Attorney General, Eric "I am also a black man" Holder, has already announced his intentions when it comes to reforming the Ferguson Police Department (one he continues to throw under a Rosa Parks' driven bus): racial demographic changes in Ferguson mean the city must see an immediate increase in black police officers.
Holder, whose advice to the person leaking information from the Michael Brown investigation was "shut up,"has utilized the full resources of the Department of Justice (organizations include the civil rights division of the DOJ as well as the Orwellian Community Relations Services of the same government agency) and an 'Always 1963 Birmingham Somewhere' media to upset and agitate the black people of Ferguson and metropolitan St. Louis.
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The revolution egged on by the Obama Administration and Holder's Department of Justice will be televised |
He has created an "us vs. them" mentality (announcing, "This attorney general and this Department of Justice stand with the people of Ferguson"), one far worse than the one Christy E. Lopez - deputy chief of the special litigation section of the Justice Department’s civil rights division - claimed Ferguson Police Department members wearing "I am Darren Wilson" bracelets could ever hope to create.
To Holder, Ferguson is nothing more than the epitome of "demography is destiny," with his belief that Ferguson police need "wholesale change" a reflection of his discomfort in the lack of melanin found in the majority white force.
The hated white police chief of Ferguson, Thomas Jackson, showed more tenacity in attacking Holder than any member of the Republican Party has the entire time Mr. "My People" has been agitating for all things black as the Attorney General. [Ferguson Police Chief fires back at reports his department is disbanding, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10-31-14]:
Jackson called it “irresponsible” for Holder to comment about conclusions Justice Department investigators analyzing his department have made while their investigation is ongoing, especially while “he is telling others to ‘shut up’ about leaks.”The entire Farce of Ferguson has been due to the Justice Department (with Barack Obama's blessing) acting irresponsible; and now, with the fear "All hell may break loose" in the likely-scenario Darren Wilson avoids any charges from the Grand Jury, the true scope of Holder's "irresponsible" actions are about to manifest in an orgy of black violence/insurrectionary activities local authorities prepare to confront. [Ferguson police brace for new protests by spending thousands on riot gear: St Louis County police has spent $172,669 since August on teargas, grenades, pepper balls and other civil disobedience equipment, The Guardian, 10-28-14]
In a city whose tax base has been eroding for years, the soon-to-be 90 percent black city (at 67 percent black now, Ferguson will see a mass exodus of the remaining 28 percent white residents hoping to make some profit on their property), the opening salvos of St. Louis' Negrogeddon have already seen blacks cause damage to Asian-owned stores.
But now, as Holder prepares to cement his true legacy as Attorney General (finally kicking-off that "conversation about race" he wanted nearly six years ago), the coming St. Louis Negrogeddon - all of the metropolitan area prepares to endure - could ensure the Ferguson blacks inherit is nothing more than Section 8 apartment complexes and an abandoned business district. [Ferguson Store Owners: Customers ‘Too Scared’ to Bring Business to the Area, St. Louis CBS, 10-30-14]
Businesses in Ferguson say they are “going to wait and see” how to sustain what has been a tumultuous few months of riots and dramatically reduced revenue, with some local store owners saying customers are “too scared” to bring their business to the area.
Local stores and businesses throughout Ferguson expressed feelings of frustration and uncertainty as many have boarded-up windows, increased security measures and lost thousands of dollars in revenue amid protests stemming from the Aug. 9 police shooting death of Michael Brown. Many businesses said they will just have to wait and see what happens ahead of an expected November ruling on whether or not to indict officer Darren Wilson.
“We’ve lost $200 to $300 in business nightly, people are afraid to pick up in the night, after dark,” said Tammy Cao of the Hunan Chop Suey Chinese Restaurant.
“People are too scared at night … I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
She said the store has “paid $1,500 out-of-pocket for window damages” caused by rioters, because the $5,000 insurance deductible “did not add up.”
“I know customers who have left the area … I just want everything to go back to normal and everyone can do business again.”
A return to normalcy is a sentiment echoed by many Ferguson businesses.
Zisser Tire & Auto said the rioters “knocked out 90 percent of our windows, which are still boarded up.”
“We’ve just been trying to go to work, business as usual – nobody wants to take the boards down until we see what happens. It’s more of the not knowing what’s going to happen next.”
Jenny of Don Henefer Jewelers said that although their store has not been directly harmed by the Ferguson protests or rioters, they now “put all the jewelry away at night.”
The Swiish Bar and Grill owners have filed a lawsuit against the state of Missouri, St. Louis County, the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the cities of Ferguson and Jennings for what they claim is more than $25,000 in lost revenue. Owners Chantelle and Corey Nixon-Clark told KTVI-TV they were forced to close their doors for weeks as a law enforcement command post was set up in the Jennings shopping center amid the riots.
Some store owners said that customer and business fears are a shared experience.
“I feel scared about my business,” Rokhaya Biteye, owner of Daba African Hair Braiding in one of the modest strip malls that line West Florissant, told Reuters.
She said profits have evaporated to almost nothing since the shooting. In weeks prior, she generally pulled in about $800, but is now bringing in less than $100 each week.
“I don’t think it will work anymore,” she said, adding that she has no insurance.
Charles of Ferguson Burger Bar & More said that he has resolved not to make any added security provisions to the store because of his faith in a higher power.
“I’m going to leave it up to the man I put in charge originally, I’m going to leave it up to God,” he said. “I’m not boarding up, I’m not closing.”"Going to leave it up to God..."
The Christians trying to defend Constantinople from the Muslim hordes believed their city was to be protected by God as well: we call the city Istanbul now.
The Obama Administration, Holder's Department of Justice and the State of Missouri have already declared whose side they represent: Al Sharpton is, after all, is a "key advisor" to President Obama on all matters Ferguson.
Meanwhile, the St. Louis County grand jury is nothing more than an entity whose impending announcement puts them on an island of absolute certainty: Negrogeddon is coming to not just Ferguson, but the entire metropolitan St. Louis.
And this will be Barack Obama and Eric Holder's great legacy: the agitation of a racial crusade against law, order, and the white people of Ferguson and metro St. Louis.
It is impossible to have a business in a negro infested area. When I drive through (high noon, daylight ONLY times) the negro-nation area of my town, I see row after row of empty mini-strip centers.
30 or 40 years ago when these areas were WHITE, there we stores. Nothing fancy, but White run stores. Repair shops, parts shops, barber shops, etc. Normal, real WHITE Thangs. But, today? Nothing. Empty. Dead. Just like the "soul" of the black man.
Every older area is infected. Whether it be Mayans and Aztecs or Nigerians, the places are ruined. At least the "latino" areas are free of africans and have taco shops, etc, but it is like driving through a Mexican dump.
Only the White Race can create a 1st world civilization that is worth living in. Sure, the ChinaMan can mimic and copy and steal the ideas of the WHITE Man, but only the WHITE Man can put it all together, spontaneously, and make it happen.
Imagine a world of only White people.
Wallace Schoolhouse:
Hopefully Holder's "conversation about race" meant for our "nation of cowards" will materialize as an all-white discussion about what is to be done with all the variations of these rabid Bantus, High-Yellows, Gollywogs, and Peanut Head Bakkaball-American Orcs who are hell bent on harmonizing the U.S with the Republic of Congo.
And in other news, Ferguson's Chief of Police Capitulation is still an utter dupe for apologizing and kowtowing to St. Swisher's fambly troop all because his officer's face got in the way of the Gentle Giant's scrimp-knuckled fist. Since he already gave away his dignity for free, I can only hope he loses his pension too. There are indeed some very decent officers of the law among us; he, however, is not one of them.
Look at those wonderful misunderstood law abiding black citizens in that picture.
And they ask "why does america fear the black male"?
In other males are home invading houses in New Jersey daily...
Tammy Cao, time to movethe Hunan Chop Suey Chinese Restaurant outta Fergie.
The chimps hate your people as much as they hate YT
Hmmmm, come to think about it the Chimps hate everybody & none moreso than them selves they own selves
Hope ebrbudy got their Fire Insurance premiums paid up to date cuz dey b gonna burn u all out
/H hypie out H\
It's going to be on a national scale. Ferguson will be the epicenter. I hope I'm wrong.
I don't understand how local authorities "leaking" grand jury testimony helps the Police or Officer Wilson. I believe it was the DOJ under the "Holder's" instructions. Seems like letting it all out at once helps Wilson and the Ferguson PD. Especially the photos of Wilson's face.
It won't matter how the grand jury decides. Riots, looting, robbery, rape and murder will be the order of the day(s).
Happy Halloween indeed!
Scot Irish
Lets just tear down all the off and on ramps to Furguson move out all whites and let these wild beasts destroy each other trying to be King of the Hill
On topic, check out this NYTimes story about the cops in Ferguson.
Awakened White,
@ Scot Irish, you may be right. I've had that same feeling myself for awhile now.
"The entire Farce of Ferguson has been due to the Justice Department (with Barack Obama's blessing) acting irresponsible"
No. It is solely due to the violent and impulsive nature of Africans who inhabit that city. In 100 years Holder could not turn my 100% white town into Ferguson... Well anything short of filing it with negroes but I'm quite confident that tnb wouldn't fly in a county where half the towns don't even have police departments and virtually everyone is armed.
Absolutely nothing short of a quarter million years of evolution will make blacks peacefully assimilate into Western civilization.
They're thinking of firing Darren Wilson, no matter what happens:
Darren Wilson to be "Eased Out" of The Police Department
On another topic, I seem to remember reading about a riot control tactic involving two pickup trucks and eight people that hasn't been tried yet.
Greetings all, 14Ω checking in from the Democratic Republic of Maconga, known to the rest of the country as Macon, GA.
I posted yesterday about Ridge Avenue in Macon and its tradition of being a go-to street for trick or treaters. It has been mentioned here on SBPDL in the past.
As I said, I drive on Ridge daily. This year I have noticed very little in the way of Halloween decorations, which told me that residents have decided it isn't worth the aggravation and TNB.
On my way home tonight, I took my usual route down Ridge Avenue. Although trick or treating was to officially start at 6pm, on my drive at 5:30, I saw plenty of "krick or kreaters" already out. Which proves that blacks actually can arrive on time or even early when there is sufficient motivation.
The sidewalks were full of large mobs of blacks. Far less whites than blacks, although the street and surrounding area are both majority white. The few homes that were participating all had their yards carefully and clearly blocked off to prevent the basketball americans from trampling their lawns and flower beds. Homeowners were sitting out by the sidewalk handing out candy instead of allowing the rampaging hordes to come to their doors. I saw no police presence but have no doubt that by 6pm there were at least a couple of patrol cars in the area in case of TNB.
The blacks were in large groups as opposed to the smaller number of whites who were walking in groups of four or less. Many of the blacks had been transported by church vans which were parked on side streets.
I spoke with someone who lives on Ridge Avenue and he said that he and his wife would not be handing out candy. He knew about the vans and was disgusted by the invasion that he'd thought he would avoid by buying a house in that part of town.
Everyone enjoy your Halloween and start picturing in your mind a day when we have a white homeland where our children and grandchildren can trick or treat and enjoy it the way we did way back when.
I love how they talk about the destruction of Ferguson and the rest of America with sly code words and a smug smile exchanged between them. They are on the same team. All blacks are. They know what they are doing and they positively enjoy it. I want to be where ever the first shot is fired in the upcoming revolution so I can smile a smile that smug, knowing the destruction of BRA is at hand.
Did you know that incarceration causes violence and the cops are more responsible for street violence than the illegal drug trade is?
"Indeed, the true origins of today’s high rates of violence in America’s most highly segregated, most deeply impoverished, and blackest and brownest neighborhoods—whoever perpetrates it—are located well outside of these same communities. Simply put, America’s poorest people of color had no seat the policy table where mass incarceration was made [sic]. But though they did not create the policies that led to so much community and state violence in inner cities today, they nevertheless now suffer from them in unimaginable ways."
How can anyone read this and take it seriously?
Violent people either go to prison or they meet a violent end or both. Jesus of all people said, "...All who draw the sword will die by the sword." This has been conventional wisdom for at least 2,000 years, but apparently this news has yet to reach them.
But a nation full of DWLs will read this article and nod right along.
And again, violence is something like bat schools and Dane jurus streets that blacks are subjected to but are not themselves responsible for.
Because YT.
I posted the article from The Atlantic a few minutes ago. The comments section is going off the rails and it's a thing of beauty. People are waking up.
"Ta Nehisi Coates is now beyond parody. HIs most recent column is a joke. He criticizes Charles Barkely and President Obama for daring to suggest that blacks are somewhat responsible for their own lives. He then writes (in complete seriousness): "For if black people are—as I maintain—no part of the problem, if the problem truly is 100 percent explained by white supremacy, then we are presented with a set of unfortunate facts about our home." Got that. The crime problem is Detroit, a city that is nearly 90% black, has nothing to do with the behavior of certain black individuals residing in and committing crimes in Detroit and everything ("100 percent"!!!) to do with "white supremacy". It's ludicrous. It's embarrassing. It demands mockery."
"I know that the black experience within the paradigm of white supremacy tends to affect how they act in life, but it's not a determinant so strong that it robs black people of all agency. And while it's important to raise awareness about white supremacy, the truth is that white supremacy isn't going anywhere any time soon. It's going to be around for generations to come, so I don't see how it's constructive for Coates (and others) to dismiss the idea that there are things that black people can do to improve their situations."
"It's interesting that the comments section is empty and locked. It appears there is a fear that someone might point out what an utterly idiotic article that is. The article presents the argument (indirectly) that black people have zero agency. That's literally the only way in which "The problem is 100 percent white supremacy". The only way that is true is if there's some sort of black-only mind control virus that makes you always choose the worst of all available options. I get it, being poor is hard. Being black is hard. Being poor and black gives you a double or triple or quadruple whammy. But having the deck stacked against you is different from having 0% percent responsibility for your life. Good grief, that stupid article was so bad that it makes me sound like a conservative!!!"
"Soft bigotry of low expectations. Only white people have the requisite capacities to be responsible for violent crime. Blaming a black person would be like blaming a baby for crying in a restaurant."
"Well, there's really only two options here. Since it's a fact that blacks commit disproportionate amounts of crime in America, then either 1) The African race is inherently broken from the inside or 2) It's external forces in American history and culture. One of those things is absurd, scientifically unsound racist bullshit. The other is the truth. Fcuk off."
My Friday night is made.
To the guy from Maconga... Man, is that pathetic. Trick or Treat as a form of gibs. Load up the the vans and go where the gettin' is good - the white neighborhood.
The whole idea behind Trick or Treating is to mix with your neighbors, to see the kids you know all dressed up, pretenting you don't recognize them, their costumes are that good. Chatting briefly with your friends - the parents of the little tykes.
But this - vanloads of strangers who couldn't care less who lives in the houses. All that matters is the candy. But everyone lives somewhere - what's wrong with the houses or apartments in their own neighborhoods? No candy? Why not? What's it going to cost for the night, ten bucks? No can do?
- Man in Florida
Check out the pants on the two characters on the left of the picture. Wonder what they've contributed to society lately. Wonder what any of the 17 looters in the picture have contributed. Must be a joy to police the citizens of Ferguson. A delight.
- Man in Florida
I could be wrong as I often am, but it is difficult for me to see how the almost inevitable upcoming Ferguson riot can morph into a runaway trend that continues without bounds. Blacks comprise only 13% of the population and no other race likes them. They certainly can wreck Ferguson and several other communities or cities with high concentrations of blacks and the whites remaining in those areas would be in great peril, but the blacks simply don't have the tools or ability to take over the country. They create nothing of value and the bulk of the commerce that they contribute to the economy depends on the reallocation of wealth from other races to them.
The majority of politicians cater to blacks because they can deliver a unified vote, but the same politicians that rely on the black vote know that white voters must be kept divided to prevent them from delivering a unified vote. It is my opinion that if the blacks generate the mother of all chimpouts in Ferguson and/or elsewhere, it will weaken their ability to control the outcome of elections. If they push things much further and disrupt too many white lives, a significant majority of whites will begin to see blacks as a problem that must be addressed. If 70 or 80 percent of whites voted as a unified block, most politicians would quickly lose their love for blacks.
In the unlikely event that black society actually declares war on whites, the whites would need to do no more than block commerce to and from the centers of black populations and crash their electrical grid. There is not a black run city in the United States that could function for more than 30 days without the support of whites. These cities would rapidly become uninhabitable for blacks who would be fleeing like the proverbial rats from a sinking ship. As they flee into the countryside where they represent 13% of the population that they declared war upon they would easily be dealt with.
If the blacks embark on a path of massive destruction it will be without the blessing of their shepherds because it will probably cause them to lose the only thing that they have of value – their power to control the outcome of elections due to the lack of white unity. I believe that it is more likely that Ferguson will be the tempest in a teapot in the national scheme of things sparking similar riots in other groid centers that will result in a few policy changes that will actually accelerate the failure of cities with black majorities. The shepherds will probably get the black stampede under control and we will continue on our present course until the money runs out. At some point in time something will happen to unify whites, but one can only speculate as to what that event will be.
@Man in Florida 7:45
"The whole idea behind Trick or Treating is to mix with your neighbors, to see the kids you know all dressed up, pretending you don't recognize them, their costumes are that good. Chatting briefly with your friends - the parents of the little tykes."
I don't recognize that America any more. Haven't in decades. Maybe it does exist somewhere, someplace, but it's getting rarer and rarer.
BRA gets a twofer. Last night was "Devil's Night" where they torch entire hoods, even though they don't need an actual excuse for most of the year (just reasonably warm weather outside). Then tonight they're back, demanding gimme free sheet ER canny!
Nope. Don't recognize that America any more. Not sure where it exists either.
Probably where BRA doesn't exist, wherever that may be.
Ex New Yorker here.....Well Halloween is over and the little kiddies and their parents are all at home. There was no shooting, stabbing, beating, robbing, raping and killing. No Houses were set on fire. The reason for this lack of violence is because we also have a SAFE ZONE. Not a small six square block safe zone like in St. Louis. Out here the SAFE ZONE is about 500 square miles. Nice.
By the way, in a small Division 2 School in PA, five football players attacked and beat into a coma someone at a bar because they couldn't steal away his girlfriend. He's now in the hospital with possible brain damage (at best).
Guess what color ALL five of these football players at a sucky division 2 school are?
Three guesses.
I know this post isn't about Halloween but I want to report from the midwest on a surprisingly successful Halloween. All it required was the local sheriff's department setting up a trailer in the neighborhood and driving around at the start of trick-or-treating. We had no infestations for the first time in several years. Only a few families brought their kids black friend who got 1 small piece of candy. It was nice to have Halloween back like it's supposed to be.
To the guy from Maconga... Man, is that pathetic. Trick or Treat as a form of gibs. Load up the the vans and go where the gettin' is good - the white neighborhood.
The whole idea behind Trick or Treating is to mix with your neighbors, to see the kids you know all dressed up, pretenting you don't recognize them, their costumes are that good. Chatting briefly with your friends - the parents of the little tykes.
But this - vanloads of strangers who couldn't care less who lives in the houses. All that matters is the candy. But everyone lives somewhere - what's wrong with the houses or apartments in their own neighborhoods? No candy? Why not? What's it going to cost for the night, ten bucks? No can do?
- Man in Florida
October 31, 2014 at 7:45 PM
Thank you. I just returned from my young friends' home (couple with 2 year old child, in their 30's and 40's, renting a nice home in an elegant, old center hall colonial in a white neighborhood. They did the T.O.T. thing. It's been many, many years for me observing this tradition because I have lived in the same condo/apartment for 18 years. Almost all white people. But tonight I got a view of what has become of the tradition you so well describe. I thought back to my own days Trick or Treating in White America. It didn't hit me until I read your line of adults from our neighborhood pretending they didn't recognize us as kids at Halloween. How sweet was that, anyway? God...nostalgia!!! Anyway, at my friends' home, these little niglets had the balls to come back to their home 3 times in some cases for more gibs. And ONE big NIG, a Michael brown nugget in the making, told my host, "I don't like dem" (pointing to the candy he was getting), "Dey make me throw up. Can I hab dats?"
As god as my witness, we all (they're we're 6 of us in this center hall at the front door) looked at each other mouthing the words, "WTF?"
Reuters Africa - Congo crowd kills man, eats him after militant massacres: witnesses
Is Ferguson, Missouri next? You will see negro cannibalism in the U.S. within three years. Mark your calendars. America is being devoured by negroes already.
With blacks, we have Halloween 365 days a year. All them spooks.
Anonymous said...
By the way, in a small Division 2 School in PA, five football players attacked and beat into a coma someone at a bar because they couldn't steal away his girlfriend. He's now in the hospital with possible brain damage (at best).
Guess what color ALL five of these football players at a sucky division 2 school are?
Three guesses.
what skool?
Jim-Snow Centurion notes:
It is impossible to have a business in a negro infested area.
It's impossible for Jim-Snow zeks, proles and helots like us regular YT's, but those YT's who are connected do a booming business in such infestation zones, making a killing from 'managing' gubmint groid-rookeries where St. Swisher the Sweet, Shitavious and other splendid exemplars of Banana Empire patricians are hatched in great numbers, paid for with tax dollars extracted from the hides of us proles, zeks, etc. Crime-share condos are evidently very profitable to the connected, which might explain why they are so enthusiastically endorsed by both squads of the single party here in Bananaland.
Since it's All-Saints' Eve, perhaps tomorrow a special offering should be made to the Holy Saints Sammich, Swisher and Trayvon. Cheers, Jim-Snow Bogo
Fight the call of Nature, the black genome. Be my guest...
I'm certain there will be the attempt at a Cat 5 chimpout in Ferguson when the grand jury announces no indictment. Let them, riot. And I hope it does spread to other cities & areas so those Whites who are still in denial can have their eyes opened to the absolute pathogenicity of BRA and the fruit of BRA. I am amazed at anyone who can continue denial in the face of objective statistics - 13% of the population (or even less, as that includes women and old ones) commits 70% of the violent crimes, almost 50% of sex crimes and a huge slice of anything else. Racial profiling, my butt. Sensible assessment is what I call it.
blacks cause damage to Asian-owned stores.
They voted for Obama. Instant karma.
No BRA in my town of only 5.1% black out of around 20,000 people! That is according to the 2010 census. Which has risen by.1% from the 2000 census! This BRA free safety zone is in southern Ohio in a city called.. Portsmouth!
There are 2 large Section 8 housing complexes in this town that was built in during the 30's and 40's. One was for blacks and the other was for whites. They are both now predominantly blacks and for WISCO's and, white women who are obvious race traders.
These areas represent probably.. 90% of the crime rate in the city or criminals are residing there with their white race trading girlfriends. Drugs are rampant in these areas of the town. The Detroit Pipeline runs right thru the middle of the town and has been on tv as documentary on AE Channel; "Hillbilly Heroin".
Point being.. they know their place and they better stay in it! But, if you ask me.. at 5.1%; we are overrun with them!
Why the fuss?
Eric Holder is absolutely right.
Black people should have black cops, period.
Had a good conversation with a buddy of mine tonight.
He's got about 2o years under his belt as a cop.
He says not only do black areas and black cities need their own cops, but this country desperately needs to segregate into black and white separate regions.
He sees it every single day.
Blacks cannot be dealt with, cannot be helped.
A white cop is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't when dealing with a nigger.
Holder is absolutely right.
The melanin content of the skin of Ferguson police officers should be much, much higher.
My second point is one I've made before.
Ferguson blacks aren't going to do jack shit.
A little minor rioting, looting, arson, etc.
So what? If you nigs want to go ahead and destroy what's left of your failed black urban shithole please be my guest.
Despite all their 'poor, pitiful me' whining about how mean old YT won't have anything to do with them, deep-down they are very happy about all this. They are thugs and bullies by nature, and to see others cower in fear before them pleases them immensely. It's real ooga-booga stuff. Law of The Jungle.
Don't take any shit from a low life negro. Let them know who's the boss. Negroes aren't nothing and will never be anything. Hell we even prop them up and give them whole city's too destroy. The coolness of the local negro has run it's course. Ferguson, MO. will be the turn of events that we all here @SBPDL have been waiting for. Like some posters here have stated the real Whites are awakened! Just read the blogs. White Might is a sight too behold! Just don't give up. It wouldn't be White of you!
I'm all for negroes policing negroes. As far as I'm concerned the more black on black crime, the better. I don't want white lives put at risk for the sake of blacks. We did that in the Civil War. Enough!
Very quiet Halloween out here in 98.3% White neighborhood. Just a few very young White kids. We chatted with parents who brought kids around.
No sirens, no vandalism, no carloads of nogs dropped off and rampaging the area.
It was like a slice of White 1950s America.
I say again, there is absolutely nothing as anti-White as the US Government and its court systems, unless it's the US Department of Education.
Another 14 yr old aspiring rapper:
"It is impossible to have a business in a negro infested area."
No, It just takes a lot of Bullet Proof Plexiglass. Paul wrote on this topic a few weeks ago.
Eddie in St. Louis
@ anonymous 8:03 PM
i second every single one of your thoughts, tho i hope for one too many uprisings by the dark masses, so that more folks wake up & increase the unity & awareness of our fractionated majority. thank you for your excellent comments.
I used to think the gov was afraid of blacks rioting because of the damage . The fires, the murders, the violence in general.
Now i know they are really afraid of America seeing blacks as they truly are. We can't be convinced that the blacks are like the Huxtables while thousands of hoodlums are demonstrating the TRUTH of what blacks are every day in the news.
The more rioting and general niggotry we see on the news, the less like we are to stay in the cities and pay the taxes that fund all the GibsMeDat. The Section 8, EBT, WIC, "free" utilities, health care, all of it.
Once all the humans flee and the cities become negro-majority cities the tax base vanishes and the whole system collapses on it's own weight.
The government NEEDS us to tolerate the negroes and allow them to live among us. When humans leave an area and only negroes remain you have Detroit.
Soon every city will be Detroit. Bankrupt ghettos that humans avoid at all costs.
Jim Crow laws existed because our ancestors understood that negroes are NOT "just like us" they are not even the same species. The african negro is the ONLY "race" (breed) of people on Earth without Neanderthal DNA. That's why their skin, hair, skulls, bone structure, and more are SO different from everyone else.
They can't assimilate because they lack the mental and social skills humans have. They have the emotional and mental development of a human 12 year old. They lack empathy, compassion, sympathy. Humans strive to live together, we form communities of cooperation. Negroes form small tribes and viciously prey on one another. Look at africa. Tribal warfare is their natural state.
The best hope for the humans in America is that the negroes begin massive Category 5 chimpouts, for whatever reason. The lie of "equality" will be exposed and voters in 70% white america will no longer tolerate politicians that give us "diversity" (white genocide)
I also think black people should have black cops. I have witness to see black cops are much worse than white cops. These black people will get a wake up call when this happens.
My children went trick-or-treating in our 99.8% white town, located in our 98.22% white county in our 93.4% white state.
It was lovely, peaceful, and charming.
translationNegrogeddon, a PK classic up there with BRA.
"Negrogeddon"? Hardly. The possibility of widespread monkeyshines has been taken into consideration, and people in the nearby civilized areas are aware. Result: any mass chimpout will be limited to the areas that are already hopelessly infested. Who cares? It is like a lightening strike that sets a dead, dry field ablaze. In fact, just like the dead, dry field that burns will turn to ash that will readily fertilize the soil for new growth, so any mass chimpout might make the infested areas unlivable even for negros... the negros leave and that allows YT to come back and rebuild.
Let the negros act out and get good video of it. Use it in 2016.
"...But though they did not create the policies that led to so much community and state violence in inner cities today, they nevertheless now suffer from them in unimaginable ways."
How can anyone read this and take it seriously? ...
And again, violence is something like bat schools and Dane jurus streets that blacks are subjected to but are not themselves responsible for.
This is standard liberal ideology. Selected victim groups will never be held accountable for their criminality. Liberals will always come up with rationalizations to justify any amount of violence, dysfunction and barbarism on the part of blacks. This is so even when those "victims" are pillaging entire cities into the ground. True in Port au Prince. True in Detroit. True in London. True in Mogadishu. True in Ferguson.
I still doubt there will be a chimpout, but even if there is, I agree that any of it will occur in the already devastated or declining hoods. Echoing others, burn, baby, burn! Burn every muthah down you want. And I hope the police stand down. You don't need those nasty white cops who shoot your sainted chillens now, do you? Yeah. And get all black cops, too. That'll help. It's working out great in New Orleans and Detroit. Bring it! My white friends, if you live in one of these cesspools, leave. Leave now. Sell the house at a loss if must be. There is no way in hell you'll survive this s-storm.
What the future will bring...
Currently black unemployment is about twice that of whites. This has been true since at least the fifties. Is this going to change? Will the gap get wider or will it close?
Black wages are somewhat higher. Employed black men make about 60% of what white men make. Again, will that wage gap close or open or stay the same?
I recently read Gregory Clarke's economics best seller "A Farewell to Alms'. This is a study of Britain's Industrial Revolution. England exported their machines to Africa but African productivity remained low. They exported British managers too and that didn't work either. The long hard lesson seemed to be that the quality of the workforce mattered.
So will the unemployment and the wage gaps be overcome when blacks get better educated? No. There's no reason to expect that blacks in America can in fact be educated. The wage gap is a product of the productivity gap and that's a product of the IQ gap and the IQ and school performance gap remains large.
As Lynn and Vanhatten have shown a nation's GNP is in large part a function of the population's IQ.
So does that mean that black unemployment will continue to be twice that of whites? No. The gap is likely to grow wider.
As Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee have shown, automation tends to bid up educational requirements. A century ago blacks and whites were employed at about the same rates. But today those without a simple high school diploma are almost unemployable. In an automated society those with degrees rule.
So if blacks are less intelligent and the economy increasingly favors education that has to mean that blacks will be less well off in the future. Government programs to close the racial gap have all failed.
Currently blacks react to their poor economic circumstances with 'marches' which are alternatives to riots. We can expect more of both in the future.
There are two and only two ways out of this dilemma. The first is some sort of gene therapy that increase black IQ. This would be nearly ideal, but alas it's quite unlikely except by intermarriage. Mulattos are indeed smarter than pure blacks and do better in society and the economy. Mulattos are intermediate in IQ between whites and blacks. But making blacks smarter by making whites dumber isn't much of a solution. We want some technique that simply makes black smarter.
That may be possible some day but not soon. IQ is multigenic. There were 217 SNPs that effect IQ the last time I looked. None explained more than a few percent of the R squared.
So there is no genetic remedy on the horizon that will make blacks comparable in IQ to the more developed races - whites and East Asians.
There is another solution but it is too controversial for this blog.
Pat Boyle
Re having black cops for black communities: you wonder how long they would last?
Being a black cop in the 'hood, or even a black suburb, would mean dealing with high rates of violent crime, gangbanging, and assorted other dysfunctions (like having to set up police state measures for holidays like Halloween). And there is the ever present possibility of a riot and the bro's attacking you as an Uncle Tom.
Would black cops move on to more lucrative pastimes? Would black city councils wonder why they could not attract quality black cop candidates?
Enquiring minds want to know!
How are they going to get more black cops? They need to find folks that don't have a felony record and that actually want a job.
Even if they didn't. .it wouldnt stop blacks from breaking into their stores. Theyve been doing that for a very long time..
Yup, like everything they touch, seems to wither and die. Just type up "Easter Egg hunt turns bad" or "Chuck E Cheese b-day riot" on YT to see what this feral bunch are capable of.
Is that you Whiskey?
Is boycott the correct word? Maybe it should be 'girlcott'.
It has been pointed out here that American men have George Costanza syndrome. I think both sides have been programmed with Costanza syndrome. In other words; doing very little self improvement yet still expecting to attract a super hot partner.
As far as a big chimpout goes. Remember the riots that were supposed to happen if Zimmerman got acquitted? They were about as exciting as the Y2K collapse of the banking system. I think blacks are contrarian by nature. Since everyone expects them to riot, they simply won't. But I still think a big event is coming.
Anon notes:
blacks cause damage to Asian-owned stores.
Indeed they do. Not only that, they also frequently target Asians in their 'Knockout King' games. In fact in St. Louis (hometown of St. Swisher the Sweet and St. Sammich) an elderly Vietnamese couple was so attacked, leaving the husband dead. There have been no condemnations of negro racism against Asians from the professional Asian groups for this, nor have there been any outcries from Asian groups about the often deliberate looting of Asian stores in the hood. Instead, the Asians dutifully did as they were told each election cycle and voted 3 to 1 for a black supremacist.
Likewise, all of the professional Hispanics - from La Raza (The Race), to LULAC, the Repuke Hispanic Caucus, et al were strangely silent as the Obama-Holder regime was busy railroading their fellow Hispanic George Zimmerman, who is actually less white than Obama is. Only support for St. Trayvon was expressed. Why would this be so, since negroes obviously have no great love or admiration for either Asians or Hispanics? (Please don't reply, DonM, you already know the answer).
It's foolish and stupid for YT to think any support will be forthcoming from either the Asian or Aztec. They're obviously willing to toss a number of their own people into the maw of BRA for the promise of something greater - even (somewhat shockingly for Asians) their own elderly. Llord Bankstein and his pals must be offering something that glitters a great deal indeed. It's a shit-sammich of course, but that's what Gates, Buffet, Diamond, Corzine and their predecessors have been selling for centuries. Like Colt-45 Malt-Liquor's claim: It works every time.
Is there even a category for this?
"A crowd stoned to death a young man in northeast Congo on Friday before burning and eating his corpse, witnesses said, in apparent revenge for a series of attacks by Ugandan rebels."
Human: the other bushmeat.
Pretty sure this is the one who shot that woman in a drive-by in Oakland:
"Ina hills wit ma brother blowin it down when out the blue dis white bitch walk bye an say we got mothafukkin dope feinds up here sticken needles in dey arms like wtf bitch ah know u smell all dis purple comin out the car white ppl hella rude now if I woulda slapped the bitch how I done did some dope feinds I woulda been wrong smh!!!"
He seems like a fine upstanding gentleman. I'm sure he dindoo nuffin.
Hapless American (Rip Van Winkle?)
I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?
This is the inevitable result of 50-60 years of feminism - another invention of the Frankfurt Schul. Arguably, it has been even more poisonous and destructive to whites than BRA has. Roissy and the whole blogosphere zone called the 'manosphere' are devoted to countering its effects, to little if any avail it would appear.
For example Whiskey, while making many good points about the nature of white females indoctrinated since kindergarten in feminist ideology, nevertheless cannot seem to provide a consistent definition of the so-called "alpha" who is the anti-fem genie: One day the 'alpha' is a knee-grow thug like St. Swisher, the next day it's a withered old degenerate Bankstein like Donald "Sterling". The one type of person who never seems to qualify as this proverbial 'alpha' is an actual straight white guy.
A recent interesting example of feminism's results and its important role in BRA and white genocide has been discussed by by Michael McGregor, and the 100% predictable feminist response to hate facts has likewise been followed up by the author. Feminism and BRA are two branches of the same poisonous tree. The fact is that most whites - especially the females - are fanatical believers in a religion so completely insane it makes Wahabi Islam seem downright rational and scientific, and far more honorable.
I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women.
You're probably in the city or a liberal area.
I live in the country where there is an excess of in-shape, single women that cook and want a family. All it takes is a guy with a basic job, no drug habit or face tattoos.
I've reached this conclusion:
1) There are people out there who specifically WANT the black hordes to grow and destroy this country.
2) The tool is welfare programs. The government claims to want help, but the guaranteed by-product is rampant black dysfunction and destruction. It's like someone saying they're just throwing pizza crusts around your house and that's no big deal, but eventually the roaches come and you're infested. Welfare is the pizza crusts.
The Negronomicon predicted that Negrogeddon would begin with the killing of three innocent Saints.
I was down today until I ran across this "gem" from CBS News Detroit.
The "Battle of the Nike Air Force bakkaball shoooz". The comments from Detoilettier's are fantatasic. Can't believe that CBS hasn't deleted them.
Realism on da'Rise....Enjoy !!!
/H hypie out H\
Just damn typical.
Not realistic. By diluting the issue at hand (BRA and the faux 'culture' of blacks that inhabits every lower class brain) to widespread hatred of everything non white is foolhardy and detrimental to the overall effort. East Asian culture has definitely enriched western society, and to deny that they are our intellectual equals is lowering yourself to the childish stubborn behavior of those that we despise. Tighten up, and keep your eyes on the real problem.
"Soft bigotry of low expectations. Only white people have the requisite capacities to be responsible for violent crime. Blaming a black person would be like blaming a baby for crying in a restaurant."
OK. Now that DWL's are finally understanding what our progenitors have known and practiced right up to 1964, may we please have our segregation laws back?
Want to escape Negrogeddon (Ferguson or otherwise)? Go RVing. Seriously, blacks rarely use an RV and you can live amongst other calm, sane, civilized humans while enjoying the great outdoors.
RVing is quite literally something Black People Don't Like.
@Pat Boyle November 1, 2014 at 10:25 AM
"There are two and only two ways out of this dilemma. The first is some sort of gene therapy that increase black IQ. This would be nearly ideal, but alas it's quite unlikely except by intermarriage. Mulattos are indeed smarter than pure blacks and do better in society and the economy. Mulattos are intermediate in IQ between whites and blacks. But making blacks smarter by making whites dumber isn't much of a solution. We want some technique that simply makes blacks smarter."
Now this is the key in a nutshell. You can see the results of this even with mulattoes like NFL QBs Russell Wilson and Colin Kapernick. Wilson, as with some mulattoes, is a standard IKNAGO. At the same time, he's derided by purer blacks as being "not black enough" and isn't fully trusted. Yet some mulattoes, Pat Boyle, are not immediately smarter than their darker compatriots. Kapernick has engaged in some off field clownery (albeit not at the level he would if her were pure black) but also mulattoes such as former ex-NFLer Jerramy Stevens, currently soccer star Hope Solo's husband. If you wiki Jerramy Stevens, he's got quite the rap sheet. Been accused of violent rape, has been convicted of violent assault, multiple DUIs and Marijuana charges and nearly charged with domestic violence.
In other words, being a mulatto doesn't automatically mean that the white genes will have a civilizing affect from an IQ and behavioral standpoint. Perhaps it better to state that it depends largely on which genes will prevail in the individual's life.
Also, if you notice, not all whites go into the intermarriage racket. Why would they anyway?
The higher IQs, the top 1-2% of genetically intelligent folks generally do not mate with those of two and three full SDs below them. Frankly, that doesn't make any sense. No white girl with a 120 or 130 plus sized IQ is gonna get it on with Sharneequeeus Marqueeze Johnson's 90 IQ.
Simply won't happen and why would it? Obviously they don't move in the same circles.
Frankly, I'm not certain it can ever help fully improve the IQs of blacks, mixing them with white genes since most US blacks already contain about 20% and up on average of white blood. How much more white genes do they require to make it up to the level of whites anyway?
But your larger point is well taken: Not everyone in the modern talented tenth is at the level of Thomas Sowell, who isn't getting any younger at age 84. Who's going to replace him one day?
For the purer blacks, the likes of Rachel Jeantel will unfortunately be a legitimate representative of the talented tenth by the year 2030.
But this post of Pat Boyle's is one of his best of the year, no question. It clearly states the challenges as well as the obstacles that blacks in US will have to face and what very very little concrete actions can help solve their ever increasing problems.
The fruits of the closed minded bestest edumacashuns system in the world were revealed this week when the Kwan couldn't even launch a rocket.
Korrect groupthink has really paid off.
The superpower days of the Kwanstain are long gone and the only way it is going to space is in a Hollywood movie or catching a ride with the Russians.
Preshus equalocracy über alles.
The lowest common denominator at all times for the Kwan.
Possible new ebola patient in Portland Oregon. I feel very compassionate for the Oregonians.
How are they going to get more black cops? They need to find folks that don't have a felony record and that actually want a job.
They'll lower standards. They'll fast track black applicants. They'll import Somalis and Haitians. They'll do whatever they have to do to keep the Potemkin Village of BRA in motion.
"There are two and only two ways out of this dilemma. The first is some sort of gene therapy that increase black IQ. ... We want some technique that simply makes black smarter.
That may be possible some day but not soon. IQ is multigenic. There were 217 SNPs that effect IQ the last time I looked. None explained more than a few percent of the R squared."
Here we see how little difference there is between the technophilic right and the left. Both aim at raising up the negro and promoting a condition of racial equality.
Certainly we have already begun to enter the age of man as an engineered product of the system, a genetically modified organism. This has so far occurred mainly as a side effect of technological development, but it seems very clear that intentional modifications such as that envisioned here can't be far off.
Aside from the fact that another name for this sort of elimination of race is genocide, there are two significant practical problems that immediately come to mind.
1. Personality consists of a large number of characteristics, not just IQ, and not necessarily linked to IQ. Increasing negro IQ might make only smarter criminals.
2. When such technologies become available -- I would guess within 50 years or so, just the blink of an eye in evolutionary terms -- won't the powers that be want to reserve them for themselves, or at least, first want to modify their subjects to make it impossible for them to ever revolt? Then we will indeed have the future Orwell mentions -- a boot stamping on a human face forever. Ah, progress! What a wonderful civilization is emerging! YT must guard it at all costs!
Until the Grand Jury decision is made public, the members are vulnerable to the DOJ. Coercion is not an impossible reality -- threats to themselves and families, and/or bribery. Also it is possible that the whole process could be sealed by the court under orders from the DOJ/Holder ( who still has power under Obama). The political agenda will not be altered, and it is not intended to keep civil peace, especially among Blacks. That is why Sharkton is getting so much pre-election media attention. Drumming up White hate based on Tryvon/Michael, inciting Blacks to aggression is his immediate purpose.
If the GJ should come out with a guilty verdict against Darren Wilson, how would anger be expressed by YTs? or would it, at all? Masses of urban Blacks have been Marxist organized for decades to be fearless anarchists. Not so, YTs. About the only organizing YTs do is for football game tailgate parties,after game booze busts,and inhouse Superbowl binges.
Boycott American women?????? WTF kinda bull shit is that? Sorry excuse for a man if you think that way, just my Adult Alpha male attitude of course.
Anonymous said ”I am an American man, and I have decided to boycott American women. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don’t know how to cook or clean, don’t want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?
American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.”
I respectfully disagree with you on this one. American women are one of the best things about America. It sounds like you have had some bad luck, but don't give up. There are lots of great American women out there.
Meanwhile in Detroit, "only" 97 buildings were burned this week in the annual negro festivities.
What a triumph of civilization.
Carmen Flukes ran a brothel/strip club out of her Ferguson home. Her teenage son was the bartender.
Like Eric holder, she is also black.
Bogo Said: " (Please don't reply, DonM, you already know the answer)."
Awww. But I LOVE the Socratic method!
Perhaps some useful intelligence:
Its muzzleloading season in my neck of the woods. That got me thinking about our brothers and sisters behind the wire in BRAmerica's most Bolshevist states where handgun ownership is severely restricted.
Black powder guns are not considered "firearms" by the ATF and as such, may be mail ordered directly to your door in most locales.
I have experience with black powder, percussion revolvers. While they are a lot more involved that modern firearms, with modern propellants and percussion caps, they can be pretty reliable and plenty deadly. At one point in time, they were state of the art personal weapons.
All of the reproductions out there are made in Italy. I have found the replicas made by Uberti to be slightly nicer than the Pietta guns of identical model. But, your mileage may vary.
With modern options available, I really wouldn't want to defend myself against a horde of vibrants with an 1861 Colt Navy revolver, but it'd be a hell of a lot better than harsh words alone!
Check out for an interesting selection of black powder firearms.
I think the only solution to The Negro Problem is a 2 part solution.
1. mandatory sterilization as a requirement for the application process for ANY welfare- Section 8, EBT, WIC, Obamaphone, whatever. They MUST be sterilized before they can even apply for assistance.
2. Mandatory sterlization as part of the Sentencing for ANY violent crime, including assault, burglery, prostitution, and ANY Felony. They get sterilized surgically before they even get locked up.
That's it. The Negro Problem will solve itself after a few decades.12% of the population will quickly become 1-2% and those that remain will be the most intelligent and trainable negroes.
Pat Boyle said ”. . . We want some technique that simply makes black smarter. . . “
Genetics is so far out of my areas of knowledge that I must admit that I don't know what I'm talking about, but that won't keep me from replying to an interesting post. Although making blacks smarter through gene therapy initially sounds appealing, I believe that it could be extremely dangerous.
When a white and black reproduce, the offspring will probably include many characteristics of both races. The mulatto will probably benefit from the higher IQ of the white in addition to many other attributes associated with whites. The mulatto will probably possess an improved future time orientation, fewer criminal tendencies, and less of an inclination for mindless violence and irrational behavior.
My layman's concern is that merely cranking up the IQ of groid will likely result in a smarter groid that will continue to possess the other groid attributes. A smart groid inclined to commit crime and mindless violence with low future time orientation and an irrational thought process would be far more dangerous than the dumb version. This scenario reminds me of the sci-fi movie “Deep Blue Sea” where some sharks with genetically jacked up IQs destroyed the research facility that created them. Perhaps the low IQ component of the overall groid package provides the correct balance.
I agree with you that it makes no sense to produce a mulatto for the purpose of making a smarter black when the process is simultaneously creating a dumber white.
"I just want everything to go back to normal and everyone can do business again."
Normal? Sounds like a plan. The Africans go back to Africa, the Asians go back to Asia, and the former inhabitants of Ferguson go back home to Ferguson to be normal again.
Ex New Yorker here....I'm taking a quick break from a birthday party for a ranchers wife who turned 60. Hundreds of people are there along with a cowboy band. Good food and BYO. No shootings or the sound of sirens blazing through the night. No ambulances hauling away bodies to the hospital. It sure is nice living around human beings. Been in this town so long it seems like home to me.
Most of the time I feel like St. Louis is somewhere on another planet. Almost like it's not real and stuck in some Twilight Zone in another dimension far far away.
Let's say that Islamic State/Caliphate terrorists were to burn down 97 buildings in a major Iraqi city in one night. We'd no doubt see the White House sending in airstrikes, drones, boots on the ground and you know the drill. In the Homeland:
Meanwhile in Detroit, "only" 97 buildings were burned this week in the annual negro festivities.
And this goes largely unremarked. It says something about BRA that a situation which in other contexts would be seen as the equivalent of mass terrorism is dismissed as just another year in the Paris of the West.
Let's look at the stats quoted in the article:
3,900 Patrol and community group volunteers who participated in the Angels’ Night effort
500: Approximate number of abandoned vehicles towed leading up to Angels’ Night
47: Number of Fire Net teams during campaign
24: Curfew violators picked up (down from 41 last year and 126 the year before)
3: Arson suspect arrests
$50,000: Cash donations to Angel’s Night campaign
$40,000: Value of in-kind contributions
3,900 people on patrol? That's the rifle strength of several infantry battalions. All those people on the streets to deal with the situation in an American city? Is this the Detroit version of Bush's Iraqi "Surge?" And with all that manpower on the streets, they caught only three arson suspects? Wow, your taxpayer dollars in action! And let's see, they got less than $100,000 of donations plus contributions. That's all that a city of several hundred thousand people could raise? You'd think that the fire insurance companies might kick in at least that.
Still, it is a victory for civilization that "only" 97 buildings were torched...just as I understand that in Congo and Liberia if on a holiday night it is a victory for civilization only 97 people end up on the BBQ grill.
Hey Ex New Yorker;
I love your posts. I really do. They really are like an oasis in the desert. Your posts bring to mind a dreamland of what it must be like to live in a place of little violence. And I know that these places still do exist in America. And I hope you NEVER tell us where you live.
Keep 'em coming please.
@ panjoomby 7:44 AM
I'm glad that you found the comments to be of some value. There are a lot of good comments on this blog.
Pat and other Anons pushing genetic manipulation
Forget it. No negro is going to let the White man near him or his sows with a needle to "alter" it genetically. The easiest answer is a "safe zone" of White Homeland. No one gets killed or genetically modified and everyone is happy.
That is why the groids and their Masters will fight to prevent it. That is why AFFH and expanded Section 8. That is why we have to fight.
Californian! Love your breakdown of the Devil's night resistance. You are exactly correct. If 94 homes were burned in TWMNBN neighborhoods, "they" would be screaming about another "Holocaust". If 94 Muslim homes were burned, we would see marches and Jihad murders 24/7, plus endless TV specials on the evils of Islamophobia.
94 homes burned in the former "Paris of the West" is merely happy news because it is less than last year, this with a near national guard response by the local citizens to stop the burning.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
According to the School demographic stats, the school is 100% African, so no humans were injured in the making of this news story.
On the other hand, YT has to pay its medical bills for ever....and sheet.
"This is the inevitable result of 50-60 years of feminism - another invention of the Frankfurt Schul. Arguably, it has been even more poisonous and destructive to whites than BRA has."
Feminism, like multiracial societies, is a thing that doesn't exist in nature, and is entirely the by-product of technological civilization. Where is the primitive tribe that is afflicted with it? Nowhere. Nature suits the male for his role as guardian and provider for the female. Primarily this is due to her smaller, weaker body, and her needs during a relatively long gestation period. But technological civilization has disturbed this balance which was a result of millions of years of evolution. The white man discovered many ingenious methods of birth control that has freed his women and allowed them to behave like men. Now they can have sex with as many partners as they like and don't need to be burdened with children at all! Amazingly, ever increasing numbers of them expoit this option to the fullest. There's more fucking than ever, but white numbers are dropping like a stone.
We ask, "What happened, white man?" The genius scratches his head. "Hmm. Dunno. Must be the Jooze, must be liberalism, must be ... atheism!"
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete"
-Buckminster Fuller
Food for thought....
James Bondo: "girlcott" is brilliant, LOL.
Bogolyubski, you are right as always. On the topic of American women, as a woman I think it's only fair that I admit to the fact that the women in my life are a huge disappointment when it comes to topics discussed here on SBPDL. They not ONLY don't care about these things, but they get hostile when I bring them up. They roll their eyes, call me paranoid, accuse me of being "full of hate", and accuse ME of being emotional when it's the opposite. They don't listen and they don't care. I'm alienated and frustrated and find I have little to talk about with my friends anymore. They find my interest in White survival as unfathomable and consider it just a weird phase. They think my concern about the possibility of SHTF is due to some psychological problem. They say I'm the one who is brainwashed.
The most annoying thing is they think they whole "girls rule, boys drool" thing is just soooooo, like totally cute! I tell them they have the luxury of feeling so smug only because we are protected by the conditions that a first-world civilization and technology provided by White men gives us. I tell them once this country turns third-world, they won't be making fun of their gun-owning White male neighbors anymore and they'll be in for a big surprise on how little third-world men care about Women Studies! I tell these White women that all they have to do see what black and brown men want to do to them is to look at what's happening to the Yazidi women right now. My friends' response: "the who?" Sigh. I explain and they say, "That would NEVER happen here." "It's happening as we speak!" I reply. "No it isn't. Hey did you watch 'The Voice' last night?" Now this is in the South. I can only imagine how much worse blue-state women are. However, it's very possible that Southern people are more brainwashed than northern people due to our history of rejecting BRA.
The men I know are also problematic. They are equally as uninterested. They only care about Alabama football and they think traditional conservatism will get us out of this mess. The women are still worse, though.
Thank you, Annie Oakley, Lisa, Neanderthal Girl, etc., for giving me hope!
I have to agree with him. Hes not that far off..American women these days are atrocious! !
Thank to our ever-asture posters for providing yet another entry in the ever-expanding roster of Non-Negro Reasons for TNB
The Nike Air-Forces gone bad
......(golf clap)......
Feminism, like multiracial societies, is a thing that doesn't exist in nature, and is entirely the by-product of technological civilization. Where is the primitive tribe that is afflicted with it? Nowhere. Nature suits the male for his role as guardian and provider for the female. Primarily this is due to her smaller, weaker body, and her needs during a relatively long gestation period. But technological civilization has disturbed this balance which was a result of millions of years of evolution. The white man discovered many ingenious methods of birth control that has freed his women and allowed them to behave like men. Now they can have sex with as many partners as they like and don't need to be burdened with children at all! Amazingly, ever increasing numbers of them expoit this option to the fullest. There's more fucking than ever, but white numbers are dropping like a stone.
We ask, "What happened, white man?" The genius scratches his head. "Hmm. Dunno. Must be the Jooze, must be liberalism, must be ... atheism!"
It therefore just the "inevitable march of progress", Komrade Anonskovich. The inexorable forward movement towards the shining utopia, da? It is interesting to note that certain groups have all the technological advances mentioned, plus a limited amount of feminist nonsense, without the genocidal population declines in play - a certain small country on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea being a good example.
The desired population there has grown quite nicely in the past two decades, while the undesirable population appears to be stagnant and even declining (though not nearly fast enough for some). Mr. Covington and other YTs desirous of a model need look no further than the planet's only successful example of a national-socialist nation-state to see how it's done properly. I've always been a bit mystified ay some WNs who condemn the place when it stands as a most excellent example of how to do what they want to be done.
Anonymous said...
I've reached this conclusion:
1) There are people out there who specifically WANT the black hordes to grow and destroy this country.
We call these people TWMNBN and also dual-citizens.
World_War_Me said
Thank you, Annie Oakley, Lisa, Neanderthal Girl, etc., for giving me hope!
Lisa? Lisa D?
You do know that Lisa D is a 17-year-old picannin, right?
Great plan. Hang out a "Vacancy" sign and invite the world's cuckoos to breed with your women. You know who will wind up paying for it.
For what it's worth, I think there are still some nice old-fashioned girls in South Africa. You might consider a safari holiday. Just be careful of the wildlife - and I don't mean the Big Five.
Warning: Ask to meet her parents. Some of those Afrikaner women age badly.
Ex New Yorker here......For anonymous at 7:43 PM.....THANK You for the kind words. Living inside a FREE ZONE is still not perfect. Every place has it's ups and downs, but on this side of the WALL it is mostly UP. Thank You again.
Gee, AnalogMan, I bear my heart and soul in an attempt to express comraderie, sympathy, and fellowship with the White men of SBPDL, and all you could be bothered to respond with is CRITICISM? I mean, after all that, all you could do was "nitpick the 'picanniny'?"<-- (sorry, Lisa)
I tell these White women that all they have to do see what black and brown men want to do to them is to look at what's happening to the Yazidi women right now. My friends' response: "the who?"
I suppose one could point out to these White women the situation in Rotherham, England where "Asians" (i.e., Pakistanis) set up a sex slavery organization, exploiting underage British girls among other things. The police and politicos looked the other way for fear of being "racist" and "Islamophobic."
You have to wonder what these White women in America would do if their own daughters were caught up in similar sex slavery.
To the multicult, "racism" is a bigger thoughtcrime than "sexism." Well, there was a video bouncing around the internet couple years ago of a Norwegian policewoman explaining how the epidemic of "immigrant" rape of white women was really the result of the "immigrants" coming from traumatized countries.
I guess that makes it OK.
The point is, DWLs will go through any amount of ideological convolutions to defend "people of color." Even if it means throwing their own children under the bus.
It is one more reason that modern liberalism comes down to extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds.
"It is interesting to note that certain groups have all the technological advances mentioned, plus a limited amount of feminist nonsense, without the genocidal population declines in play - a certain small country on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea being a good example. "
Yes, it's interesting, but not very illuminating. This is the sort of exception that only highlights the existence of a general rule.
Let's try a thought experiment. Imagine a tropical island, a miniature world teeming with life of all kinds. Then imagine an atomic bomb (i.e., an advanced technology) being exploded over the island. Everything is killed except for a few cockroaches, which are resistant. This proves what? We'll make the test multiple choice.
a) The cockroaches are responsible for detonating the bomb!
b) Radiation itself won't necessarily kill you, and may even be good for you!
c) Atomic bombs are a good thing so long as they are applied with sufficient care!
d) All life can in theory possess a cockroach-like immunity, so no need to worry about the bomb. In fact, atomic bombs are "cool" invention, and can really come in handy sometimes!
e) All of the above.
f) None of the above.
"f " is the correct answer. If you answered "e," you may be a Bogolyubski.
/pol/ please leave
I don't think the conditions for running a successful retail business exist anymore in Ferguson. It is pretty clear that the best personal strategy when dealing with blighted areas is to leave as soon as possible. The unfortunate part is that economic conditions aren't very good right now, so it may be difficult to start over somewhere else. As people leave, there are fewer resources to maintain infrastructure, so this becomes a decline where worsening conditions encourage people to leave, which causes conditions to worsen. With the demographics in Ferguson being what they are (with a majority black population) I think we can write this city off as "lost".
I live in Birmingham. What you say is true, sadly.
While it is difficult to raise black IQ to white levels...
There is a special operation that makes white people as smart as black people...
It is called a Lobotomy...
Ferguson is proof that way black people carry themselves is behavioral. It is like a child throwing a fit! These people teach their kids how to steal, destroy and kill. They don't teach them the important things like work ethic, morality or the importance of education. The kids are brought up BELIEVING they are owed by the white man. They listen to music that promotes hatred of women, whites and cops. The drug baby kids go to school and terrorize teachers and other kids that are able to and want to learn. The schools are babysitters. The parents are illiterate and don't/can't help their child with homework. They only come to the schools if you give them freebies! God forbid they come to parent/teacher conferences. They need to clean up THEIR OWN PEOPLE. It is time to unazz the couch and be productive. Quit blaming whites-the very ones working to pay for welfare. They should love us!
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