One of those black individuals involved in the 100+ black mob had a black mother (who at the age of 33 has eight children) that defended her son on My Fox Memphis. [Mother Of Teen Arrested In Kroger Beating Talks With FOX13, MY Fox Memphis, 9-9-14]
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Hundreds of Blacks + pumpkin = "They got a white dude" |
A few days later, a black mother warned the violence of young black would ensure 63 black Memphis would eventually burn unless something was done... [“Memphis Is Going To Burn If They Do Not Control These Children.”,, 9-30-14]
Well, it needs to be stated that nothing will be done and eventually Memphis will burn. Courtesy of the black population. [Young men say Kroger mob attack was “just what kids do”,, 9-30-14]:
With Memphis seeing a rash of youth violence recently, WREG decided to ask young people what can stop it. Their answer…nothing.
Two men, who gave only nicknames, told WREG they thought of the Kroger mob attack as “fun.”
“The Kroger attack… That’s just what kids do, our generation, I mean,” one of the men said.
“Why do you think kids are kind of drawn to that violence?” WREG reporter Katie Rufener asked them.
“It’s fun,” one responded.
WREG showed Mayor A C Wharton part of the interview. He was disgusted by what he called a flippant attitude towards the violent attack.
“There’s absolutely no excuse,” he said. “I don’t care what he says or anybody, and I think 99 percent of Memphians feel that response is totally unacceptable.”
The young men told WREG they see the police as the biggest problem in Memphis.
They even called them a “government gang.”
“To be honest the police make you want to do s***. I’m sorry for cussing, but the police make you want to do things, especially when you’re walking by and they bother you for no reason,” the men said. “Then when they’re not around, you feel like you should be rebellious.”
Wharton said that should not be happening.
“There’s a young man by the name of Toney Armstrong,” he said, speaking of the Memphis police director. “Call him up and say, ‘Look, this officer did this to me. This officer did that, disrespected me.’ There’s a way to deal with that.”
“Nobody cares about Jail,” the men said, laughing. “You go in, and you get out. If you don’t get out, youre in with people you know.”
Wharton said there are options out there.
“We have a summer job program. All those things need to be expended. If you’ve been in trouble before, we have reentry programs that will help you clean up your record,” he said.
But the men countered, “Why would I break my back for $300 every two weeks when I can make $300 a night off one serve? Speaking for the robbers, you can make that in a minute or two.”
As for community programs and after school actives planned by the city, the men said, “It’s boring. That’s how people look at it. It’s boring. The image with the drugs and the violence and guns and fighting and all that… It looks fun. That’s what people see. They see fun.”
The men told WREG to change that mindset, they need to see more people turning away from gang life. While they say some older generation gang members are doing that, many still push them to live the street life.I guess they can't all be Michael Oher...
Texas here:
"“Why would I break my back for $300 every two weeks when I can make $300 a night off one serve? Speaking for the robbers, you can make that in a minute or two.”
Why? Because that is how you build a civilization. Have another serving of lack of empathy with a side of poor future time orientation. Oh, and "for the robbers," let me through in a piece of "gib me dat."
Too bad Memphis isn't below sea level. Then all you'd need to do is wait for the next Hurricane Katrina.
Black culture explained to you by blacks. Coming to your town soon.
Absolutely sickening. These animals will say anything to justify their violent ways to the point that it is no longer even rational.
How does one go from "gun" to "sandwich"?
How does one go from "strong-arm robbery" to "gentle giant"?
From "ground and pound" to "skittles and iced tea"?
The above terms on their own seem ridiculous but it is clear-- these animals will use any means to make their fellow criminals seem safe, mundane, even gentile to the uneducated eye.
I am not white but I fear for my life every time one of these creatures is on the same block as me.
It gets to the point that an illegal weapons charge may very well be worth fighting if it saves my life.
Support the humans.
Genome. Different. Effects. Behaviors.
End. Of. Story.
I wanted to reply to the mid-thirties Liberal an the other thread:
Dude, what the hell??? What are you "liberal" about? Ghey Rights? Aside from the lack of numbers, how is forcing a Christian to bake a cake, provide a venue, or take pictures for your wedding better than the underclass forcing us to accept their anti-social behavior? Birth control/abortion? How is forcing a taxpayer to fund your reproductive life better than forcing him to feed and house you and your sprogs? Education? Why should our "education" dollars go for security guards and metal detectors instead of books and teachers?
Look, I used to be a liberal myself, but you can't maintain that level of cognitive dissonance forever. You are either a race realist conservative, or you are an ENABLER. Pick one.
The Children of Obama speak:
“The Kroger attack… That’s just what kids do, our generation, I mean,” one of the men said.
i.e., when freed of civilizational restraints, they return to a state of nature in which life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. "Solitary" insofar as that is where many of the "teens" up after being imprisoned.
Isolating a single White person or couple and smashing their skulls in? Fun and good times for Negroes.
Raping a young White girl and leaving her for dead? Hip-Hop fun for Negroes. Hell, put the video of it on Facebook! It's racist not to accept it as a fun part of Black culture.
Besides, that's just how Black kids are these days. If you don't like it, you are a racist.
If White people want to know what Blacks are thinking, they will tell you; the race war is real, Blacks attack, rape, steal, kill, because it is fun. They've been at war with each other and White civilians for a long time, and now they are turning on the police and civil authorities.
Realistically, I believe about 65% of Blacks agree with the young Blacks who love attacking Whites for fun.
There is no negotiation or coexistence with those who think raping, attacking or killing us is "fun".
Mr Negro has shown us his cards. He's at war with us.
What was the news part of this story? I knew all of this already. Why don't they just run a story about the sun rising in the east or snow falling in Alaska?
Well, that's what apes do in Africa....why not in Memphis?
Without question....I don't want to be near them.....I don't want them near me.......... PERIOD. Segregation from the "black plague"....its the only way.
We all feel the same way as you and are sick of the same old shit. Just curious, what race are you?
The statement should really be clarified so that in the words of Eric My People Holder we can have "an honest dialogue" about race in this nation.
"The Kroger attack...That's just what BLACK kids do, our Black generation, I mean."
The statement was obviously made by a sub species primate with little more intelligence than an imbecile. White kids...Oriental kids...Mestizo not do such things.
Keep it up, black America. You are doing more for the cause of waking up the Whites than we could ever do.
Philadelphia Mike, here.
Knock out attacks, wildings, mob attacks in stores and shopping malls, black college week festivals terrorizing chosen towns, state fairs gone wrong...what other black atrocities are looming ahead?
Let the chips fall where they may. And they WILL fall in our favor. But in the meantime, I am doing my part. I feel like an evangelist, constantly spreading the Word...the Truth...about black violence, black dysfunction, and black ineptitude wherever I go. It's like watching my listeners be reborn.
And let me tell you, I do get invited to a helluva lot of barbeques, cook outs, and parties. White Philadelphians not only have an big appetite for good food, they have an huge appetite for candid, riveting, and entertaining conversation.
Be vocal, Be bold, be fearless. You are not alone.
Philadelphia Mike
Blacks take over and destroy civilizations.
Whites tap on keyboards and polish their "rounds".
So funny how the races turned out!
To 4:09:
I don't really think its a race war because that implies some sort of strategic plan to achieve a pre determined goal. This is not that. It is just total absence of impulse control not to mention human empathy. Hell even animals have a purpose to attacking other animals: either food or mating competitors.
Black Plague is right. They are beneath animals
The only solution to this problem is total collapse. As bad as it would be for everyone most of these people will kill and eat each other and all we have to do is hole up somewhere and wait it out. Get in shape, get a gun, stock up on supplies...between Ferguson,Ebola,and ISIS it's only a matter of time before we're living in a world similar to that of Robert Neville or Max Rockatansky.
If that's just what they do, then they need to shut the hell up about being shot for it. That's just what WE do.
I love it when they slip up and express their true joy for violence and mayhem. Takes the wind right out of those DWL sails!
Still wonderfully lucky to be on an extended trip away from the Greater Memphis Metropolitan Area, but had to comment on this post.
I am so glad they did this story because I have been trying to explain to people I know who do not live near black infested areas just how bad it really is...People who live in mostly white or even white with a heavy hispanic population cannot understand what it is like to live near a black city. It's f***ing disgusting.
You can't live a normal life, you can't go out after dark, you can't escape them anywhere, they work in every grocery store, clothing store, dept store, in doctor's and dentist's offices, hospitals, schools. You just can't function like you used to, it depressing.
It's been almost a month since I have been home and I don't miss it at all. I have only seen a handful of nogs and it is heaven. People speak normally, their kids are well-behaved, they're mannered, they dress normal. It really hit me just how bad it is when I read that story and remembered how awful I feel everyday I spend in the Memphis area.
I cannot wait till we move from that hell hole, only about a year or so left there, but I don' think I can ever forget what that place is like. And Memphis and every other back infested hole will still be awful.
I hope it is not too late to reverse the damage these leeches caused but I am starting to wonder if it can be fixed. it is so depressing because we have achieved the financial success that should ensure the prime of our life is enjoyable yet I have this constant feeling that a complete meltdown of everything as I know it is about to happen.
Although I haven't posted in awhile, I have been reading everything. There were some great posts and great comments. Hope everyone is well. I am looking forward to getting more involved and outspoken when I return home.
NY Girl:
I have no problem with paying for Negroes' abortions. I figure every Negro aborted means saving at least $143,000 on schooling (13 years x $11,000 per year) and who know how much on 18 years of food and medical services. Plus a bonus: for every three negroes aborted, we eliminate one felon! Sounds like a good deal to me.
Support the humans.
"“Why would I break my back for $300 every two weeks when I can make $300 a night off one serve? Speaking for the robbers, you can make that in a minute or two.”
What the fuck is with these guys? Do they have brain damage or something?!
At this point I will beat the proverbial dead horse and point out that this is the result of 60 years of court ordered desegregation, war on poverty, affirmative action, black studies, "diversity" indoctrination, equal education-housing-opportunities, MLK worship, Obama electioneering, and ad nauseam:
That’s just what kids do, our generation, I mean,”
i.e., these are the children that liberalism has produced.
By its own standards, liberalism must be seen as a failure. If, as liberalism claims, society produces the person, then the people being churned out by liberal programs are for the most part walking disaster areas. None of the pathological behaviors which liberal policies were supposed to "solve" have been diminished--if anything, they have exploded.
It's a tribute to the strength of liberal ideology that despite the record of failure, liberalism has become ever more entrenched as the reigning delusion of our times.
Now, it just may be that liberalism is on its last legs. Sooner or later the system will self-destruct, ala the Soviet Union. All the more reason to stay sane and stay prepared for the days ahead.
Clearly, a massive eugenics program is in order. The white genome needs to be modified so that an even more pliant, more submissive, more resilient white is the norm. For example, it would be helpful if an average white could take multiple pumpkin hits before going down. This would provide even more fun for the blacks. Or, perhaps white girls could be modified to actually ENJOY being raped (not that they don't already), or at least, enjoy it more. The potential gains to civilization from this kind of genomic modifications are really unlimited. I think we can all agree that anything that helps whites and blacks be happier and get along better should be welcomed.
"Dude, what the hell??? What are you "liberal" about? Ghey Rights? Aside from the lack of numbers, how is forcing a Christian to bake a cake, provide a venue, or take pictures for your wedding better than the underclass forcing us to accept their anti-social behavior? Birth control/abortion? How is forcing a taxpayer to fund your reproductive life better than forcing him to feed and house you and your sprogs? Education? Why should our "education" dollars go for security guards and metal detectors instead of books and teachers?"
1) I'm not a fan of any of the Middle Eastern sky-daddy religions and I don't have a problem with gays. Because we have freedom of religion in this country, forcing Christians to provide services for gays is wrong, so the gays need to suck it up (as it were) and give their money to other vendors. (Most of my gay friends aren't real fond of blacks because they know that most blacks are homophobes.)
2) A vasectomy costs between $350 and $1,000 and an IUD costs between $500 and $1,000. Prenatal care alone costs $2,000. Even if you believe that prenatal care is YT sheeeeit, there's the cost of delivery, the NICU (to get the baby off crack), WIC, Section 8, SNAP, MediCal, school, police, court costs, and eventually prison. And that's for one kid. How much do you think the average welfare mother sucks up in tax dollars every month? In her lifetime? More than the cost of an IUD. The gibs train isn't going to magically go off the rails, but we can make it way cheaper for society. Consider it an investment in the future.
3) See 2. Also, our current liberal-run public education system works pretty well for everyone *except* ghetto brats. Stop trying to dumb everything down so that the kids with an IQ of 70 can get a "diploma." It's unfair to the other kids and it just makes the US more of a sewer of ignorance. Educate the blacks who are there to learn, and the others don't belong in a mainstream classroom. Hell, half the black kids in my class couldn't read at the age of 14, and they probably all have (illiterate) grandchildren by now.
I probably disagree with most people here on 90% of everything, but a few things are clear: ghetto blacks are out of control, they're doing deep damage to our society, they're never not going to hate YT and the po-lice, the MSM is covering it up, there's a culture of excuse-making surrounding black behavior, things have gone way downhill in the last 50 years, and there's no (realistic or short-term) end in sight.
And I'm not a dude. ;)
There is definitely a need for an organized White Militia in areas with a large number of Blacks. How about having the local law enforcers deputize Whites when confronted by Black outlaws, which is what they are when they are breaking laws by attacking people and being destructive of property. Any Head of an LE agency that will not, or cannot enforce the law,including mob control should be forcibly removed and replaced by a capable authority who will. The county sheriff is a legal power to do it, if he isn't the one needing to be replaced. Is there someone knowledgeable and capable in legal arts who can get the ball rolling. Organized action--brains and brawn!
" Also, our current liberal-run public education system works pretty well for everyone *except* ghetto brats. Stop trying to dumb everything down so that the kids with an IQ of 70 can get a "diploma."
Seriously,in public schooling that isn't black dominated, the classes are still not preparing students for the shock they will experience in college if they take a degree in the hard sciences.
After hearing what the black morons had to say, if anyone told them that their attitudes and behavior is precisely why no other race wants to be around them or have them in their neighborhoods, the black morons would scream, "Dat be rayciss!"
They define the N word to perfection and have earned it and deserve it as well as all the contempt and disgust that can be heaped upon them.
Keep it up, Government! Keep paying Ghetto Sow Momma to give birth to hordes of these idiots!
To paraphrase Caesar Chavez:
"Those who are not afraid cannot be oppressed. The future is now ours."
We Whites are no longer afraid. We are no longer afraid to expose the truth. We are no longer afraid to be labeled as anti-black violence. We are no longer afraid to be called racist. The cat has been let out of the bag.
The black reign of terror is being revealed for what it really is. And it will unravel before our eyes. White Americans have begun to open up their eyes wide open.
As a modern American Christian opening my eyes to black behavior and character has been a struggle. Most of us church going whites have been told that God made us all the same and blacks only struggle in our society due to white racism. However, it has become clear due to SBPDL and other sites on the web that whites(and Asians) and blacks are inherently different. Studies have shown that even when controlling for IQ blacks test higher in traits of psychopathy. God may well love us all equally, but it does not mean the races should live together on equal terms. In fact, they shouldn't live together at all. Of course, most white American Christians believed that whites and blacks were inherently different until the 1960's or so. Unfortunately the church has bought hook, line and sinker the myth of egalitarianism.
“The Kroger attack… That’s just what kids do, our generation, I mean,” one of the men said."
Really? So this 60 IQ (if lucky) Bantu claims this as normal?
Good lord white people please comprehend what you read and hear.
They are attacking and killing us.
Scot Irish
Dey old school.We new school.
"“Why would I break my back for $300 every two weeks when I can make $300 a night off one serve? Speaking for the robbers, you can make that in a minute or two.”
"What the fuck is with these guys? Do they have brain damage or something?!"
Hey, hey HEY! Come on! They are just being honest. Gotta admire this refreshing honesty. The closest YT has to this attitude today is Bart Simpson. If you read the smartassery/groid fuckery going in with their answers to these soooo fuckin' lame ass questions, it does touch a nerve within the groid community.
They're being honest. Their truth as they see it.
Why SHOULD they have to grow up, get a job, bust their ass, not rob, gang attack, etc etc. What? They have to give up their fun? Why? Says who?
Aint no one taking away their fun, understand!?
That's how it is.They're just being honest and keeping it real.
What other options do they have? ca.73% are born out of wedlock with no real father figure at all. Most of their moms are banging out the kids faster than one can count, some are turning tricks on the side, the only thing that looks good for them is to be an aspiring rapper, NBA/NFLer, or barring that, having fun.
Or being in the street life.
And on level, they're absolutely right: ALL their friends are in the pen. Its no different than going over to visit some friends.
I'm actually impressed. With this level of bald faced fuckery it clearly isn't sarcasm. They're serious.
All the 'My Brothers Keeper' and government programs aren't enough. Those things don't give them what they really want: FUN.
That interview clip says it all and ranks up there with the John Wayne image. That interview clip speaks volumes of the state of BRA's future.
Muay: "Video Unavailable"
Anon at 6:52:
Which is why we need to stop pandering to the bottom 10% and bring back actual standards. QED.
For those of us who have traveled, you know all of this. Finally the Blacks are being honest. In any African country, the young bucks act just like these young street nogs. They prey on weakness, attack outsiders of any race, and treat each other with cruelty and childishness.
Anywhere you send the nogs; inner cities, or suburbs via Section Ape, you'll get a microcosm of Kinshasa, Lagos or Monrovia. You'll have Little Africa's all over, with crime, unsafe streets and "youths" who are little more than rabid gorillas engaging in anything antisocial that interests them.
>>Californian said:
"these are children that liberalism produced."
No they're not. These are the GRAND-children and going on GREAT-grandchildren generation that liberalism produced.
Granted, 50yrs or so is grandchildren generation if you consider average groid gets banged and knocked up by 15-18yrs old, which is lower than the average YT has first kid. I mean, there are 38yr old grandmas in BRA, you know that, right? So then by age 53, give or take, they're already great grandmas.
How many fiftysomething great grandmas are there in YT's community? Not very many.
"Most of my gay friends aren't real fond of blacks because they know that most blacks are homophobes.)"
Come come now. You're not being totally honest. Most blacks are, but those in jail, well, if no hoes are around then.....
Gays also scared of going to prison because the experience might be (pardon the pun) right up their alley way.
Fifteen-year-old Quartavious Hill, the one seen in the Kroger video stomping an unconscious person's head as if his own life depended on squashing every bit of that victim's brain matter out of his ears, has a violent criminal history as long as that of many 40-yr-old career criminals, a total a dozen court appearances and convictions for at least ten crimes including three felonies.
At the time of the Kroger attack, he was due in court in two weeks to answer for additional crimes.
His mother, who told reporters that her son has no criminal history, is a career criminal herself. Her long rap sheet includes "committing to the delinquency of a minor."
1. This kid should already have been serving long sentences in juvenile detention or prison for those three felonies, which included gun crimes and assaults.
2. The Kroger beating was an attempted murder and he should be charged accordingly.
Enough with the wrist slaps. These are dangerous individuals whose lives revolve largely around doing serious crimes. Penalties for participating in these common black mob stomping attacks should start at a mandatory one year. Instigating such an attack should warrant at least three years and go much higher for those with multiple felony convictions. LOCK THESE VIOLENT OFFENDERS AWAY.
Scumbag Quartavious Hill:
- Man in Florida
Their agenda has always been pretty consistent. They just verbalized it for us. They are going to hunt down YT by hook or by crook and will not stop until YT is dead or very seriously injured.
Wearing a badge doesn't stop them. Being a woman or old person doesn't stop them. In fact it encourages them, kind of a two-fer-one. And our President is not shy about being quite proud of his sons and the superior job they are doing, exterminating the white race. Make no mistake, this is white genocide, as surely as the Germans came after the Jews. The only way to stop this force of terror is by putting a bullet through the thick skulls of the perpetrators. Nothing else, no reasoning, no pleading, no programs, no amount of money, nothing will stop them short of a bullet in the head. Stay armed and keep your cool, fellow Whites. The war has been declared on us and it is on.
Favorite. Comment. Section. Ever.
I was directed here by a link from another site years ago. It's been a pleasure to watch this trend unfold. I love the learned and enlightened comments from many long-time contributors.
I am what I call and 'aggregative analyst', among other things. I'm a very productive whitey. I read 2-3 hours a day, and I let all the info become a kind of soup in my head, then I smoke a joint and drink some beers and think about it. Often at great length. All the comments and articles I read across a wide depth and breadth of subjects allows me to burnish my own thoughts and opinions and arrive at conclusions. I run my own businesses and the conclusions I arrive at guide my decision making there. Future time orientation? Oh yeah. Got that.
Please let me be a ray of sunshine for you all in this time of depressing bullshit. TWMNBN are to be called many things, but stupid is certainly not one of them. They are game masters and have run it a LOOOOOONG time. They will remain in control. They fear losing control more than you or I would fear loss of life. This works to everyone's advantage if we just take a macro view-tour for a bit, take a deep breath and look at what we know we know.
They run it. Almost all of of it, and if there's a recalcitrant crowd somewhere they get dealt with. Quickly, and often harshly. Quickly means different things to different people. Most of us would agree that on a long enough time horizon, everyone's survival rate drops to zero. I got that from zerohedge dot com, and I agree. TWMNBN have a much longer time horizon than us regular folks. 50 years is a duck fart to them.
I had an epiphany today: They have realized that they have a very big problem. The laws of physics are strong, but I would posit that the laws of mathematics are stronger. They love being rich and in control. The WORLD economy is a massive mess. It is mathematically impossible to continue as we are now. They know this. Trust me. The unrest GLOBALLY frightens them to the core.
Ok, now what?
Here's where it gets fun.
News flash, this just in, breaking news:
Negroes are extremely violent and unbelievably stupid.
Details at 11. Stay tuned.
Hokay, so...
They have realized the nature and scope of the problem. BRA and all the Alinskyite crap was brought about to place a brake on Euro-civilisation. A group of YT scared the crap out of them in the forties. I see BRA and the undertow managed-issue as just another weapon of mass DIStraction.
I see it as putting the control rods into a nuclear reactor to slow the reaction.
The problem they face is that financial distress and civil unrest worldwide threaten their hold on power. Therefore they will employ ANY means to change that outcome in their favor.
Enter the negro. (geez, who farted?)
The obsolete farm equipment, properly managed, has yielded 50-60 years of additional use. It is now truly obsolete. It will now be recycled. It produces nothing now, and consumes much. It will be discarded.
History on this planet is truly fascinating, especially when well backchecked and believed to be reliable. Most people don't pay enough attention, which is why the game continues. They know this. It is even somewhat by design. It's all there if you want to look, and think for yourself. That is actually one of my favorite white privileges.
So, back to the ray of sunshine...
Alright, I need to wrap this up for you. I love you all, by the way, and hate no one; I simply hate bad behaviour.
The game must be kept firmly in hand. Nobody wants a big world- scale war. Nobody sane, anyway. The US is an absolutely gorgeous piece of real estate. So is Europe. They have much invested there. They will blow it up if need be but really would rather not.
A crisis must not go to waste, huh? Okay. With you on that. For millennia, divide and conquer has always been followed by divide and rule. David Icke (ew, a little) has proposed the idea of 'problem reaction solution', where the politically untenable becomes so by creating the problem which engenders the reaction that demands the solution.... which is what was wanted all along. Still with me? Good. Be white and be bright.
The powers that be have negro fatigue even more than we do. They are about to have a big ole crisis.
It's called ebola.
Exit the negro.
Can you imagine?
All of a sudden, there are loads of jobs available. (yes, the less troublesome of them actually DO have jobs...) The long suffering unemployed who are suddenly employed will very quickly forget about the sad demise of so many million negroes.
I am NOT saying TWMNBN engineered any of his, but rather that they will take FULL advantage of it, and to great profit at that. Africa is also an amazing piece of real estate.
In closing, have a great weekend, don't worry too much, and continue advanced avoidance techniques. there is so much more I would like to say but I really just wanted to shed some Sun on this. We will be ok. YT is the engine of inventiveness and productivity. Why the fuck would our overlords wish to kill that goose when it keeps laying golden eggs?
I will remind you again: they may be ruthless, but they are NOT stupid.
Think exponential future time orientation.
Seriously. Take a deep breath or two and think about that.
OK, fellow SBPDLers, I got linked into another website ...
Where I get ripped into arguing with a character similar to our own compassionate Oregonian. He claims Toronto and Montreal meet the challenge that is upheld by SBPDL of a majority black city that meets or exceeds western society standards of low crime, High test scores, improving property values. Etc. ... Anyone want to come in on this?
I've yet to hear a black "leader" say anything about how sadistic whites can be when you push them too far. It makes you wonder if their even aware of that fact.
All of these attacks seem to be on DWL's but sometimes keepin it real goes wrong and those stories are kept hush hush by the ministry of truth. I wonder why that is? If it's the police doing their job the ooking and eeking leads to a major chimpout but when the wrong YT gets targeted and a good thing happens silence.
I wonder if more coverage however it gets out would curb some of this "jus what we b do" savage bahavior?
It's just a thought but every now and then I see a story where Rastus gets made good and I bet it happens far more often that we know.
Mandatory conscription for drop-outs and anarchical thugs to a special "Dirty Dozen" wing of the military.
You get Escalades, guns, drugs, ammo, and a one way ticket to the theater of your choice; Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, or Ebola stricken countries.
Once there, you will tour for 3 years. If you die, your debt for failing to graduate is forgiven.
If you complete your tour, the monetary liens placed against your family(mother, auntie, grandma, cousins) for your failure to graduate from high school (at taxpayer expense) will be forgiven.
If you live, your case will be reviewed for possible repatriation to the African Homeland of your choice.
Think guns and terror are fun?
Think again. Think it through
carefully. When there is a will, there is a way....soon the fun will be over!
TEENS.....thats code for????????
Carolina Cicero sez:
I've one to add: What is it going to take to get the following recognized....?
Black culture = Insurrection
You're welcome.
I see that we're discussing Maggie Daniels again, with regards to what happens when they get one of "us".
Well, Daniels was no longer one of us; she had long switched to the other side. As has already been revealed here thru her various social media profiles, she was a full blown DWL, negro lover, and negro worshipper. At the time of her demise, she was dating a black male, and her body was found by her negro boyfriend's mother, with whom (the mother) she used to take evening walks in the neighborhood. All of this is public information available on Twitter, Facebook, and the unsealed warrants. Any questions about her sexual and racial preferences have been answered loud and clear. Despite her suspicions of Odom, she continued to live in the apartment complex and routinely left her front door unlocked. She did not deserve what happened, but played a very big role in enabling Mr. Diversity to beat, rape, and murder her. Unlike some of you, I very much doubt that she was re-thinking any of her DWL positions in these last moments, and had she somehow survived, would have joined the long list of white victims and their family members who often times forgive their negro tormentors by announcing to the world that "this is not a time to hate", while the all-smiles sons of Obama stand there in the courtroom waiting to hear their sentences.
It's truly sickening when your son, daughter, husband, etc has been murdered by some negro savages, and you can't wait to hug and kiss them and announce to the world that you have already forgiven them. This is why these animals continue to do what they do because they know there are absolutely no consequences for their actions.
Problem is, you pay for an equal number of white abortions. How do you expect to win the numbers game doing that?
Sorry, you think like a dude, and "anonymous" by definition isn't gender-specific.
With that said, NONE of what you wrote answers my questions or makes any damn sense at all.
Conservatives are trying to REDUCE the amount of gibs that go to BRA. They are fighting for school choice. LIBERALS are the ones fighting for more education funding, more welfare, more section 8, more taxpayer-funded everything. Why on earth would you deny whites the opportunity to self-segregate by competing for spots in a competitive school? And your point about The Gheys could be briefer: "I agree with you." It's the SAME damn entitlement mindset. Again, you need to re-think your worldview.
Oh, and by the way, your whole thought process on #2 is wrong, just wrong. No sheboon is going to use an IUD when all the bennies provide her a comfortable life. It is DEPRIVING her of a comfortable life that will get her to use the IUD. You must be new here; read PK's piece on Depo-Provera.
And while your ghey friends might not be a fan of blacks, I bet they have no problem with "sky-daddy" people being forced to do their bidding. Doesn't answer the question: how is it different? I'll make it easier for you: it isn't. It's the same damn sense of entitlement. I'm guessing you're a product of those wonderful public schools; see my earlier comments on cognitive dissonance.
Sorry I'm hammering you, but Girl, you really need to learn. Entitlement is a cancer that spreads, and blacks are only ONE special-interest group.
Very well said Bernice, thank you.
Chimp culture neatly & succintly summarized by a talkin' Chimp.
That we suffer non-humans to live among us indicts us not them.
Animals behave as they are genetically tuned to do to survive & pro-create.
The chimps are literally wiping us "homo sapiens" out. Surviving & pro-creating far more successfully than us.
I can only conclude that the Chimps are the the winners of the evolutionary battle, the victors in the ring of social darwinism.
Therefore, it's time to admit that we've been overwhelmed by a superior species of hominid on this planet & that "homo sapiens" are doomed.
One thing is for sure, "homo sapiens" will go do without a Fight. We will exit whimpering & submissively
Game Over. Welcome to the Planet of The Apes
/H hypie out H\
I have just gotten away from the "Gold Coast" of Fairfield County, CT and have settled in the Pacific Northwest. I'm in total agreement with everything you've written except the part about returning home. I'm home now ... and I am actually feeling physically better from being free of the daily low-grade stress of dealing with vibrant diversity. I imagine you're experiencing something similar.
I also intend to get "involved". One way is, when asked why I chose to move to this area, to describe what I left behind (in addition to saying how much I like my new home and the good people there). Another is to buy and practice with rifle that can't be legally owned in CT.
And therein lies the problem: if you are immersed in liberal pablum in primary and secondary school, you can spit it back out in college, which is just what our holier-than-thou academics want. So you get an "A."
And the Millenials know they are not prepared for the hard sciences, which is why they don't take those courses. They don't want an education, they want a four-year vacation, paid for by either the government (for non-whites) or the Bank of Mom and Dad (whites). This generation of white kids isn't much smarter, they're just less violent.
It was mentioned that only something like 10% of blacks are causing the problems in large cities. Are the 90% ignorant of who the 10% are? I doubt it. When the 10% cause problems, or one of them get killed (leastwise by a white person) why do the 90% automatically assume yt was wrong and they must take to the streets? In Ferguson black politicians fan the flames of hate against white police and white people.
The 33 year old mother of 8 wants "someone" to do something about these wild kids. I suppose its because she has no clue what to do. Like everything else in her life, she wants yt to properly raise her children.
Like the USSR, America is going to fall. Food stamps, EBT, snap, all those cards will be useless. The riots in Ferguson are going to look like a girls Brownie Scouts meeting.
It's going to be real tough for anyone living in the cities. The "low IQ" species will turn to cannibalism, but that won't last too long. Food, electric power, gasoline, clean water, it will rapidly disappear as those are provided by yt and either yt will be killed off or flee the cities. There will be no liberal pity for blacks when other, more important things must be addressed.
Having been around negros before, I always remember them having a very foul odor around them to which they either were oblivious to or enjoyed. I don't think they mind the stink.
That's "Skool," silly. Diphthongs be Rayciss.
"I probably disagree with most people here on 90% of everything,"
Read the comments here about abortion/BC; then go back to earlier posts, both here and at AmRen, and tell me if the majority disagree with you.
I also forgot to ask you about gun control. Why do you liberals feel we conservative white taxpayers should be at the mercy of those engaging in TNB, when we could be carrying a firearm with which to defend ourselves?
The blacks were just being refreshingly honest with saying they like to be violent and get stuff without working. Now, if we could get that message soaked into YTs head, we could start back on the road to sanity in our handling of the undertow.
The only thing that ever kept blacks violence down to YT acceptable levels was the threat of YTs overwhelming force to stop violence and YTs taking away the gibsme stuff. I remember the mob owning liquor stores in the ghetto and no hood rat would have dreamed of robbing that store. Other blacks would have beat him senseless if they'd thought he was going to try it. That's because the mafia would show the hood what real violence was if they needed to and doing that once or twice made believers for life out of even the lowest IQ. Nothing less is required for taming Africans.
At this point in time, given the Entero and Ebola viruses, the possibility of a stock market crash and economic collapse, the irrationality of black demands, I fully expect armed conflict in the United States. Forewarned is forearmed. Take care of your loved ones and make God your Agent.
NY Girl said ”. . . Entitlement is a cancer that spreads, and blacks are only ONE special-interest group.”
NY Girl is correct on this point. It is unfortunate that the term “entitlement” was ever adopted for gibmedats, but just as AA has morphed into something it was not intended to be, entitlements have done the same. I don't claim to be a lawyer, but my understanding of the term “entitlement” is that it was used in the context of lawsuits where individuals who qualified for gibmedats were arbitrarily cut-off without due process. I'm thinking that the Courts said that once a person qualifies for a gibmedat according to government requirements that it becomes like property for purposes of ownership and cannot be taken away arbitrarily, and they classified this form of ownership as an entitlement. I don't believe that the Courts meant that people are necessarily entitled to all of the gibmedats. The term entitlement is now broadly understood as some sort of a natural right to gibmedats which include almost anything. I encourage any of the lawyer types on this blog to correct my assertions if they are incorrect.
To get entitlements under control we can either do nothing until the money runs out and society collapses, or we can find a way to reverse the entitlement trend. If we are going to attempt to reverse the trend prior to a collapse, we will need to find a point of attack that will be supported by many people. The strategy of quickly cutting all entitlements to all special interest groups will not get the support of all of the multitude of special interest groups, so we must focus on something that will get broad support.
The problem with blacks is the most visible cancer on our society. Because of their many negative characteristics and complete lack of any positive attributes it will be easier to gain broad support of many special interest groups to make changes regarding the managing of blacks. These changes will include actions beyond reducing monetary entitlements. Blacks enjoy entitlements beyond those enjoyed by any other special interest group. Blacks are exempt from prosecution from most minor crimes and many major crimes, they are exempt from the requirement to behave according to society's norms, they are exempt from supporting their children, and they are exempt from any merit requirements when applying for jobs because of AA.
Blacks are disliked by all other races and special interest groups, and if there is any place to find support for reversing the entitlement trend, it is with the blacks. Once the problem with blacks has been addressed momentum will be in the right direction. People will see how much better society runs without the overhead of entitlements, and perhaps we can purge our society of the entitlement mentality.
"“Nobody cares about Jail,” the men said, laughing. “You go in, and you get out. If you don’t get out, youre (sic) in with people you know.”"
The idea that jail is a deterrent for these animals is pretty outmoded. I'm willing to believe that lynching was, even though it was used quite sparingly.
Absent the tried-and-true solutions, maybe they could figure out how to make prison less of a vacation for them, and more of a deterrent.
Pelican Bay, in California, is where they house the worst of the worst. But that's also the seat of gang power, including activities on the outside. They want to end up there.
Johnny See sez:
"Please let me be a ray of sunshine for you all in this time of depressing bullshit. TWMNBN are to be called many things, but stupid is certainly not one of them. They are game masters and have run it a LOOOOOONG time. They will remain in control. They fear losing control more than you or I would fear loss of life. This works to everyone's advantage if we just take a macro view-tour for a bit, take a deep breath and look at what we know we know."
Johnny See,
Just to let you know, I copied and pasted everything you wrote on the subject of TWMNBN to refer back to for my own use at a later time.
These silly negroes thinking they can sass cops and take pot shots at will are going to get their azz handed to them on a silver platter.
As the hospital worker in Dallas now has ebola, the negro antics are becoming more akin to a fly landing on a bull's balls. How nervous are TWMNBN? Hard to tell, but the head of the CDC, Card Carrying Member Thomas Frieden, looks increasingly uncomfortable, stammering that there was clearly "a breach of protocol" in handling the ebola infected negro Duncan. The scheming, calculating group is now failing on all fronts: economy, ISIS, healthcare, etc. If the "S" is ever going to hit the fan, right about now would seem about right, but who knows? They've certainly done a superb job of slithering out of jams these past 6 years or so. At any rate, it's always nice to see them squirm a bit, if only for a brief while.
BTW, I've been banned from some sites for even voicing Zionist related concerns, so hats off to our host, Kersey, and this fine website as well as its contributors (which sometimes make me ache with laughter - just when I need it the very most!) Thanks to one and all. Great site!
NY Girl,
I'm afraid you are correct about the DWL youngins in school today. Even after they get beaten, raped, robbed and bludgeoned by Obama's sons, all they can do when they get out of hospital is publically forgive the negro and go right back out and kiss negro azz. You're also correct about 80-90% of the non STM majors. They are there for a 4-6 year partee, paid for by DWL parents and us long suffering tax payers.
I have just gotten away from the "Gold Coast" of Fairfield County, CT and have settled in the Pacific Northwest. I'm in total agreement with everything you've written except the part about returning home. I'm home now ...
Welcome. I am glad you have Taken the Gap and entered the homeland. It is amazing how stress free the Northwest can be; the mountains, the valleys, the rivers of pure water. Soon we will be in the position to merely read about the horrors of Multiculturalism, regard it as one might regard a horrible sociological experimentor the biblical "Tower of Babel".
White Homeland, Northwest Front!
Toronto and Montreal..majority black? LOL
Toronto is 8 percent groid and Montreal is 9 percent. Hardly "majority". Not even worth arguing about.
It was mentioned that only something like 10% of blacks are causing the problems in large cities. Are the 90% ignorant of who the 10% are? I doubt it. When the 10% cause problems, or one of them get killed (leastwise by a white person) why do the 90% automatically assume yt was wrong and they must take to the streets? In Ferguson black politicians fan the flames of hate against white police and white people. The 33 year old mother of 8 wants "someone" to do something about these wild kids. I suppose its because she has no clue what to do.
Some thoughts:
* 25%+ of black men are under the supervision of the criminal justice system. So it's not just a small minority of blacks who are involved in criminal activities. "25%+" means that the female mentioned above has at least one kid (statistically) who is going to arrested/imprisoned (given 50% male children). Now multiply that by the number of such families in her neighborhood and you can see the level of criminality makes things unlivable.
* Blacks have a very high rate of gang formation. Even if only 10% of blacks join gangs, this can make a city unlivable.
* Black politicos push race hustling. Most blacks benefit from AA, ad nauseam. So it's not just a small minority. Politically, the majority have much to gain by hustling YT.
* The female with eight children is part of the problem. She has produced numerous children which create demands for welfare, dysfunctional schools, more gangbanging, you know the drill. Blacks have an illegitimacy rate of c. 75%. So it's not just the untalented 10%.
Where I get ripped into arguing with a character similar to our own compassionate Oregonian. He claims Toronto and Montreal meet the challenge that is upheld by SBPDL of a majority black city that meets or exceeds western society standards of low crime, High test scores, improving property values. Etc. ... Anyone want to come in on this?
Toronto and Montreal are less than 10% black.
I'm thinking that the Courts said that once a person qualifies for a gibmedat according to government requirements that it becomes like property for purposes of ownership and cannot be taken away arbitrarily, and they classified this form of ownership as an entitlement. I don't believe that the Courts meant that people are necessarily entitled to all of the gibmedats. The term entitlement is now broadly understood as some sort of a natural right to gibmedats which include almost anything.
There have been "welfare rights" activists who have made such claims. For example, that welfare payments are a tangible thing which can be handed down from generation to generation. The fact that welfare can only exist because YT generates large amounts of surplus wealth does not fit into the picture.
The assumption is that there is this great big self-regenerating mountain of money out there, which YT somehow has gained control of. Really, it is magical thinking, the modern savage who thinks (I use the term "think" loosely here) that the civilization which has risen around them has appeared out of nowhere, like a mud puddle. Bear in mind the USA has been breeding a dysgenic demographic sector for half a century, one which can not understand, much less maintain, the civilization which keeps them from degenerating back into the proverbial jungle.
Reverend Bacon said ”
The idea that jail is a deterrent for these animals is pretty outmoded. I'm willing to believe that lynching was, even though it was used quite sparingly. . . “
I agree with the Reverend that the threat of jail doesn't seem to be a deterrent to crime committed by blacks, yet I have not met a black who wanted to go to prison. Because most criminals, and almost all blacks lack future time orientation the remote possibility of going to jail at some time in the future usually doesn't enter into their decision to commit a crime. My guess is that the average black commits hundreds of crimes with impunity so why should they worry about something as unlikely as getting caught and then actually going to jail. Their decision making process is very simple - “I want that cell phone, I think that I can take it, so I'm gonna take it.”
Once the certainty and severity of punishment becomes clear, it does have a deterrent effect. If a black knows that he will be lynched the day after assaulting a woman or engaging in the knockout game, he probably won't commit the crime. Lynchings are unlikely to become fashionable in our country in the near future, but the effect could be approximated if everyone remained alert, was always armed and trained in self-defense, and always had the mindset to survive a dangerous encounter using lethal force when necessary.
They do this at every establishment they visit – eroding trust and the feeling of safety and all measure of social capital and basic human decency. Further evidencing this fact was the giant new sign at the grocery store stating the entire location was being monitored by video surveillance to prevent shoplifting. I suppose that, if the sign is to be believed, shoplifting is now a problem there.
That's funny, back when this store still had the full section of organic foods, that measure wasn't necessary. Hmmmm. I wonder what changed? And after seeing the moderate chimpout only moments earlier, what do I see next at the grocery store? Well, it wasn't anything different that you would see all over the FUSA today – two white males, dressed in jeans and their gigantic, oversized Negro Felon League jerseys, sporting the numbers of their favorite negro affleetz. I wanted to vomit and/or give them the same treatment I thought would have been appropriate for the chimpout groids.
What disturbs me most is the message that is sent to that poor girl. She's undoubtedly still in school, and at 15 years old, and being a "privileged" white child, is up early on a weekend taking the responsibility of what we all know is a shitty job. Yet she's doing it, and learning how the economy and how the world actually works. That is to be commended, particularly in her disgusting generation. Unfortunately, she got to learn firsthand both that nogs can threaten whomever they want, without consequences, and that she can be a victim of racially-motivated physical violence at any time.
Suffice it to say, not intending to sound in any way pedophilic, but this young lady represented the apex of what pure white genetics has to offer. A slightly younger Lauren Burk or Meredith Emerson or Eve Carson, and perhaps a one-day Anne Pressly. Thus, this hideous negress could only be resentful of her indisputable desirability vs. her own inferior genetics. The difference could not have been more extreme had you stood this girl next to a hippopotamus. Then, God forbid, the groidess' angelic negroness being disrespected.
All I can hope is that this young lady got an early, lasting lesson in race realism that will fly in the face of what she is undoubtedly taught each day by the cultural Marxist media and government diversity indoctrination centers. If not, then her fate will likely look a lot more like that of the aforementioned Maggie Daniels.
Stay armed, folks. The collapse HAS to be coming.
Gwinnett Gladiator
First off, holy fucking Maggie Daniels thread. Lol. Mike, it's your list put whomever you want on it. Secondly, johnny see, I like the way you handle yourself. I look forward to more posts from you. I'd like to add to some of the wisdom you dropped on us. Ickes (kinda eew too) problem/reaction/solution can also be thought of in terms of thesis/antithesis/synthesis. In other words, TWMNBN create the problem (thesis) propose/create the reaction (antithesis) and the "solution" (synthesis) is what they wanted all along. It is the same way that the left/right paradigm has been used to push both parties further to the left and why the republithugs and dummycrooks (to quote Dr. Joseph P. Farrell) are virtually indistinguishable from one another. To get a sense of what leftist control offers read the book "Eleni" which was suggested once before on this site and how I came to consume that book.
Mr. See, I would love to get in touch with you and shoot the shit or commence corespondance. Will create a throw away e mail to accomplish that end if you are willing. To all of my compatriots here, I Reccomend reading anything by Dr. Josep P. Farrell and familiarizing yourselves with Catherine Austin Fitts, zerohedge and Richard Dolan. There are others but you will find them if you start with the aforementioned. Avoid the groid and take heart!
"All men are created equally" is a social construct...a concept created by governments to ensure that all people have the same rights.
We are NOT all created equally. And to say so is nothing more than a grand deception.
Oops, I meant the first sentence for the last thread. Sorry.
Toronto is 8 percent groid and Montreal is 9 percent. Hardly "majority". Not even worth arguing about.
That's mighty close to 10% which is the "tipping point" for social havoc & mayhem unleashed on the "innocent" 90% of actual homo sapiens
/H hypie out H\
@ anon, maybe we are all created equally, wheather or not we perform that way is another matter....
This is to NY Girl, assuming that you really are girl and not a dude. And also assuming you're not a senior citizen.
If you are in fact a woman and of a younger generation, perhaps you can tell us why exactly more and more white girls are going for groids?
Lets be honest here. It's not as large as the MSM are encouraging and want everyone to think, but it clearly is going on. You just don't see white guys with black girls in any significant number; it's always the other way.
NY Girl, the question, is why. Why?
Aside from the obvious answer, the physical giftedness, honestly can't think of a single reason why they'd hook up with groids.
As as now been established, looks like Maggie Daniels was a coal burner and so Bogolubski was correct.
How does someone as educated as Maggie go for scum like that? How does any young white girl go for scum like that?
When push comes to shove, a white man can do more for her in every positive area of her life than ever a groid could.
What is it in these younger generations that see one and want one for themselves? Perhaps you can shed some light on this situation?
It appears as if this trend is occuring more and more and if it continues to go unchecked will only grow worse over time.
Obviously they are meeting them: In college and to a lesser degree in church.
Look at the various rape charges vs NCAA players most of whom are black. Rape, or was it simply a hookup gone wrong?
If we're honest, we have to consider that today's white women don't think the same way that they used to, many outstanding exceptions aside.
The overall trend is disturbing, to say the least.
What is the answer?
Or don't you know?
RE: The post above of October 11, 2014 at 7:19 PM
This is a MUST READ link, though long, if we want to at least understand the "Roots" of the problem with BRA.
The mere fact that these racist animals can spout hate/violence with impunity shows that the Government is corrupted. If there were millions of whites talking like this about blacks it would be the crime of the century and touted over all media sources as a national emergency of epic proportions.
Time to take our destiny into our own hands.
Yes, overly dramatic as I have activated against the feral negro decades ago.
How? I began lifting weights and am now quite muscular and even the largest of the groids will not look sideways at me.
Lowest common denominator, to be sure, but that's the BRA world I find myself in so I had to adapt.
As a sidebar, it would behoove everyone to get in shape not only for health reasons but for matters of safety. The aesthetic aspect is a bonus of course.
NY Girl sez:
Conservatives are trying to REDUCE the amount of gibs that go to BRA. They are fighting for school choice. LIBERALS are the ones fighting for more education funding, more welfare, more section 8, more taxpayer-funded everything.
I know of no "conservatives" who want to cut-off the artery which feeds BRA. School "choice" is a Trojan Horse. Once the tax-money is used to pay for 'private' schools the regime sets the agenda which will be - surprise - negro worship (if it's not already). Sprogs and nogs will be pour into largely white "Christian" schools for fresh white meat to consume. I do not know of a single "conservative" who has proposed abolition of Section Ape, to give one example. The most one would ever hear from even fiercest, fire-breathing Tea-Party Repukin' Rim-Job Patriotard is that the programs should be "reformed." No, genius, it needs to be destroyed.
The entire term "conservative" is itself a super-size shit-sammich. What is it that such folks aspire to "conserve"? The civilization created by whites and the race who created it? HELL, NO. The only thing "conservatives" have ever managed to actually conserve are numerous gains made on the march towards utopia by their counterparts on the L-team. A massive flim-flam operation. Like Henry Ford's color-choice for the Model-T (you can have any color you like as long as it's black) without the wry honesty.
Ex New Yorker here......After days of searching I still can't find any Vonderrit Myers memorial tee shirts for sale. I was hoping for some really cool stuff but so far no luck. I couldn't even find any generic PANTS UP DON'T SHOOT shirts.
All this weekend the welfare crowds are doing their thing in St. Louis. Some day their SUFFERING will end. The long hard and agonizing struggle for justice must go on.
"Young men say Kroger mob attack was “just what kids do”"
Then shooting rampaging "youths" should become just what white people do.
Yes, I'm a girl, no, I'm not a senior citizen-yet. But in my forties, so closing fast. I don't have an answer to your question, but I've seen this myself. My boss is married to a white woman. BUT, he's college-educated, has a CPA, owns his own business, and his wife is from S. America. They recently had their first child, in wedlock. His parents apparently were good people; Dad worked at GM and was married to Mom. He'd be a good catch for anyone, regardless of color.
As for today's women, I can only hazard a few guesses. Punishing the parents? Daddy issues? I bet Maggie came from a broken home. Maybe just the allure of a Bad Boy? It could also be that black men are good-looking, because when you can't be bothered with school or a job, you are free to work out all day.
As for why white men are not attracted to black women, that's easy. Who wants to be with a fat-assed, 300 pound hippo with plastic hair and floppy fun bags when you can be with a size-6 lady, who can carry on a conversation in English rather than Ebonics? I mean, whom would you prefer, Jackie Kennedy or Michelle Obama?
I should also add that women today are more brainwashed, and frankly dumber, than they were in my day. I also went to a small school with a miniscule black student body.
One other possible reason I forgot to mention. White women are FAR more self-conscious about their physical appearance than are black women. A 300 pound sow will honestly believe she's attractive and desirable, whereas a slender white girl will forever think her butt's too fat. If a buck comes along and is uncouth enough to say, "Dayam, Honey, that's a fine-looking ass!" she might be flattered enough to take it as a compliment. Back in my day, we'd call Security and get the bum thrown out.
Im kind of hoping that the Cardinals lose their series to the Giants. That way there will be a bunch of angry and fired up white folks roaming around the protesting groids of STL.
Basically, it will be like a stick poking an angry bear.
In the USA -- "Sundown towns" (blacks out by nightfall)
In BRA -- sundown towns (whites out by nightfall or suffer assaults, rapes, robberies and TNB)
Isn't progress grand?
The Government is a fraud. So are the banks. Everything on TV is a lie.
The System is dead. Get some guns and lots of ammo.
You don't have to kill these apes. All you have to do is stop feeding them and voila!
"BTW, I've been banned from some sites for even voicing Zionist related concerns, so hats off to our host, Kersey, and this fine website as well as its contributors (which sometimes make me ache with laughter - just when I need it the very most!) Thanks to one and all. Great site!"
You can hoe into the Groids, the Gays, the "liberals" all you want, but even Kersey treads carefully (with good reason) when the global mafia known as Zionism rates a mention. Man behind the curtain and all that....
To Anon @ 11:46
I will attempt to answer your question about the apparent increase in "coal burning"
Where I work I know of at least 4 of these women who at some point contracted jungle fever. Every one of them have adapted the "ghettospeak" and proudly display this in the workplace. It makes me want to projectile vomit at them at the slightest provocation when they decide to open their craw. I remember one of these women who was pregnant when I started working there, she eventually had the child - and I asked to see a picture one day. To my utter disgust the baby was of the tar variety - and my expression was mute, but my face spoke volumes. I certainly hope she picked up the hint, and she got canned a short while later for TNB (no call, no show too many times)
The suburb I work in has seen much white flight lately as MATA has extended its route out this way - shuttling these mumbling, McShufflefoot losers to a once-desired place to live outside the insanity that is Memphis, TN.
So why the uptick in monkey love? My theory is that these white women (if you want to call them as such) believe that a prospective white male comes with too many issues (according to these women), and that blacks are "misunderstood" and "I've found a good one". The black male sees its chance for a docile and subservient mate, while the white women have been taught since childhood to "revere and stick by your 'man'". This is a Southern conservative upbringing for many folks, and these women think it extends to the black race. The black man is NOT going to turn down advances from a white woman much like a dog will NEVER turn down a juicy steak. To them, a white woman is easier to control, almost always looks better than the average sheboon, and he will also win the status and prestige from his own kind. Just theories though...
The so-called women I see around here practicing coal burning are nothing any sane and decent man would want to sleep with, and the old saying goes "Once you go black, we don't want you back!"
I am not white either, but I think all of us indians, asians, jews, whites, etc.. can agree that we don't want blacks around because of this behavior and attitude.
I we should prioritize and be practical. We would all rather live with gay or lesbian neighbors (non-black) then live with the average blacks as neighbors. let's put aside all our differences and come together to solve the black problem, which is a cancer on our society and safety.
David Hume I believe!
Anon at 11:46:
Short answer: black men have game.
All the time I get black men cruising up to me like "Hey baby, how you doin'?" Give a black guy your number and he'll call you, take you out, the whole deal. (Never dated a black guy myself, but I have friends who have.),1022/
White guys are way more cautious, and less likely to act like they're actually interested. A white guy might smile at you, but he won't usually talk to you, and if you're a stranger, he'll never ask for your number.
With the black guys it's totally superficial, of course, but if you're a young and stupid white girl, superficial can go a long way.
WHITE MEN: STEP UP YOUR GAME. If you act like you like a girl, she's more likely to reciprocate. Act like you're indifferent, and some smooth-talking black dude might just take her from you.
Eff the Northwest Front. Last I checked, the northwest was pretty damned libtarded. We need Montana, the Dakotas, Wyoming, colorado, Utah and Idaho. Only about the northern 1/3 of colorado, for that matter. Wish we could drag Alaska down to CONUS. My parents moved up there about 2 years ago, the old man couldn't be happier. Trying to convince my wife to pack it in and head north. At least to Montana. Those boys don't f**k around up there.
If you all haven't already, head over to Occidental Dissent and check out the picture of Vonderrit Myers, Earl of Sandwich, in his advertisement for Subway. Makin it Fresh and Sheeit.
Who was arguing on a different website about black crime in Toronto and Montreal?
Just search demographics. Toronto is only 8.5% black. The vast majority of "minorities" there are Asians, not a very criminal lot.
Don't let terms like "minority," "multicultural," and "diverse" muddle any argument about black crime. Toronto may be less than 50% white, but at "just" 8.5% black it's naturally going to be safer than most big North American cities.
- Man in Florida
Gwinnett gladiator, you're windier than a bag of assholes, man. But I do, in fact, enjoy your posts. Thoughtful and relevant.
Maggie Daniels is an on-going melodrama to keep focusing on, but does not offer counter attack, realistic suggestions for the living, in-your-face black criminal teens like at Kroger's. Sure, YTs can fantasize about shooting them, but that won't wash legally unless it is actually proven to be in self-defense. So go out with your gun and be a decoy for a black attacker; shoot him/them;then hope the jury will believe it was self-defense. Or go out and patrol the streets as armed YT Vigilantes for more opportunity. Get lots of experienced YT Vets on the prowl, because it is race warfare. Realistically, there need to be weapons of choice that are not lethal (because that could mean YTs getting arrested, not Black thugs), but very irritating, repellant, visible, and long-lasting. Mob/group crime participants should not be able to go hide and become invisible among the general Black community who will lie for them. They should be very identifiable when the cops come around looking for the guilty ones.
Blacks are protesting hard now to get White cops out of authority and their own easy cops in. I found in one news video that the Black head cop of the Missouri State Police was actually in cahoots with the violence promoting New Black Panthers in Ferguson. Black power over YTs is the ultimate agenda, so organized YT power is needed, even if the DHS bad-mouths it.
Not so sure I'd pin my hopes on eBola.
According to the most recent story it's killed 4000 in Liberia. Liberia's population is estimated at just over 4 million based on projections from a 2008 census. So 1/10 of 1% have died.
By comparison, in the 1980 coup in Liberia, estimates are 1/4 to 1/2 a million died.
Ebola-chan has some serious work to do.
I've been intentionally capitalizing the B in eBola, like eBay, just because I find it amusing.
Yes, but that's not the point.
To answer anon asking what race I am:
I am Asian, and while I often feel uncomfortable reading sites like these because they often express support specifically for Whites, I try to interpret it as simply "non-blacks."
Asians are targeted just as much, if not more, than Whites. Every Asian person I know has had a violent experience with a black. I have been robbed, beat up, threatened, held at both gun and knife point and I am absolutely sick of it.
Blacks specifically target Asians and I love the double standard to their logic when they immediately throw the ching chong Bruce Lee fried rice jokes, oh, but in the same breath god forbid you call them sambo, darkie, boon or anything even remotely close or THEY fly off the handle and suddenly YOU are the racist one.
I don't believe in the concept of magic niggers. Every single one is predisposed to destroy and corrupt.
I don't know why Paul won't post the first part of my story, wherein I described witnessing a chimpout this morning at a business, when a 15 year old white girl was physicially threatened and possibly assaulted by a 250+ pound negress. I guess that's just normal and I shouldn't have noticed. I apologize if that way racist of me.
Anonymous October 12, 2014 at 6:18 PM said...
"I am Asian, and while I often feel uncomfortable reading sites like these because they often express support specifically for Whites, I try to interpret it as simply "non-blacks.""
Put the shoe on the other foot. If you were back in your own country with your own people, culture, and heritage, you would expect the blogs there to "express support specifically for" whatever type of Asian you are. That is perfectly natural. As you know, Asians of all persuasions are "racists of the first water" to quote 10mmAUTO. Each subspecies (Jap, Korean, Chinese, Filipino, etc.) hates each other subspecies.
We have exactly zero obligation to your kind. If anything, it's quite the other way around.
"Asians are targeted just as much, if not more, than Whites. Every Asian person I know has had a violent experience with a black. I have been robbed, beat up, threatened, held at both gun and knife point and I am absolutely sick of it."
That is interesting, thanks for sharing. Your particular location might be skewing the numbers. Are there statistics for Black-on-Asian violence? I haven't seen any Knockout Games or wildings that involve Asians. Is there an equivalent to Polar Bear Hunting?
The cure for your kind is very simple. We Whites do not have Earth's largest continent to move home to.
"Blacks specifically target Asians and I love the double standard to their logic when they immediately throw the ching chong Bruce Lee fried rice jokes, oh, but in the same breath god forbid you call them sambo, darkie, boon or anything even remotely close or THEY fly off the handle and suddenly YOU are the racist one."
That is how their trainers have programmed them. It's how the racist scam works. In its most toxic form, "only Whites can be racist", so you'd be off the hook. Maybe try that line on the next Negroid that pulls the race card.
-Beyond Hatred
Gwinnett Gladiator said...
I don't know why Paul won't post the first part of my story, wherein I described witnessing a chimpout this morning at a business, when a 15 year old white girl was physicially threatened and possibly assaulted by a 250+ pound negress. I guess that's just normal and I shouldn't have noticed. I apologize if that way racist of me. GG October 12, 2014 at 6:42 PM
It might be the blog software itself. It's a bit cranky. After posting, look at the top of the page to see if receipt was acknowledged. Or, try again, one time.
-Beyond Hatred.
Please just shut the fuck up.
Stop lumping all white men together in the "lame game" category.
As a now married 29 year old italian/white man. I have "gamed" PLENTY of women in my time. The negros didn't have SHIT on me!
To the Asians:
I, for one, don't hate you...or begrudge you...or have any ill feelings towards you whatsoever.
You, just like us, are the hard workers...the driving engine...of the world. I praise your achievements, your family values, your self discipline in education.
Don't be disheartened when you read hateful posts targeted at you. When you see these posts, just remember that Philadelphia of the most politically incorrect and vocal people against black dysfunction on the right there beside you, supporting you.
Yes, I absolutely love my White European people. I beam with pride at our accomplishments...the civilizations which we have created...the science and technology which we have developed. But the White pride which I have within me is by no means a barrier which prevents me from recognizing and praising the accomplishments of the Eastern Asians.
My issue is with black dysfunction, black violence, black attitude, black ineptness, black ignorance. Period. That's it.
Yes, it's true that the Eastern Asians are careful to prevent the dilution of their race...they are very racist within their own nations. But I can only look upon that with envy and wish that our White motherland, Europe, would do the same.
Hang in there, Asians. You are, no matter what others might post on this site, one of us.
Be proud, be vocal, be fearless with us.
Say what must be said.
Philadelphia Mike
As for the girl saying Black men have "game". Please. Blacks will hook up with anything or anyone. It has nothing to do with game; if you ask every woman you meet to have sex, you'll probably get lots of dummies to agree to it. They aren't more successful with women, they just try to poke every woman they meet.
White guys do fine. They aren't scared to approach a girl, they have to take time to make sure a girl they like isn't into Blacks, or has crack babies at home.
I got stuck going on a blind date once with a White girl who used to be married to a black guy. The whole date she just talked about racism and how insensitive Whites are. After 30 minutes of this, I excused myself to use the restroom and just drove away leaving her with the bill.
Anytime you hear a woman going on about how Blacks are smooth and good players, it means they've banged lots of Nogs. Every single White girl I've met who likes Blacks is: fat, ugly, zero self-esteem, and full of self-hatred.
NY Girl:
I'm not buying it totally. You're right about why white guys dont want black women, cause most of them aren't very attractive, duh.
But come on. Maggie wasn't a crack whore turning tricks and trying to support seven kids with five baby daddies. She had an MA, was a guidance counselor as well as an English teacher. She had been teacher of the year.
Any way you look at it, it doesn't add up, period.
You should well know that women especially, white women in particular, generally don't want guys dumber than they are. Ebonics for girls isn't a major turn on. Men are the ones who look first think second. Women want the entire package (smart, funny, yes good looking, AND one who has a plan for his life, etc).
Black or white guys, NY girl, which one will actually have a plan for their lives?
For women, we were always taught that looks alone isn't enough for a relationship to last long term. There has to be something else going on.
Sorry, but regarding total package? No brainer. White guys will win that part hands time most every time.
Plenty of good looking white guys as well. Tom Brady? Brad Pitt? Chris Martin? Think they can't get white girls all they want?
There has to be more to it than just big giftedness. There has to be.
Certainly isn't the IQ, focused with a plan etc that they're going for.
If choice comes to choice, a white guy will outnumber a groid in those departments nearly every single time.
So I'm still not hearing a concrete answer to the question, because it certainly isn't happening in the opposite direction at all.
To my white brethren who support a whites only policy and occasionally denigrate those supporting the all but groid approach, I'm now living in Queens, NY, a once majority European part of NYC where white numbers have shrunk to +/- 30-35% of the total; its impossible to observe the polyglot population of Queens and NYC generally without concluding there are in fact only two species present, homo sapiens and homo africanus, Northern Asians, Southern Asians, Central and South Americans, both those with substantial euro DNA and those who look as if they just arrived from pre Colombian Machu Pichu, all share one vital common bond with those of us whose parents and grandparents came from Northern and Southern Europe to build, what was once; the greatest city in the world, they're not black, if I lived somewhere with a plus 80% white demographic I too might be making the same arguments you're making, but when you're in the minority the differences between blacks and everybody else overwhelm the differences between non blacks, just saying
That's totally ridiculous. The US Asian population total is about 5%. For the most part, they don't tend to live around a lot of blacks.
Honestly, Asians simply aren't on the groids radar and never have been. Sure, if YT's not around to rape and hate, they'll do. But honestly.
Here's how you know: You almost never see black men hooking up with Asian women and why would you? They tend not to live near tons of groids.
Whites don't tend to pay much attention to Asians either, for the most part.
And why would they? America wasn't founded, established, and civilized by Asians. If anything, Asians are the come latelies, in particular after the '65 Immigration Act.
Nice you're here, so what? White and black remain the two largest races in America.
Someone mentioned non-lethal defense, you might want to check into 'bear mace'. It shoots up to 35 feet. If the cops ask why there are 10 Vibrants rolling around on the pavement, you can use the 'dindu nuffins' defense. $30 to $45 on eBay. Also it would be a better defense in a real bear attack than a hand gun. As they say in Alaska, if you go up against a bear with a hand gun, make sure to file off the sights so it won't hurt so much when the bear shoves it up your ass.
To the person who said blacks got game. Well sure, their whole lives are a game, having fun, hanging out, cutting up, etc.
Whites have to go find a JOB and WORK. Blacks don't worry about that sort of stuff since they're either in jail or chronically unemployed, in gangs, and committing crimes.
So, guess they do have plenty of time to get their game on. Whites have less time for game since they have to actually, you know, WORK FOR A FUCKING LIVING to keep Uncle Sam off their backs and to keep BRA in the lifestyle he's sooo accustomed to (being a lazy f'ing bum).
Sure, if you don't work, it's quite easy to step your game up. Plenty of time to work it rather than actually go out and work for a living.
Propaganda T-Shirts for men and for women should be bold messaged like "Race Matters" or Race Mates Match" or "Match, Don't Mix" with a baby pic(on a pregant woman).
YT's have to get the race truth out into the public arena, because media/TV has really messed up people's minds.
Also, as to security persons at stores, etc., reality needs to be faced. Well trained (weapons, martial arts), strongly capable personnel(muscular Vets)required. Non-lethal weapons and built-in, crime responding mechanisms ready to be activated in seconds are a necessary part of the businesses' security. There must be professionals who are specialists in helping businesses to do this. Since Black attackers are now born and raised to be criminals as their pleasurable purpose in life, anyone or any place can be potential victims at any time.
CENTURION, I responded to your comment on last Thursday's thread. That thread has gone cold now, so with the moderators' permission I'll repeat it here:
A belief is not a fact. Faith is not knowledge. To "believe" is not the same as to "know" and faith is not fact.
For this reason, when one claims faith is knowledge or faith is real or faith is fact, then that person is lying.
When one says their religion is a fact, they are lying. When they state they KNOW beliefs are true, they are lying.
I am not wrong.
You are no more than half right. Lying is to state as truth something which is known to be false. When believers claim to know that their religion is true, that may be false, but they are only lying if they know it's false.
I agree that it's impossible to know the truth of religious belief, but it's just as impossible for you to know that religion in general is false.
I was raised Mormon, but have not been in a church, except for weddings and funerals, in over thirty years. I have no dog in this fight. But I can tell you that my father sincerely believed his religion was true. In fact, he claimed to know it was true. My father was not a liar.
Toward the end of his life he hinted to me why he was so sure. He started to tell me of an experience that he'd had on two occasions, both following the death of a sibling. It was obviously very personal, and hard for him to talk about, but he didn't need to. I'd had a similar experience. I just didn't draw the same conclusions as he did. But I can see how he would regard it as a vindication of his faith.
I'm not going to bore you with an account of my one and only mystical experience, but I became interested in the phenomenon and noted references in various places to similar incidents. Here's one description by a '60s Freedom Rider.
In the midst of the ensuing savage violence, Zwerg says he had the most beautiful experience in his life. "I bowed my head," he says. "I asked God to give me the strength to remain nonviolent and to forgive the people for what they might do. It was very brief, but in that instant, I felt an overwhelming presence. I don't know how else to describe it. A peace came over me. I knew that no matter what happened to me, it was going to be OK. Whether I lived or whether I died, I felt this incredible calm."
The point is that these experiences are not that rare. I believe that a Dr William McReady (or Macready or some such) did research on this and published an article, possibly in 1979, but I haven't been able to find it (pre-internet). The Catholic priest and novelist, Andrew Greeley, wrote a novel based on one such (Patience of a Saint). In a postscript he claims to have been involved in that research. It's obvious from his book that he knows of such occurrences, but has never experienced it himself.
They happen to both religious and non-religious people. One feature that seems to be common to many of them is that the subject was contemplating death at the time. In Jim Zwerg's case, his own. Now, I have no doubt that he would have interpreted it as a divine benediction, God speaking to him and approving of his actions. We here would find it hard to put that interpretation on it. I can not accept that he was on the side of the angels. But I'm sure that he knew, or thought he knew, that he was.
I've had other experiences that have taught me that there are, indeed, more things in heaven and earth than I can possibly dream of. I discount many beliefs; that's a judgment call. But I never make the mistake of assuming that my judgment is infallible.
I'm often wrong.
Who the hell would want that "girl"? So what you are saying is that women are that shallow? No I think it has a ton to do with the brainwashing they receive from tv, school, you name it that leads to this. No self respecting white woman I know would ever stoop to sleeping with a groid but I have the luxury of time on my side I am 50, my wife and all the ladies we know feel the same way.
Here's a good article on the dangers of miscegenation.
Here's a few excerpts:
A previous issue of the journal published a study showing blacks males are even 33% more likely to kill their spouse if she is white instead of black.
According to the study, white females married to black males are 12.4 times more likely to be murdered by their husbands than white females married to white males. The same study shows that white men married to black women are 21.4 times more likely to be murdered by their wife than white men married to white women. The study shows that white women married to black men have the single highest risk of death by femicide of any married women in the US.
White females who date black males increased their chances, astronomically, of dying from AIDS.
White people married to blacks are the least satisfied with their relationship. A study at the Ohio State University reports: “Specifically, our results indicate that nonblack individuals with black partners have significantly more depressive symptoms and less relationship satisfaction than their counterparts with nonblack partners.
Remember that, the next time you see a bruvah with "game." That link could save your life.
One question you must ask before you ever defend yourself against one of these creatures. Ask it, "are you threatening to kill me?" When it replies in the affirmative, you have met your criterion for legal use of lethal force.
Like this:
Nog: hey muffuggin cracka, gibs me to wallet an yo chains
You: are you threatening to kill me?
Nog: I kill ya and stomp yo face cracka!!!
You: click, boom, boom, boom, You dropped your skittles, young man. O you don't look so good. Let me walk around and see if there is an amber lamps nearby. Nope.
They recently had to station police officers on buses because of "teen" violence.
AnalogMan said ”CENTURION, I responded to your comment on last Thursday's thread. That thread has gone cold now, so with the moderators' permission I'll repeat it here: . . . “
Your reply was nicer than mine. Your willingness to take the time to impart some wisdom to CENTURION should be commended. Although your response will probably have no effect on CENTURION it should be appreciated by others on this blog.
I have often wondered why many atheists go to such great lengths to teach their children to be atheists and dissuade others from religious belief. The worst case personal downside for incorrectly believing in an afterlife is that when the person dies it is actually the end. That person will have no more awareness of the ongoing universe than he had before he came into existence, and he will never know that he was wrong about his religion.
On the other hand, the worst case personal downside for an atheist is much greater. The atheist who incorrectly believes that there is no afterlife will die expecting his complete existence and consciousness to end, but he might find himself burning in hell for eternity.
This is like having to climb a few stairs to choose door A which will either lead to an empty room or it might lead to eternal happiness; or choosing door B without having to climb any stairs which might lead to an empty room or it might lead to a lake of fire. Although one might be confident enough that there is no afterlife to make the personal choice to enter door B to save the time and effort required to pursue a religion during his short stay on earth, it seems like the sort of decision that should be kept personal. No matter how how strongly I felt that door B was an empty room and was the correct choice, I could not encourage my children or others to choose it.
It was me. Thanks for the input. I really brought the storm. Massive negro fatigue seems to be endemic.
@Anon 7:38
Exactly so. This was first formulated by philosopher Rene Descartes, where it's better to hedge the bets so to speak. After all, are we so all knowing about human nature etc that we can 100% for certain say either way?
Based on human nature, the answer is no. We can't.
Its better, far better in the long run to hedge the bets and, knowing how brutish, nasty, and short human life tends to be, it's better in the end to make a more correct choice by choosing yes.
That way, you've lost nothing.
Think of it this way: Abraham Lincoln lived 56 yrs on the earth and has been dead for nearly 150. In other words, humans will be dead for far longer than they ever will have walked the earth.
In some ways, groids make the best atheists. They know their existence is short and so they stamp, rape, kill, f*ck, etc. all to their liking with great gusto. It's all live in the moment, for today right now, because nothing awaits you after this ends. Not too many want to emulate their behaviors but the world view is the same, albeit poorly expressed and defined. But ultimately its the same.
There's no difference between a groid killing, raping, etc before getting shot in a drive by and a businessman who cheats others and ships jobs away from US because he only wants a bigger bonus and bottom line; the result is the same and fellow man is screwed.
Both groid and businessman are taking foolish risks, a foolish bet, that there is nothing past this life. Foolishness, and not very long term thinking. Essentially, the white businessman is no different than the groid in that matter.
I want to stress to those believers here: A part (but not all) of this stubborn resistance has to do with the way modern Christianity has capitulated to BRA. That is most unfortunate but not entirely unexpected. Up to the 60s-70s the Churches were firmly in the race realist camp.
We need to bring them back toward race realism. There are ways and it can be done. (e.g. don't play "their" type of music. Play hymns with no drums etc etc) There are ways.
After all, groids have their liberation race congregations so fair is fair.
If today's churches were strongly race realist instead of what they've become, you'd find more in the pews; once it was a more manly and strong religion when it was connected to race realism.
It can be done. Just have to begin.
@Left Coast White Guy:
I know it was you. Thought the answers helped clarify what you were getting at. Never apologize for bringing fair questions to the forefront. Its BRA that's bringing the storm.
White guys are way more cautious, and less likely to act like they're actually interested. A white guy might smile at you, but he won't usually talk to you, and if you're a stranger, he'll never ask for your number.
With the black guys it's totally superficial, of course, but if you're a young and stupid white girl, superficial can go a long way.
WHITE MEN: STEP UP YOUR GAME. If you act like you like a girl, she's more likely to reciprocate. Act like you're indifferent, and some smooth-talking black dude might just take her from you.
So the white guy on the job steps up to his game and asks out a co-worker. She responds by running to the HR department and throws a fit over "sexual harassment." Now our white guy faces a lawsuit or loss of his job. Same on the college campus, where kangaroo courts prevail. Feminists have made it quite clear that all (white) men are "potential rapists." This does not appear to apply to black men who are victims of "racism."
What, exactly, are you looking for from me? You asked my opinion, I gave it. It's neither right nor wrong. It's an OPINION. You can "buy it" or not.
I've been married almost 25 years to a white guy. Never found blacks to be good-looking or interesting. In fact, I found their presumptuousness and focus on sex to the exclusion of any other topic to be absolutely disgusting, and made an effort to avoid places where they would congregate. I'm sure there's no shortage of coal-burning message boards where you can pose your question. Don't be surprised if those women tell you the white guys in their towns spend all day lying on Mommy's couch playing video games.
Don't be surprised if those women tell you the white guys in their towns spend all day lying on Mommy's couch playing video games.
The contempt you show for white men just may be why they are not stepping up to the plate and asking out white women.
A white man can face professional and personal ruin for asking out the wrong female. And we can also look at the destruction of men's lives via the divorce-industrial complex, the child support police state, and things like California's new informed consent legislation. Granted, these affect blacks also, but white men have much more to lose (a real career, family, home). Given their better future time orientation, white men are more likely to put all this into the equation. While feminists complain that "men just don't get it," more white men are indeed getting the message that their attentions towards women are not welcome.
One result is the catastrophic decline in the white birth rate.
Why not support white men instead of insulting them?
So the white guy on the job steps up to his game and asks out a co-worker. She responds by running to the HR department and throws a fit over "sexual harassment." Now our white guy faces a lawsuit or loss of his job. Same on the college campus, where kangaroo courts prevail. Feminists have made it quite clear that all (white) men are "potential rapists." This does not appear to apply to black men who are victims of "racism."
Add to this the 'divorce-industrial complex' and suddenly the risks really start to pile up. White women have allowed a lot of damage to white men to be done in their name. Personally, I think most were duped by the whole independent, equality, feminist stuff. DNA hardwires us to be different, and deliberately forcing intellectual beings to go against that is a massive mind-fuck. Hmmm, who might want to do that?
I've been lurking here for a year or two; so encouraging to see the number of commenters skyrocketing - must mean negro fatigue is seriously setting in and the people are hitting the net to research what the problem is. And the answer? Blacks.
And don't forget folks, it's not the skin color, it's the genetic differences that reside in the allele frequency of the negro genome. These differences include differing behaviors such as lower impulse control, poor future time orientation, higher tendency for violence, lower average IQ etc, etc. That's why blacks worldwide are in such bad shape compared to the First World inhabitants. It's no mystery. Can't escape Nature.
Good People,
In regards to dealing with Negro rescality I frequently hear of liberals, both disingenenious & true believers, city dwellers, good country folk, and my friends and neighbors and even commenters here discuss how to help the inner city yute. YOU CAN'T!! It's genetic. We are living with Neanderthals amoung us, exept Neanderthals were smarter. They say extinction is forever, I hope so because it's the only long term answer.
Johnny See said ”Add to this the 'divorce-industrial complex' and suddenly the risks really start to pile up. . . “
I can't argue with JS about the possibility that white men take a longer look at the personal benefits of marriage before they jump in. With divorce rates as high as they are it would be silly for a man or a woman to bet everything on the marriage lasting until “death do us part.” Blacks as a group have no need to consider these possibilities.
However, I don't know what is meant by the sinister sounding “divorce-industrial complex.” I would agree that the majority of divorces result in the man paying child support and being stuck with visitation rather than custody. An occasional divorce case might generate high fees for an attorney, but it seems unlikely that divorces are generally considered to be big money makers by attorneys.
I don't claim to be a lawyer, but I thought that most states require an equitable division of property and debt between the parties, and generally any debt or asset accumulated by the parties during the marriage must be equitably divided upon divorce. I don't know the statistics, but my guess is that the majority of intact white households include a father who earns substantially more money than the mother and a mother who spends substantially more hands-on time with the children. When making custody decisions a Court attempts to do what is in the children's best interests, and this often means making as few disruptive changes as possible. This means that a Court will place a lot of weight on who has been the primary care-taker of the children, and this person will more likely than not be the mother.
Logically, both parents are required to support their children after a divorce in proportion to their earning capacity. The non-custodial parent will have to pay child support to the custodial parent, and although the custodial parent's contribution to child support is not in the form of a monthly check, that contribution is real and in the form providing food, a home, transportation, clothes and all of the other overhead associated with children.
Of the divorced people that I know, far more women find themselves in dire financial straits after a divorce than men. Non-custodial parents can refuse to support their children for extended periods of time before they are eventually coerced by the Courts into paying, and their failure to support immediately shifts their share of the load to the custodial parent who cannot escape, avoid, or postpone the cost because they are directly providing a home and food.
There are certainly cases where a spiteful custodial parent attempts to interfere with the non-custodial parent's visitation, and it is obvious that the quality of a non-custodial parent's opportunity for quality contact with children will be less after a divorce because the children can no longer be with both parents at the same time. The harsh truth is that when a single household is split into two, the standard of living for the new households will be lower than the intact household given the same combined income, and the time spent by each parent with the children will be less because the children must split their time between households. My guess would be that more women than men stay in bad marriages because of the lack of financial alternatives.
I just fail to see some kind of a divorce-industrial complex designed to unfairly take money and children from men. The Courts don't get a share of the assets, the attorneys get their fees in the same manner as other cases, all of the property and debt of the marriage gets equitably allocated to either the man or woman. Furthermore, the Court's decision regarding all of these issues is can be appealed in the event that either party believes that Court has abused its discretion. Perhaps the perception that such a divorce-industrial complex exists is due more to the unrealistic expectations of the parties going through a divorce.
"Anonymous NY Girl said...
What, exactly, are you looking for from me? You asked my opinion, I gave it. It's neither right nor wrong. It's an OPINION. You can "buy it" or not. "
Was looking for a reasonable opinion without an attitude. Duh. But after all as you said, you're not of the younger generation. Blacks play video games as well, since they have lots of time.
Unfortunately I have to agree with previous poster. It is rude with an attitude. WTF is that?
But then, you seem to think that "school choice", courtesy of Republican Kool Aid is a panacea cure all, it's not.
School choice = more integrated schools and on that one, the Democrats are right.
Al Gore, Bill Clinton, and even Joe Biden don't want tons of groids coming into their kids elite private schools anymore than most race realists. There's a reason why school choice keeps getting thrown out by the courts everytime. And it doesn't work either. No credible peer review study has shown it to work anywhere its tried.
Put down Rush and Sean Hannity's propaganda and pick up actual stats. Con Inc aren't interested in dismantling BRA any more than bad liberals are.
To the asians on this site. You have my support as well. We are all in this fight together!
The comments on that AZ news site are great! Alot of people AWAKENING everywhere!
Of coarse you got your typical ignorant groid who spews the same rhetoric nonsense to "defend his people" on there., but...
OT, but to the commenter regarding my comment on divorce-industry issues: I agree with what you say, and in a perfect world or even a majority white responsible community, it would be that way.
I got 'divorce-industrial complex' as a term from a feminist blog I happened to get linked to. The blog owner, an avowed feminist, was speaking to women who wondered why so few men 'step up' any more, other than for casual hookups.
Her position was that women think they can just dump a guy and stick him with his share of the bills and get another guy. Lawyers do make a bunch of money from some divorces, and so have an interest in pressing the woman to go for the jugular. In those cases, the man has to hire an equally vicious lawyer for his side. This gets very expensive.
I always wanted to have a family, like the one that raised me, along with all the extended family stuff. I ended up a successful, well traveled entrepreneur instead. I may still yet have that family, but in today's environment I'm reluctant. Finding and keeping a good mate is hard enough, and then you have to counteract the propaganda that will be constantly spewed at the kids.
You know, life is short, I'm my own kid. I like children and have told my friends to feel free to call if their kids hit the difficult age where they don't want to listen. I would be happy to be crazy Uncle Johnny the mentor. I'm quite sure that even if I never create progeny, I will be involved in ways that make life better for someone else's good kid(s).
PS, hey just want to thank Bernice & Quinnotaur for their kind comments... I responded but other things I said at that time got the whole thing stuck in a filter.
Johnny See said
"I always wanted to have a family, like the one that raised me, along with all the extended family stuff. I ended up a successful, well traveled entrepreneur instead. I may still yet have that family, but in today's environment I'm reluctant. Finding and keeping a good mate is hard enough, and then you have to counteract the propaganda that will be constantly spewed at the kids."
Hey Johnny See, I hate to say this, but your attitude is part of our diminishing European White population.
Now get out there and start a family.
Where there's White, there's Hope.
Philadelphia Mike
I just fail to see some kind of a divorce-industrial complex designed to unfairly take money and children from men.
This is correct. You fail to see, yet it exists. The bias in the courts is so extreme it is sick. You doing as if you're reading a pamphlet by the courts of how the process works and what to expect, but the truth is quite contrary. The whole equitable distribution of assets... Complete BS. Being able to revisit bad decisions, never.
..."My guess would be that more women than men stay in bad marriages".... Women file for 87% of divorces.
We now have a divorce rate over 50%.
Yes, I went through a divorce. Yes , she went for the jugular, something I NEVER thought she would do. She lied like a rug in court and got the house, kids, and most property. It was much worse than what I'm saying so far in that I ended up living in my car because of lies told in court. When trying to fix situation, more lures cost me more support money while I'm already living on my car. You presume to much. Stop it.
I threw out everything I've learned from SBPDL over 5 years. I felt like I was taking a final exam on the other site. It resulted in about 2,000 responses, mostly of people saying they are sick of black behavior!
Anonymous repeats Pascal's Wager (Pascal was on the RCC's "do not read" list for a reason):
The worst case personal downside for incorrectly believing in an afterlife is that when the person dies it is actually the end.
Wrong. The worst-case downside for a faulty religious belief (not just afterlife) is wasting your one shot at existence in a futile and perhaps even counterproductive effort to curry favor with a non-existent authority or set of authorities.
If this life has a purpose, it is to live right and well in THIS world. If there's a next one, you'll find out for certain what it is only when—and if—you get there.
I just fail to see some kind of a divorce-industrial complex designed to unfairly take money and children from men.
None is so blind as will not see. Divorce lawyers, like estate lawyers, can generate business. Their profit is someone else's misery.
The Courts don't get a share of the assets, the attorneys get their fees in the same manner as other cases, all of the property and debt of the marriage gets equitably allocated to either the man or woman.
There is no "equity" when e.g. a court divides debts run up by one spouse "equitably" between them, or throws out a prenuptual agreement.
Furthermore, the Court's decision regarding all of these issues is can be appealed
If you can afford an appeal. I am intimately familiar with a case where the abused party could not even afford to go to trial. We do not have courts of justice; we have courts of law, and those laws have been written by the lawyers to further their own interests. This is why we got no-fault divorce in the first place, Federal support guidelines require that the custodial parent not suffer any loss of standard of living despite the massive increase in total household expenses driven by the extra household, and tax law states that child support is (a) not deductible against taxes, and also (b) need not be spent on the children by the custodial parent.
There is nothing here about children. It is about destroying White men as heads of families.
>>Mr Rational said:
No, you are wrong. Since you don't have concrete facts to back it up. Neither of us do. So it is just opinion and speculation from both sides.
Therefore, we must weigh what we know vs what we do know.
FACT: We don't know either way. We just don't know. And since we don't know what does or does not await us on the other side of life, it is best to be prepared.
Life Insurance does little for the person during one's actual life but primarily helps the family members after the person is deceased.
Again, as we will be dead for more yrs (eons and eons actually) it is better, far better in the long run to assume that there is something awaiting on the other side. Have some life insurance to be prepared.
"The worst-case downside for a faulty religious belief (not just afterlife) is wasting your one shot at existence in a futile and perhaps even counterproductive effort to curry favor with a non-existent authority or set of authorities."
Counterproductive? Not at all. Collectively, religious belief tends to keep society more ethical. It endows them corporately with a moral ethic to prevent them from stealing, killing, etc. because of this tends to go vs the learned established religious mores of centuries.
With their poor future time orientation and constant living in the present, groids tend to make the best atheists. A meaningless existence lived only for the moment and for the self. Since they only go by what they can see in the present they feel no compunction to kill, rob, rape, etc. because nothing serves to constrain their base appetites which must constantly be fed. That's where religion has served a great good for society these past two millennia and longer. It helps to constrain man's baser appetites and gives him a purpose, something to plan ahead for once he's gone while living a somewhat moral life on earth.
"If this life has a purpose, it is to live right and well in THIS world."
As there is no cut and dry set answer, it becomes one man's opinion as to how to live that life. Again, groids do this very well. They live quite well in the now. Others may object, but hey, fuck them. They're gonna do what they're going to do. And doing what they do (e.g. hedonistic lifestyle based on selfishness at its basest--robbing raping killing etc) they do quite well and for themselves alone.
"If there's a next one, you'll find out for certain what it is only when—and if—you get there."
Again, that is why its good to be prepared.
It's called Life Insurance, or Post-Life Insurance. It helps out, greatly helps out, once gone.
Pascal had the most accurate based in real world human nature take on this: Its not worth the risk.
Choose wisely, life your life, but also be prepared by having some (post)Life Insurance. Can't hurt, and it can only help.
Mr. Rational said ”. . . Federal support guidelines require that the custodial parent not suffer any loss of standard of living . . . “
Interesting. Could you cite that statute/guideline? I would like to read it.
Hey northwest front people. I think we need the "northwest front" extended through the country to pennsylvania. Lots of like minded folks out this way.
These negro attacks sure are selling a lot of guns.
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