the fact that it wasn’t a “hate crime”™ and showed the faces of the groid ensemble who dinn do nuffins. In fact, he played video of one of the less than human savages that was testifying about everything that he observed, but that he just didn’t participate in. He played video of Channon’s father testifying at the trial, when he noted, among other things, that his daughter was proud of the fact that she was saving herself for her husband. Only to be raped in the worst manner imaginable, then thrown in a garbage can to die, suffocating on forcibly-ingested bleach. But they’re just like us. Glenn apologized for not covering the story in 2007 and said he has no idea how he was never made aware of it. He closed by pointing out the no one cared about the victims because they don’t have an Al Sharpton or Je$$e Jackson or celebrities raising hell on their behalf. I would have liked to see him take it a little closer to SBPDL-level reality, but that’s a pipe dream. For now. Anyway, it’s a shame he didn’t do it on Fox when he had 50 times the viewership, but it was still nice to see given the timing of recent events.
My other tidbit occurred on the way home tonight to whitopia (for now). I’m driving and notice a car with a license plate frame that, after doing a triple-take, clearly says, in gold letters, “RWANDA.” WTF? I actually changed lanes and sped up in order to see the rest of the text because it was too small. The smaller text at the top said “Proud to be from.” Proud of WHAT? Their cultural and civic achievements? Their broad industrial base? Their level of medical care? 500K to 1 million of their citizens slaughtered?
Only in Amurkistan. I smell an African mission trip! Car was driven by a glorious, angelic negress. Undoubtedly wise and virtuous, too.
I feel blessed to have been in her presence, even if only vehicularly…
Gwinnett Gladiator
P.S. Glad to hear that ex-New Yorker is OK. I was starting get concerned about one of my favorite SBPDL personalities.
You said "More people were murdered during one two-week stretch in Washington than were slain in 1990 in all of England."
But you forget, Paul, we're talking about NEGROES, here. Of course there are going to be sky-high murder rates in the culture of the Negro, whether it be it DC, Haiti, NYC, or deepest, darkest Africa. Impulse control and violence are inherent in this culture.
It might be worthwhile to look at the only crime statistics that matter, crimes against white people. Look at white on white, mexican on white, groid on white, and other.
Then take action to reduce crime. This might mean more aggressive prosecution coupled with counseling for domestic violence to reduce white on white, immigration reform to reduce mexican on white, and pre-emptive neutering to reduce black on white.
@Jay Santos " I hear that Obama is now backing an administrative rule that will require each white male to carry one negro, niggy-back style, as the white man moves through his day."
Sorry about your bad back, Jay. Not to worry: I'll carry your quota for you, or die trying. I've only been training for one, but I can add more weight to my routine, before the Exploitative Order takes effect.
OT again, but looks like I spoke too soon:
Dat niggaz gunn get da noo haart!
I saw this story pop up on the Yahoo main page today, and it immediately had over 5K comments, so I knew that the dying "teen" would be getting a new heart in spite of his ineligibility. After the death of St. Trayboon, to deny an advantage or not assume the exact opposite of all available objective evidence would be...rayciss.
Just think of all the good and virtuous deeds this fine youff will commit with the heart he is going to get at the expense of someone who is probably just a "typical white person." I guess there's always rejection...
Can someone point out a case where a black was convicted of a hate crime against a white? Under hate crime statutes. When i search on the web all I find or assertions that they have but no details or proof. Just wondering so I am armed with the truth when this one comes up.
There can be no doubt, people ARE waking up.
Not just in the heavily censored comment sections of articles in mainstream media websites about the criminal war of blacks against White citizens, but even on talk radio some hosts are finding the balls to broach the truth and reality, though they're still stuck in the mindset of making the argument decrying all the so-called 'double standards'.
The best comment I've seen on SBPDL in recent days is that those decrying the "double standard" are groggy and wiping the sand from their eyes after a long slumber.
Double standards are necessary by those in charge to achieve their mission, the destruction of Civilization as we know it.
The commenter I wish I could remember said that those who are using these methods and rhetoric are purposefully operating in bad faith, to tear down civilization.
Every institution of society is operating in bad faith as an Enemy of its own citizens, in ALL the White countries especially.
They definitely mean to acclimate everyone to the idea that all the White people who just want to be left alone need to be exterminated without pity or mercy.
Jason Lewis went so far today on his nationwide broadcast as to say that we are occupied under a proto-Nazi-style dictatorship turned on its head, where White heterosexual people not juiced into government/political connections have no rights any institution will deign to hear.
It's something many of us have seen coming for decades, and Jason Lewis is only speaking of it now.
Better late than never.
Re: Whether Peeps and Obongo's latest pronouncements are part of a grand plan?
My guess is no. They are angry that their immense prestige and influence could not force a jury to convict an innocent GZ and so they are venting their anger on white America.
Both should be removed from office.
Totally off topic, but an issue that I think is very illustrative: Oprah is backing away from her story about the “raaaaaaayyyyyycissssssss” boutique clerk in Switzerland. It seems the steely spined (and leathery skinned) store owner is not bowing before her O-ness and is demanding to speak with her in person. The owner, Trudie Goertz has furthermore stated that there will be no repercussions for her employee who was involved in the “incident.” In response, Oprah is mumbling some niggerbabble about being sorry she brought the issue up.
Here’s what is important to note: Nigger race hustlers aren’t used to us honkees stating emphatically and publicly, “You’re a goddamned liar!” and not backing down from threats of being labeled a racist. Oprah is probably one of the most influential blacks in Amurkistan and rich beyond any of our imaginations, but look! The repulsive, cowardly sow is on the run from a mere boutique owner.
When the race hustlers come for you, all you have to do is go all Alinsky on them. Call them liars. Don’t back down. Make counter accusations as obstreperously as possible. Demand to meet them in person. Make them stumble and mumble on camera. The media hates our guts, but they love a great circus even more.
The worm is turning…
Here’s the link if Paul will permit it.
Jay Santos said...
" We've been fully Africanized. I hear that Obama is now backing an administrative rule that will require each white male to carry one negro, piggy-back style, as the white man moves through his day. I have a lower back injury and will not be able to do this without significant impact to my life.
August 13, 2013 at 4:16 PM
Our rulers and hate-filled anti-White racist dictators running all the institutions of Western society say that our alleged "privilege" entitles the black criminals to disproportinately prey on the law-abiding, especially if they're White $#1+1zens.
Our filthy government of dirty crooks considers the White taxpayers who pay ALL the freight and foot the whole bill to be less than garbage.
At least the feeling is mutual.
Westlake Park Victim
GG -
Your post illustrates just how out of touch many conservative idealogues like Glenn Beck are. How in the hell can this guy comment on the state of everyday working and middle class whites in Amurkistan when he has never heard if the Christian Newsom case?
White Mom in VA
In 2005 in White Plains, NY, a white woman by the name of Constance Russo-Carriero was killed by a black man in a parking garage. He stated that all blonde haired blue eyed people should be killed.
He was convicted of a hate crime.
Google it....
White Mom in VA ( aka Viking Bitch at http://www.blondegynocide.wordpress.com)
Anonymous aks...
Can someone point out a case where a black was convicted of a hate crime against a white? Under hate crime statutes. When i search on the web all I find or assertions that they have but no details or proof. Just wondering so I am armed with the truth when this one comes up.
There are actually a few cases. Mostly back in the Clinton era. The regime has a few window-dressings, much like the ACLU's famous defense of the Nazi Party to march through the largely Jewish Chicago suburb of Skokie decades ago. An example of using the 2% of the cases where the thing was applied correctly to falsify the reputation of the 98% where it's a farce. The "Conservative" Supreme Court endorsed hate-crime laws in a unanimous decision, by the way. Such laws are now used solely to crush the musings the arch-villain evil super-devil Dr. Y.T. Rayciss - mistakenly invented by the great Negroid science-master Yakub and released upon the holy ones. Y.T. Rayciss engages routinely in all manner of crimethink, thinking doubleplusungood thoughts about the precious Sons of D'Won.
Anonymous said...
" even though whites are 4 times as likely to be sentenced to federal prison for hate crimes and given harsher sentences when defending against the black onslaught of forced cultural enrichment, even when it's just pepper spray.
whites are stopped more in nyc than the crimes they represent.
i want out. i wanna live around nothing but white people who know whats going on.
i'm tired of talking to whites here in texas who have never been fortunate enough to be around lots of blacks, they hate me and hate everything i stand for. when i tell them how i feel they will actively search for a black person so they can "tell on me" (of course there's never one around because i wouldn't go to a place that actually had one of those things in it). they almost got a rope out and hung me last night. i hate whites almost as much as the groids.
sorry for the haphazard nature of this and all the lowercase letters - I've been typing this comment with one hand while the other holds a gun in my mouth."
-focal joker-
Things didn't get to this point overnight.
I suspect you're probably just kind of young and very frustrated at all the insanity going on, as any normal person would and should be.
There's an old saying, 'whom the Gods mean to destroy, they will first make them crazy', or something close to it.
Voltaire wrote much later that ' a society that embraces absurdities will soon celebrate atrocities'.
The more you research, the more you will appreciate the long view of history, just as the enemies of Whites, especially Americans have decided to undertake a Long March to infiltrate and capture and control all the institutions of American society to destroy it and re-make in their current incarnation, which won't last long now that they've finally "won".
Use your brain and save your bullets.
You aren't alone by any means.
Unknown said...
I am an American of Indian heritage ….
Is America nuts????
I'm always interested in the observations of people somewhat new to this country. Yes, America has gone insane. Its culture is sick. There's nothing admirable about the popular culture. Its economy is dying. The government's relationship to the citizens is being regularly perverted. There's a general collapse of morality and anything resembling the principles that gave the country success.
In short, the worst of it started in the '90's, accelerating after the 09/11 attacks. Bush had no principles reinforcing traditional American principles that I'm aware of. Obama and the people that surround him have been some sort of rocket fuel thrown on a slow burn. The country is essentially being colonized by Mexico. Similar to what you might experience in India, if suddenly 30% of your population had walked over from China.
If the situation is not arrested and turned around in the next decade at the outside, the country is over as anyone has understood it. Sorry you couldn't have known America when it was really America, warts and all. It was once a place we were all greatly proud of.
"Locking up black people for long periods of time (perhaps the greatest strategic victory of the war on drugs)..... also removed the generational threat of the morally bankrupt black community from spawning children from these thankfully incarcerated individuals."
No it didn't. Convicts have no shortage of progeny. They may even have a reproductive advantage with feral women. You would need to lock up the women to end the threat.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man —
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began: —
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!
-Rudyard Kipling
The number of horrendous cases of black-on-white atrocities must be greater than even those of us with eyes open know. For example, I only just now discovered this one. Note how the sheboon is not going to face the death penalty? No hate crime either. She kidnapped a 12-year old white boy and killed him by putting an ignited blowtorch (6000 degrees) to his head. The Eloi tax must be paid! The faithful Duranties in the Ministry of Truth have swept this one down the memory hole. Wonder how many of TWMNBN are shelling out for the NOI-NBPP legal defense fund - which appears to be the one leading the shyster-team on her behalf.
Let's assume the following is not a troll trying to rabblerouse a panic:
I don't mean to sound like an alarmist or a paranoid nut job but I feel that now would be a good time to start making arrangments to leave this country now while you still can especially those of you with Children they will be much better off being raised and educated abroad in a less hostile environment than this one. Especially now that criminals will be allowed to roam the streets freely.
And to which country should white Americans flee? Europe is generally more PC than the USA. Scandinavia has had a surge in third worlder violence and rioting. Australia has strict gun controls. Latin America? Well, maybe Argentina or Chile. You're not suggesting the Islamic world, or the rainbow nation of South Africa?
Here in the USA we have the right to bear arms and free speech--as long as we stand up and fight for them. The critical thing is to defend your rights.
If anyone should flee, it's the gang of crooks who are running this country.
NSL said...They set mostly mandatory and uniform sentencing guidelines based upon primarily two factors: 1) the crime committed and 2)previous criminal history. Picture a spreadsheet with two variables on the outermost columns, and the answers inside equal years of sentencing. That's basically what sentencing guidelines are. It was thought that this race neutral approach would be fair.
Mandatory minimums were in large part pushed through to prevent "racism" in the criminal justice system. Now that blacks have gotten exactly what they have demanded, they are not happy because it demonstrates their higher rates of criminality. So the DWL agitprop machine cranks up the noise about "racism" in the system, even though the system was implemented to overcome said "racism."
Similar with the War on Drugs. I believe it was Jesse Jackson who first popularized the term, demanding that the feds save the 'hoods from the plague of drugs. And when the federal government actually launched a war on drugs, what did Jackson et alia do? Claim it was "racism."
The entire thing is quite Orwellian, as noted. Oceania is at war with drugs to liberate blacks but blacks are being subjugated by the war on drugs.
It goes back to the reality which the race hustlers and DWLs refuse to face: blacks have higher rates of criminality, illegitimacy, school dropouts, etc., than just about any other demographic. If these things were understood, perhaps realistic policies could be implemented to deal with them. But this reality conflicts with the ideology. So the USA lurches from one dysfunctional policy to another. And the downward spiral continues.
Life in BRA.
NSL said...Of course, it negated much sentencing power judges had wielded in western civilization for centuries, but, this was, after all BRA.
Right. Mandatory minimums infringe on the judiciary as a counterbalance to legislative excess. But this is being made a necessity by the high rates of violent crime and gangbanging generated by the inner city underclass.
It's also why first world countries increasingly need paramilitary policing, "wars" on crime, asset forfeiture, drones, and a prison-industrial complex. Effectively, a large black populace translates into a low level race war, whether we are talking flash mobs or SWAT teams kicking in doors at 2AM or the burning of cities from Detroit to London. And if I am wrong in this assertion, then let's see one of the trolls demonstrate where.
Effectively, you end up with much of the Constitution being thrown out the window in order to deal with the violence. Look at how inner city gangs are turning into low level insurgencies. This goes beyond anything that Prohibition era gangsters ever inflicted on the country (and let's note that law enforcement suppressed those mobsters with a fraction of the firepower the cops have available today).
Note the irony that after half a century of "civil rights," the USA is sliding into police state mode.
One more example of the "benefits" of BRA.
"Why does Eric Holder still have a job?
COZ he be black, coz da prez be black and coz congress kiss da black ass. Anyting else ah can hep you wit!
OT...Scenario, The majority of negroes are section ape out to the burbs. Leaving the cities to the whites for gentrification. Gwinnett Gladiator, I know Atlanta best, of the cities I have lived in. I remember when Candler park was run-down and then revitalized. Now the big office buildings that draw commuters from the 15 metro counties is where the jobs exist. After the blacks are shipped off to the burbs, the white people, who actually have jobs in the city, no longer have to commute. The beautiful homes, that are salvageable, can be had at little cost. White people have the money to make repairs and return them to their glory. The core of the city slowly becomes safe. Transit systems with routes within I-285, once again safe. The routes that move africoons rapidly through Atlanta, (MARTA) would have routes that run strictly outside the perimeter. The schools within the perimeter turn majority white and become successful places of learning. I think the examples that Detroit and Birmingham have set for other large cities is that if we don't get rid of these negroes we gonna be in da same boat. The infrastructure is there, the jobs are there, the schools are there, the shops are there, the only that isn't there are white people that actually have jobs and pay taxes. The end result is the extreme rural band and the fortress inside I-285 would have the groids sandwiched into a thin band of future ghettos...VM
@ Vicio Malo:
But you'll need blockade runners to keep the Whites supplied.
Most of today's events are simply a symptom of the culture change wrought by the baby boomers piss poor parenting. They helicopter their kids, enforcing the notion they are all special AND above average who only need show up to qualify for whatever they want in life. They raise their children to feel that dating, marrying or simply being a sow for a negro is a good thing. What used to be solely the province of bottom dwelling white women now is some type of badge of honor. We are supposed to cheerfully exclaim how beautiful some tweener baby is for some family or friend. The blacks are also undergoing a sea change moment as well. They are being relegated to a third tier minority who will be forced off the federal teat in due time when the majority Hispanics manage to assemble and wield their voting advantage. We can thank the Gen X and Millenials for the precipitous drop in white births which fuel the culture change. Who needs a baby when you have to feed an electronic addiction, not the least of which is a cellphone with an unlimited plan you can stare numbly into all day as you shuffle through life. Babies are for other people who don't have friends on Facebook.
This is where we are coming unstuck. Just why is it that our own people provide the stage and means for such depraved idiocy? Notice that there is no comment back facility evident.
Bogolyubski said…
The number of horrendous cases of black-on-white atrocities must be greater than even those of us with eyes open know.
I also just learned of this one the other day. I thought I had a pretty good awareness of the most atrocious negro savagery. As you state, this negro kidnapped a 12 year old white boy and torture killed him with a blowtorch. It reminded me of Chante Jawan Mallard, the Texas negro who after hitting a man with her car while high, left the man embedded, dying in her windsheild over several days. As I recall, testimony was that she had sex with her boy friend in the house, while the man slowly died.
I grew up in NYC and as a young child I heard the story of Kitty Genovese. A lot of older people probably know the story, or think they do. The young white woman was killed in 1964 and the story was about how so many people saw or heard her being killed late at night from their apartments, but did nothing. That story wasn't entirely true as events didn't unfold quite the way they were described by the media in the sense of people just ignoring her screams. But that was the story that became legend, an example of urban apathy. I heard the story referenced for years, not so much any more. Lo and behold, I only learned sometime in the last few years that the killer was…. well you know what the killer was and he had killed and raped two other white woman in the months before the Genovese murder. I never heard that aspect of the crime earlier.
They enjoy inflicting pain on other living things.
I challenge anyone at anytime to show me one town or city that is majority populated by Negros that prospers. Hell one that breaks even. Here's a hint. You cant. No one i've asked has ever been able to give me one example. If you asked this World wide i don't think you would get an answer. At least not a truth full one.
Hi folks. I've recently gotten into an argument online with some liberal shmuck. It's about correlations between race and crime (in regards to the beating of that white guy in Minnesota). He insists that poverty is a better predictor of crime than race. I'm sure poverty IS a component, but every experience I've ever had w/r to violent crime seems to involve blacks. What do you all think is the best way to respond to his argument? All I have is anecdotal experience on my side (the facts of everyday life). He's also giving me sob stories about how we've put them in "carefully manufactured" ghettos and systematically discriminate against (w/r to hiring, etc.). Please help.
His mamma says he a good boy he gonna go to college and be a rapper and open his own computer store. She forgets you have go to high school and graduate before you can go to college.
Was'nt that security guard in Atlanta charged with hate crime for shooting those three white girls just because they were white?
Mich Mike
Its sorta like the exact opposite of the nazi situation we had inWWII with respect to the victims.
Re:"Please help".
1. Asians are extremely poor yet are non-violent.
2. Average household income in India, for example, is something like $2000 per year, yet their murder rate is miniscule.
3. Asians and whites whose families make less than $25,000 per year do better on the SAT than blacks who make $70,000 per year.
4. Controlling for family income, poor blacks way out-murder poor whites and poor Asians.
5. It is true that people who are poor commit more crimes. It is also true that criminals who commit crimes are (and stay) poor. Which is the cause and which is the effect? Are they poor because they rob and murder (and get thrown in jail for years stamping out license plates for 50 cents an hour)? Or are they robbers because they are poor (and therefore need money)?
But how does "needing money" explain any crime other than robbery? Do they rape because they are so poor they cannot pay a black hooker? What does money (or its lack) have to do with raping women?
If poverty is the best predictor of crime, how does he explain the fact that black men (who abandon their children at birth) kill many more people than the even poorer black women who have to raise the black men's spawn in even DEEPER poverty?
And finally, if "poverty is the best predictor of crime" we are perfectly reasonable and non-racist for avoiding poor people. Which means your friend should be against flooding America with poverty stricken wetbacks and refugees, and against putting up Section 8 housing anywhere in his town, right?
sorry for the haphazard nature of this and all the lowercase letters - I've been typing this comment with one hand while the other holds a gun in my mouth.
-focal joker-
LOL! Thanks for this, I got my LMAO chuckle for the day. Well played sir...
anon...there are many more poor white people than the total population of groids. The number grows daily with Obumbler in office. Where are the horrific stories of whites committing atrocities against anyone???...VM
Anonymous (pick a handle already!) wrote:
I've recently gotten into an argument online with some liberal shmuck. It's about correlations between race and crime (in regards to the beating of that white guy in Minnesota). He insists that poverty is a better predictor of crime than race.
He's deluded or a liar. West Virginia is POOR. The Census Dept.'s "quickfacts" say the median home value is about half the US average, and per-capita money income is almost $6000 less than the US average. Its murder rate in 2011 was 4.3/100k/yr (US average 4.7) and its total violent crime rate was 315.9 (US average 386.3 in 2011). West Virginia is 3.5% Black.
Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants were often desperately poor, but had very low offending rates. Chinatowns (and Hong Kong) are refutations of "crowding causes crime" as well.
Hi folks. I've recently gotten into an argument online with some liberal shmuck. It's about correlations between race and crime ...
Check out:
"Why We Profile" at http://thosewhocansee.blogspot.com/
"The Color of Crime" at http://www.colorofcrime.com/
"Race and Crime in America" at http://unamusementpark.com/ (scroll down)
You might point out that high rates of black violent crime are global, including in black majority rule countries.
He's also giving me sob stories about how we've put them in "carefully manufactured" ghettos and systematically discriminate against (w/r to hiring, etc.). Please help.
Since the 1950s the USA has implemented numerous liberal programs to "end poverty" and promote "equality;"
* De-desegregation
* War on Poverty
* Forced busing & affirmative action
* Open housing
* Minorities only grants
* Section 8 housing
* MLK national holiday
* Minorities only contracts
* "Diversity" indoctrination
* A general academic ban on teaching physical anthropology/race science as opposed to the Boasian school of cultural (liberal-marxist) anthropology
* Criminalization of "racist" speech (ask any rodeo clown about this)
* A national media which covers up black criminality (e.g., Newsome-Christian) while promoting a liberal narrative (e.g., L'affaire Trayvon)
* And let's not forget a black man in the Oval Office
Liberal policies have been implemented, and have failed miserably. When blacks have been handed fully functional cities and countries, they proceed to destroy them via crime, corruption and failure to maintain infrastructure. Liberals conveniently ignore all this. They do so because when reality contradicts their ideology, they fall back on their delusions. By stating the facts, you can discredit the liberals.
An important thing to do is make your argument not only to your liberal foe, but to the rational people who are reading the blog. Reasoned arguments, with statistics backing them up, will win over many uncommitted people. Also, by posting the URLs on the relation between race and crime, you will provide them with intellectual ammunition they can use on other fronts.
Also, you might want to post these standard questions:
Can you name those black-run/black-majority cities which equal or exceed similar white-run/white-majority cities in terms of economic development, civil order, and educational achievement?
Why is it that black-majority-rule polities, from Detroit to Zimbabwe, are marked by economic decline, exploding crime, failing schools, and disintegrating infrastructure?
Doesn't it bother you that white people, even liberals, find it necessary to sell their homes, abandon their neighborhoods, and seek out new lives because of all this?
Why do blacks migrate to "racist" polities run by whites when they could live in black-majority-rule cities (e.g., Detroit) or countries (e.g., Haiti or Liberia) where there would be no discrimination or oppression?
Why, if blacks claim to be for "civil rights," do they try to deprive critics of their First Amendment rights when those critics dare criticize blacks (e.g., rodeo clowns who critique the supreme leader)?
Given that blacks have been given everything they have demanded from Brown vs Board of Education to a black man in the Oval Office, why do blacks continue to manifest dysfunctions such as high rates of illegitimacy, crime and welfare dependency as well as an inability to compete in an open market with other racial groups?
Doesn't it bother you that black-majority-rule countries tend towards one party dictatorships, failed states, or human rights disasters?
...and given all that...
Can you perhaps understand why growing numbers of white people are waking up to the growing threat against themselves, their families and their civilization?
Californian said...
An important thing to do is make your argument not only to your liberal foe, but to the rational people who are reading the blog. Reasoned arguments, with statistics backing them up, will win over many uncommitted people.
All good advice Californian. It's missing one important observation. Many, many liberal/progressive/statists are not actually arguing points. They're simply trying to aggravate you, the non-progressive. You can see this as they frequently immediately shift topics when you've answered their point. Few of them really want to engage in a discussion and actually defend their arguments. It's odd, but I find people in this mind-set to be basically anti-intellectual.
Mr. Kersey,
Given the topic, black criminality & its excusers, you may find the following article of interest.:
What REALLY Happened In Cincinnati
The above, & the incident it refers to, are IMO worth an examinatory article from you as I believe it exemplifies the mentalities of both the Leftists & the Afro-supremacists & the aftermath of said mentality's collision w/ reality.
Cassandra (of Troy)
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