Remember the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Harrison Ford's character, Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, reaches for the cup of Christ (the Holy Grail); his extended fingers inches from grabbing the cup, as his father - played brilliantly by Sean Connery - holds onto his other hand.
"I can almost reach it dad," Indiana says to his father, the latter having obsessively spent his entire life trying to locate the cup.
![]() |
Does the coming unrest surrounding the exoneration of Darren Wilson for any guilt in the shooting of Michael Brown represent a "Holy Grail" moment? |
"Indiana," his father cooly states, "Let it go."
The cup is lost forever, but the elder Jones' lifelong crusade was fulfilled; he saw the item that plagued his every thought, haunting his every dream.
It existed.
As Jared Taylor simply inquired in a recent video, do the facts of the events between Darren Wilson and Michael Brown in Ferguson even matter to blacks? [Ferguson: Do the Facts Even Matter?, American Renaissance, 10-16-14]
The answer, of course, is an emphatic 'no'.
Many white people, in not just America but the entire world, have looked on vainly for that one moment that will liberate us from the current paradigm we live, ushering in a new era where we are in control of forging our own future (instead of having a hostile managerial elite dictating that our past transgressions always overshadow the present and fundamentally stand in the way of us even having a future).
"The Holy Grail" moment that will open millions of eyes to a truth many individual white people wish they had never been exposed to, for the reality is no one will ever truly ascertain or pinpoint why some whites wake up to the nightmare of modernity and otherwise remain blissfully unaware of the dire predicament.
Perhaps there is no "Holy Grail" incident coming.
But with the hilariously inept reaction to the Ebola scare by the managerial leftist elite (their commitment to the destruction of the historical American population by mass immigration accentuated by an unwillingness to stop the African plague with a simple quarantine/flight restriction from infected nations) and the unraveling of the Gentle Giant narrative in metropolitan St. Louis should open up a few closed eyes.
Right? [Police Officer in Ferguson Is Said to Recount a Struggle, New York Times, 10-17-14]:
The police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., two months ago has told investigators that he was pinned in his vehicle and in fear for his life as he struggled over his gun with Mr. Brown, according to government officials briefed on the federal civil rights investigation into the matter.
The officer, Darren Wilson, has told the authorities that during the scuffle, Mr. Brown reached for the gun. It was fired twice in the car, according to forensics tests performed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The first bullet struck Mr. Brown in the arm; the second bullet missed.
The forensics tests showed Mr. Brown’s blood on the gun, as well as on the interior door panel and on Officer Wilson’s uniform. Officer Wilson told the authorities that Mr. Brown had punched and scratched him repeatedly, leaving swelling on his face and cuts on his neck.
This is the first public account of Officer Wilson’s testimony to investigators, but it does not explain why, after he emerged from his vehicle, he fired at Mr. Brown multiple times. It contradicts some witness accounts, and it will not calm those who have been demanding to know why an unarmed man was shot a total of six times.
Mr. Brown’s death continues to fuel anger and sometimes-violent protests.In September, Officer Wilson appeared for four hours before a St. Louis County grand jury, which was convened to determine whether there is probable cause that he committed a crime. Legal experts have said that his decision to testify was surprising, given that it was not required by law. But the struggle in the car may prove to be a more influential piece of information for the grand jury, one that speaks to Officer Wilson’s state of mind, his feeling of vulnerability and his sense of heightened alert when he killed Mr. Brown. Police officers typically have wide latitude to use lethal force if they reasonably believe that they are in imminent danger.
The officials said that while the federal investigation was continuing, the evidence so far did not support civil rights charges against Officer Wilson. To press charges, the Justice Department would need to clear a high bar, proving that Officer Wilson willfully violated Mr. Brown’s civil rights when he shot him.
The account of Officer Wilson’s version of events did not come from the Ferguson Police Department or from officials whose activities are being investigated as part of the civil rights inquiry.What's so sad about this situation is the Attorney General of the Department of Justice, Eric "My People" Holder, obviously knew this truth before he went on his "deeply personal" sojourn to Ferguson ("I'm also a black man"), dispatched a legion of Justice Department Civil Rights investigators and more than 40 FBI agents to comb the St. Louis suburb for evidence of racism.
Just as in Downfall, somewhere Holder is portraying the endlessly parodied agitated Hitler scene...
Will blacks riot in St. Louis when the Grand Jury convened in the aftermath of the Darren Wilson/Michael Brown incident finds Mr. Wilson innocent of any guilt in the shooting?
May the odds ever be in our favor.
But know this: don't look at this event as one of those "Holy Grail" moments.
As Jared Taylor wisely pointed out, the facts in this case simply do not matter to black people: white people and blacks speak different languages in America, and no Rosetta Stone will ever translate our languages into peaceful discourse.
But Those Who Can See also speak a different language than your ordinary white person, for they have already had their Holy Grail moment of awakening.
So come what may of the inevitable announcement by the Grand Jury that Darren Wilson is completely innocent, take a bit of wisdom from the final scene of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: "Let it go," when it comes to the notion the Holy Grail of racial awakening is coming.
You've already had this awakening.
For others, you can't show them what you've seen, because they wouldn't believe you if they saw it; they must see it for themselves.
But the one reassuring fact is unavoidable, once you've had your own personal "Holy Grail" moment: it does exist.
In the infinite potential interactions humans have one a daily basis, just one seemingly insignificant encounter can open an individuals eyes to a world they willingly remained ignorant of every moment prior until this briefest of instances.
But "let it go" when comes to a belief of a grand moment of mass awareness.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
Sir, thank you for your efforts. This information has been known from the outset. DWL's hate this narrative, aka, the truth. Unarmed teen sounds so much better than strong arm robbery suspect and assaulting a police officer.
I do not believe this will result in a great awakening for YT. Western man needs his comfort level to be impacted for a change to occur. The mud is comfortable in chaos, YT is comfortable in civilization. Many of us posting here have had our comfort zones invaded and reduced. Sadly, in my case at least, this event or series of events is what prompted me to change. My "awakening" as you so eloquently put it came after years of confusion as to why the muds were still unable to adapt to simple western standards of behavior with all of the extra help paid into their communities.
Shitavious confided in me the secret to all of the dysfunction in the mud culture a few years ago. "It's a black thang". This response to a statement about high illegitimacy rates was like a back hand slap to the face. Put his shoulder into it. Oh, OK, that explains everything. Thanks.
It took a while for this to really sink in, but I have tried to live up to western standards, and hold my fellow citizens to the same. The longer I did this, the clearer it became to me that Shitavious and Shitqueefa were not interested in the whole responsibilities of citizenship thang. As Mr. Kersey has written many times concerning Starship Troopers, they are only interested in their rights and the gibs said rights entitle them to.
Looking back, I feel very foolish, especially my time as an armed mercenary for fed.govs "interests". The muds were so incompetent, but I would give them a pass. The muds were always whining the most, but I would give them a pass. The muds were always the most insubordinate, I would enforce the standards, but my chain of command would end up giving them a pass. The next time you hear about muds getting kicked out of the military more than YT, remember that the mud is at the end of a long line of cover up until the crime was too heinous to ignore or the number of incidents reached a certain threshold. YT getting kicked out didn't follow one of the many regulations and his/her mud NCO chain got a sense of empowerment in fucking over YT. Go ahead and ask any YT veteran you know. They'll back my statement up.
I appreciate all of the commenters on this blog; you may not always agree with me or each other on some things, but we can all learn from one another. Different points of view are healthy. I am guilty of contributing to the echo chamber in here, but this is my place to vent as it is for many of us. All of us have something to contribute. If we all do a little, we can all do a lot. AFRICA FOR AFRICANS
The propaganda is so overpowering and spewed from every institution that it will take widespread and massive butchering of whites to constitute a meaningful "holy grail" moment for most.
As usual, there is so much in this one to comment on.
1. Well, now we have a better look at the inside of the car in the Brown case. Probably the officer was putting the buck into the back of the car and negro (Brown) went berserk. There was a scuffle and Brown started hammering Wilson in the face, smashing his eye socket and then went for his gun. Wilson, fighting for his life, grabbed for his gun as well and we know from witness testimony that the gun was "sideways in the holster". At some point Wilson had the weapon under partial control and one slug went into the car and one went into the negros arm.
So, the negro disengaged or staggered back or perhaps was going to run for his mammy and got out of the car. Anyhow, some distance opened between Wilson and the wounded animal when Brown, egged on by the crowd or getting a second charge of adrenaline or realizing he was not very badly wounded, turned and charged. Despite the pain and blurred vision caused by his facial woulds, Wilson fired quickly and with precision, as he was not wounded in HIS SHOOTING EYE. In the final second, Wilson grabbed a last second correct sight picture of the top of the bucks head heading at him and brought the beast down.
2. Jared Taylor is right, we don't speak the same language as negros. In our crawl up from Tribalism, we found only death and war where we followed the will of a Big Man (King) who fed us lies and propaganda. Perhaps this streak of Individualism is a break away from the horrors of mass hysteria or constant war in the White.
Is this difference in Whites important? If video came out showing Wilson "gunning down" Brown, Whites would believe it and change their minds.
The negro will not, once they have processed a grievance, they will not set it aside. Have you ever heard a negro say, "I was wrong about this guy?" or "The Duke Lacrosse case was caused by black racism?" or "Oj was guilty, but blacks are just to racially oriented to say so?". There is not turning of the mind in the negro. The evidence simply does not matter.
3. I don't think the negro processes the "get back one on Whitey" thought as elegantly as Mr. Taylor explains; I think there is just the feeling of hatred and the desire to hurt for all the imagined hurts of the past and ones they have heard of in their lives. The "This one is for Trayvon" tends to be an afterthought or spoken as self-justification to a robbery or other action that the negro knows is wrong.
Wonderful Entry PK. You and Taylor make a powerful team. Would you consider speaking at a American Renaissance Conference?
if this event ( which I def. believe Darren is innocent) doesn't wake up fellow White people then NOTHNING will. as always be prepared!
The next time you hear someone say "it's a black thing, you wouldn't understand", reply, "Why do I want to achieve? It's a White/Asian thing. You wouldn't understand."
The ultimate Holy Grail moment is when non-blacks read and understand the ever-growing body of scientific evidence that illuminates the allele differences in our genomes that then explains it all. It is truly, the base upon which everything else is built. It is the theory of gravity to the science of flight.
While very similar to other races, the small differences in the allele frequency of the blacks' genome is directly linked to the structure of their prefrontal cortex. Those changes lead to visible differences in behavior such as lower impulse control, lower average IQ, poor future time orientation, higher tendency for violence etc. Those differences are enough to effect the Negroes behaviors in ways that are responsible for every aspect of black dysfunction we are witnessing - here and around the world, and throughout history.
Check out the recent book A Troublesome Inheritance, to get you started. Once you see these facts, you'll never look at these issues in the same way again. You will have found the Holy Grail; the Grand Theory of all things Negro.
As Jared Taylor wisely pointed out, the facts in this case simply do not matter to black people: white people and blacks speak different languages in America, and no Rosetta Stone will ever translate our languages into peaceful discourse.
What is disturbing is that the facts also do not matter to many white people. They want to believe a narrative in which poor widdle blacks are being put down by The Man. This way, DWL can engage in their favorite pastime--groveling in public. This also allows DWL to go on another civil rights "crusade" in which they can self-righteously fight against that old devil, "racism."
As for blacks: again, we have to ask how much of the difference in "languages" is due to factors such as a lower median IQ, the lack of future time orientation, etc. Are basic facts incomprehensible?
A point I have seen made by a number of Africans is that individualism is alien to blacks. Blacks, instead, think in terms of the village, clan, etc. Point is, there is a completely different mindset there. The world seen from this mindset comes off differently than as seen from the white point of view.
It comes down, again, to race. Blacks see Ferguson as part of a race war against YT. As for whites? They see what the telescreen tells them.
Regarding PK's coming-out event. I believe it is in his best interest to stay hidden behind his alias for now. Let the Negro fatigue build, his audience grow, his analysis sharpen, and his mystery increase. Eventually there will be a moment where his unveiling can occur with the maximum impact, both for the movement, as well as for his financial health.
He should be well-rewarded for his hard work and buying his books is a great way to be personally involved in this battle. If his emergence can be played and managed properly, he can earn a significant payday from the event. This just needs to be thought out carefully. Personally, I'm fascinated by his story and can't wait to see who this brave smart man is.
This would make a marvelous documentary film, by the way. PK, I hope you are filming some of your story behind the scenes. Maybe keep a weekly video diary and have the footage ready for the right time in the future. This is a serious historical shift that you are part of. Imagine of we had video of Ghandi as he made his way up to his eventual position!
Here we go with racist YT and his racist forensics. You know the cop painted Brown's blood on him and his gun after he gunned him down in cold blood, etc, etc. DWL's and blacks make excuses effortlessly and endlessly. I'm going to say Brown charged the cop, tried for the gun (and mucho ghetto points), got shot in the arm, ran away a bit to regroup, then charged back in animal-fury. It would also explain where I read he was reported as staggering back toward the officer, probably from the wounded arm. I've given up waking up certain people. What I've taken to doing is support their lunacy of blacks are just like us and recommend restaurants/bars/apartments where they see how much blacks are just (not) like us. It would be racist of a DWL to stay in the suburbs, wouldn't it? I never do it if they have children, though. I can't do that to innocent kids.
I do not believe this will result in a great awakening for YT.
No but a great awakening is coming.
Part of the great lie requires maintaining that race doesn't exist in the first place to discourage Whites from drawing conclusions. It's all an illusion! Now get back to work.
This part of the great lie will crumble thanks to the internet. Whites that think critically and explore issues for themselves will be a growing problem for maintainers of the lie.
Even if they continue to fool the majority they will have major problems with intellectual Whites that are insulted that they were lied to in school and now are supposed to continue the lie even if it works against their best interest.
Ha-ha. If only. Mainstream Deceiver (MSM) is working 24/7 to paint these beasts in a favorable, and at times (see sports), reverential light. Of course we enlightened know the truth. Unfortunately "They" sell this BS to our youngest and most impressionable, our children, whom know no better unless, hopefully, their parents are enlightened already and can correct the Media's obscenely skewed viewpoint about the Beast. To this end see the usurping of traditionally white superheroes and icons (James West, Nick Fury, etc.)via Hollywood. This is akin to having a white man play Shaka Zulu. Just ludicrous.
There are some self-loathing brainwashed with (false) guilt liberal whites whom will never be awakened (see some of the "St. Mike of The Swisher Sweet" protesters). They should go the way of the Do-Do. Oh Liberal lemming, you sold out your birthright to prop up an inferior race. Whatever. Good riddance to bad rubbish I say.
So this country is evil and racist while almost 1/3 of the population is enrolled in some form of government freebie program.
Darkies are so dumb they think the whole world suffers from white guilt and they'll just leech on over to some other country that will have a nice free benefits program.
Almost as funny as teatards and republitards who think there is an opposition party and we'll be voting our way out of tyranny.
That kind of stupidity should be fatal.
Certain braindead zombies are so kool-aid drenched they will never wake up and will fight tooth and nail for a system that only wants their doom after their taxable unit working days are over and the 401k and pension plans looted.
Give up on them for are a total write off.
Will ebola and race riots be enough for the Kenyan mischlinge (mongrel) muzzie to declare martial law, suspend all elections, and be El Presidente for life?
Contagious diseases, racial strife, witchhunts of political opponents, daily government propaganda spooning that mongoloid serfs lap and beg for more...what a glorious socialist utopia comrade.
Some fine writing of late, PK. Marriage must be treating you well!
I just listened to Jared Taylors speech on the video posted here. Fine, but why won't Mr. Taylor allow full discussions of WHO is behind all this? So much for "the same language" when so many of us are denied the opportunity to discuss WHO is behind the blacks.
Blacks are not smart enough to be running the show. Somebody else is, Mr. Taylor....and you know who do YOU work for?
I would post this on AMREN, but I have been banned from there since I mentioned the answer to my own questions once and they didn't like it.
>>instead of having a hostile managerial elite... Nicely put.
These sorts of events do, little by little, cause some people to change their minds. But most pay little attention to this stuff and will not be turned unless they are affected personally. I believe the current system has to break down for us to get change. That could happen but it is not imminent.
"...white people and blacks speak different languages in America, and no Rosetta Stone will ever translate our languages into peaceful discourse."
Amazing stuff. So perfectly put.
My "Holy Grail" came to me this spring. Don't know why. Just did. Then came Mike Brown. I've always naively tried throughout my life to show black people that I'm a "good white." How ridiculous I've been! Now I know we will never live peacefully size by side. No matter how hard white people try, it's never enough. And I'm through trying...
Ex New Yorker here....The biggest event to cause Adrenaline (epinephrine) to be pumped through your brain is having someone try to KILL YOU. When you are being attacked your every action is based on staying alive. There is no time to think. Pure adrenaline driven action takes over. I know this from personal experience.
The brain becomes SCARED by adrenaline constantly being pumped through your adrenal glands. It becomes like a poison. Kind of like carving a canal through your brain. But you DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO STAY ALIVE. The after effects are called PTSD and the first symptoms are long years of nightmares and flashbacks. It was not an easy thing to deal with. For years I was a fucking whack job but started to cool out after I turned 50. That's why I live where I live. Peace and quiet.
Anything Darren Wilson did that day was justified because an attempt was made on his life. Trying to take away a cop's gun is attempted murder. There are no RULES TO THE GAME when someone is trying to kill you.
It's over. I was banned from the conservative/libertarian site Market-ticker run by Karl Denninger for challenging his belief that Michael Brown was on his knees with both hands up when executed by officer Darren Wilson with two shots to the head. I questioned why he would fall forward instead of backwards in such a case. His entire theory was based on the private "autopsy" report released by the scammer that Brown's family hired and I pointed that out. In his zeal to not be a "racsit", Denninger had to support murder charges against Wilson in order to atone for his previous support of George Zimmerman.
Anon..."The ultimate Holy Grail moment is when non-blacks read and understand the ever-growing body of scientific evidence that illuminates the allele differences in our genomes that then explains it all"
You are of course right. Only when a critical mass comes to understand that Africans are not a "race" of humans, that they are a distinct & different species altogether, no more human than their Chimp cousins, will actual "homo sapiens" be able to take measures to protect themselves from these parasitic killers of the actual human race.
At that point, measures can be taken with no more concern for these african predators than we'd be concerned about great white sharks or other species that prey upon human kind
/H hypie out H\
Ex New Yorker:
You err. You forget......Office Wilson is White. Swisher is black. The rules of engagement are:
" A Cracka White shall not harm a Proud Black Man. ever."
Do NOT make that mistake again.
The negroes believing (and behaving) as they do is TNB. One just as well express wonder and amazement that water is wet, or that flame will burn if you stick your hand in them. It is what it is. Nothing can change it. It's hard-wired.
It's the whites who believe such lies who are the greater problem. The white church leaders demanding "repentance" - a term they obviously they no concept of. This is why the DWL/SJW white - whether they're "progressive" or "conservative" - are totally impervious to mountains of empirical data and evidence, which has cumulated over decades - even centuries. Not even in South Africa will such whites allow the tiniest crack of reality to penetrate the total darkness of their religious dogma. (Just ask AnalogMan if you doubt this statement).
While the empirical data, hard evidence, and mountains of facts should all be kept, archived, continually tabulated and never forgotten, other means need to be thought of to discredit and destroy this insane religion among whites. Such people would honestly be better off if they converted to Wahabi Islam. Jared Taylor is 100% correct about this: Facts make no difference whatsoever to these people. They are completely impervious to them.
I have to second the opinion of others here, PK. Your own writing has gotten more focused and elegant in every respect. Each new post seems better than the last.
Sad to read that Denninger has jumped the mud-shark. There's a possible silver-lining in that this may reduce his credibility to Barnhardt, who in many respects sees reality. This might open the door all the way for her.
This extremely interesting mention of a method employed to toss sand in the gears of BRA was posted by our own Platinum EBT Cardholder, it seems:
Ma'am, there really is no secret to my method of resistance. Treat the muds like they are part of civilized society. They fail, and when confronted, they are too confused to offer any real reason as to why they failed other than "institutionalized racism". That's the phrase they get from HR.
When you are pointing out the failure, this is the key component, you must act genuinely confused as to why the mud failed. You cannot show joy. What I do is pretend that happiness is shown to the world as sadness. It helps. Be "helpful". Offer institutionalized solutions such as training to appear helpful. Follow up on the issue. This really mucks their world up because your "concern" for the employees professional development hinders the "sweep it under the rug" maneuver that they will try to execute ASAP. You will know when you are successful when the muds view you as an ally.
I have gone "deep cover" wigger. I am sure that I am despised in the workplace by many whites. With this cover, I am able to inflict the most damage, so it does justify casual ire. Hell, most of them are too engrossed in their next shit sandwich to be of any concern to BRA. I lubs da feetsball.
You don't have to adopt the secret agent persona to hurt the system, but I find it helps me when I want to scream and punch the first AA sheboon right in its fat face. Make them play by our rules, and enforce the rules with "malice towards none". Its hard sometimes, but remember, only after giving them every chance to succeed and they still fail, will real change come. I truly believe this. AFRICA FOR AFRICANS
Excellent. Hoisted upon the petard of their own incompetence. This is exactly the kind of out-of-the-box thinking I have referred to as being needed. How can this basic principle be extended and expanded?
This also allows DWL to go on another civil rights "crusade" in which they can self-righteously fight against that old devil, "racism."
It's even funnier when "conservatives" try to tie their various pet causes to combatting the "racism" of leftists (perhaps with the famous LBJ quote added in for good measure). There's even a rather clever term for it, too: PC Judo. It's Rand Paul's latest gig. He's working real hard to obtain his Detroilet black-belt in PC-Judo.
It's obvious that the "great" egalitarian era (fraud more like it) is coming to an end soon.
The question is how soon...
The notion that race doesn't exist or even better, that we're all the same...100% across the board is hilarious and crazy at the same time. Before the 1960s, those "beliefs" would have been scoffed at, and they'll be scoffed at again in the future, because a gigantic falsehood, especially this obvious, can't sustain itself indefinitely.
People are waking up each and every day.
Will Smith would have been able to reach it.
Hello fellow SBPDL'ers,
I still lurk often, but don't post much.
I don't think the inevitable chimpout following the "no bill" by the grand jury will cause a racial awakening, but it may cause some very dead and badly injured YTs.
I wanted to pass along some useful intel: JG Sales, a firearms wholesaler out in AZ has several batches of S&W police trade in revolvers starting as low as $259.00. They are the indestructible, all stainless steel Model 64s.
Also, Classic Firearms and SOG International still have some SKS rifles available around $300.00.
For the cost of one bargain basement AR-15 or AK of dubious parts origin and build quality, you could have a long gun and sidearm that were designed to see you through hell and back.
As an added bonus, neither the Mod. 64 nor the SKS require detachable magazines which can be lost, damaged, or made scarce by hysterical demand fluctuations/.gov bans.
Snap em up, they'll go quick.
I think we are going to be through the looking glass pretty soon here.
Just look at president Borat Obola's choice for Ebola Tzar: Instead of any remotely competent epidemiologist or public health expert he appoints a fat, greasy, TWMNBN lawyer and campaign fund bagman! If that doesn't let you know what our chances are I don't know what will.
As Paul constantly reminds us, our only duty is to survive BRA. Hope to see you guys on the other side.
Don't let the little poodles snapping at your heels stop you from your posting.
Those who are not 100% PRO-WHITE can go to hell (with their mulatto children, adopted pet kids, Asian "me love you big time GI" wives and the other assorted white race traitors).
A little help please.
I read on a general news blog from an anonymous commenter who lived in the mid west that he saw on CNN a complete video of the stoppage, altercation in the police car, and the final shooting. He claims this video was shown once on CNN the day of the shooting and then was pulled and disavowed.
This could be just another wild rumor. Has anyone else heard of this?
Pat Boyle
BTW this Ebola quarantine screw up has happened before.
In 1900 California was exposed to bubonic plague by the Governor. When they tell you on TV that quarantines never work - that's partly true. What they don't tell you is that the reason is because there is usually some group or political party that doesn't want the quarantine so they sabotage it.
Currently the politician responsible for exposing the public to Ebola is Barrack Obama. A century ago it was Henry Gage the Republican governor of California. He did everything he could to keep the health officials from imposing a quarantine on bubonic plague (The Black Death).
The Third Wave of Bubonic Plague centered in China and India. It killed millions, as had the previous waves in the Middle Ages.
Plague got into the Chinatown of Honolulu. The medical authorities at the time didn't understand the rat connection. But they wanted to control the infection which they knew was caused by a particular bacillus (Yersinia pestis).
So they bumbled a bit and ended up burning down all of Honolulu's Chinatown. But the rats had hopped ship and were soon in San Francisco's Chinatown.
The governor refused to admit that there was plague in Chinatown. He filed suit. He raised money to fund a campaign that claimed that it was all a hoax.
The governor was shown the evidence - dead bodies full of the bacillus. H publicly claimed that the Marine Hospital Service which was in charge of containment had gathered cadavers and injected them with the plague causing germs.
They ran a rope around Chinatown. Just a unguarded rope but the Governor opposed even that. Plague raged in San Francisco for a couple years until the Great Quake of 1906 burned down Chinatown.
Public health is easy except for the politicians.
Pat Boyle
Remember the old slogan, "America, love it or leave it"?
Well...things have sure changed.
Philadelphia Mike
Just remember, the equality of all men is just a concept...nothing more than a social construct.
Race, however, is rooted in physical/biological/genetic differences.... embedded into the core of all living things. The DNA.
Race, is NOT a concept. It is NOT a social construct.
Educate your family. Educate your friends. Your active participation really can make a difference.
White Silence = White Death. The White Silence IS starting to be broken.
Thank you PK.
I've recommended this site to hundreds of people.
Philadelphia Mike
Fuck em all. Just start prepping. Guns, ammo, food water etc.
Don M: can I get more details on the AZ firarms?
"ust look at president Borat Obola's choice for Ebola Tzar: Instead of any remotely competent epidemiologist or public health expert he appoints a fat, greasy, TWMNBN lawyer and campaign fund bagman! If that doesn't let you know what our chances are I don't know what will."
My first thought when I saw this guy was: So THAT'S what happened to Kent Dorfman from "Animal House".
The appointment only makes sense if they want an excuse for Ebola getting out of control. TWMNBN have been known to throw one overboard for the team.
"I've always naively tried throughout my life to show black people that I'm a "good white." How ridiculous I've been! Now I know we will never live peacefully size by side. No matter how hard white people try, it's never enough. And I'm through trying..."
And there's the problem. It's been almost 150yrs since slavery ended and about 50yrs post Jim Crow.With Regards to atonement, collectively whites owe nothing to blacks. If anything, it's long high time that blacks collectively show whites that they're not all low IQ groids who are little different from their African ancestors.
"CENTURION said...
I just listened to Jared Taylors speech on the video posted here. Fine, but why won't Mr. Taylor allow full discussions of WHO is behind all this? So much for "the same language" when so many of us are denied the opportunity to discuss WHO is behind the blacks."
Centurion, you're not slipping, but you do know better. Come on.
Jarred's US Renaissance has just been the unjustified target of Salon's hit piece and book that attempts to "prove" that Jarred Taylor is a KKK Nazi etc etc. He doesn't have time to address everything he'd like to. He's also assuming that his audience is basically smart enough to connect their own dots when the truth is shown before their eyes.
Honestly. It's insulting that Salon would be behind this junk of attacking Jarred. Yeah, like a Yale educated, fluent Japanese and French speaker and did quite well in the early years of the PC revolution is the equivalent of the creepy McCoys in the film Deliverance?
But those are the times we live in. Right now Jarred's got to defend himself and all the hard work US Renaissance has done over the decades to enlighten us regarding BRA.
Jarred has a responsibility to point out and educate whites as to the problems we face on a daily basis regarding BRA. It's not his responsibility to go off on tangents that the DWL enemies can then use vs him, even though they really don't need an excuse to do so. Basically, he's careful not to fall into the ol trap of "Aha! See? He's well!" So I give him credit for not taking the bait and remaining true to the original mission: Continue to educate and inform regarding the overall fuckery that is modern day BRA in general.
"Blacks are not smart enough to be running the show. Somebody else is, Mr. Taylor....and you know who do YOU work for?"
AGAIN, Jarred is smart to leave these things alone. After all, if we can pick off just a couple of DWLs or their offspring then they can prove to be useful allies. Everyone in the struggle vs BRA is going to be needed whether we like it or not.
After all, the Sharptons and Jacksons have their future generations waiting in the wings; they will be even more extreme than the current crop of BRA leaders.
In the political, cultural, and social struggle vs BRA, eventually every able bodied person will be needed.
Geez, I leave a set-up like this and no one takes it?
Anonymous said...
Will Smith would have been able to reach it.
Yes, but he don't know who his daddy is.
For fun, buy a surgical mask and drive by a groid hangout.
The next phase in evolution is non biological intelligence (artificial intelligence).
Within 200 years the non-biological beings will be at the controlling helm of civilization.
We, along with the blacks, will be considered as obsolete and insignificant species.
It had once been said that there's nothing new under the sun. I think that will no longer hold true.
Re genes. The government likes to have the schools tells us that "we" have 99.9 percent the same genes.
Yet I know for sure that i am more than 2 percent neanderthal and blacks are not.
Any commenst?
"Hostile elites" are elites that try to govern a multi-racial state. They are perceived as hostile because a multi-racial state is necessarily a multi-cultural state, and the elites must destroy old traditions in favor of creating new ones to which everyone can subscribe. Race and tribal loyalties, which are the source of virtues in an ethnostate, are threats to the very existence of a multi-racial state. Naturally, the old loyalties and ways die hard. In fact, race itself must be extinquished before the task of forging the new state is complete. Hence our presence here, where the process of destruction is being chronicled.
It's important to note that hostile elites are a relatively recent phenomenon. History's first instance of a hostile elite occurred in America, following the Civil War. Prior to this the world contained only ethnostates. America itself had been a white supremacist ethnostate in which non-whites weren't even allowed to become citizens, but it then reversed course and became the original proposition nation.
Question: Was this done for a reason, or for no reason? If for a reason, then what was the reason, and does that reason still exist?
Off topic
I don't want to get this nice scientist over at the science forum in trouble, but he makes complete sense regarding how related non Africans are to Africans. He said a lot more cool science stuff, too.
1. There is not a single "homo sapiens sapiens" that solely developed/evolved in any garden of Eden within Africa that made it beyond a very short distance (at the most) outside of Africa at that time. Whatever hominid bred with Neandertals during this time period, the cross created a hominid/hominid cross that was neither a african hominid nor a neandertal hominid, it became a different type of hominid due to the cross.
2. It is this new hominid that spread throughout the world and bred with the Denisova hominids (creating yet another unique hominid).
3. Modern humans, Us, are the offspring/decedents of multiple hominids from different regions and continents, and I really don't care who denies it or why they wish to deny it. I just know that it is silly to deny it, and I know that it is dishonest and disrespectful to deny it."
One scientist on the forum said, i think, that saying we are closely related to, say, yeast simply shows we don't understand how the organization of DNA makes for huge differences.
At this stage of questionable evidence and lying witnesses, I would remember professional Crisis actors, hoaxed videos, and DHS scripted and produced events. Seeing and hearing no longer is real proof of anything, even when it is alleged to be live.
"he saw on CNN a complete video of the stoppage, altercation in the police car, and the final shooting. "
most whites don't read, at all. so the great awakening is pie in the sky.
Platinum EBT Cardholder: is the top tier of gubmint "service". The machinery up here is so inured to incompetence that it can grind on indefinitely. My actions are of only minor annoyance to the movers and shakers, my anonymous cohorts are in the same boat. It is very rare to see a white male face under 50, and it is getting browner every day. Still, with minor setbacks that usually require YT overtime, the beast grinds on fed by paper backed by a promise. and are the levels of gubmint where holding knee grows to YT standards can do the most good. They are very brown, and getting into them is difficult. They also have less mobility than employees thus the chance that the establishment is well entrenched and black as coal is a very real possibility. is probably the easiest if you are in a YT area, but funding for them is more precarious than Ending your positions there would not take a lot of manipulation if you are determined to be a hindrance to the establishments pets. Sorry, budget cuts. Shitqueefa has been here 30 years, you are new YT. Longevity.
Private corporations are even more difficult. You don't have the endless hours a gubmint employee does to fuck around with holding Shitavious to YT standards. Shitavious is there to shield the company from civil rights lawsuits. It is put where it can do the least amount of damage, leave it alone, we know its retarded, why are you wasting time telling us what we already know? You're fired.
So, how can we expand upon this effectively without jeopardizing our livelihoods? Baby steps. A mosquito is insignificant, but enough stings can drive an elephant mad. Act white. Strike when you can, but never over play your hand. When in doubt, withdraw. Live to fight another day. Never break the law. Never "chimp out" when confronted by the muds. Every time you chastise Shitqueefa for acting like an animal in public you have set an example for other whites. Every time you clog up the works with reports that require Shitavious to be retrained, you make them expend resources.
I know it gets frustrating. Does anybody have a method they have employed successfully? AFRICA FOR AFRICANS
Tray was kileed on Feb 26th 2012. Mikey B. was killed August 9th 2014.
They're both election years. While TM turned into an 18 month long ordeal from shooting to trial. Tray was also used as a big attempt to take the means the more civilized of this nation use to defend themselves. MB will probably not get milked by the MSM to that extent. But, the exact same template was used from Tray to Brown. Expect another White on black shooting to get brought by the mainstream in 2016. August was a little to close to November and the MB shooting couldn't be cast into the gray area far enough. If they can milk a story though the summer months, that gives them a good advantage in November.
They breed like disease, a predator, or just poor planning is gonna kill them at any moment. Our tax dollars feeds them and coddles them. All blacks know about the grand hustle of the American White. blacks, through genetics and media influence, kill & rape more of each other and other ethnic groups then Whites ever have. blacks have more than enough that participate in anti- White behavior and dysfunction that ruins this nation's goals. Lincoln should have opted out of the theater that night.
OT: A very white-looking toddler girl is now dead in Ohio after being placed in the care of a negroid male by the girl's mudshark mother, who was sent to jail on human-trafficking charges.
Watch this video at the link above. You can tell by looking at pictures of the murdered toddler girl that she was 100% white, but there is no mention of who her father was, but she had the totally negress-sounding first name of "Li'Asia". Her mother has a Polish surname, but no picture is shown of her. The negroid male accused of murdering "Li'Asia" the toddler girl has a long rap sheet of various violent crimes and dope dealing. Another negroid male, one who also has a long rap sheet for dope dealing, was supposed to gain custody of "Li'Asia" just before she was put in the hospital for the fatal injuries that were inflicted by the first negroid male. The second negroid male is interviewed on camera about this whole sordid affair of racemixing gone tragically wrong. This second negroid male actually refers to this now-deceased white toddler girl as his "blue eyed devil" in his interview. Unbelievable. I am sure that I am not the only one who picked up on that gem.
This terrible story needs to go viral. White mudshark mother is a junkie whore, apparently, who used her power of attorney from her jail cell to let her negroid pimp get custody of her blond and "blue eyed devil" toddler daughter with a negress-name. And now this child is dead. Thanks, mudshark mother.
Coalburning kills. Not just coalburners, but innocent white children too.
Although Ebola is getting all of the coverage lately let's not forget its little brother the polio-lite enterovirus that has been paralyzing and killing children. It was all the rage until its big brother Ebola elbowed it aside but the enterovirus is the gift from Central America that keeps on giving. Of course the MSM has dropped this inconvenient story and never reported much about the illegal aliens bringing this treasure of diversity with them but it's still raging.
In spite of this proven danger from diversity the DWL/MSM narrative continues unabated with a rebuke of "racism" to anyone who even suggests stopping the third world invasion. The tactic works, YT shuts up, puts his head down and sends his children back to schul where they will learn about the many wonderful contributions of the colored people and the evils of YT. Although nervousness in whitopia has noticeably increased lately with the happy narrative collapsing let's not forget, YT is ultimately an optimist, an insane, hopeless, eternal optimist. YT just knows "they" will fix things before they get too bad and besides, football is on the tube again after 'Dancing with the Stars'.
The Republicans (Rand Paul !, the guy named after a typewriter) just need to win the next election so they will have a majority in Congress so they can get "conservative" judges so they can overturn bad decisions so they can fix everything so they get reelected. This will allow YT to go back to the tube and watch some more all important sports, the metaphor for life. With Ebola now spreading, the financial system looking shaky and no bill likely from the St. Louis County grand jury BHO and his owners are now losing control of the narrative. The Ministry of Truth will have to work overtime to assuage fears of YT so they go back to sleep and don't rock the boat.
What none of the "conservatives" will do is point out the racial aspect of all these stories, the common thread between them all. The enterovirus causing polio type paralysis, the trouble in Ferguson and now Ebola all have in common minorities as their direct cause. The indirect cause of BHO and the resulting troubles can never be named of course, that's a thread that can never be pulled, too much would unravel.
Instead "conservatives" will blame BHO's incompetence for Ebola or Eric "my peeps" Holder for stirring up Ferguson and won't even bring up the squat monsters coming over the southern border with their diseases. Certainly BHO is incompetent but that's one of the reasons he was picked to be president, it makes him completely pliable. His gross incompetence and stupidity is not a bug, it's a feature.
non-DWL from NE.
Anyone think Hannah Graham's father & mother are "awake" now?
It may be a little premature, but I'm betting Philadelphia Mike can add her to the list.
Another white angel gone.
Watch this video at the link above. You can tell by looking at pictures of the murdered toddler girl that she was 100% white, but there is no mention of who her father was, but she had the totally negress-sounding first name of "Li'Asia".
I think you are confused. The video shows an interview with the father who is black. I suspect that he has significant white admixture and coupled with a Polish mother's genes they produced a white appearing child.
If Paul will indulge me in publishing the websites:
The police trade in revolvers were on (at least as of a couple days ago)
The Seminov (SKS) carbines were still available at
Royal Tiger Imports ( had some badly beat up Seminovs for as low as $219.00 which may be an option of you're handy.
Pro Tip: Everyone needs a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder in their circle, just like everyone needs a plumber, HVAC guy, and a lawyer. Many gun stores are loathe to order surplus and trade in firearms for you. They'd much rather sell you something from their inventory.
Alright Greatwhites, I'm off to disappear into my garage for some much needed therapeutic motorcycle tinkering. (I suppose if I were a Vibrant American I'd spend the day guzzling purpa-drank an assaulting cops, but thats just not my Cracka style!)
I think you are confused. The video shows an interview with the father who is black. I suspect that he has significant white admixture and coupled with a Polish mother's genes they produced a white appearing child.
I watched the same video too. There is no way in hell that buck-toothed black guy could have been the biological father of this dead white baby. Look at this picture:
See the pale white skin, the blond hair, and the blue eyes on that little girl? There is no way in hell could that bluegummed bastard in the news video be her father. At least one of his negroid features would have showed up with her if this had been the case. Kinky hair, flared out nose, dark eyes, something.
Check out this story:
Here's a quote from the link above:
"Li'Asia's mother Barbara Wichrowski was arrested and charged with trafficking persons, compelling prostitution and endangering children on June, 19, according to the spokesperson for Cuyahoga County's division of children and family services."
Wichrowski - Polish surname
Question: Where did the surname of the dead little girl - "Moorer" - come from?
Anyway, when you watch the news video at the link above, you can tell that the surviving white family members of this now-dead little girl are all trashy wigger types. The uncle - Blake Wichrowski - spoke to the local news media in Ohio with some type of affected ghetto accent or whatever. "Why'd she hafta get tooken from us?!" was a line I heard from him. I don't know any white people who sound like this guy.
This little girl is dead now because her mother is a disgusting coalburner whore. It's as simple as that.
Weisse frau said...
1. There is not a single "homo sapiens sapiens" that solely developed/evolved in any garden of Eden within Africa that made it beyond a very short distance (at the most) outside of Africa at that time. Whatever hominid bred with Neandertals during this time period, the cross created a hominid/hominid cross that was neither a african hominid nor a neandertal hominid, it became a different type of hominid due to the cross.
3. Modern humans, Us, are the offspring/decedents of multiple hominids from different regions and continents, and I really don't care who denies it or why they wish to deny it. I just know that it is silly to deny it, and I know that it is dishonest and disrespectful to deny it."
One scientist on the forum said, i think, that saying we are closely related to, say, yeast simply shows we don't understand how the organization of DNA makes for huge differences. October 18, 2014 at 7:48 PM
What forum is that? This is why some say the are "Specists" not Racists.
This is called the Out of Eurasia theory and it is totally non-PC crimethink to even bring it up. Good on ya.
There an explanation of it in "Erectus Walks Amongst Us" (Note the employee depicted on the front.)
Having 99% of DNA in common is a red herring. We have 100% of our atoms in common with chimps and yeast, too. What matters is the groupings and the patterns that those atoms or genes form. The map of those differences is haplogroup map. There are a couple simple versions in Fig 7.7 and 7.3.
From that comes the idea of Speciation, Species, and Genetic Distance. For example, the dog and the coyote are considered completely different species, and no one in their right mind would want to force them to live together and attend the same schools. They don't act the same, they don't look the same, they don't smell the same, they don't sound the same, they don't have the same intelligence.
Only some satanic, sadistic, insane DWL would even entertain such a creepy idea. It would be cruelty to animals to put these two species in the same cage together. And the hybrid that might result would be a half-crazed, wilding thing with no clear loyalty to either the dog pack or the coyote pack. What a cruel thing to create.
And yet the Dog and the Coyote are a shorter distance apart genetically than are the Caucasian and the Negroid.
-Beyond Hatred
Anonymous said: "In the political, cultural, and social struggle vs BRA, eventually every able bodied person will be needed."
Great statement! Right to the point.
Philadelphia Mike
Another great article from PK. Once officer Wilson is acquitted by a grand jury there will be an epic Chimpout on the Ferguson streets, and probably elsewhere as token solidarity leads to stealing, looting and the usual black behavior when the thin veneer of civilization is stripped off. Will it be a Grail moment? Only if we have someone who steps up as a public figure who can unite and lead White people, someone not afraid to speak truth and be powerful enough to spread the message despite the MSM using every trick in the book to sabotage such a man.
Does such a man exist? That's the question that haunts me. No mainstream politician would dare to be that man. Many obstacles exist on the path to racial reality here in America, and our biggest one is no national movement for racial realists that appeals to a broad class of whites can be found.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
most whites don't read, at all. so the great awakening is pie in the sky.
And for this very reason we need to be bold...spread the truth with the fervor of an evangelist.
Philadelphia Mike
Ed said...
"Watch this video at the link above. You can tell by looking at pictures of the murdered toddler girl that she was 100% white, but there is no mention of who her father was, but she had the totally negress-sounding first name of "Li'Asia".
I think you are confused. The video shows an interview with the father who is black. I suspect that he has significant white admixture and coupled with a Polish mother's genes they produced a white appearing child."
Yes, Ed. The little white girl was probably a quadroon. But did you hear how her mulatto father described her? He said, "She my little angel. Little blue eyed devil."
And THAT is how the blacks view us even if we are dear to them. We ARE the blue eyed devil to them. And even those of us with brown or green eyes are also thrown into that category.
Racists. The blacks are such hypocritical racists.
...most whites don't read, at all. so the great awakening is pie in the sky.
Every revolution requires only a small, dedicated cadre to win. You do not need to wake the 51%. Just the 5%. And then let them take the lead.
I think things will have to get worse before the great awakening occurs. Let the obsolete farm equipment riot and burn their own neighborhoods how does that effect us? Let the silly DWL's of dying denominations chastise the police, it'll do no good. The Episcopal Church is a prime example of an elite denomination gone DWL and headed towards extinction. The answer for the crisis is contained in the death spiral of what was once the best brand name in the western world. What was once equated with money and power is now equated with silly old people and diversity.
The holy grail moment will come when diversity starts burning and rioting in non moon cricket areas. A few of the really stupid ones have called for that and were shut up very quickly. Only when YT sees the boon at his doorstep will you see action. And oh action will it be, and the race baiters know it which is why they like these tempests in a teapot.
But for this to happen all government and law enforcement must be removed from ghettos. Then let them complain about that but don't give in to the eking and ooking.
The problem is the moon cricket knows about and fears the white power structure even if the swell up and beat their chests saying dat not be true. Until they attack that there's no holy grail moment in my opinion. However when it eventually happens, and it will because they are too stupid to stop themselves, get ready for a show.
I was told a long time ago that the only thing a ni@@er understands is massive overwhelming force, these people have to be ruled not governed. When you stop trying to govern these parisites and rule them change will come. We ruled them in the south from the 1870 to the 1960's when THWNBN brought about this disaster. Look to history, those who fail to heed its lessons are destined to reapeat it and the last 50 years have been a taste of what reconstruction was like in the south.
Having 99% of DNA in common is a red herring. We have 100% of our atoms in common with chimps and yeast, too. What matters is the groupings and the patterns that those atoms or genes form. The map of those differences is haplogroup map. There are a couple simple versions in Fig 7.7 and 7.3.
From that comes the idea of Speciation, Species, and Genetic Distance. For example, the dog and the coyote are considered completely different species, and no one in their right mind would want to force them to live together and attend the same schools. They don't act the same, they don't look the same, they don't smell the same, they don't sound the same, they don't have the same intelligence.
Only some satanic, sadistic, insane DWL would even entertain such a creepy idea. It would be cruelty to animals to put these two species in the same cage together. And the hybrid that might result would be a half-crazed, wilding thing with no clear loyalty to either the dog pack or the coyote pack. What a cruel thing to create.
And yet the Dog and the Coyote are a shorter distance apart genetically than are the Caucasian and the Negroid.
-Beyond Hatred
Standing O! Really nice summation and I agree with the distance model.
Another thing to consider, which the book brought up, was that we differentiate species by 0.025% DNA change (Some less, like birds, some slightly more, like bears, but the average is 0.025%.
The genetic distance between the sub-Saharan negro and the average Englishman is 0.25% or TEN TIMES that distance. It is the authors well founded contention that the human species should be broken up, based solely on genetic distance, into a branch that is Eurasian/Caucasian and Sub Saharan negroid. So what we would have is Homo Sapiens Sapiens and Homo Africanus. THEN the other races would fall into the two branches. Russian and Irish and English and Spanish (from Spain) moving across Asia as our ancestors did to Chinese to finally Japanese.
The Homo Africanus have never moved. No sail, no wheel, nothing. Early contact was through the Egyptians and they at once sealed their border from negros (I have in the past printed the translation of the Senusret Tablet found in the British museum. I would recommend everyone to look it up and read the translation; negros just like today.
This is slowly being accepted by scientists but like the "Bell Curve", this is written in vague anthropological terms and in complex scientific nomenclature so the PC police don't move in the the kill. I agree with the other posters, this is very Double Plus Ungood stuff to be reading, especially the pictures and DNA distance data. Noble Prize winner Dr. Watson was taken down because he has read this like you and I read a Tom Clancy novel. When confronted by a direct question, there was a war between PC and his scientific training and the PC lost.
So did he.
The neanderthal/hominid/humans/dna discussion was at the science forum:
Scientists there are trying to figure out/explain how we can be "99.9% the same" yet non-Africans are 4% neanderthal.
My brother and I can't possibly be 99.9% the same. He's a man! A Swedish man and a Spanish woman can't be 99.9% the same. We all know there are genetic differences affecting body type and temperament.
But they keep telling us this nonsense so we can believe that Serena Williams is 99.9% the same as Taylor Swift.
The science forum is really great where the scientists try to make some real sense of it.
Wish I could understand it better.
New research has shown that dogs did NOT evolve from wolves but instead they both have a common ancestor.
Research in human DNA will probably show similar results between the races.
And I found another article.
Oh, the previous post about wolves and dogs was posted by me.
"Researchers at Eotvos Lorand University in Hungary wanted to find out if wolf pups raised in a home from birth would behave like puppies that are raised in a nurturing environment. They took a litter of five-day-old wolf pups from a wolf sanctuary and raised them exactly like puppies. They cared for them 24/7 with bottle feedings, regular cleaning and sleeping with them. The wolf pups related to the researchers just like puppies – until they reached eight weeks of age. Then the pups started going in a different direction in their relationship with the people raising them, despite a close bond that had been established. The wolves had no interest in what the humans were doing and couldn’t figure out what a pointing finger meant, like puppies can. They wanted to do their own thing and unlike dogs, wouldn’t even make eye contact with humans, which is basically how a wild wolf pup would react.
As the wolf pups grew, they didn’t respond to attempts to train them. They became more possessive of their food, toys and anything they found of interest. The older they got, the more they simply acted like wolves, destroying things and paying no attention to the humans who raised them. What this shows is that the ability to tame a wolf to act like a dog is almost impossible. It also proves that dogs are far from just socialized wolves and have evolved to the animal sleeping at our feet because of thousands of years of domestication through selective breeding."
But this article was written in 2011 before the new research proved that dogs did not evolve from wolves. In the beginning of the article they erroneously state that dogs evolved from wolves.
Interesting, though,isn't it. It seems to apply to the unanswered questions we have about behavioral differences between the races.
Philadelphia Mike
Oh come now people. Negros do this all the time. She was not of her genetic linage, so like a bear or other wild animal, he killed her to make way for his own. I am surprised he didn't rape her first. This is so common among negros that its horrible murders have cute nicknames like Ghetto Pork (Microwave), Ghetto Lobster (Boiling water), Baked niglet (when left in the SUV in the hot sun), "Tenderized" (beaten to death) as in this case or my favorite; Flying Pampers", when they get dropped from a 5 or 6th story window.
Remember, no matter how deformed or brain damaged they are (assuming they don't die) Whites Tax-payers fork up the money for the Hospital bills, rehab and life care Forever.*
In Africa, they just die.
* Note that she was "dropped off" (not Abandoned?) at the hospital. From that point on, the negro didn't want responsibility. No Tears, no Crying, no long night vigils for the poor little White Girl.
He hit her and hit her till she didn't work no more and sheet.
Say it loud and Proud Comrades: Diversity is Our Strength!
There will be a "The Green Mile" movie loosely based on the Michael Brown shooting in which will gently catttle prod white minds back into the corral.
I hear you platinum EBT (lol that my phone automatically capitalizes that). Groids don't get booted by uncle sugar unless they're caught red handed raping a local on Okinawa. Fucking shameful. Standards are standards. PERIOD.
Don't let the little poodles snapping at your heels stop you from your posting.
Those who are not 100% PRO-WHITE can go to hell (with their mulatto children, adopted pet kids, Asian "me love you big time GI" wives and the other assorted white race traitors).
The need for solidarity around a white European heritage is becoming a necessity for our simple survival. But instead of growing that understanding, loud mouth bullies like CENTURION want to alienate as many allies as possible. Using his confused measure of goodness, we embrace the Clintons, Tim Wise, Harry Reid, Lyndon Banes Johnson, John Wayne Gacy and John Boehner, to name just a few archteypes. That little lineup is all white and therefore a thumbs up on entry to CENTURION's white club.
Developing and adhering to actual principles upon which we could coalesce is real work and therefore out of scope for a CENTURION. So, we are left with the child-like slogan "Those who are not 100% PRO-WHITE can go to hell".
Re genes. The government likes to have the schools tells us that "we" have 99.9 percent the same genes.
Science says Humans have '99' the same with some ape / apes.
Obviously .1 to 10.0 % MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE.
"This terrible story needs to go viral".
Good luck getting 'those who made trayvon a saint' giving any time to the tale of the white child killed by the 'surrogate balck dad'.
The Planet of the Apes Occupation Government of America has declared that they are going to rapidly increase the speed at which America is flooded with vibrant enrichers from Haiti. Thousands of these diverse and colorful ape-like creatures will soon land on our shores to drink the blood from our veins, rape our white women, and enrich our culture with poverty, disease, and violence.
re,most whites don't read, at all. so the great awakening is pie in the sky.
Yes BUT unlike 80% ? of the blacks in Det-rot AT LEAST WHITES CAN READ.
I saw this on the news and also the black beast in custody suspected of her murder. This "animal" will get the full benefit of our American judicial system, including an appointed attorney. White people will wait for the judgment by a coury of law. The local blacks will want him back but there'll be no major chimpout, after all, it was just a white girl he killed.
Contrast this with Ferguson, Missouri. The black community want to see Officer Wilson hung in the nearest tree. No right to an attorney, no trial in a court of law, no waiting for the judicial process. After all, he killed a criminal that had just committed a robbery and had just attacked a law enforcement officer. But the criminal was black.
Why do we, Americans, put up with the third world antics of Africans? Why do we continue to feed the vermin that would (will) kill us as a people and a country?
Its time for them to go home, or be placed under the authority of the states game & fish commission
A west Texas rancher once said he has rattlesnakes on his property. He's killed them on his front and back porch. He kills them because they will bite him and inject him with poison.
He doesn't try to reason with them or ask them to leave because they won't go, so he kills them. He doesn't feed them or try to be friends with them because they're rattlesnakes. He just kills them.
Don't get bit people.
This just in from the (turd) Ferguson protestors spokesperson:
Yo, man - Ay - yo, cuz... ay - yo! I said ay! Ay, man... yo! Know what i'm sayin? Ay, cuz! I'm just sayin, y'know what i'm sayin? Yo
"Moron said:
we embrace the Clintons, Tim Wise, Harry Reid, Lyndon Banes Johnson, John Wayne Gacy and John Boehner, to name just a few archteypes. That little lineup is all white and therefore a thumbs up on entry to CENTURION's white club.""
That is not what he said, liar.
The Clintons are dedicated Marxists, Lyndon Banes Johnson was as mad as a hatter, Tim Wise is not White and Gacy was a serial killer and rapist, etc.
What he said is that those who are dedicated to the White cause 100% are those we should be interested in. Those with split loyalties (coal or rice burners for example) will stab you in the back at a critical moment. Your example of TWMNBN Wise is a perfect illustration of the point, ironically.
Nothing he said was a defense or endorsement of the evil or the simpleminded amongst us; which all races have.
By the way, you spelling needs work, moron, "archteypes" is spelled "archetypes". Your smears need spell checking.
White Homeland, Northwest Front!
The authorised government narrative regarding Ebola is slowly shape shifting from 'Nothing to see here' to 'BHO is incompetent on this new threat' on FOX TV, the loathsome Wall Street Journal and the 'conservative' sites. On the 'liberal' government approved MSM sites i.e. CNN, MSNBC etc. the narrative is: "It's the public's fault for panicking". Neither the "conservative" nor certainly the "liberal" sides will give much time to the idea of closing the U.S. borders to prevent more Ebola or the fact that all of these troubles are directly caused by minorities and their enablers.
If Ebola takes off like the 1919 influenza epidemic and kills millions of people in the U.S., breaks down the economy and finally wrecks the moribund dollar the whole government project of multi-culturalism, diversity, demographic replacement and permanent war will fail spectacularly. A catastrophe of biblical proportions is the only thing that will finally wake YT up from his mighty stupor, nothing less. BHO might be just the guy to do it although it's unlikely Mitt the Bankster would have produced a very different outcome.
The communists' success over the last 100 years in the U.S. has been because they were smart enough to take their time, work over generations and march through the institutions of society, such as religion and their second target (after banking), schools. When there was a backlash such as in the 1950s they cried persecution and throttled back their efforts. When things were favorable such as the 1960s they went all out, provoking a mild backlash again in the 1980s. Ebola is potentially so fast acting and so deadly that it can speed up the Left's agenda much too quickly for their own good causing them to get crushed.
As many here have noted, our job is not to 'get involved' and certainly not to help BRA in any way, shape or form but to survive. After BRA falls race realism will have its day in the sun but not before. Get prepared, especially with food, fuel and medicine, we are going to need it.
Many excellent commenters write about firearms, such as 10mm Auto so I will defer to them on that important subject.
Regarding the murder of Hannah Graham, if we reacted to the murder of white women by black males appropriately,(and we all know what that means) it would all but stop. But we're too busy watching football & teaching our white daughters that black males are to be cheered not feared, that they're all innocent & misunderstood at best- like Theo Huxtable of "The Cosby Show". And we have paid a tremendous toll for our selfishness. Young, black males- by and large, are predatory animals. You know it and I know it.
A different America knew that once, and our white females were protected. They were not raped & murdered by the thousands by blacks.
An anonymous First Responder
Expediting West African visas and waving fees. In August. Typhoid Tommy was approved in August just as the Ebola epidemic was reaching 1500 dead.
Here is my theory. If there is an 'Ebola Zombie Apocalypse' I would like to question them to see how they will vote. We know that actual dead people always vote democratic. Whereas the living dead are a new voting block. Now the fact that the democrats are fighting the flight ban makes some sense.
Maybe I can interview them to get an idea of which way they are leaning.
JB "Sir. How will you be voting this November?"
Zombie "I am voting Whig party".
JB "The Whig party is dead. Been dead a long time."
Zombie " Well there you go. We have much in common."
JB "Seriously, Rep or Dem?"
Zombie "Probably Democrat. I heard they are working on Zombie civil rights legislation AND we get to use the girls bathroom!"
Anon notes:
Coalburning kills. Not just coalburners, but innocent white children too.
Yes indeed. One of the more infamous cases was in Shitcongo in the 1990s, where a white coalburner - mother of two white children - shacked up with a shitavious whose negress on the side got so pissed off that she managed to persuade ol' shitavious to carve up the coalburner for a live-action Ceasarian to remove the mulatto beast growing her womb (who lived, of course). This of course left the coalburner quite dead (which was the negroids' plan). The two white children, who were naturally in the coalburner's custody (it being a feminist, pinkshirt, Marxoid owned "court" system) were dispatched by shitavious and his associates shortly thereafter (one was 11 the other was 5 as I recall).
Shitavious - who actually wielded the knife - was sentenced to death, but the criminal psychopath Repuke governor in an act of religious contrition shortly before his fall and ultimate conviction (I think he's still somewhere in a Club Fed resort for felons), commuted all death sentences, so Shitavious continues to live on YT's dime, assuming the ACLU, "Inncocence Project", $PLC and assorted Social Justice Warriors haven't already got him out on the streets.
Good luck getting 'those who made trayvon a saint' giving any time to the tale of the white child killed by the 'surrogate balck dad'.
They're never going to, and it's foolish to think they would. This relates to a point raised by Jassi before: We need to develop our own infrastructure and networks. Do do this, effective means must be developed to keep out whites who have sold their souls to the devil, regardless of whether they call themselves "God-fearin' Tea-Party Patriotard Christian Conservatives" or are openly Marxist pinkshirts. It might also involve developing some arms-length alliances with other organizations in which certain non-white groups could participate. At the same time, we need to be doing everything possible to discredit, undermine, betray and destroy the enemy infrastructure and networks. They have developed highly effective means of keeping out almost everyone whose gospel is not equality and whose god is not the negro.
One of the real mysteries of the present era has been the behavior of Asians in particular. They have been subjected to negro savagery at a rate nearly equal to that of whites. Much like the official 'Hispanic' response to the regime's continuing railroading of the Peruvian George Zimmerman, the only response ever seen from Asian groups is this type of weird Orwellian genuflection before the negroid altars of Sts. Trayvon, Swisher the Sweet and Sammich. One would think, for example, that there might be some Chinese-language type of SBPDL where the horrors of negroes were being exposed every day. Maybe there is and I simply don't know about it, but I rather doubt it.
I'm sorry, but Hannah Graham was no "white angel". She didn't deserve what happened to her, but what the heck do you expect when you're an 18 year old girl walking around at 1am in a sketchy part of town, drunk out of your mind, heading from one party to another to get even more wasted? Typical Western slut if you ask me, and as a result of her poor judgement, met her demise at the hands of this sub-human piece of garbage.
"Voodoo....Is that where "Doodie Man" got his name from?"
Other posters have claimed it is a reference to crap. Both of these are incorrect. Websters Unabridged Ebonics Dictionary says:
Doodie: That quality pertaining to a person that acts with honor and integrity believed to have originated from the English word 'duty'.
(and yes it is 'that' Webster)
American Citzen:
Another great article from PK. Once officer Wilson is acquitted by a grand jury there will be an epic Chimpout on the Ferguson streets, and probably elsewhere as token solidarity leads to stealing, looting and the usual black behavior when the thin veneer of civilization is stripped off. Will it be a Grail moment?
I think NBF (a most honorable set of initials) actually might be onto something in answer to the question of the holy grail moment. Here's a key part of what he said:
The holy grail moment will come when diversity starts burning and rioting in non moon cricket areas. A few of the really stupid ones have called for that and were shut up very quickly. Only when YT sees the boon at his doorstep will you see action. And oh action will it be, and the race baiters know it which is why they like these tempests in a teapot.
You will note that the rioting of the past two months in St. Louis has been confined to areas already largely inhabited by the groids. The knee-grows, all of their outside consultants (who are either paid for their agit-prop work or don't actually have to work for a living) and their MinTru allies didn't show up in West County locales like Creve Coeur, Manchester, Ballwin and Chesterfield - much less the truly wealthy enclaves like Ladue or Huntleigh Woods to start their looting and burning, did they?
A high percentile of the local white or white-looking pinkshirts involved in the agit-prop campaign likely reside in places such as Ladue, Huntleigh, the high-price parts of University City and Clayton. The NBBP Shabazz types who were advocating taking the revolution to such ruling class enclaves were indeed shut up very quickly. YTs in places such as Ladue and Huntleigh are unlikely to ever have a holy grail moment, even if negroes storm the palace, slaughter the Mexican gardeners, gang-rape their grandchildren, etc. They'll set up a foundation for looting other YT to pay negroes (like the parents of Amy Biehl) in response. The YT in places like Ballwin, Manchester, etc. might have a holy-grail experience if the chimp-mob shows up to burn their own debt-palaces to the ground. NBF reads the situation quite well.
Quite simply, the Negro is living on the wrong continent. It's like birds trying to live underwater - they are not adapted to the environment. Negroes have not assimilated en masse into any first world country. Instead, they drag it down and gradually destroy it. There simply must be a physical separation; oceans do quite a good job. Short of doing that, there will be blood. It's in the genome.
Read The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. DWL's are the Eloi.
We are losing our country to genetic invaders. There must be some push-back for our children's sake. Otherwise we're 'into the cannibals' pot'.
P.K. there is a reason they wont release officer wilsons innocence till november it will be colder less chance of riots ,cause as we know obamas kids hate the cold,but in all honesty i dont care let them burn whats left of fergustan to the ground,if we as a race refuse to put a stop to this crap than we deserve to get whats coming..
royal oak dude..
Great read about the marxist left and their tactics in South Africa which is the same playbook for America:
CNN Anderson Cooper MSM Liars produce their own version of Wilson/Brown. Alleged witnesses didn't see the whole episode from start to finish and were able to see detail from 50 feet away, with added embellishments. Deception is the MSM method, just as in the Gulf war, 9/11, and Sandy Hook. Money to burn and their own supply of props and actors. But anything to get Darren Wilson hanged for the NOT murder of St. Michael of Thugsters.
On Wednesday night, CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 aired video footage from a cellphone taken shortly after Micheal Brown was shot dead by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. The footage shows two contractors, roughly 50 feet away from the scene, reacting in the immediate aftermath of Brown’s shooting. The two construction workers have asked that they not be identified. It appears these are the same workers that provided eyewitness accounts to St. Louis area media last week.
As you can see in the video, one worker is yelling towards where Officer Wilson shot Brown. He shouts, “He had his f***ing hands in the air!” The worker also pantomimes Brown’s motions, throwing his hands up. The details both workers gave CNN were very graphic. One man states that he saw Brown’s “brains come out of his head.” The workers also described how Brown was running from Wilson and was putting his hands up in the air. Wilson shot at Brown while he was running away. After that, Brown stopped, turned around and exclaimed, “OK, OK, OK,” while still having his hands in the air.
A small crew of humans came over from Africa from Djibouti to Aden. They encountered some Neanderthals and cross bred. This is non African humanity.
St. Louis might actually be ground zero for the white racial awakening.
Has any foreign government, entity or group ever done as much damage to us as "our" own government? Now it brings in diseases-- Ebola, leprosy (in Ohio), Enterovirus-- and plots to fast track more Haitian immigrants. With "friends" like our beloved leaders in Washington who needs enemies?
Don't get me wrong. I'm glad she's healing, but I'm glad she's in Spain and not in U.S. When the sick Africans hear about how well they heal in Spain, they might possibly immigrate there instead of here.
Then again, maybe not. Spain closely monitors its borders.
Thanks for the info Don!
Dan said...
"A small crew of humans came over from Africa from Djibouti to Aden. They encountered some Neanderthals and cross bred. This is non African humanity."
Well, Dan, you're regurgitating the diatribe that we've been taught by the Ministry of Truth.
The most recent research shows that the White European was NOT a hybrid of homo africanus with the Neanderthal. A primate predecessor of homo sapiens migrated from western Asia and travelled south west to Africa and due west to Europe. This primate predecessor then independently evolved into the 3 homo sapiens subspecies. The European homo sapiens did have some mixing of the Neanderthal into their genetic pool.
The "Out of Africa" Theory has been thrown to the curbside as inaccurate. The Ministry of Truth is actively keeping this under wraps.
"One of the real mysteries of the present era has been the behavior of Asians in particular. They have been subjected to negro savagery at a rate nearly equal to that of whites. Much like the official 'Hispanic' response to the regime's continuing railroading of the Peruvian George Zimmerman, the only response ever seen from Asian groups is this type of weird Orwellian genuflection before the negroid altars of Sts. Trayvon, Swisher the Sweet and Sammich. One would think, for example, that there might be some Chinese-language type of SBPDL where the horrors of negroes were being exposed every day. Maybe there is and I simply don't know about it, but I rather doubt it."
I know you know the answer to this Bogo, but I'll jump in and play your foil.
Asians view us as an ethnic competitor for money, resources, and political power. Sure, they probably regard us a species of human, as we do them. But they'd naturally rather themselves be on top.
So, the party that openly and gleefully makes it their mission to reduce whites to a hated and persecuted minority in BRAmerica is naturally going to attract them as voters.
Yes, they will incur some casualties from the "Vibrant-Americans" but in every war, you have to accept a certain percentage of losses in order to win. Asians are cold blooded calculators when it comes to that.
What must be absolutely amazing to Asians though is the sheer number of roundeye palefaces marching in lockstep with the party that wants to destroy them. I am sure that just doesn't compute for them.
Anonymous said...
I'm sorry, but Hannah Graham was no "white angel". She didn't deserve what happened to her, but what the heck do you expect when you're an 18 year old girl walking around at 1am in a sketchy part of town, drunk out of your mind, heading from one party to another to get even more wasted? Typical Western slut if you ask me, and as a result of her poor judgement, met her demise at the hands of this sub-human piece of garbage.
There's your white solidarity.
I see no one has yet even tried to answer my question above as to WHY the United States changed from a white supremacist ethnostate to a multi-racial "proposition nation" overseen by a hostile elite.
That's disappointing, because unless the reason for this reversal can be understood, the prospect of returning to the former condition is not very good. I see a lot of people blathering about it, and wishing for it, but very little in the way of rational analysis. Where are those supposedly high white IQs, people? How do you expect to get rid of hostile elites if you don't understand how they came to be there in the first place? Or, like the man said, "Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Here's another question, since I guess that first one was too hard: If ethnostates are the answer, why didn't the US break up into white and and black areas immediately after the Civil War? And further: Why was the lunatic project of trying to integrate the negro race into what was originally a whites-only state ever begun?
Anonymous said...
I'm sorry, but Hannah Graham was no "white angel". She didn't deserve what happened to her, but what the heck do you expect when you're an 18 year old girl walking around at 1am in a sketchy part of town, drunk out of your mind, heading from one party to another to get even more wasted? Typical Western slut if you ask me, and as a result of her poor judgement, met her demise at the hands of this sub-human piece of garbage.
October 19, 2014 at 2:22 PM
To be fair, colleges are often located right next (or near) to a ghetto. A cop buddy of mine told me that the "undesirables" often hang out by the local college bars near closing time to search for potential victims. Usually drunk white girls (Graham) or drunk white guys get targeted...especially if they're alone.
I see no one has yet even tried to answer my question above as to WHY the United States changed from a white supremacist ethnostate to a multi-racial "proposition nation" overseen by a hostile elite.
That's disappointing, because unless the reason for this reversal can be understood, the prospect of returning to the former condition is not very good. I see a lot of people blathering about it, and wishing for it, but very little in the way of rational analysis. Where are those supposedly high white IQs, people? How do you expect to get rid of hostile elites if you don't understand how they came to be there in the first place? Or, like the man said, "Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Here's another question, since I guess that first one was too hard: If ethnostates are the answer, why didn't the US break up into white and and black areas immediately after the Civil War? And further: Why was the lunatic project of trying to integrate the negro race into what was originally a whites-only state ever begun?
Well, see, it's like this...
Sometimes we try, but Paul can't let it out if we get too close. It's understandable, his self-protectiveness. The powers that be are called powers for a reason, and can make one very uncomfortable if they wish. They know eyes are opening and that they fear. They are in full damage-control mode right now. We must continue to nip at their heels until enough awareness has risen, then we become like they fancy themselves.
Big Dogs.
I believe the police vehicle is a Tahoe suv, so michael brownstain attacking Officer Wilson inside the vehicle is totally believable and makes sense. Good shoot, good kill, rest in piss michael brownstain.
God gave us an entire continent to contain the negro. Let's put it to good use.
RE. Pat Boyle. I saw the video that you are talking about.It showed Brown a little ways from the police car yelling and then he charged the cop who shot him in self defence after telling him to halt/stop.I tried to send it to a friend but it didn't go through.When I went back to find it ,it was gone,wiped,nada. But I know I saw it.
Johnny See said...
" I see no one has yet even tried to answer my question above as to WHY the United States changed from a white supremacist ethnostate to a multi-racial "proposition nation" overseen by a hostile elite."
George Carlin -"Who Really Controls America"
November 22, 2013
The Beginning of the End: The Immigration Act of 1965 and the Emergence of Modern U.S./Mexico Border Enforcement
In the celebratory wake of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Congress enacted the Immigration Act of 1965, Pub. L. No. 89-236, 79 Stat. 911 (codified as amended in scattered sections of 8 U.S.C.). Consistent with the emerging popularity of the respect for civil rights of racial minorities in the United States, the 1965 Act eliminated the discriminatory national origins quotas system from the U.S. immigration laws, which Congress had passed in 1924 when xenophobic sentiment was at one of its periodic highpoints in American history. Needless to say, the end of the quotas system represented a major – and unquestionably positive – change in the law.
In the 1965 Act, however, Congress went considerably further than simply removing the discriminatory quotas from the immigration laws. Affirmatively acting to eliminate racial and
other forms of bias that had been part and parcel of the American immigration laws for generations, Congress flatly prohibited a variety of impermissible considerations from influencing the U.S. government’s decisions to issue immigrant visas: “[n]o person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of his race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence . . . .” Pub L. No. 89-236, § 2(a), 79 Stat. at 911-12 (codified as amended in the INA § 202, 8 U.S.C. § 1152) (emphasis added). This firm admonition imposes the equivalent of what might be characterized as a color-blindness-plus requirement on the U.S. government in granting visas.
Major Features of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Black Skin Privilege
December 21, 2012 by David Horowitz and John Perazzo
"As it happens, the term “white skin privilege” was first popularized in the 1970s by the SDS radicals of “Weatherman,” who were carrying on a terrorist war against “Amerikkka,” a spelling designed to stigmatize the United States as a nation of Klansmen. Led by presidential friends, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather terrorists called on other whites to renounce their privilege and join a global race war already in progress.
Although their methods and style kept the Weather radicals on the political fringe, their views on race reflected those held by the broad ranks of the political left. In the following years, the concept of “white skin privilege” continued to spread until it became an article of faith among all progressives, a concept that accounted for everything that was racially wrong in America beginning with its constitutional founding. As Pax Christi USA, a Catholic organization, explained: “Law in the U.S. protects white skin privilege because white male landowners created the laws to protect their rights, their culture and their wealth.” This was the theme of A People’s History of the United States, the most popular book ever written on the subject, of university curricula across the nation."
Johnny See,
Thanks for your response.
Yes, wealth has something to do with the generation of hostile elites, but it's not the whole story by any means. There have always been wealthy people, and they've always run things, but they haven't always been hostile to race and traditions. That's a relatively recent phenomenon characteristic of multiracial states.
It does make some sense though, once we realize that at the time of the Civil War, the US didn't simply break up into two ethnostates because it made no economic sense to do so. Unfortunately, it still makes no economic sense, and although that's discouraging, by understanding this we've at least made some progress.
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