Offenders of the city’s municipal laws with outstanding warrants soon will get a free pass.
St. Louis officials plan to announce that the city’s municipal court will automatically clear outstanding warrants for nonviolent traffic violations and allow offenders to reset the court dates without a fee so long as they act by year’s end, making it the most progressive warrant forgiveness program in the region.
About 220,000 outstanding warrants issued before Oct. 1 in the city will automatically be forgiven, according to Jeff Rainford, the chief of staff to Mayor Francis Slay. He said the announcement was planned for today.
Rainford said the novel approach comes from conversations in the wake of the unrest in Ferguson, where many advocates of the poor complain that some residents are burdened by steep court fines and saddled with warrants for minor offenses.
“In light of Ferguson, we were thinking of how we can be more fair,” Rainford said."How can we be more fair."
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Not without massive affirmative action and employment in the public sector.... |
The most important question of modern America, a country completely gripped in the theocratic belief in Black-Run America's (BRA) moral authority.
With your average black male being quite intimate with the judicial system, it's only fair to extend the "Ban the Box" campaign to the city Michael Brown and Vonderritt Myers called 'home.' [St. Louis city will no longer require job applicants to disclose felony convictions, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10-1-14]:
Mayor Francis Slay announced on Tuesday that St. Louis will no longer require applicants for city jobs to disclose felony convictions.
“Millions of Americans have been convicted of felonies. Many of them have paid their debt to society and are willing to earn a second chance,” Slay said at a press conference.
Some jobs are subject to regulations and the city is legally required to do background checks, such as at the airport or police department. Those checks will still take place, officials said.
Slay said the city will do such screenings on a case-by-case basis but that job applications no longer will face a check-box asking them about their criminal history.
“We would not hire a child molester for recreational programs,” Slay said. “We would not hire an embezzler to handle money.”
The announcement comes as regional leaders grapple with the unrest in Ferguson after the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protesters have used the situation to shine a light on problems such as racial discord, police tactics and poverty.
Slay made the announcement while standing next to Jamilah Nasheed, a state senator who has appeared on the front lines of many of the Ferguson protests.
“This is how you fight crime,” Nasheed said. “You fight crime with jobs.”
Officials said some people may not apply for jobs thinking a conviction would automatically disqualify them.
“If you get out of prison and you can’t get a job, you can’t provide for yourself or your family,” Slay said.Fair.
"Ban the Box" to ensure fairness in job applications.
Why not just make it illegal to give black people tickets for nonviolent offenses?
Wouldn't that be fair?
Of course, and just the concept to introduce for white leaders hoping to curry favor with the black mob out for justice. [Court study shows fines weigh heavily on towns with larger African American population, Fox2Now, 10-15-14]:
An independent study supports recent complaints that small, municipal courts in St. Louis County are often revenue raisers for towns in the northern part of the county.
Better Together, a not-for-profit studying fragmented government in St. Louis County and City, issued the document Wednesday.
“Our report indicates a systemic problem that allows for some municipalities to survive on court fines and fees. Further data shows this is largely done on the back of poor black communities,” said Dave Leipholtz, an attorney and the Director of Community Based Studies. Leipholtz found some St. Louis County towns that budget for an increase in court fines and fees. In other cases the courts produce revenue well beyond the cost of administering the judicial system.
Calverton Park topped the list at 66 percent of its general revenue derived from court fines and fees. Pine Lawn drew 48 percent and Normandy 40 percent. Twenty municipalities all north of Olive drew 20 percent or more of their general revenue from the fines and fees. Across St. Louis County communities averaged 13 percent of general revenue from the courts.
Not all of the fines are traffic related. Veteran municipal judge Frank Vatterott, who serves in Overland, said some fines come from prosecuting shop lifting and domestic abuse cases. But he agreed there are issues that need to be addressed to insure the municipal courts operate fairly and provide justice.
“I think it shows, unfortunately, for better or worse there are a lot of cities in the northern part of our county that exist on the traffic court. That’s not healthy,” he said.
Judge Vatterott is leading a group of judges, court administrators and social service experts called the St. Louis County Municipal Court Improvement Committee that is working to correct inequities in the court system. One suggestion is to develop a group of volunteer public defenders to provide legal advice to those attending the municipal courts."Our report indicates a systemic problem that allows for some municipalities to survive on court fines and fees. Further data shows this is largely done on the back of poor black communities,” said Dave Leipholtz..."
No, the systemic problem is that the black population in these cities lacks the ability to create any taxable wealth that can be used to fund a government and public services.
Literally, we have millions of unemployable black people bred via white tax dollars to... do... nothing but breed (and ultimately lock away into the prison system for crimes largely committed against their fellow blacks).
And no city illustrates the instability of the American Experiment better than this midwestern city dedicated to the promotion of fairness.
Consulting the 2009 New York Times Food Stamp Usage Across the Country interactive map, we learn this about the city of St. Louis (49 percent black and 43 percent white):
- As of 2009, 60 percent of blacks were on EBT/Food Stamps in the city of St. Louis
- As of 2009, 10 percent of whites were on EBT/Food Stamps in the city of St. Louis
St. Louis County (different from the city of St. Louis) is just over one million people in population. It's home to Ferguson, that lovely post-white suburb boasting a growing, self-insufficient black population. [Ferguson: Gentrification and its discontents, Al-Jazeera, 8-16-14]
Of those one million people, 68 percent of the county's population is white and 23.7 percent is black. Consulting the 2009 New York Times Food Stamp Usage Across the Country interactive map, we learn this about the county:
- As of 2009, 38 percent of blacks were on EBT/Food Stamps in the city of St. Louis
- As of 2009, 4 percent of whites were on EBT/Food Stamps in the city of St. Louis
It should be quite obvious these "poor black communities" in metropolitan St. Louis exist because of the hardworking white communities, who see their tax dollars redistributed to pay for the breeding of more black people.
"The Day the EBT Card Stops" will make the world George Romero created in Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead look like a Disney fairytale in comparison; and St. Louis will be the city (and metropolitan area) where the madness is most extreme.
Nature, unlike the white political establishment in St. Louis (and all of America), abhors fairness and equality.
In the end, her wrath will be most unkind.
Forgive outstanding warrants for failing to show up for court all you want.
"Ban the Box" all you want.
Refuse to ask why majority black communities lack the ability to survive without court fines and fees (a powerful reminder of the Visible Black Hand of Economics) all you want.
Mandating fairness, whatever the cost, is America's most noble pursuit.
In the end, the cost will simply be the civilization white people built in not just St. Louis, but all of America.
"Mayor Francis Slay announced on Tuesday that St. Louis will no longer require applicants for city jobs to disclose felony convictions."
I guess they're doing that because their wouldn't be many viable black applicants otherwise.
I'd be lying if I said I was surprised about this. This is yet another disgusting example of the BLACK privilege that pervades every facet of modern American life. HOLY SHIT!
Unemployable. That word leaves deep gashes in the fabric of progressive illusion.
Why won't the advocates of blacks hire all the G's themselves?
It takes planning and restraint to not have a felony conviction. For example, "I won't rob or murder today, or tomorrow, either."
It takes an awareness of consequences not to spread Ebola. For example, "My name is Amber Vinson, I just spent several hours in a room with a dying Ebola patient, so now I'm off to Ohio. To shop in stores and be in close contact with hundreds of people. Because I have no moral compass."
I'm fighting back. Burn up the phone lines and email servers at your legislators' offices. Demand that anyone on welfare who is convicted of a crime lose their benefits. Demand that when the dependent child (or children) of a welfare recipient are convicted of a crime, the money gets cut off.
First offense: 1 year. Second offense: 5 years. Third offense: lifetime ban.
“This is how you fight crime,” Nasheed said. “You fight crime with jobs.”
Well I think this sheboon whoose name sounds like a sneeze might be on to something. Why not throw job applications at the Ebola Americans to end the riots and demonstrations. I have it on good authority that next to "haints" nothing scares a negro like a job application.
For those of you that didn't grow up in the rural south haints are ghosts or bogey men. My personal favorite is the plat eye. It guards graves, and no I'm not making this up, de plat eye be reel and sheet.
Excellent writing PK.
America is getting thugged up. It I shameful that felonies can be hidden nwhen hiring. But considering its a black male I guess you'd have to assume either a felony conviction in the past or one just about to happen!!
We are training them well. The louder they scream and the worse they behave, the more gibs fall from the sky.
"Say whut?! You gonna take back sum of dis here money I done got from da honkies in order to pay a fine I earned fo' muhseff for commitin' an offense? Dis my money! Take da fine money from sum honky! He done pays fo' muh food, my 'lectricity, muh chilluns, and muh rent! Why he cain't pay dis too on top of de other stuff!? Dis be raycism!!"
"Dat's right! I mad! And it's about time dey stopped treating black criminals just like they do white criminals! Don't make no never mind dat dey is tons mo' of black criminals- it have a bad impact on da black community! Black criminals shouldn't be held to da same standards as dem white criminals! It desparate impact! Dat be da right word?"
"Hmmmph! Muthafucka's! And you shouldn't be holding black folks guilty for no offenses and chargin' dem nothin' anyway! It ain't right!"
I guarantee you this kind of thing is being said in da hood. And rewarding that mentality is only going to make things much much worse.
Amber Vinson Ebola Dallas, Tx
Advised (and payed) to stay AT HOME.
Flying to Cleveland is typical negroid behaviour.
She should be sued for all costs incurred and also as a domestic terrorist.
Btw, Ebolachan has become viral.
PK wrote: "No, the systemic problem is that the black population in these cities lacks the ability to create any taxable wealth that can be used to fund a government and public services.
Literally, we have millions of unemployable black people bred via white tax dollars to... do... nothing but breed (and ultimately lock away into the prison system for crimes largely committed against their fellow blacks)."
Someday, life in our society will deteriorate to the point at which the scales fall from millions of eyes. Then, those words can be spoken in a public forum without causing the speaker to be "disappeared". Then, the interviewer will not need to feign apoplexy & immediately cut to a commercial to save his/her career. Until then, the saving of our nation will not begin.
People who have the temerity to apply Occam's Razor to analysis of black behavior still considered the lunatic fringe. But, when the conditioned responses inculcated by the kultursmog are unwound, we will be joined by legions. That day is not yet at hand. For most, a painful period of learning by bitter experience must precede it. The dawn of that period is not to be wished for, but it is inevitable.
Enoch Powell
OT, but if you haven't already seen it, check out David Guetta's "Dangerous" video on YouTube. The video shows vintage scenes of the (white) men who built our nation's space program. When you think of the time when Americans were supposed to excel, rather than slither down the tube to the lowest common denominator, you just want to weep.
Ex New Yorker here.....The next FAIR thing to do is to hire job applicants that do not know how to read and write. Since a large percent of the black population is illiterate this will increase the opportunity for people "looking for jobs" and also help to crash the system. Illiterate "home boys" and career criminals as the employment base is the best possible thing to bring a city to it's knees.
I am proud to announce that I was a "high school dropout" and of course did not partake in the higher education bullshit. I did know how to read and write so that made my life quite easy.
My education came from the streets. Doing "street time" was a eye opener about the real world and the best thing I learned was that the DUMB GUYS WERE THE FIRST TO GO DOWN. To survive on the street was more about being smart than being tough. All these burned out and trashed negropolitan paradises are run and occupied by stupid dumb fuckers which means their demise is a sure fire guarantee.
A hard reign is gonna fall. Get as far away from the late DOODIE MAN and his playmates as soon as you can.
More III percent goodness. Fred Reed talks to Jared Taylor of AmRen.
and the Salon hit piece:
This is where those fake Facebook accounts come in handy. Open season on DWLs in their own back yard.
I keep seeing a story shared on facebook about how Black Chimper Muh-dik Zulu Shabazz is calling for a "black rebellion" if Darren Wilson isn't indicted.
Well, I have to sit back and wonder what exactly is a black rebellion? Do they start speaking English, stop laying on their ass all day, get jobs, go to work, and pay back the welfare money? Stop having umpteen kids with nearly as many women?
I mean to rebel implies to go against how things are, so I guess if he really means that, I'd be all for it.
But no, I know, he likely doesn't even know what the word means or he wouldn't be using it in this context.
Black names are starting to amuse the hell out of me, not a day goes by I don't see one that isn't more ridiculous than the last one.
Millions of Americans have been convicted of felonies. Many of them have paid their debt to society and are willing to earn a second chance, ” Slay said at a press conference.
We've all heard the silly saying that criminals have paid their debt to society after they have served time in prison. If this was true it would mean that victims of crime have been made whole. I fail to see how a criminal's serving time in prison helps any victim other than giving the victim a mild feeling that an effort at justice was made. The largest benefit to the public arising from a criminal serving prison time is that the public is safer while the criminal is in prison. If a murderer supported the family of his victim, or a thief repaid with interest his victim, or a child molester supported and paid for a lifetime of counseling for his victim, and then after release from prison he repaid the taxpayers the cost of his incarceration one might be able to suggest that a debt has been paid. Short of actually repairing the damage inflicted by his criminal behavior everything else is nothing but enduring punishment. I don't believe that we need to feel obligated to give criminals a second chance just because they endured the inconvenience of prison at tax payer expense. If an employer not using public funds wants to hire a criminal who appears to be reformed, let that be his decision.
When a person decides to engage in criminal behavior he accepts the reality that he will become less employable. There is no reason why society should be required to relieve him of the consequences of his own decision.
Speaking of just being handed jobs:
I was basically denied a chance to be apart of FDNY with a score of 98 because they wanted to get more groids on the job.
That means it didnt matter what they scored..they got hired because they were black. They were recruited to take the exam in their hoods and the Exam was payed for while I and all over white men had to pay out of our pocket. STILL MAKES ME FUCKIN SICK TO THIS DAY!
-White Italian in Long island NY
Excellent work as always PK. Ive learned more from reading PK's work and from the comments here then I could from any other website.
On another note. Does everyone believe in the AGENDA 21 plot that seems to be going on as we speak with Ebola?
-White italian from long island NY
When will this BS end ? So don't worry about your felony jacket, Shitavious, we'll hire you to manage 2 million dollars of city funds. Yep. Oh, and don't worry about those 6 outstanding warrants for failure to appear, we'll make those go away.
Holy shit. What's next ? Some Presidential Executive Action saying criminal law statutes no longer apply to Blacks ? Why not ?!
Anonymous said ”. . . Re: yesterday's comments
One of the most positive actions we can do for each other is to not let small misunderstandings or differences in opinion drive wedges between us. I respect and listen to each and every one* of the posters that commented yesterday, even though I don't completely agree with any of them all the time.
*One exception, our newest j-troll He's so obvious- never misses an opportunity to drive the wedge in deeper. Divide & Conquer 101. He's not too bright though, choosing such a moronic handle. Another thing the internet has been great for is nurturing "troll fatigue". ..
I'm not sure who you are referring to as the newest troll, but it appears from your reference to “j-troll” that it could be Jassi. It would lessen the potential for confusion in the future if you would just say what you mean rather than make clever indirect references. As best that I can tell you have branded him as a troll for effectively challenging the views and advice so often repeated by several on this blog. I found his arguments to be of high quality, and I hope to hear more from him. Whether you were referring to Jassi or Moron Hunter as the newest troll, I have a feeling that the person choosing what you call a moronic handle is far from a moron. However, some might consider my judgment to be questionable because I have also been classified as a troll by the cartel.
fair?!? we should be fining them for wearing their hats sideways, for wearing their pants too low, for saying "axe" instead of ask, for not talking right, etc. we should've been fining them all along for their typical behavior.
re, Speaking of just being handed jobs:
I was basically denied a chance to be apart of FDNY with a score of 98 because they wanted to get more groids on the job.
That means it didnt matter what they scored..they got hired because they were black. They were recruited to take the exam in their hoods and the Exam was payed for while I and all over white men had to pay out of our pocket. STILL MAKES ME FUCKIN SICK TO THIS DAY!
-White Italian in Long island NY
Axe N Shield here...
Something that has really been bedeviling me about Swisher Sweet Brown and St. Ham Sandwhich. The families, the black communities and white sympathizers all have said that both of these thugs were good boys and that they were just starting to get their lives turned around and had such promising lives!
Really! According to what?
According to their family's standards? Their morals? Their values? Their opinions of how civilizations should be governed and developed?
A quick assessment of how that is working out in their motherland will certainly show you how that would look!
Heck.. you dont have to look that far; look at Detroit, East St. Louis, Indianapolis, Birmingham, Memphis, Chicago, Gary, Indiana. Complete and unbridled violence!
So, why should we give their testimony on these thugs any reverence or acceptance as straightforward and truthful? After all, aren't they the ones for teaching them those wonderful and trustworthy morals and values?
We should never accept these statements or; anytime we here someone; black or white repeat those outright lies.. call them just what they are regurgitating out of there filthy holes! Liars!
Now, as for the 2014 Foregiveness/Reparations Tour! When something like this ever occurs it always has a cloaking device that is so obvious! This will not include some white people but, will most certainly benefit blacks more so than whites. Which is another entitlement type action than anything.
Let's talk about "Fair" for a moment in this instance.
Who will benefit from this more? Blacks or Whites. Blacks.
Who stands to keep more money for this? Blacks or Whites. Blacks.
Who will have the greatest number of violations added to their records. Blacks or Whites. Blacks.
Who will most likely pay for this "Love Thy Ape" ideology? Blacks or Whites. Whites!
Cool! We finally won that one! We get to pick the tab up once again to satisfy, soothe and alleviate the burdens, afflictions, accountability and hindrances that stem from not being or coming from families or communities that have good morals and values! From families who can't and wont even practice the basic morals and values of parenting, sexual control, marital monogamy (women and men), work ethics. A race who has absolutely no respect, no appreciation, no feasible means of advancement for their own race or as a contributing factor to any civilizations! If entitlements were removed today.. Civil War II would become almost immediately! 90 to 95% of all blacks in law enforcement and military would resist when the decision to show force against their own. What is even more disturbing is that 15 to 40% of all whites would sympathize with the blacks and would even die for them! I know that 40% sounds like an exceedingly or extraordinary high number but, I think we would be surprised by how really close it would be to that 40%!
The "It's Good For White Folks 2" Fallacy! Years ago poor, disadvantaged and uneducated white families did not act or have the same contemptible and disgraceful morals and values. The last 50 to 60 years of excessively giving to the black communities has created the same destructiveness and entitlement behavior and panhandling amoung some whites. And, now we have 99% of blacks and 15% to 20% of whites "some may fill that it is higher"; aligning with this cancerous mentality expecting the rest of the white nation to pick up the tab once again!
If the black guy in the picture would put the same amount of dedication and work into finding a job and then at putting a honest days work in at said job! Then maybe he would gain some kind of value, economic worth or positive influence to the community, family, state, nation and self and society!
Instead of being the "Pimple on the ass of society!"
As Abraham Lincoln once said; "Whatever you choose to do; be the best at it."
More dumbass words from another dumbass president!
I don't know why in the clip they question whether or not these cities will exist in the future without these court fines. They will exist, just not in the way we know them to be today. Without revenue from YT, who is the producer of jobs, as well as the labor force of real work, not busy work, these cities will look more and more like Monrovia in Libya or any of the other Turd World Hellholes crawling with negroes.
Contrary to the gentleman who pines about the po black folk whose only crime is being black and poor, the real crime is how YT continues to lower the bar for standard, decent, law abiding behavior. This has already been put into place in our schools, our public institutions, our universities, and now our Country's highest office. Sending the message to the negro that he does not have to be responsible for yet more standards of modern, first world civilization will quickly turn whatever remains here in this country into a smoldering ruin.
About Ebola etc.
'Let Africa Sink' by Kim du Toit (2002)
“Our report indicates a systemic problem that allows for some municipalities to survive on court fines and fees. Further data shows this is largely done on the back of poor black communities,” said Dave Leipholtz, an attorney and the Director of Community Based Studies.
Really? They don't pay fines, court costs or to be put in programs. The only time they see a court room is when they are caught breaking the law again or are arrested for failure to show up for court! All the time and money paid out to policemen and courtrooms and jails on all levels to protect society from Negros is astronomical. And now St.Louis is going to forgive hundreds of thousands of warrants in an effort to appease the Negro community. When the Negros could care less. In 400 years after they left the jungle they have yet to assimilate to western society. And they never will.
14Omega said ”I'm fighting back. Burn up the phone lines and email servers at your legislators' offices. Demand that anyone on welfare who is convicted of a crime lose their benefits. Demand that when the dependent child (or children) of a welfare recipient are convicted of a crime, the money gets cut off.
First offense: 1 year. Second offense: 5 years. Third offense: lifetime ban.”
This is an excellent idea. Repeatedly make reasonable demands and make it clear that your political support goes to those who can make positive change happen. Urge your friends and relatives to do the same. I've heard that letters are best, but email is far better than nothing. Politicians need to know that voters are watching for results.
It is easy to feel that your vote doesn't count, but votes in significant numbers are always on the minds of our legislators and other politicians. Democrats would become conservatives and Republicans would become liberals if it would motivate those with the power to elect them. All politicians are like putty and their behavior can be shaped by the voters. EBT and AA are both problems that can be addressed legislatively as soon as there is enough pressure on the legislators to make changes. I'm not promoting any party, but of the two major parties, the Republicans seem more likely to address these issues, but they won't until they believe that such actions will get them elected.
Any influence that squids, twmnbn, or other semi-mystical powers have on the outcome of elections is through their influence on voters, but it is the voters who put the politicians in office. We must find a way to unify enough voters who are beyond outside influence, and these voters will probably be mostly non-black. I believe that all of us contributing to this blog are in that category, and we need to find a way to multiply our numbers.
Does anybody here honestly believe that any of these negro career criminals is going to run out and start handing out resumes once they are not mandated to reveal their criminal records?
As far as forgiving all tickets/warrants, I'd say that's more of a matter of just realism. These primitives don't care and with the complete collapse of civilization happening in St. Louis, the last thing police and courts have time for is to try to shake down some deadbeat boot-lips for 50$ speeding tickets.
RE: a "black rebellion" means they riot, destroy, and burn the city down until the DWLs give them more freebies than they had before.
"The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes.
. . . .As provisions in welfare laws offered ever-increasing economic incentives for shunning marriage and avoiding the formation of two-parent families, illegitimacy rates rose dramatically. "
And with each new Blacklet comes another monthly welfare allotment to add to the others. More criminals = more attacks on Whites.
Ex New Yorker here....I keep reading all this jibber jabber about a "white homeland". Give it up. There is no such place. BUT, there are places where white people still live. Lots of places.
We are still allowed to have the American flag on display at court house, fire stations, veteran memorials, schools, VFW Post, etc. Some places also hang POW flags. The flag is not considered racist and no one is told to take it down because some fuck head finds it offensive. Where I live people even have the flag hanging in their front yard.
It's now official I guess? If your banning the box then surly you have too ban the affirmative action hires that are a result of that same box!
But we here @ SBPDL already know the outcome of that pipe dream. NOT!
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
Good. Every felon getting a city or state job will give 20% of their net pay to the state they were institutionalized in until the money is repaid with a 6% annual interest. 5% of their pay if they were incarcerated in a federal institution with 0% interest (the same interest rates gave the banksters who were too big to fail). If not, this program is racist bullshit.
Would this represent a disparate impact to whites, since they are the majority taxpayers in the city/county? Shouldn't they expect their tax funded services to be produced and delivered by non criminals? There is a large number of people without criminal records who would love the job security of a government job, especially these days.
If you didn't know it already, is full of dishonorably discharged, waiver felons, and generally unqualified "mud people". I'm not going to lie to you, it is hilarious to watch them try to act like civilized humans and fail every time. It fills my days with joy, a sad tinged joy, but joy nonetheless. Its like watching the largest train wreck in the history of the universe in super slow motion.
Make no mistake, the "equality under the law" which morphed into equality uber alles will fail. We will turn into Brazil. Thats OK, because the rest of the world will be like this as well. We won't know any better by then. The African will finally achieve what millions of years of evolution failed to do and raise it to the level of the greaser. Thank god.
My part in slowing this outcome is done in silence and doesn't attract racist notice. Human standards are still codified in writing, and by regurgitating these rules and regulations when a mud fails, I create a small discomfort for my betters. The AA fast track is slowed, money must be spent, and moves that were unanticipated must be made.
I know that my efforts, along with the efforts of thousands of like minded YTs is working to, not stem, but slow the racist take over by the amount of "training" I am subject to. Every time a mud fails spectacularly, "training" frequency is increased. It is now to the point that I spend 40% of my working hours in one form of "training" or another.
If we all do a little, we can all do a lot. AFRICA FOR AFRICANS
Delaware dude. so they want jobs. I know of someone very close who has a state job. people in that department have to write reports. as with most jobs in Delaware, they are overly dark in the hiring practices. what is astounding is that most of these people cannot speak or write 8th grade English. how is one supposed to make a case in court when the information cannot be deciphered or understood? jobs? how about learning to communicate with a known language and not some street yapping? had to deal with the phone company. wench on the line dumber than dirt. if the phone isn't working, how can you charge for internet service since there is NO service. put them back in school for another 50 years to make 12 th grade and they're still light years behind us.
Why do you keep preaching to the converted?
On the subject of personal firearms choices I'd go with two pistols both that use the same caliber. A derringer also of the same caliber and blade, pepper gel dispenser and possibly even a flare pistol.
Personally I carried three pistols for seven years doing gas station work. Helped that I didn't give a damn and neither did the owners or managers at the locations I'd worked.
"St. Louis officials plan to announce that the city’s municipal court will automatically clear outstanding warrants for nonviolent traffic violations and allow offenders to reset the court dates without a fee so long as they act by year’s end, making it the most progressive warrant forgiveness program in the region."
Progressive. That's another word for liberal/socialist/communitarian/communist.
This: "outstanding warrants for nonviolent traffic violations" is a lie. There is no such warrant. The warrant is issued for Failure To Appear. Failure to appear is the result of a three step process:
1) A ticket is issued and the alleged "traffic" violator signs it. On that ticket it says "...I promise to appear..." (in court on this matter).
2) The now alleged defendant fails to appear in court.
3) The judge therefore issues a warrant- but the warrant isn't for the "traffic" violation, it is for CONTEMPT OF COURT! How could it be otherwise? The violation hasn't even been pleaded or heard yet!
"Traffic" "Infractions" are a scam invented in California in 1967. The idea is to combine civil and criminal procedure in a way that removes the criminal protections while giving the court the civil advantages. It streamlines the kangaroo court operations by removing things like jury trials.
"Traffic", in the legal definition, means exactly "commerce". That is a rebuttable presumption that a few have won on. The "Driver" license was originally only issued to "Operators" transporting goods for sale or "Passengers" for hire on public roads. Each of those terms also has specific legal definitions, btw.
"About 220,000 outstanding warrants issued before Oct. 1 in the city will automatically be forgiven..."
"...many advocates of the poor complain that some residents are burdened by steep court fines and saddled with warrants for minor offenses..."
No. The warrant is for Contempt of Court, always has been. They, 220,000 times in St. Louis, flaked out on their Promise to Appear.
-Beyond Hatred
I wonder what percentage whites are of the people getting tickets in these ghettos? In my city, the cops write tickets for YT having a burned out taillight while a darkie ho works the corner. Honest - it happens in my old neighborhood all the time; usually in response to requests for more law enforcement to tamp down crime.
And we all know that those past due fines aren't going to get paid. They can drop all the warrants and extra penalties they want but blacks don't pay tickets - that be white. Last time I was in a courtroom, all the blacks were willing to take jail time in lieu of paying tickets. It makes perfect sense because they still get their freebies but they also get free food in jail for a few days, maybe a little medical care and they get to see some of their friends and family they haven't seen in awhile. There's no downside if you look at it through their bloodshot eyes.
Oh so body armor for the precious chillins because evil whitey is gonna get them?
St. Louis Post-Dispatch said... [St. Louis city will no longer require job applicants to disclose felony convictions, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10-1-14]:
I see the linked article references Philadelphia's "Ban the box" law, which applies also to PRIVATE employers with >9 employees.
Yes, employers have nothing better to do with their time and money then proceed a couple of steps down the hiring path before they can inquire about or check into a negro candidate's criminal record, where they have a relatively high chance of finding disqualifying information. Furthermore, it is a waste of the candidate's time and resources, so how is it helping him? Another pointless, uncompensated government-mandated exercise in feel-goodery.
Anonymous said...
Beyond Hatred said ”. . . Re: yesterday's comments
One of the most positive actions we can do for each other is to not let small misunderstandings or differences in opinion drive wedges between us....
*One exception, our newest j-troll He's so obvious- never misses an opportunity to drive the wedge in deeper. Divide & Conquer 101. He's not too bright though, choosing such a moronic handle. Another thing the internet has been great for is nurturing "troll fatigue". ..
I'm not sure who you are referring to as the newest troll, but it appears from your reference to “j-troll” that it could be Jassi. It would lessen the potential for confusion in the future if you would just say what you mean rather than make clever indirect references. As best that I can tell you have branded him as a troll for effectively challenging the views and advice so often repeated by several on this blog. I found his arguments to be of high quality, and I hope to hear more from him. Whether you were referring to Jassi or Moron Hunter as the newest troll, I have a feeling that the person choosing what you call a moronic handle is far from a moron. However, some might consider my judgment to be questionable because I have also been classified as a troll by the cartel. October 16, 2014 at 7:44 PM
Well, let's not let a small misunderstanding get in the way of the solidarity we absolutely need in these horrific times. "Moronic" was inserted merely as the clue. I agree with your assessment of Jassi. I hope to hear more from him as well, along with all the other high-caliber commentators here.
If you have been classified as a troll in the past, maybe it is due to some occasional belligerent streak that is hampering unity and goodwill with your people. I don't think you're a troll, and your above is thoughtful.
-Beyond Hatred
I find it hideous that rather than facing up to these monkey's, our "leaders" do things for them they would never do for Whites.
Just for a second, let's look at the numbers here. Assuming the average fine for groping a niglet, smacking your sow or getting a fine for drunk driving etc is around $400. Now I know that it is much more, but we are talking negros here.
So, 220,000 warrants x $400 = $88,000,000!
Now you know that some kind of pressure is being brought to bear against the City for them to even think about "forgiving" that kind of money. The City is like a freaking loan shark and will happily pile on fees, court costs, interest, etc to get you to pay your ticket and if you get caught driving with a suspended license, the City is happy to pile on even more costs and fees. The negro population probably made it pretty clear that they would riot and cost the city far more in lost Conventions and tourism dollars, burned and broken businesses if the ring wasn't kissed.
This "research group" is nothing more than a black peoples advocacy group. The idea that cities "pay" for their services "on the backs of the poor" is all Marxist language. They don't talk about how these problems pile up because criminal negros are "staying" at some negresses shack (paid for by section 8) and when the "registered mail" starts to show up and the negress gets big with child, he leaves. Rinse, Repeat.
This is straight up armed terrorism, using the excuse of St. Sandwich the Third to strong arm the city into throwing them some favors. The question is, will it be enough?
"I wonder what percentage whites are of the people getting tickets in these ghettos? In my city, the cops write tickets for YT having a burned out taillight while a darkie ho works the corner. Honest - it happens in my old neighborhood all the time; usually in response to requests for more law enforcement to tamp down crime."
AnarchnoTyranny on display.
Whitey will have to work overtime to pay his tickets (if he can find work) and take a hit on car insurance, but the negro can deal drugs, ho out its pet sow, even commit felonies and no one does anything.
Remember about 8 months ago the video of the Detroit Ambulance that was stuck on New Years while the guns were going off? Shooting those guns within the city limits, all were felonies. negros arrested? zero. Burn down your local 7/11? Oh you are just rioting because you are so torn up about St. Brown or Trayvon. Kill a White? That was just an accident as the teenapers were just playing a "game" (the knock out game".
We are held hostage by a foreign power within our own Country. We must stop this madness and live free.
White Homeland, Northwest Front
if there was no law enforcement in african ghetto's there'd be no "criminal records" to ahem, retard their progress in employment.
No african should be arrested for any crime because it's racist & not down with the peeples.
“We would not hire a child molester for recreational programs,” Slay said. “We would not hire an embezzler to handle money.”
Why not? Is that not discrimination? Is that not unfair? Just because somebody molests little children doesn't mean he can't work in a recreational program? Geesh. Typical White Conservative Closed Minded Bigotry. We need fairness and inclusiveness and we need to all get along and buy the world a coke.......
This is absurd.
You tax what the population produces. You can only tax excess since wealth is excess. When one produces excess wheat or cattle, then the rulers can tax (steal) this and live off the people. But, before you can tax, there has to be something produced to BE taxed and the more wealth (excess) produced, the more the State can tax.
Well, Whites produce things and items. Thus you tax the value of that. An economy of buying and selling uses gold/silver/paper notes and the more of this you have, the more the State can tax. So modern civilizations are taxed with money rather than wheat and cattle.
Well, blacks produce crime so all you have to tax is the product of crime which is fines and penalties. IF they really stop doing this, all the negro municipalities will go broke faster since there is no other economic activity in the negro-ville.
Where does the negro get the money to pay the fines? Welfare. IT comes from the Whites who actually produce wealth, then is stolen, then is GIVEN to the negro who then pays his traffic fine, etc and keeps the negro-ville going. If they disrupt all this then negro-ville will die even faster.
The Negro is Economic Ebola
IT will become illegal to ask about ANY past criminal behavior on any application. Dat be rayciss.
You can not ask the applicants:
Sexual preference
Any children
Domestic living arrangement
Country of Origin
Legal Status (you do this latter with Homeland Security)
Marital Status, past or present
They want you to be forced to hire any scum shitheads who walks into your place of business and demands a job!!!!
The mark of the beast will be the ebola vaccine. Ebola is another golden gift from the magic negro race.
Grammaw says they are the descendents of Cain and will bring not just Amerikwanstain but the entire world down.
Get ready for the ultimate stage show for selection 2016. The kwan serfs will be wildy entertained by the kabuki theater of Bush vs. Clinton.
Maybe a hollywood rat can make it the best stage show ever seen and the kwan serfs will love it like a good wrestling match or daytime soap opera since they get the illusion that they have some say in the running of this fading banana republik.
When Jebbie gets in there won't be any repealing of sobamacare and the borders will not be closed.
These agendas are sacred to the puppetmasters and will proceed whether kwannies like it or not.
Fairness and political correctness are the lethal pathogens already in the system of the Kwanstain and there won't be any coming back.
“Our report indicates a systemic problem that allows for some municipalities to survive on court fines and fees. Further data shows this is largely done on the back of poor black communities,” said Dave Leipholtz, an attorney and the Director of Community Based Studies.
The systemic problem is that economic activity drops when blacks takeover an area. Sales revenue then drops which is why these municipalities have to rely on fines.
Malls, movie theaters, sit-down restaurants and supermarkets all get ruined by blacks. These are low-margin businesses that depend on the customers to maintain basic levels of ethics. But since we can't talk about this the same old "poverty" excuse is trotted out even though blacks have ebt cards which means supermarkets should at least be viable in black areas.
Michael Dunn sentenced:
Threw his life away because he had a bad case of Negro Fatigue that day. I sympathize with his frustration & anger that day, but my emotions & NF cannot be allowed to override my future time-orientation & understanding of consequences. I suggest you all read "The Art of War" and take heed.
I'll eventually find where he's sentenced to & send him letters of support & contribute to his canteen fund. I doubt he'll last long inside.
IT will become illegal to ask about ANY past criminal behavior on any application. Dat be rayciss.
Just leave an old broken laptop in front of a hidden camera as a criminal test.
This is another example of how large numbers of blacks distort a society.
Supposing you had a society which was 99% white (or other low crime group). The number of felonies would be relatively low (given demonstrated rates of crime). Most felonies committed would not be of the "career criminal" variety (with perhaps exceptions for people involved in organized crime). So you could assume that once a (white) person did their jail time, they could be reintegrated back into society. They'd want to live up to standards. They'd have that white middle class goal of the house in the suburbs in front of them. So you can give them a job because being among other white people they'd live up to peer standards and obey the law.
This will not work in a society with large numbers of blacks, given their high rates of crime (as well as lack of future time orientation). It's one thing to put a single ex-felon into a responsible job and hope for the best; it's another to flood the workplace with numerous ex-cons. Imagine half the city accounting department being from Cell Block D. Or graduates of the same street gang. Their peers would be other criminals. The tendency would be to live down to criminal standards. You move the gang from the street to the jail cells to the workplace.
This gets back to a reality which DWL society does not want to face: if you have a large black demographic, you will have unsolvable social problems. This is the case in just about every such polity--and if I am wrong, can any troll please show me where?
Lots of good comments on this topic. Some thoughts:
Unemployable. That word leaves deep gashes in the fabric of progressive illusion.
Why won't the advocates of blacks hire all the G's themselves?
Just as we can ask, why don't DWLs move into the 'hood to enrich themselves and their families with all that diversity? One might think that if ex-felons were such a good deal, we would see liberals going out of their way to hire them. But it goes back to liberals not putting their money where their mouths are.
Bad behavior in cars? Tear up the tickets! (I love how they have to specify "nonviolent" traffic violations. Bahahaha!)
It's another example of System agitprop. Presumably, being "non-violent" is a good thing. Perhaps we can have a new category of "unarmed traffic violations?"
The only time they see a court room is when they are caught breaking the law again or are arrested for failure to show up for court! All the time and money paid out to policemen and courtrooms and jails on all levels to protect society from Negros is astronomical.
Since the black "community" commits a disproportionate amount of crime, that same "community" ought to pay a higher rate of fines to make up for it. Perhaps a certain percentage of traffic ticket fines collected could be allocated to victims of crime?
Why do you keep preaching to the converted?
It is important to develop a party line. You have to show how on every issue -- whether it is employment, crime, athletics, education, foreign policy, the space program, traffic tickets, etc., etc., etc. -- the impact of what PK calls the black undertow is always negative. And that there is a political impact insofar as it grossly distorts politics to accommodate BRA.
Does anybody here honestly believe that any of these negro career criminals is going to run out and start handing out resumes once they are not mandated to reveal their criminal records?
Come now, I am sure these teens will have fine resumes. Look at their credits:
* Played on a midnight basketball team
* Knows the full range of gang signs
* Managed a flash mob
* Liberated goods from a convenience store
* Familiar with courtroom procedure
The word "troll" has taken on new meanings over the years, sort of like "racism."
Have I said some things with less tact than I should have? Sure, but I don't consider it trolling.
Contentious topics such as ethnic loyalty, ethnic enmity, and the politics surrounding those topics are bound to result in some amount of heated dialogue. Combine this with the fact that there is deep anti-white resentment openly expressed from the highest sources of information dissemination, and you get a pretty volatile situation.
There is really no form of discussion in this sphere that doesn't include some amount of tension.
“This is how you fight crime,” Nasheed said. “You fight crime with jobs.”
Nasheed's statement is drawn from liberal ideology, not from any objective evaluation of the facts.
In point of fact, the USA has had all sorts of jobs programs since the civil rights revolution, specifically those favoring blacks. We can look at affirmative action, minorities only contracts, black studies programs, "diversity" coordinators (and other commissariats), and fill in the blanks. Yet we have had endless black crime, gangbanging and rioting.
Supposing Nasheed's "jobs" were available. How many of the blacks committing crime in Ferguson and points east/west would apply for them? How many of them would be qualified to make any kind of serious money? How many of them would have the discipline to stay employed? For that matter, how many would use their new jobs to commit further crimes -- misappropriation of funds, bribery, rakeoffs, extortions, etc.
Finally, we might ask why a lack of jobs does not cause a similar explosion in criminality among whites? Why have white people rebuilt from the worst economic disaster and natural disaster, while blacks can not create viable civic economies even with every welfare state policy on the books?
On the bright side, those goofy negro names will make it a little easier to sort the job applications. If it looks like someone shook scrabble tiles (including apostrophes) out of a box at random, that goes in the circular file. No need to worry if they're felons or not - just avoid hiring any of them.
Oh, and if anyone asks why there's no blacks, just do what they do, lie about it. They won't be able to prove much if you don't admit to it. That's where the folks who keep getting sued by the gay mafia keep getting into trouble. Don't want to deal with a gay customer, a black customer? Sorry, all booked out, out of cake mix, won't be able to finish that until (six weeks after they need it), whatever.
Go on over to the American Thinker website and read the story, "Black Bus Driver Organizes Mob Attack on White Family."
Sheboon driver chimps out on white family (including a 9 year old boy) and calls up her "homies" to beat and pepper spray them when they get off the bus. White family attacked by twenty negrilla's.
Another story you haven't heard and it happened in JUNE.
@ Californian
Internet high five, it was a good read.
Two things have changed since it was originally published, the ChiComs have plenty of fiat currency now and we have imported all the indispensable gifts of the glorious motherland with immigrants, vibrant diverse diseases, and Imperial Majesty Hussein Mugabe to hopenchange the USA into Zimbabwe version two.
All hail the glorious improveamentation fundamental transformation.
Forward! The Great Leap Forward.
@ Californian
Re: China
Since China has more gold than any other nation they will make sure their currency is backed and not just fiat.
They are also setting up shop in Africa to get at precious resources since the Africants have never and will never profit off of the resources that are located in the golden crade of civilization known as the motherland.
Thanks for the link Californian. Interesting read & makes total sense.
Insane clown posse President Obola is not sending are unprepared, ill-equipped innocents in the Nat'l Guard to save Africa from eBola, he is intentionally sending them to Die in Africa from eBola
/H hypie out H\
BLACK PRIVILIGE! Free pass for blacks to break laws. Oh, wait a minute, they already get away with sucker punching and assaulting whites not to mention all the death threats they made toward Romney when he was running for president. That's how they run BRA: scream like a spoiled child, break some stuff and voila', FREE PASS!
Fines and Fees. If the person fined is 'subsidized' [EBT. Sec8, disability] the $ came from taxpayers to begin with.
When I log in at yahoo I get, samsung ad...negro worship.
Supposing you had a society which was 99% white (or other low crime group). The number of felonies would be relatively low (given demonstrated rates of crime).
Most violent crime is done by YBMs, and young black males are 2-3% of the USAs population.
If they got long prison sentences on first conviction [for a violent crime] what would crime rates then be?
One little question I have for Nasheed and his negroid homies is why haven't gotten their black arses over to the local Banana Empire Mercenary Recruitment center to volunteer for HRH Housenigga Hussein's Banana Legion for West Apefreaka to participate in their glorious jihad upon the virus? Since Nasheed & Co. gotz nuffins to do and will even likely claim to be the famous Dindu Nuffins if caught by the badge-gang doing that which they're accustomed to doing.
It seems that (yet again) YT "Christians" (who are rapidly doing everything they possibly can to disprove all of the studies on IQ from The Bell Curve backwards and forwards) are the chief component of both the volunteers who travel over air and sea to the Shitholy Motherland and those sign up as mercenaries for an empire wholly devoted to their ultimate erasure.
Jassi you're wrong about YT not competing. They're aggressively competing with groids in a race to the bottom for utter drooling stupidity and ultimate extinction and would appear to be well in the lead. Dindu Nuffins Nasheed is much smarter than any YT who volunteers for Ebola service in Apefreaka, all IQ tests notwithstanding.
Platinum EBT Cardholder: could you give us an example? Would love to try this at home!
Ferguson negro keeping it real yo...gnomesayin.
Anonymous said...
About Ebola etc.
'Let Africa Sink' by Kim du Toit (2002)
Yes, Kim du Toit. Another of those ex-South African anti-Apartheid agitators who reinvented himself as an American conservative after his dream was realised. Of course, like all true conservatives, he's still anti-apartheid, but now he has a gun.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
NY Girl said...
Platinum EBT Cardholder: could you give us an example? Would love to try this at home!
October 17, 2014 at 1:05 PM
Ma'am, there really is no secret to my method of resistance. Treat the muds like they are part of civilized society. They fail, and when confronted, they are too confused to offer any real reason as to why they failed other than "institutionalized racism". That's the phrase they get from HR.
When you are pointing out the failure, this is the key component, you must act genuinely confused as to why the mud failed. You cannot show joy. What I do is pretend that happiness is shown to the world as sadness. It helps. Be "helpful". Offer institutionalized solutions such as training to appear helpful. Follow up on the issue. This really mucks their world up because your "concern" for the employees professional development hinders the "sweep it under the rug" maneuver that they will try to execute ASAP. You will know when you are successful when the muds view you as an ally.
I have gone "deep cover" wigger. I am sure that I am despised in the workplace by many whites. With this cover, I am able to inflict the most damage, so it does justify casual ire. Hell, most of them are too engrossed in their next shit sandwich to be of any concern to BRA. I lubs da feetsball.
You don't have to adopt the secret agent persona to hurt the system, but I find it helps me when I want to scream and punch the first AA sheboon right in its fat face. Make them play by our rules, and enforce the rules with "malice towards none". Its hard sometimes, but remember, only after giving them every chance to succeed and they still fail, will real change come. I truly believe this. AFRICA FOR AFRICANS
AnalogMan said...
Yes, Kim du Toit. Another of those ex-South African anti-Apartheid agitators who reinvented himself as an American conservative after his dream was realised.
Can you give us more info on Kim du Toit? What did he do in South Africa? What do you make of him today?
Yes, Kim du Toit. Another of those ex-South African anti-Apartheid agitators who reinvented himself as an American conservative after his dream was realised. Of course, like all true conservatives, he's still anti-apartheid, but now he has a gun.
That's very interesting, AM. I did not know this. I've not seen much on the net from him in a long time, except he went all neo-con-man back in the day after the great 9-11 flim-flam. At least Ilana Mercer had the semi-decency to write a book about what a shithole SA has become now that she's safely away. (She and her father - now safely in Israel - were anti-apartheid agitators as well).
BTW, this is a very serious problem for anyone who proposes a white homeland, white neighborhood, white anything - how do we filter out folks like Mr. Du Toit out? He is perfect example. Pure-bred YT, but obviously a complete snake. I am better informed than the average YT, but was under the mistaken impression that Du Toit was some Euro who had escaped to the Banana Empire because he liked guns. So much for that notion.
Very interesting. Thank you James.
She called the CDC and told them that she had a fever, but they said it was OK to go on the plane anyways...
Nothing will change til we (yt) stops feeding them. Shut off the gravy train. Them mofo's wouldn't have all the time & energy for marching, rioting, looting and bitching if they had to get up at 6:00 AM and go to work!
Californian said
Can you give us more info on Kim du Toit? What did he do in South Africa? What do you make of him today?
All I know of Kim du Toit I learned from reading his own blog. This was several years ago. I followed it for a considerable time, so I think I got a fair understanding of his views, which is why I stopped reading him.
He described how, as a student at the University of the Witwatersrand ("Wits", pronounced "Vitz") he used to protest in the street. He also litters his writing with angst over the terrible injustice of Apartheid. I concluded he's just a liberal who likes guns. I don't think he was a significant factor in "the Straaggle", just another one of those long-haired hippie types making a noise and a mess in the streets.
I believe he and his wife, Connie, are close friends of Francis Poretto (an admirable man, but unfortunately another KAGO cultist) who runs a blog called Liberty's Torch.
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