So what have learned in the past few days that we didn't already know?
Basically everything those nefarious white racist supporters of Darren Wilson believed has turned out to be true. [Evidence supports officer’s account of shooting in Ferguson, Washington Post, 10-22-14]
Knowing an unarmed black teen can be lethal - just ask Yen Nguyen, whose 72-year husband Hoang was killed from a single punch by Elex Murphy (a black male) in St. Louis during a "Knockout Game" incident gone wrong - the revelation Michael Brown kept charging at Darren Wilson should put to bed the belief the former wasn't a threat. [Source: Darren Wilson says Michael Brown kept charging, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 10-22-14]
"If Darren Wilson get off y'all better bring every army y'all got. Cause it's going down."
— Antonio French (@AntonioFrench) September 16, 2014
The city where the propensity for the "Knockout Game"to be played - "Knockout king is a thrill," the kid told her. "It makes you want to keep doing it every day" - was christened the 'spirit of the times' by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on November 1, 2011.
It's time to realize the harsh truth of what the Darren Wilson/Michael Brown encounter represented: an 18-year-old black male participating in the 'spirit of the times' on Wilson's face and him using lethal force to make sure he didn't share the same fate as Hoang Nguyen.
But these facts don't matter.
To blacks and their "whites-in-skin-color-only" (WISCO) sympathizers, no amount of evidence will ever convince them that Darren Wilson didn't execute the 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Gentle Giant in cold blood.
So the city must burn. [Ferguson turns into tinderbox once again after new details leaked, Fox2Now, 10-22-14]:
One protester put it succinctly:But we already knew this, when a black protester at a Ferguson City Council meeting in mid-September promised "If Darren Wilson get off y'all better bring every army y'all got. Cause it's going down."
“If there is not an indictment, excuse my French, all hell is going to break loose.”
But what if "all hell" had all broken lose in 67 percent black Ferguson (99 percent white in 1970; 86 percent white in 1980; 76 percent white in 1990; 44 percent white in 2000; and 27 percent white today), and the shooting of Michael Brown was just a symptom of the hellish conditions created by the black majority in a city whose racial character had undergone a dramatic change since white flight turned into a full-on sprint in the mid-1990s?
NPR and the WISCO commentators there can whine about the decline of Ferguson and its increasingly untenable housing situation, but the reality is the rapid collapse of the city was already in place before the first "Justice for Michael Brown" march took place.
We already knew majority black North St. Louis was home to real estate long-time white residents (who still had fond memories of when white kids trick-or-treated safely in all-white neighborhoods, now streets with boarded up houses) couldn't give away. [Blame poverty, age for weak North County home market, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 8-18-2013]
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From the May 9, 2014 issue of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch: courtesy of a racial group allowed to flood any community (many armed with Section 8 Vouchers), the greater metropolitan area of St. Louis ground zero for underwater mortgages (notice Ferguson at 49 percent) |
But did you know the metropolitan St. Louis area, courtesy of the black population, is home to one of America's hot spots for 'underwater' mortgages? [St. Louis is hot spot for 'underwater' mortgages, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 5-9-14]:
Metro St. Louis is a national hot spot for “underwater” mortgages, according to a new study, and the problem is particularly acute in north St. Louis County.
Half or more of homeowners with mortgages owe more than their homes are worth in ZIP code areas covering Bellefontaine Neighbors, the Spanish Lake area, Berkeley and Jennings. The same is true in Cahokia, Ill., according to the study by the Haas Institute in Berkeley, Calif.
In all, 16 St. Louis-area ZIP code areas ranked among the nation’s worst in terms of homeowners stuck with their houses due to mortgage debt. Of that number, 11 were in North County, three in St. Louis city and two in the Metro East area.
People who owe more than their homes are worth can’t sell unless they can bring a big check to the closing, or convince the bank to take less than it is owed. They are said to be “underwater” or “upside down” on their loans.
They are roughly twice as likely as others to default on their mortgages, leading to foreclosure. Some argue that stressed owners are less likely to improve their homes, or even maintain them, and that can affect the surrounding neighborhood.
Eric Repke is trying to escape an underwater loan on his house near Hazelwood Central High School. He bought the home in 2006, paying $146,000, and he still owes $110,000.
“I decided in 2011 not to make a major new investment in it, like a new kitchen or new floors,” he said.
Then he took a job in O’Fallon in St. Charles County, and found himself commuting an hour to work. “I’m a father, and I don’t want to spend all that time on the road,” he said.
So, he moved his family close to his work and put his house on the market in March. “The highest offer we got was for $70,000,” he said. That offer was from an investor who wanted to rent it out.
While paying for two homes, he’s hoping to persuade Bank of America to accept less than it is owed — a so-called short sale.
The Haas Institute is a think tank at the University of California at Berkeley. It used estimates on underwater homeowners and home values from Zillow, the real estate website.
Zillow says that 24 percent of homes with mortgages in the St. Louis area were underwater as of December. CoreLogic, a private real estate data firm, puts that estimate at a much lower 12 percent.
By Zillow figures, the St. Louis area ranked 13th in underwater mortgages among all metro areas with more than 1 million people. The 16 local ZIP code areas were ranked among 395 across the U.S. with the highest concentrations of underwater homes.
Remember, "Fifty percent of the town’s 6,321 homeowners owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth, a situation called being underwater. Nationally, 17 percent of homeowners are underwater." [Another Shadow in Ferguson as Outside Firms Buy and Rent Out Distressed Homes, New York Times, 9-3-14]
Though equality is mandated by the federal government, the free market does not bend to the whims of an overzealous ideology based on lies: the Visible Black Hand of Economics ensures nature returns to an economic situation clouded by an insane belief in racial egalitarianism, proven by the market forces showing a majority black city isn't conducive to appreciating home valuations. ['It's like modern day slavery:' The alarming Ferguson statistic plaguing many,, 10-21-14]:
FERGUSON, Mo. ( -- The Ferguson police shooting that killed Michael Brown has put the north St. Louis County town under a microscope.
The community faces enormous challenges including a housing crisis that has homeowners struggling to hang onto their homes.
Six years since the height of the housing crisis, much of the country has recovered. But Ferguson has not.
In the neighborhoods near Brown's memorial, boarded up houses dot the streets. Fifty percent of homeowners are underwater, meaning they owe more on their mortgages than the homes are worth. The national average is 17 percent. Melody Wade works full time but is still three months behind on her mortgage. “It's like modern day slavery,” Wade said Tuesday. “Like you're working for free. No matter what you do you're never, ever going to get out of this."
Remember, home "Sales are down 32 percent in Ferguson since the shooting [of Michael Brown], more than the 13 percent drop for all of St. Louis County, in what has been a down year for home sales across the region," but more than 50 percent of the existing mortgages were underwater in the 67 percent black city prior to the shooting... courtesy of the black undertow phenomenon.
Despite the evidence Darren Wilson is guilty of nothing but protecting himself from the same fate of Hoang Nguyen ('the spirit of the times', right St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial writers?) Missouri Gov. Nixon has capitulated to the black mob and announced a Ferguson Commission that will:
My charge to the Commission through Executive Order will be three-fold:
1. First, to conduct a thorough, wide-ranging and unflinching study of the social and economic conditions underscored by the unrest in the wake of the death of Michael Brown;
2. Second, to tap the expertise needed to address the concerns identified by the Commission – from poverty and education, to governance and law enforcement;
3. And third, to offer specific recommendations for making this region a stronger, fairer place for everyone to live.Gov. Nixon, The Bell Curve is a book you should immediately purchase and pass out to members of this Commission, if you intend an "unflinching study of the social and economic conditions" genesis, for it's in the genetic makeup of the people who call these communities home.
The quality of a neighborhood, good or bad, is simply a reflection of the majority racial population who lives there.
- As of 2009, 60 percent of blacks were on EBT/Food Stamps in the city of St. Louis
- As of 2009, 10 percent of whites were on EBT/Food Stamps in the city of St. Louis
St. Louis County (different from the city of St. Louis) is just over one million people in population. It's home to Ferguson, that lovely post-white suburb boasting a growing, self-insufficient black population. [Ferguson: Gentrification and its discontents, Al-Jazeera, 8-16-14]
Of those one million people, 68 percent of the county's population is white and 23.7 percent is black. Consulting the 2009 New York Times Food Stamp Usage Across the Country interactive map, we learn this about the county:
- As of 2009, 38 percent of blacks were on EBT/Food Stamps in the city of St. Louis
- As of 2009, 4 percent of whites were on EBT/Food Stamps in the city of St. Louis
It's time to just come out and say what the entire black response (accentuated by the WISCO collaboration to turn Michael Brown into some kind of martyr) to the Darren Wilson/Brown interaction represents: the days of mandated truce of judging by content of character are over.
Darren Wilson is a hero, who was nearly knocked unconscious by Brown in his 'knockout game' style attack as he, a white cop, merely tried to arrest the black male suspect for stealing cigars.
A hero.
That he must hide, for fear of being lynched by a black mob and attacked viciously in the columns and newscasts of WISCO journalists, is the true "sign of the times."
It's interesting that you call these whites, "WISCOs". I have always thought of them as Sno Balls.(After the Hostess dessert).
Officer Wilson wasn't trying to arrest Brown. He was unaware of the robbery. He was merely telling a pair of thugs who thought that they were too cool to obey traffic laws to get off the street and onto the sidewalk. For this officer Wilson was viciously attacked and was forced to use deadly force to protect his own life.
The recent investigation link indicates he did recognize Brown as the possible robbery suspect from the QT .
As an aside, it should be known that marijuana can produce paranoia and hallucinations as side effects. No one will ever know what was going through Brown's mind as he attacked Officer Wilson. Thankfully, a few moments later, though, it was a .40 bullet.
I wrote a month or so back that when housing prices went down in Ferguson they go up somewhere else. Your posting seemed to support that idea. I looked up some home prices in Zillo.
In Ferguson the median price of a house is now down to $58,000. In my ZIP code it's $974,800. This is the benefit of living in a white area. Since 2012 my house's value has gone up more than $300,000.
In Ferguson 40% of the houses are underwater. In my ZIP code it's 4.0%.
Everyone thinks Oakland is a black town but not near me. Many people don't understand that when I came to San Francisco there were a lot of blacks but most of them are now gone.
Some who post here plan to move to North Dakota to escape the blacks. I think you should consider standing your ground. A white area when all the others around it are black is a very valuable spot. The houses in the adjacent ZIP Code in Berkeley now average $1,300,000.
Pat Boyle
Any ideas on what Wilson should do ?
He's a marked man for murder by some feral beast...and he has a fellating chief and banana eating governor....thus his only friends are low level brother cops.
If you look at the recent protests...they have a lot of DWL communist coal burners holding signs and Mandingo love swords....Wilson will have to watch out for them and their tribe.
I am glad he is alive...but all cops need car and personal cameras these days.
Pot usually makes one mellow. It's difficult at this point to know what the pot was laced with, if anything. We know Brown was clearly a bully after seeing him strong arm the much smaller store clerk. Brown was a big negro, too. Three hundred pounds of ninety nine percent 33/100 pure turd. Officer Wilson appears to be somewhat average height of 5'10", weighs probably about 200, so Brown outweighed him by 100 pounds.
As others have expressed, it's like living in a parallel universe watching this all unfold. In a sane world Officer Wilson would be given a commendation and any rioters caught burning or looting would be found as decorations on oak trees for Halloween.
I chuckle when I hear all the bluster and threat of rioting if blacks don't get their way.
How would that be any different than what they already do? Are they really showing restraint now?
Before St. Skittles, and St. Swisher the Sweet, Gentle Giant, what were blacks doing? You guessed it. Destroying neighborhoods, murder, theft, robbery, rape, assault, burglary, and vandalism.
It's like Miley Cyrus threatening to turn into a vacuous, narcissistic tramp.
Many people don't understand that when I came to San Francisco there were a lot of blacks but most of them are now gone.
Some who post here plan to move to North Dakota to escape the blacks. I think you should consider standing your ground. A white area when all the others around it are black is a very valuable spot.
That's Bay Area pricing which is not the norm and any remaining areas near SF with affordable middle class homes are not safe for white families.
Blacks have left SF because millionaires bought up the condos but they aren't that far away. If society ever breaks down all those lilly white areas like Walnut Creek are going to be swarmed by black mobs.
There are plenty of white areas outside California that will appreciate in value. Moving to an anti-white, anti-gun state with ongoing water shortages isn't a good idea.
Any ideas on what Wilson should do ?
Move to Idaho.
I chuckle when I hear all the bluster and threat of rioting if blacks don't get their way.
How would that be any different than what they already do? Are they really showing restraint now?
Before St. Skittles, and St. Swisher the Sweet, Gentle Giant, what were blacks doing? You guessed it. Destroying neighborhoods, murder, theft, robbery, rape, assault, burglary, and vandalism.
It's like Miley Cyrus threatening to turn into a vacuous, narcissistic tramp.
LOL @ judging by content of character especially in regards to blacks. As I've said before, when you judge a black by the content of their character, they'll always run to hide behind their skin color and scream racism. Always.
That whole idea has morphed from judging by content of character to it being racist to judge a black person at all. Now, you're just "culturally insensitive" and a racist/xenophobe with attitudes if you do judge by the content of their character.
Yep. That whole judging by content of character thingy didn't work out so well for the darkies so they had to find another hustle/manipulative routine and escape route.
Don't you get it, white boy? They can judge you all day long, say anything they please about you but they reserve that right to speak out and judge others to themselves- you aren't allowed!
You cain't say dat! You white!
Marijuana makes me paranoid, so i do not use it. People who think it is relaxing are affected by it differently.
For some people like myself, taking marijuana makes me feel like life is a horrible experience.
For a black, this "horrible experience" would give them license to do anything they wanted to.
On marijuana i simply thought "i will never take marijuana again in the future".
For a black like st swisher, with no future time orientation, when he took marijuana he thought "everything is awful i will take and do what i want now"
This is not an excuse for him. Although it sounds like one, since blacks are children compared to us...300 pound obnoxious children.
"Any ideas on what Wilson should do?"
What Darren Wilson did as a well-trained cop was even better than a "Adam 12" scripted event. He can't go back to Ferguson, but my guess is that there will be many a majority, White population police forces vying to employ him. He's proven himself as a capable and honorable cop. He's a keeper for law and order that can actually be appreciated by residents in smaller communities. Best of luck, Darren Wilson!
Wallace Schoolhouse:
[“It's like modern day slavery, like you're working for free. No matter what you do you're never, ever going to get out of this."]
Umm... Just like your white benefactors feel when they work to feed your simian race and its sprog of bastard bakkaball Bantus and "aspiring" stutterers. I would say "join our club" but...
Pot makes one mellow?
So you're going to tell me that 16-40 year old black males that smoke pot (90%) are mellow?
Get the fuck outta here. It goes to show that even strong drugs can't suppress genetics.
Newsflash for St Louis residents & outlying areas. Get stocked up NOW. I honestly hope to God they go Cat 5 this time. White America needs a wake up call.
Well, this Ebola thing sure has turned out to be a dud ...
Darren Wilson was a catalyst for change. And things need to change, soon. Whichever way this goes down, it's going to inflame one side or the other. There's no avoiding it anymore.
I think we're about to have that "conversation on race".
North Dakota is a horrible place to move to right now. Full of minorities there to work the Oil Patch. I seriously never saw so many coal/bamboo/burrito burners in my life and yes, the flip (yech) oil/rice/taco drillers. It's hugely fuxated. Soaring STD rates, crime rates, drug rates, etc.
but my guess is that there will be many a majority, White population police forces vying to employ him.
Sadly, I think he'd be a PR and liability nightmare wherever he went. BRA will not leave him alone unless he leaves the country. How well has Zimmerman gotten back to his former occupation? I rest my case.
This would change if Missouri, or some other state, passed strong protection laws for all LEOs and created a presumption of self-defense (for private citizens as well) limiting criminal prosecution, banning civil suits and providing state financing of defense against Federal actions if the state has no-billed an incident.
Every so often, the mask slips & the collectivists, those BRA multi-cultists let you know the end game:
Fuck THAT.
That doesn't represent me. It doesn't represent my wife. It doesn't represent our children. Look at those images & tell me who is extinct.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
Facts. Don't. Matter.
The protestor who stated we "better bring every army we got" if Mr. Wilson isn't indicted was none other than an alderman. He knows what side his bread is buttered on and what his political career depends upon for advancement. Good for him, he can put his self interests first because at the end of the day, YT's civilization will insulate him from his constituents poor life choices. Talk about having your cake and eating it too. Maybe he is the beneficiary of the snivel rights (bowel)movement. It obviously wasn't the majority of shit skins. They seem to be doing pretty poorly outside of the odd AA professional, affleet, and politician/race-hustler.
Brazil is the elite endgame I believe. Small super wealthy ruling clique surrounded by hordes of exploited raceless poor. Middle class is a transitory position that precariously depends upon the largess of the bosses, and exile into poverty is not only a common occurrence, it is expected. Infrastructure is only maintained in the elite enclaves, your tin and cardboard shack is serviced by a sewer ditch that runs in the middle of the dirt path between your and your neighbors hovel. At least then we'll all be mestizo or mulatto and won't know any better. Full blood shit skins will still be at the bottom of the social ladder due to their inherent stupidity. I can't wait, can you?
So Antonio French made that "It's all goin' down, YT - unless...." statement. French is married to a white Bosnian coal-burner (nominal Musloid). Interesting.
Content of character means nothing. Facts mean nothing. Welcome to the BRA Banana Empire, YT! So, I wonder when the community organizer types and the DWL trust-funders will march on over to Huntleigh Woods and Ladue to start torching the nicely-tended estates there?
Poverty and education? The type of black poverty in Ferguson couldn't be cured even if you handed out $50,000 checks to every poor black person. They would blow it all on "bling", "a ride", "rims".....and there goes the 50K. Gone.
And education? You could hire the best teachers and pour money into schools in places like Ferguson, but if the black youth don't want to learn, then it's all meaningless. And they don't want to learn because it's a "white" thing. They don't want to even speak english properly because that would be "talking white."
So literally giving them money & building the best schools in the state wouldn't change a thing. So what then?
What is it going to take? Another 100 years of black crime, black laziness & refusal to make a living, black refusal to learn and become educated? How long before we realize as a nation that they are simply not capable of blending into the American society that exists here in North America?
I say offer them a sizable one time payout, tax free, on the condition that they give up their citizenship, leave the country & will never be allowed back on American soil, even as a visitor.
Dear Pat Boyle, How smug of you to tell us your home has gone up 300K in two years. Here in the Midwest you can buy a large three bedroom home with a real nice basement for less than 300K. One other advantage, we don't have to worry about the Mexicans taking over Missouri in 20 years. Que tenga un buen dia. Saludos Diego de Paloma
How about these nigg-noggs who are stupid enough too put it out on social media about their bad intentions. They say if there is no trail forthcoming the city will burn like never before.
Only the black race could be this childish along with the baby boomer hippie stoner liberal enablers. Every terrorist black person along with their enabler traitor hippie "wisco's" that put any threat on social media should be locked up for terroristic threats and promoting a riot. Isn't that right eric "my peeps" holder?
If Darren Wilson is not indicted, who thinks the white protesters in favor of Mike Brown (WISCO's as the author calls them) will get attacked by Mike Brown protesters who really are black?
"just ask Yen Nguyen, whose 72-year husband Hoang was killed from a single punch by Elex Murphy (a black male) in St. Louis during a "Knockout Game" incident gone wrong -"
So if Nguyen hadn't died the knockout game was okay?
As I said on a previous post, the negroes invent fairy tales around any event involving an altercation between a white vs black and stick to their story no matter what.
Now we have news that blacks summarily reject all forensic evidence related to the case of Wilson and Brown~ I've even heard blacks claiming that all the blood evidence was planted in the police car, on the officer's uniform and on the gun. Why they bothered demanding an "independent" investigation given their mentality is beyond me- they'd already made up their minds to reject any findings that didn't support their fairy tale.
Even their demands for "justice" are ludicrous in that their idea of justice is getting the result they want based on their beliefs and not on the forensic evidence or facts. All witness statements that don't support their beliefs are summarily dismissed as lies while the least credible of witnesses (such as Brown's hoodrat thug friend) are elevated to the status of gospel. As is, the black witnesses whose statements support officer Wilson's account of what happened are scared to let their names be known for fear of retaliation from the outraged mob. I have to give the witnesses who did so credit for telling the truth of what they saw and breaking ranks with those who have a hoodrat mentality-if there names are ever revealed, they'll have to move far away from Ferguson for fear for their lives.
It's pointless to try to reason with the majority of these people as they're uncivilized, moronic savages.
When and if Wilson isn't charged and arrested, the hysterical chimp out is going to be epic.
One good thing has come out of the Brown/Wilson show.
George Zimmerman has had the heat taken off of him.
My guess he is in Alaska, staying low.
Just saw a video of a bunch of Basketball Americans and their race-traitor WISCO supporters blocking I-75 in Atlanta to protest the justice that St. Swisher got.
Makes perfect sense to them and to them only.
The blacks consider a sane intelligent thinking black man an Eskimo pie.
It wasn't pot that made him violent it was his black training.
The regular insanity.
He probably will have to move to another state if he hasn't already. He won't have any problem getting a law enforcement job in small town America. But he may find it quite boring.
The other mystery meat.
I wonder if at the end of his presidential term if Obama will stay true to his black criminal roots and give a presidential pardon to his cop killing buddies in the weather underground.
Mich Mike
You cant have a conversation on race because its like trying to have a grownup discussion with children.
The multi-cult suicide of the West will continue.
Look at how all that PC ass kissing worked out for Canada this week.
Of course this is a place where a comedian was arrested for telling a lesbian joke and Mark Steyn had his book rewritten for him and spent a year in court figthing legal battles witht the commission of rightthink.
All coming soon to a fading banana republik near you.
Now that darkies can score the white boy weed it probably does make them noid.
Nothing like the downtown brown dirt smoke they are used to.
You gotta have a big whitey brain and not a pee wee brain to smoke the white boy weed.
Probably got a hold of some good Indica which is very powerful.
Eric "the red" potholder is working on legalizing all drugs.
Hey wait a minute I thought he resigned?
Does it take 5 years to resign now?
Mini-Tru will reschedule the riots for next spring so the poor downtrodden noble magaic negro isn't inconvenienced burning some shithole dump down:
" I have always thought of them as Sno Balls"
With more than a couple of Twinkies thrown in for good measure!
DWL gets a wakeup call:
MLK was a plagiarist and rampant adulterer. Those are verifiable facts that the left cannot no longer hide thanks to the internet.
I'll decide on my own how to judge black people. I don't need the advice of a phony reverend.
8mm Said:
" "
Oh Contraire Mon Amie! This is right out of the Alinsky playbook.
(Pick a target, personalize it, ridicule it). Please note it targets a strong White man, frankly a man who this society should be upholding as a role model. She on the other hand is a hysteric lesbian who announces to the world that she has an open house with no weapons. She is known to the community as a person who passively-aggressively attacks other neighbors for various rights they enjoy, ones she doesn't like! To am Marxist ALL MUST BE THE SAME, subservient to the State. Please note how superficial she is in that she would instantly shut up if the local sheriff paid the guy $1 a year and pinned a lump of metal on his shirt. She operates from pure symbology.
In a White Homeland, she would leave the homeland to go live in a communist country to be amongst the "people" and shack up with some carpet munching 3rd worlder and be perpetually unhappy till she kicked.
Frankly I think the Marxist idea that women should get the vote is terrible. It was Marx himself that saw that you could break apart the family by going after the woman and making her a competitor to a man. He was right and here we are.
We have forgotten this with the loss of the Code Duello. "Fighting words" no longer matter. Honor and duty, loyalty to what is right, even courage is laughed at. Not for any reason, but because this ridicule breaks down society and makes it malleable.
I have, in my journey with the Northwest Front, begun to deeply appreciate and respect the Amish. They are like Tolkien's Hobbits.
If they ever become a target of the liberals, it will be tragic, for they will be ridiculed for their hats, their speech, their "quaint" ways, their traditional life and finally they will be shattered. Their farms will be taken and outlawed under regulations from the Dept of Agriculture and DEA and HHS or Dept of Ed; a whole Alphabet soup of depts. Whether they are attacked for whole milk or not teaching Common Core or using unapproved fertilizer; whatever, their lives will be taken and their ways will be taken, Gone with the Wind.
That doesn't represent me. It doesn't represent my wife. It doesn't represent our children. Look at those images & tell me who is extinct.
The multicults still don't get the Hispanics do not want their children breeding with Blacks. They think everyone is on team-minority except for some stubborn Whites.
Diego de Paloma:
Dear Pat Boyle, How smug of you to tell us your home has gone up 300K in two years. Here in the Midwest you can buy a large three bedroom home with a real nice basement for less than 300K. One other advantage, we don't have to worry about the Mexicans taking over Missouri in 20 years. Que tenga un buen dia. Saludos Diego de Paloma
I wouldn't be too smug yourself, Diego. SW Missouri has already seen a massive influx of Aztecs, as has North-Central. The Banana Empire has apparently let out bids on printing 35 million green cards. The fix is obviously in. Boehner and the "opposition" party will pass Amnesty for Uncle Sheldon, Housenigga Hussein, Soros, Gates, Zuckerberg and Llord Bankfein (I do wonder how many Lewinsky's Weepin' Johnny has given D'Won Mocha Messiah on the gold course?) in the upcoming 'lame dick' session of Congress after the upcoming edition of the mostess important erection evah. Like Pat's CA - a real one-party state on the verge of outlawing guns for YT altogether - that's 35 million new voters who only vote one way.
Speaking of smug, the Asians here who like to whine about all the white homeland (at least 3/4 of whom support making whites minorities in their own lands), appear to be the next target of the self-appointed arbiters of who lives and who dies. Looks like an "American" (dual-citizen, actually) is a leading voice for making Japan the next multiculti paradise. Those Italian-Eskimo "Americans" do get around, no? The "Canadian" Amish gentleman who perished in Soviet Kanuckistan yesterday had a father from Libya, part of the Amish homeland. Wonder if he thought of doing an Amish drive-by (clop-clop, bang-bang).
This was a response to someone calling the kids in the classroom thugs..
"You might ask how do white bread American college boys turn into thugs and vandalize a town? Those are the real thugs -- the ones setting fires and trashing cars. Oh, but I suppose they have an excuse: alcohol. So it makes it perfectly all right. But a story about one African with an attitude problem that he solves by his own determination, and you call him a "thug."
Where do these kinds of thugs come from? Your imagination, mostly."
Too bad they're still breathing.
Trial junkie here.
If there's one thing blacks don't understand, it's Irony.
You could make a Stuff Black People Don't Like post on the subject.
Need an example? The Gentle Giant supporters demanding the local prosecutor remove himself from the case because his father was murdered by a black man.
Yep, blacks claim someone else "can't be fair."
NB: The now-deleted YouTube video which captured (as a background to the narration of the photographer) an eyewitness account of the Michael Brown shooting is available here:
Download this now. Save it. View it. Send it to your friends, re-post on file sharing sites, post links to it on discussion boards where the Michael Brown thing comes up. Fight The Narrative with truth.
"Looks like an American (dual citizen, actually) is a leading voice for making Japan the next multiculti paradise."
I lived in Japan for well over a decade and it won't work- the Japanese will never accept such an invasion and corruption of their culture. They'll tolerate certain things to a certain extent but when they draw the line and decide something is unacceptable, the backlash will be severe.
I'm sure most ignore this fool of an American and those that don't probably consider him a clown and an amusing idiot. They may listen to him and even agree with him out of politeness but the reason for that can be found in a popular Japanese saying~ "Kanjin wa Guijin wo yorokobasu" or "Sweet Words Please Fools."
Never confuse Japanese politeness and "agreement" with acceptance. Even if you ask if they understand, they will say they do but that only means they understand what you're saying- not that they accept it or condone it or will submit to whatever it is.
Anon at 7:11 - Wilson and his entire family should, sadly, move. I've seen these insane Brown supporters, as of yesterday, calling for him and his female relatives to be savagely murdered by being raped to death for his "crime". How long before someone tries?
"Anonymous said...
If Darren Wilson is not indicted, who thinks the white protesters in favor of Mike Brown (WISCO's as the author calls them) will get attacked by Mike Brown protesters who really are black?"
I'm certain of it. They'll get what they deserve. Strangest thing is the near death experience will not change their indoctrination. They'll be limping to go get their heads bashed in at the latest riot(again). Social Darwinism at its finest.
Scot Irish
It's really disconcerting as to how blacks not only lack shame over their worst members but will even defend them publicly.
Thank God for concealed carry and the second amendment.
And more news from the "just like us" department. Another nog stabs a fambly member over a pork chop.... pork chops gone wrong.
Bwahaha! The laughter. Das Radio just played a loop of the good reverent (where did he get his divinity degree?) Al not so Sharpton saying Chapolay instead of Chipotle and Cigonorny Weaver instead of Sigourney Weaver.
The most recent was yesterday when he said now what is going on in Iowa instead of Ottowa.
Doesn't this make you proud of the Kwanstain Komrade? The good reverent (ebonic) Al is a fine ambassador to the world of the glory of the rainbow collective.
Yes we a worldwide laughingstock.
More from the just us department and the great man El Presidente:
Sorry. Pork chop link.
I keep reading comments about smart YT and dumb groids. Why do the smart ones work hard, pay taxes, obey laws, and can't afford to have their own children, just to support the dumb ones who breed like rabbits, get every freebie available, don't work, and beat the sh.. out of YT all the time?
In the proliferation game YT is getting his a$$ kicked very badly. Don't sound so smart to me.
Denials now being made that the forensic evidence does not support Wilson's testimony yet, because not all the facts have been analyzed.
I wasn't trying to be smug. I have the least valuable house in my neighborhood.
My point was financial advice. If you take Paul's blog to heart there is a financial secret you can exploit. The mainstream acts as if race isn't important in real estate prices. But of course it is. In fact it's the predominant factor.
Analyze your prospective neighborhood on its ability to resist black and brown immigration. Sometimes that stems from geographical factors and other times its historical patterns. No matter what. If you can manage to live in white enclave you will grow rich without effort. Just sit there as your house appreciates.
Pay more than you can afford to get into a good neighborhood if the racial factors are favorable. If you have a modest house in a white area someone will always lend you money. As areas like Ferguson rot out, the displaced whites will be looking for a safe place to live. They will bid up your house's value.
Pat Boyle
Additional thought: What does it say about these perps that rob dollar stores or mini-marts? What can they get at the most? Maybe a grand or two from the tills and customers? Mexican landscapers make that in less than a month. I once worked a rodeo event where I was surprised to learn that the Mexicans were the best customers. They were flush with cash from landscaping and liked showing off to their girlfriends by spending money. This event also didn't attract the gangsta style Mexicans so it stayed peaceful.
Pork chop pork chop, greasy, greasy. We beat your team, fuckin easy, easy. Whoo! Go Wombats!
Murphy (3000 Miles to Graceland)
Redundant farm Machinery still?
Ex New Yorker here....The comment left by Questioning at 8:30 is true about North Dakota. The oil boom has brought in all kinds of riff raff to work the fields. The trash is crossing the border into Northern Montana. The sheriff already has his jails filled in Sheridan County with 13 people being held for murder. They can't try them because they can't speak English and the government says they need a translator.
Read in the Rapid City Journal a couple weeks ago that lots of women in South Dakota are buying guns and taken shooting classes. What does that tell you.
Brilliant reply to the maroon who criticized you Mr. Boyle. Your advice is well taken
Ferguson thugs video themselves threatening to rape an officer's wife.
Copy this before it vanishes...
Off topic but stumbled upon this gem from Newark. Mayor Ras Baraka has to plead with gangs to stop da bahlince:
I can't understand why there are any white police officers at all left in that cesspool of a city. They should give the people what they want: a 100% black police force - all 3 of them.
Ferguson thugs video themselves threatening to rape an officer's wife.
At one point the people making the video claim to have "paid" for the cop's equipment. I wonder when the last time any of them filed an income or property tax?
The difference between a nigriot and a white riot is that an area won't be permanently damaged by a white riot.
"I lived in Japan for well over a decade and it won't work- the Japanese will never accept such an invasion and corruption of their culture. They'll tolerate certain things to a certain extent but when they draw the line and decide something is unacceptable, the backlash will be severe."
That's what I'm thinking. If the Japanese have never fully integrated the Koreans that have lived there for over 75yrs, what makes these Sat. people think that they'll just roll over and allow tons and tons of Africans, Dots, (from dotland) etc. to just waltz across the Ocean and demand instant citizenship?
Jarred Taylor, who was born and lived in Japan for first 17yrs and can speak fluent Japanese could probably enlighten us on Japanese society.
The one thing Bogo forgets about the article he quotes from is that in Japan, the convenience stores and other lower class work is done primarily by Japanese, born, bred culturally, racially they are Japanese thru and thru.
Question to the one who lived in Japan: They tend to take care of their own, don't they? They like it that their own land is 99% Japanese, don't they? And why shouldn't they? It's their own land, culture, race. tends to work quite well. Just as it used to here.
Yup. In this instance, we could learn from Japan on how to preserve our nation. Keep US white and don't allow massive immigration.
Looking at YOU, GOPtraitors/Con Incs.!!!
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